Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The one where Akira tries to get Ryuji to commit jailbreak Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: The one where Akira can't remember his Arcana Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: The one where an imposter is hinted at and the Phantom Thieves call an emergency meeting Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: The one where the Phantom Thieves believe Akira robbed a bank Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: The one where Akira talks to his 'imaginary friends' and the Phantom Thieves call another Emergency Meeting Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: The one where Akira tells Iwai he wants to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a lollipop Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7: The one where Akira nearly strips in the middle of the Shibuya station in front of Akechi Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: The one where Akira plays Tour Guide and The Phantom Thieves rethink their angle a bit Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: The one where Akira said 'let me take you by the hand and lead you through this wonderland' Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: The one where Akira is a public menace and they have beach day Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: The one where Akira is a dumbass (Like usual) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: The one where Akira sucks Iwai's lollipop (Literally) and Akechi questions his life choices Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: The one where Akechi believes Akira believes he's Psychic Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: The one where Akechi tells off the Phantom Thieves (Mainly Makoto) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: The one where Akira takes Akechi on the worst ride ever Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: The one where Akira goes full on 'The Notebook' with Makoto Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: The one where Akechi stands in front of a door of the blue color Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: The one where the Phantom Thieves make a grave mistake, pun intended. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: The one where Jose and Shinya go on an Adventure (Part 1) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: The one where Akira crashes his own wake Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: The one where Akechi has a date with Margaret, then she kicks his ass Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: The one where they take Shido down at a personal cost. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Down the Rabbit Hole. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Ocean of Tears Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Hiraeth Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: There is no future for you. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Akira faces his Shadow Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: The one you've all been waiting for Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: The one where Akira goes fishing with Yu Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: The one where Akira makes a decision Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: The one where Akira makes another decision Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Epilogue Video + Author's Note + Links Summary: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: The one where Akira tries to get Ryuji to commit jailbreak


'Alice, are you alright? Have the colors run?'

The one where Akira tries to get Ryuji to commit jailbreak and Ryuji doesn't know what to make of Akira.


Here I am. Finally posting this fic. LMAO.

In all honestly, this was supposed to be 5k+ fic about Akira decimating everything in the first three palaces with his NG+ persona, that completely spiraled into a NG+ AU that I was not anticipating. Yet, here we are. At the beginning of this wild journey, LMAO.

Chapter Text

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (1)

Akira was an absolute enigma.

Ryuji lacked the vocabulary to explain exactly how he thought about Akira. Maybe, the closest thing he could come with was unaffected. Quiet. Unbothered. Indifferent.


Ryuji shook his head; it wasn't uncaring per se. It wasn't like Akira didn't care. If Akira didn't care, then why would he save Ryuji from Kamoshida? That wasn't logical. Akira had just met Ryuji, barely known him for half an hour at the least. Their interactions had been hardly more than a: 'Oh, we go to the same school? Here I'll take you there' and 'Oh no, we got kidnapped by these weird knights in a castle that I thought was supposed to be our school.' Although the latter may have been the catalyst to this entire situation of Ryuji questioning who Akira was.

The thing was, Akira hadn't seemed fazed by the looming knights that took them away. He hadn't seemed bothered by the fact they were in a f*cking castle in the middle of Shibuya especially when the castle was far from any other castle in Japan. He didn't seem perturbed by any of the events that were something straight from a fever dream. Ryuji thought, maybe that's just the kind of person Akira was. One of those quiet, nerdy types with little personality. Ryuji wouldn't know better; after all, he just met the guy, and it's too early to make those judgments. But who wouldn't react to the fact their new school was a f*cking castle?

Akira was unbothered, but he took it slightly further by acting what Ryuji would label as impatient. Ryuji doesn't usually read into people; he’s not good at it nor is it a skill of his. But Akira was doing all the blatant behaviors of someone who was utterly impatient. He fiddled with the strands of his bangs in annoyance as if this was a complete waste of time. He tapped his foot in some dissonant rhythm. He fidgeted with whatever his fingers could touch. It's not anxiety; Ryuji believed because his face remained neutral and displeased, or if it is, it's not anxiety about their exact situation. At least Ryuji thought. He isn’t sure anxiety would really look like acting as if this entire situation was an inconvenience. Well, in a sense it was, but to Ryuji it was a lot more horrifying.

Oh, and even before when Ryuji woke him up from being knocked out by the guards. Akira had merely sat up and yawned. Yawned and stretched, as if he were just awakening from a pleasant nap. It was then, Ryuji realized Akira did have a personality, but it wasn't what he'd be expecting from the bookish, quiet-looking teen.

"You alright?" Ryuji asked because he hadn't actually seen Akira go down. Ryuji was knocked out before the other. And it seemed polite to ask if the other was alright or at least it was human decency. Ryuji may be considered a delinquent, but he did have manners.

"Yup, you?" Akira nodded, turning the question back to the blonde. He did sound worried, but less of the 'we just got kidnapped by f*cking knights' and more of a, 'Oh hey, you tripped a bit, you good?' or 'You took a little tumble, but it's all good.'

"Yeah, more or less…" Ryuji frowned and decided to look around when he couldn't get a handle on this guy's character. "It looks like this ain't a dream but damn, what is going on? A f*cking castle?"

"Looks like we're in a cell." Akira provided, a little too carefree and with a snarky grin on his tone. "Oh no, whatever will we do? Commit a jailbreak, perhaps. You have a spoon on you? Or shall we blast this place open like in the movies?"

"Can you like, I don't know, be a little more concerned about our situation?" Ryuji groaned, turning back to the guy. Ryuji was freaking out, and this guy was acting like it's all a joke. And Ryuji doesn't even think he himself was acting wrong at all. They were locked in a f*cking cell in a f*cking castle somewhere in the middle of Shibuya, where their school should be! Why wouldn't Ryuji be freaked about this entire thing?

Ryuji felt slightly satisfied when he saw the grin slip off Akira's face and replaced with a tight grimace.

"Sorry, Ryuji."

"Um." This makes Ryuji stop because he doesn't remember introducing himself, "How do you know my name?"

The guy blinked at him. And if Ryuji had looked a little harder, he would have seen the panic in Akira's form. But Ryuji doesn't; there is too much going on. Too much else to focus on.

"You told it to me? Just before we entered the castle?" Akira said smoothly, a tone of disbelief in his tone. "You sure they didn't hit your head too hard? Need a Dia?"

"No, I—For real?" Ryuji sputtered and paused; it made sense; the hit must have scrambled his memories. It was sort of a blur between getting to the castle and to this cell. Too much happened, so it's plausible he did introduce himself. "sh*t, Did you tell me your name? I don't remember, sorry."

"It's fine, It's Akira. Akira Kurusu." Akira nodded, twisting the end of his bangs again, accompanied by a restless tapping of his foot.

Maybe Ryuji was wrong; now that he calmed down, Akira was less unbothered and seemed to actually be more anxious about something, but more like he was waiting for something. Perhaps his way of expressing the weight of the situation was different than Ryuji expected. He's still not as worried as Ryuji wanted him to be.

"What's a Dia?" Ryuji asked, thinking back and realizing he had no idea what Akira meant by that earlier. Need a Dia?

"You must have misheard me; I asked, do you need a drink?" Akira corrected him but began to tug on his bangs a little harder than before. "I have water in my bag…if this place hasn't done anything to it, that is. Though, maybe it's safer if I didn't offer it to you…"

"Oh, uh…"

Then the sh*t hit the fan when Kamoshida came in a flurry of robes and a f*cking crown.

Ryuji wasn't focused when it happened; he wasn't paying the best attention to the situation because Kamoshida had just royally (ironically) beat the sh*t out of him, and Ryuji was sure this was how he was going to die. He knew vaguely what was going on. Kamoshida was threatening to murder him, holding him up by his hair alone. Weird knights surround them leaving little area of escape. Akira was shoved against the wall with swords at his throat. A genuinely hopeless situation. Because they were high schoolers and what were high schoolers supposed to do in this situation?

Ryuji was sure this is how they die.

Then Ryuji heard Akira scream in absolute agony; a heart-wrenching cry echoed through the cell, demanding everyone's attention, and Ryuji sure wasn't going to ignore that haunting screech that he hadn't known Akira was capable of making till a moment ago. The blonde blearily looked up in time to see Akira wrench something off his face, splattering blood everywhere. Did the guards do something to his face? That was a lot of blood.

Ryuji was wide awake now because holy sh*t, that was a sh*t ton of blood. Ryuji knew head injuries tended to bleed a lot, but what the f*ck had those knights done to him? Then Ryuji realized, Akira's face was no longer expressing the pain that he should be. Blood may be dripping from his eyes, but there was a concerningly maddening grin that widened over his face, and his eyes are far from wilting. They are alive, and they are intense. A burning gold contrast to the cool tone Ryuji had thought Akira's eyes were before.


The blood from Akira's face immediately began to burn away into blue flames. The flames danced around him and a gust of power threw everyone off their guard. The knights were shoved back and then instantly disintegrated. Kamoshida was thrown against the wall, and Ryuji could only stare at the chains in Akira's gloved hands as the other viciously broke them; he chucked them to the ground. A colossal figure billowed behind Akira, wings outstretched, and a sinister grin that matched the exact grin on Akira's face right now. Like some sort of demon. Akira's glasses were long gone, and his face hadn't looked more expressive than at this very moment.

"W-What the f*ck was that?" Ryuji whispered, blown away by the display shown him. How the hell did Akira just do that? What the hell just Akira just do?

"Oh man, yeah, that feels good." Akira chuckled as 'Arsene' faded away above him. He took a deep stretch as if he hadn't just summoned some sort of demon. As if he had just taken a pleasant walk in the park.

"D-dude…" Ryuji doesn't think he's afraid of Akira per se. But, his whole perception of Akira turned 180 in only a couple of minutes. Akira was an absolute enigma. And Ryuji has no idea what to make of him.

The rest of the time in this god-awful place was a complete mess to Ryuji. It was a blur of details that didn't make any sense. A talking cat? Akira's new outfit? Persona?

And the kicker was, while Ryuji had no actual proof of this and no concrete evidence, Akira seemed to know exactly where they were going and was a natural when it came to fighting these things. Well, the last bit may be because of Morgana. The stupid talking cat. The cat that was teaching Akira to battle these shadows. Ryuji cannot believe how ridiculous this all is. A stupid talking cat.

But the more Ryuji watched, the less it seemed Morgana was teaching him, and more of Akira was merely listening to entertain the cat. And Ryuji doesn't know what to do with that information. He doesn't know what he is accusing Akira of exactly. He doesn't know what any of this is. He can't exactly have an opinion.

"Hey! Pay attention!" Morgana's cry broke him out of his reverie, but Ryuji soon realized it was not meant for him. Akira was standing there, hand on his mask in his usual position to summon Arsene, but there was an annoyed frown on his face. A scowl even, as if something was not going his way. Ryuji couldn't fathom what because Akira has this extraordinary power and could actually fight off these things with ease.

"This isn't it…No," Akira muttered to himself before he finally decided.

Arsene came out with ease as he usually does after Akira was seemingly finished withholding his mask in annoyance. He decimated the rest of the shadows. They go down, and Akira frowned like he expected something else. But nothing happened, and they were simply left alone in the hallway.

"What is your problem? You can't do that in the middle of battle, you only have so much time before your next move, what if you were hit?" Morgana chided Akira, but Akira waved him off.

"It's fine, I had it."

Ryuji decided to step in because Akira was being somewhat reckless, "Dude, I know I'm the last one to advocate for this cat—"

"I am not a cat!"

"But, he's right, why are you so, like, annoyed? Maybe I can help. I know I don't got one of those things, but I mean, I could like kick em' or something. I don't know."

"It's—" Akira was about to say something, seemingly about to let his guard down. A wave of emotion washed over his face, though, and as soon as Ryuji and Morgana think they might get an answer, they get a cop-out and a tense smile, "It's nothing, just getting used to it. I'll be more careful from here on out. I promise."

"You better be…" Morgana shook his head in dismay. "My Dia only goes so far."

Ryuji doesn't understand Akira. Then he paused, Did Morgana say, Dia?

The trio found the exit with ease, with Morgana leading them. But after all this, Ryuji thought they didn't need even Morgana in the first place. Akira seemed to know the basic layout of where they were going, or he had an impeccable sense of direction at least. Begging the question, had Akira really never been here before?

"Wait till you're outside to celebrate, see you." Morgana waved them off sincerely, about to run off before Ryuji stopped him.

"What about you?" Ryuji asked curiously because the cat had been trapped just as they did. Why did he want to stay in this place? Especially with all these shadows crawling around.

"I have things I still need to do. So, we'll go our own separate ways." Morgana nodded, and Ryuji nodded back because that seemed like a reasonable response. Or at least, it was as reasonable as this place got. After all, Morgana was a magical talking cat, and they were simply humans. Ryuji was about to leave, climb the bookcase to get to the vent that was their exit.

"Morgana, come with us." Akira's voice stopped him. It wasn't demanding; it was more of a pleading. Ryuji turned back to see Akira's unwavering form holding out his hand to the cat.

"Are you for real?!" Ryuji scoffed.

"Mrrah?" Morgana made a very cat-like response in confusion when Akira knelt to meet the cat's eye level.

"Please come with us; I know you have something you still need to do, but we can help you. I don't feel right leaving you alone in this place; you already got caught once; what will happen if they catch you again?" Akira frowned, while he tugged at his bangs.

"Are you doubting my skills as a thief?" Morgana huffed, his fur ruffling a bit.

"Come on, dude! Leave the cat, and let's get out of here!" Ryuji waved his hand, trying to beckon Akira over much like he would a cat; the irony was not lost on him, but he needed to get them out of there before more shadows could come.

"I am not a cat!" Morgana stomped his tiny foot.

"Please, Morgana." Akira basically begged.

Ryuji can't see Akira's face from the angle he was knelt at; his frizzy hair obscures most of his face. Morgana can however, and whatever emotion Akira had just expressed completely crumbled the cat's resolve. Ryuji wished he could have seen whatever pitiful expression Akira made. Especially if it was enough to win over the magical talking cat.

"Fine, I'll make you a deal then, I'll come with you, but you have to help me till I deem fit." Morgana bargained.

That is a sh*t deal. Who in their right mind would accept an agreement like that from a talking cat they met in a f*cking palace in some other world? What kind of idiot just takes that definitely weighted deal?

"It's a deal." A bright grin spread over his face, then he cackled, "I'll even get you some sushi to celebrate. Fat tuna sounds good?"

Morgana's face lit up as well.

Ryuji realized; Akira is that idiot. Another piece to the puzzle.

Akira was an absolute enigma that Ryuji was no closer to solving in the slightest.

"You brought that cat to school in your bag? And let him sit in your desk during class?!" Ryuji wheezed, wholly baffled at Morgana's little cat head that poked out from Akira's bag. They were on the roof, so technically, it wasn't like anyone would see them, but it was still a risk.

"I am not a cat!" Morgana argued, jumping out of the bag onto Akira's shoulders. It was still strange to Ryuji to see a talking cat.

"You are aware you have a criminal record, right? If they find you bringing a cat to school, you are so going to get expelled!" Ryuji ignored Morgana for the moment because Akira had to see the flaw in this plan. There is no way a cat wasn't going to get noticed. "Dude, I know I just met you, but…are you an idiot?"

"Thank you for reminding me, Ryuji. I had forgotten that I'm a criminal and currently the talk of the school." Akira chuckled dryly, while he tugged at his bangs nonchalantly. "Truly, thank you, I don't know what I would do without your gifted insight."

"sh*t," Ryuji sighed, realizing that he was being a little insensitive. The dude had saved his life, and it wasn't like Ryuji wasn't in the same boat as well, "That's not what I meant. I just don't want to see you fall victim to this school, man."

Akira nodded, then shifted his weight from one leg to the other, then back. A little gesture of nerves that Ryuji could definitely relate to. "I know, sorry, I just didn't want to leave Morgana out of this. It'll be fine, I swear. He's really well-behaved."

Morgana looked delighted at this statement, and Ryuji sighed; of course, Akira would be a cat person. Akira acted like a cat himself.

"Besides, Morgana knows all about the castle we went to, don't you want to know what it is?" Akira asked, then adjusted his glasses a bit even though they didn't need to be.

Ryuji frowned; there was something about the way Akira phrased that question that was unsettling. It merely meant what it sounded like—one person informing the other two about the subject from an outsider's perspective. However, Akira said it made it seem like Morgana would only be informing Ryuji of the subject of the Palace. Not Akira. But Ryuji doesn't know if he's just misreading things or not. So, he let it be.

Morgana launched into his spiel about the palaces, cognition, and persona. Ryuji half listened, enough to grasp the concepts, but the other half of his attention was on Akira.

Akira seemed to be lost in thought, who appeared to be so far away from this conversation, without a tether as Morgana chatted on.

Akira was lost in some other world that wasn't the metaverse. Or at least that's what Ryuji assumed.

They go back to the castle because Ryuji cannot for the life of him forgive that sh*tbag Kamoshida for everything he has done. And he doesn't know what else to do than to go back to the castle to see the cognitions of the people Kamoshida was abusing so he can approach them in the real world to see if he could do something. He could not just let this side. But he couldn't do this alone. Especially when he was unable to fight in the other world.

"Sure, why not? Seems like a fun time." Akira answered with a nod as he tugged on his bangs with some force. There is a wild smile occupying his face, however. Ryuji low-key wanted to whack Akira's hands away from his hair, so the other doesn't wholly rip it out or use that activity as an excuse for giving a sincere answer. It really bugged Ryuji, even if it wasn't his hair.

"Dude, can you be a little more… serious about this?" Ryuji sighed while he tapped his foot on the ground.

"Who said I wasn't serious?" Akira laughed and shook his head. "I said yes, didn't I?"

"It would mean putting yourself in danger, for a school you have no stake in and students who treat you like sh*t. I know it's a lot to ask…" Ryuji found himself stumbling over his words. Now that he thought about it, why is he asking Akira? It technically had nothing to do with Akira. Yet, Akira was the only one he could talk to about this.

"Ryuji, it's fine, I'll help you. No worries." Akira sighed as he tugged on his bangs a little harder. "We're friends, aren't we?"

"Are we?" Ryuji blinked in surprise. He doesn't know when they crossed that line. Well, Akira had saved him, but friends? They barely knew each other.

"Are we not? We don't have to be friends if you would rather not associate with a criminal." Akira snickered, "I'll still do it for you. I'm curious too."

"I don't think you're a criminal," Ryuji shook his head because no matter what the kids said at school, the facts weren't there. Akira didn't seem like the person to assault a person without reason. Nor did he seem like the type of person to engage in underage drinking or drug dealing. He wasn't a delinquent like Ryuji was, "I do believe you, by the way, and I do think we are friends. If you want to be."

"I would die for you," Akira said with a crafty smile on his face as if it were some unspoken pack. Ryuji took it as a joke, one of Akira's teasing comments.

"Dude, a little extreme." Ryuji grimaced, he liked the guy, but that statement didn't sit right with him, especially for where they were going, "I'd rather you not."

"Hey! If you guys are finished with whatever this is, can we go?" Morgana popped his head out of Akira's bag with an impatient scowl.

"How? How do we get to that place?" Ryuji frowned because he's racked his brain for the last few days, trying to reimagine all the possible routes he could have taken to get to that world. Nothing rang a bell. Nothing made sense, "Morgana, how did you even get here?"

"I mean, I walked? Like a normal person?" Morgana offered before he shook his head, "Isn't that how you guys got there?"

"Um…" Ryuji was at a loss because yeah, they did walk. Still, how do they walk back to it?

"An app," Akira said as he pulled out his phone so casually that Ryuji almost missed what he had said.

"What the f*ck do you mean an app?!"

"We got there because of this app. It downloaded on my phone, and I must have accidentally pressed it when we were walking to school." Akira explained as he twirled the end of one of his hair strands around his finger. Akira said it so indifferently that Ryuji and Morgana had to do a double-take. He showed them the phone; a red-eye shimmered in the spot an app would be. It's a bit creepy.

"Maybe you should have mentioned that yesterday when we were stuck in a f*cking castle in a different world?!" Ryuji yelled and threw his hands out in disbelief that Akira was only telling him now.

"How was I supposed to know the app was behind it, Ryuji?" Akira scoffed, but added with a chuckle, "What am I some all-knowing being now? Sorry I didn't realize I had become God."

"How did you know the app did it then?!" Ryuji wanted to tug all his hair out now because Akira made absolutely no sense. Akira was all teasing and evasion, it's a bit frustrating and Ryuji can't help but bemoan, "Akira, you are going to be the death of me."

Akira slightly froze; it was a small pause. But, enough to catch attention. Then a small smile formed on the boy's face, and it was bitter like he had swallowed an entire lemon. As soon as it appeared, it disappeared.

"Well, we'll just have to test it out then, shall we?" Akira chuckled, that same knowing smile spread over his face, like that of a Cheshire cat. With little hesitation, he taped the button, and the world went red.

The app apparently did take them to the other world. This entire week has blown Ryuji's mind. A castle where there was supposed to be a school. Kamoshida in a robe and a thong. A talking cat that Akira now took to school and kept in his desk during class who may be fed him exam answers. And now an app that takes them to someone's heart or mind or whatever. It felt like a fever dream. When will it stop? Ryuji wondered if nothing would ever surprise him again.

They were about to go in through the vent they got out through last time because Morgana made a good point that the trio was more likely to be noticed if they go through the front door. It wouldn't be a good strategy in any sense of the word.

Akira stood off to the side, staring intently into open space with a look of what Ryuji would describe as longing on his face.

"Akira? You ok there, buddy?" Ryuji asked, a little concerned. Akira always seemed a bit off, but this was a little much; even if Akira did this a lot. Even the cat had seen. Akira would just stop, sometimes in the middle of the road, sometimes in the classroom, and sometimes in a store. He would just stop and stare. As if he were looking for something, for someone. There would be a flash of something underneath his glasses. A flash of something that Ryuji couldn't read because just when he thought he can understand it, it was gone, and Akira was fine again. Fine and carefree as usual.

It just felt wrong. Ryuji wanted to help, but he doesn't know if anything is wrong per see. Maybe Akira was just a spacey sort of guy.

"Akira?" Morgana prodded this time because he noticed the sheer frustration on Akira's face as he stared at absolutely nothing. There was tension in his usually lithe and loose form. His brows were furrowing beneath his mask.

"Nothing, just thought I saw something." Akira shook his head and turned to meet the two. The coattails billowed majestically behind him as his heels clicked on the cobblestone courtyard. A wide grin spread across his face, and he announced with confidence, "Let's go, It's showtime."

Of course, they would have to run into Kamoshida at some point. It was his palace, and he existed within it. That was the entire point of this venture. But why did they have to run into him this soon? They weren't ready. Picking off the shadows in the lower dungeons as Ryuji tried to memorize all the faces he saw was easy enough, but the shadows threatening them now? Not so much. These shadows looked bigger and stronger. Scarier.

Ryuji wasn't ready. Of course, he wasn't the one that needed to be prepared. Akira and Morgana jumped into the fray, weapons out and guns ready. Ryuji was so sure that they could take them. Akira at least had to be able to. Morgana might claim he had been fighting longer, but Akira was always stronger of the two for some reason.

So, when Morgana fell, then Akira fell soon after, he was sure he was doomed. If Akira fell, how did he have any hope of defeating these things?

Akira was struggling to get up. He almost achieved it, but then Kamoshida's foot slammed into his back. Ryuji winced; he felt so useless. All he can do is stand and watched as the one person he was finally growing closer to would be taken out into this deadly other world by the one person who had already ruined Ryuji's life. Hadn't Kamoshida done enough damage as it was?

Kamoshida was talking to him. He was laughing at him and putting him down just like he had done before. Ryuji knows he was responding, cracked pleas spilling from his lips. Begging that his friends won't get hurt. A reflection of time before. But Ryuji knows it won't come to fruition. It would end up just like before, but even worse this time. It wasn't just his leg on the line now. Kamoshida was going to kill them. Abuse them. Just like the track team. Just like his old friends.

Ryuji was powerless. Ryuji was just asking for another broken leg.

"Hey! You aren't going to let him win, are you?" Akira's voice broke through Ryuji's internal breakdown. Ryuji slightly lifted his head up to meet Akira's steely eyes. Akira has always been sort of carefree, a kind of freedom Ryuji wished he had, but right now, Akira was deadly serious as he seemed to reach into the depths of Ryuji's soul with words that cut through the messy thoughts of uselessness. Akira told him, "You are worth more than he makes you out to be, Ryuji. You aren't weak at all. Show him that. Stand up for yourself!"

This shook Ryuji to the core. There was something about Akira. He could never place it. But Akira seemed to know exactly what was going through his head, exactly when it was going through his head. Akira understood him. Akira understood precisely how he felt. Akira was just like him and he'd be damned if he let Akira down now. He didn't want to see another friend of his suffering any longer.

“You’re right… Kamoshida has already taken everything from me; it's about time for me to fight back!" Ryuji nodded and got up from his shaking knees.

Kamoshida went into this spiel about how he was the scumbag. Ryuji let out a rough scoff, "No! you are the scumbag! Using people like you do! And we are going to stop you!"

Then the next moment, he heard a voice ringing in his head. It's him, but it's not. Just like Akira had, it spoke to the depths of his soul.

Your name has already been disgraced so why not hoist the flag and wreak havoc?

Ryuji was rolling on the ground, writhing in pain. The voice in his head was pounding away in absolute agony in his head. He gripped at his hair, nearly tearing a few chunks out. This might be the most painful thing he has ever experienced in his life.

I am thou, thou art I…

Ryuji felt something materialize over his face, and he had to get it off like right now. It's like an itch he had to relieve, a thirst that demanded to be quenched. He leveraged himself on his knees, and he pried the article from his face. A mask, it would seem, blood sputtered out. And then, it all made sense now, especially remembering what had happened to Akira.

Blue flames envelop him, whipping around his form. Ryuji has never felt so free in his life. He hasn't felt this excited in a while.

"Right on! Wassup Persona?" Ryuji cackled, feeling the power of Captain Kidd running through his veins, like electricity through a wire. "This f*cking rocks!"

"You ready for this?" Akira smirked from beside him, almost making Ryuji jump. He must have gotten out of Kamoshida's clutches while Ryuji was distracted from his awakening. He hoped his distraction had played some part in Akira's escape.

"Hell yeah! Let's take him down!" Ryuji laughed.

"You look like you could use a coffee or twelve," Akira mentioned when they made it back to the alleyway by the school, and Ryuji swore, he was about to pass out. He had been used to rigorous training regimens in the past that left him exhausted, but this had taken the cake. He might fall asleep right here. Forget the subway ride home or his bedroom; he was going to collapse in this alleyway and not get up for a few weeks.

"Dude…" Ryuji breathed and tried to catch his breath. They hadn't even battled Kamoshida, just another shadow; That one had been more powerful than the rest they'd faced. Yet, Akira didn't even break a sweat. How was this guy real? Ryuji felt like he had just run three marathons.

"Do you want a coffee or twelve?" Akira asked again and nudged Ryuji with his foot. Ryuji remained slumped against the wall, making no attempt to get up.

"I don't drink coffee," Ryuji muttered, trying to scrummage the energy up to make it home. Or at least to the school. If he slept at school, then there was no way he'd be late to school tomorrow.

"I know, I thought this might change your mind." Akira easily replied as he crouched next to him.

"How do you know that?" Ryuji shook his head and looked at the other with suspicion. Sometimes, he wondered if Akira could read minds. Or if he has some sort of sixth sense; like he was psychic or something.

"Calculated guess." Akira blinked at him, "Awakening your persona for the first time really saps your energy. I just did it before."

Ryuji frowned; it did? "How come when you awoke your persona, you were fine afterward? You were perky and sh*t. You took down like twenty shadows afterward with no sweat."

This made Akira freeze up for a moment before he shrugged and said, "Who knows, maybe it was adrenaline. I slept well that night, for sure. Though, I did have a weird dream…twins. Totally weird."

"If you do want coffee, though, We live above a café." Morgana butted in, seated at Ryuji's feet. His tail swished idly as he pawed at Ryuji's leg.

"What?" Ryuji forgot his exhaustion for a moment because that statement didn't make sense. A cafe?

"Oh," Akira nodded, "Yeah, I live in the attic of a café."

"Excuse me?" Ryuji looked at him because, indeed, he cannot be serious. There is no way that is legal. Is it? Akira doesn't seem to be teasing now however, but then again, Ryuji never knows with Akira.

"Is that a problem?" Akira chuckled.

"No, but, man…"

Akira smiled reassuringly; it was different than his usual crafty smile, his usual 'I have a plan' sort of smile. It was sweet. Like was happy about the fact he lived in an attic. "Yeah, but I'm ok with it. I do really like the café. And I get free coffee pretty much whenever."

"Whatever floats your boat," Ryuji shook his head because, man, Akira might understand him, but he does not understand Akira.

"Want to get Ramen? There is a shop I read about," Akira asked before he offered his hand to Ryuji to help him up.

Ryuji has never met someone so much on the same wavelength as him before.

"You look sick." Ryuji bluntly pointed out, when he met Akira in front of the gates before school. He wondered if it has anything to do with yesterday. It was disheartening that yesterday was a bust. No one wanted to speak up against Kamoshida, throwing a wrench in their plans. Morgana had given them some food for thought if they stole Kamoshida's treasure, could they change his cognition? It might be their last option at this point because what was a couple of teens supposed to do against this favored teacher? It was a weighty decision. Yet, Akira didn't seem sick yesterday. He didn't even seem bothered that they didn't get anywhere.

Akira doesn't say anything and merely kept his head low when Ryuji moved closer to observe the other. Akira's face was pale. His natural complexion had already been pretty light, but this was taking it to a new extreme. His skin was waxy and greyish, the bags hung underneath his eyes looked heavy, and his lips were beyond dry. The front of his bangs looked a bit more uneven than usual as if he had fidgeted with them harder and longer than usual. They hung in front of his glasses, obscuring his eyes from Ryuji. But, Ryuji could still see the tautness in his lips. No carefree smile there.

"For real dude, you really don't look good. Maybe you should go to the nurse or something…" Ryuji bit his own lip and placed a hand on Akira's shoulder in some form of what he hoped was comfort. He wasn't sure, he was not used to comforting a friend like this. But, Akira saved him so he wanted to make an effort. Akira doesn't answer so Ryuji tried again, "Like... I get you are trying to have good attendance for your record, but missing one day isn't going to be suicide, you know?"

Before Ryuji knew it, Akira had shoved the Morgana bag into Ryuji's arms. Morgana made a noise of discomfort from inside before he popped his head out in the hasted transition. Ryuji was barely able to get a good hold of it before Akira dashed clumsily towards the alleyway in front of the school.

"Hey, Akira!" Ryuji called after him, but the cry fell on deaf ears as Akira leaned against the brick wall and started heaving in the alleyway. Spit and bile erupt from his lips. His shoulders rose and fell with force at each heave of his stomach.

"He's been throwing up all morning." Morgana said slowly as he watched on with concern, "I'm not sure he slept at all last night. I told him not to come to school, but…"

"He didn't listen to you." Ryuji finished the sentence because that much was obvious. Akira was carefree and indifferent. These things were true. But Akira was also very stubborn when he wanted to be. Akira does what he wants to.

"I asked him what was wrong, and he said it was something he ate."

Ryuji nodded his head, which seemed plausible with the symptoms that Akira was showing. But then the hesitance in Morgana's eyes told him a different story so he can't help but ask "You don't think it's that?"

"I ate the same things as him, and I'm fine. He didn't even eat that much, to begin with!" Morgana explained while he looked up at Ryuji with big bright blue eyes. "I woke up last night, around three, but he didn't know I was awake, I was just going to roll over and go back to sleep. But I heard him muttering, over and over, 'I can't do this again.'"

"I can't do this again?" Ryuji echoed, confused because those words make absolutely no sense with no context.

"I'm not sure…Ryuji, you've known him longer, do you have an idea?"

"Dude, I've known him maybe an hour longer than you." Ryuji shook his head with a frown. They stopped their conversation once it seemed Akira was finished emptying his stomach. His heaving stopped, but he continued to lean over the wall and his mess, a faraway look on his face.

Ryuji quickly walked over, shifting Akira's bag so he could access his own. He pulled out the water bottle from the side pocket and handed it to the boy, "You should drink something, but slowly so you don't throw up again."

Akira looked up and blinked at him as if he didn't understand why Ryuji was handing him a water bottle. Carefully, he accepted it and nodded his head with an unspoken thanks.

"You should really go home…" Ryuji suggested as he watched Akira take careful sips of the water. It didn't matter that he took it slowly, the next moment, he was sputtering the water all over his blazer in a gag. Ryuji winced; he wasn't sure that being on a train would be the best idea for Akira right now, "Ok, Maybe the nurse's office then."

"No, It's fine" Akira shook his head once he regained his composure. A little color has returned to his face by now. "I'm fine, It's just something…I ate. Disagreed with me, that's all. It'll pass, we have a quiz."

"Seriously Akira, Dude, just—"

"Ryuji, It's fine," Akira said in a sort of leader tone that was reminiscent of when he and Morgana were fighting together. The kind of tone that immediately shut Ryuji up. That or Akira walked off before anything else could be said.

Ryuji looked out the window idly. He was far too distracted by everything going on to truly listen to the lecture. Were they actually going to be Phantom Thieves and steal Kamoshida's heart? At this point, it seemed like their only option.

Akira. That was another thing on his mind. He couldn't get out of his mind how unwell Akira looked this morning. He hadn't known him for very long, but Ryuji can't deny he felt some sort of connection with the other, especially after all they've been through in Kamoshida's palace so far. Akira felt like the sort of person who was unshakeable. He hadn't been afraid when they first entered the palace. He hadn't been bothered when Kamoshida was about to kill him. He hadn't been concerned by the rumors of his criminal record that spread like wildfire through the school. Akira was carefree and indifferent. Akira didn't seem to let things get to him.

So, what about this morning? Akira claimed he was sick, but was he? Ryuji can't help but feel like there is something Akira wasn't telling them. Ryuji wondered if he is just reading too much into this. He pulled out his phone to get some answers.

Hey, you feel any better? If your lecture is just as dull as mine, then you might as well take the day off.

Akira doesn't reply. So, Ryuji continued typing because eventually, Akira was going to have to respond. If not, it at least gives Ryuji some sort of distraction.

I can't think of any other way to do this, can you?

I mean, what else are we going to do about Kamoshida?

Morgana might have a point here, don't tell him I said that though

Don't want him to know I agree with him

Concentrate on class.

Ryuji frowned; usually, Akira sent snarky texts. Sarcastic and sort of mischievous ones. Generally, with some teasing thrown in. This is the sort of text he'd expect from Morgana, not Akira. But he knew Morgana couldn't text with his paws.

For real dude, how can I? How can you even?

Seriously Akira, I feel like something is wrong here

I know we haven't known each other for very long, but we are in this together

Ride or die, you know?

So like, if something is wrong, you can tell me, you know?

Ryuji wasn't poetic in his words, but he sincerely hoped Akira gets the point. Akira began replying, his typing continued for a long time, it stopped and started so many times. It was driving Ryuji insane.

When he thought maybe Akira will send the text that he was so ever carefully trying to craft while the dots were mocking him, a commotion interrupted the moment from outside.

"She's going to jump!" A student cried, and Ryuji's heart stopped.

"You are sh*ttin' me." Ryuji breathed because that cannot be happening. Much like every other student in his class, he jumped out of his seat and rushed out the door and to the windows showing the view of the roof. Standing there, on the wrong side of the fence is Shiho Suzuki, Ann's best friend.

"No way!" Ryuji muttered. He spared no moment as he rushed down the hall, and just as he was about to turn into the next one, the blonde girl pushed past him.

"Shiho!" Ann screamed, terror in her voice as she jumped down the stairs two at a time to get to the bottom floor. She didn't even try not to slam into him, and she is gone before Ryuji can help her. He understood. There are bigger things going on right now.

Ryuji was about to turn and go after her before he noticed Akira lingering by the window.

Akira was frozen in the spot; his shoulders shook and his eyes wide in horror at the sight. A hand pressed over his mouth, masking the gape of terror. His face was just as white as it had been this morning. His fingers were twitching in trepidation, and Ryuji doesn't think he has seen Akira so stunned by anything in his life. Even though the other literally had to go up against a knight with a sword on an over-buffed horse.

"Akira." Ryuji made his way over to the other in a rush, firmly he took Akira's wrist to try and snap him out of it. "Akira, we should get down there! We need to see what's going on! Obviously, Kamoshida has something to do with this!"

Akira continued to stare in horror, frozen in place as if he were a statue.

"Akira! Snap out of it!" Ryuji pleaded before he took matters into his own hands. Seeing as Akira wasn't going to move for himself, Ryuji was going to move him. He forcefully, but in the gentlest way possible, dragged Akira down to the courtyard. He doesn't mention it latter, but he could feel Akira shaking under his touch. He doesn't blame him. They had just seen a girl jump off the roof.

"Joker, Mona, and Skull," Akira said with little care and little thought as he pointed to himself, Morgana, and Ryuji, respectively. He tugged insistently at his bangs, tapped his foot against the ground, and was unable to keep still. All actions were a complete one-eighty to his demeanor from not only two hours ago. He was restless, he was ready for a fight, Ryuji can tell that much. Ryuji too wanted to beat the sh*t out of Kamoshida for this.

"Uh, what?" Ryuji was confused by the sudden list of names that had no correlation to anything they discussed. Hell, they had barely even set foot into the metaverse when Akira mentioned it.


"Oh, that makes sense," Morgana nodded, "It would be unwise to yell our real names in here because we don't know what effect that will have on Kamoshida's cognition. Codenames are a smart idea, good thinking, Joker!"

"Panther," Akira muttered almost under his breath as he tugged on his bangs even harder.

"Panther?" Ryuji wondered as he caught what Akira said. There were only three of them. Who would be called Panther?

"What is going on?!" Ann shrieked from behind him, and Ryuji turned, and oh sh*t, Ann was standing right there. She must have been too near to them when they started the app. Oops.

They dealt with Ann, which meant they really just threw her out of the metaverse. Akira seemed reluctant in this plan, it looked like he wanted to take her with them, but Ann couldn't really defend herself, so it made sense in the end. And it wasn't as if they could really explain what they were doing anyways.

Now they are staring down Kamoshida's shadows once more, today gathered in the castle lobby. Kamoshida was sprouting his usual bullsh*t, and there was no way they are getting past all those shadows who will soon be on a hunt to kill them.

"We'll have to find another way." Morgana declared as he started to move back down the hall, and Akira was more than happy to indulge him. Ryuji was as well since there is no way they can get through all those shadows at once.

Morgana opened one of the side doors that had been locked last time they were there but coincidentally was now open. Upon opening the doors, a shadow stood firm and strong, back to them in the middle of the small room. Quickly the group jumps back, hiding behind the wall.

"I'll teach you something new, it's called a Hold-Up." Morgana grinned as he bounced from leg to leg.

And Ryuji cannot begin to describe the look of joy that spread over Akira's face. A very stark contrast from his mood from earlier. They had all been pretty down about what happened to Shiho. Akira especially had taken it seriously, but now It was as if he'd just found a river in a desert. Like someone had just told him the absolute best news in the world. Ryuji thought maybe Akira was really just getting into this role. He was pretty dramatic whenever he'd call Arsene out. And he took the phantom thief stuff in a stride. Ryuji will admit, despite the danger, it was a sort of thrill.

The hold-up went fine, the mechanics were easy enough to understand, and the shadow was weak to gun, which they all had, so it wasn't hard to knock it down. None of them even had to pull their persona out. Morgana explained the basics beforehand, so Ryuji knew what to expect. Once the shadow was knocked down, the trio was quick to surround it.

"Now you can ask it for money or items, it's beneficial," Morgana explained in a sort of know-it sort of voice. Ryuji nodded; that did seem useful, in case they required a little more cash or wanted to see what items they carried. Akira seemed to think so too because he was grinning madly. Morgana motioned to him, "Go ahead, Joker, try it."

The next words out of Akira's mouth are something neither of them expected. And had nothing to do with what Morgana had just taught them in the slightest.

"Lend me your power."

His tone was clear and cut, his form, which had been somewhat unsteady since Shiho's attempted suicide, had now become firm, and his eyes were blazing with determination. It's like he had never been so sure of something in his life.

"I remember now!" The little shadow cried in delight as she flew off the floor, "I'm not a part of Kamoshida's palace, I reside in the sea of humanity, but for now I'll reside in your heart! My name is Pixie!"

Ryuji doesn't catch quite what she was saying; instead, he was too confused about what the hell Akira was doing. Like what does that even mean? 'Lend me your power'?

The shadow bursts into blue flames, and before Ryuji even had a chance to warn Akira, the flames dart toward their leader. Ryuji reached out as he hoped to somehow push Akira out of the way or intercept the blue flame, but the deed had been done, and it was too late. The blue flames hit Akira's mask dead on, but don't break it. Instead, the mask seemed to absorb the flames in a flash of light, leaving them in an empty room with Akira, who was still grinning wildly.

"What was that?! What just happened?" Morgana asked with disbelief, his eyes comically wide. Everything about this room seemed to be forgotten in the procession of events. They stared at Akira with concern because what the hell had just happened to him?

"W-what the hell happened? It got sucked into Joker's mask?!" Ryuji exclaimed as he tried to figure out what happened, "Are you like, ok?! What did it do to you?!"

Akira merely snickered, a hand on his mask with the other on his hip in the actual definition of co*cky, "Don't worry, I just regained what was mine. And now this Palace is going to be an absolute f*cking breeze."

"What the hell does that mean?" Ryuji stomped his foot because, for once, can't Akira just tell him straightforwardly what was going on in his f*cking head?

"Intruders!!" Another guard rounded the corner into the small room they were essentially backed into right now. Ryuji and Morgana backed up slightly; Ryuji nearly bumped into a table because they were caught off guard. Akira stood his ground, however, as the battle commenced.

"sh*t!" Ryuji cursed because they were surrounded from all sides. There was no running.

Akira doesn't spare a moment between the beginning of the battle and ripping off his mask with a yell, "Pixie!"

Pixie, the little shadow that they had seen absorbed into Akira's mask, appeared in a flurry of chains and blue flame. She let out a giggle as she hovered just in front of Akira.

"Zio!" Akira commanded, and a bolt of lightning hit the horse-like shadow in front of them, knocking it to the ground with ease.

"What the?!" Ryuji was beyond confused because electric skills were his thing, not Akira's. And now suddenly, Akira's affinities changed? In the middle of battle? And that Shadow!

"Isn't that the shadow from earlier?" Morgana asked exactly what Ryuji was thinking. And his voice dropped into a low whisper that was barely heard, "Don't tell me you…took the appearance and powers of the shadow and made it your persona?!"

Akira only smirked at the question; instead of answering the question, he called on Pixie again and shot down the other horse giving them the opportunity for either a hold-up or an all-out attack.

Ryuji was sure Akira will do the same stunt again, talk to the shadow, and absorb its power. He almost wanted Akira to do it, so it would prove that Ryuji wasn't going insane. But instead, Akira called for an all-out attack. They attack, and the shadow easily falls.

Once the shadows were finished off, Morgana and Ryuji rounded on Akira.

"Dude! What the f*ck?!"

"Holy…" Morgana seemed to be at a loss for words, "Does that mean you can wield multiple personas?"

"What the??" Ryuji sputtered, "What does that mean? Mona! What did Joker do?"

"He sealed the enemy's appearance and powers into his mask and made it his new persona!" Morgana shakily explained, "Is that even possible? I've never ever seen anyone pull that off?!"

"Dude!" Ryuji stared at Akira, his jaw dropping, "That is low-key terrifying! You can wield multiple of these things?!"

Akira chuckled at the blonde's response as he tugged on his bangs, "Trust me, it's nothing too important."

"Uh?! Yes, it is?! A person only has one heart, so normally a person can only have one persona!" Morgana explained, but then his confusion bleeds away in admiration, "Actually, this is going to give us a huge advantage in battle! The ability to switch affinities to cater to an enemy's weakness! Alright, I task you with collecting as many personas as you can!"

Akira barked out a fit of laughter at this. It shook his entire frame as if what Morgana said was the funniest joke on the planet.

"Uh, What is so funny?" Ryuji asked, not getting the joke. Morgana had a point here; if Joker had more personas, that would help cover their battle weaknesses. It would be a huge tactical advantage. Especially since between them before, they only knew curse, electric, and wind skills. "I'll even help you in hold-ups, man! It won't be hard."

"O-Oh! Yeah, totally, Skull." Akira laughed even harder, nearly clutching at his sides. He wiped a few tears from the corner of his eyes. "Y-You can definitely help me with hold-ups!"

"Akira, can you be serious, please?! I know it's a lot to ask, but it will seriously help us!" Morgana stomped his foot, getting short with Akira's mirth.

"A-ah!!" Akira hacked out one last laugh before calming himself down a bit, "Ok-Ok, I'm sorry, I just have a little bit of an adrenaline high from that last battle. I get where you are coming from, let me worry about that, ok?"

"Dude…" Ryuji breathed because he did not understand Akira. Earlier today, he was sick and shaky, but now was a complete one-eighty; now, Akira was confident, firm, and unwavering. He was laughing for god sake. Maybe he really was just sick, and he got over it. Something wasn't sitting right in Ryuji's heart. What is it with Akira?

"Are you worried, Ryuji?" Akira turned to him and tugged at his bangs idly again. The urge to swat those red gloves away from the strands of hair grew. A small smile spread across his face, "I won't let anything happen to you guys. Though I hope you'll still lend me your support."

"Of course! What are we just going to leave you to the shadows?" Ryuji shrugged as he offered up his fist for a fist bump, "You may be able to wield multiple personas, but they are still around the same low level. We have to work as a team!"

Akira wheezed, a sort of laughing gasp, and returned the fist bump with grin, "Of course, I'll rely on you then."

Ryuji grinned back. They had this.

Ryuji scowled as he glared in Akira's direction. Akira may be the leader, and he may seem to instinctively know all the shadow's weaknesses, but that didn't mean he shouldn't jump into the fight. Ryuji knew he told Akira to rely on him; however, this wasn't what he meant. Akira might be relying on him a bit too much in this case.

"Dude, jump in at any time, you know?" Ryuji called out as he threw a Zio in the direction of the Bicorn that was charging at him.

"Naturally you are just doing such a good job, I wouldn't want to spoil it." Akira laughed from his place only a few feet away from Ryuji as he threw his dagger up and down idly, he shrugged, "It isn't my fault your guy's persona are faster than mine. I hardly get the chance to attack. Oh, woe is me, no battle experience. Whatever shall I do? Fall behind?"

Ryuji sighed because that seemed like a very Akira thing to say and he wasn't wrong. The way they attacked with their persona, Akira's turn was usually last. He wasn't leveling up just one persona after all. He had multiple. So, in theory, it made sense. Sort of.

The enemy went down with a well-timed All-Out Attack. Ryuji was panting in exhaustion next to Morgana, who looked more ragged as well. Akira hadn't even broken a sweat. But he didn't usually in a normal fight.

"You look like you could use a hand." Akira laughed as he reached out to pull Ryuji out of the crouch he was in. Ryuji accepted the hand, and when he did, he can feel the gentle wash of healing energy spread through his limbs. It rejuvenated him. Morgana seemed to feel it as well because he jumped off the ground with energy. Ryuji didn't think about it much; the Pixie that Akira absorbed earlier must have had a healing spell. But, damn, it's a lot more potent than whatever Morgana has. He preferred Akira's healing over Morgana's.

"You are a lifesaver." Ryuji sighed in relief. "Forget Mona, you may as well be the team healer."

"Isn't that what I have been? I feel like I've been taking my role very seriously." Akira agreed before he took a thermos out of their supplies and handed It to Ryuji, "Here, for your mental strength."

Ryuji accepted it with little thought and took a massive swig of what he assumed was water but spit it out all over Akira the next moment, "You know I hate coffee! What the f*ck?!"

Akira laughed at the reaction as he wiped off the coffee from his face. "I know, but doesn't it wake you up? I brewed it myself, you know! It's made with love!"

"I—!" Ryuji was about to argue. Coffee tasted hella bitter even if Akira brewed it, but he realized his SP had been completely filled; Ryuji blinked in surprise. Why did coffee have that ability in this world, "Dude. What the f*ck? How did you know it would do that?"

Akira carefully avoided his question as he handed the thermos to Morgana, who took a generous sip. Akira apologized with a careless grin, "Sorry, Ryuji. Next time, I'll bring one with a sh*t ton of cream and sugar for you."

"You better. If I have to drink that crap, I might as well not taste it." Ryuji muttered as they began making their way further into the palace. They had killed off most of the shadows in their area.

"Hey, Ann loves it." Akira chuckled as he put the thermos away. "She never complains about my coffee."

"Ann?" Ryuji echoed because when the hell had Akira ever hung out with Ann? They were in the same class, sure but, when had Akira made Ann coffee? He felt like he would know if Akira and Ann were on casual talking terms.

"Oh, Um, Sorry, I—" Akira sputtered in a rare show of uncertainty before he explained, "My friend, she reminds me of Ann, and I guess I mixed up their names. Not-Ann never complains about my coffee."

"Oh…" Ryuji accepted this since he can't think if Akira and Ann had ever had an actual conversation.

As it would turn out, Ann, in some sort of ironic twist, was in this Palace as well. Ryuji should have expected Ann to wander back here. After all, Ryuji did the same after all. He couldn't blame her for being curious. But damn, this was inconvenient. She got herself captured, and she was in some hot water.

Ryuji was disgusted. Kamoshida thought of the girl's volleyball team as a f*cking harem. There are cognitions of all the girls laid out in scantily clad uniforms. How can someone be this disgusting? Kamoshida was an adult and the girls were all minors! It was abhorrent!

Ann was chained to a cross in some sort of sick symbolism. She was waning in spirit because who could take seeing their cognition hang off Kamoshida like that? Half-naked and completely entranced with the bastard? The psychological implications of it must be heavy.

"Is this my punishment…for what happened to Shiho?" Ann whispered softly, almost soft enough that Ryuji doesn't catch it, but he does, and his heart dropped. How could Ann think this is her fault? Ryuji was about to say something, summon his persona, or save Ann from this fate, but Akira beat him to it like he usually does.

"Ann, are you really going to let him have his way with you?" Akira shouted to gain Ann's attention before he told her in the same sort of soul-searching voice that Ryuji's heard before, "You are just going to let him toy with you like this? Come on, Ann, You are far stronger than you think. I think you've had enough of people playing around with you. You control your life, not him. Don't you dare forget that."

Ryuji felt shivers run down his spine. It's the same. It's the same thing that happened with Ryuji. This time it's happening to Ann. And Akira seemed to have precisely the right words to say because Ann seemed to have re-found her resolve. How was Akira so good at connecting with people on this level? It's admirable.

"You're right! I'm done being this guy's play toy!" Ann screamed in liberation. Her voice was hard and her anger showed through, she turned to Kamoshida and basically spat in his face, "You've pissed me off, you son of a bitch!"

Ryuji watched in wonder as Ann awakened to her rebellion. In the fit of pain that had befallen him once before, she awakened to her true self. In a fit of rage, she broke through the shackled that bound her and ripped the mask off her face. It sent a splatter of blood as the blue flames consumed her being.

Her entire demeanor changed, and Ryuji knew she had just joined their cause.

"Hell yeah! We going to do this, Ann?!" Ryuji cheered as she sliced through her cognition, dissipating it to bits. Ryuji can only imagine how good that must have felt.

"You stole everything from Shiho! Now I'll rob you of it!" Ann accused Kamoshida, her finger pointed at him as a target as her new persona, Carmen, stood menacingly over her with a readiness to fight. "Carmen! Let's give him hell!"

"That bitch, Shiho, had it coming!" Kamoshida laughed and sent his captain guard at them without a thought.

Ryuji knew that was the absolute wrong thing to say on Kamoshida's part because the air around them got ten times chiller. Ann was absolutely enraged next time, her teeth gnashing in anger at the admittance, and her whip taught in her hand. And Ryuji thought there is no way anyone could be angrier than Ann in this moment, but then he turned to Akira to see what their game plan was and…

Akira was livid. Undeniably livid.

Incandescent with fury.

The shadow formed while Ryuji was distracted by trying to unravel why Akira was utterly livid. It didn't make sense; Ann should be the one angry, after what that bastard did to her and the fact Shiho was her best friend. Akira hadn't even known Shiho or at least Ryuji assumed. So why was Akira looking like the one who might murder Kamoshida on the spot?

"Let's do this!" Ann yelled to signal that the shadow was about to attack. Ryuji readied himself as he turned back to the shadow, hand poised over his mask.

It was a f*cking demon sitting on a toilet, looking constipated. Ryuji wanted to laugh; it was the stupidest thing he'd ever seen. It was hysterical. But even though he wasn't the navigator, he could tell this might be the most formidable enemy they had faced yet as ridiculous as it may seem. It's all so stupid.

"Careful! It's more powerful than the shadows we've encountered before! Be on your guard!" Morgana called out as he jumped from spot to spot to get ready. "This is going to be rigorous!"

Ryuji nodded as he tried to get his mindset ready. He didn't doubt if Morgana thought it would be powerful. He would trust Akira with his strategy, it might be strenuous, but Akira would direct them. After all, he was the best at strategy and directing them to their fullest.

"Alright! They'll never know what hit them!" Ryuji shouted to psych himself up. A little trick he learned when he was on the track team.

Usually, Morgana was the fastest, so Morgana would make the first move, but it looked like Ann might in this case. She did have the most significant stake in this, after all. But before she got the chance, Akira's voice broke through the battlefield in an unusual sort of display of initiative.

Ryuji turned back to him because how had he beaten Ann or Morgana? His persona wasn't fast. Neither Arsene nor Pixie had that stat.


The name sent chills through Ryuji's blood, and the unfamiliar persona appeared just behind Akira in the usual swirl of chains and flame. It wasn't Pixie or Arsene; since, neither of these names was what Akira called.

Alice. The name of this persona was Alice. And her presence shook Ryuji to his core.

Ryuji doesn't know what about her was unsettling. Like Pixie, she was a young girl. Long hair with a white ribbon in it. She was small and about half the height of Joker. She wore a blue dress that rippled from the blue flames and was the picture of innocence. Ryuji can't begin to imagine why or how Akira had pulled out this persona. Or where he had gotten her. They hadn't done any more hold-ups, and if they had, Akira would always call for an all-out attack, much to Morgana's displeasure. So, where had Alice come from?

Akira's voice rang through the battlefield once more, only this time it was sinister and cold with words Ryuji never expected to hear coming out of Akira's mouth.

"Please Die for Me."

Alice's sinister smile grew just as wide as Akira's. His eyes were blood red.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (2)

Chapter 2: The one where Akira can't remember his Arcana


'Did he leave you black and white?
Have you been filling up those empty cups again?'

The one where Akira can't remember which Arcana he is and the Phantom Thieves are completely useless really but not in context with that.


I like to phrase Alice's Die for Me as 'Please Die for Me' because, in the Japanese Version, it's written in an interrogative, 死んでくれる? And It references her from the SMT series, overall I think it adds to the creepiness of her character 😂 It also, I feel falls in line with Akira's 'Gentleman Thief" portrayal. Also, I swear I remember her saying 'Please Die for Me' rather than 'Die for me' at some point 😂😂

Also, I know Insta-Kill spells aren't like completely wise but hey, you know, that might be a plot point

Chapter Text

Akira was an enigma. That much was a given. But now Ryuji thought Alice was the best example of that.

"Please Die for Me."

And Ryuji waited on bated breath for the catch because there was no way that was an actual skill. There was absolutely no way that was actually a skill that one of Akira's persona even had. It had to be a bluff of some sort. There was no way, Akira who had just gained his power only a few days ago, had an ability called Please Die for Me.

Ryuji watched as the moment that command left Akira's lips, Alice twirled on the tips of her shoes with a little giggle and pointed. Pointed directly at the stupid, ridiculous demon floating on a toilet seat with a dainty finger. Ryuji thought that the demon would be the most ridiculous thing he'd see in this battle, but it was apparent Akira enjoyed proving him wrong on so many different levels.

A bunch of gruesome bloodied teddy bear-like creatures appeared out of thin air, with bombs stuck to their back, and rushed the demon in a sort of sick suicide bomber show. Not just the demon, but literally every shadow that had been following Kamoshida around and that circled the room watching the battle, they were targets too now. A bear even ran at Kamoshida. Ryuji thought that was hysterical because there was no f*cking way this was happening. There was no way this can work. Akira had to be playing them. This had to be a joke on his part.

Then the bears explode in a huge bang, and all. Not just some. ALL. Including the demon on the toilet, disintegrated into black particles. The black particles floated away like little dust specks on the invisible wind. The room was now empty of shadows except for Kamoshida's shadow who cowered in a corner like a sniveling child.

"Holy sh*t. You've got to be sh*tting me." Ryuji breathed because he, much like other times, was trying to come to terms with whatever the f*ck Akira just did. Akira just single-handedly killed every shadow in this room without lifting a damn finger. And Ryuji doesn't doubt Akira could have killed every shadow in this entire f*cking palace with that show.

Ann gasped, her hands covering her mouth in shock. Her whip had fallen to her side, and Carmen was long forgotten in the dust of the shadow massacre.

Morgana was in a similar position, the tip of his sword had fallen to the ground, and all he could do was stare at Akira, stunned to the core but managed to form words despite it all. "Akira. What…how…Akira, that was like a level 99 persona."

Akira cackled, a sort of insane sort of laugh. The ones that were raw and bubbled out of the back of one's throat, expressing some sense of absolute madness as he admitted, "Man, did that feel good."

"Y-Y-You!" Kamoshida shuddered in the corner as he looked at Akira in absolute terror.

"Scram. We'll deal with you another day." Akira scoffed as he raised his dagger at the palace ruler. Kamoshida instantly ran off, out the door in a flash, so fast that Ryuji doesn't even see him run by.

Ryuji didn't doubt at that moment, Akira could have killed Kamoshida's shadow if he had wanted to. Ryuji realized that it would be no effort at all for Akira. It would be like crushing an ant. But he didn't.

"Joker! That was a level 99 persona! You are at least level 3!" Morgana tried to rationalize, as he came to terms with the sheer amount of power Akira had just displayed. "You can't have a level 99 Persona! Where did you get that persona from?!"

"Didn't you know, Mona? Persona comes from the heart." Akira grinned as he tugged on his bangs, evading the question. "You taught me that, did you not?"

"Yes, but!" Morgana sputtered, "Your Persona is Arsene!"

"Don't worry about it," Akira shook his head, rubbed the back of his neck in some sort of bashfulness that did not fit with the concept of Akira insta-killing everything in the room only moments earlier. "I just picked her up somewhere."

Ann was at a loss for words, staring at Akira with some sense of admiration. Maybe a crush? Ryuji didn't know. He doesn't know if she actually understood what is going on at all actually.

"You good, Ann? Sorry about that, these two were exhausted from fighting shadows all day, and I know awakening a persona takes a lot out of you." Akira explained as he approached the twin-tailed girl.

"No, it's—It's fine. I am tired; you are right." Ann nodded in agreement as if just now realizing just how exhausted she is.

"Yeah, you should have seen Skull when he awakened his." Akira snickered gleefully, "I nearly had to lug him back home!"

"Hey!" Ryuji shouted indignantly.

"Uh, what's with the names? Joker? Skull??"

Akira parted ways with them, they lived in different directions, and it was nearing evening. He gave them a cheerful smile and took his leave with Morgana still mouthwatering over Ann from his bag.

"Hey, let me take you home," Ryuji said, nonchalantly because while he and Ann had never been super close, they had been friends since middle school. They never hung out, but there was always an air of solidarity between them. Both their names had been disgraced by teachers and students in their school.

"Oh, yeah, ok." Ann nodded; exhaustion thick in her voice as she shifted from foot to foot to keep herself awake.

The pair were quiet as they boarded the train. It was late, and there weren't too many people taking it right now. In their car, there was only an old lady who seemed to be asleep. Ryuji was sure Ann had fallen asleep at this point too. He had wanted to talk about Alice as he was sure she was going to haunt his nightmares. But he wasn't sure he had processed her and her existence yet. It's probably for the better they didn't.

"Akira…" Ann spoke up after the train had started moving. It was quiet, but Ryuji was close enough he heard it.

"What about him?" Ryuji asked curiously.

"He's weird, isn't he?" Ann shook her head. And then bit her lip and shook her head again, "I mean, I'm not saying that to be mean, I swear, but. You know, when Kamoshida took me to school that day, you and he were late? Akira told me I had a choice. And I didn't have to go with Kamoshida. It was out of the blue, and I didn't understand what he meant, but now I do."

"He what?" Ryuji sputtered. It was a very Akira-like thing to do, but it didn't make sense if Akira had just met Ann. Then again, Akira forged formalities with Ryuji too.

"Yeah." Ann nodded, "And then, later on, When I was in the train station and on the phone, I was upset because of Kamoshida. And Akira kept following me. Knew exactly where I'd be. So, I ended up talking to him because I felt like I could trust him, you know? And he sat there to listen to me. We sat in Big Bang Burger the entire afternoon. Akira sat there and listened to my problems the whole afternoon. Ryuji, what sort of person is Akira?"

Ryuji contemplated before he answered, "Probably a good guy; he did the same for me too. We went out to ramen, and I just sort of spilled everything to him, you know? He just sort of has this weird personality where you want to tell him everything, and you think he won't care, but that's sort of nice because you aren't looking for commitment or what, but then he actually does care, and you are like 'Wow! Maybe someone does care!' And you feel a little less alone."

"That's an oddly astute way of putting it," Ann nodded as she twirled the ends of her ponytail, "Like, that's right on the nail. I didn't know how perceptive you could be, Ryuji."

"Hey," Ryuji frowned.

Ann laughed, patting his shoulder, "I didn't say it to be mean. I guess we just never connected enough for me to notice."

"Fair enough," Ryuji grumbled.

"Ryuji…" Ann started but doesn't finish the sentence, a pensive look in her eyes and a frown tugged at her lips.


"I'm not sure I understand Akira," Ann admitted, slowly.

"Oh?" This caught his attention because he's in the same boat. "Whatdya' mean?"

"When we were at Big Bang Burger. He apologized to me." Ann grimaced, her hands tightened around the ends of her jacket, her eyes squinted with confusion.

"For what?"

"I don't know." Ann shook her head, her ponytails danced from side to side. "I thought, maybe it was for stalking me at the train station? But I didn't think it was stalking; he was just worried. I was crying, so I mean, I let that go. In the end, it helped to talk to him. So, I told him that, but he started crying."

"He cried?!" If Ryuji had been drinking something, he would have had a spit take.

"Kind of," Ann frowned, "I mean, it wasn't like actual crying? He wasn't like sobbing or something? You know that sort of crying where your eyes get misty? They water up, and your mouth does that thing where it's not smiling, but it's not frowning? I'm not sure how to explain it. But his eyes started watering, and he apologized. He apologized so sincerely, but I didn't know what to make of it?"

Ryuji allowed her to continue because he was too busy trying to piece together this puzzle while missing half the pieces.

"And he like, apologized for the situation I was in? But it wasn't his fault, and I told him that because I just met him, you know?" Ann explained, then her voice fell into a cold whisper, "But, the way he was apologizing, it was the sort of apology you would give someone whose relative just died."

"What?" Ryuji froze.

"I know I'm probably reading into it, but Ryuji, that's what it felt like to me," Ann grunted with frustration.

"Your relative... didn't die, right?" Ryuji slowly asked, shivers running down his arm because he has this running theory that Akira might be psychic. It started as a joke with himself really, but he can't help but think, what if?

"No, Ryuji! That's the thing! I have no idea where it came from." Ann argued, "I even like, texted my family to check because I was sort of freaked out how serious he was? Everyone was fine, but why would he apologize to me like that?"

"Maybe you were misreading it." Ryuji suggested, trying to rationalize the weird situation, "He said something the other day, about how you remind of his friend from back home. Maybe something happened to their family? And he mixed it up?"

"I suppose." Ann nodded her head; that made some sense. "It just was weird seeing him so regretful for no reason?"

"Yeah…weird." Ryuji agreed, pensively. Thinking back on earlier today. Akira looked so sick. Then Shiho tried to kill herself. But they couldn't have any correlation, could they?

There was no way Akira could know that unless...he was some sort of psychic, right?

Morgana remembered what Akira said when he gained Pixie the other day. He had said, 'And now this Palace is going to be an absolute f*cking breeze.' Morgana didn't understand that line before, Pixie was relatively weak, and even Arsene too. The shadows still were challenging at that point. Now Morgana understood what Akira meant.

"Alice!" Akira called out, hands grasped on his mask. The little girl comes out in a flash of blue flames and completely shreds through the shadow with no mercy, much like the seventy times she had done it before. For a persona, she seemed to be greatly enjoying herself.

This palace was an absolute f*cking breeze, and Morgana felt rather useless at the moment, as he assumed Ryuji and Ann did too.

Akira and Alice throttled everything in sight, and the rest of them reaped the benefits. Treasure, Experience, the whole shebang without having to lift a finger.

"Does he even need us?" Ryuji muttered from his spot beside the cat at the frontlines of the battle. It wasn't in disdain; instead, it was a tone of sheer disbelief.

"Do you want me to answer that honestly?" Morgana grunted back.

"No, I guess your tone answered enough."

"Mona! I have a question!" Ann called from the other side of Morgana, and his little cat heart fluttered.

"Yes, Panther! I will go out with you for sushi!" Morgana couldn't help but meow, a wide grin on his face. Has his time finally come? Has Ann understood the depths of his love for her?

"I'm sure that isn't what she was going to ask." Ryuji unhelpfully pointed out as the battle was finished, and Akira was sorting through their earnings; they saw it fit to leave it to him.

"So, I think I have the basics of battle down," Ann said, ignoring the cat's disappointment when she didn't acknowledge Morgana's declaration. "We have two things to keep in mind. Our health and our SP, right? And attacks can either be physical which takes HP like Skull's attacks, while Magic attacks take SP, like mine. Did I get that right?"

"You are absolutely on point, Panther! You are a quick learner." Morgana praised as he bobbed his head up and down in delight at the fact Lady Ann remembered what he taught. She was indeed the apt pupil! Ryuji never listened to him, Akira did, but Morgana didn't think Akira needed him regardless. Akira was in a class all of his own it seemed.

"Alice!" Akira's shout cried out, breaking them out of their conversation. It seemed Akira had encountered another shadow and ambushed it. But they sort of just decided to let him at this point; it was clear he was capable of taking down these shadows without them.

"Please Die For Me!"

"So, how can Joker do that?" Ann asked as he pointed at the skill being used. Multiple bears suicide running at the shadow in question and blowing up on the scene.

"That." Morgana nodded with a grimace because he knew precisely what Ann meant.

"Yeah! Like you said when we run out of SP, we can't use magic anymore. And we get super exhausted, right?" Ryuji butted in because it was bugging the hell out of him. Something isn't adding up here. Morgana understood his irritation, as Morgana felt the same way, Ryuji continued, "Well, Alice is a level 99 persona, you said. I'm making assumptions here, but it's correct for me to say that Magic attacks require more SP the higher they get. Panther just learned, Maragi? At it's like double the effort!"

"No, you're right," Morgana nodded.

"So, what's the deal?" Ann asked hands on her hips. "Joker abuses that move. Like, Mona, He literally has insta-killed every shadow we've met today. And we've battled a ton of shadows. How is he still upright? I know coffee-like, restores SP somehow. But I haven't seen him take a single sip. He hasn't even stopped, and he's like fine."

"Yeah! How can he afford to just spam that move? Is he not on the same level as all of us?"

Morgana frowned because this is where it was a little tricky. "No, He is the same level as us, I have a sort of sense of this, and we are all roughly around the same level right now. He shouldn't be able to use a Level 99 Persona like this."


Ryuji threw his hands in Akira's direction, who was very much using a level 99 persona in the current moment with absolute ease.

"Yeah, I know! I'm confused, too, ok!" Morgana groaned because this exceeded his knowledge; everything about Akira exceeded his experience. "Look, remember how I told you about Persona traits?"

"Yeah, something about that. Mine is like increasing physical attacks." Ryuji nodded.

"And mine is decreasing the SP needed to use Magic moves." Ann agreed until her face lit up in delight. "Is that why he can use Alice so easily?!"

"Don't get too excited, Panther." Morgana shook his head with a frown, "Joker's persona has different traits too. Since he can switch them, they are all different. Alice's trait is a really nasty one."

"What do you mean?" Ryuji tilted his head.

"It's called Just Die. It reduces the SP needed for Insta kill skills like Mudoon or 'Please Die for Me' to zero."

Ryuji and Ann blinked, then blinked again, trying to figure out what Morgana was trying to say. He watched as the gears churn in their head as they come to an epiphany, their faces grew horrified at the implications.

"Wait, you are saying; Joker can insta-kill literally everything in this palace. WITHOUT using SP at all?!" Ryuji clarified in astonishment because there was no way there isn't a catch to this. "Without repercussion?! For real?!"

"Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying." Morgana meekly nodded. Ryuji wasn't smart, but he wasn't dumb either. "I mean, it's a mudo spell at its based, so there is a chance he CAN miss, but…"

"Why are we here again?"

"Not that it actually matters if he uses the SP or not." Morgana quietly scowled as he kicked at the carpet.

"Mona, what does that mean?" Ryuji was unsure if he can take hearing this anymore.

"Alice has a move called Victory Cry; it's a skill that restores the user's HP and SP after every battle."

"You are f*ckING KIDDING ME," Ryuji growled, throwing his mace. The really lovely gold pipe that Akira had gotten him on the ground. "WHY CAN'T I LEARN f*ckING VICTORY CRY?"

"I mean, do you even need it, Skull?" Ann pointed out as she stifled a laugh. "We haven't had to lift a finger."

"Panther, do you not feel somewhat ashamed by the fact a little girl has been killing all our enemies for us?" Ryuji argued back, reluctantly picking up his mace off the ground.

"To be fair, it's Alice you are talking about." Akira interrupted with a laugh as if he had been there the entire time. Morgana almost jumped; Akira had really taken the role of a phantom thief seriously. The teen continued as he tugged on his bangs, "She is the death arcana after all."

"The death arcana?" Ryuji raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh." Akira blinked and stopped tugging at his hair as if he had just realized he should not have said that. "yeah, that. That is a thing. I guess."

"What do you mean by arcana?" Ann asked curiously, as she twirled her own hair. "Isn't that like some sort of divination thing?"

"I'm not sure how to actually explain it." Akira laughed as he readjusted his gloves slightly, another sort of tick he picked up. "We're almost to the treasure, I mean, I'm assuming. We are sort of running out of castle here, and we know it's definitely not in the dungeon, so…"

"Arcana. Explain it," Ryuji said with little room to argue in his voice. Morgana was impressed since Ryuji always seemed to just go along with whatever Akira suggested.

Akira sighed and started fiddling with his gloves harder, "I can try, but it might be more informative if I send you guys like a youtube video or something. I'm going to butcher this, truly. Or let you talk to Chihaya, she can explain it well."

"Come on! I'm interested now!" Ann asked impatiently, hands on her hips.

"Ok, well," Akira started and then groaned with an awkward laugh, "I've never had to explain this to you guys before; why are you asking now?"

"Um, dude? We didn't know till like a moment ago?" Ryuji pointed out, giving Akira an incredulous look.

Morgana's been noticing things here and there. And he's adding this to his vague theory about why Akira is like this. Yet, he could never come up with a conclusive answer.

"So, Persona are like personalities, right? Well, Arcana are like different core personality traits...uh major archetypes." Akira explained, his hands moved like crazy. Morgana had noticed this; Akira always had to be fidgeting, moving. He had to be doing something; he was fluid. It continued as he did, "Um, so there are twenty-two major arcana. And each one sort of has a different trait behind them…like…uh Skull! Your arcana is The Chariot."

"The chariot?" Ryuji asked, then laughed, "Do you see me riding like a gladiator? I ain't even got a cape?"

Akira chuckled and shook his head, "No, that may be the image you imagine, but The Chariot represents will power and determination. I mean, It's the perfect arcana for you, Skull, because you have an immense about of willpower, and you are very good at using it as a driving force behind your actions. It aligns well with the determination you have. When you awakened, you really stood your ground and expressed your willpower; it's no wonder you got the Chariot."

Morgana smirked because Ryuji's face flushed so madly at this.

"What about me, Joker?" Ann raised her hand in excitement, "What's my arcana?"

"It's the Lovers Arcana." Akira smiled, "It's actually a really nice Arcana because it doesn't mean a 'love relationship solely.' It can, but I think it fits for you because it expresses finding one's values and beliefs and standing firm in them. Which I think you perfectly demonstrated when you talked back to Kamoshida, Panther. The Lovers Arcana asks one to stay true to themselves and hold firm in their convictions, and I can't think of a more fitting Arcana for you."

Ann beamed at this; her face lit up. Morgana was a bit jealous; of course, Akira was able to have that effect on Ann. But there is something more important than that at the moment; however, Morgana was interested.

"What about you, Joker?" Morgana asked. He wanted to know what Arcana he was, but something prompted him to ask Akira what he was instead. "What's your Arcana?"

"Yeah, this is cool! What's yours?" Ryuji chimed in with an animated grin.

It was apparent, Akira did not expect this question because his fidgeting dead stopped. His hands fall still, and his face froze. "I—I'm…?"

He was absolutely silent.

"Joker?" Ann asked, a little concern in her voice when Akira's demeanor just dropped, his grin is gone, and there is a sort of disoriented look in his eyes. He was staring at them, but it doesn't feel like he actually sees anything. His eyes are hazy.

"What—I knew, though?" Akira muttered to himself, and he brought a hand up to his forehead and pinched the brink of his nose as if there was tension building up. "I thought I was…But—Tower? No, that's Shinya?…Death? Alice isn't mine, though… I—I'm not…Justice? Judgment? Was I Justice? No, that's him…but I thought— I was—wasn't I? What am I?"

"Woah, dude, it's fine if you don't know? It's nothing important, right? Just something fun?" Ryuji was by Akira's side instantly, steadying the other who was becoming increasingly more unstable. His knees were shaking. Ryuji doesn’t get it and neither does Morgana; he doesn’t get why Akira is freaking out at this.

"Y-yeah! I mean, it doesn't matter what you are, you are just Joker!" Ann reasoned as she swiftly looped her arms around the other side of their leader. "It's just a silly divination thing, anyway!"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (3)

"What arcana was Arsene?" Morgana wondered because Arsene was Akira's first persona. Wouldn't that be his Arcana? Why wouldn't he know what persona Arsene was?

"Arsene?" Akira muttered, pinching the brink of his nose harder, and Morgana realized this was the wrong question to ask because Akira's knees buckle beneath him, leaving Ryuji and Ann to keep him upright. And Morgana seemed somewhat guilty for fanning the flames, and useless his small form couldn't do anything.

"Akira!" Ann shouted in concern, forgoing the codenames in a panic, and shook his shoulder a bit to snap him out of this.

"Arsene wasn't—what is he? He's not—I don't remember?" Akira muttered to himself, becoming more and more frustrated with himself. "Arsene? I don't—He isn't—"

"We should leave for the day," Morgana suggested with a frown because he doesn't think any healing spell he has will help Akira at this moment. "We've been at this for hours. You must be tired; it's messing with your mind."

"N-No, It's Fine; I’m Fine. we're almost there..." Akira shook his head as he pulled out from Ryuji and Ann's support, who continued to hover regardless. "We're so close to the treasure."

"Yeah, but." Morgana frowned.

"Dude, maybe Mona is right; we have been at it all day. I know your HP and SP are probably fine, but man, aren't you tired of the monotonous grind?" Ryuji suggested, "Surely, you have to be."

"The treasure is just up those stairs." Akira argued in a huff, beginning to fidget with his gloves again, twisting the fabric over and over, "I want to secure a route so we can send the calling card tomorrow."

"Calling Card?" Morgana, Ann, and Ryuji all echoed in confusion for multiple different reasons.

Morgana was flabbergasted because Akira shouldn't know that yet. Morgana had yet to tell them about how the treasure materialized under the influence of the Calling Card. The cat hadn't gone into the semantics of it! "Akira, how do you know about the calling card?"

Morgana observed because he feels he can read people fairly well. But Akira smoothly answered, "Isn't that what Phantom Thieves do? Send Calling Cards? I just put two and two together. Why would the victim change if they didn't have an incentive to?"

"Oh, you're smart, Akira! I would have never figured that out."

Morgana knew Akira was smart. That much was a given. He excelled in class, even if he didn't look like he was paying attention. Every question the teachers asked him, he always responded with the right answer. So, It wasn't a question of Akira's intelligence; of course, he could put it together. However, it seemed too much of a crazy coincidence.

And, the question on all their minds was, What about Alice?

Morgana reflected. And reflected and reflected. Usually, it's about his own situation. Waking up with no memory? As a cat? He had to figure it out. He needed to know where he came from and why. When he first met Akira, Akira seemed like his golden ticket to even a chance of this happening. He had a persona, and he could fight. However, now Morgana thought the same thing, a prospect of hope, for a completely different reason.

Akira seemed to know way more than he let on.

The teen navigated Kamoshida's palace and all the puzzles in it like a pro. Like he had been there before. He had personas way beyond his level. His weapons and guns were way too powerful for him to afford. And, he knew every enemy's weakness before Morgana did. Akira acted like a vetted pro.

And it wasn't condensed to Palaces or Mementos either. Akira knew things that Morgana didn't even know about himself. The cat loved sushi; his favorite place to nap was below the window where the sun hit just right. Which direction Morgana preferred his fur to be petted when he wanted to be petted. That Morgana had nightmares and liked to be held a certain way. Akira knew Morgana wasn't a cat, but he bought all the right cat toys that Morgana liked. Akira knew so much about him that it gave Morgana whiplash sometimes.

"Akira…" Morgana whined as Akira was getting ready for bed. Akira listened to Morgana, no questions asked when the cat told him to go to bed. Morgana doesn't know why. Since Akira doesn't listen in other areas like the Metaverse.

"Your Arcana is the Magician Arcana." Akira softly said as he seemed to be reading Morgana's mind once again.

"Do I look like a wizard to you?" Morgana snorted as he began the nightly grooming of his fur. The palace always seemed to mess his fur up.

Akira chuckled quietly, sitting down on the bed beside the cat. The mattress sagged under his weight. "The Magician is important. The Magician Arcana represents the manifestation of your goals. Resourcefulness and inspired action. I mean, come on, Morgana, it's the perfect Arcana for you and not because you share a name with a sorceress. You are incredibly talented; I mean, you are so resourceful? Making those thief tools out of literal junk? Amazing."

Morgana's fur stands on its end, and he stopped preening to look up at Akira.

"And damn, the Magician is supposed to be a link between the real world and the magic world, and aren't you just that? Reality and Mementos. You embody the spirit of the Magician in so many ways, Morgana. I just wish you could see how your focused attention and intense concentration on your goal is absolutely inspiring. After all, you founded us, didn't you?"

"Akira!" Morgana cried; his eyes are watering up because no one seemed to understand him like Akira did. He felt a little slimy that he was just using Akira to achieve his own goals.

"I don't care what your intentions are." Akira smiled down at him, lifting a hand to pet the cat's head, "I'm serious about our deal. I'll help you find what you are looking for. We'll find your memory."

"Akira…" Morgana felt his heart flutter but then let it drop. "Akira, what aren't you telling us?"

Akira's smile fell, as did his gaze on Morgana. The hand remained on his head, gently caressing his ears. Morgana didn't like the look on his face, though. It was bitter. It didn't look right.

"I'll tell you guys later; it's easier to explain in mementos or a Palace, I guess." Akira shook his head.

"I'm holding you to that!" Morgana declared.

"I wouldn't accept less." Akira chuckled before letting out a yawn, "I think it's past my bedtime."

"So, are we just supposed to like, carry this out?" Ryuji let out a whistle as the huge ass crown floated before them. It's massive, and it would take all of them to lift the damn thing. "I mean, it couldn't have been a regular-sized crown?"

"Have you seen Kamoshida's ego?" Akira snorted and detached Morgana, who was purring over the huge ass gold crown. He held the cat, but the scruff as Morgana attempted to reach out to it again. "Did you honestly expect anything less?"

"What a pig." Ann frowned, a hand on her hip as she looked at the crown in disgust, "How are we supposed to get out unnoticed?"

Ryuji didn't have an answer for him because he was failing to see how to make this inconspicuous as well. Morgana was too enamored to be remotely helpful, and Akira let out a sharp laugh as he began to lift the crown. Ann and Ryuji just watch because they are still trying to develop a plan that doesn't get them accosted on their way out.

"I know I'm essentially the tank in this team. But I could use some help here," Akira addressed them as he got a good enough hold on the crown.

"Dude, do we even have a plan?"

"Trust me?" Akira cheekily smiled at them. And Ann sighed because there was no way they couldn't deny that co*cky grin. How could they doubt their ever-so-confident leader?

"This is your plan? This. Right here." Ryuji argued as they all took a stance when Kamoshida grew into a substantial bulging monster in front of their eyes with a long tongue and gross eyes. They hadn't even made it past the throne room before they were caught. The crown is on top of Kamoshida's head, and it's looking more and more like they are going to have to fight this massive monster to get it back. And Ryuji just doesn't understand what Akira's plan was here. "Your plan is sh*t."

Akira laughed sheepishly as he adjusted his gloves without actually answering Ryuji, only serving to confirm Ryuji's suspicions.

"For real?" Ryuji sighed because, of course, Akira didn't have a strategic plan, but he allows himself to relax, "At least we have Alice on our side. She'll just insta-kill him."

"He's immune to insta-kill spells." Morgana and Akira curtly explain at the same exact time.

"What are we supposed to do then?!" Ann shouted from Ryuji's other side and stomped her heel in disbelief, and Ryuji can't blame her; after all, they have barely lifted a finger this entire palace. Ann cried again, "You mean we actually have to fight him?!"

"Keep the faith, guys," Akira smirked as he raised his hand dramatically to his mask, ready to rip it off to summon his persona. In contrast to the rest of their team who were tense with anxiousness, his form is lax. Ryuji had to admire Akira's confidence.

"Joker, He's coming!" Morgana warned, and Ryuji looked up to see Kamoshida preparing for an attack. His volleyball thrown it up in the air, and the force behind the volleyball is astounding. Even Ryuji can tell it's going to be a powerful attack.

"A-I mean, Joker, you should guard!" Ryuji shouted; concern laced in between the lines once he sees where Kamoshida was directing that shot. Ryuji wasn't the one giving orders, but it was aimed directly at Akira's head, and Ryuji knew if it landed, then it would absolutely hurt. Akira was a sort of an enigma in their team. He was their tank, so to say, but he was the most potent healer in the group as well. Akira is definitely their ace card, the Joker up their sleeve. So, if he gets taken out. Essentially, they are doomed.

"AKIRA!" Ann yelled, forgoing codenames in a moment of panic as Kamoshida unleased the fierce volleyball attack, and Akira doesn't even make an effort to dodge in the slightest. Simply standing there with that borderline maniacal grin on his face like usual. Neither of them can reach him in time.

The attack hit and Ryuji thinks damn, they are going to have to rethink their entire strategy. There was no way Akira could have not been knocked down in that attack. They have to figure out how to not only take down Kamoshida but revive Akira.

When the dust settled, though, Akira is…

Fine? Not a scratch on him? Ryuji was once more beyond confused because he thought none of Akira's Persona were immune to physical. Ryuji didn't know one could be immune to physical!

"Oh," Akira chuckled, a gloved hand on his face. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought, maybe with how much you play yourself up, Kamoshida. Maybe that would have hurt more. Yeesh, I think I'll take my turn then."

Ryuji half expected him to actually try and kill Kamoshida with Alice, but no, Akira holds his mask and uses a support skill instead. One to double his next attack. And even though Ryuji wasn't the target, he felt the little chills of frisson prickle the back of his neck in anticipation. What was he going to do with Alice? Ryuji was sure she has other moves regardless of the fact they've only seen Die for Me. But, just what else is she capable of?

Ann and Morgana seemed to think the same thing because they looked at Akira cautiously before taking their turns.

Ann attacks with Agi, which doesn't really damage him, and Morgana does the same with Garu. Same result.

Ryuji decided that he wouldn't try a magic spell or physical attack at this point and used Tarukaja on Akira because hey, he knew the guy didn't need it, Still, Ryuji wanted to feel like he was somewhat useful. Besides, it wasn't like Akira could one-shot this guy. Alice was powerful, but if Morgana had said, even her insta-kill wouldn't work.

"Yosh*tsune!" Akira summoned his persona, and Ryuji shouldn't even be surprised it was another persona they hadn't seen before because Akira seemed to be full of them. He still is, though. In contrast to Alice, this one looks like an old Japanese general, swords at his side.

"Hassou Tobi!"

In a flurry of sword strikes, Yosh*tsune attacks decimate the boss and bring him to his knees in a matter of seconds. Milliseconds even. It shouldn't even faze Ryuji at this point; he knows what Akira is capable of. But, damn, he took down a boss singlehandedly with one move. And it wasn't even an instakill move.

"Joker!" Morgana cried indignantly as he jumped over to their leader.

Monster Kamoshida dissipates into regular shadow Kamoshida, who cowered at his defeat. He held his crown to his chest because it was his prized possession and fled. Ryuji doesn't know where he thinks he was going through because they were blocking the entrance, and there was no way Kamoshida was getting away.

"Oh." Akira blinked in surprise while looking a little worse for wear, "That was far easier than last time?"

"Akira! You just decimated more than half your health!" Morgana chided and threw a few Dia spells at him with the SP he didn't use in battle. "You need to be more careful!"

Ryuji wanted to argue. Akira was too reckless. Sure, his persona was powerful, but how would Akira know for sure that he would bring Kamoshida down in one shot? Ryuji wanted to scold him too, but a fireball from Ann takes precedence over this, unfortunately.

While they're waiting for Kamoshida's heart to change, not much happens. Ann felt like the days dragged by slowly, anxiety building in their hearts. Ryuji often trained with Akira; Ann felt like there were only a few days she would walk by the courtyard and weren't there laughing or running. It made Ann smile because Ryuji never really got on with most of the guys his age, especially after the incident with the track team. Everyone had shunned him as a delinquent, but it was nice to see him bonding with Akira, who was in a similar situation. Ryuji seemed to be full of more energy these days. However, she could tell by the way Ryuji would tap his foot or wring his hands while he stood outside their classroom that the wait was getting to him too.

Ann herself felt quite anxious as well. Her heart felt as heavy as concrete as she continued through the days, waiting for something to change. Anything to change. She stopped her modeling gig for a few weeks. Modeling took some sort of composure and acting that she simply couldn't bring forth. All her emotional energy had been spent on visiting Shiho.

Perfect, Lovely Shiho, who may never wake up.

Ann's breath hitched at the thought. If she had done better, been better, than maybe Shiho wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe Shiho wouldn't be lying in this hospital bed in a coma.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Ann," Akira said, his carefree voice set aside in favor of a more serious one.

Ann could only nod. Akira had been visiting Shiho with her, and Ann could not figure out why. She isn't sure Shiho, and he even had a conversation before…well. Ann would have liked if they could be friends because she's starting to think in the short amount of time she's known Akira that he was becoming a special friend too. Maybe, if Shiho had a friend like Akira, then she wouldn't be here.

"If I just…" Ann said in frustration, her hands curled around her sweater's end. "I don't know."

"You can't torture yourself with what if's…That's not fun at all." Akira shook his head, a sort of bitter grin on his face. "You'll drive yourself mad. Trust me."

"Yeah, I know you're right." Ann sighed, folding her arms over each other, her eyes still stuck on Shiho's form beneath the blankets. The low, stable beat of her heartbeat was the only thing keeping Ann from bubbling over.

There is a sort of quietness between them. A sense of solidarity Ann assumes. It's some kind of nice, if it weren't for the fact her best friend was lying in a coma in front of her and Ann wasn't sure she will ever wake up. She decided, once Shiho felt better, then Ann would have to take Akira out for a drink or something; Akira had been nothing but supportive and friendly through this whole thing.

Ann got the feeling that Akira really cares. He constantly texted her to make sure she is ok. He hung out with her whenever Ann was feeling down. He brought coffee and sweets to school for her, and they all ate lunch on the roof. He brought actual food too, and he was a damn good cook. All of them enjoy his curry, and Ann had never felt like she belonged somewhere before, but she was starting to feel at home with Ryuji, Akira, and Morgana. The Phantom Thieves.

"If you could go back and redo it all. Would you?" Akira asked quietly in a sense that was unlike his usual quietness. It broke through her reverie. He tugged at his bangs like he usually did when he was restless or so she assumed, he continued, "If you could change the past, so none of this happened, would you?"

Ann sighed because that was a massive question she doesn't want to consider, "Yeah, I mean, Kamoshida had to go done, but why did Shi—" Ann broke off in a sob. Her shoulders shook and she was unable to finish her sentence. Why did Shiho have to be the last straw? Why had Shiho had to jump for them to make a change? Why did it have to be Shiho?

"Ann…" Akira whispered, his arms around her shoulders, "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry, Shiho will be ok, you have to believe me. She is going to wake up, I know it."

Ann nodded and nodded, and she wanted to believe Akira. She really did. Akira was usually right, so he had to be this time.

Kamoshida admitted everything he did. He seriously admitted to all his crimes. Ryuji was stunned, and he can still not process it. It's been a few hours, and he was still wrapping his mind around it. After all, he cannot figure out how they managed to pull that off for the life of him. It's a f*cking miracle, to be honest.

"I totally freaked out; he really changed his mind!" Ryuji nervously blabbered to Akira while sitting at one of the desks on the roof. His leg is bouncing up and down in excitement, "And I mean, we didn't even mess up his mind! A+ for us!"

"What, did you not have faith in us?" Akira laughed and swung his legs back and forth, much like a child would perch on a high enough surface. "Wow, Ryuji, my heart."

"It's not that!" Ryuji shook his head, "I did, I just…wow. It was a lot."

"It probably means that killing the shadow would cause a mental shutdown but persuading the shadow and sending it back to itself changes the heart!" Morgana meowed next to him, his voice just as excited.

Before Ryuji had a chance to say more, Ann burst through the roof door and ran up to them. Tears in her eyes but a broad smile on her face as she launched herself at Akira.

"Woah!" Akira leaned back a bit, taking the full brunt of an armful of Ann. He settled an arm on her back and chuckled softly, "What's up buttercup?"

"S-she regained consciousness!" Ann sobbed happily and hugged Akira tightly. "A-and, I didn't get to talk to her that long, but I got to tell her that Kamoshida turned himself in! Oh my god, thank you so much, Akira! Thank you!"

"Hey, what are we? Chopped liver?" Ryuji grumbled though he got it. Akira was the one who did most of the heavy lifting in the battle, plus Ann had told him that Akira visited Shiho with her every time. Akira really went above and beyond for them. He was the backbone of their operation.

"Thank you, Ryuji! Thank you, Morgana!" Ann sobbed, leaving Akira's embrace to wrangle Ryuji and Morgana both into a sloppy hold. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys!"

"Of course, Lady Ann! I would move the world for you!" Morgana purred and leaned more into Ann's arms, and Ryuji sighed at the cat's antics. Morgana was very taken with Ann, and at least he was a cat, so it wasn't too creepy.

"S-Shiho apologized to me!" Ann cried, her sobs became less and less as she regained her composure. She leaned back from the pair to address the whole group, "Apparently, she found out I was flirting with Kamoshida for her…And here I was going to apologize to her."

"Two peas in a pod." Akira smiled, as he tugged at his bangs.

"You were right, Akira. She did wake up." Ann laughed shakily as she rubbed her tears away, smearing some of her makeup off, but Ryuji figured she didn't care. "You kept the faith for me when I couldn't. Thank you so much, Akira."

"What are friends for?" Akira easily smiled back.

Chapter 3: The one where an imposter is hinted at and the Phantom Thieves call an emergency meeting


'Oh, Alice, there's no reflection in the looking glass,
You wear your party dress but there's no party to attend'

The one where an imposter is hinted at and the Phantom Thieves call an emergency meeting.
Oh and Akechi appears in this one too.


I'm basing Akira's Persona line up after my own NG+ game cause hey, it's a free country.

Alice (Main)
Yosh*tsune (When sh*t hits the fan and Alice can't instakill)
Kaguya (Healer)

I was using Izanagi too but, I didn't want to write him since I don't know how to explain him in terms of the game. LMAO, who knows though at some point he may get izanagi-no-okami and MYRIAD TRUTH everyone lmao.

I still prefer Alice tho, I know her move isn't completely reliable but you can't deny the dramatic flair of a bunch of suicide bomber teddy bears taking out an enemy 😂

Chapter Text

Goro Akechi did not understand Akira Kurusu in the absolute slightest. And, he hadn't even known about his existence till only a few hours ago.

"I know your secret."

Akechi was very adept at masking his emotions. His detective personality was very well crafted and intentionally hard to see through. He could be pleasant and well-mannered for twenty-five hours a day, a delight to the ends of the world without cracking. Akechi was very good at hiding how he truly feels. He's learned to control his emotions from a young age, and he's learned to only show what people want.

So, while he does not show it, because that would be giving this student way too far of an advantage. He froze inwardly. It was dark out; the trains had stopped running a while ago as it was deep into the night in Shibuya. He had literally just walked out of Mementos, and Akechi had been a hundred percent positive that no one had been around. Akechi was always calculative about where and when he exists Mementos. Keeping it strictly in the dead of night and in places no one would think to look, such as this dead alleyway. But his blood had frozen because what if this was the one time he was not careful enough? But he has to rationalize, if this person did know his dark secret, he could travel between reality and a cognitive world, he's been driving people insane for a year or so, and all the mental shutdowns are he did. What proof would this student have? A regular person would not be able to come to this conclusion, Akechi assured himself.

The person or student in question was approximately his age, Akechi deduced as he was wearing a Shujin academy uniform. He was around the same height, with frizzy black hair and large glasses that filled most of his face. The student pointed at him with accusation. A dead serious look on his face, and his eyes glared intensely behind his glasses.

"I know your secret." The student repeated, with an expression that Akechi cannot read, which was unusual because Akechi was accustomed to reading facial expressions. After all, in his career as a detective, that could make or break a case.

"E-excuse me?" Akechi forced himself to stutter because the stare was pretty intense; it would make sense any average person would be taken aback by this interaction. It also gave him enough time to calculate his next move carefully. Coming off as an unexpecting citizen gave him the time to do that.

The student laughed coldly and walked closer with his hands in his pocket, his stride confident and assured, "You thought you could hide it from everyone, but I can see right through your façade Mr. Detective Prince."

"Sorry, but I'm really confused here." Akechi shook his head with feigned confusion. He doesn't expect this to get physical, but his hand teeters around where his gun is regardless, better to be prepared. It would be an easy shot to the head anyways, and Shido could cover it up in a cinch. It was irrelevant that he hasn't killed in reality yet. He could do this. However, he is curious to figure out just what this student knows.

"Goro Akechi." The student said, "Up and Coming Detective Prince. You have a—"

And Akechi half expected him to say persona. Metanav. Black mask. Or anything to do with his double life, to be honest. The student's face is so solemn that it's unnerving. Akechi's fingers wrap around the trigger in anticipation, but a pleasantly confused frown on his face.

"A food blog." The student laughed, pulling his phone out of his pocket and showing him his own food blog on his phone. Akechi's latest post showed on the top of the feed when he went to the café in Kichikoji. It seemed this student was a follower. A fan of his. Only a fan. Nothing more than that.

Akechi groaned internally because this didn't take the direction he had been assuming. He hadn't let himself be caught off guard yet; this seemed to be a better development. Less of a mess to clean up. He forced himself to let out a guilty chuckle. "Oh dear, it does seem you have me figured out."

"Who would have thought the famous detective Goro Akechi had a secret food blog." The student laughed, as he tugged at his bangs, and all intensity faded into a relaxed slump.

"Well, everyone has got a secret or two." Akechi chuckled in return. And he doesn't know why. It wasn't exactly genuine, and Akechi knew he could get out of this conversation easily. Play it off like he was busy, or he had a late day and would really like to get home. Yet, something about this student intrigued him. It wasn't every day; someone approached him about his food blog of all things. It wasn't even a viral food blog, to begin with. Just sort of a hobby to pass the time. He knew if he actually attached his name to the blog, it would likely take off, but that was never the point. It was stupid. "Pray tell, how did you find out?"

"Saw you." The student shrugged with a grin, pocketing his phone. "That café in Kichikoji, right? You took a picture of their new pancake dish. And then, I saw it later on my feed. It wasn't hard to put two and two together. Still, imagine my surprise when I put two and two together. The famous detective prince running an underground food blog."

"Ah yes, the crepe was quite good actually. I doubt my photo did it justice. If you haven't tried it, I would suggest it." Akechi nodded, feeling at ease. His hand fell from where his gun was hidden in his jacket. "I added a little extra Nutella to mine."

"How far are you willing to go to hide your secret?" The student smiled wistfully, staring at him with deep grey eyes behind thick glasses. It sounded like a weighted question, enough to make Akechi wary. He reasoned that it was only because of paranoia.

"Oh, I would be absolutely devastated if it were to get out," Akechi chuckled, he played along, allowing the charming detective personality he cultivated to bleed through. "Do tell, how shall I keep it?"

The student's grin slipped off his face as if he had just remembered something. A sort of melancholy. Wistfulness. And possibly regret.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (4)

Akechi doesn't usually care about strangers. He never has; they had always been stepping stones. Tools or resources to further his goals. He can act like he's a saint, he can talk circles around people, play them like a fiddle with what they want to hear yet, he found the genuine words of concern leaving his lips when he sees a visible tear fall down the other's cheek, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Forgot my allergy meds." The student shook his head and scrubbed at his eye, and the melancholy is quickly replaced by another teasing grin."I'll make you a deal. I know this great little café down in Yongen-Jaya. I have the feeling you are the coffee sort of person. Why not come try it out sometime? It might make a great post for your blog."

Akechi blinked in confusion because was this guy serious? "I suppose I'll have to take you up on that offer."

"Trust me, this coffee with change your life."

"That's an awful big promise to make…stranger." Akechi's sentence falters off when he realized he doesn't know the other's name. Of course, he didn't; he had just gotten into the conversation—something he isn't used to. Peers his age rarely interacted with him, and he hadn't honestly had any friends to call his own.

"Akira Kurusu." Akira introduces himself, holding out his hand. "You can call me Akira."

"Kurusu-kun." Akechi nodded politely while he shook Akira's hand, and he feels a faint fluttering in his heart. And perhaps a voice saying something about the fool. But he plays it off as exhaustion. It's been a long day. And his jobs always took something out of him, whether it be physical or mental.

Akechi doesn't have friends, but maybe he could pretend for a while, if not to keep up his act. If anything, it could only add to his façade and make it more believable.

"I'll text you the address." Akira beamed at him, "This will be the best coffee you've ever tasted, Akechi."

Yusuke had been told countless times how weird he could be and how hard he was to understand. It never truly bothered him. To be fair, he doesn't understand them either. There is a sort of disconnect; it's even led him to create some art pieces about it. The feeling of being misunderstood, the misery of being alone. There was some sort of twisted beauty in it that he could acknowledge. And Yusuke would simply use it for his own gain. After all, it did nothing to serve him besides that. He had Sensei; why would he need others?

That being said, Akira Kurusu may be even weirder than himself. Yusuke doesn't understand the Shujin student, yet Akira Kurusu might be the only person who understands him even after only knowing him for a day. Yusuke hadn't given him any reason to be amicable either, as Yusuke was only interested in capturing the beauty of Ann Takamaki; the other two were hindering that process. Yusuke can admit he was quite rude to them, coming off as standoffish. Yet, Akira surprised him after Ann's first modeling session after the other two had left ,by hanging around the atelier.

"Here, I made extra the night before; I thought you might be hungry. Ann has told me how tiring modeling for photography can get, but I can only imagine how tired a painter is in turn." Akira chuckled as he handed Yusuke a massive Tupperware of what seemed to be a mix of foods. A blend of Yusuke's favorite foods. Neatly wrapped and sorted. It was enough for nearly a week and well portioned out.

"You…made this much extra?" Yusuke echoed, confused because this was more food than he's seen in an entire month. This student was just giving It to him; This student whom he has only just met, who he hasn't truly held a conversation with. And it just so happens to be his favorite? It was quite a coincidence. Lately, all he could afford was instant ramen, and he hasn't had a decent meal for a few days. His mouth watered as he held the bento boxes.

"Yeah, I cook when I get bored. It's not a great habit, but I figured I might as well share it with my friends," Akira shrugged, but his eyes were warm. Yet, Yusuke senses something swirling in them. A melancholy, or perhaps a nostalgia? However, the teen's teasing grin distracted the artist from his eyes. It was a confidence Yusuke had never seen before. Confidence that Yusuke can admit he wished he had.

"Friends?" Yusuke softly whispered. Yusuke didn't have friends, nor did he have experience with them. With Madarame, he never really had a chance to make any as he was focused on his art. It's never been an opportunity he had been privy to.

"I mean, I consider you a friend already." Akira chuckled, "Sorry If I'm too informal, you don't have to consider me a friend if you don't want to."

"N-no, that's not it." Yusuke shook his head, a sense of hope overcoming him. He had gone looking for a model, and yet much to his surprise, he had found a friend. He smiled, "I'll accept this as a sign of our friendship."

"That's great." Akira grinned and tugged at his bangs in a sort of idle fashion, "I hope you don't mind if I push more onto you later. Morgana doesn't like it when I make too much, and the leftovers go to waste."


"My cat," Akira replied with an easy smile. And Yusuke swore there was more to that statement.

This week kept getting stranger and stranger, and now Yusuke was faced with the world of his master's heart. A group of people who called themselves phantom thieves who turned out to be none other than Akira, Takamaki, and Sakamoto and Akira's talking cat. Although the talking cat was the least surprising of the events. The way Akira had gone on and on about his cat, it made sense in the long run. Yusuke had just assumed Akira was some sort of psychic or something along those lines. Yusuke wasn't one to question these things, yet it made sense now in context.

"This is how Sensei sees all of us?" Yusuke breathed heart, aching as they pass the frames that held the images of his fellow pupils. Pupils that have long disappeared. And he was the last, but the longer the artist looked at the paintings, the more he wondered if it would be long before there would be no one. Until Sensei picked up more. An endless cycle that Yusuke wondered where he'd end up at. Yusuke had always hoped that he would be the exception. After all, Madarame had taken in him in young, when his mom died, and Madarame had raised him. Madarame had to care for him, right?"

"Yeah, Madarame saw his pupils more as objects than people," Ryuji muttered, scowling with disgust as he spat on the ground.

"Yusuke." Akira frowned, his voice soft and empathetic. Apparently, Akira is the leader of all these thieves. It doesn't surprise Yusuke in the least; Akira did seem capable. He seemed like the best option. Yet, that was a topic for another time. Another thing to process amongst everything else.

Yusuke stood in front of the massive frame that bears his image. He can tell by the sloppy brushstrokes, the murky color used, the ill composition, and the vague use of lighting just how much Madarame actually cared for him. He doesn't want to believe it, though. The man who took him in, raising him. Is this truly how he thought of Yusuke? Yusuke felt his heart breaking. If Madarame didn't care about him, then who was left for Yusuke in the world? Without Madarame, he had no one. How could Madarame do this to him?

"It's ok to be angry." Akira nudged him a bit, breaking him out of his stupor and a comforting hand falls on Yusuke's shoulder. It helps if only slightly. He never had someone comfort him like this; it was a new feeling, but he doesn't discourage it.

"I—" Yusuke bit his lip because what right does he have to speak? He does regardless, "I have so many years of gratitude to him. He took me in when my mother died. He raised me all these years."

"You can have that and still be angry." Akira smiled sadly at him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Your anger is validated; you know better than any of us what he has done. You are allowed to be angry with him. It isn't wrong; your anger is justified."

Yusuke started back in surprise because it goes against everything he has ever been taught. He'd been taught to be grateful, to be calm, and collected. Composed like a well-balanced painting. He was taught that anger had no place in his heart, and Yusuke believed it this entire time. But the light Akira is now providing him is liberating; anger and gratitude are not mutually exclusive; rather, they exist in their own realms. One could owe gratitude to someone yet still be at odds with them. It's something that hasn't occurred to him before.

Yusuke doesn't understand Akira, but he's beginning to understand himself more and more every time he interacts with Akira. It's a rather odd experience, and Yusuke can't wait for more.

Seeing Madarame's shadow was hard but hearing him admit everything was even worse. A dagger to his heart, every belief he had held was breaking.

In his scheme with the fake Sayuri's, Yusuke feels his heart shattering every moment because Yusuke's first inspiration had been Sayuri. Sayuri had been the thing that has kept him going all these years. Sayuri had been the mother he never had, as he stared at it long and hard all those lonely nights. The serene face of the woman comforted him when he felt nothing. Yet, Madarame had ruined her.

"Your scheme is an insult to art itself!" Akira growled, glaring at the Madarame dressed as a shogun. Akira's words ring loud and clear, though, "You aren't an artist! You are an imposter! You are abusing the true value of art pieces. Artists suffer to make their art; they pour their blood, sweat, and tears to express a concept, so everyone has a chance of understanding it. They create one of a kind masterpieces from their own heart; you can't just alter or replicate art like it's some kind of hot commodity! You are insulting artists everywhere with that notion! You aren't an artist; you are simply a con man!"

Yusuke stood shocked because it was like Akira was speaking from Yusuke's heart. All the things Yusuke wanted to say were coming out of the Shujin's student's mouth. All the pent up suppressed beliefs Yusuke has been holding onto are finally coming to realization. They are being validated. How could Akira understand him at such a deep level? Was he an artist too?

"You take other people's works as your own! Then you demoralize them!" Akira snarled, his tone angry and harsh, "You think these pupils are your livestock, waiting on the chopping block for when they are no longer useful! You are a sick, wretched man! You use and abuse your pupils."

"He's right! How dare you!" Yusuke regained his composure because even if Akira was speaking his truth, It was about time Yusuke opened his eyes to this. He's known this had been going on for too long of a time. And Yusuke would end it. It was time for Yusuke to fight back.

Akira is beautiful; Yusuke thought of it in the most aesthetic sense of the word. Yusuke had been ready to fight upon awakening his persona, Goemon, and while he did get his hit in. Akira stepped out and wiped out the shadows in one hit with complete grace. Blue flames danced around him, accompanied by the clanking of chains; with one call of his persona, who was merely a little girl, he decimated everything on the floor in front of them. The duality of Akira's Persona, and the form he presented was intriguing. Akira, only a male teen yet powerful, was represented by a little girl's image reigning death on their enemies. Yusuke had to wonder about the symbolism behind it.

"Yeah, that's Alice," Ann explained, with a little shrug when she caught Yusuke staring in awe.

"I would not imagine someone like Akira having a Persona in such a form." Yusuke nodded, a pensive look on his face. "Yet, Persona were born from the heart, right? They are a representation of our rebellion, right? I just imagined something different from being born from Akira's heart. Why does his rebellion manifest as a child? I do understand that children can be rebellious, however…"

"Don't get too philosophical with it." Ryuji sighed and shook his head with his hands on his hips. "That ain't his original Persona."

"I'm sorry, but I am confused," Yusuke admitted, taken aback by the information. Admittedly he had only awakened his persona only a few minutes ago, but he had assumed he got the gist of it from what was explained. Yet, it seemed that was not the case at all, "We can have multiple persona? I was under the assumption your persona was a manifestation of your true self. How does one acquire more?"

"Oh, sorry, Yusuke." Ann shook her head with a sigh, and Ryuji finished it for her with a chuckle, "It seems Joker is the only one who can hold multiple persona."


"It's his codename," Ann nodded and explained quickly, "We'll come up with yours too; mine is Panther; he is Skull and Morgana is Mona. Just 'cause we don't know how yelling our own names would affect the person whose palace we are in."

"Why is Joker the only one who can hold multiple persona?" Yusuke asked because while it seemed plausible, one could only have one persona because one only has one heart. He doesn't understand why Akira is the exception. How does one have more than one heart?

Ann frowned as she twirled her hair, "I'm not exactly sure. Neither is Mona. Joker might know why, but if he does, he hasn't told us. It doesn't really make sense."

"Interesting." Yusuke nodded. Akira hadn't struck him initially as one to hold secrets, so maybe it wasn't a big deal. Merely a contingency.

"But, you guys are curious too?" Ryuji prodded them with the question, his voice low and hushed, Akira and Morgana were too deep in a conversation to really pay them any mind, so Ryuji continued, "Where Joker gets his persona? I mean, you know the gist of it, Panther. He can talk to shadows and recruit them. Though you haven't actually seen it."

"He doesn't do that, though." Ann shook her head and crossed her arms. Yusuke chose to remain silent because he has nothing to contribute, yet the information was informative.

"I know. That's what I'm getting at." Ryuji groaned, then turned to Yusuke, "See, when did our first palace. Joker talked to a shadow during a holdup. And recruited it!"

"Alice?" Yusuke surmised because that seemed like the only logical answer.

"No." Ryuji shook his head with wide eyes, "It wasn't Alice. It was named Pixie, and I haven't seen her since Panther awakened her persona! I don't know if he still has her. Or not? But, see, We have no idea where Joker got Alice. Or Yosh*tsune. And he hasn't told us, like, we've asked, you know? But he just laughs it off and tells us in that stupid carefree voice of his, 'Don't worry about it, I just picked them up along the way.'"

"What does he mean by pick up, though?" Ann asked quietly, deep in her own thoughts about the situation. "I mean, is there a way to pick up persona outside of the metaverse? We all had to go through some awakening, but Joker can just pick up persona willy-nilly?"

"I don't know, dude; this whole thing is confusing." Ryuji shrugged with a disappointed sigh. "I mean technically, he DID have an awakening."

"Wait, he did?!" Ann gasped, her eyes widening, "I thought he just had them! What?!"

"From your information, if I'm reading it correctly," Yusuke piped up and slowly suggested what has been on his mind. "Either he is acquiring persona from another source, or he is acquiring them from trips to the metaverse."

"But we just said we haven't seen him take those personas," Ryuji argued, and Yusuke stared him down in a manner in a silent plea to think about his statement. "And we promised not to go into the metaverse without each other."

Ryuji stopped and let out a shaky, "Oh."

A realization.

Yusuke doesn't want to make assumptions about his newfound team leader and first friend because Akira was the first person to actually see and understand him. It still left the question of his multiple persona.'

And yet, he has never felt closer to one than Akira.

Akechi believed Akira genuinely cared about him, and Akechi was not sure what to do with that information. Primarily since they had only known each other for a few weeks. It was based merely on what Akechi was feeling, and he wasn't sure he could trust his own feelings. He still had a lot on the line, a plan to take down Shido that required all his focus. Working as a hitman for the man until Shido would rise to power, allowing Akechi to enact his true plan to take Shido down at his prime. Make him pay. And yet, this student comes along at the most inopportune moment and does his damn best to distract him. Akechi can't even blame Akira because Akira was an ordinary barista who just so happened to live in a café that Akechi is admittedly infatuated with and was currently beating his ass at chess. Akechi has to clarify; he was infatuated with the café and definitely not Akira. Akechi promised himself he wouldn't get too entangled, yet, he kept finding himself coming back. If not to just beat Akira at chess for once, for god's sake. He just wanted to beat Akira once at chess.

Goddamnit, why was it so hard?

Akechi hated to lose. He absolutely hated the idea. It sent chills down his spine, and it made him go absolutely mad. It made the hairs on the back of his arms curl. To say the least, the last two hours have been downright aggravating for him.

"One might say you are too predictable, Akechi." Akira laughed, hitting the king to the ground with his queen. Another match was lost, and the detective cannot for the life of him figure out how the hell Akira kept beating him. Akechi was trying to not lose his cool and jump over the table to strangle Akira. But the frustrations were coming in waves. There was no way Akira was smarter than him. There was no way Akira could read his strategy so easily. Akechi's techniques were supposed to be impermeable. Akechi hated to lose, but that's all he has been doing today.

"It would appear so, seeing as you have beaten me in all five games." Akechi frowned, trying to make it not come off as a snarl but more as a pout. Yet, the frustration was sinking deep into his mask. When he met Akira, he hadn't anticipated he might find his equal. And, they aren't even equals at this point. Akechi might even label Akira as his rival. He still had an image to uphold, though.

"Why are you playing him, Akira? You've already beaten him five times. Aren't you bored?" Akira's cat yawned, his tail flicking languidly from where he was sitting at Akira's side. The cat watched on with boredom.

Ah yes, and then there was the talking cat.

The talking cat that had been bugging Akechi the entire afternoon because Akechi literally does not know if he is going insane or not. Akira hasn't replied to the cat directly, which leads to Akechi assuming Akira does not hear his cat talk. Yet, the cat spoke as if he is intimate on the conversational level with Akira. So maybe the student did hear him? But Akechi doesn't know, and he doesn't know how to breach the subject of a f*cking talking cat. Akechi thinks it must be because of the metaverse, but there was no way he can outright ask that. Right now, the talking cat was the only thing keeping Akechi focused on not strangling Akira just to win the chess game. He needs to figure out whether Akira was aware of the metaverse or not; it's just not a topic easily approachable. Neither was the topic of a talking cat that Akechi hasn't directly acknowledged outright.

"Sorry, Morgana gets fussy if I ignore him too long," Akira smirked and unceremoniously picked the cat off the seat of LeBlanc and held him in a way the cat clearly did not like to be kept. Morgana yelped in protest. Akechi had to wonder how Akira managed to sneak a cat into a café of all places.

"A-Akira! My fur! You'll mess up my fur!" The cat bemoaned as he squirms in the student's grip, very much annoyed with the action. Akira only laughed at his misfortune and held him up higher. "Put me down!!"

"Your cat is quite verbose," Akechi smoothly commented and took a sip of his coffee; he was wondering if he can bait Akira into saying something. It's a long shot, but there isn't a chance that could tip Akira off. Even if Akira could hear his cat, Akechi doubted he'd outright admit it. There is little too loose from testing the waters.

"Funny you should say that; I think the same thing too." Akira laughed while tugging on Moragana's white paws despite the cat's apparent protests. "Just the other day, he told me how much he likes fatty tuna. The little menace is going to eat out my wallet one day. And I just bought him this fancy cat bed the other day, and he insists on sleeping with me!"

Akechi mulled over that statement and, much like chess against Akira, cannot seem to win with it. Was that Akira admitting his cat could talk or was that a joke? Akira seemed to like that sort of humor, so it wasn't off-brand for him to say that. It could come off as Akira being a loving cat parent.

"Oh? Is that so?" Akechi laughed, then asked in a curious voice, "Has he said anything about me?"

Akira's grin widened at this, a sort of gleam in his eyes as he stared Akechi straight in the eyes and said, "Why yes. We have come to a conclusion. You'd look amazing in black."

Akechi froze because there is no way Akira could know that. It had to be an innocent comment. A joke at his expense. A mere teasing that Akechi had become accustomed to. Nothing else. Black? It was a vague comment. So vague. It could mean nothing.

"Cat got your tongue, Akechi?" Akira smirked, shoving Morgana into his face, who yowled in displeasure.

Akechi has to wonder, though.

Morgana does not understand the relationship Akira had with Akechi, the detective prince. It was out of the blue and weird. Morgana knew Akira had relationships with a lot of strange specific people, like very niche people. A backstreet doctor who ran drug tests on Akira in exchange for medicine. A weapons dealer who worked with the Yakuza at one point. A fallen politician who was teaching Akira how to make speeches and be diplomatic. Morgana was happy with the development, yet, they had just seemed to fall in place. Or, Akira had sought them out intentionally. Like he knew, their specific skill sets could be useful.

Yet, the cat could not figure out where Akechi fell into place. What was Akira getting out of this? If Akira played his cards right, he could have a connection to the police. A source of information. Yet Akira wasn't even trying. Akira never asked anything about Akechi's work as a detective. He never tried to push anything.

"What's the deal with Akechi?" Morgana asked one night when Akira was getting ready for bed after training for a few hours. It's bugging Morgana, and he has to know.

"What isn't the deal with Akechi?" Akira snorted back as if he were laughing at his own inside joke.

"Akira," Morgana growled because he hated being outside of the loop, and yet that's all he felt with Akira.

"Sorry, sorry." Akira calmed himself down, "Nothing really, I just think he's interesting. I mean, a detective prince this young, And he can't even beat me at chess! He's cool."

"You blew holes in his entire strategy!" Morgana argued back, though, with a hint of admiration. Morgana knew Akira was smart; that much was a given. He always got the questions the teacher's in school asked him right. He was literally the top of his class with the exam results. He read books like water. Akira was brilliant, and he didn't usually flaunt it. He usually kept it to himself. Akira liked to flaunt other aspects of himself, but it wasn't his intelligence.

But he was even more than that. He was dexterous. Morgana had taught him how to make thieving tools, and he picked that up like it was second nature. He could make ten lock picks in his sleep with the cheapest of materials. Whenever the social studies teacher threw chalk at him for daydreaming, he moved out the way with hyper precision, as if it was instinct. He was incredibly gutsy, not even hesitating to ask the shady gun dealer about the gun in the bag or to engage in the backstreet doctor's clinical trials. He was charming enough to win over just about everyone he's met. And he never hesitated to listen when his team was having a problem.

Morgana knew he was the best candidate for the cat's plan. Yet, something was off. How was this kid so talented? To be so intelligent, so dexterous, so courageous, charming, and kind. To be able to wield multiple persona with ease. Morgana couldn't help but think something had to be off. Morgana doesn't want to believe that. Morgana finally felt like he actually belonged somewhere, like he had found his home with Akira. Akira knew precisely what he liked to eat when he wanted to eat it, just how fluffed he liked his pillow, and when to let the cat be. Morgana doesn't want to think that something is wrong, but the cat couldn't ignore the facts.

"Akechi is special." Akira smiled, but not in his teasing grin that Morgana was used to. It was his bitter grin. The other thing Morgana couldn't understand. Why was he sad about this? Akira continued before Morgana could ask, "I just sense something from him. Who knows? Maybe he might be one of us one day?"

"A detective becoming a phantom thief?" Morgana scoffed, settling on the bed beside Akira's thigh. "Opposite sides of a coin. There is no way."

"Yeah, but I can hope." Akira wistfully said.

Morgana looked at him, not understanding where the other is coming from. After all, the detective and the thief were always a game of cat and mouse. Akira might be stepping too close to the flame. Morgana hoped Akira was smart enough not to burn himself.

Ann let out a breath as Madarame finally crumpled to the ground. She wasn't exhausted as one would expect. Ann had learned not to feel too intimidated by threatening shadows anymore. This hadn't been like the last palace leader they fought; Kamoshida had been air while Madarame was more of a breeze. Akira had no problem one-shotting Kamoshida with Yosh*tsune, and he probably would have no problem one-shotting Madarame either if it hadn't been for Madarame's ability to absorb elements when he was in painting form. Akira could kill four out of the five pieces, yet there was always the one that would absorb his attack.

It was sort of amusing to see Akira slightly annoyed by the setback. It wasn't often the group saw Akira remotely struggling with any battle. And he wasn't genuinely struggling too much in this battle, but Ann could read by the way he tugged on his gloves roughly that he was mildly irritated.

It wasn't that big of a setback; after all, Akira had them. They were there to fill in the gaps, after all. Morgana kept his health up since Yosh*tsune took a lot of HP out of Akira with each attack. Between Akira's Hassou Tobi and Ann's Agi, Madarame fell easily.

And when Madarame decided to start summoning clones of himself, it really was over because Akira took them down like water with a massive grin on his face.

Ann still felt uneasy, though, because, should it be this easy? When Ann awakened her persona, she thought she would have to fight tooth and nail to take down shadows, and here Akira was one-shotting everything with minimal effort. Ann knew Akira's abilities were remarkable, yet, something always seemed off.

Ann was secretly relieved when Yusuke doesn't kill Madarame; they didn't need murder on their hands. Yet, she had to admire Yusuke. Madarame essentially killed his mom. Madarame killed his mom, took her artwork and blotched it, and then took Yusuke for himself. In all regards, Yusuke had every right to kill Madarame, but Yusuke was strong enough to let the sniveling man go so he could face his crimes.

It was hard letting Kamoshida go but knowing he would pay for his crimes was more fulfilling, so she hoped Yusuke could experience that. Yusuke deserved liberation; after all that Madarame put him through. Yusuke deserved freedom.

"W-what about the other one?" Madarame stuttered, quivering on the ground before them when Yusuke decided they would not kill him. "The o-one with the black mask?"

Everyone froze at the question because Ann genuinely does not know who Madarame is talking about. Their entire team is taken by confusion except, of course, Akira, who shook his head and laughed, "Don't try and fool us!"

"A black mask?" Ann echoed while looking around because none of them had black masks. The closest was maybe skull and his obviously grey, metallic skull mask, yet that was a real stretch to assume. What was Madarame implying?

"Don't tell me, there was another intruder in the palace beside us!" Morgana gasped between Ann and Akira. And Ann's heart dropped because she hadn't even considered that someone else could possibly get into the metaverse. Yet, they had, so why wouldn't someone else be able to have the app?

Ann wants to retort; she wants to get down to the bottom of this. Demand Madarame for answers, but the palace started shaking, pieces falling down around them.

"There is no time! Hurry!" Akira called out, motioning for the team to follow him, "We need to leave!"

Ann had no choice but to follow. The uneasiness burned in her mind because maybe it wasn't someone new going through the metaverse.

Perhaps it's someone they know.

Ann sighed, kicking the ground of the underground mall. They were waiting on Madarame's change of heart, but it hasn't happened yet. Kamoshida's heart change took a while too, so it's not surprising, but an anxiousness has settled amongst them. Would it work? Would it not? Yusuke said Madarame hasn't said a word and just lays in bed, quiet as a mouse. Not even a comment about the black mask, either. They were getting nowhere, and the wait was killing Ann.

That's the biggest problem. Who else could be in the metaverse? Is there actually someone else in the metaverse? Or was Madarame trying to psych them out? Or could her suspicions be true?

Ann groaned in frustration as she shifted through the clothing racks with little consideration; they didn't fit her style regardless.

"Lady Ann! Lady Ann!" A voice caught Ann's attention, from below the rack of clothes she had been mindlessly perusing through. Her gaze shifted down till it landed on Morgana, tapping her shoe.

"Morgana!" Ann exclaimed, crouching down to the cat, and asked in a whisper, "What are you doing here alone? Where is Akira?"

"He's working at the flower shop around the corner," Morgana explained, motioning his head down the aisle of the mall. Ann knew which one he was talking about. Rafflesia, Ann, had gone there to get flowers for Shiho the other day. She really enjoyed the bouquet that Ann picked out.

"I thought he worked at the convenience store?" Ann blinked in confusion because she ran into him the last time she went in for her usual trip for sweets. Akira teased her about it but gave her his employee discount nonetheless. Ann made it a point to go whenever he was working to save a few bucks. It's cheap, but hey, nothing beats a cheap snack.

"He does! He has like three jobs, four if you count when he helps at Leblanc." Morgana shook his head with a frustrated sigh.

"He has four jobs?!" Ann gasped because she can't imagine having to work three jobs. She can barely keep up with modeling while they continued to explore the metaverse. She knows Akira's time management skills were unrivaled, yet, four jobs? It seemed extreme, especially for being a full-time student and a phantom thief. Though she can imagine the jobs probably aren't full-time. Still, four at once?

"Yeah." Morgana frowned, but his nose twitched, and he shook his head, "But that's not what I came here to talk about. I need you to gather Yusuke and Ryuji. I would do it, but I can't text with paws."

"Um, ok, I guess." Ann slowly nodded, pulling out her phone. But something seemed wrong, "Shouldn't we wait for Akira to get off work first?"

Morgana's frown hardened, "No. No, it has to be now. Because there is something, we should discuss."

Ann instantly frowned because she knew exactly where this is going. And she doesn't like it because it seemed she wasn't the only one with this idea.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (5)

"How much do you all know about Akira?" Morgana asked once everyone besides their leader was gathered in the park. It made sense; if Akira got off work early, there was a chance he might walk past the walkway that was their hideout; that was too much of a risk. Anywhere else in Shibuya was a risk as well since Akira was usually active in that general time period. The school had been closed for the day, and the student council president has been on their case for a few days. Leblanc was out for obvious reasons, which only really left the park where no prying ears would listen in.

"Dude, what is this about?" Ryuji scoffed, his leg bouncing up and down while he sat on the park bench.

"Yes, this is quite out of the blue. What is your goal, Morgana?" Yusuke wondered, drawing in the dirt next to his shoe with a stick. "Don't you know him the best? You live with him."

Morgana frowned but asked again, "Humor me. What do you know about Akira?"

Ann shook her head, and her lips tugged down in pensiveness, "I mean. He has a criminal record for defending a woman. He was sent to Shibuya for a year. He lives at Leblanc in the attic?"

"He lives in an attic; he has an assault record?" Yusuke sputtered as he dropped the stick in confusion. That news was information for him; he wasn't aware of Akira's past. "Our Akira?"

"Oh yeah, you don't know." Ryuji nodded and explained, "Like Ann said, He tried defending a woman being harassed by a man, the man took a swing at him, and he stepped back. The man got mad and sued Akira, and won because he was a sh*tty adult. So, Akira was sent to Shibuya for a year. And he lives in Leblanc's attic 'cause the owner took him in."

"That's not fair!" Yusuke gasped. Ann agreed wholeheartedly. Akira was just trying to do what was right; it wasn't fair that he was incriminated on that.

"Ok, but what else?" Morgana prodded, trying to get the conversation back on track.

"I mean. "Ann frowned, twirling her ponytail. "He is sort of like. I mean, he's quiet, especially at school. But when you talk to him, he's sort of like. Um, Mischievous. Impish. Uh… a bit indifferent? Carefree?"

"Yeah, yeah," Ryuji nodded in agreement and snapped his fingers, "He's like carefree. Almost like nothing fazes him. Like, 's a bit reckless, but he can afford to be reckless. He teases us a lot."

"He's really kind, I think." Yusuke argued, "I understand where you see the playful nature, especially when he is Joker. But he brings me his leftovers all the time, and always asks what I'm working on and sits through my explanations."

"Oh, he can't sit still for the life of him!" Ann piped up, waving her finger in realization. "I mean, you've seen it too, right? He'll like twirl his pen in his knuckles when studying or spin his phone on his fingers when we are sitting around at the hideout. And that thing he does with his gloves in palaces?"

"Ok, that's what you feel about his personality. And yes, you know about his quirks. But what do you actually know about him besides his criminal record?" Morgana paused them, a stern look on his face, "Facts. Details. History."

The group blinked at the cat, seemingly flabbergasted by the question. As if they don't understand the question.

"He plays with his bangs a lot?" Ryuji weakly offered with a shrug, "Like more than is probably normal?"

"Ryuji. Akira trained with you a lot, right? I heard you, and he managed to save the track team from another sh*tty adult." Morgana commented coolly.

"Yeah!" Ryuji smiled, his grin wide. "Dude, he helped me eavesdrop on the new teacher supervising the track team, and we found out his actual feelings. He really helped me out when I approached Nakaoka and Takeishi about it. It really helped me feel like I resolved things with my past with the track team and helped me move forward. I declined the track team's offer because I have a new team now, but I wouldn't have gained this new insight without Akira's help. I feel like I've learned a lot about myself."

"And Ann, didn't you say he was helping you strengthen yourself too?" Morgana pointed out.

Ann smiled brightly, "Yeah, he's been a huge help with recovering from Shiho's incident. Not only did he help me take down Kamoshida, but he's also been visiting Shiho with me, and I don't know what I'd do without his support. Shiho has been doing well in physical therapy, but she is being transferred schools after she finished. I felt sad, but Akira reminded me that I always had us. I always feel like I can talk to him about stuff, and he totally just gets it."

"And Yusuke, how do you feel about Akira?"

"I think he's the first friend I've ever had." Yusuke nodded, "I don't think I could have faced my situation without him; he pushed me to be more. And told me it was ok to feel what I had been feeling my whole life. He validated my feelings, and He made me feel cared for when I had no one."

"So, what do you guys know about Akira, then? You've spent all this time with him." Morgana asked again, levelly. His face was calm, but his eyes were stormy.

And they all look at him with conflicted faces as an awkward silence falls over them.

"I—" Ann is scrambling for words.

"He has multiple persona?" Ryuji again added weakly, but there is a grimace on his face. Guilt was settling on his shoulders. Ann was in the same boat. They spent all this time with Akira, yet they didn't seem to know anything about him.

"Honestly." Morgana shook his head and chided them. "He has multiple personas. Yet, where is he getting them from?"

No one spoke, their faces growing heavy. Ann bit her lip, and Ryuji's knee was vibrating up and down even harder.

"You guys have your doubts, too, right?" Morgana frowned because Morgana wasn't blind. Ann wasn't blind either; she just didn't want to consider the idea that Akira isn't who he says he is. Akira has done so much for her; can she really suspect him now?

"But, he. We wouldn't have made it this far without him!" Ann argued. "I mean— yeah, but…"

"He was the first one to have the app and knows how to use it. He has multiple persona. He has multiple powerful persona that should be beyond his level to wield, yet he does. He has been insta-killing every shadow in a palace, no problem. He seems to know exactly where to go and where to be. He knows about shortcuts we don't know about. He knows every shadow's weakness. He knows exactly what to say to you when to say it and how to say it to win your trust." Morgana laid out the facts, one by one, with little tone in his voice. "He knew the codewords for the palaces. You guys aren't stupid."

"This is absurd!" Yusuke exclaimed but knows what Morgana was saying wasn't wrong. "We don't even know if Madarame was telling the truth! We don't know If the Black Mask is another façade, it could have been made up on a whim."

"When he first entered Kamoshida's palace. It didn't phase him." Ryuji muttered, his voice dropping low. "It was like he didn't even care. Or, like he knew what to expect."

"He knew exactly how I felt in Kamoshida's palace." Ann nodded, her face falling at the pieces being put together. "He apologized to me right before Shiho nearly died."

"You guys cannot possibly be suggesting what I think you are suggesting!" Yusuke cried.

"Yusuke. We can't ignore the facts." Morgana bitterly said, his shoulders shaking. "We have to entertain the possibility that Akira is the black mask. We have to entertain the fact there might be a black mask at all! That the Black Mask has been the one causing mental shutdowns!"

Ann shook her head, upset by the accusation, and argued, "He has a white mask, though! How could he be? Why would he work against what we've been doing?"

"He has multiple personas; why couldn't he have multiple masks?" Ryuji quietly suggested, looking toward the ground while he fidgeted with his fingers.

Yusuke doesn't have words because Ryuji wasn't wrong. What would stop Akira from having multiple masks? If he had multiple persona, then there was a definite possibility he had numerous masks as well.

"But, Morgana." Ann said slowly, her eyes narrowing and a heaviness in her voice she spoke, "If you are saying, the things we've been talking about. You suggesting the Black mask is using the metaverse to cause mental shutdowns. Morgana, if that is what you're saying. What are we supposed to do?"

Morgana flicked his tail wordlessly because he knows where the conversation is going next.

"Because, Morgana, you know we can't beat Akira." Ryuji voiced everyone else's thoughts. "Akira has Alice, but not only Alice. He has Victory Cry. He has Yosh*tsune, who has literally no weaknesses, except maybe gun, which by the metaverse rules is completely useless to us because Akira knows that it isn't a real gun. Meaning we can't touch Akira. We wouldn't be able to land a hit at all. Morgana, if what you are suggesting is true, we stand absolutely no chance against him. If it came down to it, we had to face him in battle. He would slaughter us before we knew it."

"I am well aware of that." Morgana quietly said in acknowledgment.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Yusuke wondered because there was no answer. He doesn't like the idea that they might have to battle Akira. He still isn't convinced they have to battle Akira at all. "We don't know for sure he is the black mask. We are making assumptions."

"I don't know." Morgana shook his head in dismay.

"Yusuke is right; we don't even know if Akira is the black mask! We are just assuming things!" Ann threw her hands up in the air, trying to clear the mood. "I think it would be a mistake to make an enemy out of Akira now. After all, we are running on speculations; we need more information. Morgana, you are around Akira literally all the time! Has he been going to the metaverse without you? Sneaking out?"

"N-No." Morgana stuttered at Ann's sudden energy, "I mean, I'm around him a lot but not when he hangs out with his confidants. Other than those times, I'm by his side 24/7."

"Well, then stick to him when he goes out with his confidants too! He can't do anything if you are around and if he tries to sneak off, follow him! You are a cat! You can be stealthy!" Ann directed her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

"Yeah," Ryuji nodded, shifting his shoulders as he hopped to his feet. "We just need to keep a better eye on him! If he steps out of line, then we have our answer; after all, we all want to believe he didn't commit those actions. He's been nice to us so far."

"I don't want to believe he is the black mask, but I believe we can find the truth." Yusuke nodded with a smile that graced his face, "I'll do my part and help too. Akira is my friend, and I would like to prove his innocence."

Morgana smiled; he really did pick the best of the bunch. "Right! We can do this!"

"All in!" Ann threw her hand out, "Mission Start! Let's prove he isn't the Black Mask or literally die trying!"

Chapter 4: The one where the Phantom Thieves believe Akira robbed a bank


'Did you know, when your story's told
They leave out what your future holds?'

The one where the Phantom Thieves believe Akira robbed a bank, and Kaneshiro blackmails them but Akira can literally throw his pocket change at him.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Akechi was surprised but in a pleasant way when he saw Akira sitting in the audience. Even though Akechi and Akira seemed to exchange texts every day, usually about trivial things such as the latest post on Akechi's food blog or Akira's experiences from his jobs. Akira hadn't mentioned coming to the station when Akechi had told him about his up-and-coming interview. It had only been mentioned briefly in passing. He's never had someone he knew come to one of his interviews before, least of all a friend.

It's a weird concept to Akechi. Actually, having someone he could text when he wanted, someone he could casually tell his day too. It wasn't something he had ever had before, and getting used to it was weird. Akechi had many acquaintances, and Akechi knew how to connect with people on a superficial level very well. Most of the adults he interacted with responded well to him and praised him for his matureness. Sae Nijima is one of these examples. Recently he had been put on a case with her. Akechi got along well with her, yet she isn't someone Akechi would consider texting on a whim. She is curt and too focused on her work to give him a second thought. Akira is different. Akira may just be more than an acquaintance. Akira genuinely seemed like he wants to be around Akechi.

He had been hoping when he saw the crowd of Shujin students that Akira would be among them. Hope. It was a new word for Akechi, and he wasn't even sure what that meant. There was something about his connection with Akira that just sent electricity through his veins. Akira was easy to hang out with; his humor and craftiness were easy to mold answers around. Akechi had to be careful because he felt his real personality seep into his interactions every so often, and Akechi never wanted Akira to see that side of him. Akechi would never admit it, but he didn't want Akira to hate him. He knew how nasty his real self was; Loki was an example of that. He was violent, he was ruthless, and he didn't care about who he had to cut down to get his way.

Akechi was a cold-blooded murderer.

Akechi knew, if Akira knew the real him, then this whole thing they had going on would stop abruptly. Akechi doesn't know if that is optimal or not.

Akechi forced himself to tune back into the interview. Thinking about Akira too much would just ruin his carefully crafted focus; he could already feel himself getting worked up. Of course, that could only be the topic of the interview itself. The discussion is about, of course, the Phantom Thieves. It's been a hot topic for the week. The pretentious group who changed hearts instead of killing off the weak. First, it had been Suguru Kamoshida, then recently it was Ichiryusai Madarame. It made Akechi want to vomit. They had the same power as he yet decided to take this route. His skin crawled; they had to be idiots, only led by blind altruism and recklessness.

Nevertheless, a part of him was jealous. How can they act on their convictions so easily? How can they follow their justice so soundly? How was he supposed to know he could change hearts with this power? No one ever taught him how the metaverse worked. He was just thrown in mercilessly and had to figure it out on his own.

"I'd like to get other people's opinions on the Phantom Thieves," Akechi suggested in a polite tone, and he fought hard not to spit the sentence out. It would be a good hook for the interview; bringing in audience participation always gave Akechi empathetic points and helped with the ratings. The interviewer nodded and stood up to pick a student from the audience. Akechi was secretly delighted when Akira was chosen. A complete chance left to the whims of fate, but surely Akira would understand. Akira had to understand the phantom thieves' threat to society. Akira was smart, and Akira always delivered stimulating dialogue and opinions.

"I think they are necessary," Akira said coolly, little emotion in his voice. Yet the next moment, he threw Akechi a signature smirk. Akechi wondered, were they about to play another chess game? Is Akira giving him a challenge for its fun, or is this something Akira actually believed in? Akira knew Akechi liked to debate things. It was just something in his blood; he enjoyed getting into the nitty-gritty of different opinions. Akechi hoped Akira didn't honestly believe that it was just an act to spice up this interview dragging on too long, "I think we need the Phantom Thieves to unveil the injustices in our society."

But, Akechi felt his skin crawl, anger and hurt running through his voice because how can Akira think that? Did Akira not see the problem with the Phantom Thieves? Akira was intelligent; he had to have seen the issue there.

"I see, you say that with such confidence. It is intriguing to hear such strong acknowledgment." Akechi forced himself to smile rather than scream right there on the spot. That wouldn't be polite or appropriate, "Let me ask one more question then if your friend next to you were to have a change of heart, wouldn't you think it was the work of the phantom thieves?"

Akira chuckled and tugged on his bangs, "Of course not; they only target criminals. Then again, maybe there is something I don't know about this guy."

Sakamoto, one of Akira's friends Akechi, knew through research and past texts gave out a yelp of disbelief as he shoved Akira roughly in the shoulder.

"I see, but how would you know?" Akechi pushed a bit because he needs to know. He wanted to know precisely what Akira thought. For some reason, it mattered to him. He doesn't care if this is a debate or not. He needs to know.

"Because it's not their M.O.," Akira grinned, a devilish one that made Akechi's heart ache, "I know what you are thinking. You think the Phantom Thieves are connected to the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns. You haven't outright said it, but that's your insinuation, correct?"

The audience gasped at the reveal; Akira's friends looked at him aghast, mouths wide open. Sakamoto looked scandalized, and Takamaki was just horrified. Everyone was entirely flabbergasted, whispers running through the audience. Yet, Akechi and Akira kept ignoring them all. Akechi is==was thrown into a loop. He knew Akira was intelligent, yet he did not realize Akira was that gutsy to suggest that. That wasn't a common theory among the public, and Akira was rather bold to throw it out there on a live T.V. interview of all places.

"I think you should ask yourself, though, why would they reveal themselves now if they were responsible? Why would they not continue the same method in the shadows? You think the mental shutdowns were caused by someone, and you are thinking of blaming the Phantom Thieves, But why would they risk their entire operation to reveal themselves like this? I think there are two completely different groups behind each. And I wouldn't be surprised if one group blamed the other later down the line." Akira surmised, his words pounding nails into Akechi's conviction because Akira had just guessed precisely what was going to happen. Akira had nailed Shido's plan on the proverbial head.

"That is…quite the theory. A bit out there, though." Akechi laughed, trying to play this off, trying to rationalize it; Akira was spouting nonsense and just managed to wander into the area of the true plan. That was all. After all, it's not an unapproachable theory, "Perhaps you should become a detective too. I'd be willing to take you under my wing."

"It would be quite the honor, Akechi-san." Akira smiled slyly. "I'd do my best."

It seemed Akechi would need to keep a closer eye on him because there was no way someone could stumble this close without being involved somehow. He wanted to be wrong that Akira might have connections to the metaverse after all.

Akechi sincerely hopes this is the first time he is wrong.

Makoto did not understand Akira in the slightest. She knew all about his criminal record, and how he was sent to Shibuya on probation for a violent assault, but she also knew he was the top student in his class. Makoto knew how everyone gossiped about him when he studied in the library, yet he continued to come regardless and excelled in all his classes. Makoto knew he was a hard worker and diligent. She knew how everyone thought he was standoffish and quiet with a storm brewing underneath, and yet he approached her with ease as she was following him indiscreetly. Akira Kurusu was a mystery.

"Hey, Senpai." Akira smiled at her teasingly, a glint in his eye. It caught Makoto off guard. It was so casual it almost made her head spin. Like a friend addressing another friend when in actuality, they had never exchanged words. It's a weird feeling she cannot seem to place. She didn't have many peers her age that she would consider friends. She supposed that the other student council members might be regarded as friends, but she assumed they don't like her much in reality. Why Akira Kurusu was talking to her so casually eluded her.

"Kurusu-san. Hello, I was actually about to find you." Makoto nodded, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear and hoped that she hadn't been found out. She kept her voice even and steady in hopes of covering up her surprise. Even if she had been caught, Makoto had just found what she was looking for regardless. The opportunity she's been waiting for, and Akira had served it to her on a platter.

"Oh? Is that so?" Akira chuckled with a confident smile as he tugged at his own bangs. "I was hoping to talk to you as well, Senpai. Shall we find a private place to converse?"

"Of course. I hope the student council room will suffice. It should be empty around this time."

"Naturally." Akira nodded easily, and Makoto was envious of how unbothered he looked. As if he didn't have a care in the world. She hoped she can shake him in the next bit just to see the satisfaction of rattling him. Then she would get to the nitty-gritty. After all, once he learned, she knew he was a phantom thief, things would go her way. She could use him and then turn him over.

The student council room was empty as usual; the rest had gone home for the day. She entered after Akira and immediately locked the door so no one would bother them. The lock clicked with an audible sound.

"Oh, Senpai, I'm flattered, but I can say I'm interested in someone else. And it would be unbefitting of a senpai to go through with this." Akira teased his chin in his hands from where he sat at the desk, and Makoto feels her face flush at how she realized this must look.

"No! That isn't it—" Makoto shook her head, her face heating up, "It's not like that!"

"I mean, I have been told how attractive I come off as, and I have noticed you following me for some time now." Akira shrugged, a smug little grin on his face.

"THAT'S-" Makoto gasped, utterly embarrassed that she hadn't been as indiscreet as she thought.

Akira let out a low laugh, and Makoto realized she was being played, and frowned, "It isn't appropriate to play around with your senior like this. Please keep some decorum, Kurusu-san."

"I'm sorry, but you must have known how that looked." Akira shook his head with an eye roll but then smirked at her, "I think you know more than you look."

"That's—" Makoto caught her breath because she isn't sure where he was going with this. She was supposed to be the one in charge here, calling all the shots. She was supposed to be interrogating him, not the other way around. Yet, Akira seemed to be playing her like a fiddle. Makoto can admit she was getting a bit lost.

"I mean, you know we are the Phantom Thieves." Akira threw a casual chuckle while he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. As if he had just told her that he was a florist or something. As if it meant nothing. There is a muffled sound coming from the student's bag, but Makoto simply played it off as his phone ringing. She doesn't care because Akira had beaten her to the punchline.

Makoto frowned hard, and she took her seat in front of the teen, "So you knew that I knew."

"I'm a Phantom Thief, Senpai." Akira shrugged, folding his hands on the table and looking her directly in the eye with a co*cky grin, "It wasn't difficult to pick you out of the crowd recording us. And, with someone with Ryuji around, I was sure you heard what you wanted. He means well, but he certainly does not have an indoor voice. We've tried to work on it."

"You don't deny it," Makoto said, trying to wrap her head around this because everything she had been led to be taught made her expect Akira to deny the fact. She had all the evidence ready; she has the recording of the Phantom Thieves talking. Yet, here he was freely admitting it without Makoto needing to force his hand.

"Should I?" Akira laughed and swoons dramatically, "Oh! Senpai, how could I, a lowly student, be an on the rise phantom thief and still be the top student in the class? What an accusation! What proof do you have?"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (6)

Makoto frowned harder, and tapped her fingers on the table with force as she waited for Akira to be done with his bit when his laughter faded down, she pounced, "So what is your goal here?"

"I think it would be more energy efficient to work together." Akira shrugged, "I know that even if you turn us into Principal Kobayakawa, nothing will happen. He won't believe a bunch of high schoolers could moonlight as phantom thieves. It's not conceivable for adults. And I think it would hurt you even more than now. God, what a piece of work, Asking the third year in high school to find out a 'criminal' organization's identities? What a tool!"

Makoto was stunned because she was miffed about the entire situation as well. But there was no one to turn to. No one to bounce the idea off of. She thought she was in the wrong for thinking such things. But here Akira was, validating her point of view. Akira saw what no one else did. She doesn't know how Akira knows this, but she's grateful for his opinion. She hasn't quite formed her own opinion on what she thinks of the Phantom Thieves yet, but this might just curve her decision.

"Regardless. That's your decision to make." Akira sighed with a disappointed frown; he allowed a crafty smile to grace his lips, "We need a new target, and I think you have someone's heart you want us to steal."

"Oh?" Makoto is still stunned because Akira seemed to know everything; she wanted to discuss it with him without saying anything. Any doubts about him being a Phantom Thief have gone out the door. He must be the real deal. "It is true; I do have a request."

"Well then," Akira offered his hand to her, "Let's go see the team."

"I don't think they took that well," Makoto said glumly, pushing her hair further behind her ear as Akira escorted her towards her train. The meeting was a mess, and no one but Akira trusted her. Ann seemed the most reluctant, even going as far as accusing her of being uncaring and pretentious. Well, indeed, Ann wasn't wholly wrong. But, what was Makoto supposed to do? Makoto wasn't expecting them to regardless; after all, she can see they saw her as a threat. But, she has to wonder if they would actually take this deal. "Will they actually do it? Your team seemed reluctant…"

Akira patted her shoulder, "If you feel glum, just think about the earful I'm going to get later from them. Ryuji may have tipped you off, but I literally confirmed it. I'm sure they won't be happy with me either."

"I cannot believe you would betray the trust of your team so fast." Makoto frowned, her face becoming a little angry, as she glared at him. While she was happy that Akira did trust her, she didn't like how fast he sold out his team. "It's a little weak of you, Kurusu-kun."

"Hey, you are the one who recorded us. One of us had to make a move." Akira shrugged, then smiled, "My team might not be happy with me, but I'm acting out of their best interest. A choice had to be made, a move in a chess game. I believe you won't do us harm because I think you want the same thing we do."

"And what is that?" Makoto asked, curiously.

"Justice." Akira grinned, and Makoto realized something about herself.

"I don't understand you, Kurusu-kun." Makoto shook her head. None of this had gone the way she wanted it to. And yet, this seemed like the better path to take at this point. She wanted to help the students of Shujin; that was her role as the student council president. But she couldn't do it by herself.

Akira laughed, the sort of deep hollow laugh that on the outside feels like it's related to actual mirth but on the inside is far from it. Makoto had heard this laugh before, and she does not like it. He tugged his bangs and smiled again at her, "Trust me, neither do I. But I feel safe with you knowing our secret. You take care of your part of this deal, and I'll take care of our team."

"Our team?" Makoto echoed as she watched him walk back to their hideout. Makoto didn't think she'd count as a part of their team, yet the idea sends a frisson of excitement through her skin.

"Ryuji! You were so careless! You didn't think about how high the stakes were. Do you have anything to say?" Yusuke growled, leaning over the cafe table at the blond. His eyes were frustrated, and his teeth gnashed together. Yusuke rarely gets outright angry outside of the metaverse, yet he glared hard at Ryuji.

"Why are you singling me out?!" Ryuji sputtered incredulously, throwing his hands in the air and gesturing them at Akira. "He confirmed it! He didn't even try to deny the fact! Just up and confirmed it with her; I'm not the one you should be mad at here!"

Yusuke sighed in frustration because he knows Ryuji was right. Ryuji might have been careless, but Akira had been reckless. It dawned on him, Akira had a rather annoying reckless streak that Yusuke hadn't figured out till right about now.

"Yeah! What did you do that for Akira? Why didn't you deny anything?!" Ann slammed her hands on the table as she chided him in the loudest voice she could without drawing attention in this diner. "You had to tell Miss President?! You knew she was investigating us!"

Akira laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. Something he did when he felt nervous or bashful. "Guys, I know you are worried, but this was the best move to make. Trust me on this. Besides, she knew regardless, she had the recording."

"Akira, you are really asking us to trust you on basically little information," Morgana argued from his bag, poking his head out slightly to glare at their leader. Ann had noted how quiet the cat has been since the time they entered the diner.

Akira's carefree mood dissipated his eyes falling down to the table. He was tugging at his bangs furiously, and there was a conflicted tug on the corner of his lips. Ann had seen that look before but not on Akira; it was a look of being caught.

"I think Makoto is a good person. I think she is being swayed by forces that are more powerful than her, Principal Kobayakawa, and her sister. But I believe Makoto won't screw us over. And you can take that at face value if you want. If you don't want to believe me, then fine. That's your problem. I think just she is just like us, and we should give her a chance." Akira explained, in a sort of voice he would use to talk to toddlers. Ann felt a bit offended by this. Makoto stood by and did nothing while Kamoshida abused Shiho. Makoto was a sh*tty person, and Ann cannot understand why Akira seemed to think she was a saint.

"Look," Akira stared straight into Ann's eyes, taking her attention off her inner monologue. "I know what you are thinking, Ann. But at the end of the day, what could she have done? The school was covering up everything; there was no route for her to take. Ann, I'm not saying this to be mean, but you did the same exact thing. You had suspicions, and you didn't act on them either. So, you can't blame Makoto for what you feel are your shortcomings. It's neither of your faults. It was just bad circ*mstances."

Ann's heart fell because, as usual, Akira was right and hit the head on the nail. But it still wasn't fair. Ann wanted to be mad. She wanted to believe there had to be a chance that Shiho hadn't had to end up like this. It was wrong to blame Makoto, though; Makoto had only been a pawn.

"Dude…" Ryuji breathed beside her; his face stunned. "You can't just say things like that."

Akira nodded and wrung his bangs in tangles as he sighed with frustration, "I'm sorry. But you guys aren't giving Makoto a chance. Trust me on this one. We need a target, and Makoto is going to give us one. Is this not the best turn of events? We were looking for a target, anyway."

"We need to go bigger though," Yusuke argued, "What target could Makoto possibly give us that was bigger than Madarame?"

Akira smiled, a sort of knowing smile, "I think you are underestimating her. If this is going where I think this is going, then we'll be in the right place."

"Akira…" Ann said in a slow voice, and Morgana is afraid she might ask him the questions they don't want to ask him. If he was the black mask, if he was controlling them. It would alert him they suspected him. But to Morgana's relief, she asked, "Why are you so into this? Why do you trust her?"

Akira sighed and tapped his fingers on the table while spinning his phone in the other hand. "Makoto's sister is the head of the investigation on us; I researched it. Sae Nijima is. I think helping Makoto and leading her to believe in our cause is going to help us later down the line."

"Why didn't you start off with that!?" Ryuji sputtered, nearly spitting his drink out. His eyes widen because it made sense now why Akira was acting like he is. Having someone in the loop with the potential investigation on them could prove to be very useful.

"Because I'm not using Makoto! We are not using Makoto!" Akira scoffed and crossed his arms. "Guys, Makoto is a person just like us, she has her own struggles, and I can just see her struggles aligning with ours! We are not using Makoto here; that's a sh*tty way to think. We are helping Makoto because she needs help! We don't use people; we help them!"

Yusuke sighed; secretly, he was relieved. It made sense why Akira hadn't told them that point first. Akira helped people; that was his thing. Akira helped him, he helped Ryuji, and he helped Ann. Akira might be their mastermind, Akira might even be the black mask, but Yusuke wanted to believe that Akira was innocent. Someone just looking to help others, he asked since Ann and Ryuji were looking too guilty to say anything. "You think Makoto could have a persona?"

Akira smiled wistfully, "I think anyone can unlock a Persona under the right circ*mstances, Yusuke."

Yusuke couldn't deny that, seeing how he had unlocked his own.

"She wants us to find a Mafia boss?" Morgana nearly screamed once Makoto was long gone, back down the stairs to go back to the student council room, leaving them on the roof with an impossible problem on their shoulders, "A mafia boss?!"

"I mean, what's bigger than an Olympic teacher and a famous artist?" Akira laughed, and Morgana doesn't think he was nearly as worried at the turn of events as he should be. But that was Akira; he took everything in f*cking stride as if it were day-to-day life. "What better target for up-and-coming Phantom thieves?"

"Akira! Can you please be remotely serious about this?" Ryuji groaned as he wrung his hands in anxiousness. "A mafia boss. Who no one knows the name of? Dude, how are we gonna do this?! We are high schoolers. How are we supposed to dig up information on a Mafia boss who probably runs Shibuya! Oh, man. We are screwed. We are in way over our heads here."

"I know you like Makoto or something, Akira." Ann said, but shook her head, "But she has given us a nearly impossible task. She doesn't want us to succeed! This is a setup!"

"Well, it's a good thing we can pull off the impossible." Akira laughed, patting them both on the shoulders in some sort of comfort method, yet it doesn't do much as a cloud of anxiety rolled over the group beside Akira.

"Akira…do you know this boss's name?" Morgana asked, a gentle nudge because Akira doesn't seem worried at all. Morgana has to wonder.

Akira's face freezes for a second, a moment of 'oh sh*t,' they think, but it's Akira, and Akira quickly recovers his composure, "Not for sure. I know people, I've heard a lot of names, but it may just be beneficial for us to do some digging around Shibuya ourselves. They are targeting high schoolers, so all we need to do is capitalize on that without becoming victims ourselves."

"Yeah, OK, and how do we do that?" Ann asked incredulously because the way Akira said it made it seem like a f*cking walk in the park.

"Why don't we ask around?" Akira smiled, and it made Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana's skin crawl because that smile meant Akira knew something they didn't. And they couldn't help but feel like they were being strung along. It only fed their suspicions.

"And if nothing comes up, I know just the person," Akira reassured them.

It isn't reassuring that Akira knew someone who could dig up the name of a Mafia Boss.

Akechi liked Kichijoji, the atmosphere was different from Shibuya, and it was much more his taste. Mostly the cafes, there was just something about how artistic and refined they came off as. Akechi enjoyed it thoroughly. It's where he spent most of his nights. Sitting alone in his Shibuya apartment was boring; at least there were things to do in Kichijoji. Relatively. And if there wasn't anything he could think of, there was always the Jazz Club. Many nights he had spent sitting at the booth in the Jazz Club.

"Akechi, fancy meeting you here." Akira's smooth voice broke Akechi out of his reverie. Akechi had been hanging around, figuring out what to do next with his evening. He had no jobs at the moment, and he was caught up at school and work. It was a rare moment of free time that he hasn't quite figured out what to fill with yet. He wasn't expecting to run into the other teen, though. A pleasant surprise, he decides.

"Kurusu-kun, good evening." Akechi easily greeted with a nod. He had only been texting Akira an hour ago when the other said he had something else to attend to. Akechi didn't pry, but it was surprising to find him out here, "What you bring you out here? Finished your errand?"

"Yup. You know you can call me Akira, Right?" Akira chuckled and then proceeded to pull out some stationery, including a fountain pen and some postcards, "I saw these the other day, and I thought my friend would like them. I didn't have a chance to pick it up till tonight, though."

"Those are lovely." Akechi nodded, looking curiously. That fountain pen was one of the more expensive ones; Akechi can't help but be a bit jealous of this. What was his relationship with this friend? "For Takamaki?"

Akira laughed and shook his head, "Nah, Ann isn't into calligraphy or whatnot. It's for Hifumi, Togo Hifumi."

"The Shogi Player?" Akechi clarified with surprise. Akechi knew her from interviews and in passing. They hadn't talked much, only exchanged pleasantries here and there. She was nice enough, albeit a bit quiet and reserved. Though, He hadn't expected Akira to be on personal terms with her. Akechi was learning that Akira had some genuinely bizarre connections with people.

"Yeah, She's teaching me how to play. So, I thought I'd pay her back." Akira smiled cheekily as he put the items back in his bag with care. "It's been interesting, to say the least. I've certainly learned a lot; she's very…spirited."

"You have some interesting connections," Akechi commented, jealousy racing through his veins, but his face remains calm. He doesn't know what he's envious of. Akira has other friends besides Akechi, which the detective knows is entirely irrational because, of course, Akira has other friends. Or he is jealous of the fact Akira has friends, and connections and was living his best life as a student.

"I suppose." Akira chuckled, tugging at his bangs. Something Akechi had noticed Akira did a lot. He wondered if it was some nervous tick. Akechi sort of wants to slap the teen's hands away, so he doesn't accidentally pull his hair out. Before Akechi can decide, though, Akira spoke again and motioned to the building behind him, "You play Billards?"

"Every once in a while, when I'm not too busy, although it's less fun playing by yourself," Akechi answered, assuming Akira was talking about the Darts and Billard's place behind him. The detective had been debating going inside for the last few minutes; technically, he could play either alone. It just wasn't a challenge playing against himself.

"You up for a game?" Akira smiled devilishly, and Akechi would be damned if he didn't challenge that. While he considered Akira, his friend, he regarded him as his rival as well. An equal of some sort. And definitely a challenge. He has never met someone who challenged as much as Akira Kurusu did. Akira Kurusu pissed him off to a point.

The pool game, while in its essence, was fun, was a complete bust. Akechi was becoming more and more infuriated with Akira's skills. The teen could beat him at chess and at pool now? Akechi knew he wasn't a bad player either; in fact, he would be considered advanced, yet Akira had bested him again. Though, to be fair, he hadn't given his all in the pool game. He was hoping to best Akira without that.

"Maybe if you used your dominant hand, Akechi, you would have beat me." Akira laughed cheekily, leaning on the pool table confidentially. "What do you say? Want to give it another go?"

"Oh." Akechi lets out a surprised gasp, mostly for appearances, yet he is still shocked Akira had noticed. "So, you noticed that I'm lefthanded. I suppose I shouldn't have underestimated you. Still, I'm rather surprised you noticed that."

"What can I say? I see things." Akira nodded, tapping his forehead with a sly grin. "Some might say I'm psychic."

"Well, some might say that." Akechi shook his head with a sigh while bringing all the balls back onto the pool table for round two, "Though, I think I'd rather believe you have a keen eye."

"Suit yourself." Akira shrugged, preparing his cue stick while Akechi arranged the pool balls with the white triangle. "You really don't believe in psychics, huh?"

"As a detective, I believe everything can be rationalized." Akechi explained, "There is a reason for everything, and everything can be explained. Like my dominant hand, for example, it is plausible that I used my left hand in front of you while I was distracted. Or perhaps, you saw me giving a handshake on T.V. with that hand. It can be deduced if you look hard enough. I am very dexterous with my right hand, but my left-hand will always be my dominant. I believe 'psychics' are very good at deducing facts about something by the evidence they unknowingly provide. It's a scam, really."

"Oh man, I really need to introduce you to Chihaya then." Akira snigg*red; a knowing grin spread across his face that Akechi was not a fan of because it felt like Akira knew something he didn't. Before Akechi can ask, Akira beats him with another question, "So how would you explain the Phantom Thieves then?"

"That's—" Akechi frowned because that is a sore spot. Something he knew he and Akira differed on. It has not been brought up since the interview, mostly because Akechi didn't want to factor it into his research.

"Or the Mental Shutdowns?" Akira suggested light-heartedly as he took his turn in hitting the ball with his cue, "I'm curious from a detectives point of view. How does one explain that?"

"Well, I can only imagine it's a method of manipulating the victim into getting what they want. If you know the victim well enough, they are easy enough to get what you want through torture and clever manipulation tactics." Akechi slowly explained because his heart is racing. Akira is starting to prove a theory that he has really hoped he was wrong about. An idea he has been ignoring because he desperately doesn't want it to be true. There isn't a lot of proof, so he's been pushing it aside. "I believe you could be right in the fact the Phantom Thieves and The Mental Shutdowns are caused by separate parties."

"Interesting." Akira smiled but doesn't indicate if he sways a certain way. He's less forward than he was in the interview.

"What is your take on it, Kurusu-kun? I know I asked at the interview, yet I feel like I'd get more of an honest answer with no audience." Akechi asked offhandedly because Akira is quiet, merely accepting Akechi's answer when Akechi knows for a fact that Akira has his own opinion. Akira always had his own opinion.

"An honest answer?" Akira laughed, getting ready to take his turn by carefully angling his cue stick at the balls. He takes a few careful jabs before answering, "I think both parties are being manipulated by a person in a higher power. Someone is pulling strings. Somebody is using them. And they don't know it. They are pitting both parties against each other, yet, couldn't both work together?"

Akira hit the ball, the balls go flying, and a few land in the pockets; Akechi isn't paying attention. The detective is frozen, this time outright because maybe Akira is psychic, or perhaps this teen knows a lot more than Akechi initially assumed. And Akechi, for the first time, has no idea how to take this.

Akechi desperately didn't want Akira to be tangled up with Shido's plan.

Akechi didn't want Akira to be a part of the Phantom Thieves. But the evidence is stacking up against Akira in Akechi's mind.

There was one corner of Shibuya Crossing that Akira would absolutely not set foot in. He won't go near it; he would avoid it at any cost. He would make excuses as to why he needed to go in a different direction. Ryuji even thought Akira would purposely not look at it. Akira would take the long ass route around this one particular corner just to avoid it. It was weird, but in the same sort of vein Akira's weirdness runs. Ryuji wondered if it was really some sort of superstition, like walking under a ladder or not crossing a black cat. But, Ryuji had saw Akira step into Morgana's path multiple times, so he scratched that theory.

"Dude, come on." Ryuji urged, sauntering towards the corner and hoping Akira followed him because that corner just happened to be the crosswalk's beginning to central street. It was a very inconvenient place to avoid.

"I think we should split up." Akira casually said, conveniently looking down at his phone and away from the said corner where the light had turned while people aimlessly made their way through the crosswalk.

"I mean-" Ann winced; Ryuji got it; they were trying not to split up because of the whole suspicion of Akira potentially being the black mask. They weren't sure how long this day of investigation could last.

"No, that's a good idea. We'll cover more ground." Morgana agreed, his head popping out of the bag, and he climbed onto Akira's shoulder to continue, "Akira and I can take the station; you guys investigate Central Street since it's more area."

Ryuji, not missing Morgana's pointed look conveying that he would look after Akira, nodded, "Yeah, that sounds good."

"Anything we find, we can text the group chat." Yusuke agreed.

"Cool, Cool." Akira nodded as well, looking everywhere but the corner behind the rest of the Phantom Thieves, "Meet you back here in a bit."

Before anyone can say anything back, Akira quickly turned on his heel and fast-walked back towards the station's innards.

"How can someone hate a street?" Ryuji wondered, confused by the whole thing.

"Maybe he's superstitious." Yusuke offered, and Ryuji sighed because that meant he'd have to explain the whole thing to Yusuke why that wasn't true.

"Hey, Senpai. Whatcha' reading?" Akira cheekily greeted the student council president, who had tried being conspicuous to follow the phantom thieves on their investigation down Shibuya street. She was so curious, she wanted to know their methods. She wanted to know their plan. Yet, Akira lived up to his name as a Phantom Thief for sure; he spotted her out of the crowd in an instant and walked over to her hiding spot behind a stand and a magazine.

"K-Kurusu-kun!" Makoto stuttered as she tried to remain composed and not act like she was caught in the act. "I-it's lovely weather we are having. How goes your investigation? I was just going on a walk around Shibuya today."

"You can call me Akira." Akira chuckled and tugged on his bangs. Makoto noticed it seemed to be a tick of his as he does that a lot, but she can't imagine if it means anything. Akira was a mystery.

"Akira…Is it not too informal?" Makoto wondered; they didn't know each other well. Yet, Akira seemed to be very in tune with her every step. Akira seemed to know things about her that she hadn't. It's uncanny, and it unnerved Makoto.

"Do you want to help me?" Akira smiled in a sort of way that made her all gooey inside. "I think your skillset would be stronger than mine in this area."

A yowl from his bag surprised Makoto as she was about to answer, a cat popped out of his bag and yowled in annoyance. Had that cat always been in his bag? "A cat?"

"Oh, this is my cat. Morgana." Akira coolly said, patting Morgana's head in a sort of placating manner; the cat did not seem pleased by this in the slightest as he swatted at Akira's cheek and let out another yowl. "Now, Morgana, be nice."

"Maybe he doesn't like being kept in your bag?" Makoto suggested, pushing her bangs behind her ear as she watched on in fascination at the interaction, "Cats naturally don't like to be confined to small spaces where they can't get out."

Akira laughed at this, and the cat did something very human and sighed. The cat sighed and retreated back into the bag with little opposition. "You're not wrong; Morgana is a bit special, however. He's just annoyed I'm not giving him enough attention."

"I see." Makoto smiled because that made sense. Akira was a weird sort of type. She would have never imagined he'd have a cat that followed him around in his bag. But it seemed very fitting. Then she realized that lately, she had heard a cat around the school, "Wait. Do you bring him to school?"

"What do you say, Senpai?" Akira chuckled, evading the question as he held out his hand. "Partners in crime?"

Makoto smiled brightly and took his hand. It felt like this was the first time in a while that someone had actually needed her; someone saw value in her. She was needed. She wouldn't be useless.

"Partners in Crime." Makoto nodded, and she felt like a kid again playing cops and robbers with her sister. Only this time, she would be on the robber's side. And she would be useful.

"I'm so sorry. I ruined everything. I just wanted to be useful." Makoto bit her lip as she tried to hold back tears. In her quest to be useful to Akira and to the students of Shujin, she ended up messing up everything. She got too careless, and now they owed the mafia boss way more than a high school could even possibly scrounge up in two weeks. She didn't know what she had been thinking. She just didn't want to let Akira down. She wanted to do this for the students at their school. She had turned a blind eye to Kamoshida, but she couldn't ignore this. She needed to redeem herself. She needed to prove to her sister that she was not a burden. She had to do something.

"I must agree; you could have easily imagined how that would go." Yusuke scoffed at her with harsh words. But she knows he wasn't wrong. She was reckless, and she didn't think her plan through.

"Jeez, Yusuke." Ann sighed, ruffling her own hair in frustration. "He isn't wrong, though. I mean, what are we supposed to do? Three-Million-Yen? I think I might have a few hundred on me but…"

Makoto looked down to the ground with shame, now they were entangled with a mafia boss. Being blackmailed by a mafia boss. And it was all her fault. A hand on her shoulder jolted her attention up. It was Akira. Looking a lot less concerned than he probably should be with the current situation. Makoto would even say he looked pleased.

"Trust me, Senpai. You are far more useful than you think of yourself. I'm sorry, but my plan went exactly as planned, and you had a huge part to play in that." Akira smiled gently at her, and it almost made Makoto feel better.

"Plan?" Makoto echoed because she was beyond confused. How could any plan entail being in three-million-yen debt to the f*cking mafia? She knew Akira was intelligent. That much was given with his test scores. But Makoto would like to think she's just as brilliant. Yet, she can't even begin to predict what Akira's plan might be.

"Look, guys," Akira addressed the nervous and anxiety-ridden group while taking out his wallet. "Don't worry about the debt; if it comes to it, I can pay it. We just need to focus on the Palace for now. Get through it and send the calling card. We are totally coasting. Nothing to worry about."

"Dude?! What the f*ck?" Ryuji cursed at him, his face aghast. Makoto was in agreement. How could Akira pay a three-million-yen debt? Akira was a high schooler. Akira was a high schooler who lived in an attic. And, what did he mean by Palace?

Akira began to pull out bills from his wallet and doesn't stop until three million worth of paper bills are in his hand. Makoto gasped, but the thing is Akira doesn't stop pulling out bills; they just keep coming and coming and coming.

"DUDE, WHAT THE f*ck?" Ryuji exclaimed, incomplete bafflement even more aghast than he had been a few moments ago. He grabbed the bills out of Akira's hand and starts counting them.

"Akira." Ann stated, her voice quiet and her eyes wide, "Where did you get all that money?"

Makoto surmised that his friends were not aware of this either by their reactions. Even Akira's cat seemed to be completely confused, and Makoto isn't sure how to take that information.

"DUDE, THERE IS LIKE TEN MILLION YEN HERE," Ryuji screamed as he flipped through the bills, again and again, to only make sure.

"Surely, you jest!" Yusuke wheezed, teetering over Ryuji's shoulder to get a better look.

"Akira…did you rob a bank? Akira, please tell me you didn't rob a bank. For the love of God." Ann whispered incredulously. And Makoto was forced to seriously consider that possibility; Akira was a phantom thief after all. It wasn't an inconceivable idea. However, if that were the case, she assumed it would be announced on the news as a robbery of that caliber would be hard to fly under the radar.

Akira burst out laughing, entirely entertained by not only Ann's question but everyone else's bafflement at his newly discovered wealth. Makoto was thoroughly shocked and has no idea where any of this is going. She wonders if Ann had been correct, and Akira did rob a bank or something. The thought was actually a bit terrifying. What high schooler can rob a bank and get away with that much money? That, and be able to make sure the news didn't cover it?

"Akira! For real?! You robbed a bank?!" Ryuji exclaimed in horror, his face draining of color. "Dude! You can't just do that! You can't just rob a bank!"

"Relax! I didn't rob a bank." Akira's laugh settle down into a devilish smile, "You guys know I work three jobs, and besides, you know we get money from shadows. I've just been collecting it all. After all, I have to buy all the gear! And the Compendium isn't cheap at all, even with the twin's discount."

"Compendium? Twins?" Yusuke echoed with confusion. But Makoto found something even more baffling.


"Akira! You need to be more careful with what you say!" Ann chastised the teen, whacking him on the shoulder with her hand. Makoto surmised he said something about their methods that he shouldn't have. Yet, he didn't seem remorseful. Of course, Makoto couldn't make heads or tails of the statement anyway.

"It's fine." Akira laughed, ducking away from Ann and hiding behind Yusuke, who only sighs at the other's childish antics and allowed him; Akira peeped out from behind his shoulder and smirked, "Now, It's time to actually go rob a bank."

Makoto shivered because she doesn't know if Akira was joking or not.

It seemed Akira had not been joking about robbing a bank. It just wasn't what Makoto had expected. It wasn't a real bank. But it was? The fact it was floating above Shibuya was baffling. And the fact the humans in this world were ATM machines was even more puzzling.

Makoto had assumed the phantom thieves' methods were less than savory. She thought it would be a sort of mix of espionage, torture, and bribery. She didn't know what to assume; after all, after Madarame, that's all she could imagine. It was realistic. Not believable as the perpetrators were high schoolers. But realistic.

But, A world within someone's heart? The cognition world? Where phantom thieves actually embodied their thievery roles with over-the-top costumes and where Akira's cat was actually a sentient being that had understood all their conversations? This was less realistic. This seemed implausible.

This was impossible is all Makoto could think as they ascended the steps to the bank where Kaneshiro had seen all of Shibuya as where she was the prized customer to Kaneshiro because she owed him three million yen. The whole sentence was a headache.

Yet, Makoto could not deny what she was experiencing firsthand. She couldn't deny this tangible world in front of her. In theory, it made sense; she could understand why. She just didn't know how they were there.

"So, you needed someone to be a customer of the bank, of Kaneshiro, so you could access it." Makoto nodded, more to herself than Akira whom she was addressing. She pieced together Akira's plan once the floating bank extended an escalator to them because that's what she does when she was nervous; she put things together and makes plans.

"Yup." Akira smiled easily, his face obscured by the mask. But Makoto could see the easy expression through his eyes. It's comforting that Akira didn't seem to be worried by any of this.

"Dude, you could have said something." Ryuji groaned as they reached the final step of the stairs to the bank. It was massive, and for some odd reason, it had a theme of a piggy bank going on. "Let us in on the plan or something."

"Sorry, it was a last-minute decision." Akira laughed, stretching out from the walk-up. "Threw it together on the spot."

"What about her, though?" Morgana asked as he motioned at Makoto. Makoto still can't wrap her mind around the cat that could actually talk. Was the cat talking to Akira this entire time? She wondered what he said when they met at the station the other day. "She doesn't have a persona. We can't take her in!"

"What about her?" Akira asked with a shrug, "Obviously, we are taking her with us."

"She can't defend herself!" Ann argued, with an exasperated motion. As if trying to get the point across to a toddler. "Joker! Surely you can see how dangerous this is!"

"Actually, You don't need to worry about me; I am well versed in Aikido; I can defend myself." Makoto piped up because that was an understandable concern. It seemed everyone in the Phantom Thieves carried a melee weapon and a gun. Makoto was sure persona is only a code word, but it makes sense whatever they do requires them to fight at some capacity. After all, they used code names, so it made sense Persona was a codename for something else.

"See? She knows Aikido." Akira chuckled sarcastically, and Makoto felt a little offended because it felt the thief isn't taking her seriously.

"Dude…Aikido ain't going to do sh*t with them…" Ryuji shook his head in disbelief. Makoto feels even more offended by this. She was irritated with everyone dismissing her skills. "She's doomed. You've doomed her. You've doomed our student council president."

"Guys, seriously, do you really think I am incapable of covering her?" Akira chuckled incredulously, his eyes narrowing.

This statement seemed to shut everyone up which took Makoto by surprise. The dynamics were interesting in the group. Everyone followed what Akira had to say, but Makoto couldn't say there wasn't tension there. Makoto wondered why.

Makoto realized persona was not a codeword, thought she was still uncertain what it truly was. She doesn't know what to focus on at the moment. The fact that Kaneshiro is this weird banker that seemed a lot more eloquent and business-based than actual Kaneshiro was. Or the fact that all the bizarre security officers that had escorted them into the room had burst into menacing ogre looking, creatures. Though, Makoto understands why Ryuji thought Aikido wouldn't do sh*t. She definitely can't take down these things, so she strategically puts herself behind Akira and the creatures. Monsters or whatever. They must know how to handle them. Makoto definitely wouldn't be useful here.

After all, none of them looked remotely worried. Akira especially. Akira seemed unbothered by the progression of events. He even looked a little bored. Makoto doesn't understand how they all so calm. There was a f*cking ogre standing, not a few feet away!

These ogres looked strong, and they were twice Akira's size, so Makoto hoped Akira had enough sense to be careful.

"Alice!" Akira shouts, his red gloved hand falling over his mask as a whirl of chains and blue flames swirl around him. The little girl forms from the fire in a tiny pirouette, her blue dress ruffling in an unseen wind.

Makoto has no idea what to make of this. She can only assume this had something to do with the persona that they had mentioned before. It must be some sort of otherworldly power they all have access to. Yet, a little girl? What was a little girl going to do?

"Please Die for me!"

The little girl pointed, and a squad of teddy bear suicide bombers appears from every angle of them, running at the ogres and exploding upon contact. The ogres dissipate into black smoke, gone so fast Makoto barely had time to figure out what happened.

"What the?!"

Before she can get anything remote to an answer, Kaneshiro sends in the backup. Two more ogres appear, and Makoto thought there is no way Akira can do that again. It must be a special one-shot kill thing. It had to be.

"Please Die for me!" Akira shouts once more, and the same exact thing happened. Suicide teddy bear bombers and the ogre go up in smoke.

"This is!" Makoto cannot believe what she is seeing.

The problem is that it's happening. More ogres show up, Akira decimates them with the little girl. Then more show up, and it happens all over again. The other phantom thieves are watching on in irritation as they stand there and watch it happen over and over at least four times counting.

"Joker! I'm bored, can we like…leave?" Ann sighed, rolling her eyes and tapping the tip of her heels on the ground.

"Yeah, I mean, I think this might go on forever. I know you can take em' but, like, we have better things to do." Ryuji groaned, crossing his arms as he bounced from foot to foot with pent up energy.

"Yeah, OK, that's fair." Akira nodded in agreement before turning to the group. "Let's blow this joint."

The thing was, Makoto knew that Akira could take these security guards. Earlier, she saw how absolutely easy it was for him to take down those ogres, so she assumes these guards would be an absolute cinch. They would dissolve like smoke as if they had never been there. It was a literal child's play to him. Yet, why wasn't he?

She and the Phantom Thieves were surrounded. The door was right there behind them, and Akira was the key to their escape. But he has just sort of paused, waiting for something. His hands in his pockets and his face neutral. Unbothered. Waiting. But for what?

"Dude? Come on?? Let's go?" Ryuji nudged their leader, hoping that it would make a difference, but it doesn't. The shadows weren't attacking yet, but Makoto knows it's only a matter of time.

Kaneshiro just kept talking and talking, each sentence worse than the one before. Then, he started to bring Makoto's sister into this. Speaking as if he was going to take her as a sex slave and Makoto lost it. Makoto lost it because she is so sick of this behavior from sh*tty adults. She is so sick of everyone one of them using her. Manipulating her.

How dare he?

How dare he bring Sae into this?

"Shut your damn mouth, you money-grubbing asshole!" Makoto growled, slamming her foot into the pavement. She is sick of everyone taking advantage of her, treating her like she is useless, or just putting everything on her. She wants to build her own path! She is entitled to her own future and how she wants to make it.

Have you decided to tread the path of strife?

"I am…Come to me! Johanna!"

Makoto realized at that moment. Akira was waiting for her. And something about that felt emancipating and gratifying.

"Welcome to the team, Makoto." Akira smiled widely, giving her a reassuring look. She is exhausted beyond belief. Every fiber of her is quivering in fatigue, yet, this is the best she's ever felt. She knew she couldn't be like her sis, and this was her path. She would be herself and the advisor to the Phantom Thieves.

"I would be honored if I could help out." Makoto smiled sincerely, almost bowing. It's the first time she felt she truly belonged somewhere. This is where she needed to be, and she could feel it with all her heart.

"We had way too much testosterone anyways, so I feel much better having you here." Ann cheered, her head bobbing up and down in excitement. Makoto is happy too. She doesn't usually hang out with people her age as she is always so busy with student council and preparing for college. She's excited that she has people her age to hang out with now.

Makoto's buzzing of her phone cuts her off from answering; however, her mood sours as she opens the texts; she sighed with disgust as she showed them the text, "It's Kaneshiro reminding us of our debt."

"No need to worry about that." Akira patted her shoulder, an easy grin on his face, "If we can't change his heart by then, we'll pay him off; it's no biggie."

"For real? I can't believe you are rolling in the dough, man," Ryuji sighed, throwing his arm over Akira's shoulder. "Why are you still living in an attic, dude? You could afford a f*cking penthouse. You could like, buy a nice car or like I don't know, do anything but this."

"I like this, Ryuji." Akira laughed, leaning more into Ryuji's somewhat embrace, which makes Ryuji's face heat up. Akira continues, however, with that mischievous grin of his. "I really do like living in the attic, I know it might seem to suck, but honestly, It's totally my jam. I mean, come on; I get so much free coffee? I can basically go wherever I want, whenever I want. Except when Morgana complains."

"Hey!" Morgana yelped indignantly from his place in the bed. "You want to go out to like the red night district at the worst time to go to the red-light district!"

"That's the only time to meet Ohya!" Akira waved off Morgana's accusation by pushing the cat's head back down into the bag with mirth. "Besides, Chihaya is there too. Two birds, one stone!"

"Yeah, but…" Ryuji frowned; his face hardened.

"Couldn't you absolve your criminal record?" Yusuke quietly asked because, with that much money, it was definitely plausible. As sh*tty as the idea was, the police and government could be persuaded to drop it.

Makoto frowned because Yusuke was not wrong.

Akira's face continued to hold the smile, but it turned bitter, "Trust me, I couldn't. Besides, it wouldn't be the right way to absolve me."

"Akira…" Ann breathed.

Makoto is secretly pleased with this answer. She knew of Akira's record, yet she does not know the details. Akira didn't seem like the type to assault people. Even though the terrifying apparition of Alice had taken out all those shadows with little remorse, Akira didn't seem like the type to attack without a good reason.

"But, like, dude…" Ryuji whined again and pulled away, much to Akira's dismay. "I mean like, your situation is so sh*tty…everyone thinks you're a criminal and you are on probation. You are basically an outcast. But you could literally be living a lavish lifestyle right now instead of that."

"Ryuji." Ann hissed, almost stomping on his foot. They know Ryuji is right. But it's something that doesn't need to be said.

Akira's smile falls slightly, and Makoto wants to slap Ryuji herself. Just because Akira had a carefree attitude, that didn't mean he doesn't have feelings about his situation.

"Listen," Akira said with the same small smile, but his voice is serious. "If I never defended that woman. If I didn't get an assault record, I would have never moved to Shibuya, and I wouldn't have met you guys. We wouldn't have formed the Phantom Thieves, and those sh*tty adults would still be abusing you guys. Nothing would have changed. If I absolve my criminal record, which, trust me, wouldn't be possible, I would have to go back to my hometown, and this is over. And we all know this isn't over yet."

"You've thought about this," Makoto stated because he seemed so sure of himself. She's honestly impressed. Many people in his spot would have taken the easy way out, but Akira is roughing it out. He is doing what he feels is right, and Makoto is so grateful. Without Akira, She could have never opened up to her true self or reached some sense of actualization.

"Of course." Akira smiled easily, before less than gently taking Morgana out of his bag and handing the cat to Ann, who wasn't expecting an armful of a cat, "Now, I have a shift at work; I figured Morgana might prefer hanging out with you guys while I work it."

"Why do you even need to work?" Ann asked, balancing the cat who was now purring insistently and nuzzling against her chin happily.

"For my resume. Gotta beef it up a bit." Akira nonchalantly said, then headed off with a wave down the alleyway to the underground mall.

"If I had ten million yen, I sure as hell wouldn't lift a finger." Ryuji shook his head in disbelief. "I wouldn't need a resume."

"The number of art supplies I could have. Imagine the works I could create." Yusuke wondered out loud, his face becoming excited at just the excitement of it.

"I would totally buy the most expensive shoes I could find, and then some." Ann chirped in with a smile, swinging back and forth in delight.

"I'm curious about something." Makoto piped up because she's been wondering this the past day. There wasn't ever a good time to bring it up in Kaneshiro's Palace, and Akira had left before she could ask.

"Shoot." Ryuji acknowledged with a nod.

"Alice, that's Akira's Persona?" Makoto asked to clarify. The thieves look between themselves before nodding, so Makoto continues, "Why is Akira's persona, Alice, from Alice in Wonderland? "

"Uhhh…" Ann's mouth is open, but she doesn't have an answer.

"Wait, for real? Isn't that like a Disney movie? I've never seen it, to be honest." Ryuji shrugged, but his face curled up in trepidation, "But like I can't imagine Disney making something that creepy…Alice definitely doesn't look or act like a Disney princess."

"Why do you ask?" Yusuke asked, tilting his head.

"You all haven't noticed it?" Makoto blinked before she explains, "All of our Personas are related to famous thieves, or famous people who have rebelled against a power of some sort. I'm not sure the semantics of it but, Morgana has Zorro, who must be based on Zorro, the masked outlaw who defended commoners and the indigenous people of California from the Spanish rule. I mean, yes, he was a fictional character, but he's a famous one. And mine? Johanna? I know she is based on Pope Joan, who went against the tradition of male popes. She hasn't been proven to be real, so she is essentially fictional, but her myth has persisted through the church's all these years. If you look into the origin of your persona's names, you'll understand where I'm going with this."

"Captain Kidd?" Ryuji pointed to himself.

"Based on William Kidd, a pirate who ransacked and attacked French colonies. He was branded an outlaw when he attacked a neutral ship and was executed. But, stories of his career in piracy grew and lasted through time."

"Dude…That's so badass." Ryuji grinned madly.

"OK, but what does this have to do with Alice?" Ann questioned a finger on her chin in hopes of understanding the answer.

"Exactly. Alice in Wonderland was an English novel written in 1865 by Lewis Carroll; the premise is Alice falls into Wonderland and her adventures there—"

"But she is a fictional character, right?" Yusuke interrupted. "You are saying our persona are based on fictional characters, correct? Then Alice makes sense."

"Yes, technically, she was fictional. She was based on Alice Liddel, a girl from a family Lewis was friends with. But, the Alice in the book is fictional," Makoto nodded, but she frowned, "But what I'm saying is our persona are based on rebellious figures who may or may not be fictional. It's not a requirement to be fictional. The theme is outlaws or Thieves; people who stood against societal norms in some way. Defied the powers at be. Which makes absolute sense because we are awakening our rebellious spirit."

"Where are you going with this?" Morgana wondered, snapping out of his admiration for Ann once Makoto started getting serious with her explanation.

"I'm saying that if any of you have read Alice in Wonderland or seen the movie. Alice isn't normally considered a 'thief' or a 'rebellious figure.' She's not standing up to anyone or anything in the sense of carrying out justice. I mean, she did things that could be considered rebellious, but she only did those things because she did not understand the rules of Wonderland rather than having actual intent behind them. Alice is just a little girl; she is a child. And Alice in Wonderland is just a children's book. Why is Akira's persona represented as Alice?" Makoto got to the crux of her question because it's been bugging her this entire time. Makoto puts pieces together, but this is a puzzle she is having trouble solving. "Why is Akira different from the norm?"

"Oh, that," Ryuji nodded, and Makoto thinks he understands her question, but then he says with a sheepish smile, "Alice isn't Akira's original persona."

"Excuse me?" Makoto asked because she has to assume she heard him wrong.

"Alice. She isn't Akira's original persona. Sorry, we didn't get your question, I guess." Ann confirmed what Ryuji had said, but then a thoughtful look came across her face, "Uhh, It was Arsene? Right, Morgana? Arsene was Akira's first persona?"

"Yeah, Arsene was Akira's first." Morgana nodded, but his little cat face conveyed concern very well for a cat. "But…"

"I've never seen Arsene," Yusuke mentioned, the corners of his lips pulling into a frown. The apprehension was taught in his form.

"Me either… I've heard Ryuji and Morgana talk about him, but…" Ann added slowly and cursed, "sh*t, what happens to the persona that Akira doesn't use? I mean…does he still have them or…because I only really see Alice. And occasionally Yosh*tsune if Alice's Insta-kill doesn't work."

"He has Kaguya to." Ryuji piped up, "She's Akira's healer. And damn, she's a fine good one at that. She has this great healing spell…uh…"

"It's Mediarahan." Morgana filled in for him.


"It's more effective than Dia. It can heal a whole team to full H.P.; it's a way advanced healing spell. But, I hardly ever see her."

"Does Akira still have Arsene, Morgana?" Ann asked, interrupting to bring back her question, "You can like read our Persona, right?"

"I can read the Persona that you have, yes, but with Akira's case, I can only read what he has equipped." Morgana shook his head with a frown, "I don't even know if that's possible for me to read his others. So, no, I don't know if he still has Arsene or not. I don't even know how many persona he has."

"What happens to the Persona Akira doesn't use?" Makoto restates Ann's question because that is a really valid question. What does happen to them? Do they disappear, or does Akira hold onto them? She can't imagine he would get rid of his original persona if that represents Akira's true self and rebellion.

The group falls silent, a pensive air around them. Ryuji looked baffled, Yusuke was thoughtful, Ann was stumped, and Morgana was downright concerned.

"Have you never asked him?" Makoto asked quietly that she knows they aren't stupid, yet this wasn't something she thought they could ignore.

"It's not that we never asked him…" Ryuji shrugged, his sentence trailing off only to be finished by Morgana.

"He's evasive…" Morgana finished, "When he got his new persona, the ones we hadn't seen him get, all he said was that he 'picked them up' somewhere."

"He didn't really tell us where he got all that money either." Yusuke frowned, crossing his arms.

"Yeah…" Ann lowered her head, "Truth be told, we don't know a lot about Akira's abilities."

"Have you asked him outright?" Makoto suggested, "Like, cornered him and then asked him?"

"Well, no, but." Ryuji shook his head.

"Let's start by giving that a shot, huh?" Makoto decided. She was genuinely grateful to Akira and what he did for her. That much was true. But she was an investigator at heart, and she had to know what made Akira special. She had to know what Akira wasn't telling them. It was in her blood to investigate.


For reference, 10 million yen is around 95K in USD. For a highschool student with Akira's history that is quite a lot of buck 😂😂

I just find the fact that in NG+, Kaneshiro bribes you for 3 million yen, You literally have that and more, Akira could have for sure just been like, "Oh three million yen? Yeah sure, lemme get my wallet out" LMAO Well if you max out your wallet in the playthrough before XD I mean, those Compendium prices add up LMAO

Chapter 5: The one where Akira talks to his 'imaginary friends' and the Phantom Thieves call another Emergency Meeting


'Don't you feel trapped underground?'

The one where Akira talks to his 'imaginary friends' and the Phantom Thieves call another Emergency Meeting.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

No matter how many times Makoto saw her. She cannot get over how eerie Alice is. She had read Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland before, so she's no stranger to the story. However, Alice was never this violent in the book. She was curious, she was lost, and she was confused as she was stuck in a nonsensical world, but Alice was not supposed to be this fierce. Alice was a child for god's sake.

Akira's Alice was deadly. She bore the same resemblance to Alice from the book. The form of a small little girl with blond hair adorned with a ribbon. A blue English-styled dress and tiny black loafers. Her movements were petite and graceful. She teetered behind Akira like a child hiding behind an adult's legs in bashfulness often before an attack. There was always a pleasant smile on her face until the kill.

"Please Die for me!"

Yet, when she pointed, Alice's laugh never came off as the giggle of an innocent little girl; it was always wrong and distorted. High pitched and Sinister. Her smile distorted into an ominous grin.

The enemy exploded in a flurry of bears and black smoke.

Makoto doesn't understand Akira, nor can she begin to comprehend his ability.

Nor can she understand the entity of Alice. Because there is a lot to be dissected about the beloved fictional character being turned killer.

"That was a little too easy." Ann laughed with an air of sarcasm as she stretched out her form. Makoto understood why. They haven't done much at all. Akira was the true tank of the team. Makoto almost had to wonder why she was even there, or why any of them were even there. Akira didn't necessarily need them. If anything, they were just following him around like groupies at this point. They were utterly useless.

"Oof Panther, step like two steps to the right." Akira wheezed slightly as he quickly tugged Ann to the side. Makoto didn't understand till she looked up. There was a security camera sitting up there; Ann must have gotten too close to the radius. Though, how did Akira sense that?

"How did you know?" Makoto asked, curiously. It was something else she noticed. Akira seemed to know exactly where the security camera's scope was. Not only that, Akira seemed to know exactly which way to go through the Palace, what piggy banks and briefcases held a treasure, and exactly where the grappling hook would hook onto. It was all too convenient.

"I'm psychic, of course!" Akira laughed it off as if it were a joke. He began leading them through the hallway of the bank to the next area while he skillfully dodged the cameras' scope.

Makoto wanted to argue, but before she can get a word in, Akira jumped another shadow and ripped it's mask off with a spray of black debris.

"Show me your true form!" Akira laughed ecstatically as the shadow contorted into a group of weird shadows they haven't encountered before. An ogre-looking creature with no arms and a few demon-looking swordsmen.

Makoto got ready even though she knows she won't get to touch the enemy. Her stance fell into offensive, prepared for any command Akira would give her. Ann and Ryuji do the same next to her; Akira's hand was placed over his mask to prepare for what was to come next. Yusuke and Morgana fall back into their places on the backline in case any of them were to fall.


As usual, Alice burst into existence, surrounded by blue flames and an eerie smile adorning her lips.

Akira's widened with his own sinister grin before he commands, "Please Die for me!"

Alice pointed, and the group of teddy bear suicide bombers run at the group of shadows and explode in a dramatic show. Makoto thinks it's over because, usually, it is; after the explosion, the shadows dissipate generally, but they are still standing there when the air cleared.

"It…missed." Morgana's voice carried over; the squeaky voice filled with astonishment. "Those shadows, they resist curse damage."

"Dude…You missed," Ryuji said quietly, his jaw dropped. Makoto shared the same disbelief; admittedly, she has not been with the Phantom Thieves long, yet Alice's Die for Me had not missed within that time frame. Makoto can only conclude this is the first time it had in the entirety of the Phantom Thieves' career based on the other's reactions.

Akira hissed quietly, his face the perfect display of displeasure. It wasn't that he was seething per se, Makoto noted, more like he looked like he was inconvenienced. It's not a familiar expression, especially on their fearless leader.

"Ok, The middle one's weakness is Psy, and the other one's weaknesses are Bless. Which none of you have currently." Morgana slowly pointed out from the sidelines because they were in a pickle. "Well, Joker, what's the plan?"

Makoto turned to their leader to receive their instructions; his face still set on infuriation at the situation, but he began to bark out orders regardless.

"Panther, remember that accessory I gave you? Use it on me. Queen use Mafrei on them all, Skull, don't use electric whatever you do because the middle one will reflect it, and don't use Physical on the other two because they will reflect that. I don't know, use like headbutt on the middle one." Akira ordered quickly with grace, already raising his hand to his mask in preparation, "They are going to hit us, but we'll be fine."

Makoto frowned but did what Akira said regardless. Her turn was next, so she summoned Johanna to blast them with Mafrei; not to her surprise, it did minimal damage. She knew she wasn't as strong as Akira. But she was curious about what Akira's plan was. Usually, he relied on Insta-kill spells as his sole strategy, but those won't work on these shadows. She wanted to know what he'll fall back on. Perhaps this mysterious Yosh*tsune she has heard about?

Ryuji went next, summoning Captain Kidd in a flurry of movement; the pirate Persona headbutted the middle shadow and does minimal damage to no one's surprise. Makoto can only assume, much to her dismay, She and Ryuji were not vital to the plan, but it would be a waste to let them simply guard.

Ann threw out her hand, allowing the ring she had been given to glow. Makoto doesn't quite understand what Akira's order was with Ann. She knew some accessories had different uses than others. This one she wasn't sure of it's affinity. The glow from the ring whirls around Akira, raising some stat she'd assume.

Of course, their luck would run dry before any of them could do anything about it. The middle shadow sends a jolt of lightning through them all. Makoto felt her limbs seize, while it wasn't the worst, and she could get through the pain, but it was a new feeling to her. Ryuji seemed fine because he used electricity mainly, and Akira looked unruffled as usual. Ann seemed the worse off, but not far off from how Makoto felt. Makoto felt like she couldn't move, and Ann seemed to be in the same spot.

"Queen and Panther have been electrified! They can't move!" Morgana cried from the sidelines. But before anyone could do anything, the next wave of attacks come. The swordsmen rush at the group, there were two, and they both lunged at Akira.

Makoto was afraid Akira was about to be impaled, and she wants to do something, anything but her limbs won't move, and she stared in horror as they nearly hit.

Akira sidestepped out of the way with absolute ease. And Makoto nearly sighed; of course, Akira was lithe enough to dodge that. Of course, Akira would be able to flawlessly avoid what came at him. Akira was a master at this.

"Nice dodge, Joker!" Morgana praised.

The swordsmen return to their place beside the armless ogre; before they can launch another attack, Akira's hand raises to his mask, and blue flames surround him.

Makoto watched closely. Alice's insta-kill wasn't going to work since they resisted curse, so what would Akira use? Would he switch Persona? Would he use his missing original Persona? What is his move? Makoto, albeit unable to move, is shaking with anticipation.

"Alice!" Akira called, and the little girl appears behind him.

"No!" Makoto stuttered to herself because Akira can't be stupid enough to try using the move again, was he? Akira was intelligent; he should know that it won't work. He's not dumb enough to use it again.

"Megidolan!" Akira yelled, his voice a lower tone than usual, and his eyes narrowed in a piercing red.

There was a bright flash of light, and Makoto could barely keep her eyes open. It's like Akira had just unleashed a nuclear bomb; the wave of energy almost took her off her feet before everything died down. In place of the explosion, the shadows were completely gone. Done. Disintegrated.

Like they had never been there in the first place. The hall was empty and quiet.

"Akira…" Morgana breathed, forgetting to use his codename; his voice was astonished as he approached their leader.

Akira doesn't pause to acknowledge the cat, however, and quickly raised his hand to his mask again and called another persona, "Kaguya Picaro!"

A beautiful female persona appears behind Akira in the same flurry of blue flames. She was far larger than Alice, with a multi-colored cape that Makoto thought sort of resembled a satellite dish. Her face was obscured with a mask, and she looked a bit like an android. Bunny ears protruded from the crown of her forehead, and her hair's locks fall down lusciously around her. It was strange; however, her outfit resembled the Shujin Uniform. Makoto wondered if that has anything to do with cognition.

"Salvation!" Akira commanded, once again holding his mask.

The Persona, Kaguya, twirled around, and healing energy settled over everyone. Makoto felt her limbs relax, allowing her to stretch out, and she can feel her energy returning to her in a rush. Ann did the same beside her; the teen let out a sigh of bliss. Ryuji, who did not get as banged up, also let out a breath of gratitude.

"Joker! That was an Almighty move!" Morgana accused with disbelief, his eyes comically wide as he approached the group once Kaguya disappeared in a burst of blue glitter.

"Yes, I am aware." Akira nodded, ignoring the disbelief in Morgana's form as the thief pulled a canteen of coffee out of their inventory and took s a long ass sip as everyone watched him expectantly. He continued to sip, clearly to avoid the question.

"Mona, What's an Almighty move?" Makoto asked, seeing as Akira wasn't going to answer anytime soon.

"It's a really advanced magic move, but it ignores weaknesses! It can't be repelled; it can't be blocked or drained!" Morgana exclaimed.

"Look, can we discuss this somewhere else? We can go back to the safe room." Akira suggested, looking around warily. The hallway was empty, all the shadows obliterated, yet the fact Akira couldn't insta-kill them must have shaken him to an extent, "I need to go to the entrance anyways."

"That's a good idea." Yusuke nodded, and the rest of the thieves had to agree. It was time for a break regardless; they had been at this all day.

From the safe room, it was easy to get back to the entrance of the bank. Ann didn't know why, but every so often, instead of taking their break in the safe room, they would go to the entrance to rest. Akira always stood to the side, allowing the thieves to mutter around themselves while he just stared into space. She had to assume it was his way of resting, another weird quirk of Akira, she didn't get it, but admittedly she doesn't understand a lot about Akira.

Akira was continually moving; he fidgeted with things, he played with his gloves, or he tugged on his bangs. He pulled on his bangs always actually, Ann always wanted to stop him when he did. Yet, in this instant, he was utterly still. Ann just thought, maybe he was tired? Sure, the Palaces didn't tire him out in the usual sense, but Ann had to assume Akira making every move and killing every shadow had some retaliation. Akira was only human.

So, Ann was going to let him do what it was he did at the entrance. She was sure the rest of the group didn't particularly care until Makoto decided to speak up.

"Joker, as the team advisor, I feel like it would be beneficial for you to explain why we go to the entrance sometimes if we are not leaving? I just want to understand the strategy behind it, so I can plan accordingly." Makoto said professionally, approaching Akira before the other has the time to slip into his usual daze.

"Oh, Um…" Akira seemed at a loss for words, which was weird for their leader. Akira could be quiet, but when approached, he always said something witty or something charming. His responses were always smooth. To see him baffled was a small delight for Ann as she was sure the other thieves thought so too.

"And also, I wanted to know where you got your other personas. I feel like it would be helpful for the rest of the team and me to back you up in that sort of situation from earlier if we have a better understanding of your abilities." Makoto added, her face calm and inquisitive. Ann had to give her props; it was the question that all of them had been trying to ask, and Makoto had basically professionally cornered Akira yet still being absolutely direct. Ann was never good at the flow of conversations, and she could hardly make other people tell her what she wanted to hear. Maybe she could get Makoto to teach her a few tricks.

"That's—" Akira sighed, shaking his head. Ann had to assume he knew this was coming this entire time. How long did he think they'd ignore the fact he was wholly overpowered?

"Like for real, Dude? You got to give us something." Ryuji interrupted, his arms crossed. "I mean a magic spell that ignores weaknesses. How did you learn THAT?"

"And that healing spell was quite powerful as well." Yusuke nodded in agreement, his hand on his chin in contemplation.

Akira's face fell into irritation, and he scratched his chin with careful contemplation. His face screwed up in conflict. Ann saw the hesitation in his form like he really didn't want to tell them.

"Joker?" Morgana prompted because Akira stayed like this for a few seconds longer than he should have.

Akira shook his head and opened his mouth like he was about to explain it all. The thieves lean in, curious because hopefully, this was the answer they are waiting for. This was it. It had to be. But Akira groaned and closed his mouth again, then chose to turn his head in a different direction than the thieves stood.

"I can like…tell them, right? I mean, you guys never specifically said I couldn't tell them." Akira said, addressing thin air. Ann blinked and blinked twice because it was obvious Akira isn't addressing any of them. Akira was literally talking to thin air, and he continued, "Like, it's not in the rules, right? I mean, it's not like even gave me a set of rules."

"Dude, for real? What are you playing at?" Ryuji groaned because Ann got it. Akira had to be messing with them. Akira was a trickster at heart, a showman; this was just another act. This was another joke on them; another ploy to weasel his way out of an explanation. He was very good at that begrudgingly.

"Wow, Thanks Justine, You are so helpful." Akira huffed, glaring in the direction of the air he is talking to.

"Justine?" Yusuke echoed, confused by the name. None of them were named Justine. And a Justine has never been introduced. Where did he pull the name Justine from?

"Joker, this is—" Makoto sighed, but Akira interrupted her.

"Ok, this is going to sound completely impossible, but I'm asking you to keep an open mind because we can literally travel to a cognitive world and use monsters to fight shadows." Akira laughed awkwardly with a sheepish smile, "So, there is a door right there—"

Akira gestured to a space where he had been talking to seconds ago. A space across the courtyard. A very empty space devoid of any sort of door.

"—and it leads to a place called the Velvet Room where wildcards like me can summon and fuse Persona. Igor, who has an incredibly long nose, is the master of the room, and his twin assistants Justine and Caroline—uh, for lack of a better word, assist me. Shut up, Justine; your 'assistance' is debatable at best. But only wildcards can enter or see the entrance. And no one but the wild cards can see the residents of the velvet room residents either." Akira explained, tugging on his bangs insistently and shifting from foot to foot in a nervous fashion before turning back to the empty space with an angry scowl, "Unless they show themselves to you. Which, given Justine's piercing glare, isn't going to happen anytime soon. And I doubt Caroline would go along with that either."


They let the concept sink in.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (7)

"Bullsh*t, Dude. I mean, seriously? For real?" Ryuji wheezed in disbelief, crossing his arms harder than he had been. There was apparent irritation on his face. "A magical room where you fuse Persona? Are you serious?"

"I've lived in the metaverse for my entire life, and I've never heard of a room like that!" Morgana argued. "And a man with a long nose, seriously?"

"Well—" Akira's face paled, and Ann assumed it was because he is caught in a lie. She had to give him props for the acting though.

"And there is some sort of invisible girl standing there and an invisible door?" Ann piped up because she cannot believe it. The cognitive world was weird, that much was true, but Akira's story just didn't make sense in the slightest. It must be Akira teasing them; it seemed like something he would do. He didn't want to give them the truth, so he was making stuff up as he goes. "Come on, Joker quit messing with us and tell us the truth. Don't you trust us?"

"I was hoping you would be serious with me. I know I'm fairly new, but…" Makoto frowned, shifting her hair behind her ear with disappointment in her eyes.

"Though, Imagine if it did exist," Yusuke hummed, a pensive look across his face, "Why would you choose a man with a long nose? It doesn't seem very aesthetic. I feel like it would be more fitting to have a wise, beautiful woman be the master. Perhaps with ponytails."

"Dude, you are describing Ann." Ryuji sighed, shaking his head, "Except for the wise part."

"Hey! I can be wise!" Ann stomped her foot, her face heating up at this. Stupid Ryuji wasn't wise himself, so he couldn't tell Ann she couldn't be wise. "I'm a lot wiser than you!"

"Oh yeah? Prove it." Ryuji challenged back, inching closer to her. "Say something wise!"

"How does one measure wisdom?" Yusuke wondered out loud.


The thieves turned to see that their leader had walked away from the group while they bickered to his usual spot, where he had said his 'door' was. Akira stood there in his ordinary daze, his eyes blank and his hands in his pocket. His face was emotionless. Ann always thought it was sort of creepy. He just stared. Soullessly. Listlessly.

"He's ignoring us." Ryuji scoffed, walking over and nudging Akira a few times, but giving up when he didn't get a response. "Think we offended him?"

"Because we didn't go along with his joke?" Ann mused, "I suppose, but to be fair, we did ask him a serious question."

"Yes, one, I think we might not get an answer to." Makoto frowned a little harder, and Ann knows what she meant. Akira was keeping the secret, and he obviously didn't want them to find out. Yet, why is that?

"Why doesn't he trust us?" Yusuke sighed, shaking his head, "Have we given him a reason not to?"

What was Akira's plan?

Futaba did not understand Akira in the slightest. She thought she was weird, all the kids when she went to school had accused her of that, but Akira took this to another degree. The teen her father took in, who lived in Leblanc's attic, talked to his cat. And not in the sense of pet talk. No, he had actual full-on conversations with his cat, in a normal voice, in the middle of the store, as if the cat were talking back. The cat meows in response to Akira's questions or statements, and Futaba thought she might just have too much time on her hand to actually consider the fact that they are even talking. She actually researched him just to see if he had a history of schizophrenia or something. He didn't. But that still doesn't explain the cat.

But that's not the weirdest bit.

She was a hundred percent sure that Akira was one of the phantom thieves. And his friends were the rest. It's absurd, and there was no one to tell. But she couldn't deny the things she had heard through the bugs she hid in Leblanc. Akira was a phantom thief, a criminal, a thief in the night stealing significant figures' hearts in society. An Olympic teacher, A famous Painter, and now she was sure they were going after a mafia boss—a mafia boss for crying out loud. Futaba cannot believe it.

Futaba had played multiple video games. She had watched hours of anime and read millions of manga. There are a ton of stories and plots running through her head at any given time. Yet, this one was the strangest of all. Why was a phantom thief living with Sojiro? Why does a phantom thief exist in Shibuya in general?

And why did this Phantom Thief seem to know about her?

"Futaba, I went to Akihabara today, and I saw this; I thought you might like it." Akira's voice rang through the door. Futaba didn't answer though, she couldn't. She couldn't leave this room, and she couldn't talk to Akira yet; she was too afraid. But she did pull up her camera on her computer; the feed showed the outside of her room, so she knew who was outside at all times. And Akira had appeared more than often. It's been happening for a few weeks. He would come and just sort of talk by her door while Sojiro was away.

Akira never pushed her though, Futaba noticed. Akira obviously knew she was there, which Futaba couldn't fathom how he knew about her. Sojiro and Akira interact in the café, but Sojiro had never brought her up in front of Akira. Still, Akira never pressed her to talk. He teased, and he laughed, but he never forced Futaba to answer. Akira always provided the conversation. He always just told her random things, like how he had been building a computer from scratch from parts or how he hit a home run at the batting cages a few days ago. Mundane things. Day-to-day moments. She felt normal; it felt normal like she was interacting with a sibling even if she wasn't doing the interacting.

Her mouth watered as she pinpointed what Akira had set in front of her door. It was the newest Neo Featherman figurine, the limited edition one that just came out that was way, way out of her price range. So far out, she wouldn't even ask Sojiro to buy it for her. It was in the field of a million yen; how did Akira even get it?! As far as she knew, Akira only worked three-part jobs and was a full-time student, not to mention the Phantom Thieverying; there was no way he could get his hands on that kind of cash.

And how did Akira even know that Futaba loved Neo Featherman?

"I have a friend; he's into this stuff too." Akira laughed, lingering outside of the door, his posture so easy and lax that even Futaba felt relaxed. "He might get jealous I didn't buy this for him though, so don't tell anyone, ok?"

Futaba scoffed to herself because who was there to tell? All her friends she didn't have? Sojiro? Akira's Cat?

"My friend has made some mistakes," Akira's voice dropped a tone, not enough to ruin his carefree posture but enough for Futaba to really tune in because she sensed Akira was about to say something important. Usually, Akira was pretty chill, pretty easygoing in what he said. But, she could feel he was about to say something serious, "And I think sometimes Neo Featherman helps him cope with that to an extent. I hope one day, he sees that he is more than his mistakes, even his perceived ones. The world is often not black and white. Some of the things that happened to him were out of his control, and he internalized it. And it really hurts him. And it led him to make some bad decisions."

Futaba bit her lip; she didn't know who Akira was talking about, but the story was hitting close to home. Akira always said cryptic things that she could never decipher.

"His mom committed suicide when he was young, and he thought it was his fault, and I think that has been killing him inside." Akira's voice quieted into a whisper.

Futaba let out a small unexpected sob because there was no way Akira could know that. There was no way Akira was telling her this without knowing her own past; it could not be a coincidence. Why was Akira telling her this? How did Akira know that? She knew Akira was a Phantom Thief, but how did he acquire this information?

"It doesn't excuse his actions, but he's been hurting for so long, and he doesn't know how to cope." Akira sighed, his head hitting Futaba's door with an audible thump. His posture slumped, and he seemed conflicted.

Futaba's heart was racing, and her palms were starting to sweat like crazy.

"It wasn't his fault."

Futaba wanted to rip her hair out. She wanted to scream or shout or something.

"Anyways, I know it won't make a difference, but I know you are different than him. You have different coping mechanisms." Akira said, pulling away from the door. "People can change. I believe he can change, and I believe you can too."

Futaba's pulse was pounding, but unlike earlier, there was a flash of hope in her veins.

"Once we are done with Kaneshiro, I promise we'll help you out, Futaba." Akira smiled, his voice sure and steady. "We'll steal your heart. Just be prepared when we do."

Futaba didn't understand Akira, but that one sentence sent chills up her spine because the time of her absolution was on the horizon, and she could not wait to get out of this room she considered her tomb.

But, she had to wonder, how did Akira know she knew he is a Phantom Thief?

Kaneshiro was absolutely disgusting, Yusuke concluded, as Kaneshiro took the form of a human-fly hybrid. The thing, for lack of a better word, was downright sickening and vile. It was just like Makoto said; he was a fly on dirty money. A sh*tty money-grubbing filthy fly with too much dirty money on his hand. The form truly embodied him as a person. It was just as Madarame's shogun form suited his vile ways. While Madarame was vanity, Kaneshiro manifested greed.

"Being young is such a crime? They are naïve, they are idiots, and they don't even realize how stupid they are! I couldn't just sit back and cash in on that, could I?" Kaneshiro spat, wiping his hands together as a fly would. Yusuke wanted to vomit; he cannot wait to take this thing out. He wanted to freeze him and shatter him into a million pieces.

"Ryuji, Tarukaja on me. Morgana, Lucky Punch, and Yusuke use that cleaning spray on him." Akira commanded, his voice short and clipped as he raised his hand to his mask. It's a weird transition since Akira usually acted first and then directed. More or less because he didn't have to direct with Alice's abilities.

Yusuke wasn't a strategist. He doesn't think he's stupid, but his mind did not work in the same way Akira's or Makoto's did. So, he followed Akira's commands; it was a weird dynamic since usually in battle, Akira would have wiped out the enemy by now. Using Alice to insta-kill everything in his way. But he remembered from Madarame's fight, Palace Rulers were different. They were more powerful and weren't susceptible to insta-kill skills. Or perhaps they were and Akira just wanted to be careful not to accidentally kill them. Yusuke doesn't know exactly, but he shivered at the thought.

"Charge!" Akira used a passive skill, one that Yusuke wasn't unfamiliar with. However, he only ever saw this skill used in battles against palace rulers. Like a physical attack user, Yusuke was jealous of this one skill. It doubled the attack of the next physical skill. Yusuke felt that if he could learn it, he would be more useful to Akira. His physical attacks would be double fold.

"Tarukaja!" Ryuji yelled, holding his own mask as the skill raised Akira's attack.

Yusuke quickly took out the cleaning spray as commanded and sprayed it on the fly. It was a weird concept that everyday items took on far different abilities in the Metaverse and Yusuke had to give Akira credit for figuring that out. Yusuke wondered if he brought his paint into the metaverse, would it have another purpose? Would it transform into something else? He could copy skill cards, but they weren't helpful since Akira never needed them anyway.

"Lucky Punch!" Morgana summoned his own Persona, sending the punch directly to Kaneshiro's face. It must have been lucky since it caused a critical hit, giving them a chance to surround him. Yusuke wasn't a strategist, but he was beginning to put pieces together.

Yusuke was waiting for the all-out attack order that he was assuming is coming. He doesn't think it could take out Kaneshiro, but it would at least take a chunk of his health regardless. But the order never came; instead, Akira called for them to fall back.

The artist had faith in Akira's skills. Indeed, Akira was a formidable fighter, and Yusuke could acknowledge that. Yet, it's times like these that he got frustrated with their leader. Yusuke wasn't a strategist, and in turn, he can admit he does not see the whole picture when it comes to this type of thing. But sometimes it seemed like Akira took on everything by himself. Akira didn't let them attack usually unless they had to. And it bothered Yusuke because they are supposed to be a team. They are supposed to be working together.

"Hassou Tobi!" Akira bellowed, and Yosh*tsune comes out in a flurry of blue flames, bringing his sword down on Kaneshiro in a multitude of attacks that are so fast Yusuke can't keep up with them. It was enough to bring Kaneshiro to his knees, and Yusuke assumed the battle had to be over just as fast as it started. Another win for Akira.

"The hell? You punks are stronger than I give you look…" Kaneshiro panted, looking like he was being held together by a straw yet still had the guts to be co*cky. "Better pull out the big guns."

"You are all buzz, no bite!" Morgana hissed; his slingshot held up in a fury. Yusuke silently agreed because Kaneshiro had been taken down as easy as a fly, and he must be bluffing.

Apparently, Kaneshiro was not bluffing because before they knew it, the fly flew right into a safe behind him, which became a vast robotic piggy bank called Piggytron. Yusuke was astonished; this was honestly too surreal. It was the biggest piggy bank he's ever seen.

"This f*cking thing again…What a pain," Akira muttered under his breath, with an eye roll. Yusuke turned slightly; if he hadn't been standing right next to the leader, he would have never heard it. It's weird; the way Akira spoke made it seem like he'd seen this thing before. Before Yusuke could ask, Akira was giving them orders again. "Same thing as last time!"

Yusuke had to wonder if it would work a second time; after all, Piggytron was a heap of metal.

The members do what was asked, following the same moves as before. Morgana's lucky punch did little this time. Though to be fair, Piggytron's attack did little to them either.

"Hassou Tobi!" Akira called, Yosh*tsune coming forth to perform the same attack. And Yusuke thought he shouldn't be surprised by now when it did manage to take down the enormous automated piggy bank. It exploded into a billion pieces, launching Kaneshiro and all his money onto the ground in a satisfying display.

Kaneshiro was reluctant, to say the least, as held onto his money till the bitter end. He started spouting nonsense, but then something he said caught Yusuke's attention, and he was sure the other phantom thieves' attention as well.

"These Palaces could net you loads of cash! You could do whatever you wanted to other people's hearts!" Kaneshiro exclaimed, trying to persuade them. It's an offhanded comment. But Kaneshiro was right to some point.

Yusuke feels everyone freeze except Joker, and Yusuke knows why. Ann's face paled, Ryuji's eyes are wide with realization, Morgana looked dazed, and Makoto had a calculative look on her face after hearing that information.

"We're not like you!" Akira snarled, throwing his hand out in frustration.

Yusuke wanted to agree, but it makes Yusuke wonder, how did Akira become so rich in the first place? A student didn't just come across ten million yen.

"Where do you find meaning in that naïve sense of justice?" Kaneshiro scoffed, "You know, there's already someone out there taking full advantage of what Palaces have to offer…"

"What?" Makoto blinked, and Yusuke realized they haven't told her about the black mask yet. It simply hadn't come up with her, however. They wanted to see where she stood first.

"I'll let you in on a secret." Kaneshiro smiled disgustingly, "There's a criminal using people's Palaces to accomplish whatever they damn please; they don't care about consequences. Psychotic breakdowns, Mental shutdowns, anything goes. They don't give a sh*t. I bet they are rolling in the dough."

"Spit it out! Who are you talking about?!" Ryuji spat, his posture getting defensive. Yusuke thought it was a wasted effort; there is no reason Kaneshiro would tell them.

Kaneshiro snickered and rolled his eyes. And Yusuke swore they landed right on Akira, "Don't even bother, You are nothing compared to them. Better be careful… A chance encounter with them could prove fatal…"

And before Yusuke can even dissect those words, Kaneshiro's shadow disappeared in a flash, and the Palace started to rumble.

The Palace wasn't what Yusuke was afraid was going to come down after that revelation.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (8)

"You think Akira is this black mask? Causing mental shutdowns?" Makoto clarified, her fingers tapped on the wooden table in the middle of the park. Everyone gathered around closely, and Morgana finished explaining the black mask's problem to their newest member.

Morgana knew this was one of the only places Akira didn't usually hang out with his confidants. Occasionally he would take them here, but Tae had wanted him to do a clinical trial today. It was secluded enough as well that most wouldn't eavesdrop on their conversation. And, It was easy enough to get everyone to meet up, especially after what happened in Kaneshiro's Palace.

Ryuji looked around, a bit nervous, "He's not going to come out of the bushes, is he?"

"He was at Takemi's last I checked; he does clinical trials with her, and more than often, he stays with her the entire afternoon," Morgana assured; he wondered if he should tell them what he does with Tae. But it doesn't seem like it matters right now. Eventually, maybe.

"You guys think Akira is the black mask? The one causing mental shutdowns?" Makoto asked once more, and Morgana gets why. It's a grave accusation. It's not one to take lightly in the least. Makoto just joined their team too, so it's not unreasonable for her to be skeptical of their accusations. She was the best person to fill in, though, since Morgana knew she had an analytic mind.

"I mean. It makes sense, doesn't it?" Ann sighed, crossing her arms hard; Morgana can see she is taking this hard. They are all conflicted over the matter; they are all torn in two different directions. Akira was their friend and leader. But, it wasn't as easy to ignore all these red flags.

"Ok, but what is your basis? What is the evidence being provided here?" Makoto urged, pulling a small notebook out of her bag along with a pencil. "Tell me why you think that, and we'll work from there. It's a serious accusation, but if you guys are sure about this, then we need to formulate it."

"He has persona beyond his level, overpowered skills, and impossible for a person who just awakened their persona a month ago to have!" Morgana whispered because, in his mind, it was the most damning evidence. "And he won't tell us where he got them."

Makoto wrote it down, diligently, "Alright, what else? We have to take everything into account here."

"The dude is a f*cking millionaire." Ryuji shook his head in frustration, "He has all this money; where did a high schooler get that much cash?"

"He knows the Palaces. Like the codes in Kaneshiro's Palace, even though the code sheets were hidden in the Palace as hints, he didn't need them." Yusuke suggested. "He seems to know every secret passage and every treasure spot before we do."

"He was the first one with the app for the metaverse." Ann frowned, twirling her hair nervously, "And, he didn't even tell us where that came from! We don't know if he 'found' it or already had it!"

"It's like he knows things he shouldn't," Ryuji argued, making another point, "I mean, you get that, too, right? He like, almost knows you better than you know yourself."

Makoto wrote everything down patiently and diligently, a conflicted look on her face as she looked through all the reasoning before speaking, "This is all uncorroborated evidence, barely even circ*mstantial at best."

"What does that mean?"

"It's evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact. Though this barely reaches that," Makoto explained, pursing her lips and tapping her pencil aggressively, "For example, Akira is a millionaire and Kaneshiro said in the Palace that you could make a net load of cash off a palace. But, those two facts are not exclusively linked. Akira could have won the lottery. He could have inherited a family estate. Someone off the street could have handed him a check. Or Kaneshiro could be lying about the palaces being cash fountains. There is a multitude of ways Akira could have gotten that money without it being from a Palace. There is no solid evidence those two facts are linked."

"But, ain't that a huge coincidence?" Ryuji argued.

"Oh no, I agree with you; I think it's a huge coincidence if it is. I am saying you don't have direct evidence that Akira acquired all his wealth from exploiting palaces. We know he has acquired some from the money the shadows drop since we have witnessed that and the treasure we have collected. We know he works three paid part-time jobs; however, we don't know that is how he got its entirety. We don't know." Makoto shook her head. "As for the Persona, that isn't a direct piece of evidence either. He won't tell us where he got them, but that does not mean he is connected to the mental shutdowns or psychotic breakdowns. I mean, maybe his story could have been true."

"I mean, I doubt it. Sounds fake." Ryuji argued.

"How do you explain him knowing the Palaces like the back of his hand?" Yusuke questioned.

"Honestly, It's suspicious, but again, it's circ*mstantial. It is not a direct piece of evidence. It is not solid proof. He may just be very intuitive with directions." Makoto sighed and set her pencil down. "I will admit that Akira's abilities are suspicious, and the fact he is indeed so wealthy is alarming. Kaneshiro's words in the Palace are quite frightening as well. It feels like a puzzle coming together, but, guys, we don't have direct evidence. We don't know Akira committed these crimes for sure. We have to be sure of it before we can pass an accurate judgment."

"We don't know that he didn't, though." Morgana pointed out slowly, he didn't want to play devil's advocate, but as a phantom thief, they had to consider all options.

"You're right." Makoto frowned, "We can neither confirm nor deny that Akira has committed these crimes. The best thing we can do is simply observe and come up with contingency plans."


"Have you considered what his motive would be?" Makoto interrupted before Morgana had a chance to say anything. It was a question that shuts everyone up instantly.

Morgana frowned. A motive? It's true; why would Akira be abusing Palaces? Why would he be causing mental shutdowns or psychotic breakdowns in the first place? What was his goal?

And why would he start the Phantom Thieves then? He's essentially gathered them, but what is his motive?

"His motive?" Ryui frowned, having similar thoughts as Morgana.

"I do not deny the fact that Akira has some aspects of him that don't add up. But we have to ask why he would do that?" Makoto questioned, "So far, he's been really kind to me. You are right, Ryuji, when you said he knows things about us that we don't. But we also have to consider, he is very good at reading and connecting with people. He may pick up on things that we don't even know we are putting out. And we can't suspect him for that. It is a human ability. He hasn't given us a reason why he would do these acts."

"Akira is…really kind." Ann nodded, twiddling with her thumbs, "It hurts to think he might be the one behind everything when all he's done has been kind to me. He helped me take down Kamoshida, and he visits Shiho with me constantly. He's always there when I want to hang out, takes me out places, and talks me through my problems."

"Yeah…" Ryuji frowned, "He trains with me all the time when I'm feeling down or anxious. He helped me get right with the track team. I had been sulking about it for a while until Akira came and helped me deal with it."

"But what if he is manipulating us?" Yusuke grimaced, and Morgana can understand why. Yusuke's entire life has been dictated and manipulated by a man he thought was like a father figure where, in reality, Madarame was just using him. Naturally, he'd be wary.

"What if he is just being nice and accommodating for his master plan?" Anna wheezed, her arms holding her slightly shaking frame. "What if it's all a lie? What if he is just using us?"

"That could be a possibility." Makoto's frown hardened, but she sighed, "But it could be he is a genuinely nice person, and he is doing this for our benefit. We simply don't know that. You are jumping to assumptions here. I mean, if I were causing these mental shutdowns and psychotic break downs, I wouldn't gather a party that could potentially find out about these acts. We are assuming Akira is the culprit merely based on his abilities. There is no evidence."

"How do we know?" Morgana asked because he desperately wants Akira to be a genuinely nice person. Morgana has never had someone who has cared for him like Akira did.

"We watch, and we collect data. We have to be fair and give him a chance." Makoto said, closing her notebook with an air of finality. "Besides, we don't want him to be the black mask. We want to believe him; he is our friend, and he is our leader. We just need to be careful about picking out things in the future. Morgana is with him constantly, so he should be able to tell us if Akira is sneaking away or not. That should be the first tell-tale sign, after all. He would have to be in the Metaverse to cause these incidents."

"He hasn't been, and I'll do my best to continue to watch him." Morgana nodded with resolve. Morgana will prove that Akira is innocent. And if not, then the Phantom Thieves would have to deal with him.

"This actually makes me feel a bit better." Ann nodded, her mood lifted again, "I mean, yeah Akira is sus, but you are right, Makoto. He wouldn't have a motive."

"We still should be careful, though," Morgana shook his head. "If Akira isn't the culprit, then we have absolutely no idea who it could be."

"Here, let me help you with that, Senpai." Akira offered, taking the bags of soil from Haru's hands. Haru wasn't weak in the slightest; she had been doing this for a couple of years. No one would guess she had some muscle behind her dainty dresses. Yet, Akira's charming personality took her by surprise, and before she knew it, she let him take the bags.

"Kurusu-kun, thank you." Haru smiled, bowing slightly. "You really don't have to take them all though, I can carry a few too."

"Akira. You can call me Akira." Akira smiled cheekily as Haru led him to the roof. "And it's cool; I really wanted to test how many I could carry. In tandem, you inspired me."

"Ah, Thank you, Do try to be careful, though." Haru nodded, pushing the doors open so that Akira could get to the roof easily. "You can call me Haru, too; I don't care much about formalities."

"Haru then," Akira nodded as he heaved the bag of soil next to the planters. He sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off his brow. Haru can't help but watch.

Haru didn't understand Akira. She hadn't really known him long, and they have even interacted less. She knew of his criminal record, and she knew of all the insidious rumors the students at school spread about him. It was very hard to ignore, but she never really paid mind to them. She had other things she had to focus on. Such as her father's expectations of her and her engagement. Akira had never been huge on her radar. Until he offered to help her garden a week ago, Haru was surprised. He honestly didn't fit any of those horrid rumors that the school spread.

Yes, He was quiet, but he was also incredibly studious and smart. Haru has secretly checked the second year's test scores a few times out of curiosity, and Akira was always in the top ten in his class.

No, he was not rude or crass, or vulgar. Akira was mischievous and perhaps a bit too carefree, but he was never outright inappropriate or bad-mannered with Haru. Akira was always pleasant and helpful. Haru couldn't help but feel at ease around him. He was always polite and caring whenever they interacted.

No, he wasn't a loner. Haru knew he hung out with Takamaki and Sakamoto. She had even seen him with Nijima a few times as well. Akira had a social circle. Unlike Haru. Haru can admit she is a bit jealous; watching how his group interacts made her crave the same intimacy type. But she didn't know who to go to for that. In the past, everyone had only been friends with her for her family's status.

Akira didn't fit the mold everyone had set for him, and Haru appreciated that. Akira could ignore the rumors, be friends with who he wants, and excel. Haru wished she could be as brave as Akira seemed to be.

"Haru, Do you think we should bring these under the awning?" Akira asked her, curiously, breaking her out of her reverie. She looked to the sky where he was looking; it was cloudy and dreary for a summer day, "It looks like a summer shower; the plants might get overwatered."

"Yes, that would probably be wise. If it's clear tomorrow, we can bring them out again for some sun." Haru nodded, impressed with Akira's consideration. She wouldn't have pegged him for a gardener.

Haru was the only member of the gardening club; currently, the previous members had just graduated last year. Haru knows she should be actively looking for new members, yet, there was too much on her plate right now and not enough gardening work for her to justify actively seeking members. Yet, she may just have the perfect member right here.

"Akira-kun, would you like to be a part of the gardening club?" Haru asked once she and Akira drag all the plants under the awning. Just in the nick of time, too, because it just started to sprinkle.

"Am I not already?" Akira laughed sheepishly, tugging on his bangs.

Haru chuckled in return, "I did consider you a member as well; I just wanted to make it official. Though, there isn't any paperwork or anything you have to sign…really there are no conditions, I just thought I'd ask you officially."

"Of course, Haru, I would love to." Akira's head bobbed up and down. "Gardening is enjoyable, and it probably would look good on my transcript to have an extra-curricular."

"I think so, too, about the gardening part." Haru giggled, and she feels lighter than she has in months. She didn't know what Akira's intentions were, but, for once, she wanted to actually try and make a friend. If he turns out to be after her family status, then she'll just cut him off like everyone else. Haru wanted to try, though. Akira had proven himself different than expected in the past in the school, so she felt a sort of connection to him. "It's soothing; there is just something about working with your hands that is satisfying,"

"Yup." Akira nodded, "And besides, sometimes you get something delicious out of it."

"Yes, that is true as well!" Haru laughed because that was definitely another perk of it; she was so in the moment she let slip, "I want to do something with my vegetables eventually, I put so much work and effort into them, and I want to share it with others."

"I think that's admirable; you do work hard," Akira acknowledged with a sincere smile. "You should do what you want to do, Haru, and don't let others tell you what to do. You have really great ideas."

Haru was taken aback by this; it was not something she was told very often. She was so used to being told what to do or how to behave, she had learned to just listen to others rather than do what she wanted to. Society expected her to be reserved and kind. Her father expected her to be obedient and conforming. Her fiancée expected her to be loving and attentive, and the school expected her to be smart and diligent. But, right now, Akira wasn't expecting anything from her. She and Akira were just having a good time gardening, and Haru thought she might cry. She hadn't felt this normal in a long while.

"I work at a Café, so if you need any advice about that sort of stuff, I'm sure I can set up a meeting between you and boss." Akira offered, holding open the door to the inside once the rain became too much, and they were getting soaked from the stray drops.

"Akira-kun…Thank you." Haru smiled, her grin wide. She thought maybe she could actually be friends with Akira. And, maybe, just perhaps, he would understand her.


Technically there isn't a rule that Velvet Room Guests can't tell others, just others will never believe them I think LMAO Though, I'm not sure Akira believed Justine when she tells him that however. Akira, my man, ya dug yourself a hole. And trust me, you will lay in it later on LMAO

And Alice isn't just a one-trick pony! That's right not only does she have Die for Me, she has Almighty Attacks too because Akira isn't that stupid, he knows Almighty moves are way more reliable but ah, that's a plot point right there I won't get too much into

I just love Kaguya 🥺🤷♀️ And I lose it at Akira's "I sense Pathos line" whenever she levels up lmao

Chapter 6: The one where Akira tells Iwai he wants to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a lollipop


'Down the rabbit hole he left you alone
You call that love?'

The one where Akira tells Iwai he wants to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a lollipop and Akechi makes friends :O


all I have to say is MAX STAT AKIRA KEKEKKE Yet, even with Erudite knowledge he's still a dumb ass 🤷

Chapter Text

"Hey, I'm meeting a friend at a café; you like sweets. Wanna come?" Akira asked her after school. Ann quickly agreed because one, they were supposed to be keeping an eye on Akira closely for the time being. All of them still had their doubts. It was true that there were a lot of aspects about Akira that raised suspicions, but Makoto was right. They don't have evidence to link Akira to the Mental Shutdowns or infiltrations of the Palace. All they could do in the meantime was watch him. Which was a lot easier than she expected because Akira loved to hang out. Two, she for sure loved sweets, and if Akira was rolling in the dough, who was she to deny being bought out with sweets? She was killing two birds with one stone here. Of course, she would agree. She's not stupid.

The thing was, Ann knew Akira had a lot of connections. He always seemed to be doing something with someone at every time of the day. It's actually insane how widespread Akira's social circle was. Lately, he had been spending a lot of time at the church in Kanda with Togo Hifumi. Ann didn't know her personally; all she knew was what the articles and interviews on her say. That she was a shogi prodigy, quiet and reserved. Ann asked about her once, and Akira told her Hifumi was teaching him Shogi.

Ann felt like she could see a thing going on with Akira and Hifumi, at least from Akira's side. She hadn't actually met Hifumi, so she couldn't say for sure. But Akira was spending an awful lot of time with her. Hifumi was really pretty, so It made sense. She seemed like Akira's type, if Akira had a type at all. Ann had originally thought Akira was smitten with Makoto but quickly realized that it either wasn't a thing or Akira was a major flirt. It could definitely be the latter. She tried to remember if Akira ever hit on her; if he had, Ann had just brushed it off.

Either way, Ann assumed it was Hifumi. And she doesn't expect anything when they get off a Kichijoji. All she can think about was the new cake dish at that one café. She hoped that was where Akira was taking her, her heart soared as they approach the small café on Kichijoji's main street she had been thinking about.

What Ann didn't expect was to sit down at a table with Goro Akechi, the detective prince that seemed to be against the Phantom Thieves at every curve. It's so out of the left field that all she can do is go along with whatever this is.

"Oh! Takamaki-san, I wasn't expecting your company." Goro Akechi said, almost caught off guard but not quite. It's weird for Ann to experience because Akechi was always so composed and pleasant on tv. To see him in such a casual setting was off-putting; it's almost like he's an average person and not a celebrity. And not continually bashing the Phantom Thieves.

"Hey, uh, Akechi-kun, you…you know my name?" Ann stuttered, sitting down slowly. In retrospect, she probably should have considered Akira wouldn't take Ann on a date with another girl. Ann should have seen this coming. All she had been thinking about was the cake.

"She's a huge fan, seriously you just made her night." Akira snigg*red, sitting down in the seat in between the two with a sly grin on his face. "If you could give her an autograph, then you'd make her year. Maybe give her a handshake or something as well. That would be good for five years."

"That's not it, Akira! I am not a fan!" Ann slapped his shoulder, her face red because while she knew of Goro Akechi, Ann would not consider herself a fan in that way. She wouldn't say she had any particular feelings toward the detective. But she didn't care for him much because lately, he has been getting popular in the media for opposing the Phantom Thieves. Ann doesn't know what Akira was playing at here. Why was he fraternizing with the enemy?

"Ah, that actually is quite refreshing, actually." Akechi laughed in a sort of nervous fashion. Ann realized that Akechi was shy or acting shy, and she didn't know what to do with this information.

"You… aren't offended that I'm not a fan?" Ann blinked, confused by the answer. She had always seen Akechi as a condescending figurehead who really knew nothing, but not she felt a little embarrassed by assuming things.

"Quite the contrary," Akechi nodded easily, "It's harder to have a genuine interaction with a fan who only wants to agree with everything I say. It gets redundant and repetitive. It's more enriching to have someone actively participate in a conversation with their own opinions."

"I'm a fan of you, Akechi." Akira drawled out with a grin, leaning into his hands as he batted his eyes at the detective.

"Yes, this is true, which is why I am refreshed Takamaki-san is here." Akechi smiled back politely, and Ann had to snort at that. Akechi said it was such a gentle face that Ann had nearly missed the snark in there.

Ann admittedly was a little confused at the turn of events. First off, She hadn't realized that Akira and Akechi were friends in the first place, although given Akira's weird connections or confidants Morgana called them, it wasn't a stretch. But they seemed so at ease with each other.

"Ann wanted to try the new cake out too, so I thought I'd bring her along." Akira easily explains, then pouted childishly, "You aren't refreshed whenever you hang out with me?"

"How did you know I came for the cake?" Akechi blinked.

"Didn't you know? He's psychic." Ann sarcastically remarked before she couldn't stop herself. It was a little running joke that had come up amid everything. Just a small thing to take the edge off Akira potentially being the enemy. It was easier to say that than face what could be the truth. She'd rather Akira be psychic. She'd rather Akira be anything than what they suspected him to be.

"Well, he has told me, but as a detective, I am inclined to disbelieve that," Akechi chuckled, and Ann can see why everyone liked him. He was the charming prince type. Pleasant and accommodating. Even easily countering Ann's statement. But, Akechi had a sort of edge she hadn't realized outside of the interviews she's seen him in.

"I mean, it's been fairly popular lately, and when you said you wanted to go here, I just assumed." Akira shrugged casually as he tugged at his bangs, "I could be a detective too, you know?"

"You caught me red-handed then." Akechi shook his head with a sigh, but before Akechi could say whatever he was about to say next, Akira bursts out laughing. Leaning over the table in fits of laughter at Akechi's statement.

Ann only sighed, shaking her head. Akechi won't get it, but Ann sort of does, And it was absolutely ridiculous and nothing to get excited over, "Ignore him; he is a child with a bad sense of humor."

Akechi looked puzzled by this, and Ann can see he was confused by not getting the joke. Akira continued to laugh, so Akechi did as Ann said and ignored him to turn to her, "Takamaki-san, are you perchance into cake as well?"

Ann felt the need to somewhat fib, "Every once in a while, you know? As a treat."

"Yes, I feel quite the same; everything is good in moderation." Akechi nodded in agreement, and Ann felt some sort of unspoken connection going on here, which startled her because she doesn't like Goro Akechi. Well, not in the sense that most of the girls her age like Akechi. But maybe she hasn't given him a chance.

"You both are the sweetest tooths I know, and honestly, you need to stop living in denial and accept that fact." Akira, who had stopped laughing by this point, stared them both down. "It's disgusting how sweet you like things."

"I think you've misunderstood me,"

"I am not! I eat a ton of healthy sh*t, Akira; you know I'm a model!"

Akechi and Ann both argue simultaneously and are only met with Akira's sigh before the waiter came over to take their order.

"This is!" Ann squealed in delight as she took her first bite of the cake. It was wet and moist in her mouth.

"Simply Divine!" Akechi exclaimed from across from her after taking his first bite too, "The cake is so fluffy and light!"

"They definitely used buttermilk instead; I mean with that type of texture, they had to! And they whipped it well, so good. It's so smooth."

"Yes, that's for sure. I also believe they must have beat the eggs at just the right pace and sifted the flour just right. They got just the right amount of air into the flour mixture to ensure that the cake would be fluffy enough. I have to say this is an amazing technique."

"And that frosting? Like damn! This is the richest chocolate I've ever tasted! It melts right on your tongue!"

"I'm pretty sure it's Godiva chocolate. But they must have mixed it with a rich cream of some sort to get this weight. And perhaps they added some Lindt in there too? Amazing execution of frosting!"

"Definitely! It has to be Godiva. They paired it so well with the fresh strawberries; the sweetness and tanginess of those really complement the chocolate's richness. Have you been to that crepe shop in Shibuya, Akechi? There is a crepe similar to this that you might like."

"Ah, the one on the main street? Yes, I am quite familiar with that place. I'd have to agree, although I'd definitely say this is a notch above that."

"Oh no, totes I get you, but it's good on a budget. I think, though, this cake could do with a little bit of the powdered sugar they put on their crepes. Think about it. Just that light little sweet to offset the richness of the chocolate?"

"I have to give you credit there Takamaki-san, that is an excellent idea."

"You both are disgusting." Akira laughed from the other side of the table, interrupting the bubble of praises that Ann and Akechi exchanged at a rapid pace. "A sugar high? After a few bites?"

"You are getting on our case?" Ann laughed, looking at his drink, "All you are having is black coffee!"

"You like black coffee." Akira pointed out before taking a sip. Ann can't argue because he has a point.

"I fear you are quite missing out on this experience, Kurusu-kun. You didn't even order one dish." Akechi sighed with a shake of his head, "Oh well, at least Takamaki-san understands how delicious this cake is."

"It's a pile of sugar, flour, and frosting!"

"Maybe we should ditch him and go get crepes next. He obviously doesn't understand the appeal here." Ann scoffed in good nature. She knew Akira wasn't big on sweets. He usually drank his coffee black and never really touched desserts or sweet things. Even at the buffet they went to, none of the food he brought back was from the sweet section, all while Ann's plate was only from the sweets section.

She wouldn't have guessed Goro Akechi was this much of a sweet tooth, though. It was sort of nice to eat cake with him. Usually, Ann went to Shiho's house to eat sweets. But even then, Shiho didn't like sweets as much as her. She found a new appreciation for the detective prince.

"I would be inclined to agree, yet…"

"Oh my god! Is that him?!" A female voice exclaimed, from the other side of the fence to the outdoor part of the café. "Could it be the detective prince?"

"It seems they've found me." Akechi sighed, his posture slumping in dismay.

"Wow, the life of a celebrity." Akira snickered, and Ann got it.

"I can deal with it, but I wouldn't want to cause trouble for the store." Akechi said with a pitiful chuckle, "Oh well, It has been fun, but I should take my leave now before anything happens…"

"I should go ask him for an autograph!"

"You haven't finished your cake, though." Ann frowned, looking at the half-eaten cake on his plate that he had been enjoying only a few moments earlier. But she understands. As a model, sometimes she gets picked out of the crowd and harassed by fans. It's not very often since she isn't as popular as Akechi, but she understands the feeling regardless. In those times, she wished she had a disguise, "Wait, Akechi, I have an idea. Come with me."

"Wha? Oh!" Akechi gasped in surprise as she pulled him up from the table. She spared Akira a glance before stopping. The teen has always looked unbothered and unsurprised. There was something about his face…

"I'm going to borrow these!" Ann declared, snatching the glasses off the teen's face.

"Hey, Ann!" Akira exclaimed, disgruntled by the action, but Ann dragged Akechi through the café towards a more secluded back before he could argue further.

Akechi didn't know what to think of Ann Takamaki. At first, he thought she was just an unimportant foreign bimbo with a lack of grace and decorum. Yet, now that he looked back on this, it was a rather harsh accusation. Because maybe Ann Takamaki wasn't so far from him. She liked sweets, she was smarter than she let out, and she was creative. Akechi can see why Akira found a friend in her.

"Ok, now put these on," Ann said, handing Akira's glasses to Akechi before they walk back outside. Akechi understood the plan only a few seconds after Ann puts it into action. She was disguising him. Simple yet ingenious. Akechi did what he is told and put on Akira's thick frames, expecting the whole world to go blurry since he didn't need glasses.

Stepping outside, back onto the patio, the world was crystal clear as Ann led him back to their table. It surprised him.

Akira snickered at the sight of him, "Wow, Akechi…You look weird."

"I modeled him after you, so if you call him weird, you are calling yourself weird." Ann retorted in his defense, shoving Akira a little bit. Akechi understood why she ruffled up his nicely done hair now.

"I can freely accept the fact I am weird, Ann." Akira cheekily smiled back, in a carefree manner.

"Oh, he came back! Should I! —Wait, is that actually Akechi?" One of his fans from the other side of the patio questioned, turning to her friend for confirmation. Akechi was pleased that the plan was working. His appearance was changed just enough to throw them off course.

"I don't remember the show too well, but I'm pretty sure he didn't look like that." Her friend answered back with apprehension in her voice.

"Damn, what a shame. Imagine how I could have bragged about meeting him." The pair continued walking down the streets of Kichijoji, ignoring the disguised Akechi.

Akechi cannot believe how dimwitted people were. Ann had done nothing but ruffle up his hair, so it was messier than usual, and had him wear Akira's glasses, yet that had been enough to deceive the fans? It was a little insulting, to say the least. But he was grateful he could stick around to finish his cake.

"I can't believe you did that, Ann." Akira sighed, shaking his head. And Akechi sort of stared because Akira looked different without his glasses. He looked more roguish, more like the quirky type of person Akira was. He had more of an edge that Akechi didn't know how to read. Akira, with glasses, was intelligent-looking, bookish, and subdued. Akira without glasses was just so different than that.

"What! It would have been a shame for him not to finish his cake!" Ann argued, "Like, I mean an actual tragedy. You didn't taste it; you wouldn't know."

"Kurusu-kun…your glasses aren't prescription?" Akechi asked, carefully taking them off his face. They aren't for seeing, but Akechi didn't want to smudge them regardless. He turned them over in his hands, taking in all the features. They are regular ordinary glasses with nonprescription lenses.

"Seriously?" Ann yelped and quickly took the glasses from Akechi's hold, being less delicate than Akechi had been. She put them on the bridge of her nose, "What the f*ck?"

Akira yanked them off her face before putting them back on his, "Stylistic choices. I have reasons."

"People who actually have to wear glasses would hate you." Ann shook her head, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.

"Oh, trust me, Sojiro does and reminds me of it all the time."

"Sojiro loves you even if he won't actually say it."

"Yes, but he hates my glasses." Akira laughed, tapping his glasses.

"Akechi, tell me it's ridiculous, please! You get it, right?" Ann turned to him and asked, her blue eyes inquiring him to take her side.

The situation was not lost on Akechi at all. Sitting in the café in Kichijoji on a summer evening, eating cake, and conversing. Bantering amongst themselves, as the rest of Shibuya moves along at its own pace. Akechi felt normal, in the best sense of the word. It felt like he had friends like he had somewhere to actually be on a Friday night instead of sitting alone in his apartment or doing dirty work for Shido.

He felt like an ordinary high school student. And Akechi knows his goal. He knows what he must do, yet, just for tonight. He wanted to pretend that he was a high school student with no double life, and Akira is exactly who he says he is.

"Takamaki-san, I'm quite curious to hear your thoughts on people who wear cosmetic contacts next." Akechi chuckled, allowing the summer heat to warm him up.

Ann gave him a wicked smile, "As a model, I am so glad you asked."

Akechi feels a fluttering, not unfamiliar with the one he got when he first met Akira.

Morgana observed Akira since the meeting between the Phantom Thieves. If he wasn't in Akira's bag, then he was trailing the teen. Morgana knew he could be stealthy; he was not a cat, but he could take advantage of this cat's body he was in. He knew exactly how to step, so not a sound is made, and exactly how to move, so he is not seen. It was his blood as a phantom thief. And perhaps a bit of it could be attributed to this feline body he was in.

Yet, Morgana didn't find what he expected to find. He expected to find Akira skulking off into the metaverse, doing god knows what. He expected to find Akira galivanting with unsavory people, giving all their secrets away. He expected to catch Akira in some sort of act. Morgana didn't want to see those things, and He didn't

Instead, he shadowed Akira on his confidant excursions and found that Akira connected to people rather well. Morgana knew this already; it's apparent with how he connected with the phantom thieves themselves.

But Akira was different with everyone he met.

Like for example, Munehisa Iwai, their arms dealer. Akira's interactions with the arms dealers were bold and teasing, even more so than with the Phantom Thieves. Morgana was almost frightened when he learned that Iwai was an ex-Yakusa; Akira must really have some guts to address him so casually and easily. Even when Morgana had told him to look in the bag when they first met the model gun shop owner, Akira didn't even hesitate.

Morgana had to wonder, was Iwai tied up in this somehow? But there was no proof, no evidence in that. Other than him supplying them fake weapons.

"So, where is my payment?" Akira leaned on the counter and waggled his eyebrows and batted his eyes at Iwai in a suggestive nature when it was time for the shop to close up. Morgana almost choked from his spot where he watched from the window. Morgana was mortified as Akira continues, "I'll take a lick of that lollipop. How many licks does it take to get to the center? Let's find out."

"Jeez." Iwai only sighed in exasperation at Akira's antics, and shook his head with a gruff sigh, "Go home, Kid. I'm not robbing the cradle. It's getting late; besides, haven't I given you enough with free customization?"

It's then Morgana learned why their guns were so overpowered.

Or when Akira was with Hifumi. The Shogi Player. Akira was a lot more subdued, matching Hifumi's quiet nature unless playing a Shogi Match. He teased, but there was less of a bite than usual with Hifumi. With Hifumi, there was a calm gentleness, a serene composure.

Morgana had a little trouble following them into the sky tree as the attraction did not allow pets. This was absurd because Morgana wasn't a cat and hardly a pet, but he managed to sneak in using shadows. The not-cat hid behind one of the pillars as Akira and Hifumi talk amongst themselves, a few feet away from the window.

Hifumi talked about her father in melancholy and how he played with her on his deathbed. She was considering giving up and getting a job. Morgana understood what Hifumi was saying, but even the cat can see the sadness on her face as she resigned to that. If Morgana had to give up something he loved, he would feel the same way. Responsibility and Passion were a winding path that sometimes didn't cross.

"I think you should do what you love." Akira acknowledged, giving her a genuine smile, "I mean, you still like Shogi, don't you?"

Hifumi blinked at him, and as she processed his words, "Do I what I love…?"

It takes a few moments before her face lights up with a gentle smile, "Yes, you are right. At the end of the day, you understand my true feelings, and I love Shogi, and I don't want to quit. I don't want to give up now. I have so much more I want to do."

"Then don't you know what your next move is, right?" Akira grinned, patting her on the shoulder in encouragement.

"Yes, I'll show them what I've got!" Hifumi nodded determination in her voice, a new sense of purpose in her step.

Morgana turned away from the scene. As always, Akira always seemed to have the right words, helping Hifumi with her problem with ease. Morgana felt scummy. He knew he had to do this, if not to prove to himself that Akira wasn't the black mask. Yet, How could they think Akira is the black mask? He spent his free time helping people. He was always there for them when they needed it. Akira was perfect, and Morgana felt guilty for even suspecting him in the first place.

But there are so many things that they can't explain. Things Akira won't tell them. And Morgana can't dismiss that. Morgana can't turn a blind eye to the possibilities.

So, the not-cat continues looking. Watching. Waiting for a sign.

Akira was hanging out with Chihaya tonight in the bustling red-light district. Morgana always thought she was weird; He didn't believe in fortune-tellers. He doesn't think humans can tell the future like that; if they could, why did so much sh*t happen to them? So, he didn't even know why Akira bothers her. Even after she tried to trick him into buying some fake holy stone. It's a confidant that Morgana doesn't understand, though Morgana knew Akira knew something about this stuff since he's brought it up before. He doubted he knew as much as a professional, though, so maybe that's why he kept seeing Chihaya.

"Oh." Chihaya paused when she flipped over the cards. Morgana can't see from his vantage point behind the corner, but he could see the look of surprise on Chihaya's face. The furrow in her thin brows and the frown on her lips brought Morgana to listen carefully.

"What is it?" Akira said, not the least bit concerned as he leaned forward and tapped the table idly, "Is it the death card again?"

Morgana froze, mortified; there was a death card? Why would anyone go to a fortune teller that would tell them they were going to die?

"No, although you've been getting that card a lot, so you should really meditate on that." Chihaya shook her head, then explained slowly as she slid the cards towards him. "It's an interesting mix. The wheel of fortune reversed, the two of swords reversed, and the ten of swords."

"A lot of swords today, huh?" Akira watched on, slightly intrigued but not as intrigued as Morgana is. Morgana doesn't understand Tarot, but Morgana wanted to know why Chihaya looked so serious.

"Yes, and though they are serious, I think it's the reversed wheel of fortune you should be worried about." Chihaya shook her head again and looked at him, "I think I'll go through the swords first to give you better clarity of the wheel of fortune reversed."

Akira nodded with a shrug; Morgana could tell he is genuinely just entertaining her notions. Morgana knew Akira cared about her as a friend; that much is true, though he isn't sure how much he was invested in this reading. It's late, and he must be tired.

"The reversed two of swords and the ten of swords are not a great pair here because I'm sensing with the reversed two of swords that you have a tough decision to make and you are at a stalemate. There are two ways to decide, two choices, but neither of them is good. There may not be a right answer. And right now, you are just making the situation worse by not deciding, Akira." Chihaya said, her tone soft but stern. Her fingers hold up the cards delicately. "Sometimes, you just have to damn the consequences and make the decision."

Morgana didn't understand Tarot, doesn't understand what it does, or if it actually told the future or not. He really doesn't care, but Morgana can tell it resonated for Akira since his posture did a complete one-eighty.

Akira was usually very loose; like just moments ago, he was slumped in the seat, his arms thrown over the table with little care. Akira liked to fidget. He'd pick at whatever he could get his hands on—the tablecloth, His hair, his sleeve, his own fingers. Akira was the epitome of carefree, loose, and fluid.

After Chihaya explained the cards, however, Akira's posture shoots up like someone had just shoved a metal ramrod up his back. His hands grasp the sides of the chair, and all his fidgeting ceased leaving him still and rigid. His eyes are vast, and Morgana thinks he can see a little panic behind Akira's steel expression.

Morgana doesn't believe in Tarot, but he can't deny that Chihaya had said he had the mark with Akira. A decision he couldn't decide, with two bad choices. What was that supposed to mean?

"But, paired with the ten of swords. I'm afraid it's going to end in tragedy. I don't know who, but someone will get stabbed in the back; something will go wrong. I don't know if it's going to be you or another party, but the ten swords signify a painful ending. It can be a sign of burdens, too; this decision is a burden on you, isn't it? The knowledge of this choice weighs on you." Chihaya explained slowly, picking up the card gently and running her fingers over it. "Swords are often the most dangerous suit because they have to do with our thoughts and our intelligence. After all, it can be argued intelligence is the most dangerous weapon of all. The journey of the ace to the ten is the story of someone's intelligence weighing on them. A suit's journey is usually awakening to understanding for the suits of cups, pentacles, and wands. Swords are different, though; if you use it wrong, it'll backfire on you; and often, the understanding of thought is the most damning. "

Akira was silent. Completely dead silent as he stared at Chihaya with wide eyes.

"However, there isn't a good way to use this knowledge, is there?" Chihaya asked softly. "And that's why you are conflicted, isn't it?"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (9)

Morgana doesn't like where this is going. A painful ending? Betrayal? Is this the sign he is looking for?

"And the Wheel of Fortune Reversed?" Akira quietly asked after a few minutes. Morgana strained to hear the quiet voice that he has never heard from Akira's throat. It's small, it's weak.

"I believe it signifies you are trapped in a cycle, like a wheel, reversed signifies misfortune, and I don't see any end in—Akira?!" Chihaya exclaimed, standing up suddenly as Akira bolted from the chair, not even sparing her a glance as he dashed out of the alleyway, leaving the chair toppled on the floor.

Akira was gone, out of sight before Morgana can even dart after him.

"What the??" Morgana looked around Shinjuku as he tried to process what he had heard. Usually, Akira doesn't take her readings so seriously, or at least he has never looked this upset after a session with her.

But what she said? A painful ending, a betrayal? No good decision? There was something to be considered there. Yet, what about the wheel of fortune made Akira flee? Why was it the final card that made him run? And not the rest? Chihaya hadn't even explained it.

Morgana knew he should bring it up to the thieves. But he rethought that idea. Should he? After all, it's merely the ramblings of a self-proclaimed fortune teller set up in Shinjuku of all places. Could her words and predictions really be taken as truth? Morgana can't deny Akira was affected by them but, a fortune-teller? Really?

It took a bit for Morgana to get back to Yongen-Jaya; being a cat did not help when trying to use the subway. Sneaking onto it took a few tries, but eventually, he found himself in the back alley. Jumping from the wall to the awning of Leblanc, he leaped to the window Akira opened for him in case the cat ever wanted to take a walk around.

Akira seemed to have made it home but was asleep or pretending to sleep when Morgana entered the room. His covers were pulled up to his head, obscuring his face. It was dark; only the light from the streetlights illuminated the baseboards.

"Akira?" Morgana asked softly, slotting into his usual spot beside Akira's legs.

The other does not respond, and Morgana made a note to bring it up to the others at some point. He doesn't believe in fortune-tellers, but Chihaya said something that riled Akira up.

"If they tampered with a suspect's heart, it casts doubt on the authenticity of any confession. Who is to say it isn't coercion?" Akechi's voice rang out through the TV in Leblanc, interrupting their study session for exams. And Ryuji can't help but groan. It's Akechi again, and it seemed like he was giving another interview where he shows his distaste for the Phantom Thieves. It seemed like that's all he did every interview, but Ryuji can't help but be annoyed by him and his voice.

"What a prick, like seriously?"

"So then by tampering with the hearts, the Phantom Thieves could be creating crimes that may not exist?" The interviewer asked.

"It is a possibility. I mean, there is no doubt that the Phantom Thieves are exposing hidden injustices in society; however, if this is done by side-stepping the law, then their way of thinking is hazardous." Akechi explained, his words were pleasant, but the meaning was harsh. Ryuji hated that about Akechi, how nice and kind he could come off as, but he always had this condescending air about him. Ryuji didn't like it.

"So, in a way, they are outlaws?"

"Yes, they are no different than the criminals they target. This cannot be overlooked." Akechi nodded, his face a little more serious.

Ryuji shifted his attention away from the TV because he can't take much more of this crap. It's all that has been on the news lately, and it's driving him up a wall, "What so now we are being treated as the bad guys? That's a load of crap."

"Just let them say what they want." Ann shook her head, returning back to her study sheet without much of a care. Ryuji thought she would at least say something. Ann usually agreed with him.

"It's not fair for him to say that! We've done far better than the police have for sure!" Ryuji scoffed, crossing his arms and gnashing his teeth. He cannot believe the audacity of that detective prince; what gives him the right to be so high and mighty? After all, what has the Detective Prince actually done himself? All he is a shallow celebrity."

"He's not wrong," Akira spoke up, not even looking from the book he was leafing through. Unlike the rest, the teen decided not to study for the exams. Ryuji wasn't surprised by this at all since Akira seemed to ace every exam they had regardless.

"What?" Ryuji turned to him quickly, not believing what Akira had just said. He thought, maybe he misheard his friend wrong. After all, there was no way he was siding with the detective against them and their cause.

"I said, He's not wrong." Akira sighed, looking up from his book, and tugged on his bangs with a look of disinterest on his face. Sometimes Ryuji wished Akira was more concerned about things.

"Akira?" Yusuke sputtered, and Ryuji gets why; the last thing they expect is for their leader to agree with the detective against him.

"What? Nothing he said is inherently wrong." Akira shook his head, placing his book down, "We are Phantom Thieves. 'Thieves' mind you, by the law, we are technically considered outlaws. We operate outside of the law, therefore by society's standards, we are criminals."

"That's—but what we are doing is good!" Yusuke sputtered, putting down his pencil. At least Yusuke agreed with Ryuji. The rest of them just sat there saying nothing. Morgana has his head down, and Ryuji doesn't even know if he is paying attention. Makoto was listening on in interest while Ann looks slightly conflicted enough to draw her attention away from the question she was solving but not enough for her to chime in.

"I didn't say it wasn't." Akira shook his head again with an annoyed look. "Look, I don't even know if the government or the justice system has laws about other worlds and using them to change people. I doubt it, but it's safe to say our methods do lay outside of the law. That's just the nature of it. We can't blame Akechi for thinking we are criminals when he does not understand our methods' nature. He is a detective Ryuji; to him, we very well look like criminals. He has no reference to think otherwise. He is literally doing his job as a detective. Forget the prince part, Akechi is a detective, and he works with what he is given."

"But—It—" Ryuji struggled for the words because when he thought about it. He got where Akira was coming from, and his explanation makes sense. Ryuji can't help but be upset by this, "He said we are no different than the criminals we target!"

"Again, like Akira said, he doesn't have a frame of reference. By his assumptions, we could be blackmailing or torturing the targets into confessing." Makoto spoke up this time with a sigh, watching the interaction escalate, and decided to join in with her own opinion, "I thought the same way because the first conclusion you draw is not 'They are going to another world and stealing someone's desires.' How would he know that? By all standards, it should be impossible."

"I don't know how I feel about Akechi, but I don't think he's trying to be mean, Ryuji." Ann piped up, "I totally get where you are coming from, but like Akira and Makoto said, given the evidence they have, we just look like the criminals. They don't have the full picture. It doesn't mean we aren't doing the right thing. We know we are doing the right thing."

Ryuji frowned; that's true. He hadn't really thought about it like that. Ryuji believed they are doing the right thing; they are following their justice and helping people. But, Akechi must feel that to some level tool. Akechi did point out they were bringing up injustices in society that align with their goal by all accounts.

"The Hanged Man," Akira stated with a grin, quickly drawing a stick figure on a notecard. It's not detailed, but Ryuji can tell it's a man hanging upside down from a tree.

"The Hanged Man?" Morgana echoed, leaping up to the table to investigate the drawing. Ryuji leaned closer as well in hopes he might understand where Akira was going with this. Akira sometimes said these weird things, entirely out of the left field, and Ryuji struggled to understand what went through the teen's head at any given moment.

"Remember I was telling you about Arcana that one time? And how they are related to Tarot?" Akira explained, then his face pinched up, "Well, I guess I didn't tell Makoto or Yusuke…"

"I know what the Tarot is." Makoto nodded, setting her book aside to lean over the table to look at Akira's messy drawing, "Do I believe in them? Not so much, but I know the basics. 78 deck of cards, and each card has a meaning."

"I have heard of them." Yusuke added, "We researched the symbolism and art style in school a year back, though, I don't see how that is related to our situation now."

"Well, The Hanged Man is one of the Major Arcana," Akira explained, holding up the card, so the man was right side up. "It's core trait is perspective. The idea is the journeyer was relaxing in a tree, watching the horizon when he accidentally fell out of the tree, he caught himself by the leg, but he was hanging out of the tree upside down. He realized; the world looked different than moments before because of his perspective."

Akira turns the card upside to prove his point; the man was again hanging upside down.

"And?" Ryuji thought he might be stupid because he doesn't see the point here. So, the guy fell out of the tree.

"Oh, you are saying the man fell out of the tree, so his perspective of the world changed?" Ann asked to clarify, her face lighting up slightly. "So, something happened to the man that made his view on the worldview change? He fell from some sort of grace?"

"Not entirely," Akira shook his head, handing her the card. "I mean, yeah, that could happen, and that's why most people's perspectives change. What I'm saying is, Akechi and we are probably looking at the same problem. The social injustices in society. But we are looking at it differently. Akechi sees it as something the law needs to fix because the law is in place to fix those sorts of problems. Akechi knows there are problems with the law, but he works within it to fix those problems. We, on the other hand, decided to look at it differently. The law cannot fix those social injustices, but using the Metanav, we can work outside the law to fix those injustices. Neither one of us is wrong inherently; we just see things differently."

"Dude, that's…" Ryuji sighed, sitting back in his seat, losing all defensiveness. "So, you are saying Akechi and us are working towards the same goal?"

"In a sense, yes." Akira laughed, his lips curling up into a weird-looking smile, "Our methods are just different. Far different Despite that, I feel we could be one in the same."

"You aren't just saying this because you have this weird friendship thing with Akechi, Akira?" Ann asked, suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at their leader. Akira laughed at this.

"Wait, Akira has a thing for Akechi?" Ryuji and Yusuke both blurt out at the same time.

"They text non-stop!" Morgana butted in before Akira can say anything. "And it's the stupidest stuff too! Like, 'Oh have you seen the Neo Featherman Special on TV the other night?' or things like 'While you wait for the waiter, at that moment do you not become the waiter?'"

"Oh my god." Ryuji muttered under his breath, "Please tell me that Akechi sent that."

"No, it's always Akira." Morgana groaned, shooting Akira a glare. Akira laughed innocently and rubbed the back of his neck.

"That sounds like our leader." Yusuke sighed, sitting back in his seat and shaking his head, "Asking a detective questions like that."

"What?! Does that not boggle your mind?" Akira argued, his face lighting up in mirth, "Ok, I have one for you guys. Do you ever realize that there was a moment when your mom or dad put you down as a baby and never picked you up again?"

The table was silent as they think about that statement.

"What?" Ann asked, but less about the question and more about the implications.

"For real dude, I think there is some unearthed trauma there that you should deal with that one." Ryuji grimaced.

"Yeah, ok, not my best one." Akira shook his head and shrugged, "Tough crowd to please."

"So, you just…" Makoto took a moment to collect what she wanted to say, "You just casually text Akechi?"

"Yeah, He's a riot. It's hilarious, we play chess sometimes, and I beat him every time. You should see him try to keep his composure; it's so entertaining to watch." Akira snickered, tugging on his bangs. "I can't wait to see him crack. I'm whittling him down."

"Are you…friends?" Yusuke asked slowly.

"I'd like the think so."

"Akira." Makoto addressed him, a seriousness in her voice.

"Makoto." Akira cheekily grinned back.

Makoto sighed at her friend's lack of seriousness, "You are aware that he is working with my sister to investigate the Phantom Thieves, correct?"

Akira kept his cheeky smiled as he tugged on his bangs, "Quite."

"Then, you'll remember to be careful?" Makoto sighed once more. She was the team strategist, yet Ryuji feels Akira listens to her less than he should.

"Naturally, aren't I always?"

"You told Makoto about us," Ryuji grumbled, giving him an eye roll.

"Makoto had a recording of you yelling about us being the Phantom Thieves." Akira shot back in a smooth response. And Ryuji can't deny that Akira has got him there.

"Akira, what about the Wheel of Fortune?" Morgana piped up as he batted at the bad drawing of the Hanged Man on the table. Ryuji wondered where that comes from. It had nothing to do with what they had been talking bout in the first place. Ryuji assumed it was another card; however, why Morgana brought it up is beyond him.

He looked back to Akira, just because he is curious, but he finds his friend had just lost all his mirth he had moments ago. His eyes had darkened, and his posture was tenser than a tennis racket. His mouth was taught in a line. It's an expression that he hadn't seen on Akira very often. It was rare for Akira to look remotely troubled out of a couple times Ryuji remembered when they first started going in the metaverse.

"Akira?" Yusuke prompted him because it wasn't just Ryuji who noticed his sudden change in mood.

"It's a wheel of fortune." Akira dryly laughed and tugged his bangs, but his face was unchanging, "It signifies the ups and downs in Life; what goes up must come down and vice versa. It's…a cycle. A continuous cycle that never ends. Luck can be good, but luck can be bad. Sometimes you are at the top of the wheel, and sometimes you are at the bottom."

"Makes sense." Makoto nodded, setting down her pencil, "Life is a cycle of events. Good and Bad."

"Why do you ask, Morgana?" Ryuji asked, curious why this card was brought up specifically. It hadn't been in the discussion before unless Ryuji had just completely missed it. And Ryuji missed a lot of things; his grades could prove that. But, he always tried to be attentive to his friends.

"I heard it somewhere," Morgana answered easily, looking at Akira. Ryuji wondered if something happened there. He doesn't really understand Tarot, and he doesn't understand why Akira was sour about that one card. He knew Akira saw everyone with an arcana, so perhaps he didn't like the person with the wheel of fortune arcana?

"A-anyways!" Ann cheerfully announced, trying to steer the conversation away from the bleak turn it was taking, "We should do something to celebrate Makoto joining us and stealing Kaneshiro's treasure!"

"The Firework Festival!" Akira suggested, his mood instantly brightening from the turn it had taken earlier. It almost gave Ryuji whiplash. "They are holding them this season."

"A fireworks festival sounds fun! We should look for a good one!" Ryuji exclaimed in excitement; he hasn't been to a firework festival with friends in ages. It was a fantastic idea!

"Oooooh! I can wear my Yukata too!" Ann chimed in; her lips pulled up into a full smile. Ryuji's mouth watered because he hadn't even considered all the females would be in Yukata. He wouldn't be caught dead in one, but seeing the ladies in one would be nice. And he could imagine Yusuke wearing one too. Yusuke seemed like the type to wear traditional clothing.

"Alright, That sounds good, but can we please focus on studying first?" Makoto sighed with frustration, and she glared at them all, "I won't let any of you off if you fail, you hear me? Akira, you too."

"But, Makoto, I always get good grades." Akira smiled easily, and Ryuji can't deny that.

They all leave once it gets late after all exams were soon, and Makoto wanted to make sure she got enough sleep. The rest of the study session had gone reasonably well, at least once she had turned off the TV and forced them to actually focus. She felt accomplished. It was a weird experience, even having a group of people to study with.

Usually, she studied at home, all alone in silence, as that was how she focused best. But Makoto couldn't deny the lively atmosphere had helped her as well. She would have to come to study at Leblanc again.

"Makoto!" A voice from the wall next to her caught her attention. She turned to find Morgana perched on the edge of it.

"Hello, Morgana." Makoto nodded in greeting. She is getting less weirded out by a talking cat as the days go by. "What's going on?"

"I wanted to run something by you." Morgana frowned, his tail flicking hesitantly behind him. Makoto doesn't like the look on his face, and she assumes it has to do with their more concerning problem.

"Sure, let's go to a more private place, and I'll listen to you." Makoto nodded.

Morgana led her to a little alleyway in the backstreets of Yongen-Jaya behind the station; it's remote enough that Makoto deemed she would not be noticed talking to a cat.

Morgana weaved the tail for her, Akira's outing with Chihaya in the red light district, the reading that had Akira bolting out of his seat, and the worrying predictions Chihaya had made. Things from terrible decisions to painful betrayals and burdening knowledge. Makoto took it all in, and she does what she does best. She read the facts in a logical sense.

"Morgana, I understand your concern, but fortunetelling isn't a science. I can see where you are coming from, but we shouldn't take Chihaya's words too seriously." Makoto deemed, a finger on her chin. It was undoubtedly a wild tale, but there are many facts they are missing to take it truly seriously.

"Yeah, but he was acting really weird." Morgana frowned.

"Yes, but, what Chihaya said can be very vague. The way Tarot reading works is every reader infers the cards differently. Picking out what they choose to see. What Chihaya said can be taken differently by each individual. It isn't a reliable source of information, as it can be interpreted differently. She probably dramatized it as well." Makoto shook her head; she wants to be honest with Morgana. She doesn't know much about Tarot readers, but she does not believe they can honestly tell the future. "There are many different factors as to why Akira ran off. You were there, but you weren't close, correct? Perhaps you missed something."

"No, I was around the corner; I mean, I could have missed something." Morgana nodded thoughtfully, "I was unsure, but you are right; I don't think fortunetelling is reliable."

"We best not worry about it." Makoto smiled.

Futaba goes over it again. Her fingers hover above the send button. Her heart was palpitating, and her palms were shaky. Can she do this? Technically he shouldn't know it was her. Technically it shouldn't be traceable. It would be fine, but she read over it once more. And again, and again. And again, before she knows it, at least an hour has passed. Her thumb still hovered over the button reading send, in a bright red that seemed to mock her.

"Come on, Come on." Futuba groaned at herself, nearly tearing her hair out. It was only a text; it was a small string of letters, far less intimidating than the codes she had encrypted earlier today. Why is she so afraid of sending this one text? "Come on, Futaba."

She waited a little longer, staring at the glaring screen, glaring up at her. Her finger fell on the send button and she nearly chucked the phone across the room once she heard the zoom of the text being sent.

Her form froze, and all the work she had done to quell her anxiety was quickly abolished. After all, what if Akira didn't want to talk to a murderer?

Her phone vibrated, signaling differently. She yelped and nearly dropped her phone before checking the text.

Alibaba: Hello, Akira. I am Alibaba.

Akira: wassup Futaba (¬‿¬ )/

Futaba actually dropped the phone this time; it landed with an audible thunk on the floor. How could Akira know her screen handle? Her phone buzzed again, and she slowly picked it up.

Akira: did I break u? sorry, I wasn't expecting you to text me ( ̄ω ̄;)

Akira: what up tho? Need something from Akihabara that u don't want Sojiro to know about?

Futaba's face turned red hot at this. Akira knew that?!


Akira: ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Would you believe me if I told u I was psychic?

Alibaba: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Futaba had to question this. Before, she didn't really believe in psychics or otherworldly stuff. They weren't based on science. Yet, with everything that has happened lately. The voices she started to hear and the things she began to see. Futaba assumed she was just going insane, but she really has to wonder. Something to do with cognitive psicence?

Akira: Lol jk jk, uh, I sort of researched boss before I came. You know, just to be safe ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌ And, I dug a little too hard. That and I see packages addressed to you delivered to Leblanc sometimes…. sort of put two and two together

Futaba frowned; she should really be careful which address she put into amazon. Sometimes she doesn't catch it, so it made sense Akira had found some of her packages. She knew Akira was smart; she had spied on his school transcripts.

Alibaba: So, you know…that…I, you know about me… and

Akira: Yes, but I don't care Futaba ┐(︶▽︶)┌ I said I would help you and we will

Futaba sighed, a throb of hope in her heart.

Alibaba: Ok, how does it work? Do I just…there is a calling card involved, correct?

Akira: \(★ω★)/ Love the enthusiasm! It's sort of a process tho (x_x). I will help you; give me some time to set everything up, kay? Gotta figure out the logistics, if ya know what I mean.

Alibaba: ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ aye aye!

Futaba felt a little somber at this. She doesn't know how the Phantom Thieves steal hearts; all of her research in that area has come to a dead end. A halting stop. So, all she can do is trust Akira. If he said it will take time, then it will take time. She bit her lip, though, before typing out another message.

Alibaba: Can I…can I text you in the meantime? ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴

Akira: ∑d(°∀°d) on the clause that I can share this meme I found this morning and any other memes I find

A wide smile spread wide across Futaba's face. For the first time in a long while, she felt ok. She felt like maybe everything will be ok. And she knew the phantom thieves can help her. And if not, at least she made a new friend.

Alibaba: I've seen your search history, and ooooh boy buddy, do I have some schooling about the internet, boy kekekekekek

Akira: Bring it (¬‿¬ )b

Akira : If you wait for the waiter in the restaurant, does that not make you the waiter?

Alibaba: ∑(O_O;)

Ryuji hadn't expected Akira to ask him to go cycling of all things. Cycling? He didn't even know Akira owned a bike. But then he thought about that statement; even if Akira didn't own a bike, his friend could just have easily gone out and bought one. So, Ryuji only accepted that fact. Still, they usually ran together, or went to the gym. Maybe Akira had gotten tired of it and wanted to try something new. Regardless, Ryuji accepted because they had all agreed to keep a closer eye on Akira; if one of them couldn't be with him, Morgana would follow Akira out and about.

"Dude…for real?" Ryuji groaned when he met Akira in the park early that morning. Ryuji had always thought Akira was not a morning person because whenever he texted Akira on the weekends, he never got a reply till at least one in the afternoon. However, that was not what surprised Ryuji. It's Akira's bike.

"What?" Akira blinked at him, his hands pushing the handlebars of the beat-up blue cruiser bike beside him.

"That thing is a death trap. You aren't seriously going to ride that, are you?" Ryuji asked with disbelief. The frame and the chains are completely rusted. The wheels looked slightly flat; duct tape patched up where Ryuji assumed there were holes. It creaked loudly as Akira pushed it along the path. A breeze might break it into pieces.

"Pshhhh," Akira waved him off with a laugh, "She is totally fine; she looks worse than she actually is."

"Do you not hear how bad it's creaking?! Do you not see the rust on it?! Also, She?"

"She's got character." Akira smiled, patting the bike amicably before turning back to Ryuji, "You ready?"

"Oh my god, you are going to die, and everyone is going to blame me for your death for not stopping you." Ryuji groaned but swung his leg over his bike frame regardless. Ryuji knew that reasoning with Akira when he is like this is impossible. Once Akira sets his mind to something, it's impossible to move him.

Akira cackled before jetting away on his beat-up cruiser, which is honestly way faster than Ryuji would have imagined. Ryuji sighed and followed him, nonetheless.

"Why don't you like, buy a new bike?" Ryuji asked once he had caught up to Akira on the bike path. "I mean, you really could. You have ten million yen; at the very least, you could fix it up a bit."

"Dunno seems like a waste of money." Akira shrugged, looking back at Ryuji with a sly smile.

"Waste of—Akira! You can afford to waste money!" Ryuji growled incredulously. Then he paused because he realized something. "What don't you get about having money!"

Akira didn't actually spend money on himself.

Or at least, That is what Ryuji assumed. Akira would buy them items for healing or for battle. They already have really great armor and weapons, and Ryuji can only imagine Akira dished out some cash for that. And whenever they went out to eat, Akira would be the one to pay. But, beyond that, Akira doesn't seem to spend money on himself. Ryuji never saw him in different clothes than the three or four outfits he cycles through. Akira never wore accessories or got nice shoes. Akira didn't deck out his room with high-tech stuff he could afford. Hell, Akira was even building a second-hand junk computer.

Ryuji just doesn't get it. He doesn't get why Akira was so frugal in a sense. The dude had ten million yen. Akira could afford nice things, so why didn't he?

"Kurusu-kun!" A voice from behind approached them, another cyclist Ryuji guessed. Had Akira done this route before?

"Akechi, fancy meeting you here," Akira replied, slowing down a bit to match the pace of the other cyclist.

"Akechi?!" Ryuji sputtered, turning his head as well and slowing down to Akira's pace.

On a super lovely bike, Akechi Goro decked out in workout clothes and hair tied back into a ponytail. An incredibly different look than Ryuji has seen him before. Usually, whenever he saw Akechi. The detective was in a nice coat with slacks. Always pristine and composed. Yet, this was the complete opposite. He looked fit.

"Oh! Sakamoto-san, I thought I recognized your hair." Akechi smiled politely at him as the three of them matched paces so they can ride side by side. "It's a surprise to find you both on the bike path."

"Hey, Akechi…" Ryuji greeted, unsure about how to greet the detective. He didn't like Akechi, and he didn't like all the things Akechi had been saying about them recently. Although, the general public seemed to be taking the detective's words with a grain of salt now. Ryuji didn't think he liked Akechi, but Akira did have a point. Ryuji didn't see things from Akechi's side of things. Miscommunication breeds conflict after all, and Ryuji knew that best after what happened with the track club.

"What lap are you on, Akechi? Twenty? Thirty?" Akira chuckled, sending Akechi a teasing grin. Ryuji knew the two texted, but this is the first time he'd actually witnessed them interacting. It's a little unnerving.

"Oh, Kurusu-kun, You are overshooting my abilities," Akechi shook his head coyly, "I'm only on my fifth lap, but I'm shooting for ten today. Just enough to get my blood pumping and mind working."

"You like to work out, Akechi?" Ryuji wondered because he would have never guessed. Akechi didn't seem like the physical type at all. But of course, neither did Akira when you looked at him.

"Yes, quite so, it is important for me to be physically adept for my career choice." Akechi nodded, "You never know when you'll need to chase a perpetrator or get physical with a suspect. Working out is essential, so I can be at the top of my game. Besides, there is nothing like a good rush of endorphins."

"Right?" Ryuji agreed wholeheartedly, a grin lighting up his face. Maybe Akechi wasn't as bad as Ryuji previously thought. "Runner's high is completely real and addicting, so I get where you are coming from."

"Ah, the ever-elusive runners high, I have yet to—"

A deafening screech from beside him interruptedd Akechi's sentence, and both of them whip their heads back to Akira on his wobbly bike, who had lost balance a moment before but quickly regained it.

Akira chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and the other on the chipped cruiser handlebars, "My bad."

"Kurusu-kun. That bike is an absolute death trap." Akechi sighed in dismay as his eyes raked over the dirty frame of the bike. "I'm surprised it still rides."

"For real, though…I told him but, he didn't listen. Said it had character," Ryuji groaned.

"She does have character! Just because she's old doesn't mean she can't ride." Akira argued with mirth as he rubbed his hand along the frame, the rust coming off on his sweaty hand. "Isn't that right? You can still ride, yes you can."

"Dude…" Ryuji chuckled; that was so Akira to treat the inanimate object like it was a pet.

"Perhaps after this lap, we should go acquire you a new bike…" Akechi slowly suggested, before adding after watching Akira's affection for the bike, "Or at least drop it off at the bike shop. There is one outside Kichijoji we could do it…if it's too expensive, I'd be more than happy to foot the bill…if not for your safety…"

Wow, that's actually really considerate of Akechi, Ryuji thought. Though, Akechi really didn't need to foot the bill for Akira, "Actually Akechi, Akira can—"

A loud pop that almost sounded like a car backfiring or a gunshot, albeit less intense, rings through the air startling him and almost making him jump off his own bike.

"Woah!" Akira gasped before Ryuji and Akechi watched him go down somewhat hard onto the pavement. It seemed that his bike's front tire just couldn't last any longer and blew a flat.


Akechi knew Akira was somewhat reckless. Whenever they played chess or any sort of strategy game for that matter, Akira's strategies were always somewhat aggressive and reckless. He made a gamble on moves that usually paid off. Akechi has no idea how he does it, generally more than often, that type of behavior and decisions backfire, yet Akira always seemed to come out unscathed. Perhaps the other's luck was simply running out.

The fall wasn't that bad. The three of them hadn't been going a fast pace to begin with since they favored the conversation over the actual effort of biking. So, when Akira's tire blew, Akechi deduced would happen at some point, though he hadn't suspected it to happen at that moment. Akira gasped in surprise as the bike teetered and then threw him to the ground. Akira hit the ground on his side as his bike fell on top of him. Akechi and Ryuji quickly stopped and hopped off their bikes to survey the damage behind them. Akira was a mess on the ground with his bike pinning him to the ground.

"See Kurusu-kun, you should have been more careful." Akechi sighed while he carefully pried the bike frame off of Akira's form. During the action, he observed Akira making sure he hadn't seriously injured himself. Akechi wasn't too worried; Akira seemed to be the resilient type; nevertheless, he was annoyed with Akira's lack of preservation.

"Akira, You good man?" Ryuji came up beside the pair, kneeling next to Akira's side, an unmistakable look of worry across his face. It sort of made Akechi's heart clench.

Akechi denied it was jealousy. Akechi definitely wasn't jealous of Ryuji in that sense. He wasn't jealous of how easily Ryuji could be by Akira's side and how casually he called him, like real friends. Akechi wasn't jealous that Ryuji could be unabashed and honest with Akira.

"Yeah," Akira weakly laughed, sitting up slowly with Ryuji's hand on his shoulders, "Good thing I wore a helmet… it's almost worth the helmet hair. Almost."

"Kurusu-kun, your hair is always reminiscent of helmet hair." Akechi pointed out bluntly before he knows what he is saying. It's casual; it's banter. It's a sort of comfortable routine he'd fallen into with Akira. But he's been refraining from it in front of Ryuji mostly since he felt he needed to keep up appearances. However, it slipped out—a chip in his pleasant detective prince personality.

However, instead of the reaction, he was expecting from Ryuji, the blond bursts out laughing. All the concerns were forgotten and replaced with absolute delight, "Damn Akechi! You're not wrong! He really does have helmet hair constantly!"

"Hey, I resent that," Akira grumbled, with a dismayed smile before shoving Ryuji in the shoulder.

"Seriously, dude! Your hair is a constant mess!" Ryuji laughed harder, clutching his sides. "Tell him Akechi, he needs a brush or something."

"I would agree with Sakamoto-san, Kurusu-kun." Akechi chuckled, propping the bike up against a tree before extending his hand to the teen sprawled on the pavement.

"I just happen to prefer being a hot mess." Akira cheekily smiled back before accepting Akechi's hand and allowing the detective to help him up. Ryuji followed them up from his crouch, wiping a few laughter tears from his eyes.

"Yeah, sure…" Ryuji shook his head in a sarcastic tone. "A mess of some sort for sure."

"Do you require medical aid, Kurusu-kun?" Akechi checked once the mood had settled down.

"Nah, only my pride was hurt."

"You have pride?" Ryuji snickered, giving Akira a nudge.

"Hey, I totally! —"

And Ryuji turned to Akechi before Akira can finish, "So Akechi, have any experience in running? Feel like a jog sometimes?"

Akechi doesn't have friends. Akechi had never had friends, and while he wouldn't consider Ann Takamaki or Ryuji Sakamoto friends to him. He can't deny that some sort of connection was growing there. And Akechi has to wonder where Akira was going with this, what was Akira planning?

Chapter 7: The one where Akira nearly strips in the middle of the Shibuya station in front of Akechi


'This was a garden grown when no care was shown
You call that love?'

The one where Akira nearly strips in the middle of the Shibuya station in front of Akechi, and The Phantom Thieves thirst after Akira. Oh, and there is a lot of discussion over skincare.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"That is just such a lovely Yukata, Ann. The colors are gorgeous." Makoto praised her as the pair exited the train. The station was bustling with people, a fair amount wearing yukatas, and Ann assumed they weren't the only ones coming for the fireworks festival. She hoped they would at least be able to get a decent view. It was getting pretty late, but Ann wanted to spend the time to do Makoto's makeup. It was something she was used to; before, Shiho and her would do each other's makeup and go to summer festivals together. Still, Shiho had gone to another school outside of Shibuya, making it hard for them to meet up casually anymore. Ann was glad when Makoto approached her about getting ready for the festival together.

"Thanks!" Ann cheerfully replied, swaying back and forth, so her Yukata's sleeves danced with her. She was glad she finally had a reason to wear it, "I got it from a modeling gig I did a few months back. Sometimes they just let me keep some of the outfits, which is really nice."

"Wow! I didn't realize that modeling companies did that!" Makoto exclaimed, her face surprised.

Ann giggled; she always thought Makoto was only the mature, analytic type, or like she was in the Metaverse, a kick-ass. But Ann realizes that Makoto actually has a very innocent like streak to her. While she is knowledgeable in some areas, in other areas, she is relatively inexperienced. Ann appreciated that they balanced each other since the areas Makoto lacked in were the areas that Ann thrived in and vice versa. Ann felt terrible that she had judged her prematurely before.

She gave an enthusiastic nod at the comment, "Mhmm! But, more of the lesser-known ones, they probably hope that I'll wear it out and about and people will ask about it. It's a marketing technique. But, hey, win-win because I get free, cute clothes!"

"That is actually a brilliant idea." Makoto nodded, her hair bobbing slightly at the action.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have thought of it!" Ann laughed heartedly as they descended the steps to the walkway where they were meeting the rest of the gang. She can see Ryuji, Yusuke, and Morgana standing there, talking with two girls in yukatas that she doesn't know. But, by the look on Ryuji's face, she can only assume what is going on. Ryuji is probably hitting on them like the sleaze he could be, "Oh great…"

"Figures." Makoto shook her head next to her with a disappointed sigh.

"How could you?!" Ryuji bemoaned, in casual wear as he looked at Yusuke, in a yukata, in disbelief that Yusuke had just sent the girls away. Yusuke gives him a curious expression, seemingly not understanding the context that is going on.

"Why don't you go after them then?" Ann sighed, stomping her geta as they reach the trio to announce the lady's arrivals.

"So those are the kinds of girls you are into, Ryuji…" Makoto commented, her voice tinged with a little bit of disgust.

"Wha? I mean—it's like—" Ryuji stuttered, his face going red, and Ann isn't sure if it's the embarrassment of being caught in the act or how the two girls look in their Yukata. Ann wouldn't be surprised if it was the second; after all, Ann had worked really hard to make sure herself and Makoto looked drop-dead gorgeous in them.

"Lady Ann!! You look magnificent!" Morgana cried happily, his tail flicking back and forth in admiration. He leaned up from Ryuji's backpack to reach out towards her.

"Oh? Morgana? Where is Akira?" Ann blinked when she realized their leader was not amongst the group. It was weird to see Morgana out and about without him. Not only that, usually Akira was the first one to show up whenever they met. Mostly because he called the meetings, but Ann had always regarded him as reasonably punctual.

"I know he said he was bringing a friend…but they aren't here yet?" Makoto tilted her head, looking around as well. "Did he say who it was?"

"My bet is on Hifumi-chan." Ryuji smiled goofily.

"I believe you only hope it's Togo-San because you want to see her in a yukata." Yusuke sighed; his brows pinched in frustration. "Regardless of your reasoning, I would admit it would make sense. He has been hanging out with Togo-san numerous times."

"He didn't say anything, and when I got back from my walk, he was gone. I just went out to pee!" Morgana frowned, his tail dropping as well as his eyes. "I thought he had come here, but he didn't. He didn't bring my bag either, so I dragged it here…"

The group's mood sobered, and the noise sort of fades into the background. Ann dropped her eyes to the floor. Because, what if this is what they were thinking? What if Akira was using this as a distraction so he could sneak off into the Metaverse? They really were trying to prove Akira wasn't the black mask, that the evidence wasn't stacked up against him, yet Akira did things like this. Ann frowned; they messed up.

"Holy—" Ryuji stifled a curse, his voice breaking them out of their reverie. Ann looked up to see Ryuji completely flabbergasted, his eyes wide and his mouth open as if he had something to say, but nothing came out. Morgana's face is in the same state, his pupils blown out wide like a cat on catnip.

"What? What's the matter?" Ann prodded curiously; she has to wonder if they saw another girl. She wanted to have higher expectations of Ryuji at this point, but it was meaningless. But to see Morgana wide-eyed over a girl too? Other than her?

Yusuke seemed to figure out what Ryuji is on about because he has some sort of reaction as well. His eyes go wide, and instead of Ryuji's puzzlement, Yusuke has a sense of inspiration in his form. Ann has seen it before when Yusuke gets an idea, and nothing else matters to him at that moment. A strike of pure inspiration. Ann wished she could be passionate about things like that sometimes.

As Ann turned in the direction, Ryuji and Yusuke were gawking, which she assumed was a girl; she hears Makoto's gasp before she sees it.

It's Akira. But It's glasses-less Akira in a stunning black yukata covered in rich red begonia and spider lilies. His form is tall and elegant, a few inches on him added by his geta. He descends the subway stairs carefully, his Yukata gracefully bending to his form.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (10)

And Ann gets it at that moment. She understands completely; it's as if she had been enlightened. Her eyes have been opened. She can see clearly now, and any past doubt she could have had was gone.

Akira is f*cking beautiful.

Akira might as well be a Greek god chiseled by the heavens. It would explain how luscious his hair was, how creamy and clean his skin was, and how well his form was built.

Ann felt her face heat up because, honestly, she had never thought of Akira as more than a friend. She just never felt an attraction there and even despite Akira's flirty nature. After Kamoshida, she just wanted to swear off that path for a long while. But, damn, Ann has to appreciate how flustered Akira is making her at this moment. Ann wondered if he would consider doing modeling with her. Or at all, because he would make a damn fine model. Akira wasn't a snack, after all.

Akira was a whole ass meal with dessert and a drink.

"Dude…why is Akechi here?" Ryuji stage whispered from behind her, seemingly over his shock a few moments prior.


Oh, yeah, Akechi was descending the stairs right next to Akira. Ann hadn't realized he was there while she was mouthwatering over Akira. The two seemed to be focused on their conversation, with Akechi enthusiastically motioning with his hands trying to get some point across while Akira laughed next to him.

Ann doesn't know which one to focus on, Akira, or Akechi at this point.

On the other hand, Yusuke seemed to have decided right away who to focus on; he darted past Ann before she knows it and approached Akira. Disrupting the pair's conversation, Yusuke took both of Akira's hands into his own swiftly and looked at him in utter awe, a look of wonder in his eyes, "You simply must model for me! Right now, at this very moment! I feel the inspirations in waves, and I must capture it!"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (11)

Akira laughed heartily, throwing his head back in mirth, "Is it going to be a nude painting? Because I wasn't expecting to add this to my record, but who am I to deny an inspired artist. I will gladly offer my services for your creative endeavors."

"A nude painting? And Your record?!" Akechi sputtered next to them with a look of surprise, and Ann thought she could see his face heat up slightly, but it could also be the lighting. If he really was blushing, Ann couldn't blame him. Leave it to Akira to suggest stripping in public right next to a detective who worked on the police force. Only Akira could be that shameless.

Then to her horror, Akira started shrugging off one of the Yukata sleeves in the middle of the very crowded Shibuya station.

"Oh no-"

“AKIRA!” Ryuji cried in exasperation and mortification.

"And simply ignore the existence of this Yukata? I shan't! It would be an absolute crime!" Yusuke shook his head vigorously as he yanked the Yukata sleeve back up onto Akira's shoulder, "The rich color of the base, the vibrant tones of the begonias and spider lilies, the composition of the layout and the saturated crimson of the obi! Contrast with your creamy, flawless skin and dark hair? You are a masterpiece demanding to be captured! No, this is a masterpiece itself!"

"Oh, thank god." Ryuji groaned, dropping his face into his palm in relief. Ann had to let out a snicker at this, but secretly she agreed.

"Akechi, This is Yusuke Kitagawa." Akira chuckled, reclaiming his hands from Yusuke only to pat him on the shoulder. "One of the best artists I know."

"Ah, Kitagawa-kun. You are the former pupil of Madarame, isn't that right? It's nice to meet you." Akechi politely greeted, giving a slight bow in Yusuke's direction.

Ann senses Yusuke's demeanor drop slightly at the mention of Madarame's name. It understandable, but she is also sure that Akechi didn't mean anything ill by it. It would make sense Akechi knew such things since he was a detective and investigating the Phantom Thieves' cases. It made sense, but it was also a bit worrying. After all, what if Akechi actually found out?

"Goro Akechi, the detective prince, you as well." Yusuke greeted back politely, but Ann can sense a bit of hostility there. Yusuke isn't great with meeting new people or more; new people are usually put off by his eccentricities.

Ann wondered what Akira thought was going to happen. Akechi has been against them from the beginning. Yet, Ann doesn't blame him. What they were doing could be considered controversial, but Ann is also firm in her beliefs that what they were doing was just. It was just a difference of opinion. She doesn't think Akechi is a bad person.

"Akechi-san." Makoto greeted less than friendly as well as she stepped closer to the group. Her face was more reminiscent of her student council persona rather than her. Ann sensed some tension there as well.

"Nijima-san, It's nice to see you as well." Akechi nodded pleasantly, "I do hope I am not intruding on your guy's outing."

Ann sensed an argument coming from either Yusuke or Makoto, both seemed uncomfortable by Akechi's presence, but before either of them can protest, Akira beat them to it.

"Of course not, the more, the merrier, right? Besides, didn't you say you had never been to a fireworks festival? Trust me, it is more fun with friends." Akira reassured him before side eying the rest of them. A clear plea for them to behave and be careful about what they say.

Then Ann made the second epiphany of the night.

"Yeah, Akechi! You are going to have a blast!" Ann exclaimed, her voice bright as she surrenders to Akira's will, but not just that. Just because Akechi opposed them doesn't mean he wasn't human and didn't deserve a nice time too, "It's a beautiful sight to see the fireworks exploding over the skyscrapers. It's surreal!"

Maybe Akira is truly embodying the keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer tactic. Ann doesn't necessarily think that Akechi is the enemy, but it may prevent them from being discovered later down the line if they became friends with them. And, if Akechi gets close to them, perhaps they can change his mind about the whole thing. It's a gamble, but she knows risks are what Akira is best at.

Ann wholeheartedly approved. Akechi didn't seem like a bad guy, really, and maybe he was just like them after all. Just a kid in a world of sh*tty adults.

"Uh, we should go; it's going to start soon!" Ryuji pleaded, throwing the Morgana bag to Akira before leading the group towards the exit to the crossing. Morgana, who has been quiet this entire interaction since having a cat interacting with them was too suspicious, peaked his head out and yelped.

"Uh, why is your cat here?" Akechi quietly asked Akira as the group started to move, but Ann is close enough to the pair that she overhears it.

Ann stifled a laugh. If only Akechi knew.

Makoto doesn't like Akechi. Her few interactions with him have been jarring and annoying. She just got the sense that Akechi felt like he was better than everyone. His wording could come off as very condescending, and it rubbed her the wrong way.

She bit her lip as they walked through Shibuya's streets, where the policemen were directing the crowd for the fireworks show. Makoto doesn't like Akechi, but she also felt like she hadn't given him much of a chance. It pains her to admit that, but since she awakened Johanna, she had been rethinking various beliefs and views she held before her enlightenment. She knows she had only done what is expected of her before, and maybe Akechi is in that same boat too. After all, A detective highschooler dictated by the media and police? She knows how much pressure Sae is under, so she can imagine Akechi feels that as well.

"Oh? So, you are suggesting that Van Gogh never saw his psychological troubles as a hindrance to his artistic work yet saw it as his own personal truth? A means to be better?" Akechi asked, deep in a conversation with Yusuke about the life of the master painter. Makoto didn't expect them to go this far in the short amount of time from the station to the crossing, yet it seemed Yusuke had quickly warmed up to Akechi. Their conversation had spiraled rapidly down into philosophical beliefs about Van Gogh's life and issues. A topic she hadn't realized Akechi was informed on.

"Precisely, there is a sense of beauty in despair. To see the world in a realistic light, rather than rose-tinted ones. Because then, those moments feel more real. After all, true artistic beauty lies within the truth and pure sentiment." Yusuke nodded, and Makoto sometimes forgets how insightful the artist can be. Makoto saw big pictures; she saw plans coming to action. But Yusuke saw the finer details, the things that most people missed. Yusuke continues, "Denying one's self only leads to the destruction of one's values and morals. If Van Gogh had ignored his troubles, if he had forgone his eccentricities, the world would not have such beautiful creations shaped the artistic world. And I believe he would have perished much earlier than he did. He lived his life with his struggles but stayed true to his love of art. He lived his truth."

"Denying one's self…huh?" Akechi murmured, a sort of look on his face that Makoto can't decipher, but she does know for a fact that it is far different than any look she's seen on him before. Before she can break it, though, it is replaced with a pleasant smile, "What an interesting view you have on this, Kitagawa-kun. I feel as if my perception had changed, after all, to quote Hegel, advancement cannot occur without thesis and antithesis."

"That's a very astute way of putting it." Yusuke nodded, a smile gracing his face.

"If you guys are done getting philosophical, the fireworks show is going to start soon," Ryuji interjected with a bored face. Makoto doubts he understood a lick of the conversation. Ryuji isn't stupid, but he certainly isn't philosophical either.

"Very well, then, we shall continue this conversation at another time." Yusuke concedes, "If that is ok with you, Akechi-san."

"I would be quite delighted, Kitagawa-kun." Akechi nodded politely and adds with a courteous smile, "Perhaps we should discuss over a coffee at Leblanc sometime."

"That sounds excellent." Yusuke nodded back, a sense of visible comradery forming between the two.

"Good, now Yusuke can discuss with someone who actually understands art instead of me who can barely produce a stick figure." Akira laughed from where he stood next to Akechi in the street.

"Even your stick figures are questionable," Ryuji muttered.

Makoto then realized what Akira was scheming. Akira's strategies were risky and reckless, to say the least. It always seemed like he gambled and made careless decisions that could either pay out well or not at all. Instead of ambushing enemies by hiding, Akira blatantly runs up to them to save time. In battle, he ignores the safe method of finding an enemy's weakness and exploiting it to bring them down in favor of Alice's insta-kills spells or Yosh*tsune's Hassou Tobi. Akira makes risky decisions that Makoto would never make, yet, they always seemed to pay off. And what Akira was doing right now was introducing Akechi to their group because you keep friends close and keep enemies closer. Akechi was a part of the task force that Sae was on, and if they bonded with him, then maybe later down the line, they could sway the investigation. Makoto can't deny it's a hazardous choice but also one that could be beneficial.

She decides that she'll do her best to play along as well. While Sae would have the most sway on their investigation, It was easier to approach and form a relationship with Akechi who their age and year in school were. It was more inconspicuous.

Yet, she remained wary. Their plan could backfire just as easily. Makoto frowned; she hoped Akira knew what he was doing. She still wasn't sure what Akira's intentions are.

The fireworks show started with a bang; bright colors filled the sky as everyone' ooh'ed and 'awwwe' ed in admiration. Makoto released her tension allowing the hot summer night to bleed into her. It was actually nice to hang out like ordinary teens and watch something as simple as a fireworks show. She never got to experience this before, the last time had been with Sae when she was way younger, but Sae was way too busy now. She was happy to be surrounded by a group of friends now.

The fireworks show ends just as abruptly as it starts. Raindrops fall from the sky slowly until it's coming down in a torrent. The police are ushering people off the street, and there is an announcement that there are flash floods warnings in the area.

"Aww, man." Ann groaned next to her, holding up her hand to shield herself from the rain, but it does nothing for her.

A tap on her shoulder caused her to turn, and Akira is there handing her an umbrella with a smile, "Here, you and Ann share this."

"Oh!" Makoto took it surprised and quickly opened it to shield her and Ann, but frowned, "But what about you? You'll get wet."

Akira smiled cheekily and opened another umbrella to hold it over Akechi and him, "Don't worry, Akechi, and I will share this one."

"Wow, you came prepared, Kurusu-kun!" Akechi praised delightfully, delicately drying his hair with his own handkerchief. Makoto had to agree. She didn't actually check the weather forecast today, had there been predicted rain? "I hadn't thought to check the forecast. It was certainly clear before."

"Hey! What about us?!" Ryuji argued indignantly, vigorously shaking the water droplets out of his hair, though it was useless under the summer torrent. Yusuke similarly looked betrayed, his hair dripping, and shoulders slumped.

"Only had room for two umbrellas." Akira patted him on the shoulder unsympathetically, "At least it's a warm rain. Think of it as a shower."

"I don't want to take a shower in clothes!" Ryuji argued back.

"Strip then." Akira offered with a cheeky smile, tugging on his bangs. Ryuji slapped his shoulder, his face heated up.


"Let's just leave before it comes to that." Ann shook her head from next to Makoto.

"That seems sensible; let's make our way back to Subway." Akechi nodded, leaning more towards Akira and away from the rain that seemed to pick up.

As did the rest of the group, Makoto agreed on no use to hang around when the fireworks show was canceled, and it's raining cats and dogs. They begin meandering in the direction of the subway entrance along with the subway entrance.

She nearly runs into Akira's back and Akechi's side when Akira stopped suddenly; the teen whipped around, almost whacking Akechi in the face with his arm that he threw into the air. Akechi quickly stepped back to avoid it.

"Hi, Haru!! Thanks for your help!" Akira shouted happily, waving at someone across the street who waved back happily.

"Oh!" Makoto exclaimed quietly as she recognized the petite girl. In her year, the student had short fluffy hair, and she was wearing a beautiful yukata. Makoto had seen her around, but She didn't know her name until now. Interestingly, Haru was standing next to a limousine and was surrounded by bodyguard looking people. Makoto wondered if she was related to a celebrity or someone else important.

"Aki-chan! The Yukata looks amazing on you!!" Haru shouted back cheerfully before one of the bodyguards tapped her shoulder. She looked at them, and her face fell before she called back to Akira, "I'll see you!"

"Bye, Haru!" And with that, Haru ducked into the car, and it took off in the opposite direction of them.

"Of course, you would know Haru Okumura," Akechi shook his head with a disbelieving chuckle, "I find your connections get more interesting the more I learn about them."

"Okumura?" Yusuke murmured next to Makoto, and she shares the sentiment, she felt like she has heard that name before, yet it isn't registering with anyone she knows.

"I'm in the gardening club with her at school." Akira smiled, beginning to lead their procession to the subway entrance. "We are trying to get a vegetable garden going."

"Gardening?" Akechi blinked, "You truly have an assortment of all sorts of interests, Kurusu-kun."

"What can I say, I'm a jack at all traders, or rather, I'm a joker card." Akira snickered, a devilish smile spreading across his lips.

Makoto wants to groan at this, it would be impossible for Akechi to know their codenames, but it's still an unnecessary joke to make. Ryuji is holding back his own disbelief at the poorly made joke.

"Well, historically, Joker cards can either be very beneficial or very detrimental depending on what game you are playing." Akechi easily answered back with his own charming smile.

Makoto can just feel Ryuji busting a lung at this behind her.

"Yes, well, remember there is always two in a deck." Akira easily replied back.

Ryuji doesn't understand Akira in the slightest. And he definitely doesn't understand the connections his friend has. It's insane how many people he knows, and Ryuji can't deny they aren't beneficial, but all the same, Ryuji doesn't understand how Akira does it. After all, that girl had been so cute with her fluffy hair and with her Yukata. She spoke so formally but in a playful way to Akira that Ryuji has to wonder if something was going on there.

Ryuji knew Akira was a flirt. It was just a part of his charm; he was, for sure, the embodiment of a debonaire. And it took Ryuji awhile to get that. At first, he thought Akira was definitely into Ann. He would always hang with her, and they went to the café a lot or hung around Harajuku. Then, Akira started hanging out with their backstreet doctor, a total hottie in Ryuji eyes. He had run into them at the ramen stand he goes to occasionally. Ryuji assumed Ann turned him down or something.

But then he realized Akira had a lot of friends who were girls. The teen's teacher, who worked part-time as a maid, Ryuji is baffled about that friendship. The journalist they met at Madarame's atelier. The fortune-teller they ran into in Shinjuku. Togo Hifumi, the professional shogi player that he told Akira about. Ryuji was sure that Akira and Hifumi were an item for a hot week until Akira started interacting with Makoto.

Ryuji didn't understand Akira. He had all these girls around him, an assortment to choose from. A wide variety, yet, Ryuji doesn't think Akira is serious about any of them other than friends. It's honestly weird to the blonde, and he is very jealous because Ryuji would kill to have that. But Akira isn't making any moves what so ever. He understands not getting with Makoto or Ann because a relationship within the group could be problematic but come on? A hot doctor? Ryuji would be all over that.

And now, Akira knows some girl who may or may not be some sort of celebrity? Why couldn't the world give him something?

"Ugh, I can't believe how fast that came on." Ann groaned from next to him, using a handkerchief to blot the stray water from her hair. "Just our luck. What a night."

"You think that was Akira's girlfriend?" Ryuji asked, quietly enough to Ann. Akira was a few feet ahead of them as they approached the stairs, but Ryuji didn't want to risk him overhearing. It was bad enough they were gossiping from only a few feet away, but Ryuji had to ask.

"Who? The fluffy hair girl?" Ann murmured back; her interest intrigued, and her voice dropped low. "I mean, I thought he was with Hifumi for sure."

"For real, though, I thought that too." Ryuji agreed as they fall behind the rest as they ascend the stairs, "But I mean…' Aki-chan'? That's something, right?"

"Yeah, I guess it could be possible. Do you think they actually 'garden'?" Anna wheezed, her face heating up.

"Ann!" Ryuji choked at her insinuation. And before Ryuji can respond, he feels eyes on him. Ann must have felt this too because she instinctively looked up the stairs. Akira peered at them from the corner of his eye while still participating in his conversation with Akechi and Makoto about something.

Ann gulped next to him, and Ryuji thought they are doomed once the other leave. But instead, Akira gives them a very natural sly smile, as if he were up to something. It's his 'I'm scheming, and you'll never see it coming' smile that Ryuji has gotten very used to in the Metaverse, and it piques Ryuji's curiosity.

Then a few things happen in succession over the next few minutes.

First, Akira's geta either misses a step, slipped on a puddle, or just bends at the wrong angle because Akira's form buckles suddenly, and he falls on the stairs, nearly hitting his chin. Ryuji can hear Morgana yelp inside the bag that Akira was carrying but, Akira managed to hold onto it well so Morgana wouldn't get hurt.

Second, Akechi caught his arm instinctively in a split second, saving Akira from the fate of busting his chin wide open on the subway step. It's an awkward angle, but a save never the less.

Third, Makoto and Yusuke both gasp, as well as Ann and Ryuji. A flurry of concern raised in the air over a more than a stumble. Akira really could have hurt himself if Akechi weren't there. And a trip to the emergency room would have been a terrible ending to the night. Yusuke reached to help heave Akira up, but Akechi already has pulled Akira back up and held his shoulder to support him.

Fourth, the older lady behind them complains about the holdup on the stairs because Ryuji figured she is a Karen and has no interest in others' well-being. So, in response, Akechi quickly but carefully helps Akira up and off the stairs. Ryuji can't see Akira's face from the back, but by his posture, Ryuji can tell Akira must have f*cked up his ankle.

Fifth, they finally manage to find an empty spot close to a wall in the subway out of the walkways.

"Kurusu-kun, are you alright? That could have been quite the fall." Akechi asked with worry, looping one of Akira's arms over his shoulder to help Akira keep the weight off the obviously injured ankle.

"Ah-" Akira winced hard, and it's such a weird expression for Ryuji to see on his face since Akira rarely ever got hurt in the real world or the Metaverse. Nothing could touch him in the Metaverse, and well, even when he crashed his bike, Akira didn't seem pained by that. Akira grimaced again as he tested his ankle out slowly, "I think I twisted my ankle really bad. It hurts."

"That's not good," Makoto frowned in concern as she held a finger to her chin in contemplation, "What happened? It was quite a tumble. It was a good thing Akechi-san was right there, or it couldn't have ended well."

"Ahhh, I think I slipped on a puddle on the stairs; I'm not used to wearing Geta." Akira laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.

"You should be more careful, Akira. It really could have ended up worse. It would have been fine if you went in normal sandals. Your Yukata would have distracted anyone from looking at your footwear." Yusuke sighed, shaking his head and giving Akira a disapproving look. Akira chuckled back guiltily, but it warped into a visible grimace.

"Here, let me take a look," Ryuji said, not really giving Akira the option. Everyone else was in Yukata, making it hard for them to bend down while Akechi was the only one keeping Akira upright. Besides, Ryuji knew leg and foot injuries like the back of his hand.

Carefully, Ryuji took off Akira's Geta so he can get a better look at the ankle. It's swelling and red with irritation, but it doesn't look awful. Ryuji has seen bad twists in his life and experienced a few. It's definitely more severe than a twist but far less than a sprained ankle. Ryuji pokes it slightly.

"Ow, you don't need to poke it!" Akira whined, pulling it back from Ryuji slightly and leaning more into Akechi's side at the action. "It hurts! And you'll make me cry! If you poke it again, it might fall off!"

Ryuji snorted at this as he retorts, "You're fine, dude. I mean, it's like the least severe type of strain, but you probably shouldn't walk tonight and let it rest for a few days. Wrap it up. Oh, and Ice it. Ice is hard."

"I knew it," Akira sighed with a swoon, leaning all his weight onto Akechi, who protested with a yelp but took it regardless; Akira continued, "I'll have to amputate it; it's a goner."

"Oh my god, you are such a baby." Ann laughed, shaking her head. They all know it can't be serious if Akira is joking about it like this.

"Well, we might as well help you home if you will be unable to walk." Yusuke offered, offering to take Akira's other arm.

"Aw, don't worry about me, Yusuke; You guys just go home. Akechi can help me home." Akira told him and waved him off nonchalantly, volunteering Akechi has his chauffeur.

Akechi sighed in resignation with a shake of his head as he readjusted Akira's weight. "I can do that; I do need to repay you for sharing your umbrella, I suppose. It isn't a trouble."

Ryuji can tell the detective has already fallen to the whims of Akira's demands. It was hard to say no to him, after all. Akira could be very persuasive.

"Aww, well, I hope you feel better, Akira." Ann patted Akira's shoulder with a sympathetic smile, "Even if your geta did try to kill you, they looked good tonight. Now you know how people wearing high heels feel."

"I feel like I've learned a valuable life lesson about your lifestyle, Ann." Akira laughed. "I will never take my flat, support shoes for granted again."

"And It was fun hanging out with you, Akechi! Hope we can do it again sometime!" Ann smiled, her ponytails bobbing with the nodding of her head.

"Yes, it was quite pleasant to pick your brain Akechi-san, I do hope to hold conversations with you in the future; I find your view on things to be stimulating," Yusuke added with a pleasant smile.

"Ah, it was fun; I thank you for allowing me to join your party of the evening." Akechi politely nodded back.

"Of course, who wouldn't want to hang out with Mr. Detective Prince?" Akira snickered, "We should go before the line to Yonge-Jaya gets to full."

"Remember, Akira." Ryuji gave him a pointed glare as Akechi and Akira begin to walk off towards the station. "Wrap it and Ice it."

Akira peered over his shoulder at Ryuji with a glimmer in his eye and sent the blonde a sly smirk reminiscent of his previous one from just before he tripped. It's indiscreet, quick, but Ryuji caught it immediately. Ryuji isn't stupid, and he isn't as unobservant as people make him out to be. It's the same look Akira got once they had executed a successful all-out attack, and Ryuji was sure if they were in the Metaverse that his friend's eyes would be glowing a familiar red. As soon as Ryuji registers it, Akira hobbled around the corner with Akechi supporting him and disappeared into the crowd leaving Ryuji with an epiphany.

Ryuji got it. At that moment, Ryuji completely understood. His previous suspicion has been completely and utterly wrong. He understood what happened.

"Is this for real?!" Ryuji exclaimed with wide eyes as the pieces were put together. He can feel his mouth hanging low in shock. The blonde wasn't anticipating this revelation. Mostly when he had thought it was the exact opposite.

"WHATTTT?" Ann gasped at the same time next to him, her voice a little higher and hitched, but her eyes the same. Ryuji assumed that Ann had seen the smile the same as him and came to the same conclusion. After all, they knew Akira the longest.

"What is wrong with you two?" Yusuke asked, understandingly confused with the sudden shouts and exclamations. Makoto is in a similar state, looking at them in worry, which is understandable with their sputtering. Even a few of the passerby's give them a look. "What are you on about?"

"Akechi! —he—" Ann stuttered, pointing at where the two walked off too. She failed to properly form what she was thinking as it seemed like she was second-guessing herself. Ryuji doesn't blame her. It wasn't something he had expected.

"What about Akechi?" Makoto asked, her face growing more confused every minute and maybe even a little worried. Ryuji does suppose they could be acting out a bit.

"He-he! And Akira!?" Ann sputtered, her eyes darting around as if she is trying to process it.

"We've been duped!" Ryuji exclaimed, stepping in for Ann, "Akira didn't twist his ankle on accident; it was on purpose! He staged that!"

"What are you going on about? Why would Akira twist his ankle on purpose?" Yusuke asked, his eyebrows rising in disbelief. "Why would Akira purposively hurt himself?"

"Because he's smitten with Akechi!" Ryuji and Ann declared at the same time in indignation.

"Akira is…smitten with Akechi?" Yusuke murmured in an echo, a pensive look replacing his disbelief. Ryuji assumed it's because Yusuke doesn't get what smitten means in this instant. Or if Yusuke even knows what smitten means. Considering its Yusuke, he probably didn't.

"Akira likes Akechi. As in like like!" Ann explained, her eyes still wide. "He 'likes likes,' Akechi!"

"Akira likes Akechi…" Makoto repeats, confused, then a look of understanding and horror dawns across her face as she continues. "Akira likes Akechi. Akira isn't hanging out with Akechi because Akechi has connections to the investigation and might be a source of information. Akira isn't hanging out with him to sway Akechi away from us if the investigation ever were to pull up something. Akira is hanging out with Akechi because Akira wants to be romantically involved with him; Akira wants to date him. Oh, oh my god, this is not good. Oh my god, this is not good at all. I was wrong; I was so off the mark."

"Akira staged that so Akechi would take him home!" Ryuji deduced because he knows for a fact how crisp Akira's reaction times were.

"Is it a bad thing?" Yusuke wondered, his eyes narrowing. "Akira can like whom he wants, may it be a girl or a guy or another. Why would we have a problem with that? I thought we were fixing social injustices?"

"We don't have a problem with THAT bit. It don't matter who Akira likes." Ryuji groaned, rubbing his hand down his face in exasperation. "We have a problem with the fact that Akechi is literally INVESTIGATING the Phantom Thieves. US. HE IS INVESTIGATING US. He is investigating Akira! Akira wouldn't be so stupid to actually like, go through with this, right? He gets that this would be a terrible idea, right? Right? I mean, Akechi is an ok dude, but if he finds out about us..."

Ann, Makoto, and Yusuke are silent at his question because they all know Akira doesn't act within logic all the time. Akira had a streak of recklessness that they wondered would bite them in the ass later.

"I mean, Akechi isn't bad; I've hung out with him and he seems to be pleasant and nice. He gets on well with Akira. I mean, this wouldn't go too bad, right?" Ann argued quietly, her voice lacking in any sense of confidence In her statement.

"Oh, man, we are so f*cked." Ryuji grumbled, his shoulders slumping. He can only hope Akira's miraculous gambles landed in their favor once more on this one. Because he doesn't know what they are going to do if Akechi finds out about them.

"Kurusu-kun, I think it would be more beneficial to take you home rather than Leblanc; I doubt it's even open this late. The last thing you need is coffee." Akechi frowned as he half dragged Akira to the doorway of Leblanc after Akira insisted. Akechi did his research (though he would not admit that to Akira), and he knew Akira was on probation, and his guardian was Sojiro Sakura. Sakura-san's house was only a street away, so Akechi wondered why Akira demanded they go to Leblanc, even going as far as basically pulling Akechi down this side alley.

"I live here." Akira laughed, taking a key out of the bag his cat was poking his head out of and pushing it into the lock on Leblanc's door.

Akechi blinked because the joke confused him. Usually, he gets Akira's humor. He can wrap his responses around it, but his mind is failing him in this instance, "Kurusu-kun, it is hardly time for your jokes. I realize that you spend a lot of time here and work here, but I hardly think breaking into the café after hours is very appropriate. Sakura-san may have a fit over this."

"No, Seriously, Akechi, I live here." Akira laughed harder, pushing the door open with his free hand. The café is dark and quiet. "Just take me upstairs, and you'll see."

Akechi sighed and went along with Akira's antics. If he didn't, Akira would probably insist on walking through the café himself and might further injure his ankle. There were stairs at the end of the café, and Akechi can definitely imagine round two of what happened earlier.

Before Akira closed the door, he sets the bag on the ground and allows Morgana to come out before picking up the cat and putting him outside, "Why don't you go take your nightly walk and do your business before bed, hmm?"

"But Akira! —" The cat yowled in protest, but Akira gives him a pleading smile, pats him on the head, and abruptly shuts the door in his face.

"I don't need to go, though!" The cat argues back, but Akira has already started to make his way, hobbling towards the stairs dragging Akechi with him. The cat continues to scratch at the door.

"Be careful going up. You wouldn't want to make your ankle worse." Akechi warned, making sure to take most of the weight off Akira's ankle as they maneuver up the stairs.

"Carry me up then!" Akira laughed cheekily, leaning all his weight against Akechi, who quickly compensates for it.

"I don't think we need to resort to that quite yet. You are capable of walking with assistance." Akechi shook his head at Akira's antics as they reached the last step up into the attic. Akechi blinked, surprised; the attic looked lived in. There was a bed by the window with sheets on it; across from it was a well-used desk. A futon sat parallel to the ground and a table with a TV next to it. Various trinkets littered on top of free shelves in the room, proving Akira's claim from earlier. "You live in an attic, Kurusu-kun?"

"Ah, you believe me now. Yes, I do, welcome home Akechi." Akira grinned, throwing his bag on the table next to the top of the stairs. He smirked at Akechi with a sly smile, "Wanna help me in bed?"

Akechi ignored the obvious flirtatious inquisition that he has come to expect from Akira. It's standard at this is a part of his personality, Akechi has deemed. Contrary to Akira's question, he takes Akira to the small futon, pushed up the wall, and helps him sit down before leaning down to get a better look at his ankle. He would process the fact the teen lived in an attic later.

"Ah, don't worry about it; It's feeling better already. You caught me before I could twist it further." Akira chuckled, tugging on his hair.

"While it might be feeling better, it would be wise to follow Sakamoto-san's advice and wrap it," Akechi concludes, gently probing Akira's ankle with the pads of his fingers. It's swollen but not an overly concerning amount. "Though, do you have any compression wrapping? I saw a convivence store down the street I could run to."

Akira laughed hard at this; he threw his head back as laughter bubbled from his throat. Like what Akechi said was the funniest thing in the world, and Akechi just does not get it. The things that set Akira off are far from understandable. Akechi feels the frustration bubble out of his throat before he can stop it because it's been getting harder and harder to hide from Akira, "Kurusu-kun Shut up. I do not see what is funny here. I suggest you stop laughing at my expense now, or you will regret it."

Akira stopped, his head falling back down, and his face surprised by the outburst. Akechi almost feels a little smug about this until he realized he un-wittingly snapped at the other. Something he's been so good at keeping back with everyone. He had to be polite in public; he had to be proper. He was a detective prince, for god's sake. It's in his blood. He had to be appropriate and composed at all times. Something he learned from his childhood because people didn't like unruly and vulgar children. Though, in the long run, it didn't matter since he was thrown around foster homes anyway. It hadn't actually mattered how polite he was.

Akechi tries to come up with a save, something to restore his pleasant composure, but he looks back up to Akira. And Akira is genuinely smiling at him. Not a smirk. Not a teasing grin. Akira is just smiling like Akechi hadn't just threatened him.

Akechi does not understand Akira in the slightest. Most people don't react kindly to being snapped at.

"In that bag, I keep a few medical supplies, just in case. If you want, I'll let you wrap up my ankle." Akira nodded to a bag on one of the shelves, sidestepping Akechi's outburst. Akechi felt a gush of relief, but he holds back from expressing it.

"You'll let me wrap it up, what an honor." Akechi laughed dryly as he wandered over to the shelf where the said bag was. Yet, once he reaches the shelf, he notices a parcel next to the bag, addressed to him in pretty cursive letters. Instead of picking up the bag of medical supplies, his hands instantly find themself on the parcel in confusion.

"Oh! Yeah, that I meant to give that to you." Akira acknowledged before he laughed awkwardly, "It was supposed to be your birthday present, but ah, it's rather belated, though."

"My…birthday?" Akechi echoed in disbelief because he doesn't think he ever told Akira when his birthday was. It simply wasn't something he usually celebrated, or rather, more than often, there was no one to celebrate with. In his childhood, none of the foster homes he stayed with celebrated it. And even now his fans sent gifts and flowers, but it was rather pointless when he ended up sitting at home, all alone with the meaningless presents from people who didn't know him.

"Mhmm, I saw it on one of your interviews." Akira nodded, tugging on his bangs. It felt like a hint of bashfulness, but Akechi has learned Akira is far from bashful at any given moment. "Open it if you want, or you can just take it."

Akechi felt like he should probably wait, take it and open it in the privacy of his own home so he can determine his course of action from there. So he can calculate his reaction. Yet, his hands don't seem to get the message because they are already unwrapping the package—the tissue paper falling to the floor.

It's a skincare set. An excellent brand skincare set, his favorite brand, actually. One Akechi has had his eyes on for a while, except he knows it's a 50,000-yen skincare set, it's a really good skincare set, but it's also a costly skincare set. It's a 10-piece complete with the highest-grade cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and some serums that were top of the market. Not only that, it was absolutely perfect for Akechi's skin type.

"Kurusu-kun." Akechi blinked, rendered speechless because no one has bought him a gift this expensive, but it wasn't even that bit he was confused by. No one has ever bought him something that he had actually wanted, "How did you know?"

"Ah, well actually, I actually bought it for myself, but I didn't read the label until I got home and realized it totally wouldn't work with my skin type." Akira sighed dramatically, falling back onto the couch, "Alas, my combination skin is too strong for that stuff; it wouldn't make a dent. I figured you could make some use out of it, hopefully."

"It is rather fortunate for me then; I struggle with my sensitive skin, and I can never find a good enough product to use on it. Most of the best brands on the market are far too strong and abrasive for it." Akechi nodded, reading through the ingredients in the moisturizer carefully with delight. Indeed this was the highest-grade sensitive skincare on the market. But he frowned, looking back to Akira, "But, how did you afford this? It's a rather pricey set."

"I know a person who knows a person." Akira smiled easily.

"Ah, well, I should have known your connections would come in handy for this type of thing." Akechi agreed, "Though, it is unfortunate you couldn't find a skincare set for yourself. I know a few good sets that might be able to serve you well. We could go to Harajuku later on In the week and try them out, once your ankle is healed, that is."

"I would be absolutely delighted, Akechi." Akira cheekily grinned.

Akechi doesn't understand Akira and what he means by this is Akechi doesn't understand his relationship with Akira. Akechi's relationships were based on the idea of give and take. It was a mutual exchange of skills or goods. For the police department, he worked for them, and they paid him. For Shido, he does Shido's dirty business, and Shido pays for his apartment and necessities. Everything is conditional. Everything has always been conditional.

Yet, Akira doesn't ask anything of him other than his time and him as a person.

And Akechi doesn't understand that, but Akechi doesn't want to lose that either. He might consider Akira, his only true friend.

"Wait, so they talked till 1 am? In the morning?" Makoto asked hesitantly, her face paled at the implications of that. What did Akira even talk to Akechi about for that long? That was certainly a long enough window for Akira to potentially reveal their operation.

"Did they actually talk, or did they…" Ryuji asked, trailing off to make a few provocative motions with his hands with a cheeky grin.

"Ryuji!!" Ann slapped Ryuji's shoulder hard; the sound echoed throughout the station walkway and even turned a few heads. It wasn't the most private place, but the Phantom Thieves had been taking to hanging out here while Akira was either with confidants or at work. Currently, he was working at the flower shop. It was the most accessible place to see if Akira snuck off or not.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what that is; what is this motion supposed to be?" Yusuke wondered, making the same motion that Ryuji was in vivacious gestures in an attempt to understand it.

"Nothing!" Makoto grimaced, pulling Yusuke's hands down and glaring at Ryuji in disgust, "We are not entertaining that thought! What they do in that nature is none of our business!"

"Skincare," Morgana replied, his tail twitching back and forth.

"I'm sorry, what?" Ann blinked, her eyes narrowing.

"Skincare, they talked to 1 am in the morning about skincare," Morgana answered again, his nose wrinkled up in confusion. "I sat outside the window, listening to them talk about skincare till one in the morning. Then Akechi left, and Akira went to bed. That was it, that's all that happened."

"Akechi is into skincare?" Ryuji asked, confused, then asked louder, "Akira is into skincare?!"

"Most people are; you just aren't Ryuji." Ann sighed, raising a hand to her face, "I can tell by your skin. It looks awful."

"What do you mean? I wash it!" Ryuji argued back.

"With what?"

"Soap? You know just the regular hand soap, ain't that what you're supposed to do?" Ryuji shrugged.

"Maybe you should stay up till one am talking about skincare with Akira." Ann groaned, her skin hurting just thinking about Ryuji's skincare routine. "I mean, do you even tone? Moisturize?? Use Sunscreen??? Please tell me, for the love of god Ryuji, that you use sunscreen. Please. I'm begging you."


"You should at least be using a sunscreen every day, Ryuji. Especially with how much time you spend outside." Makoto shook her head, pulling out a tube of facial sunscreen from her bag and handing it to the blonde, "Here, I have an extra tube at home. This one shouldn't feel too greasy when you put it on."

"You'll are on something; I don't even burn I tan." Ryuji shook his head but accepted the sunscreen tube that Makoto almost shoves into his hand.

"That doesn't mean you can't get sun poisoning." Makoto sighed.

"Your skin looks pretty clean, Yusuke. What do you use?" Ann asked, investigating Yusuke's skin. Yusuke was actually pretty good looking if one got past his eccentric personality, though that was a hurdle all in itself.

"Hmm?" Yusuke tilted his head, "I wash it with water when I bathe. It seems to be enough."

"Oh, man, you are so lucky!" Ann groaned, "I have to make sure I'm keeping up with my skincare routine, or else I break out! My modeling agency would have my head. But you should at least use a gentle cleanser every once in a while. Water just doesn't cut it, but at least your not like Ryuji."

"Ok, ok, but Akira talked about skincare with Akechi till one in the morning. Can we focus on that instead of Yusuke's perfect skin?" Ryuji argued, trying to get everyone back on track.

"I mean, that's good, right?" Ann wondered, tapping her chin, "He didn't talk to Akechi about us or the investigation. He didn't reveal anything. Maybe we should give Akira more credit."

"He told Makoto about us," Ryuji interjected.

"I knew about you guys already. I had the recording of you announcing it." Makoto said, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, "Akira just confirmed it; Akechi shouldn't have any concrete evidence of us being the Phanton Thiefs. It would be very hard with our methods."

"Yeah, but what if Akechi accuses us of being the Phantom Thieves and Akira just up and confirms it again?" Ryuji argued.

"Makoto seems to be an excellent addition to the team, which is to say Akechi wouldn't be either?" Yusuke suggested, and Ann sees some sense in that statement. Makoto was a great addition to the team. She added a source of knowledge and intelligence that wasn't present before. She was a voice of reason and could keep them all in line. Makoto, by all means, turned out pretty well for the Phantom Thieves.

"A detective in a group of thieves? You all are asking for trouble!" Morgana added in his two cents.

"You are thinking in terms of stereotypes, Morgana. However, stereotypes shouldn't be the deciding factor here." Makoto shook her head, "We just have to trust Akira's judgment on this one."

Ann frowned. She trusted Akira, but she also does not trust Akira. While they had been feeling better about him since their last private meeting because they hadn't come up with concrete evidence against him. There is still an air of tension because all the things Akira won't tell them frightens her. The air of the unknown. Akira knows more than all of them, and while it's helpful to their infiltrations. She wondered if they actually should be trusting Akira as much as they did.

Haru sighed, circling the rim of the teacup with her finger. It was afternoon tea, and she found herself alone once again. It's not new, nor is it unfamiliar. But, she remembers the days her father used to join her when they'd sit for three 'o clock tea and talk for hours about things that didn't matter. He would indulge her fantasies.

She knew her father hadn't always been this uncaring.

But, she doesn't know what to do, what is there she can do? The daughter of a prominent Ceo, high school fiance of another businessman, and a girl with no voice of her own. She is in a truly terrible situation—no one to turn to, and no one in power would listen to her. She had written out a request to the Phantom Thieves, dotted her i's, and crossed her t's properly. But, she doesn't know if she dares to send it. Does she have a right? Is this simply out of a selfish request of her? After all, she doesn't want to be ungrateful for all her father has done for her. They are indeed in good wealth and health. Her plate never runs out, and her cup never runs dry.

She's just so unhappy and so terribly dissatisfied with everything. She has felt inconsequential since middle school. Nothing she thinks matters, nothing she does matters unless it's what her father and his advisors tell her. She wondered if what she is doing even constitutes living.

Her phone buzzed on the table next to her, breaking her out of her reverie. She brushed the tears that have sprung from her eyes and looks down at it. There is no need to get herself so worked up over afternoon tea after all.

Akira-chan: I'm sorry you couldn't join us at the festival! Did you at least have a bit of fun? Unfortunately, it didn't last long.

Haru allows a small smile to grace her face. Akira has been really helpful. It's nice to know he doesn't care about her status. Whenever they go for a late-night snack or coffee, he always paid even though Haru offered. Akira never brought up her family unless she brought them up first. Akira was always really kind to her. He's the first real friend she's had in a long while.

Haru: The fireworks that they did shoot off were nice! I did enjoy myself a bit. I think it was more fun to get ready for the festival; however, you really did look lovely in the Yukata!

Akira: Haha, even though you disapproved of the flowers? :p

Haru laughed; it's true, Haru thought he should have picked a different flower combination. But, it's a silly reason she is sure no one else would have picked up on.

Technically, Begonias could be a good choice for Akira; the reds work well for his skin tone, but also in tandem, Begonias can symbolize connections with people and communication. Both of which Haru believes are qualities Akira has. She knows Akira makes connections with people very quickly; Akira called them confidants though she hasn't cracked what that meant yet. Her relationship with Akira is proof enough.

It would be a good choice if that were it's primary and only symbolism, but it isn't.

Begonias carry less than positive meanings that overshadow the positive ones. Begonias are known for warning of misfortune and challenges—dark, ominous energy on the horizon: bad thoughts and bad feelings. Haru has never particularly liked that part of Begonias or the Begonias themselves, she can admit they were pretty, but they never interested her. She made sure never to put them in a bouquet.

And combined with Red Spider Lillies, it's a co*cktail all in itself as Red Spider lilies are often known as the flower of the dead. They are planted around cemeteries to lead the souls of the dead to the afterlife. Haru doesn't know why this started, but she knows the bulbs of Spider Lilies are deadly poisonous despite being such a pretty flower.

It's a grim pair.

Haru: Ah, I wouldn't say disapproved; the colors looked nice with your skin!

Akira: I thought they looked like fireworks in the sky :) And they lasted longer than the actual firework show. I wanted to give people a show! You should have seen Yusuke's face when he saw it; he wanted to paint it right there!

Haru laughed at this; it's true, she couldn't deny the aesthetics of it. It was a really gorgeous Yukata. Haru smiled; it really was a silly reason to dislike the flowers, she'll admit it. Flowers are much like people; they aren't always cut and dry. Meanings vary and fluctuate.

Haru: It very well did! I would have loved to see it!

She sighed as she took another sip of her afternoon tea in the setting sun of her balcony; Haru wished she could be apart of Akira's friend group one day. They all looked like they had so much fun.


Who all wanted to see Akira actually strip in the middle of the subway, say I! 🖐

Chapter 8: The one where Akira plays Tour Guide and The Phantom Thieves rethink their angle a bit


'Did you think that you could live your life?
There's no one left in paradise'

The one where Akira decides to become a Tour Guide in Persona 5 version of the Lost Tomb and The Phantom Thieves rethink their angle a bit.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Akira does not like Mementos.

Akira does not like Mementos at all; in fact, Makoto thinks Akira hates Mementos with a burning passion. It's a well-known fact between the team at this point. An unspoken understanding because Akira has never actually told them he hated Mementos. Akira doesn't tell them a whole lot, to begin with. Yet, he seemed to avoid the topic of Mementos and the Phantom Thief Aficionado site like the plague with them.

"Hey Akira, shouldn't we do that request we got the other day from Mishima-san?" Makoto asked, looking up from her homework assignment she had been working on as they sat at the picnic table in the school's courtyard during lunch. She had been keeping track since it was right up her alley; all the requests they had talked about she had written in a little notebook. The requests have stacked up, and Akira hasn't even mentioned going to Mementos once to deal with them. It hadn't come up at any of their meetings in a good while.

"It's fine; we'll just get a few more and then do them all at once." Akira shook his head, fidgeting with his phone as he finished off the last of his bento box. Makoto assumed he was probably texting Akechi, which he does almost frequently now. It's a little disconcerting, but that's another topic entirely.

"Dude, that's what you said, like three requests ago." Ryuji grumbled, "And we still haven't done em."

"Yeah, I mean, we are supposed to be exploring Mementos, too, right? Let's just go, come on." Ann attempted to persuade him, but Makoto knows it's fruitless. "Maybe a new area has opened up.

"I promised Iwai that I'd help him at the shop tonight; he said he had a new customization for me." Akira easily disregards the notion of going without looking up to acknowledge them.

He always has a reason to get out of going to Mementos and was still very reluctant when the topic is brought up. Usually, saving the requests till they've piled up, so they get a batch done in one day and explore a big chunk on the same day as well. Makoto sighed; it's a bit annoying to be completely honest.

"I think a new area has opened up at this point, though," Morgana announces, popping his head out of Akira's bag.

But it's also weird. Very Weird. Akira loves going to Palaces, a lot more than he probably should. He's always super into it, and while yes, he pretty much wipes the floor with all the shadows in Mementos. Mementos is just as easy as the Palaces were to Akira. So why did he seem to dislike it so much?

"We can explore it when we do the requests later." Akira shook his head again.

Morgana wondered if Akira actually didn't hate Mementos; he just didn't want the rest of them to see something in it. Perhaps something Akira was hiding. He doesn't know why Mementos would be different, though. He doesn't know what Akira's deal with Mementos is.

"OK, but didn't you say you wanted to see Jose?" Ann innocently asked, twirling her ponytail. The only question that has a 20 percent chance of convincing Akira to go to Mementos when he doesn't want to.

"Hey there, Mister!" Jose cheerfully called out as they reach his little cart set up in a dead-end in Mementos. Stars hung up all around his small cart in an adorable display, a starry backdrop set up behind him, and it adds just a little bit of cheerfulness to the dim Mementos caverns. Ann loved the aesthetic of it, and Jose was just a charming kid. He was always super polite and eager to greet them. Sure, they didn't know what he was, but they felt he wasn't a danger. How could he be with a smile that wide on his face?

"Hey, little man, how's it hanging? Find some good flowers lately?" Akira asked, his posture relaxing as steps over to Jose's little setup and sitting on one of the crates he has set up.

Akira hates Mementos, but Akira loves Jose. He absolutely adores the little boy who wasn't human. He'd go out of his way to collect all the flowers he could for Jose to make into juice, and even if they hadn't collected flowers, Akira will stop by cart regardless just to talk to the little inhuman boy. Akira treats Jose like his own little brother.

Whenever they ran across Jose on the floor, Akira drove straight for his shop, and no one even bothered to stop him. They don't even bother asking how he knows exactly where Jose is going to be. Akira always knew.

"Ah, you know the usual amount. Mementos is never short of flowers, you know." Jose giggled, swaying back and forth in cheerfulness. "I've learned a lot of various things about humans!"

"What sort of things have you learned today, Jose-chan?" Ann asked excitedly, crouching down to meet Jose's eye level; it was always amusing to see the things Jose came up with. She doesn't understand the flowers' concept and how turning them into juice taught Jose things about humans. Still, she has learned there are many things about Mementos she doesn't understand but accepts, nevertheless.

"Oh! I learned Humans scare themselves for fun! They do things that terrify them for the thrill of it." Jose announced proudly but then frowned, "However, I don't understand why though. Why would someone want to be scared or afraid?"

"There is some sort of sense of beauty in things we can not understand. Human curiosity can be more influential than their fear; something truly marvelous can occur when this occurs. More than often, fear can be a powerful motivator to accomplish something great." Yusuke nodded an air of drama on his breath.

"I think he meant more like horror movies or haunted houses, dude." Ryuji sighed, patting Yusuke on the shoulder.

"Sometimes, it's the physical response when humans get scared or afraid; it activates adrenaline in our systems: Fight or Flight. The feeling can feel good sometimes, though you know it's a safe sort of scared. Humans like that feeling because it's different than the normal." Makoto explained thoughtfully.

"Interesting." Jose nodded before smiling wide, "I learned something new from you too! It's been a good day!"

"Do you get scared, Jose?" Ann wondered.

"Nope! What is there to be scared about?" Jose easily smiled back.

Akira laughed, patting Jose on the shoulder, "You are far braver than most of our race."

"Thank you!" Jose grinned, "Can I do anything for you today, Mister? I found some new items I'll trade with you for flowers!"

"Actually, I brought you something today, Jose," Akira announced, reaching into his bag to pull out some comic books. "I know you like learning about humans, so I thought you might like these!"

"Dude, you bought him Manga?" Ryuji wheezed as he looked at the colorful books. Ann is grateful Akira at least bought appropriate series even if Jose wasn't technically a human child.

"Oh! What is this?" Jose blinked in confusion as he took the books from Akira.

"They are books! Humans write stories down, and they print them on paper. They put them together in a book, so other humans can read them. This one is drawn instead; however, it's called Manga. I wasn't sure you could read, but I thought you might enjoy the pictures!" Akira explained, flipping through one of the books to show Jose what he meant.

Jose's eyes grow wide with sparkles, "Oh! I really like this, Mister!! I can have these?"

"Of course! I got them for you as a gift!" Akira nodded, patting Jose's head.

"Golly gee, thank you, mister!" Jose said with the brightest smile.

Akira loved Jose, and the entire phantom thieves could see it plainly.

"We need to talk about Medjed," Ryuji announced seriously as the entire group gathers around the tables at Leblanc. Akira had to watch the shop since Boss was away on an errand. And it seemed like the best time to do it. After the announcement last night, Medjed's anonymous call out on the Phantom Thieve, they had to figure out how to deal with them.

"Medjed?" Akira blinked at him, a little confused as he set down the towel he was using to wipe down the tables. As if he doesn't know what the f*ck Ryuji is talking about.

"Uh, yeah? Medjed? You know the group that called us out?" Ann explained incredulously, and when it still doesn't ring a bell with Akira, she continues in exasperation, "We texted you last night? The group chat?! Did you even read the texts?"

Akira pulled out his phone and flicked through the chat history, and hums, "Oh yeah, Medjed, that's a thing, isn't it."

"AKIRA! Are you f*cking kidding me?! How are you not worried about this!" Ryuji exclaimed, nearly tearing out his hair. Akira has always been sort of unbothered, but how could he about this? An anonymous group discrediting their names, claiming they are the only ones who can bring justice to Japan. Not only that, but they are demanding the Phantom Thieves change their heart to prove them wrong?

"Ryuji is right; we need to discuss what to do about MedJed. They are an anonymous group; we can't steal their hearts without a name. And we can only assume there are more than one person in this group." Makoto sighed in frustration, tapping the table in anxiousness. "I'm just afraid they know we can't; what will they do once they realize?"

"Is there anything we can do? Like you said, they are anonymous. Our usual methods won't work…" Yusuke shook his head in despair.

"Yeah, but they have to be our next targets." Ryuji decided, "I mean, one, they pose us a potential threat."

"And two, they are bigger than Kaneshiro, yes," Makoto agreed thoughtfully, "They are crackers, they break in and alter internet data. Therefore, their influence spread farther than Kaneshiro does since it's on the internet."

"But how are we going to take down an anonymous group?" Morgana asked in frustration, his tail flicking on the table.

"I don't know, guys; this seems kind of impossible." Ann frowned a look of despair, also breaching her face.

"Ah, it'll be fine. You all worry too much." Akira reassured them, going back to cleaning the table.

"Akira, please, for the love of God, please take something seriously for the first time in your life. Please be a little worried. Please be somewhat nervous over the fact this could ruin our entire operation; I'm begging you here." Ryuji groaned, "Akira, please, throw me a bone here."

Akira sighed and set down his towel again and pretends to look like he is quivering in fear, "Oh Ryuji, whatever will we do? How will we overcome this impossible challenge? How will we deal with this possibly fake group that clearly is out for our career?"

"Wait, you think this is fake?" Ann blinked, taken completely back by Akira's dramatic show, which held something of interest.

"Akira, why do you think this is fake?" Makoto looked at him strangely.

"Oh." Akira seemed to realize what he had said but explained, "I mean, I think someone is targeting us for sure. You know, the black mask, infiltrator. But I get the feeling MedJed isn't who they say they are. That's all. I mean, it's sort of out of the blue, isn't it? They weren't like in the media eye lately, and all of a sudden, it's 'we are the only providers of justice in japan'? It could very well be a bluff, just to make us nervous."

"Akira…" Morgana frowned. Morgana is all for following gut feelings, as they usually proved right. But Akira can't say for sure that Medjed is a hoax. Can he?

"Well, I supposed that could be an angle." Makoto agreed hesitantly, "But, can we really ignore this like it's nothing? Should we let it be?"

"I'm just saying, we shouldn't get this worked up yet." Akira shook his head and tugged on his hair in contemplation, "We have time to deal with this, and we've pulled off the impossible before; I think you should have more faith in our abilities when we work as a team. We haven't failed yet."

"Yes." Yusuke sighed, relaxing a bit and sitting back, "We shouldn't get worked up yet. It will hinder our ability to come up with a plan. An art piece cannot be created when one is too afraid of making the strokes."

"I guess." Ann deflates, taking a sip of her coffee. "But like, really, what are we supposed to do about this?"

"Let's leave it for now. See if they make another move. If it's actually a real threat or not. After all, we have no moves to make currently, seeing as we can't outright target them." Akira suggested.

"UGHHHH." Ryuji groaned, throwing his head back in the seat. He hates this. He knows Akira is right; they can't do anything because they don't have a name, and there is an excellent chance there are multiple people in this group. But he also just hates the fact that he doesn't know whether to trust Akira on if this is a hoax or not. Strategically, it is something possible. But why would Akira think it's a hoax? What is he basing off it?

"Come on, Ryuji, relax." Akira laughed, setting down a cola in front of him. "You wanted a new target, and we possibly have one."

"Yeah. But this isn't what I imagined." Ryuji sighed; he doesn't want to think about this right now. He doesn't like entertaining the fact that they might be doomed, and it might be on Akira's hands.

Sojiro thought the kid he brought in was an absolute weirdo; Sojiro doesn't understand him one bit. He was prepared to be cold hard, and stern with the kid, yet, He has grown really fond of Akira, much to his surprise.

Akira is nothing like Sojiro thought when he agreed to take the kid in. Sojiro knew about the incident when he decided. He assumed Akira would be the violent sort of type, troublesome, and a delinquent. The brooding sort of kind that got into fights and flunked most of his classes. Sojiro liked a challenge, though, and he couldn't deny he was like that when he was young either. So, he thought, he had a spare room, could use the extra money, why not give it a chance? The kid would be far enough away from his daughter but right under Sojiro's nose.

Akira was a challenge in a completely different way. Sojiro could hardly keep up.

He did not expect charming, responsible, and helpful Akira, who was actually very knowledgeable about coffee and how to run a coffee shop, not to mention his grades were absolutely outstanding. Akira was very, very independent, and Sojiro rarely had to keep him in line. He always followed curfew; if he went out at night, he would always come back at a reasonable time and lock up the shop. He always helped in the store when Sojiro asked, or even when Akira sensed it would be busy.

Akira exceeded all his expectations, and Sojiro feels guilty for even judging him before he got to know Akira.

Sojiro has felt lonely since Wakaba died, and Futaba locked herself up in her room. Sojiro feels that may be part of why he agreed to look after Akira because he felt he couldn't help his own daughter. He wanted to feel like he was helping someone, at least.

Akira makes the café less lonely, and Sojiro truly appreciates it. Akira will make coffee with him. He brings his friends over every so often to study or to hang out. And they seem like a very well-rounded group. Sojiro wished, prayed Futaba would be able to be a part of a group like that someday.

Sojiro doesn't understand Akira, but he is truly happy that he decided to take the young man in. He feels like something is about to change, but it's going to be good.

He holds onto that sentiment as this Nijima lady is really getting on his last nerves. Threatening his custody over Futaba. Sojiro feels like he is at his wit's end. Futaba won't come out of her room, and Sojiro certainly can't force her. He's done everything he knows how to do. He provides her a roof; he feeds her; he tries so hard to talk to her, but she simply will not speak to him about Wakaba's death. No matter how he pleads. He doesn't know what to do.

"And Stay Out!" Sojiro yelled in frustration as Nijima-san saunters out the door right as Akira is walking in.

"That woman is really good at pissing people off…" Sojiro sighed, leaning against the counter, trying to figure out how he will deal with this.

"Trust me, you have no idea." Akira chuckled, setting his bag on one of the counter seats before sitting at the counter himself. "She is infuriating."

"How would you know?" Sojiro wondered, idly pulling out a clean coffee cup to make the kid a cup of coffee. It's sort of been a habit they created. Akira will come home from whatever he does in the afternoon, sit at the counter. His cat sits next to him, and Sojiro makes him a new blend every day, or Akira makes it, and they just talk. Then Akira does whatever he does at night and comes back to lock up Leblanc. It's strange, but Sojiro doesn't want to dwell on it. It feels normal. It feels like something he would do with Futaba if she would leave her room.

It feels like something he would do with his own son if he had one. And at this rate, that's what Akira is turning into.

"Sae Nijima, she's my friend's sister." Akira nodded, watching Sojiro pouring the hot water into grinds, coffee soaking through the filter on the other side. "Makoto has told me things here and there; it seems Sae can be tough on her."

"Give her my condolences then. Honestly, the nerve of that woman. Makoto seems like a fine young lady; I can't imagine why Nijima-san can't be." Sojiro huffed in frustration, moving the water a bit faster as the kettle reached the end of its supply.

"Ah, you know it's just hard on them, I think. Both their parents aren't in the picture anymore. So, It's just Sae and Makoto. Makoto said Sae has been throwing herself into her work lately. I think she is just under a lot of pressure. I mean, it doesn't excuse her being this inconsiderate or rude, but I wonder…" Akira revealed, fidgeting with his glasses.

"Oh." Sojiro blinked; that wasn't something he knew. He hadn't considered it. He feels maybe he understands her a little better. She is looking out for her younger sibling, but it must be tough to raise a child without knowledge or support. Sojiro understands how tough it can be and how people throw themselves into their work. Wakaba had been the same way.

"But yeah, I agree with what she is doing sucks." Akira nodded as Sojiro slipped the cups towards him. Akira took a long sip before replying casually, "I mean, you are doing your best for Futaba. She should understand that."

This makes Sojiro stop because he has never told Akira about Futaba. "How do you know about Futaba?"

"We text, she shows me internet memes, and occasionally I run to Akihabara for her." Akira responded easily, taking another sip of coffee, "Hey, is there any curry left from today? I forgot to eat while I was out."

Sojiro completely ignores his question, completely speechless because Akira and Futaba texted? Sojiro doesn't know whether to be ecstatic that Futaba is finally reaching out to people or suspicious because Sojiro doesn't know how they came into contact or why. He has recently noticed he did a lot fewer errands for Futaba and has seen a lot more items in her space. "Wait, you and Futaba text? She texts you. And you text her."

"Yeah, it's well; I mean, it's the only thing we can do as I'm sure you are aware of." Akira sighed, setting his coffee cup down to get up and walk to the fridge. Sojiro is only slightly aware of how interested Akira's Cat looked; he can't get past the part that Futaba is actually talking to someone who isn't him.

"Yes, it's been a struggle for her." Sojiro sighed, but he feels slightly hopeful. "Ever since her Mom died, she's just been a shut-in. I've tried, but…"

"You can't force a person to change," Akira answered for him, rifling through the shelves.

"The Phantom Thieves certainly have that covered, don't they?" Sojiro scoffed, crossing his arms. He doesn't really know what he thinks about the Phantom Thieves, but he has to wonder about their methods.

"I doubt their methods are as unsavory as you are imagining." Akira chuckled, pulling out one of the Tupper wares of curry Sojiro premade for Akira if the kid ever got hungry, but he completely denies it. "After all, I do believe no one can make someone change. There has to be a desire already in their heart."

"I suppose you are right…" Sojiro sighed; he wondered if Futaba wanted to change or not. He is curious about one thing, "What do you and Futaba even text about?"

"How bad you are with computers and technology." Akira laughed, taking a bite out of the curry, "I mean, please Boss, that phone? So retro."

"Hey, I am not bad with—" Sojiro began to argue before his phone beeps, and he flips it open to look at the tiny screen. It takes him a few minutes to read the text.

Futaba: Listen to him; he isn't wrong; I watched you struggle with sending an email for thirty minutes last night ("ಡωಡ")

"The button was too small, OK! And it was out of sight!" Sojiro groaned in frustration, he knew Futaba had bugged the café, and he let her. It makes him feel like she is here in some sort of way.

"Ahah! Is she calling you out over the email?!" Akira laughed cheekily, dodging as Sojiro chucks one of the empty paper coffee cups at him in mirth. "She sent me the video, Boss; it hurt to watch. Getting kind of old there, huh?"

"It's called Maturing, which you are not!" Sojiro laughed back.

"If that is what maturing is, I'll remain this age, thanks!" Akira chuckled back.

Sojiro is so f*cking happy he took Akira in.

Sojiro couldn't get through to Futaba, but maybe Akira had a chance. Maybe Sojiro had a chance of building the family that he always wanted to with Wakaba.

"I know you can afford it, dude, but what is with all the sushi? Even Morgana couldn't eat this much." Ryuji asked with confusion at the box on box of sushi in Akira's hand. He had ordered far more than he could eat at the restaurant and then some to go. Though, he supposed he could have gotten it for one of his other weird connections. Maybe that hot backstreet doctor.

"I could!" Morgana argued back, sticking his head out of the bag, but then his ears fall as he mumbled, "Well, maybe I could eat half of it, but Akira could save the rest."

"You'd have to eat it quickly before it spoiled," Makoto suggested, as they made their way back through the subway towards the train to Yongen-Jaya. "Food poisoning is not a fun ailment to have. You should always be careful to eat leftovers on time."

"For real dude, tell me about, I ate a three-week-old Chinese leftover box, and I felt like sh*t afterward. I thought I was going to puke my intestines out." Ryuji whined, remembering the incident vividly. He, for sure, did not feel well for a few days after that. He definitely learned his lesson. It was the worst night of his life, and he never wanted to repeat it.

"You're just an idiot, Ryuji." Ann sighed, shaking her head and giving him a light nudge.

"Hey, so not nice. I shared it with you so you could learn from my misery." Ryuji nudged her back. "Now you know what not to do; I feel like that's pretty nice of me."

"Kurusu-kun!" A pleasant, familiar voice caught their attention, and they turned to find Akechi strolling over to them from the adjoining train line exit. "Fancy running into you all here. I hope you all are having a good evening."

"Hey, Akechi, finished with work?" Akira easily greeted him with a wide grin, his entire posture perking up.

Ryuji groaned internally because ever since the night of the fireworks festival, it changed his whole perspective on what Akira was doing. Really, he was rooting for his friend; he wished Akira all the best with his romantic endeavors. But, knowing Akira was actually flirting with the detective who is investigating them is nerve-wracking.

Akechi wasn't necessarily a bad dude; he just wasn't aligned with them. If he weren't a detective and wasn't currently investigating them, Ryuji could see them possibly being friends. When they went cycling together, it wasn't a bad time. Ryuji actually felt he knew Akechi a little better after that.

"Yes, all done for the day, ah, it's been quite a long day. Especially with the tension rising between the Phantom Thieves and Medjed. I mean, Medjed just declared war on them." Akechi said an intrigued look on his face. "Interesting things are happening. I'm anxious to see what comes of it."

"What!?" Ann exclaimed, confused, quickly pulling her phone out. This news takes them all by surprise, or at least Ryuji thought. He is taken by surprise, Only he and Ann react, however.

"What did it say?" Ryuji asked, confused because he can't read English on the site as he looked at her phone. He wants to tell Ann to translate but holds back. He just realized what he did. He might have just overreacted with Akechi standing right there. Not a great move on his part.

"Hm? Takamaki-san did something agitate you?" Akechi blinked at her innocently, but Ryuji wondered how innocent it was.

"Oh, Um, nothing really." Ann tried to cover up her tracks, but the damage has been dealt.

"She is a huge fan of the Phantom Thieves, so… it is probably upsetting for her." Ryuji tried to cover it up for her, but he doubts it comes out like wants. Makoto is shaking her head in distress, and Yusuke has a tense look on his face; Ryuji is glad at least Yusuke is shutting up.

Akira is the only one who looked totally at ease, as he usually did. A sly smirk and lidded eyes. Ryuji wanted to smack him into seeing the danger they are in.

"I did enjoy the fireworks festival with you, but I've noticed something strange about this group," Akechi admitted in contemplation, tapping his chin as he looked around their group.

"Akechi-san, what are you getting at?" Makoto wondered, baiting Akechi into saying what he is thinking. It's not much of a bait Ryuji assumed because Akechi probably would have said it regardless since Akechi doesn't seem to hold back in these cases.

"A few Shujin Students, An ex-pupil of Madarame and Sae Nijima's sister. It's quite an eclectic group for sure. It seems you are all connected to the Phantom Thieves in some way." Akechi declares, yet with his same pleasant smile on his face, "Yet I could be wrong, and you are just an uninteresting group."

"Sorry to disappoint, but we really are just a group of normal high school students," Ryuji responded, keeping his voice level and uninterested. But inside, he is sweating bullets; Akechi is definitely on their tail and doesn't know what will come of it. He is trying to do his best not to come off as suspicious. Ryuji really liked Akechi more when the detective wasn't actively interrogating them.

"I've done my profiling, and it would seem The Phantom Thieves are a group of juveniles. They have a relative amount of free time and can fly under the radar. Even more so, since Kamoshida was their first target, it seems they started becoming active around April." Akechi deduced before turning to Akira, "Everything I've said coincides with this group here."

Ryuji doesn't even know how to respond to that, Akechi is getting hot on their operation, and Akira hasn't even tried to throw him off it yet. Ryuji stepped in again because he feels no one else is pulling their weight here, "So What? Are you going to report us?"

"I wasn't saying I was being suspicious of you or interrogate you." Akechi shook his head and shrugged, "Merely spouting my deductions. Spitballing if it were. Telling someone my deductions always gives me an interesting perspective. I indeed think this is an eclectic group, but I can deny I've had some really stimulating conversations with you all."

This made Ryuji think, it's true. Akechi liked debates; he liked getting into the nitty-gritty of things. Ryuji can tell from his TV interviews, and he can also tell from just talking with the detective. Like, when he got into that full-blown conversation over Van Gogh with Yusuke at the fireworks festival. Akechi liked to look at things in different ways, get other opinions.

So, was this actually an interrogation? Or merely another debate being set up?

Ryuji only wished Akechi wouldn't be so obnoxious with it.

"What would you do if I was a Phantom Thief, huh Akechi?" Akira asked him slyly, his eyes narrowing in delight, and Ryuji wants to slap the sh*t out of this idiot. Akira should really watch what he says. They really could have just let this be and die, and Akechi probably would have walked away none the wiser. But, unfortunately, to all their dismay and horror, Akira continues with his signature smirk and low voice, "Would you lock me up? Handcuff me so I couldn't escape? Throw away the key and have your way with me?"

Ann groaned behind them while putting a palm to her face, and Ryuji gets why because he felt like doing the same. Akira isn't even serious about this now; he's just a kinky little sh*t. Akira is jeopardizing their operation only to be a flirty kinky sh*t.

"That's—" Akechi seemed to be taken aback by the sudden proximity Akira has taken to him.

"Because if that is your plan, I am totally a Phantom Thief Akechi. Please do with me as you will." Akira cheekily grinned, throwing out his wrists in front of him. "I'm ready."

"Akira, please stop," Makoto muttered, her face blushing madly in embarrassment.

"Ah, your humor precedes you as always. I never anticipate your responses, Kurusu-kun." Akechi smiled politely, firmly pushing Akira's wrists down out of his face. "Though I did want to share my deductions with you, intriguing, isn't it? I bet we would make a great team."

Ryuji cannot believe what he is witnessing, Akira flirting like no one's business to the detective that just accused them of being the Phantom Thieves. Akechi just completely ignoring Akira's passes but letting go of his previous questioning with ease. Did Akira's shameless flirting really just get Akechi off their backs? Did Akechi just agree to work with them? This moment is the perfect mixture of tension and comedy that Ryuji has no idea what to do with.

"I would team up with you any day Akechi, please take me under your wing." Akira nodded enthusiastically.

"Ah, well, I'll keep that in mind." Akechi chuckled before addressing the entire group. "I do hope I didn't interrupt your evening; I really didn't mean to accuse you; I truly have no proof."

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Have a good night, Akechi." Ryuji sighed, letting it go. He remembered what Akira said a few days ago. Akechi is trying to fix the same problem they were, just within the system. Ryuji gave him some leeway.

"I'll take my leave." Akechi bowed politely before beginning to walk off. But before he can get much further, Akira caught his arm to stop him. Akechi turned confused, "Huh?"

"I got you some sushi," Akira smiled, putting the to-go bag handles into Akechi's open palm. "Your favorite, the one with the unagi sauce that you like."

"Thank you, Kurusu-kun! I was quite peckish after today." Akechi beamed, "I'll be sure to savor it! I'll see you later."

Ryuji realized at that moment; how whipped Akira was for Akechi. Akechi walked back towards the subway and out of sight. Ryuji had to wonder, did Akira know that Akechi was going to be in the station? Or was he just going to meet up with the detective later?

"Really, Akira!? Really?" Ann sighed in displeasure as she shook her head, her face pinched together in the disbelief that they are all feeling. "You're sort of reckless here!"

"What?" Akira laughed, "You think he believed me? Trust me, he probably didn't, unfortunately. I may need to lay it on thicker."

"Do you need some water for that thirst?" Ryuji grumbled.

"Akira, please, can you please be more careful around Akechi?" Morgana begged, swatting at his cheek. "You can't charm your way out of everything, and your luck is going to run short eventually!"

Akira sighed with a low chuckle, "Fine. Fine, I'll tone it back, but seriously, what else was I supposed to say? It seemed like the best way to throw him off."

"You just said it because you like Akechi and wanted to flirt." Ann shot back.

"Two birds, one stone," Akira replied smugly.

"It did work though, I believe Akechi had been deterred or caught off guard. Akira's humor can be distracting. Though, I can't say for the success of your flirting." Yusuke said thoughtfully but then frowned, "Shouldn't we talk about Medjed, however?"

"I agree; we need to make a plan." Makoto nodded and turned to Ann with her face becoming serious, "Ann, what did the announcement say?"

"We have till the 24th until they do a cleanse of Japan. They are going to take out everyone who supports us and wipe out the economy if we don't reveal our identities publicly." Ann paraphrased from the message on her phone. Her face pales as she reads out the announcement. "Can they actually do that?"

Medjed was going to wipe out the economy? Ryuji froze; this was terrible, right? This was so bad, what are they supposed to do about this? When they set out as Phantom Thieve, he wasn't anticipating someone threatening the entirety of Japan's Economy,

"This isn't good." Yusuke shook his head with distraught.

"For real?? How are we going to take down a nameless hacker group!? We are doomed." Ryuji groaned, pulling at his hair; this was not going to go well.

"How do we take down a hacker group?" Makoto questioned, tapping her chin as she gazed down at the ground in contemplation. They are silent a few minutes, trying to absorb the information and come up with an acceptable plan. She looked up to Akira who is far too unconcerned with the situation at hand then they would all like him to be, "Well, Akira, you don't seem to be worried about this, have something in mind?"

"Why don't we use a hacker to take down a hacker group?" Akira suggested, tugging at his hair as a wild grin covered his face. Ryuji thought that is actually a really good idea.

"We don't know a hacker!" Ann argued before her eyes went wide in terror, "Oh no, please tell me you aren't thinking of Mishima. Mishima is useless, Akira; he can't take down a hacker group!"

"No, not Mishima, But, he is far far more useful than you think Ann. Really, all of you should be very happy I am friends with him." Akira laughed with a knowing smirk and Ryuji can't fathom what world Akira is living in where Mishima is useful other than maybe his creation of the Phantom Afficianado website which has its pros and cons. Before Ryuji can ask, Akira continues, "but I have just the person in mind"

Ryuji frowned, so now Akira magically knew someone who could take down a powerful hacker group. Just that add that to the list of suspicious things about Akira they all have going in their minds.

"But we are going to have to steal her heart."

Ryuji blinked, "Wait, What?"

Futaba: You want me to take down Medjed? Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)

Futaba had been following the news; it's hard to miss. Medjed calling the Phantom Thieves out and threatening to 'Cleanse' Japan. Honestly, it's immature and childish. Futaba knew she could easily take them down a notch. After all, she had started Medjed originally. Admittedly this could be considered her fault since she didn't stop all the people from using her name. But she has other things to dwell on for now. Like how the voices have begun bothering her more and more. She can hardly think half the time.

Akira: I want to make a deal with you, Futaba (✯◡✯)

Futaba: A deal? (・・ ) ?

Futaba doesn't know what Akira meant by that. Why would Akira make a deal with her? Futaba would happily do it for him.

Akira: If we steal your heart, will you help us take down Medjed? ☆⌒(≧▽° )

Futaba feels a pang of hope throb through her veins. She knows her time to escape this room is drawing close, it's drawing so close, and she can feel it, but she is also terrified of what it might mean. She would actually have to face people with her transgressions. She would have to bear the truth.

Futaba: It's a deal! ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)

Futaba: But, how does this work? How do you guys steal hearts? What are your methods?

Akira: Ah ah, leave that to us, trust me, you'll know in due time. ヽ( ̄ω ̄(。。 )ゝ

Futaba has to wonder, could this have anything to do with her mother's research? With the Cognitive world?

But how would the Phantom Thieves even get there in the first place?

"Futaba Sakura…" Yusuke murmured, standing in front of Sojiro Sakura's house midday. He has never heard of her, nor did he know that Boss had a daughter at all. All of them were in the same boat with that revelation, of course, except Akira. As it usually was.

"Dude…Can she really take down Medjed?" Ryuji asked with suspicion. Yusuke understands the hesitance. While it was pretty hard to believe this master hacker who was only their age could be living under their noses, they really don't have any other options at this point. They have been pushed into this corner. Yusuke understands this part; none of them have a better idea of dealing with an anonymous hacker group that lives primarily on the internet. None of them have the resources or knowledge to bring down Medjed. So they are forced to put all their faith into Akira. The only comfort is Akira's plans usually worked out. Almost too well.

"How did you know boss had a daughter?" Morgana asked from where he is standing on Akira's shoulders, "Boss seemed really surprised that you knew about her."

"Ah, I researched boss before I moved here," Akira said nonchalantly, idly looking at his phone. "Plus, I found a few of her packages from when they were accidentally delivered to Leblanc; it wasn't hard to put two and two together."

"Why does she need her heart stolen? She isn't a criminal from what you've told us. I mean, I doubt Sojiro would condone that at all unless he doesn't know about it?" Makoto suggested, her eyes widening.

"No, she isn't a criminal…" Akira admitted, pausing before continuing with conflicting on his face, "She is a shut-in."

"A shut-in…" Ann echoed sadly.

Yusuke pondered this. Futaba Sakura was Sojiro Sakura's daughter, but she is a shut-in. Therefore her existence is known to few. But, going as far as stealing her heart? Is that truly a thing they could change?

"She wants to leave her room, but she is paralyzed by fear." Akira nodded, tugging on his bangs hard.

"You want to steal her distorted desires; you want to steal her heart so she can get past this and face the world? You—you want to help her?" Morgana guessed, his eyes softening.

"I will admit, I am lost here. If she has distorted desires, then why?" Yusuke asked, not really saying what he meant. If she had distorted desires, then that meant she was corrupt, so why are they helping her?

"Distorted desires don't equate being a bad person." Morgana shook his head with a sigh, "A good person can have distorted desires just as well; it's not exclusive; it just depends on what the desires are. It is possible to have a palace and not be a sh*tty person. Stealing their treasure can also help one to face their inherent beliefs. Sometimes distorted desires just burden the owner."

"This is quite different than our different heists, then, isn't it? But we don't even know if Futaba-chan has a palace or not." Makoto murmured, her eyes narrowing in some sort of thought. Yusuke can't decipher it, however.

"She does," Akira confirmed, holding out his phone to show them the navigation to Futaba's Palace. It's bright red on the screen.

"Akira, you checked without us?" Ann asked, a tone of betrayal on her tone. Yusuke understood; they had made a pact none of them would go into the Metaverse alone because it was too dangerous. Yet, they are still not sure Akira is upholding that pact. They are almost certain he isn't.

"I checked if she had a Palace, and I guessed the keywords, but I haven't gone in." Akira nodded and looked at the phone with a hesitant smile, "I guess I wasn't sure the best time to bring it up…I didn't know if you guys would be game for it. It wasn't conventional...not our usual heists."

Ryuji sighed, putting his hand on Akira's shoulder, "You really want to help this girl, don't you?"

"I just think she is probably rather lonely. The type of distortion is a tomb. I'll leave that up to you how she feels being stuck in her room all the time." Akira said solemnly.

Yusuke's heart dropped because he instantly connects the dots. After all, maybe Futaba isn't so far off from him. To be stuck in one area, unable to leave is quite jarring. Yusuke had always felt helpless, powerless under Madarame's care. Leaving the atelier was hard sometimes when he knew he had to work on pieces; he had to come through for Madarame. On days where they just didn't have food, Yusuke laid on the floor of his room, wondering if this was going to be his entire life. Wondering if this was going to be his coffin. A tomb isn't so far off from how he felt. To believe you were going to die in a place is truly a despairing thought.

Yet, he can only imagine how horrible Futaba felt, unable to step out of her room. Yusuke doesn't know what sort of trauma she has gone through, but to imagine her room is where she will die, it must have been severe.

"We have to help her. Whether or not she can stop Medjed is irrelevant. She deserves a chance to live her life, and we may be the only people to be able to offer her that." Yusuke pleaded, his heart set. He doesn't know Futaba, but he doesn't want her to suffer as he did for much longer. She deserved to live her life free from that burden.

"I mean, she's our age; how can she stop Medjed?" Ann shook her head hesitantly. "I mean I'm all for helping her but is stealing her heart really the right idea? Maybe we should think about this..."

"She knows our secret identities," Akira said casually, flipping the phone in his fingers.

"AKIRA!" Ryuji exclaimed, stomping his foot and shoving the other. "YOU NEED TO STOP DOING THAT. YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND AND TELL PEOPLE ABOUT OUR IDENTITIES!"

Yusuke is about chime in, that is probably how Medjed found out their identities, but before he can, all their phones ring at once. Signaling someone had sent a message in the group chat yet, none of them had been texting.

Alibaba: He did not reveal your identities. I hacked into your chat accounts, and I have Leblanc bugged. Ryuji Sakamoto, you are quite loud.

"Wait, who is this? Alibaba??" Ryuji squinted at the screen, trying to see the picture on the chat icon, but it's just the anonymous user icon.

"See, you all have no faith in me." Akira laughed and shook his head, "It's not my fault you all wanted to meet in Leblanc and talk Phantom Thieves stuff."

"Is this Futaba?" Ann blinked, coming up with the only conclusion she could. "Wait, she bugged Leblanc?"

Alibaba or who they assume is Futaba does not respond to this question.

"She's a bit shy." Akira sheepishly shrugged, "But I can assure you if anyone can take down Medjed, she can."

"I believe Akira, we should help Futaba." Yusuke nodded; while he was still unsure about Akira's intentions, he believed Akira really did want to help Futaba. Not because she could take down Medjed but because that is what Akira stood for. Helping people in need. Yusuke needed to believe that was Akira's motive. What Akira stood for and why he created the Phantom Thieves.

"I believe so too." Makoto agreed, a decisive look across her face.

"Well then, It's Showtime." Akira cackled before launching the Metanav.

Makoto doesn't know what to expect from Futaba's Palace, but when Akira had said tomb, she had formulated some idea of what that would entail. She hadn't expected it entirely to be like this, though. They had to drive a great deal through the desert in the hot air because Morgana understandably does not have air conditioning. She doesn't know which is worse, sweltering in the hot sun or the fact Futaba's Palace is so far away because she actively tries to distance herself from others. The realization is a bit solemn for sure. She used it as a motivation to help Futaba. No one should feel this isolated, so far away from everyone.

When they actually get to the said tomb, it's massive. Vast and Makoto feels a bit intimidated to explore it. They go in, Akira cackling as they jump on pillars over a pit of sand in a true tomb raider style, and she sees her first look at Futaba.

Makoto's heart clenched because Futaba is young. She knows that Futaba is their age, but she doesn't expect her to look so young. Even though she asked them to steal her heart, Futaba doesn't think they can accomplish their goal. This is reflected in their outfits changing as they are seen as a 'danger.' Futaba believes this is a hopeless endeavor and that she will wither away in this tomb of hers. Makoto's heart cried out for her. She doesn't know what happened to Futaba to bring her to this, but she has already decided that she would help Futaba out regardless of what Akira could be planning or their Medjed deadline.

She would help Futaba out even if the other girl's shadow just pulled the rug out from under them in the most literal sense.

"I have sand everywhere; I have sand in places that I don't want sand to be! And I'm in a leather suit! Why does it have to be leather?!" Ann complained as they drag themselves out of the sinking sandpit. The drop had been sudden, and their fate had been even more sudden. She didn't realize she would be in Indiana Jones when she decided to help Futaba. She wished she could just change her outfit in the Metaverse, honestly, it would be so much less of a hassle.

"At least once we leave the Metaverse, the sand goes away." Makoto patted her shoulder in sympathy, helping her dust the sand off her suit though it didn't do much. "You won't have to wash it off later."

"Man, what a bitch, we did that for her, and she dropped us into a quicksand pit for us to die!" Ryuji grumbled, shaking the sand off of his jacket and shaking his hair as well.

"She actually did us a favor, believe it or not." Akira shook his head as he looked up the walls of the pit. It's a long way up, and they will definitely have to do some climbing; Ann already feels her muscles getting sore at just the thought. While it was true she didn't feel as limited in the metaverse than reality, the thought alone just made her ache.

"How is this a favor?!" Ryuji argued indignantly; Akira doesn't answer as he looked around the pit slowly.

"Joker?" Ann wondered, her eyes on him. His eyes were glowing red. Ann isn't surprised at this, though, because it's not the first time they've done that. Akira's usually grey eyes would often glow an ominous red, either when he finished off an enemy and at random times when they are running around a palace. At first, she had thought it was just a trick of the light. Both Kamoshida and Madarame's palaces had been full of warm colors, so she didn't question it as she was sure the others hadn't either. She really started to notice it in Kaneshiro's Palace, which had a lot of darker lighting and more of a greenish tinge. Ann doesn't get it. But she also just doesn't know if it's just her. Or if anyone else noticed it and didn't say anything? It's not a big deal, but it's a little weird. She doesn't think her eye color changed.

"I can sense it…" Akira muttered under his breath as he held his mask in contemplation.

"Uh, dude?" Ryuji shoved him slightly.

"This way," Akira announced, making his way across one of the rivers of sand to the platform over where he climbed up the sarcophagus pushed against the wall with a flamboyant flip.

"Oh! We can use the sarcophaguses to climb up the pit; that's smart, Joker!" Morgana praised as he followed behind Akira quickly.

"Hey Queen, You've noticed Joker's eyes glow red too, right?" Ann asked Makoto under her breath, and Ryuji and Yusuke take their turns, climbing the sarcophagus up to the next platform. She wants to get Makoto's opinion on this; Makoto wouldn't tease her if she really was seeing things like Ryuji would. She would take Ann's concerns seriously.

"Yes, I wonder why, though. Maybe it's a cognition thing?" Makoto nodded back, tilting her head in contemplation. "Have they always done that?"

"I mean, I guess. But it comes and goes. I hadn't realized it till Kaneshiro's Palace." Ann sighed, putting a hand on her hip. "It's not a huge deal, but I guess I'm just curious as to why it happens. I mean, we've seen weirder things in the Metaverse."

"Well, we'll just have to watch him and see when it happens, perhaps come up with a pattern or something. It isn't a big deal, but if you are worried about it, we can look into it." Makoto reassured her.

"Hey! Daylights wasting here, ladies." Ryuji called down to them, motioning for them to come up to the next platform.

"Stop." Akira threw his arm out before Yusuke could tread across a particular area of the path. Yusuke, taken aback by the sudden motion, stumbled into Akira's outstretched arm. Ryuji, caught off guard by the abrupt stop, almost runs into Akira, causing a domino effect to crashing into each other.

"Dude! What the f*ck?!"

"What's going on?" Morgana asked, coming up from behind, just about to cross the path Akira had stopped Yusuke from crossing before Akira grabbed him by the head. The cat struggled in the hold, "Hey!"

"There is a trap right there." Akira declared, looking upon the floor in distaste and annoyance, "What a pain. We'll have to find a different way."

"How do you know there is a trap right there? Why would Futaba's Palace have traps?" Ann wondered, not stepping across the path but wandering over to it none the less just to see if she could see.

Akira sighed and moved one foot over the area only to have a bunch of iron spikes come springing from the ground abruptly, nearly taking off Akira's foot and blocking their path in one fell swoop.

"Joker!" Ryuji yanked Akira back by the collar, so he WOULDN'T lose his foot. "Are you a f*cking idiot?!"

"They are motion activated! How else was I supposed to show you?" Akira blinked innocently at them; just as he said, the spikes fell right back into the ground. Ann can not fathom how this boy was still alive.

"Maybe throw something at them?! Like an item, we can afford to waste, not your FOOT. WHICH YOU NEED?" Ann groaned in frustration at Akira's antics. Akira's recklessness would honestly probably be the end of him someday. Ann doesn't understand how someone as smart and crafty as Akira could be so stupid sometimes. It's moments like these that actually made her doubt Akira could be an imposter.

Yusuke sighed, currently probably thinking the same thoughts the rest of them were thinking.

"I wonder if limbs regenerate with healing spells in the Metaverse." Akira pondered, tapping his mask in contemplation. "Hmm..."

"How about we DON'T FIND OUT?" Ryuji groaned, dragging Akira a safe distance away from the trap in the ground. "How about we just find another way through this tomb? OK? No losing limbs, please!"

Akira laughed and shrugged out of Ryuji's grasp, "Fair enough, we shall avoid that at all costs for now. We can experiment another day."

"We are not experimenting with that period!" Makoto exclaimed indignantly.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Akira saluted in mirth.

"Joker, how did you know there were spikes in the ground?" Yusuke asked as they continued down the path, he was more curious about Akira' eye for detail even though Akira's lack of self-preservation concerned him.

"I mean, we are basically tomb raiders right now; of course, we would run into traps." Akira chuckled gleefully, leading them through winding hallways within the tomb that were all starting to look about the same. "And, I saw holes in the ground."

Makoto nodded; that made sense since she had noticed it after the fact too. The ground the spikes were in had distinct holes so the spikes could come up. Though, if you weren't paying attention, it was easy to miss. An effective trap.

"Stop." Akira stopped them right in the middle of the corridor abruptly again, holding his arm out much like he was a crossing guard barring them from passing.

"Uh, dude? Everything seems normal?" Ryuji hummed, looking around for another trap he assumed Akira had stopped them for, but the corridor looked the same as the other one. "Is it another trap?"

"I don't see out of the normal." Makoto shook her head, trying to find some indication of spikes or whatever else could be considered a trap in this tomb. "Are you sure?"

"Yup." Akira nodded decisively, taking out one of the low-level medications they had, one that was pretty much useless since all of them had more potent healing spells than it. He throws it onto the floor in front of them, and the floor instantly gives away, crumbling into a dark void that makes all their blood freeze because that could have been them, falling to God knows where.

"There is no way you could have seen that!" Ann gasped because none of them would have noticed; there was no indication. She knows this is another instance of Akira knowing something they didn't. Had he really not been here before?

"For real?! Joker, what gave it away?" Ryuji whipped around to him in confusion and suspicion.

Akira laughed heartily, "You all know I'm psychic!"

"Joker, please stop joking around with us. We need to know so we can avoid traps too if they arise." Makoto shook her head in dismissal of Akira's mirth. Akira stopped as he seemed to realize no one was laughing with him.

"I used my third eye?" Akira admitted, tilting his head in his own confusion.

"Wait, what?" Ann blinked dumbly because that is out of the blue. It wasn't a phrase or a concept he had mentioned before.

"Joker, are you really kidding around about this?" Morgana frowned in frustration. "Queen has a good point; we'll be at a disadvantage if we don't know how to spot traps too. Can you just be honest with us?"

Akira looked at them strangely, with incredulity and hesitation before narrowing his eyes. The grey tones of his eyes bleed into vibrant red tones, nearly glowing in the dim corridor, "I'm not kidding, though? I use my third eye to reveal the hidden traps or passageways."

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (12)

They blink at him, baffled, and trying to process the fact Akira seemingly could change his eye color at will. Is that just something one could magically do with the power of cognition? Just summon magical glowing eyes? Then, the second piece of information sets in which is far more damning.

"Wait, FOR REAL?!" Ryuji exclaimed in disbelief, his voice reaching a high octave in surprise. "You're ACTUALLY PSYCHIC? NO JOKE? ARE YOU sh*tTING ME?"

"So, this entire time. The secret passages and switches in Kamoshida's Palace, the real Sayuri in Madarame's Palace, The security cameras in Kaneshiro's Palace. You could, what see them with your third eye?" Ann clarified, a growing sense of horror growing in her stomach because she is formulating a theory she does not know what to do with.

"I thought—" Akira blinked at them puzzled, his eyes fading back to grey with a quick blink, "Wait, didn't you guys know? I could have sworn I told you? I thought we were all joking I'm psychic because of that? We had this inside joke going?"

"Uh, no?!" Morgana shook his head.

"I feel I would have remembered had you said you were psychic," Yusuke admitted hesitantly, "It's one thing as a joke, but as an actual gift you have, I would have remembered."

"I'm afraid this is the first I've heard of it," Makoto shook her head and then looked thoughtfully, "Is this how you read the Shadow's affinities?"

Akira nodded slowly and laughed awkwardly, then rubbed the nape of his neck, "Sorry, I honestly thought I had told you guys. It's just another aspect of my power, the wildcard. Oh Jeez, you guys must have been really confused then."

"The Wildcard?" Yusuke clarified.

"Yeah, just a nice perk, but it has its faults for sure. Anyways, this isn't the right path; we'll have to try another way." Akira chuckled before looking around, a teasing smile on his face.

He strolls past them the way they came from, putting his arm out and pointing at the wall like a tour guide would. In an informative voice, he declaredres, "And if you'll follow me this way, we have some lovely displays of old Egyptian artifacts on display right down this hall. The sarcophaguses are to die for."

Ryuji barked out a laugh as he followed Akira, "Dude, you are unreal."

"And if you look over in this direction, you'll see the actual sand that was used in the Mummy! Each grain of sand was meticulously counted out just so they would have the right amount."

"Are we going to see the Mummy next?" Ryuji snorts.

Yusuke and Morgana fall in line with them, but Ann falls back with Makoto as Akira leads them on a mock tour of the tomb every so often, pointing to some rock on the wall and making up some wild story about how that was the rock King Tut himself sat on.

"Do you think…" Ann started but paused because she is unsure where to go with this. She continued under her breath even though Akira is too far away to hear her, "Do you think we are wrong? Do you think we are accusing Joker, but he is actually innocent? Do we see things where they aren't?"

Makoto bit her lip, "I think there is a good chance there is someone infiltrating Palaces, and I think they could be causing the Mental Shutdowns. But do I think it's Joker? I'm not sure. Innocent till proven guilty after all. We have suspicions but we haven't got proof."

"Because maybe we just misunderstand things. I mean, the third eye thing. It makes a whole lot of sense. Akira just proved that with the trap that there are things he can see that we can't, we can't know there is no way we could have noticed it. Akira seemed to know where all the hidden passages or switches are, what to avoid, and what not to. We thought he had been in the Palaces before, but couldn't it just be him sensing these things? I mean, his eyes changing. That is a sign, right?" Ann tried to formulate her thoughts. She is admittedly feeling more than little guilt, and Makoto seemed like the most sensible one in the group to bounce that off of.

"Well, again, it's not exclusively linked, but I am inclined to believe that his eyes changing colors does mean something, and I can believe that he does have some sort of sixth sense." Makoto nodded but frowned, "It doesn't explain everything, however."

"It doesn't, but it's a start." Ann sighed.

Akira rips through shadows. Yusuke doesn't mean this figuratively either; it isn't an idiom for how Akira uses Alice to easily defeat shadows.

Akira literally has been ripping through shadows, he'll take a dashing start at them, and instead of his usual show of tumbling, Akira will straight up rip the shadow's form without a fight. It's a sort of macabre sight if Yusuke is honest. Akira cackled as he tore through the shadow with little mercy, causing it to dissipate in a cloud of thick black smoke. It's not the first time he has done this, though. However, the image is very different in Mementos. In Mementos, Akira just drives through them with the Mona Bus. It's short, and it's simple, yet still eerie.

This is a different level, and Yusuke can admit, it's a bit terrifying to watch, it's a gruesome sight.

"Dude…" Ryuji breathed next to Yusuke, seemingly in the same mental state with the same look of uneasiness.

"It's all thanks to you, Skull. Couldn't have done it without you." Akira cackled, patting Ryuji on the shoulder as he walked by. Yusuke can't even begin to fathom what that sentence means, and apparently neither can Ryuji.

"What the f*ck does that mean?" Ryuji muttered.

"I mean, it saves time for sure. Not having to fight all these shadows." Makoto mumbled, but even she seemed to feel hesitant in her statement.

Though they had made it through a good way of the tomb without much of a hassle, Makoto is right. Yusuke can't deny that they would still be bumbling through most of the shadows without Akira's skill.

Another shadow pops up around the corner, and Akira takes his usual stance, ready to dash at it and rip it apart.

However, it doesn't work. Yusuke has taken this into account. Sometimes it just doesn't work, and they end up having to fight the shadow regardless. Yusuke can't place a pattern, but he can assume the more powerful the shadow, the less likely it is to work.

Yusuke fell back as the shadow emerged because there was only enough room for four of them on the front lines, and it just so happened to be Ann, Akira, Ryuji, and Makoto right now.

"Please don't be Anubis, Please don't be Anubis," Akira muttered under his breath pleadingly as the shadow forms into its true self. Yusuke ponders, isn't Anubis the Egyptian God of the Afterlife?

The shadow forms, and it takes the shape of a black dog, dressed in Egyptian robes and held a scale in one hand. He stares at them calmly but menacingly.

"Goddamnit," Akira whined, his shoulder slumping in frustration.

Yusuke assumed this was Anubis; however, Akira predicted this shadow was a mystery; as usual, he wondered if it had to do with Akira's third eye. He had always noticed there were shadows Akira preferred fighting and ones that just made him irritated.

"What?" Ann wondered from her place next to Akira, observing his misery.

"I f*cking hate this thing, is all. What a pain." Akira sighed, raising his hand to his mask in preparation for the battle to come.

"What? Why?" Ryuji asked incredulously from his other side.

"It doesn't have any weaknesses," Morgana announced from behind them. Yusuke wondered if that really mattered, though. Alice tears through shadows despite if they have a weakness or not. Weaknesses didn't matter to Akira.

"So?" Ryuji shot back, seemingly not getting it.

"And it's strong to curse and bless skills." Morgana and Akira say at the same time with the same disappointment.

Yusuke gets it; therein lies the problem, Shadows that were strong and resistant to curse skills would never fall by Alice's hands. It usually threw a wrench in Akira's usual strategy, and Yusuke realized that that really irritated Akira. Akira was set in his ways.

"And it will try to insta-kill you." Akira sighed, slumping his shoulders.

"It has insta-kill spells?" Makoto asked, concern on her tongue because they hadn't run into a shadow with Alice's abilities quite yet or if they did, Akira had dealt with them before the damage could be done. Their group, besides Akira, tense up at this information.

"Yeah, it's a bother ugh, but it usually misses. Queen, use Makajama on it. Panther, Guard, and Skull use Tarukaja on me." Akira directed, almost sounding resigned that they actually had to battle this thing. He isn't worried in the slightest about the potential of insta-kill spells. Yusuke doesn't know whether that is reassuring or not.

"What if he tries to insta-kill us!?" Ryuji exclaimed, counting the turns and realizing that Anubis has the potential to take one of them out easily.

"He won't." Akira shook his head and shoots Ryuji a reassuring grin, "If he does, then I will revive you with Kaguya. Trust me?"

Yusuke knows that's a loaded question for them right now. They all 'trust' Akira yet, there is still some suspicion over what could be.

"Fine." Ryuji yields because what is he going to do otherwise?

Akira used Charge on himself. Yusuke can tell by the posture he takes, slightly hunched over and grasping at his mask. So, Yusuke knows what Akira's strategy is, He'll take out Anubis with Yosh*tsune. His other trump card.

Makoto used her Makajama on Anubis; naturally, it works, and Anubis blinked at them in confusion. Anubis doesn't get to take their turn as Akira probably predicted; instead, blinked at them blearily with forgetfulness.

Ann guards, and Yusuke wasn't sure what part of the plan she actually played. Usually, when Akira has them, guard, they really don't serve a purpose to his master plan.

Ryuji used his Tarukaja on Akira, and like clockwork, Akira summons Yoshistune to do his killing.

"Hassou Tobi!"

In a shout, the Persona comes out in a flurry of blue flames and cuts through Anubis like the God of death and judgment was butter. It disappears into a spurt of black clouds. And it was like it was never there in the first place.

"Ugh, I hate those things; I really hope we don't have to run into one again." Akira sighed as he used one of Kaguya's healing spells on himself before beginning to lead their group down the corridor.

"You didn't seem to have trouble with it," Yusuke noted, catching up to Akira.

"It's not that it's hard to beat." Akira shook his head then frowned with distaste, "it's that we actually have to stop and fight it."

Yusuke is about to remark back, it's a trivial thing to get annoyed about; they had already made good time before Akira stopped him physically with his arm. Yusuke immediately took his lead since he assumed Akira just stopped him from walking into another trap they can't see. He turned to ask Akira if they needed to turn back but paused.

Akira's now pale face is twisted in a grimace, his eyes flittering between grey and red. His lips are curled up in a scowl, and brow is tensed. He is hunched over but not so unlike how his usual posture outside the metaverse is so Yusuke can imagine none of the other phantom thieves take notice. Yusuke only witnessed the pained expression for a moment, and Akira is facing the pit, so Yusuke knows he is the only one who saw the brief moment.

"Akira?" Yusuke murmured about to reach out before Akira turned towards the rest of the group with a wide smile. The pained expression was forgotten and his posture back to normal.

"And over here, you'll see the pit that Indiana Jones probably jumped over at some point in his treasure-hunting career." Akira laughed, completely ignoring Yusuke's worried inquiry, Yusuke remains near regardless because he is unsure what that was.Yusuke wondered what had happened. Perhaps Akira had only stubbed his toe in the movement to stop Yusuke from falling to his doom, yet he doesn't feel like that is right.

"Yeah, well, how are WE supposed to get past this pit. We can't just jump over it!" Ryuji argued, walking towards the edge to look down. It's pointless since they can't see an end to its insight, and it would be foolish to attempt jumping such a thing. Yet, that meant they would have to find yet another path to take.

"We become Indiana Jones." Akira cackled, an excited grin spreading over his face in glee.

"What does that even—" Ann retorted before Akira whipped around and shoots his spring-activated grappling hook at the wall above the other side of the pit where there is conveniently a hook for it to latch onto. In one quick motion, Akira is airborne.

Akira launches himself through the air with delight, narrating the whole thing in mirth, "AND JOKER TAKES HIS MARK. FLYING THROUGH THE AIR WITH ABSOLUTE PRECISION. TAKE OFF WAS A SOLID 10. CAN HE MAKE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE WITHOUT A PROBLEM?"

"Oh my god." Ann groaned, allowing her face to fall into her hands, "Oh my god, how is he still alive?"

"OH, WHAT'S THIS? WE HAVE A COMPETITOR?" Akira announced just as a stream of arrows shoots out of the walls parallel to him, yet another trap but none of them are concerned. Akira gracefully uses the momentum he has to flip over the arrows in a daring display of mid-air acrobatics. "HE HAS DODGE THE ARROWS, BUT CAN HE STICK THE LANDING?"

Akira hits the other side of the pit with a firm landing, turning around to them with a smug grin, "BY GOLLY HE HAS DONE IT! HE STUCK THE LANDING! WHAT SCORE DO THE PHANTOM THIEVES SAY?"

"5!" Ryuji yelled back being the only one to indulge Akira's childish behavior, "We've seen the flip a million times, dude! Add something new. You're routine is old!"

"Tough crowd to please, huh." Akira shook his head with dismay and sighed thoughtfully, "I'll have to work on my routine some more. Maybe add a corkscrew or something."

The rest of the Palace is, sort of sad, actually. Well, it's a mix of sadness and frustration is the conclusion Ryuji comes too. They are piecing together the story as they make their way up the summit through hieroglyphs and disembodied voices. Futaba's mother committed suicide, but the messed-up part is she ended up committing suicide in front of Futaba herself. It was a very sobering realization, and it made exploring what Futaba considered her tomb a lot more distressing. They really did need to steal her heart; they needed to let her know that she isn't alone in this. No one should have to go through the pain of losing a loved one alone.

"Well, at least we haven't run into the Mummy yet, especially after all those cursed stones." Akira joked, but it comes off pretty lame. Ryuji got what he was trying to do. He was trying to keep their spirits up, encourage them through the rest of this saddening place.

But Ryuji can tell even Akira is brought down by the haunting atmosphere of the Palace. He is less energetic. His movements have become sloppier and slower. It's not entirely a bad thing because Akira can still rip through shadows like no one's business, he can always defeat whatever is in their way, and he can still solve the riddles that this Palace presents them. However, it doesn't change the fact Ryuji can tell even Akira is affected by this place to some point.

"Dude, we already went this way." Ryuji sighed as they enter the same room for the umpteenth time. Akira is leading them in circles, and Ryuji wished for the first time that Akira did actually know where he was going so they could just get this part of the tomb done with. Ryuji wanted to feel like they were near the end, they had been at it for hours, but he doesn't know for sure. He's just tired.

"What the f*ck is the point of this room if there is nothing in here?!" Akira frowned in frustration as he scans the room once more. His eyes blazing a vibrant red as he paced around the room for some kind of answer. It the third time they've run into this room even though there is a distinct lack of anything remotely useful here.

"Probably just to confuse intruders." Makoto offered placatingly, "The ancient Egyptians used to make their tombs a labyrinth, so it was difficult for people to enter and steal their treasure. It would explain the traps too. Pharaohs didn't want anyone to steal the treasure they were taking to their afterlife."

"I thought you were psychic, Joker? Can you really not tell us where the next part is?" Ryuji groaned in irritation. Akira is just leading them on a goose chase at this point.

"That's not how the third eye works," Akira shook his head before leading them out of the room again back to the platform with another endless void. It's vast and threatening, but they need to cross it somehow to get to the next part Ryuji assumed since there is a f*cking door on the other side. Akira continues as he looked around the massive chamber, "I'm working on it."

"OK, but then how does it work?"Morgana griped as Akira paces back and forth next to the void, looking down it every other second, probably to see if there was something hidden down there. Morgana thinks it's fruitless, though. It looks like a black hole with no bottom. They don't know what they think Akira is even going to find down there.

"It has to be here somewhere—Focus—" Akira grumbled before bringing his hand up to his temple in some sort of picture of focusing. Ryuji wondered if that actually worked; it was a bit creepy because Akira's eyes glowed an angry red. Ryuji can tell he is really trying, though, because his entire form has tensed up and his usual relaxed expression is far from relaxed.

"Anything?" Yusuke pondered after a few seconds of this awkward silence.

"Come ON!" Akira growled to himself, beginning to tug his hair, his face grimacing, and Ryuji thought he was just concentrating really hard, but then he realized it wasn't a look of concentration on Akira's face right then. It was a pained look. Ryuji thought maybe he was tugging on his hair a little too hard, Akira did have a bad habit of fidgeting with his hair to a point where Ryuji wondered how the other hasn't pulled it all out by now.

Until Akira's form started swaying dangerously as he stood precariously close to the edge of the void in front of them while continuing to tug on his hair with more force.

"Joker." Ryuji attempted to get his attention, taking a tentative step forward because Akira was so close to the edge that he was really nervous right now, like incredibly nervous. Akira isn't paying attention to where he is standing while he is using his third eye ironically. Ryuji can't think about that right now though.

Akira snaps out of his concentration, turning to Ryuji's third call of his name. Ryuji hadn't seen it before; it was really hard since Akira's gloves were so damn red and his gloves had been in the way, but with Akira facing him now, he can clearly see it bright and clear as day.

Blood ran freely from Akira's nose, dripping onto his grey undershirt in a gush. Or whatever the f*ck Akira's outfit was, It's supposed to be a 'gentleman's outfit,' and he'll take it at that. Ryuji didn't give a f*ck about the categorization of Akira's outfit in the current moment. Akira blinked at him hazily, reaching up to touch the blood dripping down his chin. It's concerning, to say the least as the blood on his face made him look ten times paler than a moment before. That couldn't be a good sign.

"Akira, you OK man?" Ryuji asked hesitantly while taking another tentative step forward because Akira doesn't look good.

"Joker, you should come over here. We can figure out the path over here." Ann frowned nervously, calling out as well when she noticed.

Akira's eyelids flutter dangerously behind his mask, and his form loses all tension it held the moment before. He lost his balance, he staggered and tries to take a step back. The problem with this is that behind him is just an endless empty hole that probably leads to nowhere, so he ends up toppling backward into the void.


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (13)


I just think using the third eye should have some drawbacks but I use that thing to death and that's just cheating 😂

Chapter 9: The one where Akira said 'let me take you by the hand and lead you through this wonderland'


'Just a pack of cards without the hearts
You can't call that love.'

The one where Akira said Let me take you by the hand and lead you through this wonderland and Akechi realized he is royally f*cked. (Hehe, get it? 'Royally f*cked?') 😂


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


They all watch in horror as Akira plummets out of sight over the edge of the pit, seemingly unable to catch himself.

"SEITEN TAISEI!" Ryuji howled into the tomb, sparing no moment ripping off his mask to summon forth his warrior persona on a flying cloud.

"HECATE!" He hears Ann shout out from next to him, but he doesn't know what her plan was. His plan had been to jump on the cloud and ride it down to hopefully catch Akira before he cracks his skull on whatever is at the bottom of this void, assuming there WAS a bottom. It's entirely possible Akira would just be falling for eternity. Before Ryuji can take any action or truly process Akira could be a goner, Kaguya's billowing form appeared from within the pit.

She ascends gracefully and majestically from the void with her arms outstretched, with Akira clutching onto her like a child would their mother. He is hooked on tight around her legs. She is unbothered as a persona could be as she floats over the edge. At least that's what Ryuji assumed; Kaguya didn't exactly have a face; it was more of a LED screen with eyes. Ryuji has no idea what that means in terms of cognition, he is sure there is a deeper philosophical meaning to the persona as to why she just doesn't have a real face but he would think about that later. There is no expression in the weird-ass LED eyes; however, Akira definitely looks a few shades paler in trepidation.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (14)

"O-h, Thank God. Thank God." Makoto lets out the sigh of relief they feel as Kaguya stepped onto the platform. Her cape ruffling over Akira protectively before she fades out into a blue glow. Ryuji and Ann's personas fade out in the same blue flame.

"WHAT THE f*ck WAS THAT?" Ryuji roared once Kaguya fades back into Akira's mask; he quickly made his way to his friend, helped him up, and dragged him a VERY safe distance away from the pit before checking him over. Akira's nose is still bleeding like a waterfall. Ann, who has appeared next to them, less than gently pulls the handkerchief out of Akira's front pocket and shoves it under Akira's nose to stop the flow.

"YOU SCARED THE ABSOLUTE sh*t OUT OF US." Ann chided him, pressing the cloth so it soaks up most of Akira's nosebleed. The white absorbs the red quickly.

"Your nose started bleeding, and you just dropped, but I read your HP, and it was fine!" Morgana hopped at his feet in concern.

"What happened?" Yusuke frowned in concern appearing on their other side, his lidded eyes a lot broader than usual in panic.

"I'm really sorry." Akira sighed, his voice coming out congested because of the handkerchief stuffed halfway up his nose, "I overdid it."

"What did you overdo?" Makoto asked in concern.

"The 3rd Eye. It has some… side effects." Akira admitted, his eyes falling in irritation, But he doesn't elaborate because it's Akira, and Akira never elaborates on anything remotely serious. It's an infuriating character flaw that drives Ryuji up a wall. He knows Akira liked to be dramatic, more than often not revealing his bigger picture until the last moment. But, for the love of God, could he fill them in just a bit beforehand? Couldn't Akira just give them things straight before he ends up falling into an endless pit?

Ryuji sighed in frustration, "What side effects, Joker?"

Akira laughed a little guilty but chooses not to face their gaze as he shrugged out of Ryuji's support and moved to hold the cloth underneath his nose himself, "Nothing, it's stupid, really. Let's just continue; I'm fine, it's fine."

"It's not stupid if you literally just almost died because of it!" Ann argued, stomping her heel and motioning to the gaping pit in the ground.

"If it's something that caused that to happen, It really is a serious thing." Yusuke added in worry.

"You overused it. It acts sort of like our magic spells, doesn't it? You can only use it so much within a specific period before it's not healthy for you. You overexerted yourself because you were struggling with finding the next piece of the tomb, the puzzle. We've been at this for hours, and you've been using it most of the time." Makoto sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose at the realization before shooting Akira an exasperated look. "I'd imagine you have quite the headache right now, isn't that right?"

"Oh, trust me, it's like a construction zone up there right now. Complete with drilling and jackhammers, I don't know what they are building, but they sure forgot to get a permit." Akira laughed weakly after he pulled the bloody handkerchief away from his nose, the nosebleed seemed to have died down, but it's an unpleasant sight to see the dried blood all over his face and vest. "I expect them to be done in a few days, but you know how construction delays are. Notorious, maybe give them a month or so."

Oh, Ryuji got it. It wasn't the atmosphere affecting Akira, it wasn't the dampening mood, it was the fallout from the use of his third eye that caused it all. His slow and sloppy movements could be explained as he worked through a headache that was maybe on the brink of a migraine. It would also explain his irritation. Then Akira tried to push it farther, overreaching himself, which ended up giving him a bloody nose and a fainting spell.

Ryuji's heart sunk in guilt; they had been the ones putting pressure on him to find the next route; they should have noticed the signs better. But, to be fair, Akira should have said something. Akira should have told them he wasn't feeling good. Akira never says anything without being prodded.

"Ok, we are leaving NOW." Ryuji made the consecutive decision because while he knows Akira is the leader and Makoto is technically the team advisor. Ryuji would like to think he has some sway over what they do because he was one of the first phantom thieves. He should be classified as vice president, co-leader because Morgana wasn't human and therefore didn't count. Therefore he was making this decision because Akira was too stupid to.

"We are almost there—" Akira tried to argue back, but Ryuji cut him off when he walked over and riffled through Akira's pockets for one of their Goho-M. "Hey!"

"No! We've been at this for hours! We are all tired; we aren't getting anywhere! You, especially Joker, we aren't going to watch you fall into another pit or get skewered by stakes. We have a month; we all want to help Futaba, but we can't do that if we are tired, and you're dead! We've done most of this Palace, and we are near to the summit. We are stopping for the day." Ryuji reasoned, struggling with Akira to get the Goho-M. Akira is being like a petulant child and keeps wrestling Ryuji's hands away from his pockets; Ryuji growled at him, "Would you QUIT THAT? What are you, five?!"

"I agree with Skull; I think it would be best to stop for the day." Yusuke nodded, "We have gotten quite far."

"Yeah," Ann also agreed, shaking her head, "This Palace is really messing with me; I think we could all use some decompression. I'm beat."

"I think we should leave as well." Makoto joined in, and Ryuji is so happy that everyone sees his point, "It would be dangerous to continue; we'll have more luck when well-rested."

"As a Phantom Thief, you have to know when to call it a day, Joker," Morgana shook his head.

Akira sighed, his face crumpling into displeasure as he reluctantly gives int and hands one of the Goho-Ms to Ryuji, "I guess I can't argue against a unanimous vote."

Ryuji felt pleased as he smashes the Goho-M onto the floor.

"I think we need to consider why Akira isn't the black mask," Makoto announced, as they congregate one of the back alleys of Yongen-Jaya away from the café after they had dropped Akira and Morgana off at Leblanc. It's dark out, and Makoto knows they should get to the trains before they stop running, but they have time. She pulls a notebook and a pen out of her pocket, a sort of record she has kept of some sort. It was something that she needed to bring up after today.

"Wait, you just carry that around everywhere?" Ryuji asked, dumbfounded.

"All we've been doing is coming up with reasons why Akira is the black mask, but we haven't come up with reasons why he isn't, or we haven't defined them." Makoto said, ignoring Ryuji's question and flipping the book open to an empty page, "Innocent till proven guilty after all."

"Yeah, Makoto is right. There are things I've noticed at least that can explain away some of my doubts." Ann nodded while she crossed her arms, "Like, the third eye thing. Akira could have been using that the whole time and that's why he knew the layout of the palaces and where the switches were and puzzles that required codes that we didn't need to get. It explains why he knew so much."

"Then why didn't he tell us?" Ryuji frowned, keeping his voice down as somebody crossed in front of the alleyway.

"Did you see the look on his face? It honestly looked like he thought he did." Ann offered, twirling her ponytail in her hands.

"Yes, he looked rather confused that we weren't joking with him." Yusuke nodded, and contemplation crossed his face, "I believe it was a misunderstanding, and he honestly thought that he told us."

"I think Akira can be rather absentminded." Makoto offered, writing some notes down in her notebook. "I mean, sometimes he doesn't read out group chat, or he'll tune out when we talk about things. I think, a lot of the time, he thinks he has told us something but hasn't."

Ryuji paused, then nodded, "Actually, yeah, I've noticed that a lot too."

"It still isn't an excuse not to tell us things." Ann frowned and kicked the dirt with a conflicted look on her face. "I mean, we really should have known about the drawbacks of the third eye if he overused it, which he did. That really could have been a bad situation."

"No, it isn't, and he really should have told us." Makoto shook her head, "But if it's a character flaw, then we really shouldn't be accusing him on it. Just because he gets distracted or zones out doesn't equate to him being suspicious. It's human."

"I would like to revisit the idea of a motive." Yusuke spoke up, "I will admit, this isn't my sort of forte, but I cannot find a reason as to why he would commit those asks. All Akira has done is help people; I won't speak for you all, but he consistently talks me through my moments of artistic despair when I can't figure out when there is any hope for my artistic career; Akira will encourage me and talk me through it. He brings me meals under the guise that he 'cooks' too much, but I know he is just looking out for me. Has he not looked out for you guys too?"

"No, it's true," Makoto nodded with a pleasant smile. "He's been helping me out with my friend, Eiko. I don't think I would have gotten the courage to go out and explore the world without him, and I don't think I would have been able to make friends without him. He is always available when I need him."

"Yeah, why would someone who went the lengths want to hurt people?" Ann nodded, "We know he's suspicious, but I really can't think of a motive why."

"I mean, psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns are still happening, right?" Ryuji offered, "He would have to be sneaking off the Metaverse to commit them, correct? I mean, usually, we are always around him, or Morgana is. Could he have been?"

"That's right, Ryuji, to cause a mental shutdown, you would have to kill the shadow in the Metaverse. Though, I can't say for the psychotic breakdowns." Morgana leaped from a balcony to the wall above where they were discussing things. Before they can ask, Morgana continues with contemplation, "He hasn't been, at least I don't think."

"What does that mean, Morgana?" Makoto asked curiously, glancing up at the cat.

"We don't know how long it takes for someone whose shadow is killed to manifest in reality. Or how psychotic breakdowns work. After all, the change of hearts we commit takes time. And it's always different for each person." Morgana shook his head with a frown. "It could be instantaneous. It could take a week. We don't know. I've been watching as closely as I can, as you guys are but even, I can't stay awake 24/7. There are still some blind spots, and I think we all know how fast Akira can take down a shadow."

"That's true…" Ryuji hummed, then a look dawned upon his face, "I mean, the shutdowns and breakdowns, they started, like what, two years ago? But Akira has only been here since April. That means he couldn't possibly have done it, right? He wasn't here before April!"

"Oh yeah! That's true!" Ann gasped, in surprise, a smile on her face.

"Well…" Makoto inhaled, her demeanor dropping as she pinched her nose in displeasure.

"What? Is that not true? We are coming up with reasons why Akira can't be the black mask." Yusuke wondered, turning to Makoto in confusion. "If Akira wasn't here before April, he couldn't be the black mask."

"We can't make that assumption for sure, though." Makoto shook her head with a sigh, she doesn't always like playing devil's advocate, but she wants to gather the most information she can from both sides. That way, they can prove without a doubt that Akira wasn't the black mask. It makes her feel scummy, but she has to look at things from all angles. "He could have very well have been taking a train to Shibuya. It would make sense not to do it in his town and in a bigger city because it would be hard to link it to him among the crowds of people who live in Shibuya rather than a farm town with a lesser population. We just don't know, and with Morgana's insight, we don't know how long it takes for the killing of a shadow to cross over to reality. He could have taken the train up on the weekend, done a batch, and went home."

"Oh…" Yusuke frowned, his face falling.

"Back to the drawing boards, I guess." Ann sighed.

"I mean," Makoto backtracks when she sees everyone's face falling, and she sighed, "I'm sorry, it can be an argument for his innocence too; I just want to look at all angles."

"I mean, do we really think Akira is the Black Mask? Ignore the facts. Do we really believe Akira would do something like that?" Ryuji posed the question that was on everyone's mind. "Look at him; he tried so hard to finish the Palace today to help Futaba and ease her suffering. Would the guy really commit all these crimes?"

They all share a look because Makoto knows they are starting to doubt their accusations. Sure, things about Akira don't add up, but the idea of him being the black mask doesn't add up either. It's a mess of a puzzle; they are missing far too many pieces too. There are too many variables at work here.

"Morgana, Where is Akira now?" Makoto asked, breaking the awkward silence that has fallen over them when they realize they aren't going to get anywhere.

"When I went out, he was having his nightly coffee with Sojiro, but I'm confident he'll be in bed passed out when I get back," Morgana said, idly preening his fur. "He looked exhausted when we got back."

Makoto sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Make sure he takes an Excedrin or some sort of pain reliever. Maybe even the stuff Takemi gives us if it'll work."

"What am I, his mom?" Morgana snorted, licking his paw. "I tell him to go to bed, and he only listens to me half the time."

Morgana slinks back into the room from his early morning walk; the sun hasn't risen yet. This is when he feels the most awake and knows for a fact that Akira is dead asleep. It's like his own little meditation time; he trots around Yongen-Jaya and witnesses the people slowly crawling to awareness. It distracts him from his crippling anxiety of not knowing who exactly he is and what his own routines are. So, he watches the routines of others. He tried to piece together his own identity. It's calming, somewhat.

"Morgana...why don't you sleep with me like you used to?" Akira mumbled drowsily, slightly opening his sleepy eyes as Morgana settled at his feet. Morgana is surprised he's even still somewhat awake at this hour; it's true Akira stayed up late and slept in just as late, but it was very early in the morning, and even though Akira won't admit it, Futaba's Palace wore him out. Morgana wasn't expecting Akira to be awake at least till 12pm.

"What do you mean? I always sleep down here." Morgana pointed out but reluctantly moves closer to Akira's torso so he can hear the response. It's a strange question since Morgana usually slept near the end of the bed. Akira knows this. Morgana isn't a cat; therefore, he does not act as a cat would; Akira certainly wasn't his master.

"Used to curl up with me... keep my neck warm, it was somewhat annoying, but I liked it. It was cute...with your little toe beans." Akira murmured, looking at Morgana with sad, half-lidded eyes that Morgana isn't expecting. Even when Akira is sleepy, more than often, he would tease Morgana. But this doesn't feel like teasing, and Morgana isn't sure what to make of that expression.

"I'm pretty sure I've never done that," Morgana shook his head in denial and then frowned, "I'm not cute either! And I'm not a lap cat or a cat at all! My paws are not toe-beans!"

"Oh." Akira blinked at him, seemingly waking up a bit at this; he stared at Morgana for an uncomfortable amount of time before turning his eyes to the ceiling. It sort of creeps Morgana out. "Yeah…right…"

"Akira? Why did you think I did that?" Morgana asked curiously, but he doesn't really expect Akira to answer because he is sure the other is half asleep or sleep talking.

It's silent for a bit, and Morgana has assumed the teen has gone back to sleep. But then a quiet voice spoke up, "Sorry, I mixed you up with...my cat."

"Oh." Morgana spoke in surprise, "you have a cat? Back in your hometown?"

That made sense; even though Morgana was NOT a cat, Akira seemed to know precisely what his cat body would need. What toys he enjoyed the most, what sort of surfaces he preferred to scratch on, and how to handle a cat. It would make sense this was not Akira's first experience with a cat. Yet, Akira has never mentioned them, and Morgana has never seen a photo or evidence otherwise.

"M' yeah. He was— similar to you." Akira nodded slowly, keeping his gaze on the roof. "Temperament and color."

"What is his name?" Morgana asked; this is new to him. Akira doesn't talk about his hometown; Akira barely spoke about himself as it was. Morgana felt like he knew nothing about Akira despite living with him for 6 months. This is the first anchor he has, and by golly, he is going to take it.

Akira is silent, blinking at the ceiling before answering, "Merlin."

"Merlin, huh, what a nice name." Morgana nodded before chuckling, "How is he doing?"

Akira shook his head with a sad sigh and a bitter smile, "He's not around anymore."

"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, Akira." Morgana tensed, realizing the connotations of that. He wondered if that's why Akira dotes on him. Why Akira goes out of his way to buy him the highest quality sushi so often or the most stimulating toys. Why Akira will go out of his way for Morgana's whims.

"I miss him." Akira admitted, before covering his eyes with his arm, and his breath hitched, "I really, really miss him."

"I'm sure wherever he is now, he misses you too," Morgana said in an attempt of comfort but, it's a bit awkward; Morgana doesn't know how to approach the subject any better. He doesn't have the comforting experience, as he has no memories or recollection of what he would have done prior. Akira doesn't answer, and Morgana thought he messed up until he hears the light snores drifting languidly through the air.

Morgana sighed; instead of going to his usual spot at the end of the bed, he ends up curling next to Akira's torso. He isn't a cat, and he refused to cuddle, but he hopes this can offer Akira some sort of comfort.

Akira may be the black mask, but Morgana can't deny Akira took excellent care of him.

Akechi is almost 100% sure Akira is the leader of the Phantom Thieves. If he is precise, it's more like 96.7%. He hasn't seen the Phantom Thieves in the Metaverse yet, mostly because he doesn't want to risk exposing himself just yet. And, he hasn't seen them enter the Metaverse yet either. But all his profiling and calculations are adding up. The ones whose hearts were changed, where they were changed, all connected with Akira's group of friends. Plus, he will admit the talking cat is pretty damning evidence as well. The cat could be considered the cherry on top.

Akechi just isn't sure what to do with that information; yes, there are forces at work putting pressure on the Phantom Thieves with Medjed. Akechi is very interested in how Akira is going to handle that. A very well-built bluff. He knows Shido and his advisors have plans for the Phantom Thieves. But they don't know who the Phantom Thieves are yet. That was Akechi's job to figure out and Akechi's job to get close to them.

But, Akechi doesn't know what to do with this information personally. He's conflicted. It's too early to tell Shido his deductions. But does he even want to? Akechi knows the Phantom Thieves oppose them, but Akechi also sees Akira as someone equal to him. A friend, a companion, and he realized that he might have f*cked up. He is mortified at the moral dilemma he has found himself in. It was not supposed to happen like this; he wasn't supposed to get entangled with one of the Phantom Thieves. He is ruining his entire plan.

So, he does the only thing he can think of at the moment.

"Wow, two free tickets to the Aquarium! That's very nice of your co-worker! Imagine the odds." Akira smiled brightly as they stood in front of the Shinagawa Aquarium entrance. The cool air of the Aquarium rolls into the summer heat. School had been out for a while, so the Aquarium was teeming with guests of all ages.

"Yes, it was rather a surprise. I'm happy you agreed to come with me." Akechi smiled at him pleasantly; there is no way in hell he would ever tell Akira he bought the tickets himself. There was no need for that information. If Akechi was technical, Shido's credit card purchased the tickets; therefore, a 'co-worker' had provided the tickets. Simple as that. This was just reconnaissance, information gathering. Nothing more. It was business.

"Naturally. I can't understand why you wouldn't bring one of your adoring fans. Seems like the perfect place for a date." Akira whistled innocently as they gave the ticket counter their tickets and meandered through the lobby.

"Aren't you one of my adoring fans?" Akechi responded before thinking about his words because the filter doesn't seem to matter when he is around Akira. It was a problem. But it's a problem he isn't so sure he wants to fix. Thought, he imagined if he isn't careful, it will put him into a whole bunch of trouble later on.

"Hee ho! So, you admit we are on a date then! No, take backs!" Akira cackled, grabbing Akechi by the hand and dragging him to one of the exhibits. Akechi struggled to keep up, swept away by Akira's enthusiasm.

"If you constitute two friends hanging out as a date, then you would be correct." Akechi shook his head in exasperation. Sometimes Akira's flirtatious personality completely takes him off guard. How can someone act so shameless? Akira always seemed so free with his words and how he acts around others. Akechi is jealous. If everyone saw the true him, they'd run in the opposite direction.

"I think you should look up the definition of date, A-kechi-san~," Akira said in a sing-song voice, before pushing Akechi in front of one of the larger tanks displaying various colorful fish. "Now look at these fish and tell me this isn't romantic."

"I don't really see how fish themselves can be considered romantic." Akechi shook his head but looked at the exhibit regardless. It really was a gorgeous view, like an underwater garden. Various species of fish idly drifted the water, riding the tank's artificial currents. Algae and Coral bask in the light projected from the above tank, casting colorful reflections on the rocks and fish around them. Sounds of waves and soft music echo through the exhibit. Hues of blues and green tinge the scene, casting a cyan light on everything in the Aquarium. Akira's obsidian hair looks like a kaleidoscope of cool colors; Akira's wide eyes caught on the dancing glimmers of the artificial waves, sparkle just as bright.

"It's like being in another world," Akira murmured.

It's all very…serene. Akechi can't keep his eyes away, but the exhibit is not the attention of his focus. How dare Akira consider fish romantic? Akechi wished he could pull out his camera without giving away his real motive. He wished he could capture this moment in any tangible way, but if he even attempts it, he knows this scene will be broken with Akira teasing him that he's taking pictures for his blog. So Akechi commits it to memory.

The blues.

The stupid fish.

The sounds of artificial waves crashing against a shore.

Akira's eyes.

Akira's glasses.

Akira's mouth.

Akira's lips.


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (15)

"Oh? I thought I recognized those glasses; look who we have here." A female voice jolts Akira out of his stupor, causing the teen to turn away from the glass. Akechi turned as well, wholly infuriated that someone dared ruin his moment. She was a young-looking woman with a camera strung around her neck that Akechi wanted to strangle her with, "And the second Detective prince too! How interesting!"

"Ohya-san." Akira greeted her, but Akechi is pleased to hear the distaste in his voice, "It's a miracle to see you up and around this early. Didn't spend the night at Lala's, I take it?"

"Ya!" Ohya whacked his shoulder lightly. "It's one pm, you brat! Anyways, what are you doing with Akechi-kun, the famous second detective prince? I didn't know you knew him! You could have hooked me up this entire time?"

Akechi feels a vein throb in his head in irritation at the lack of respect from this woman and her instance to start a conversation, but forced himself to be polite for appearance sakes, "I invited him out; after all, we are pretty close. And you are, Ohya-san?"

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm just a reporter, Akira-kun helps me with articles every once in a while, but he didn't tell me he knew you!" Ohya laughed obnoxiously, "You're quite anti-Phantom Thief while he isn't; this could make for a good article. Can I ask you some questions?"

"Ohya-san, for a reporter, you're rather unobservant." Akira chided her as he swung his arm around Akechi's shoulder, taking him off guard, "After all, you're interrupting our date!"

"A date between friends, friendly outing. We are friends." Akechi quickly supplements and clarified because he knows Akira is teasing or trying to get out of this conversation, which Akechi really does appreciate. Still, he doesn't think Akira realizes giving the media any ounce of something juicy would just result in the media being all over that even when it wasn't true.

"Oh! I'm here to research material for a fluff piece on date spots for kids; come on, Akira, let me ask you some questions." Ohya begged, bouncing on her toes in excitement, completely ignoring Akechi's statement.

"Bye, Ohya-san." Akira waved at her as he pulled Akechi away from the reporter towards another exhibit.

"Fine! Better you better give the scoop at Lala's later!" Ohya called out before they turn the corner on her. Akechi is thoroughly relieved; he found the reporter brash and bothersome; she had no sense of decorum.

"So, you even have connections in the media." Akechi mused, lightly shrugging Akira's arm off his shoulder when he feels eyes staring at them, but he doesn't know if it's the aquarium guests or the fish. He doubts Ohya is the only person who has recognized him, but no one has approached him yet. There aren't too many guests around to start with, but he probably should have thought about how this would look to the public eye and how close Akira got to him sometimes.

Akira laughed, "Wouldn't you be considered a connection in the 'media'?"

"I supposed that's fair." Akechi nodded, following Akira to wherever he is leading. The Aquarium unfolds into the entrance to an underwater tunnel. Yet, the exhibit seemed to be void of any other people all of a sudden. "Where are all the patrons?"

"The penguin feeding started a little early, so of course, everyone rushed over there," Akira explained, beginning the trek through the aquarium tunnel. Akechi followed close behind but stops just a few feet into the exhibit.

He remembered that he thought at one point his mother may have brought him here once. His mother wasn't rich, and she hardly had what one could consider a savory job. It paid the bills, but it was far from what he knew his mother was capable of. But he thinks he remembered an occasion, maybe a birthday or perhaps just a random day where his mother had decided they were going to the Aquarium. The details are hazy, but he can't deny the nostalgia tugging at his heart as he watched the fish shimmer above him and the light filtering through the glass—a familiar sense of Deja Vu.

He didn't have a good childhood. After his mom committed suicide, he was thrown around from foster home to foster home. His bastard father wouldn't even claim him, and no one wanted him. It's moments like these where he just missed his mother. She wasn't the best mother, but she always tried. She had wanted him when his father did not. Akechi hasn't thought about his mother like this in a while; his mother's love is replacing the hate and resentment for Shido.

"Hey." Akira's voice broke him out of his reverie, and Akechi felt a hand slip into his own; fingers curl around his palm like ivy around anything it touches. He brought himself back to the present to a gentle smile on Akira's face; it stretched into a mischievous smile as Akira chuckled, "You have got to see this huge ass shark with the dorkiest face. I swear it has the most judgmental face."

Before Akechi can respond, Akira is leading him by the hand through the empty aquatic tunnel.

It's at this moment, alone in the aquatic tunnel with Akira, another worldly lighting illuminating their space, and the gentle ocean music drifting through the air that Akechi makes the realization.

Akechi is absolutely f*cked.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (16)

Futaba is absolutely f*cked.

She knew at some point this was going to have to happen as in order to steal something, one must be within the vicinity of that item. The item being her heart and the one being the Phantom Thieves. It's basic math and logic, but she doesn't think she can do this. This is the hardest thing she has ever done in her life. She knows she needs to change, but she is far too afraid of what that would mean. Could she really let them in?

"Futaba-chan, in order to steal your heart, we need you to open this door." Makoto's voice drifted through the door on the other side. Futaba gets what Makoto is saying, but it's redundant, but Futaba can appreciate how nice she is.

Futaba stood there paralyzed, her fingers on the knob, but they won't move. She's frozen.

"What are we supposed to do if she won't open the door?"

"Yeah, this is the only way…"

"Guys, she can do it. Just give her a few seconds." Akira's comforting voice encouraged before there is another knock on the door, it doesn't break her crippling fear, but it does make her feel slightly better. "Futaba, I'm going to count to ten, and you have to open the door for us, ok?"

She panics, she breaks out of her frozen statue and quickly typed out to the group chat before Akira has a chance to start counting.

Alibaba: This is too sudden! I don't think I can do this!

Akira chuckled softly, "You are far braver than you think, Futaba. Give yourself a chance to prove it to yourself."

Futaba's face heats up; how can Akira continue to treat her with kindness and gentleness even when she is petulant. Akira is always patient with her. He never pushed her, never made her feel less for her situation. She typed out slowly.

Alibaba: Can…you just come in, Akira?

"Dude…Would that even work?" She hears Ryuji groan.

"I'm sorry, Futaba, but it won't work like that." Akira laughed, "You have to let all of us in for us to steal your heart."

She bit her lip. She knows in her heart this is what she wants. This is what she has wanted from the start. Futaba wants to leave her room, she wants to drink a cup of coffee at Leblanc again, she wants to go to Akihabara herself and browse the shops, she wants so badly to feel like she is an ordinary person when she knows she's far from that.

"I'm going to count to ten, and I'll let you make your decision," Akira said once more, and his voice sends shivers down Futaba's spine; she can feel her emancipation on the horizon; it's so close to being in her hands.


She steadied herself, tried the breathing techniques she looked up online to steady her through her episodes.


She rationalizes what this would mean, what changes she would have to make.


She fantasizes about the people she could meet; about the connections, she could make.


She imagines what it would feel like to be normal.


And she opens the door.

"What's this?" Yusuke breathed, looking around the eclectic room. It was full of books and computers. Nothing was organized; newspapers were littered all over the floor. A glow in the dark blackout curtain is hung over the window, providing little light to the rest of the room. It's a chaotic mess.

"These are some really high-level reading books!" Makoto gasped in surprise. Yusuke wasn't as surprised; he could tell by Futaba's Palace just how smart the other was. He couldn't decipher the code that ran up and down the tomb's walls like Futaba could probably.

"Where'd she go?" Ryuji wondered, and they all looked around.

They heard a rustling in the closet, and Makoto exclaimed in surprise, "The closet?"

"She'll shut herself to the bitter end, hm?" Yusuke muttered sadly. He gets it. He understands how hard it is to connect with people. To honestly believe others were capable of caring for him. Futaba is smart, but Yusuke knows how hard it is to challenge innate beliefs. To go against everything that is holding you back, to challenge yourself. He gets it. But he's also learned, you can't change that way. One can't change if they are hiding from themselves.

Yusuke zoned out of the conversation as the rest of the phantom thieves try to coax her out of the closet. Her situation is similar to his in ways and different in others. They both lost their mothers, but Yusuke never knew his, and Futaba thought she was the one that killed hers. They both isolated themselves because of pressures on them. For Yusuke, it was the need to exceed for Madarame, and for Futaba, it was the pressure on herself. The feeling of failure and loss burdening her. Yusuke needed help to see his way of thinking was wrong, and he knew Futaba needed that too.

"Futaba, did you really kill your mom?" Ann's serious question broke him out of his reverie; it takes him aback how Ann can be really forward sometimes, Yusuke admired her courage, but something like that should be handled with more decorum. "Maternity Neurosis? Is that really true?"

"Ann—" Yusuke spoke up, but Anna kept going.

"We saw what your heart is like, but we can't figure it out. The mother that Boss told us about is far different than your cognition." Ann shook her head sadly. Yusuke gets where she is coming from. When they had talked to Boss, because they were curious, Sojiro claimed Wakaba Ishiki was kind and loved Futaba. What could she have done to make Futaba think of her in this way? "We want to hear the truth from your mouth."

"Ugh…. My mother….I killed her." Futaba's quiet mumbles swept through the room like an avalanche.

"It's possible she just can't remember because her heart is so distorted." Makoto reasoned quietly. It's sobering.

"I'm so sorry, Futaba-chan," Ann apologized gently, looking guilty for her demanding questions. "A lot has happened so…umm—"

But before Ann can finish, Futaba burst through the closet in a blur of orange hair and headphones. Her arms outreached wide, and her eyes shut closed, "T-There! Now Steal it!"

They all stand there stunned because they really did expect to be here longer than that to coax Futaba out of the closet. Yusuke feels a sense of pride at Futaba's decision. She wanted this, she wanted help, and she still had fight in her.

"W-what are you waiting for?" Futaba demands again, outstretching her arms longer.

Akira bursts out laughing, throwing his head back in hearty cackles. Yusuke had never felt like really punching the other till now. Did he have not an ounce of respect for the situation? Futaba was bearing her soul to them, and Akira is laughing at her.

Futaba beats him to it, though.

"Akira!" Futaba whined before, stomping her foot and jabbing her tiny hand hard into his side and twisting it.

Akira wheezed and clutched his side through laughter, "O-Owwww, ok, I'm sorry, but you should have seen your face."

"Are you going to steal my heart or what?" Futaba demanded, burying her face in her hands with embarrassment, as Akira reached over to ruffle her orange hair. She squawked at the action.

"Have I not already? I've bought you so much of your favorite ramen, you can't tell me I haven't stolen your heart. Do I need to buy you another Neo Featherman Figurine?" Akira teased her, ruffling her hair a bit harder before she steps on his foot.

"AKIRA," Futaba whined, swatting at his arm.

Yusuke watched on in utter bafflement. It felt like watching two siblings fighting, like an older brother teasing the younger sister mercilessly. It was so domestic, so very different than the atmosphere they were in before. He hadn't realized how close the two were? Futaba had been scared a moment before, but Akira had broken her tension.

"Uh, we indeed came to steal your heart, but it doesn't happen quite at this moment." Makoto blinked, mystified by the scene.

"Oh…" Futaba breathed in horror, then buried herself into Akira's chest in embarrassment. "Akira! You didn't tell me that; how embarrassing!"

"So um, we're just going to step out here, and, well, oh! Akira! Have her read the calling card." Ryuji awkwardly shuffled them out of the room after handing Akira' the calling card Yusuke worked very hard to craft the night before. Yusuke understands, Futaba is still wary around them, and it's understandable she'd be uncomfortable.

"Are you going to that other world? The cognitive world?" Futaba muttered, pulling away awkwardly as the other Phantom Thieves step out of the room and down the hall. Futaba is a little more relieved but still terrified. She knows it's just Akira but the idea of letting someone inside her room just twists her insides.

"Yup got to steal your heart." Akira nodded, patting her head and handing her the calling card, "Read that, and We'll be on our way."

"I want to go. Can I come?" Futaba sputtered before she knew what she was saying. But she really wanted to. She wanted to know why her mother was studying it. She wanted to know exactly what it was.

"Ah, sorry, Kiddo, the thieves would have head if I brought you along." Akira chuckled before patting her shoulder one last time before heading to the door. Her shoulders slump, and she pouts; it's her heart; after all, she wants to at least see it. Akira turned back to her before he exits the room, "However if you happened to have this app that takes us to the cognitive world. And if you happen to input the keywords, 'Futaba Sakura' 'Futaba's Sakura's room' and 'tomb.' And just happened to stumble into the cognitive world without knowing it and without obvious help from someone else. There wouldn't be anything I could do about it."

Futaba listened, stunned. That's what that App was for?

"But, alas, you don't have that app, do you?" Akira shook his head with a sly smile. Futaba suspects he knows she does indeed have this app. "Maybe you're the one who wants to steal your own heart."

Akira left her with that final piece of information before he walked out the door, reclosing it.

Futaba is conflicted. She pulled out her phone to stare at the creepy app that had appeared on it only a few days earlier. She had tried to run so many tests on it, but everything bounced back. She couldn't crack it. Her hacker mind was going bonkers trying to figure out what it was, but she hadn't opened it because it could have been malware.

Futaba sighed, curling up in her seat as she stared at her phone. Could she actually change her own heart with this? Could she escape her own tomb?

If she was going to do this, she waited a bit. The Phantom Thieves probably had headed to her heart already, and she wants to make sure she doesn't run into them at first. She wanted to explore her own heart first.

Twenty minutes later, as she deemed it enough time, she inputs the information into the app just like Akira told her.

"Futaba Sakura."

"Futaba Sakura's room."


And reality rippled around her.

"Woah!" Futaba awed as she walked through the cyber themed tomb. Its architecture mimics old Egyptian tombs, but at least the stairs had taken her right to the top. But, very much unlike Egyptian design, code filters through the walls and hovers in the air like a hologram. This is precisely how she would have pictured her heart to be like.

She hasn't run into the Phantom Thieves yet, but she feels she is nearing the tomb's center. Code is bursting from the walls. But before she can continue further, a large hieroglyph falls in front of her, blocking her path. An image that she knows immediately what it is.

"Do you remember?" Her own voice asked an Egyptian dressed version of her appears in front of it with eyes piercing gold into her soul with little emotion. She knew this was her; this was her other-self. She had the same exact appearance, the same likeness, and her voice was what Futaba assumed was the same.

But she asked regardless because she doesn't want to make of her. It was like a plot from a videogame or something, "Who are you?"

"I am a shadow of your true inner self. I am your shadow." Shadow Futaba said curtly before motioning to the hieroglyph impatiently, "Futaba Sakura, Do you remember?"

"This is the suicide note…" Futaba murmured sadly, looking at the picture. How could she forget this? The men in black read it in front of her entire family, all of her relatives. They all disowned her. Her Aunts and Uncles that she loved dearly shunned her. They told her horrible things, awful things. To have her own whole family witness her transgressions crushed her. And why shouldn't it? She was a murderer. She killed her mom.

"That's correct," Her other self-nodded, little comfort or expression on her face as she gestured to the hieroglyph behind her that has now changed, "Now look at the next one."

Futaba choked back a sob and fell into a crouch; it's her mother jumping in front of that car on that day they had gone out. Her mom was out of it that day, so Futaba suggested they go on a walk. It was an innocent request, but Futaba could not fathom the repercussions of it. She doesn't want to think about this, she doesn't want to remember this, but she answered her other self regardless, "It's when Mom...jumped in front of that car…"

"That's right." Shadow Futaba nodded, gesturing to the image that has once again changed with little downtime in-between. She implored intolerantly, "Now the next one."

Futaba remembered it; she remembers the moment, but she wants to not remember it. She wants to throw it in a dark pit and never relive it, she pleaded, "No…please…"

"Don't run from this." Her shadow commented curtly, her golden eyes narrowing at Futaba as she walked closer to crouch in front of her. "I thought you made up your mind after you talked to the Phantom Thieves when you opened up the door. Futaba Sakura, I am you, and you are I. Are we going to run from this?"

Futaba wiped her tears; her other self was right. She couldn't keep going like this. She couldn't remain in this awful state. She knew when she had opened that door, that's when things were going to change. Her mind is made up, and she has to follow through on it.

"Are you going back on your decision?" Shadow Futaba asked again.

"Ok… I'll look." Futaba nodded, looking to the hieroglyph, and slowly answered as she drank it in, "It's me complaining; Mom scolded me for bothering her…"

"Yes." Shadow Futaba confirmed, her face stony as she stands up again to turn to the hieroglyph.

"I knew it, I'm a bad daughter, and I killed my mom. It was me! I weighed her down, I was nothing but a burden to her, and she hated me for it. It's just like I remember…" Futaba sobbed because she knew it had to be her fault; she just didn't want to face it.

"Are you sure?" Her shadow's quiet words force her to look up. Her shadow doesn't share in her sorrow; instead of looking at Futaba imploring her to do something, "Remember everything. Do not avert your eyes from the truth, from what you think the truth is. When did this happen?"

Futaba is taken aback and answered quietly, "A little bit before Mom died…I whined about going on a family trip with Sojiro and her. She scolded me and said no, she said her work was too important."

"Was that all she said?" Shadow Futaba asked, urging her for more.

"She said she was too busy and that her work was too important, so I threw a tantrum and told her that her research was more important than me," Futaba answered, a stone in her stomach.

"What did she say afterward? There was more." Shadow Futaba said, not as a question but as an absolute. Futaba looked at her strangely because she didn't remember there being more. Her mom had scolded her, but then…

"She apologized," Futaba murmured, the memory streaming back to her like a rushing brook breaking through. A river in a desert, a cool relief. "She apologized for being busy and told me when she was through that we could go wherever I liked. She needed to complete her research, even if her life depended on it."

"Did she hate you?" Shadow Futaba implored, motioning to the hieroglyph.

"She didn't?" Futaba whispered; the picture of her mom now held a gentle smile. The loving mom she remembered from her past. Her head begun to throb as the Pyramid around them shook with a violent force; she can feel the two conflicting beliefs inside her battling it out. The mom she remembered and the mom she believed hated her. "Which is true?"

"Your memory is…" Shadow Futaba confirmed before looking to the top of the Pyramid. "Hurry, they need our help."

Futaba looked up; what was going on in her heart?

"Joker! What the f*ck are you doing? What are you waiting for?" Ryuji groaned as they blocked another hit from the stupid large ass Lady Sphinx bloody murder about how she would kill all of them. It was a sight to behold, and this is one of the more sobering boss battles they've had. They hadn't even found the Treasure. There was no time while this cognition is trying to destroy them.

What's more annoying is it feels like they are spinning their wheels. It's too far away to actually land a good hit on as it flies in the sky; magic attacks work on the thing, but for some reason that is totally beyond Ryuji's understanding, Akira won't pull out Alice. Or Yosh*tsune, for that matter. All he does is call out Kaguya to heal them, which isn't even really needed since all they are doing is guarding, so not a whole lot of damage is being taken in the first place.

"Joker, are we just going to stay here forever?" Morgana grumbled from the sidelines. Ryuji felt he wasn't useful either because Morgana isn't telling them anything about this cognition. After all, he can't sense anything. "We are just burning daylight here! What are you doing?"

"Why do you all seem to think I can hit something that is like a mile away in the air?" Akira grunted, pulling out Kaguya to heal all of them once more. "I think you are overestimating my abilities here."

"If I can hit her with a Zionga, I think it's pretty safe to assume YOU can hit her with Alice's spells." Ryuji argued, stomping his foot and whipping around to glare at Akira, "What is your PROBLEM?"

"Futaba?!" Makoto gasped as the orange hair girl ran up from the stairs leading to the platform. "You came into your own cognitive world?!"

"Yeah," Futaba nodded quickly before the Sphinx caught her eye. Her face falls in horror; she clutched her head as she fell to her knees. Makoto is the closest to her, so she tried to offer support, but it falls on deaf ears.

"A person isn't supposed to enter their own Palace! If that happens, then…" Morgana shook his head, and Ryuji had a feeling that the cat doesn't know what will happen. The Palace shakes again as the Sphinx Lady screamed at Futaba.

"You killed me!!" A monstrous roar envelops them.

"Wait, that is Futaba's Mother?" Yusuke sputtered the question that is on all their minds. Ryuji's heart dropped. This cognition they've been fighting is the cognition of what Futaba imagined to be her mother.

"Futaba's desires and guilt must have distorted her cognition of her," Morgana said sadly.

"You are nothing but a demon who stood in my way! I wish you had never been born! That way, I could have announced my results without having to waste my time on you. I poured my heart and soul into that research, and it would have been the discovery of the century! There is no meaning to your life! No one needs you!!" The horrific version of Futaba's mother roared over them, the wings beating them harshly with the wind. But Ryuji thought the words are the worse part. He imagined they are bricks, each building this tomb Futaba believed she would die in.

Ryuji can't imagine how that felt. He loved his mom dearly, and he couldn't imagine how much pain Futaba was in.

"Do you really think that's your mother, Futaba?" Akira asked, his voice strong and imploring as he walked over to Futaba, "Boss told me she did her best to raise you. Are you sure this isn't a false memory that was given to you?"

"I-I!" Futaba sobbed on the ground.

"It's her shadow!" Morgana gasped as the other Futaba appeared before them, her eyes just as cold as ever as she walked up to her other-self. Akira took a step back to allow whatever was about to happen.

Ryuji is lost as hell, was letting Futaba's shadow confront her an ok thing? She had been cold and distant the entire Palace, claiming they would not be able to save her. She saw them as an enemy. She didn't warn them about the traps or give any sort of help. Did Futaba's shadow really want her to be saved? Was it really ok to let this exchange happen? Ryuji took a tentative step forward in apprehension before Akira stopped him with his arm.

"Futaba Sakura! Remember!" Shadow Futaba pleaded; her eyes narrowed as her voice rang over the platform loud and clear for all of them to hear. "You were the reason she committed suicide. You were just getting in the way of her research. Why did you assume it was suicide?"

They all froze. What this shadow is insinuating is far from what they imagined. Had Wakaba Ishiki been murdered? Had it not been a suicide in the first place?

"Because of the note…" Futaba muttered quietly, shaking her head in conflict.

"The men in black read you her suicide note; what was written on it?"

"All her complaints about me." Futaba sobbed, grasping at her hair.

Ryuji felt his heart clench. He sometimes wondered if he burdened his mother. It's been hard after his deadbeat father left. Ryuji knew he could be obnoxious, but he always felt he tried his best to help his mother out. He doesn't know what he would do if he received a suicide note with all her complaints written about him on it.

"Yes, the shock and pain led you to avert your eyes. But they kept reading it aloud in front of your relatives." Shadow Futaba continued, her voice is solemn as it carried over the platform. The screams of the Wakaba Ishiki Cognition were forgotten.

"Oh my God…" Ann gasped from next to him. They read the suicide note aloud to her relatives. Knowing it was all complaints about Futaba? What sort of messed up person does that?

"Think hard." Shadow Futaba commands, watching herself quivering before her. Her eyes narrowing harder, "Was that suicide note real? Would the mother you loved so much actually truly have written such awful things?"

Futaba stopped trembling at that moment, her form shooting up with a confused look on her face, "No! She wouldn't have said those things, she scolded me when I threw tantrums, but she loved me!"

"Then what about the suicide note?" Shadow Futaba appealed.

"A total lie!" Futaba stomped her foot and clenched her fist. Her once dismayed face is full of anger, and Ryuji can sense something coming on the horizon.

"They forged her suicide note and laid the blame of her death upon!" Shadow Futaba growled, before pointing at Futaba, "They trampled all over your young heart, they used you! Get mad! Don't forgive those rotten adults! You deserve better than this; you are better than this!"

"After all this time, I just laid down and believed them. Why did they have to yell at me like that!" Futaba growled back; her demeanor does a one-eighty.

"Yeah, f*ck that sh*t!" Ryuji nodded in agreement, and he made the realization Futaba's shadow was never against her. Futaba's shadow loved her, loved herself, and she did want herself to stand for this injustice. It was the part of her that needed her to stand up and accept the real truth, the truth she knew. Futaba's shadow was her anger; it was her will to live stuck inside this tomb. She was her resolve.

"So, you just going to let them get away this?" Akira snickered, tugging at his bangs with a smirk.

"No! I'll never forgive them! You aren't my mother, and you never will be!" Futaba screamed at the Sphinx that was screaming back at her. Shadow Futaba behind her disappeared in a flash of light and turned into a weird floating UFO thing, hovering a few feet above the girl.

"Um, what the f*ck?" Ryuji blinked because that wasn't the turn he was expecting this to take. It seemed they had just witnessed another Persona User awakening, but Futaba didn't have to rip a mask off or anything. Was that even a Persona? Ryuji is albeit lost because something like this hasn't happened before.

Tentacles drop down from the bottom of it, wrapping around Futaba and dragging her up into the spacecraft.

"WHAT THE?" Ryuji wasn't expecting to see an actual UFO abduction. This could possibly be the weirdest thing he has ever seen in the Metaverse. And he has seen a lot. What the f*ck is going on?

"Futaba?!" Makoto yelled out because none of them are sure what happened, except Akira, smiling madly as he always did and readjusting his gloves.

"I'm fine! I need your help; that thing needs to go!" Futaba announced, her voice carrying over the platform with ease. It's so crystal clear; it feels like Morgana when he is navigating them.

"Of course!" Akira laughed before whipping around to the Sphinx and readjusting his gloves again. "It's showtime!"

The rest of the battle goes as their usual battles go. Yusuke felt a bit frustrated with Akira. After Futaba had awakened her Persona and led them into battle, Akira just decimates the Sphinx, absolutely obliterates it with Alice as usual, even though he claimed he wouldn't be able to hit the thing earlier.

"Oh! Oh my god, she's cute, but she's absolutely deadly." Futaba had stuttered, from her view in the sky when Alice comes out to play. "Akira! That thing's stats are absolutely insane! Maxed out? And a bomb move set?"

Akira brings the Sphinx to the ground in a well-delivered Megidolan without the need of Futaba's device. And Yusuke was frustrated because Akira could have done that the entire time. He could have taken down the Sphinx at the beginning. Instead, he made them wait around.

But then, Yusuke put together the pieces. Akira was waiting for Futaba. He had to have been. He was waiting for Futaba to show up, and he was waiting for Futaba to awaken her rebellious spirit. Akira didn't finish off the Sphinx before because then, Futaba wouldn't have had the chance to truly face the cognition that she created. The drive, the purpose. She wouldn't have had the opportunity to awaken her Persona and realize that her memories had been false all along. Akira orchestrated a situation for her to do that,

Yusuke doesn't understand Akira, nor does he know what to do with this information. So, he just sits on it as he watched Futaba give her final goodbyes to the true cognition of her mother. Yusuke thinks it's somewhat ironic. Yusuke believed Madarame was good and loved him, but he did not, while Futaba believed her mother hated her while, in reality, she loved her. The cognition of her mother disappeared into a bunch of shimmers floating up into the sky.

Futaba watched on listlessly before muttering, "Oh right, got to deal with Medjed."

She walked past them without a glance, headed towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Makoto asked with concern, following a few steps behind her.

"Home, I know how to use the app now." Futaba nodded curtly before trying to take off again before Akira grabbed her on her way past him, "Akira!?"

"Ah, ah, ah, we are all leaving together." Akira tutted before pulling out his phone. "I'm not about to scale this pyramid again."

"Wait, what about the treasure!?" Yusuke sputtered before Akira could press the button on the app to send them home. It would be a waste if they did all this work but didn't actually end up stealing Futaba's heart.

"Right here," Akira said, patting Futaba on her head as she squawked indignantly before pushing her forward a bit.

"Futaba-chan? Is the Treasure?" Ann echoed, confused, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I can sense it." Morgana nodded, albeit still as confused as the rest of them. But his face blanched after a few minutes, "It's a good thing Akira caught her; if she left, then the Palace would instantly come crumbling down. We would have been in trouble."

"Treasure? Palace?" Futaba questioned, baffled, before looking up at Akira, "Is this like a video game or something? What sort of weird plot mechanics is this? Are there classes? What class am I?"

Akira laughed heartedly, "Let's get home, and we'll explain it to you."

They do not end up explaining it to Futaba, though, as the moment they return to the real world. Futaba collapses into Akira's arms without a moment to spare. Understandably they had all been worried; none of them knew what awakening to one's Persona in one's own Palace could do to the user. Akira assured them, it has nothing to do with that and everything to do with Futaba's lack of stamina. Even calling in Sojiro to explain to. Sojiro didn't seem worried, so that assured them all.

But that isn't the thing worrying Yusuke.

"Oh? You haven't headed back to the dorms?" Makoto asked, approaching him later in the station's walkway. It was always his choice place to think; there was something about people watching that stimulated his brain. He could pick out things to help him figure out what he is feeling.

"I haven't. It is still quite early, and I have a lot on my mind." Yusuke nodded, standing up a little straighter. It would be beneficial to run it by Makoto, his revelation. It was fortunate that she had been walking by. Makoto was the perfect person to bounce his idea off of.

"Are you worried about Medjed? Hopefully, Futaba-chan should wake up soon." Makoto sighed; stress weighed in her form. "In the meantime, we should just relax a little, try to make everything seem normal. We should still try to enjoy our summer break."

"No, I'm worried about Medjed, but I'm also worried…" Yusuke paused before sighing, "I think Akira is deliberately collecting us."

"You've come to that conclusion too." Makoto agreed, her eyes falling down as she sighed, "He waited for Futaba to come into the situation."

Yusuke nodded, "Not only that, I believe they sought me out intentionally, though I was the perfect person to connect with Madarame, I am unsure. But, even in Kaneshiro's Palace, Akira deliberately waited for you as you should remember."

"Indeed, I saw what he could do before, but when we got to the entrance, he just stood there while Kaneshiro kept talking even though we could have left," Makoto said pensively. "If he hadn't waited, I wouldn't have been able to truly realize my other self and my rebellious spirit. I feel indebted to Akira, please don't get me wrong, to truly know what I actually feel is a gift, but I can't help but wonder about the circ*mstances. Why me? Why, Futaba?"

"Akira…It feels like he understands the depths of my soul. I wouldn't have been able to break free of Madarame without him, and I believe Ann and Ryuji feel the same about Kamoshida." Yusuke sighed; it's something he has been rolling around in his mind. He has Akira to thank for everything, it was hard breaking away from Madarame, but he can't deny he's in a better headspace now. He feels the creativity just thrumming under his fingertips, and he feels worth something to himself.

"Yes, I feel quite the same." Makoto agreed, but her face fell again, "But I can't help but feel he has some ulterior motive. He's recruiting very specific people, and I can't help but feel like he's manipulating us."

"I thought that too at first, I've been processing it," Yusuke frowned, "But, I think Akira likes to help people. I think he can see when someone is suffering and in need of help. He can see when someone has been wrongly treated by society, and I think he's trying to fix that in his own way. The Phantom Thieves are trying to solve large, expansive social injustices; Akira may just be trying to solve small ones, making us feel like we aren't alone."

Makoto smiled, her ill mood forgotten, "Thank you, Yusuke, I like that a lot. It really helps me put a different perspective into my thinking; you are right. Akira likes to help people, and this may just be a different aspect of that."

Yusuke is grateful to Akira; without him, Yusuke would never have this amazing group of friends who just accept him for who he is. He would never have been able to truly feel a part of something. The Phantom Thieves are doing great things, and they are going to continue doing great things; Yusuke can feel it. They will achieve their goal of changing society.

"Would you like to accompany me to the underground mall? I'm looking for some accessories for my sister and could use an artistic eye." Makoto offered.

"It would be my pleasure." Yusuke smiled.

He held his friends very dearly, even Akira, who they suspected. Akira would always be one of his dear friends.

"Hey…We never had to face our Shadows." Ryuji thought out loud as he picked at the cake he ordered at the café Ann dragged him to. They were both feeling tense about the Medjed deadline nearing and the fact Futaba was still asleep. It had been two days since they stole Futaba's heart, or well, Ryuji surmised Futaba stole her own heart; they just helped. Who sleeps for two days straight? Waking up from that must be one hell of a trip; Ryuji has a tough time waking up when he just gets eleven hours of sleep.

"I mean, in a way, we had to. Just not how Futaba did." Ann mused, happily taking another bite of her own slice of cake. It's a seven-tiered, rich chocolate ganache with more chocolate on top. Ryuji wanted to tease her about it, how for a model she ate a lot of unnecessary calories, but he's too caught up in his thought train right now.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ryuji wondered, sitting up a little straighter.

"I asked Morgana about this once," Ann said, a little muffled because she had a piece of cake in her mouth; she set down her fork and quickly swallowed. "A shadow is the true inner self he told me. You heard that voice in your head when you awakened, right?"

"Yeah, it told me that my name had already been soiled, so I should wreak havoc and take what I want." Ryuji nodded, intrigued by where this was going.

"And mine told me I was not a toy to be played with and should show them that." Ann nodded, "Those were our true selves, and to get a persona, we had to accept their contract. Morgana said it was awakening to our rebellious spirit, taking our anger and transforming it into something useful. We had to stop hiding, so we ripped off our masks and showed the world who we are. We embraced our true desires."

"Oh! That makes sense!" Ryuji exclaimed; he hadn't thought of it in those terms before. At the moment, he was just so overjoyed with having a person that he hadn't even questioned the mechanics of how it worked. He really needed to give Ann more credit. She saw a lot more than he thought, "Futaba faced her own shadow because she was in her own palace."

"Probably, I think her circ*mstances were different." Ann nodded and smiled, "I think it's nice. Her shadow self just wanted her to accept the truth; her true self didn't want to be in pain anymore. She wanted her to succeed; I think all of our shadows had our best interests at heart."

"I think you've changed." Ryuji blurted out, but backtracks really fast, "I mean not in a bad way, uh, you just seem lighter, a lot happier than you were in middle school. Uh, not that you were heavy, not in that way…um…"

Ann laughed with a snort, "Yeah, this whole thing has really made me want to work on myself. Shiho's attempt really put things into perspective for me. To change, I have to make an active effort on my part. I've been making changes, and I feel like I can finally breathe and be who I want to be."

"Yeah, I feel that." Ryuji nodded; he got precisely what Ann meant.

"I think you've changed too, Ryuji." Ann smiled at him gently, with those large blue eyes that Ryuji never knew what to do with. "I was worried about you after what happened to the track team, but after Kamoshida got out away, you're just thriving. Even though you embraced your rebellious spirit, you seem a lot less angry."

"Yeah…I feel a lot more in control now." Ryuji grinned; this thing he has going with the Phantom Thieves, he never wants it to end. He can't imagine life without them. He has never felt so alive in his life.

"Are you going to eat that?" Ann asked innocently, hovering her fork over Ryuji's slice of cake with wide, pleading eyes.

"You haven't even finished yours!"


Akira totally paid off the Penguin Feeders to start that feeding earlier 😈

Chapter 10: The one where Akira is a public menace and they have beach day


'Alice, can we go home now?
It's nothing left in this faded, old world.'

The one where Akira is a public menace, breaking property rules and they go to the beach. ALL OF THEM.


I wrote this before Robbie Daymond did his bisexual disaster line so, just throwing that out there 😂😂

Chapter Text

Sojiro Sakura has absolutely no idea what Akira did. He has no idea how Akira did the things he did or how he did them. The kid's time management skills were unrivaled, impeccable; it seemed Akira had things down to a tee. Akira's grades are outstanding, just as his customer service skills were as well, he always clicked with the regulars, and it helped he make a damn good coffee cup. Sojiro had to give props to whoever Akira's mentor was in that aspect. The kid knew precisely the water's right temperature, how high to pour the water, and how steady to pour the water through the grinds. Akira is very talented, and Akira is very knowledgeable. Sojiro had never felt that put together as when he was Akira's age. Sojiro remembers vividly bumbling through his teenage years, trying to figure out this world that apparently Akira is just a natural at. He believed Akira could accomplish whatever he set his mind to. He wished he could have it all together as Akira did.

Still, Sojiro has absolutely no idea how Akira pulled this off; it doesn't add up.

"It's cold. Are you really going to serve this to customers?" Futaba, his daughter who hasn't left her room for the longest time that Sojiro was starting to lose track of time, was sitting at the counter of Leblanc drinking the anniversary coffee he makes for Wakaba every year. Seemingly unbothered by the fact she is outside of her room and in Leblanc sipping coffee nonchalantly. He is so lost, but his heart is soaring like it hasn't since Wakaba was still alive.

"Oh, you finally rolled out of bed, huh?" Akira snickered from the seat next to her before taking a sip of his coffee. He laughed when he finished, "Do you even remember what century this is? It's been at least 2 years. You've been in a coma; sorry to tell you, Neo Feather Man ended a while ago, not on a good note either."

"It would survive longer than that, and I have not!" Futaba huffed and jabbed him in the side hard, "I didn't sleep for THAT long, only a few days; I've slept way longer before, ask Sojiro."

"Huh?" Sojiro breathed because he cannot process what the hell is going on at this moment. Futaba sitting at his counter drinking coffee normally, Futaba bickering with Akira, who seemed completely comfortable with the situation. Futaba, who has left their house. Futaba, who appeared to be in good spirits. Futaba arguing with Akira like they were siblings.

"Tell him, Sojiro! There was that time I slept for at least two weeks!" Futaba argued, continuously jabbing Akira in the side as he chuckled and tried swatting away her hand with little force.

"Never mind that…how did you get here?" Sojiro asked dumbly because he cannot fathom Futaba leaving her room. He thought it was becoming an impossible dream.

"I walked," Futaba said shyly as she stopped and turned to Sojiro, looking guilty as she leaned over the counter; she asked hesitantly, "Was that bad?"

"No! No!" Sojiro quickly reassure her, waving his hands. It was far from bad; it was excellent, "I was just shocked to see you left the house—" his breath hitched, "And you're ok?"

Futaba looked at the coffee, her face heating up in guilt, "Um, I'm really sorry I worried you. Things got bad, but I want to get better. I'm gonna try to get better."

"It's all right; I completely support you." Sojiro nearly sobbed, his voice quiet. His heart is soaring, he is elated, he has felt so helpless for the longest time. Futaba dealing with the death of her mother, unable to open up to anyone, and her uncle trying to take custody of her. It's been a sh*tstorm the last year or so, but all of a sudden, he takes Akira in, and everything is starting to look up. Akira had to be some sort of miracle worker.

"Um, by the way, what's the date?" Futaba wondered, running her finger around the rim of the cup in contemplation.

"It's the 21st," Sojiro answered, but he is hesitant on the answer because he still can't fathom this is happening.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something." Futaba murmured, before snapping her fingers with realization, "Oh! Akira, I still have to work on that project for you."

"No rush." Akira laughed, patting her head, "I'm pretty easy going with deadlines. Finish your coffee."

Sojiro could swear Akira's cat growled at this, but Sojiro is sure he just imagines things in the situation's delirium.

"I'll take care of it right now; come with me so I can make sure I make It exactly right." Futaba snickered deviously before jumping off the counter chair, "Sojiro! I'll be back for lunch; I expect to have the best curry ready!"

"Of course—" But Sojiro's answer fell on deaf ears as Futaba raced out of the café excitedly. He knows when Futaba gets entangled with a project, there is no keeping her from it. Akira gets up more calmly to follow her, picking up his bag, which his cat jumps into (Sojiro cannot fathom how Akira taught his cat to do that), and heading towards the door before Sojiro stopped him, "Wait, Akira, a word?"

"Hmm?" Akira paused at the door, a curious look on his face. Sojiro quickly comes around the counter and proceeds to pull him into a tight hug, which leaves Akira baffled as he awkwardly sputtered, "Ah—uh—no offense, but you so aren't my type boss. Pretty sure this is illegal."

"Thank you." Sojiro thanked him sincerely from the deepest depths of his heart as tears flowed down his cheeks. Akira has been the best decision he had made in his life after taking in Futaba. Akira hasn't been here all that long, but Sojiro felt like he owed him the world. "Thank you so much Akira, I don't know how you did it, but truly thank you. I really can't begin to express my gratitude to you."

Akira stiffened before pulling away with a shake of his head, "Ah… Don't thank me, Futaba decided on her own she wanted to change. It's all Futaba and none of me, really. She's far stronger than she thinks. I didn't do anything."

"Futaba made that decision, but I know she also had help. Sometimes it just helps to have someone to lean on, someone that isn't her father, someone closer in age." Sojiro argued, wiping the tears from his eyes. "You really helped her, and I'm so damn grateful to you, Akira."

Akira stared at him, stunned. Sojiro thought he saw a look of conflict flash across Akira's face before Akira smiled at him again. "Please don't thank me, Futaba is far stronger than I could ever be. She pulled herself out of this on her own."

Before Sojiro can say anything else, Akira is out the door without another word, the bell ringing to announce his departure. But something doesn't sit right with Sojiro, Akira's smile. Akira's smile when he told Sojiro not to thank him.

Akira's smile looked just like the one Wakaba had before she told him that she thought she was going to die. That awful mixture of bittersweet sticky honey and ash; acceptance and resignation.

Sojiro doesn't like it one bit. Akira knows something, and Sojiro doesn't want to think what.

Futaba is eccentric for sure, but she did prove herself in bringing down Medjed. Yusuke regrets doubting her abilities; she certainly took them down in absolute style. The entire homepage tagged with the logo Yusuke has carefully crafted for the group. Futaba truly elevated it. Medjed had to have gotten the message. While skilled at many things, Futaba falters in others, such as communication with anyone besides Akira. Makoto kept asking her questions, but Futaba refuses to answer. Yusuke sort of understands, Makoto can come off as interrogative in her demeanor if one didn't know where she was coming from. Even with Ann's laid-back interactions and Ryuji's abrasive one, Futaba won't answer. It's clear she isn't comfortable with them yet, but if she is going to be a part of the team, she must be able to work with the team.

"Why don't we take shifts? We can plan a trip to the beach at the end of the week and slowly work Futaba up to it?" Makoto suggested from their impromptu meeting place in Akira's room. Yusuke notices Futaba's shoulder hitch in response, but Yusuke thinks it's a good idea; it might be less difficult for Futaba to get to know them a few at a time; Yusuke knows how rowdy this group could get. Taking it one step at a time is best, and Yusuke is sure with Akira aiding them, that they can help Futaba overcome her shyness.

"Yeah! Dude, the beach sounds so nice right now! Ah, think about it, beach, ocean, and babes." Ryuji sighed happily, his face lighting up before Ann punched him in the shoulder in a usual antics show.

"Babes is literally only on your mind," Ann growled in distaste, her lips curling up in disgust. "Stop being a creep."

"There are other guys in this room too?!" Ryuji argued incredulously as he motioned to the rest of them, "Yusuke, Morgana, and Akira? And aren't you bi or something, Ann? Don't you like babes?"

"Yusuke is only interested in aesthetics, not whatever you have going on in your mind Ryuji, Morgana is a cat—"

"Lady Ann! I am not a cat!" Morgana yowled in protest from his place on the table, completely missing the point.

"I'm bi, yes, but I do not go to the beach for 'babes'; that is just cringe, Ryuji. Girls have a higher level of respect for each other, and Akira is also a bisexual disaster leaning towards one said detective who has not returned any of his flirting." Ann argued, pointing at each person as she spoke, leaving her finger at Akira, who laughed. "It's safe to assume only you are going to the beach for 'babe' watching."

"Yet." Akira corrected her with a confident smile as he tugged his bangs, "He hasn't returned it yet."

"Dude…" Ryuji sighed, shaking his head, and rolled his eyes at Akira. "Have you considered he doesn't like you like that?"

"Impossible." Akira huffed and shook his head in denial, "Who doesn't like me like that? I'm irresistible."

Everyone simultaneously raised their hands in the room slowly, even Futaba from where she faced the wall away from them.

"Oh, don't you all LIE to my face." Akira scoffed and narrowed his eyes, shifting from one hip to the other as he readjusts his glasses, "I saw ALL of you thirsting after me at the summer festival. I may wear glasses, but I'm not blind. Ann's mouth was watering; Makoto, I saw that blush. Yusuke wanted to paint me naked—"

"I actually wanted to paint the Yukata—" Yusuke interjected, but it's pointless as Akira continues.

"Morgana reacted like I was catnip and Ryuji; I could see you undressing me with your eyes."

"What?! NO—I WAS—Akechi was there, and I—DUDE!" Ryuji sputtered, his face heating up at the accusation, and he buried his face into his hands. "I WAS NOT! SHUT UP."

"I don't know, Ryuji, that sounds like someone who was undressing someone with their eyes would say." Ann mocked, happy with the sense of karma.

"And, Futaba, I saw that text you unsent, yeah thought I wouldn't catch that, huh?" Akira snickered, turning to address the girl with a side-eye before smirking, "I see all, I know all."

"AKIRA!!" Futaba shrieked before curling up into herself in embarrassment.

Yusuke sighed, leave it up to Akira to have absolutely no shame. Still, Yusuke can't deny Akira's antics have lifted the spirits in the room from their previous discussions of Futaba's mother's research and how it could be connected to the metaverse. There was also the elephant in the room that Futaba's mother had been killed instead of committing suicide, and this could have very well been the black mask's doing. Yusuke does not want to think about the implications if they continued suspecting Akira as the black mask. It was a topic best not brought up yet as Futaba was so new and was definitely attached to Akira.

"Anyways, enough with that topic." Makoto coughed, grabbing everyone's attention. "I'm free tomorrow, we can start nice and easy. Ease Futaba into this. Get her used to different scenarios. We can start off in her room, so she feels comfortable and work from there."

"I, too, have no plans tomorrow; I can accompany you." Yusuke offered, uncrossing his arms. He is interested to see what Makoto has planned. He feels like he can benefit from it as well.

The more Futaba spends with the Phantom Thieves, the more she wants to be apart of them. She wants so badly to feel like she is apart of something to make a difference. It was fun creating Medjed and taking out social injustices online, but it got rather lonely and even lonelier when she became Alibaba. She wants this so bad, but why is it so hard? Why is it so hard to be normal?

"Stop, your overthinking it." Akira whacked her head as they headed back up the stairs to Leblanc's Attic once Ann and Ryuji leave for the day. "You did fine today. You are doing fine. It takes time."

"W-w-what If they thought I was weird though; I know my mask was weird, I just—" Futaba stumbled over her words as she sullenly followed Akira towards the back of the room. She knows she is unconventional. It's frustrating because she can see the things she does out of social norms yet, changing it is like moving a boulder.

"You did fine, Futaba-chan!" Morgana chirped as he leaped onto the bed. Futaba sighed and sat down beside him. Out of all of them, Futaba felt she could feel somewhat comfortable with Akira and his talking cat. She would have never thought that would be a by-product of going to a metaverse. Now, everything made sense in retrospect; Akira really was talking to his cat. She pinched the cat's cheeks without thinking about it, "H-hey! Futaba! Stop!"

"Don't worry about it; honestly, we are all weirdos." Akira laughed, dropping into the chair at the end of his bed, and sent her a smirk, "Just a bunch of misfits. I mean, come on, a talking cat? A criminal? We are the eclectic bunch."

"I want to join the Phantom Thieves!" She blurts out before she can think about it.

Akira laughed, curling up in his seat at her outburst; she pouted and chucked his pillow directly at his head in a carefully aimed shot.

"Akira! I'm serious!!"

"Futaba, you are already one of us," Akira admitted, sending her a dazzling smile that made her head spin. She can not fathom why Akira dotes on her so, why he treats her so kindly, so much like they were family. "You've been one of us once you decided to turn on society."

Futaba nodded decisively, she had made her decision, and she is going to work extra hard to prove it to everyone.

"And you." Akira turned to Morgana and quickly picked him up before the cat could dart away.

"Akira! You'll mess up my fur!" Morgana whined, struggling in the position that Akira is holding him in. Futaba stifled a laugh; it looked like Akira was recreating the lion king; Morgana was not happy with this turn of events; after all, he groaned, "Put me down!"

"Just because Futaba is going to be our new Navigator doesn't mean you aren't needed," Akira reassured him, pull Morgana close to him and rubbing his nose in the cat's face. "You've done your duties as the navigator; it's time to come join the front lines for a bit."

"I wasn't worried!" Morgana pouted, pawing at Akira's cheek to push him away, " I know I'm needed; you haven't seen my true strength yet!"

"I know." Akira laughed, ruffling up his fur again., "It's your turn to shine."

Futaba knew Akira had some weird friend/pet bond with Morgana, but she is impressed that Akira could pick up on Morgana's insecurities and nip them in the bud before it would be a problem. Futaba hadn't even thought that Morgana might feel upset that there was another navigator in the group; if there was someone better who her who had just joined, she knew she would feel inferior too.

"Yeah, kitty! My persona can't battle, only navigate, but I think you are pretty special. You can do both." Futaba nodded, leaping up to pat Morgana on the head as well. "I think you could show me a few things. Please?"

"Ok! ok! Just put me down first!" Morgana argued, wiggling out of Akira's gap when he gets the chance and gracefully leaping to the bed. "Well, seeing as you asked nicely, listen up! I lay out some tips for you…"

Futaba spent the evening listening carefully to Morgana's advice while Akira chirped in every once in a while to tease the cat. She thinks this might be the weirdest experience she's ever had other than actually going into her heart. Sitting in her father's café's attic with her somewhat of a brother figure and his talking cat, telling her how to read shadows and picking up on the other's personas as well. She wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Oh, I didn't know there was another part-time worker here," Akechi mentioned when he arrived at Leblanc; lately, he just can't seem to keep away. Akechi pins the blame on the coffee, he just couldn't get over how good the coffee tasted, and the atmosphere drew him in like a fly to honey, but Akechi knows just as well that's how a fly gets caught. And Akechi is aware he is drowning. It doesn't subtract from the fact he is supposed to be monitoring the Phantom Thieves, and since their leader lived at this café, that's where he needed to be.

"Hey Akechi, How's it been? I take it you've heard about Medjed. What a surprise, huh?" Akira greeted him warmly, setting up a cup in Akechi's usual counter spot. Akechi hadn't meant to monopolize it, but it seemed the chair had just become his now. He settled into his chair as Akira began brewing his favorite blend. Akira had introduced some medium blend to him with chocolate and hazelnut undertones; the orange hair part-timer he assumed lingering behind Akira with hesitance and shyness. Akechi would have almost guessed it was his sister with how tightly she was holding onto his shirt. Akechi did his research, however, and Akira was an only child.

"Naturally, ah, I can't say I've been too popular lately." Akechi sighed, setting his briefcase down on the ground; he has been feeling pretty melancholy for most of the day. It seemed the public turned against him just as fast. He knows this is somewhat a part of the plan, but it irritated him what everyone was saying. It was ridiculous how fast society could turn on someone; however, he knows that is what Shido and his advisors are trying to do to the Phantom Thieves. "Not many places have been very welcoming to me as of late."

"Ah, you win some, you lose some," Akira said placatingly as he poured the freshly brewed coffee into the cup, steam rose into the air, but Akechi is more focused on the smile on Akira's face. "But you are always welcome here."

"Ah, You are too kind, Kurusu-Kun." Akechi smiled, but his smile turned into a frown. He doesn't like the feeling of being unwelcomed; it never sat right with his soul. People turning him away is just a painful reminder of his childhood. He tried not to think about it. This was a part of the plan, only a part of the plan. The plan he doesn't really want to go through with anymore. But he has made it this far; can he really turn back on his resolve now? Shido had to pay for what he has done.

"Something wrong?" Akira asked curiously, putting his elbows on the counter.

"Ah, sorry," Akechi shook his head before his mouth started spouting with no context, "My Mother was in a relationship with a low life of a man, and when he learned she was pregnant, she was swiftly discarded and thrown on the streets. Despair eventually led to her death. Thanks to him, I was passed from foster home to foster home. I'm not unfamiliar with the feeling of being unwelcomed, and despite it, I feel like I've done pretty well for myself. Alas, it's just something I'll deal with."

Akechi cringed as the words left his mouth; he hadn't intended on revealing that bit. He hadn't planned on giving Akira his backstory despite it being very clipped and curated.

"It's not your fault!" The orange hair girl blurted out, finally coming out from behind Akira. Her face is scrunched up in frustration, and Akechi is surprised by the sudden outburst since he was sure this girl wasn't going to say anything the entire night with how much she was quaking behind Akira. That had all bleed away into some sort of misplaced determination that Akechi can't read.

"Um—what?" Akechi stuttered before she continued.

"My mother died too, supposedly committed suicide. And I blamed myself for it, that I was the reason she killed herself because I was a burden on her." She spoke, her voice falling. Akechi felt his veins freeze because he is starting to realize who this girl is. After all, Sae talked nonstop about Wakaba Ishiki's research lately, and Akechi has known that Sae has been coming here. Futaba continues, her voice rising, "But that isn't the truth! We can't blame ourselves for our mother's deaths. It's not fair; what your mother did was all on her, not you, Akechi. You should live the life your mother wanted you to. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to punish yourself."

"That's—" Akechi wanted to throw up. How dare Futaba Sakura tells him what he should do? How dare she claim to know how Akechi is feeling? That is none of her business. She has no right. She has no right to talk to her mother's murder so casually, so encouraging. She doesn't know who she is talking to, and Akechi feels like he is suffocating. He knows exactly what he did to Wakaba Ishiki because it had been his first time. He knows just how much he does not deserve Futaba Sakura's misplaced reassurance.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Futaba quickly apologized, hiding behind Akira once more in embarrassment when Akechi doesn't respond because what is Akechi supposed to say to that?

"Don't be…" Akechi shook his head. It wasn't fine, nothing about this situation was fine, but Akechi knew it would catch back up to him. He needs to keep up appearances, though, and he needs to swallow down these feelings. He needs to detach from the situation. Akechi puts a pleasant smile on his face, "It's quite alright; you are right after all. I should honor the life my mother would have wanted for me and stop living in the past. I'm quite sorry about your circ*mstance as well; you are Wakaba Ishiki's daughter, yes? I've heard a few things from Sae-san."

Futaba nodded timidly; Akechi felt sick. Akechi has been silently angry with Sae for what she is doing to Sojiro Sakura, threatening him with losing custody of his daughter. But what right does Akechi have to feel that way after Wakaba Ishiki?

"You ok there, Akechi? You look a little pale." Akira asked and tapped his shoulder, bringing Akechi out of his thoughts. Akechi hates the look of concern on Akira's face. It's disgusting, and he hates being pitied.

"Fine, it's just been a rather long day at work." Akechi shook his head; that part was true. It's just exhausting keeping up his act for working in a system he doesn't believe in. The justice system is flawed and can be easily swayed in terms of money and power. Akechi can't deny he isn't using them himself for his own uses as well.

"There is a bathhouse across the street. Do you want to join me? A long-ass soak sounds good right about now." Akira offered, starting to untie his apron. "Leblanc doesn't have a shower or bath, so I have to go there to wash up."

"But Akira!" Futaba whined from behind him, looking fearful at the idea of him leaving the café.

"Sojiro should be back soon, and I don't think anyone else is going to come in tonight. No one does at night; you'll be fine." Akira reassured her and patted her on the head as he set his apron on the counter. "I'll leave Morgana here to keep you company."

"Hey! Boss will be mad at you!" Morgana argued, making Akechi jump a bit; it seemed at some point the cat has made a resting place in the booth behind him.

"It will be fine," Akira reassured her again. Akechi notes Akira does not answer his cat, or if he does, he crafted the statement as if he were talking to Futaba.

"Kurusu-kun, it's quite alright; I wouldn't want Sakura-san to be left alone." Akechi piped up, but it seemed Akira ignored him as the other runs up the stairs. He sighed; a bath did sound quite lovely, and he always enjoyed his conversations with Akira too much. He feels a little rejuvenated at the thought, but then it's brought back down at where this all ends.

"You…um…" Futaba stuttered, awkwardly standing behind the counter. "You like Neo Feather Man? Who is your favorite?"

"Oh…Black Condor," Akechi answered, his face heating up because he didn't think he had revealed his love for Neo Feather Man on any TV stations, nor did he regularly talk about it. He did watch every new episode that came out on Friday nights, and he did actively engage in some chat rooms under a pseudo name, but he was sure he never gave away that it was him. He loves the show, but it's too childish, he would give it up, but he can't help but watch it because of the nostalgia of watching it on TV with his mother in their rinky-dink apartment. There was always something alluring about being a masked superhero. But Akechi surmised he's quite the opposite now.

"Oh! He isn't my favorite, but I like him, and I think he gets a bad rep." Futaba smiled, her shyness easing away as she bounced on the heels of her feet in excitement. "I mean, yeah, he was the villain for a season, but he obviously had his reasons. I think everyone just misunderstood him, you know? The world isn't as black and white as kid shows make them. And he ended up redeeming himself in the end, sacrificing himself for his team. That episode really got me; I mean, Red Hawk's reaction? The writing was fantastic. I cried so hard."

"I disagree; I think his actions at the end were miscued, he should have followed through on his conviction, were all the steps and actions he took for nothing? He threw it away in the end and really wasted everyone's time. He couldn't commit." Akechi shook his head, he liked Black Condor for his drive, but the last episode he was in really left a sour taste in Akechi's mouth; all that drive was utterly lost.

"Yeah, I guess that's one way of looking at it." Futaba frowned, "But I just think his priorities changed. He valued his friends far more than his revenge plot and didn't realize it. His actions weren't wasted, they just shifted, and they made him realize what he truly valued. I think without that character arc, people wouldn't actually have seen how much pain he was in and how he accepted it at the end and used it to save his friends. Though, I think it's sad that he couldn't see how much his friends valued him as well. They forgave him for everything after the fact."

Before Akechi could make a counterpoint, Akira appears from the stairs leading to his room again with a bath tote filled with some skincare products, shampoo, and two towels. He shuffled to Akechi's chair, "I know this is last minute, but I brought you a towel, and you can use my skincare products."

"Well, I suppose I can't say no, can I?" Akechi sighed, but a smile slipped onto his face as he pushes himself out of the chair.

"You know you love a good bath; I also have a surprise." Akira smiled at him cheekily as he ushered him out of the door, but before they can leave, Futaba stopped them.

"Wait! Akechi-san!" Futaba stuttered out, her voice wobbling with uncertainty as she fidgeted with her jacket sleeves.

"Yes?" Akechi wondered what this was about.

"We! —I mean, Akira and Me and our friends are going to the beach this weekend," Futaba explained, stumbling over her words; Akechi allows her to finish her question, "Did you…I mean, do you want to come with us? Its—it's going to be nice, and the beach is fun— I think you'd have fun—"

"A trip to the beach?" Akechi echoed, confused.

"Yeah, why don't you join us?" Akira suggested, "Get away from the city for a day; maybe it'll take your mind off things. Get a little sun; you look far too pale anyways."

"Well, I suppose if I'm being invited, I would love to go." Akechi nodded, ignoring the little soar his heart takes and the sudden dive because he knows he is the Phantom Thieve's enemy. And they are making it far too easy for him to get close. Akechi thinks that's a problem in itself. He is far too close.

"G-great!" Futaba nodded her head, "Meet us here, Saturday Morning!"

Akechi pondered on it the entire walk to the bathhouse, which is pretty short, but regardless, he wondered why Futaba Sakura would ask him to go to the beach, despite just meeting him. Why? He knew if she knew what he did, she would hate him. She should hate him. Akechi knew if Akira knew who he was. Akira would hate him too. He's walking on a thin line.

"See, the exact right time to come, there is no one here." Akira cackled as they paid their fee and entered the empty bathhouse. "We have it all to ourselves; you better be careful, Mr. Detective."

"Oh? Do tell, what do you have planned?" Akechi asked, a little worried by the mischievous grin on Akira's face. Truly never a good sign when it came to the other.

"You'll have to wait and see," Akira laughed, throwing off his shirt immediately as they reached the locker room. Akechi stumbled a bit as he dodges the shirt Akira threw over his shoulder.

"Hey!" Akechi growled.

"What? It's a bath, ain't going in with my clothes on." Akira snickered, starting to pull down his pants as well.

"No, I know that! I—" Akechi muttered but stops because, damn, Akira really doesn't show off how built he is. Akira looks like a bean pole, with overly lanky limbs and a mop as an excuse for hair, and oversized bookish glasses. Akechi can't fathom why he finds Akira attractive, but Akira with his shirt off offers some sort of a reason. Still, why did his mind or heart or whatever have to choose Akira of all people to be infatuated with? There are certainly others in the world with Akira's features. Why is it Akira?

"I knew it, I just had to strip in front of you, and then you'd see my charm. Though, that might come off a little shallow Akechi-san~ I'd rather you like me for my personality and charming wit." Akira sighed in exaggeration as he tied the towel around his waist before shrugging off the rest of his clothing. "But I guess if you want to love me for my body, I will allow it."

"Ah, your humor is quite out there," Akechi remarked back, removing his vest and unbuttoning his shirt. "To be attracted to something, something must hold that feature as you must know."

"Ouch, Akechi, straight to my heart." Akira swooned theatrically as if he were taking a shot to heart, "Tell me, Akechi, do you really hate me so?"

"Yes, I absolutely despise you as I am forced to go into this bath with you." Akechi chuckled, shaking his head as he tied his own towel around his waist.

"I knew it." Akira sighed melodramatically as he lifted a hand to his forehead, "You really are my nemesis. Two sides of a coin, two ends of a pendulum, two chess pieces on different sides of the board, destined to duel it out together in the throes of societal expectations. And only one can survive, alas, what a fate that is. Pitted against one other to the dire end. What a horrid fate."

Sometimes Akechi really has to think about what Akira said. He tried not to take Akira's joking too seriously because he knows what Akira is doing. After all, it's what Akira does. He teases, he jokes, he makes theatrical commentary. He is dramatic. It's just who Akira is as a person; he loves a show, but Akechi does not want to think about how close to the truth that is, if not smack dab on the target. Can Akira really joke around like this but be so accurate to their circ*mstances? Akira had to know something, right? Akechi can't be sure because this is Akira's nature, and Akechi has never been able to make heads or tails of it. Maybe he really was psychic.

Akechi does not understand Akira in the slightest, and it infuriates him.

"And if so, what were we to do? Shall I drown you in this bath right now if it's fated?" Akechi played along because he's curious if Akira would reveal anything. And if not, it's always amusing to hear the tangents that Akira takes. Akira pushed open the doors to the actual bath area with his tote of skincare and shampoo in hand.

"I say we stage a coup," Akira said, turning to Akechi and sending him a dazzling smile that almost stopped Akechi's heart. "Who says we have to be on different sides? Who says we can't just run off this board together and play another game? We should be Bonnie and Clyde. f*ck white and black; let's be grey."

"What evidence are you basing the fact we are on different sides?" Akechi pushed, despite his better judgment, as they enter the bath. It's nice and hot and instantly soothes the ache in Akechi's muscles but doesn't seem to reach his heart.

"I mean, you're a detective, and I'm a criminal. I'd say that puts us on different sides." Akira shrugged, setting the tote down beside the rim of the bath.

"A criminal?" Akechi wondered if that meant Akira was agreeing to being a Phantom Thief.

"Yeah, My probation," Akira said, settling down into the bath seat, allowing the water to swallow everything but his head. He lets out a sigh of pleasure before he continues, "I know you did your research, Mr. Detective. You probably know all about my criminal record by now."

Akechi bit his lip with guilt; well, he couldn't deny that. He sighed as he settled beside Akira, "Yes, I am aware. Forgive me, I did check. I was curious."

"I don't blame you." Akira shook his head and smirked, "But it is interesting a detective would continue to hang out with this lowly criminal afterward."

"Did you do it?" Akechi asked because that was something that never added up. Akira had his energetic moments, but Akira didn't seem aggressive. It doesn't sound like something he would do.

"No. But I guess that doesn't really matter now." Akira shook his head, an easy smile on his face. "I can relate to you, Akechi-san; we are far more alike than you think. The feeling of unwelcomeness is not unfamiliar to me."

"If you didn't do it, then why are you here?" Akechi asked, but he already knows regardless.

"Wouldn't you know best? When someone has placed the blame on you, you can't change their truth when they believe you are something they want you to be. And it's even harder when they have more power and money than you. I was an easy scapegoat, simple as that. It wasn't a battle I could win." Akira shrugged, seeming nonplussed by his situation.

"I'm sorry…Kurusu-Kun. The system really is flawed in that aspect." Akechi frowned; he knows just how flawed the justice system is, after all.

"Ah, enough of that doom and gloom." Akira shook his head while ruffling through his tote bag. "It happened, and if it didn't, I wouldn't have met all my friends and you, so who knows, maybe it was meant to be."

"That certainly is a positive look at things." Akechi nodded.

"I think our meeting was quite serendipitous." Akira smiled at him sincerely, and Akechi has no idea what to do with that misplaced sentiment.

"I suppose that's one way to look at it." Akechi hummed as Akira started to riffle through his tote bag.

"Ahah! I knew I had it in here." Akira exclaimed, holding up a ball of some sort and throwing his other arm around Akechi's shoulders. It takes Akechi a moment to figure out what it was, but his heart drops in terror once he does.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (17)

"No, no, no, Kurusu, you can't drop that in here!" Akechi gasped and reached for it, but a second too late as Akira laughed and dropped the bath bomb into the hot water. It instantly started fizzling, bright, vivid blues and pinks start spreading through the water, much to Akechi's horror, "Kurusu-kun! You are going to get us kicked out! This is a public bathhouse!"

"Ah, don't worry, they won't check on us. Live a little, Akechi! I've been waiting to use this one." Akira said smugly, pushing the fizzling bath bomb away from Akechi's grabby hands. "This one is supposed to make the bath look like a galaxy."

"Honestly, your lack of the rules is going to get you in trouble one day." Akechi sighed but retracted his hand once he knows the battle is lost. A tactical retreat. The deed has been done, and Akechi can admire the color the bath is changing. It changed the bath's hue into a deep lapis blue, the pinks and cerulean swirl like it's a galaxy. Shimmering glitter lazily swirls in the depths of the tub, mimicking stars.

"I thought it would elevate the experience; I mean, all your experiences in bathhouses have been pretty dim? Coming here while your mother was busy." Akira hummed, swirling the bathwater around, so the glitter in the bath bomb twirls around, and it really looks like a galaxy. "I wanted to make it fun."

Akechi blinked stupidly, "How did you know?"

"I'm psychic, of course, I told you." Akira laughed, throwing his head back before he abruptly stopped as if he just realized something. He turned around to Akechi, "You told me? I'm like 90% sure you told me that at one point."

"O-oh." Akechi nodded, but he is going through every memory he has, and he does not remember why that would come up at all. He didn't even think he told Akira about his mother until tonight. It wasn't something he usually shared with people.

They fall silent, not out of awkwardness but exhaustion. Akechi lets the galaxy-colored bathwater unwind his tense muscles, his eyes fall shut, and he fights not to fall asleep. He hasn't even cleaned his face yet, and at this point, that seems like far too much effort. He can feel exhaustion coming off Akira as well; the silence is evidence enough.

Even so, It's nice. Akechi usually took a shower; it was quicker and easier. He doesn't usually have the luxury of time that a bath is needed. Sitting here, in this bathhouse with Akira, is nice. Having someone to joke around with, bounce ideas off, and just be around rather than his empty apartment. Someone who genuinely wanted to be around him. It's nice. It's nice, and Akechi felt sick to his stomach. He has his drive, but he's starting to have reserves as well. He might need to recalculate his plan.

"Serendipity is nice, but...If you could go back…and do it all again, change everything, would you?" Akira muttered from next to him a little while later.

Akechi frowned and thought before answering, "Everything happened for a reason; I'm confident in the decisions I made, so I don't see why I would need to. I wouldn't want to encroach on someone else's decision as well by going back. My mother's decision to kill herself was her own; what right do I have to take that away from her? Having to live with knowing I forced someone's hand would not sit well with me. Besides, I wouldn't want someone to take away the validity of my decisions either. I wouldn't want to live in a reality where my decisions are manipulated by someone."

He felt Akira tense up beside him; he can't fathom why; he thought it was just a silly question, a rhetorical one used only when the conversation has lulled between friends. A conversation starter. He doesn't know why it would matter. It's not like someone could travel through time regardless. It's a meaningless question. But it's an interesting debate that he assumed Akira wanted to start. Whether changing something was moral or not.

Yet, Akira does not answer. Akechi opened his eyes to turn to Akira, but the moment he does, he is splashed in the face; he sputtered, "What the hell!!"

"I found it!" Akira laughed; happily, the tension from earlier dissipated as he clutches a ball in his hand, and the potential debate forgot.

"What is that?" Akechi wondered because he definitely doesn't remember that being in the bath when they got in.

"I found this in Harajuku last time I went out with Ann! It's er—" Akira frowned as he struggles with the ball, which Akechi assumed he was trying open like a gacha, "It's one of those bath bombs with—ah! Here we go!"

Akira pulled a ring out of the gacha; it's a round shape, almost like a wheel with the main gemstone in the middle surrounded by tinier ones, all varied colors.

"Oh, It's a bath bomb with a hidden ring. I see."

Akira holds the ring out to Akechi and, with a sly grin, asked, "Will you marry me?"

Akechi scoffed at the predictable joke but took the ring from him anyway. Looking closer, it really was just a cheap ass ring; real gemstones didn't shine those colors. And the gold definitely wasn't real, probably painted on some cheap metal. It's gaudy, and Akechi is sure some middle aged lady out there would love it far more than him, regardless he tried to put it on his finger out of curiosity, "It's not even my size. For a life long commitment, this is a very poor effort on your part."

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (18)

"Well, then what's your size? I'll know for next time." Akira smugly grinned.

"If you're Psychic, then you should already know." Akechi shook his head, taking the way to small ring off his finger, "And get a better design; I am not some middle-aged lady with little time on her hand and no wealth for quality jewelry."

"Fine, if you hate it so much, then give it back; I'll give it to Ann or Haru." Akira huffed, reaching for the ring, but Akechi holds it out of reach.

"And subject them to this garish thing? I'm afraid not; I think you'd embarrass yourself by showing your blatant lack of taste." Akechi scoffed,

holding the ring tight in the palm of his hand.

"It's not like I knew what ring I was gonna get with the bath bomb." Akira laughed, "But if you feel so strongly about my lack of taste, be my guest to dispose of it. I just thought it would be a nice reminder of our Serendipity."

Akechi sighed, Akira was insufferable, but he does not give back the ring regardless. Instead of reaching towards the tote bag, "It's about time we actually washed, I need to wash my face before we get out, and you should too."

"Oh, I'm one step ahead of you," Akira nodded, pulling out some of the products, "Double cleanse!"

"I can't believe you invited Akechi to the beach." Ann breathed in surprise as she watched Akira and Akechi talk about something from the line to the beach's food vendor. They are more than a few feet away, so Ann can't catch the conversation, but it looks lively. The two volunteered to get lunch for the group, so they wouldn't lose their spot on the busy beach. Ann doesn't particularly mind that Akechi is here, but she is surprised that Futaba herself asked, "I mean, are you comfortable around him, Futaba-chan?"

Futaba nodded, fidgeting with the strap of her swimming suit. "He came to the café the other night, we talked about Neo Feather Man. He's different than when he is on TV. Is what I did bad?"

Makoto sighed and shook her head, "No, ah, I think he's been in low spirits since the MedJed case; the public turned on him fast. This might cheer him up; we just need to be careful what he says because he suspects us."

"Wouldn't this help? Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?" Futaba pondered, tapping her chin. Ann laughed a bit at Futaba coming to the same conclusion they did during the summer festival.

"In theory, if Akira would quit flirting with him," Ryuji grumbled from his beach chair, a fan in one hand as he tries to wave off the summer heat. It's a scorcher today for sure.

"It's fine, as long as we don't reveal anything." Yusuke shook his head, the white hood over his face. "We shouldn't talk about that stuff today anyway; the beach is meant to inspire and relax."

"Are you trying not to burn, Yusuke?" Ann wondered, seeing as the other decided to wear the hoodie to the beach, and it was sweltering outside right now. Ann is unsure how Yusuke isn't burning alive; after all, his weakness is fire in the metaverse. She knows they don't manifest in reality, but she can't help but wonder.

"Yes, I burn rather easily. I would rather avoid that painful experience." Yusuke confirmed, pulling the hood up a little higher, so it covers the brink of his nose.

"Lucky for me, I tan." Ryuji laughed.

"Yeah, but you should still put-on sunscreen, Ryuji! We had this conversation." Ann grunted as she chucked the bottle of sunscreen next to her at Ryuji's head. However, Ryuji did not have Akira's proficiency, so the bottle hits him right in the cheek with a resounding slap. "Protect your goddamn skin!"

"ANN! What the f*ck!?" Ryuji groaned, holding his injured cheek.

"Should have dodged." Futaba shook her head in dismay.

"A critical hit." Morgana chirped from next to her on the beach chair where he is curled up. Ann felt a bit bad for Morgana; not only did he have a coat of fur, but with their extra person, Morgana has been making an effort to not converse, so it doesn't look suspicious. Ann gives him a scratch on the head in reward for his hard efforts, and Morgana leans into it happily.

"Hey! We brought the food and one extra!" Akira announced as he, Akechi, and another person approached their set of umbrellas with food in hand.

"Oh!" Ann recognized her; she was the one at the fireworks festival. The one who had been by the limo and Akira had stopped to wave at her. She and Ryuji thought she was Akira's girlfriend until Akira made it very clear where his intentions laid. She fumbled for the name, "Haru-chan…correct?"

"Yes!" Haru smiled brightly and nodded, her fluffy hair bouncing with the motion. She is absolutely adorable, Ann concluded. An angel with the purest of intentions, and nothing would change Ann's mind. "I hope you don't mind if I intrude! I was just telling Aki-chan the other day that I wanted to go to the beach sometime soon before summer ended, and he invited me out. Please allow me to join you. I apologize for coming late as well; I had a hold up at home."

"Everything ok, Haru-chan?" Akira frowned in concern, and Ann thinks he knows something they don't, but that isn't new. She doesn't think about it; Akira knows Haru better than they do.

"Yes, it's quite alright, I promise," Haru confirmed, her smile falling a bit before she lifts it again, her eyes crinkling in excitement. "I believe I know everyone's names; I will do my best to get along with you! And, Akira has told me about your situation, Futaba-chan; if I make you feel uncomfortable, please let me know."

"N-no! I'm fine, I swear, I'm getting better." Futaba shook her head quickly, stumbling over her words, and her face heats up. She bows quickly in the form of respect. "I'll do my best to get along with you as well."

"I'm happy." Haru grinned wider.

"You're from class 2-2, right?" Makoto asked thoughtfully, and Ann remembered Makoto mentioned her being in her class, but they didn't talk. Ann understands, other than Akira and maybe Mishima, she isn't friends with anyone else. She doesn't know half their names.

"Indeed, I sit a few rows behind you." Haru confirmed as she took her seat on one of the beach towels, then she noticed Morgana, and her eyes widen with excitement, "Oh! What a cute cat!"

"That's Morgana." Yusuke introduced Morgana and Haru quickly but gently reached out to pet him. Ann is sure Morgana will complain and bat at her hand because Morgana hates to be petted by anyone but her, and maybe Akira occasionally.

"Hey! —Oh, oh, yes," Morgana argued at first but ended up purring under Haru's gentle scratching behind his ears. Haru is excited but very soft with him.

"He likes you a lot; he hardly lets me pet him." Akira laughed from his beach seat next to Akechi, whom Ann notes is being quiet.

"He is quite a handsome cat; I would like to get to know you more." Haru cooed, petting him all over, and Ann can see how much Morgana loves it; she wonders if this will finally squash the crush that the cat had on her. Ann has tried to let him down gently, but the cat does not get it. She doesn't know how to explain the idea of an interspecies doesn't vibe with her.

"So Haru, you single?" Ryuji asked excitedly before Akira whacks him on the back of the head, "OUCH! What the hell, man! I asked her, not you!"

"It's complicated, Ryuji-san." Haru answered quickly but sends him a brilliant smile, "But I assure you, you are far from my type."

"Come on!!"

Ann laughed; she absolutely loved Haru so far, she seems docile and sweet, but Ann hadn't been expecting that edge to her. She loves it.

"Regardless, to show my thanks, I have arranged a banana boat ride for all the girls." Haru smiled, drawing her hand back from Morgana, "I've always wanted to try it but haven't had anyone to try it with. I hope it would be ok if you all tried it with me."

"That sounds like a lot of fun, Haru-chan!" Makoto clapped with delight, her face lighting up as she got out of the beach chair. "How exciting! I was thinking of it earlier."

"But what about us?" Ryuji whined.

"Figure it out for yourselves," Ann laughed, patting him on the shoulder as she and the rest of the girls passed by.

"It's so hot…I want to go on a banana boat," Ryuji whined from the beach seat. He can vaguely see the girls out on the horizon, but he can't figure out if it's the heatwave or not; he nudged Akira, who was holding up a cold can of soda to his neck in some efforts to beat the heat. "Akira, your rich; buy us a banana boat."

"Don't want to." Akira groaned, shifting the can to the other side, "It's a waste of money."

"A waste of--Did you not come here to have fun? Like Dude, you can afford to waste money!" Ryuji argued, he still doesn't understand Akira's weird relationship with his wealth.

"I'm having fun." Akira shrugged before turning to Akechi on the other side, "You having fun?"

"It is rather pleasant besides the heat. When the girls get back, we should move our spot closer to the water since some people have left already. Getting in the water would be quite nice." Akechi nodded, taking a sip from his water as he looked out to the horizon. "I'm happy just sitting here too though; the view is lovely."

"See?" Akira said, shrugging again to Ryuji.

"You guys are like old men." Ryuji sighed, "We are at the beach; we should be doing stuff like volleyball or babe hunting or something. Live a little."

"I guess I could try sunbathing." Akira shrugged, then shivered, "Actually, Nah, I might actually fall asleep and wake up completely toasted. I've heard horror stories, not the way I'd want to go down. I'd rather just explode; that seems like a better way to go. Faster. Easier. Less Painful."

"Seriously? That's how you would choose to go?" Ryuji groaned, "Dude, what, are you in a spy movie? And wouldn't that be more painful?"

"For a moment, but I'm sure he'd be dead before he could actually feel it," Akechi muttered from the other side of the table. "Still, regardless of your choice, it wouldn't change the fact, either way, your skin would blister off."

"I think it would hurt less than the utter agony of a widespread sunburn with no relief." Akira shrugged, "It's probably like a version of Japanese water torture."

"Aloe Vera," Akechi pointed out.

"That's like two seconds of relief; I'd have to bathe in aloe vera. Live in Aloe Vera for a week or so. Where am I gonna get that much Aloe Vera?"

"Dude, you are like loaded. I don't think you'd have a problem there." Ryuji mentioned incredulously.

"We are assuming that you are going to die by a widespread sunburn after sunbathing too long; why have you not considered the obvious option of prevention? Sunscreen. There is a bottle of it literally sitting in front of you." Akechi sighed, pushing the coconut papaya sunscreen closer to Akira.

"Enough of that, Please tell me when we go on the school trip next week that you'll do stuff at the beach; I mean, it's Hawaii, Dude. Hawaii. We gotta at least try surfing, and if not that, then a swim; I think the water is warm there. Snorkeling maybe." Ryuji begged; He has been waiting for this school trip forever. He's so excited to get to go to a different country with his friends, and Hawaii, of all places? What a trip. He can not wait.

"Oh, your school is taking a trip to Hawaii? That's a nice destination." Akechi commented and then frowned in contemplation, "I've never got to go on any of my school trips."

"Dude, that blows; why?" Ryuji wondered. He can imagine the reasons must be because Akechi always seemed to be busy with work and TV interviews. He really was a workaholic.

"Ah, none of my foster families wanted to sign the permission form or pay the fee." Akechi sighed but allowed a small smile to cross his face, "It's quite alright, though; I plan to travel later if the opportunity comes up."

"Oh." Ryuji hadn't been expecting that answer at all. In fact, He hadn't even known Akechi was a foster child, to begin with. He had heard rumors about Akechi being an orphan and stuff, but he never put two and two together. A lot of what Akechi did make sense, why he was always working, and why he was always trying to prove himself and get his opinions heard. He didn't get that when he was a kid. Ryuji has heard tales about the foster system, but he can only imagine what Akechi went through, "Dude, I'm sorry."

"Oh, It's quite alright, Sakamoto-san. I think I've done pretty well for myself, all things considering." Akechi reassured him with a pleasant smile on his face.

"Ryuji." Ryuji blurted out before clarifying, "Dude, you can call me Ryuji. I really don't care about formalities."

"Oh, alright, then Ryuji-san. If it's alright." Akechi nodded.

"Oh, come on!" Akira whined, slamming his now warm soda onto the table and whipping around to Akechi, "I've been telling you to call me Akira for weeks. Months. And you have like three conversations with Ryuji, and all of a sudden, it's Ryuji-san. 'I'll do anything for you, Ryuji-san. I'd die for you Ryuji-san.'"

"I don't know what you mean, Kurusu-Kun." Akechi grinned politely at him, and Ryuji howled in laughter. He loved to see Akira get beat at his own game, and Akechi has some wit of his own.

"I missed the joke." Yusuke frowned as he approached the table with two gigantic lobsters in his hand. Both still very much alive and still moving.

"Dude, what the f*ck is with the lobsters?"

"That was so much fun, Haru!" Futaba squealed as they got off the banana boat. Her face bright and warming Haru's heart. She is glad the girl is enjoying herself. Akira had told Haru about Futaba's situation, and she completely understands. While it's been a while, Haru missed her mother as well. She had been terribly upset when her mother left them. Haru can remember how she felt afterward, locking herself up in her room. It was dreadful. She doesn't know Futaba Sakura, but she is undoubtedly proud of her taking steps. She thought maybe Futaba Sakura is far stronger than she is.

"Yeah, thank you so much!" Ann nodded next to her as they walked away from the dock. Her ponytails still dripping wet from when they fell off into the water. It had felt nice because of how hot it was. The boat ride was lovely and long; Haru slipped the attendant a little extra money to get a longer ride.

"Oh, it was no problem! I really had been wanting to try it. Thank you for trying it with me!" Haru sincerely thanked them, bowing her head, her locks dripping onto her swimsuit.

"Of course!" Makoto reassured her, "You don't have to be so polite; I think it's safe to say after that ride we are all friends."

"Yes! I feel the same way, Mako-chan." Haru clapped her hands in delight. She is so happy Akira invited her out. Hanging out with Akira was fun, but she is thrilled to hang out with girls her age as well. She never really had any best friends growing up, nor someone she could call a sister or close girlfriend. She had always wanted to approach Makoto. Haru saw she didn't hang out with anyone really either. Haru always thought they would be good friends, so she is glad this opportunity has arisen now.

"Mako-chan?" Makoto blushed at the name.

"Hey Haru, were you the one who picked out Akira's Yukata at the festival? Because that was such a good choice!" Ann asked, wringing some of the water out of her hair.

"Yeah! Akira looked so good! There is no way he could have pulled that off his self." Futaba shook her head with a sly little laugh, "His wardrobe is so boring. All neutral colors with no flair."

"Oh! I actually wasn't, Aki-chan told me he wanted to dress up, but he didn't have any Yukata, so we went shopping. He did end up picking that one out himself; however, I did wish he chose some of the other options we saw." Haru giggled as they reached the end of the dock, their feet getting coated in the sand on the beach.

"Oh, why?" Ann tilted her head curiously.

"Ah, it's actually a really silly reason. I'm just so in love with flower language." Haru shook her head, "I always look at the meaning of flowers."

"That's interesting; I never thought about flowers having a language. I knew flowers had meanings, and each situation can be manifested in different flowers, but saying a flower's language is rather poetic." Makoto excitedly said, but then her surprise turned into a frown, "But, what was the flowers on Akira's Yukata saying?"

"Begonias and Spider Lilllies? Bad omens and death. It's quite an ominous pairing." Haru laughed; now that she thought about it more, it really was a stupid reason. But for some reason, it won't leave her mind. "See, it's silly; flowers sometimes can just be flowers. It doesn't have to mean that."

Futaba laughed with her; it is funny when put into context. She turns to Makoto and Ann, and they just stare at her, lost.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I really wasn't trying to put down his Yukata; other than that reason, I did think it was gorgeous. He said the spider lilies looked like fireworks in the sky, and that's why he chose it. I think that's a lovely reason as well." Haru reassured them; she really didn't mean to offend them.

"Oh no, that's not it…" Ann waved her hands in dismissal, but the still look of dread remains in her eyes, "It's nothing."

"Why don't we go meet up with the boys? I'm sure we could all do something fun together. We've been monopolizing you, Haru-chan." Makoto suggested.

"And I've quite enjoyed it, don't worry," Haru reassured her.

Haru wanted to feel like a part of their group desperately.

It's late into the day, the sun is setting, but the group is still going hard with the beach day. Akechi has to admit, he has had a lot of fun today. He doesn't often go to the beach very often. Usually, there is never an opportunity or time. And there is never anyone to go with.

But he felt so normal today with the group (The Phantom Thieves?) Like he was an average teen his age. Just doing the usual summer stuff. Not a murder. Not a psychopath. Not who he is. Not what he has become. It's like he got a taste of what could be friends he could have. And he is reeling with guilt, but he does not show it as he sits next to Akira on the beach, their feet in the water.

This is the group he's going to throw to the wolves, the group he is going to backstab and mutilate for his plan. His resolve is shaking, and he hates it. He knows what he wants. He wants his father, Shido, to pay for what he's done. He wants him to pay for his mother's death. He wants Shido to pay for all those nights Akechi spent curled up on the floor with hardly a blanket in a foster home that didn't give a sh*t about him. He wants Shido to pay for his childhood.

Ann and Makoto are swimming in the water still, even splashing each other every once in a while in the light of the setting sun. Ryuji has fallen asleep on the sand a few feet back; they had built a sand body around him. Akira's cat is somewhere curled next to their stuff.

Akechi wondered if his mother had not killed herself if he would still be here. He wondered if his life would be better.

"Forever is like a sandcastle," Akira said quietly as they watched Futaba, Haru, and Yusuke attempt to build their mess of what one could maybe consider a sand pile at best. Yusuke is trying to direct the aesthetics, and Futaba and Haru are doing their best to comply, but neither gets what Yusuke is trying to explain. They are trying their best. Akechi barely heard Akira's soft-spoken words over the crashing of the waves, nor does he understand what they meant.

"In terms of intricacies or longevity?" Akechi asked with an interest of the statement, but Akira only chuckled in response and stares out into the sea.

"Who knows, maybe both." Akira shrugged after a few minutes. Akechi wants to ask further; he wants Akira to explain because he is intrigued, but Akira stands up before he gets the chance and addresses him, "As much as I would like to stay here forever, it's getting late, and we should get on the train."

"Of course, the day is almost up as well." Akechi agreed, but he still can't help but linger on those words.

"Oh, are we having a meeting? Akira isn't here yet?" Futaba wondered as she met with the rest of the Phantom Thieves in the park. She is still trying to get used to the subway lines, each one is super confusing, and the added anxiety of facing people was difficult. But she's been trying really hard. The beach trip really helped; she felt way more comfortable around them now. But then she thinks it's a little strange they are meeting in a park rather than Leblanc. Leblanc is their hideout, she thinks.

"Um. No—this is…" Ann fumbled with her words, a look of guilt on her face as Futaba cautiously takes a seat at the end of the picnic table. Futaba noticed everyone has varying looks of guilt and shame on their face.

"Uh…am I missing something here?" Futaba wondered, her heart sinking. She is afraid maybe they have a problem with her, perhaps they don't really want her in the group.

"Futaba…we called you here today because you should be aware of something, ah, because you are a part of us now," Morgana explained, his face sober. Futaba doesn't know how good she is at reading facial expressions, but she can definitely tell this isn't good.

"This is ridiculous; we are going to bring Futaba into this? You know how she feels about him." Yusuke argued, frowning and his face stony. "Is it really necessary?"

"Yeah, we get it but, she deserves to know. It's going to come up sooner or later; we can't just leave her out of the loop." Ryuji rebutted, his leg bouncing up and down with anxiousness.

"We need to cover all our bases. We should tell her now, so she has some time to come to her own conclusions." Makoto sighed, tapping the table with her finger aggressively. "She deserves us to be transparent with her. We need to be smart here. Cautious. We know it may be nothing, but it may be something."

"Is this…is this about Akira?" Futaba asked quietly, her head hung low; it would be the only explanation why Akira wasn't here.

"Yes." Morgana answered with a sigh, bowing his head, "We have our doubts on who, but someone is running around Palaces; we think they are causing the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns. Most of the Palace Rulers, except you and Kamoshida, have referenced them."

"And you think it's Akira?" Futaba frowned, pulling her jacket further around her. She gets it. She doesn't like it, but she's not stupid by a far shot. "You think it's Akira because his personas are way higher-powered than yours; if you all started around the same time, they would be around the same. But they aren't. And he has multiple, and you guys don't. That's why?"

"Yes, there are things about Akira that don't add up. That isn't all, but it's the main part." Makoto sighed, "We are trying to sort things out, find reasons why, but we can only do so much. We are letting you know just in case, and because of your persona's ability."

"And you think it's Akira because Alice has a psychotic sort of vibe, right? That Alice is causing the psychotic break downs with her abilities," Futaba suggested because she gets why they could think that. Alice is…insane. Alice has maxed out stats, Alice has a heavy hitter move set, and Please Die for Me. Alice is a killing machine that looks like an innocent little girl. Futaba gets the basics of personas, her persona told her; Persona is the true self; they reflect the person's true self. And Alice reflecting Akira isn't a good sign in the least. Alice could be a sign of Akira's true nature. Futaba doesn't want to think about it, but she made a contract with herself to reveal the truth. To not look away anymore. And she knows she has to honor that.

The phantom thieves stared at her, stunned by this. She can't fathom why; this had to be the conclusion they came to, right?

"sh*t." Ryuji cursed, grabbing at his hair, "sh*t, sh*t, sh*t."

"I didn't even think of that," Ann murmured, her eyes wide. "How...how did we not?"

"Persona is the true self; personas reflect the person's spirit. And if Alice is Akira's main persona now? What does that mean?" Morgana shook his head, following the same thought process that Futaba had.

"We don't know that for a fact. We still don't have evidence." Makoto reassured them, sensing the moral has dropped, she turned to Futaba, "Futaba, you can read our personas, right? How many persona does Akira have?"

"Three; Alice, Kaguya, and Yosh*tsune." Futaba quickly answered; she remembered from the last time.

"He… doesn't have Arsene?" Ryuji asked, his face blanching.

"Arsene? No, I don't remember him having that one; it's just those three. But I sense he could hold more if he needed to." Futaba reconfirms.

"How…what…" Morgana muttered, shaking his head, "You can't just get rid of your original persona?"

"This is ridiculous! We can't claim to know anything about the power of the wildcard." Yusuke frowned, and Futaba can sense he is trying to keep the faith.

"But maybe, Arsene wasn't his original; maybe it was always Alice, and it was just a deception!" Ann frowned, twisting her ponytails further and further and biting her lip furiously.

"We don't know that!" Yusuke argued. "We are making assumptions here!"

"Are we suspecting him or trying to prove our doubts wrong, because if it is the latter. Then count me in." Futaba decided she doesn't believe Akira would do it. She knows Akira and how kind he can be. But she doesn't want to ignore her new team's views either. She wants to open her eyes to everything; she doesn't want to live with a blindfold over her face. She is going to prove Akira is innocent.

"I'm so sleepy…" Ann yawned, dead on her feet as they stood in the airport lobby for their plane. She knew jet lag was a think, she experienced it before, but man, it was really hitting her how late it was, or early? She can't think; it's like 3 in the morning. She always flights to the states; they were often late, and she ended up falling asleep on uncomfortable airport seats.

"Why don't you sleep on the plane? It is a six-hour plane ride." Makoto suggested, stifling a yawn herself.

"Yeah, Ann-chan. Sit by me, and we can nap together; I brought an extra pair of sound-canceling headphones you could use." Haru patted her shoulder sympathetically; she seemed to be awake regardless, her eyes perky and her hair fluffy as always.

"How are you awake now, Haru?" Ann pouted.

"I had a nice cup of coffee before I came." Haru smiled brightly, "It woke me right up! But I anticipate the effects to wear off on the plane, right. Being in motion makes me sleepy. So I think I'll end up sleeping most the ride regardless."

"You think if I called Akira, he would bring me a cup?" Ann moaned, pulling out her phone clumsily and nearly dropped it on the linoleum before Haru quickly catches it and returns it to her lazy fingers.

"I doubt it; he should be headed here right now to make it in time," Makoto said, checking her phone, a look of worry flashing in her eyes. "It's getting rather late; He and Ryuji better get here quick before we start boarding."

"Ryuji, I understand. But Akira? He is always punctual…" Ann frowned, looking at her own phone; there are no new notifications. The time is getting far too close to their plane's boarding time; they were really cutting it close here.

"I'm sure they'll make it." Haru reassured them, "I'm sure they don't want to miss Hawaii! It would be such a shame."

Ann looked up to see a blur of red rushing their way and a flash of blond hair before Ryuji is doubled over in front of their group in exasperation, "Jeez! I totally misread the time. I wasn't expecting to make a mad dash."

"sh*t Ryuji, you are really cutting it close." Ann sighed before looking at his backpack in disbelief, "Is that really all you are bringing?"

"Yeah! It's only four days, right?" Ryuji tilted his head in confusion, and Ann sighed; Ryuji didn't get it at all. How could he live off of only that for four days? Ryuji looked around, "Uh, where's Akira? I can't have been here before him."

"We thought Aki-chan would be here by now." Haru frowned, looking at her phone as well, the time only minutes away from the boarding time. "We should contact him, see how far away he is; we may be able to ask them to wait for him to come."

"On it." Ryuji nodded, whipping out his phone and dialing Akira's number. He stands there; Ann can hear the ringing from where she is. But the problem is, it just keeps ringing and ringing and ringing. Suddenly, Akira's voicemail announcement sounds, and silence. Ryuji frowned hard, "What the…he always picks up before it reaches voicemail."

"Maybe he accidentally fell asleep." Makoto wondered.

"Hey guys, they are asking us to meet at the boarding gate." Mishima announced as he reached their tiny group, and Mishima looked around, "Is Akira not here yet?"

"I'm calling again; hang on," Ryuji said before dialing the number once more. "I'll put it on speaker."

Ann waits in trepidation; the ringing coming through Ryuji's phone keeps going until finally, it stops, and they hear someone pick up.

"Akira! Dude, you are so gonna be late! What the f*ck, man?" Ryuji cursed, holding the phone up to his mouth. "We are boarding soon! Please tell me you are on your way, or here in security."

But Akira doesn't answer; it's Futaba in a rushed voice, "Oh my god! Oh, ok, yeah, that's right. That's right now. Oh man."

"Futaba? Where is Akira? Is he on his way and forgot his phone?" Ann asked as they all gathered closer to hear what was going on. There is some kind of commotion in the background, but they can't hear it on the phone's bad speakers.

"No, uh, something happened, and Akira isn't going to make it to Hawaii," Futaba told them seriously, her voice quivering.

Chapter 11: The one where Akira is a dumbass (Like usual)


'Now that you've grown and the child is gone
Why do you still hold on?'

The one where Akira is a dumbass (Like usual) and Jose is a Cinnabon to pure for this world.


Ya'll remember chapter 8? 😈

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"What do you mean something happened? What happened?" Ryuji asked in distress; what does she mean Akira isn't going to make it to Hawaii? What did she mean something happened? What could have happened in the 12 hours they haven't seen Akira? Futaba sounds freaked out, and he doesn't feel like that's a very good sign at all. He is racking his brain because he swore Akira was fine last time they texted.

"Is Aki-chan ok?" Haru wondered from next to him, her sweet voice dripping with worry and her face pinched up in concern as they all crowd closer to the phone as if it would help anything, it's a stupid notion, but Ryuji doesn't know what else they could do. They are about to get on a plane to another f*cking country after all.

"Uh, uh no, not really? Ahh, oh, that's gross." Futaba groaned, and the noises begin to escalate, in the background, getting more intense like Futaba is moving closer to the situation. They hear gagging and moaning in the background; Futaba continues, "Uh, so Akira has been throwing up for the last hour, like full-on vomiting exorcist style and oof, it's not pretty. Leblanc's bathroom is destroyed for sure. I don't know how Sojiro is going to salvage this…"

"Oh, no." Makoto breathed, her face falling.

"Yeah, pretty much summed up. We are pretty sure it's just a bad case of food poisoning? Uh, he said he might have eaten some old Chinese food from the fridge…I think. He says he's fine…I mean, he obviously isn't because he's dying next to Leblanc's toilet right now, I mean figuratively, he's not dying 'dying' but, oof, it does not look fun, my friends. Critical hit for sure; he is down for the count and definitely can't survive a plane ride right now. Really, I don't think any of you would want to spend a six-hour plane ride next to this. Nor do I think he does either. I don't want to be next to this, but someone with opposable thumbs and not currently puking his intestines out has to be here to make sure the idiot doesn't choke on his own vomit." Futaba rambles over the phone speakers, a thing Ryuji has noticed she tended to do when she is nervous other than shutting up completely. He doesn't know which is worse.

"Poor Akira. I'll go tell the teachers that he won't be able to make it." Mishima sighed with pity as he takes off from the group.

"Oof, that is not a fun place to be at." Ryuji hissed, remembering his own experience with food poisoning; he had felt like sh*t for a few days after the fact. After nearly puking his intestines out, and he imagined that's the point Akira is at right now. Not pleasant. Not pleasant at all.

"Oh, Akira…" Ann sighed, lowering her face into her hand, mostly to herself as the phone isn't close enough to pick it up, "You dumbass, You really need to watch what you eat..."

"Is someone there with you and him?" Haru asked, making sure Futaba wasn't dealing with this on her own. Ryuji thought that is smart; Futaba probably wouldn't handle this well by herself.

"Yeah, Sojiro went to grab Takemi really quickly, uh, that hot doctor that Akira knows. Figured she might be able to help out better than we can." Futaba confirmed and sighed in relief, " Oh sweet, I think they are here."

"That's good. If he's throwing up, he could get dehydrated fast; she may be able to give him an IV if he can't keep anything down." Makoto nodded in approval, but her face falls, "Still, this is awful timing, isn't it? Right before the school trip…"

"Yeah, tell Aki-chan we are thinking about him, we'll buy him all the souvenirs!" Haru nodded, trying to put some positive energy out there. "And we'll take lots of pictures, so he feels like he was here too!"

One of the teachers called Haru's name, and she looked over. "Oh! I'll be right there!"

When she is gone, the remaining three turn their attention back to the phone.

"Futaba, I know we asked you to decrypt the data I got for you…but is too much trouble to ask you to keep your eye on him as well?" Makoto asked hesitantly; Ryuji gets it; it's asking a lot of Futaba. To decrypt the data and keep monitor Akira to gather evidence, even after sort of thrusting their suspicions of him onto her.

"Don't worry! Between Morgana and me, we can do it!" Futaba reassured them. "Just bring us back souvenirs, ok? And those chocolate things with the nuts. Uh, I think those are poisonous for cats, though, so find something better for Morgana…"

"Of course, we'll bring back souvenirs for you; tell Akira to feel better." Ann assured her, "All the macadamia nut chocolates you can eat, and a bunch of lies. Maybe a keychain or two. Akira gets nothing because he's a dumbass. You are the golden child now, Futaba-chan."

"Oh uh…what was that? No, no, you can tell me while you're facing the toilet, really please don't puke on me, Akira…" Futaba muttered from the phone as a mumbled conversation that none of them can decipher. Still, before Ryuji can ask, Futaba comes back, "Akira told me to tell you that he's sorry that he's an idiot and to say hi to Yusuke for him?"

"Well, he's an idiot for sure…" Makoto grumbled before she sighed, "But he knows Yusuke is going on his own school trip to LA, right? He's not here."

"He kinda mumbled that bit, so I don't know if that's what he said for sure," Futaba said.

"Flight 227 to Hawaii from Japan is now boarding." An automated voice rings out over the airport speakers.

"sh*t," Ryuji swore, that was their flight; Mishima is waving at the wildly from the boarding gate, signaling that they needed to hurry it up.

"We have to go, Futaba! We'll check on you later!" Ann quickly said into the phone before Ryuji ends the call.

Ryuji sighed and thought it really sucked Akira wouldn't make it to Hawaii.

'Forever is like a sandcastle' The phrase has been bouncing around in Akechi's brain since the beach trip as he cannot make heads or tails of it. Both intricacy and longevity? It's been bugging him because it doesn't seem like something Akira would say. Or believe in. He doesn't know how Akira meant it, but Akechi takes it as you can build something up really detailed, add all the parts and make it perfect, but the tide will always come in the end to wash it away, every time. A very dismal meaning. Akira doesn't seem like the person to believe that. It's not his profile. It doesn't feel like someone who would call his and Akechi's meeting 'serendipitous' or someone who is making Akechi's job very difficult, all in the name of reforming society.

He tried not to let It bother him, but it does regardless because it's Akira. A puzzle he can't solve. As does the stupid ring in his blazer pocket, which for some reason, he refused to dispose of. It's stupid. Ridiculous, frivolous. Just like Akira. Yet, it sits at the heart of his chest, regardless. He kept meaning to get rid of it, but it's buried too deep in his pocket to reach.

Akechi ended up at Leblanc despite the fact Akira was on his school trip; it's become a habit, and despite his current state, Sojiro accepted him nonetheless. It seemed Akira has only told him good things, and Akechi is a moth to a flame, even if the flame was not flickering off its wick currently. He has made it his somewhat-to-go spot in favor of going to Kichikoji; after all, Kichikoji was only really fun at night. And lately, it was only fun if there was someone to play darts with or go to jazz jin. Akechi rationalized, maybe he'd actually get some work done today since there are no distractions.

He walked into a whirlwind of customers that took him by surprise; Granted, he usually came during the night, and that's when most didn't want coffee. But he hadn't anticipated that Leblanc actually accumulated a fair amount of business. His spot was taken, and he couldn't push back the feeling of disappointment he felt. Who gave this bumbling hipster the right to sit in his seat? That was Akechi's seat.

"Oh, It's you." Sojiro sighed tiredly as he walked around the counter and past where Akechi is questioning his next course of action. "You came at the wrong time."

"I apologize Sakura-san, I hadn't anticipated that it would be so busy." Akechi politely said, giving a quick bow to the owner.

"What you think I don't get customers? Is that what Akira told you!?" Sojiro scoffed as he walked back to work on the drinks brewing behind the counter. "The little menace, it's not my fault he doesn't bother to wake up before my rush and sleeps like the dead. I have customers, these are my customers—"

"Oh no, that's not what I meant—"

"Actually, could you make yourself useful? Bring this upstairs, it's lukewarm now, but that might be better." Sojiro muttered, the latter mostly to himself as he shoved a cup of what Akechi can assume is tea into the detective's hands. It's lukewarm on Akechi's palms, just as Sojiro had said, but he can't imagine any customer would be happy with lukewarm tea. He feels like commenting on it but draws it back because it's best not to piss off one of the only café owners that tolerate him.

"What is this for, Sakura-san? Who is this for?" Akechi asked, confused but receives no answer as one of Sojiro's customers calls the owner over to order.

Akechi sighed; he was here regardless, and he might as well help Sojiro out for all the cups of coffee Akira had brewed him behind Sojiro's back. Akechi carefully makes his way past the tables towards the stairs to Akira's attic. He can't fathom why Sojiro asks him to take a lukewarm cup of tea up to the attic unless Sojiro had decided to use it as overflow. It wasn't like Akira was there to use it right now.

The sound sinks down as Akechi ascends the stairs to the attic. Reaching the top, he realized the attic wasn't as empty as he believed it to be. He'd expect Morgana to sullenly be up here waiting for his master, then an awkward staring contest between the two before Akechi leaves, all while ignoring the cat since he still can't figure out why the f*ck it talks.

But it's strange because he could have sworn that Akira had left for his school trip the night prior. Yet, there laid Akira on his bed, comforters pulled up around him, sound asleep or at least Akechi assumed.

Akechi thought, despite his confusion, maybe he should just leave the tea on the table and leave. Perhaps he had gotten the dates wrong. He didn't want to disturb Akira. But Akechi could have sworn Akira had mentioned he was leaving on this day. Then again, Akira had said it in a very sarcastic tone, maybe Akechi had merely misread it, and Akira was leaving later.

He approached the bed and carefully set the cup of tea on the small side table that had been pulled up to his bed. He can't fathom why Sojiro is making him deliver lukewarm tea to a sleeping Akira. Then he noticed the bucket next to Akira's bed, a foul smell emitting from it, and he got his answer. Akira had probably come down with something, and that's why he is still in Japan. Akechi frowned before he could catch himself, refusing to admit it's concern or pity.

"I was sleeping, you know." Akira lets out a weak chuckle, his eyes still closed as they were a moment before, his eyelashes fanned over his waxy cheeks.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to disturb you. Sakura-san sent me with lukewarm tea for what I am assuming is ailing you." Akechi easily replied yet does not make a move to leave as he knows he should. Akechi knew it was the smarter move, but something keeps him in place. Akira has something like thick ivy wrapped around his leg, keeping him in place on the hardwood floor. Akechi won't admit it's some dumb sentiment in making sure Akira was ok. Akira obviously isn't on his death bed, so Akechi doesn't place why his feet refuse to move. He isn't worried. Akira can undoubtedly take care of himself; he isn't a child. Even if he acts like it more than half the time.

"You never disturb me; in fact, I think you should join me," Akira smirked, patting the sheets next to him suggestively in a sly smirk that is instantly ruined when he shoots up and begins gagging. Akechi is quick to shove the bucket beside the bed into Akira's hands before the boy throws up over himself. Regardless of his dramatic lurching and heaving, Akira only manages to cough up a string of spittle.

"I think it would be beneficial for both of us if I didn't." Akechi grimaced, handing Akira one of the tissues next to the bed gingerly.

"It's not contagious, well, unless you ate the three-week-old Chinese leftovers I did." Akira tried to laugh, but it came out more like a groan as he wraps his arms around his midsection. Gingerly taking the tissue and dabbing his mouth with it. "If that's the case, then trust me, you're doomed."

"Food Poisoning, I see…Honestly, Kurusu-kun, you should have noticed that." Akechi sighed as he lowered himself onto the chair next to Akira's bed and folded his legs. "And right before your school trip too, what a shame you've missed it. You should be more careful."

"Ah, I've been to Hawaii before; it's not all that." Akira waved it off, placing the bucket back next to his bed. "I mean, why wouldn't I want to spend a week lying in bed, dying from my stomach forcing itself self-up my throat. Come on, Akechi, think. You're a detective."

Akechi shook his head in exasperation, "I would imagine most don't have the masoch*stic tendencies you seem to hold and would rather lay out on a beach."

"Blasphemy." Akira scoffed in mock offense before grabbing his bucket again and gagging into it again in a violent movement with Akechi's own stomach clenching in sympathy.

"I do hope that you'll learn your lesson about paying attention to what you eat now." Akechi sighed, knowing it's a futile thing to say.

"Life is too short to care about the potential risks of food poisoning. That Chinese food was the bomb, and I thought maybe it would be bomb again." Akira chuckled weakly, refusing to let go of the bucket, his knuckles turning a bit white as he clutched to it.

"Your life may BE shorter because of it." Akechi sighed again, crossing his arms with a look of disapproval.

"And I was going to get you those macadamia nut chocolates too. A whole box of them, maybe even double-tiered. Now we have to rely on Ryuji to get them, and knowing him, they will be all gone by the end of the plane trip."

"I believe if it had been you, they would have been gone as well."

"Yes, well, out of Ryuji and Me, who would you have preferred to eat your chocolate box?" Akira shoots him a smug grin.

"I think I'd rather import them, so I'd actually get a taste," Akechi said as he unfolded his arms.

Akira is about to answer before he is gagging again, hanging his head into the bucket. This time this fit lasts longer and Akechi starts to worry for a moment before Akira comes back up for air and groans, "Ok, let's not talk about chocolate for now. Or food…or whatever."

"Why? I thought I'd tell you all about this new Chinese place I found for us to try? The duck is fantastic." Akechi smiled cruelly, resting his elbows on his knees. It wasn't very often he got to catch Akira in his own web, tease him back so easily.

"You are evil, Akechi-san." Akira gagged, holding the bucket closer, his shoulders shaking in what Akechi is assumed as his him fighting against his revolting stomach, "Truly evil."

"Why are there so many Japanese people here…I thought I'd get more of the local Hawaiian lingo and stuff…" Ryuji sighed, hanging in the lobby of their hotel with Ann since they still haven't come up with an idea of what to do. Both of them have just rolled out of bed; the jet lag has got them good. "Doing all the Hawaiian stuff."

"We are still students, and it costs money to do that stuff." Ann shook her head with a sigh, "We are broke. We have like, maybe ten US dollars between us…Not a lot to do anything."

"UGHHHHHHH." Ryuji groaned loudly and stomped his foot, "How dare Akira get sick! He has all of our money, and now we can't do anything! Stuck in Hawaii with nothing to do, what a trip."

"He has all of 'his money.' Akira isn't our wallet." Ann pointed out, pinching the brink of her nose and hand on her hip. "And besides, we haven't even figured anything to do."

"I know, I'm just annoyed; I had to listen to Mishima go on all night about the Phantom Aficionado website. Do you know how boring it was? Like, on the one hand, it's cool that we are getting noticed across the seas, like believe me, I think it's hella cool but like he went on all night about it." Ryuji groaned, rubbing his eyes just thinking about it. He should buy earplugs. Maybe he'll stop by the hotel shop tonight. This was all Akira's fault, too; if Akira were here, Mishima and Ann's class wouldn't have been uneven, and he wouldn't have to share with Mishima.

"That's fair, but still…what should we do now?" Ann frowned, looking at her phone, "We had already wasted one day from the jet lag yesterday; we should do something fun."

"Oh hey, you two…" Ryuji greeted Makoto and Haru, who walked up to them, Makoto with a frustrated look and Haru with a pleasant ruffled look, "Hey Makoto, what's with the face?"

"We had to listen to a taxi driver go on and on about his issues for thirty minutes." Makoto sighed, folding her arms, as she continued with another sigh, "I already have to deal with student's issues, now a taxi driver? In a foreign country? I know English, but I'm not even that fluent."

"You did so well, though, Mako-chan. I think you really got through to him." Haru reassured her, patting her on the shoulder in solidarity. "Thank you for going with me; I'm very grateful."

"Where did you end up going? Sorry, we didn't get up in time." Ann laughed guiltily. Haru had reached out to them this morning, but Ryuji didn't roll out of bed till 12, and he knows Ann was about the same.

"There was a flower shop I wanted to visit." Haru clapped with delight, "I thought it would be a good opportunity to ask about how to take care of tropical flowers. I think it would be lovely to grow a bush of hibiscus on my patio, but I wasn't sure how exactly to take care of it."

"Did you end up finding out?"

"Yes! The owner was very helpful! Very talkative," Haru nodded.

"Wait, you know English too?" Ryuji asked, surprised.

"Yes, We've learned it in school, but I've also been given private lessons on the side," Haru confirmed, but she seemed less excited about that.

"She bought out a lot of the store," Makoto said incredulously.

"I very much liked the flowers they had." Haru laughed, "The Plumeria was magnificent."

"What do Plumeria symbolize Haru-chan?" Ann asked eagerly.

"New Life and New Beginnings! I think it's quite a nice meaning; I've heard many locals use it as a symbol of marital status. If a person wears one over their left ear, then they are taken, but if they wear one over their right, then they are available." Haru explained, her eyes lighting up.

"Ugh, we should be doing something fun! Not just hanging around here!" Ryuji complained, looking around the lobby; it seemed most of the shujin students were in the same dilemma; there was nothing prepared for them. They just huddled in groups on their phones.

"Yeah, this trip wasn't very well planned and was thrown together at the last minute." Makoto frowned, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, "That is probably what led them to use students as chaperones…"

"It's true, I don't know entirely what Principal Kobayakawa was thinking." Haru frowned but put on a determined face, "But it shouldn't stop us from having fun. We have free time, let's come up with something to do as a group. I'm sure we can come up with something."

"I think we should do some shopping," Yusuke said, appearing within the group's circle without warning, stepping beside Ryuji with a nonchalant face.

"Yusuke?!" Ann gasped.

"Dude! What the hell are you doing here? I thought you went on your school trip!" Ryuji exclaimed, his eyes widening. This was the last thing he was expecting.

"It seems there was a terrible storm on the west coast that prevented us from landing, so the destination for our school trip was changed to Hawaii," Yusuke explained, seemingly nonplussed by the whole thing.

"Is that what happened at the firework festival too?" Makoto muttered, her face paling; Ryuji picked up on her unease. Maybe Yusuke was cursed or something. He is sure he read something about the artist's curse somewhere. If anyone had it, it would be Yusuke.

"I'm glad! Maybe we can make another sandcastle, Yusuke-kun!" Haru chuckled in delight. "I had so much fun building with you at the beach. Your eye for art is impeccable naturally."

"I would love to, Haru-chan. I have come up with many potential ideas as I stared at the sand on the landing. It would definitely require your delicate hands to bring them to fruition." Yusuke nodded, a pleased smile on his face before he looked around the group, and it disappeared, "Where is our fearless leader?"

"Do you not check your texts?" Ann wondered.

"Unfortunately, I left my phone charger at home, and my phone died on the plane." Yusuke sighed, shaking his head. It seemed like a very Yusuke thing to do, so Ryuji isn't surprised.

"Akira got food poisoning right before we had to leave," Ryuji explained sullenly, kicking the ground with his toe. He knows Akira didn't mean to get food poisoning, but he's so bummed about it. Akira would have enjoyed Hawaii.

"Is he alright?" Yusuke wondered, concern flashing in his eyes.

"I mean, he probably isn't dead if that's what you're asking, but I'm sure he isn't feeling too great right now." Ryuji sighed.

"Should we call him? See if he is feeling any better?" Ann pondered as she pulled out her phone. "Yell at him a bit, maybe?"

"He wouldn't be up." Makoto shook her head, quickly stopping Ann from dialing. "It's 7 am there; since there is no school, I'm sure he wouldn't be up till 12, even if he were feeling better."

"We should try later for sure." Haru nodded, "In the meanwhile, why don't we head to the outdoor mall? There are plenty of souvenir stores and more other stores as well."

"Oooooh! I'm down for that!" Ann smiled excitedly, sliding her phone back into her pocket.

"Another taxi ride…" Makoto groaned, her shoulders dropping.

"Oh, Don't worry, Mako-chan, we can walk. It's not too far, and it's a nice day outside." Haru patted her shoulder in sympathy.

"You're an idiot." Morgana sighed for the umpteenth time from where he lay on the desk, his tail flicking with boredom. It's getting late into the afternoon, and they haven't done anything today since Akira is recovering from food poisoning. Morgana is frustrated; he wants to be doing something, anything, but no, they've just sat here for the entire day.

"Jeez, kick a man when he is down, will you? Find a new catchphrase. Like, 'Looking cool, Joker' it has a nice ring to it and validates me, and I'd prefer it over 'you're an idiot.'" Akira chuckled, switching sides on his bed again, his cover rustling underneath him.

"' Looking cool, Joker' would imply you are looking cool—which at this moment, you really are not." Morgana shook his head, admittedly, Akira does look better than a few days ago for sure, but he's still a bit peaky. "I told you not to eat those leftovers, but you never listen to me. You were like, 'Oh, it's fine, totally fine, they haven't been in there that long, it'll be fine. I'm hungry.'?"

"I selectively listen to you." Akira pointed out cheekily, "I go to bed most nights; you tell me too."

"Selectively my ass…" Morgana grumbled as he lowered his head down on his paws before he stands up with a loud whine, "I'M BORED."

"And I'm trying to nap. Why don't you go see how Futaba is doing with the data, huh?" Akira sighed, turning over to the other side of the bed, trying to get comfortable as he pulls the sheets over his body again.

"It's like switching from watching grass grow to watch paint dry," Morgana complained, but Akira ignored him. Morgana padded over and nudged him with his paw, "Hey! HEY! Pay attention to me! Akira!"

However, Akira does not because Morgana hears his breaths even out, signaling that he was indeed taking a nap. Morgana sighed, Akira did need it, just not after the food poisoning episode, but Akira is usually out and about. His time management was unrivaled, but Morgana can tell he needs a break from back-to-back errands and confidant meetings. The Hawaii trip was supposed to be his relaxation trip, a mini-break, but Morgana concludes this is almost the same, except not tropical.

"Fine… I'll just go on a walk instead…" Morgana muttered as he jumped to the window cell. As he does, he almost slips on a pile of unused calling card templates Akira had left out carelessly on the window cell. Morgana groaned, "Pick up your things next time; at least these are being sold at like every newsstand…"

Morgana usually does either a long walk or a short walk. If it's at night, then he'll do a long walk because he knows Akira is asleep and will probably stay asleep for the entirety of his departure. This route takes him around the ins and outs of Shibuya. But today, since Akira is only napping, Morgana decided a short walk was sufficient enough. He'd meander around Yongen-Jaya and maybe check on how Futaba was doing; the last time he had checked on her, she was nearly done.

It's late afternoon on the weekend, so Yongen-Jaya is more crowded than usual. Not Shibuya crowded, but there was a fair amount of people out and about. Morgana took to the walls instead; he doesn't trust these people not to step on him. Most are looking at their phones or not paying attention. Morgana wondered if he were human, would he be the same way? Morgana has always felt in tune with this world. He can hear things from further away. See details with precise vision, and his sense of smell is impeccable. He wondered if he was human if he'd have to give up his senses?

Morgana doesn't know what he is, he had assumed he was human when he woke up, but can he really make that assumption? He has no memories to base it off of, but he also knows, Cats are not as aware as he is. He has tried to converse with the other cats around Yongen-Jaya, to gather intel, or maybe he wanted to be close with something that looked like him. But they didn't talk like humans do. Morgana could read their body language, but he cannot converse with them as he would Akira or the rest of the phantom thieves.

He sighed as he curled up on one of the awnings of the stores. He feels like he has a foot in two worlds but doesn't belong in neither. It's an awful feeling.

A white cat pads up next to him from the other awning and settles down next to him.

"Hey, Snowflake." Morgana greeted her, but she blinked at him with little register as to what he's saying. Morgana had named her Snowflake after Snowball, who had been lost, he doesn't know if they were related or not, but if not, her silky white pelt gave him enough justification for his naming. Morgana sighed but continues the one-sided conversation regardless, "Did you try to steal a fish from the grocer again? I heard the other night she was complaining, but you failed."

Snowflake laid her head on her paws as she looks out over one of the backstreets of Yongen-Jaya with Morgana. Her wide gold eyes taking it all in. Morgana wonders what she thinks; he wonders what it feels to not have a human's intelligence. He wonders what it feels like not to feel this crushing uncertainty of what he is supposed to be, and he wonders what it feels like to simply be.

"You know, you should try being a bit smarter about it. You are lithe, and you are fast, but you can also be stealthy, try using that to your advantage next time you want to steal a fish." Morgana advised, beginning to preen himself, he wants to make sure his fur is shining when Ann gets back. And, he will admit, he feels a bit jealous while looking at Snowflake's white pelt.

Snowflake slowly stretches out as she brings herself to her paws. Morgana notes how graceful her movements are, how lithe she is. She is a true cat. Morgana can't help but feel a bit jealous again.

She meowed at him, circling around his form twice, her tail flicking in excitement.

"What sort of things do you have planned tonight?" Morgana wondered, getting up as she brushed against him.

She jumped gracefully off the awning, landing easily on her feet. She meows impatiently from below as if beckoning Morgana to follow her.

"Well, I guess I don't have anything else to do." Morgana sighed and jumped off after her, though his landing is less than perfect as he lands unsteadily on his paws. She circled him again, her tail feathering his cheek before she starts padding down the street. He followed her, curious as to what she was up to.

Morgana can't really talk to cats, but he can read their personalities, he thinks. Like, Autumn, one of the orange tabbies, could be aggressive sometimes, energetic, and all over the place. He loves to run laps around Yongen-Jaya. Pepper is far more subdued despite being younger; she prefers sticking to one spot and absolutely craves human attention, she usually avoids the rest of the cats. Snowflake has the personality he relates to the most. She isn't as subdued as Pepper, but she isn't as hyperactive as Autumn is either. She is a balanced mix, if she needs something, she'll try to do it herself, but she isn't afraid to approach humans for help. If Snowflake were a human, Morgana imagined she would be an older and more mature version of Ann.

"Oh, the market?" Morgana murmured as they approached the small convivence store. Snowflake pulls him to the side, where a side door is slightly open, just enough for a cat to slip in. Snowflake brings him to the door but doesn't go in and stares at him expectantly. Morgana tilted his head, "What?"

Snowflake slinks through the door, only a foot or so before coming back; she does it twice to get the message across, and Morgana receives it, and his face brightens up, "Oh, I get it! We are gonna sneak in through the back. Nice, simple, but I like it, but what about the owners? We have to make sure we don't get caught!"

Snowflake meows and starts walking to the front again; Morgana wonders where she is going so, he begins to follow. She quickly turns around and hisses at him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Oh! Ok, I'll stay here, I guess." Morgana nodded as Snowflake begins to walk out of the alleyway.

A few minutes later, he begins to hear a commotion going off in and in front of the store.

"Catch it! Ah! You're making a mess!"

Morgana realized what was happening; Snowflake is making a distraction for him. He snickered and quietly sneaks through the back door. Snowflake is white; therefore, she sticks out in brightly lit places, but Morgana is predominantly black, so he has an easier time being stealthy. In theory, they are sort of the dream team. She is very good at catching people's attention, misdirecting them from the actual crime.

Morgana quickly navigates to the small section where the fish are kept; there is a good selection today, so delivery must have come. He wastes no time of Snowflake's distraction to sink his teeth into the biggest one he can and drag it off the shelf. He quickly and carefully runs back through the back door. Darting to the corner where the alley meets the main road.

Snowflake is causing a scene with the owner till she catches his eye. Quickly she rushed to the corner and past. Morgana is quick to follow as the owner is chasing them.

"My fish! My fish!" The owner cried, but they couldn't keep up with two cats.

Morgana flies through Yongen-Jaya, so fast like the wind is underneath his paws, Snowflake only a few feet in front of him as the buildings rush by. He felt so alive. He never gets to run like this with the Phantom Thieves because they simply wouldn't be able to keep up. He respects that, but, man, maybe being a cat wasn't so bad.

"I think we lost them!" Morgana cheered, the words coming out muffled because of the fish in his mouth as Snowflake led them into an alleyway. The sun is getting lower in the sky, the golden hour is hitting, but it doesn't reach the alleyway's depths.

Snowflake pads down to the end and begins meowing around. Morgana is confused but follows her anyway.

As he approached the end, three kittens come out from behind the bags and structure, meowing and begging for food as they quickly approach Morgana.

Morgana blinked and dropped the fish from his mouth when he realized what this was. These were Rosemary's kittens, but where was she? The realization hit him cruelly as Snowflake starts preening them as they hungrily nibble at the fish.

"Oh…You adopted her kittens…" Morgana sadly sad, his ears falling. Being a cat was fun sometimes, but the crushing feeling returns. Akira takes excellent care of Morgana. He feeds him, makes sure he always has fresh water, gives him all the stimulation he needs, but Snowflake and Rosemary didn't get that they had to live on the streets begging for food and shelter. The life of a street cat was hard, and Morgana felt guilty, he has a foot in both worlds, and he felt torn.

Snowflake comes around and begins grooming him when she notices his demeanor has dropped. Her rough tongue delicately cleans the misplaced fur on the side of his neck.

"I'm not a kitten! And I'm not a cat!" Morgana growled in annoyance before taking off in the other direction. Snowflake meows after him but does not leave the kittens; they are out of sight a few moments later.

Morgana frowned; where does he belong? He wants to belong with Akira, but what if he does end up being the black mask? Where would Morgana go then? He sighed; it had been longer than anticipated, so he should head back. It's a quick trip to Leblanc; with a hop and a skip, he's slinking through the window, remembering to be careful of the pile of unused calling cards on the sill, but luckily Akira has moved them since then.

But, even more confusing, Akira isn't in the room anymore.

"Akira?" Morgana called out, wondering if the other had just gone stairs to the bathroom or conversed with Sojiro. Morgana paused and listen, but he hears Sojiro grumble about the newspaper, but there isn't anyone else downstairs.

Morgana doesn't panic yet; maybe Akira had gone to see Futaba. He quickly slinks out the window again, and bounds down the main street, took a turn down the side street to the Sakura's house.

He scales the house, carefully balancing himself on the house's trimmings before slipping through Futaba's starry curtains. His heart drops as he realized Akira is not there. It's just Futaba giggling weirdly at the multitude of screens as her fingers fly across the keyboard at an inhumane rate.

"Futaba! Have you seen Akira?" Morgana asked urgently, hopping onto the desk, and pawing at Futaba's arm.

She jumped back, startled, "Kitty! When did you get here!?"

"Just now, I went for a walk because Akira was taking a nap, but I got back, and he was gone!" Morgana quickly filled her in. "I don't know where he went."

"It was supposed to be your shift!" Futaba frowned, readjusting her glasses.

"I know I'm sorry!" Morgana exclaimed guiltily, his ears falling.

"It's alright, Kitty, I'm sure we can find him." Futaba reassured him, patting his head nicely before turning back to the screens, "I have to let this process, so we'll look for him in the meantime. Let's look through the cameras, shall we? He couldn't have gotten far. Maybe he snuck out for lovey-dovey time with Akechi, or I guess attempt lovey-dovey time with Akechi."

"Wait, you can tap into the security cameras?" Morgana asked incredulously. It seemed Futaba was far more skilled than they had previously expected.

"Naturally, it wasn't hard," Futaba murmured as she brought up a screen with all the cameras of Yongen-Jaya. There wasn't a lot, but there was enough to catch the significant spots. "Let's see—"

Morgana shrank back as he sees the video of him and Snowflake stealing from the market play out from half an hour ago as Futaba scrubs through the footage.

"Ohohoh! Morgana! You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend! And you are robbing the market with her? Bad Kitty!" Futaba snickered as she zoomed into the footage to get a better look. If Morgana could blush, he would be very much now. "Wow! She is pretty, I've seen her around. Morgana! You got game!"

"She's not my girlfriend! Morgana begged, "Don't tell Lady Ann!"

"I think you might have a better chance with this cat, but alright, if you insist." Futaba laughed before she got super focused. "Alright, let's see…."

A few minutes go by, and Futaba keeps muttering to herself as she scrubs through the footage, but neither she nor Morgana sees anything out of the ordinary. Yonge-Jaya slowly fades into night as the people wander by the cameras. Morgana looked away guiltily as he sees Snowflake walk out of her alley.

"Are you sure he left? Maybe he was just in the bathroom…" Futaba slowly suggested, going through the footage once more.

"No—no, I would have smelled or heard him. Trust me, Futaba, my senses far exceed humans." Morgana shook his head, yet doubt still played in his mind. Could he have missed Akira?

"Ok, well, let's try a different method…" Futaba hummed, switching the cameras into Shibuya station. It's crowded, admittedly since it's rush hour; Everyone is getting off work and using the subway lines to get home. It's hard to spot one person out of the crowd, but Morgana tries really hard. If he finds nothing, that's good. Maybe Akira really had gone to the Laundry Mat or Bathing House despite them checking those cameras.

They look at the cameras from all different angles.

"There!" Morgana shouts a little too loud as they catch a glance of Akira slinking through the crowd. It's hard to pick him out since there are other people with dark hair and white shirts, but Morgana knows It's him. In the Metaverse, his posture is a lot more confident, but Akira tones it back in reality, usually preferring to keep his head down when he walked. Morgana picks it up instantly, the little slump he does. Akira weaved through the crowd and enters one of the dead ends they sometimes used to get to Mementos when it's too busy.

And he doesn't come out.

Morgana felt his heart drop as he and Futaba sit there, watching the video, waiting for him to remerge, and he doesn't.

"No—This—he wouldn't—" Futaba shook her head, her eyes widening as she scrubs through the footage, but they reach real-time, and Akira still hasn't come out. "There has to be an explanation for this—"

"He—" Morgana is at a loss for words because that meant Akira purposively fell asleep or pretended to be asleep (very damn accurately). He waited for Morgana to leave, snuck out of Leblanc, and managed to avoid all the security cameras because he probably knew their blind spots. He tried to blend into the crowds of Shibuya, knowing there were security cameras in the station.

Morgana feels a blow of betrayal. This was intentional. He was intentionally trying to make sure they wouldn't find him. He had purposively waited.

"We need to keep an eye on the news..." Morgana frowned harder because they will have their proof then if something happens. The problem is the time between causing a mental shutdown, or psychotic breakdown is the time varies. It could be now, and it could be in a month unless the black mask can affect that time differential. And if nothing happens, Morgana doesn't know what to do because it doesn't change the fact Akira had gone to the Metaverse without them.

Jose liked Akira or Joker? Jose was never sure which name was quite right to use in the Metaverse. He resorted to Mister because he remembered learning awhile back that it was the appropriate way to address a human male that could be older. Jose doesn't know how old Akira is; time is a human construct that Jose never really cared for. Akira seemed to be knowledgeable about many things he wasn't, so Mister seemed like a good enough name. He didn't want to come off as rude.

"Hey, Mister! Over here!" Jose greeted cheerfully as Akira ambles over to his set up little shop. But Jose is surprised when Akira meanders up alone, slightly out of breath and without his friends, "Mister, where are the rest of your companions?"

"Ah, they went on a trip without me, bummer but, what can you do?" Akira shrugged and slowly sits on the hood of his buggy. Jose hops around to join him, nestling himself on the top of the hood beside Akira.

"I don't understand; why did they go without you? I've learned that friends don't do anything without each other." Jose tilted his head; it didn't make sense. Akira's group always seemed really friendly and always traveled through Mementos in a group. Jose wished he had some sort of companion group as Akira did. While time doesn't matter to him, he has found himself craving the conversations Akira offered him.

"Sometimes things don't work out, it's not anyone's fault, it's just people's schedules, and values don't align. It doesn't mean we aren't friends, and I wanted them to have fun regardless." Akira explained, a small smile on his face, but Jose can tell it's hardly close to one of his genuine ones. But Akira pats his head, "We aren't together all the time, but we are still friends, right, Jose?"

"Of course, Mister!" Jose nodded excitedly, but it falls a bit, "I don't have any more stamps for you to collect though, you found them all. I hope you still come to visit me."

"Why wouldn't I, Jose? I love hanging out with you." Akira reassured him kindly, "The value of our friendship isn't determined by a game of stamps or our deal, so don't worry about that."

"How do humans determine the value of their friendship then?" Jose wondered. He feels like he can understand the superficial stuff humans do. They go to work and hate it. They eat the foods they like, usually sweets or salty things and not often the green stuff. They are social and do activities with other humans. But Jose doesn't understand why or how they choose those people. Jose has never really had friends, but he promised that he would try and understand them, yet Jose doesn't feel like he is getting closer to fulfilling that promise.

"Ooof, you are really asking the tough questions, today aren't you?" Akira chuckled, folding his arms and tugging at his bangs.

"Are they tough? But you're a human; shouldn't you know about this?" Jose pondered, tilting his head. He thought it was universal knowledge through humans; he is sure they have some sort of book with all the information he needs; Jose isn't sure how to ask Akira about that yet.

"Ah, humans don't understand humans as well as you think they do." Akira shook his head and sighed, "I might have known at one point. But I guess it depends on the person and the friendship, it's different for everyone after all. Things happen, things change, and unfortunately, values change too. Value depends on how the person views the friendship. Sometimes those values align but sometimes one side values the friendship more than the other side, which can cause conflict in some cases. Some people look at different aspects to value a friendship while some look at the overall relationship."

"Oh, they aren't set in place?"

"Nah, it's a fluid thing that can be affected by many different variables." Akira shook his head, his smile falling a bit further.

"Interesting, I would have never guessed that. So, value is determined by the person and variables." Jose hummed, trying to digest what Akira was saying. Granted, he is still confused since the only stable relationship he can base this on right now is his relationship with Akira and his gang. But he frowned, "So there are things that can cause the value to go down?"

"Ah… that's—" Akira sighed, fidgeting with his bangs harder, "It really does depend on the person…sometimes, you have to do things for the relationship out of necessity and for the sake of the other person, but they might not see it that way. In that case, values on one side can change even though you still value the relationship and the person. It's just bad circ*mstances. Ah, it's a fickle thing, Jose."

"But, if you were doing it for the sake of the other person, why would their value of the relationship go down?" Jose wondered; it didn't make sense. If one were doing something for another, wouldn't the value go up in that case?

"Ah, I can't really explain why right now. It's a topic best left for another day when I have a bit more time time to formulate my thoughts" Akira chuckled before his face falls again as he gives Jose a serious look, "Jose, can you tell me if you saw someone in a black suit and a black mask recently?"

"A black suit and a black mask?" Jose echoed before his face lightened up, "Yeah! I've seen him around, I tried to approach him, but he attacked me. I think he thought I was a shadow… Ah, I tried approaching them again before, but I don't think he likes me…He called me a freak."

"Yeah, he's a bit touchy, sorry about that. Good thing you're a strong kid, huh?"

"I don't think I'm a kid since I am not human, but if you want to refer to me like that, that's fine." Jose nodded, feeling a little warm at the categorization.

"Did you see him recently? Like within the last hour or so?" Akira asked him, a sense of urgency on his tone.

"I am unsure about human time periods…but I have not seen him recently." Jose shook his head.

"Wait, how do you tell time then?" Akira blinked, seemingly baffled by Jose's answer.

"Time is a human construct; I choose not to partake in it, though I don't entirely understand it either, why would one want to constrain themselves with it? It seems like a hassle; I have more important things I'd rather focus on." Jose explained, not understanding why Akira looked so baffled by this revelation. Jose had just assumed that people chose to confine themselves to time, and if they wanted to, they could as just of easily freed themselves. After all, the concept of time just felt silly to him, like unnecessary pressure.

"Jeez, if only I could think like you, kid…" Akira shook his head in exasperation before giving Jose a broad smile, "Anyways, I'm going to go look around Mementos a bit for him. I hope to see you again soon, Jose."

"Oh, Mister! Your Tanuki bus isn't here, are you just gonna walk around?" Jose asked, puzzled before a look of worry flashed over his face, "You'll run into the reaper if you do that."

"Ah, that gaudy hag? It's fine; it wouldn't be the worst thing." Akira laughed.

"I'm about to do my rounds, too; why don't you come with me on my Buggy?" Jose offered, motioning to the seat behind him.

"Aw, Thanks Jose, I'll take you up on that offer. Just wondering, though, where did you get your driver's license from?" Akira snickered, patting his head, and chuckled again, "Who's your insurance company?"

Jose blinked at him, "What's a driver's license? What's an insurance company?"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (19)

"Ah, Jose, sweet, sweet Jose." Akira shook his head with a chuckle as he hopped off the hood and pulled open the door to the passenger seat to climb in before he continues, "If I vomit, don't be offended, it is totally not your driving style, and I will do my best to do it over the side of the car."

"What's vomit?" Jose echoed curiously as he climbs over the windshield into the driver's seat.

"Ah, Jose, you are in for a lovely surprise." Akira laughed, and Jose is a little excited because he always learned the most exciting things about humans from Akira. He wondered if maybe Akira would let him visit the human world one day. Akira snickered and continued as Jose pulls off into the expanse of Mementos, "Now, Jose I'm gonna teach you something else about humans. Your income determines your tax bracket which is very important to humans..."

Jose looked at him starry-eyed, he feels like he should be writing this down but for now, he commits it to memory.

Futaba cannot believe this; Futaba does not want to consider this. She does not want to even entertain the thought, but when she accepted Necronomicon, she swore she wouldn't run away anymore, that she would face the truth laid out in front of her. And this had to be the truth, right?

The headline ran at the bottom of the newscast despite being the current news story; the words mock her as they march across the screen at a slow but steady pace. The news lady couldn't sound any less interested in the topic, or maybe that's just Futaba's brain overheating. She's stood frozen in front of the TV in their living room, the TV Sojiro had probably forgotten to turn off before he went to Leblanc. It innocently sat there as if it didn't just deliver the worst news in this period of time.


She can't move; she can't think, except thinking is all she is doing because it can't be a coincidence that Akira entered the Metaverse only a day before. It can't be a coincidence that the principal from his school had a mental shutdown afterward. It can't be a coincidence, could it? It's too crafted, too planned to be a coincidence.

But if that is the case, if Akira did go into the Metaverse to murder his principal, if Akira is the black mask, then that would mean Akira murdered her mother. And she has no idea what to do with that potential information, with that god awful realization. She doesn't believe it yet; Akira is so kind to her; he's so caring and considerate. But Futaba knows people can be good actors. Futaba knows her family had loved her till they thought she killed her mother, then they sh*t all over her. She knows just how well people can act out of their own interests.

Futaba doesn't know what to do; she decrypted all the data, and then this hits. She knows the rest of the gang are coming off the plane soon, so she does the only thing she can.

Futaba started a group chat, excluding Akira, and with a heavy heart, begins typing out the most challenging text she has ever tried to compose.


Was that Shuake scene added for any substantial purposes? Maybe.
Was that Shuake scene added for pure indulgence? Oh, you bet it was. 😏

Chapter 12: The one where Akira sucks Iwai's lollipop (Literally) and Akechi questions his life choices


'Oh, Alice, the creature that you've come to love is not enough for you
Tell me, Alice, if I were you'

The one where Akira quite literally sucks Iwai's lollipop, Akechi questions his life choices and all the Phantom Thieves do is fight.



I hate Akira's Phantom Thieves Outfit's pants. I think they are too baggy 😤
Also sorry this one is a little longer, sitting at 12k kekeke i got carried away

Chapter Text

Yusuke remembers the moment they stepped off the plane. It was a miracle they all ended up on the same plane, to begin with. With their original flight from LA being canceled, the teachers must have scrambled to fit the Kosei Students into any available flight back they could. Yusuke believes it's some divine miracle they ended up on the same plane.

But the violent drop of their mood when they receive Futaba's text completely decimates any good feelings left over from their trip and plane flight. Any merry memories or post-vacation bliss is gone in a flash.

Yusuke remembered Haru asking them in concern, what happened and why they all looked horrified. But none of them, even Makoto, who was best with coming up with reasonable answers on the fly, could respond. Haru was pulled away luckily by one of the teachers, which left them to deal with the aftermath of the video and the news of Kobayakawa.

He has no idea what to think, as he is sure the rest of them felt too.

Because what else is there to think? They are all certain Kobayakawa didn't actually commit suicide, and it was much more sinister.

"God-f*cking damn it." Ryuji cursed next to him in a low growl. Everyone had their own varied reactions. Hurt and confusion have swept over Ann's lovely face, the corner of her lips twinging every moment. Makoto, much like Ryuji, is angry as well, her eyes stony and calculative, and Yusuke?

All he does is stare on as they follow the rest of the students through the airport. He doesn't allow the emotion to show on his face because he simply doesn't know what to think. He doesn't want to believe.

After all, while they had all been worrying about their leader, Akira had been gallivanting off in the Metaverse, sneaking behind Morgana and Futaba's back, all during the time that Kobayakawa had 'committed suicide' as the media put it. But they all know what it has to be; Ann and Makoto had gone into depth about the Principal and his pride; he wouldn't merely kill himself in front of people. He was a coward who covered up all the blotches on Shujin, and he simply wouldn't kill himself out in public.

Yusuke mulls over the information as they load up into a taxi on their way straight to Leblanc. Makoto's plan and Yusuke doesn't know how sound it is, but he's in no position to stop them when both Ann and Ryuji agree, their faces just as hard. Yusuke simply goes along because he needs to know why. He tries to rationalize it, tries to explain Akira out of this mess in this head, but he can't. He can't deny that he saw Akira in that Shibuya station on the footage that Futaba sent. He can't deny that was the alleyway where they entered mementos.

He feels oddly detached as they enter Leblanc, the café devoid of customers luckily, and of Sojiro, as well as Futaba, sat sullenly at one of the booths, Morgana next to her just as sober.

"Sojiro went to get cigarettes, and I told Akira I had to go to the bathroom…" Futaba quietly said, her eyes red and watery from where she had seemingly been scrubbing them. Yusuke can only imagine how hard this potential revelation could be on her. Makoto stomps right on by, Ann and Ryuji following behind. Yusuke gently pats Futaba on the shoulder as he passed by in a suit. He knows it offers little comfort, but Yusuke is still unsure how to comfort anyone in this situation. Since most of Yusuke and Futaba's interactions were bantering and arguing, he doubts his attempt is very helpful. Reluctantly the two of them follow the others up to the attic.

"Oh! You're back! How was Hawaii? I'm sure it was nicer than here. Hit on any girls, Ryuji? Steal any hearts? We should catch up before I go to Iwai's shop; I've got some time." Akira laughed from where he was putting some sort of botanic fertilizer in his plant, he turns around to face them, and Yusuke sees the smile dissipate as he takes notice of the Phantom Thief's expressions, "What happened? What's wrong?"

Ryuji doesn't say anything but whips out the new paper they got the station on the way over. Kobayakawa's face is the front page, ironically since that was the only way he would get noticed by the media. The headline 'Shujin Principal commits suicide in lieu of allegations against the school.' It's written plain as day in obnoxious bold lettering.

"Oh, that…yeah, that happened while you were gone." Akira grimaced, standing up from his plotted plant. "I was gonna tell you once you all got over your jet lag, but I guess it is all over the internet…"

"Except, it wasn't suicide, was it?" Ryuji growled at him, and Akira takes a step back in utter surprise at Ryuji's animosity towards him.

"Uh, I mean— I have a theory—but we don't have to go into it now… I mean, you all must be tired…" Akira stuttered, his fingers instantly finding the tips of his bangs, his usual habit that Yusuke has to wonder was his tell all along. Had they just missed the signs? Had they just been ignoring it in favor of observing it as a quirky little habit?

"How long did you think we were just going to ignore this?! How long did you think you could just string us along, expecting us just to go along with whatever you have planned?! Huh?!" Makoto yelled angrily, her fists clenching to the point her knuckles turned white. She raised her voice even higher as she continued, "You know things about the Palaces even before we figure them out, keywords, passcodes, layouts. I might believe some of it is your third eye ability, but I highly doubt it reveals all that. You are loaded, far more than a high schooler should be; we all know how much Yen palaces can reap and how someone could exploit a palace ruler easily from within. And you had that all from at least the start of Kaneshiro's Palace. You have extremely high leveled persona that Morgana, Ryuji, and Ann can testify from Kamoshida's Palace; we all know how Persona level up Akira; we've all seen it, every battle has made us stronger, so I can only imagine how many floors of Mementos you have already gone through before gathering us together—"

"I tried to explain the velvet room to you! That's where I go to fuse persona, and I can make them stronger there too. I swear!" Akira argued, his folded arms becoming more and more tensed as he furiously tugged at his bangs, even going as far as to rip a few strands out. "I know how it sounds but—please listen to me—you have to believe me—"

"It's utter bullsh*t!" Makoto countered, taking an angry step forwards. Yusuke noticed Akira's flinch from Makoto's action, but Yusuke cannot begin to understand why. Akira is taller than Makoto, and he's definitely stronger in every aspect. In a fight, which he hopes isn't where this is leading, Akira could easily overcome Makoto. Makoto can be intimidating when she wants to be; Yusuke will give her that, but to frighten Akira as such? He does not understand. But then again, there a lot of things he apparently does not understand about Akira.

"If there is a room where you go to fuse persona, then you need to prove it. We need some tangible evidence, something concrete." Ann demanded, her face equally furious at the excuse Akira is making. "Prove to us without a doubt that there is a magical room that only YOU can see where you somehow make your persona's stronger. Prove to us why YOU can have multiple persona's at once and why we can't."

"I—" Akira started, but he cannot finish his sentence as he tugged on his bangs harder and avoided their eyes instead choosing to look out the window as he muttered, "I can't...prove it right now…but—I swear—just give me some time—"

"No! No, buts!" Ryuji stepped in, "It's bullsh*t Akira, and you know it! Asking us to believe in a magical room where you' fuse persona' what the f*ck does that even mean? Why the f*ck do you think we'd just magically buy that, huh? It's utter f*cking bullsh*t! How stupid do you think we are?! It doesn't even explain everything else, the money, the knowledge you seem to possess about everything about the Metaverse that you shouldn't have known if you really had 'awakened' your persona in Kamoshida's Palace. Arsene wasn't even your original persona, was he? It was Alice all along, and you just played us like a fiddle! You made me think you had an 'awakening,' didn't you?"

"She's not—" Akira shook his head vehemently. "I didn't—"

"And it doesn't explain why you went into the Metaverse without us, around the time Kobakayawa happened to have a mental shutdown. Sneaking past the security cameras and leaving when you knew I was gone." Morgana hissed, his fur standing up in absolute anger. "So, how many times have you done it before?"

"Oh." Akira frowned, snapping up looking at them wide-eyed, his face paling as Yusuke can assume, he realized he has just been caught in the act, he shook his head, "Oh no, no you've got it all wrong…I was trying to save him! It's not me!"

"Oh yeah, like you knew Kobayakawa was going to die coincidentally when we conveniently left the country. Because that is a coincidence that could happen. How stupid do you think we are?" Ann sneered, folding her arms in distaste. "Right now, YOU are our number one suspect for being the black mask. Everything adds up."

"It's—I'm not—" Akira stuttered, his face crunching up in confliction. The usual eloquent Akira is at a loss for words, and Yusuke just knows that meant something. They had cornered him, and Yusuke doesn't think he will get the answer he's desperately yearning for.

"If you can give us an honest answer, explain and prove everything with valid evidence. Then I believe we can find some grounds to work this out on. We should at least try to look at this with every angle." Yusuke offered, trying to bring some sort of peace to this f*cked up situation. Though, he's desperately trying to not believe Akira would lead them astray. Akira, his first friend, a dear person who had saved him from his situation. He didn't want to consider Akira would use him like Madarame did.

Akira looked like he really wanted to say something. He keeps opening his mouth as if he is trying to come up with a plausible explanation, something, or anything to explain the issues brought up. He struggles as the minute's drag by, but no sounds come out of his mouth as he fidgets roughly with his already tangled strands of hair.

"If you can't give us the truth, if you don't trust us with the answers regardless of what they are, in your favor or not. Then, I don't think you deserve to be our leader." Futaba quietly comments after a significant amount of time passed, refusing to look up from the specific wooden plank the attic's flooring was made of.

"I swear I'm not the black mask; you have to believe me—" Akira pleaded.

"I don't believe any of the sh*t that spews out of your mouth." Ryuji cut him off abruptly.

"Listen, if you don't want me to be the leader, then that is completely fine; I will definitely step down if that makes you guys feel more comfortable but—"

"We don't want to work with you at ALL. We are cutting our ties here." Makoto clarified, her voice clipped and precise as she folded her arms. Her voice deadly serious, and Yusuke is taken aback. Is this the direction they are deciding? It has certainly been brought up before, yet Yusuke never thought they'd come to this. Yusuke knows very well, making an enemy out of Akira would be a mistake. He thinks this is a rash decision. He thinks maybe they should have taken some time to recover from the jet lag and honestly sit down to talk this through with possible courses of action. Makoto is just acting on impulse right now, as she has done in the past. But everyone is going along with her because Yusuke knows how frustrated they have all been with Akira's lack of transparency.

"Oh…" Akira breathed quietly, looking up to them, and Yusuke can't fathom the look in his eye. He can't read it. Yusuke has always had a hard time reading people or connecting to people. And he wished he had tried harder to simply understand the way Akira's eyes narrow behind his glasses. Before Yusuke can decipher it, Akira spoke up, "Is this a unanimous decision?"

No one answered, but Makoto is first to leave, her footsteps heavy on the steps as she descends back into the café. Ann and Ryuji are not long after her, not even sparing Akira a glance as they too descend the stairs.

"Wait—" Akira frowned, shaking his head.

"Akira. Legally I can't stop you from living here, but I bugged the entirety of Leblanc and corrected the blind spots in Yongen-Jaya. If you dare hurt a single hair on Sojiro, dare spit on the hospitality he has shown you, I will end you." Futaba muttered sourly before she too descends the stairs without a second thought.

"Futaba, I would never—" But Futaba is gone before she can hear it.

Morgana doesn't say a word either as he followed her quickly, leaving only Yusuke and Akira left in the room, alone in the unsettling tension that has draped over them.

"Yusuke…" Akira breathed, fidgeting with his own sleeve. But he doesn't say any more, and Yusuke can't do anything with that. If Akira can't give him something concrete, then what choice does he have? It may be for the best, after all. Akira would be fine; he's shown it in mementos, the strength of his resolve. He'd be fine on his own while they worked this out.

"I am glad to see you've recovered well from your ailment." Yusuke nodded at him sincerely before taking his leave as well; each step he takes, the heaviness in his heart increases. And when he reaches the bottom, he ignores the small, strangled sound he assumed was Akira's.

Sae walked through Shibuya towards the station briskly, refusing to walk around people in her path, forcing them to move aside for her. Why should she move? She is frustrated; they are getting nowhere with this investigation; she is no closer to how the Phantom Thieves of Heart actually steals hearts because, by all means, it should be impossible. She expected to find a web of lies and deceit, of coercion and victims, yet nothing of that has come up. Time is ticking, and she has nothing to show for it. She's trying to string together the threads. The shutdowns, Okumura benefiting from them, but she can't put together anything that makes sense. If only she could get her hands-on Wakaba Ishiki's research, then maybe she can expose the Phantom Thieves for something, anything.

She growled to herself, clicking her heels a little harder as she reached Shibuya crossing. The Phantom Thieves of Heart were criminals, and she will make sure she puts them away, and everyone will know it was her who did it. She deserved all the credit for this case and the work she solely put into it. Sae didn't care who she had to cut down in her way or what means she had to take. She was going to prove herself to the world.

Sae angrily walked across the crossing when the lights changed; the number of flowers on the crossing's station side caught her eye. There wasn't a ton, but there were a few bouquets, though she doesn't know why there were any to begin with. She can't fathom why some people are mourning the Shujin Principal; he was a cowardly, spineless man who covered up all of Kamoshida's incidents in favor of the volleyball team. She can't stand that, and she hates the flowers and all they stand for. Kobayakawa was not a man; they should celebrate in the least. He was a stain on society and deserved what had happened to him. Nevertheless, he was useful in the sense of evidence, she supposed. It's not enough to buy him a measly flower, however.

Another bouquet of flowers caught her eyes, but for a different reason. The person was placing them ways down, in a little corner of the crossing sidewalk far away from the Memorial for the Principal. It caught Sae off guard since she doesn't remember there being an accident on that side in a while. But, she rationalized, it's the crossing, and it could be likely.

She squinted her eyes, the person sort of looks like Makoto's friend that she has only seen in passing. The kid with a record that went to Shujin. She had warned Makoto not to get involved with him, but Makoto blatantly ignored her advice. Sae scoffed as she was sure that was going to blow up in her face one day. Makoto should just accept Sae knew better since she was older and more mature. But, she remembered, he does live with Sakura Sojiro, so maybe he could be useful in the future. She made a mental note.

He seemed upset as he set the bouquet on the corner, she can't see his face very well, but she can see his form shaking as he crouched beside the flowers, making his lanky form curled up and smaller. It's pretty pathetic, she thought.

Sae shrugged and begins making it to the stairs leading to the station.

After all, she doesn't give a sh*t about him in the least; she has her own problems to worry about. If he becomes useful in the future, then maybe she'll care.

"Look, If you're tired, kid, then just go home. I'm sure you have enough to deal with on your own, especially with your other 'part-time job.'" Iwai sighed as he watched Akira dust the exact same spot for the umpteenth time. It's slow for sure, but that isn't what baffles him about this. It's something he still can't understand, why the leader of the phantom thieves (he easily deducted Akira was the leader since he has been in enough Yakuza families to read the signs of who's in charge) is working in his airsoft shop. Iwai still hasn't cracked why Akira and his team would need airsoft guns of all things; however, they 'steal the hearts of criminals,' but he supposed it was all the better. Iwai felt relieved they weren't waving around actual guns. He wouldn't trust Akira's blonde friend with a gun if his life depended on it. He is sure what Akira was doing can already be considered illegal, along the lines of vigilante work, but it's small comfort they wouldn't get arrested for having real firearms.

He's been trying to piece together how they do it in his spare time; after all, a group of teenagers reforming society? It seemed impossible, but he can't deny Tsuda's change of heart after he gave Akira Tsuda's full name. Iwai thought about asking but then thought better of it. The less he knew, the better; after all, Akira seemed to be doing a good job regardless. The media has really favored the Phantom Thieves lately, and Iwai thought they deserved it; after all, all the criminals they took down were scumbags. Iwai was putting all his money on the Phantom Thieves fulfilling their goal of bringing social injustices to light.

"It's fine," Akira shook his head yet continues to stare at the spot, refusing to look away. "I'm fine. Just a slow day is all."

"You've been staring at this spot for the last twenty minutes." Iwai pointed out, setting down his paper, an interesting read since it involved the Principal from Shujin, who had just committed suicide. Iwai thought it was probably more than that, though it doesn't feel right. And he wonders if that is why Akira feels off tonight. Iwai doesn't think Akira was particularly close to the Principal, especially since of his record. But Iwai thought it best not to make assumptions. Though he can tell Akira is more tired than he lets on since the kid has been quieter tonight than usual, less banter has been exchanged.

"I'm hoping if I stare at it long enough, then the price will go down," Akira muttered absentmindedly, a little quieter. The waving motions of the feather duster slow down.

"If you stop staring at it, I'll give it to you for free." Iwai chuckled because, at this point, with all that Akira has done for him, Iwai would give him the clothes off his back. He doesn't know if he could have ever faced his past and Kaoru without Akira's help and support. And it wasn't just Akira changing Tsuda's heart for him; he felt like Akira really taught him how he could connect with Kaoru. Kaoru would always be his son no matter what, and despite being adopted, and Akira would always be family as well. Iwai hardly thinks giving the kid free gun customizations was enough. Iwai wonders if there is something more he could do. But Akira already seemed self-sufficient. Maybe Iwai would buy him a videogame or something. After all, weren't kids his age into video games?

Akira doesn't actually answer his joking offer; however, instead, now his hand has stopped dusting and his face frozen as he continues to stare at that single spot with a laser-cut focus. Iwai can't tell what exactly it is that's capturing Akira's undivided attention, but he can't help but wonder. Akira has always been a weird one, far too brazen for someone his age and way more intuitive than anyone he'd met. He is sure Akira could give that fortune teller in Shinjuku he walked by sometimes a run for her money. Iwai is even sure he might be able to read minds.

Iwai plays it off as the kid didn't hear him, which is fine.

But after a few minutes, it starts to worry him because Akira is still as a statue in the same spot and gives no sign of actually breathing. And it's weird. Akira is always talkative; whenever he helps Iwai out, the teen teases him ruthlessly and to no end. He always has some snarky comeback or something witty to say. Iwai couldn't deny he enjoyed the banter they shared. Yet, this Akira is far from that.

"Kid?" Iwai called his name, hoping to snap him out of it, but it doesn't, so Iwai called again, a little louder this time, "Akira?"

But Akira doesn't respond, doesn't react in the slightest, and suddenly it clicks in Iwai's mind what is going on.

Akira is having some sort of anxiety attack.

Though, it's a different sort of one that he is used to. Kaoru used to get anxiety attacks a lot in grade school. His involved a lot more hyperventilation and crying than this, however. But, regardless, Iwai had researched it, nevertheless, finding whatever he could find on the web about it and asking professionals around the area for more information. So, he knows the signs to look out for. And apparently, Akira is stark opposite to how most people present anxiety attacks; instead of hyperventilating, Akira is dissociating.

Iwai frowned and quickly gets out of his seat and walks around the counter, nonchalantly flipping the open sign to closed on the way to Akira's side. It's not like anyone is coming in tonight anyway, and there are more pressing things to deal with. Akira doesn't seem to notice as he continued to stare at the box, and Iwai is sure he isn't registering anything.

"Akira." Iwai tried again, his hands hovering over Akira's shoulder because he knows he shouldn't touch Akira in this state without his permission, but Iwai also wants to help. He's torn as he pulls his hand up and slowly waved it in front of Akira's glazed eyes.

This time, Akira muttered quietly, still unmoving, hazed eyes which Iwai now believes aren't staring at anything in particular, "Is this—any of it—am I real?"

"Yeah, yeah, you are, kid," Iwai reassured him in a quieter tone, trying to think about the best logical way to handle this. Kaoru? He knew exactly how to handle it; he knew the ins and out about what to do.

Akira? Now, Akira is an enigma that Iwai hasn't come close to solving.

"I don't—" Akira mumbled but trails off, his words falling into the unknown void Iwai knows Akira is in but isn't sure how to pull him out. "I don't think this is..."

"Hey Kid, try this." Iwai offered, pulling one of his unopened lollipops out of his pocket; it's his least favorite flavor, lemon; he can't count how many times he buys packs and ends up taking out the lemon ones, but he figured he must have missed this one and it ended up with the rest of his haul. Lucky for him, this might just do the trick. Iwai holds it up to Akira's face, hoping to get his attention.

Iwai instantly feels a rush of relief when Akira blinked for the first time in like twenty minutes and clumsily lifts his hand to take the lollipop Iwai is holding in front of him. Akira mindlessly and slowly unwraps the lollipop, the wrapper falling to the floor, but Iwai doesn't particularly care, and Akira sticks it into his mouth.

The kid flinched at the flavor, and Iwai can't help but snicker at the face he makes. Like a cat eating something, it doesn't like.

"Sour," Akira murmured.

"You said you don't like sweets. So, I gave you the opposite."

"You really wanted me to lick your lollipop that bad, huh?" Akira grinned, reminiscent of his signature smirk that Iwai is ecstatic to see. He still seems out of it, but it's miles progress than a few minutes ago.

"Even when you're out of it, you're a menace." Iwai sighed and shook his head, glad the lollipop trick had helped in some respects.

"Oh, sorry, maybe I am more tired than I thought." Akira mumbled, bringing the lollipop back up to his mouth and mindlessly sucking on it, "It's just that—"

Akira trailed off again, though, the lollipop falling a bit from his lips as he begins staring aimlessly again.

"It's just what, kid? Long day?" Iwai pushed gently, wanting to engage him but not wanting to make him uncomfortable. He learned the hard way with Kaoru; often, the things he wanted to say made Kaoru's anxiety attacks worse. He wanted to ask if he was ok, or if something happened, but he knows both those questions can be potentially triggering. Iwai already knew his gruff tone could be anxiety-inducing, so he really has to be careful when he says things. He gets it, but it's frustrating not being able to do much.

"Yeah…" Akira slowly nodded, "Yeah, it's just been a meh day."

"'Meh'? Is that what the kids are calling bad days now?" Iwai chuckled softly, "Let's close up for the night, it's a weekday, and I'm sure no one is going to be coming by. Come on, let's grab dinner at the café, yeah? My treat in exchange for the boring night."

"It's fine—I have leftovers in the fridge…"

"Ah, come on, Kaoru is cramming with a friend tonight, so there is no one to eat dinner with." Iwai pushed, albeit gently. He doesn't want to leave Akira alone in this state; horrific visions of Akira not paying attention to where he is going and either walking off the train platform or into the middle of the crossing during a red light play through his mind. And besides, the least he could do was feed the kid Iwai knew had a terrible streak of feeding himself and taking him home. It's not enough to repay Akira, but Iwai thinks it's a good start.

Akira blinked and raised his hand to tug on his bangs. His usual quirky habit, as he hummed, "Ok, yeah sure."

Iwai slowly puts his hands-on Akira's shoulder, making sure Akira isn't uncomfortable by the action, but Akira's far too out of it to notice, and Iwai leads Akira to the back so he could grab his coat. It worries him, and he wonders if anything had happened today to trigger it? But he doesn't ask as he led Akira out the door and locks up the store quickly. He turned back to Akira, whom he left to his side to see the kid had wandered off to the alley corner, staring into it as if something was there.

"Kid? You coming?" Iwai called him gently as he walked up beside him to the empty corner.

"Yeah…yeah, sorry, just—" Akira stuttered before shaking his head, "It's nothing, I'm fine, let's go."

But Iwai is starting to doubt the validity of those words.

Akechi doesn't like Sae. For a professional woman, she is the most unprofessional stuck-up bitch he's ever known. She's not even careful either by using illegal methods to gather information on the Phantom Thieves. Akechi thinks it's absolutely disgusting that she's resorted to harassing Sojiro Sakura, threatening his guardianship over Futaba. Akechi has half a mind to go into her Palace now and wipe her from the face of the planet. But then he wouldn't be following Shido's and his advisor's thought-out plan to use Sae. He knows he agreed to it, but he cannot stand working with Sae one more minute. Just because she was older, she thought that automatically made her better and more mature than Akechi. Akechi would show her one day how very wrong she was, and she was just another sh*tty adult contributing to the problem with the justice system.

Akechi sighed in frustration as he pinched the brink of his nose. He knows his goal, his intentions but working with Shido is beginning to weigh down on him. He tells himself it's for the greater purpose, but when has his resolve in this plan become so shaky?

Probably around the time he'd made the mistake of getting close to Akira Kurusu.

Speak of the devil, as Akechi makes his way past the Okumura Foods Building on the way back from the police station, he sees a very familiar figure hunched over on one of the benches. One Akira Kurusu looking worse for wear, and Akechi can't help but be curious at the sight since Akira has yet to respond to any of his texts on the possibility of going to Kichikoji for a game of pool to help unwind from the frustrating day. So, Akechi takes a detour even though he rationalizes he should just go home.

"Kurusu-kun, is everything alright? You seem to be upset." Akechi greets him, feeling a little satisfied as Akira seemed to jump at his voice and quickly meets his gaze.

"Ah Akechi, My cat sort of ran away," Akira admitted, his hand falling onto the nape of his neck. His demeanor seems less energetic than usual as his head drooped down and a sort of melancholy draped over him. Akechi immediately disliked it. Still, Akira managed to keep somewhat of a smile on his face even If Akechi can obviously tell it's not genuine, "I know he'll come back when he's ready, but…I don't know, figured I'd look for a bit after school regardless."

"It's ok to be upset, Kurusu-kun," Akechi reassured him, sitting next to him on the bench in the courtyard in front of Okumura's Office Building. It seemed whenever Akira was involved, his boundaries became puddles beneath his desire to remain with the other. Akechi knows it's a problem, but he sympathetically acknowledged regardless, "I know how close you are with your cat; it's very understandable you would be upset that he ran away."

Akira nodded quietly, fidgeting with his blazer as Akechi took it to be an act of concern.

Akechi sighed because he will admit he does not like seeing Akira Kurusu looking like a kicked puppy would. Even though, usually, Akechi was the one' kicking puppies' with little remorse. There is something about the expression that doesn't sit right in Akechi's stomach. He begrudgingly makes up his mind. It's a cat, after all, despite it being a talking cat, it's not a crime to help a friend (whom he knows he will eventually have to dispose of down the line but is trying to ignore that fact vehemently) try to find their cat. It's a perfectly normal situation. After all, his part was to be getting close to the Phantom Thieves.

"I can contact the shelter to see if they have seen him. Or perhaps, I can go around with you to help find him. I have some free time right now, and I would be happy to help; however, I can." Akechi offered because he genuinely didn't have anything else to attend to today. Shido hadn't contacted him in regards to when he would start his new target. But he is not excited about it. He knows this next one would set everything else into motion, and he's beginning to believe he'd rather not knock that domino down.

Akira snorted and gave Akechi a weird sort of look, "Actually, I could use your help with something if you're up for it."

"I'll help you any way I can, Kurusu-kun," Akechi reassured him.

"No, take backs then!" Akira laughed, and Akechi is happy to see his spirits lifted a little already. Akechi feels some sense of accomplishment as he followed Akira off the park bench, towards the direction of one of the office buildings he was in front of. Akechi assumes Akira and he are going to look around the area for his cat. It's a fair place to start, and Akira would know where his cat liked to hang out. He doubts they would actually find him if it was a verbal argument the two got into.

They cross the area in front of the building till they reach the side of it.

Akira is pulling out his phone, and Akechi thinks nothing of it as he surveys the area. Not a black cat in sight, that's for sure, yet there are places it could be hiding.

Then, something unexpected happened. Reality rippled around them, and Akechi finds himself within the chambers of a vast spaceship, with a view directly of the stars and a planet in the distance. Stark different than before, a complete one-eighty.

Akechi isn't stupid; Akechi knows precisely what just happened. He's very familiar with the odd sensation of slipping through reality. It's like slipping from one temperature to another, only slightly off but still noticeable. Entirely accustomed to it, in fact. Yet, the fact he didn't initiate the app was quite surprising in itself. Akechi is beginning to just hate this awful day.

"So, your costume just changes with what persona you use? How does that work?" Akira casually asked his hands in the pockets of his ridiculous oversized pants. His tailcoats gently flutter in the air behind him, and his eyes piercing through a white-masked perched on his face. "Tell me because I hate these pants so much. Like, did they have to be so baggy? I mean, I know our outfits are born of our heart but damn, They are a bit too avant-garde. I'm hardly that avant-garde."

Akechi doesn't know how this day ended up here. He knew logically that Akira was the phantom thief leader; he has already come to that conclusion. But there was something about actually seeing him in his outfit that made Akechi's stomach drop. Seeing Akira in the dorky Phantom thief outfit that is entirely ridiculous just solidified everything he theorized. Because before, he was at maybe 85% suspicion but now it was only just confirmed.

But that still left the question, How the hell did Akira know he has been to the Metaverse? How the hell did Akira know he had multiple persona? And how did Akira understand who he was? Who was Akira, really?

Akira didn't pull him into the Metaverse on a whim. Akira is smarter than that. Akechi knows this after playing so many goddamned lost chess games with him.

And Akechi is livid. Akechi is livid because he hates being caught off guard; he hates that his entire plan has probably crumbled to dust because of someone he thought he knew but now had no idea who he was. He was livid because that meant Akira knew about him but still pretended to be friends with him regardless of the knowledge. Akechi is livid because he feels a sense of betrayal. And he is livid because initially, he was supposed to betray Akira, but that was a bust because Akechi was too taken with the other. Goddamnit, why did it have to be Akira Kurusu?

Akechi is livid, so he does what he does best when he is mad. He fights. He lets go and goes all out; he allows instinct to take over. Damn the consequences. He's going to rip Akira to shreds. All of his pent-up frustration from acting in his pleasant and calm detective prince persona comes bubbling over the surface.

"LOKI!" Akechi bellows, summoning his black and white persona and sending an Eigaon spell straight at Akira with little thought. Akechi felt like he has just been unhinged, like everything he has been holding back has come to a full circle. Akira just ripped straight to his true self like it was nothing. And Akechi would return the favor.

He doesn't care if Akira sees who he really is.

"Oh, oh, ok, so we are skipping the formalities and the talking, gotcha. You gotta do the whole 'I'm gonna kill you' thing first. Cool, cool, cool." Akira nodded with understanding but does not make a move to counter the spell. Simply allowing it to hit him. Akechi is astounded; he knew Akira was intelligent but not dodging when he could have? Akira had to be an idiot. Yet, Akechi felt like he knew Akira, and he knew his reckless gambles always paid off.

When the curse energy clears, Akira is standing there as if nothing had happened, a pout on his face just as Akechi predicted, "You know you said you would help me; this is very counter-intuitive to helping. I thought you were a man of your promises?"

Akechi didn't give a f*ck because this couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening, and Akira was acting like everything was f*cking normal.

"Robin Hood!" Akechi called out his other persona, his costume rippling into his red and white uniform without his permission. When he is in a better headspace, he can control his outfit change better, but he's let go of all of that right now. Akechi throws a Mahamaon at Akira, hoping to finish him off completely. He sort of regrets it after the fact since it is an instakill spell, but, unsurprisingly, the attack doesn't connect at all. It does have a higher chance of missing, Akechi surmised.

"Ok, Mahamaon, seriously? Really not using the right moves here." Akira sighed, shaking his head, raising his hand to his mask. Akechi wondered, will Akira summon his persona? Proving the fact this is all real. Akira really is the leader of the Phantom Thieves. Akira doesn't; instead, he uses a support skill, a shimmering blue flame surrounds him.

Akechi is frustrated; he can read shadows in the Metaverse pretty well by now, quickly finding their affinities and abilities. He assumed It would be the same for persona users, yet he can't get a single reading off Akira.

"LOKI! MEGIDOLA!" Akechi screamed out because if he can't find Akira's weakness, this is the next best thing.

"Ah, there we go! See, You are getting closer!" Akira laughed as the almighty attack nearly hits him. Akira, because Akechi knows how much of a little sh*t Akira is, dodged the attack like it's nothing. In a fluid movement, Akira reached his hand up to his mask, "I can do that too, though, ALICE!"

Akira's persona manifests and, It's not what Akechi is expecting in the slightest.

It's a child, a little girl clad in blue. She's half Akira's height and teeters behind his legs in the sense of coyness. Akechi thinks this is a cosmic joke; there is no way Akira's persona was a little girl. There is no way Akechi is struggling with battling Akira if his persona manifests as a little girl. Akechi knows persona are born from someone's heart; it was easy enough to guess how Robin Hood and Loki manifested but, Alice? Akira acts like a child, but his persona actually manifesting as a little girl completely throws off Akechi.

"MEGIDOLAON!" Akira yelled out, and a wave of almighty energy crashed into Akechi, throwing him back onto the ground.

Akechi does not understand what just happened. He knows he just lost pretty much all of his health points. He knows that attack is far more potent than the one he threw at Akira despite being the same vein of magic. He knows Akira basically just wiped the floor with his ass, without truly lifting a finger with a little girl persona. How the hell? How the hell is Akira that strong? He shouldn't be in this short of time, since April? There is absolutely no way. There is no way Akira could have achieved that strength in such little time.

"Are we done?" Akira asked, crouching down next to Akechi to help him up. Akechi takes this moment to take his saber and stab it at Akira in a rage because he is infuriated at the fact Akira has not only beaten him in reality but also in the Metaverse. The attack doesn't do much as it bounced back with ease. Akechi knew this meant Akira had to reflect Physical attacks. But earlier, he had nulled the curse damage as well. And his instakill spell that should have landed didn't. So, what the hell was Akira's affinities? Akechi dared to wonder if Akira had affinities.

"How about now? Get it out of your system?" Akira laughed sheepishly, offering his hand to Akechi. "You really don't like to lose, do you?"

Akechi is beyond baffled, so he changed tactics. He reluctantly took Akira's hand and felt an immensely powerful healing spell wash over him, restoring his energy to the brim.

"You are the leader of the Phantom Thieves." Akechi accused coldly, pushing Akira away from him as they are both at their feet. Akechi folded his arms in frustration. Obviously, fighting won't work, so he reluctantly engages in this stupid conversation Akira so desperately wants. Akechi wondered if he would at least be able to get some answers out of Akira.

"I thought you knew that already." Akira tilted his head with confusion.

"I had my suspicions for sure." Akechi muttered, really not liking this turn in events, because if Akira knew, he knew then, "But you knew I was behind the mental shutdowns. That I was infiltrating the palaces."

"Indeed," Akira said, and Akechi is expecting outright disgust, but instead, he gets a gentle smile that ultimately doesn't add up. Akira knows about him now; Akira should hate him by all accounts. Self-Righteous Akira, leading a band of persona users to reform society in the worst possible way. Akira should despise him. But, Akira is looking at him without so much as a hint of hatred and with all the misplaced fondness.

"You know that I've been working against you. That I am your enemy. That I've killed people." Akechi clarified because Akira doesn't seem to get the idea. Akira can't seriously be that stupid. The words tumble out his mouth with absolutely no filter because he couldn't seem to shut up around Akira. He wanted to make sure Akira got the absolute severity of this situation.

"Yup, I got the whole spiel, don't worry." Akira chuckled, tapping his temple, "Though, I did consider us more rivals than enemies. Possibly even friends? Maybe more?"

"You know I can hear your cat," Akechi stated dumbly.

"Yes, it's been quite entertaining to watch you as he talked. The look on your face is completely hilarious like you think you are going insane. Ah, it was fun while it lasted." Akira laughed loudly.

"Then what the f*ck are you playing at?" Akechi growled, reaching out to snatch Akira's ridiculously long collar in anger despite knowing he wouldn't be able to strangle Akira here. "How the f*ck did you know who I was? How did you know I had gone into the Metaverse?! What gave me away?! I've gone to great lengths to keep my endeavors private!"

Akira cackled then gave Akechi a straight face, "I was serious when I said I was psychic; I knew from the moment I met you. I knew who you were and what you've done. Your soul is an open book to me. All is revealed to me."

"Bullsh*t! You are not psychic!" Akechi cursed, shaking him hard though it does not serve its purpose in intimidating Akira very well, "If you are psychic, then you should already know I'm a cold-blooded murdered, and you are going to regret getting in my way!"

"I mean, you just tried that, and it didn't go well." Akira wheezed, his face pinching up with pity, "And cold-blooded murder? Nah, I don't see it. May I offer a disgruntled cat as a descriptive?"

"QUIT BULLsh*tING ME!" Akechi screamed, throwing Akira to the floor roughly. Akira, of course, is unaffected by the action, much to Akechi's pleasure and displeasure.

"I'm just saying if you can't kill me, then join me." Akira shrugged, pulling himself off the floor and dusting off his coat. "Isn't that the term, if you can't beat them, then join them?"

"You're sh*tting me." Akechi spat, "You are sh*tting me! You think you and I would be a good idea? You do realize that we are on opposite sides of the board, right?! Does that even register for you?! That I've been opposing you from the start?!"

"Then I'll just come over to your side! You were the one who offered to team up in the first place; you were all gung ho for it! I thought, 'Yeah, I'll take him up on that offer.'" Akira argued.

"Wait, what?" Akechi muttered because he didn't actually think Akira, the vigilante of 'justice,' would consider his offer that wasn't even really an offer since it was banter on a tv interview. His heart does a little flutter at the thought. It's true, he had fantasized about Akira and him teaming up in his unsuspecting moments, but he never actually thought that it would ever possibly come to fruition. They have different goals.

"I mean, with a few negotiations, that is."

"What are your… negotiations?"

"I mean, no killing, of course, because uh, not all about that, to be honest. Not my vibe. I give you a codename, and you tag along with my friends and me!" Akira offered brightly.


"No see, we would call it me joining your side with a few negotiations." Akira laughed. "I don't see the difference; either way, we'd be working together. What does it matter what the conditions are if we are together?"

"I am going to tear you to shreds." Akechi hissed, raising his sabre at him menacingly.

"Crow, we've already talked about this. You literally just tried, and it didn't work, so I think we should opt for option two here. You know logically it's the best choice. If you can't beat them, join them."

"DON'T GIVE ME A CODENAME." Akechi snarled but then sighed. He wasn't getting anywhere. Akira may just be untouchable, and Akechi certainly does not know how to process that information. Akira would be a very valuable asset if that were true, yet did their goals really align? Akechi knew Shido's plan involved taking down the Phantom Thiefs, painting them in an awful light then ripping them apart so Shido can rise to the top. Then, when he was at his peak, Akechi can truly make him pay. And then, Akechi would finally be free. Akechi knows if he messed up now, he could very well become the next head on Shido's chopping block. He knows the choices he made were for his own gain, but also to survive. He was doomed from the start.

"You want to take down Shido, right?" Akira asked, his voice dropping into a serious tone. One that makes Akechi freeze. There is no way Akira can possibly know that; there is no way that he has put together those dots. And there is no way Akira can possibly know his plan. Akira continues though, taking Akechi's speechlessness as permission to continue, "But you don't want to kill him. You want to make him suffer, right? Bring him down at his peak? Humiliate him? Break him? Well, I'm all in. Full steam ahead. We'll make that bastard pay for what he did to us. Let's take him down in the most humiliating and debilitating way possible, on live television in front of all of Japan."

Akechi stuttered a few incomprehensible words before homing in on something, "Wait, us?"

Akira nodded in the same seriousness as before, "My probation. I tried to help a lady that Shido was harassing and trying to rape in my hometown. He was drunk, though, so he stumbled and hit his head pretty hard. But, since it was Shido, I got blamed for the assault, and the lady I tried to help testified against me. Ended up getting set to Shibuya for a year on probation. But, my story has nothing on what he did to you and is doing to you."

Akechi has never felt so torn between hating his father and being grateful Akira Kurusu had ended up in his life because of his father. But then he scratched that; he's still livid at Akira. And he is livid at the fact it's the same thing Akechi did to Akira, so he can't really justify being mad since they did the same exact thing. Akechi is livid because Akira Kurusu is giving him hope that he might be able to escape Shido's clutches, that this might just work.

"So, I think we should team up and take that bastard out. I mean, come on, Akechi, you know, seeing him confess to all of his crimes on live television in front of all Japan during his election will absolutely be vindicating to watch. Is this not the justice you want? The justice you crave?" Akira laughed cruelly, offering his hand to Akechi to shake.

Akechi feels a thrum of frisson race through his veins; the absolute thrill of what could be is dancing in his heart. Akechi might just get the resolution he needs. This might just be the last piece in his plan; changing gears may possibly be the best course of action here. He could use Akira to take down Shido; it's a win win win for all of them, except that sh*t bag Shido.

"Besides, I'm assuming you are supposed to be getting close to the Phantom Thieves, correct? I would expect nothing less from Shido's master plan." Akira offered. "I'm offering you this on a plate here; how do you want me to make it more enticing?"

"You are not psychic." Akechi shook his head, saying It more for himself than Akira's benefit. He doesn't know how Akira knows what he does, but he does not believe Akira is psychic for a second. Or at least he shouldn't; it's entirely against logic. Then again, most would think that the Metaverse is beyond reason.

"Think of this as a trial run. Come on, 30-day trial, see how you like it and if you really hate me that much, I'll let you stab me in the back." Akira grinned cheekily, extending his hand even further.

"Can I skip to the end of my trial and stab you now?" Akechi growled.

"Why? It's a thirty-day free trial; why wouldn't you want to take it?" Akira frowned, "Test things out, see if you like it or not."

"What do you think your friends would think about working with a murderer?" Akechi posed. He doesn't know what Akira's angle is, but he can't imagine the rest of the Phantom Thieves will go along with this. Akechi knows what he did; his justice is different from the rest of the Phantom Thieves; he knows this; he's not trying to reform society. Instead, he is using it for his own means. But he can't deny that he is jealous of Akira and that he has that Akechi does not.

"Ahaha, like we are gonna tell them… You are hilarious. They'd have your head." Akira shook his head with a dry chuckle, "For all, they will know, you just happened to wander into the Metaverse while I was going in. Just a coincidence. You awakened your persona, singular mind you, and they will be none the wiser."

"You think they will trust me when I tell them that?"

"Oh, believe me, they will trust you far more than they trust me right now."

Akechi is silent because he hadn't been expecting Akira to propose lying for him. And he doesn't quite get what that last sentence meant, "What do you mean? What is your game, Kurusu-kun?"

"Ah, my friends and I are sort of in a disagreement right now." Akira shook his head, "I was gonna do this palace alone, well relatively, but you offered to help so…"


"I've heard it both ways." Akira laughed, before sighing as he looked out the space ships' overlook before looking back with a shake of his head, "I guess it doesn't matter anyway, can't get too much further into this palace anyways without one key person."

Akechi sighed; he felt like talking to Akira was like running in circles. It's exhausting, and Akira has a point, albeit Akechi doesn't know how Akira got the point, but Akechi did need to join the Phantom Thieves at some point, much to his distaste, this might just be the easiest way. He reluctantly sighed, shaking Akira's hand that he is still offering, "Whose palace is this?'

Akira smiled devilishly as he firmly shook Akechi's hand back, "Okumura's."

"You are not f*cking Psychic," Akechi murmured again because there is no f*cking way Akira knew Okumura was Shido's next target. Akechi can't wrap his head around this. Did Akira work for Shido? But Shido nor any of his advisors ever mentioned Akira or anyone like him before. Akechi would know about Akira if he was in on Shido's plan. Even if Shido didn't tell him directly, Akechi is smart.

"Believe what you will. Now, are you in or not?"

"What's in this for you?" Akechi wondered critically. Because something isn't adding up here, he's doing the math but, there is one thing he cannot understand, "What do you stand to gain from this? You don't need my help; you don't need me to do this, Palace. It's perfectly obvious you possess the means to pull off whatever you intend; I'm assuming it's 'stealing Okumura's heart' from your prior 'heists.' You showed it before. Why are you asking me to do this Palace with you? Why do you want me to join the Phantom Thieves when you clearly understand my intentions and my involvement with the cases at hand? When our goals so clearly do not align?"

"Ah, it's just fun to mix up the chess pieces every once in a while, you know?" Akira shrugged as he tugged on his hair, "You play one game over and over again; wouldn't you want to see how the white and black pieces work together? Explore different scenarios? Put some white pieces on the black side and vice versa. Come on, you can't tell me you haven't wanted to try it. Live a little, Crow."

"That is completely going against the rules of chess." Akechi scoffed, offended Akira would even think about tainting their favorite game. Now he wonders If Akira has been cheating, but if he was, it was a very creative method if Akechi didn't notice. "If you did that, it would completely ruin the structure of the game. The sanctity of the game."

"Yeah, but you and I, when have we ever followed the rules society laid out for us?" Akira laughed. "The detective prince working for the police committing crimes for his own gain, and the criminal who steals the hearts of other criminals in an attempt to reform the society that has turned a blind eye to him. At this point, we've thrown the rule book out the window, don't you think? We are far past following the rules."

"You are playing a dangerous game here, Kurusu-kun." Akechi muttered, "Especially if you seem to know what Shido's plan is."

"It's Joker." Akira gave him a cheeky smile. "My codename is Joker."

"Your codenames are absolutely ridiculous!" Akechi scoffed.

"Oh, come on, you love it, and you know it." Akira laughed, "Didn't you say you wanted to be like those heroes on TV once? See now you have a cape and a secret identity!"

"Anti-hero," Akechi muttered; he does remember that conversation though, it was just a random exchange when he and Akira were playing Gun About together; he is surprised Akira seemed to remember that, though.

"Semantics." Akira patted his shoulder, but Akechi swats the hand off quickly. Akira seemed to notice something behind Akechi, though, quickly sidestepping and looking up to get a better view of whatever it is. "Oh, hey! Look at that!"

Before Akechi can ask what the f*ck Akira is talking about, not that he particularly cared since he still can't fathom what is going on right now, Akira takes him by the waist. The next moment, Akechi is shooting through the air. Instinctively, he wraps his legs and arms around Akira, not trusting Akira to not drop him.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (20)

"WHAT THE f*ck?" Akechi growled, gripping Akira's chest tight enough to feel the vibrations of Akira laughing at his misfortune. It takes Akechi a moment or two to figure out what the hell happened but realized Akira had used a grappling hook to launch them through the space above them. "PUT ME DOWN, JOKER!"

"You don't want me to drop you, trust me." Akira chuckled, the wind muffling his response, and Akechi does not release his grip regardless of not wanting to be in this position.

The grappling hook released as they reach their apparent destination, and Akechi lets out a gasp as Akira steadies him as they land on the platform that is far more than a few feet above the lobby they were just at.

"NEVER AGAIN. DO THAT AGAIN, AND I'LL STAB YOU." Akechi growled, harshly shoving Akira away from him once he is sure they are safe on the platform. Akira just laughed at his discomfort as he walked to the chest that must have caught his eye.

"Sure, go ahead and stab me if you can." Akira cheekily grinned at him before popping the chest open. And pulling out a spherical object, in a swift moment, he tossed it to Akechi, who caught it instinctively.

"You risked my life for a f*cking bead?" Akechi grumbled, inspecting the bead in his hand. "A f*cking bead."

"If I accidentally dropped you, I could have brought you back with that."

"If you've been wandering around the palaces for this long and the metaverse, you should have a billion of these by now." Akechi scoffed but pocketed the bead anyway to add to his stash of items.

"Actually, I left all my supplies with the other thieves." Akira awkwardly chuckled, tugging on his bangs.

"ARE YOU DAFT? YOU CAME INTO THIS PALACE WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPLIES, JUST YOUR PERSONA?" Akechi exclaimed incredulously, completely baffled with how Akira could do a complete one-eighty from being brilliant to being an absolute idiot. "I take it back, you really do need me to do this palace."

"See, I told you." Akira grinned at him, and Akechi can't fathom what the other's plan is even. But Akechi can't deny, this just got a lot more interesting.

"Should we go over the data?" Futaba meekly asked, looking up from her laptop as they all sat sullenly at the picnic table in the park, away from prying eyes. The atmosphere is not surprisingly sour and dismal; they all have varying looks of disappointment or frustration on their faces.

"How do you even have wifi out here?" Ryuji muttered across from her, his head resting on his folded arms. Tension set in his shoulders, and Futaba can hear his leg bouncing up and down from under the table as it's been doing for some time now. A nervous tick, she assumed.

"Satellite." Futaba curtly answered, pulling up the data on her computer to be ready.

"Would you quit that! It's annoying." Ann growled from next to Ryuji, narrowing her eyes at Ryuji as his leg bumps against hers for the umpteenth time.

"If you have a problem with it, go sit by Yusuke or on the ground or something!" Ryuji muttered back, "You don't have to sit by me! There are plenty of other places to sit, Ann."

"I do because there isn't even space by Yusuke, and I'm not sitting on the ground and getting my designer clothes dirty; maybe if you would just be a little more considerate, you monkey brained asshat!"

"What, are you on your time of the month or something? f*cking prissy bitch!" Ryuji cursed, unfolding his arms and slamming them on the table as he glared at Ann.

"Guys—" Futaba tried to interject, but they keep going at it because it's been like this since they got back from Hawaii. Ann and Ryuji have always bickered, but it had escalated into outright fighting now.

"I'm a prissy bitch?! All you do is whine, whine, whine! 'Oh, meeting at the park sucks' 'Oh, we should have met at the café, at least that way we could eat' 'Oh this royally sucks.'" Ann mocked Ryuji in a low and distorted voice as she folded her arms, "Are you sure you aren't on your time of month?!"

"Enough, you two!" Makoto barked in frustration, trying to stop them from arguing, but it doesn't go over well.

"What, do you think I'm wrong, Makoto? Were you not frustrated with his whining earlier?!" Ann scoffed, directing her animosity at Makoto now. "And now he's insulting me and invalidating my frustrations by using my time of the month as an excuse! Does that not anger you as a woman too, Makoto?!"

Futaba notes that Makoto looks at the end of her wits as she sighed as she turned to Ryuji, "It's not a fair excuse to use, Ryuji—"

"Oh, but she can insult me when she chose to sit by me and knew that I bounce my leg when I'm anxious! Because that's fair?!" Ryuji shot back, his voice rising.

"Ann wasn't in the right either—"

"No! Lady Ann shouldn't have to deal with this monkey brain! Ryuji is being way too insensitive!" Morgana piped up from where he's lying on the table, his tail flicking in frustration. He's been pretty somber this entire time; what had happened really affected him. Lately, he's been staying with Futaba, and while she works, all he does is lays on the bed listlessly.

"Guys, Can we listen to what Futaba has to say—" Yusuke tried to break through the quarreling, but much like Futaba, he has no such success. Futaba appreciates his attempt, though.

"Me?! Being Insensitive?" Ryuji scoffed, raising his eyebrow, "Oh, because Ann can do nothing wrong in your eyes, right cat?"

"I am not a cat!" Morgana hissed, getting up on all fours and his fur-raising in anger as he faced Ryuji.

"Well, you sure look like a cat!" Ryuji hissed back, getting up in Morgana's face, "And you act like a cat, and you smell like a cat too!"

"Guys! Cut it out!" Makoto snapped, but she is failing to break up the fight. Futaba frowned; they hadn't really discussed who would take over now that they kicked Akira out. But Makoto was the first choice only because she had appointed herself team advisor. But she's doing a poor job and quelling their anxieties and frustrations. At least Akira had a way of disarming situations with wit and humor. They often chastised him for his lack of seriousness, but Futaba feels they could really use that right now.

Ann shoved Ryuji hard, "Wow, and you just claimed not to be insensitive! Quit being a dumb ass; if Morgana claims he's not a cat, then you need to respect his identity! Can you get that through your thick ass skull?!"

Ryuji shoved back, "Why are you all picking on me!? All I did was state the obvious facts! We all know it!"

"And the obvious fact is you're a dumb ass, Ryuji!" Morgana snarled back, swatting out a paw to scratch Ryuji's arm before Futaba quickly drags him away into her arms.

"Shut the f*ck up and listen to me!" Futaba scolded them, channeling the cranky Sojiro voice that she hopes has some effects. It stops them for about a split second. Before anyone can argue, she continues because if she doesn't, the fighting won't stop as it hasn't stopped the last few days, "I analyzed the data I got from Makoto's sister's laptop, and it looks like she stumbled across something. She cited that from all the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns, the major beneficiary from these cases is Kunikazu Okumura."

"Ain't he the dude that's on top of Mishima's stupid poll?" Ryuji frowned, pulling away from where he was trying to wrestle Ann, but the look of distaste still evident in his posture.

"That's the CEO of Big Bang Burger, right?" Ann mentioned, too, the animosity between the two dialed into confusion and bafflement.

"So, you are saying this CEO is benefitting from all these mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns?" Morgana asked, jumping up on the table to look at the information closely.

"But if that's the case…" Makoto hummed in frustration, leaning over the table and tapping the wooden table furiously, "Are you saying HE is behind the mental shutdowns?"

"I don't know." Futaba shook her head, "All I'm saying is that Sae did her research, and Kunikazu Okumura is benefitting the most from all the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns. His company has made way more progress in the last two years than before. Every time this happens, Okumura's business increases."

"Wait, does that mean Akira is working for this CEO?" Ann wondered out loud, dread in her voice.

"We don't even know if Akira is the Black Mask for sure!" Yusuke frowned, speaking up for the first time in a few minutes, his voice hard and angry.

"Was the Kobayakawa incident not enough to convince you?! Akira sneaking around our backs?!" Ryuji argued, but then frowned in contemplation, "but how would that benefit the CEO of a food company?"

"I will admit that what Akira did was against the agreement we have all come to, but while the incidents happened at the same time, we don't have visual evidence that he did it is all I'm saying." Yusuke sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Makoto sighed, folding her arms as she brushed her bangs behind her ear, "I understand, but if he won't be transparent with us, what choice did we have?"

"Yeah…" Ann frowned, tapping the table with a finger, the other on her chin, "We don't know his motive…and the Phantom Thieves are starting to make a real ripple in society, I mean, everyone is getting really hyped up on us, and I'm sort of scared. Was that Akira's motive all along? To be famous?"

"Why? Isn't that a good thing? I thought the more popular we get, the farther into Mementos we can explore?" Ryuji asked.

"Can we revisit the motive because we still don't have a motive for why Akira would cause the mental shutdowns, and if Akira is working for Okumura, what is his motive there? Money? Fame?" Yusuke implored.

"Fame wise, I'm not sure since we have secret identities. Akira wouldn't be benefiting from that yet. And It's true that if he was working for Okumura…it would explain how he obtained his entire wealth, yet…" Makoto trailed off, a confused look on her face.

"Yet?" Morgana echoed her.

"Again, if Akira were working for Okumura, he would have far more than ten million yen." Makoto deducted, "and Akira could indeed have a bank account in his name with more in it, that's plausible."

"But Akira doesn't like to spend money." Both Ann and Ryuji say at the same time with the same exact look of realization.

"Akira doesn't spend money on himself; we've all seen it; the only time he'll spend money is either when any of us hang out with him or as a group. He spends money on supplies for the metaverse trips or our weapons or anything related to us." Ann grimaced, "I can't count the number of times Akira has bought me lavish gifts or paid for me when we go out to eat."

"Yeah… and we would notice if he was buying lavish things for himself. We go to his room all the time, but it's literally only filled with the things WE give him, not anything he's bought for himself." Ryuji added on, his face becoming more and more perplexed. "Dude only has like three outfits he wears too."

"I can confirm that, whenever I was with him, he never bought anything for himself. Except for a meal or drink here and there." Morgana nodded.

"So why would he work for Okumura if Akira doesn't really need that money?" Yusuke wondered, and it's a valid question.

"Well…" Futaba muttered quietly, her mood dropping because she knows that what comes next is a bit damning, and she hates that she found a connection.

"Well?" Ann pushed her to continue, though.

"It might not be the money; it may be a person." Futaba sighed, pushing her glasses up, which had fallen to the brink of her nose in all the commotion.

"What do you mean by that?" Makoto asked, her face stony.

"We know the CEO's daughter." Futaba sighed again, turning the computer around to show the profile of his daughter, "It's Haru Okumura."

"Okumura, Haru Okumura." Makoto gasped, her voice dropping because they hadn't even connected the pieces. Futaba understands, none of them called Haru by her last name, nor does she even speak about her father or family in any regard. It was never brought up, so they simply didn't question it.

"Akira knew Haru first. He's known Haru this entire time before we did. And it must be because he has some sort of connection to her father. Okumura may be contracting Akira to commit these mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns for the furtherment of his company. Haru may be the link between the two." Ann pieced together, her face becoming even more sullen at the fact. Because they all genuinely liked Haru, she was sweet and kind. And the thought of losing another friend just wore hard on their hearts.

"We don't know if Haru even knows if this is going on yet." Morgana pointed out. "She hasn't given any indication she knows anything; she may just be a bystander in the middle of all this."

"We don't even know If Akira is the black mask yet!" Yusuke piped up; his voice was frustrated.

"Wait, does Okumura even have a palace? Like, if this is going where I think it's going, then he's our next target, right?" Ryuji wondered, pulling out his phone.

"We can't be sure Sae's theory is even correct, but it's pretty suspicious that Okumura is benefitting from all of this. We should check it out regardless of Mishima's poll. If not to make our own deductions about Okumura's distorted desires and character." Makoto decided.

"Okumura for sure has a palace, I checked, but I still need to figure out his keywords." Futaba notified them, "I made a program that should be able to at least come up with a general idea of what it would be, if I refine it, I should be able to figure it out within the next few days."

"Wait, there is something I want to check out while we are all here," Ryuji murmurs before placing the phone down on the table and opening the metaverse app. It blinks up at them ominously, the red-eye saturated on the screen.

"Please select a destination." The female navigation voice rings through the speakers.

"Akira Kurusu," Ryuji said clearly and firmly, and all of their hearts drop when they figure out what Ryuji is trying to do. Ryuji is trying to see if Akira had a palace, distorted desires.

"Candidate not found."

"Oh…so he doesn't have a palace?" Ryuji wondered, even though most of them are secretly relieved in some respects.

"You moron, Persona Users can't have a palace." Morgana scoffed. "It doesn't work like that; Persona Users have already accepted their desires and rebellious wills; you've made the contract with your true self. If you have a persona, you can't have a palace. Simple as that."

"Well, how I was I supposed to know that?!" Ryuji gawked indignantly, "It's not like you actually explained this stuff very well, even that was a half-baked explanation!"

"You don't listen to my explanations! You can't tell me I don't explain it well if you don't listen!" Morgana growled back.

"Can we please stop the fighting?" Makoto groaned, pinching the brink of her nose in exhaustion.

Futaba frowned, reflecting on what that meant. If Akira didn't have a palace and had personas, then what would that mean? His desires weren't distorted? Yet, what were his desires in the first place, and why did he never tell them anything?

Akechi is exhausted when he gets back to his apartment, still unable to believe what this f*cking day has thrown at him. It's like everything he knew had been thrown out the window, much like Akira's analogies for them not obeying the rules.

He meticulously brushed his teeth and went through his skincare routine as he reflected on where this left him.

Akechi knew Shido's plan involved bringing the Phantom Thieves to their peak and bringing them to a crashing drop with Okumura's murder. This would be killing two birds with one stone; Okumura was getting too co*cky anyway and was a thread that Shido didn't want to leave. After all, Okumura's knowledge posed a threat to him.

But, Akechi wondered, if he didn't kill Okumura like Shido wanted, couldn't it work for his benefit? If he could come up with a way to not only keep Okumura alive so he could testify later on against Shido while Akechi still maintaining Shido's trust, he might be able to strengthen his trump card.

Akechi sighed; Akira is really rubbing off on him with these outlandish ideas, these reckless gambles that can very well get Akechi killed in the end. Akechi knows If he's not careful that Shido will do away with him much like he wants to do away with Okumura.

It's a dangerous gamble.

Was it worth taking the chance?

Akechi doesn't want to think about this anymore as he climbs into bed and flipping off the lights. He'll deal with this tomorrow when he isn't so frustrated and wound up.

So, he closed his eye, ready to be done with this day.

And He opens his eyes and sees a sea of blue in front of him, but what is even more strange is the fact he seems to be in a courtroom. He can't fathom why it's washed in blue light; it's very out of character for any courtroom he's ever been in. He's sat at the judge's podium in an empty blue courtroom. Akechi could have sworn he was just lying down.

He thinks it could be a dream, yet he's so lucid that he starts to doubt himself.

"Hello, Goro Akechi." A woman's voice coming from below, at the prosecutor's desk. He looks down to the prosecutor's seat to see a woman dressed in blue with platinum white hair, a book set on the table in front of her. A cryptic look on her face as she purses her ruby red lipstick. Akechi frowned because, for a moment, he almost mistakes her for Sae, but further investigation of the woman provides she seems far more mature and professional.

"Welcome to the Velvet Room."

Chapter 13: The one where Akechi believes Akira believes he's Psychic


'Down the rabbit hole, he left you alone
You call that love?'

The one where a wild Margaret appears and Akechi believes Akira believes he's Psychic


For those who don't follow me on Twitter, for my big reveal, my favorite Persona Character is Margaret 😂

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"The Velvet Room?" Akechi asked carefully, as he is still discerning if he is lucid dreaming or not; those words mean absolutely nothing to him, but now that he thinks about it, the blue light is coming from the blue velvet draped over the walls of the courtroom. There is a faint echo of a piano drifting through the room, accompanied by a woman singing soprano. Very elegant, even ethereal for where people come to be judged for life. Though, it seemed fitting. Akechi feels like he should be more discomforted by this room, but he isn't; it feels right. Just.

"This is the realm in-between consciousness and subconsciousness, a room only available to those with special abilities." She explained, her bright gold eyes meeting his. She folds her hands over the book in front of her. Akechi notes the text reads 'Le Grimoire,' a book of magic of some kind?

The woman patiently peers at him, far more patient than Sae ever was, and this woman is far more beautiful as well. She's adorned in a deep blue blazer, gold buttons accentuating the color, her luscious unnatural platinum hair is held back by a cobalt hairband. Her bangs curl around her face, complimenting her golden eyes that are held back by a pair of small frames that could be pushed up a few inches. She's gorgeous but less by her looks and more by how she carries herself. Her posture is perfect, and Akechi can feel the confidence radiating from her, akin to a queen or an empress.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (21)

"The Metaverse?" Akechi wondered, far too confused to make any sort of action. He needs to gather some more information and figure out if this is a dream or not. First, he needs to discern what this woman is referring to; this has to be related to the Metaverse in some capacity.

"Not quite; this room is tied with its guest while what you call the metaverse is tied to the sea of souls." She shook her head and looked around with curious eyes, "This is the velvet room, your velvet room, and it is tied to your heart. It seemed it has taken the form of a courtroom. Interesting, but not the most surprising room I've seen. After all, this could be considered the closest to what the Velvet Room was meant to be."

"Why am I here, and who are you?" Akechi questioned; he doesn't quite get the context as to what is going on. This isn't a Palace, or so he thinks; it doesn't feel like one, and he isn't in his metaverse outfit. Still, this definitely was not reality. He doesn't know what to make of it. This hasn't happened to him before; the only person he's run into in the Metaverse other than people's shadows is that annoying little kid with the hammer. He learned his lesson there; the kid really packed a punch.

"My name is Margaret. I serve as an assistant to those guests who come to the velvet room." She grinned politely, her bright red lipstick contrasting with the paleness of her skin. But the smile soon falls into a frown, "Yet, with your ability, you should have gained access to this room long before. It has taken you this long to hear my call and respond. I wonder what has changed. Can you tell me, who has bestowed you the ability to traverse into the 'Metaverse'?"

"Do all Persona users have a 'velvet room' of their own?" Akechi wondered, trying to smother the excitement he feels bubble up while ignoring her question as there is no answer. When he awoke his personas two years ago, there had been no one to give him answers; no one to tell him what to do or where to go. He had to piece everything together by himself through battles with shadows and Wakaba Ishiki's research, but the idea of getting concrete answers is thrilling. Admittedly, he needed to be careful because he doesn't know who Margaret is or what she wants.

"No, it is only available to those with the power of the wildcard. The ability to create and uphold multiple persona at once. Only the wildcards may be guests and be bestowed the knowledge of said room, though there are certain circ*mstances others could become aware of it." Margaret said, but narrows her golden eyes in contemplation, "Though, this far along in your journey, and you've only two personas and only one bond? Tell me, is this the first time seeing this room?"

"Quite, I hadn't known such a room existed," Akechi answered politely.

"That does not bid well for my intentions, I'll admit." Margaret sighed, folding her arms.

"Your intentions?" Akechi asked, narrowing his eyes and making sure to be on guard. He can tell from his time in the Metaverse that this is someone to be careful of; despite her delicate charm, he foresees she can hold her own in battle.

"Yes, I've been sending out, what would you call them in your world…Pings? Inquires? To those who could hear, and it seems your heart has responded—"

"I didn't respond to anything." Akechi corrected her bluntly.

"Consciously, no. Subconsciously, you are here, aren't you?" Margaret chuckled knowingly.

Akechi doesn't know how to respond to that, so he continues his questioning, "Regardless, what are these inquiries? I'm assuming it has to do with something related to the Metaverse."

"In a sense." Margaret nodded, tapping her book, "As I told you, I am the assistant to the velvet room, but not I am not it's master. I help guests refine their soul and provide specific guidance's throughout my guests' journey. My master is the one who runs the velvet room. I have not been able to contact him or my younger sister, who has been aiding him as I have been attending to other matters. I fear the worst; it seems humanity has approached another obstacle. I seek to find my master to learn of this matter and how I can lend my assistance; in addition, I worry for my younger sister."

"I see…so you were calling out for people with the wild card ability in hopes to find a connection to your master." Akechi deducted, raising a finger to his chin in contemplation before he chucked sinisterly, "Yet here you are, if the Velvet Room is so important then, why not throw a mutiny? Take the Velvet Room for itself and become the new master; it would be your chance?"

Margaret laughed at this, her voice amused, "Quite the humor you possess, ah, Humans can be so narrowminded. I do not crave the burden of being the Velvet Room's master, and I am quite taken with the position I have now. There is more to the world than power, and I'll assure you, I am quite powerful enough as it is."

Akechi frowned, "So why am I here?"

"I don't know, Goro Akechi, why are you here?" Margaret wondered, leaning her elbows on the table, staring at him with those unreal golden eyes, "You chose to answer my call; what were you hoping to get out of that? It would be an equal exchange, of course."

Akechi scowled because he certainly didn't answer any call from some otherworldly being. Margaret is presumptuous for even assuming so, yet Akechi can't help but be curious about this all. Margaret claims that every wildcard can enter this room. There were more wildcards out there? And why hadn't he ever known such a space existed? Why did he have to suffer trying to find the answers those two years?

"My previous guest sought the truth; that is what brought him to the velvet room and started his journey." Margaret told him, getting a faraway look in her eyes, "Not only for humanity's sake but for his own personal sake as well. It was a hard journey, yet, he pulled through with the help of his bonds and managed to find the truth within him the entire time. Is it the truth you seek? Or something else?"

"I know my truth, and I don't need bonds; they are trivial and useless." Akechi scoffed, shivering at the notion. The idea of being dependent on people who didn't get it sounds impractical.

"And yet, you have one that you cherish, don't you?" Margaret laughs as she pulls out a card from her book and holds it pinched between her fingers, "If they are so trivial and useless, then tell me, why hold onto this one? Why nurture it? Where are you hoping it leads?"

"That's—" Akechi's face heated up.

"Perhaps, this is why you've heeded my call… it's strange though," Margaret hummed, as she observes the card, flipping it back and forth in her fingers, "A bond yet the card is blank, an empty space, it seems the bond wasn't what you thought it was, I assume?"

"I think that is hardly any of your business who I choose to associate with, Margaret-san." Akechi snapped, slamming his hands on the judge's desk.

"I'm not here to judge you, Akechi-san." Margaret chuckled as she shook her head, setting the card on the desk, "After all, I'm not in that seat, am I?"

"Then, why are you here?" Akechi spat Margaret's question back at her.

"I look at the facts as you make judgments on these facts. It would seem you are the invited guest of the room, regardless of the lack of my master's presence," Margaret deducted, a small smile appears on her face, "Nothing happens here without reason, and this room is linked directly to your destiny. Perhaps, it was fate we were meant to meet in this way. However, what stood in the way of this room before I could not tell you for sure. I would need to research more."

"Then what use are you to me?" Akechi scoffed, "and why am I here?"

Margaret ignores him and holds up another tarot card she drew from her book, the imagery of a scale apparent, "It's justice, you want? You may be in the seat of judgment, but you've always wanted justice from that judgement. But Akechi-san, all actions have consequences, no matter how big or small. Is that something you're willing to accept? Is this a battle you want to fight? Will you accept the justice that comes from your judgment?"

"I'm not a child; I've very aware of what the consequences of my actions are or could be. I'm not so weak I would bend underneath the weight of them, though."

"Perhaps, but even so, you would still have to deal with the weight of the action regardless of it was right for you. Every decision has a weight regardless of the outcome. Your personal justice might have a cost too much to pay." Margaret bitterly smiled. "If that time came, could you bear it? Would you pay the cost?"

"I've already said I will not break." Akechi scoffed, getting really irritated with Margaret's repeated questioning. It's getting repetitive; he knows what he has to achieve for his own sanity. After all, what did Margaret know about his ambitions?

"I think you should be careful what you wish for," Margaret warned him, and Akechi can't fathom what she means by that. He's been wishing for this since Shido cast his mother aside. Margaret continues, a cryptic smile on her face, "Shall we make a deal?"

Sojiro doesn't understand what's wrong. Everything had been fine before Akira got food poisoning, so Sojiro doesn't know what could have possibly gone wrong in the period between then and now to make Futaba this angry with Akira. He knows sibling relationships could be up and down; after all, things with his own siblings could turn sour, mostly when they were younger. Sojiro knows how much Akira cares about Futaba, and he can't imagine Akira would have done anything to upset Futaba purposively. He is sure this is all just some misunderstanding that they could fix if Sojiro can find the reason.

So, he's sitting here perplexed as Futaba and Akira eat dinner, on far ends of the café away from each other, each in two entirely different moods.

"Ok, what In the world is going on between you two?" Sojiro sighed in frustration as he sets down the paper on the bar, attempting to get to the bottom of this. Because neither side is making any effort to fix the problem, "Futaba?"

Futaba doesn't say anything and doesn't look up from where she is typing furiously on her computer, but Sojiro knows how Futaba types when she is angry, and it's precisely how Wakaba typed to. Practically pounding each key with violent intent. He knows Futaba heard him too but didn't want to say anything, so he turns to his other kid.


Akira set down his fork once he finished his bite of curry and sighed, tapping the bar with an exhausted look in his eyes, "She's mad at me."

"Do you think I'm stupid? I can see that." Sojiro scoffed, "Why is she mad at you? What could you have possibly done? Did you break one of her action figures?"

"What could he have possibly done?!" Futaba snapped, slamming her hands on the table in anger, and Sojiro is thoroughly surprised at the animosity radiating from his daughter as she resumes typing furiously, reluctant to explain her outburst.

"Long story? Or Short Story?" Akira frowned, folding his arms and beginning to tug his bangs.

"Short." Sojiro decided since if he heard the short, he could at least get an idea of what was going on.

"Futaba and I are a part of the Phantom Thieves, but I broke a rule by going into the Metaverse without them since they were in Hawaii, and they think I went to the Metaverse to kill Principal Kobayakawa. But I didn't though I did break their trust, I'll admit. I went to see Jose, a kid who lives in the Metaverse. And they kicked me out of the group." Akira explained, tugging his bangs harder while avoiding Sojiro's eyes. "Simple and to the point."

"AKIRA!" Futaba shrieked, her head whipping up from her computer as the anger bled into absolute horror, "YOU CAN'T— YOU DIDN'T—"

"Wait, wait, wait—" Sojiro huffed, pinching the brink of his nose, trying to make sense of the nonsensical story Akira had just delivered with the least amount of emotion Akira had ever delivered anything and based on Futaba's reaction. He can only assume there is SOME truth to it, but, "You are telling me that you and Futaba are a part of the Phantom Thieves. The ones that are on TV all the time now, the ones I can't even walk-through Shibuya without seeing their weird-ass logo—"

"Yusuke said it would capture the hearts of our fans—"

"The ones who are targeting criminals?!" Sojiro asked incredulously because he could not even imagine how in the world, the phantom thieves were only a ragtag group of kids. What has this world come to?


"Yup, that's us." Akira laughed awkwardly, "You should see our outfits in the Metaverse, we look super cool. Like superheroes rather than thieves or kids, for that matter. Although I could use different pants. I wonder if the Metaverse has tailors…"

"AKIRA, WHAT THE f*ck?" Futaba cursed, angrily getting out of her seat to aggressively hit Akira in the shoulder, which Akira merely allowed her to do regardless because Sojiro knows Futaba isn't strong enough to do any real damage. Yet, there is an entirely different problem at hand than what he had first assumed.

"I've been sheltering a member of the Phantom Thieves?" Sojiro growled angrily, the situation setting in now. Akira, who had promised not to cause any trouble, had just decided to up and start a band of thieves, coercing criminals to come clean? Behind his back? And they all just somehow came to the conclusion that it was a perfect idea?

"Two, actually." Akira nodded, pointing at Futaba, who is white in the face by now.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you!? You can't just go telling people we are the Phantom Thieves! Why the f*ck are you trying ruining my life?!" Futaba grunted as she started kicking Akira's leg as she continued to shove, "Haven't you done enough?!"

"What? Like he wasn't going to find out between the two of us? I'm not trying to ruin your life; I'm trying to make things easier for you! Trust me, this is will make things easier in the future!" Akira groaned, tugging on his bangs harder as Futaba continues to assault, seemingly not going to let up anytime soon, and Akira lets her. "I don't want to sneak behind Sojiro's back as much as you don't want to either. And besides, he's not going to kick you out, if anything, he'll kick me out, isn't that what you want?! I'm killing two birds with one stone here! I'm making this easier for you!"

"Trust you?!" Futaba scoffed, but angry tears start falling from her eyes, "How the f*ck am I supposed to trust you when you went and did that?! You went behind our backs!"

"Futaba, I'm sorry, I really am; I didn't mean to go and break your guy's trust, but…" Akira sighed in frustration, "Look, Ok, I was really trying to save him. I swear. You need to believe me."

"THEN WHY IS HE DEAD, AKIRA?" Futaba screamed at him, shoving him even harder than Akira nearly fell off the barstool at the force, "EXPLAIN THAT, HUH?"

"OK, ENOUGH." Sojiro roared, coming around the bar with his hands on his hips. He needs to get to the bottom of this because he can't stand seeing either of his kids in discomfort or pain. Futaba looked like she might actually rip Akira in two. And he doesn't even know the full story, "Futaba, quit attacking him. Akira, start explaining now."

So, Akira weaved him this unbelievable tale as Futaba sits a few feet away, completely seething. About how Akira had founded the Phantom Thieves with Ryuji and his apparently talking cat. How they started targeting individuals that contributed to society's problems, how their goal was to reform society. How they could enter this other world with an app on their phones and how it had to do with Wakaba Ishiki's study on cognitive science. And Sojiro had a hard time believing it until he remembered Wakaba Ishiki's ominous warning to him about how she was going to die in a weird way. And then it happened. So how could he turn a deaf ear to Akira now?

"So, you guys change hearts through means of stealing people's distorted desires, so they are forced to look at their actions in a more realistic light," Sojiro concluded, absolutely fascinated by the concept because he remembers Wakaba Ishiki talking about it once within the same lines. But he frowned, "That's how you helped Futaba; you helped steal her distorted views of her mother. Helped to make her look at herself in a different light. Broke her out of her mindset. Changed her cognition or perspective."

"I stole my own heart!" Futaba argued, folding her arms.

"She did." Akira nodded in confirmation without any argument of the fact, and Sojiro remembered Akira telling him that earlier as well. Still, Sojiro can't deny Akira had some hand to play in Futaba's one-eighty. He was always grateful to Akira.

"Don't agree with me!" Futaba hissed back.

"Don't get me wrong, I am very angry with the both of you for participating in something so obviously dangerous. We need to have some serious talks about safety in all this, but what I don't understand is why are you so mad at him, Futaba?" Sojiro critically asked because he doesn't feel like he's getting all the pieces.

"We made a pact, all the Phantom Thieves not to go into the Metaverse alone, and he broke it. He went in while everyone else was in Hawaii, and it was right around the time that the Shujin Principal died too," Futaba explained through gritted teeth, her knuckles clenched so hard they were turning white.

"You think Akira killed his principal?" Sojiro deducted but is completely baffled about how Futaba could have even come to that conclusion in the first place. Sojiro could understand if the Phantom Thieves were angry at Akira because he assumed it was a potentially dangerous thing to do from the shadows Akira had talked about before. Akira could get seriously hurt. Sojiro could understand if they were angry at him for being far too reckless. But Murder? Akira? Murder someone? Akira, who doesn't get out of bed till like 12 when he doesn't have to? Akira, who would always volunteer to help out in his free time despite having school and apparently the Phantom Thieves. Akira, who did his damn best at everything.

"I know how It looks, but Futaba, please, believe me, I didn't kill the principal!" Akira frowned, tugging his hair harder, "What do you want me to say? What do you need me to say to ease your mind?"

"Tell me the truth!" Futaba demanded, slamming her hand on the counter.

"You guys won't listen to the truth! I told you I didn't kill Kobayakawa!" Akira groaned, lowering his head into his hands.

"Then why were you sneaking behind our backs?! Can you prove you didn't?!"

Akira doesn't respond, though, leaving his face in his hands, the perfect depiction of exhaustion.

"See, this is why!" Futaba growled before snatching her laptop and violently tearing open the door. "I'm going home!"

"Hey, Futaba! Wait—" But Futaba slammed the door, effectively ending the said conversation.

Sojiro sighed in frustration; this family dinner did not turn out well; he turned to look at Akira, who still remained in the same position at the booth with one question, "How did you f*ck up so bad, kid?"

Akira groaned but did not answer, refusing to take his head out of his arms. Sojiro frowned, unsure what to do in this situation; he is confident there is no manual out there for when your kids are the Phantom Thieves and get into an argument with each other about one of them murdering. So Sojiro does the only thing he knows how to do; he gets up and starts brewing a cup of coffee because it was a mundane task that helped focused his mind; maybe he could make sense of where his feelings are. He still isn't sure he could believe the whole other world concept, but he considers Wakaba Ishiki had found something, so he puts his disbelief aside for now.

He sets a saucer and a steaming cup of coffee in front of Akira, who slowly uncurls from himself to place his hands on the cup.

"You didn't murder your principal, did you?" Sojiro wondered.

"No, I didn't murder Kobayakawa." Akira sighed tiredly, taking a sip of the coffee.

"You know, the first thing I told you when you came to live here was don't make trouble." Sojiro frowned, remembering that day vividly since he had assumed Akira was a delinquent, but Akira was so different from his preconceptions.

"I know, I'll pack up my things tonight and find somewhere…" Akira muttered, swirling the coffee in the cup with no real intention.

"I'm not kicking you out, kid," Sojiro reassured him, a little taken aback by how quickly Akira just surrendered to the thought without even arguing it. "Look, despite how angry I was, I think the Phantom Thieves are doing some great things, even if you are totally bypassing the law. But a cognitive world can't be held to human laws, I would think. And you really helped out Futaba and me; I don't know what I would have done if Futaba had shut herself away forever. I felt useless, but I'm eternally grateful to you for stepping in to help where I couldn't. Do I think you've gotten yourself way in over your head? Oh, for sure. I don't think I can stop you regardless, but I'm just worried you will piss off the same people that Wakaba did. I need you to back out of the fights you can't win, kid. I can't lose you or Futaba too."

Akira doesn't respond, merely taking another long sip of his coffee, avoiding Sojiro's eyes. Sojiro can read the guilt on his shoulders.

"Look, as for things with your team, which I'm assuming is your ragtag group of friends and Futaba…" Sojiro attempts to finish, but he isn't sure what advice he can give Akira since Akira had got himself into that one.

"I know I f*cked up. I feel bad, and I don't know how to prove myself to them." Akira sighed quietly. "What a leader I am."

"Leaders f*ck up too; you aren't immune; we are all human." Sojiro tried to reassure him, "Besides, you learned your lesson, right? I don't think what you did was right, and if you made an agreement, it's not good practice to go back on it, but I think you've figured that out. I can try talking to Futaba—"

"Don't. It's fine." Akira shook his head, decisively, "I don't think she would take it well coming from you. I don't need someone else to explain on my behalf."

"It probably is something you need to work out between you and your team."

Akira bit his lip, clutching the coffee In his hands with a vice iron grip, before asking quietly, "How am I supposed to give someone an answer they don't want to hear, even if it's the truth? When they don't want to hear the truth because they already believe something else, what am I supposed to do?"

Sojiro sighed because that was a hard question that Akira shouldn't have to deal with. He is sure it stems from his assault record too. He is starting to believe more and more that Akira didn't assault the man and Akira was the victim of the f*cked-up court system. The officials didn't take Akira seriously since he was a teen, or the man had more power over the situation, so Akira was sent to live with someone he didn't know with a criminal record he didn't deserve. Akira was failed by the adults that were supposed to help him. Sojiro knows he can't fix that, no matter what Sojiro does. The only thing Sojiro can do is try to be better than them.

"I suppose you just have to keep trying like you're doing with the Phantom Thieves."

Ann is still angry. There is no doubt about that. She feels betrayed and mystified as to why Akira would go into the Metaverse without them. And Kobayakawa just coincidentally dies the same week they are on vacation; Akira is stuck in Shibuya and goes into the Metaverse behind their backs? It can't be coincident. But she also wonders if the decision to kick Akira out was a mistake, Makoto had acted so rashly, and they all just followed her without a thought. Ann felt part of it could have been credited to the jet lag as once Ann had taken some time to decompress, she had felt guilty. But the guilt didn't outweigh the hurt.

She's torn because she doesn't know what to think anymore. Yusuke has brought up some valid points; they didn't see Akira kill Kobakayawa; it may have just really been an awful coincidence. There just isn't any proof; all the phantom thieves have are these suspicious facts about Akira that don't add up at all. Again, it's like trying to put together a f*cking puzzle without the corner pieces. But they can't ignore these facts either, the details they can't fit together. What are they supposed to do? What is the right answer?

Not only was that a problem, but The Phantom Thieves have become so prominent in all of this. While they are worrying about whether the Phantom Thieves leader and founder is their literal antagonist, Shibuya has put them on this unbelievable pedestal of influence that Ann isn't sure is safe. They are in the spotlight, and it's frightening Ann to a degree. Everywhere she looks, there is their logo; every time she turns on the news, there they are. Society is waiting on bated breath for their next move, their next heist. The next criminal to fall at their feet. It's unnerving.

And this is the problem because it's not just about the Phantom Thieves anymore; it's about society watching them. If Akira does end up being the Black Mask, Akira does end up being behind the Mental Shutdowns and Psychotic Breakdowns. If Akira was the big evil villain all along, well, aren't the Phantom Thieves going to be seen as accomplices?

If they don't do anything about Akira, they'll be held responsible for not stepping in like the ones in control. And if they do and they are wrong? Ann doesn't know what to think in that case.

It's like that stupid trolley question, the one where the decision is either to kill the one in favor of saving the masses or kill the masses in favor of saving the one valuable life. Ann feels like it's some sort of rigged decision far beyond her mental capacity to decipher. Who do they throw under the trolley? Who does their responsibility lay to? It hurts to think about whatever decision they make regarding Akira; they will have to carry the burden of that decision, in the end, someone gets hurt.

Ann sighed for the umpteenth time as she taps her pencil on the empty notebook page in front of her. She should be listening; she should be taking notes. After all, they were supposed to be blending into society, and Makoto keeps reiterating they have to keep their grades up, so they don't look suspicious. But Ann can't focus; how can Makoto just expect them to magically be able to balance all of this on top of school?

The Phantom Thieves aren't doing great as a unit; all they do is fight with each other. Their chat room has been a complete mess of bickering about what to do next regarding Okumura's Palace and Haru, and the constant source of stress, the situation with Akira. Futaba still needs to get the keywords to the Palace, so they can't go in yet, but they still haven't decided how to handle this mess of a situation. It's like no one is on the same wavelength anymore.

Ann doesn't think it's going to go well trying to do this Palace in the state they are in. She'll be brutally honest; she doesn't want to follow Makoto's orders. Makoto, while claiming to be the brains, makes decisions that are rash and reckless. Ann knows Akira does the same thing, she can admit that, but the difference is Akira is far, far stronger and resourceful than Makoto is in many more aspects. Akira can afford to be reckless, but Makoto can't. She refused to see that, though.

"Takamaki-san!" Mr. Inui's voice cut through her thought, jolting her out of her daze.

"Oh! Oh yes? What was the question?" Ann quickly whipped her head up to the teacher, dropping her pen. She had been so caught up in trying to figure out what to do; she hadn't even been paying attention to the lecture.

"I'll ask you once more. Do you know who invented this instrument?" Mr. Inui sighed, but Ann has literally no idea what they are talking about in the slightest. At her panicked look, Mr. Inu sighed again, his brow furrowing, "Think very carefully, Takamaki-san; it was in the reading you were supposed to do."

"Oh, Um—" She scrambled, flipping through her textbook, but f*ck, she totally doesn't know what they are talking about or what chapter it was. She definitely didn't do the reading.

"Joseph-Ignace Guillotin." A quiet voice whispered behind her.

"It was named after Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, sir." Ann hastily answered, cringing a bit that Akira had to feed her the answer even when they weren't speaking terms.

"That's right, Takamaki-san, it was indeed named after him; I would ask you to be a little more attentive regarding this lecture." Mr. Inui said.

"Of course, sorry, sir." She nodded, but she has too many thoughts running through her head to consider following said advice.

Even though she knew she had a responsibility to the public right now to do the right thing because right now, The Phantom Thieves are in the spotlight and have far too much influence than a group of high schoolers should have, she missed Akira.

Akira and Ryuji had made it bearable after Shiho moved and switched schools. Ann doesn't think she could have survived this god-awful school without them. She misses the times when they would just hang on the school roof, even when they weren't going to mementos or Palaces. When they would just laugh about stupid things when it felt like they were only high schoolers and not some vigilante group the public was heavily relying on. And she enjoyed the other's companies as well and what they offered to the table, but she missed those times dearly.

What is she supposed to do? With Akira's possibility of having something to do with the mental shutdowns, she can't merely make a decision that only benefits her. She can't aid in something she doesn't believe in. She doesn't know what to do; all she knows is she's divided much as the rest of the Phantom Thieves are.

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, and she wonders if the Thieves should regroup or if she should just hang out at the underground mall or something. Her phone went off, and she pulled it out of her pocket.

It's just more bickering; Ryuji and Makoto are butting heads over their next moves and who should be in charge. Makoto argues that she should be in charge still since she's the team advisor. Ann wants to point out that technically Makoto appointed herself to that position even if Akira didn't put up any qualms about it. Not that Makoto actually did anything useful as team advisor when Akira was leading them. Ryuji has made his point that he was there before Makoto, and Ann has got to give him props for trying to pull the seniority card on Makoto. It doesn't go well, and Ann just decides it's a shopping day.

She packed up her stuff and is ready to leave without saying anything to Akira, but it seems her cold shoulder doesn't really matter as when she turns to leave, she finds Akira dead asleep at his desk. Full on, asleep, even drooling a little bit. She shook her head; she can't believe she gets called out in the middle of class for not paying attention when Akira falls asleep behind her. She makes her way out the door.

"Ann! Don't you think I have a point?" Ryuji ambushed her outside the classroom door from where he usually waits by the door.

She sighed, "Ryuji, can we just not?"

"What?! I didn't even say anything yet; hear me out!" Ryuji begged her, but Ann doesn't feel like talking about it because she doesn't think Makoto or Ryuji should be leading. Ryuji is not a tactician, and Makoto's leading style just doesn't keep them united. She knows this discourse will lead to more fighting, and she is tired and doesn't want to deal with this.

"Oh, hello, you two!" Haru approached them, a broad smile on her face, "I was just coming to find Aki-chan but ran into you all as well!"

"Hey…Haru…" Ryuji said reluctantly, and Ann discreetly steps on his foot because there is no reason for his rudeness, "Ann! What the f*ck!?"

"Is um—" Haru frowned, pinching her fingers together with a look of upset, "Is something wrong? Did something happen between you guys and Aki-chan? I've noticed the group chat has been relatively silent, and we don't eat lunch together any more… it's a little sad, what happened?"

Ann sighed; she doesn't think Haru could be involved in all this. Haru just seems too gentle of a soul to participate in such vile things. But Ann also knows if this is the case, then Haru probably doesn't know what is going on with her father either. She doesn't know how to handle this situation, "Well, uh, it's difficult to explain…"

"I think if there is a misunderstanding, then you should talk about it with him. I'm sure Aki-chan will listen; he cares for you all very much." Haru offered.

"Oh, sure he does," Ryuji snorted sarcastically, with an incredulous look on his face, "I'm sure he cares very much for me as he lied straight at my face. That bastard thinks he can say whatever he wants, and we'll just believe him!"

"Ryuji!" Ann snapped, "Lower your voice and stop being a jerk to Haru! She's just concerned!"

"What?! Am I wrong?" Ryuji scoffed, folding his arms with a furious sneer on his lips, "It's not the first time it's happened to me. My father said he cared about my mother and me but lied directly to our faces. And we just f*cking believed him, and guess what? We were wrong, and he straight up left."

"Ryuji." Ann breathed, stunned, her face falling. She hadn't even stopped to consider how Ryuji may feel about this. She knew a bit about Ryuji's back story, but she didn't know the details; she is sure there is more to the story that Ryuji wants to let on, especially with how he phrased some things. Ann never asked explicitly, but she is sure Ryuji's dad abused him and his mother, and she can only imagine how painful that can be. Ann has never honestly had any problems with her own parents even if they weren't around, but to have someone you love, who was supposed to raise and love you, just walk out of your life. Ann understands why Ryuji is taking this so hard.

Akira was Ryuji's best friend; It's personal for Ryuji to have someone close to him straight up lie to his face just like before. Someone he cared about. He's lashing out because he's hurt by the potential of Akira's feelings being fakes, of being manipulative.

"Ryuji…" Haru frowned; a look of sadness appears as she fidgets with her fingers, "My situation isn't anything like yours…but I do understand the feeling of being lied to. Especially by my father as well."

"You do?" Ann blinked, not expecting the conversation to take this turn, but it might be useful. Ryuji is getting her to open up about her father, and Ann thinks this is a good thing; they can determine how Haru truly feels.

She nodded sadly, "My father…and I have a complicated relationship, and even though my father claims he's doing the best for me, I don't believe his words anymore. I believe he might have loved me at one point, but I don't know if that's true now. I suppose people just change is all."

"Haru… It's hard, isn't it? To be lied to from those we are closest to." Ryuji muttered, his anger fading into hurt as he tapped his foot on the ground idly.

"Yes." Haru nodded, but she shook her head, "But forgive me for being brash; I really think Aki-chan does truly care for you all. Even before the beach trip, before I met you all. You are all he talked about. He talked about your achievements Ryuji, how you overcame every shortcoming you faced, and how he admired your drive to keep going despite it all. And Ann, he talked about your modeling gigs and how hard you are working to improve yourself, and how strong you were for Shiho."

"He…said all that?" Ryuji frowned, digging his toe into the ground harder.

"Yes! I have screenshots if you really need the proof, but I think you should give Aki-chan a chance." Haru said, "He's not like the crappy adults in our life, Ryuji."

Ann frowned; she gets what Haru is saying, and the fact Akira had told Haru about them was…something. But there are more things at stake here than Haru realized. It wasn't just about them. They can't make a decision based on sentimentality.

"Yeah…but—" Ryuji bit his lip, and Ann thanks the heavens he's at least careful about what he says, "It's complicated."

"Because you are the Phantom Thieves?" Haru tilted her head curiously.

"Did Akira tell you that?!" Ann asked, forcing herself to keep her voice down because they didn't need another person knowing their goddamn secret identities. It was already bad enough Akira literally outright told Sojiro about it, one of the things Futaba had been complaining about in the group chat. Ann stopped and wondered, Did this mean Haru really did know about the Metaverse and her Father's deal with the black mask? How much does Haru know if she was bringing it up?

"Oh! No, no, I came to my own conclusions! I swear," Haru shook her head and looked at the ground guiltily, "The first calling card was at Shujin...and I may have overheard some of your conversations since I went up to the roof to garden. Ryuji can be quite energetic…"

"sh*t." Ryuji blanched, and Ann knows why, because sometimes Ann and Ryuji will go up to the roof during lunch when they aren't fighting, but it seems they may not have been as careful as they should have been. Ann corrects herself; Ryuji was not as cautious as he should have been. She swears his voice is dialed continuously up to a ten.

"Way to go, Dumbass," Ann muttered, narrowing her eyes at Ryuji.

"Did you not hear the part where YOU were up there too?" Ryuji barked back, "You always blame me even though you were a part of it!"

"Oh! I won't tell anyone!" Haru reassured them sincerely but frowned, "I did want to ask you something…but I wouldn't feel right asking while your group is in disarray. I'm not sure what happened, but I think the Phantom Thieves would need to be united in their endeavors, so I'll bring it up later at a more appropriate time if it's alright."

"Is Akira working for your father as the black mask?" Ryuji cuts straight to the point, and Ann wants to slap him over the head for his recklessness, this conversation is so not going the direction she thought it would, but at least most of the students had left by now. She wants to know why Ryuji would ask THAT question straight off the bat.

"I'm sorry…Akira working for my father?" Haru tilted her head in genuine confusion, "It would be the first I heard of it…and a black mask? Is that…a codeword? Um, I'm not sure what Masks have to do with this? I've only seen Akira wear glasses?"

"Wait, so you don't know about the metaverse?" Ann questioned because it seemed Haru honestly did not know what they were talking about. "Shadows?"

"Meta…verse?" Haru frowned but a smile spread across her face, "Oh! Is this like a game? Like, um, dungeons and dragons? Ah, I'm not sure that this has to do with what we were talking about?"

"Oh." Ann blinked because she thoroughly believes Haru. But before she could say anything, she heard a commotion coming from downstairs.

"Is that the detective prince? Goro Akechi?"

"What's he doing at Shujin?"

"Ah! He's so handsome! Do you think I can get a picture with him?"

"Wait, are they on about Akechi?" Ryuji mutters before Goro Akechi appears from the stairwell right next to him, in his usual grey blazer and well-kept appearance, and yet he looks relatively impatient.

"Akechi-san! What a surprise!" Haru greeted politely.

"Okumura-san, nice to see you as well." Akechi politely greeted before turning to Ann, "Ann-san, Where is your classroom?"

"Oh, it's—" Ann mumbled, taken aback by the fact Akechi was at their school, interrupting their potentially serious conversation. She points to the classroom across from the stairwell they are standing in. And Akechi thanked her politely and marches off towards the classroom, murder in his step, leaving them in a wake of confusion.

"What the f*ck?" Ryuji muttered as they all subconsciously decide to follow him because he looks vaguely furious, and all of them are morbidly curious. They peek into the classroom with only a few students lingering around and one sleeping, Akira Kurusu, still passed out at his desk.

Akechi quickly marches over to his desk, ignoring the other students' surprise, and less than gently slams his hands on the desk. The sound resonated off the walls of the classroom. Akira jolted up like a shadow sent a Zionga down his spine, his glasses askew on the brink of his nose and his hair a wild mess as he blinks sleepily up at Akechi.

"I apologize for surprising you and disturbing your nap, Kurusu-kun, but It seems you have slept through our meeting time, and I dislike being stood up." Akechi politely informed Akira, hands still on the desk, and Ann gets the feeling he isn't apologetic at all.

"Oh…Akechi," Akira blinked, lifting up his glasses to rub his eyes, "Must have dozed off during last period."

"I'd say so, seeing as school ended a while ago." Akechi sighed, lifting his arms and folding his arms, "I think you should take your studies a little more seriously."

"Actually, Aki-chan is top of his class!" Haru informed with a bright smile from the doorway. "He studies very diligently!"

"Huh." Akechi tapped a finger on his chin as he watched Akira slowly get his belongings together; he scoffed quietly, "Figures."

"Ok, I'm ready," Akira announced, getting up from his desk, his form slouched from the exhaustion of his nap.

Ann and Ryuji immediately jump away from the door as Akechi and Akira make their way out with Haru in tow.

"Ann-san, Ryuji-san, I hope you have a pleasant day." Akechi gives them a courteous nod before heading in the opposite direction.

"Ah, yeah, what he said." Akira laughed awkwardly when he addressed them, but both Ann and Ryuji narrow their eyes at him; Haru looked on awkwardly, unsure of what to say at the moment before he sighed, "Alright, cool."

And gives Haru a friendly nod before heading after Akechi.

Once both Akira and Akechi are down the stairs and out of mind. Haru turns to them, "So…is Akechi-san a part of the Phantom Thieves too?"

"What? No, he's been against us!" Ryuji sputtered, "Haven't you heard him on the news lately?"

"Actually, I have been following recent developments, but Akechi-san seems to have been gentler on you guys of late." Haru pondered, then frowned, "Though your right, I just assumed since he was at the beach event that he was a part of the group… I'm sorry for making that assumption. I guess it wouldn't make sense since he had opposing views of you on his television interviews."

"Wait. Akechi comes here mad, and he claims to be stood up…" Ann muttered before her face blanched, "Does that mean they are dating?!"

"For real?!" Ryuji exclaimed alongside her.

"I mean, we shouldn't make that assumption yet before Aki-chan confirms it." Haru tried to point out, but both Ryuji and Ann cannot help but freak out.

After all, what if Akira tells AKECHI about the Phantom Thieves?

Akechi can't stop thinking about the velvet room or the key Margaret had given him to access it. He can barely understand its existence or Margaret's existence for that matter. A room where wild cards go to fuse their persona and become stronger, it seems suspicious yet, right. Despite that, he hasn't made a deal with Margaret. He's waiting, collecting the information and figuring out if he can gather more on it. But he doesn't know any other wildcards. And the way Margaret talked about it made it seem it was a rare ability. Which didn't help his cause in the least.

He's annoyed, not only at the lack of information he has, but also Akira never texted him back, and Akechi had to go out of his way to pick up the other from school. Akechi was most definitely going to make him foot the bill for his train trip.

But he had definitely learned something rather interesting from the trip, at least. Or at least something that confirmed what he had already suspected, that Akira was at odds with the Phantom Thieves right now.

"What could you have possibly done to piss off your group so bad they shunned you?" Akechi wondered as they made their way to Okumura Foods.

"Ah, you know, just a misunderstanding." Akira muttered, half-heartedly, and chuckled, "You would be surprised at what I'm capable of."

"You do prove yourself to get dumber and dumber as time carries on." Akechi scoffed.

"You say that, yet how many games of chess have you won, Akechi-san?" Akira cheekily retorted, swinging his arm over Akechi's shoulder.

"I can very easily harm you in reality, Kurusu-Kun," Akechi growled, roughly pulling away from Akira's misplaced camaraderie.

"Ah, so that's where the outfit comes from," Akira nodded understandingly, "Kinky, but hey, I don't shame. You do you."

"What could you possibly mean by that, Kurusu-kun?"

"The whole BDSM Pajama thing, you know with the leather belts and harness thing you have, and how it's like a nearly skintight suit." Akira pointed out innocently, mimicking how a harness would go on, and Akechi's face goes bright red as the couple they had been walking by turns and gives them a strange look, definitely hearing what Akira had said.

"IT IS NOWHERE NEAR THAT." Akechi hissed, managing to keep his voice from the others around them, "I don't need you spreading false information around my fans and ruining my reputation!"

Akira laughed, "Oh come one, admit it! That's what it looks like!"

"Shut the f*ck up!" Akechi muttered, dragging Akira the rest of the way to the little side yard of Okumura Foods before he says something even more controversial and people get ideas.

"What, then, are you trying to mimic a Yugioh Character?" Akira snorted.

"This conversation ends here!" Akechi demanded, not giving Akira time to prepare before Akechi starts up the Meta app, plunging them into the Metaverse. Okumura Foods ripples into the space station that they were in before. Akechi doesn't want to think about the implications of what Okumura's distortion is, though he is sure it has to do with the rumors about how he treats Big Bang Burger employees.

Akira is full out laughing beside him. Akechi is wholly exhausted with his immaturity, about to ask what Akira is laughing at this time, before realizing which outfit he is in. Loki's twisted and ragged black outfit full-on display.

"You are a child." Akechi enunciated before switching his outfit to Robin Hood's outfit. He would never admit it, but he prefers how Robin Hood's outfit looked compared to Loki's. It's stupid, but he's always wanted a red cape. Like the one his mother bought for him when he was a child and infatuated with TV heroes.

"I am appropriately mature for my age," Akira reassured, holding back his laughter in favor of looking around the space station. Probably for the thing Akechi had noticed, there weren't any doors to continue further into the station. Just a mechanical device in the middle of the lobby.

Akechi is about to walk up to it before he finds Akira fixated on an empty spot to the side of the room, so he wondered, "What are you looking at? There is nothing there."

"Ah, no, um." Akira shook his head, tugging on his hair as he brings his focus back to the middle of the room, "Nothing, I thought I saw a mouse."

"In the middle of a space station." Akechi pointed out, incredulously, "In space."

"Yeah, it had a cute astronaut helmet," Akira laughed before sauntering over to the mechanical device in the center of the room.

"It's an elevator." Akechi pointed out that coming to a conclusion, it's in the lobby; therefore, if this palace mimics the Okumura Food building, he is sure of what this is. Yet, it's more of a platform than a traditional elevator. The problem is, how do they work it.

"This would be so much easier with Oracle here…" Akira mumbled, circling around what Akechi assumed worked the elevator, but neither of them knows how it works.


"Ah, Futaba." Akira corrected, "She could hack it…however, we might have to find another way. Maybe there is a switch around or something to trigger it. Shouldn't take too long to find it."

"That's simple."

Akira shrugged, "It's usually how it is."

"One would think, all these rulers would be more guarded." Akechi wondered, "If a group of high schoolers can just wander in and find a magical switch to the core of their secrets then it really begs the question doesn't it?"

"I mean, I didn't mean quite that simple." Akira shook his head with a chuckle, "They are guarded to some extent but ah, if you're feeling guilty then often you want to be punished. I think I read a study on it once."

"Oh, an interesting take. You are proposing the simplicity of the puzzles within a palace is due to self-sabotage? Fascinating." Akechi tilted his head, it wasn't something he thought of before. He had been thinking along the line of how these influential people were only following their ego and their sense of intelligence completely lacked within their palaces. Akechi begins walking around, starting the search as he digested this thought of guilt and punishment. He knows Okumura is on guard; it's evitable in his paranoia when he contacts Shido. So, this 'switch' could be a little harder to find.

He circles the perimeter of the lobby, looking for anything obvious that could work the elevator. A circuit box, a button something glowing, but after a few careful circulations, Akechi realized this may be harder than he intentionally thought. He can't find anything of the sort. And Akira is the most unhelpful piece of sh*t he's ever seen.

"What are you even doing?" Akechi frowned in frustration as he watched Akira stand there, doing absolutely nothing and seemingly deep in thought.

"Hang on, I'm looking for it," Akira muttered as he did absolutely nothing to prove this fact, remaining with his hand tugging on his hair with his eyes closed.

"Looking for it? What do you mean you looking for it? You're standing there idly with absolutely no effort in looking for it!" Akechi scoffed in frustration as he folded his arms in displeasure. "You don't even have your f*cking eyes open to look for it! In what world is what you're doing defined as 'looking for it?! Truly?!'"

Akira turned towards him, opening his focused eyes, but instead of being them being his usually warm grey, they are a vibrant red, contrasting with the cool tones of the spaceship that they are in. Akechi froze because he was not expecting THAT. It's...stunning, but also, he has to wonder why the f*ck Akira's eyes are doing that, to begin with.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (22)

"I said, I'm LOOKING for it." Akira snickered, throwing Akechi his signature smirk as he narrows his eyes, doing a visual scan of the room they are in.

"Why are your eyes doing that?" Akechi wondered. Because he can't come up with a plausible reason as to why Akira's eyes would be turning red.

"Doing what? Looking for the thing you so kindly asked me to open my eyes to look for?"

"You insufferable piece of attic trash," Akechi muttered, thoroughly frustrated that he could not literally strangle Akira right now in this very moment because Akira is f*cking immune to it.

"You have the cutest pet names for me," Akira chuckled, tugging on his bangs harder as he scans the room one more time.

"Why are your eyes turning f*cking RED?"

"What? You can change your outfit in a split-second, but I can't make my eyes turn red?" Akira pouted, his red eyes fading into his usual grey as his form relaxed, and he leans his hand on his hip, "Come on, Akechi, are you still questioning it? It's all cognition~."

"Then, by your logic, you should be able to change your outfit just as easily." Akechi scoffed.

"You're no fun," Akira sighed, before shaking his head, "I'm using my Third Eye to scan the area for hints and clues, and apparently the side effect is my eyes turn red…huh, I wonder if they do that in reality too…"

"Your third eye?" Akechi murmured before the realization hit him like a hammer, "YOU ARE NOT PSYCHIC."

"Aha, so you seem to think." Akira laughed.

And Akechi comes to another startling realization that he should have come to at the beginning, Akira is deluded in the genuine sense. Essentially, if he genuinely believed he was psychic, then that cognition could carry over into the Metaverse, presenting as a sort of sixth sense. Yet, it's the absolute most bullsh*t and deluded thing Akechi has ever considered. And Akechi fully believes that is what has happened because this is Akira, and of course, Akira would fool himself into thinking he was psychic.

Akechi is absolutely mystified at the train wreck Akira is.

"Oh! Found it, haha, it was hidden." Akira laughed, looking up at the dome ceiling of the lobby. With a quick shot of his grappling hook, he hits what Akechi assumed is the elevator's control panel. It breaks with the sound of something electrical powering down. Akechi is half impressed and half incredulous that Akira has manifested a working six sense ability in the metaverse on pure mental delusion.

"You broke it!" Akechi frowned, turning back to the mechanism.

"I did not; it's fine." Akira shook his head, pushing the mechanism again, and it transforms into a lever, "See?"

"You could have broken it." Akechi scoffed, folding his arms as Akira pulls the lever and the elevator goes down.

"Ah, your pessimism and lack of faith in me are so endearing." Akira sighed in mock pleasure as the elevator reached the floor below. In another corridor of the spaceship, Akechi wondered how big this station was.

"I think it'll be quite interesting what this spaceship will hold." Akechi pondered, ignoring Akira's useless humor.

"Don't you already know what Okumura is guilty of?"

"Yes, but the way their desires present themselves is always fascinating." Akechi nodded as they start wandering carefully through the halls, no shadows in sight at the moment. But that didn't mean they shouldn't be careful.

"I guess, yet he's not very original, is he? I mean, for god's sake, he's a CEO, yet he can't get more creative than a spaceship and his workers being robots? I mean, honestly." Akira critiqued, "Adding that to his list right now, excessive and unoriginal use of tropes."

Akechi is baffled about how Akira looks at things and how careless he is about issues presented at hand. It's the one thing Akechi can't make heads or tails of over their team-up from unusual circ*mstances. Akechi knows Akira is smart, he looks at things in a different refreshing way. He offers different perspectives to things Akechi hadn't even thought of before. Akira stimulates his mind in a way he's never had with another person before. Yet, and he supposed he can't see what goes on in Akira's mind, Akira makes some dumbass decisions that Akechi doesn't see the logic behind. Regardless, he hopes once he works alongside Akira then Akechi can decipher him better.

“On another note about your theory about self-sabotage earlier, does it differ between guilt from the crimes they committed or from another source? A different reason for the guilt?"

“Is there a difference?" Akira wondered, pausing momentarily in the hallway. His face falls slightly behind the mask, "If you are feeling guilty, then doesn’t that mean you’ve done something wrong? You know you’ve done something wrong and you don’t know how to atone, so you hope for punishment, for atonement. Salvation. The reason doesn't matter, in the end, you are still guilty and I think they all know that subconsciously. Guilt is guilt in the end.”

“Then by your reasoning, you are a messiah.” Akechi laughed at the brazen explanation and how it applied to Akira's situation. “Is that what you think you are, Kurusu? A god, oh righteous leader of the Phantom Thieves? You've decided to take the step above as if your actions are justified, give these criminals the 'atonement' they desire. You've taken matters into your own hands, delivering these criminals the proper punishment that society deems fit. Yet, regardless of your stance, here you are working with the worst of them, is your plan to give me the 'atonement' you believe I need yet don't want? Will you pass your misplaced salvation on me, Akira Kurusu?"

Akira stopped and turned to him, his next answer taking Akechi off guard.

"Akechi. I honestly don't give a f*ck what you do or did." Akira turned to him with a face so serious that Akechi surprisingly believes what Akira claimed. Akira, despite knowing of Akechi's crimes, has never shown any sort of outward negative judgment. He's never said anything against Akechi, yet Akechi is waiting for it to come. He knows he is not blameless in any of this which he has already accepted. Akechi knows his sins, and why he has committed them.

But, Akechi still can't wrap his head around since Akira is the leader of the Phantom Thieves. But Akira just seemed like he genuinely didn't care, and Akechi cannot fathom why that is. By all standards, Akira should have 'stolen his heart' by now; should have tried to regurgitated his unwelcome justice down Akechi's throat, but he hasn't.

Akira doesn't seem to understand the weight of Akechi's sins quite yet.

Akira's nose scrunched up as he added with a lukewarm expression, "I relatively give a f*ck about what you do."


Akira shrugged, "I mean, it would be nice if you didn't kill Haru's dad."

"Really, that's the argument you're making with me right now. 'I think it would be nice if you didn't kill Haru's dad?' Because your lukewarm attitude is going to change my mind?" Akechi asked at him incredulously.

"The main argument, but I'll send you my essay on why it would be beneficial to not Kill Okumura later for all our sakes…probably on paper since Futaba hacked my texts…." Akira nodded before grimacing at the thought, "You know what, never mind next safe room, yeah, I'll give you the verbal edition."

"Wait…wait… You didn't write any of this down, right?" Akechi wondered, a bit of terror at how careless Akira would be.

"Psh, no, it's all in my head." Akira laughed, tapping his forehead before he frowned. "Well, maybe I did put in my journal?"


"Ah! Battle time Akechi-san!" Akira laughed as a shadow rounds the corner, and it's not a surprise; it takes the initial form of a robot. Before Akechi can protest, Akira leaps on it and rips off its helmet…mask? Head? Whatever concealed the true shadow within. The shadow distorts and jumps into five separate shadows in front of them—a weird-looking metal bird surrounded by electricity. Akechi assumed the shadows would be able to electrocute them if not careful.

"Five of them be on your guard," Akechi announced, shifting his posture into offense, his saber at his side. Akira is by his side, dagger in hand, and Akechi wonders why that's his weapon. It's so useless. Well, not meaningless, but it requires getting in close to said enemy to really make a damaging attack. Then Akechi realized it's the perfect weapon for Akira. It requires a level of confidence and recklessness that Akira did, in fact, possess. Regardless, Akechi thinks it's a stupid weapon.

"Ah, they are easy. Not even worth the SP," Akira cackled, raising his hand to his mask.

Akechi wanted to argue because these Shadows are more on the medium-dangerous side, and they don't know anything about them. To call them easy was a reckless deduction, even more, to suggest not hitting them with a magic attack. Still, a sad*stic part of Akechi wants to see Akira fall flat on his ass and make a fool out of himself, so Akechi smirked, taking a step back, "Very well then, YOU can handle them. I will watch your undoubtedly foolproof technique of dealing with shadows with no information on them."

"If you insist." Akira laughed, and Akechi waits on bated breath for karma to hit like the recoil from a cannon shot. He knows Akira can handle himself and his affinities were barely nonexistent, so he's not too worried about the consequences. It would be fun to see Akira suffer from some shock he settled on.

"Alice!" Akira yelled, summoning persona, the small little girl that Akechi still can't decipher. She's as much of an enigma as Akira is. And Akira yells out his secondary command, "PLEASE DIE FOR ME!"

Akechi has never heard that spell before, and he can't fathom that's an actual skill. It has to be some sort of bluff since there is no way in hell Akira can yell that and—

A group of huge ass teddy bears runs past Akechi from behind, taking him by surprise. But what is even more surprising is the bombs strapped onto the bear's backs. They laugh and run at the metal birds and explode with contact, a burst of light. As the air clears of smoke, the shadows are completely gone. Disintegrated by the explosion.

"What the—" Akechi is at a loss of words from the stunning show, a little girl persona who he assumed it based off of Alice In wonderland. Akira's command of Please Die for me. A hoard of suicide bomber teddy bears and the fact he can read Akira's SP now and not a drop of it had been spilled in the attack that should have cost so much more for an instakill spell of that level. "What the f*ck—That isn't possible! You can't—"

"All you got to do is ask nicely." Akira laughed, patting him on the shoulder as he walked by, heading towards the rest of the corridor.

Akechi realized Akira is far more of a puzzle than he can ever imagine.

"There was supposed to be a request to be filled!" Ryuji argued from the back seat of the Mona bus. His voice was frustrated and exhausted before he added, "See, this is the thing, Makoto, you keep jumping into things without researching! Maybe if you had actually looked into it more, we wouldn't have wasted this trip into Mementos for nothing! Oh, except for almost getting us killed! That went absolutely well; my ass still hurts because of that; thank you SO SO MUCH."

"It's Queen." Makoto hissed from her spot at the driver's seat, her hands gripping the wheel. This trip has been non-stop arguing and bickering between them all, "If you had listened to me, you wouldn't have almost gotten killed!"

"No, your plan wouldn't have worked against that shadow! It was immune to forget!" Ann barked from the passenger seat, "How many times do we have to go over this?!"

"The idea was to make it think we were trying to make it forget then hit him with something else!" Makoto exclaimed, making a turn around the corner far too roughly than she should have. "It's called strategy!"

"Hey! Be careful!" Morgana growled, his voice coming out through the speakers. "Quit running me into walls and taking corners too tight! It hurts! Your gonna waste my SP healing myself then all your asses!"

"I'm trying to find this shadow, and none of you are very helpful right now!" Futaba shouted from the back, folding her arms. "I just need some peace and quiet to scan for them! Get over it, Queen did something stupid and almost got us killed, and Mona brought us back. Let's leave it at that!"

"It wasn't stupid! It was a strategy!" Makoto argued again, her knuckles turning white. What do the Phantom Thieves know anyway? None of them have the experience in strategy she does nor the skill; they simply cannot comprehend the brilliance of her move. It's logic, make the enemy think you are doing one thing, then blindside them with another attack! It's a sound strategy. And people not listening to her is why her plan didn't work; it only works if all the pieces fall into place.

"IT WASN'T STRATEGY; IT WAS SUICIDE." Ryuji snapped, slamming his hands on the headrest in front of him. "And you didn't even listen to any of our suggestions! We all had valid alternatives!"

"Oh, because trying to blast it to smithereens with a Mazionga without prior knowledge to its affinities is strategy?" Makoto scoffed, offended by their lack of faith in her. As if Ryuji's plan was so much better. What if they reflected electricity? Then all of them would have been severely f*cked. The Phantom Thieves were so used to just letting Akira doing the fighting, letting him just obliterate everything with Alice but Makoto knows they can't do that and none of the Phantom Thieves don't seem to understand they can't run into battles without a plan anymore. They have to be careful, they have to think smart. She's so frustrated, between the fighting and Ryuji trying to undermine her decisions, no one is taking her seriously.

"It worked for Akira!" Ann argued, "Why wouldn't it work for us?! You didn't even let us try! You've ignored every idea that we've had in favor of your so-called strategy that didn't even work!"

"WE ARE NOT AS STRONG AS AKIRA," Makoto yelled back, almost at the end of her wit with them, "AND IT WOULD HAVE WORKED HAD YOU LISTENED TO MY INSTRUCTIONS!"

"Isn't the best defense, offense?" Yusuke quietly suggested from the back seat, next to Futaba.

"Yes, but there are SMARTER ways of doing it!" Makoto agreed but glared at Ryuji in the rearview mirror.

"I agree with Queen! We need to be smarter about how we approach battle from now on, Akira could afford not to have a plan, we do not have that luxury here!" Morgana growled through the speaker, "You guys are being too brash!"

"Are you calling me dumb!?" Ryuji hissed at Makoto, ignoring Morgana's argument, "Like you didn't just get us killed?! Oh because my suggestion was so outrageous even though it has worked in the past?!"

"Wait, wait, wait! Pullover!" Futaba gasped, sitting up in her seat quickly, "Go around the corner and pull over!"

"Did you find it, Oracle?" Ann wondered, perking up at Futaba's excitement.

"Even better!" Futaba nodded, and Makoto quickly pulls around the corner, but it's a dead-end, not the usual red distortion where the shadows hide but instead, something else.

It's Jose's shop. Makoto sighed; of course, Futaba would be looking for him instead. It had been brought up before since Akira had claimed to have been visiting Jose. But, Makoto had told them they needed to deal with the request first before finding Jose since Jose was hard to track down in the Metaverse without Akira who magically seemed to know which exact dead ends he would be at. But, yet again, the Phantom Thieves have gone against her order.

"Oh, hey!" Jose waves at them from where he is swinging his legs on the hood of his buggy. Makoto reluctantly brings the bus to a halt in front of Jose's shop.

"Jose-chan!" Futaba exclaimed as they all clamor out of the bus surrounding his shop. Morgana turns back into his cat form, Futaba hops onto the buggy next to Jose and gives him a noogie, "I'm so glad we found you!"

"Oh!" Jose blinked, looking around, "Now you are coming to Mementos without him as well?"

Makoto rolls those words around cryptically in her brain. So, Jose confirms Akira did, in fact, come to the Metaverse without them. If Jose has seen him, then that places him here. As for a time frame…

"Jose-chan, how have you been? Find some good flowers?" Ann smiled nicely at him, patting his head as a mother would a child, conveniently ignoring his previous statement.

"Yeah! It's—"

"Jose, what did you mean? You've seen Akira here without us?" Makoto demanded, her voice forceful, and rough; Jose might be the one witness they can use to prove Akira is, without doubt, the black mask. The one who can give them a concrete answer. Makoto is sure Jose holds the key. They need to skip the fluff conversation and get to the point. It's just a waste of time.

Jose recoils back a bit at Makoto's abrasive tone, but slowly nodded, "Yeah, we talked for a bit, and I took him around on my buggy."

"Makoto, maybe we should—" Yusuke tried to speak up, but Makoto cuts him off. She has to know; she has to get to the bottom of this. And the rest of the Phantom Thieves would get nowhere by coddling Jose as they usually did.

"When, Jose, When did you see Akira? Can you give me a specific timeframe?" Makoto asked seriously, folding her arms.

"Um…" Jose frowned contemplatively, as his little thing that everyone assumes is a nose wrinkles up before his face brightens up, "I'd say I saw him when I needed to see him, I was getting a little discouraged by my lack of progress in understanding humans, my studies haven't been fruitful, and Akira came along as I was contemplating. He always comes along when I don't understand something! I've learned so much from him and you guys! One day I'll be able to understand humans with your help!"

"Jose…" Ann murmurs, her face twisting up in sentimentality.

"Jose, this is serious!" Makoto demanded, angered by the vague response that did not answer her question. She curled her fists up, "You need to tell us when you saw Akira!"

"Makoto! You're being too abrasive!" Yusuke chastised, but it doesn't stop Makoto because she knows this information is essential and she is going to do everything in her power to get it.

"I don't understand." Jose shook his head sadly at her, and it just makes her blood boil more.

"It's not a hard question; when did you last see Akira, Jose?" Makoto reiterates again. She feels like she's at the end of her string; Jose is the only sentient being in the Metaverse. He is the only one who could tell them if Akira was here within the timeframe Kobayakawa died.

"I don't partake in human time constructs." Jose shook his head carefully, "Time is a human construct and something I have yet to decipher. I don't understand it, I don't understand what your inquiry is. I'm really sorry."

"For real?! Woah, wait, how do you tell time then?" Ryuji gawked at the information.

"I don't," Jose answered simply and with a shrug.

"So, you don't know what day Akira came here?" Ann frowned softly as she put a hand on her chin.

"What's a day?" Jose looked at her quizzically.

"It's a period of 24 hours." Morgana offered from his spot next to the buggy's wheels.

"What's an hour?"

"A period of 60 minutes," Yusuke answered, informatively.

"What's a minute?"

"So, you can't tell me when you saw Akira?" Makoto angrily asked, ending the useless string of conversation. She cannot believe this. The first chance at having concrete evidence is a witness, yet it's a toddler in a dune buggy with literally no concept of time. Makoto feels like some god out there is laughing in her face. Nothing is going her way and no one is helping in any way. She can feel the frustration in her blood hit a boiling point, "Then what use are you to us?! Why are you here?!"

"Makoto!" Ann gasped, horrified from the toxic words that just spilled out of her mouth and the rest of the Phantom Thieves give her varying looks of disbelief and offense. Makoto instantly felt guilty; she lost her cool, but she can't take back the words she's sent into the world.


"Do you value our friendship less now?" Jose asked quietly, staring at her with sad golden eyes that Makoto can not handle. But his question is so raw, and she can't help but return the gaze.

"What?" Makoto murmured because she wasn't expecting that question.

"Do you value our friendship less now because I can't give you what you need from me?" Jose wondered again, "Akira said humans value friendships differently, and that sometimes the value of a friendship changes. Humans determine the value of their relationships based on their own inherent needs and variables. Does the inability for me to offer you the knowledge you need to decrease the value of the friendship we share? Does it invalidate the experiences we've shared?"

"Jose—that's—" Makoto stuttered, unable to comprehend how a being that isn't even human can understand something human on such a raw and concise level. She hadn't even thought about it in that light when she said those words, "It doesn't; I'm really sorry I yelled at you, Jose, I don't value our friendship less, and I shouldn't have said what I did. You are right, the value of a friendship shouldn't decrease because I'm asking you for something you don't have and it shouldn't invalidate the experiences we've shared together."

Jose beamed at her, quickly taking her hand, "Then I'm glad! Akira said our relationship wasn't valued by the service I provide him rather how we felt about each other. I really like you guys, and I enjoy your company when you come to the Metaverse! I really value our friendship!"

"We like you too kiddo," Futaba snickered, ruffling Jose's egg-like head, "Queen is just a bit cranky right now, but I can honestly say you are all our favorite part of coming to the Metaverse. The best NPC store character there is! And the cutest! Ah, but I bet you're a secret boss or something though, being able to roam the metaverse all the time must make you super strong! Yup, for sure, I can sense it!"

"What's an NPC?" Jose asked, tilting his head, "A secret boss?"

"Oh Jose, You haven't learned about the best things in life yet!" Futaba snickered and allows a huge smug grin over her face, "Don't worry! Big sister Futaba will teach you all you need to know! First, we should start with JRPGs-"

"Jose…what else did Akira tell you?" Morgana wondered curiously, cutting off Futaba which Makoto is grateful for because they don't need to sit here for hours as Futaba tries to educate Jose about a culture he probably will never be able to participate in.

"Oh, we talked about…hmmm." Jose hummed, "The human construct of time, the value of relationships and...uh, Max…no, Tax…"

"Tax?" Ryuji echoed, confused as to where this is going.

"Tax brackets!" Jose exclaimed like it was the most exciting thing in the world, his eyes glimmering in excitement. "That your source of income determines what tax bracket you are in...but, then he said something confusing that humans in the higher brackets don't pay as much taxes? I think I might have misheard him, that doesn't make sense and it would be a pretty flawed system if that were true. Why would the people in the lower brackets have to pay more if they are struggling? Yes. I must have misheard, it has to be the other way."

"Akira told you about…Tax brackets?!" Ryuji grunted incredulously, "For real?!"

"Why is that such an Akira thing to do?" Ann muttered incredulously, as she lowers her face into her palms in disbelief.

"I mean, one could argue that it is an important aspect of humanity if someone wanted to understand economy..." Yusuke murmured, "The argument of taxes is age old."

"Then, we went for a drive to look for the person with the black mask, and he ended up throwing up in my buggy. He said I was in for a lovely surprise but, I think I need to check what the definition was for lovely and surprise? Ah, I might have misinterpreted that as well…If there was only a place I could check for the meanings of words..." Jose contemplates, tilting his head. "And, I do not understand what the purpose of that biological reaction is? It didn't look what I thought the definition of enjoyable was?"

They all freeze at the revelation, untangling the innocent sentence that just came out of Jose's mouth.

"Wait, Jose, you did what?" Futaba asked to clarify, all cheer from earlier forgotten.

"Well, I misinterpreted the meaning, ah, linguistics may not be my strong point I'm still learning," Jose admitted, rubbing his gloves together, "The human language is quite interesting, so many different facets and I've realized some words have different meanings which is what I believe happened-"

"No before that." Makoto corrected him, her pulse racing.

"Oh, I took him on a drive to look for a person with the black mask?" Jose repeated.


Margaret's Design for this fic

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (23)


Shout out to CABRALFAN27 for the toddler in a dune buggy comment, they said it in one of the comments and I died 😂😭
Also, shout out to my friend Lupiniguess_ and Kibetha for the BDSM Pajama comment, I got that from them 😂

Can we just appreciate the fact that in all the art pieces I've done for this pic, the most detailed one is not of Akira or Akechi or the PT, it's Margaret-san because she deserves it 😌

Chapter 14: The one where Akechi tells off the Phantom Thieves (Mainly Makoto)


'This was a garden grown where no care was shown
You call that love?'

The one where Akechi tells off the Phantom Thieves (Mainly Makoto) and they take a vote on the new leader, the results will shock you!


I'm sorry to disappoint all of you who thought Jose dropping that would change anything 😌 But he does make ripples, that's something.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Why don’t you just ask her?” Akechi frowned as he tapped the table impatiently and taking another sip of the drink from in front of him. He wished it were alcoholic, so he didn’t have to deal with Akira’s bullsh*t sober. Then again, if he were intoxicated, he might straight-up strangle Akira in the middle of Jazz Jin. That would be no good since it was his favorite place to hang out and since it didn't follow his original plan. “You said she isn’t a persona user yet; she doesn’t know about the group.”

Akira is about to answer before he paused, a contemplative look on his face as he started tugging his hair, “Well, she might know about the group actually now that I think about it. Hmm.”

“Does your group know nothing about the nuances of how to be a vigilante? I already know you have a f*cked-up sense of the word ‘secret identity.’” Akechi scoffed, taking another sip of the drink he desperately wished had a shot of some kind in it whether it may be alcholic or espresso, “There has to be someone with common sense in this group, Nijima-san, well... or…maybe Ann-san or your cat. Surely someone has to have pointed out the merits of keeping your identities a secret.”

“It’s hard when Ryuji’s voice is dialed up to a constant ten.” Akira chuckled, checking his phone once more.

“Regardless, we aren’t going to make it any further without Okumura-san’s help.” Akechi pointed out for the umpteenth time. They cannot open the bio scanning door without Haru Okumura. He knows Akira has heard him; Jazz Jin's music isn’t so loud it would drown out Akechi’s exasperated notion. Yet, Akira still wouldn’t acknowledge it despite Akira wanting to do this Palace, “You know this.”

“Hm.” Akira nods in agreement, taking a sip of his drink, meeting Akechi’s eyes in the process and yet does not offer any more information on the matter.

It is infuriating.

“Do you, perhaps, have any sort of ideas to contribute to our predicament?” Akechi inquires again, annoyance boiling within his veins, “A plan perhaps if you won’t ask her?”

“I have 20% of a plan.” Akira nodded, but once more did not elaborate on said 20% of a plan.

“Please tell me 20% of your plan includes asking her and not kidnapping her into the metaverse as you did to me?” Akechi muttered.

“It wasn’t kidnapping! You agreed to help me!” Akira argued, a mock offended look on his face, “I asked, ‘I do have something I need your help with’ and you replied, “I will assist you in any way I can, Akira.’”

“I know for a fact that I did not say that Kurusu-kun.” Akechi responded, with a fake smile, making it a point to emphasize Akira’s surname, “And that was not an agreement to be dragged into something without my consent.”

“You consented. You said any way you can, and this is the way Akechi-san. This is the way you are helping me, thank you so much for your contribution, and I rely on your support in the future.” Akira gave him a cheeky smile, and Akechi wants to wipe it off his face immediately.

“Are we really going to ignore the elephant in the room?” Akechi sighed, trying to bring up the other topic he wanted to discuss with Akira.

“What elephant?” Akira innocently said, looking around the room then back to Akechi with a shrug, “It’s a jazz bar, not a zoo. We should go to the zoo though, which one is the closest one? It could be fun. I like to look at the flamingoes; personally, I think it’s stupid how they stand on one leg; they are a riot. Like a bunch of dumb birds, just standing on one leg, sometimes they get into petty fights, it’s hilarious.”

Akechi wants to do more than wipe off Akira’s smug ass smirk; he wants to completely obliterate it, but they are in public, and unfortunately, he would have to save it for later. Perhaps one of Kichikoji’s back alleys, “The fact that somehow you pissed off your group so badly that you fell out and had to ask your literal archenemy for help.”

“Wait, my archenemy?” Akira wondered, “That’s so…dramatic. I thought we were rivals. I mean, now we are on the same side, but I was pretty sure we were rivals before. Now we are like frenemies. Well, I don’t see you as a frenemy, but I’m pretty sure you see me as a frenemy. I’m not sure how to label that. Futaba would know better.”

Akechi slowly puts his face into his glove. Akira Kurusu is exhausting in every sense of the word. It’s pointless to try to ask him something he doesn’t want to answer because he just evades and evades and ultimately takes the conversation in a completely different direction. Akira Kurusu weaves around things like the lithe phantom thief he is, but Akechi knows; he does it in a very intelligent way most of the time.

Misdirection, pulling someone’s focus to another part they weren’t thinking about before, and he does it so efficiently and skillfully that Akechi is sure most people don’t notice it. Akechi knows how to do it since he learned it from the foster system to get by, but he wonders, why does Akira do it so well, and what are the circ*mstances that taught him? Yet, it still didn’t change the fact he could not get any f*cking bit of information, not even a crumb about how Akira knows about Shido’s plan, why the Phantom Thieves had a falling out, and Why Akira doesn’t seem to care about Akechi’s past.

“Are you tired, Akechi-san?” Akira’s concerned voice broke him out of his thoughts, and Akechi reluctantly looked back up to Akira, who has a sh*t-eating grin on his face once more, “You look exhausted.”

“I am going home. It’s late, and you should do the same.” Akechi announced, roughly getting up from his seat, picking up his briefcase in an exaggerated movement.

“Ah, it’s a Sunday; I gotta help Yoshida with a speech.” Akira countered, picking up his belongings as well.

“What do you even do to help? You told me you stand there with a sign.”

“Hey, it’s vital; if I’m not there, then who is going to hold up the sign! Yoshida needs me; I don’t know if he can do this speech without me.” Akira mock argued as they ascended the steps to the Kichikoji backstreet. It’s not too late, but the outdoor bars are in full swing.

“If he can’t do a speech without a high schooler holding an unimportant sign, then I fear for the success of his campaign.” Akechi dryly retorted.

“You’re just jealous you can’t hold the sign,” Akira shook his head, then added, “Don’t worry, I’ll ask him if you can come next time and hold the sign. Bye, Akechi!”

“I DON’T WANT TO—” But Akira is long gone down the street before Akechi can finish his argument. People looking at him strangely before Akechi decides he should leave as well. He heads down the opposite way, ignoring the way people sort of sidestep him. Even though Akechi's stance on the Phantom Thieves has lightened on TV interviews, people aren’t warming up to him again. It’s pointless to think about though, it’s all a part of the plan, he reminds himself.

Shido’s God Awful plan that he is starting to mentally wretch at the thought of it. On the one hand, it sets up Akechi in an excellent place to enact his own plan and make his father acknowledge him in the absolutely worst way possible; Akechi would become Shido’s undoing due to Shido's arrogance. Yet, Akechi hasn’t told Shido yet that he has somewhat become a Phantom Thief. It’s premature, and Akechi knows it would put Shido on guard, so he’s just kept that news to himself in the updates he gives. Shido doesn’t need to know, and Shido won’t find out. After all, Akechi is supposed to be getting close to the Phantom Thieves. Akechi is just slightly lying about his progress.

Akechi might have over excelled at the evidence of one Akira Kurusu who occupies his mind in the most inconvenient times.

A flash of blue caught his eyes, and he looks down an empty alleyway to see an ornate glowing blue door, intricate carvings on the door—something very out of place in the rundown alley. A tug in his pocket lets him know what exactly this is.

“Ah, Margaret-san.” Akechi frowned because that was another thing he hadn’t thought about.

Regardless, maybe instead of doing the work he would do in his apartment, he could ask Margaret a few more questions and see if she was more willing to open up tonight. After all, he can’t deny his curiosities of the velvet room and his existence.

Akechi wanders down the alleyway and confidentially shoves open the doors. The world shifts blue around him, and all of a sudden, he is upon his judge's seat once more in the velvet room as if he had just awoken.

“Akechi-san, welcome.” Margaret politely greeted him from her seat at the desk, the book flipped open in front of her as she seemed to be reading through it.

“You had said I would be able to access it in reality, though I hadn’t assumed it would be in this way,” Akechi murmured, taking in the fact it felt he had just teleported; he wondered the semantics of it. “I wonder what it looks like to those who cannot see the velvet room.”

“Your mind is here; your body is in a trance in reality where the door is. As this is a place between conscious and subconscious, physical bodies can only be here within special circ*mstances.” Margaret explained, closing her book as she turns her attention to Akechi. “It is far easier to access it in this way.”

“So, I’m just standing in front of a wall in an alleyway?” Akechi muttered, folding his arms, “How charming…”

“You will be safe if that is your concern. Anyone else will just walk right on by. Wild cards are the only ones who can see the velvet room. Others simply cannot acknowledge it, except for certain circ*mstances. Much like this, people shall simply leave you be as nothing is wrong…however, your bonds might notice. Though you just have one, it’s not a problem.”

“What about acquaintances?” Akechi wondered, thinking about if it came up with the Phantom Thieves later on.

“No, unless they are a wild card or a persona user.” Margaret clarified.

“Interesting,” Akechi murmured, raising a finger to his chin in contemplation. He wonders if he should tell Akira, but if what Margaret said was true, then Akira wouldn’t acknowledge the room since he only had Alice. Akechi feels a small surge of proudness, Akira might be strong, but at least he only had one persona while Akechi had multiple. Then again, neither did much damage against Alice, to begin with.

“Have you thought about my deal?” Margaret offered, her lips curling up into a smile.

“I’ve thought about it, though, I’m not inclined to take it yet.” Akechi shook his head.

“Ah, so guarded.” Margaret shook her head with a chuckle, her nearly silver hair bouncing, “Very different than my original guest. Maybe he was too trusting, though. Regardless, it still stands, and I will be willing to answer any question you have.”

“It seems I get more from this deal than you would; I don’t quite get your intentions, Margaret-san.” Akechi wondered; he doesn’t get what all these people trying to make deals with him get; Akechi isn’t offering Akira anything besides his fighting skill, which Akira might not need. It doesn’t make sense.

“My intentions are quite simple; I just want to reconnect with my master and my younger sibling.” Margaret smiled bitterly, tapping her book, “But it is also my duty to help those whom the room chooses if they so need it.”

Akechi sidestepped the whole master issue, he doesn’t know what to make of it, and he doesn’t know how he could even begin to help Margaret in those respects; he has been wondering of a few things he didn’t get to ask before.

“You mentioned services the Velvet Room provides. Can you elaborate?”

“The velvet room is a place to strengthen one’s soul with bonds and personas. You already understand the gist of what a persona is, but when it comes to a wildcard, they can take on multiple persona. We help assist in fusing those persona, strengthening them, and bringing them to their full potential. Your persona are a special case, as both were born from your heart rather than being accepted as a facet of yourself as most wildcards do.” Margaret explained, “As for the velvet room residents, we observe, we learn for guests to come.”

“Are you saying I can fuse my persona and make them stronger?” Akechi wondered, a devious grin on his face as he imagines the power he could have If he fused Robin Hood and Loki, the devastating duality of curse and light skills, and he is sure they can turn into something far powerful. “If I make a deal with you, then I could fuse them?”

“Yes, you could fuse them.” Margaret nodded, but she frowns, and a solemn look overtakes her face as she shook her head. “I would advise not, however. Loki and Robin Hood are your true selves, there may come a time where you are ready to fuse them, and they can truly manifest the strength of your soul. But, fusing them before you are ready, it’s a dangerous thing. Also, suppose you were to choose to fuse one of them away, even if to further your ventures…well. In that case, the consequences and anguish of throwing your true self away could be severely debilitating to your mental stability. After all, it’s as good as rejecting your true self.”

“Fascinating.” Akechi commented, maybe Margaret would prove to be just as interesting as a conversational partner as Akira was, speaking of which, “You must be well versed in Persona and reading them since I had not told you of my Persona’s names. May I inquire how far your knowledge goes in this?”

Margaret chuckled, closing her book and holding It up; it begins levitating in her hands. The pages flipping at an alarming rate, “This is a persona compendium; all the knowledge I have gathered so far of Persona and how they interact in your world is compiled in this book.”

“Can I see it?” Akechi wondered, his heart leaping at the chance to be able to see what she has acquired. Even Wakaba Ishiki’s research couldn’t go into the nuances of a persona and their origin.

Margaret shook her head but allows the book to fly over to Akechi regardless. It lands in front of him yet, all the pages appear to be absolutely blank. Akechi frowned in disappointment, “Well, if this is all the information you’ve acquired, I’d say you haven’t gotten far.”

“Quite the opposite, actually,” Margaret shook her head with a sly smile as the book flies back to her hands, “I can read it perfectly fine as it’s only meant for those of the Velvet Room to comprehend. Tell me, is there something you are curious about?”

“A persona.” Akechi nodded and feels a little silly by revealing the name, “Alice.”

The pages in Margaret’s compendium flips rapidly until they reach a specific page. “Ah, yes, Alice. My previous guest has encountered and fused this persona. Quite an unexpecting persona. Most of your kind assume she is solely brought forth by the writer's idea; her adventures, however, she has a different origin story. A ghost of a girl who died a sad death, her signature move, Die for me, reflects her want to bring people into the afterlife as playmates. It seems Alice has become a mix of both concepts. She is stronger than she looks, but she is weak to bless skills. If you ever encounter her, Your Robin Hood would do quite nicely in taking her down.”

Akechi does not process this information.

“She’s only weak to bless skills, but what about her other affinities?” Akechi asked.

“She resists curse, psy, and nuclear. Taking her down with those skills would be a challenge; anything else would be able to hit her.” Margaret informed him, readjusting her glasses, “You would not be able to fuse her at this time.”

Akechi sat back in his seat, confused. He should have been able to hit Akira. Akechi had even tried a bless skill on him; it should have landed. Even if it was an instakill spell, Akira should be weak to bless; therefore, his spell, in theory, should have landed. The only thing that had worked was Megidola, but it hardly did any damage at all.

If Alice had those affinities…then how the f*ck was Akira basically untouchable?

“I think someone was here…” Futaba murmured, pointing to the broken control panel on the ceiling of the space station. Sparks raining from the mess. It was a crude way of getting the elevator to work for sure, Futaba scoffed. She could have hacked and not left any evidence. It would have been a cinch.

“Ten yen says it was Akira.” Ryuji snorted, looking around the station.

“Of course, it was Akira; who else would do that?” Ann scoffed, her hands on her hips, then holds out her hand, “So where is my ten yen, huh?

“Perhaps it is time to entertain the idea that there may be another person who could be the black mask?” Yusuke offered, folding his arms. Futaba sighed; she knows what Yusuke is talking about; she just doesn’t know what to think of it.

“Are we talking about what Jose said?” Morgana frowned, tapping his foot impatiently. Confliction is evident on his face. It’s a topic that has been briefly discussed but not really thought of since.

“We can’t take Jose’s words as valid,” Makoto interjects, shaking her head decisively. “I told you.”

“Yeah, but…I don’t think Jose would lie to us.” Ann frowned, and Futaba agreed. Jose doesn’t seem like the type of being to lie to them; in fact, in some instances, he has been brutally honest and cuts straight to the point even when he doesn’t know he’s doing it. Especially with how he stood up to Makoto. Futaba doesn’t think Jose would lie to them.

“No,” Morgana shook his head, “Jose probably wouldn’t lie to us, intentionally. But that doesn’t mean Akira wouldn’t lie to him. Think about it; it is very well possible Akira intentionally sought out Jose to strengthen his alibi or evidence for him. Why wouldn’t he tell Jose that he was looking for a black mask, making him and, in turn, we believe there is a second entity that may or may not exist? When we enter the Mementos, we usually have to go a few floors before we find Jose. Akira had to have done the same, and we all know how fast Akira can take out a shadow. Akira could have gone in, made the kill, found Jose, and led him to believe they were looking for a person in a black mask, didn’t find him obviously, and leave. There is the time between meeting Jose, and after that, he could have done the action.”

Futaba frowned; she gets what Morgana is saying. It’s entirely plausible that Jose told them it was a setup. It’s completely doable, and there isn’t anyone to account for Akira’s time before and after talking to Jose. They don’t even know when Akira saw Jose since Jose doesn’t know anything about human time measurements. It’s not a fault on Jose’s part, but there is just a lot they don’t know. Yet, she still has to wonder, would Akira be that manipulative? Would Akira go to such lengths?

“We can’t take Jose’s words at face value.” Makoto reiterated.

“Yeah, but…” Ryuji frowned, toeing his boot into the ground and digging his hands into the pockets of suit aggressively, “What if Jose was right? And what if there is someone else out there?”

“Whose side are you on?” Morgana wondered incredulously, “Half the time, you keep talking about how angry you are with Akira and that he lied to you. You were one of the second people to leave when Queen kicked Akira out, and he asked if it was unanimous, and the other half of the time, you keep going on about how Akira’s strategies worked and how we wouldn’t be struggling if Akira was here! You keep switching back and forth!”

“GAHHH!” Ryuji lets out a frustrated huff as he roughly shakes his hair, “I know! I know, I’m just, it’s just really confusing, ok?! I’m really confused, and I don’t know what to think or feel. Me and Akira started this thing—”

“Hey! What about me?” Morgana scoffed, but Ryuji ignores him and continues,

“He saved me when we were in that cell in Kamoshida’s palace. I was scared sh*tless because it was supposed to be a school, and it wasn’t, but Akira kept joking around, and it actually made me feel a little better. Then Shadow Kamoshida straight-up tried to murder me like it was not a great time; I thought that was it. I thought I was going to die in that cell, and my mom would never know what happened to me. But goddamnit, Akira just ripped that mask off his face without a thought, and you all know that sh*t is painful. He ripped it off, and he saved my ass. No one had given a sh*t about me before that other than my mom. And then I had a friend? And it’s like he actually cared? And now, I keep re-thinking the whole thing. I keep thinking, Akira lied to me, hid his persona, and faked his Awakening. That our entire friendship is based on this lie that I am not smart enough to see through!” Ryuji ranted, his voice loud and bouncing off the walls around them; at least it’s the metaverse, so there are no prying ears to hear.

“Skull…” Futaba murmured; she hadn’t realized how deeply Ryuji felt about this. She was so caught up in her own feelings of betrayal, she hadn’t thought about how the original members thought about this. Especially Ryuji. She had never thought Ryuji saw things so profoundly.

“I felt so aimless before, so helpless. When the track team kicked me out, and my name had been shunned at Shujin. I felt so lonely, I felt I just kept going aimlessly through weeks with no f*cking purpose and no power to do anything about the injustices I knew were going on.” Ryuji muttered, his voice falling to a low volume, very different than his usual energy, “It felt…awful. But then Akira came and gave me the power to do something about it. And now, I keep thinking, why? Why me? Why did he pick me? So yes, excuse me if I am confused as sh*t over this! I am confused about what to feel! If Akira isn’t the black mask, he still lied to our faces about a ton of stuff, and I don’t know what to make of that? The idea still hurts like hell, and If Akira is the black mask, then we’ve been helping him this whole time, and why? Is he setting us up to take a fall? Is what we are doing even right? Is any of this, the Phantom Thieves and all our heists, why are we doing it?”

A silence falls over the group at Ryuji’s words. They cut straight to the point, is any of what they are doing right, and why do they continue to do it if they kicked Akira out? What is the grand point of it all?

“This is stupid.” Yusuke muttered, shaking his head and clenching his fists, “Why are we doing it? Has our goal not to be right social injustices?! Have we not been doing that?!”

“Yeah, but Skull has a point. Is this right? After all, now the public is just putting all this expectation on us to fix things rather than coming together and dealing with it themselves.” Ann murmured, “Is this…are we doing the wrong thing? Did we make the wrong decision?”

“No!” Yusuke argued, “Someone had to do it. Someone had to take Kamoshida off his throne; someone had to expose Madarame and Kaneshiro! We had to stop Medjed; what we are doing are the things that no one else can. No one else would do it, so we did. It’s an alternative method, yet has it not had an impact on all society? On our lives as well? Can you truly say what we have done so far was for nothing? Everyone one of us has been wronged by the adults in our society! And we stood up and said no, this isn’t right! The entire time has our goal not to be the voice that says no, this isn’t right, and we will do something about it! Akira may have brought us together, but we chose to stay for the purpose of the group we all shared.”

“Inari is right.” Futaba nodded, feeling a surge of emotion in her heart as she speaks up, “If we turn back now if we end this right here, we are all going to regret it. We are going to go back to when we felt awful alone. But this time, we will feel the guilt of knowing we could do something and didn’t. Living in my room was the most crippling feeling in my life. I felt so hollow, so lonely, so guilty that I had killed my mom, or so I thought. But the thing is, once I learned the truth, how could I go back to that way of living? How can I turn my back on my own personal truth? We’ve come this far; do you really want to go back to how it was before? Could you forgive yourselves for the things we could have done but didn’t’?”

Ann stomped her boot, a resounding click resonates through the lobby, “NO! I can’t do it! You’re right! I don’t know if what we are doing is right, but I can’t go back to how it was before. No one did anything about Kamoshida, and Shiho almost died because of him. It’s not fair! It’s not fair for these adults to keep doing all this sh*t for their only benefit and sh*tting on others! I can’t keep not saying anything, not doing anything, spinning my wheels, I can’t go back to that way of living!”

Makoto nodded, her arms crossed, “It would be an insult to those looking up to us and those we have helped to turn back now. It would be an insult to the people we were before, who wanted to change but didn’t know how.”

“It sounds like you guys all understand your resolve.” Morgana nodded, “It’s true, you all came together under interesting circ*mstances, but you know what you want to do.”

Ryuji sighed, a bitter smile crossing his face, “Thanks, you guys, I’m sorry I got worked over this; I didn’t want to doubt the cause we were aiming for, but…”

“It hurts.” Ann nodded, walking a few steps over to lay her hand on Ryuji’s shoulder, “I get it; it hurts. It hurts when someone isn’t who they say they are, it hurts when you feel close to that person, and something rips the rug out from under you. I completely understand. It hurts when you felt understood by that person, but you can’t understand why they did what they did.”

“Yeah, that’s for sure.” Ryuji sighed, kicking the ground. “I just…ugh, I miss him. Like, I miss just hanging out with him on the roof or the arcade.”

“I think we all do.” Yusuke nodded, side eying Makoto as he says this.

“What if…what if we are wrong?” Futaba asked, her voice quiet and cracked, her fists clenched so hard that her fingernails dig into her palm in her glove. Because this question has been getting louder and louder in her mind, every time she sees him in the café with Sojiro, every time she monitors him. What if they were wrong.

“But what if we are right?” Makoto countered, a deep frown on her lips and her eyebrows bunched together. “What if we are right.”

And isn’t that the question they’ve been debating since day one?

“I don’t know if this is a good idea…” Ann frowned as they all gathered around the outside of Okumura Foods. Haru doesn’t know what she means by that though, in fact, she doesn’t really know what is going on, to be completely honest. She knew Akira and his friends were the Phantom Thieves, and she knows that they had some sort of falling out but, she isn’t quite sure what it was over, and no one really wants to answer her questions. She understands, she isn’t technically a Phantom Thief, and it’s a problem within their group. She wants to help, but she understands if she can’t. Haru is used to being told what to do rather than initiating things.

But when they ask her to help them with something. She doesn’t turn them down. Haru reasons, maybe she can bring up her own request as well, it might be selfish, but she doesn’t know how else to go about this.

“She’s the only one that can open the door! You got a better idea?” Ryuji snorted. Still, his leg is bouncing in nervousness as he looks around in paranoia.

“Wait, are we…breaking into my father’s building?” Haru asked, astonished as this wasn’t the turn she was expecting. She knew the Phantom Thieves were, well, thieves, but she hadn’t planned on committing any criminal acts today. A small shiver of frisson leaps through her veins, though. The idea of breaking the law, to go against her father, excites her in a raw way she knows it shouldn’t.

“Well, sort of…” Makoto frowned, her arms crossed, “In a sense…”

“I agree with Ann; this is a bit risky, isn’t it?” Yusuke added, a look of concern. “What if there are more doors further in that we need her, she can’t really fight…unless…”

“No, but you got any better ideas, Inari?” Futaba muttered.

“Inari?” Haru wondered, not understanding the nickname in the slightest.

“Oh! Haru, let me see your phone?” Futaba asked, her eyes widening as she outstretched her hands.

“Sure. Um, is there a reason why?” Haru wondered as she handed her petite cell phone over to Futaba, who quickly browsed through the screens. Haru isn’t too worried; she doesn’t really keep a lot on her cell phone. To begin with, she only has one page of apps. Mostly, all she uses is the chat app and the gardening app she downloaded to track her growth times.

“Oh,” Futuaba breathed, slowly giving the phone back to Haru as she turned to the rest of the group with a contemplative look. “She doesn’t have it on her phone. I checked.”

“What don’t I have on my phone?” Haru wondered as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. They all have a weird incredulous look on their face, and Haru feels like she’s been left out of the conversation. It’s not a new feeling, but she wished she could be a part of it.

“Let’s just go; we can explain everything better there…” Makoto shook her head, pulling out her phone. Haru thinks maybe she is calling an uber or something. But that didn’t make sense if they were breaking into her father’s building. This is less breaking in since she can technically go where she pleases, but some rooms are even off-limits to her. Is that where they are going?

Then something odd happens; it feels like the reality around them starts to distort and waver. The Okumura Building turns into an enormous space station, and everything feels quite odd to Haru. Like a pressure on her shoulders, pushing her down.

“What the?” Haru wondered, looking around the lobby of the Okumura building that is now a galactic themed landing. “Um, I would like that explanation now?”

“Hold on…” Futaba, who is dressed in this weird skintight suit and bug-eyed goggles, said. Haru thinks she looked like one of those hackers from a spy movie and realized everyone seems to be in some sort of costume. And, then Akira’s cat is now some sort of mascot thing? Futaba mutters, “I don’t read anything off her, do you, Mona?”

“No, nothing. With the two of us, we should have sensed something, I would think. No persona, no nothing.” Morgana, who Haru knows is Akira’s cat but doesn’t understand how his cat can talk now. “She’s not a user.”

“Ok, but then… why Okumura?” Ryuji wondered, “Like, if it ain’t Haru…what is the connection?”

“I’m sorry, but why are you all in cosplay? Is this…is this an anime convention?” Haru asked again, looking around, but she knows that can’t be right because she doesn’t see how the Phantom Thieves would pull off changing the entirety of the Okumura Plaza without her knowing.

“Haru. You’ve truly never been here before?” Makoto asked her seriously, once more.

Haru shook her head, “I thought we were at Okumura Foods, yet I’ve never seen anything like this before…”

“Interesting,” Yusuke murmured, a hand to his chin and a sort of kitsune mask over his face.

Haru feels a little bit jealous; she wants to have a costume like all of them. She wants to feel like a part of this group, even if she knows she can’t. Her fiancée would never approve, neither would her father. But she wants so desperately to. She so desperately wants to choose her own path.

“Haru…let me explain.” Makoto nodded at her and begins unraveling the fascinating tale.

“This is…my father’s palace…” Haru nodded sadly, understanding the gist of what they had all told her. She can’t deny it after seeing this place and the way it feels. The cognitive world. And her father’s palace.

“I’m sorry,…Haru.” Morgana patted her leg in an attempt of comfort as he looked up at her with wide eyes. She’s too upset to even think about the fact that Akira’s cat is apparently sentient and can talk.

“It’s fine; I think I’ve known for a while.” Haru sighed, scrubbing at her eyes a little bit before the tears could genuinely form. “That my father isn’t the same man he used to be. That his desires have been distorted, as you’ve said. I knew. I’ve heard the rumors, and I’ve seen the evidence, I guess…I just didn’t want to believe it.”

Makoto lays a hand on her shoulder, “The public has been demanding we steal Okumura’s heart; we aren’t here for that reason. We have evidence that all the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns have benefited Okumura Foods, which is what we are investigating right now. But we haven’t made a decision yet on whether to steal his heart yet. We wanted to investigate his palace some more before we jump into that, but we can’t go further without your help.”

“The Mental shutdowns?” Haru murmured, a cold feeling running through her veins because she knows the company has been doing exceptionally well lately. Would her father really? But, she knows the answer to that.

“There are other allegations too.” Ann sighed, folding her arms, “About how he treats his workers…”

“This is actually…what I wanted to talk to you about.” Haru nodded, knowing what needs to be done. “I’ve left requests before on the Phantom Aficionado site regarding my father. Ah, it was before all the hype from the poll, however. And I wasn’t aware of the mental shutdowns in terms of benefiting Okumura foods...”

“You have?” For real?” Ryuji stuttered, surprised by the information.

“However, I didn’t think it had gotten this bad.” Haru frowned, looking around, “I will help you, but if it’s a task you don’t want to take on, I understand.”

“Haru…” Futaba frowned.

“We can’t…make that decision quite yet.” Makoto sighed sadly, “But we appreciate the help. We just want to warn you of the risks, it can be dangerous with the Shadows, and we are going to do our best to protect you.”

Haru nodded, but she can’t help but feel some sense of uselessness. Her friends have been battling these shadows, and she didn’t even know and hasn’t done anything to assist in the slightest. She wants to be a part of them.

Something awakens in her, it’s not strong, but she knows it’s an anchor that maybe if she hangs onto, then perhaps she can follow her friends further. She closed her eyes and allowed it to wash over her.

“Woah! Wait!”

“Did she just change?”

“sh*t. That’s a black mask.”

She blinked in surprise as everybody took more than a few steps back from her and looked at her in terror.

“Um…” Haru is confused; she doesn’t remember doing anything that someone could consider threatening. She looked down, and her uniform has changed into something like a French musketeer outfit. She pulls the mask off her face, and it’s just a simple black mask, exquisite, and she’s instantly in love with her entire get up. A bright smile washed over her face, “It’s so nice! I’ve always wanted to be a female heroine!”

“You guys see that, right?” Ryuji questioned once more, confusion on his face. “It’s…the black mask…”

Futaba is the first to relax, tapping the side of her goggles, “Wait, guys, no, she’s too weak. It might be a black mask, but I don’t even think she can manifest her persona, let alone do anything else. She’s super weak!”

“Yeah, I think we would obliterate her if we started a battle,” Morgana confirms; Haru's mood drops at this dismissal. “We just saw her awaken, and Oracle and I didn’t sense anything beforehand. She couldn’t have done it.”

“Does that mean Akira couldn’t have faked his awakening either?” Ryuji wondered, a little hope in his voice.

Morgana shook his head with a frown, “I wasn’t there beforehand to check, so we can’t say for sure. Haru, for sure we know, she’s incredibly weak.”

Haru frowned, her shoulders dropping at the statement, “Oh, I’m…I’m really sorry, I thought…I thought I could help more…”

“No! No, Haru, it’s fine, your fine, trust me, it’s a good thing!” Ann reassured her, her shoulders easing as she reapproached Haru, “We were just surprised by your awakening; it was very docile compared to the rest of us. Ah, we didn’t mean for that to come off rude; we were…just expecting something different is all.”

“I’m sorry…I won’t be much help.” Haru shook her head in dismay, though.

“Don’t worry, Haru, you really are helping us out,” Morgana assured her again, but she doesn’t believe the words. How is opening a door helping? Haru is tired of not being able to do anything. She wants to do more than open doors.

“Shall we head over there?” Yusuke asked, beginning to lead the way, and everyone obliges. But, Haru can’t help but wonder if they’ll ever tell her what happened with Akira.

“So, we are just going to stand…in front of this door, hoping it will open?” Akechi scoffed, crossing his arms, the golden tassels falling carelessly over his shoulders as they stare at the door that will not open since neither of them is Haru Okumura. “This is your grand plan that has 20%, standing in front of the door and hoping it opens?”

Akechi has meant to ask Akira about Alice, but even though he is sure nothing will come of waiting on this door; He knows Akira will dodge Alice's question like he usually does everything else. So, Akechi resigned to observing from afar and coming up with enough evidence of his own.

Akira shrugged, “I don’t think the chance is less than 0%. A fluke could happen. Perhaps I accidentally got a strand of Haru’s hair on me somewhere, and the door just suddenly recognizes it. You never know.”

“Do you hear yourself when you speak?” Akechi wondered incredulously, “Do you hear the words that even come out of your mouth and process them?”

“Now that is a 20/80 give or take.” Akira laughed, tugging at his hair, refusing to budge from his spot in front of the locked door.

“Hey!” A clamor of voices approach them from behind; Akechi immediately puts his guard up as they turn around to greet the group. It’s definitely Akira’s group of friends; even in their dorky costumes, it’s hard to miss Ryuji’s brash voice. But it seems they have picked up an extra member as Haru Okumura stands with them in a musketeer outfit. Akechi wondered if this was the plan all along. To wait for the Phantom Thieves to bring Haru, yet Akechi isn’t sure how Akira knew that was a possibility. It must be a bizarre coincidence. Though he doesn’t know how Akira will persuade his team of the situation as Akechi was very much with them, in his Robin Hood outfit, it made sense to be cautious. Yet still, he is sure they won’t be happy with that even.

“Aki-chan!” Haru exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands together in delight, “I quite like your gentleman’s thieve outfit, it’s very handsome! A very dapper look indeed.”

“Haru!” Akira called back equally as excited, “Thanks! I think I could use some different pants…hey do you know anything about tailoring?”

Akechi feels a headache come on out of all of this.

“Wait…that hair…” Ryuji murmured before a horrified look crosses his face as everyone else besides Haru comes to the same conclusion that Ryuji does at the same time. “You brought AKECHI into the Metaverse!? Goro Akechi who has been against us from the beginning. Literally investigating us. And You thought, Oh yeah, he seems like the perfect choice to bring into the Metaverse?! Joker, are you f*cking serious?! Have you lost your goddamn mind?!”

“Actually, I followed him and ended up in the cognitive world, the part you call Mementos? He hadn’t realized it, and I ended up awakening my persona when one of those shadows attacked. He found me later and explained it all. It was quite a shock to both of us.” Akechi explained the lie he and Akira had come up with. It’s logical, and it makes sense, yet something about this all seemed weird to Akechi. Akira knew who he was, so he wondered why he never told his team. Akechi continued to embellish the story, “Still…to think this is how you were pulling it off, I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams.”

“You went into Mementos again without us?!” Futaba stomped her foot again, hurt flashing over her face. Akechi noted this, perhaps the source of the issue between the two sides?

“I thought we broke up!” Akira argued, folding his arms, “Besides, you are here too, aren’t you all? And you even brought Haru into the Metaverse, so I think we are even!”

“WE AREN’T EVEN AT ALL!” Makoto shot back with venom on her tongue, a sort of anger Akechi finds familiar since it’s in the same brash tone Sae has. Makoto continues, “You were so careless that you ended up bringing Akechi into the Metaverse, Akechi! Who is literally on the task force with my sister who is trying to incriminate us!”

Akechi is astounded at the animosity; he hadn’t realized the Phantom Thieves were this angry with Akira. He had thought, maybe it was a bad joke, or Akira was getting on their nerves as he was Akechi yet, Akechi again asked himself what the f*ck could have happened because he is a loss. Still, he spoke up regardless, “Perhaps we should all calm down and figure this out rationally. I understand I may have been in a bad position before, yet, I had not known the circ*mstances behind your heists. I think we should talk about this rationally.”

“Why should we believe you!?” Morgana growled, getting his scimitar ready, “You’ve been against us from the start, and you are working with Joker!?”

“Is that….is that an awful thing?” Akechi blinked, with too little information to handle the situation. He turns to Akira, who is doing nothing and tugging on his hair, as useless as ever.

“Maybe Akechi-san is right, maybe we should just figure this out, perhaps over a cup of tea?” Haru awkwardly suggested, fidgeting with her gloves. “I think if we all just talk about this…”

“I mean…maybe they are right; maybe we just need to sit down and talk it out…” Ann frowned, folding her arms.

“No! We are not going to do that! It’s pointless to fraternize with the enemy!” Makoto scoffed, marching towards the door, “Haru is on our side, and WE are going to go investigate this Palace without you! Haru! Help me out!”

“Oh, Um, Ok.” Haru followed after her. Akechi and Akira both part ways, or Makoto somewhat shoves Akira out of the way with the spikes on her shoulder pads, and Akechi chooses his battles, so he politely allows Haru to pass him. After all, this is what they needed from the beginning.

“I really wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Akira warned, and Akechi doesn’t think it’s an actual threat. Akira is genuinely warning her not to open the door. His eyes are red, so Akechi can only assume Akira senses something the rest of them do not. But Makoto is quite like her sister in many aspects and does not kindly take unwanted advice and does not wait for Akira to explain.

“Shut it!” Makoto barked back, and Akira raised his hands in surrender.

“Um, should I really open this?” Haru wondered but reaches out to touch the door regardless. A few tense seconds go by until the door's chime signals it has been unlocked and opens to a wall of shadows staring them down menacingly.

Akechi now understands Akira’s warning because there might be at least eight of them, but there are far more shadows, and he doesn’t want to place his bets on Akira using Alice and missing because instakills, as he knows, can miss.

“OH sh*t!” Ryuji cursed.

“I would suggest we retreat and meet up in the real world!” Akechi announced as they all consecutively make a run for it.

“What the f*ck was that?!” Ryuji huffed, catching his breath in the alleyway they ended up in, though it seemed not all the Phantom Thieves had ended up in the same place, Ryuji supposed it was since they had all been in such a rush. Sometimes the app just plops you in random places where you didn’t initially enter. Or people just initiating the app at random intervals. He doesn’t know what the f*ck causes it. The meta app in itself doesn’t make sense.

“That, my friend, was an ambush.” Akira offered, recovering his breath as he readjusted his glasses, which became askew in the rush. Haru is readjusting her hair next to him, both just as out of breath. Ryuji doesn’t know where the rest of the thieves ended up, but they can’t be far off.

“I KNOW IT WAS AN AMBUSH!” Ryuji growled, frustrated with the situation, still not believing he was working with Akechi, “Couldn’t you have done something about it?!”

“I think you overestimate my range of ability.” Akira shook his head, then hummed, “I guess I could have tried, but we had already started running at that point.”

“I’m sorry, that’s what you meant by we shouldn’t open the door so hastily.” Haru frowned, guilt spreading over her face as she wrings her hands, “I’m sorry for the trouble I caused.”

“Ah, you didn’t cause any trouble Haru, It’s just a misunderstanding.” Akira reassured her, laying a hand on her shoulder in comfort, “And besides, we got a workout because of it, Ryuji loves to work out, so I’m sure he’ll thank you.”

“Not in that way, dude.” Ryuji frowned, hating how normal this all seemed, hating that Akira won’t say anything remotely serious when he needs to. Ryuji hates that he still craves this friendship with Akira because Ryuji isn’t sure he can look past everything without the facts. But, Ryuji wants to look past the facts so badly, “Not a fan of running for my life.”

“Hey! I’ve been looking all over for you; what are you doing out this late with no reception and out with these delinquents. Having fun with them…is that it?” A snide man double their age approached the trio from the road. He’s wearing a posh suit, and his hair is nicely combed back, yet his words are sinister and threatening, “You. Get your damn hands off my fiancée!”

“Fiancée? You are twice her age!” Ryuji argued, thinking this is some drunk man with far too much smoke blown up his ass for them to believe he was actually Haru’s Fiancée.

The man is quick to approach and shove Akira away from Haru, without giving Ryuji a glance. Haru struggled in his grasp, and Ryuji is horrified at what is going down; what the f*ck is happening? The man sneers, “Come on, let me have some fun too!”

“It’s not like that—” Haru pleaded, but she can’t free herself from this man; she didn’t have the strength to. The man is twice her size.

Ryuji is about to jump in to help, but Akira beats him to it. Akira roughly grabs the man’s wrist to pull him away; the shock surprised the man allowing Haru to make his escape. She stumbles back, and Ryuji helps steady her so she doesn’t fall back. Ryuji can tell she is shaking, upset from the situation.

“Haru isn’t something you can just play with!” Akira scowled, getting in between the man and Haru and Ryuji.

“How dare you get in between my fiancée and me!?” The man roars, surging forwards, and while Akira might know how to fight with a persona. Ryuji quickly realized Akira isn’t as adept in fighting with his hands, or any form of self-defense for that matter. The man swung his fist at Akira, but Akira flinched badly at the action, which allows the man to smash his fist into Akira’s eye, breaking his glasses.

“Akira!” Haru cried in horror, seeing Akira fall to his knees, clutching his eye. Ryuji froze because that leaves Akira open for whatever else this man has in store. Ryuji is about to surge forward, do something, but Akechi’s voice stopped him.

“Excuse me, sir!” Akechi marched up from behind them, his badge whipped out and serene anger burning in his face as he approached the man who is about to take another shot at Akira. “Punching my friend is a form of Battery, and I will be making a report on this incident!”

“Ahaha! Cute.” The man sneered, his eyes narrowing but, regardless, takes a step back from Akira. “You can make a report, but I only acted out of self-defense! This kid attacked me, and I’m going to make his life a living hell for laying a hand on my fiancée!”

“Fiancee?” Ann’s surprised voice comes from next to Ryuji, and he realized all the Phantom Thieves have arrived at the commotion. “She was struggling against you!”

“You have no business in our engagement and how we choose to deal with things.” He sneered, before turning back to Haru, “And you, how dare you make a fool of me? Your father will hear about this!”

The man storms off before anyone else can get a word in; the alleyway is silent except for Haru’s soft sniffles and Akira’s heaving breathing. Ryuji just lets what happened set in, but he’s astounded. He was not expecting anything like that to happen after everything.

“Haru…was that really your fiancée?” Makoto wondered, her face falling as the situation hits them all; Makoto walks over to take Haru from Ryuji’s hold, “If that’s how he acts with you, then you should really tell your father. That…that isn’t right, that isn’t the way he should be treating you.”

“I think—I think it would be useless.” Haru sobbed, her face crumpling into grief and tears, and Ryuji frantically checks his pockets for something for her to use, but alas, he doesn’t have anything, “I would be told to beg for forgiveness, even if it meant groveling on the ground…”

“Oh.” Ann gasped softly because they understand Haru’s relationship with her father in that one sentence alone, with the words and the tone in which her voice cracked with defeat. Ann saddled up to Haru’s other side, and Morgana curling at her legs in some comfort as the quiet sobs come out.

Ryuji doesn’t know if he can help there; crying girls have never been one of his specialties, so he turns to the other problem.

“Hey, you okay?” Ryuji asked with a semi concerned tone, wandering over to Akira. He isn’t sure what he should feel about Akira, but Akira did take a hit for Haru. Ryuji has to give him that. The confusion washed over him in waves as he remarked. “You’re a dumbass.”

“So, I have been told.” Akira snorted, but it comes out more like a grimace, his hand still gripped to his eye. Blood drips down his hand, and Ryuji froze; when Akira’s glasses broke, did the shards get stuck in his eye? sh*t. That would not be good.

“You’re bleeding.” Ryuji dumbly pointed out. Futaba, who is hovering by. She is doing the same Ryuji’s doing for probably the same reason; her face turns white and queasy as Akira slowly pulls away from his hand from his eye, but it’s slathered in blood. Yusuke, on the other side of him, gasped.

“Holy sh*t, that’s bad, right? It looks so bad, are you blind? Oh, oh my god, Sojiro is going to flip.” She stuttered, nervously tugging at her jacket.

“It’s fine.” Akira shook his head, trying to get to his feet, but he struggles as one hand is grasped at his face, throwing off his balance; Ryuji quickly swoops in to help him get to his feet, “It’s not as bad as it looks. It’s fine.”

“Not fine. It may not be as bad as it looks, but it’s definitely going to bruise.” Akechi sighed, bending down to pick up the broken frames from off the ground. “Your glasses, on the other hand,…now, they may be a different story.”

“Oh no no no, please don’t tell me you got glass in your eyes.” Futaba shook her head, and Ryuji shivers at the absolute terror of that statement; it makes him very queasy. The image of something penetrating an eye is horrific, and he gets anxious for a second.

“They are fake.” Akechi frowned, picking up the piece of plastic from the broken frames and showing it to her. It’s still intact. “Plastic.”

“The frames broke and scratched my cheek.” Akira explained, then frowned, “I liked those glasses…”

“Wait, they were fake this entire time?!” Futaba huffed and folded her arms with a pout, “You know some people have to actually wear glasses to see!”

“Did you just assume he could magically see in the metaverse?” Akechi wondered out loud, a look of disbelief as he pocketed the broken pair of glasses.

“I assumed his outfit came with contacts…” Ryuji frowned but realized how stupid that notion is now that he thought about it since Futaba still wore glasses in the metaverse. Ryuji just hadn’t even thought about it.

“Here,” Yusuke said, placing his handkerchief in Akira’s free hand. “To clean up the blood.”

“It’ll stain.” Akira frowned, trying to give it back to Yusuke, but he wouldn’t have it.

“Dude, just take it.” Ryuji sighed.

“Aki-chan, are you alright? I’m so so sorry!” Haru shuffles over, the rest of the girls and Morgana in tow; she has stopped crying but is still somewhat upset over the situation. “I didn’t think he would…he wasn’t supposed to be here.”

Akira waved her off casually, “It’s fine; it’s not your fault. He’s just a sleaze bag. Are you ok, Haru?”

“I’m not the one with a bloody eye.” Haru frowned, a guilty look flashing across her face.

“I think maybe you should stay with one of us tonight, Haru.” Ann offered in concern, and Ryuji immediately agreed because he knows what an angry man can do. It’s much safer for Haru if she were to stay the night elsewhere.

“Why don’t we all reconvene at Leblanc?” Akechi suggested, “Okumura-san can rest for a bit before decided whether to stay the night or go back. We should discuss things as well; I believe I have been unfair to you all and would like to hear the full story.”

Ryuji thinks it’s a good solid plan, but he wondered, “Can we trust you?”

Akechi smiled, “Can you afford not to?”

“For a detective prince, you sure are—OW!” Akira grimaced as Akechi roughly applies the antiseptic to the cuts the glasses made. Akira’s eye has already started swelling up, red and irritated; Akira whined again, “aren’t gentle. God.”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (24)

“And for the leader of the Phantom Thieves, you sure don’t know how to fight,” Akechi grumbled, but he doesn’t deny that he might be slathering the wound a little too much with the antiseptic and with more pressure than it probably requires. But there is no other way to get his frustration out of how much of an idiot Akira Kurusu could be. “You have no idea how to perform a basic block in a fistfight? Have you absolutely no basis for any self-defense? Your lack of self-preservation is absolutely astounding.”

“Not the leader anymore.” Makoto huffed, her arms crossed from where she is sat at the table along with the rest of the Phantom Thieves. Akechi has noted that most of the animosity is coming from her. Akechi always thought Makoto was a little too much like her sister. They have the same exact annoyed bitch face. Still, Makoto is the acting leader? Akechi has to wonder what really did go down between them all. He would have never imagined the Phantom Thieves being involved in some sort of civil war.

The incident hasn’t been brought up the entire time, though, only Haru’s recounting of the fact she is in an arranged marriage with a gorilla with too much power, Akechi thinks. He thinks Okumura is foolish for the choices he is making. Still, he’s astounded Okumura would go as far as to marry his daughter off to an obviously disrespectful creep only for the power it would offer. The idea makes Akechi’s blood boil.

“The truth is…I didn’t want to change my father’s heart simply because he is doing something bad. It was a superficial reason. The real reason is quite more selfish…” Haru sighed, a look of shame crossing her face as she looked towards the table in anguish.

“It’s because you don’t want to get married, right?” Akira offered from the bed. Akechi can understand this reasoning. Seeing how Sugimura acted and how Okumura wasn’t thinking of his daughter’s well-being made sense; this was Haru Okumura’s actual reasoning. Akechi doesn’t condemn her for being selfish, even though she is docile and follows orders, even she knows what she wants. Akechi slaps a bandage on Akira’s eye in the lull of the conversation and then forces the froze bag of vegetables over it. Akira grunted, “Hey! Just a little gentler, please?! I almost lost an eye here!”

“You did not almost lose an eye; you just did incredibly bad in a fistfight.” Akechi sighed, resigning to reluctantly giving Akira some sort of basic rundown later to block a simple punch. Maybe a few more lessons as well.

“I can’t stand that creep!” Haru exclaimed, an unfamiliar disgust filling her voice before she sighed, “That’s how I truly feel.”

“I don’t blame you; dude is an asshat.” Ryuji agreed and frowned, “When are you supposed to get married?”

“The end of the month…” Haru sighed, fiddling with the ends of her skirt in despair.

“Then I think we know who our next target is.” Makoto nodded definitively before giving Haru a confident smile. “Won’t you help us?”

“Wait, but she’s way too weak!” Morgana argued, his tail flicking but then flinched at the sad look Haru presents, “No, I didn’t mean it to be bad Haru, ah, it just might be difficult if you can’t fight.”

“If we change Okumura’s heart, he is sure to be taken by the police. Her living situation and life situation could change. Shouldn’t we discuss this a bit more?” Yusuke wondered.

“If my happiness is based on the misfortune of others, then I’ll be no better than my father.” Haru shook her head, but a contemplative look comes across her face. “But if I were to help you. I do have a condition.”

Akechi finds this interesting; what could Haru want more than having her father’s heart changed he wonders. The Phantom Thieves have already agreed to help her, yet she is asking for more. It’s quite refreshing to see.

“What’s your condition?” Futaba wondered with confusion.

“I will help you. But we all have to work as a team.” Haru proposed, “Aki-chan and Akechi-san included. I think it would be more beneficial if we were to all move forward as a unified team.”

“No way!” Makoto scoffed, a look of betrayal on her face. Getting the same exact look Sae does when the chief tells her to do something she doesn't want to do.

“Akechi and I are in!” Akira excitedly raised the hand that wasn’t holding the bag of frozen peas to his eye.

Akechi sighed; Akira’s brashness succeeded him, but Akechi can’t deny that this wasn’t the direction he was aiming for initially. It just happened in a very roundabout way that he had not been expecting, “I suppose Kurusu-Kun has spoken for me.”

It is bizarre to be called out by the Phantom Thieves to the park after school, to be called out by the entire group other than Akira, who was not in sight, though neither is Haru either. When he got the text from Ann, He thought it would just be her though he can’t imagine what Ann would want to discuss all alone. They were hardly friends, though, but then again, Ann didn’t quite have the sense of boundaries she should.

“I do afraid I am very confused here,” Akechi admitted, approaching the sullen group gathered at one of the more remote park benches. “Is this a group meeting? Are Kurusu-Kun and Okumura-san running late?”

The Phantom Thieves sort of look to themselves, various looks of unease and tension on their faces, and they look so severe. Akechi is afraid if this is what he thinks this is, they might have figured out his secret. Akira knows but hasn’t told anyone, but maybe he’d let it slip. Akira could be quite careless. Yet Why isn’t Akira here? Why isn’t Haru here? Why call Akechi out solely if it wasn’t about his double life. He’d have to give them credit for figuring it out so fast.

“This is a group meeting about Kurusu-kun.” Akechi deducts when no one outright condemns him in the middle of the park after a few minutes of silence. He doesn’t fathom why the Phantom Thieves would call him out here because of Akira if it weren’t for his secret.

“Yeah, um, we thought we should warn you,” Ryuji said carefully, tapping the park bench so hard Akechi thought he might make an indent. It’s an entirely different atmosphere than the meeting before.

“Warn me? Pray, tell why?” Akechi asked innocently, but his eyes narrow. This is suspicious. What could they possibly warn Akechi of? He wonders if it does have to do with his involvement with the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns, they are probably aware of his existence, but they definitely don’t know it’s him yet.

“We think Akira is a traitor…an imposter,” Makoto revealed hesitantly, her eyes narrowing at the revelation.

The statement took Akechi by complete surprise; the absolute seriousness of the accusation renders him completely speechless. They can’t possibly be serious.

“I’m sorry, what?” Akechi blinked after a few minutes of trying to process this development. Because why in the ever-loving f*ck had they assumed Akira, Akira of all people, was him? Akira was behind the mental shutdowns? How did they reach that conclusion?

“There has been this intruder running through the palace; he has a black mask. We suspect he is causing the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns.” Morgana explained, his tail flicking erratically. “We think Akira is this person. We think Akira is behind this.”

Akechi cannot believe what Morgana has just said, what the Phantom Thieves are telling him. They think Akira is the Black Mask, the traitor when the real traitor is standing before them without suspect. Without Blame. It’s then that Akechi realized this must have been the argument Akira had with his team at the beginning of Okumura’s Palace. This is why the group had kicked him out or whatnot. But he can’t wrap his head around the idea. It's absurd; Akira isn't the black mask. Akira doesn't even have a black mask.

“Akira knows things he shouldn’t like Palace Layouts and Keywords; he has persona way beyond his level even when he had ‘just awakened.' He has multiple of them, and we have yet to see another user who can do that; he has far more experience than the time he’s been in the metaverse. He has far more wealth than a high schooler should be in access to— ”

“Wait, Kurusu-Kun has multiple persona?” Akechi clarified because that was news to him. He had only ever seen Akira use Alice. But Akira is a wildcard just like him? Why didn’t Akira say something if he knew? He keeps his disbelief to an appropriate level even though he feels sorely left out of the loop, “I was under the assumption we could only have one.”

“He didn’t tell you?” Ann wondered, then nodded, “No, it makes sense. He has three, but he really only uses Alice. Kaguya usually only heals, and Yoshistune is his invincible persona. We don’t know why he can have more.”

Akechi wonders if they know about the velvet room but remembers Margaret saying only wild cards are privilege to that knowledge. So, he decides not to bring it up. The Phantom Thieves probably wouldn’t believe him anyway. But should he bring it up with Akira? Does Akira know about Margaret's master and sister? He can't help feel angry that if Akira knew Akechi had multiple persona, he wouldn't bring up the Velvet Room.

“We think Alice is the persona he uses to cause these incidents,” Morgana explained.

“She’s creepy as hell, the way she giggles?” Ryuji shivered at the thought.

“Do you think that because of her origin story? The story of the little girl who died in the snow. It’s said her story was used to scare Scandinavian children to behave or she would come and ‘kill’ them so she could become friends with them.” Akechi wondered, vaguely remembering what Margaret had said about Alice. Alice was creepy, but…they came to that conclusion on a folk tale?

“Wait, what?” Makoto looked at him, shocked. Akechi realized they hadn’t thought of that; it may be more of an obscure tale.

“That…that actually makes a lot more sense than Alice in Wonderland,” Futaba muttered, her face almost white.

“It’s just a folk tale. I was going to say don’t read into it before you all jump to conclusions.” Akechi sighed. He is very good at deducting, figuring out motives and reasoning. But Akechi cannot put the puzzle pieces together on this one. If Akira knew the Phantom Thieves suspected him of being the black mask, why wouldn’t Akira come clean about Akechi? Akechi knows how close he is to them, yet, Akira hasn’t said anything. Alice isn’t evidence at all, “Do you have any concrete evidence?”

“He went to the Metaverse around the time when the Principle had a shutdown,” Futaba mentioned quietly.

Akechi definitely didn’t see Akira in the Metaverse when he took out the principal. He hadn’t seen anyone that day, not even the child in the car. Why is Akira taking the fall for him? Why hasn’t he set the record straight? Because there was no proof? But he doubts there’s any real proof of Akira being the black mask since Akechi can confirm without a doubt Akira is not behind this. Akechi does not understand Akira's motives for keeping Akechi's true nature a secret.

“And we figured since Akira has set his eyes on you romantically that you should be aware.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Akechi stuttered genuinely, looking up at them in utter confusion, his mind pulled away from his deductions.

“We think Akira is the imposter is what we’ve been saying,” Yusuke repeated in a solemn tone, assuming Akechi was too taken aback to register the information.

“No, not that, after that.” Akechi shook his head, thinking Akira was the black mask would require him to honestly sit down and digest why the Phantom Thieve have come to this conclusion.

“Akira is romantically interested in you?” Ann stated incredulously, “And we think you should be careful?”

“Kurusu-Kun is romantically interested in me?” Akechi repeats in absolute disbelief and a hint of delight.

“Oh, my—“ Ryuji grimaced, putting his hand to his face, “Are you for real?! You are a f*cking detective! You are telling me that you couldn’t read the signs?! The dude bends over backward for you! Are you telling me, this entire time, you guys weren’t dating?! You were just indulging his whims?! You have got to be f*cking kidding me!!”

“Oh, it’s one of those plot lines.” Futaba nodded in pity. “Emotionally stunted boy is brilliant and observant. He is best in his field, yet he cannot see what is right in front of him, and his lack of love in childhood has obstructed his views on relationships and attraction, therefore, leaving his destined one pining in the shadows as he tries every way known to get noticed. But emotionally stunted boy doesn’t realize until it’s too late. A real tragedy.”

“I hardly think I’m ‘emotionally stunted’ Sakura-san. And with no offense intended, I don’t think that is what’s going on.” Akechi sighed in frustration as he pinched the brink of his nose, absolutely irritated by Futaba’s analysis. “I understand the nuances of flirting and romantic endeavors quite well; I had considered it a possibility with Kurusu’s behavior but was trying to sort out how it related to his flirtatious nature. He is very friendly with everyone, especially your group, and I wasn’t sure how to discern the two. He teases an awful lot, and It wasn’t my place to make personal interpretations of his actions.”

Maybe that isn’t the exact truth, but Akechi feels Akira’s affections are misplaced.

“Really, Akechi-san?” Makoto sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Regardless, if we are going to be working on this joint team, we thought you should be aware of the situation. We…are reluctant to bring it up to Haru yet, as we don’t want to possibly unnerve her.”

“If you are asking my opinion…I truly don’t understand where you are coming from.” Akechi shook his head, he wants to think about the fact that Akira might like him the same way, but all he can think about is how the Phantom Thieves came to this conclusion. It made his blood boil, but he keeps his calm.

“You’re a detective, Akechi-san. Surely you can put the facts together.” Makoto scoffed, folding her arms, “It can’t be that hard.”

“I ask again, Do you have any proof?” Akechi asked. Makoto is really pissing him off.

“He went into the Metaverse the same week that Kobayakawa died! Is that not proof enough for you? We’ve given you the other proof too, his persona’s level, the fact he has multiple, his unexplainable wealth which could only come from the metaverse, his unexplainable knowledge.” Makoto fired through her list.

“But do you have solid proof? You know as well as I do that it’s all circ*mstantial at best. Do you have direct evidence that would put Akira at these ‘crime scenes’ and a motive as to why he would do it?” Akechi argued back, slamming his hands on the table. “If you don’t have a solid piece of evidence tying him to the events and a motive, then you are just suggesting a goose chase. A witch hunt.”

“People have gone to jail on less.” Makoto snarled at him, offended by the question.

“Oh, so you would just throw your friend under the bus for a crime he might have not committed without giving him a fair trial. ‘He’d go to jail on less’ that’s how you value your friendship? You’ve already decided. Therefore it must be so?” Akechi scoffed at her, his veins boiling at the notion as Makoto is quite arrogant and self-righteous in her accusations, “You are quite like your sister, Nijima-san. In most aspects.”

And Akechi means it. Makoto is acting like how Sae has been acting recently. Forging blame to fill a case, ignoring the facts and evidence in favor of her own because it’ll solve the case quicker. Akechi knows it’s due to the pressure the chief is putting on her and Sae’s desire to prove herself in any way possible. So, he feels a little lenient in his judgments of Sae as she was set up for failure. But, Akechi doesn’t know what Makoto is trying to gain from this, however.

“Shut it you!!—” Makoto screeched, stomping her boot on the ground.

“And you are quite like the sh*tty adults that put Akira in the probation he’s in now.” Akechi glared at her but then stretched his gaze to them all, “You are allowed to have your suspicions. I was suspicious of you all as well, but condemning someone without proper evidence? Well, I think you are going to regret that later on. Be careful what you wish for. You are putting an awful lot of suspicion on someone who doesn’t even have a door to their room.”

And Akechi felt a little satisfied by the guilt that rings through their faces, trying not to think about how Akira has apparently been covering him for no good reason for however long Akira knew, which seemed to be longer than Akechi knew.

Futaba can’t help but think about what Akechi said. They have put so much suspicion on Akira, who doesn’t even have a door to his room. She gets that, and she can admit, she wasn’t really around for the earlier suspicions, choosing to listen to the other Phantom Thieves. But she can’t deny Akira did sneak out and purposively avoided the security cameras in Yongen-Jaya. That is a fact she and Morgana can attest to. But, if Akira isn’t the Black Mask, then what is he hiding? And why didn’t he feel like he could tell them? He is still hiding something. And Futaba doesn’t know if she can let that go.

Futaba doesn’t know if Akira killed her mom. She doesn’t want to believe it. She doesn’t think she does believe it truly. But, then who did? Is this really a goose chase? She, much like Ryuji, can’t decide how she feels or what to do about it. She’ll admit, she’s a little excited to work with Akira again.

And then there is Akechi. She actually didn’t mind Akechi very much, to begin with, he had some interesting outlooks on Neo Featherman, and he seemed to go through a similar trauma as her. She felt a sense of solidarity there. She understands what it felt like to be an unwanted child before Sojiro adopted her. The original Phantom Thieves are a little more apprehensive of the team up, but Akechi seemed to understand what they were doing and agreed to try it out.

“Ah, so, if we are joining groups, then who is going to be the leader?” Yusuke wondered out loud as they wander into the lobby of Okumura Foods.

“I will regain the title of team leader as I was. I am best qualified.” Makoto decisively decides in an authoritative voice.

“Uh, can we put it up to a vote?” Ryuji groaned, folding his arms in frustration. Futaba wondered if he was trying to become a leader. She knew Ryuji was the first to start the Phantom Thieves with Akira. But she doesn’t think he’s much of a leader. She doesn’t think Makoto is much of a leader either. Half the time, she’s trying new strategies that just don’t work with their abilities and trying to tell them to be more ‘careful’ about their approach. Futaba advocates for carefulness, too since they kicked Akira out, they lost most of their offensive power. But the way Makoto frames her strategy for attack just is less careful than she claims. She doesn't take their strengths into account.

And the other half of the time, Makoto is reckless. But, worse than Akira, as in she doesn’t have the strength to back up her gambles. She can be hypocritical. Like when she made Haru open the bay door without listening to Akira’s advice, who they all know could sense enemies with his third eye.

But she also doesn’t know if it’s safe to let Akira resume being the leader either.

Makoto glared at Ryuji with daggers.

“I agree. I think we should put it up to a vote.” Ann agreed, stepping in, “I don’t feel like Makoto’s leading style works, but I’m not sure if I want Akira to resume being leader either.”

“Totally valid.” Akira gave them a thumbs up from where he stood next to Akechi.

“I can lead the team!” Morgana offered, jumping up and down. But Futaba doesn’t like that idea either; she can’t see Morgana listening to their complaints even if he did train the original Phantom Thieves. Plus, he couldn’t even text in the real world.

“Ok! How about this, how many people vote for Makoto? Makoto, to be fair, don’t vote.” Haru announced, starting the voting. After a few moments, she and Akira put their hands up. Futaba finds this interesting since Makoto has been the most aggressive about her suspicions of Akira. Futaba wondered if this was a tactic to get on her good side.

“Put your hand down. I don’t need your vote.” Makoto growled, and Akira shrugged and withdrew his hand.

“Um, ok, so one vote for Mako-chan.” Haru awkwardly announced, “How about Aki-chan?”

Yusuke raised his hand, as did Akechi. Two votes, not a lot but more than Makoto got. Makoto looked ruffled by this.

“Ok, so two votes for Aki-chan.” Haru nodded, “How about Mona?”

Minutes went by, and no one raised their hands for Morgana. His face grew annoyed, “What you think I can’t lead the Phantom Thieves that I started? Because I’m a cat, is that it?”

“Wait, so you admit it?” Ryuji gasped in exaggeration.

“NO, I AM NOT A CAT.” Morgana growled, “You all just think I am! This is discrimination! Not fair!”

“Um, so, er.” Haru frowned, “A lot of you didn’t vote. Technically, Aki-chan won by the number of votes, but I don’t think this is quite the unanimous vote…”

“What about Akechi?” Futaba offered. It made sense besides the fact that he had just joined. Akechi was smart, and Futaba thought he could really play their strengths. Take risks that would payout and be careful when needed. He seemed to get along with them and even stood up to Makoto. It was a logical choice. Akechi knew how to keep himself composed and calm; it was evident enough in his TV interviews.

“Wait, what?” Akechi seemed taken aback by this suggestion as Akira snigg*red behind him, covering his giggles with his red gloves. Finding the suggestion very amusing, Akechi exclaimed incredulously, “This is kind of sudden!”

“No, she has a point.” Ann nodded, a thoughtful look on her face, “Akechi is technically an outsider, but that might just be the unbiased view we need. I’m all for trying it out.”

“I was working with Joker.”

“He was working with Akira.”

Both Makoto and Akechi claim at the same time.

“Ok, can we, like, get back on that codename train here?” Akira pointed out, “We really don’t know how it affects the person’s palace we are in…I really don’t want Okumura thinking, ‘Oh Akira. Yes, that is the person I should screw over next for sure.’”

“He may have been working with Joker, but I also think Akechi—wait, what is your codename?” Yusuke wondered.

“Crow.” Akechi offered.

“Wait, really?” Ryuji scoffed, looking up and down Akechi’s robin hood prince outfit with disbelief. “Your outfit is a prince, though; it looks nothing like a crow?”

“My thought process was that codenames would be to mask who we are. I thought to choose something quite the opposite of my appearance as to throw off people. Besides, I guess if we are technical, my mask does look like a bird.” Akechi explained, and it made sense to Futaba. Akechi had taken a smarter approach at his codename than the rest of them did for sure.

“Crow might have been working with Joker, but it was only a short time. Panther is right, out of all of us, him and Haru—”

“Noir!” Haru corrected him, her face shining, “My codename is Noir, the French word for black. I’ve always wanted to be a heroine of justice, though it seems the Phantom Thieves operate outside of the law, so I chose Noir.”

“It’s elegant.” Ann nodded.

“Noir and Crow are the most unbiased, and since Noir has yet to be able to summon her persona, I believe Crow would be the best choice for the moment,” Yusuke argued.

“Yeah, I agree with Inari.” Futaba nodded, “We can try it out with Crow, and it may help him integrate with how we do things as well.”

“A detective in a group of Phantom Thieves?” Morgana shook his head in disbelief at the situation. It is entirely against the archetype set up, but Futaba thinks the best things happen when a trope is ignored. Who says a detective cannot be a Phantom Thief?

“You do realize that he is literally investigating us, right?” Makoto scoffed, folding her arms. “This is a stupid idea! We are being too careless!”

“Your sister is also on that investigation team.” Ryuji reminded her sharply, “You could be feeding her information for all we know. I think you just have something against Crow. He could be a better leader than you, and you don’t want to admit it.”

“I think it’s a good idea, Queen.” Haru tried to placate her, “If it doesn’t work out, then we can figure out something else.”

“Wait, do I get a say in this?” Akechi asked helplessly again.

“I, for one, think this is a brilliant idea.” Akira agreed with a little laugh, and Futaba just thinks he’s a simp for Akechi. Akechi might not be biased, but Akira definitely is. “Akechi gets all my votes. I mean, I have one, but he gets it, hands down.”

“You don’t get a say in this!” Makoto barked back, before sighing and pinching the brink of her nose in frustration, “I can’t go against your guy’s decision. If this is what you want, fine. I’ll recede to the majority.”

“Congratulations, Crow! The new leader of the Phantom Thieves!” Akira barked out in laughter, throwing his arm around the other’s shoulder.

Futaba doesn’t think Akechi looked very happy about the progression of events than Akira’s surprising encouragement and approval of the situation, but she finds it hilarious. She wonders how this is going to work out.


Betcha didn't see that coming 😂

Chapter 15: The one where Akira takes Akechi on the worst ride ever


'Did you think that you could live your life?
There's no one left in paradise'

The one where Akira takes Akechi on the worst ride ever, Yusuke and Hifumi are BFFS and Akira and Ann model together but not in that order.


Akechi is the type of leader akin to a dad who tells you that you can not get a cat but you get the cat anyways and he is the best damn cat dad but wholly denies loving said cat with all his being 😤

Also, ah, I'm sorry for how long this chapter is 😌

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Akechi has no idea how he f*cked up so bad to be put in this position. Where did he go wrong from point A to point B? He was supposed to infiltrate the Phantom Thieves, not integrate with them, for god's sake, and he wasn’t supposed to become the leader of this goddamn ragtag group of thieves. He is sure Akira Kurusu has everything to do with this plan going absolutely awry for sure. By all means, he still considers Akira the leader of this group despite their absolutely far-off suspicion of him. After all, Akira started this, Akechi is just reluctantly stepping in for his own gain. Though he still hasn’t figured out why they suspected Akira of being the Black Mask.

“Would you quit laughing!?” Akechi huffed, chucking one of his pencils at Akira’s forehead, but the other simply lean to the side in an instant rendering the attack completely useless. Even with his impaired sight, he’s still a menace. Akechi growled under his breath and glared at him, “This is your fault! I didn’t want to be a part of this, let alone be the f*cking leader! But oh no, let’s make Akechi the leader!”

“I know!” Akira laughed, curled over the cafe table at the situation; he’s nearly in tears with laughter, though only one eye was visible since Akira had an eye patch on the other one to hide his injures. Regardless, Akechi hopes he chokes himself on his laughs, “I-I- Oh my god, I can’t believe it, this is hilarious! You—you! The leader!”

“Be quiet!” Akechi whacked him with his notebook that he quickly rolled up. “I think you’ve just introduced a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and you should be more concerned about what I have done and will do. You’ve just sealed your group’s demise; you’ve doomed yourself.”

“I’d drink poison if it tastes like you, Akechi-san,” Akira said in a low sultry voice and smiled at him with one half-lidded eye.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (25)

A statement said so easily that it takes Akechi off guard, as many things Akira said did. He wonders how genuine it is. If it is, it’s a terrible notion that Akechi doesn’t want to deal with. “I think your affections are quite askew and misplaced, Kurusu-kun.”

“Well, good thing they are my affections, and I know exactly where I placed them.” Akira snickered.

Akechi doesn’t even know how to address that, so he addressed the other topic that was on his mind and the real reason he had called Akira out to the café in the first place, something that had miffed him, “You weren’t going to tell me you had multiple persona as well?”

Akira’s mirth faded away into confusion as he blinked at Akechi, once then twice before slowly saying, “I thought…I thought you knew that? I could have sworn…I told you? Or you had already come to that conclusion? Did you not?”

Akechi frowned in frustration, now Akira is just acting ignorant and doing a bloody good job. Again, making Akechi wondered why it had to be Akira he seemed to be childishly infatuated with. Sakura-san’s emotionally stunted comment resurfaces, but it just makes him scoff. He is hardly emotionally stunted; he knows exactly how he feels, but he also knows exactly how dangerous it is in his overarching goal. He’s logical with his emotions, not stunted in the least. He knows it would never work out within the circ*mstances of their situations. It’s a foolish idea he isn’t going to encourage. If Akira wants to be ignorant, then fine, what does he care? “Regardless. I need to know their skill sets, their skill trait, their affinities, and their levels to get a better understanding of how they work in the scheme of fighting.”

“Oh, wow, you want everything, huh. You want to see it all, Well…” Akira coyly rubbed the back of his neck and feigned a blush as if Akechi was asking him to strip or something.

“JUST.” Akechi inhaled in frustration before sliding his notebook where he had been dissecting the Phantom Thieves’ abilities to better lead them, “Just write them down.”

“Wow. You are really into this.” Akira hummed, seemingly impressed by his work as he flipped back further, but there isn’t much since the only one Akechi had talked to before was Ann. Though Akechi did get what he needed from Ann, they ate more sweets than anything. Akira sent him a sly smile, “Yeah, really don’t want to be the Phantom Thief leader, huh? Sure.”

“It is the bare minimum for leading is to know what your associates can do!” Akechi growled, shoving the pencil towards Akira, “Write. Now.”

“Ooooh, I like it when you take control like this.”


“Wow, we’ve gotten past adding the -kun?”


Eventually, Akira complies, allowing Akechi a moment to his thoughts as he watched Akira quickly scribble in the notebook.

If Akira has multiple persona, then he must be a wildcard. Therefore, according to Margaret, he must have access to a velvet room. Akechi wonders if Akira is in contact with Margaret’s sister and her Master if he is their ‘guest.’ Yet, if he was, wouldn’t he had said something? If it’s known that wildcards have access to the Velvet Room. Wouldn’t Akira have mentioned it to Akechi?

“Kurusu. Where did you obtain your other persona?” Akechi posed the innocent question, seeing if Akira would reveal something. Any piece of information. Something for Akechi to work off of. It might have been too blunt, but Akira is someone he has no idea how to get information out of.

“Same as you, probably,” Akira muttered, a little lackluster as his pen scrawled across the paper. “Our heart or something. “

Akechi frowned; it’s a straightforward reply yet gives him absolutely nothing as usual. Akechi is frustrated, so he dropped it. It’s petty, but if Akira didn’t want to talk about the Velvet Room, fine. And it wasn’t like Akechi had told Margaret that he would help her. He’d just stay out of it for now until it becomes relevant. He still hasn’t made a decision on Margaret. Therefore, there is no need to discuss it with Akira. Besides, it’s only a theory Akira had access to a velvet room. He simply could have awoken his persona, same as Akechi.

“Ok, done.” Akira slid back the notebook, a page nicely filled out with everything Akechi needed to know. “Let me know if I get a passing grade. I’m aiming for an A-minus but will accept an A If you feel it’s worth it. I supposed I could accept a B if you really don’t like it.”

Akechi puts aside his thoughts and ignores Akira for now to review the information.

And Holy f*ck, there is no way what Akechi is reading this paper right; he squints at it to make sure he reads it right.

“Kurusu. Why the f*ck are you working with the Phantom Thieves? You don’t need them. You don’t need me!”

And he said it completely honestly. Akira is far more powerful than he should be in every regard. Nothing made sense.

Alice, whom he assumed Akira’s original persona is a complete doozy. Her Magic stat is completely maxed out, while her Luck and Agility stat is far up there as well. Her Strength and Endurance are lacking, but those stats don’t matter since Alice doesn’t have any physical attacks. She has five attacks, far more than Akechi expected since Akira has only used two with her. Mapsiodyne and Mabufudyne throw Akechi off since she doesn’t seem to have anything else in those elements. Maeigaon, which her Curse Amp ability boosts. Megidoloan, which he has experienced before, and her Signature move ‘Die for Me.’

What really makes her a doozy is that she doesn’t have a weakness, or if she did, it would be bless, but the Drain Bless skill she has negates it. Akechi can’t fathom how Akira managed that. She has Victory Cry, which completely refills Akira’s HP and SP if he finishes a battle with her.

And Just Die, her Skill Trait, which decreases the SP cost of Insta-kill spells to 0. Which doubled with Die for Me as a high chance insta-kill to all enemies is an absolutely devastating combination. Akira could literally use this over and over with no repercussions.

“Oh, Alice.” Akira sighed happily as he sees the look of disbelief on Akechi’s face, “Oh, oh Alice, she’s such a good little girl. I love her.”

“Saying you love her means you love yourself since she is you.” Akechi muttered, “And she’s a killing machine.”

“But a cute one.” Akira pointed out, then put a finger to his cheeks, “Like me.”

Akechi ignores this and continues because he can’t imagine the rest of Akira’s persona can be just as strong as Alice is.

Kaguya Picaro isn’t as strong. But her Magic is almost maxed out like Alice. She seemed to be Akira’s support persona as she only knows two attacks and two healing spells. She also does not have a weakness as Akira managed to slap a Drain Fire skill on her as well, even taking it a step further by giving Kaguya a Marazion spell in some sort of hubris. Akechi sensed some great potential not being used in her Shining Arrow’s attack doubled with her Bless Amp skill. That could make for a devastating attack in the future, so he is sure to remember it.

What makes Kaguya really special, in his opinion, is the fact she has two support skills. Salvation, which fully restores HP and cures ailments for the entire team, and Samarecarm can revive an ally fully. But, Kaguya has a Spell Master skill, which decreases the cost of SP used for magic attacks; Kaguya takes this further by having Divine Grace, which increases the effectiveness of healing skills by 50%. She is an outright healer. And the cherry on top is her trait; Savior Bloodline, which decreases the SP costs of healing spells in half.

Meaning Akira isn’t using much SP at all to heal the entire time. He’s barely using anything at all to recover the whole team. He is the team’s tank and healer all in one.

“How the f*ck??” Akechi murmured to himself as he squints his eyes, going over his deductions again to see how in the world Kaguya can do this.

“Kaguya is a lifesaver. Literally.” Akira nodded, very proud, “I can say I would be dead without her. I’d be falling for eternity in a tomb void. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

Akechi has no idea what a tomb void is, so he also ignores that and moves onto the final persona. Yosh*tsune.

Who by far might be the simplest but the most complex persona he has seen yet.

Yosh*tsune is literally invincible. And Akechi understood what the Phantom Thieves meant by that when they said it. Yosh*tsune doesn’t have any weaknesses, but he can’t be hit by anything besides an almighty attack or a gun attack. By Metaverse rules, it doesn’t work on Akira since he knows the guns in the metaverse aren’t real; therefore, rendering their effectiveness absolutely useless.

What Yosh*tsune doesn’t drain, he repels. So, if he’s not taking HP from the attack, he’s throwing it back at the enemy, All except Physical attacks, which he completely nulls out. It’s insane. And Akechi realized Akira must have been switching to Yosh*tsune in their battle.

Yosh*tsune only has two moves, Charge and Hassou Tobi. Which Akechi immediately sees the absolute brilliance in. Charge doubles the damage by the next physical attack, and Hassou Tobi does damage 8 times to the enemy. Not only that, Yosh*tsune has a Will of the Sword trait, which triples the effects of charge.

Yosh*tsune was maybe even more powerful than Alice. The only downside being Hassou Tobi uses HP to use instead of SP.

Akira’s line up is devastating. Deadly. He can easily take on enemies, heal himself and defend with this entire lineup. And Akechi cannot fathom why he wants to work with the Phantom Thieves as they are far weaker than him and probably slowed him down.

Akechi can understand why the Phantom Thieves are suspicious of Akira. It makes sense, with how ridiculously overpowered he is. But, Akechi also knows, they don’t quite know how Akira could literally obliterate them without a thought if he wanted to. Akira is far more powerful than they think, and the fact he hasn’t raised a hand at them yet and still continues to try working with them should be proof enough of his innocence. Akira doesn’t need them. If Akira had an ulterior plan, he wouldn’t need them at all.

But Akechi is a suspicious person as well, and while he knows Akira isn’t the black mask for obvious reasons, he wonders why Akira is doing all of this in the first place. Why did he make the Phantom Thieves, why lead them through all these palaces, what the f*ck is Akira Kurusu’s motive in all this? What is he trying to obtain? Akechi can’t make sense of it all, and It’s frustrating him to no end. It’s like he and Akira are playing completely different games, yet Akira always seemed to be like ten moves ahead of him.

Akira Kurusu is far more of an enigma than Akechi had ever thought. And if Akechi ever needs to take Akira out, he can’t do it in the Metaverse. It only would not work like the first time he tried.

“Why?” Akechi can only ask because he doesn’t understand any of this, any of what has gone done in the past few days.

Akira frowned and tugged at his hair with a shrug, “I don’t know. It just seemed fun, and I like my friends.”

“Your friends think you are me, that you are the one doing all this, but you can easily prove them wrong? Why are you doing this?” Akechi asked in frustration, getting angry at Akira’s simple answer that doesn’t explain anything in the slightest. It angers him to no end because he knows Akira isn’t stupid; he knows Akira must see how this is going to end up, so he asked again, “Do you truly realize the position that you’ve put yourself in? Your team in? Me in?”

Akira chuckled, tugging his hair, “What can I say? I just thought I’d jumble the board a bit; it seemed like it could be interesting. You seem to think there is some ulterior plan, but what can I say? I’m more of a go with the flow sort of player. Far more exciting that way.”

Akechi remembers Akira saying that they are more alike than he thinks, but Akechi feels like that is far from it.

Yusuke lazily dragged the pencil down the paper, gently guiding the stroke and applying pressure when the stoke demanded it. It’s quick, but it also captures the methodical contemplation of her debating her next move. A little smile appears across her lips as she figured out what pawn to move next. The lilt of her eyes when she finds the appropriate path. The decisiveness as she gracefully moved her general.

“The stakes are rising; many pieces have been captured, and I believe the endgame is starting.” Hifumi murmured as she moved one of the pieces definitively, “Tell me, Kitagawa-kun, what are your next moves?”

Yusuke knows she’s not talking about the game at all, seeing as he is sketching, and she is playing against herself. The classroom is empty, yet she is always quiet and cautious. Yusuke doesn’t mind; he had already assumed Hifumi knew by the fact she very graciously thanked him after they had stolen her mother's heart. It seemed to open a comradery between them, Yusuke didn’t have friends as most saw him as eclectic, and he was always absorbed in a piece. Hifumi didn’t have friends because the guys only wanted to hang out with her because of her beauty and the girls scorned her for it. She, too, simply indulged in Shogi alone during lunches. Before they knew it, they simply met in the same empty classroom during the lunch period. It was more comforting to do their things in silence with one another.

“I assume you’ve already predicted.” Yusuke hummed, shading in the darks of her hair, “Though it seems things have taken a turn.”

“A different approach isn’t always bad.” Hifumi nodded, moving her piece and taking out another piece, “A team divided cannot conquer; if pieces were to move without intention in directions not specified, then they become an easier target, and the team begins waning. A victory with only one is hollow if they do prevail. When a team moves as one, they are far often stronger than the enemy regardless of the individual strengths. It’s strategically sounder.”

“A very astute view, Hifumi-san.” Yusuke nodded, moving onto the contours of her petite face and chin. He wondered about her statement though and thoughtfully asked, “But what if the pieces believe the other one is a traitor?”

“Unfounded suspicion divides, mistrust and miscommunication breeds conflict.” Hifumi sighed but sympathetically looks at him, “Yet, is the piece the traitor? Or is the person controlling the piece a traitor? Is there a traitor at all or mere paranoia?”

Yusuke doesn’t understand the question posed, but he does relate to her statement. He supposed he would have to reflect on the question to get his answer. Hifumi is always posing interesting questions. He can admit, strategy has never been his strong point. He admires Hifumi and her passion, and even though he doesn’t understand strategy, he can see evidence in her strategy in some of the maneuvers Akira had them do in battle. Despite not being one of them directly, she has been a great support as most of Akira’s acquaintances' circle were.

Miscommunication breeds conflict.

Yusuke will admit the Phantom Thieves have not been communicating well. In between kicking Akira out fairly brashly and Makoto taking over, there has been a disconnect, and Yusuke doesn’t know how to fix it or what to do. But he is delighted that Haru had made her conditions, and hopefully, they can get past all of this. Akechi had made some excellent points in the fact that they don’t have substantial evidence.

Yusuke can’t help but wonder what Makoto is thinking, however. She made the same argument earlier this year when they tried to come up with reasons why Akira couldn’t be the black mask. All the evidence they had was circ*mstantial. She said it could be explained against since they simply didn’t know, so why is she going back on that now? Why was she acting so brashly? Yusuke appreciates Makoto as a friend and followed her in the end but, Yusuke thinks maybe they should have been more thorough. They should have waited for more evidence, something more concrete.

“Blind faith,” Hifumi said, breaking him out of his thoughts.

“Hmm?” Yusuke wondered, assuming he had missed the rest of what Hifumi said.

“Sometimes, you just need blind faith. You need to believe it will all work out.” Hifumi repeated a gentle smile on her face. “Akira-Kun once told me, when I felt like everything was going awry with my mother and career, it felt like everything was crashing down; he told me I reminded him of the star. And that I just needed to have faith that the universe will come through for me. It felt silly, but there is a sort of weight lifted when you just allow the universe to do what it needs to. I was worrying too much when I just needed to let go of the control I didn’t have. Have some faith and trust your gut.”

“Faith…isn’t that quite the opposite of strategy?” Yusuke asked, taken aback but the insight.

“Maybe. But, sometimes, the strategy isn’t everything.” Hifumi smiled, taking out the last general with her piece. “You can never accurately predict what will happen when you use a strategy or how your opponent will respond. You can never truly predict the flow of a game; many things can go awry. But you can always have faith in your abilities and how far you’ve come. You can always have faith in whatever you might believe in. And just allow what is to be. Let what happens to happen and simply accept it.”

Yusuke smiled, understanding that. He had been in despair after being Madarame’s apprentice. He did not honestly know where to go from there, and he tried so many different outlets, but he ultimately didn’t have faith in himself. He believed he would never be the artist he wanted to be. Akira helped him in every way he could. Accompanying him to various places as he looked for the source of his inspiration. Akira was by his side every step of the way, encouraging him to keep looking for his passion and pursuing it. But Yusuke realized once he made ‘Desire and Hope’ that he had it with him the entire time. Yusuke just needed to have faith in what he knows he loves. He just needed to allow it to be what it was and accept it for that.

Yusuke knows that he has faith in Akira despite what the rest of the thieves might believe and what Akira hasn’t been upfront about.

“Oh, it’s quite a love sketch, Kitagawa-kun,” Hifumi commented, leaning over her chessboard to see. “It’s very fluid.”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (26)

“Yes, I think I captured your passion well.” Yusuke smiled back as he snapped a photo of it on his phone. He sent the image to his personal chat with Akira. There is a response almost instantly.

Akira: Wow! You really captured her well! You should see her during one of Shogi Sessions at night; she can be really spirited; I’d love to see you draw her then XD

Hifumi gawked in embarrassment from where she was hovering over to read Yusuke’s texts, “It’s not like that at all!”

It’s hard for Ann to focus on everything that’s been going on, but she takes up modeling gigs regardless because if she’s not with the Phantom Thieves, then she’s just at home alone since her parents are often overseas and have been for a while. She doesn’t just want to sit around and do nothing; they haven’t gone back into the palace yet since Akechi seemed to be taking a few days to sit down with the other Phantom Thieves and get to know their skills and fighting styles. It’s actually charming. Makoto technically knew all their skills, but she never really sat down to figure out where they were all comfortable with. Makoto talked the talk, but she never truly listened to their opinions.

Akechi seemed to be taking more of an active approach than Akira or Makoto, and it’s refreshing. Not only that, but Akechi is willing to call out Makoto when she is wrong. And he has no problem doing it.

Ann is still reflecting on that meeting, and she can’t help but taking Akechi’s words to heart; they are acting like the adults that put Akira into his probation. They haven’t given him the benefit of the doubt. But she still wonders if they can afford to?

“Ann-san!” The director called, breaking her out of her reverie; she snapped her head up, waiting for the command, “Sweetie, you need to temper your expression. Ah, your face is too grim.”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Ann bowed in apology, resuming her pose and putting a more cheerful look on her face, but it’s hard to maintain as all the thoughts keep running through her head.

Can they afford to be wrong; can they afford to be right? What is she supposed to do? She knows what she wants to do but is that allowed? Can they really go back to like it was before? Especially since they completely accused Akira with honestly nothing but a video of him going into Mementos with no evidence that he actually committed a crime.

Yet, Akira doesn’t seem angry with them at all. Which may just be even more suspicious about this. Akira genuinely doesn’t seem mad despite looking upset when they first accused him. And what is Ann supposed to do with that? Does that mean he did it? Does that mean he didn’t? She doesn’t know what she is supposed to think about that.

“Ann-san, how about we take a break for now and resume in a little bit?” The director sighed as she lowered the camera.

“I’m sorry.” Ann winced, realizing her face must have scrunched up again when she was thinking, “I’ll be ready after a little break.”

She walked off towards the edge of the street, away from the camera crew and production artists. She liked modeling, but her heart is not in it right now.


She turned to whoever called her name and realized Akira is standing only a few feet away from her. It took her by surprise, as she instantly tensed up.

“I know we’ve had some misunderstandings, and you think I murdered our principal but, even though I don’t know how to ease your worries, I still miss you, and I brought you a crepe.” Akira smiled brightly, offering her the decadent crepe in his hands. But he looks off since Akira still wore the eye patch from when he had been punched to save Haru. He sort of looks like Kaneki Ken, especially with the whole coffee barista vibe he has going on. It’s a little funny, she’ll admit. She has to give him props for standing up to Haru’s fiancée like that, though.

“You think you can buy me out with a crepe?” Ann scoffed, folding her arms in disbelief at the action. But she can’t help but internally chuckle at the situation. It was such an Akira thing to do.

“No, but it’s a peace offering regardless.” Akira shook his head with a shrug.

She narrowed her eyes and stared him down, but her eyes traveled down to the crepe which glimmers in the setting sun, a harmony of chocolate sauce, powdered sugar, fruit, and…gold flakes?? It’s beautiful, it’s stunning.

“Is that the new deluxe crepe they are selling at my favorite crepe shop down the street?” Ann wondered, her mouthwatering instantly against her permission, “The one they sprinkle gold flakes on the top?”

“Yes, it is.” Akira nodded in confirmation.

“I’ve always wanted to eat gold.” Ann pouted as she unfolds her arms and stares at the crepe longingly.

“I am very well aware of your fascination of wanting to eat gold-covered food.” Akira chuckled, offering the crepe to her once more.

“But…” Ann frowned, looking at him skeptically as stupid words escape her lips, “What if it’s poisoned?”

“Oh my god—are you serious??” Akira rolled his eyes and does the only thing he can naturally do to prove it has not been poisoned, he takes a big ass bite out of the top, the biggest ass bite he could. And gnashed on it in front of her in an exaggerated chomping motion. Chocolate syrup dribbles down his chin a bit as he looked at her expectantly.

“NO! My crepe! I was going to Instagram that!!” Ann whined, stomping her foot, quickly surging forward as she steals the crepe out of Akira’s hand with a pout on her face. “I’ve wanted to try this forever!”

“They released it a week ago.” Akira laughed.

“Forever! And now you ruined it!” Ann fake sobbed as she took a bite out of the crepe reluctantly. It was terrific, the Nutella dressing melts in her mouth, and the fruit is so tart, but it adds onto the sweetness. She can’t really taste the gold, but she loves how it feels flaky in her mouth. It’s divine, exquisite.

“I can you buy another one if you really want to Instagram it.” Akira laughed, “See one to enjoy and one to Instagram.”

“I suppose so.” Ann gave in as she blissfully munched on the crepe. It’s incredible, so light yet so rich in flavor. She is in heaven; it’s absolutely divine.

“Good?” Akira chuckled, breaking her out of her crepe induced trance with a knowing smile.

“God, it’s like, so good.” Ann nodded, licking her fingers clean of the chocolate sauce, “Amazing. I’m gonna need like ten of these.”

“That can be arranged.”

“Ann-san!” One of the directors approached her, Ann assumed she had come to let her know the break was over. At least Ann had managed to finish her crepe in time. The director switched her focus to Akira standing nearby, and Ann swears she sees the director’s eyes widen, “You, Are you Ann-san’s boyfriend?”

“He is not!” Ann huffed indignantly, her face burning red. “He’s just a friend!”

“Friend?” Akira echoed happily next to her, and she facepalmed at her slip up. Ann doesn’t know what they are really, or maybe she knew all along.

“Frienemies or something, I don’t know.” Ann shook her head in indecision.

“Are you a model? Do you want to be a model? Will you help Ann-san with her shoot? Will you model for us?” The director fired of questions desperately, inching closer and closer to Akira, who is taking this in a stride, with a wide, sh*t-eating grin on his face.

“I’m not sure, I need to ask my agent.” Akira laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

The director deflates at Akira’s joke, “You have an agent?”

“Ann?” Akira cheekily smiled at Ann, insinuating that she was his agent. Or more so, asking Ann if it was ok. Asking her permission. Making sure she’s comfortable with this. Ann softened a bit, and she can’t help but be reminded of the time Akira sat with her in the café after Kamoshida had called her about Shiho. It’s nice. Nostalgic. It felt normal, and god knows she was craving some sense of normalcy.

“Ah, what the hell, why not.” Ann shook her head with a sigh, giving in. It probably couldn’t hurt, “But he’s going to need a different outfit. Do you have something with red?”

“I’ve got just the thing.” The director grinned in excitement as she started heading to the stylist. “Hold on, let me grab them!”

“Man, I hope they have a designer eyepatch.” Akira chuckled while tugging at his hair, “I could look cool, like a pirate or something. Yar.”

“Now you are just competing with Ryuji.” Ann pointed out; the lightness of the moment lost on her. Is this ok? Was this really ok? Akira isn’t even angry over the entire thing but is this really ok? They literally accused him of murder. Is he really going to let that slide?

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (27)

Haru felt great. She feels fantastic. She felt a little selfish at first as her motivations to be a Phantom Thief were personal. And she realized her not accepting that was why Milady hadn’t appeared at first. When Cognition Sugimura was brought out by her Father’s Shadow, and how her father basically gave him the permission to do anything. She knew what her decision was; she would not be a plaything for him despite what her father wanted. She would not sacrifice that for him. She isn’t an object, and Haru finally acknowledges this. Her father might see this as a betrayal, but this is her liberation.

“Noir, that was marvelous.” Akechi praised her; when the battle finished and her father fled, they all gathered around her happily, or at least most of them did; Akechi continued with a pleased smile on his face. “It seems you’ve awakened to your full potential. And I believe your Psi skills would be rather useful from here on out.”

“Thank you.” She happily said, swaying back and forth in excitement, “I just needed to accept how I really felt, really understand that, and it came to me.”

“You are really one of us now.” Morgana nodded, with a hint of pride on his voice as he jumped at her legs.

“Thank you, Mona-chan.” Haru patted his head; it felt nice to actually feel like she was a part of the group now. She can finally contribute instead of staying behind. She was going to change her father’s heart. She is going to make things right.

“I’m changing the lineup from here on out.” Akechi announced once the mirth died down, “On the front lines will be Noir, Panther, Fox and I. Oracle is Navigator as always while Mona will support her as needed. Joker will act as a healer when needed and can step in if deemed necessary. Skull and Queen are on standby.”

“Sweet.” Futaba cackled.

“I will do my best.” Yusuke nodded, pleased with the lineup; Haru is excited to be on the front lines herself since she hasn’t done much fighting. She wants to test Milady and how far she can take her. Ryuji doesn’t seem to upset he isn’t in action, but Makoto is rather visibly angry as she gnashed her teeth and clenched her fists.

“Why am I on standby? I have Makajama while having Nuclear and Physical attacks!” Makoto argued, folding her arms as her shoulders raise in indignation. Haru had noted the entire time they were in the metaverse, she has been tense and irritable by the situation.

“Makajama isn’t useful right now, and in terms of physical skills, I’d rather have Fox with his charge and Automatic Sukukaja,” Akechi told her sternly, not bending under her complaints and remaining pleasantly civil.

“This is unfair; you are discriminating against me!” Makoto contended, clearly frustrated by the reasoning that Akechi gave. Haru frowned; when she made her proposition, she naively thought that this would work out. But while some of the members are warming up to the situation, some aren’t. Haru still doesn’t understand what the initial argument was since no one was telling her. Haru doesn’t know what is going on between Akechi and Makoto either; she assumed it has something to do with him being against the Phantom Thieves for most of their career.

“I’m not on the front lines either. I don’t think he’s discriminating, just being pragmatic,” Akira pointed out, raising his hand to solidarity.

“You aren’t on the front lines because you nearly walked into a wall three times and would be likely to miss; you don’t get a say!” Makoto barked at him aggressively, and Akira shrugged while lowering his arm; Makoto continued, “I, on the other hand, can fight perfectly fine and have skills that could be useful! This is a mistake!”

“I mean… If Mako—Queen wants my spot on the front lines, it’s ok.” Haru offered, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Makoto had been on the team longer and has a lot more experience. It isn’t her decision, but she would be glad to give it up if it made Makoto feel a little better. Her decision put Makoto in this situation, and she feels a bit bad about it.

“No, Noir needs experience, and a lot of the shadows have a weakness to Psi attacks. It’s more beneficial to have her on the front lines for now.” Akechi shook his head decisively and frowned at her, narrowing his eyes, “I’ve taken the circ*mstances into account and have made my calculated decision. If you are not happy with it, you may wait in the safe room or leave. You are free to do so.”

“Damn.” Ryuji whistled under his breath with a disbelieving smile on his face. Ann has a similar look of astonishment on her face next to him. Futaba is gawking at the exchange; Morgana’s eyes are wide, and Yusuke seemed surprised.

“You are telling me to leave? What gives you the right, are you serious?!” Makoto argued, “I’ve been on this team longer! I’ve gone through countless battles more than you! I deserve to be on the front lines!”

“Queen, uh, you should just leave it, I mean, being backup ain’t so bad.” Ryuji tried to calm her down, putting a hand on her shoulder that immediately shrugged off in anger.

“Queen. This team nominated me as the leader. If you are unhappy with the decision, we have all come to. You may leave.” Akechi said once more, in a curt, professional tone but is less friendly than his usual demeanor. It startled Haru a bit; she can feel the iciness of the statement despite how civil Akechi is.

“I’m not leaving until you put me on the front lines!” Makoto exclaimed stubbornly.

“Crow, it really is ok If Queen takes my place; I mean, she has been here longer than me.” Haru tried to offer once more because she doesn’t like how tense things are getting.

“If I’m switching out anyone, then Joker would be put on the team rather than you seeing as he is far more useful in every sense of the word. He should be on the frontlines now, but I am trying to give you all some experience. You will have your chance but back down for now.” Akechi shook his head. Haru thinks that much is fair, Akechi must be planning to give them all a chance.

Akira looks visibly uncomfortable at the entire situation as he tugged on his hair. Haru can tell he wants to say something, maybe even defend Makoto or perhaps something else, but he’s holding back because he knows It won’t go over well. She understands where Akechi is coming from, but she also understands where Makoto is coming from too.

“Useful? He nearly walked into a wall three times! He’d be a liability!” Makoto gawked. Akira has indeed been a little off his balance, he had been wearing an eyepatch to cover the bruises when they went into the Metaverse, but it seemed while the eyepatch didn’t carry over, his lack of depth perception did. Haru doesn’t quite understand the semantics of the Metaverse yet. She did feel guilty that Akira had to be injured because of her, though.

“Uh oh, we’ve been spotted!” Futaba called out as one of the robots approached them because they had been idling too long, and it came up from behind them. Futaba groaned as she jumps behind the users that can actually fight, “This one is a strong one too!”

“I’ll show you.” Makoto huffed, raising her hand to her mask before Akechi stopped her with an arm held out and a shake of his head.

“Joker. Deal with it.” Akechi shot him a look over his shoulder; Akira shrugged and approached the Shadow, racing at them. It looked like a giant elephant with only one eye. Haru can admit it’s a bit unsettling, and she worried as Akira is facing it solo. Haru wondered if they should jump in despite Akechi’s decision.

“Wait a minute!” Ann stuttered, about to race forward to help, whip in hand, and Yusuke is on the other side of her with his hand on his sword.

“No need.” Akechi shook his head.

“Kaguya Picaro!” Akira called out, and Akira’s persona bursts forward in a beautiful shimmer of blue flame. Haru thinks she is quite lovely, and she fits very well as his persona, she thought. Kaguya almost looks like some sort of alien queen; her cape resembles a satellite dish, her long ears look like a bunny would, her face is some sort of LED screen, and her outfit matches the shujin uniform. She’s lithe and graceful, much like Akira is. Haru quite likes her; she seemed like a perfect fit for Akira. Akira completed his command, “Bellow forth, sacred tempest!”

Then he starts walking away from the shadow, turning his back on it.

“UM, DUDE? BEHIND YOU?” Ryuji yelled incredulously as Akira reapproached them, but the Shadow is charging him from behind. Haru is anxious about what is going to happen next.

Akira sends them a sh*t-eating grin as just a hair before the shadow attacks him, shooting arrows of light appear all around him, illuminating the room and hitting the ground in a flurry of luminance. The shadow, the main target, immediately dissipates. The shooting lights fade out as the last one hits the ground.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (28)

“I’m sorry I wasn’t looking. Did I miss?” Akira asked, feigning innocence, as he regains his position next to Akechi, who sighed and pinched the brink of his nose.

Makoto has nothing to say, choosing to look at the ground with a permanent scowl on her face. Haru thought maybe Akira might have been a bit insensitive with his remark, but she can’t deny Makoto has been making scathing remarks too.

“Dude, what the f*ck?” Ryuji murmured.

“The worst part of this is he did that with only 11 sp,” Futaba muttered, pushing up her glasses in dismay. Haru doesn’t understand the logistics of HP and SP levels yet, she’s been meaning to sit down with someone and have them genuinely explain it, but it has yet to come up, however. Judging by everyone’s scandalized looks, she can only assume it’s a meager amount of SP.

“That is quite like our Joker.” Yusuke nodded with a smile, “Always exceeding our expectations.”

“If Kaguya could do that the entire time, why have you not been doing that the entire time?!” Ryuji threw his hands up in exaggeration.

Akira shrugged, “Alice did a fine enough job as it was. Kaguya is more of a healer anyway.”

This caught Haru by surprise, and she can’t help but ask, “Who is Alice?”

Futaba sat reluctantly on the train back to Yonge-Jaya, Akira a few seats next to her who is texting his phone, and Morgana sitting in her bag as the last few weeks Morgana has been staying with her. It was dark when they had left Okumura’s Palace; they had made it a good way and what she could assume was halfway through the Palace. She can’t say she liked what she saw; Okumura treated his employees like sh*t, used them, and then got rid of them like robots. He was really the pinnacle of capitalism. Futaba saw how much Haru was flagging under the weight of what she learned about her father, so she was glad when Akechi called it a day and sent them all home.

But it was late when they left the Metaverse; therefore, Sojiro had stipulated if she was to be out late, then she couldn’t go home all alone, and Morgana didn’t count as a chaperone and wasn’t technically allowed on the subway, so he’s hidden in her bag. Therefore, leaving Akira in the position of her chaperone.

She doesn’t know how that made her feel.

Akira is an enigma for sure, a code she cannot crack for the life of her, but Akechi’s words make her wonder if she has been too harsh in her judgments. After all, despite what Makoto and Morgana might think, what if they are wrong about this? What if they don’t have all the evidence, and they really are throwing Akira under a bus.

She cannot deny that Akira has helped her, Futaba might have been the one to steal her own heart, but Akira was the catalyst. Futaba just doesn’t know why. Why Akira reached out to her, why Akira had cared. She assumed it was due to an ulterior motive, but she keeps thinking it over and over, what a motive might be, but she can’t come up with one. He does things that don’t make sense, but interesting things come up from his decisions. Like, Sojiro knowing about the Phantom Thieves and Akechi becoming the leader after publicly denouncing the Phantom Thief’s actions.

Both of which actually worked out. Sojiro isn’t happy with the course of events, but he also understands Futaba’s motives. The need to do something about how unfairly she was treated. She appreciates not needing to sneak around Sojiro around this matter, though, but she does feel bad about making him worry. He worried about both of them, and she felt guilty about that as well.

And Akechi is actually an excellent leader. He takes her analyses into account and makes sure to play all their strengths. He even took the time to sit down with most of them beforehand to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. Futaba appreciated that. But she can’t help but let his words ring through her mind. They don’t have enough concrete evidence on Akira.

“Hey, you alone? Can I sit with you?” Some dude comes up to her who must have come on the train the last stop. The car is basically empty, and the fact he wants to sit next to her in a basically empty car is very suspicious. She froze, staring at the floor because what is she supposed to do? A million situations run through her mind of how this could go wrong. She isn’t strong; she wouldn’t be able to fight back. She can feel Morgana shift and growl in her bag, but what is he gonna do? He is a cat that isn’t supposed to be on this train.

“Hey, no, you can’t sit next to my sister. I’d suggest another car.” Akira said, a venomous undertone in his voice as he sat next to Futaba. She quickly threw her face into his shoulder in embarrassment. Akira calling her his sister? Oof, her heart skipped a beat.

“What happened to your eye?” The guy asked nervously.

“I’d tell you to ask the other guy, but that won’t be happening.” Akira curtly said, and Futaba can just feel the irritation radiating off of him. The other dude shuffled away quickly, and she can hear the door between the train cars open and close a few days later.

Morgana peeked his head out, anger as he watched the guy walk away, “He was a creep; you should have let me claw his face Futaba.”

“You good?” Akira nudged her, and she took her face out of his shoulder and readjusted her glasses.

“What’s it to you?” Morgana frowned at him, but Futaba patted his head. She nodded a frown on her face in answer.

“Do you want me to move back?” Akira asked hesitantly as he is about to get up at Morgana’s scathing remark, but Futaba quickly shakes her head. She doesn’t want a repeat of what just happened.

“Morgana misses you.” She said, as a disguise for the fact she misses Akira. Morgana gasped incredulously.

“I do not!”

Akira laughed at this, “I miss him too. He was like my personal foot warmer.”

“Oh, I see what my worth is to you.” Morgana huffed, batting at Akira’s pant leg, “Maybe you’ll wake up one of these days and not have feet, thought about that, huh?”

“He complains all the time, ‘Akira would get me the good rich food or Akira knew exactly where I liked to be scratched, and Akira left his window open the exact right amount.” Futaba continued, but she doesn’t know where she is going with this.

“Futaba! Shut up!” Morgana whined in embarrassment.

“Well, my window is always open if he wants to partake in the good tuna.”

“Why aren’t you angry?” Futaba blurted out with her eyes narrowed; she hadn’t meant to actually ask the question that has been on her mind the past few days. Still, it comes out anyway, she clarified and begun to ramble at the shame of asking it, “Like, I’m angry at you, why aren’t you angry at us? We lashed out at you and accused you of murder. Why aren’t you angry? Why aren’t you defending yourself? Why aren’t you honest?”

Akira paused, clear confliction across his face as he tugged on his bangs hard. Futaba wonders if it’s a nervous tick, Akira has never outwardly looked anxious, but he has habits that she wondered about. Akira seemed to understand Futaba’s anxiety when she doesn’t.

“I am defending myself; I didn’t do it. I’m not angry because I get it. I get what I did was wrong, and it looked bad. I get that. I get why you are all mad. But I don’t know how to assure you that I was only doing because I was trying to save him.” Akira said slowly and clearly.

“How did you know he was going to die then?” Morgana huffed, clearly disbelieving this explanation.

Akira raised his head to the side of his temple gives them a weak smile, “I divined it.”

“Bullsh*t.” Morgana called it out, “Why not tell us that then when you went out?”

“Would you believe me?”

“No,” Futaba answered honestly.

“Do you believe me now?”

“No.” Morgana shook his head.

“Well, there you go.” Akira chuckled dryly, folding his arms.

Futaba frowned; what is she supposed to do with that? What is she supposed to believe?

Akira shoved something into her hands as she is in deep in thought, he said, “I request an appeal, a retrial. Take this, then make the judgment call.”

She investigated what Akira put into her hands, and she realized it’s his phone. And at first, she wondered why Akira is giving her his phone. She has already bugged his texts and knows his search history. It hasn’t brought up anything other than failed attempts of Akira trying to flirt with Akechi. Akechi, who usually has a pleasant and professional demeanor, seemed to be getting to the end of his string with Akira. While it was somewhat amusing to see Akira whittle him down, it didn’t yield anything. Then it hits her.

If Akira doesn’t have his phone, he can’t go into the Metaverse. Unless he had a burner phone, which If he did, Futaba would have picked it up on the network. If he didn’t have access to his phone, then he could not go into the metaverse.

“You’re joking.” Futaba breathed because Akira can’t be serious. But that might be just what she needs to prove Akira’s innocence.

“If it proves my innocence, then I’m not joking.” Akira shook his head but then paused thoughtfully, “Can you just tell my social network to call Leblanc if they want to get a hold of me, though?”

“You’re serious.” Morgana eyed the phone in wonder, but with a hint of confliction. Futaba gets it. Akira is basically forfeiting all his privacy, putting all his faith in Futaba, knowing she would comb his phone for any data she could find. Akira is giving her everything.

Ryuji is baffled. He’s so confused by the turn of events. Futaba had texted them all with video evidence that Akira had handed over his phone to her, meaning Akira couldn’t enter the Metaverse on his own. It would be concrete evidence if another mental shutdown happened while he didn’t have his phone. And the fact Akira would just give up his phone for their own peace of mind speaks in wavelengths.

Not only that, but Akira also stood up to Haru’s fiancée and even got injured doing so. Akira has always stepped up when needed. Could Ryuji really believe Akira was the black mask?

Akira’s character says no. But, Ryuji has so many questions that haven’t been answered. Why and where does Akira get his persona? Where did Arsene go? What exactly does his third eye see and not see? Why did he claim he divined Koyabakawa was going to die, and Akira tried to save him? Why can’t Akira be clear with him?

Still, Akechi is right; they don’t have concrete evidence of this.

Regardless, it’s a lot harder to find Akira now that he doesn’t have a phone; he trekked into the Ichigaya fishing pond after Sojiro had pointed him in the right direction.

“Oh, Sakamoto-san.” Kawakami lazily greeted him as he approached the two sitting on the crates, Akira is deadly focused on the water in front of him, but she takes the time to give Ryuji a nod. “Fancy seeing you here on a Sunday Afternoon.”

“Fishing master, what are you two doing?” Ryuji snickered, dragging one of the crates behind him closer; he notes how many fish are in the bucket between them.

“Don’t call me that.” Kawakami said, flustered and whacked his leg in mirth, “It’s just a hobby.”

Kawakami is an interesting person. Ryuji has no idea why Akira was friends with his teacher, but he can tell she has changed. Whether it’s from knowing Akira or only circ*mstances, Ryuji doesn’t know. She used to be on his case and actively talking against him. But ever since Kamoshida turned himself in and admitted his crimes, Kawakami has become more lenient. Ryuji wondered if it was because she knew he knew about her side job. But she genuinely just seems happier and motivated to help her students.

“It looks like you’ve caught an entire load.” Ryuji laughed, nudging the bucket with the fish with his shoe.

“Not me.” Kawakami shook her head in dismay, “He’s caught everything, and I’ve barely gotten a fish! Stop hogging the fish, Kurusu. Leave some for the rest.”

“Get better bait, teach.” Akira shot back, a smirk on his lips.

“So disrespectful to your own teacher and elder.” She sighed, shaking her head, and looked at the water longingly, her bait bobbing usefully in the water. “I may have taught you too much. There is no fish for the rest of us.”

“Damn Akira, what are you going to do with all that fish?” Ryuji whistled, settling the crate he dragged on Akira’s other side. He looked in and realized the bucket is deeper than he thought. “You have like twenty in there.”

Akira tilted his head thoughtfully and turned to smile at Ryuji, “How does your mom feel about fish? Want to take some off my hand?”

“She loves them, but I can’t take your haul, man.” Ryuji shook his head.

“I’m taking some too. What is he going to do with all that?” Kawakami pointed out from next to him.

“What am I going to do with all these fish?” Akira echoed right after Kawakami.

“Then why do you continue fishing??” Ryuji pointed out incredulously.

“I’m going for the big one. The Ichigaya Guardian. It will be mine, Ryuji.” Akira nodded thoughtfully as he pulled off another fish from his fishing rod. Not the fabled Ichigaya Guardian, but one of the more challenging fish to catch. Ryuji is impressed, he hadn’t assumed Akira would be the fishing type, but Akira always likes to precede expectations.

“You are insane. For real, Is that even a thing? Like I thought it was a myth?” Ryuji wondered, he vaguely remembered hearing about it, but he was sure it was an urban legend.

“I think I saw it once,” Kawakami mentioned in a voice oddly reminiscent as if she was some soldier coming home from war, talking about their experiences. “I didn’t catch it, but a man next to me almost did. It was on his rod; he was trying to pull it in, and yet, the guardian was too much for him. Broke his rod in half. And I never saw that man again. The guardian beat him.”

“Dude. That’s so ominous.”

“He was weak; he gave up.” She shook her head but patted Akira’s shoulder forcefully with a cheeky smile, “If you give up now, I’ll fail your next test.”

“As if that would do anything to my grade.” Akira scoffed but then frowned thoughtfully, “But I guess I’ll have to; after all, what will the other students say if I fail a test as well. Wouldn’t want to fuel the rumor mill.”

Kawakami deflated, and Ryuji gets why. The rumors about Akira had gone down since he started, and Kamoshida was put away, but as of late, they started up again because Akira was wearing the eyepatch. It was a catch twenty-two because if he didn’t wear the eye patch, they would talk about the bruising, and if he did, they talked about how he got into a fight, which was technically correct but not what everyone thinks.

“What happened anyway? He wouldn’t say.” Kawakami asked Ryuji, with a hit of concern and curiosity on her tone.

Before Akira could stop him, Ryuji explained, “One of our friends was being harassed by her fiancée, and Akira stepped in. And well, he didn’t block in time. Broke his glasses and bruised his eye. He didn’t start anything, though; I swear, but he didn’t do well in it either.”

“Ryuji!” Akira whined, like a petulant child, shoving Ryuji in the shoulder with little force.

“Oh, it’s Okumura-san, isn’t it.” Kawakami frowned in realization, but then whacked Akira on the back of the head, “You should be more careful! Don’t participate in fights you can’t win.”

“Ow.” Akira pouted, rubbing the back of his head in exaggeration. “Jeez, I was just trying to help her out.”

“Huh, does that mean you are really targeting Kunikazu Okumura next?” Kawakami commented in contemplation, readjusting her bob’s position in the water, “I heard Mishima talking about his poll, but it seems you have completely different reasons.”

“Yeah, I mean, it’s for Haru’s sake, she didn’t get a choice in this arrangement—wait, what?!” Ryuji stuttered, falling back a bit when he realized what Kawakami has said, it’s not direct, but it’s subtle enough he gets the just, “I-I mean, I have no idea what you are talking about! What could that possibly mean?”

Akira snorted, and Kawakami groaned, “Everything involving you and Kamoshida plus this guy takes the names of the people harassing me, and the next day they have a change of heart? I’m not stupid, Sakamoto. I’m not going to tell anyone if you’re worried; I’m truly grateful to you all. Besides, I guess it hasn’t affected your studies; your grades are still as awful as ever. You should really study with Kurusu more.”

“Dude, what the f*ck?” Ryuji whined, shaking Akira’s shoulder.

“She figured out herself.” Akira shrugged passively, “what did you want me to do?”

“Did you deny it?”

“No.” Akira laughed, and Ryuji sighed because that is such an Akira thing to do. At this point, Ryuji just has to accept that more people know about their identity than what is probably safe. They’ve yet to have any problems, however.

“Regardless, I think you kids are doing something very, well, groundbreaking. Many of us adults just don’t have the vigor to stand up to the problems you are. I think, if they knew, they might try better.” Kawakami nodded, a fond look on her face.

Ryuji feels warm at the sentiment; Kawakami has never praised him as such. But it’s nice to know despite their history, she was still rooting for him. The situation is weird but, he appreciated it. He feels as if his perspective of Kawakami has changed.

Surprisingly, Akira doesn’t respond to the comment, doesn’t smile, and doesn’t do anything. As if Kawakami’s statement upset him. His shoulders are tense, and his gaze is stuck on the water in front of him. Ryuji doesn’t get it.

“Alright, I’m gonna get better bait since someone keeps beating me to the fish.” Kawakami sighed, getting to her feet. “Save some for me for when I get back, Master~.”

“Master?” Ryuji sputtered, taken aback by the statement. Had Akira actually hired her?? After he and Mishima fled, did Akira really keep the flyer and hire Kawakami as his maid of all things? Ryuji is sh*tting himself at the idea of it. That can't be legal.

Kawakami’s face goes completely red when she realized what she said. She hissed at him without a word and stomped off towards the bait and tackle shop.

“Dude.” Ryuji turned back to Akira intent on asking about that, but Akira's shoulders are still squared, and he has the familiar faraway look in his eyes he gets when he isn’t paying attention in group meetings or when he is deep in thought. Ryuji tried again, “Hey.”

“Hmm?” Akira jolts out of it, responding to Ryuji as he turned his head slightly.

“I got you these.” Ryuji pulled the case out of his pockets and handed it to Akira.

“What is it?” Akira wondered, and opened the case and Ryuji thinks it’s pretty cute the way his face lights up at the familiar frames, “Ah! My glasses!”

“Well, not yours, but I tried to find similar ones,” Ryuji muttered, feeling a sense of guilt as he watched Akira put them over his face. They were an exact match to his other ones. Akira beamed at him, the frames over his eyepatch; it’s an odd look for sure.

“Tada. I’m an educated pirate.” Akira chuckled, reeling in another fish before posing with it. “Yar. Ima about to go to ye lecture~”

“What’s with the glasses?” Ryuji wondered, thinking back to the night they were broken and remembering the terror in his mind before Akechi revealed they were fake. But why does Akira wear fake glasses? What is the point? Akira is still as much as an enigma as before.

“To blend in,” Akira said simply, casting another line out the water. He doesn’t elaborate, however, as he watched the fish swarm underneath the surface.

“Blend in?”

“Most people assume people who wear glasses are more intelligent, more withdrawn, and nerdier, I guess. I thought, if I wear glasses, maybe people wouldn’t jump to assumptions. Maybe I wouldn’t look like the criminal they thought I was.” Akira said, with no enthusiasm, but then dry chuckled, “Guess that didn’t work out, but hey, I kind of like the glasses now.”

“Oh.” Ryuji felt guilty immediately. He is starting to believe they had jumped the gun. Akechi was right, Akira didn’t even have a door to his room, and now he doesn’t have his phone. But, the latter might just prove Akira’s innocence. Akira reeled in another fish, and Ryuji puts his foot down, “Dude, how the f*ck are you doing that?! You’ve caught a sh*t ton in a short while; the other fishermen aren't doing this good!”

Akira turned to him and gave him a familiar sly smirk.

“Holy sh*t, are you using the third eye to see where they are?” Ryuji breathed, shocked because he didn’t think that the third eye could cross over to reality. Futaba had mentioned Akira said he divined Kobayakawa’s death, and that’s why he wanted to save him, yet Ryuji didn’t connect the dots. “Isn’t that like…cheating?”

“The point is to catch fish, and I seem to be doing that very well. It’s not like there are set no rules. It's fishing.” Akira laughed, before wincing slightly, his one eye that is visible narrows and his lips pull into a tense frown.

“You should stop using it. The point of fishing is to unwind and relax; all you are doing is giving yourself a f*cking migraine probably.” Ryuji huffed, folding his arms, “There is nothing to prove from fishing; that’s the beauty of it. It's supposed to be mindless.”

“Oh, I think there is something to prove, Ryuji-san~”

“And what is that?”

“Catching the fabled Ichigaya Guardian, of course.” Akira cheekily smiled.

“Alright, Sakamoto, I got you a rod and bait; let’s beat him at his own game.” Kawakami marched over and shoves one of the rods into Ryuji’s hands. “I’m not gonna lose to a kid!”

“Teenager.” Akira corrected.

“A literal child.” Kawakami scoffed, sitting back on her crate and throwing her line out with vigor.

Ryuji cast his line as well, every so often peering over at Akira’s focused eyes. If Akira could use the third eye in reality, does that mean he actually is psychic? Or is his third eye an ability separate from the Metaverse? Ryuji has to wonder.

Makoto has been beyond frustrated, do the Phantom Thieves really not see the problem with this whole situation? In fact, Akira, who may be the Black Mask who murdered Kobayakawa and probably Futaba’s mother and many more, is now back on the team. Akechi, the detective who has literally been investigating them, is currently leading the team based on the group's uneducated vote. It’s insane, and Makoto cannot understand how they cannot see what she sees. This will turn out bad, going to go wrong, and Makoto doesn’t know how to make them see that. She feels like she is talking to bricks.

She scribbled aggressively on the notebook in front of her. On top of all of these, she has to worry about the Student Council with the upcoming school festival and her grades because that’s all her sister has been nagging her about.

Her sister is furiously tapping on the computer in front of her, seeming equal as annoyed as Makoto was. Makoto knew she was being forced to work on intern level stuff on top of her investigation of the Phantom Thieves. And Sae was not happy about it in the least.

“This is ridiculous; somebody else can be doing this. This is below my pay grade; I should be put on more productive. I have more important things to do.” Sae grumbled for the umpteenth time as her fingers slam on the computer. She looked up and narrowed her eyes at Makoto, “Make sure you are studying hard for your exams coming up.”

“I am, sis.” Makoto gritted her teeth and clenched the pencil that she wants to break. “I have to organize the school festival too.”

“That’s ridiculous; the staff should be doing that. You have more important things to do; you are better than that.” Sae scoffed, “I’ll have to have a talk with the new principal. This is unacceptable.”

“Don’t, it’s fine. I can do it.” Makoto shook her head; she doesn’t need her sister of all people to go and talk to her principal. Makoto could do that herself If she needed to. Makoto hated how her sister treated her like she was a child and like she hasn’t been self-sufficient for herself as Sae is always working.

Every adult in this world treated her like this goody two shoe child who hasn’t gone through what she has. Makoto has learned to provide for herself from a very young age, ever since her father died. Makoto knows what she has to do; she doesn’t need her sister to keep telling her like she is a toddler. And she doesn’t need Akechi treating her like a petulant child either. She can fight just as well as the other Phantom Thieves, and maybe even better; after all, she has a background in Aikido.

“You make sure the principal knows that this is unacceptable, and you need to be focusing on your grades and future education. You are not going to some second-grade college because they dumped all their responsibilities on you. You do what it takes to get into a good, well-known university, whatever it may take.” Sae told her seriously, her eyes dark and stern. Her voice is sharp, and there is no room for argument.

“What are you saying?” Makoto frowned, scowling at her sister.

“The ends justify the means.” Sae reiterated, folding her arms, “You need a good education, and you do whatever it takes to get it.”

Makoto frowned; it this. This gets to her. Makoto knows Sae has a palace; she checked early on. She knows, but she hasn’t done anything about it because they had all agreed not to go into the Metaverse alone, and Makoto doesn’t know how to bring it up. She doesn’t know what the distortion is or where it’s at, just that Sae Nijima has a palace. It’s something that has been lingering in the back of her mind.

“The ends justify the means, huh?” Makoto chuckled; it’s a ridiculous way of thinking and can be very dangerous. Yet, was it not what the Phantom Thieves were doing? The Phantom Thieves indeed aren’t working within the law, but she is sure as hell going to make sure to change Sae’s heart. She is going to prove herself to the rest of the Phantom Thieves. Makoto knows her friends aren’t happy with her right now, but she is just pragmatic and careful.

Makoto Nijima is doing the best she can, and she will prove herself.

Morgana is baffled; Okumura’s boss fight was not what he had imagined at all. For one, they weren’t actually fighting Okumura himself. No, Okumura is such a slime ball that he has robots to fight for him. The robots symbolized the severely overworked workers in his corporation. It made fighting the robots scummy, but they were coming in waves and the only way to get to Okumura. It makes his blood boil but not as much as seeing Okumura’s robot version of his daughter. How could he think about his daughter like that? Okumura only thought of his daughter as a soulless robot who would obey his every command without question?

It makes Morgana want to fight harder because Haru doesn’t deserve that.

The battle isn’t actually that tough as most of the palace ruler battles the phantom thieves had encountered so far. There was a time limit of thirty minutes that Morgana had been worried about the most, but they seemed to be blazing through the robots under Akechi’s diligent leadership.

Morgana had his doubts about Akechi, after all, a detective on the team of phantom thieves? The one who was literally supposed to be investigating the Phantom Thieves? It’s outrageous, yet it’s actually working out well. He’s diplomatic where Makoto wasn’t, playing to everyone’s strengths. All of them got to have a taste in the fight; Morgana, Yusuke, and Haru tag-teamed the first few waves of robots, baton passing between them and taking them out efficiently with Akechi directing them.

Ann, Ryuji, and Akira are out on the field, leaving Makoto seething from the backlines where she is idle next to Haru in case they are called on. Morgana doesn’t know if Akechi is being crossed with her or is simply being practical. Makoto’s skills genuinely haven’t been needed so far.

“Skull, hit them with all the electricity you can muster!” Akechi commanded while using an item to bring down the defense of the robots. Morgana noted that despite Akechi having Megidola, the weaker version of Megidoloan, he’s favored more support than actually fighting. It makes sense; hitting the robot’s weaknesses are far more debilitating than hitting them with almighty right now. It’s a tactical move.

“Leave it to me; I’ll light ‘em up!” Ryuji cackled, holding his mask and summoning his persona in a flurry of electricity. With a crackle accompanying the light, the robots are blown away into bits.

Okumura isn’t happy with this, and Morgana knows he knows it’s a losing battle, but regardless, he summons his next round of robots that are bigger and stronger. In an irritated tone, he commanded them, “Hey, What's the holdup! Can't you scrap heaps do one simple job? Enough of this! Target that one next! The pompous man in the black coat!”

Morgana can read the shadows affinities just as well as Futaba can, so he knows these ones are weak to wind and bless. Technically he has wind attacks, and Akechi has bless attacks. Still, Morgana already knows strategically that Akechi will let Akira deal with them because Akira’s bless attack is far more potent than Akechi’s bless or Morgana’s wind combined.

“Hey guys, tag yourself; I’m the pompous man in the black coat!” Akira laughed in mirth. Akechi is diplomatic, and he is also far more serious than Akira, which Morgana appreciated. It couldn’t all be fun and games. While Morgana knew Akira could wipe out the robots with ease before they targeted him, his joking in the face of danger really said something about his level of maturity and character.

“Panther, use your accessory on him. Joker, take them out.” Akechi directed again, once more throwing an item that decreased the Robot’s defense. Morgana has no idea where Akira keeps getting these items from or why he hadn’t bothered to use them before.

“On it!” Ann nodded, raising the ring up, boosting Akira’s next magical attack.

“Violent wind!” Akira roared, Kaguya billowing forth in a flurry of flames, raining down shimmering arrows of light onto the field, immediately dissipating the robots.

Okumura growled and brought forth the same exact set of robots.

“Once more!” Akechi declared, and the impromptu team-up between Ann and Akira ensues again, Ann cast the support spell, and Akira wiped the Robots out with Kaguya in a flurry of lights. It’s quick and easy.

"Every problem can be solved with more manpower... That is the strength of my company!" Okumura cackled, raising his hand and summoning more robots instantly. These ones are bigger and green, in contrast to the lanky blue ones they just saw.

“There is more of them?!” Morgana gasped, wondering if this would never end. They might be blazing through the waves, yet how many waves would come, and would they finish before the timer dropped? Morgana is starting to get a bit worried by this. The team is doing ok, they haven’t given the robots a chance to hit them, but their SP is slowly declining.

“Nah, he’s on his last legs.” Akira clarified, and Morgana has no idea whether to believe him or not, what he does know is these Robots are weak to curse, and Akira seemed to excel in the Curse area.

“Same as before.” Akechi decided after only a moment of contemplation with the robot’s affinities. He throws yet again another item to bring the robot’s stats down, “Skull, use an item for SP boost, Panther, use your accessory on Joker. Joker, bring out Alice.”

Their moves happen in succession, Ryuji restores some of their SP with an item, Ann once more used her ring on Joker, and Joker cackled as he grasped his mask, “ALICE!”

Alice twirled into existence with flames lapping and her dress, and a killer smile on her face. No matter how many time Morgana sees her, he shivers. Even more so when he thinks about her origin and may not be the classic Alice in Wonderland character but a vindictive spirit.


Alice giggled and pointed her finger daintily at the Robots; curse energy swarmed around them, nearly knocking them down but brings them to their knees; Akira took the chance to hit them again with the curse spell that completely obliterated them.

"Argh...Your time has arrived, Chief Director! Go forth and show them the weight of the corporate elite!" Okumura raged, bringing out another robot, only it’s just one this time. Big and looming, Morgana assumed this was the Chief Director, but he immediately saw the problem.

“Hey! That one doesn’t have affinities! No weaknesses!” Futaba called out from her persona, the same thing Morgana had realized only a moment ago.

Akechi grinned, finger on his chin in contemplation, “No problem. Skull, switch out with Queen.”

“On it!” Ryuji replied, immediately bounding to the backlines as Makoto quickly comes forward, body tense, and Morgana can tell she has been itching to be in this battle from the start.

“Joker, bring out Yosh*tsune and charge! Panther, guard. Queen, use Makajama on it!” Akechi called out, throwing again another item to bring down all the stats of the robot.

Morgana immediately realized what Akechi was going to do. If the robot doesn’t have weaknesses, he will bring it down with technical damage between Makoto and Akira. It’s brilliant and a great workaround. They don’t use Technical Damage as much since they haven’t needed it, but props to Akechi for executing that very well.

Akira grasped his mask in preparation for his attack. Ann guarded because Morgana knows she isn’t pertinent to this plan.

“Johanna!” Makoto summoned her persona and casts the forget spell that works instantly. The robot is blinking around in confusion about where it is.

“Hassou Tobi!” Akira bellowed, and the swordsman persona comes forth in a vigor, slicing quickly all around the robot, bringing it to the ground. Akechi’s plan had worked like an absolute charm, Akira once more called on Yoshistune to finish off the Chief Director.

"Seriously, how useless can you all be!? Whatever's become of company loyalty? ...Very well then, Haru! teach our employees how to demonstrate their loyalty properly!!" Okumura commanded, throwing his hand out, and Cognitive Haru takes center stage, shocking them all.

“She doesn’t have any weaknesses,” Futaba announced but added with a frown. “But she doesn’t have any attacks either. She can’t do anything except self destruct.”

A somber mood falls over the field as they all realize precisely how Okumura thinks of his daughter.

“Father!” Haru cried out angrily and with hurt on her tongue. Morgana can feel the pain in her cry. Her father doesn’t think she can do anything and is willing to sacrifice her to live on.

“Noir! Queen! This is yours.” Akechi ordered while he, Ann, and Akira take a step back, allowing the two girls to take care of this.

Makoto’s mood seems to ascend, and all the irritation she had towards Akechi is immediately directed at Okumura and how he was talking about his daughter. Haru stood next to her, battle-ax in hand, her eyes narrow and angry. Morgana isn’t worried about them at all.

“Let’s go, Noir!” Makoto roared, hopping on Johanna and casting a Makajama spell on the cognitive Haru. Morgana is surprised; it seemed she had decided to use Akechi’s strategy from earlier.

“Let's!” Haru agreed, grasping her mask and summoning Milady. “Triple down!”

Milady fires her guns at the cognitive Haru, making twice the damage with technical damage. Cognitive Haru is flagging, and it only serves to prove how weak Okumura felt about his own daughter. Morgana cannot wait to see Haru take down the cognitive version of herself.

"What's the holdup, Haru!? If you don't stop them, my dreams...Gah, it seems I've no other choice...Haru - self-destruct! Detonate and take those damned thieves with you!" Okumura roared in anger.

“f*ck you, Okumura!” Makoto spat, “How dare you think so little of your own daughter! She is far stronger than you can ever imagine and far kinder than you’ll ever know! Makajama!”

The forget spell takes hold of Cognitive Haru once more.

“Father! We are going to defeat you and steal your heart! I’ll show you just what I am capable of!” Haru yelled in accompaniment, and Morgana is proud of her; she really has improved in her fighting skills. “Triple down!”

And Cognitive Haru is done with.

So, even Haru couldn't finish them off...I had enough! Someone get in here! ...Anyone!?" Okumura called out in a panic, looking around as he tried to summon more robots, but no one was coming. He had run out of workers—an ironic end to the corrupt CEO.

“Thanks, Mako-chan.” Haru gives Makoto a radiant smile in the lull of battle.

“Of course.” Makoto smiled back.

Morgana can’t help but smile too, they did it; they beat him.

Akechi doesn’t know why they decided to all convene on the Shujin rooftop of all places. The press conference isn’t till tonight, and It was hard enough to sneak up here without anyone seeing. He didn’t want to come, but Akira had whined and begged him, and Akechi seemingly cannot say no to him. He is sure it has to do with how clingy Akira has been since they defeated Okumura and stole his treasure last week. That was an interesting moment itself. Akechi hasn’t seen a change of heart, and it was weird to experience it. Okumura cowered on the ground, regretful for all he has done. He apologized to Haru, but Akechi thinks it's shallow after everything he did and thought of her. He has no idea why Haru accepts his apology. Haru is too forgiving in his eyes. There is a moment where the Phantom Thieves ask about the mental shutdowns. Akechi steels himself then. He knows Okumura won’t say his name because he has a contract with Shido, and Shido is the one who gives him directions. Okumura never knew or cared a minor was carrying out his kill list. The palace began to collapse before Okumura had responded.

“Um, am I doing this right?” Makoto frowned in frustration as she tries to plant the flowers nicely, but the roots keep coming undone.

“Almost.” Haru giggled, moving over to help Makoto with her flowers, “You have to do it like this…see?”

Makoto had been a little more bearable after Okumura’s palace, though it is still evident she is not very happy with Akechi and Akira’s re-addition to the team. Akechi thinks it’s ridiculous that they think Akira is the black mask behind the mental shutdowns. How stupid do the Phantom Thieves need to be to come to that conclusion?

Not only that, but he also thinks it’s foolish Akira isn’t mad at them. Akira was all gungho to join up with them again when they believe he is a murderer. Akechi is beyond astounded.

“We should celebrate the addition of Haru and Akechi to the team,” Ryuji said, seemingly given up on his planter; his plants looked sloppy.

“Is the school festival not the celebration?” Makoto wondered.

“Yeah, but, like we should do something on top of that.” Ryuji said, “Double the celebration, yeah?”

“Let’s do it then! A joint party to welcome Haru and Akechi!” Ann happily agreed. Akechi is actually somewhat offended by this. He didn’t really want to be in the Phantom Thieves in the first place, and now he’s magically the leader as well?

“Oh, come on, live a little. It’ll be fun.” Akira nudged his leg from where the other was planting snapdragons.

“I didn’t say anything.” Akechi shook his head.

“Yeah, but you were thinking it,” Akira smirked at him, and Akechi hates how easily Akira predicts what he is thinking at a given time.

“How about a night party? What about Destinyland?” Haru brought up, simple and easy as if it was the most obvious choice.

“Destinyland! The land of dreams!” Futaba’s eyes sparkle from where she was ignoring the planting and was on her computer.

“You mean the Destinyland?!” Ann confirmed again, her eyes astounded.

“It would be a bit late, but there are plans that could allow us to rent out the entire park to ourselves. The company had arranged plans there, but they couldn't attend due to my Father’s state and press conference. Canceling this late means, we wouldn’t get any compensation; we might as well go have fun instead!” Haru explained, “It could be fun!”

“Wow, she really thinks like a celebrity.” Ann murmured before a pleased smile, “I haven’t been to Destinyland in a few years; I think it would be fun.”

“I as well. I went once when I was a child. I found the colors to be very stimulating and fresh. I would like to go again.” Yusuke nodded in agreement.

“What about you, Akechi? I’m sure you have to have gone a load of times, Mr. Detective Prince.” Ryuji laughed.

“I have not.” Akechi curtly said and folded his arms.

“You haven’t been loads of times? Or you haven’t been at all?” Ann asked to clarify, and Akechi doesn’t see why this has to be a big deal. Why do they care so much about him going to a kid’s theme park?

“I’ve never been to Destinyland,” Akechi admitted when he was pressed. He wanted to leave it at that, but apparently, the Phantom Thieves won’t relent, and Akira is allowing it to happen by focusing on his snapdragons.

“You’ve never been to Destinyland?” Ann gasped, putting a hand over her heart in exaggeration. “How have you never been to Destinyland? It’s like the most magical place on earth, every kid’s choice vacation dream!”

“Yeah, well, my dream growing up was to be self-sufficient and well off. My mother died after my father cast her aside and didn’t care about my fate casting me into the foster system. None of my foster families cared about my well-being, and I hardly got to go on ‘fun excursions’ rather than barely having anything to call my own of my own. I had to fight for the right to my own education even when I had become independent at a young age. So, excuse me for not having lavish childhood dreams. I didn’t get to partake in that.” Akechi growled, letting too much go in the moment. His pleasant detective prince persona may have been broken in that moment, but he was so angry; he didn’t get the childhood others did. He always had to prove things to people he already knew.

The Phantom Thieves all stare at him in shock and pity, and he hated it. He didn’t need sympathy, and he wanted to wipe those looks off their faces.

“Ignore that. If you want to go to Destinyland, it's perfectly fine. I suppose Kurusu-Kun will drag me along anyway.” Akechi tried to take away from what he just said, hating how the Phantom Thieves are looking at him now. How Akira is looking up at him from his planter bed, melancholy in his eyes. Akechi doesn’t need pity.

“Akechi-kun.” Haru sadly said, getting up from where she was plotting her plants.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be insensitive. That is completely valid, and I shouldn’t have pressed without knowing.” Ann apologized, regret on her face as she awkwardly played with one of her ponytails.

“It’s fine, Ann-san.” Akechi sighed, regretting that he had said anything at all. After all, he doesn’t expect the Phantom Thieves to care about him once it is revealed he is the real culprit after all. This thing they have is fake and won’t last. Akechi knows that. He just has to endure this a bit longer.

“I’ll…I’ll go make the call to the park.” Haru nodded, walking off to a secluded part of the roof.

The Phantom Thieves awkwardly go back to their own devices, finishing up the planter beds. Akechi refused to look down because he knows Akira is still looking at him.

Akechi REFUSES to admit he had fun. It was awful indeed; all the Phantom Thieves are acting like absolute children the entire time, and Akechi feels like he should have gone out and bought seven toddler leashes. He relented after a while, and it seemed like everyone dashed off in a different direction. At the least, Akira stayed with him because Akira still didn’t have his phone. Akechi thought it was a smart idea, but he knows Shido hasn’t given him any jobs outside of Okumura, so Akechi wondered if that would backfire on him or not.

“Ooooooh! Let’s try that one!” Akira dragged him to one of the rides that was not a coaster but instead a boat ride? It didn’t seem too bad, so Akechi followed him. What was he supposed to do anyway? It would look weird if he was just sitting to the side somewhere; he didn’t need the Phantom Thieves giving him another dose of pity looks.

He instantly regretted it. Immediately as the boat, with only them on it, enters the building that the ride took place in. Million SINGING dolls assaulted his senses. And he hated every minute of it. The boat's slow-moving speed indicating this wouldn’t be over for at least another ten minutes, meaning Akechi had to sit through this agony for another ten minutes.

Akira is singing along happily next to him, all the dolls singing along this cursed happy song in which the chorus just repeated and repeated itself in annoying repetition.

“Come on, Akechi! It’s a small world after all!” Akira shoved his shoulder. “It’s a small world after all!

“I’m gonna shoot you.”

“With what gun?” Akira laughed.

“Kurusu. I am going to strangle you, all alone in this ride, and it will indeed be a smaller world than before.” Akechi told him, bluntly.

“Probably not the only strangulation this ride has seen.” Akira chuckled.

Akechi, regrettably, does not strangle Akira on this ride and manages to endure it.

After that god awful ride, Akira and Akechi jumped around to a few other rides that Akechi is wary of going on after the first ride that Akira picked. But none were as bad as the singing dolls. After a while, they met up with the other Phantom Thieves to rides with them.

Haru and Akira go on the spinning teacup ride far more than the rest of the group does. The Phantom Thieves drop from that ride like flies, the first being Yusuke and the last being Makoto, who looked like she had something to prove but gives up in the end, wobbling away and nearly tripping on a curb.

A few more rides later, all meet up in the plaza for dinner and the fireworks show.

The last time Akechi had seen fireworks were arguably in the firework show that summer. Though they didn’t last all that long, he doesn’t count it as an experience comparable to this one. Beautiful colors shimmer over the castle, lit up in dazzling lights. Akechi has never seen anything quite like it before. It’s ethereal. He wonders if this is some messed up dream. Akechi was never supposed to join the phantom thieves this early, nor was he supposed to become the temporary leader. He wasn’t supposed to be hanging out with them and going to Destinyland of all places. He wasn’t supposed to be a part of a friend group going on fun excursions. Maybe Destinyland really was the land of dreams because he can’t think of any explanation besides that.

“I wanted them to do the parade, but it seems they couldn’t get enough people together in time.” Haru sighed, watching the fireworks with pleasure, nevertheless.

“Yeah, that might be too much.” Makoto awkwardly chuckled.

“I’ve seen it online.” Futaba said, playing with the cartoon ears she had bought, “It was magnificent! So cool! We should come back and see it!”

“For sure, I think that would be fun.” Ann nodded with enthusiasm, kicking her legs under the table in an obnoxiously childish way. “Today was so fun.”

“Quite. I feel inspired by the architecture of this castle; I think I may have some ideas of how to replicate it on paper; the colors are astounding.” Yusuke marveled as he makes a finger square and angles it at the castle in which Akechi assumed is a way to frame it.

“Man, I wish I could have gone on rides.” Morgana pouted from where he was curled up on the table, “It’s not fair.”

“You’re too small for them, Mona-chan.” Haru patted his head, “You went on the teacup ride; wasn’t it fun?”

“No! You and Akira are insane! You went on it like 20 times!!” Morgana shook his head.

“It was method training.” Akira cackled, “Now Haru and I are probably more resistant to the confuse ailment!”

“Uh, no. We are more resistant to all ailments because of Milady’s passive skill. Not because you decided to ride a billion times.” Futaba remarked, taking another bite of her dessert. Some mouse shaped cake, “I don’t think that’s how it works.”

“Oh, I think you’d be surprised what carries over and vice versa. Which is why you should be glad I’m friends with Mishima.” Akira chuckled knowingly. Akechi has no idea what he means by that.

“What does Mishima have to do with this?” Ryuji wondered.

“Oh, the conference started!” Ann gathered all their attention. They all pull out their phones except Akira, who leans over Akechi’s shoulder to watch, getting uncomfortably close in his personal bubble, not that Akira knows boundaries regardless.

Akechi feels a sense of satisfaction as Okumura committed all his crimes on national television; there is something visceral in him that just absolutely loves this. Someone getting their just desserts. He knows his time will come eventually, but for right now, he is eating this up. Akechi fantasizes Shido on that podium, committing to every insidious, power-hungry thing he has done. It’s so appetizing, and Akechi cannot wait to bring him down.

Okumura is going to confess, and damn if it won’t be a shock to all.

Okumura started talking about the mental shutdowns, and his company has benefited from them. He sees the immediate guilt on all the other Phantom Thieve’s face except Makoto, whose face is neutral, and Haru, who doesn’t know.

“Akira.” Ryuji grabbed his attention.

“Hmm?” Akira perked his head up from Akechi’s phone screen in a confusion of Ryuji’s somber tone.

“Listen, Akira…We’re sorry for everything that happened.” Ann frowned, fidgeting with the ears on her head as the fireworks illuminate their solemn faces, “We shouldn’t have blown off the handle like we did. And it was unfair to you. We accused you without having concrete evidence.”

“It’s fine; what’s a little murder accusation amongst friends?” Akira weakly laughed, waving off the apology quickly but awkwardly. Akechi wanted to sigh, leave it to Akira to be utterly unserious about the problems at hand. How Akira has so much misplaced patience is beyond him.

“Why are we apologizing! We had a reason!” Makoto argued, her face turning into a scowl.

“Murder accusations?” Haru sputtered, her attention away from her father’s press conference. “Murder accusations?!”

“Oh yeah, about that.” Ryuji grimaced, realizing they actually hadn’t told Haru yet, “We were suspicious, but damn Makoto, can you just admit that we jumped the gun a bit?”

“We didn’t jump the gun! He isn’t transparent with us at all! The persona, the money, the knowledge, sneaking around, and Kobayakawa dies while he’s in Japan and we are in Hawaii! It’s suspicious, and we are justified in those suspicions!” Makoto contended once more, slamming her hands onto the table.

“Yeah, but…Akechi is right.” Futaba nodded solemnly as she pushed up her glasses, “We don’t have concrete evidence…”

“Wait, you defended me?” Akira, who has been uncomfortably sitting next to him, piped up. His grey eyes are peering at Akechi in surprise at the turn of events.

“I stated fact.” Akechi corrected, refusing to admit that was the reason.

“We don’t have concrete evidence for him!”

“Mako-chan, I don’t know what the situation, but I don’t think Akira would murder Kobayakawa; maybe we should all just calmly and rationally discuss this!” Haru tried to break up the arguing, but it’s impossible.

“What is your problem, Makoto?!” Ryuji explained back, “Why can’t we admit we may have been wrong?”

“What if we were right?!” Makoto barked back, “Do you understand the repercussions If we were right?!”

Akechi thought this entire thing is ridiculous; they are helping the black mask, just not the black mask they thought. For some reason, Akira has painted a red target on his own back, and even if Akira were to reveal Akechi now, he knows none of them would believe that. Akechi has no idea why Akira did that either.

“Makoto, I’m really sorry, but I’ve told you so many times I didn’t do it.” Akira sighed, a weak attempt to defend himself, and Akechi doesn’t know why he bothered with her. “What do you want me to say?”

“You can’t prove you didn’t!”

“And you can’t prove I did!” Akira argued back and sighed, tugging at his hair forcefully, “Can we just, it’s fine ok? Can we just leave it for now? Can we deal with this later?”

“Most of us are sorry…” Yusuke tried to point out again.

“This is ridiculous!” Makoto scoffed, falling back in her seat, crossing her arms in anger like a child that didn’t get her way.

“Wait, wait, Shut up, you guys! He’s about to reveal the identity of the Black Mask!” Morgana shushed them from where he is intent over the screen. “This might be our concrete evidence!”

They all shifted their focus back to the screens.

Akechi stared on, denying the anxiousness that swam over his body. It’s filling up the cracks, and it’s an awful feeling of dread of what is to come. He felt Akira take one of his hands from under the table and squeeze it. Akechi didn’t have the strength to tug away. He’s too preoccupied with what Okumura is about to say. Okumura takes a deep breath that Akechi thinks is far overly dramatic and planned.

But he never said what he was going to. Instead, Okumura has a visible fit on the screen, seemingly going into some sort of cardiac arrest on the television. He convulses before slamming face-first into his desk, nearly knocking over the cup of water and microphones. The broadcast cuts off before they can genuinely process what happened. Okumura had been deathly still beforehand.

“F-father.” Haru choked back a sob, eyes widened in horror as the scene ends before her. The fireworks forgot in the dread encompassing all of them. The pounding of their hearts so much louder than anything else going on.

“This—this can’t be—” Ann shakes her head in denial, her voice choking out in disbelief, “We—we did it the same. Exactly the same—"

“Wait—for real?” Ryuji breathed, struggling to keep his composure as well.

“I’ll tell the staff you are here; I need to figure things out.” Haru choked out before running off from the group in a frenzy.

The Phantom Thieves all stare in horror but not at Haru running away. Instead, all their gazes fall on Akira next to him. They are distraught; they are confused and hurt. Akechi also turned to Akira.

Akira isn’t looking back at them but instead staring at Akechi with an undecipherable expression.

Akechi feels the dread intensify at the situation, realization, and horror running through his veins because Akechi did not kill Kunikazu Okumura.

EXTRA CONTENT THAT HAS NOTHING DO TO WITH THE STORY: (Also just testing AO3's Video embedding capabilities)

Have Magical Girl Akira Brain Rot


Ahah, this chapter was late because my mind was stuck in Magical Girl Akira Brain Rot 😌😌✨✨✨

Chapter 16: The one where Akira goes full on 'The Notebook' with Makoto


'Just a pack of cards without the hearts
You can't call that love.'

The one where Akira goes full out 'The Notebook' on Makoto, Margaret said By the Myriad Truths, and Ryuji wonders if it's illegal for them to gamble in a cognitive casino.


Ah, another long chapter 😌 As is becoming my standard, I'm hoping to move the story along so I can get to the ✨JUICY✨ bits 🥰🙏

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Futaba knows Akira couldn’t have gotten into the Metaverse after all Futaba has had his phone on her this entire time; never once did it leave her pockets; she would have noticed. Akira couldn’t have killed Okumura. There isn’t any other way to access the Metaverse without the Nav, and Futaba has checked the mobile networks thrice, and Akira didn’t have a burner phone. So, that ruled out any possibilities that Akira was behind this. They physically cannot get to the Metaverse without their phones. Futaba surmised, technically, he could use one of the other Phantom Thieve’s phones, but seeing as they were all suspicious of him, she doubts this is the case. Someone would have said something. And even though Akechi knew he is a detective on the police force, she doubts he would engage in that either.

She kept running through that moment in her head from a few days ago, shivering at the thoughts. Okumura dying on broadcast, the broadcast cutting out into a pleasant filler screen that hardly masked the seriousness of what just happened. The utter horror that maybe they were the ones who caused this, perhaps this was their fault. Immediately everyone turning to Akira, which she regrets now because she knows Akira couldn’t have done it. She doesn’t know what the other Phantom Thieves were thinking at that moment; she doesn’t know what she was thinking either. She just wondered how this could have happened. The daze as they were ushered out of the park by employees when it had grown too late, and they could no longer stay. The silence followed as they all awkwardly shuffled into the train car, each getting off at their individual stops. A somber command by Akechi that they will discuss this when they had time to process it. An order that even Makoto didn’t argue against.

She laid in bed, counting the glue on stars on her ceiling, thinking about the long conversation that she had with Sojiro earlier.

‘I’m worried about you. You all are biting off too much to chew; you have to be careful.’ Sojiro had argued. ‘Seriously, consider ending this. Things are getting out of hand.’

Futaba knows that Sojiro knows he can’t do anything about the fact, yet still she felt awful about the position they had put him in. She knows Sojiro hated waiting in the wings. Maybe Sojiro was right, but she hates the thought of ending it. She wanted to see this through to the end; she wants to know for sure who killed her mother.

And Haru. Oh man, she can’t even begin to think about what Haru must feel in all of this; Haru hasn’t been answering any of their calls or texts, which is honestly expected; she has to deal with everything as she was the sole Okumura heir. But she was only a teenager. Futaba can’t imagine having so much responsibility thrust on her, right after her father died when it was all supposed to be ok. Futaba imagines Haru feels like she was after her mom died.

What went wrong?

“Akira couldn’t have done it,” Futaba murmured, reassuring herself as she held up Akira’s phone. They got the proof they needed, but at what cost? Was it even enough? The timing is suspicious for sure, but this had to prove it. Didn’t it?

“I was able to walk in and out of the Metaverse.” Morgana pointed out, laying on the bed next to her torso. His usual spot where he curled up.

“Do you really still think it’s Akira?” Futaba frowned, sitting up. Morgana is as ambivalent as they all were about the situation. But she thinks maybe he takes it harder since he was one of the original team members.

“No.” Morgana turned his head away. “Maybe, I don’t know.”

“Okumura’s palace collapsed, and Akira was with us when it did. I had his phone, so he couldn’t have gone back, but there wouldn’t have been a big enough window.” Futaba shook her head, curling her knees to her chest, “Isn’t that proof enough?”

“It is, but…what about everything else?” Morgana sighed, “If he isn’t the black mask…then why is he so much powerful? Why does he have all these things he shouldn’t?”

Futaba doesn’t answer because she had thought of that.

“What about Okumura?” Morgana asked softly. “We did everything the same. We didn’t kill his Shadow. It shouldn’t have gone down like that. Okumura should still be alive.”

“Maybe we really were wrong,” Futaba answered, her blood freezing at the thought. “We know there is another Metaverse user doing this; therefore…it could only be the true culprit. The real black mask? We thought it was Akira…but maybe it’s someone else.”

“But why?” Morgana frowned, “What happened? Why did this happen?”

“I don’t know,” Futaba answered honestly, fidgeting with Akira’s phone, twirling it like he usually does on his knuckles. Still, Futaba is far less graceful and almost drops it a few times. She has a bad habit of dropping her phone on her face when she texts sometimes.

She should be happy. After all, Akira probably wasn’t the one who killed her mother. Yet, with the proof being Okumura’s death, It just seemed so hollow.

Akira’s phone pinged, almost surprising her, but this whole custody she has had of the phone had enlightened her of how popular Akira is and how many diverse people he knew. It also illuminated how many people might know about their secret identities. Futaba wonders if that will be a problem but doesn’t think Akira’s acquaintances would reveal their secret, nor could anyone really connect the odd group of people. She had done background checks on all of them, and they all checked out. Well, except their arms dealer, who was Ex Yakusa. But even then, she hasn’t noticed anything suspicious about him.

Shinya: Hey, don’t listen to the rumors! Some of us out here totally still believe in you! I don’t think I’ll ever stop thinking how cool the Phantom Thieves are. Though you should work on your cool factor, old man.

Shinya: Oh, I forgot your phone is still missing, you’re rich, buy a new one! Stop being cheap, and I know you can afford a steak when we go out to eat >:(

Futaba snickered at the exchange. A pre-teen calling Akira a geezer? It lifted her spirits a bit, as did the reassuring words despite not directly intended for her.

She felt a bit scummy, but she has scrolled back in the conversation before. It’s mainly just banter between them too. It seemed Shinya thought Akira was learning gun about from him, but Futaba knows Akira is a whiz with a gun; he’s probably just entertaining Shinya’s whims. Akira treats Shinya like his little brother. Joking and teasing him but giving him wise advice every once in a while, it’s a different side to Akira she hadn’t seen. Or maybe she had; it’s similar to the relationship Akira has with Jose. Jose and Shinya are two very different people, however.

Futaba scrolled through the chat boxes with a frown. The way Akira acted with her, Shinya, and Jose made it seem like he had a younger sibling like he had the experience yet, Futaba hasn’t found anything about his family on the phone. There is no indication of his former life, and isn’t that a bit suspicious? There is nothing.

Not a number, not a contact, no conversations, no phone calls coming from numbers that she didn’t recognize. Nothing.

She knows why he is here; Sojiro was asked by a regular that was friends with Akira’s parents to house him in Shibuya when he was put on probation, yet there is nothing about them beyond that. Do his parents not call him? Do they even know how he is doing? Does he even have parents? She scratched that last one because Sojiro had confirmed that he did. Was it apart of the probation that they can’t contact him? That is a sad thought. She would want to talk to her mom if she could.

It’s something she considered bringing up, but it wouldn’t be right. Akira hasn’t brought them up, and Futaba doesn’t want to be caught red-handed by snooping. They have bigger fish to fry anyway.

“It’s late. You should go to bed.” Morgana muttered, curling up tighter into a ball.

“Yeah…ok.” Futaba relented but, she can’t stop thinking.

If Akira isn’t the Black Mask, then who is?

“I didn’t kill Okumura,” Akechi announced, leaning against one of the dryers, shaking on the wall behind him. There aren’t too many places they can meet without being suspicious; Leblanc was a no go since Futaba had apparently bugged the place. The security cameras of Yongen Jaya would capture them if they left during the night; it would be suspicious. Therefore either the bathhouse or laundry room would suffice. It seemed Akira had to do a load of laundry anyways. Though, the laundry room is a bit sketchy in the later hours. Seeing as Akira was sh*t in a real-world fight, Akechi made sure to watch out for any unsavory figures walking about.

Akira doesn’t respond, seemingly entranced by the shaking motion of the washer, his hand tugging on his bangs forcefully, a faraway look in his eyes much like the night that Okumura died. The cycle has hardly started, and there isn’t much to stare at rather than the ugly mustard paint chipping off the washer. It’s not the first time he’s done that this evening, drifting away from the conversation, but it is rather annoying.

“Kurusu,” Akechi said his name because they needed to discuss this. But Akira continues to stare without any indication he had heard Akechi, so he tried again, “Kurusu.”

When Akira doesn’t answer, Akechi pushed himself off the wall of dryers and takes Akira’s wrist, roughly dragging his hand from his bangs that Akechi is surprised he hasn’t entirely plucked yet. It’s another annoying thing to watch and has quickly become one of a growing list of pet peeves Akechi has about Akira.

“Oh, huh?” Akira asked, snapping out of the daze, turning slightly to look at Akechi.

“Would you pay attention? I said I didn’t kill Okumura.” Akechi repeated with exasperation.

“Yeah…I figured as much.” Akira nodded his head, readily accepting the answer, and it pissed Akechi off. It pissed off Akechi how trusting Akira could be, yet Akira doesn’t reveal anything of value. Akechi knows he’s not the black mask, obviously, but he can’t help but wonder if Akira really did have some sort of hidden agenda. It feels like Akira is stringing him along for some purposes, and Akechi hates that.

“And you are just going to take that at face value? You know what I am capable of, yet you easily accept anything I give you.” Akechi scoffed, releasing Akira’s wrist and folding his arms. This blind faith Akira has in Akechi and the rest of Society is definitely going to get him killed someday. “Your friend’s father is dead; do you understand that?”

“You said you didn’t do it, and I believe you. It’s as simple as that.” Akira shrugged carelessly, “What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say I suspect you? You were with me when the Palace collapsed. Okumura’s shadow had to have gone back to himself.”

“Correct.” Akechi nodded, “Believe in fact, not faith.”

“But that means it had to be Shido…It was a part of Shido’s plan to take out Okumura; therefore, it had to be him.” Akira frowned, tapping the washer lid, a dissonant melody, “Is there anyone else who would?”

“There are many, but Shido definitely is at the top.” Akechi verified, before growling, “I got a phone call from him a day after, congratulating me for a job well done and that I had exceeded his expectations. ‘Fantastic Akechi, you’ve done an excellent job; you’ve helped me truly in the expanse of this plan. I have many great things in store for you; you’ve done well’”

Akechi is used to Shido praising him. And Akechi took it at face value all this time. He knew he shouldn’t have believed Shido was sincere, knowing the man’s disposition. But, hell, what was a fifteen-year supposed to think? The man who was supposed to be his father was validating his actions, and he wanted so desperately to just accept that. Yet, in the last few months, he has been far more observant of the ‘praising.’ Shido is praising him for a job well done, but Akechi now knows he didn’t do that job. Then, Shido’s ‘praising’ hasn’t been genuine; it a means of manipulation or an ulterior motive. This event can only prove to illuminate that. After all, Akechi didn’t do the job. Therefore, there is something misaligned here. Something nefarious happening.

Akechi just didn’t want to see it this entire time.

It seemed ever since meeting Akira, Akechi’s perceptions on literally everything he’s known have wildly changed, almost giving Akechi a sense of whiplash.

And he doesn’t know if he liked it or not. Akechi had a set plan; he had a set goal. How was Akechi supposed to know you could change a heart when all Shido had taught him was otherwise? Akechi knew what he wanted to do. It was do or die. Make Shido’s life a living hell on his own terms. Show Shido what Akechi had to go through. But Akira stepped in and dangled this third option in front of him, too good to be true. Change Shido’s heart and get the man himself to reveal all of his insidious deeds and actions. Make Shido sabotage himself. And Akechi reluctantly admits, it is a better plan than his original one.

“Does he suspect you?” Akira wondered worriedly, “I mean…you know something is up, Akechi. We both know you didn’t do it. And we both know there are no other pieces on the board.”

Akechi clenched his fist because the personal conclusion he had come to was less desirable than Shido merely suspecting that Akechi had strayed somewhat from the plan. Shido seemed to think Akechi was not as competent as Akechi indeed was. The idea boils his blood. But Akechi is cautious in jumping to this conclusion because apparently, he hasn’t been cautious about his involvement with Shido before.

There are two scenarios in reality, and neither is great.

In the first scenario, Akira suggested that Shido was onto Akechi and taking things into his own hands. After how careful Akechi has been, he wondered if Shido had never trusted him from the beginning, even after basically stringing Akechi along in all of this. What made Shido aware? What did Akechi do wrong?

But the scenario Akechi believed is Shido has arranged fail-safes in Akechi’s hit list that Shido personally gave him. Shido is arrogant and underestimating Akechi’s will and prowess. Setting Akechi up, the target would die either way, but Akechi would think he was responsible for it all. Akechi would believe he carried out the action. Like a puppet and puppeteer.

Both of them offered many questions. How much did Shido suspect him? How many kills had Akechi actually made? Did all his targets have a fail-safe plan? Which scenario was it? What does Shido honestly think of Akechi?

Both of them establish the fact that Shido is definitely setting Akechi up to take the fall.

It made Akechi’s blood boil; either way, Shido suspecting him after all Akechi has done to earn his trust or Shido not believing Akechi is competent. It’s clear Akechi isn’t as valuable of a piece to Shido as he previously thought. And Akechi felt stupid. He just let Shido this entire time. Akechi kicked the dryer behind him in rage, “f*ck him! That’s how he wants to repay me for all the sh*t I endured for him?! f*ck THAT PIECE OF sh*t.”

“Bright side, He doesn’t know that you know.” Akira offered in a placating tone, “That’s an advantage.”

“Nothing about this is bright, Kurusu!” Akechi growled back because now realizing what Shido is capable of and how this could end up horribly hits him like an avalanche. Akechi’s name very well might be on that hit list next. Akechi essentially whor*d himself to that slimy piece of garbage much like his mother did. And the results are going to be precisely the same.

Akira dryly chucked at the statement, “You really are a ray of sunshine.”

“Would you be serious?!” Akechi exclaimed, not having any of Akira’s teasing bullsh*t. Does Akira not understand how frustrating this is? To be put in such a position. To feel like all control has just been ripped away from you in an instant at the epiphany of something.

Can Akira even begin to understand the depths of his frustration?

Akira sighed, “I seriously think this could be an advantage that he doesn’t know, you know. Think about it, you can work him like works you. Knowledge is power, you know that. I get you are freaked out—”

“I am not freaked out. I am being pragmatic!”

“But, being one step, even if it is half-a-step in front of him, is something. If you know what he’s planning, then you can throw a wrench into that. How do you think I beat you at chess all the time?” Akira pointed out, lifting the washer lid once the signal has indicated the cycle was done, “Can you open one of those for me?”

Akechi angrily whipped the dryer door next to him open before he realized what Akira said, “Hang on, you were cheating at chess this entire time? Are you f*cking kidding me?”

“I didn’t say cheating, I just…knew things you didn’t.” Akira cheekily grinned at him, lobbing his load of wet clothes into the dryer. Akechi could relate to the fact all the clothes he owned fit into one load as well.

Akechi narrowed his eyes at Akira. Akira isn’t helping; Akira taking this far lightly than he should be.

“At this point, I really think you should be less surprised about what I am capable of.” Akira laughed, slamming the door to the dryer shut.

“And maybe you should be a little more serious about the predicament and the fact if we are not careful, this can turn out entirely bad. Shido is a very powerful man with connections that we do not have. I wouldn’t take that so lightly. I know exactly what he is capable of. An arrogant man with a lot of power.” Akechi sneered at him, refolding his arms. It’s annoying; it’s exhausting dealing with Akira when he doesn’t take things seriously. Doesn’t Akira realize that his name could be on the hit lit next? Does he have any sense of self-preservation?

A tense silence settled around them, the sound of the dryer now banging on the wall behind it. Akechi feels the weight of all the decisions he’s made at the moment.

“Do you ever feel like your life is a funeral?” Akira asked, softly, watching the clothes spin and spin endlessly, getting the same faraway dazed look in his eyes.

“I don’t appreciate you interjecting what you feel about my life.” Akechi snapped back, narrowing his eyes. While he is aware of the crimes he has committed, he doesn’t have time for whimsical melancholy assumptions, “I am not this ‘hopeless’ or ‘despondent’ person you might seem to think I am. Don’t make unfounded assumptions about my life and experiences.”

“No, that’s—” Akira started but let it go with a frustrated sigh, looking away, “Sorry, it wasn’t meant to invalidate your feelings. Forget it.”

“I forget most of the things you say, Kurusu,” Akechi muttered, checking his phone for the time. It’s rather late to be doing laundry but leave it up to Akira to wait until the last moment. Akechi doesn’t know what to do with this awful anxious energy at his realizations about his relationship with Shido. But, he reluctantly admitted that Akira is right. Shido probably doesn’t know Akechi knows something is amiss. While Shido put failsafe in, he probably doesn’t know the difference between the two. “Regardless…We need a game plan. Gears are turning.”

“Sae, yeah?” Akira mumbled.

Akechi frowned critically, asking himself how the f*ck Akira knows all of these things.

“It makes sense. Okumura was getting loose on Shido’s deal with him. Therefore, Shido had to take him out, but he wanted to bring us down with him. Two birds, one stone. Sae is the nail in the coffin, trying to force our hand.” Akira shrugged, seemingly have read Akechi’s thoughts. He readjusted his glasses. “I was just hoping, with you on our side—”

“I’m not on your side. I never said that.” Akechi interjected.

“—that Okumura wouldn’t have died.” Akira sighed in frustration, moving his hand from his glasses to tugging on his bangs once more.

“Well, you didn’t plan that well, did you?” Akechi scoffed, frustration lacing his tone.

“How do you think he did it?” Akira frowned, completely sidestepping the question.

“Poison. Something that would make Okumura have a cardiac arrest on television. The public knows of Mental Shutdowns but not what they appear as unless you’ve seen one in person. It’s similar enough. It would have to be fast-acting, filter through the system fast.” Akechi surmised, hand on chin in a pensive stance. He remembered the press conference, “Probably the water on the desk table, or something he drank beforehand.”

Akira frowned but didn’t say anything.

Akechi doesn’t know what to do with all these revelations, but he does know one thing. Things are heating up, and Akira is right; he needs to work Shido like Shido has been working him. He has to do something drastic, something to really reinforce the decisions he has made within the relationship with his sh*t father. He needs to fix things if he is going to make his goal work. It’s all or nothing.

And unfortunately, sacrifices are going to need to be made.

He is going to show Shido and everyone else who he really is.

Everything is a mess after Okumura died on national television. Yusuke isn’t sure what went wrong or what happened. He knows they did everything the same. The calling card. The confrontation. The shadow admitting his faults and promised to return to himself. It all followed the pattern, yet this outcome was different. After Destiny Land, they had gone home in a daze, in shock from the situation. It has to be a mistake; this had to be a mistake, right?

“Everyone thinks we did it!” Ann groaned in anguish as she scrolled through her feed as the rest of them were doing as they sat spread out within Leblanc. “The public thought that we were so great, then this happens, and they completely turn on us! We didn’t do it!”

Akechi had called the meeting, obviously to talk about what had happened, but Yusuke is glad he had the decency to wait a few days to let them regroup in a different headspace. Though the current state of events, everyone is tense, and the air in Leblanc is thick with anxiousness. Even Akira keeps tugging at his bangs. Haru couldn’t make it for obvious reasons; she had enough to deal with. She had to arrange all his affairs and funeral. But they had to get to the bottom of this, and once she was ready, if she ever was ready, they would regroup with her.

“You send a calling card, and immediately Okumura dies; what did you kids think was going to happen?” Sojiro scoffed, glaring at all of them from behind the bar, looking as if he had aged a few years. Sojiro knew about them, but of course, he didn’t seem very happy by the events that had just happened. “Do you understand the mess you have gotten yourself into? You are way in over your head!”

“We ain’t murderers! And we didn’t do it!” Ryuji moaned, his foot bouncing up and down veraciously with a distinct lack of rhythm.

“Akechi… Can’t you say anything to the public?” Yusuke wondered; Akechi did seem to be in the best position at the moment to try and quell the public’s suspicions of them. After all, he has someplace in the media.

“I can make a stand. I can plead our innocence, but as I have been against the Phantom Thieves in the past, I doubt it will sway many. I don’t hold that much power over the cognition of the general public, especially now.” Akechi shook his head, leaning on the table that he and Akira were sharing. The other just seemed to be deep in thought. Akechi continued, “I’ll do my best, but don’t expect much.”

Yusuke can understand that Akechi has been against them in the past. Akechi can only do so much within his TV interviews, and it wasn’t like Akechi could reveal he personally knew the Phantom Thieves intentions. That is outright admitting he knew the Phantom Thieves or was part of them to the general public. A dangerous game right now.

Yusuke takes a moment to observe the state of their group. Ann and Ryuji are both staring at their phones in uneasiness and anxiousness, consuming the things the media had said about them. Both Akira and Akechi are sitting there, critical looks on their face as they are probably trying to come up with the best way to handle this. Futaba is aggressively tapping away at her keyboard, seemingly entranced with something. Yusuke can only imagine what. Morgana is curled up on the counter, his eyes severe. And Sojiro has his arms folded and is obviously not enjoying what is going on.

Leaving Makoto, who is sitting there with a fuming look on her face. She hasn’t said a word since the meeting started, which is weird enough since out of all of them, she had been most vocal in her suspicions and opinion. But, she is doing a better job of holding her tongue for right now.

“Makoto. Do you still think I did this?” Akira asked pensively as he leaned forward with his elbows on the table. Yusuke thinks Akira is just trying to hit a bee's nest with a stick at that point with that question. Sometimes Akira doesn’t tell them anything, and sometimes, he just chooses to say the exact wrong thing, and even Yusuke, who knows he struggles with the nuances of social interactions, has seen this.

“Yes!” Makoto retorted, but she somehow managed to somewhat collect herself and bring her voice down. “I don’t know. But I can’t just let go of my suspicion so easily! Why won’t any of you listen to me?”

“Makoto…” Ann sighed, dropping her phone, “We are listening to you, but Futaba had Akira’s phone the entire time, how could he have done it?”

“Isn’t that suspicious in itself? So, Akira just gave Futaba his phone, and all of a sudden, Okumura dies on national television? Is the timing of that not skeptical to you all?” Makoto argued, tapping her fingers on the table in indecisiveness. “He could have used someone else’s phone; I mean, we don’t know how the meta-app works or how it got on his phone in the first place! He could have downloaded it on someone else’s phone.”

“It just appeared on my phone when I first got off the train in Shibuya station.” Akira shrugged; Yusuke wonders how the other can remain so stoic in the face of Makoto’s accusations. Why is Akira provoking her if he knows how she feels? “It appeared on all your phones too. Are we not the same?”

“After you brought us into the metaverse. It appeared on my phone.” Ryuji nodded in agreement, but he frowned, “But, that was after I went to the metaverse. Why did you have it?”

“I don’t know.” Akira shrugged once more, but this time he narrows his eyes a bit more.

“See? This is why! You don’t give us straight answers!” Makoto exclaimed with a frustrated tone, “You expect us to trust you, but you don’t even answer basic questions!”

“I have been entirely straight with you on other things, Makoto.” Akira shook his head, “I told you we were the Phantom Thieves, I told you we would help you out. I told you everything you needed to know, but I am not responsible for the things you will not believe. Take it or leave it.”

Yusuke is taken aback by this because Akira is correct. He did not deny to Makoto that they were the Phantom Thieves. And to tell Makoto that he is not responsible for what she believed. Sometimes Akira surprised him.

“I think we were set up,” Futaba announced, breaking through the tension. She brings her computer over to the rest of the group. “I don’t think Akira did it, and I think we were being set up by the black mask or whoever the true culprit is.”

“Oh?” Akechi asked, seemingly interested in this conclusion.

“We were set up?” Morgana perked up, ears all attention.

“I was going through the code on the Medjed site. Analyzing it and no one in the original Medjed group could have done it.” Futaba frowned, fidgeting with her fingers.

“What do you mean by that?” Sojiro wondered, seemingly interested in where Futaba was going with this.

“When a hacker writes code, usually they have a particular way of doing it. It’s like a fingerprint; if you know how to read it, then you know whose code looks like what. Medjed’s code wasn’t sloppy…but it wasn’t unique either. It felt cut and pasted, mashed together into something that looked official but really had no leeway to it.” Futaba explained. “I missed it the first time around because I was writing my one code to take it down, not analyzing the code on their part. A mistake on my part but the Medjed that was used, it wasn’t any member; it was a setup.”

“Wait…it was fake?” Ann gasped, “You mean it wasn’t real? Nothing was going to happen if we didn’t take them down?”

“Nothing.” Futaba shook her head, folding her arms. “You all would have been perfectly fine. Nothing would have come of it.”

Makoto stared intensely at Futaba, and Yusuke can tell something is running through her mind as she turned back to Akira with a calculative face, “You said Medjed was a hoax. You knew Medjed was a fake. You told us not to worry about it. How did you know that?”

Akira blinked at her in surprise, seemingly taken aback by the information, “Wait—I said that?”

“Yeah, you said something like ‘Oh Medjed? That’s a thing?’ and went onto joke about what we were gonna do about a fake group out for our career.” Ryuji added, and Yusuke will admit that he remembered that as well. Akira was very unbothered by the whole threat. It is a little suspicious given what they now know.

Akira squinted his eyes as if he is trying to remember something, “I…I don’t remember saying that honestly.”

“Really? That’s how you are gonna spin it?” Makoto scoffed, slamming her hands on the table. “How did you know Medjed was fake? If you weren’t in on it, how did you know?”

Akira looked away and tugged his hair, “I don’t remember saying that, but Medjed wasn’t in the media before they called us out. There was no buildup; they weren’t present until they were. The timing was weird.”

“That’s! —”

“Futaba said it was a setup. But what does that mean?” Yusuke wondered, trying to draw the heat away from Makoto’s debate. Akira had a valid point, but Yusuke isn’t sure that Makoto will see it like that. Makoto has a good point too, but they have done enough arguing. They were going nowhere. “If nothing was going to happen, how was it a setup?”

“Because most of your fame came from Medjed.” Akechi sighed, pinching his nose as he came to a conclusion, “Medjed wasn’t a set up for failure; it was a set up for success.”

“Oh. Oh no. We took on Medjed, and because of that, we became famous. Medjed is when our popularity rose. We were at peak popularity when choosing Okumura.” Morgana started putting the grim details together. Yusuke does not like the turn that this has taken because it meant they had played into this the entire time.

“Then Okumura died, and the public turned on us like the drop of a hat.” Futaba surmised, before frowning, “We were set up. We played right into the culprit’s hand.”

“That’s—that's insane.” Ann breathed.

“Not only that, that code from Medjed? I found the same code present in the Phantom Aficionado site, right around the time that poll went up. The traffic was far more when we were deciding our next target.” Futaba revealed, a grim look on her face, “Tampering. That was a set up too.”

“And you don’t think it’s odd how Akira is friends with Mishima, the admin of the site?” Makoto scoffed, folding her arms. “Akira somehow knows Medjed was a fake and is friends with the admin of the site that was apparently was tampered to set us up.”

“You are sort of reaching now, Makoto.” Ryuji chided her, “We know Mishima, he made the Phantom Aficionado site, but I don’t think he has the coding knowledge to do something like that. He’s a mess! I doubt he’s in on this at all.”

“Can you say that for sure?” Makoto asked.

Yusuke wonders why Makoto is so desperate to convict Akira with this. He’s trying to see it from her point of view, put himself in her shoes so he can understand why she is behaving in such away. Yusuke knows Makoto is smart, but she is so opinionated. He feels that is stifling her. After all, Makoto had been the one to initially say that all the facts they had weren’t substantial, but now all of a sudden, she thinks they are? What does she have to gain from this? Yusuke still considered Makoto one of his dear friends, but he feels she is unfair in all of this.

He can’t deny Akira hasn’t been transparent with them. There are a lot of things Akira hasn’t told them and done behind their back. But maybe the Kobayakawa situation was just really an awful misunderstanding. After all, Akira couldn’t have killed Okumura. That should be proof enough. But Yusuke knows he doesn’t think like Makoto does. Perhaps Makoto is just erring on the side of caution. Still, she should be a little more delicate about it.

“I investigated that site myself, and Mishima’s code wasn’t the same code. I’d also know, and I’ve been monitoring his phone, computer, and how many times he accesses the site. I can see what he does, and it’s not him.” Futaba countered Makoto, “I can send you the data If you’d like to try and decode it.”

“Why do you all have this fundamental dislike for Mishima?” Akira wondered, looking around in confusion. “He’s been incredibly helpful!”

“He literally set up the poll that brought down our downfall.” Morgana contended, his tail flicking in annoyance.

“Ok yeah, besides that, but we all agreed except maybe Makoto that he didn’t have anything to do with it past that point.” Akira groaned, “I meant he was helpful support wise.”

“I’ve never met Mishima, but he seems fine.” Yusuke chimed in because the more they take away from Makoto’s argument, hopefully, the dust will settle.

“Back on topic. We know Medjed set you guys up for success. We know that the Okumura’s heist meant to bring you down. You are public enemy number one. What do we want our course of action to be now?” Akechi asked sternly, making sure all of them heard him. “What is your goal here?”

Everyone is understandably silent. Yusuke isn’t sure what he wants to do, but he doesn’t feel like he can just leave it at this.

“I want to get to the bottom of Mementos.” Morgana piped up quietly, his small voice cutting through the silence of the café.

“Wait, did he just say something?” Sojiro wondered with curiosity. Yusuke knows he can’t hear Morgana, but Sojiro knows that Morgana can talk in theory.

“He said he wants to get to the bottom of Mementos.” Futaba translated for Sojiro, “I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like societies palace in a sense.”

“Yeah, I know that is one of our goals, but…like, I think we should figure out who killed Okumura and who is setting us up.” Ryuji frowned, twisting his hands.

“You guys are in way over your heads! Someone just got murdered, and you want to go find out who? No! You guys are only kids!” Sojiro barked from the café counter, and Yusuke understands his grievance with their plan. But, at the end, who else could go to the metaverse and fix this?

“Yeah, but no one else can do the things we can, Boss,” Akira spoke up, giving Sojiro a carefree smile that certainly didn’t fit the conversation's tone. “I promise you; we’ll be ok.”

“You are making a tremendous promise there, Akira.” Sojiro frowned at him, crossing his arms as he looked at Akira with skepticism. Narrowing his eyes as if he is trying to intimidate Akira but of course, that never works with Akira.

“Feel free to do what you want with me if I break it.” Akira cheekily smiled at him. “I’ll even clean the drains for you.”

Sojiro sighed, pinching the brink of his nose with stress, “Do you even realize the situation you are in?”

“Regardless. The police wouldn’t help in this situation since these crimes are being committed in the metaverse. No one would believe such outlandish ideas, and Akira isn’t wrong in saying no one else can do what we do.” Akechi diplomatically backed up Akira’s claim.

“Akechi-san. Do you intend to continue with us?” Yusuke wondered because Akechi was on the police force and didn’t seem sure about it at first.

“I can’t turn a blind eye now. Something has to be done, and I’ll do my best to help rectify the situation.” Akechi sighed. Yusuke does feel a bit better with someone like Akechi’s skill on their team. He’s more level-headed than Makoto, and he is more diplomatic than Akira. Even though Okumura perished, Akechi had done a fantastic job leading them through the palace. He played their skills, and all of them got a chance on the battlefield even if Akira was their ace card.

“At least one of you is responsible,” Sojiro muttered. “I’m putting my chips on you, Akechi.”

“Sojiro!” Futaba gasped in feigned betrayal.

“Those are tall shoes to fill, Sakura-san.” Akechi chuckled politely and added in a joking manner, “I do hope you don’t regret that later on.”

Shinya doesn’t understand teenagers; they make no sense. Usually, most of the teenagers in the arcade don’t give him the light of day; most of the ones who frequent the Akihabara arcade ignore him because he is younger. Or because they can’t admit defeat to a ‘kid’ despite him only being a few years younger than them. Shinya finds it hilarious because they are supposed to be the more mature ones, yet they actively bash him so immaturely when Shinya kicks their asses at Gun About. They whine like little crybabies.

Regardless, Shinya thought Akira is ten times weirder because Akira actually and actively wanted to hang out with him. Akira takes time out of his day to come either play Gun About or take him out for dinner. It had taken Shinya aback at first, but now, he looks forward to hanging out with him. Shinya hadn’t gotten along with kids his age, but Akira stuck with him, and Shinya felt much less lonely now.

Also, Shinya knows he is a part of the Phantom Thieves (probably the leader because Shinya thinks it would be cool if he was), and the fact that one of the Phantom Thieves wants to hang out with him is very elevating. Despite the might be in a bed of hot water. Shinya knows Akira, and he knows the Phantom Thieves wouldn’t have done that. After all, his mom is like a completely different person and so much easier to get along with now. She’s made dynamic changes to correct her behaviors, and Shinya tried to do the same as well. He can’t thank Akira enough.

Though he wished Akira had let him into the Phantom Thieves as he joked, that would be so cool regardless of the public’s stance on them.

“Did you get a new phone already?” Shinya asked immediately as Akira met up with him at the arcade that afternoon. “I texted you but forgot, just buy a new one already. We are in Akihabara. There are like a billion phone shops here. There is one like next door. They have that new model too. It’s way nicer than your crappy phone.”

“Ah, I just misplaced it. I don’t want to give up on it yet. It’s not crappy; it has character.” Akira chuckled, exchanging a fist bump with Shinya before leaning next to the crane machine. “Also, I’m not rich; I just have a job.”

“Jeez. A job? And School? And the whole other thing?” Shinya grimaced, alluding to his activities as a Phantom Thief. “I can barely do my chores. And even then, all I think about is Gun About.”

“I have perfected time management skills. I have ascended.” Akira laughed, “I can fit the max number of activities into one day."

“Yeah, well, you look like sh*t for being ascended. I’ll pass.” Shinya bluntly pointed because it’s true, Akira’s hair is messier than usual. His uniform is buttoned wrongly. He looks like he’s breaking out on his face, and there are dark circles underneath his eyes. It’s very opposite of what Shinya would consider ascended to look like.

“This is what you have to look forward to, Shinya.” Akira nodded gravely, “It only goes down the older you get. It’s the price you must pay. Acne and sh*t.”

“Yeah, I’ll stay this age, thanks.” Shinya snickered but frowned because maybe this whole situation is bugging Akira more than he let on. Shinya doesn’t know as Akira never seemed bothered by much, even when his mom was getting in Akira’s face. Shinya feels bad regardless, “Don’t overthink what they are saying. I know it ain’t true, and there are others as well. Besides, you taught me losing is just a new beginning.”

“Oh, Are you worried about me? Has the younger become, the older? You are so wise now. Do you want to pay for dinner next time?” Akira cackled, cheekily messing with Shinya’s hat, and Shinya wonders how Akira is almost an adult when he acts like a child sometimes. Shinya shoved Akira away in mirth, readjusting his hat. He liked it to be a particular way.

“Seeing as you act like a five-year-old sometimes.” Shinya huffed before looking away in embarrassment, “You are the one with the job; you should be paying anyways.”

Akira is an enigma. Shinya has always been an only child, and he’s never had any contact with his cousins and such. It’s always been him and his mom; his dad has never been in the picture. He thought about it every so often, he looked up to his mom, but it wasn’t the same. It’s been lonely. He feels like he’d like to have had an older brother like Akira. He can imagine this is what it feels like to have a sibling relationship. The bickering and banter. Someone he could look up to for advice. Someone who hung out with him, making sure he was fed and happy. If he had a brother, Shinya wanted him to be Akira.

“Oh, come on, pitch in a little.” Akira snickered.

“I’m in elementary school; I don’t make money.” Shinya scoffed, folding his arms as he pouted at Akira, who laughed.

“You say that, but you play an awful lot of Gun about.”

“That’s—” Shinya explained, a little embarrassed, “That’s completely irrelevant!”

“Yeah. Uh-huh.” Akira smiled at him, “So what are we doing today, teach? Gun about? The café? Somewhere fun?”

“I hardly think I’m your teacher any more…or at all.” Shinya sulked because as much as he didn’t want to admit it. Akira was far better from the start, and Shinya could tell the other had held back a lot. Akira was superior in gun about, but unlike most players as Shinya was, he didn’t flaunt it. In fact, Shinya wasn’t even sure that Akira played gun about outside of playing with Shinya. He thought it was a shame; Akira could definitely enter tournaments and win. But it's better he doesn’t. It seemed Akira had enough on his plate as well.

Akira tugged on his hair, and he gets a devilish smile. “I have a place I think you will love.”

“Oh?” This piques Shinya’s interest.

Shinya thinks they are going to the café when they get off the train at the Shibuya station. He doesn’t know why that would be what Akira wanted to show him, but he already knows all the stores down the central street.

Akira takes him the usual, long way around this particular corner of the crossing, which Shinya has grown accustomed to, but he still doesn’t know why. Shinya had asked Akira before because it seemed stupid, but Akira laughed him off, saying he liked this particular way the best. ‘It’s more scenic’ Shinya thinks it’s silly, but Akira avoids this corner with every fiber of his being, and Shinya gave up trying to make him step foot near it.

“I’ve been to this arcade before,” Shinya said, assuming that’s where Akira is taking him.

“We aren’t going to the arcade.” Akira chuckled, making a sharp turn into an alleyway, and Shinya is beyond confused, was there even stores down there? If so, no one would know. Shinya gets a little shiver as they cross from the sunlight into the darker alleyway.

“This is sketch.” Shinya frowned, reluctantly following Akira.

Akira paused suddenly, turning to regard the corner where a few trash bags lay as if he had seen something there.

“Stop trying to freak me out!” Shinya protested, shoving Akira’s back, assuming this is some sort of joke. Akira is just trying to mess with him.

Akira turned and chucked at him. “You never know who might be watching.”

“Did you take me all the way to this alleyway to scare me?” Shinya pouted, but Akira resumed making his way deeper into the alley and makes a turn. Shinya followed him only to be met with a storefront with a sign reading. ‘Untouchable.’

“Nah, I thought you might like this shop,” Akira admitted, opening the store door for Shinya. Shinya takes the invitation, wandering inside before being met with displays of guns of all kinds scattered around the shop.

“Woah!” Shinya grinned madly because this is beyond awesome. He’s never seen anything like this before. But then he wondered, turning to Akira, who entered behind him, “Uh, is it even legal for me to be in here?”

“I know the owner,” Akira reassured him before an intense-looking man appears from the back and instantly glares at Akira. But Shinya immediately thinks this is the coolest person he’s ever seen. He looks like he’s right out of a video game—a long trench coat. A hat with a pair of mufflers hung on it. A gecko tattoo on his neck. He looks like he’s a part of the mafia, and Shinya is in awe.

“Now we are bringing actual children in here?” The man scoffed at Akira with a fond tone, folding his arms as he stares him down. “You do realize this is a gun shop, right?”

“Wait, these things are real?!” Shinya gasped, almost feeling his heart drop because he’s never seen a real gun before, let alone touch one. Is it legal for him to touch one? Shinya doesn’t know, but man, he gets excited at the idea.

“Airsoft shop.” Akira laughed, putting his hands-on Shinya’s shoulders. “Shinya, this is Iwai. Iwai, this is Shinya.”

“Woah.” Shinya breathed because that makes more sense, Akira would probably get into more trouble if he had taken Shinya to a real gun store. But still, they all looked so real and way cooler than the ones in gun about. Akira was right; he loved this shop. It was so different then all the other stores he was used to in Akihabara. He wondered as he looked at all of them, “Did you make all of these, mister?”

“Nah, not all of them, but I do stock most of the parts.” Iwai shook his head with a proud smile. “I even have some novelty items like slingshots and laser guns.”

“Wait, really? Do people even buy those?” Shinya scoffed because who would come to an airsoft shop to buy slingshots or fake ass laser guns? Especially when they had all these fabulous guns in front of them. It’s a waste.

Iwai gave him an annoyed look and shifted his gaze up to Akira. “You’re standing next to one of them.”

Shinya quickly turned to Akira with an incredulous look because of course Akira would, but he still wondered, “Why the f*ck would you come to an airsoft store to buy a f*cking slingshot? What are you going to do with a slingshot?”

“Shinya. Language.” Akira scolded him, almost jokingly, with a guilty smile on his face. “There are many uses for slingshots.”

“What are you teaching this kid, Akira?” Iwai gave him a side-eye before frowning at Akira, “Where have you been anyways? Is your phone still missing?”

“Yeah. Even though he’s rich, he refuses to buy another one.” Shinya answered in Akira’s stead, folding his arms. “I mean, his old one was a piece of sh*t anyway; he might as well get another one. I don’t see what his hold up is.”

Iwai laughed, “Shinya’s got you pegged, Akira. You might as well get a new one if you can afford it. And I know you can, you sell enough useless sh*t to me.”

Akira shrugged, leaving Shinya’s side to approach the counter and leaning on it with exaggeration, “I like my old one. I’m sure I’ll find it. It fell down like a crack in my room or something. I just need to look for it, is all.”

“You look like sh*t. You do know one of your buttons is buttoned in the wrong spot, right?” Iwai mentioned, a somewhat concerned look on his face. Shinya wondered what their relationship was because Akira didn’t seem like he would come here too often. But then again, maybe that was why he was so good at gun about.

Akira blinked, and looked down at his uniform, and scoffed in disbelief, turning his head to Shinya, “Wow, Gee, thanks, Shinya. I walked through Shibuya like this.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to button your uniform properly. Your the older one.” Shinya snickered, drawing closer to the glass counter to look at all of the cool add ons Iwai had for his guns. Gun About has a section where you could add customizations to the firearms used for better stats, but actually seeing something like this up in person is incredible, “Woah, these are so cool. Wicked.”

“I’ll buy you whatever you want, Shinya-kun~,” Akira said in a sing-song voice, patting his head.

“As if. It’s already bad enough I sell you stuff, Akira. I ain’t selling it to a ten-year-old.” Iwai scolded him, and Shinya’s heart sinks a little.

“I’m twelve.” Shinya glared at the man; understandably, the man didn’t want to break the law by selling stuff to him. But, calling him ten? That’s unforgivable. “I am twelve years old!”

“Twelve-year-old.” Iwai politely corrected but stood firm in his decision. “I’m still not selling you anything.”

“Can he look around?”

“Can I look around?”

Both Akira and Shinya ask at the same time.

Iwai sighed in relent, “Yeah, just—”

“If he breaks it, he buys it?” Akira snickered, giving Iwai a devilish smile, “I thought you weren’t selling him anything? Have we found the loophole? Hurry Shinya, break everything you can find! I'll hold him off and I’ll cover the bill.”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (29)

Shinya got a broad smile at the idea at him before Iwai shook his head, “No. No. If he breaks anything, it’s coming out of your paycheck, Akira. And no, you can not keep it.”

“You work here?!” Shinya gasped, turning to Akira because Shinya thought this would be the coolest place to work ever. But then he remembered something. “I thought you worked at the convenience store?”

“I do.” Akira nodded.

“And the Beef Bowl?” Shinya gasped because he thought Akira only had two jobs.

“I do.” Akira nodded again.

“Wait…I thought you worked at the flower shop?” Iwai chiming in to clarify, and Shinya can’t believe that. Three jobs? Four jobs? Surely that can’t be possible.

“Yeah, that too.” Akira nodded again as if it was no big deal.

“How many places do you work??” Shinya wondered in exasperation because he knew adults had multiple jobs sometimes, but, man, he never wanted to have that many jobs. And Akira was still in high school, why did he have so many jobs?

“Uhhh…” Akira thought about it and started counting on his fingers, “Well, I work at the convenience store, the beef bowl, the flower shop, Leblanc every once and a while to help Boss out, sometimes I help out at Takemi’s clinic, and here…”

“Akira. That is way too many!” Iwai exclaimed, with an unmistakable look of horror on his face. Shinya shared in it; after all, wasn’t Akira a full-time student and the leader of the phantom thieves as well? Maybe he really had ascended in time management.

“Oh, no, I don’t work full time at any of them. It’s fine.” Akira reassured him, but Shinya doesn’t think that’s a real reassurance. He didn’t think Akira did anyways, Shinya knew how his mom’s hours were, and she only had one job. Shinya couldn’t imagine Akira being able to work full-time and all the other things he does. Still, he knows how tired his mom is from work. So that is probably why Akira is tired, but Akira acts much perkier than Shinya’s mom when tired.

“That doesn’t make it any better.” Iwai shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Look, you don’t have to part-time here if—”

“I want to part-time here!” Akira pouted, crossing his arms, “I thought we had a deal!”

“Deal?” Shinya echoed confused, but also very interested.

“Shh, It’s a secret,” Akira said with a sly grin, putting a finger over his lips and sending Shinya a wink. Shinya wonders if that meant this guy knew about Akira being a Phantom Thief as well.

“That’s shady as f*ck, Akira.” Shinya frowned and said bluntly.

“See, this kid gets it.” Iwai laughed.

“What’s the point of working all these jobs if you are rich?” Shinya wondered. He isn’t sure exactly how wealthy Akira is, but he’s seen more than a hundred thousand yen in Akira’s wallet. It will make sense if Akira is working all these jobs, though. Still, Shinya doesn’t understand why Akira needs to in the first place. He would hate for Akira to be as tired as his mom always seemed to be.

“Gotta beef up my resume,” Akira said.

“I think your resume is looking mighty fine right now,” Iwai sighed, “I’ll give you the best damn reference, send them my way, and you are sure to get the job.”

“I don’t know, Iwai. They might take one look at you and run the other way, Mr. Ex-Yakusa.” Akira laughed, leaning over the counter once more.

“Woah! You were a part of the Yakusa?!?” Shinya gasped because that was the coolest thing he’s ever heard, and Iwai was the coolest person he has ever met besides Akira. His mom would flip if she knew he was talking to someone who used to be in the Yakusa, “Is that why you run an airsoft shop? Have you ever shot a gun??”

Iwai squared his shoulders and leaned his hands on the counter, staring Shinya directly in the eyes. Shinya’s eyes widened in anticipation, leaning in closer as well because this is going to be the most epic story; he knows it. Iwai is about to twist a fantastic tale and Shinya is prepared to take in every word of it.

“It was a dark and stormy night…” Iwai started then paused for dramatic effect, intense eyes.

“Yeah?” Shinya nodded slowly, waiting for the story to continue as Iwai seemed to gather his wits but Akira promptly bursts out in a fit of laughter next to him.

“YOUR FACE!” Akira chortled, doubling over in a fit of laughter.

“Hey! You are ruining the story!” Shinya complained, jabbing his hand into Akira’s side in protest. Akira winced at the action but continues to laugh away at Shinya’s expense. Iwai didn’t even get to get that far into the tale.

“T-there is no story!” Akira laughed, “He’s pulling your chain!”

“W-what?!” Shinya gasped, looking at Iwai in betrayal as the older man only has an amused face, snickering quietly to confirm Akira’s accusation. Shinya pouted and crossed his arms, “Not fair!”

“Ah, trust me, Shinya-kun, it’s not as all exciting as you might think.” Iwai reassured him, “Quite the opposite; The airsoft shop is just because it was my hobby. I figured someone else could be interested. You can look around, but, ah, unfortunately, you are too young to buy or try anything.”

Shinya scowled, “Drat. Maybe when I’m older than.”

“He’d probably let you try the slingshot.” Akira snickered, patting Shinya’s shoulder in sympathy.

“I’m not as lame as you!” Shinya snorted, “I don’t play with slingshots! I’m an ace with a gun.”

“Ah, he means Gun About. No, Iwai, I did not let a child touch a gun even if it is a fake one.” Akira quickly reassured Iwai, who had turned to him in suspicion.

“Gun About? What’s that?” Iwai wondered.

“Have you never heard of Gun About?” Shinya asked with a wide grin on his face. “Oh man, you are going to love this.”

Akechi is exhausted because not only does he have to deal with the younger Nijima sister during the Phantom Thieves team meetings, who is still hellbent on convicting Akira. He has to also deal with the older Nijima sister during work. Shido’s plan is definitely working on pressuring Sae; she seemed to be at her wit's end. It’s a little disappointing to see. But Akechi understands how pressuring Shido can be, mostly when one was not aware of it. It was all facilitated from the beginning.

Either way, the time is coming soon where Shido will make the SUI director have Sae take on the case, and he will lay it on her.

“Are you implying that the Phantom Thieves triggered a sudden mental shutdown in Okumura?” Akechi frowned, feeling a bit annoyed because this is all anyone has asked him about the past few days. But of course, Sae would come to that conclusion. He is sure the public’s views influence her, but Shido had timed it, so it looked like the Phantom Thieves did it.

“They may have had a falling out of sorts, and the Phantom Thieves disposed of a useless employer.” Sae sneered. She sure is making assumptions based on something that isn’t proven yet. She isn’t even objective in all this.

“I hate to bring this up, but I’m actually here about that,” Akechi mentioned, he didn’t hate to bring this up, but he still wanted to keep up appearances with Sae.

“Did you find evidence?” Sae narrowed her eyes at him.

“No, Actually, there is a chance that the part behind this isn’t the Phantom Thieves but someone else. It’s a hypothesis, but I don’t think we should rule it out. After all, all the Phantom Thieves heists were completely different from how this one went down.”

“Were you not suspecting the Phantom Thieves as well?” She asked incredulously, and Akechi wanted to wipe the sneer off her face so bad.

“We should be looking at it from all angles.” Akechi diplomatically pointed out.

“We are searching the Okumura residence tomorrow and the Shujin Principal. We will find the evidence, no matter what it takes.” Sae told him firmly, and Akechi can just read the lines in between. Evidence no matter what it takes. Evidence that might have been falsified so Sae can look good. Akechi feels his blood boil. Sae continued when he doesn’t say anything, “By the way, I wanted to ask you, you haven’t looked at my computer or taken files from it without my permission, have you?”

Akechi felt his pulse spike, “That is quite out of the blue, isn’t it?”

“There were traces that someone transferred data from it. But I noticed it immediately after I had an argument with you last month.” Sae accused him in a stern voice, like a mother chiding her child, and Akechi wants to do anything other than just merely taking this.

“And that is why you are suspecting me? Give me a break.” Akechi scoffed, folding his arms in disdain even though he wanted to put Sae in her place. He surmised that must have been a combination of Futaba and Makoto’s work.

“Are you saying that you didn't?” Sae interrogated. And Sae is much like her sister as in not knowing when to drop the subject.

“As a detective myself, I honor the value of information and the effort invested in it. I thought you of all people would understand that Sae-san.” Akechi sternly told her, disappointment seeping into his voice. He might be laying it on thick, but Sae accusing him with no evidence other than a petty squabble irritates him to no end.

Sae looked conflicted but doesn’t apologize. Instead, her eyes widened as she looked beyond Akechi.

“My apologies for cutting in, but I was hoping to converse with Akechi-san.” A serene voice interrupted their conversation, and a distinct clicking of heels approached from behind.

Akechi holds his surprise the best he can, instead politely greeting, “Margaret-san. What a surprise.”

Margaret gives him a polite nod before regarding Sae with an elegance that Sae would never possess, “I do hope it isn’t an inconvenience—”

“Sae.” Sae curtly gave her name, but Akechi is secretly delighted how taken off guard Sae is by Margaret. After all, her appearance is quite alluring. And her mannerisms even more. Sae narrowed her eyes as if to get a better read on Margaret that Akechi knows will not work before asking, “And you?”

“Margaret.” Margaret gives a half bow with her hands folded over her pencil skirt, “Akechi-san and I are acquaintances, I was hoping to have a word with him.”

“Are you another prosecutor? I’ve never heard of you. Are you new to the station?” Sae fired off her questions, disguised as polite discourse, but Akechi knows by now that she is getting quite territorial over her status. Sae has taken pride in her position, she is cutthroat, and she has probably jumped the gun, thinking Margaret was out to take her job. Hilarious to Akechi since he knows Margaret isn’t human.

Margaret carried herself with a genuine sense of confidence that Sae tried to emulate but fails in comparison to the velvet room assistant. “I am simply filling in for someone; this isn’t my precinct. I am enjoying Shibuya for only a few months.”

“Oh.” Sae blinked, a conflicted look on her face before she extended her hand, “Well if you need anything, feel free to let me know.”

“Thank you, Sae-san.” Margaret returned the handshake, but then her eyes narrow and an indecipherable smile breached her cherry lips, “I think you’ve been working quite hard as of late.”

“Yes, it has been long hours, but it is my duty to—”

“I don’t think you are fully aware of the decisions you are making, to be quite honest, and you aren’t taking responsibility for those decisions either,” Margaret tells her quite bluntly that even Akechi is taken aback. Sae is shell shocked, and before she can say anything, Margaret continues with a sterner tone, “You judge all these people so harshly, yet you are the one you judge the harshest. Why? Are you not confident in your abilities? You’ve worked this hard, yet you’ve convicted even yourself with falsified evidence.”

“Excuse me—” Sae’s face goes red, and her voice raised, but Margaret cuts her off.

“Perhaps you should judge yourself more fairly. A little forgiveness goes a long way. Only then can you fix the problems that have accrued. A turning point is coming and I'd recommend you give yourself a fair hard look.” Margaret nodded at her before turning back to Akechi, “If you would Akechi-san, I have a request.”

“That is completely unwarranted!” Sae argued, but Margaret is already walking away, and Akechi decided to follow her rather than facing Sae’s wrath. Nothing is worse than a woman scorned after all.

“Margaret-san. I wasn’t aware you can leave the velvet room.” Akechi said once they were out of the precinct and out of earshot of anyone who could be listening, “You were rather bold with Sae-san.”

“Of course, I am not tied to the velvet room as my master is.” Margaret informed him, continuing to walk down the Shibuya streets towards the station; she let out a chuckle as she summoned a tarot card into existence, “Ah, your colleague is not fulfilling her true potential as a Judgement Arcana. Most would interpret the Judgement arcana as ones who judge one another, yet that is not the true purpose. Judgment arcanas need to learn how to judge themselves fairly; most are far too hard on themselves. She is under a lot of pressure, and it’s causing her to make mistakes.”

“Yes, it’s been rather tough on her.” Akechi nodded, looking around and realizing, people don’t seem to see them. Usually, when walking down the street, he gets a few people asking for pictures or an autograph yet, no one is even glancing their way. It’s a nice reprieve but entirely unexpected.

“You are quite cruel for stringing her along.” Margaret laughed, “It isn’t any of my business. I see you are confused; No one is paying attention to us. Velvet Room attendants choose who we want to see us. It’s far easier to explore the human world this way.”

“Margaret-san, You said there were other wildcards; if I were to meet them, could I see their velvet room door and their attendant?” Akechi asked, carefully asking since it’s been something that has been on his mind as he tried to decipher whether Akira had a velvet room or not. If he had multiple personas of such caliber, wouldn’t he?

“If they have forged a contract with my master, then yes. An active contract, mind you.” Margaret nodded but added thoughtfully, “Though, wildcards hardly come in contact with each other. It is a rare ability.”

Akechi reflected on this; maybe Akira had just received his Persona as Akechi did. Perhaps he was a wildcard who hasn’t awoken to his potential? But still, with Akira’s persona's strength left him in doubt about what his situation is. Is Akira a wildcard or isn't he? What defined a wildcard?

“Interesting.” Akechi breathed after a while when he can’t come to a conclusion, but it’s so fascinating to him. He still hasn’t decided if he wanted to make a deal with Margaret, but even so, he’s learning so much about the mechanics of the metaverse from her, “What is this request?”

“I would like for you to accompany me to the Metaverse.” Margaret requested, leading Akechi to an empty alleyway near Shibuya station. “I would like to see how you get there.”

“Can you not get there yourself?” Akechi wondered because that seemed like something Margaret would be able to do. If Margaret could cross from the Velvet Room to reality, it stands to reason she could get to the metaverse on her own.

“I can. But it is not the same means as you do. I would like to investigate how a persona user would access this metaverse specifically.” Margaret explained, “If you need compensation, then I will come up with something acceptable.”

“I don’t think I have anything in mind right now…”

“Then perhaps an ‘IOU’?” Margaret smiled at him pleasantly, and he doesn’t see the trouble with this. It might be beneficial to have her owe him later in the future.

“That’s acceptable.” Akechi nodded, taking out his phone and showing it to her. “This is the app we use to access the Metaverse.”

“Interesting. The jumps in human technology have really shaped how people access the sea of souls.” Margaret marveled, her dainty finger tapping the app, and it brings up the navigation window, “My previous guest accessed through a piece of technology too. I believe it was a television. He told me they climbed through such a thing.”

“He climbed through a television?!” Akechi sputtered because that’s physically impossible, wasn’t it? But he surmised, if it was a big enough TV, then it’s plausible but still outlandish. But he supposed an app that transported one to another dimension could be within the same realm of incredulity.

“I suppose so.” Margaret nodded, she browsed around the app, “Do tell me how it works?”

“It asked us for locations we want to go. Palaces require specific keywords, but Mementos, which is what is societies palace is where we choose to train.” Akechi explained, showing her how the map worked, but there aren’t any palaces right now for them to explore.

“Please take me to Mementos.” She asked, and it seemed the Meta App heard her, and reality rippled around them. Bringing them to the front of the beginning of Mementos. His outfits changed into his black mask outfit, while Margaret understandably dons her usual blue blazer as before. She looked at him, “Oh fascinating, it seems you have a donned a mask of some sorts. A means to protect yourself from humanity’s cognition while giving a sense of your true self? This metaverse is quite different than the ones I’ve been to. I, too, would like to wear a mask.”

She swipes her hand in front of her eyes, wispy blue flames follow her fingers, and a beautiful blue butterfly mask manifests in the wake of her fingers and replacing her glasses; she sent him a pleased smile, “Quite fitting, don’t you think?”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (30)

“There are other metaverses?” Akechi blinked, stupefied by the information.

“As long as the sea of souls exists, pockets of the ‘metaverse’ will always pop up.” Margaret nodded, summoning her grimoire into her hands. “Alright, Akechi-san, please lead the way.”

“In the metaverse. It would be better to call me Crow.” Akechi reluctantly informed her since while he didn’t like the codename, it was a good point brought up that he doesn’t want society's cognition of him to change because he’s yelling his name into Mementos.

“Crow. What a lovely codename.” Margaret nodded as they made their descent down the stairs.

Mementos is dreary as always, blacks and reds undermining the colors of the subway tracks. Akechi had gotten used to riding in the Morgana bus when they come down here, so he forgot how long it takes to actually traverse a floor on foot. Margaret doesn’t seem bothered by it, even if she is in heels. They haven’t run into shadows yet since it’s near the top, but he’s interested to see what Margaret can do.

“Hmm. Interesting. So this is the shape it takes. Not so far off from usual.” Margaret nodded as they were almost to the station platform. “I always find it fascinating what it turns into.”

“What are you hoping to find?” Akechi asked, but he already knows the answer, “Clues of your sister and master?”

“Yes.” Margaret nodded, “But, I do not sense anything yet. Maybe further down. I suppose it is something to investigate for later.”

Akechi doesn’t answer. He remembered Morgana’s answer, how he wanted to explore the depths of Mementos, but it also brings up something else he had recently learned.

Akira hated Mementos. Dragged his feet whenever they had to go for a request or for training. He hated it, and Akechi could tell, but Akechi doesn’t understand why. Akira doesn’t get fazed by the appearance of things, so he doubts it’s how Mementos looked. But he cannot explain why he would hate Mementos but feel impartial to Okumura’s palace.

“You are somewhat like my previous guest. You seek the truth.” Margaret mentioned off-hand, “Your arcana is Justice, and that is exactly what you seek, but justice goes hand in hand with truth. After all, the truth is needed for fair judgments.”

“Are we reading my arcana now, Margaret-san?” Akechi scoffed as he folded his arms, “Will you be as harsh as with Sae?”

“No, I think you are far more self-aware of your situation than Sae is of hers. That in itself is a valuable tool to finding your personal truth. You know your actions; you know what will come of them. I don’t need to tell you those, but you might find you as well might be judging yourself too unfairly. Judgment and Justice are quite similar.” Margaret chuckled, giving Akechi a sly side-eye, “Fate works in interesting ways.”

Akechi is about to reply before he can hear the rattling of chains; of course, they had been walking on this floor for quite a while since they didn’t have transportation nor a fast pace.

“The Reaper,” Akechi growled, dropping into an offense stance, his saber out next to him. The reaper flew around the corner with a vengeance, his gun at his side.

The Reaper is a beast. Its stats are almost maxed out, and every fight Akechi has had with it has ended up with him running because the reaper is far too powerful for him to take on. He hasn’t seen Margaret in action, but he hopes she puts up a good fight.

“Allow me, Crow-san.” Margaret took a step-in front of him, Akechi allowed her, taking a step back. He wondered if Margaret could really battle it all by herself. He is curious and surmised if anything goes wrong, he’ll try to step in, or if it’s genuinely dire, he will make a run for it.

Akechi blinked, and somehow in that minuscule moment, Margaret is levitating in front of him, her book floating above her palm and tarot cards whirling around her in no sort of pattern. It’s an ethereal sight, especially her nearly silver hair billowing around her.

“Ah Reaper, I who rules overpower shall decimate you.” Margaret declared, crushing a tarot card with her book, “Izanagi-No-Okami!”

A relatively larger humanoid persona looked like a bancho-style person in a nice suit that appears in a stream of blue flames; it has a double-sided katana with an interesting circle as the handle. It’s quite impressive. He wasn’t sure if Margaret could use a persona, but it seemed she could, and that title…ruler over power? Akechi hopes she delivered on that.

“By the Myriad Truths!” Margaret commands, and the persona unleashed what he assumed is an almighty attack; the persona spins his sword and instantly decimated the reaper. It dissolved in a stream of black smoke: chains, guns, and all.

Margaret instantly decimated the reaper.

And holy sh*t, Akechi is astounded. He realized that Margaret might not be someone he wants to make an enemy out of. He thought Akira was powerful, but Margaret might be able to take him out without a problem If she wanted to. Margaret is on a whole other level.

To take out the reaper with one shot? This woman really is a ruler overpower, and she certainly lived up to that title.

“The Myriad truths? Countless truths?” Akechi questioned, thinking about the attack name that was so powerful. He wondered if he could learn something like that. He gets excited at the thought.

“It’s the power of the bond I made with my guest.” Margaret smiled with pride as Izanagi-no-Okami disappears from behind her, “Though our contract has been completed, I still believe our paths will bring us together in the future. And it’s a bond I cherish dearly. He’s allowed me to use the truths he has discovered, and through them, I can dispel falsehoods.”

Akechi is quiet at this revelation, giving Margaret a calculative look before asking, “If I search for my own truth, would I be able to have a power like this?”

“That is up to you.” Margaret smiled at him, “Yet, something has already changed, hasn’t it?”

Haru is coping the best she can. It’s been difficult, mostly since it was all so sudden. Not only did she have to arrange the funeral, but her father passed away so quickly that he didn’t write his will, therefore making her the biggest shareholder in the company. She doesn’t even know anything about what sort of decisions to make in a business. She had never expected to actually do something in the family business, but it feels like all this has just been thrust upon her.

She feels like her life has just become a whirlwind, and she can’t even deal with the grief of losing her father yet. It’s too soon, too fresh. And she doesn’t even want to deal with that right now.

The Phantom Thieves have been so kind, texting her to make sure she’s ok; she felt bad she wasn’t really responding, but she feels guilty. They filled her In on the team meeting that she couldn’t attend. Medjed bringing their popularity up. Her father’s death was most likely the work of someone to bring them down, and she can’t help but feel she is responsible for it. After all, she was the one who asked for their help; she brought both sides together because she didn’t want to get married.

Had her selfishness killed her own father?

But Futaba had assured her, her father being on that poll was due to someone else. It was a setup. But maybe if she hadn’t been so insistent.

There is another issue.

Apparently, the Phantom Thieves suspected Akira of being the person behind this. Makoto had laid out all her evidence for Haru in text, and while Haru can admit Akira does seem suspicious by how she wrote it, she can’t believe Akira would be behind that. Akira couldn’t be; he has been nothing but kind and supportive to Haru from the beginning.

But she values Makoto too and doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to tell Makoto she is right, but she doesn’t want to offend Makoto by not taking her suspicions seriously. Haru can only assume this is why the team was having problems.

And also, Makoto’s sister had gotten the confirmation that they had found a calling card in Kobayakawa’s office. But the team denied it was theirs. Haru doesn’t know what she has gotten herself into, but she knows now she wants to avenge her father.

Haru wanted to get to the end of this. She doesn’t want to sit around and sulk. She can’t because she’ll end up overthinking about the circ*mstances she was in if she does. Like a shark who stops swimming will drown. She just needs to keep going, one step at a time.

And she comes to this conclusion at the exact right time apparently since the group chat goes off with Akechi declaring that they have a problem.

If Ann was freaked out before, she is for sure freaked out now. The SIU was getting involved? That is serious, according to both Makoto and Akechi. The Special Investigations Unit. Now the Phantom Thieves were a threat to the country? Everything was going wrong, and she isn’t sure what they are going to do about it. Ann is angry because they didn’t do anything wrong. All they wanted to do was help Haru, and it went completely wrong.

Today, Haru is sitting on Akira’s sofa or bench because it wasn’t comfortable enough to be considered a couch. She’s sipping her tea, but even Ann can tell her mood is still dampened. Of course, they would be; she just lost her father, for god's sake. Ann knew Haru was prepared for a change in living situations, but this wasn’t what they had all thought.

Akira hasn’t said anything the entire meeting, but she assumed it was because he was so invested in spinning his newly reclaimed phone on his fingers. It wasn’t unusual as Akira had a bad habit of zoning out during essential conversations. Still, Ann gave him the benefit of the doubt since he would chime in everyone once in a while to give his opinion to prove he was listening.

Akechi is briefing them about the situation at hand and the developments that have happened only a short time from their meeting a few days ago.

“And Sae is leading the team. They have the arrest warrant, and I am sure you all know that it’ll make headlines; the incentive will bring testimonials in. Strategically speaking, it’s a sound idea. But…”

“The police wouldn’t be able to ascertain our identities since they don’t know if the methods we use. They got nothing on us, so why is this a problem?” Futaba wondered, from where she’s laying on Akira’s bed, arms crossed and legs in the air with her computer in front of her.

“No, but the groundwork for fabricating testimonials and constructing a culprit is all there,” Akechi said solemnly.

“Isn’t that quite a lot for one person to fabricate?” Yusuke wondered from where he is sat next to her, slowly making his way through the stash of snacks on the table.

“Yeah, I mean, the police wouldn’t let them—” Ryuji started to argue, but Akechi is quick to cut him off.

“Let me stop you right there. The people around her are the ones encouraging this as well. Their priority to stop the situation, settling it, and they don’t care who the culprit is.” Akechi shook his head, and Ann cannot believe what she is hearing.

“But that’s unethical!” Haru gasped from across the table, “They will just set some person who didn’t do it up? How can they do that?”

“The system is corrupt, and there is a lack of justice in it. They don’t want to put in the work. They just want to reap the rewards and look good. After all, who is going to go up against them?” Akechi scoffed. “I won’t stand for this; my ethics won’t allow it!”

“That’s insane!!” Ryuji growled with anger, slamming his hands on the table. “It’s not fair that they could get away with that! So, they are going to set up a civilian to take our fall?”

“Sae would go to those lengths?” Ann asked, turning to Makoto, who has been quiet this entire time, a bitter look on her face, and Ann doesn’t blame her because it’s her sister they are talking about. Yet, has she to chime in.

Makoto frowned even harder, her eyes narrowing in conflict and her shoulders tensing. “At this point, yes, I think she would. Akechi is…right. I think she has changed and her views on things have become warped.”

“Mako-chan…” Haru put a hand on Makoto’s shoulder.

“She has a palace.” Makoto spat with disdain. “Sae has a palace. I didn't go in...but I checked.”

“What?” Ann gasped because that’s new information. Sae had a palace? It would make sense with how she is acting out, but she wonders how long Makoto knew that. It must be incredibly disappointing and despairing for Makoto to come to terms with.

“Yes, I am aware.” Akechi confirmed, putting a hand on his chin in contemplation, “I don’t believe Sae is a bad person, I think she has lost her way with the pressures of her job and the expectations put upon her. I think to rectify this, we should consider stealing Sae’s heart.”

“I mean…” Ann frowned because she’s still shaky after the last heist, things went wrong, and Haru lost her dad. Now they are talking about Makoto’s sister. What if the same thing happens again? Sojiro was right; they are way in over their heads. But if they don’t do something, is a civilian's life going to be ruined?

“We should be careful from here on out. After all, someone is out for us.” Yusuke frowned similar thought pattern as Ann.

“I agree with Akechi.” Akira finally chimed, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. “I think changing Sae’s heart is our only choice.”

“This is my sister we are talking about!” Makoto growled, folding her arms when Akira decided to join the conversation, “I am not going to let you lay a hand on her!”

“Mako-chan, this is—” Haru struggled to come up with reassurance, and Ann knows Makoto has given her spiel to Haru, but she is glad Haru is conflicted over it and trying not to choose sides.

“Trust me, Makoto. Your sister is the last person I really want to deal with.” Akira groaned, “But Akechi has a point because if we steal Sae’s heart, then we would be protecting her.”

“Protecting her from who, hm?” Makoto scowled at him in disbelief.

“Akira is right. If the true culprit were to learn that Sae was heading the investigation, what do you think would happen? She’s the perfect target to put the blame on the Phantom Thieves. They are certain to go for her next.” Akechi said with a severe tone.

Makoto lets out a despaired grunt as she clenched her eyes shut. Ann knows Akechi has just struck a chord in her. And Ann knows she is probably having a pretty big internal conflict right now because she thinks Akira is the culprit, but if she is wrong, her sister’s life is at stake either way. Makoto doesn’t have a good choice in this situation.

“Also, another perk is if we change Sae’s heart is that since she is on the investigation, they can’t go public with it because it would reveal the corruption going on in the system.” Akechi deliberately pointed out.

Ann can’t deny it’s a well thought out plan. It made sense logically, but also, it hits so close to home after Okumura’s passing.

“There isn’t really an option here; we’ve been put into an awful situation.” Morgana agreed from where he is curled up on the table, listening to them all going back and forth. His tail flicked idly.

“Makoto…we know she’s your sister, but, like, Akechi and Akira have a point here.” Ryuji carefully pointed out.

“I know,” Makoto said through gritted teeth. “But this is…I don’t like this. I don’t want to do it. I mean, with everything that has been going on I—”

“You’ve wanted this from day one, don’t lie to us,” Akira called her out, his tone raising an octave, but it isn’t in danger; it’s him trying to get the point across. They all freeze at the bold accusation that rarely ever comes from Akira’s direction.

“You don’t get to comment on my—” Makoto tried to argue back defensively before Akira cut her off.

“No! I know you’ve wanted this from day one! You couldn’t do anything about Kamoshida, and you felt guilty and powerless. You forged a contract with Johanna to live as your true self, to change all that, and to surpass people’s expectations of you on your own terms. Are you going back on that now? You are incredibly brash and headstrong, but only because you genuinely want the best for all of us. You lived your entire life allowing people to step on you because that was what everyone expected of you, and you refuse to live like that ever again. You don’t want to see anyone put in the position you were, or your sister is right now. You want to keep all of us accountable for our actions, and I get that! You are acting on what you know, what you observed, and how you know how to accomplish things.” Akira told her, and Ann is blown back by the rather raw and intense dissection of Makoto’s character. Before Makoto can even get a word in, Akira continued without barely taking a breath, “But you’ve been running on logic, intellect, and your conscious mind where you keep over thinking things again and again till you’ve dissociated from it. All while completely ignoring the other part of you. Ignore that, forget that Makoto, because what do you want to do? Ignore your deductions, ignore everything that has been presented about Sae, f*ck logic. f*ck what you know. Listen to your intuition. What do you want, Makoto?!”

“I—” Makoto seemed to be taken aback by this intense inquisition, as well as Akira is being more forward and blunt than he has of late. “It’s not that simple—”

“What. Do. You. Want. Makoto?” Akira reiterated, enunciating each word, staring her down and refusing to take her weak answer. “f*ck everything else, be goddamn selfish for once in your life, what do you want, Makoto?!”

“I want to steal Sae’s heart! Ok?! I want her to repent!” Makoto nearly choked, but her answer is firm regardless as Ann can hear the desperation on her voice, the innate desire. “I want to steal my sister's heart but not because of anything that has just happened. Because I am so incredibly so angry with her! She was supposed to be just; she was supposed to carry out justice in a fair way as a prosecutor, and she hasn’t been, apparently. I need to keep her accountable because I love her, and she is my sister, my only family! She was supposed to be there for me, but all she did was contribute to a corrupt system that she swore she’d remain above. She can’t go on like this! I won’t let her!! I want to make her repent! I want her to be better because I know how she used to be, and this isn’t her!”

“Makoto.” Yusuke breathed in surprise next to her. Ann as well wasn’t aware of how angry Makoto really was with her sister. But it hits her. Of course, she would be. Makoto didn’t have parents; Sae is probably the only influential adult in her life, and their relationship is rocky at best. Makoto has had to be independent for some time, and she is struggling with the anger towards her sister for the situation. For an awful situation that neither of them could really help.

“Sae is the only family I have, and I can’t lose her, not to the culprit and not to her own desperate desires either, but what do you want me to do?!” Makoto groaned in frustration as she lowered her face into the palms of her hands; through the gaps, she muffled out, “Akira, you can’t ask me to just ignore everything I’ve seen! I’m stuck between a place of heart and mind, but I can’t just ignore the things I know! I’ve been honest, I don’t trust you! I don’t understand you; I don’t get the things you do!! I’m so angry with you; why won’t you be transparent with us?!”

Akira shrugged with a weak grin; he put the phone on the table and slid it to Makoto; she lowered a hand to stop it from going over the edge. “Look. Hold onto that if it’ll make you feel better. Don’t trust me, that’s fine, I really don’t care. That’s up to you to decide. But at least trust your teammates and friends that your sister is going to be fine. They aren’t going to let anything happen to Sae.”

Haru nodded with affirmation, her curls bouncing as she pulled Makoto into a side hug, “He’s right, Mako-chan, we won’t let the same thing happen twice. We are going to help you and Sae.”

“Haru…” Makoto frowned, tears dripping down her cheek, and Ann can see the guilt she feels on her face; Ann thinks they all share that guilt at that moment because they are promising to Makoto something they couldn’t deliver to Haru. Yet, Haru is taking it in strides. Ann hasn’t lost a family member, however, but she almost thought she lost Shiho, and the despair Ann felt was immeasurable. Ann thinks Haru is far stronger than she is.

“It’s not fine, but it’ll be ok, Mako-chan,” Haru reassured her, smudging the tears from the other’s face. “I can be honest and say it’s rough right now; everything is so fresh but, that isn’t going to stop me from seeing this thing through. I don’t blame any of you for what happened; it was an unfortunate accident. But I won’t let it happen to your sister so let me help you. Help me by letting me help you.”

“Yeah…” Makoto sniveled, pulling herself together, “Yeah, ok. Let’s steal Sae’s heart.”

Seeing Sae in such revealing clothes is a definite eye-opener to Makoto. As long as Makoto remembers, Sae has always dressed in a professional, appropriate manner for the occasion. She had so many pantsuits that she cleaned and pressed every week. Her hair was always kept and clean, and she made sure her makeup was visible but subtle as well. Sae had lectured her before about how her appearance mattered, and it would make all the difference when she entered the working world. Sae always expected Makoto to cater to her appearance. It was a standard in the Nijima household.

But, to see Sae in a dark, slim fitted dress. Tattoos on her shoulders, a very open back. Dark eye makeup and black lipstick. It can only prove to Makoto how distorted her sister is now. Her words of ‘fair and square’ seem like an empty promise, and Makoto can only imagine what is to come from the rest of this Casino Palace. Having to reach the manager's floor, it seemed simple, but she doubts it. How could her sister have changed so drastically like this? How had she gone wrong? But, maybe, this was what her sister wanted to be. Perhaps she didn’t want to be so proper; she didn’t want to be so professional all the time.

Makoto had known something was wrong for some time, but she hadn’t realized it was this bad, And she feels overwhelmed at the thought.

“Mako-chan. Are you ok?” Haru frowned, seeing Makoto's dismay as they take a moment to recollect after the interaction with Shadow.

“I—” because is she okay? Sae has been the only rock in her life since her father died. Sae has been all she had. She doesn’t have any adult figures in her life that she looked up to. But had she been looking up to the wrong person? Seeing Sae like that, she feels betrayed. Her sister always spoke of justice, bringing the proper people to their verdict. Yet, this entire time, have the people she brought to justice actually been guilty? Has Sae just set everything up because the ends justify the means, and Sae is playing to win, even if the game is rigged?

After all, she viewed the courthouse as a Casino. How could Makoto ignore something like that? She thought Sae was just and fair; she grew up believing that. Makoto meant what she said. She wanted to change Sae’s heart. No matter what.

“I’m fine.” Makoto nodded because she doesn’t know what to say otherwise. What is there to say? She doesn’t want to admit it even when it’s staring her right in the face.

“No, you aren’t. It’s ok to be upset; she’s your sister.” Akira said, folding her arms and looking at her with a pointed look.

Then there was Akira. Makoto doesn’t know what to think of him after the outburst during their meeting to target Sae. Akira was so brutally honest with her that not many people were. But not only that, Akira hits things precisely on the mark. Akira threw his dagger directly at her heart. And Makoto doesn’t know if it’s retribution for her accusing him of Kobayakawa’s murder or if he is genuine with her. But she can’t deny Akira is wrong.

“Regardless. We should move on.” Makoto said sternly, beginning to make her way towards the Casino's lobby where the elevator was without another word because she doesn’t want to get into this now. She hasn’t decided how she felt about Akira yet. She doesn’t want to think about it; she needs to remain focused. Center herself.

Everyone followed without question.

“Still, she just gave us where the treasure is…I mean…isn’t that too easy?” Ryuji wondered, breaking the silence when they reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah… I don’t know. I think she has something planned.” Ann said, “I mean, none of the palaces were that short.”

“We will proceed with caution,” Akechi reassured him, taking the lead as they approached the elevator. They had allowed Akechi to take the lead because Makoto can admit she probably wasn’t cut out for the job. After she saw how Akechi led, she couldn’t deny he had a natural talent. He’s stricter than Akira, but he’s more willing to listen to opinions than she had been lately.

“The elevator isn’t working.” Haru frowned as she tried pressing the button multiple times.

“Probably since this is a Casino, we will need a player card to proceed.” Akechi determined, “Casinos run on a rewards service and rank; if we can increase our rank, we can probably go further.”

“And there is the catch.” Ryuji sighed, frowning. “But like… is this legal? Can we really gamble? I mean, we are under the age limit.”

“You dumbass, it’s a different world. Realities rules don’t apply here.” Morgana scoffed, folding his arms and looking at Ryuji in judgment.

“I mean, Crow is on the police force…”

“Yes. I’m going to arrest you for gambling in a different reality in the cognition of a prosecutor.” Akechi dryly said. "You better read your rights now, Skull."

“You can arrest me, Crow. I’ll go without a complaint. Lock me up, baby.” Akira grinned madly, stretching out his Akechi, wrists up. “Do what you will.”

“Dude… you have no tact.” Ryuji groaned.

“And I’m going to arrest you for harassing an officer.” Akechi scoffed with a grimace adding after a pause, “Also for forming a vigilante group.”

“You are a part of that vigilante group.” Yusuke pointed out.


A shadow bursts into existence behind them before they can figure out the whole elevator debacle.

“Alright, Queen, Joker, Noir with me.” Akechi quickly decided, Makoto jumping forward to the front lines with the Haru and Akira on her side. Futaba, who has been unnaturally quiet this entire time, summoned her persona, flying over the battlefield in preparation.

“It’s—uh, it’s weak to Bless.” Futaba stumbled; Makoto assumed since the battle had started so quickly that she hadn’t prepared herself.

“Joker, take that thing out with Kaguya's Shining Arrows.” Akechi directed as they all circled the leopard in spandex. It’s not the weirdest Shadow they’ve encountered, but Makoto is hyper-aware because what does that reflect about her sister? It’s a little odd, but all the Shadow’s had weird designs.

She reluctantly waits for Akira to take it out, a little miffed, but she understands while Akechi has bless skills, Akira’s bless skills are far more powerful. She will give him that. Akira, objectively, is the best player in this battle.

But the attack never comes, and Makoto and the others look over at him in expectation. Akira is stood there with his red glove over his mask, but no persona is coming forth his shoulder tense. He isn’t doing anything, and Makoto doesn’t get why. Akira loved to put on a show; he loved to be dramatic in battle. But now, he’s just standing there motionless. Makoto started to feel angry, now he decided to hold back?

“What is the holdup, Joker?” Akechi asked, narrowing his eyes at Akira. Akira doesn’t answer him, Makoto can see he is gritting his teeth, and Makoto wonders if it’s because Akira has a better idea? Akechi directed Akira again, “Take it out!”

“Joker can’t.” Futaba announced in a somber tone over the battlefield, “Because Joker doesn’t have Kaguya anymore.”


I wanted someone to use Izanagi-no-Okami and it would make Akira far too powerful and then I was like MARGARET 🥰🥰🥰 She would though, and Akechi realized oh sh*t, I can't face her in battle because she will OBLITERATE me 🥰🥰

Chapter 17: The one where Akechi stands in front of a door of the blue color


'She's looking for a way to escape and
wondering whether she can find a way without being seen'

The one where Akira plays tag with Makoto, there is trouble within the shuake, and Akechi stands in front of a door of the blue color.


It was hard to write this when all I have on my mind is strikers 😭 It happened to be another long chapter but don't get your hopes up, next chapter will be shorter 😂 Akechi is in ✨denial✨

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Hassou Tobi!” Instead, Akira summoned Yoshistune, the swordsman coming forth and cutting through the leopard shadow with a myriad of sword attacks. Still, it does not destroy it as Akira didn’t have the chance to charge the attack beforehand, and the shadow is strong against physical attacks, to begin with. Ryuji is watching on from the backlines with an unsettling feeling in his chest at Futaba’s revelation. Akira doesn’t have Kaguya anymore, but why? Why is Kaguya suddenly gone, did the same thing that happened with Arsene happen to Kaguya as well? And does that mean Akira has a new persona to take her place?

Ryuji gritted his teeth; what is going on?

“Robin Hood, Kougan!” Akechi quickly summoned his own persona, finishing off the shadow with his own Bless attack since, without Kaguya, Akechi is the only one who can use Bless spells now. When the shadow dissipates, and the battle is over, Akechi rounded on Akira with frustration on his tone, “Why don’t you have Kaguya?”

Akira shrugged nonchalantly as he does, stretching his arms behind his head after, “You know, sometimes Personas don’t want to stick around.”

“Personas don’t work like that!” Morgana argued, and Ryuji doesn’t know who to trust more; Akira has multiple personas or Morgana, who technically has been in the Metaverse longer. Yet, that was a stretch since Akira seemed to know more than Morgana even if he hadn’t admitted it; Morgana continued, “Personas don’t just up and leave willy nilly!”

“Yeah, well, I’m a wildcard, and I’m a little different than you guys, sorry. I don’t know what you want me to say.” Akira gave them the flippant answer, and Ryuji has so many questions and concerns about this all. Akira is being as evasive as ever, yet reassured them, “It’s fine. Alice and Yosh*tsune are more than enough to do this Palace. Mona can heal, and we have enough healing items, so it’s fine. We don’t need Kaguya.”

“I mean, yeah, I can, but…” Morgana nodded his head skeptically. “My healing spell doesn’t heal status ailments…”

“Bah,” Akira waved off his concern, “We hardly get hit by status ailments nowadays anyways. We have items for those too, and Haru has Amarita drop. I also stocked up at Takemi’s. You should be grateful.”

“Where do they go?” Ryuji wondered because he cannot even begin comprehending where things like persona can even go, “Like, Arsene now Kaguya? Joker, where do they go? Where do personas you aren’t using go?”

“Arsene?” Akechi echoed in curiosity, and Ryuji realized this must be Akechi’s first time hearing about him. Akira doesn’t talk about Arsene, and the only time the rest of them do is if they are trying to figure out what happened to him. After all, only Ryuji and Morgana saw Arsene before he disappeared.

“I don’t know, wherever they please, I guess.” Akira answered with a vague answer as he fidgeted with his gloves and adds with an eerie positive affirmation, “It’s not a big deal, don’t freak out. It’s fine; let’s just move on. We are A-Okay.”

“Not a big deal? Not a big deal?! Kaguya was the most potent healer! What are we gonna do without her?” Ann cried skeptically, worry on her tone because it’s true. Kaguya has saved their asses more than once; her healing spell filled their HP to the brim every time. Not to mention, they just learned in Okumura’s palace that she could be a heavy hitter as well. Ryuji was actually looking forward to seeing what she could do compared to Alice and Yosh*tsune. She seemed the less intimidating of the group of Akira’s persona.

“Who is Arsene?” Akechi reiterated when no one answered his question.

“Joker’s original persona. The one that he awakened to.” Yusuke took the time to answer him.

“Wait, Alice isn’t his original persona?” Haru blinked in confusion, and Ryuji realized they haven’t told her about Arsene either. Akechi has a calculative look on his face, so solemn and severe that Ryuji has no idea what is going on in his mind either. It is an interesting situation they have landed themselves into.

“Again. Wildcards work differently.” Akira sighed with frustration, clearly wanting to drop the subject.

“Then why can’t you tell us where Arsene and Kaguya went?” Makoto argued, folding her arms and tilting her head up at Makoto with suspicion.

“I don’t know!” Akira laughed dryly as if he is at his wit's end, and Ryuji wondered if he really didn’t know where Persona went. Ryuji evolved Captain Kidd into Seiten Taisei, and he wonders briefly if Captain Kidd was different and replaced by Seiten Taisei. But he scratched that; he can feel they are one and the same. He as a person grew; therefore, his persona grew as well. But then, How does Akira’s persona work? Akira hasn’t been up forth with his ability as a wild card.

“I mean, Alice and Yosh*tsune are far beyond our persona in terms of power and defense. It’s probably ok.” Futaba chimed in, but she looked hesitant with the answer.

“If Joker says it’s fine, then I think we should believe him,” Yusuke said, folding his arms. “Joker is the only one with multiple personas, therefore the only one knowledgeable on this fact. I think we should take his word for it and move on. None of us are qualified to speak on the matter.”

“Y-yeah…ok. Sure.” Ryuji reluctantly nodded. He hasn’t given Akira the benefit of the doubt before, and he feels guilty about everything that comes of it, so Ryuji decided he’ll give Akira the benefit of the doubt now. It’s true, he’s the only one with multiple personas, and they have been fine without Arsene on their team, so it’s probably okay. He’ll trust Akira on this one.

He owed that much to Akira.

“I think—” Makoto started to speak, but Haru gently puts her hand on the other’s shoulder, delicately avoiding the spikes.

“Mako-chan, let’s leave it. Aki-chan might not really know if it’s unknown territory.” Haru reassured her, which seemed to do the trick as Makoto released some of the tension in her shoulder reluctantly. Ryuji has noticed Haru is good at handling Makoto, unlike the rest of them. He is glad for Haru’s return; she was holding up really well and managed to keep Makoto in line as well.

“What is it, Queen? You seem to have a chip on your shoulder?” Akira laughed gleefully, making a jab at the other’s costume.

Makoto stomped her foot, her shoulders rising once more, “YOU!”

“Dude, you are hitting a wasps nest.” Ryuji groaned. Does Akira have absolutely any tact?

Akira continues to laugh; however, at Makoto’s expense, Makoto dropped into an offense stance, “That’s it!!”

“Hey, wait, we aren’t supposed to be fighting each other!?” Ann tried to speak reason, but it’s too later because Makoto started racing after Akira, who is taking this all as a huge joke, a game of tag maybe. Ryuji wonders if Akira really understands how suspicious Makoto is of him. As Makoto charges after him with murder in her eyes while Akira is having a grand old time, he leaped towards the stairs. It’s a comical sight for sure.

Akira is giving Makoto a run for her money.

Ryuji isn’t too worried since Akira has Yosh*tsune, so Makoto can’t actually do damage to him. But he is sure this might not be good for morale. Especially since he thought maybe Makoto was coming around. They’ve been working on trying to make her see reason.

“Hey! This is not the time to fool around!” Akechi scolded distaste in his eyes at the situation. And Ryuji felt sorry he had to put up with all their childish antics. Akechi was really taking this leading thing in strides. He had a far more responsible personality than the rest of them. Though, Ryuji has noticed that he’s a lot less…polite? Maybe not less polite, but there is more of a bark to it now, some sass underneath that Ryuji is living for. When Ryuji had first come aware of Akechi, he seemed to be pretentious and a know-it-all. But, now, hanging out with him and working with him, Ryuji knows he’s ambitious and quite possibly was only act that way to seem valuable to adults, with his own agenda in mind. Ryuji reflected on someone that Akira said a little while back. They tried to solve social injustices outside the law while Akechi was trying to do the same within the law. Akechi was like them, just with different methods, but Ryuji is happy that Akechi is working with them. The mixing of ideologies was interesting.

“Wait, look out! There’s a shadow!” Futaba warned as Akira and Makoto reached the top of the stairs, Makoto still chasing Akira. But Futaba is right; there is a shadow directly in their path. Ambling with a liquor bottle in its hand. Of course, Akira isn’t looking where he’s going, only grinning at Makoto as he runs from her.

“Hey! Watch out!” Morgana cried out as well, as all the Phantom Thieves begin racing up the stairs after them if anything gets dirty.

Instead of slowing down once, Akira sees the shadow; he speeds up with a maniacal grin on his face. Charging at the shadow, with a cry of “I’ll reveal you're true form!” that may be overdramatic for what comes next since Akira simply rips through the shadow will little trouble, the shadow dissipating into ashes. And turning to them with a smug smile on his face when they all approach. Akira did like to put on a show.

“What was that?!” Akechi sputtered with shock on his face at the gruesome sight once they all meet up on the second floor.

“See, I told you Alice and Yosh*tsune would work quite fine.” Akira laughed, readjusting his gloves after the kill.

“Oh, uh, he does this thing where if the shadows are far weaker than his persona, then he just rips through them.” Ryuji tried to explain, but even he doesn’t understand how Akira does that since the rest can’t. Though he remembered Akira thanking him for it once, Ryuji only assumed it had to be a joke or something. Based on their running training, he believed.

“That’s—” Akechi is flabbergasted by the ability and seemed almost jealous by the fact before he addressed everyone with a deadpan face, “I think Joker should be leading if he can do that.”

“No way!” Makoto argued, folding her arms but out of breath slightly from the chase. She seemed to have given up after seeing Akira rip through a shadow. Ryuji can admit, he has forgotten how gruesome that sight was. It was unsettling, to say the least. Akira is far more powerful than them; that sight just serves to prove it. Makoto knows she cannot beat him in a fair fight.

“Shall we take another vote?” Yusuke wondered, “I’ll give Joker my vote.”

“Why not both?” Akira shrugged, swinging his arm over Akechi’s shoulder, “Co-leaders!”

Akechi shrugged Akira’s arm off harshly, and Ryuji thought he almost saw a hint of hostility there, but he doesn’t know why.

“Ok yeah, I’m cool for that.” Ann nodded.

“Yeah, same.” Ryuji agreed because it wasn’t a bad idea. Akira and Akechi balanced each other out, while Akira was stronger, Akechi was more deliberate with his actions. It wouldn’t be bad having both strengths. Not only that, Akechi took things far more seriously than Akira did.

“What a lovely idea! I wanted to see how Joker lead.” Haru clapped her hands in agreement and turned to Makoto, “This way, they can both keep each other accountable, Mako-chan, isn’t that ok?”

Makoto sighed relent at the other’s words, “I suppose it’s fine.”

As soon as the Phantom Thieves left Sae’s Palace with plans to return in a day, Akechi immediately dragged Akira from the rest of the group with the excuse of figuring out how the whole dual leadership works and who does what. Akechi never signed up for this entire thing was utterly ridiculous; why couldn’t Akira lead them since he was all so great? But that wasn’t what was pissing him off. The Phantom Thieves have gone home for the evening, so Akechi took Akira to Kichikoji, their usual meet-up spot. Instead of going to Jazz Jin, he rounded on Akira because he can’t contain the anger he feels.

“What the f*ck happened to Kaguya?! And why have you failed to mention that none of your personas are actually your original ones? Where is Arsene?!” Akechi harshly asked him, trying to keep his voice relatively low but enough to express the anger that Akira has not been transparent with him if Akira knew he had multiple personas too. Akechi feels like Akira is leaving him in the dark on purpose.

“It’s not a big deal! Really, let’s just discuss the semantics of our dual leading; I was thinking—” Akira tried to play off Akechi’s questions, but it does not work since Akechi’s mind is deadest on not letting Akira off the hook with this one.

“It is! Tell me what the f*ck happened to Kaguya. She was the best damn healer we had, not to mention the Strongest Bless affinity Persona. Robin Hood can’t do as much damage as she could! Akira, why did you get rid of her?!” Akechi argued, frustrated by the lack of seriousness he is getting from Akira. Akechi knew Kaguya’s stats, and he knows she was so much powerful than all of them. And Akira, just what? Gets rid of her willy nilly? What the f*ck is he thinking? Especially when this might be the most challenging palace, they have encountered yet.

“Why did I get rid of her?!” Akira scoffed, miffed at Akechi’s accusations as he folded his arms. “They are my persona! I think I get the final say in things! I don’t go around judging you on your persona, huh? I mean, look at Robin Hood’s design for Christ’s sake….”

“How can you be so stupid?!” Akechi growled in frustration as he feels like tearing out his hair. Does Akira not see the problem here? “Where are Kaguya and Arsene?!”

“Akechi. It doesn’t matter. I have Alice and Yosh*tsune, and it’s fine. You all are making such a big deal out of nothing.” Akira shook his head and smiled at him like he was smiling at a belligerent child. “Sae’s palace is gonna be a breeze, so forget about it and quit worrying over nothing. I didn’t peg you for a worrier, Akechi-san~.”

“Why won’t you tell me anything?!” Akechi scoffed, feeling absolutely frustrated. And he gets why the Phantom Thieves are so fed up with Akira now. He knows Akira is not the black mask as the Phantom Thieves do not, but with everything Akira does; He understands why the Phantom Thieves are so wary of him because Akira seemed to have this entire hidden agenda. And Akechi literally cannot figure out what it is. “You are the one who approached me! What the f*ck are you planning to do with me, huh?! What is this big master plan you have?!”

“Why do you all think I have this hidden agenda and master plan?” Akira threw his hands up in the air in disbelief. “I don’t!”

“I don’t believe you.” Akechi spat because Akira knows things that he shouldn’t. Akira shouldn’t know all the intricate details he does. And Akechi literally cannot even fathom how. Because Akechi does NOT believe in psychics. But he also can’t figure out where Akira is getting all this information from. Akechi feels like he’s going crazy trying to decode Akira.

Akira gave him an indecipherable look before chuckling lowly, “Figures.”

Akechi is beyond angry. How can Kaguya be there and not be there? How can Arsene be there then not be there, according to the Phantom Thieves? But then he remembered what Margaret said, fusing away your persona before they are ready could have dire consequences. But Persona can evolve according to the Phantom Thieves. So, perhaps, Arsene evolved into one of Akira’s persona like Yosh*tsune. He doesn’t know what Arsene looked like before, but it’s a sound theory. Akira doesn’t seem to be affected by the loss of Arsene. Just another thing Akira is excellent at, and he isn’t. Margaret won’t even let him fuse his persona. Akechi hates how weak Akira makes him feel.

“Are you angry? You look like you want to throw your glove at me or something.” Akira pointed out, a smug smile on his face that completely defies the mood of this conversation, “We going to have a duel? Duke it out in the streets?”

Of course, Akira would know about the western tradition; Akechi frowned, but then he realized something. The velvet room door he used to visit Margaret was right around the corner. Maybe he could get a definite answer without revealing what he already knows. It’s worth a shot. After all, Margaret did say that wild cards that had a contract with an assistant or her master could see the velvet room. He didn’t technically have a deal, so obviously, he couldn’t see Akira’s velvet room door IF he had one. But, Akira should be able to see his.

Akechi stomped away, cursing under his breath, hoping it’s a big enough scene for Akira to follow him. Who was he kidding, Akira would obnoxiously try to follow regardless, and Akechi knows it.

“Hey, wait! Are we really going to duel?!” Akira bought the act and raced after him. Akechi immediately took the turn into the alleyway, making sure to make his way all the way to the back where the intricate glowing door was. Enough anger in his steps that it doesn’t look that he will have an ulterior motive. Akechi deliberately placed himself in front of the door, so there is no way Akira wouldn’t be able to see it if he could before turning back to Akira with a determined look on his face.

Akira quickly approached him, “Wait, are we going to Mementos? Seriously?”

Akechi takes the brief moment Akira comes to a stop in front of him to read Akira’s reaction. To see if he can glean anything.

Which is absolutely nothing at all. There is no look of recognition, not a hint of a surprise, a twitch of an eyelash, not a wince of his eyelids at the sudden blue light from the darkness of the alley. No pause. No, tell. Nothing. There is nothing to indicate that Akira could see the door in the slightest. So, Akechi can only assume that Akira can’t know the Velvet Room door or is a damn good actor, both of which are plausible. Yet, can Akira really control his reactions so precisely?

Did Akira really not have a contract with the Velvet Room or one of its assistants? If not, how does Akira have these such high leveled persona with such serendipitous skills? Akira isn’t telling him something; that is completely obvious. But Akechi cannot deduce what that is. He doesn’t have a clue beyond Akira having an idea about the velvet room.

“Akechi?” Akira wondered when Akechi gave him another stern look, feeling his blood boil at the realizations. And he’s having a hard time dialing it back as he usually did.

“We were too loud, and I didn’t want to catch the attention of passersby’s,” Akechi explained, even though it was far from the truth. “Yelling about duels is bound to attract some attention.”

“You were the one who looked like you were going to throw your glove at me. When I’d rather you throw other pieces of clothing in my direction.” Akira pointed out, a cheeky grin.

“I’m not wasting my glove on it.” Akechi shook his head, “I know where I stand.”


“I’m going to be entirely honest with you. I hate you.” Akechi said as slowly and deliberately as he can. After all, he’s feeling beyond angry because even if he took Akira on in another battle, he knows he would lose. He knows he is no match for Akira, and it downright angers him because he doesn’t even know how Akira does half the things he does. Akira’s lack of transparency while claiming to be transparent infuriates him.

Akira is an enigma that he can’t solve, and he is driving Akechi up a wall with all these unwarranted bouts of affection and advances that Akechi knows can never truly go anywhere with their circ*mstances despite their desires. It was a stupid notion to entertain in the first place.

And Akira keeps driving that nail into the coffin.

Akira claims they are similar, but Akechi thought they are quite different in every sense of the word. Akechi will never have what Akira has, and it’s stupid for him to even entertain the hope this will all turn out fine and dandy. Akechi knows the weight of the decisions he has made and has realized what that, in turn, will mean for him. The little charade going on with the Phantom Thieves is going to end, this game of cat and mouse is coming to its end, and Akechi is very acutely aware of what he is going to have to do.

“O-oh. Ah.” Akira laughed awkwardly at the statement, and Akechi felt a little smug satisfaction of catching Akira off guard. “I see. You really hate to lose, don’t you?”

“This isn’t about losing.” Akechi shook his head. As wrong as Sae’s thought pattern has been, she isn’t entirely wrong. To win, sometimes you need to play dirty. He gets the logic.

Sometimes to win, the ends justify the means.

“Regardless, we’ll have to discuss the dual leadership you suggested another night. Let’s part ways for tonight.”

And Akechi has made his decision.

“Hey Morgana,” Sojiro casually greeted the cat lounging on the counter when he goes to the kitchen for a late-night drink. Morgana has been staying with them for the last couple of weeks, and while Sojiro was at first worried about the prospect of having a ‘pet.’ He soon realized; Morgana is no house cat. He already vaguely knew that Morgana could ‘talk’ and was very self-aware, but he hadn’t realized what that meant till living with the cat. Not only that, but Morgana was also apart of the Phantom Thieves.

Sojiro had to believe Akira and Futaba’s story because Morgana was proof enough in how he interacted with not only Futaba but also with Sojiro. Sojiro feels a little silly thinking about when Akira first brought Morgana back and Sojiro being stern with him about taking care of an animal. Morgana can clearly take care of himself. Sojiro hardly has to do anything except open cans for him since, to the cat’s misfortune, he didn’t have opposable thumbs. Sojiro is very sure Morgana is upset by this fact as he always stares at the can with a forlorn look. It’s honestly how weird how human the cat seemed.

Morgana meowed at him, lazily flickering his tail in a greeting, and Sojiro can only assume the cat said something back. Sojiro is a bit frustrated because he can’t understand Morgana and would love to have a conversation with a cat without Futaba as a translator. Imagine that having a conversation with a cat. Sojiro wouldn’t have imagined the concept in his entire lifetime.

But also, then Sojiro would know what topics Morgana liked to talk about. And it wouldn’t be awkward midnight conversations in the wake of the fridge’s light.

“Is your infiltration going well?” Sojiro wondered, vaguely aware of who the Phantom Thieves’ next target was. Nijima Sae. Sojiro thought it was a hazardous mission, but even though he worries, there isn’t a whole lot he can do to stop his kids other than badgering them to text him every time they go in and leave the metaverse. Regardless of being scatterbrained half the time, Futaba did an excellent job of making sure Sojiro knew where they were.

Sojiro felt more than hopeless, but they all seem ok despite Futaba being tired after a long day. Sojiro is glad she is getting some sort of exercise, despite it being in another world filled with monsters called shadows. He bites back his worry at the thought, reminding himself Futaba doesn’t fight, and by all their accounts, Akira is more than strong enough to carry the team. Not only them, Akechi, who, despite being a teenager as well, has a background in law and probably has the most common sense out of all of them. He can’t do anything but put his faith into this rag-tag team of high schoolers.

Morgana did the equivalent of a sigh for a cat and shrugged his tiny shoulders.

Sojiro had noticed he seemed to be melancholy as of late. The cat would take long cat naps on the couch throughout the day when not with Futaba in her room, wander through the hallways listlessly back and forth, and begrudgingly watched game shows with Sojiro in the evening. Sojiro has never had a cat before, but he also knows that Morgana’s behavior is far from a happy cat. He seemed languid most of the time he was around.

“If you miss him, then just go live with him.” Sojiro sighed, setting the glass on the counter next to Morgana; Sojiro knows the problem anyways, “He keeps his window open for you, you know? What is he going to do during the winter, huh?”

Sojiro knows Akira misses Morgana too. It’s apparent how Akira would tilt his head to the chair next to him during the mornings that Sojiro makes him curry before he goes to school. Akira won’t outright say it because he knows Morgana can make his own decisions, but Sojiro can tell just how much he misses his cat. Sojiro doesn’t know why Morgana is doing this to himself either with the way he acts. Both of them miss each other’s companionship. And while Morgana isn’t the usual cat, Sojiro thinks it would be good for Akira to have him around and vice versa. If Akira doesn’t want to accept Sojiro’s offer to move to the main house, having another person…cat around would be beneficial.

Morgana looks like he’s about to complain but remembers that they can’t really communicate. So, he pouted, thumping his tail on the counter in protest.

“Do you really think Akira killed his principal?” Sojiro scoffed, still a little angry with the notion they would accuse Akira of all people of that, “It’s preposterous.”

Morgana sadly pawed at the counter, with a look of indecision in his deep blue eyes. Sojiro doesn’t know how Morgana feels explicitly about the situation; he knows Futaba is coming around. Akira is taking the accusations like a champ from as far as he can tell. Sojiro feels bad for Akira since he knows how much he values his friends.

“I think…” Sojiro sighed, removing his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. “Wakaba told me that she might die in a weird way, and I didn’t believe her, and maybe…maybe if I had believed her. Wakaba would still be alive. I honestly don’t believe the situation is the same here; however, I’ve regretted not hearing her out. Not believing her. I’m not telling you what to believe or not, but I can only caution you that you should consider decisions you might regret. Akira definitely cares for you, all you kids. He is trying his best, and I don’t think he’d kill his principal. Especially with the situation, he is in. He’s not stupid.”

Morgana stared at him, deep blue eyes, and Sojiro feels a sense of accomplishment with Morgana’s acceptance of this as he stretches into a sitting position and nods at Sojiro.

“Right.” Sojiro nodded and adds with contemplation, “That kid even feeds you the good stuff. I have no idea how he affords it but, he spoils you rotten. He hardly spends the saving his parents gave him, but man, he definitely splurges on your cat food. I looked at the store; it’s the highest brand.”

Morgana meowed in reluctance, looking away as if he was guilty or embarrassed. But then, he tilts his head curiously at Sojiro, as if interested in what Sojiro just said.

“I know for a fact you don’t like the stuff I get you,” Sojiro said, crossing his arms giving Morgana a pointed look.

Morgana gives him a guilty look, seemingly caught in the act.

“Look—Akira sort of filled me in your situation. And, once you do figure out what you are, human or cat. You are more than welcome to stay here.” Sojiro patted his head in reassurance, “I’m not sure what the logistics of a cat turning human is, or how that is possible but, you are one of us. You will always be welcomed, just like Akira. No matter what.”

Morgana blinked at him, eyes wide, and seemed taken aback by what Sojiro said. Sojiro hoped the meaning of what he was trying to convey reached Morgana.

Then Morgana started purring, and even he looked embarrassed by this fact.

Sojiro laughed, “Anyways, It’s late; I’ve gotta get to bed. Think about what I said, ok?”

He gives Morgana a nod before he started heading to his room. He faintly hears Morgana padding out through the window they leave open for him.

Morgana took his nightly walk around Yongen-Jaya, his mind heavy because he feels so confused. Akira’s wealth came from his parents? They just gave him that much money? What do they do? And Morgana wonders if he should really believe Sojiro. And in turn, Akira. But, at the same time, hasn’t he done enough of suspecting Akira?

Makoto has definitely been the most belligerent and vocal in this suspicion amongst them. Morgana agreed with her most of the time despite how aggressive she has been with her accusations. Morgana has his own reasons to suspect Akira, while the Phantom Thieves don’t quite understand the metaverse part as much as he does.

Persona doesn’t just up and leave. Morgana knows this. Morgana doesn’t know how he knows this, but he knows for sure, without a doubt, that he knows Persona doesn’t just leave unless there is a problem. Or the user denies them. Kaguya…Morgana wonders if Akira would just get rid of her? It’s the only thing he can see; that makes sense yet…


Kaguya’s disappearance only hinders Akira. Akira was right because they have enough healing items and enough members that know healing spells. Akechi’s persona has bless attacks, which aren’t as powerful but enough to knock the enemy down.

So, why get rid of Kaguya? What is the motive?

Morgana is less suspicious and more just plain confused. Things Akira did…just don’t add up. He can’t make heads or tails of it.

Morgana has wholly forgotten his original goal to try to figure out Akira. They are still making it through Mementos at a fair pace, much to Akira’s reluctance. Morgana will get answers to his own problem eventually, but he’s too confused with Akira right now. Maybe Akira is the key to his memories? Possibly?

Morgana looked up and realized where he had subconsciously walked as he was deep in thought; of course, he’d end up at Leblanc.

But, the light in the attack is still on, even though it’s well into the early morning hours. Morgana crinkles his nose in suspicion, deciding to jump up to the window using his usual balcony.

Peeking into the open window, he sees Akira working diligently at his desk, not noticing him. Morgana wonders if he can scare Akira, but before he can, Akira turns to him.

“Oh, what are you doing here?” Akira wondered, tilting his head at the cat.

“What are you even doing at this hour?” Morgana questioned back, trying to see what Akira was working on. It didn’t look like Phantom Thieve tools.

“Uh…Sewing.” Akira laughed awkwardly, pulling the needle through the fabric methodically. Morgana didn’t even know Akira could sew but based on how he made tools, he assumes it’s not a far stretch. Still, it’s nearly two in the morning. Morgana is offended at Akira’s lack of a healthy sleep schedule. Maybe Akira really did need him.

“I can see that, but…is that a Kimono? Or Yukata? Who could you be sewing it for? It’s rather small. I doubt anyone you know could fit it. Your proportions are all off.” Morgana scoffed, jumping down from the windowsill onto the cluttered desk to investigate. The fabric is a deep blue with golden aspects; Morgana instantly loves the colors. Gold has always been his favorite; it felt like a treasure, and Morgana can feel his mouth salivating at the thought.

“It’s for you,” Akira said nonchalantly, pulling the thread tight and avoiding Morgana’s inquiring eyes.

“What?” Morgana asked, taken aback by the answer as it was not what he was suspecting. It’s so casual yet, why?

“Before the Summer festival, you wished you could wear a Yukata with us. So, well…” Akira chuckled, even though it was just them in the room, “yeah. I thought, why not?”

Morgana is astounded because he barely remembered that sentiment himself. He did want to participate with everyone else instead of having to hide in Akira’s bag. But he hadn’t expected Akira to go to these lengths on the whims of a half-hearted sentiment.

“You…you’re making that for me?” Morgana stuttered, feeling his heart racing because all he has done was accuse Akira this whole time yet, Akira was probably working on this the entire time. Yukatas are on the complex side of sewing, and seeing the handiwork Akira has already put into it, it wasn’t a simple night’s project. Sojiro’s words echo in his mind, ‘Akira cares for you. He’s doing his best.’

“I figured…who knows, for Christmas or something, there might be a festival you could attend. Or…New Years?” Akira shrugged with indecision, “You could wear it to the temple? I think you’d capture the hearts of a lot of people.”

“But why?” Morgana wondered why did Akira go to these lengths after Morgana accused him? Morgana feels his heart clench.

“What do you mean why?”

“I mean…” Morgana bit his lips, not sure what he wanted to say. After all, what is there to say?

He wants to ask why Akira is going to the lengths for him. Why Akira can do that for him but can’t give Morgana the answers he so desperately wants. How can Akira be so sentimental yet lack the transparency Morgana feels their relationship should warrant. Why does Akira do what he does, and why can’t Akira just tell Morgana what he is thinking. Why he won’t say anything, Morgana? What is going on?

Morgana doesn’t want to think about it, so he goes another direction as he pouted, “I’m not a cat! When I get my human body back, I won’t be able to wear it!”

Akira smiled at him sincerely, “Then I’ll just have to make a human-sized one too.”

“I—” Morgana stuttered because he doesn’t doubt Akira would do that for him. But he doesn’t know how to cope with the overwhelming guilt he feels about all these because Morgana is still not sure he trusts Akira completely. Akira knows more about the Metaverse than him, or he thinks, and Akira won’t tell him why. Or how. Or anything.

Morgana doesn’t even know if it was possible for Kaguya to simply just leave. Morgana doesn’t think a persona can up and go as they are a part of a person, but he also knows he isn’t a wildcard; therefore, he doesn’t know how that skill works for sure.

“Bed. Go to bed now.” Morgana narrowed his eyes at Akira. Because it’s far too late for either of them to be up. And he was sure Akira would be tired at school tomorrow. Maybe it would be better if Akira was supervised more closely.

“Ah, come on.” Akira laughed but setting the sewing stuff down regardless. “The night is still young!”

“Uh, no? You have school tomorrow!” Morgana argued, jumping from the desk to the bed; Morgana doesn’t know why Akira wants to stay up any longer. He looks tired and like he wants to crawl straight into bed. Somehow Akira is reluctant to go to bed while being the person that is reluctant to get up once he is asleep.

“I was gonna go to bed before you came. But then you told me to go to bed, and now I don’t want to.” Akira smirked at him, standing up from the desk and stretching his arms over his head. Morgana winced when he hears Akira’s back pop.

“Who is really the cat in this relationship?” Morgana grumbled at Akira’s reluctance.

“According to you, neither of us.” Akira chuckled, coming over and sitting on the bed next to Morgana, “Are you staying?”

“Someone has to make sure you stay put.” Morgana huffed but then recoils how accusatory his words sound when in actuality, he meant making sure Akira actually went to sleep. “I mean—”

“It’s fine, Morgana, I get it.” Akira laughed but quieter than before as he patted Morgana on the head.

Morgana deflated; how was any of this fine?

“Then, I’ll close the window; it has been getting quite chilly.” Akira laughed, pulling his Pajamas out of the box he keeps all five of his outfits in.

Futaba thinks Akechi and Akira make an absolutely fantastic, if not hilarious, team. Akechi is so mystified by Akira’s methods. Akira is having his own blast, charging through shadows with little difficulty, quickly getting rid of any threats to them. Futaba hadn’t realized that Akira could do that at first since he didn’t do it in Okumura’s palace. Ann informed her that through her own palace, Akira did the same thing. So, Futaba can only surmise that it’s because Akechi was leading in Okumura’s palace, and Akira was trying to stay in line. But now that they were co-leaders, Akira was letting loose a little more.

Still, this would have been so useful in Okumura’s palace. Though, it is a bit macabre.

“Show me your true form!” Akira laughed, darting at the shadow from behind and ripping its mask away from its form, disintegrating the shadow. Like a kid on a sugar high.

“Have you had your fill, Joker?” Akechi pointed out, seemingly a bit cross, Futaba has noted that Akechi has been more cross as of late with Akira. Futaba doesn’t know why, though. Akechi always put up with Akira, but maybe Akira is even getting too much for Akechi. Akechi continued. “Care to save some from the rest of us?”

If Futaba could fight, she would have to agree. Akira took all the kills, but to be fair, when he didn’t just rip through the shadows, he would use Alice with her curse attacks because all of the shadows they had actually had to fight so far were weak to curse. Lucky for him.

When they had first entered Sae’s Palace, and she read Akira’s persona roster. She can admit that she had a mini heart attack after she couldn’t sense Kaguya at all. She thought that would be a problem, but Akira was right; so far, it hasn’t been a big deal. Futaba agreed that they probably all overreacted. But she still has to wonder where Kaguya has gone. It’s unsettling to think about.

“Oh, yeah, you weren’t here in the beginning.” Ryuji nodded thoughtfully, “This is exactly what it was like in Kamoshida’s palace. Panther, Mona, and I hardly got to do anything.”

“Madarame too.” Yusuke agreed, “Joker is quite the ace of cards.”

Akira shrugged with a cheeky smile. “What can I say? I get carried away.”

“But we still get the experience regardless.” Morgana frowned, “Even if we aren’t in battle. How Is that supposed to work?”

“Huh.” Futaba hadn’t realized that, but it’s true, no matter who took down the shadow, they all still got the battle experience, and their persona’s power goes up. It’s sort of like a video game. Maybe that’s just how the Metaverse works. Perhaps just watching Akira take on battles gave them experience. Coupled with Akira being as overpowered as he was. Futaba couldn’t deny they were the side cast if this were a game. Akira being the main character for sure. She is okay with this realization; however, she doesn’t know what she would do if she was the main character since she sits in front of a computer most of the time.

“Thank Mishima.” Akira smiled, leading them through the back rooms of the Casino. It was a stark difference between the front. The front of the Casino was colorful and flashy, but the back was more dismal. Posters plastered all over the walls saying, ‘Winning is everything’ ‘Winners take all’ ‘Success’ ’Black and White.’ Futaba thought maybe it’s a reflection of Sae’s character. In the front, it is what it is, A Casino, but behind those doors, all Sae can think about is winning. She’s given up even trying to be fair only to win.

“What does Mishima have to do with this?” Ann wondered; Futaba remembered Mishima is in her class.

“Hey, there is a strong shadow up there; I think that’s probably the direction to the room where we can make cards,” Futaba called out when they rounded the corner to a staircase. “But they are strong. Should we find another way?”

“Why bother? We’ll just bulldoze through!” Akira laughed, racing up the steps with little care. Futaba knows the metaverse makes being mobile and agile easier but, her knees wince as she watched Akira bound up the stairs.

“Have you ever considered being the least amount of careful!?” Akechi called after him, but Akira is already engaging attack with the enemy. Akechi frowned as he jumped into the fray reluctantly with his saber at his side, “I suppose not.”

“We’ll be fine,” Akira reassured, putting his hand up to his mask. Giving himself a support skill, Futaba can tell he used Yosh*tsune to increase his next attack. Not uncommon for Akira to do, Futaba knows if the will of the sword kicks in, then it’s a sure KO.

“Hey, they are weak to fire!” Futaba called out, but before Ann can even attempt to do anything, Yoshistune has taken them down without a problem. A security key card falling to the ground in front of him. The battle taking less than a few minutes, but still more than when Akira ripped through shadows.

“Hey! What if I wanted to do something?” Ann pouted, putting her hands on her hips as she regarded Akira, who threw her a sheepish smile and picked up the card.

“Sorry! Next time, I swear.” Akira assured her, but Futaba doubts it’ll happen.

“Regardless, we shouldn’t throw ourselves into fights so recklessly.” Akechi shook his head in frustration as he glared at Akira. “Are we not Phantom Thieves? We are supposed to be sneaking around, not engaging in every battle we can. It’s dangerous. At least make sure we are ready before we initiate anything else. All of us.”

“Ah, you worry too much, Crow. We’ll be fine,” Akira patted his shoulder as he pushed by to enter the next corridor. “The security level is at the lowest it can be; she doesn’t suspect a thing.”

“Still, we should be cautious.” Haru agreed, following after him. Before she spotted the next round of enemies, “Oh! They are guarding a door; perhaps that’s where the management console is?”

Akira doesn’t even pause as he raised his glove to his mask, charging up for another attack with Yosh*tsune as he dashed at them and unleashed a Hassou Tobi on the shadows guarding the door. Completely obliterating them without a bat of the eye, before whipping around at them, “Totally where we get a card.”

“Dude,” Ryuji muttered next to her. Futaba agreed, Akira could be a real show-off sometimes.

“Hey, Joker. Mind your health; you do remember Hassou Tobi is a physical spell, right? It uses your HP.” Morgana pointed out with annoyance as he casts a Diarahan on Akira. “You can’t use Kaguya to heal any more, remember?”

“I know that. I was gonna use an item in the next safe room.” Akira pointed out, but Futaba is glad that Morgana caught that when he did since Akira had decimated almost half his hp on those two attacks. She had forgotten that Hassou Tobi did indeed have that drawback. Ryuji and Yusuke were careful with their physical attacks because of the same reason, but they don’t have as strong an attack as Hassou Tobi, which takes much more HP.

“Did you not even hear what I said not only three minutes ago?” Akechi asked, his voice the same irritability as before, his arms crossed as he gives Akira a frustrated look, “Or does you’re not listening to the words that come out of your mouth half the time extends to me as well now?”

“I did, but is it really reckless if I know for a fact I can take them out? Huh?” Akira retorted cheekily, pushing open the door to the console room with an obnoxious air of confidence. But instead of it being the console room, It’s another empty room with doors that are locked shut; Akira’s smile dropped at this, “Oh…uh…yeah…”

“See? We didn’t even need to battle the guards!” Makoto argued, putting her hands on her hips, “Akechi is right; think before you jump! You are reckless!”

Futaba wants to point out to Makoto that she, in fact, had been doing the same thing before, but Futaba also knows they shouldn’t start another fight between them. Makoto has been better since she isn’t in the lead and they have a task at hand. Futaba knows Makoto is doing her best even if her thoughts are misplaced.

“Why don’t we just go through that locked door we passed by?” Ann wondered, twirling one of her, “Didn’t we literally just get a security key?”

“Oh yeah. That was a thing, wasn’t it?” Akira murmured, searching through his coat’s pockets as they began walking towards the security door. He got more and more energetic as he ruffled through his pockets but didn’t seem to find the key.

“Don’t tell me you lost it right after you got it…” Ryuji groaned when they reached it, and Akira was still searching, now searching the pockets inside his coat as well.

“Nah, it’s here.” Akira pulled it out, “Hehe, the Wrong pocket. Ooops.”

“Maybe I should hold onto the keys from now on.” Akechi frowned and took the key from Akira’s hand after he unlocked the door. Futaba agreed maybe that would be a little safer. Akira could be organized, but he could also be messy as the state of their inventory is a controlled chaotic mess. It’s 50/50, which way he leaned.

“It leads to a vent?” Haru wondered when they entered the room. “It seems like a peculiar room for them to lock…”

“I think it’ll lead to the terminal.” Futaba nodded, sensing technology coming from diagonal where the vent should lead.

They all fit their way through the vent, and Futaba was right; it does lead to the terminal. The room was filled to the brim with computers, a massive wall of screens pushed up against the back. Her favorite part of the Casino so far. But naturally, as it is a room of importance, a guard is waiting in the middle.

“Crow, may I suggest we take the guard out, or is that too reckless for you?” Akira asked Akechi with a smug grin as he nudged the other’s shoulder, who looks like he is at his wits end with the other. Futaba had noticed some sort of tension between them. Or at least with Akechi as well. Akira really must be driving him up a wall.

“I will… begrudgingly accept that decision.” Akechi sighed. Akira nodded and uses his grappling hook in an unnecessary show of talent to rip the shadow’s mask off, revealing a huge ass elephant-looking thing in the middle of the room.

“Oh! It’s weak to Psio!” Futaba announced, summoning her persona to hover over the battle, which is utterly useless since Akira is quick to rip off his own mask, summoning Alice and unleashing a Mapsiodyne on the elephant. Taking it out in an instant.

“Alice has a psio attack?” Ryuji gasped in confusion from the front lines. “Why? I thought Alice was curse affinity.”

“Alice is whatever you need her to be.” Akira nodded with a pleased smile, patting Alice’s head like a father would a proud smile. She giggled in a creepy delighted way with a satisfied smile before doing a little curtesy and fading away back into Akira’s mask. “Ah, such a good little girl.”

“She is quite adorable.” Haru nodded but then frowned in uncertainty, “Though I will admit, she can be a little scary.”

“You can be a little scary, Noir.” Ryuji pointed out something Futaba could agree. Haru comes off admittedly very innocent and sweet, yet sometimes when she swings her battle ax around with ease and skill, Futaba can admit it’s intimidating.

Haru smiled at him, tightening her hands on her battle-ax in a sort of cute but menacing way, “Whatever could you mean, Skull?”

“Oh! I think the guards dropped some cards.” Morgana announced, rushing over to the cards lying on the floor. Only a few of them.

“That is exactly what we needed…” Akechi followed him, bending down to observed the cards, “Though they are nameless, and we won’t get used out of them unless they are registered.”

“That is right up my alley. Leave it to me!” Futaba cackled, taking the cards out of Akechi’s hands and approaching the terminal. She accessed the program used to register the cards, but then she hits a roadblock. What does she put the name on the card for? It probably wasn’t a good idea to use their names. So she comes up with a simple name.

“Ok, registration complete!” Futaba announced, taking the card out of the slot and holding it up with a proud smile. “I wasn’t sure what name to give it, so I came up with a random one. Taro Tanaka.”

“That is way too simple! Aren’t they going to figure that out?” Ryuji argued.

“They already know what we look like and that we’ve intruded the palace…” Futaba shot back, but then she thought about it. They may cancel the card if they put the name to the face, “Then again, I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry. I’ll make another one.”

“Oh! Oh! I got a name for it.” Akira offered excitedly, catching her attention, “Put the name as…Ren Amamiya.”

“Why Ren Amamiya?” Ryuji asked incredulously as he squinted at Akira. “Do you know a ‘Ren Amamiya’?”

“Nah, I just think it would be a cool name.” Aira shook his head and pointed at himself in excitement, “Couldn’t you see me as a Ren?”

Futaba liked the name; it seemed like it could be the name for some JPRG protagonist. But, she isn’t sure if she could see Akira as a Ren. When she thinks of Ren, she thinks of Ren from Blue Exorcist. Wait, or was it Rin? All she knew was Okumura's last name, which she found funny since Haru’s surname was Okumura.

“Doesn’t the kanji for Ren mean ‘Lotus’?” Yusuke asked, contemplation on his face, “While I do think you can be quite graceful when you want to be…Lotus isn’t the first flower I think when I think of you. And ‘Amamiya’ is…Rain Shrine?”

“Huh…Ren. Renren.” Ryuji muttered to himself before shaking his head, “Nah, You totally don’t seem like a Ren.”

“Well, you don’t seem like a Ryuji.” Akira pouted, folding his arms and rolling his eyes.

“Wait, are you offended because I don’t like your pseudo name?” Ryuji laughed.

“I like the name Akira! Its kanji is for daybreak or dawn, right?” Haru giggled, “I think it suits you quite well. You always seem to bring the sun!”

“Can we stop discussing names and get on with this?” Makoto sighed with frustration, and Futaba can sense her, much like Akechi, is also at her wit's end with the situation.

“Ren Amamiya it is!” Futaba nodded, going along with Akira’s request since she didn’t have any other ideas, getting to work on making the card. Since the program is up and running, it doesn’t take too long. She pulled the card out once she hears the ding. “Alright! Ren Amamiya’s card is ready to go! Crow, how about you hold onto it, so Joker doesn’t lose it, ok?”

“Naturally.” Akechi nodded, taking the card out of her hand and carefully slipping it into his pocket.

“Joker…throw out this card the next garbage can you see, ok?” Futaba nodded, handing him the Taro Tanaka card. He takes it with a little too much glee for getting a throwaway card.

“You got it, Oracle!” Joker flashed her a broad smile with his thumbs-up as he slipped the card into his own pocket. Even if he lost it, she figured it wouldn’t matter since it was a throwaway card now.

“Don’t talk to me as if you were my equal.” Sae sneered at Ryuji, an awful look of disgust swept over Sae’s black lipstick and shadowed eyes. A look she’s never seen on Sae before this all. The arrogance wafting off her in folds, “I am the manager of this Casino as well as its number one player. At this moment, you lack the qualifications to fight me.”

Makoto feels her blood boil at the sound of Sae’s voice. How could Sae think so highly of herself after all the grief and addition to corruption she has added to the system? How could the sister she had looked up to at one point think so lowly of Makoto after everything Makoto had to endear for her sake? The lonely nights where it was only her eating dinner alone. The expectation to maintain perfects grades and an excellent academic standing when all her peers shunned her for her ambition. The agony of knowing no matter how high Makoto aimed, how independent she had become in her father’s death and Sister’s influence, how damn hard she did to please everyone, Sae would always treat her like a child. Sae would never see her as someone who has done really well for her situation. Sae would continue to expect the impossible from Makoto even when Sae has her own distorted morals and values.

Her own sister didn’t even value her achievements.

“And what If we would like to battle you no matter what?” Akechi asked diplomatically, being far more levelheaded than Makoto knew she was in the moment.

“I had to win time and time again to reach my number rank.” Sae laughed, “If you want to face me, you must continue to win as well.”

“Continue to win?” Haru echoed in confusion from next to Makoto.

“Do you have the confidence to win?” Sae asked lowly, then stared Makoto straight in the eyes, “I don’t expect much from you. I’ll be waiting at the top non the same.”

Sae disappears before Makoto can even get her word in. Leaving a rush of emotions in the wake of her departure. She can feel her blood boiling at her sister’s words. Knowing Sae doesn’t expect much from her tears at Makoto’s seams. Makoto has done everything she could to be the best sister, to follow Sae’s every rule and expectation, yet Sae doesn’t even acknowledge it. Sae doesn’t give a sh*t.

Makoto wants to scream.

“Mako-chan, it’s ok to be upset,” Haru assured her, but even Haru’s gentle approach doesn’t calm her down.

“It’s not—” Makoto gritted her teeth and clenched her fists because what do the Phantom Thieves know of how she feels. How could they understand the depths of her frustration in this matter?

“Yeah, it sucks to be looked down on like that, Queen. You can be upset about it; that is valid.” Akira added in from next to her, and his statement only served to rile her up more. What does Akira know about this?

“Don’t ta—” Makoto is about to snap back at Akira in anger but froze because she realized the words are very familiar as they were spoken only a few minutes before.

‘Don’t talk to me as if you were my equal.’ Sae’s nasty tone rings through her head, making her stop in her tracks. ‘Don’t talk to me as if you were my equal.’ If Makoto had finished her sentence, would she had ended up sounding like her wayward sister? Her sister, whose heart was so distorted that they had entered to change it.

‘Don’t talk to me as if you were my equal.’

Sae’s words were arrogant; they sent chills down her spine, yet if she said them, would she not sound just as arrogant? This entire time, is that how she has been behaving? As if she was above them all? Because she thought more logically, because she was educated and because she believed she was.

She’s spent her entire life not wanting to be Sae. Resenting Sae for her decisions and lack of validation.

But isn’t that how she was treating Akira? She hasn’t felt like Akira’s equal for a long while. Akira could do things she couldn’t, and she hated it. She hated feeling like this, feeling so weak. Feeling like the burden her sister has made her into.

“Uh, Queen?” Ann called out, tilting her head at Makoto. Probably because it was weird that she stopped in the middle of her sentence, swallowing back Sae’s words. The Phantom Thieves are all staring at her in surprise when she released her tension.

“Nothing,” Makoto shook her head; she doesn’t want to face the idea that maybe Sae and she aren’t so different after all. “We should continue.”

“Uh, ok, yeah.” Futaba nodded hesitantly, “But, Sae said we had to win…I mean…did she mean gambling?”

They looked around the lobby they were in; rows and rows of slot machines filled it. Cards fell from the ceiling in no order. And the distinct smell of tobacco wafted through the liminal space. Everything Makoto believed Sae wasn’t. Gambling? Smoking?

“I mean, have any of you guys done this before?” Ryuji wondered, and a majority of them shook their heads. After all, they were all underaged. Ryuji sighed, but then looked at Akira with a maniacal grin, “It’s your time, buddy,”

“Excuse me?” Akira laughed, folding his arms in the confusion of Ryuji’s statement.

“Didn’t you say you were psychic? I am starting to totally believe you, and isn’t this the best place for your ability, huh?” Ryuji said excitedly, bouncing on his heels excitedly, and Makoto is taken aback because she hasn’t thought about that. She doesn’t believe Akira is psychic. Not at all; it isn’t logical. Yet, she can’t explain Akira’s third eye, and she can’t explain Akira’s uncanny luck. Maybe he really would be their joker card in all this.

“Yeah, that’s not gonna be any help.” Akira shook his head with an awkward chuckle, tugging on his bangs.

“What, are you denying being psychic now?” Morgana wondered.

“No, but even a psychic can’t win a rigged game.” Akira sighed, crossing his arms with something reminiscent of a bitter smile, “Trust me.”

“Wait, a rigged game?” Yusuke wondered, the information taking them all by surprise.

“What do you mean by that?” Ann wondered, tilting her head in confusion.

Makoto has a sickening sense she knows where this is going.

“What he is saying is that the prosecutor success rate in Japan is 99.9%.” Akechi clarified, “Defendants are nearly always found guilty.”

“For real?! A rate like that can’t be possible! Are those verdicts accurate?” Ryuji sputtered in surprise at the facts. Akechi isn’t wrong in his numbers, though. Makoto knows this; she knows the rates and how damning they are. The investigators are only human, yet, like Sae, no one wants to lose.

“What do you think?” Akechi frowned his face hardening at the question. You aren’t the first to point out the rigged nature of this system. The prosecution is nigh unbeatable. Cases of false accusations cause such a stir since they are exceedingly rare.”

“So, she’s cheating.” Haru frowned sadly and turned to Akira, “And when you said this is a rigged game, you mean the gambling. We have no chance of winning?”

“I didn’t say that exactly.” Akira shook his head, “If Sae is gonna play dirty, then we need to play dirty as well. She wants to cheat, then it’s an open field for us.”

“Oooh, we going to commit some fraud!” Futaba clapped her hands in delight.

“Is…is this legal?” Ann wondered with a concerned look.

“No…” Makoto shook her head and sighed, “But, he’s right... the end justifies the means.”

But this time, she is going to do whatever she can to prove her sister wrong. After all, Sae taught her the end justifies the means. No matter what, she will achieve her goal.

Mishima found Akira up on the roof with Haru Okumura; he hasn’t texted Akira in a while only because he knows Akira lost his phone. But, when he tries to approach Akira after school, it seemed like Akira was already running to some job or appointment. He wonders if Akira is mad at him; after all, Mishima made that stupid poll. Mishima is, for sure, angry at himself. He feels awful about it, and he wouldn’t blame Akira if he didn’t want to be friends anymore.

“Mishima!” Akira turned to him with a broad smile on his face, and Mishima crumples because he thought Akira was mad, but maybe he had jumped to conclusions. Mishima knows he immediately jumps to the worst situations. Akira dusted off his hands from the planter he was working at and hopped up to address Mishima, “Ah sorry, Mishima, I still don’t have my phone. I know you’ve wanted to hang out; it’s just been…ah hectic to say. Totally not on you; I really do want to see what you’ve written so far.”

“A-ah, about that…” Mishima tried to remain composed and strong but immediately lost all resolve. He knows he can never truly be as strong as Akira was.

“Oh, Mishima-san. Is something a matter?” Haru Okumura asked, with a soft concern on her tone as his mother would use on him sometimes. She approached them, wiping the dirt on the tracksuit as she regarded him with curious eyes.

“I-I-I’m—” Mishima stuttered before dropping into a low bow, “I’m so sorry! I made that poll and—and—"

“Hey, Mishima. It’s not your fault.” Akira reassured him, putting his hand on Mishima’s shoulder. Mishima doesn’t know why Akira is always so nice to him. He doesn’t think he deserved Akira after everything that happened with Kamoshida and Mishima being the one to leak Akira’s criminal record. He had been skeptical about doing it at the time, but it was between getting beaten by Kamoshida or ruining a student's life that he didn't know. Not that Akira’s life has really been destroyed by the revelation as the other took it with stride. Mishima knew he did the cowardly thing, but there wasn’t anything he could do at that time. He was so powerless.

He thought he’d overcome it; he thought he found his voice and his calling.

But wasn’t this his fault? Mishima had set up that stupid poll, but he didn’t think of the ramifications of it. Now Kunikazu Okumura was dead, and everyone thought the Phantom Thieves were murders. If Mishima didn’t set up the pole in the first place…then Akira wouldn’t have to bear the stress of this. He just makes trouble for Akira. Mishima doesn’t know why Akira is still friends with him after all this.

And Haru, he can barely even think straight before he pulled out of his bow and turned to Haru, tears clouding up his eyes, “O-Okumura-senpai, I’m so so….If I hadn’t had made that poll, then maybe, and I didn’t approach you s-sooner cause I was scared that you—and I’m—I’m so—”

“Oh, Mishima-san.” Haru quickly walked over to him and also lays her hand on his shoulder with a kind smile that Mishima knows he is undeserving of. Mishima quickly hides his tears in his hands, “I truly don’t blame you. It was just unfortunate circ*mstances out of all of our hands. You’ve done nothing but help us and support us this entire time and even now. I am not mad or angry with you. I won’t lie and say this time is easy, but it is far from being your fault in the slightest.”

“S-senpai…” Mishima sniffled; how can Haru be so kind to him?

“My father was…not a good man towards the end.” Haru sighed with exhaustion. “He did things that I was not proud of and things that needed to be corrected. I am struggling with it. I haven’t been close to my father for many years…and it hurts, but in time I can come to terms with what happened.”


“There are things at force here that are out of your hand, Mishima.” Akira reassured him, “Listen, someone tampered with your site. And that isn’t your fault, ok? We understand that it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know. We wanted to get you in contact with our ops person to happen again in the future. Are you ok with that?”

“You…you have an ops person?” Mishima cried because that sounds like the coolest position ever, but the rest of what Akira said hits him, “Wait…you guys are being set up?”

“Yes.” Haru nodded, her hair bouncing with the confirmation, “You don’t need to apologize to me Mishima, your support has been very valued, and I know you wouldn’t intentionally harm us in the slightest.”

“Senpai…still…” Mishima frowned because he feels simultaneously relieved and concerned at the new development. The Phantom Thieves were being targeted?

“Call me Haru.” Haru giggled, correcting him.

“Haru-san, Akira…” Mishima frowned because he doesn’t know how he can help, but he wants to. Akira has done so much for him, Akira has given him the confidence he’s never had before, and he wanted to return the favor, “Let your ops person I’m available and would absolutely love their help to secure the sight more.”

“Great.” Akira smiled brightly, reaching for his pocket till he frowned, “Oh yeah…my phone.”

“It’s ok, Aki-chan; I’ll send him Futaba’s contact.” Haru patted his shoulder, taking out her own phone instead.

“Futaba?” Mishima tilted his head; he doesn’t think there is a student with that name at Shujin; he wondered what sort of person it is. He imagined they would be cool since they are a part of the Phantom Thieves.

“Yeah, you’ll love her.” Akira laughed, “Uh, might want to brush up on your RPG lingo, though .”

“Rpg games?” Mishima wondered before he frowned, considering the idea, “Hey, she isn’t anything like Ohya-san, is she? I thought you were setting me up for a date…imagine my surprise when I get thoroughly interrogated by her!”

“Ah, come on. Ohya-san might be obnoxious, but she means well, I thought you two would hit it off!” Akira chuckled before tugging on his bangs with an undecipherable smile, “Besides, that’s not even close to being thoroughly interrogated, trust me.”

“Oh…do you mean your record?” Mishima asked, a wince of guilt in his heart. While he was the one to release Akira’s criminal records, after getting to know Akira, Mishima couldn’t think him remotely anything like the school made him out to be. After all, Akira is top of their class; he’s the Phantom Thieves leader, which he supposed could make him a criminal but not any of the criminals that Mishima would condemn.

“Something like that.” Akira waved off his concern.

“Who is Ohya-san?” Haru wondered, and Mishima imagines she must be lost in the conversation without context.

“Akira set me up with an interviewer when I thought he was setting me up on a date.” Mishima bemoaned but added thoughtfully, “but she was pretty tipsy, so she was very grateful with tips about how to get into journalism work which I found fascinating.”

“See? I knew what I was doing.” Akira nodded before giving Mishima a thumbs up, “Thanks for taking one for the team!”

“Yes! Thank you, Mishima-san.” Haru nodded as well, giving him a thumbs up. “Akira is always talking about how supportive you are! We truly appreciate it, and I can’t wait to read your book! If you need help marketing, let me know, I have some connections in that industry.”

“Okumura-san!” Mishima gasped, his face flushing at her kind words and sincere sentiment. Even after all he’s done, Akira still thinks well of him. And so does the rest of the Phantom Thieves. He feels a little more relieved after all this.

“And please continue to support us in the future.” Akira smiled at him warmly.

Mishima nodded with vigor, Akira has given him like a 180, and he would for sure do whatever it took to help the phantom thieves.

Yoshida had easily guessed Akira was a part of the Phantom Thieves after spending time with the teenager. It was easy enough to deduce Akira’s ideologies and mannerisms. Yoshida doesn’t know why Akira had asked him to teach him the arts of public speaking and crafting speeches when Akira was already incredibly charismatic, well-spoken, and ambitious. After all, he was changing hearts in his one unique way. Yoshida doesn’t know why Akira insists on helping him out, holding his signs and hanging out with Yoshida afterward. After all, Yoshida knows he is far older than Akira.

Yoshida though he’s getting more out of this deal than Akira is at this point.

“So, if you really want to reach people of the younger generations, I’d advise you to start getting comfortable with social media. Popular Forum sites or the sites where you can make a post and cross-post them on the other social media sites can be beneficial. Maybe start a blog as well; I think most of the younger generation aren’t as educated and could use someone like you to get them interested in politics and make a difference in our government. Maybe try a Twitter thread.” Akira explained, downloading a few apps on Yoshida’s phone that Yoshida knows he will need a tutorial on how to properly use.

“Yes, I think that is wise. Alas, social media has been the obstruction I’ve had in my campaign such as far. But you are right that it would be the key to reaching younger generations.” Yoshida nodded in agreement but frowns, “What is a cross-post? And what is a Twitter thread?”

“Ah, Yoshida, man, do I have a wonderland for you to explore.” Akira laughed, sliding Yoshida’s phone back to him from across the café’s table. “You are going rock social media. I promise.”

“I will take your word for it.” Yoshida chuckled as well, not quite getting the sentiment. Still, the idea of overcoming his lack of information on social media is quite daunting. It is a tool that can be used, but he’s never had anything quite like it back in his day: the closest thing being a newspaper probably and word of mouth.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you out,” Akira reassured him, taking a sip of his third cup of coffee that evening.

That brings Yoshida to his second thought of the evening. While Akira might seem to be in good spirits, Yoshida can sense a lingering melancholy beneath the surface. It’s evident in the bags underneath Akira’s eyes, in the way he can’t seem to stop fidgeting with something, mostly being his bangs or the rim of his third cup of dark roast, straight up that he then takes another sip of. It’s evident in the way he’s almost too charismatic to compensate. Yoshida understands what that feeling of exhaustion is; he understands the feeling of tiredness that runs underneath the skin and takes everything it can with little regard. Even when it’s something you can’t give.

But Yoshida also knows himself. And something can’t be so easily pointed out.

“I couldn’t ask that of you, Akira.” Yoshida shook his head, approaching the situation delicately, “I have my path, and you have yours. I think the work you are doing is far deeper than my ambitions as of now.”

Akira quickly shook his head, “It’s not a permanent solution, and it shouldn’t be. I think you know that quite well, Yoshida. I think what you’re doing is going to be far more beneficial in the long run. We may be the initial shock, but you are going to be what really starts fixing the issues.”

Yoshida is always taken aback by how aware, and wise Akira was sometimes. Akira didn’t feel like he was a high school student. Akira felt like he was a mature, intelligent adult. But he shouldn’t be yet; he should be enjoying his youth. He should be exploring and enjoying everything he possibly can in this world before the hardships of the world crash into him. Yoshida knows some people don’t have that luxury, but he wished so terribly hard that Akira did.

“Are you referring to recent events?” Yoshida wonders, the news of Okumura’s death breached the media like a maelstrom. Blame was immediately shifted onto the Phantom Thieves as the event happened right after sending the calling card. The timing is awful, and of course, they would become infamous because of it.

But Yoshida isn’t so easily swayed by coincidence by it as the media were. Yoshida has the advantage of personally knowing the Phantom Thieves leader, and he knows Akira wouldn’t have killed Okumura.

“Not just that. It would be dangerous for society to get reliant on the Phantom Thieves.” Akira sighed, taking another long sip of the bitter coffee. “I think, after our next target, then we’ll have to reevaluate our position.”

“That is fair. A tactical retreat is smart. And it would be a good break for not only you but for society as well. For people to take a step back and think about the accountability for their actions.” Yoshida nodded but also secretly relieved. Akira looked like he needed a break.

Yoshida has noticed, even from the first few meetings he’s had with Akira. Akira reminds him of his younger self. Unfortunately, he is going through the same things he did. Being framed for a crime, he didn’t commit. Not only his criminal record but now with the Phantom Thieves’ and Okumura’s dead. Akira is getting dealt double fold. And Yoshida wanted to do anything he can to be there for Akira because he knows precisely what Akira is going through. Yoshida has had the name No-Good Tora for far longer than he remembers. And he knows just how long and deep those wounds run.

“Don’t lose heart. There are far more of us that are still rooting for you. You have to have faith you are standing by your convictions.” Yoshida gave him a reassuring smile leading up to his appeal, “Yet, that doesn’t mean others don’t share your convictions, and others haven’t gone through the pain that accompanies doing what is right. Passion comes from the root word pati, which the word patience comes from. Passion isn’t elation; it’s endurance. It’s picking what you will suffer for. Passion is the ability to suffer for a cause, a cause that demands to be righted, to be understood. A pain demanded to be quenched. And I think you’ve done fantastic at taking your circ*mstances and acting on them. But you are still allowed to feel upset about them in the first place. The pain you’ve been through. Would you…care to talk about it?”

Akira doesn’t answer, instead choosing to stare at his now empty coffee cup. And Yoshida thinks maybe he got a little carried away in his call. He’s never felt so connected to someone of the younger generation before. He’s never met someone who was in the exact same position as him, and Yoshida wanted to help. He wanted Akira to know he was not alone, and it does get better eventually.

After a few long minutes, Akira looks up with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. A feeling of honey and ash. Sickly sweet, sticky and bitter.

“I think—I think it would be useless,” Akira admitted, the simulated smile still on his face as he begins gathering his things. Yoshida instantly feels guilty for coming across too strong to Akira. It hadn’t been his attention, but Yoshida gets carried away when he feels inspired. Akira doesn’t give him a chance to rectify though adding cheerily, “Anyways, It’s late, and I’ve got class tomorrow. I’m going to give your contact information to a few of my friends who are really good with social media and can help you build your social media platform.”


“Ah, I still haven’t found my phone yet so, I’ll just see you next Sunday.” Akira waved, the charismatic smile on his face as he quickly departs the café.

Yoshida can’t help but feel worried. After all, he remembers feeling the weight of the world when he was a teenager. He just wants Akira to know he’s not alone.

Haru feels bad for Makoto. She can tell how much Sae’s Palace is putting a strain on her mental state. She knows how Makoto feels about Sae, after a midnight session of texting one another when neither could sleep because of their own troubles.

Haru gets it. She understands Makoto’s feeling of inferiority with her sister because it’s not so far off from how she felt with her own father. Helpless. Useless. A burden. Makoto used those words, and Haru can feel the weight of them all in her own experiences. Makoto did her best to prove she was capable to her sister and Haru did whatever her father said to maintain the family image and her relationship with her father.

She feels a bit guilty; however that she feels a pressure has been lifted off her shoulders. She no longer has to do what people tell her; she can make her own decisions. She just didn’t think that freedom would come at the cost of her father. And despite her grief and sadness at a loss, she feels like she can recreate herself.

Haru wants to help Makoto achieve her own freedom too, but Haru made a promise to herself that Makoto’s emancipation would not come at the same cost as her own. Sae can still be saved, and she will do whatever it takes to make sure Makoto can honestly face Sae after all this and let Sae know precisely how she feels. Haru wants Makoto to repair the relationship she has with Sae. She wants Makoto to be able to have her remaining family member.

But not only that. Haru wants to help Makoto see just how damaging her suspicion of Akira is. Akira has been incredibly supportive throughout this entire process, saying things to Makoto with intense, brutal honesty that none of them dared to approach her with. Akira knows what he is doing too. Akira already knows he is on her wrong side right now, so he is in the best position to say these things to her. Haru knows he is taking a gamble on whether Makoto will listen to him and come around at the expense of their dwindling friendship, but Haru has faith that both Makoto and Akira would somehow repair their bond.

Haru knows how deeply Akira cares for all of them.

“Wait, so, we can’t to the battle arena since we spent all our coins just getting up here?” Ann groaned as they stood in front of the battle arena on the High Limits Lobby floor. They had to see Sae in a courtroom to be able to get by the cognition. It wasn’t hard to get in since Akechi had connections.

Haru thought it was unsettling how normal Sae seemed in the real world. She didn’t have that sinister smirk that her shadow counterpart had. She just seemed like a regular prosecutor but, Haru knows her real feelings now. Just how much Sae wants to win what she thinks is a game. Innocent people’s lives are a game to her. Haru understands why Makoto is so upset.

That isn’t justice.

“And the bridge is a hundred thousand yen to pass? Oh, man.” Ryuji bemoaned from next to Ann, “We had a hard enough time getting the coins to get up here; how the f*ck are we supposed to win that much? We’ll be here for hours.”

“There is the second room, the house of Darkness.” Futaba pointed out, gesturing to the room just across the lobby. “Logically, we should be able to get enough on this floor. We should check it out.”

“House of Darkness? That is unlike any Casino term I’ve ever heard.” Yusuke frowned as he regarded the room with confusion.

“Yeah, and how many casinos have you been in, Fox?” Morgana huffed from near Yusuke’s feet.

Haru had noticed, Morgana has been in higher spirits lately. It seemed it had started living in Leblanc’s attic with Akira again, and Haru has been overjoyed that he appeared to be going to class with Akira also. She thought it was so cute how Morgana would sit in Akira’s bag so nicely.

“Is it like a dark room for photography?” Yusuke wondered, ignoring what Morgana had asked.

“I doubt it; it’s a casino.” Ann shook her head, then her face paled, “Wait, what if it’s like a dark web thing? Oracle, aren’t there those web rooms where people do, you know, things? Are they going to do things to us?”

“I doubt it; it’s a casino, not the dark web.” Futaba snickered.

“Things? What are things?” Morgana wondered before puffing up his chest, “Worry not, Panther! I’ll make sure none of those things happen to you!”

“Aww, what a dashing hero, Mona-chan!” Haru giggled at how cute Morgana looked with his little scarf puffed out with his chest, “Please protect me too, ok?”

“Of course I will, Noir!” Morgana nodded heroically.

“Me too, Mona-chan.” Akira chimed in with a cheeky smile as he raised his hand.

“I think at the rate you’re going, it’s going to be the other way around,” Morgana grumbled.

“Ok, cool, So I’ll protect Panther then, gotcha.” Akira nodded, sending a wink in Ann’s direction, which can only laugh at Akira’s antics.

“No! It’ll be me!” Morgana huffed.

“Have you had your fill; can we please get on with this?” Akechi scoffed from where he is standing next to Yusuke, his arms folded over his chest and a look of exasperation at the group’s antics. Haru feels a bit bad. Makoto has her own feelings about Sae, but she knows Akechi has some emotions since he is on the force with Sae and was under her direct command. He isn’t involved anymore since having a high schooler on the SIU probably wasn’t what they wanted. Haru is sure Akechi is upset over his demotion as well.

Akechi was still rather polite and diplomatic with what he said, but Haru can tell something is bugging him as well. He’s been short with Akira as of late, probably not enjoying the dual leadership they had been voted into. Haru hopes he opens up to them sooner or later. He should know they are his friends and care for his wellbeing as well. Akechi is doing his best to keep them safe, and Haru knows it.

“Well, let’s head over to the dark house then.” Haru nodded, and the group made their way over to the door.

When they entered, they were met with another shadow who regards them with an excited greeting as they approach the main hallway, “Welcome to the house of darkness, our puzzling labyrinth in the dark.”

“Ohhhhh, it’s not a photography room or the dark web. It’s a maze.” Ann said with understanding but then frowned, “Wait, why a maze? In a casino?”

“Our VIPs are encouraged to send substitutes and bet on them to complete the game in their place. Like horse racing, however, it seems you don’t have substitutes; therefore, you will be the participants.” The Shadow explained, a sinister tone under the ‘friendly’ explanation.

“Damn.” Ryuji sighed, “Guess we don’t really have a choice.”

“Not really.” Akechi huffed in frustration, “Care to explain the rules to this game?”

“A straightforward maze lies directly ahead of you—”

“Straightforward, my ass,” Makoto muttered under her breath next to Haru. Makoto knows Sae, and with the theme of this palace, Haru doesn’t doubt this wasn’t going to be a fair game.

“I suggest you proceed with the utmost caution as the lighting is quite dimmed. The entry fee is 1,000, but you can win ten times that amount if you beat the maze. Would you like to proceed?”

“Well, that is the amount we need to enter the battle royale…” Haru murmured, thinking about it logically. She just isn’t sure how they are gonna cheat a maze. The machines before had been easy for Futaba to hack into, but a labyrinth?

“Should we think about this?” Ann wondered next to her with the same thought process.

“It’s a done deal!” Akira laughed, accepting the offer from the shadow without them even discussing it.

“Hey, Joker!” Ryuji gawked, looking at Akira with stupefaction, and Akechi is looking exactly as ruffled next to him. Haru felt bad for Akechi. Akira really did rush into things sometimes.

“Perfect. Your fee has been deducted from your account; please enjoy.” The shadow laughed, but Haru can tell it is far from a sincere one before the Shadow fades away.

“Joker! We can’t get that fee back! What were you thinking?!” Makoto bemoaned, her shoulders tensing.

“I mean, this is where we had to go, isn’t it? We can’t make enough gambling from the lower floors, and we can’t enter the battle arena. It made sense.” Akira shrugged, seemingly nonchalant about the decision. Haru understands the thought process, yet, maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to do.

“Yes, but this is rigged, you know that. Maybe we should have done a little more research before we jumped into things, huh?” Akechi scolded him, his frown deepening further.

“There’s a safe room.” Akira motioned to the door to the safe room behind one of the casino counters, “Boom, research done.”

“THAT’S NOT THE RESEARCH HE MEANT, IDIOT.” Ryuji sighed with frustration. “Oh man, what are we gonna do? Are we just going in there blind?”

“You might be, but I’m not,” Akira reassured cryptically, and Haru doesn’t know for the life of him what that means.

“And what does that mean?” Makoto scoffed at him skeptically, and Haru admits that it was a pretty suspicious thing to say. But she has faith in Akira; he is their ace of cards.

Akira smiled at her, squinting her eyes, so they turn a vermilion red, nearly glowing in the casino light. It’s a subtle shift, yet Haru finds herself captivated by the sight.

“Oh my! Your eyes changed colors!” Haru pointed out, her hands clapping with delight, “Is it cognition?”

“Oh. Your third eye.” Ann nodded, seemingly understanding where Akira was going with this.

“It is an ability of his where he can…enhance his senses and perceive things we may not,” Akechi explained, seemingly reluctant with the explanation.

“Just admit it, Crow, I’m psychic.” Akira laughed loudly at Akechi’s scrunched-up face.

“You are not psychic.”

“ALL WILL BE REVEALED!” Akira raised his hand dramatically as if he were unmasking himself, but he glares at them with red eyes.

“Oh my! That’s so cool, Aki-chan!” Haru buys into the dramatics with a gleeful smile. She loves Akira’s dramatics; he always seemed like he was having fun.

“Dude, take it down a notch.” Ryuji shook his head but then turns his gaze to Akira with a look of concern that takes Haru by surprise. She doesn’t know why he has that expression to the show. Ryuji asked slowly, “But like…is it gonna be ok?”

“Yeah…I mean last time.” Ann chimed in as well, with her arms folded and the same look of worry crossing her face as well.

Akira blinked at them in surprise, then shook his head, “Oh yeah, no, it’ll be ok. No problems here.”

“But—” Yusuke tried to argue by Akira is already heading towards the maze entrance with a pep in his step.

“Come on! Daylights wasting! Though you won’t know it once you step into here.” Akira chuckled, holding the door open for the Phantom Thieves that start hesitantly entering the maze.

Haru is confused, she wasn’t sure what had just happened, but she feels like she’s missing something. She kept close to Makoto as they entered the Maze.

Akira and the shadow were right; it was dark. She could barely see in front of her; she intuitively grabbed onto Makoto’s shoulder. But winces when she hits a spike.

“Sorry, we can hold hands if that makes you feel better.” Makoto’s apologetic voice came from in front of her, and she feels Makoto’s hands take her own. She instantly feels relieved.

“Thank you, Mako-chan. I don’t want to get separated from you guys.”

“Good idea, Queen. Everyone hold hands! It’ll make things easier. I’ll lead!” Akira’s cheery voice instructed them, “Crow, take my hand! I’ll lead you out of here!”

“I think I’ll take up the rear…just to be safe.” Akechi’s voice resonates from behind her; Haru thinks that is probably best. Akechi was stronger than her, so she is happy to let him guard their backs.

“Fine then.” Akira pouted, then paused, “Wait, then whose hand am I holding?”

“Mine, dumbass. You grabbed it instantly. Can’t you see?” Ryuji’s voice echoed from the front of the procession.

“Oh yeah, I didn’t turn around, haha.” Akira laughed, and she feels Makoto in front of her starting to lead her down the path that Akira is taking them. Akira announces after a few minutes of them slowly making their way down the trail. “I should also mention, while I can see better than you all, it’s only about 40% better.”

There is instant quarreling.

“Are you serious?! You didn’t want to mention that before we started?!”

“Why was that the thing you failed to mention!”

“Joker, we are going to have a talk about rushing into things with information like this.” Akechi’s deadly serious voice carries over the procession.

“Hey! What can I say? I don’t control how the third eye works. This is the best we got, and we are running with it. It shouldn’t take that long!” Akira reassured them before yelping loudly, and a thumping noise is heard.

“Dude, what the f*ck?!” Ryuji exclaimed.

“Joker, are you alright?!” Yusuke is quick to ask after him.

“Yeah, I ran into a wall.” Akira laughed awkwardly.

“Aki-chan. Please be more careful!” Haru sighed, feeling a bit relieved by the revelation. She really doesn’t like being in the dark like this. She’s not afraid of the dark, but she doesn’t like feeling helpless. She trusts Makoto to lead her and Akira to guide them but. She hopes this maze is over quickly.

The maze was not over quickly; instead, they kept running into locked doors and dead ends. And they had encountered the second obstacle other than the dark, which was the shadows which had an unfair advantage since they seemed to be able to see in the dark. It made it hard to look for the exit, every time they think they have found the exit, they run into shadows which just throws their whole perceptions on its side.

Or Akira’s side, she guessed. The rest can barely see the enemy, so Akira is doing the brunt of the fighting, which isn’t so far from normal, except he is also worrying about leading them out safely. She feels a bit bad there isn’t more she can do.

“Any idea when we will reach the exit, Joker?” Akechi asked, with irritation and exasperation on his tone, “Maybe if you hadn’t had agreed so easily and we had researched, then we wouldn’t have been wandering through this maze for hours?”

“What, you mean you are not having fun?” Akira wheezed from the front. Haru can hear how out of breath he was; he had just finished a battle with Alice after all. She knows Akira technically doesn’t lose HP or SP with Alice, but she can imagine the monotony of battling could be exhausting differently. She knows for sure she is getting tired of this maze.

“I can guarantee you, Joker, none of us are having fun right now because of you.” Makoto scoffed her tone hard with frustration. Haru can feel her getting worked up, so she squeezed Makoto’s hand, hopefully providing some comfort to her friend.

“Yeah, but you good, Joker?” Ryuji asked for the umpteenth time, and Haru thinks it’s nice how considerate Ryuji is with Akira, even after everything that has happened between them. She is happy to see Ryuji has forgiven Akira and knows how much Akira does for them. Ryuji can be really caring as well.

“Yup. Fine.” Akira responded curtly and with little emotion. Haru does find it a little weird, it lacked Akira's usual charisma, and she wonders if he is getting fed up with their whining.

“You know, we can take a break. I mean, we’ve been at this forever.” Morgana pointed out cautiously, “In fact, a break might be the best.”

“Oh, come on, kitty! I can sense it; we are almost out!” Futaba squeals, “Push forward, Joker! Deliver us out of these shadows!”

“While Oracle is rather dramatic in her plea, I agree. We should push on. It’s safer to take a break when we are not literally in the dark. We must be on guard.” Akechi agreed, in a stern voice, “Besides, Joker got us into this mess. Joker can easily get us out.”

“I really think—” Yusuke tried to argue, but Akira cuts him off.

“It’s fine; we are almost out. Trust me.” Akira quickly said, a sense of annoyance in his voice; Haru feels bad; he really is doing his best.

“Well—” Ann piped up, but before she can get her word in, Akira’s pace speeds up, and they all reluctantly followed him.

“Mako-chan, am I missing something?” Haru wondered, asking her friend, who has been relatively silent through the entire ordeal in front of her. “Do you think we should take a break?”

“I think—” Makoto said but stopped as if to think of something, “I think we should continue and get out of here. Akechi is right; it would be a bad choice to stop here.”

“But Aki-chan…” Haru frowned, “Skull and Panther seem worried; why?”

“That’s—” Makoto sighed, reluctant with the question.

Suddenly, there is light flooding into her vision as a door has been opened in front of them. Akira is holding it open so all of them can make their way out. Haru thinks the whole gentleman vibe fits well with his personality. She breathed a sigh of relief as she exits after Makoto and Akechi after her.

“Oh finally, We are out!” Futaba cried theatrically, spinning around in the lobby outside of the maze. “That took forever!”

“It was rather long but, we managed to make it through thanks to Joker.” Haru giggled with delight. Glad that the ordeal was over.

“Yes, well, Joker was the one who put us in that situation in the first place.” Akechi huffed as the door to the dark maze sh*t behind them. “Well, are you—Joker?!”

Akechi’s voice is surprised but with a hint of concern. Haru quickly whipped her head around to the entrance to the house of darkness.

“sh*t!” Ryuji cursed, racing past her towards their friend, “You f*cking liar!”

Akira barely holding himself up against the frame of the colorful door of the house of darkness. His shoulders slumped, and he is on the verge of losing his carefully maintained balance. His face is ashen, more so than usual. Akira had always had a light skin tone, but it looks almost white against the dark circles underneath his half-lidded hazy eyes and bright red vermilion blood running from his nose, smeared across his face as he must have tried to wipe it off.

Haru understood why Ryuji had wanted them to take a break; Akira looks like death warmed over. Like he might keel over at any second. She has a brief moment of panic, remembering how pale her father was right before he passed away. Akira couldn’t be—


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (31)


A few notes,

1. Don't read into the Ren Amamiya card too much, it doesn't mean anything, just a little subtle jab at my name preferences LMAOO
2. I'm sorry about the cliffhanger 😂 the chapter got too long and I wanted to split up Sae's Palace 😂

Chapter 18: The one where the Phantom Thieves make a grave mistake, pun intended.


'Escape without being seen
Escape without being seen'

The one where the Phantom Thieves make a grave mistake, pun intended.


haha remember when I said I was not going to write long chapters anymore, well I lied to both you and my self 😌

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Akira?!" Ann gasped when Akira's precarious balance against the house of darkness doorframe shatters, and his knees and palms audibly hit the ground, a muffled thump on the carpet. Ryuji was, as usual, by his side in an instant. Ann can only be grateful that this time, Akira wasn't balancing perilously at the edge of an unending void. Still, the blood gushing from his nose is very concerning. As she is near the door, she also quickly darts to Akira's side as she did in Futaba's palace as well. Akira had pushed himself way too far in the dark.

"W-w-w-what's wrong?! His health is fine on the charts, and SP too!" Futaba wailed with concern as she hovered by them a few feet away. She is sputtering with confusion, tripping over her words as she fidgets with her fingers, "That's a lot of blood! Like, why? What is going on!?"

"Are you ok, Aki-chan!?" Haru exclaimed in union with Futaba's concern, her eyes wide with terror, also choosing to awkwardly hover over them, not really knowing what to do.

"Does anyone want to explain what is going on? Why is he like this?" Akechi demanded, his arms crossed, and Ann can't tell if he is concerned or angry with the situation at hand. But the tone of his voice certainly doesn't help the situation. Akechi, while able to be polite and diplomatic a majority of the time, didn't seem to have a great bedside manner. She was getting irritated that no one could read the situation.

"Nng—" Akira groaned, his eyes clenched shut, and Ann remembered that when he overuses the third eye, it often gave him headaches or migraines. He had laughed it off in Futaba's palace, making it into a joke, but she could tell just by the lines in his brow how painful it must be. He's already feeling sh*tty, but Ann is sure all this noise isn't helping his head in the least. When she gets her own headaches, she knows everything just sets them off, even if they are mild. She turns her head angrily at the other Phantom Thieves, her ponytails whipping around in turn, but before she can tell them to shut up, Ryuji beats her to it.

"Everyone, shut the f*ck up," Ryuji growled at them quietly, but the tone of his voice is deadly serious. Ann has never heard him speak so quietly yet, with so much emphasis, "and keep your damn voices down!"

Everyone, astounded by the animosity radiating off of Ryuji, immediately shut up.

"Ughhhh sh*t, It's getting like, everywhere, oh man, do you think I'll have to pay the casino a dry-cleaning fee for the…ugh, floors? Carpets…whatever this is…Ugh, my vest too…I bet they won't let me rent a room anytime soon, oh there goes the security deposit for sure…" Akira muttered with a pinched expression and hazy eyes as the blood drips onto his vest and the carpet floor. He tried to smudge it with his gloves, but he just ends up smearing it all over his face in a messy attempt to clean it up. The stark color of the blood makes his skin look ten times paler.

"Hey, Nah, don't worry about that right now." Ryuji quietly reassured him as he tilted Akira's head up gently, so it's easier to access his face. Ann took the opportunity to once more take the handkerchief out of Akira's front pocket, thank god for Akira's gentleman aesthetic, and used it to start blotting the blood. But, at this point, she thinks it may be more beneficial for them to try and stop it before cleaning up the rest of the blood. She does her best regardless; she does not like seeing all that blood on Akira's face. Akira blinks at them blearily, not really making eye contact.

"'m sorry…I ran into a wall—" Akira weakly chuckled, shaking his head slightly, making Ann's cleanup job a little more challenging, but Ryuji keeps him steady. "Should have seen it coming. The third eye is only useful for some things…but apparently, walls are where it draws the line. Some sixth sense alright."

"You're an idiot, but we know this isn't from you running into a wall." Ann sighed softly, wondering why Akira can just be honest with them. They aren't stupid, and they've seen this before, so why does Akira constantly feel the need to just laugh it off and act like they don't know what this is? Ann doesn't understand Akira. "Why didn't you say something?"

"Needed to get through the maze… I didn't think it would take so long." Akira slightly shrugged before he groaned again, seemingly the headache throbbing at the action as his knuckles tense up under his gloves. "Wasn't taking the fact the doors would be locked into account…"

"There is a couch over there. It may provide more comfort than the floor. Shall we try moving him over there?" Yusuke gently asked from behind, concern on his voice, but Yusuke knows what Akira is going through and is respectful of his voice level. But Yusuke has never had a grating voice, to begin with.

"There is a safe room at the entrance of the house of darkness, correct? We might as well bring him there; it would be dangerous here if shadows are roaming." Akechi added on thoughtfully, then tacks on with an air of finality, "That way, we have space to discuss this."

"I'm picking up the route; it's down those stairs and in the other room. But there is a shadow roaming around." Futaba concluded, her voice still a little wobbly, but she is making her best effort to keep her voice down as well.

Makoto, who has been unnaturally silent this entire time, said with her hands on her hips and an indistinguishable tone, "Then a few of us should go clear the path."

Ann can't help but feel miffed with her. Makoto knows what is going on as well as they did, yet she wasn't making much of an effort to really help. Akira had pushed on in the Dark Maze for her; Akira is doing this all to help Makoto change her sister's heart; she couldn't even make the slightest effort to acknowledge that. She knows they haven't been fair to Akira, and she knows Akira hasn't told them everything but, can't Makoto realize Akira is genuinely trying to help her?

"I will join you." Akechi nodded before turning to regard them. His eyes pausing on Akira for a long moment before asking, "Anyone else want to volunteer?"

Haru looks hesitant as she keeps glancing back and forth at Akira with fear in her eyes. Ann and Ryuji know for a fact they won't be going; they'd rather stay by Akira's side as Akira probably would fall flat on his face if he attempted to get up in this moment. Yusuke shook his head politely, and Morgana as well, seemingly making their decision.

Ann wonders if it's really ok for the two of them to go alone, but Futaba had said it was only one shadow. Akechi and Makoto could take out one shadow…right?

"Uh… I'll provide support from here…" Futaba said, fidgeting with her fingers behind her suit.

"Very well. Queen and I will contact you when we have cleared the path." Akechi shook his head and motioned to Makoto. "Shall we go?"

"Yes." Makoto nodded, and the unusual pair begin to descend the stairway to their left.

"Do you want to explain to me what happened back there?" Akechi asked with a stern tone as they entered the next room. Makoto thinks Akechi has been a little off since the beginning of this palace, and since it was revealed, Akira didn't have Kaguya. He seemed more skeptical, which Makoto completely understands but, This whole palace has thrown her perspective on its side. She doesn't know what to think anymore.

"His third eye. It has drawbacks. If he overuses it, then he develops headaches, migraines, he's bled from his nose before, and he experiences faintness." Makoto explained in a neutral tone, not wanting to admit that even she had been a bit concerned when she heard Haru gasp and turned back to a ghastly sight. The whole house of darkness had miffed her; she was angry at Akira for plunging them into the darkness like that, both literally and metaphorically. She hates the dark; it scares her when she can't see where she was going. The loss of control scares her even more. At least Haru was there, and her presence had been comforting but, she doesn't understand why Akira had to go and do that.

In the end, it was just a terrible experience for everyone. And especially Akira.

"Fascinating." Akechi hummed.

"Did you know about the third eye?" Makoto wondered, suddenly realized she wasn't exactly sure what Akechi knew or didn't know. When Akira revealed it before the house of darkness, Akechi didn't seem to be surprised. Akechi was with Akira in Okumura's palace before meeting up and agreed to work with each other.

"Yes, he used it in Okumura's Palace once or twice when I had arrived." Akechi frowned and raised a hand to his chin thoughtfully, "but I came to the conclusion that he was so deluded in reality, believing he was psychic, and that cognition carried over to the metaverse. Yet, what would be the benefits of giving it a setback? What part of the cognition would that come into play? I'm rethinking my original theory, yet the third eye doesn't make sense logically. Why would it have a drawback so severe?"

"Don't I know it." Makoto scoffed, folding her arms before frowning, "Maybe he really is psychic…"

Because Makoto can't explain how Akira knows the things he does. And that's the crux of her problem. She cannot fathom how Akira knows things about her she didn't even know before. She thinks back to their meeting at Leblanc and how she was hesitant about going in to steal her own sister's heart. How she felt incredibly guilty, and Akira just immediately called her out on it, telling her how angry she was with her sister. How did Akira know that? Makoto hardly talked to Akira about that stuff, especially with everything that has gone down. Can Akira really read minds or read the future like she assumed psychics could? Was she wrong this entire time?

Akira told her to stop being so logical and listen to her intuition, her inner voice. But how is she supposed to do that when there is so much expected of her to be rational? How can she ignore the facts? The facts and evidence are right there, pointing to Akira. Pointing to everything she knew, how could she abandon that in favor of her own misguided gut feeling that things aren't what they seem in the way she doesn't think they are?

"Of course, he isn't psychic." Akechi huffed, "You and I both no psychics don't exist; They are all scam artists. They use psychological-based methods to glean information. Someone who says they can tell you the exact future is a liar. The future isn't so set in stone."

"So, you think Akira is a scam artist now, huh?" Makoto scoffed, folding her arms in disbelief. Akechi had just told her off not only a while back for condemning Akira, now he is changing his stance.

"Ah, I can see that look on your face, Queen," Akechi laughed a little condescendingly, "I don't think Akira is the killer. I think you are very much jumping to conclusions in favor of coming up with a culprit fast. Much like your sister is."

"I am nothing like my sister!" Makoto barked back angrily, but she can feel the hesitation behind her voice. She can feel the doubt in those words; she knows she doesn't want to be like her sister. She hates her sister for what she's become. But can she truly say she isn't acting like her sister?

"You would rather accept the evidence you've been given at face value rather than trying to dispute it. And for what? What do you want, Queen? Is that not what Sae is doing as well? She sets up an innocent civilian to take the fall for something they did not commit on all accounts on merit and promotion. I can see where Sae's distorted logic is, but I cannot figure out what you stand to gain from this witch hunt you've lead Queen." Akechi turned to her, his eyes dark and serious as he stares her down with a neutral expression. She slightly puts herself on guard; Akechi has never looked this deadly as long as she has known him; he continues with a low, even tone, "You do understand the position you are in, right? Turning Akira in with the evidence you have could probably get him convicted, but, you know, that evidence would incriminate you and your friends as well. You'd take us all down on some white horse of justice that, in the end, wouldn't solve anything. Because you don't even know if you are right. And if you were right, you would be found as accomplices. What is this justice you are pursuing? What are you hoping to obtain? A fake justice at the cost of your friends and freedom?"

"That's—" Makoto grunts but, she knows Akechi is right. She knows how the police work. Akechi's not lying, "But—"

"So, this is a personal vendetta against Akira. You can't truly do anything in this position. What do you stand to gain from this ridiculous accusation? You don't gain anything except condemning your friend to a conviction he does not deserve. Or all your friends to a crime you know they did not commit." Akechi dryly chuckled at her.

"It's—he acts like our friend, But he doesn't tell us anything. I constantly feel like I'm out of a loop that I'm supposed to be in, and it's frustrating!" Makoto exclaimed back, unable to contain her anger, "We are supposed to be a team! Are we not all equal? I don't feel like Akira's equal! I don't feel like he actually trusts us with anything! He doesn't take things seriously, but everything works out because he has this knowledge source we don't know! What else could it be? What am I supposed to think? What am I supposed to feel?!"

"How is he supposed to trust you when you started a witch hunt against him?! Where is the logic in that, Makoto? You only perpetuated the problem that you were struggling with in your pursuit of some misguided justice! Your 'logic' is only going to lead the Phantom Thieves astray even more!" Akechi told her, giving her an exaggerated smile, "You are acting like a petulant child. As if you were the only one who feels like this. We all know that we are not Akira's equal, that Akira is leagues ahead of us. Yet, he does not look down on you. You are leading these accusations over your own tantrum of believed incompetency. I will repeat it, you are incredibly like your sister, Makoto Nijima."

"I—I." But Makoto can't argue this time. She doesn't have anything to say with. Because she is just like her sister, isn't she? She's become the one thing she never wanted to be.

"Hey, uh, not to like interrupt this…thing, but there is a shadow right ahead, and Joker still isn't feeling good. Can you reschedule your heart to heart, maybe?" Futaba's voice awkwardly cuts into their conversation, a plea of urgency in her tone. And Makoto is equally incredibly ashamed Futaba was probably listening in to all that and glad she cut in when she did. Makoto doesn't want to think about this any longer. There is too much to untangle when they have a mission they needed to be doing.

"Of course." Akechi nodded politely, his stance tensing in preparation for battle, "Queen. Shall we get on with this?"

"Yeah," Makoto nodded, but then she paused, "But you never answered my original question. Do you think Akira is a scam artist?"

Akechi takes a long time to answer, "Who knows. But I will say…he infuriates me. While I disagree with your manhunt, I quite understand the feeling of inferiority."

And Makoto is quite surprised; she thought Akechi would eventually return Akira's frivolous advances. But perhaps she had judged Akechi too quickly as well.

Getting Akira to the couch was a bit of a challenge. The usually balanced and lithe Akira was a complete mess of limbs that couldn't work with each other. Morgana has no idea how Akira managed to lead them through the house of darkness, to be honest. But maybe he had just used up all his juice, and that's why he knew they couldn't take a break; if Akira had taken a break, he might not have been able to get back up in the moment, leaving them in the dark. Morgana doesn't like it. He doesn't like where this went.

"Dude, just like, take it easy, ok?" Ryuji says with worry, sitting awkwardly on the armrest of the couch that Akira was half laying on, with Morgana's scarf over his eyes. Morgana had lent it to him without hesitation when Haru mentioned that light may cause migraines to be more painful, "Don't try and get up yet."

"I'm fine, really, just give me like five minutes…wait. No, more like seven minutes, possibly eight would suffice." Akira weakly waved off his concern, but it doesn't feel reassuring when Akira slurred the words and hardly enunciating. Seeing as Ryuji seemed to have him somewhat handled, Morgana rejoins the group a bit farther away, so their voices don't irritate his headache anymore.

"Er, Queen and Crow are battling that shadow as we speak…they were, um, discussing stuff beforehand, to put it lightly, but I really, really want to know what happened because I am lowkey really freaking out here." Futaba rambles, fidgeting with her fingers harder than usual, and can't keep bouncing off the heels of her feet. "Please, please, please tell me."

"Joker's third eye has drawbacks." Yusuke delicately begins, his lips pursed.

"That's putting it lightly." Morgana scoffed, crossing his paws, "If he uses it too much, he gets headaches and nose bleeds. He nearly fell off a ledge last time…"

"WHAT—" Futaba screeched, but Ryuji sends her a very pointed look from across the landing, and she immediately quiets her panic, "Why didn't we know about this?!"

"It happened in your palace," Yusuke sighed, crossing his arms with a sense of tension in his shoulders, "it was quite a labyrinth and a lot of rooms that didn't have things in them. Joker was really the only one who could search for the path forward. But, we didn't know the toll it took on him as he failed to mention it then too."

"In my palace?" Futaba breathed, a guilty look on her face.

"It's not your fault." Morgana shook his head because Futaba had her own struggles going on. Akira wanted to save her; Morgana knows that's why he did what he did. But Akira's all of the sudden increase in recklessness is worrying him. Also, his f*cked-up sleep schedule that Morgana has been trying so hard to fix for him.

"Akira…" Haru said sadly, her face falling and her lips turning downward, "Maybe he was embarrassed to admit it…still, he should have said something…"

"Kaguya saved him. He was hanging off her leg like a child would a mother. I'm glad she was there," Ann said with a light laugh before the silage of amusem*nt fades away, "God…Why is Kaguya gone?"

"But we weren't in the house of darkness that long; I remember the other time was much longer." Yusuke sighed with frustration, stealing a glance at Akira laying on the couch, Ryuji remaining vigilant over him, "And he looks much worse than before…"

"He wasn't using it all the time in Futaba's palace until the end or when we decided to leave. In the house of darkness, he was probably using it the whole time." Morgana deduced with frustration, "If we had taken our time to decide, this wouldn't have happened."

"Um, actually." Futaba chimed in with a low and guilty tone, "I ran a scan…there are only two ways on this lobby. The battle arena and here. It wouldn't have mattered; we had to do the house of darkness to get the coins we needed to proceed. There is no way we would have been able to gamble enough to get the coins in time with the mechanics of the machines…"

"So, this would have happened regardless…" Ann frowned, her lips pinched in irritation. Morgana can sense her distress; Akira must have known that this was the only way, yet it was another thing he hadn't told them. Or…maybe he did? Morgana can't remember. He doesn't even know if they would have listened if he said it. Ann continued, "We are leaving, right? We are done for the day after Akira recovers, right? I've had enough of this palace…"

"I believe that would be the wisest plan once we reconvene in the safe room." Yusuke nodded in agreement. But Morgana hardly thinks it's going to be that easy.

"Oracle, are they nearly there?" Haru asked quietly, wringing her hands, her gloves getting bunched up and twisted.

"Yeah, they are just about to finish." Futaba nodded, "We could probably start heading over…"

They all simultaneously turn their heads to Akira and Ryuji on the couch. Ryuji still hovering over him like a mother hen.

"It would be nice if we could teleport there…" Haru frowned, and Morgana agreed. They could teleport between safe rooms, but unfortunately, that did not apply to being outside of a safe room.

"Are you feeling any better?" Ryuji wondered when they had all settled into the safe room. Luckily, there are couches in the safe room since he is sure Akira would not be able to sit up straight in a chair at the meeting table where everyone else was gathered. Akira had already had trouble just getting there; Ryuji practically had to drag him the entire way. There was a safe room before the one they had found at the beginning of the house of darkness; to their fortune in the god-awful casino.

Ryuji rummages through their supply bag, hoping to find something that might help. It's only a small grace that Akira's nose had stopped bleeding, but he still looks far too pale.

"No…yes? No. Well." Akira muttered indecisively. A gloved hand laid over his eyes to shield him from the blaring colors in the room. Ryuji can only imagine how much the saturated fuchsia tones were wrecking his brains.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Ryuji wondered at the lukewarm answer, sorting through the medicine they had. Technically, according to the navigators, Akira's health points aren't the issue in metaverse standards. So, none of those types of medicine is really going to help. But Ryuji feels a bit useless.

"It's an inconclusive yes."

"Is that really a yes, then?" Futaba wondered from where she's perched on the armrest at Akira's feet, her arms twisted around her knees.

"Schrodinger's yes."

"Do you even know what that experiment was about?" Futaba chuckled quietly, but the worry still lingered in her eyes, and her shoulders won't relax.

Ryuji finally stumbled across something that he had totally forgotten about. A pack of Excedrin he had slipped in sometime after Futaba's palace. He wasn't sure if it would have worked or not, and after everything that went down with Kobayakawa, he completely forgot about it. Akira didn't use the third eye much in Okumura's palace, so it wasn't a big deal.

"Here, try this," Ryuji said, pushing the pill into Akira's hand with one of the water bottles they had brought along as well.

"What is it?" Akira asked but takes the pill regardless with a swig of water. The effects are instantaneous to Ryuji's relief, and Akira suddenly sits up with surprise in his now bright eyes, the headache was seemingly gone, and his complexion has gone back to his usual level of paleness. And turned to Ryuji with sudden energy he hadn't had before, "What did you give me?"

"Oh? You feel better?" Haru exclaimed with delight where the rest of the Phantom Thieves have turned around in their chairs at Akira's magical recovery.

"Did Skull give you something that worked?" Morgana asked, baffled, "How? What was it?"

"Excedrin," Ryuji answered, feeling a great sense of relief.

Akira blinked at him and narrowed his eyes in disbelief and his mouth twisting into skepticism, "Are you f*cking kidding me?"

"What—" Ryuji sputtered, confused at Akira's sudden animosity.

"What do you mean I could have been taking f*cking Excedrin this entire time and instantly gotten rid of my migraines in the metaverse?!" Akira scoffed as he hopped off the couch, throwing his arms up in emphasis then folding his arms with annoyance. Ryuji realized he isn't annoyed with him; he is upset with the universe. "Are you f*cking kidding me?! This entire time?!"

"Have you seriously not considered it?" Akechi asked him incredulously from where he is sat at the head of the table, "You know how cognition works, for Christ's sake we use a Donut for the fear ailment simply because it's called Donut-worry and the general cognition is that the pun itself somehow quells fear. And you seriously didn't think that a medication known for migraines specifically wouldn't work in the metaverse?"

"Guess I'll have to stock up on that too at Takemi's…" Akira shrugged as he sauntered over to the meeting table and plopped onto one of the corners since all the chairs had been taken. Ryuji decides to take a spot next to him, behind Ann's chair, and Futaba leans on Yusuke's chair.

Akechi puts his face into his palm, seemingly in utter disbelief, "You are…actually an idiot."

"Your idiot." Akira cheekily smiled. Ryuji shakes his head; of course, that's the first thing he does. Akira with his fruitless crusade. But at least it's clear he's feeling better.

"I am glad you are well." Yusuke grinned at him, "You gave us quite a scare."

"Yes," Haru nodded, then her lips turn to a pout as she scolds him, "You should really tell us when you aren't feeling good, Aki-chan!"

"Ah, it was fine." Akira waved her concern off with an unbothered look. "No big deal."

"Uh, until it wasn't?" Ryuji sputtered, the motioned down to Akira's vest, which was still stained, "Do you not remember the blood?"

Akira blinked and looked down at the grey vest that had been stained. He gave a disgusted look as he tried to scrub at it, but it didn't quite matter since it had already set. "Great. You think it's dry-cleaned only? Good thing our clothes reset every time we come in…how does that work exactly? Can we discuss the psychology behind that because I'm super interested in hearing theories? Is it the renewal of our rebellious spirits? Or is it like, a general cognition that our clothes should get refreshed every time we enter? Also, why didn't we get magical transformations like they do in anime? Is this not something out of an anime? I demand we get magical transformations; god knows our outfits are tacky enough for it."

"Dude—" Ryuji knows exactly what Akira is doing. Akira is leading their conversation away from what happened. Because that's what Akira always does. Akira makes everything into a joke, and while Ryuji usually plays along, he can't help but feel very unnerved by the entire thing. Akira is trying to write this off.

"Magical transformations?" Ann blinked at him in confusion and falling into the deception, "Do you not remember ripping your mask off your face, with all that blood and the blue flames…was that not magical enough of a transformation for you?"

"Yeah, no, I was thinking more like, 'In the name of the moon, I'll punish you.' Sort of thing, I feel like my catchphrase would be like 'you need proper punishment,' I think I could make that work." Akira nodded decisively before dramatically posing with his head at an upward angle and pulling on his glove, and said with a smirk and deep voice, "You need proper punishment, It is time for me to step on you."

"Ew, that's a bit kinky, isn't it?" Futaba groaned, a look of secondhand embarrassment on her face, "You are really going to run around saying that?"

"What is kinky?" Yusuke wondered, with a naïve and curious look; Ryuji is taken aback by this since Yusuke had been the one to suggest painting Ann naked. Still, it hits him that maybe Yusuke honestly just cared about artistic nudity rather than the suggestive side of the request. That was something he would have to touch on with Yusuke at a later time, though.

"Enough." Akechi growled, cutting through the banter, "Enough of this, now that this is all dealt with. Let us just leave for now. Recuperate and reconvene another day."

Makoto, who has been silent, chimed in with a nod of her head, "That seems to be the best course of action."

"What? Why?" Akira protested, his shoulders dropping and looked genuinely confused with the situation, "We are nearly at the Managers Room!"

"Do you honestly not remember only a couple of minutes ago you were on your death bed?" Akechi dryly asked, with an indecipherable look in his eyes. It takes Ryuji aback because he thought Akechi had something for Akira. But, the past few days, Akechi just seemed incredibly fed up with the other. Ryuji doesn't blame him perse; it's just not something he was expecting. Akechi has even lost some of his politeness and diplomatic personality to Akira's antics. Ryuji wonders if Akira knows he is wearing him down but in the wrong way.

"I feel fine. I got better." Akira blinked at him innocently, "Do you want me to do a backflip to prove it? I'll do a backflip to prove it if you want. I could do a handstand to…well, not for too long. I don't want another migraine, to be honest, but at least I know f*cking run-of-the-mill Excedrin works now. Still a little miffed about that realization."

"Aki-chan…" Haru frowned and gently suggested, "I think we should take a break. You were looking really bad. Don't you want to go home and rest for a while? Maybe we can all go eat a nice big meal then get a goodnight's sleep."

Akira folded his arms and shook his head in disagreement, "Nah, I'm ready to beat down some more shadows. Battle Arena? Hell yeah, let's do it!"

"You looked really bad, Joker." Ann shook her head, her brows pinched together, "Even in Futaba's palace, you didn't even look that bad; I think we should leave for the day; Noir is right."

"You all are making a far bigger deal of this than it is! We have bigger fish to fry." Akira sighed, shaking his head again and tugging on his bangs. "We only have the battle arena left, then we can secure a route to the treasure. We are so close, it makes more sense to secure the route today, then we can send the calling card when we need to. We are just making extra trips that are a waste of time."

"You nearly passed out!" Ryuji argued with exasperation. Akira has been reckless in the past, but he even agreed to leave back in Futaba's Palace. Now he's dead set on continuing? Ryuji knew Akira could be stubborn; if Akira wants to do something, he'll do it. Still, Ryuji isn't happy with anything that happened today. Akira's bloodstained face is still imprinted in his mind. How can Akira just laugh that off?

"Yeah, and I'm fine!" Akira argued back, holding out his arms in emphasis. "It's not a big deal! Besides, we hardly don't have any fighting left! Just the battle arena, and we are done!"

"You don't even know what the battle arena entails!" Makoto pointed out, and Ryuji is surprised she isn't pushing for continuing today either. It's her sister but, is Makoto changing her mind? Or does she really not want to agree with Akira on anything?

"So then, let's go over there and find out!" Akira motioned at the door with impatience, "It can't hurt anything to get check it out. They explained the rules about this one; they'll do it at the battle arena too. No harm in checking it out, deciding then dipping from the safe room in the lobby."

"Yeah, but…" Futaba frowned, wringing her fingers; she is just as hesitant with this course of action as everyone else at the table is. No one really liked the idea after what had happened in the house of darkness.

Akechi sighed in relent and turned to Futaba with an exhausted look on his face, "Oracle, do you sense any shadows from here to the lobby?"

"No. And the only shadow in the lobby is the front desk one who won't attack us." Futaba reluctantly answered, "It's a straight shot to the lobby."

"Then I'm invoking my co-leadership status and demanding we check out the battle arena before we leave," Akira said with an obnoxiously bright smile. Ryuji can only be grateful. Akira must be feeling better to be this much of a pain in the ass.

"There are two leaders; we have to decide. You understand what dual leadership is, right, Joker?" Akechi muttered, giving him a stare.

"Come on, Crow, you know it would be logical to check out the battle arena before we leave. You get that." Akira argued with him, and Ryuji wants to protest but, maybe he did have a point. If there were no shadows, then it should be fine to pop in and see the rules before dipping out of the metaverse. It's not like they would engage.

Akechi sighed lowly and stood up from the chair. "Very well. We investigate the battle arena. Then we leave."

"Promise." Akira smiled, but Ryuji doesn't find it reassuring.

No one is happy about the decision. But as the panic of the situation faded and Akira is back to his usual, energetic self, they realize what Akira means. Yusuke gets it; they are very close to the manager's floor. With the House of Darkness winnings, they would be able to enter the battle arena and get the amount they needed for the bridge. Still, the rules of the battle arena completely blindside them. Only one of them can enter. One on one?

"No!" Ann argued, her hands on her hips and a face of disbelief as she voices the general consensus of the Phantom Thieves, "There is no way! It's too dangerous!"

"Yeah, I thought we were just investigating and leaving!" Ryuji frowned, his arms crossed and his mood just as sour as Ann and the rest of them. His leg is bouncing up and down as he does when he is nervous. It's a small detail Yusuke has picked up about him.

"You know it's going to be rigged somehow!" Morgana shook his head. Morgana was right, all the rest of the challenges were rigged, so it stands to reason this will not be a fair one-on-one fight in the least despite what they claim. They can't expect this one will be any different.

"Which is why I'm going," Akira announced with a finality in his voice that none of them agreed with. "We all know it's going to be a rigged fight, but we all know I have the biggest advantage in this fight, seeing as I have multiple personas. We are going to have to do this eventually to get enough coins to get across the bridge, might as well get it over with now that we are here."

"You have only have two now!" Futaba sputtered in protest, throwing up her hand and two gloved fingers.

"And all of you only have one." Akira laughed. Akira didn't mean to offend; Yusuke understood. He knows Akira's capabilities were far beyond the rest of them. Akira was right in saying he had the most considerable advantage in this fight. Still, whether or not he had the most significant benefit was not the problem they all saw.

"Do you not remember the house of darkness? Have you truly recovered from that; it feels like you are jumping into this rather recklessly." Yusuke shook his head and said his two cents. It was quite frightening to see Akira's state after the House of Darkness. While red was Akira's color, that was the first time that shade of vermillion had truly chilled Yusuke to the bone. Yusuke can admit he was very unsettled after it.

"Oracle. Read my stats." Akira sighed, folding his arms as he tugged in his bangs with a visible scowl on his face.

"Ooof yeah, uh he's full health, full sp." Futaba grumbled with reluctance as she tapped the side of her goggles, "Technically, he is in tip-top shape as the rest of us…"

"This is ridiculous. We agreed on investigating then leaving!" Akechi argued, throwing his hands up in the air. Yusuke can tell he's getting more frustrated with Akira's hasty decisions; Akira is hardly considering his opinion as a co-leader. "This is a suicide mission!"

"No, it isn't." Akira shook his head with his usual confident smirk as he leaned to one side, pushing his hands into his pockets. The pose of something who knows what they are doing.

"How so?" Akechi scoffed, folding his arms and looking at Akechi calculatedly.


Yusuke blinked, then remembered the fact Yoshistune cannot be touched by anything but a gun. Which, according to everyone, wouldn't work on Akira anyways since he knows guns in the metaverse are fake. Anything that hits Yosh*tsune either bounces off him, or he absorbs it.

Akira really did have a more significant advantage than the rest of them. But Yusuke can't deny it's a solid plan. Yosh*tsune would be the safest way to handle this challenge.

"That's—" Haru starts to argue, but every argument the Phantom Thieves could think of has been proven against in Akira's Yosh*tsune argument.

"Do you guys think I can't do it? You don't trust me with this? Is that it?" Akira frowned with annoyance, his arms crossed, and his face adopts the expression of a petulant child pouting. But Yusuke felt guilty. Perhaps Akira is doing this to prove a point to them he doesn't need to prove. Maybe Akira thinks he does need to establish some point since they had all accused him of murder. Yusuke wants to reassure him they are just concerned about his health, but Futaba said he was in good health now. He is torn, but Akira has always bounced back in the past; perhaps he simply needs to have his usual faith. Akira is far more than capable and has proved it countless times.

"It's not that—" Ryuji grimaced with the same internal conflict that Yusuke is in. Ryuji rubbed the back of his neck and bit his lips, "Look, about that, we know you CAN do it… it's more of—uh—"

"Ok." Makoto chimed in, effectively cutting Ryuji off, her voice the least defensive she's has been in the past month. Her face is still hard, and her arms are folded, but she continues with a stern look on her face, "Ok. We'll leave this up to you."

Yusuke is astounded. Has Makoto had a change of heart? Is Makoto putting her faith in Akira now? If Makoto is coming around, perhaps it was for the best. Akira did seem to be in better condition than before. Maybe they really were making a bigger deal out of this than they need to. They know the risks of the metaverse; they know it is unknown territory. Akira has accepted that as well as the rest of them.

"Hang on—This isn't what we agreed on!" Akechi tried to argue, but Akira can't help but flash an excited grin. And Yusuke sighed; Akira really is a force they cannot seem to tame. Yusuke will admit to himself; Akira would be fine. Akira was stubborn, but he loved to pull off a show.

"You got it, Queen!" Akira nodded, bouncing on his heels. Yusuke has to admire Akira's tenacity to keep going despite it all.

"Wait a minute, it was only supposed reconnaissance!" Ann protested, her hands waving around franticly. "Are you really doing this?! Seriously?"

"I suppose Joker has made up his mind…" Haru sighed, but a broad smile breached her face, "All we can do is root for you! Kick their asses, Joker!"

"You got it, Noir!" Akira sent her an enthusiastic thumbs up before approaching the registration counter to enter the battle arena. Akechi reluctantly joined him since he had the 'Ren Amamiya' registration card. Yusuke can tell Akechi is reluctant with the plan they had decided on.

"Is this really a good idea?" Ann wondered, twirling her ponytails in anxiety. Yusuke knows she's worried, while Yusuke considers himself to be the early phantom thief team. He knows Ryuji, Ann and Akira share a powerful bond as well as Morgana. Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana were definitely the most upset when it came to Akira's 'betrayal'. Makoto may have lead the decision, but their emotions contributed to it.

"We know he can do this." Yusuke answered diplomatically, "It's not as if we doubt his abilities."

"Well, yeah, it's Akira; of course he can do this." Ryuji sighed, digging the toe of his shoe into the carpet, "I guess I'm just worrying over nothing… Maybe it really was no big deal; blood just freaks me out."

"It was frightening; I won't deny you that. We were all shocked, but this is Akira. He carries far more strength than we know. We shouldn't forget that." Yusuke reassured him, "Akira isn't going to be taken down that easy. Yosh*tsune is invincible; we all know this. And he has Alice, between the two of them, it'll just be a game to him."

"Yeah," Haru nodded, her fluffy hair bouncing with enthusiasm, "All we have to do is trust him, isn't that right, Mako-chan?"

Makoto seemed taken aback by being addressed in the conversation; she jerked up out of thought, "Uh, yeah."

"Queen?" Futaba wondered, tilting her head.

"No, it's—nothing. I'm—" Makoto stammered, and she looked like she had something important to say. But before she can say it, Akira and Akechi come back to join the group, and she quickly swallowed her words.

"I'm gonna head in! They said you guys can hang out in the stands." Akira exclaimed, motioning to the door right beside the entrance to the arena.

"Hey, uh, I can still provide backup for you from the stands…" Futaba stammered, "So you won't be out there all alone."

"I would appreciate it, Oracle." Akira chuckled, patting Futaba's head as a doting sibling would. If Yusuke didn't know better, he would have pegged them as siblings, to begin with; they shared similarities beyond their choices in glasses frames.

"Be careful." Yusuke nodded at him with sincerity even he knows Akira can take anything that comes his way.

"Aren't I always?" Akira laughed but gave him a reassuring and pat on the shoulder.

"Uh, no?? Do you not remember what happened like literally an hour ago or in Futaba's Palace?" Ryuji scoffed, raising an eyebrow at the statement.

"But did I die?" Akira countered his questions with a sh*t-eating grin.

"Quit quoting memes at me, dude." Ryuji shook his head, but the tension lowered a bit. He shot Akira a mischievous grin, "Give em' hell yeah?"

"Of course, they deserve proper punishment. It's time for me to step on them." Akira cheekily announced, doing his cheesy magical girl pose from their discussion earlier that looked eerily similar to how he liked to end his all-out attacks.

"Oh my god, we are leaving." Ann sighed, shaking her head. And the Phantom Thieves made their way to the stands while Akira set foot through the gate.

There isn't actually anyone else in the stands beside them. It's a little weird as the sounds of a battle arena crowd echo around them, but it's just the Phantom Thieves taking their seats in the bleachers while Akira saunters out to the middle of the arena with his hands in his pockets, hip co*cked to one side in confidence.

"Now then! Our gripping battle is finally here! The idiot leader of the adult defying thieves has come!" A disembodied announcer's voice rings through the crowd, echoing around the walls of the arena.

"Hey…" Akira protested with a frown; Yusuke found his pout to be quite amusing as he knew Akira didn't really take much offense to the statement.

"Odds are 1.1 to the house, 23.0 to the Phantom Thieves! Wow. The Phantom Thieves are surprisingly popular! It's rare to see odds in the double digits! Now let's begin our serious one-to-one battle! Bring out the first contestant!" The announcer's voice rang.

"The odds for us is that high?" Makoto stuttered from where she is sat next to him, "But who is betting? It can't be Sae's cognitions… Someone else has to be betting for us!"

"Perhaps your sister, despite her distorted thinking, has to agree with us at some level," Yusuke suggested, but he is unsure of the answer. Makoto brought up a good point. It wouldn't make sense that the odds for them would be so high in Sae's cognition without reason.

"I mean…" Makoto sighed, but she doesn't think that is the case, it seemed. It was something for them to discuss after the battles, Yusuke assumed.

Shadows explode into existence in the ring, and it was for sure a rigged fight as there were two of them instead of one. A pair of elephant-looking shadows ominously stare Akira down. Akira brings himself to his offense position, his dagger at his side, and a confident stance.

"They really aren't trying to hide it! They are cheating right off the bat." Ann gasped from her seat.

"Alright, let's begin this hellish trio of battles, ready set go!" They voiced the beginning of the battle, and the elephants go on the offense.

Akira is swift. Not only is he powerful, but he's fast too. Dodging attacks has never been a problem for him, and that's why his dagger is his weapon of choice. So it's no surprise when he avoids the first attack, backflipping out of the radius of the attack. Yusuke has to mentally chuckle when he remembers telling Ryuji earlier that he could backflip on the spot if he wanted him to. Seems Akira couldn't help but flaunt that.

Akira liked to show off his talents, and Yusuke can only imagine these battles will be quite the show.

"Oh, they are weak to Psio attacks." Futaba deducted, her persona's interface swirling around her as she analyzed the battle, she called out to Akira, "HEY! THEY ARE WEAK TO PSIO."

"Oh yeah, Alice has a Psio attack, doesn't she?" Morgana murmured but frowned, "I still don't get why; she's a curse affinity."

Akira raises his hand to his mask, but instead of summoning Alice, he uses a support spell instead. The elephant's attack connects with him, but it's no surprise when it seemed to do absolutely no damage to their leader.

"Wait, what did he use?" Ryuji badgered Futaba from where he's sat on her side, leaning over trying to read the information on Futaba's screens. But it's futile since Yusuke knows Ryuji won't be able to understand a lick of it.

"Charge," Futaba muttered, her fingers going a mile a minute.

"Why isn't he using Alice for a Psio attack if they are weak to Psio?!" Makoto ridiculed; her fists clenched. "He could be knocking them down!"

"Because it's Joker, and he often ignores affinities…" Akechi grumbled, knowing Akira's battle style very well. "I will say, sometimes he does more damage his method than the usual weakness routes."

Akira used Hassou Tobi, quickly and efficiently decimating half the elephant's health points in one go. Yusuke has to wonder how much he could have decimated had he used Psio instead. Would it be easier to knock them down? He can't really make an all-out attack, but it would give him an opening for more attacks.

He raises his hand up to his mask again, using the same support skill. And decimates the elephants on his next turn, with Yosh*tsune. A quick and easy win.

"Well, that was easy," Ann muttered, but they are all on the edge of their seats, wondering what is to come next. One battle down, two to go.

"Wow, he really can't take a hint! The stupid phantom thief has won!" The announcer bellowed in a very sarcastic and annoyed tone.

"What, like it was hard?" Akira scoffed back, throwing his arms up in triumph to wherever the announcer was. "Give me a challenge, huh?"

"You know, that's a little harder to say… I'm just going to call him the Phantom Dweeb from now on." The announcer scoffed back.

"Dweeb? Is this announcer ten?" Ryuji chuckled dryly. "Who uses dweeb anymore?"

"All of you betting on the house, do not fret! The second round of opponents is coming now!"

The next pair of opponents burst into existence, and to all their horror, it was a trio of the witch-looking shadows that were immune to physical and were weak to bless. Yusuke knows if Akira still had Kaguya, this battle would have been a cinch. Since he didn't, when they had encountered these shadows outside in the lobbies, Akechi would knock them down with his bless attacks and initiate an all-out attack because Akira couldn't.

"sh*t." Ryuji cursed, but they all collectively think that.

Technically the shadows can't do damage to Akira. But the same is also in turn; if Akira were to use Yosh*tsune, he couldn't damage them. It's an impasse. Akira has to use Alice if he wants to defeat them, leaving him vulnerable to taking attacks. A very different situation than he had promised them.

"Well, this is a predicament," Akechi commented dryly, but his voice doesn't seem so concerned.

"But Alice is powerful on her own," Haru responded, her voice hopeful as usual.

"Yeah, she has that almighty attack." Ryuji nodded.

"Alice!" Akira called out, letting Alice burst forth from his mask, "Megidoloan!"

The almighty spell envelopes the whole stadium in white light, but when it dissipates, unfortunately, the shadows still stand. In the wake of the attack, the shadows get their chance to attack, a swift strike from each of them to Akira, who can't deflect since he's using Alice.


"Oh no!" Haru gasped as they all watch Akira take the brunt of the attack.

"Goddamnit!" Ryuji cursed, jumping out of his seat and banging his hands on the cage, separating them from the arena, "That ain't fair!"

Yusuke is relieved when Akira quickly recovers from the attack and sends out his own, "Megidoloan!"

Another burst of light envelopes the stadium, and when it fades, this time, the shadows are done for—another battle down, only one more to go. Yusuke cannot wait for this to be over, and they can simply all go home and get the rest they deserve. Especially Akira. He is looking a little exhausted from the last fight; Yusuke can see it in his shoulders. His stance feels a bit heavier.

"Bullsh*t! Why aren't you dying, you goddamn Phantom Dweeb!? I have a bet on these too!" The ring announcer has lost all sarcasm and is all out pissed since Akira is for sure working their rigged system. Still, his tone has Yusuke worried. "Gr! There is no way you are getting away with this! Time for our final contestant!"

The third contestant comes into existence, and it's enormous. It's at least twice Akira's size, an intimidating hammer held in its hand. Akira looks like a mouse next to it. It has muscles the size of fire hydrants and the body proportions of some sort of overpowered god.

"No way! It's huge!" Futaba exclaimed.

"H-holy sh*t!" Ann gasped.

"Go grind his bones to dust! Let the third extreme battle begin!" The announcer signals the start of the battle immediately.

"Um, it doesn't have any weaknesses," Futaba called out, as she showers through her data quickly, "But it doesn't have anything it blocks, nulls, or reflects either! Give it all you got, but Joker, be careful, your health points are almost at half!"

The shadow doesn't attack immediately. Instead, it chooses to charge just as Akira seemingly made the same choice as he switched back to Yosh*tsune. Yusuke can only take comfort because the shadow's attack won't connect, even if it does charge.

"Hassou Tobi!" Akira bellowed out, Yosh*tsune coming forth with his multiple sword attacks but, instead of connecting as it usually did, the shadow jumped to the side. A scarce sight indeed as Yosh*tsune's attacks had always hit their mark before.

"What?!" Morgana sputtered, "You missed?!"

"Joker! You need to heal! You missed, but it still took health points to make that attack; you are flying under half right now!" Futaba called out once more in urgency, and Yusuke makes a sudden, horrifying realization.

The shadow may not be able to hit Akira. But that doesn't mean Akira can't use up his health points on his own. Yusuke knows how physical attacks work as he uses physical attacks with his persona all the time; he gets that he has to be careful how he balances his magical and physical attacks. Running out of SP is a bother but running out of HP was infinitely worse. And Akira had already used Hassou Tobi twice without replenishing his health.

Had Akira forgotten the toll that Yosh*tsune had? Especially now that he doesn't have Kaguya to patch him up. It's a scale that came unbalanced. But Yusuke hadn't foreseen this issue earlier since most of them had the healing skill and had items. His heart begins to pound with ferocity as he watched on with anxiousness of Akira's next move.

Akira seemingly doesn't hear Futaba's warning and raises his hand to his mask once more. Charging up another attack as the shadow tries to connect their own powerful spell with him, but it doesn't land. Akira still hasn't healed, and Hassou Tobi is a very tolling physical attack. What is Akira thinking?

"Stop." Yusuke pleaded under his breath, realizing where this could be going. But he can't be right. That's not right. Yusuke is paranoid; would Akira really act so recklessly with his health? Akira wouldn't do that, would he? He could win this battle without that.

"Hassou Tobi!" Akira exclaimed once again and echoed through the entire stadium, summoning forth the warrior with his sword attack. The attack hits this time, not only decimating half of the shadow's HP but Akira's own health as well. Yusuke can see the tension and exhaustion in his form. He is hunched over with the toll of the attack. But the shadow is still standing.

"Joker! You need to heal! You have less than a third of your health points!" Futaba screamed at him in unison with the other Phantom Thieves.

"Hey." Ryuji is in equal disbelief, "Hey!!"

Akira doesn't hear them, or if he does, he isn't responding. Yusuke can feel his own pulse racing at the absurdity of the situation. Akira didn't need to be losing HP. Akira didn't need to be using Yosh*tsune when he could be using Alice's magical attacks instead. He barely has anything else to feed the physical attacks. Yusuke can't read health like Futaba can, but he knows that overwhelming feeling of exhaustion when you barely have enough to run on. The shakiness in your muscles, Yusuke understands that. He can see it clear as day in Akira's jerky movements.

Akira jaggedly and clumsily raised his gloved hand back up to his mask. His back is faced to them, and Yusuke cannot decipher what Akira could be thinking. Akira charges his next attack, just as the other shadow does. It is a sort of dangerous standoff even though they know who the victor is going to be in the end.

But did it matter? Akira is just throwing away health points for absolutely no reason.

"Stop…" Yusuke slammed his hands against the barrier, a wave of unfamiliar anger seeping into his bones as he clenches his fists around the bars and growling as if it would make a difference as he watched Akira diminish his own health, "Stop. STOP IT!!"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (32)

"Hassou Tobi!" Akira yelled once last time, Yosh*tsune coming forth one more time. The sword cuts through the shadow without relenting, and the shadow dissipates messily. The battle won and done with, but Akira is looking worse for wear as he dropped to one knee, his back and shoulders heaving in exhaustion, and Yusuke is sure his face would look haggard if Akira were facing them.

Akira won, but why? Yusuke does not understand why Akira was so reckless without needing to be. He hadn't remembered Akira being this irresponsible, this careless with himself. He has never seen Akira bring himself within inches of his limits when there is absolutely no reason to. Yusuke is seething at the thought, the carelessness.

The ring announcer seemed to be equally as stunned by the events in the battle and, after a few long moments, muttered, "T-the payout will be handed over after this…please wait."

"That idiot… I'll kill him myself!" Akechi growled with animosity, a feral sort of energy that Yusuke was not expecting but completely understands as he is feeling the same kind of primal anger.

"Yeah, well, not before me." Ryuji agreed as the Phantom Thieves quickly exits the stands to reach the arena since Akira has not made any effort to move from his spot, merely choosing to remain on one knee on the ground and one hand to keep him upright, trying to catch his breath.

"He has literally barely any health points left," Futaba announced as they turn the corner of the arena entrance. "Someone get a health spell ready or item or something."

"DIAHARAN!" Morgana summoned Zorro, sending the healing spell at Akira when he is in sight.

"Ah, Thanks, Got a little carried away." Akira laughed, pushing himself to his feet and dusting off his jacket, and turning to them with a cheeky smile that none of them want from him. He rubbed the back of his neck as if in some sort of embarrassment, "At least we got the coins; now we can activate the bridge."

Yusuke surged before anyone else gets the chance to, the blood boiling in his veins as he grabs Akira by his collar, "What are you trying to prove?!"

"Huh—?" Akira is taken aback by the sudden outburst but doesn't pull away from Yusuke.

"Fox?!" Ann gasped in surprise at his display of anger, but Yusuke can hardly think about what the other Phantom Thieves feel at this moment. Yusuke is far too angry to care.

"Physical attacks require health to carry out, and you know an attack like Hassou Tobi is very tolling on your body! So why did you feel the need to continue using it?!" Yusuke demanded, still holding onto Akira's collar, but more so to keep him in place for once in his life so he could actually listen to Someone.

"I forgot items, and it was the quickest way to finish the battle!" Akira denied it, trying to come up with an excuse, but Yusuke doesn't buy it. Or maybe he does, but either way, it wasn't good, "Fox? What is—"

"Then you find a different solution!" Yusuke growls slowly, enunciating each word before adding, "You didn't need to use Yosh*tsune! Alice was just as sufficient without needing to deplete your health, so why would you be so careless?! After all of us explicitly asked you to be careful after what happened. Why? Why are you doing this?!"

"Doing what?!" Akira scowled, pushing Yusuke's hands away from his collar. Yusuke allowed him to but keeps his stern gaze on him. Akira folding his arms and tugging at his bangs hard, "We got the coins! It's done, and over, I'm only doing what we need to do for the mission."

"This mission does not involve killing yourself!" Yusuke protested back, praying Akira sees reason in this. Still, Akira just gives him an indecipherable look before marching past Yusuke and the rest of them without a word towards the exit of the battle arena. Everyone was shocked in his wake.

"Dude, where are you going?!" Ryuji called after him as they all turned heels and started following him.

"Hey, Akira?!" Ann groaned in frustration alongside him.

"To the bridge to secure the route. We have enough coins." Akira said simply, hands in his pockets as he pushed open the door from the battle arena with his shoulders, almost letting it slam into them when Akechi catches it.

"Joker, get your ass back here now; we aren't finished talking about this," Akechi commanded him as they all exited into the high limits lobby.

"What is there to talk about?" Akira scoffed, turning on his heels and address them with a very dry smile that doesn't reach his eyes, his arms stretched out in disbelief. "Did you really think I don't know my own limits? Do you guys really have that little faith in me, huh? I don't tell you guys how to use your personas! Wait, I mean ok yeah, in a sense I do, but—"

"It's not that, dude, it's—" Ryuji tried to explain to him as they start ascending the stairs to the bridge.

"You all are making such a goddamn big deal about this! It doesn't matter!" Akira exclaimed, shoving open the door to the bridge with force, and Yusuke thinks this might be the most ticked off and upset Akira has ever been with them, but Yusuke can equally say the same things about his feelings with Akira right now.

"You nearly killed yourself in the arena!!" Ryuji argued back, his teeth gnashing with the frustrations, "You were on your last limbs!"

"It was in a controlled setting. Everything went fine!" Akira argued back and motioned to himself, "Do you think I am so weak?! Huh?"

"We don't think you're weak, but you've had some pretty big lapses in judgment!" Ann groaned, pinching the brink of her nose.

"Joker, we are not yelling at you because we think you are weak; we are yelling at you because we care!" Yusuke pointed out as they all come to a halt in front of the bridge to the manager's room. Why can't Akira just see that? But, then again, Yusuke will admit the Phantom Thieves relationship with Akira has been rocky. Is this the reason why he feels he needs to prove himself to them? So, he can earn back their trust? Akira has to know this isn't the way to do it. Yusuke doesn't know if he is angrier with Akira for pulling a stunt like that or the Phantom Thieves for making Akira believe he had to.

"If you care, then have a little faith I know what I'm doing! Everything has turned out fine." Akira groaned with frustration tugging on his hair once more before motioning his hand to Akechi, "Ren's card, please."

"You are so entirely too reckless," Akechi growled but reluctantly slapped the card into Akira's hand anyway. Akira shoves it into the machine, "Did you ever stop to think before you carelessly wasted your health?"

"Authenticating member's card…The required amount of coins to activate the Bridge of Judgement is 100,000 coins…" The mechanical voice pleasantly said in an eerie tone. At least they can actually cross the bridge now and be done with this god-awful day. Yusuke isn't happy, as none of the Phantom Thieves look to be either. Various faces of concern and frustration linger in the group.

"Well…at least we can cross now." Haru offered quietly; Yusuke feels bad for her and Futaba since both shy away from conflict.

"Seems you have worked hard to gather that many coins; I never expected you would make it this far. I commend you on your vigorous efforts." Shadow Sae's voice echoed from the machine, a condescending tone masking the words, "However, you will never proceed to the manager's floor ahead."

"Uh, what?" Ryuji sputtered; Shadow Sae's tone seemed very decisive.

"From this moment forward, the number of coins it costs to activate the bridge will increase to 1,000,000." Shadow Sae concluded, and Yusuke's heart dropped because how are they supposed to come up with that many coins with so few options?

"WHAT?" Ann gasped, her eyes wide.

"Sis!" Makoto sputtered, her face hardening with anger.

"You can't just give us an impossible task like that; it's not fair!" Futaba argued, and she is right. This task is impossible for them.

"Oh, you finally understand? That is the point; your task will forever be impossible. Hence, I will emerge victoriously!" Shadow Sae exclaimed with triumph. Yusuke has no idea what they are going to do; how are they supposed to reach Makoto's sister if they aren't given a chance too?

"Oh, please get off your high horse." Akira groaned, rolling his eyes and folding his arms in irritation, "I know impossible tasks, and you are far overestimating yourself, Sae-san. This is f*cking child's play."

Yusuke blinked in confusion at Akira's outright dismissal of what she said as if it didn't matter at all. Is Akira bluffing to throw her off guard? Yusuke cannot fathom what Akira is playing at right now.

Akira quickly pulls out a card and jams it into the machine with a petty amount of force. The machine dings, accepting the card.

"Authenticating members card… 1,000,000 has been reached, activating the bridge now." The machine pleasantly chimed before a bunch of chips fall into the scale on the bridge, changing the weight, so it spins around to them, allowing them to climb the stairs to the Manager Room.

"Impossible?! How?" Shadow Sae's voice sputtered, entirely baffled by the change of events, much like the rest of them are wholly astounded as well. "There is no way!"

"Is that the Taro Tanaka card?!" Futaba gasped, and Yusuke remembered Futaba had ended up making two cards since the name was too simple the first time around. Akira was supposed to throw it away, but instead, he kept it? Why?

Akechi started laughing, deep chuckles as he suddenly seemingly understood the elephant in the room; they all didn't see, "Oh, I see. You worked the system; brilliant, I must say. Who would have thought? You completely abused her flawed system; what a karmic resolution. It's astounding how brilliant yet stupid you are simultaneous."

"You did what?!" Ryuji exclaimed, turning back to Akira, who has a very pleased look on his face, "HOW?"

"We were allowed to borrow the amount we already had on the card. When we had 10,000 from the house of darkness, I borrowed and got 20,000. Then I placed that as a bet on myself in the arena. Bringing my total up to 460,000. Then I borrowed the max to bring my total up to 920,000, paid off the original 10,000, and was left with 910,000. Adding that to what we have, 1,010,000 coins." Akira explained quickly, and while Yusuke gets lost in the numbers, he knows Akira just pulled them through to the end again. Yusuke immediately feels guilty for scolding Akira for being reckless when in the end, he was more prepared than the rest of them.

"You kept the card and collect coins on it…" Makoto breathed, her eyes wide but not in suspicion but in absolute surprise and delight. "Why, though?"

"It was obvious after the first floor that Sae was cheating. So, I cheated her back. I knew this would be rigged too." Akira shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets nonchalantly. "I just made sure to be prepared."

Akira is so intelligent, Yusuke will admit, Akira thinks of things far before he does. Akira acts and moves in a way Yusuke has never even thought of before. He wonders if that's where the disconnect is, they simply don't think like Akira does, and it led them all to believe he was suspicious. Yusuke can't ignore the fact sometimes Akira does things he cannot understand. Like, using Yosh*tsune and almost depleting his health like that. Granted, in the end, like Akira claimed, everything turned out fine. But Akira's gambles can't always land. And what happens when he ends up on the losing side? What if he had ended up on the losing side today?

"Dude…" Ryuji muttered, digging the toe of his boot into the ground, the same guilt lingering in his shoulders as well, before he sighed, swinging his arm around Akira, "Hey uh… tutor me in math?"

"What, are you proposing to him, Skull?" Futaba laughed dryly, "Do math homework with me for all eternity till we part?"

"I already am tutoring you in math. And science, and history. And everything else." Akira retorted, "but if you can't remember, I guess I'll have to crack down on you. I'm about to get two times stricter, so you better prepare Skull. Be at Leblanc, 6 am tomorrow morning with all your books."

"For real?"

Akira gives him a side-eye and slyly smiles as he raised a glove up and adjusted it, "You deserve proper punishment, It is time for me to step on you."

Yusuke feels unsettled. Is everything really fine? Because he feels like something is wrong, but he just can't see it.

Makoto has been responsible for writing and sending the calling card to Sae, as any other method would be far too risky for all of them involved. But she wonders if it would have been better in someone else's hands. She had kept writing and rewriting and rewriting. All her cards turned out too emotional, too personal. She had a pile of papers that she ended up having to shred so Sae wouldn't find out. It took the week they had to send the calling card to get the exact words down she wanted.

Madame Sae Niijima, a great sinner of jealousy. You have lost yourself amidst your obsession with success. For its sake, you are even willing to promote injustice as justice.

But every time she reread it, it felt like she was talking to herself. Willing to promote injustice as justice. Isn't that what Makoto has been doing? Has Makoto not committed the same sins? She isn't on a police force, and she hasn't set up multiple people. But she's suspected her friend without the benefit of a doubt. Which was worse?

"To think they would send me one." Sae sneered, from where she is seated on the couch, with a disgusted look on her face.

"I found it in the mailbox…" Makoto offered, trying to inject some concern in her voice, but it's tough when all she can feel was anger towards her sister and herself.

"They brand me as a criminal…and plan to steal my heart?" Sae scoffed, ripping up the calling card in front of her, her nails tearing through Yusuke's carefully crafted card stock. "What nonsense! They only care about disposing of those who are an inconvenience to them! Fine… I'll just have to catch them first!"

Makoto reflected on those words. Inconveniences? All the work they are doing, all the work Akira has put into the Phantom Thieves, and Sae just dismisses them as disposing of those who are inconveniences to them. How can Sae not see the flaws in all the people who they have changed? All the good that has come from it.

"I need to make a call." Sae sighed announcing, as she stood up. "You should go to bed. It's late."

"Of course." Makoto nodded slowly and dragged herself off the couch. Shuffling around to start making her way to her room, but not before stopping and looking back.

Sae looked at her with narrowed eyes and confusion, folding her arms, "What is it?"

How can Makoto simultaneously love someone so much but hate them with all fiber of her existence? She knows Sae went through a lot when their dad died. She knows how hard Sae struggled to keep them afloat while Makoto couldn't do much because she was a kid. She knows years of living like this have worn her down. But how could she change so much when she used to be so just? When she used to believe in a fair and equal trial?

And Makoto wonders when she changed too. When she started ignoring the idea of fair justice rather than put in the work to truly investigate.

"I merely guided you here because this place allows me to fight to my heart's content." Shadow Sae regarded them with a cold sentiment as she stared down at them from the screen in the large room Makoto knows they will have to fight her in. But, Sae's face is less confident as she continues and a look of sadness washes over her as she continued, "When my father died in the line of duty, I hated his killer from the bottom of my heart."

"Sis…" Makoto breathed, but she felt as if she was screaming it. Makoto knows how Sae feels, but Sae never says it. To hear the words come from her shadow just makes it more real than she had ever imagined.

"Dying to uphold justice sounds virtuous, but the ones left behind have to clean up the mess!" Shadow Sae growled, her face pinching up in anger. Makoto realized that they really are the same because Makoto won't admit it, but that's precisely how she sometimes feels too. Why did her father's life have to be the price for justice? She would have instead had her father than justice.

Even when the killer had been caught, it was empty because she knew her father would never be coming home. Her world crumbling around her could never be rebuilt.

Sae and Makoto were indeed the ones who were left behind and had to clean up the mess. The disbelief, the betrayal, the immense grief that Makoto had thought they had dealt with, but it's apparent neither of them did.

The pieces of their family are still lying on the ground.

"Queen." Haru, bless her soul, put her hand on Makoto's back as she notices the emotion flashing on her face. Makoto doesn't think it's deserved; Haru has her own things to deal with. She has to go through the death of her father, too; she shouldn't need to pick up the pieces of Makoto that Makoto thought she had already collected long ago.

"Can you imagine the hardships I had to endure?!" Sae scoffed at them, "Justice cannot yield to evil; I must win!"

"This is just self-righteousness at this point," Akechi muttered under his breath, and Makoto knows it, but she can't think as ill of Sae after this.

"I can!" Makoto yelled, "I can imagine the hardships you had to endure; I've been there the entire time! Sae, have you not seen how we've been suffering together?! I get it! I get the feeling of anger at what happened, at what dad did. I've been angry for so long, just as you have been. But, you can't do this, Sae! You can't cope with your anger, your pain with all these aggressive investigations, falsified evidence, and ignoring the things you don't know all for the sake of a win or reputation! Those wins are even emptier than putting dad's killer away, and you know that just as much as I do. This isn't justice!"

She can feel her chest heaving, she can feel the tears running down her eyes at the absolute frustrations of it all, and she knows that all of this will mean nothing unless they can steal Sae's heart. If they can't make Sae see reason.

And maybe, she hasn't been there enough for Sae. She did what Sae said, followed every rule and expectation. But, their relationship has been tense and tight. Makoto has been mad at Sae this entire time for her situation, but it's not inherently Sae's fault. If Sae didn't step up as guardian, then she would have been put into the foster system, and her life might have been infinitely worse. Sae doesn't say anything though, Sae never says what she needs to. She won't talk about what happened; she won't talk about why she is feeling upset. She won't talk about the things that she so desperately needs to.

Makoto has felt so alone ever since her dad died, and she can see Sae does too. So why couldn't they just not be alone together? They had been pushing each other away.

"None of this is making it better! I won't let you continue like this, Sae! I won't let you throw the justice I know you had once down the drain in some attempts to prove yourself!" Makoto told her definitely, grasping the brass knuckles she had. "This is not you!"

Akira was right when he said she only wants the best for them. But even though Akira didn't say it, that wasn't what she was doing all this time. Maybe she had been angry with Akira because his lack of transparency reminded him of what Sae is doing. It doesn't justify anything, she realized. Makoto can accept she, too, had been too reckless with her own accusations. She desperately wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery at the expense of throwing her friend under the bus so she could somehow prove she deserved to be on this team. To prove a point to her cognition of Sae that she was capable too.

"Well said, Queen." Akira smiled with a reassuring nod as he patted her back as well. Makoto doesn't shrug him off this time; even though she's been leading the essential manhunt against Akira, he still does his best to help her. There are things he doesn't tell them. But perhaps, Makoto just needed to listen to her intuition and have faith in him. Believe Akira must have a reason for the things he does not tell them.

"Help me take her out," Makoto asked him sincerely. She knows she has absolutely no right to ask anything of Akira after everything she's said against him, but she needs his strength to do this. Makoto is envious of Akira's power to keep going, to be who he wants to be, but she'd rather stand beside him than against him.

"I don't know; it seems like a high price; how are you going to sweeten the deal?" Akira said in a joking tone with a big smile.

"I'll buy you the entire load of bread the school sells. I have connections." Makoto teased back.

"You've got yourself a deal. Let's change your sis." Akira laughed, tilting his head as if to loosen the muscles to get ready for the battle. His dagger at his side, and he dropped into his offensive pose.

"Now, shall we begin?" Sae slyly asked, snapping her fingers, and the platform they are standing on turns into a vast roulette, spinning around them with great speed, and Shadow Sae disappears from the screen and appeared before them on the platform, her black lipstick twisted into a confident grin.

"WOAH? What the?!" Ryuji sputtered from behind them at the sudden change of the arena. Makoto can't say she is too surprised, seeing how all the rest of Sae's Palace's challenges had conditions. Why wouldn't her fight be stacked against them as well?"

But then Sae's form distorted a bit and takes Makoto by surprise; that hasn't happened before, has it?

"Joker, I assume you'll be taking the lead on this one?" Akechi clarified, his hand up to his mask in preparation still the same.

"Yeah, Crow, Queen, Panther, and I on front lines, everyone else stands by for backup," Akira commanded, readjusting his gloves as the fallen players fall into place. "Roles are Queen, and I are on the offense; Panther heal when one of us needs it, if not then back up with support skills and Crow is the wildcard in this, support skills if necessary or outright attack."


"Got it!"

Makoto is a little taken aback at how efficiently Akira gave out those orders, said like a true leader. She really hasn't been giving Akira enough credit. She can feel her nerves jittering at the idea of this fight and her pulse racing, but Akira is as calm and collected as ever.

"Now, let us play a game of roulette where the stakes would, of course, be our lives." Shadow Sae cackled, throwing her hand up into the air, and the roulette starts spinning at a rapid pace around them, and Makoto has no idea what they could be up against, "Of course, acts of violence are forbidden. Here, one must follow the rules."

"What the—what is this?!" Futaba sputtered, surprised by the event as well, and the screen behind Sae blinking Bet HP.

"We are not following your rules anymore! We are done with that!" Makoto rebutted, bouncing on her feet back and forth, prepared to get any hit in she can. It's ridiculous for Sae to expect them to have a fight without exchanging blows.

"Fine by me, such troublesome people will have to face the penalty." Shadow Sae answered cryptically.

"What does she mean, there is a penalty for not spinning the roulette?" Ann wondered, with her whip at her side, ready to go.

"Yeah, uh, one of you get ready with a healing spell." Akira laughed nervously, and Makoto doesn't know what he means before he surges forward to hit Sae with a dagger attack. Sae isn't defending herself, so It lands easily. He jumps back into the line they had.

"Ah, so you've broken the rule, in that case, time to be penalized!" Shadow Sae laughed and flung her hand up into the air and pointed at Akira and Makoto is expecting some sort of gun or something, but instead, a cascade of poker chips rain down onto Akira from above, bringing him to his knees.

"JOKER!" Voices from the backlines called out in concern.

"JOKER? Are you alright?!" Futaba screeched, "YOU HAVE ONE HP LEFT!"

And Makoto made the horrifying realization of Sae's penalties and why Akira had told them to get a healing spell ready. Sae has them right under her finger, but she's enraged that Akira took the penalty for them. But before she can summon Johanna, Ann beats her to it.

"DIAHARAN!" Ann yelled, quickly summoning Hecate and sending a healing spell Akira's way.

Akira quickly jumped to his feet and readjusting his gloves as he sent Ann a quick smile, "Thanks, buddy."

"Why did you go and do that?!" Ann argued back, her hands on her hips, "You could have just told us!"

"Truly Joker, that was your plan?" Akechi scoffed back with the same look of disbelief.

"Shadow Sae wouldn't have let it go, and we wouldn't be able to get on with this fight. It was strategy!" Akira shrugged, "We have to bet on her roulettes, make her think she has us cornered. She doesn't."

"What do you mean?" Makoto wondered, isn't that essentially what Sae was doing? They weren't going to be able to touch her if she was going to take their life points unfairly.

"Everyone of Sae's challenges was rigged, but there was a way to cheat them. This is like that; we only have to find that way." Akira nodded with confidence, sending her a reassuring grin, "Chin up, yeah? It'll be fine, we just have to play along for now, and we'll get her. We have to catch her in the act."

"R-right. Yeah." Makoto nodded her head, allowing herself to believe Akira's words.

"You will predict which pocket the ball will fall into." Shadow Sae commanded them without giving them a choice, but Makoto knows it'll be a rigged decision regardless, "Now the time has come for our first bet; what will you choose?"

"Ball falls into Red pocket!" Akira quickly made their bet without pausing; Makoto is a little miffed. They hadn't discussed it but promptly realizes it wouldn't matter if Sae cheated anyways; Akira had made a low-risk bet, very different than what he usually did. He turned to Makoto, "Get Johanna ready with Mediarama. She is going to hit us."

Makoto nodded, raising her hand to her mask.

The ball falls and lands, almost making it in the red pocket but somehow jumped at the last moment to a black pocket. They, of course, lose the bet, and Makoto can feel the instant penalty, much less than Akira's penalty, but she feels her health slipping out of her as the rest of her friends beside her as well.

"Mediarama!" She quickly called out, replenishing that moment what they had lost.

"Well, we lost." Akechi shook his head, turning his gaze to Akira. "Figure anything out on how she's doing it?"

"Yeah, she's using a glass screen," Akira answered back, tugging on his hair. "Doesn't matter what we choose, it will fall in the wrong pocket."

"How humiliating." Akechi scoffed at Sae's deplorable actions. Makoto knows they need to expose her If they want a fair fight in all this.

"What should we do?" Makoto asked sincerely, turning to Akira.

"We place another bet and snipe it at the last moment when the glass is visible." Akira decided, and it's a solid plan. That way, they can reveal what Sae is doing, and she won't be able to deny it.

"I'll do it," Makoto said.

"No, I need you out here; you have Mediarama, which means if we lose health, we are going to need you." Akira told her before turning to Ann, "Panther, you up for it? How's your shot?"

"On it." Ann quickly nodded, jumping off the platform to find a place to hide while Sae deals with the rest of them.

"Oh, one already couldn't handle the pressure? Fine by me." Shadow Sae scoffed before raising her arm to initiate the roulette again. It starts spinning at a rapid pace.

"Alright, Ann is getting into place," Futaba told them discreetly.

"Crow, Makoto, standby." Akira directs; they both follow the orders since there is a penalty in place as the roulette spins. They couldn't do anything at the moment, leaving it up to Ann to wait for her moment. Makoto hates waiting though, she hates the feeling of uncertainty it brings. So she does her own preparation, mentally preparing Johanna just in case they do need MediaNama.

"Time to make your bet!" Shadow Sae demands of them, her hand holding her hat as she gives them a sly smile knowing exactly what she is doing.

"Ball in the red pocket!" Akira betted again, another safe bet as they didn't need to make a risky bet that would end up blowing up in their face.

"Hopefully, your prediction will be right this time." Shadow Sae cackled, her eyes narrowing at them as the ball falls into the roulette board. It spins around the board. Makoto can see Ann steadying her gaze and hand while watching the ball. The roulette started to slow down, and the ball is about to make its decision. The glass pane appears, and Ann is quick and accurate in making her shot, decimating the glass and allowing the ball to fall into the pocket, giving them a win.

Shadow Sae fell to her knees with the weight of her own penalty, losing a bunch of yen instead of health. But it seems being caught in the act completely blindsided her. All of them are quick to surround her with their guns out.

"A fair fight?! Huh? You were undeniably cheating, Sis!" Makoto accused her, "All the facts are on the table; what do you have to say?!"

Shadow Sae didn't say anything; her head hung low as she grunted with the displeasure of being called out.

"Since when did you turn into such a coward that can't even acknowledge when she has been caught in a lie? Can't take responsibility for her actions?!" Makoto spat, feeling her anger build and build.

"Shut up. SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Shadow Sae screamed back at her, her golden eyes enraged as she meets Makoto's angry eyes. Before they can make any move on her, a thick black smoke surrounds her and her voice becoming more and more distorted, "Cheating?! Unfair?! SILENCE, THIS IS MY WORLD."

Her form takes the shape of a hideous creature clothed in metal and a long chainsaw as a hand. And a sort of battery ram or gun in the other, splattered in blood. One sharp gold eye peers through the metal mask she wears on her face.

This is what Sae has become? This is Sae's justice? How she views herself to completely sidestep the severity of her actions? Her excuse?!

"I am the law! I am everything! In this world, no one deserves to win but for me!" Shadow Sae's crazed voice echoes through the arena, each word as equally distorted as the next one. "You still dare defy my justice? Prepared to be crushed!"

"Your justice is only hurting yourself!" Makoto screamed back, her anger hitting a boiling point. "This hill you have stranded yourself on is only going to hurt you more and more, you are only going to lose yourself, and you won't even know what for! You would rather choose this false justice in favor of convenience rather than living as your true self?!"

She can feel her anger overcoming her, bitterness for Sae, and anger at herself for the things she has done to those around her. This isn't Sae, This isn't her. She is better than this, she has friends now she can lean on, and she will show Sae she isn't alone.

"This is my true self!" Makoto bellowed, ripping the mask off her face once more, and just like before, Akira had waited for her to realize who she really is, "ANAT!"

Anat, who has been hidden within Johanna, comes out within a burst of blue flames, standing proud and strong in front of Makoto, her head raised up high.

"WHAT?!!" Ann sputtered, gasping at the sight.

"Woah! She evolved Johanna into something completely new!" Futaba marveled from her seat in Prometheus before groaning, "Man, I wish my persona evolved in such a cool way."

"Yeah…for real…" Ryuji laughed nervously.

"Come on now, your persona evolving means you changed and grew as a person. It doesn't matter how they present themselves; I think it's all very cool." Akira laughed in a reassuring way like a proud parent would.

"Yes, indeed, our persona evolving is a testament to how we have changed as people." Yusuke nodded with agreement.

Makoto is astounded; she has never felt more like who she thinks she wants to be. So, they can gain a new persona by growing as a person? Then maybe all this time, Akira just had a strong sense of self. And perhaps she has been jealous of it all this time.

"Queen, go save your sister!" Haru told her proudly.

"Right." Makoto smiled; she can do this. And only she can define her worth, and she knows that now.

Between her and Akira, with Akechi and Ann as support and backup, Shadow Sae falls quickly. Makoto is barely even exhausted from the fight after using Anat. It was a piece of cake, using her true self to cut through Sae's distortion to her true self.

"Nothing matters as long as I can win…" Shadow Sae muttered before dropping to one knee and her form reverting back to herself in the black dress. And she breathed with a shaky breath, "So I've lost…"

"And is that so bad?" Makoto pleaded with her, dropping to her knees before Sae, "Is it such a bad thing to lose? When in the long run, it's only going to help you more."

"Evil…" Shadow Sae shook her head with dismay.

"I don't think it's bad to bring light to the evils that infiltrate our world that can't be judged by the law," Makoto told her sincerely, "That is what the Phantom Thieves are trying to do, just the same as you want. But all these aggressive investigations? Twisted ways of thinking for your own personal gain? In the end, they just hurt you more. You know they aren't right; you are just tricking yourself. You won't hold yourself accountable, but even you know deep down that you are wrong. I won't watch you do this to yourself."

"Makoto…" Shadow Sae breathed, her head snapping up to Makoto, the tears in her eyes that she never shed.

"Dad wouldn't have wanted this either." Makoto said because their father would have never wished this on them, "You aren't alone, and neither am I. This isn't a mess we have to clean up after dad, this is our lives, and we owe it to him to live it as fairly and just as we want. Don't you want to honor his name in the right way? Is this truly going to bring you happiness?"

"You… you're right." Shadow Sae nodded before bursting into tears, them dribbling down her cheek before she hides her face in her hands, "I'm so sorry, Makoto. I just lost it. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I didn't know how to raise a child, I didn't know how to balance your life with mine, how to pick up the pieces I felt I would never get back. There was too much I needed to do and too little of me left to do them."

"I know." Makoto reassured her, pulling the shadow into a hug as she wept, "I know, sis, I know how hard you worked, I know the sacrifices you made for me. I know how hard it was on both of us. But you can't do this; you need to cope in a better way. We need to cope in a better way."

"I will, I promise." Shadow Sae sighed, returning the crushing hug, "I will go back to myself, and things will change."

She faded away in Makoto's arms back to her true self.

"Dude… you OK?" Ryuji broke the silence in the arena, and she stood up and faced them with the brightest smile she ever had.

"Mako-chan." Haru returns it with an equally as wide smile. Her eyes delighted.

"Yes. Thank you, thank you so much." Makoto sincerely thanked them. If she had never met the Phantom Thieves, she would have continued to keep living this awful existence. Where she felt helpless and lost. But because Akira had told her who they were, she not only saved herself, but she also got to save Sae as well. She has done Akira injustice, and she will make this right; she turned to him, "Akira…My gratitude to you is deeper than you can imagine, and I am—"

But before she can apologize, Futaba interrupts her with a yell.

"Wait! Woah, these numbers are off the charts! Where are they all coming from!?" Futaba sputtered in panic as she whipped up her persona's analytic screens. They can all see the shadows manifesting in hordes, all around the Casino on the screen. This is unlike anything they have ever experienced. Makoto has no idea why her sister's Palace is different, why it's a problem now.

"Why now? We've defeated her shadow; the security level should have gone away!" Morgana stuttered in panic, the same terror that is growing on all their faces.

"Uh, what do we do?!" Ann yelped, twirling the ends of her hair in anxiety.

"With a group this big, we are going to be spotted while trying to exit. There are too many for us to handle." Akechi deducted his face tense as he analyzes the information on Futaba's screen. Shadows were popping up left and right, "We need a plan! We don't have a lot of time!"

"Ooooooh, oh this is bad bad bad so, bad!" Futaba muttered, her fingers tapping on the screens, but Makoto knows Futaba can hardly do anything at this moment.

"Why now?!" Ryuji exclaimed, his leg bouncing up and down.

"I don't know but, we need a plan quickly before they reach this room!" Makoto quickly said, knowing that they were running out of time. They needed to get her sister's treasure and them out of here now. "We can figure that bit out later."

"OK, plan made. I'll be the decoy, and you guys make like a tree and leave." Akira nodded. His mind made up as it was apparent on his face.

"Is this really the time for puns?" Akechi asked incredulously, "Do you truly have no capacity to be serious?!"

"A decoy?!" Makoto sputtered at the idea because that could be a very potentially dangerous idea.

"Yeah. We would be too big of a group to move without being spotted. One is far easier in a sense, I can distract the attention from you guys, but also, if I run into a pickle, it would be far easier for me to take them Alice and Yosh*tsune or run." Akira explained, and Makoto hated how it actually made sense. Akira was the most capable out of all of them to pull it off. A risky plan that was just crazy enough to be right up his alley.

"Are you for real?!" Ryuji protested in disbelief, and Makoto is sure the scene from the house of darkness and battle arena is still on his mind.

"Joker, it's dangerous," Yusuke argued as well, his arms folded with the look of displeasure on his face that Makoto knows doesn't portray his concern. She had never seen Yusuke angrier than after the battle arena.

"We don't have time for another plan!" Akira threw his hands up in emphasis. "We need to leave now!"

"He's right." Akechi said, reluctance in his voice as he looked at Akira with blazing eyes, "We'll grab the treasure, you distract them, and we'll meet on the outside."

"You got it, Crow." Akira nodded with a confident smile.

"Ugh, I don't like this." Ryuji admitted, but he nudged Akira's shoulder, "But this is you we are talking about, and I know you won't die."

"You better hope I don't die, or you are going to fail your math exam~" Akira nudged him back with a sh*t-eating grin and in a sing-song voice. Makoto feels a bit better about the situation with Akira's joking. And maybe that is why he did it, to keep them calm, so they don't get too worked up and made a mistake. She had always thought it was annoying and irritating, but it did take away from the severity of the situations they were in half the time. Was that Akira's intent all along?

"DUDE?!" Ryuji exclaimed with exasperation, groaning as he shakes Akira back and forth by the shoulders in jest.

"Regardless, be careful," Yusuke told him, sighing with relent and gave Akira a nod in acknowledgment.

"Yeah. Don't do anything stupid." Ann chimed in, her hands on her hips before glaring at him with her signature line, "Or I'll burn you up!"

"Please be careful, Aki-chan." Haru nodded, her hair bouncing. "Don't get too carried away!"

"Yeah, remember, you are a phantom thief. Act like one." Morgana scolded him, but Makoto can hear how equally worried Morgana is in this.

"What, like I don't?" Akira laughed, patting Morgana's head.

"Not always." Futaba shook her head before pouting, "I'll find the best route for you to escape, kay? Listen to me!"

"Make it flashy," Akira told her.

"Uh, of course? You are the decoy after all?" Futaba laughed. Before grimacing, "OK, you have to go now!"

"Joker, reconvene on the outside. Meet up place is Leblanc if we get separated." Akechi declared, making sure they knew the plan.

"You got it!" Akira nodded before turning around to leave, but Makoto grabbed his arm.

"Akira! Take this," Makoto quickly told him, placing the phone he had given her for safe holding into Akira's hand. The phone that had to prove Akira didn't do what she had thought, she has been ignoring it, but the phone is the key to the metaverse, and Akira couldn't have gone in without it. She felt the guilt well up as she held him back a little longer, "Akira, I'm so so sorry, I—"

"Makoto." Akira stopped her, a kind look in his eyes, "It's OK. Everything is going to be alright."


"Later," Akira reassured her before taking off. But Makoto can't help, but his smile was off, a sort of mix of honey and ash. Bittersweet. Is he angry with her?

Futaba quickly follows the rest of the Phantom Thieves, making sure to keep the coms open so she can direct Akira. Akira, as always, is being a complete showoff, intentionally revealing himself to everyone on the ground floor, including the enemies; he definitely got their attention. All the enemy's eyes were on him.

"How is he doing?" Akechi asked, turning back to her as they round the corner of one of the back rooms, making their way to an exit that would be inconspicuous. The briefcase that held Sae's treasure is securely in his hand.

"Aw, are you worried about me?" Joker's teasing tone rang through their shared channel that Futaba had set up. "Take me out sometimes; I do enjoy a big bang burger. You could take the challenge with me."

"I guess fine if he can be a cheeky sh*t, I'll take you out alright," Akechi grumbled, peering around the corner for any enemies before motioning for them to follow him. Futaba had to snicker; she always enjoyed watching Akira ruthlessly tease Akechi. She's rooting for that ship; she loves the thief and detective trope; it's hot. She's already come up with the perfect ship name for them. Shuake…or Akeshu; she isn't quite sure which one she leans towards.

"Oops, a fight. Brb, ladies and gents." Akira grunted before switching his attention to his enemies; Futaba doesn't worry; they are weak compared to him, so he'll most likely just rip through them. She can tell that is exactly what he did.

"Are we almost there?" Ann asked, a voice out of breath as they finally made it to the extraction point. No enemy in sight as they were all chasing Akira.

"Yeah, once Joker makes his escape, we can skedaddle from right here." Futaba nodded as she turned her attention back to Akira's escape route, "Hey, do you see the exit?"

"You want me to go through there?" Akira asked with disbelief through the comms, but Futaba knows she can hear a bit of excitement in his voice. It is a bit of an unconventional route, but it fit Akira perfectly.

"That's just how it is; with the commotion on the floor, it would be impossible…" But she paused and asked nervously because it is sort of a stretch, "Hey, can you make it?!"

"You know, you guys make this big deal about how I am so flashy and careless, yet here you are leading me through the most possibly ostentatious route in this entire casino." Akira snorted out a laugh; Futaba traced his movements as he is quick to hop onto the roof beams leading to the said exit, "Really, you are just setting me up for the role."

"You said you were the decoy; better be careful what you wish for." Futaba huffed out a chuckle; Akira was going to have a blast with this.

"Mark me," Akira smirked, and they can all hear the smugness radiating out of his voice before they hear shadows that sounded too eerily like real people yelling at him; Futaba quickly pulls up visuals just in case. Still, all they can see is Akira with his sh*t-eating grin, doing a semi salute and tilting his head at the shadows, "See ya!"

Then he launched himself through the window, the stained glass of the Casino shattering, revealing the sight of the full moon. A dazzling display as he feels like he's flying in front of the moon. Futaba angled her camera just right so they could get the whole picture. Akira gliding through the air with beautiful glass shards twinkling In the moonlight. Futaba gets it; this really does look like something out of an anime.

"Marvelous! If only I had my sketchbook." Yusuke wondered, extending his gloves out in front to make them look like a frame.

"I'll send you a screenshot." Futaba snickered, making sure to capture every moment to where she synced her phone to her persona. Video evidence of Akira being a showoff, she had to show it to Sojiro.

"Woah." Ann muttered from next to her, star-struck, then laughed a little bit, "Oh, you are SO reckless. You can't even deny it, Joker."

"Ah, I don't know, man, seven out of ten." Ryuji joked, "You need to up your routine, dude."

"Tough crowd," Akira grunted as he landed, making sure to do a roll, so he didn't break his legs. Futaba will give it to him; Akira knows when to be flashy and when not to be, relatively. The glass falls around him, but her visual on him is still strong. "What will it take to impress you, Skull? Should I learn how to do one of those black flip twists in the air? A double axel. Or cartwheel without using my hands?"

"You don't know how to do one?" Ryuji gasped in feigned surprise.

"OK, we'll meet up with you—" Makoto tried to tell him, but all of a sudden, there is an intense light on Akira, even making Akira wince from the suddenness of it.

"What?!" Yusuke sputtered, and Futaba quickly turned her view around to see many people silhouetted by the light. But it's clear as day with the red and blue lights flashing that it's the police.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Ann demanded, her voice panicked.

"An Ambush?! Here?!" Morgana chimed in, voicing what none of them wanted to consider, but Futaba has no idea what the f*ck is going on because these aren't shadows. They are people. They are real-life people in the metaverse.

"Hey, get out of there!" Ryuji screamed through the comms at Akira, who is already one step ahead of them, darting sideways towards one of the ladders leading back to the Casino. Futaba's mind is racing because this shouldn't be happening. This wasn't supposed to be happening; how the f*ck did the police get into the metaverse in the first place?!

"Run!" Futaba begged, but she knows Akira is going as fast as he can, his boots slamming onto the pavement, his breaths ragged in the comms as he jumped onto the ladder, quickly climbing it. But it doesn't matter since once he reached the top, the police squad, who had apparently anticipated the course of escape, rammed one of their battery sticks into the side of Akira's head. Akira lost his footing and fell into the sea of cop cars.

"JOKER!" Yusuke shouted in anguish, and they all know there is nothing Akira can do. Akira won't pull his personas on real people. If he wanted to, he already could have, but they all know now that isn't Akira's nature. But in turn, there is nothing they can do either without being caught and their mission being exposed.

"AKIRA!" Ryuji screamed next to her, and all her teammates are yelling iterations of his name. Futaba can't though, she's frozen as she watched them press Akira into the ground, handcuffs digging into his wrists.

But then they start to say something to Akira, and Futaba turns it up and yells, "SHUT THE f*ck UP, YOU GUYS."

They all do, and the cop's voice drifted through Akira's comm, "You have your teammate to thank for this. You were sold out."

It hits them like a ton of bricks.

"Sold…out?" Ryuji muttered, his voice small and distressed at the turn of events, "who…how…What?"

Futaba feels her blood freeze because she doesn't think any of them would ever sell Akira out. She whipped back to them, demanding to get to the bottom of this before her voice gets caught in her throat.

"Oracle?" Makoto wondered, seeing the look of terror on her face.

"C-crow. Where did C-crow go?" Futaba asked, her voice shaking because they are huddled around right outside by the exit but, Akechi is no longer anywhere to be seen. She remembered him being there when Akira was escaping, but they were all caught up in Akira's escape that they weren't paying attention to each other. Akechi was gone. Futaba doesn't sense him anywhere in the Palace at all.

"N-no. No." Makoto shook her head in denial as she whipped her head from side to side as the rest of them did as well, trying to see If Akechi was anywhere to be seen. But He was long gone. "He-he-!"

"He sold Joker out." Haru brokenly said, because was there any other answer?

"I told you kids to be careful!!" Sojiro scolded them, his voice ringing off of the walls in Leblanc with a reverb. Leblanc is closed; there is too much else to deal with at the moment. Ryuji can't even think about its business right now as he is sure is Sojiro's thought process among the rest of them. All they could do was helplessly try to rack up ideas to help Akira. To prove his innocence. Sojiro continued with his angry tone, "Did you guys even stop to consider what would happen? How this might go south?!"

"W-we know!" Futaba sobbed back, her eyes red and raw from lack of sleep, much like the rest of them as they are trying to figure out what to do. It's already been nearly a day, and they haven't come close to any sort of plan of action. All of them are devastated over what went down. None of them knows what to do. Akira isn't there to give them the guidance they need. She sputtered, shaking her head in denial, "We just didn't think—"

"Obviously, you all didn't think, or he wouldn't be in this position!" Sojiro slammed his hands on the table angrily but draws back a bit when Futaba flinched at the sound. Ryuji knows Sojiro doesn't mean to scare Futaba; he is just as upset as the rest of them. Sojiro sighed in exhaustion as he took his glasses off and massaged the brink of his nose with a low voice, "There isn't anything you guys can do."

"Hell, no!" Ryuji shook his head, pushing himself to his feet, and shaking his head in denial. Because they weren't going to just ditch Akira. Akira didn't deserve to be locked up; this was a mistake! He didn't do anything wrong. "I ain't giving up on him! There has to be something we can do to spring him! We aren't going to just leave him in there!"

"Yeah, he did that for us!" Ann shook her head too, her lips curling up with the guilt and her shoulders shaking, "It's not fair! This isn't fair!"

"No, it's not! But what you guys were doing was illegal! They already had you pegged for Okumura's murder; they had a warrant out on your heads!? What did you think was going to happen?!" Sojiro implored, his voice exhausted as he turned his head to the TV where the media is devouring this story. Since Akira was a minor, they couldn't reveal his picture or name, but the headline still runs across the bottom of the screen, Leader of the Phantom Thieves caught in the act and held for investigations for his crimes. Sojiro sighed again, his voice gravely, "You messed up, he messed up. He already had a record; he knew this was dangerous. You all knew the risks you were taking!"

"But, if we didn't do that heist, Sae would have set up an innocent person, and all the blame would have been taken by them!" Makoto argued, her voice shaking, "We couldn't let that happen! I couldn't let my sister do something so atrocious to an innocent person!"

"And neither could Aki-chan." Haru frowned, her knuckles white as she gripped the table's edge as if it were her edge. "He couldn't stand by and watch that happen either. All he wanted to do was help Makoto's sister and me and my father. All Akira wanted to do was help! This isn't justice!"

"He doesn't deserve to be in prison!" Ryuji growled, slamming his hands on the table again. After all, this is their fault, wasn't it? If they had just thought of another way. If they hadn't been so blind with their suspicions of Akira to consider, maybe it was someone else. Perhaps they would have seen past Akira's affections and see Akechi was probably a red herring and a detective didn't have a place in the phantom thieves.

"And Akechi..." Yusuke sighed, burrowing his face into his hands, "None of us set Akira up... That means it had to have been Akechi who tipped off the police and let them in...Right? There would be no other way for them to get to the metaverse."

Had Akechi been playing this entire time? Had Akira really not seen that? They all just acclimated to him, God; they even made him the leader. Akechi must have had a field day with all their misplaced trust. He must have been laughing at their every move as he weaseled his way into their group using Akira's affections. Watching them all suspect Akira while he slides in, ready to take them out.

"God, we are so f*cking stupid!" Ryuji roared, his shoulders tensing at the thought of how they just believed Akechi was their friend. But he also doesn't know what is going on. They can't get ahold of Akechi, further proving he was the one to set them up. Or Akira up or. But what if they are jumping to conclusions with this, too, like Akira? Is Akechi the black mask? Or merely a corrupt detective doing his job?

Does it matter at this point?

"We weren't expecting it. None of us." Yusuke sighed in frustration.

"No, we weren't," Morgana muttered, his ears flat against his skull and his eyes sad. "We weren't expecting it; we weren't prepared. Phantom Thieves are always supposed to be prepared."

"So, what do we do now?!" Haru demanded, shaking her head, "All of us are the Phantom Thieves! Not just Akira; he can't take the fall for all of us! He can't take the blame for everything we've done!."

"If you go to the police, they will arrest you." Sojiro told them seriously, with no room for argument in his eyes, "I will not let that happen. Not to you, Futaba. Not to you all."

"We know that! We know..." Ryuji shook his head, hating this helpless feeling as he knows Akira is locked up somewhere, and they are doing God knows what to him. Ryuji felt like he failed him. Maybe, if they hadn't jumped to conclusions, this wouldn't be happening. Akira would still be laughing and joking with them about his sh*tty magical girl tagline. Akira would be reassuring them everything would be alright.

God, Ryuji could use Akira's light-hearted banter right now. His ability to take anything remotely serious and turn it into something easier to swallow. Ryuji understands, Akira does it to make things more bearable, like they aren't all just helpless teenagers who don't know what the f*ck they are doing.

Akira kept them anchored.

The gold sun filters through the blinds, illuminating Leblanc in a way that would be beautiful if the tension wasn't so thick and the emotion ran so thick. All of them sat around the dimming cafe, together and Ryuji feels his heart clench at the fact Akira is probably going to have to sleep on a cot in prison, just like when they were in Kamoshida's Palace. Except, there was no one there to rescue him. And Ryuji wanted to storm in and save him himself. Just like Akira had saved him in Kamoshida's prison cell. Akira doesn't deserve this.

"No—" Ann gasped, her voice breaking in reaction to something Ryuji wasn't paying attention to."No, NO. That's impossible!"

He whips his head up at Ann's devastated cry. The only other time he had heard her as hysterical was when Shiho jumped off the roof. Her face is horrified, pupils the size of pin lights as she stared at the television in the corner of the cafe.

Ryuji heard the news anchor repeat the previous headline.

"I repeat the suspect in custody of being the leader of the Phantom Thieves has committed suicide while in custody. The police have confirmed his death though no details have been released." The newscaster announced his voice unemotional and sterile. As if it were nothing as if it were just some criminal no one cared about. As if it didn't matter.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (33)

"W-what?" Morgana mewled softly; his pupils shrunk in horror at the declaration. A coffee mug shatters from where Sojiro is standing behind the counter.

"You're…. you're sh*tting me…" Ryuji can barely form the sentence, his heart dropped so fast to his stomach that he thinks he might puke from this overwhelming sense of despair and heartache at the words thrown out so unemotionally. Akira…Akira is dead? Akira killed himself? His mind doesn't work; he can barely think straight at the thought. There are strangled gasps coming from either side of him, hitched breaths, but they all feel muffled to his ears. Because all he can feel is denial as he vehemently shook his head as if it would dispel the awful feeling of uncertainty overcoming his senses, "No, no, no, this can't be happening—Akira wouldn't kill himself! Akira would never! It's-f*ck! This isn't happening!! f*ck!!"

"A-Akira!" Futaba let out a strangled sob, pulling her knees closer to her chest as her fingers tore at her hair, "NO!"

"N-No! I think…I think he was set up. We were set up! I mean obviously, but—" Makoto sobbed, shaking her head, scrubbing her eyes, as she barely managed to keep hold of the thought she was trying to portray. "They killed him. They—they knew! It—he wouldn't—Akira wouldn't—He wouldn't, but he...he!"

And Ryuji instantly and regrettably makes the connection. It was an assassination made to look like a suicide to the public. A display that would give a clear warning to them. Akira's life was the warning.

The pin dropped.

They were wrong; Akira was NOT the imposter.

(There is Sound)

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (34)


Yes, I do think I am quite hilarious.

Chapter 19: The one where Jose and Shinya go on an Adventure (Part 1)


'It's looking about for a way to escape
And wondering whether she could get away without being seen'

The one where Jose and Shinya go on an adventure, the Phantom Thieves sit down for a meal and Shuake is disgustingly domestic.

TW//talking about death


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Akechi made his decision; after all, what choice did he really have? He knew that making this decision would completely change his stance with the Phantom Thieves and Shido. There is no doubt about that; there is no turning back. After all, the ends justify the means in some cases. He understood Sae’s need to win; after all, she was a corrupt adult just like the rest of them. But maybe she could change. Who knows, he hasn’t actually witnessed a change of heart up close. He didn’t even know about it before the Phantom Thieves.

Anxiety buzzes underneath his skin, but he doesn’t allow it to show. The frisson of knowing everything is about to change excited him.

Still, he thought Akira’s plan was the dumbest ass plan ever, brilliant but dumb as f*ck. Who comes up with such reckless plans?

When Shido called him a month ago, giving him his next job and next name on the list. It doesn’t surprise him, but it does make him think harder than the last five names on the list. He didn’t even have to tell Akira because apparently, Akira knew precisely what was happening when Akechi walked back in with a grim, disgruntled face.

“Well then, let’s kill me.” Akira had laughed carelessly with a devious smile on his face and narrowed eyes.

He can’t deny the simplicity and brilliance of the plan. But it’s still a perilous plan knowing who they are dealing with. There are so many variables at play, so many things that could go wrong. The problem is, Akechi doesn’t know any other way to pull this off within Shido's perimeters. It’s not as if they had a lot of time to plan this out. Akira’s reckless and not thought-out plan is the only thing they have.

But of course, Akira ASSURED him it would turn out fine. What could go wrong? And who is Akechi to tell him no? After all, Akira has hardly been wrong in any of his assumptions and predictions. The results of his plan would determine whose side he would ultimately fall on anyways. At least Akechi didn't have to remind Akira what happened to Okumura. But Akira insisted that this was a big enough show to convince Shido.

Knowing this, he walked confidently through the hallways to the interrogation rooms, where he, of course, runs into Sae Nijima.

Akechi had known that she was likely to be there; after all, Sae may hate losing just as much as he did. It was logical she wanted to get the full scoop, but Akechi knew she wasn’t imperative to the plan in the least, or at least actively. She was just an inconvenience at best. Hopefully, she’s a bit more bearable after they go back to truly steal her heart. Akira was smart about that one; the idea of hiding her treasure from the PT in all the chaos was brilliant; at least they had an escape route as this went down. With Sae’s palace still intact (Akechi had checked beforehand), they could easily slip away since it’s no doubt tied to the interrogation rooms in some sense. She’s helpful in that aspect.

“Akechi-Kun…does this phone look familiar to you?” Sae said, asked, but Akechi can tell it’s more than suspicious as she held out Akira’s phone to him. It’s beaten up, but that’s nothing new since Akira is hardly careful with it, instead often using it as a fidgeting toy rather than a means of communication. Akechi has witnessed him dropping it far more than once. It’s a miracle it still worked.

But, Akechi undoubtedly is confused by this; why is Sae-san showing him Akira’s phone? What is her game? What is the point? It’s a phone; He doesn’t get it. It’s a random question and presentation. It takes him off guard because it’s so out of the expectations from her, “That is…”

“The Phantom Thieve’s leader’s phone. I believe you’ll need it for your investigation.” Sae said curtly, depositing the phone into Akechi’s hands. Akechi wonders if the change of heart did work, the treasure is still in the palace, so the Palace is still intact. Yet, Akechi feels a shift in Sae. It’s interesting. He wonders, could people change despite the act of stealing the treasure?

“I’ll take this with me, thanks; I was working with them, so I don’t anticipate I’ll need it, but thank you.” Akechi nodded, keeping his demeanor calm and professional as he tries to figure out what Sae is doing. This isn’t in Sae’s nature. Sae is brash, yet what difference is the phone gonna make?

She stared at him far too long before she nods, “Good luck.”

Akechi nodded back, and she walks off. Her heels clicking on the linoleum floor. He waits till she is far enough away till he can walk to Akira’s interrogation room. He briefly wondered what he even told her; he’d have to ask later once they get out of this. He spared the phone in his hands a glance before slipping it into his pocket and approaching the guard.

The guard is one of theirs…Shido’s at least. Akechi has his orders, and the guard has his. He knows them, and the guard knows them. The guard hands him the gun; he gave the guard a nod before he’s about to open the door, but Akechi paused as part of his plan that he is sure will work.

“Akechi-san?” The guard asked, confused by his pause.

“I would advise, once you make your report, that you should take your family for a nice long trip…I hear the states are lovely this time of year,” Akechi said quietly, sparing him a serious look, hoping the guard gets his insinuation but to push it home, he tilts his head down at the gun. After all, part of Akechi’s orders was to take out any witnesses.

The guard’s face blanched because Akechi knows he’s not stupid. The guard doesn’t reply but gives a curt nod, and Akechi sees the fear in his eyes. Most of them realize how far Shido will go but don’t have this opportunity to escape. The opportunity he doesn’t have yet.

Akechi opened the door to the darkroom and quickly shuts it behind him. He knows what the plan is, and all the actors are in position. Akira is sat at the interrogation desk, the guard outside is listening for the cue, and Akechi knows precisely what he needed to do.

In one quick motion, he unholsters his gun and shoots, just as planned. Methodical, carefully.

“Bam, you’re dead. Congrats.” Akechi laughed with a smug grin; it’s crude but a practical plan after all; he is sure the guard won’t be able to tell the difference. The guard is probably too scared out of his mind to tell the difference. Or simply won’t care as he fears for his own safety. Either way, the guard will do what he wants, hopefully. They had somewhat of an unspoken mutual agreement after all.

Akira’s form slammed into the table with a louder bang than the bullet into the wall behind him, his head hitting the surface with force and his hands slamming the metal surface.

Akechi’s smile dropped immediately at the sound, and everything suddenly feels like it’s underwater as the sound of Akira’s head hitting the metal table resonates around him in an awful dissonance. There isn’t sound in the interrogation room afterward, save for the fast echoing beating of Akechi’s heart felt like it was far away. There is rushing in his ears like a multitude of waves around them, the smoke from the gun moving in hazy circles around him. And he’s frozen at the scene, unable to move an inch as his eyes are tied to Akira’s form.

Blood splattered all over the table in an awful display from where Akira hit the table, his eyes unfocused yet wide open in the dim light of the interrogation room. Dead. Dead eyes. There is no movement from Akira, no fall of his chest, no twitch of his hand. Nothing. Akira is dead in front of him, dead on the table, splayed out like some poached bird. He’s not breathing; he’s not moving.

Akechi has only killed in the Metaverse, yet this is something completely different. Akira doesn’t dissipate like the shadows do. He laid there unmoving, in a puddle of his own blood, skin white against the contrast.

Dead, he’s dead. The utter horror of the situation crushes Akechi like an avalanche; Akechi knew he was a good shot, he knows how to not miss his mark, and the opposite went as well. Akechi knew exactly how to miss his mark. Yet, the blood staining Akira’s perfectly still face suggests otherwise. The bits of brain matter on the chair behind Akira indicate otherwise. The lack of Akira’s snark and humor suggest otherwise.

The lack of life in Akira suggests otherwise.

“No, no, no no, no.” Akechi shook his head, but he can’t hear the frantic whispers coming out of his mouth because this isn’t happening; he knows he hit the wall; he heard it! But the wall behind Akira is intact.

He feels like his head is about to pop, like he is too far underwater, and the pressure has built up too much. All these years of Shido’s manipulation weigh on him. All the years of following his own justice. Is this what he has become? Is this the price he had to pay? Willing to kill the one who matters most to him to get his revenge on his father? Is this really the path he chose to make? Had his hand just decided for him at the last moment? Moved against its master’s will? Does Shido genuinely have that much influence over his autonomy?

Margaret had said once in her crisp voice, narrowed gold eyes and a pleasant smile that didn’t’ reach her eyes, that he should be careful what he wished for. Is this what she meant? Had she known the price he would pay?

Akechi blinked at the thought, and the scene is suddenly gone. There is no blood on the table, there is a bullet hole in the wall, Akira is still lying face down on the table, but there is no blood and nothing to indicate anything had gone wrong with his shot. There is no blood; Akechi didn’t shoot him. Akechi missed like planned; Akechi hit the wall as planned. Everything was exactly as they had planned.

“What the f*ck?” Akechi murmured to himself. It felt so real, the terror, the image of the blood, it was so real. Was Akechi so stressed his mind was playing tricks on him? What the f*ck just happened? Has he finally gone mad? Has Loki ultimately influenced his mind?

“Yes, sir, the deed has been done…I will alert the coroner.” He heard the guard outside talking on the phone in quiet whispers before footsteps carry down the hallway. Akechi isn’t paying too much attention to him because Akira is still lying on the table, not moving.

“Kurusu,” Akechi called out to him, hoping he would perk back up, laugh, and make some joke about how pale Akechi is like he just saw a ghost. The stupidest joke but Akechi will begrudgingly accept it because Akira is far too still, just like the strange vision. Akechi won’t admit he is shaken, and he just needs Akira to prove it, “Kurusu…”

Akira still does not move, forehead parallel to the table.


No twitch in his form, no movement.

“Akira!” Akechi hissed, hoping Akira is just playing with him; it’s just a prank since Akira is an asshole who would do such a thing. Akira would pretend he was dead till the last bitter moment to get a rise of someone.

But it’s been too long for this joke to have gone on, and Akechi knows he isn’t pretending.

Akechi hastily skids to the side of Akira’s seat when he realized Akira is not going to respond to him and kneels down beside him, his knees hitting the ground. He throws the gun onto the table carelessly, and he less than gently turn’s Akira’s face away from the table to get a better look and is not expecting what he finds. Yet, he should have expected it in the first place.

Akira’s face is beaten up bad, colorful bruises bloom across his cheekbones, only worsening his deeply sunken eyes. His skin is far paler and clammy than it is usually or should be. His eyes lashes flutter against his waxy cheeks, his eyebrows are pinched, and Akechi can hear the uneven breaths on his lips as a cold sweat runs down his face.

“sh*t. sh*t, sh*t.” Akechi cursed because he should have anticipated this. He should have anticipated how f*cked up the system was and how they would treat a so-called ‘criminal’ he should know. That Shido would have tried to pull something. But this was Akira. And for some reason, those two things didn’t correlate with him. He doesn’t even want to think about the lengths these interrogators went with Akira before he got there. Akira had promised him everything would go well. In what universe was this well?

He ripped off his glove and pressed his fingers against Akira’s neck, checking his pulse. It’s almost a relief that he has a pulse after Akechi had that weird vision earlier, believing he wasn’t. Still, despite Akira not being conscious, his pulse is racing far too fast for this state without there being an underlying problem.

“God f*cking damnit.” Akechi hissed, retracting his fingers and biting his lips in trepidation as he tries to come up with a plan. They can’t go into the Metaverse like this; Akechi can’t transport Akira and stave off the Shadows safely. And Akechi knows that you can’t heal wounds from reality in the Metaverse. It doesn’t work like that. Meaning they have to exit through one of the side doors. The cameras aren’t on right now but, it provided its own risks. Akechi doesn't know if Shido had posted any other people in the building. It's a gamble.

A glint from below Akira’s chair caught his eye, a syringe innocently sitting there, and Akechi made the awful realization, the true heart-wrenching epiphany, they drugged him. Not only did they beat him, probably splashed something on him because his blazer is all wet, but they also drugged him with god knows what. Akechi gave Akira a hard shake, hoping or praying it makes him somewhat lucid, but it does no such thing, “Akira! Wake up!”

“He was drugged.” Sae’s voice forced him to snap his head away from Akira and back at the door. She stood there, her arms folded across her chest and a solemn look on her face. She looked at him with a hatred that she has never had towards him before. Evidently, she must know something. Great, another f*cking wrench in Akira’s god-awful plan. And Akira isn’t even conscious of taking responsibility for it.

“Wow, Sae, very astute statement there. I came to that conclusion myself from the f*cking syringe on the ground.” Akechi growled, feeling the frustrations of their plan going completely off rail. What is he supposed to do with Sae? And with Akira like this? There are too many things going absolutely wrong. He might actually assassinate someone tonight.

“Frustrated? Did I interrupt your assassination plot, Akechi?” Sae spat, narrowing her eyebrows at him.

“Yes, and if you don’t mind, I would like to get on with it.” Akechi sneered, allowing his true personality to bleed through with the rolling frustrations. He still needs to develop a plan to get Akira out of here, and Sae is only going to make things harder. What is he supposed to do with her? She might be helpful later on, but not in this sense of context.

“I won’t let you! If you kill him, I’ll reveal you to everyone! I know exactly what you did, Goro Akechi. The true culprit.” Sae declared, whipping out her phone, “I’m recording this, so think very carefully what you say. And don’t you think about touching that gun.”

“True Culprit?” Akechi echoed, completely confused by the accusation, “What did he tell you?”

“The black mask, infiltrating the palaces and causing the Mental Shutdowns and Psychotic breakdowns.” Sae stated, her eyes hard, as she holds the phone up with a threatening aura, “I know it all, Akechi.”

Akechi bit his lip, his eyes narrowing. Sae had interrogated him, and Akira told her all that? Akira didn’t even say to his friends, why would he tell Sae? Was his real goal to take Akechi down? Was everything that Akira did a lie? Maybe Akira really was working for Shido. Is this a setup? Sae wasn’t a part of their plan past using her palace.

Or did Akira have a plan of his own, in case theirs had gone awry as it so obviously did?

“He didn’t even have to say your name. I put it together just as easily with all the facts.” Sae laughed harshly, “I’m taking you to jail.”

“Wait…are you on his side?” Akechi asked dumbly, still conflicted about what Akira revealed, but Akira didn’t technically rat him out. He ignored that part for a bit because there are other pressing issues to deal with, such as Akira probably desperately needing medical attention or at least somewhere to rest that isn’t this terrible interrogation room. He thought Sae was a hindrance, she was arrogant, and she was a hypocrite, but right now, Sae is his only plan begrudgingly. He holds up his hands to show he is unarmed as he had set his gun on the table earlier. He doesn’t like asking for help, but right now, Akira was the only thing that mattered so he took a leaf out of Akira's book and took a gamble, “If you are on his side, you need to help me get him out now.”

Sae’s resolve faltered, her eyes losing some of the harshnesses in confusion, “I don’t understand.”

“This was an assassination plot indeed, but it is not what you think. I needed my boss to think Kurusu-Kun, the leader of the phantom thieves, was dead. We planned to stage a suicide, I was to come to assassinate Kurusu-Kun, but he and I had a plan of our own.” Akechi explained slowly, keeping his hands up and trying to keep his voice as level as he can since he knows his usual snarky mannerisms will get them absolutely nowhere. “And you are very much compromising this plan.”

“You…your boss?” Sae echoed, her face scrunching up, and Akechi prays she believes him, “Who is your boss?”

“Masayoshi Shido,” Akechi answered, venom in his tongue. It’s a good thing the cameras in the interrogation room are perpetually not working—the only good thing about this situation. Right now, everything is riding on Sae taking his word at face value.

“Shido…” Sae echoed again, lowering her phone. “Masayoshi Shido.”

“Look, believe me or not, I don’t care, but for the love of God, can we talk about this somewhere else? Kurusu-kun is not in good health and desperately needs some sort of first aid attention, preferably now.” Akechi sighed in frustration, looking back at Akira, hoping for some kind of change. There isn’t; Akira still looks worse for wear and dead to the world. Akechi shivered, death never seemed to bother him so much before, but that moment had felt so real. He still has no idea what happened. He won’t admit he’s freaked out, but he is sure what happened wasn’t normal.

“You…you are telling the truth. You’re a double agent…triple agent?” Sae breathed in shock, carefully sliding her phone back into her pocket, her form easing from tension. Akechi doesn’t know what he did to make Sae believe him, but he’ll take it. Small graces. Maybe Sae isn’t wholly unreasonable. Perhaps they did have an effect on her.

“Kurusu-kun, Kurusu-kun wake up.” Akechi tried again, he knows it’s futile, but this would go a lot smoother if Akira could cooperate with them. He knows it’s the dead of night, but it’s a lot less suspicious not carrying someone. He still isn’t unsure if it’s safe enough to go through the front or back. But can he really take Akira into the Metaverse like this? With Sae here, too, is the Metaverse a viable option anymore?

“He was really out of it during the investigation; it’s a miracle he made it as long as he did.” Sae frowned, cautiously approaching the table as she probably didn’t wholly trust Akechi yet. Akechi doesn’t care; he just needs a little. She folded her arms again in concern as she eyed Akira’s form while explaining, “I barely got the whole story; I thought he was going to pass out a few times. The investigators…”

“What did they drug him with?” Akechi growled in a fury; how dare they? He knew the system was corrupt before, but to abuse a minor so horribly. And he was only a suspect. The little faith he didn’t have in the system was lost very, very quickly.

“I don’t know.” Sae shook her head, with a look of remorse on her face, and Akechi knows she is on Akira’s side at least. That could be enough. “They said it was truth serum yet; I wouldn’t believe that.”

“Those bastards.” Akechi snarled; Akira is alive for now, but why wouldn’t Shido just poison him behind Akechi’s back, too, like he did Okumura? It’s clear Shido didn’t trust him and was just leading him on. Why would this be different? His shoulders shake in anger, anger at Shido for doing this, angry at Akira for coming up with this god-awful plan and telling Sae everything, and anger at himself for just going along with this without considering what could have happened. This was clearly the worst-case scenario when they couldn’t afford to have the worst-case scenario. But then again, it would have been worse if Akira overdosed such small victories that didn’t feel like much; Akechi shook Akira’s hard with a frustrated growl. “KURUSU, WAKE YOUR ASS UP RIGHT NOW.”

“H-hey! Akechi! Shaking him harder isn’t going to he—“

Akira shoots up with a gasp, his chest heaving and his hands flying to his forehead wildly and his eyes wide.

“Well, I guess I stand corrected…” Sae muttered as she shook her head in disbelief.

“Kurusu-kun. We need to get out of here right now. Can you get up?” Akechi firmly asked, settling his hand on Akira’s shoulder to ground him. He is silently relieved at Akira’s sudden revival. Yet, Akira seemed to be the complete opposite as he flings Akechi’s hand off his shoulder in a sudden bought of aggression.

“Don’t touch me!” Akira cried out in a warbled voice, his eyes still hazy as he pushes himself off the chair to the ground and clumsily scoots himself against the wall, incoherently mumbling the entire way. But Akechi can make out the particular phrase, “Don’t touch me,” being repeated over and over.

“Kurusu-Kun…” Akechi murmured, stunned by the action as this might be the most upset he has ever seen Akira. It’s like Akira was suffering from the fear ailment, except they aren’t in mementos. Akira’s curled into himself, clutching at his hair with an urgency, unlike how he has fiddled with his hair before. It’s not a comforting sight.

“He’s very confused…” Sae frowned unhelpfully; Sae is just full of such astute statements today that arent’ remotely helpful. Akechi can see Akira is confused or at least isn’t coherent as of right now. Sae continues, “I noticed it when I came in; they beat him up pretty badly. He managed to keep up with my questioning…but I think that the exhaustion and drugs are messing with his mind.”

“Assholes, they’ll pay for this,” Akechi growled as he carefully walked around the chair to the wall that Akira is curled up against, repeating his mantra over and over again while gripping at his hair tightly.

“My car is out back; if we can get up upright and out to my car, we can take him…to Leblanc,” Sae suggested, carefully crouching beside Akira as well on the other side. A motherly sort of look on her face that completely takes Akechi off guard since all he’s known from Sae is some sort of mix of resting bitch face and annoyance. Akechi is baffled how Akira managed to charm Sae into thinking of him as a person rather than all the investigators that chose to beat Akira up.

Maybe Sae really did have a change of heart.

“No, Leblanc is too dangerous right now; we’ll take him back to my apartment.” Akechi shook his head; the phantom thieves can’t know yet; their reaction needs to be genuine when they receive the news. Shido could be watching; he knows. It needs to be genuine; it needs to trick them just in case. But he’s a little selfish too; he doesn’t want to face them yet, especially with Akira in this state.

“Right under Shido’s nose. Smart.” Sae nodded, before adding with a scowl, "Regardless I am still going to keep tabs on you."

“‘M fading. Fading. Disappearing. Please. Please no. Fading.” Akira muttered, over and over, shaking his head back and forth, his eyes clenched shut as he repeats his changed mantra over and over. Mindless of what is going on in the current moment.

“Fading?” Akechi wondered where that had come from, why had the mantra changed from before?

“Dissociation, it can be an effect of being drugged. It’s the feeling of you aren’t quite in your body, but I imagine one could feel it as fading out in some sense.” Sae explained with a stern frown, “He really doesn’t look good; we need to go now.”

Sae knows something has changed, something in her, something with this entire situation, and something in Akechi. She heard Akira’s story through, or at least the gist of it. It was hard to believe another world existed, but Akira’s storytelling was sporadic, and he went off on tangents which made it hard to put pieces together. Sae attributed it to the drugs in his system; she can hardly blame him. But, when it got to her calling card, and he had said they had finished her palace, she wondered if that meant they had stolen her heart?

She doesn’t feel different, yet she feels completely different. She knows she is still herself, but instead of the anger and spite that has been her main focus the past few months, she only feels regret and grief from her actions. Sae knows she hasn’t been honest in her investigations, and she crossed a lot of boundaries. And that’s one, no one but her. Everything piled up on her, and she lost control. Her Dad’s death, raising her younger sister, trying to balance her home life and career, the unfair standards her job and social status put on her to succeed. She just wanted to make things work.

Sae knows she has been unfair, and she knows the world has been unjust to her. Sae knows she has been unfair to herself. She clutched the steering wheel tighter as she tried to focus on the road ahead of her. There are more important things at work than her mental breakdown right now.

The fact a literal serial killer was in her backseat didn’t seem to aggravate her as much as she thought it would. But maybe that’s because, for some bizarre reason, she trusted Akechi to an extent. She hasn’t gotten the whole story quite yet, but he hasn’t attempted anything and had begrudgingly cooperative. She has been running all the scenarios in the back of her mind, but she can’t imagine Akechi will try anything.

Akechi is different; when she first met Akechi, there was always something off about him. He was young for one, only a little older than Makoto. Sae hadn’t thought he would be helpful in the least. But Akechi surpassed that expectation, always bringing up thoughtful and carefully thought points. Sae wondered if that is what he really was or if he only brought up those points because he actually knew what was going on. Regardless, Akechi had always been polite, charismatic, hardworking, and determined. Sae had always been wary of him. He was always too good.

“I am going to kill you myself, Akira Kurusu. You better sleep with two eyes open after this; I’ll really end you for good.” Akechi murmured under his breath in an irritated tone in the backseat of her car, his brow scrunched up and a snarl in his lips. He looked as tense as one could be as one, Akira Kurusu, rested restlessly on his lap.

Yet despite Akechi’s heated words and his newly revealed rude and aggressive personality, Sae believes what Akechi had said was true, that this had all been a plan to trick Masayoshi Shido. After all, if it wasn’t, why was Akechi so concerned about Akira Kurusu’s state? She can see through the passive-aggressiveness. Akechi was far different than she imagined him to be, but even she can see how genuine he is now, like pulling back the nicely done wallpaper to see the ragged one beneath.

She ignores all sorts of logic because she can feel everything is not what it seems, and this time, she won’t judge Akechi so quickly without the facts. He has a lot to explain, but she’ll agree that helping Akira comes first in this circ*mstance.

“Take a right here,” Akechi commanded from the backseat once they come up to a cross-section.

“Got it.” Sae nodded, gently guiding the car into the turn.

“Sae, I need you to promise me you won’t tell your sister,” Akechi added quickly afterward as if he had just remembered something. “It’s bad enough, you know.”

“Excuse me?” Sae sputtered at the request when she puts together the context of what he is asking. “You are asking me to withhold from my sister that her friend is not dead?”

“The whole point of this operation was so that people would think he was dead,” Akechi responded in a blunt tone. As if it were the most logical thing. “When the news breaks, they have to believe it.”

“I’m not gonna lie to my sister!” Sae gasped because she knows how Makoto is and if this went down how she thinks it did, her sister will be very, very upset.

“Oh, like you already haven’t been?” Akechi retorted with snark as he rolled her eyes at her. “Late nights at the office? Falsifying evidence? Setting up innocent people as guilty only so you could get all the glory? Tell me, Sae, do you truly not see the damage you have done? How you contributed to the already f*cking flawed system?”

“That’s—” Sae grunted because she can’t deny she has done that. She had taken justice into her own hands, and she knows it was wrong. She regrets the actions she took and that it will definitely affect the validity of her convictions later down her career and the justice system's validity. She f*cked up; she knows that. And it’s not something she can quickly fix. She became the one thing she had sworn to fight against.

“Look, we are both sh*tty people,” Akechi added unhelpfully when Sae turned her head when they reached the red light to glare at him. Sae cannot believe he is trying to compare their circ*mstances.

“You are arguably sh*ttier than me,” Sae told him in all earnestly.

“Are we really doing this right now? Are you that petty?” Akechi dryly laughed, “It’s for her own safety. They need to think he’s dead; everyone needs to think he is dead as a precaution. Just long enough that Shido will believe it too, to believe the Phantom Thieves have broken up since my word only carries so far. It is clear I don’t know where Shido has eyes, he may or may not know the Phantom Thieves’ identities, and it’s not a risk we are willing to take. This is precautionary.”

Sae hated she saw the logic in that.

“And if you drive any slower, then he really will be dead!” Akechi scowled at her even harder with a frustrated accusation.

“It’s a red light! What do you want me to do, run a red light? Because that won’t raise suspicions, Akechi?” Sae scoffed before frowning when it turns green, “How is he?”

“What do you think?” Akechi answered with no heat, turning back to Akira.

“What about the underground doctor that he knows? Should we arrange something with her?” Sae offered, keeping her driving speed steady to not attract any attention, but it’s difficult when she is just as worried. Akira had looked bad during the interview, but she had to press for the details; she had to get the whole story. She wonders if she had put too much pressure on him.

Akechi is silent for a few moments, as she takes a glance back to see him deep in thought, his eyes steady on Akira’s face before he answered, “No, it’s dangerous…regardless of what she would say, we don’t know what he was drugged with. She couldn’t give him anything since there is the possibility it would mix with whatever is in his system. I know intermediate first aid, so I can patch up the physical wounds. Unfortunately, it comes down to the waiting game.”

“You and him…” Sae started but paused, thinking about how to phrase this, “have an interesting relationship.”

“We are colleagues after the same goal, nothing else,” Akechi stated, and Sae doesn’t buy a word of it. Not with the way Akira had gone on and on about Akechi during the interview and not with how Akechi has been hovering over him since.

“Yeah, uh-huh.” Sae muttered, “And what would that goal be?”

“To take Masayoshi Shido down.” Akechi said, with the most conviction that has been spoken this evening. Sae can’t help but trust the spite in his tone.

Jose hasn’t seen Akira in a while, nor the rest of his gang. He isn’t quite sure how much time has gone by, but it’s enough that he is missing the other’s presence. Jose wonders if this is what humans call loneliness, but Jose isn’t human, so can he really label it as such? He knows it’s something he could deal with; it’s not as if he had companions like Akira did. And it didn’t bother him usually. He was independent.

Yet, Jose can’t smother the curiosity about why Akira hasn’t been around in a while. Akira usually comes to him, ergo it was time for him to go to Akira. It was only natural; Jose valued their friendship. Therefore he would cross the barrier of Mementos and the human world. He had learned that relationships are a two-way street; it made sense since there were always two in a relationship. Jose wanted to do his part as well since he viewed Akira as a very dear friend.

“Ugh, what are you doing here?” Caroline muttered, from her usual position by the blue door, a hand on her hip and her eyes glaring at him as he makes his way up to the exit of mementos.

“Hi, Caroline!” Jose greeted her brightly as he always did, despite knowing it never really changed her mood. Jose understands, though, he would be bored too if he had to stand around a door for however long her shift was. Caroline usually hung out around Mementos' top floor as Jose knows she has some role in helping Akira out. Sometimes Justine is with her, and sometimes it’s just Caroline. Jose always tries to make pleasant talk with her as he can imagine it must be terribly dull to just stand around up here, “How are you doing today? Did you know humans use the term day within this greeting specifying how the person is feeling this specific period of time? Isn’t it silly?”

“Yeah…Sure.” Caroline grunted, folding her arms, rolling her eyes at him in her usual fashion, “Did you come up here to bother me? I have important business to do. You are just disrupting me. Why don’t you move along, shortstack.”

“No.” Jose shook his head as he wandered closer but remained a respectful distance, “I haven’t seen Akira in a while, so I’m going to find him! He always visits me here, so I thought I’d go visit him in the human world. I will admit, I haven’t been to the human world in a very long while, so I’m really excited. I want to see how accurate everything I learned was.”

“You’re going to the human world to find the inmate?” Caroline blinked, seemingly surprised by this information, her arms falling to her side and her golden eyes growing large. She tapped her shoe on the ground in a hurried rhythm.

“Mhmm!” Jose nodded his head excitedly before tilting his head, “Do you want to go with me? Surely you could take a break for a while. It could be fun!”

Caroline doesn’t answer, her lips pursed before turning away and stomping his foot, “Why should I? It’s not like I care about the inmate. He never comes to the velvet room anymore unless the master calls him. Doesn’t he know he is our prisoner? He doesn’t just get to come willy nilly! He’s avoiding his rehabilitation!”

“Aw, I’m sure he has his reasons, Caroline. Akira taught me that sometimes someone can’t be with you all the time, but that doesn’t mean your friendship isn’t valid. If you still value the relationship, I’m sure things will work out.” Jose tried to reassure her, but he thinks Akira is far more eloquent with words than he is. He’d like to study the human vocabulary more; maybe when he finds Akira, he can ask him about it. Akira is a busy person, so Jose is sure he wasn’t ignoring Caroline in person. Akira was too nice to do that.

“It’s stupid. He’s stupid; what a fool. I don’t care.” Caroline pouted, folding her arms and tapping her arms impatiently, “I don’t want to go to the human world; let Justine deal with it. Humans are stupid anyways. Weak things.”

“Ok then.” Jose nodded, not pressing the issue. He wouldn’t disturb Caroline’s focused sentry post outside the glowing blue door. “I suppose I will see you later. Ah, human terms.”

“Just get out of here.” Caroline growled at him and looked away, “And don’t bug me when you come back. Unlike you, I have very, very important business to do!”

“Alright, Bye, Caroline.” Jose waved, giving her one last glance before leaving the metaverse. She looked back at him longingly, but her face grew red, and she turned away—a sad expression crossing her face. Jose wonders if he could do anything about that.

He would ask Akira once he found him.

The first thing Jose doesn’t understand about the human world is subway systems. He didn’t think anyone actually rode the subways! It’s fascinating to see all the humans line up outside of the trains, waiting to board. The subway systems in mementos never had people or train cars, for that matter. Just a track and stations. This had to be what Mementos was modeled off of. However, he doesn’t understand why? Humans obviously attributed something to the train systems to model their cognitive world off them.

“Fascinating.” Jose nodded as if he understood, but he doesn’t understand at all. How did the people know when the train would come? Would they just be waiting endlessly until a train came? The trains in mementos were rare and few and only really further down.

Jose frowned as he watched them all idly waiting. It seemed like a boring existence, just to constantly wait for something that you may never know will come. Something that was never a certainty. If Jose had to label that feeling, maybe, hopelessness? He wonders if that is the right word. It would be helpful if he could cross-reference it. Regardless, he has no idea why humans constrain themselves to such things. Why would someone restrain themselves to such limiting situations?

“Oh.” Jose realized something at this moment, seeing all the humans bustle around him in the station. Finding Akira may be more complicated than he once thought. There were so few humans that could travel to the Metaverse, finding Akira was easy there. But here? Perhaps this will be more complicated than he first thought. Yet, he will persist since Akira always seemed to find him. He could do the same.

So, Jose begins walking around, seeing as that is how he finds Akira usually, it made sense that he would follow that same logic here. Akira had to be around here somewhere.

“Did you hear? They say the leader of the Phantom Thieves committed suicide.”

“Of course, I heard, it’s all over the news. Honestly, he deserved it, after what happened to Okumura?”

“Yeah, who would have thought. Serves him right.”

Conversation echoes around him, louder than the shadows bickering in the metaverse. The leader of the Phantom Thieves? He wonders what that is about. Though, he knows Human current events are lost on a spectator like him.

“I wonder. I found him by driving around the Metaverse…if the Subways are connected to the Metaverse, should I be using the trains to find Akira?” Jose wonders, tilting his head as he watched everyone wait at the platform. He frowned, “But won’t I be waiting forever then?”

Just as the words left his mouth, the train pulled up to the platform, and the doors opened. People started piling in.

“Oh, I guess not? How interesting.”

Shinya missed the shot; he has missed a lot of shots in this solo campaign with himself. He didn’t want to ask his friends to come because Shinya thought they would just be a distraction to his today. His mind is his biggest distraction; he is his own worst enemy in this game. Shinya tried, very hard to angle his shot, to score a few points before the session was over, even though his score would hardly be as high as some of the rest of them. It was pointless anyway. What was the point of trying when he is just going to lose anyway?

He missed the shot again, didn’t even get close again. Another game lost.

“f*ck!” Shinya growled, throwing the controller onto the console with a loud bang. His teeth gnashing at the frustration of missing once more when he was supposed to be the king. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He was supposed to be good at Gun About; it was supposed to be second nature to him. It had been his sanctuary for years, yet he can’t make a single shot today.

“Hey, no, you can’t do that.” One of the employees scolded him, hands on hips with angry eyes, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Shinya.”

“f*ck you too!” Shinya swore at him, flipping him off before jetting out the arcade doors. He didn’t want to deal with the employee, and at least one didn’t have his mother’s phone number. It doesn’t matter; he was finished playing today anyways. It wasn’t like he was getting anywhere, and there was no one to play with. He turns the corner of the arcade into the alleyway of Akihabara but stopped near one of the walls, unable to go any further.

What does it matter? What does anything matter?

He lost; he was supposed to be a winner, but he lost. Akira had taught him that losing was just a new beginning, that losing wasn’t bad, and, in the end, could make you stronger. Shinya knows that, but how is he supposed to believe it?

Akira is dead.

Shinya feels the tears he’s been so desperately trying to hold back surge forward. He scrubbed at his eyes as if it would change anything. Crying wouldn’t fix anything. Crying has never fixed anything and was a sign of weakness. He was almost 13; he shouldn’t be crying like a child anymore.

Shinya had seen the news the other day; he had seen the news when he was walking by the crossing in the golden hour where everyone was getting home from work. It was on the enormous screens, projecting over the crossing lanes. Clear and distinct.

‘The leader of the Phantom Thieves has committed suicide while in custody.’

‘The leader of the Phantom Thieves was dead.’

Akira was gone, dead.

Shinya can’t believe it. Shinya doesn’t want to believe it, but all he can feel is the overwhelming grief riddling his form. The way his toes curl at the fact he will never be able to play gun about with Akira again. His knees shake like jelly at never being able to go to Akira for advice again. And his fingers clench around his shoulders, knowing that Akira did not commit those crimes. Yet, he died as the criminal he wasn’t. Akira lost, but what new beginning could even come from that?

He slid down the wall in the alleyway away from the public, curling in on himself. Shinya remembers when his dad left, he had never come home, and Mom had to explain to him what happened. But Shinya never remembers being this sad over him. His dad didn’t care. It was evident. It hurt, but at the end of the day, his dad left.

But Akira cared about him. Akira hung out with him when no one his age would. Akira put up with his childish behaviors, often playing along with himself. Akira took him out to dinner when Shinya knew there wasn’t anyone waiting at home with a meal. Akira took the time out of his day to make sure Shinya had the company he needed.

Akira was like the brother he never had.

“f*ck. f*ck.” Shinya sobbed into his knees, making sure the swears were muffled, but what did they matter anyway?

And he can’t even explain to his mother why he is so broken up. Why he struggled to sleep last night, why he didn’t want to go to school. Why he didn’t want to face life. Why he is so much more upset over practically nothing compared to his own father leaving.

“Are you sad?” A voice broke through his sobs and stops them immediately as he whipped his head up to meet larger golden ones, blinking at him curiously. It’s a kid, way younger than him, with silverish hair and a large overcoat with goggles hanging around his neck. It’s a strange look, but this is Akihabara. Why wouldn’t there be a kid dressed as a spelunker wandering around?

“N-No.” Shinya shook his head in denial, scrubbing at his eyes in denial. It’s embarrassing to be seen like this by a kid younger than him on top of already feeling sh*tty. He doesn’t want to deal with anyone. He doesn’t want anyone to see him like this.

“You were crying…I think?” The kid tilted his head in curiosity, “I’ve never seen tears before. I’ve heard about them, though; humans cry when they are sad, isn’t that right? Are you really not sad?”

“f*ck off, what does it matter to you!” Shinya glared at him; this kid is too blunt.

“f*ck off? What does that mean?” The kid blinked at him, those large owlish eyes refusing to leave Shinya, and Shinya wonders how old this kid is. He looks really young, but his voice is too confident to be what age Shinya assumed he should be. A smile widens on his lips, “Oh! It must be another word I’ve never heard of. Would you explain it to me so I can add it to my vocabulary?”

“It’s—its—” Shinya felt his face redden at the idea of teaching this kid a swear word. He knows how bad it can be; he swears, but he also has morals, and teaching a kid who looks like he could be six was not something he knows he should do. “Nothing, it’s nothing…”

“Nothing. What an interesting definition.” The kid smiled brightly before offering out his hand, “I forgot to introduce myself! I know it’s customary, but often there isn’t most to introduce myself to. My name is Jose; what is yours?”

Shinya blinked at him, surprised by this entire interaction. Jose does look like he could be six, but he talks as if he is far older. His voice is so articulate. Not a stutter, not a mumble. Regardless of if his bluntness, he has politeness about him. Shinya pushed away his grief; perhaps it would be better to get to the bottom of who this Jose is first. He shakes Jose’s hand, “I’m Shinya Oda.”

“Shinya! Nice to meet you.” Jose smiled before blinking, “Wait, is it more customary to use last names if we aren’t acquainted? Hmm, I remember hearing that as well. Then should I be calling you, Oda-san?”

“Uh, no, it’s fine, I guess. I don’t mind. Just call me Shinya.” Shinya shook his head, confused. He has never really cared about formalities. “Do you have a last name?”

“Oh. No, I never understood the reason for them.” Jose shook his head and giggled, “Humans are so silly; why confuse people with a second name? I am Jose, so I don’t know why I should be someone else as well.”

“Humans?” Shinya murmured because is this kid for real? He talks as if he isn’t one, as if he is an alien or a foreigner. Is this kid cosplaying? Live-action roleplaying? If he was, he was really, extremely good at this.

“Oh, you aren’t crying!” Jose noticed, his golden eyes growing wider. “Does that mean you’re not sad anymore?”

Shinya let his face fall as he looked away as felt his heart sink again. “Just because you aren’t crying doesn’t mean you’re not sad. And if you are crying, it doesn’t always mean you are sad. People cry for different reasons.”

“They do?” Jose gasped, face surprised by the revelation.

Shinya nodded his head, “Sometimes people cry when they are happy too. People cry when they are sad, people cry when they are scared. People cry for what is beautiful. People cry for everything, really.”

“Why?” Jose wondered, putting the finger on his chin, “I don’t understand.”

“Sometimes, people just need to cry. Because if they didn’t cry, what would they do? To express how they feel?” Shinya wondered. He hasn’t really thought about it in depth. Why people cry versus people who don’t? He feels better and worse after he cries, but he doesn’t know if that is scientific or emotional. He wonders if Akira cried. Akira doesn’t seem like the person to cry; Akira was strong. But not strong enough, Shinya surmised. He feels the tears prickling at his eyes again at the thought.

“Oh, I understand.” Jose nodded as if he had just been revealed the secrets of the universe. “Crying is a way to tell someone how you feel. I guess if the expression isn’t enough, humans have to add something else.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Shinya shrugged, but he doesn’t really feel like getting into conversations he doesn’t have the heart for, “Shouldn’t you go back to your parents, Jose? I’m sure they are looking for you.”

“Parents? Are you talking about family structures?” Jose blinked at him as if he didn’t know what that was.

“Uh yeah, you know, the people you live with, the ones who raised you?” Shinya narrowed his eyes at Jose; tears were forgotten once more in exchange for disbelief with this kid who does not seem real in the slightest.

“Oh.” Jose said, before shaking his head, “I don’t have those. I don’t live with anyone. It’s just me.”

“Oh, you’re an orphan?” Shinya immediately feels his heart clench; he hadn’t meant to jump to assumptions.

“What’s an orphan?”

“Someone who doesn’t have parents that raised them.” Shinya clarified.

“I suppose I am then.” Jose nodded happily as if it were a good thing. Shinya is baffled by the response, but things aren’t adding up. Jose’s outfit isn’t dirty; in fact, it’s pristine and well kept. The hair on his head is neat and shiny. It’s a weird color for sure, silver? It can’t be natural, and someone had to have dyed it. But it’s not messy. Jose doesn’t look like an orphan; he doesn’t sound like an orphan.

“Do you have any siblings?” Shinya wondered because maybe he lived with one of them. “You know, people who live with you and uh, I guess are there for you? Who feeds you and makes sure you are housed?”

“Hmm.” Jose wondered thoughtfully, tilting his head up before shaking his head, “No, I don’t think. But there is someone I’m looking for who I supposed could be a sibling to me? He’s usually there for me, but I haven’t seen him in a while, so I’ve decided to look for him. He always brings me flowers!”

Shinya wonders if it’s another kid on the streets, he pushed himself off the alleyway wall. He certainly can’t go back to the arcade, but he doesn’t want to go home either. Jose piques his curiosity, and Shinya doesn’t want to let him just wander around Tokyo by himself.

“I can help you…What does he look like?” Shinya sighed; maybe he could distract his mind with this instead. Akira had helped people, so he would help people too. He could be like Akira and like the Phantom Thieves.

“Oh, you’ll help me look, Shinya? Thank you!” Jose giggled happily, “He’s twice my size, has really messy black hair. He wears a long black coat, red gloves, and a white mask.”

“Uh, are you sure?” Shinya narrowed his eyes at the kid. That’s who they are trying to find? Shinya has no idea where to start. It’s a description out of a comic book…or a creeper. Shinya skeptically added, “He seems kind of sketch.”

“Sketch?” Jose tilted his head, seemingly not knowing the definition of the word.

“Suspicious, dangerous…um, mistrustful?” Shinya tried to come up with synonyms since he wasn’t exactly sure how to define the word. It wasn’t every day he had to explain slang to someone.

“Oh, he’s nothing like that! He’s the person I trust most.” Jose reassured him. And Shinya definitely decided to help Jose because this kid might be too naïve for his own good.

Ryuji is livid. All of them are coping differently. Futaba has been silent as a mouse as well as Haru. Ryuji can’t imagine how she feels after losing her father as well; she doesn’t deserve the need to grieve for two beside her one. Yusuke hasn’t been eating well, nor is he much for conversation, instead favoring a forlorn look in down moments. Morgana just curls up when given a chance, his ears drooping. Ann is just as angry as he is, but more in a weepy way. Ryuji knows how upset she was when she nearly lost Shiho, so she hasn’t been taking the news very well about Akira’s ‘suicide.'. Makoto carried all their guilt for them as she apologized profusely about wanting to change Sae’s heart and her accusations against Akira. Ryuji is confused; he doesn’t know what went wrong and when it did.

Despite feeling helpless, The Phantom Thieves had all come up with varying opinions when most of them can form a coherent sentence. The worst of them being Akira might have killed himself based on his erratic behaviors in Sae’s Palace, pushing himself to the limits in both the high stakes games. But Ryuji fervently denies any of those opinions because Akira was reckless, and he often wasn’t careful, but that doesn’t mean he wanted to off himself. Ryuji knows Akira; Akira wouldn’t do that; he couldn’t have. Which led them to the only reasonable other explanation. The person who was missing when the ambush goes down and the only one who correlates with the policeman's words about being sold out.


It is an absolute stroke of luck that they end up all running into him in the corner of a Shibuya Alleyway adjacent to his commute home that Futaba totally didn’t piece together through security cameras and some algorithm without saying so much as a word. None of them know what they want to say, but Ryuji knows precisely what he wants to do.

Ryuji shoved Akechi against the wall roughly, putting his entire body weight into him. He is so angry that he feels like all of his other emotions, the hurt, grief, and agony from seeing that news broadcast seep away into pure unadulterated anger because it had to be Akechi. They all know Akechi was behind it. Akira would have never done that. Commit suicide? It’s absolute bullsh*t. Akira gets taken into custody and commits suicide the next day? They all know Akechi had set them up, all have reached the same conclusion that Akechi had a part to play with Akira’s death, and Ryuji is going to make sure he paid. Akechi was probably the black mask, after all. It’s all clear as day now.

“How f*cking dare you!?” Ryuji spat in his face, frustrated tears rolling down his face. Akechi is looking at him with a neutral face and cold eyes, and Ryuji’s heart clenched as he wonders what sort of expression Akechi gave Akira before brutally murdering him. Did Akechi not even care? Akira bent over backward for Akechi, expressed evident affection for the other, and yet Akechi still shot him in the head, making it seem like suicide to the general public so the Phantom Thieves can’t do so much as a thing without revealing who they are and what they know. It was all rigged against them. Akira trusted Akechi. They all had trusted Akechi. They had all thought Akechi was their friend; he was even their leader for a spell. And The Phantom Thieves had just let it happen; they had allowed Akechi to waltz in, set them up, and take Akira out.


“YOU DON’T GET TO CALL ME THAT!” Ryuji snarled at him, shoving him against the wall even harder; he struggled not to sob his next grievance and instead spat it in Akechi’s face, “YOU MURDERED MY BEST FRIEND!”

“Oh, the best friend you accused?! The best friend you branded the murderer?” Akechi scoffed, an incredulous look on his face as he regarded Ryuji with a nasty look and a smug smile. “You all placed the suspicion and blame on him. You all were so obsessed with the idea that he was the black mask yet, you let the real black mask walk right in without a problem to your little group. Huh? Bet you regret that now. I bet you regret not taking a step back and thinking of things objectively. You were blaming the sheep when the big bad wolf waltzed right in. You are all so painfully naive. And you have the nerve to get angry at me?”

Futaba let out a choked sob from where she is clutching Yusuke’s shirt. Yusuke is looking down at the ground with an angry look on his face, the same look of despair the rest of them had with his fists clenched at his sides. The guilt wracking through all of their hearts as Akechi’s words hammer into them. Because was he wrong?

“How—how could you—“ Ann whimpered, trying to keep composure, but they’ve all lost it at this point, “We trusted you! We—you…God, f*cking how could you!? He—”

“Quite easily, in fact, it’s not as if you all made it hard. He didn’t make it hard at all.” Akechi sneered, and Ryuji goes in for a punch to wipe the smug ass sneer off his face, but it’s sloppy and messy since he can’t see through the tears, so Akechi easily blocked it, grabbing Ryuji’s fist and pushing it and Ryuji away as he laughed at them all, “Didn’t you know? The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions.”

“How dare you!?” Makoto roared, but Haru, in her quiet grief, holds her back, “You—you monster!”

Akechi takes this swift moment to pull out his phone and make a quick text. Ryuji is heartbroken; this cold-hearted murderer treats this as if it’s nothing as if it’s an inconvenience. Akira is dead, and Ryuji doesn’t know what to do with this awful void in his chest. Ryuji’s form is shaking too violently, and he knows engaging in a fight is a bad idea. After all, they clearly don’t know what Akechi is capable of. They don’t even know who Akechi was. All this time they had taken Akechi's personality at face value, and it seemed he was a very good actor.

“Regardless. I think from now on, you should be very careful who you trust and where you place your suspicions. You’ve learned your lesson, right?” Akechi sighed as if he was scolding toddlers who didn’t know better. As if it was just a tiny mistake. How could Akechi be so heartless? Did he ever like Akira, or was he just stringing them along the entire time?

“YOU PIECE OF—“Makoto cried out, fury in her face, but she choked on the words before she can get them out, but she readied her fists anyways, breaking away from Haru’s grip on her. Makoto did know Aikido, so Ryuji let her as she has a better chance of doing real damage. But before she can make a move, All of their phones ding at once, signaling that someone had texted the group chat. Ryuji can’t imagine who besides Akechi since it seemed the other had just texted, but Ryuji can’t fathom why before Haru’s strangled cry breaks through his rage.

“You—you are sh*tting me.” Ann breathed, eyes wide and trained on the phone as her fingers start rapidly tapping on the screen.

Ryuji is beyond confused, so he took out his own phone and tapped the group chat notification, only to be met with Akira’s face and caption, ‘I lived, bitches.’ In the new group chat that had been made with all of them. Akechi and Akira included. There are a collective gasp and a clamoring dissonance of expressions with disbelief.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (35)

“Thank god.”

“That son of a—“

“I am going to kill him myself.”

“What the f*ck did you do to him?!” Ryuji sputtered because Akira’s picture looked ghastly. Bruises littered his cheeks, bandages slapped over the sides of his face, and dark circles underneath his eyes. His expression is entirely too smug. But he’s alive? Ryuji has no idea what washes over him. Relief that Akira apparently is not dead. A wave of newfound anger that Akira hadn’t told them he was not dead. Guilt that maybe Akira didn’t want to tell them he was alive.

“You thought he was dead two minutes ago, so I think it’s a rather big improvement!” Akechi scoffed, throwing up his arms in exasperation, “What will it take to please you all?”

“Akechi. What is going on? Is this a trick?! Would you really be so cruel?!” Makoto growled, demanding, not asking as she stepped closer into his personal space.

Akechi doesn’t answer, looking away with a stern look as he folded his arms. But upon closer inspection, it appeared he is scanning the area for something. Someone? Before he slowly answered, “Not here…We’ll explain back at my apartment.”

“And why should be believe anything you have to say?!” Morgana growled from beside Yusuke’s feet, the hairs on the back of his back rising. Can they really take Akechi’s words for face value?

“That’s where your friend is. Come or don’t, I don’t care. I’ve got nothing to prove.” Akechi scoffed, clutching his briefcase tighter before turning heel and walking down the alleyway without much as stopping.

“Wait, what do we do?” Ann looked at them all panicked.

“We follow him and kick both of their asses if this is true,” Ryuji growled, waiting no longer as they march after Akechi.

“I didn’t anticipate it would be this difficult.” Jose sighed as they reached the corner of the street. His newfound friend Shinya and he have been looking for Akira for a bit, but there aren’t any leads. Jose doesn’t understand why everyone they’ve asked has given them weird looks. Jose doesn’t think Akira was so out of the ordinary. “When I found him before, I just wandered around the tracks?”

“The Tracks?” Shinya asked him in confusion, “Is there some abandoned train tunnel you hide out in? Maybe that’s where you can find him?”

“No…” Jose shook his head; it wouldn’t be safe to take Shinya to Mementos, he knows that much, but even then, Jose doubts Akira would be down in Mementos right now, “He hasn’t been there for a while, which is why I came up here to look.”

Shinya sighed, digging his hands into his pockets and looking down at the ground. Jose had noticed Shinya’s mood dropping and dropping, Jose doesn’t know what happened, but he knows enough about humanity that Shinya is feeling upset. Just as he was before. Jose felt terrible, as this could possibly be his fault.

“Are you upset because we can’t find my friend? It’s ok; I’m sure he is around here something. He disappears sometimes, but he always comes back when I need him.” Jose assured him, patting his leg, he heard that humans sometimes chose to touch other human’s extremities in an offering of comfort. He doesn’t know how it works, but he hopes he did it right.

“No, it’s—” Shinya grunted, kicking his shoes into the ground much like what Caroline was doing earlier. Jose took note of this as an expression of something. Something he hasn’t entirely placed yet. He wonders if he can learn what it is from Shinya. “Just…my friend left. And I know he isn’t coming back.”

“I’m sure he will, Shinya!” Jose smiled brightly. “My friend said friends come and go, but that doesn’t mean the value of the relationships has changed. If you still value your friend, then have faith they will come back!”

Shinya gave him a look; it’s not entirely sad as much as it was strained, “It’s not like that…He’s not coming back…”

“Why?” Jose blinked at him, genuinely confused by Shinya’s finality.

“Because he’s dead,” Shinya barked, turning away. His shoulders raising.

“Dead?” Jose wondered because it’s not a word he heard before. “What does that mean?”

“It’s—” Shinya bit his lip, a look of confliction before sighing, “Nothing. It’s nothing…”

“Wow.” Jose gasped, “A lot of words in the human language mean nothing! I hadn’t even known! I wish I had something to keep track of this all. My friend bought me books, but they didn’t contain definitions.”

He wonders if such a thing exists. If so, he thinks it would be very knowledgeable to his studies if he could acquire it—another thing to ask Akira once they find him.

“If he liked books, I might know a place we could look.” Shinya muttered, starting to walk down the street towards the train station; Jose shuffles to keep up with him, “We’ll have to take the train, though.”

“Oh, that thing!” Jose nodded, a hint of delight in his voice because maybe he could ask Shinya about his inquiries. “Say, why do people wait endlessly for the train? Why don’t they just go where they want to?”

“What? You all look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Akira chuckled with that sly smile of his as he stands in the middle of Akechi’s apartment with his hands on his hips, clearly alive with corny jokes galore. Akira is alright. Semi-alright. But the rest of the Phantom Thieves aren’t.

“What the f*ck is going on?!” Ryuji demanded, as they all still lingered in Akechi’s doorway, unable to comprehend what the ever-loving f*ck was going on. Ryuji has no idea what to feel in this situation. Akira is alive. Akechi has something to do with this but also maybe the murders? And nothing is what it seemed, evidently. Ryuji doesn’t know if he wants to hug Akira or punch him. Though, his face for sure didn’t need another bruise as it was already black, blue, and yellow, which was concerning enough, “They said you were dead!”

“The rumors of my death were extremely and entirely exaggerated.” Akira smugly said as he tugged on his hair, not offering even an ounce of useful information except for the misconception that despite him not being actually dead, he looks like death.

“Ok, can you all get a hold of yourselves and stop blocking the goddamn doorway.” Akechi grunted, pushing between a paralyzed Yusuke and Ann after locking the door and scolding them, “He has risen, yay. Come in, take off your shoes, or whatever. Stop standing there like a bunch of frozen imbeciles.”

“Not a generous host, honey. You didn’t even offer them tea or something. Where did you learn your manners? Honestly. Go make tea for us.” Akira scoffed in a joking manner as if he were a housewife disappointed scolding their husband. A tone that does not fit the elephant in the room, the tension that not even a steak knife could cut.

“What am I, a cafe now? Go make tea for us? You think you can just order tea? It’ll cost you.” Akechi grunted from a reasonable distance from the rest of the Phantom Thieves, folding his arms in exasperation. “1000 yen a cup. Gotta respect those profit margins.”

“That’s a bit steep…” Yusuke pointed out, completely sidestepping the tension in the room, but it’s mumbled in surprise at the bit and the fact Akira is alive.

“Clearly, you’ve never been to the states.” Akechi muttered, “As you’ve been frozen in that spot for far too long.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Ryuji asked Akira, his voice nearly breaking, but he keeps it strong enough so he could get his tone of hurt across from all of them. Because the last time they saw Akira, he was being handcuffed, and their previous news about him is that he committed suicide in custody. They had all assumed Akechi has done, but now that Is questionable since Akira Kusuru is standing alive in Akechi’s living room. They have no idea what to believe anymore. Everything is a grade-A mess.

“Didn’t you know? Dead men tell no tales.” Akira cheekily laughed at his own joke, but no one else is laughing. How could they? How could they laugh at the fact their friend? Leader. had been pronounced dead on television and to the public yet didn’t bother to tell them that he was alive these past few days.

“Why won’t you tell us what’s going on!?” Makoto huffed, her voice upset as she gritted her teeth and clenched her hands at her side, before taking another breath and adding quietly, “They said…they said you—”

“That’s not how I would go out, don’t worry, not flashy enough. I told you, I’ll go out with a bang, super dramatic, maybe an explosion or two, like in those spy movies. You know when the main protagonist makes the ultimate sacrifice or something? And they have that like really dramatic music playing? Yeah. But instead of an orchestral vibe, It would be like a pop-rock song…well ok, maybe like an orchestral intro, I guess, but a mainly pop-rock song with energetic vibes but very contrasting lyrics. Like an Anti-dance song. Yeah, That. I think it would be cool. Maybe a flashback or two.” Akira nodded with a serious look on his beaten-up face, despite the ridiculously specific amount of bullsh*t he just delivered to attempt to diffuse the situation that had very much already reached its climax.

“Quit joking for one goddamn moment!” Ann cried, shaking her head so violently that her ponytails whipped around before marching over to Akira, who surprisingly flinched back when she almost invades her space. She doesn’t seem to notice in her fit of rage but stopped where she was. She continued with her fists clenched by her side and tears streaming down her angry face, “We thought you were dead. You got captured in Sae’s Palace, and we freaked out because Akechi was nowhere to be seen and you were in custody, then the next day, they said you had committed suicide! We thought you were dead! That Akechi had killed you!”

“Not for lack of trying.” Akira retorted with a cheeky smile, ignoring the seriousness of the accusation.

“Are you for real?” Akechi muttered under his breath.

“Cut it out,” Ryuji growled lowly at Akira, his eyes stony and his teeth gritted. And the smile quickly falls off of Akira’s face as he tugged on his hair harder; Ryuji pushed for more because Akira owes them that much for leading them to believe he was dead. Did Akira really understand the depths of grief that they had felt at that moment? “Tell us what is going on. Tell us why you had us believe you were dead. Tell us what the f*ck Akechi’s deal is. Tell us why you didn’t bother to tell us that you were alive? Were you even going to tell us if we didn’t corner Akechi?”

“Would you have told us eventually?” Yusuke muttered in an echo of Ryuji’s question, his voice devastated.

“Watching you get ambushed in Sae’s palace was awful…after you told me everything was going to be ok. And then hearing you died off a newscast was even worse…” Makoto breathed, the guilt wracking her face, “Right after Sae…”

“Do you understand how…how helpless we felt?” Ann sobbed angrily, her face scrunching up, “How it felt to think that we had just lost one of our dear friends? I already almost lost Shiho…Do you know how much it hurt thinking I had just lost you?”

Akira doesn’t meet their eyes, and an undecipherable expression crosses his face before he turned heel and walking into the kitchen without another sound or look in their direction.

“Wait, you are running? The great, almighty Kurusu, leader of the Phantom Thieves, the harbinger of justice is running?” Akechi scoffed his face in disbelief at the situation. Regardless, Ryuji won’t let Akira leave without saying anything, so he quickly follows as do the rest of them in a scramble. But they walk in on a very ordinary scene that does not fit with the apartment's rock-hard tension. Akechi sputtered when he entered last and saw the sight, “What the f*ck did you do to my kitchen?!”

“I used it as it was supposed to be used. Not that you would know, Akechi.” Akira muttered from where he is, organizing various pots and pans on the counter full to the brim with different dishes with his back turned to him. Ryuji’s housewife analogy might be a little too spot-on. This was a bit extreme. There were at least ten dishes there.

“Is this…all for us?” Makoto quietly asked as they all see the dishes lined up. Everything looked so good, so delicious but, why?

“It’s an apology. It sucked, I know, and I’m sorry. This is a peace offering, Akechi and I will explain, but I figured It would be better to do it over a meal or something.” Akira sighed, folding his arms again and tugging vehemently at his hair again. “So yeah, dig in. We better eat in the living room.”

Ryuji is just as baffled as the rest of them were. Isn’t this all a little excessive? There are a ton of dishes on the counter. A real buffet. Curry, Ramen, Crepes, Pancakes, Sushi, Fish dishes, some other dishes he can’t identify. It’s a ton of food. There is a lot, but did Akira really cook all this? He had to be cooking the entire day just to get this all ready.

“Kurusu…you better be the one cleaning up. You literally used all the dishes.” Akechi growled at him but reluctantly took one of the dishes off the counter and marched to the living room.

“You say it as if you have all these dishes. You had like five, Akechi. I had to get more. You are lucky I’m rich.” Akira snorted back, but Ryuji doubts Akechi is still listening, but Akira continues anyways, “Congratulations, you now have a fully stocked kitchen; I will send you my bill.”

Akechi doesn’t say anything but flips him off from the living room. It’s so mundane, usual banter, but Akira has to know who Akechi is. Yet, Akira is treating him so nonchalantly. Ryuji, just like the rest of them, feels so out of the loop.

“I suppose we’ll just bring these to the living room…” Makoto sighed with frustration, taking two dishes off the counter and handing them to the silent Haru, who does what Makoto says and walks off into the living room.

All of them slowly and reluctantly grab dishes from the counter, bringing them back to the living room. Since Akira and Ryuji were in the back of the kitchen, they were the last to leave.

Akira picked up the dishes and turned to leave the kitchen before stumbling. Ryuji reacts fast, instantly lunging his arm out to catch Akira by the waist so he doesn’t fall with the dishes he has a death grip on. Ryuji immediately regretted the instant reflex because Akira lets out a pained hiss, his form tensing under Ryuji’s grip. And Ryuji instantly realizes that those bruises are most definitely not just on Akira’s face, and it’s likely they are all over. What the f*ck had even happened when he was in custody and how badly was he hurt?

“You good?” Ryuji asked worriedly, retracting his arm as soon as Akira is steady on his feet.

“Fine,” Akira grunted through gritted teeth and narrowed eyes; his expression contradicts his statement in length.

Ryuji wanted to call him out on his bullsh*t but lets it go since he is giving Akira the benefit of the doubt; he’ll add it to his explanation later. Instead, he takes the dishes from Akira’s death grip reasonably easily, “I’ll take these. You grab the tea.”

“Wait… is this Miso Ramen?” Ryuji wondered when he actually looked at the dish he took from Akira, and his mouth started to water. Miso Ramen was like his favorite thing to eat. But, also, it all just feels so wrong…everything about this situation feels wrong. Do they really deserve this?

“Yup, I based it off the recipe from the Ramen Shop we go to,” Akira confirmed, bringing the thermos of tea on the counter with him as they go back into the living room.

“This is quite a lot of food,” Yusuke quietly commented from where he has knelt next to the table. And Ryuji inwardly rejoices when he starts munching on one of the dishes he can’t identify. There is one problem solved

“Yeah, I got bored sitting around and thought I’d make something.” Akira shrugged, gently lowering himself onto the couch next to Futaba, who immediately buried into his side without a word. Ryuji wanted to warn her, say something about how Akira is more banged up than he provided, but he can’t deny Futaba this.

“You didn’t even know they were coming over?!” Akechi argued, his face heating up from where he is hovering by the couch, “What did you expect US to eat all this food?! What were you thinking? I have no Tupperware; it would have all gone bad. Honestly, Kurusu. And where did you even get all these ingredients? You aren’t supposed to be going out!”

“I’m psychic.” Akira snickered, slyly giving Akechi a look.

“If you say you are psychic one more time, I will choose a very inappropriate and unsuspecting moment in the future to strangle you, and we’ll see just how psychic you are,” Akechi said bluntly.

“I got Sae to do it.” Akira shrugged, leaning forward and hiding a wince as he picked up one of the curry dishes with one hand, pried Futaba away from him for a moment to deposit the plate of food into her hands which she just stares at with forlorn eyes.

“Sae…Sae knew…” Makoto murmured, from where she is sat on the floor next to Haru, staring at one of the fish dishes; her face is distraught as she let out a dry laugh, “Sae knew, but we didn’t. I wondered why Sae was elusive, but I assumed it had to do with the heist…”

“Sae wasn’t supposed to know. But this one f*cked up the plan.” Akechi growled, folding his arms in annoyance as he nodded his head at Akira.

“What, like I had any say in that?” Akira scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I just gave us options. Even if I didn’t mean to give us options. I was thinking ahead. Probably. Who knows what I was thinking.”

“What is this plan?” Yusuke asked his face hard with the disbelief they all had as they sat around the table. What plan was the question indeed? Akira's mysterious plan didn’t feel he could tell them until after they all believed he had perished.

“Eat, and I’ll tell you,” Akira answered easily.

“Dude…none of us have an appetite.” Ryuji shook his head, it all looked good, but this was all wrong.

“If you don’t eat all the hard labor that I put hours into making, slaving away in the kitchen since the morn, I will cry, and you all will have to deal with that.” Akira bluntly said with a straight face that didn’t look remotely close to crying in the slightest.

Ryuji sighed and reluctantly picked up the bowl of Miso Ramen in front of him and begun slowly eating it with less vigor than he usually did. And of course, it’s good. Because of course, Akira would be a fantastic cook as well as everything else. It tastes almost exactly like the ramen from the shop. It’s Ryuji’s favorite, but it’s not satisfying what Ryuji really needed. Answers.

“You too, Akechi.” Akira motioned Akechi to join them from where he is standing awkwardly a few feet away from the group. Good, Ryuji thought he deserved it. With an exaggerated hand movement, Akira motioned at a plate on the table full of what looked like pancakes. “I made you Hotteok. I thought you’d like it.”

“What’s Hotteok?” Ann blinked in confusion at the unfamiliar word.

“It’s a Korean street pancake, some are filled with savory fillings, but this one is sweet some sugar and nuts.” Akira explained, picking one off the plate and offering it to Akechi, who is behind him, “I thought you’d like it. You to Ann, try it.”

Ann cautiously takes one too, immediately biting into it and her eyes widen, and through a full mouth, she mumbled, “Holy sh*t, this is amazing.”

“I thought I’d make pancakes cause…you know…” Akira broke out into laughter, curling into himself with an amused smile. “Pancakes! I just had to!”

“I have no idea why you find this so amusing, Kurusu.” Akechi sighed, pinching the brink of his nose while holding the Hotteok in his other. “Honestly, you have such an abstract sense of humor…it’s a pastry, for Christ's sake.”

“I’m not sure I get the humor behind the concept of Pancakes either…” Morgana frowned from his seat on the table, guarding the fatty tuna, but his tail twitches in concern.

“Uh…Yeah…” Ryuji had to agree. It felt like one of Akira’s inside jokes they were never in on. He has no idea why Akira thinks the word pancakes is so funny.

Akira immediately stopped when he realized no one was laughing with him, his head whipping up, and Ryuji catches a flash of something before Akira straightened himself out and tugged his hair in embarrassment, “Oh uh…guess you had to be there…Sorry.”

“If you want to explain it, we might find it funny.” Yusuke offered awkwardly.

“Uh…it’s fine—Just a joke…” Akira shook his head in dismissal, but Ryuji can see he is disappointed.

“The Hotteok is good, though!” Ann reassured him awkwardly as she took another from the plate, “It’s delicious, I’ve never heard of it before, but I’m glad I do now.”

“Thanks.” Akira nodded, but it was dry.

“Can we…can we talk about this plan?” Makoto asked as she usually was the one to jump to the point of conversation, but this time her voice is less accusatory than Ryuji feels it should be and more courteous despite the circ*mstances. “We are sitting here; we are eating. Now tell us why you two did what you did.”

Akira looked at Akechi inquisitively from where he is hovering a few feet away awkwardly, nibbling on the Korean pancake Akira had made him. He scoffed at the glance, “Why are you looking at me? It was your plan. You explain it.”

Akira sighed before turning back to them reluctantly to explain. “The plan was to make the true culprit think I was dead. So, they would think the Phantom Thieves were over with. But, not only that, but it was also to take away from the media onslaught we had on us.”

“The true culprit, don’t you mean Akechi?” Ryuji growled, sending a glare Akechi’s way. Because Akechi had to be the true culprit.

“He is the black mask, after all,” Morgana growled, his hair standing on end as he looked at Akechi with disdain in his eyes. “He confirmed it.”

Akira blinked, “Oh no… I mean, he is the black mask…yeah, I guess, but he’s not who is behind this. Akechi is like a double agent…wait…triple agent? What do you call someone who is on one person’s side but then breached the other side, but the one side thinks they are still loyal when said someone joined the second side indefinitely?”

“Triple agent, but why are you working with him?!” Makoto exclaimed, her face hardening and posing the burning accusation they’ve had since Akechi confirmed it, “Akechi has been behind all the murders! Infiltrating the palaces and causing mental shutdowns, right?!”

“You killed my father?” Haru asked brokenly for the first time that evening, turning to Akechi with her eyes watering,

“I did not.” Akechi answered neutral with a shake of his head, “Yet, his name was on my list. But, it was not me who killed him.”

“You’re the black mask, but you didn’t kill Okumura? Why should we believe you?!” Yusuke scowled, his eyes narrowing.

“For real!” Ryuji exclaimed in agreement; he doesn’t like this one bit. Why would they believe Akechi was telling the truth about that?

“He was with us when we left the palace, and it collapsed.” Akira pointed out quickly, folding his arms with a shake of his head, “That wasn’t Akechi. Akechi didn’t kill Okumura. That was Masayoshi Shido, Akechi’s boss, our true culprit. The one behind everything. He set it up, so it looked like Okumura had a Mental Shutdown on the broadcast. Poison, Akechi thinks.”

“Wait, Masayoshi Shido…the Politician?!” Makoto gasped, her eyes widening in surprise, and Ryuji has no idea who that is. He wasn’t the best at keeping up with politics and current events in that realm. But from the other’s varied reactions, he could tell this guy was a big deal. “You’re saying Masayoshi Shido is the culprit?”

“The guy who is running for prime minister?!” Ann seemed to know who they were talking about too, “He’s behind all of this?! Are you serious?!”

“He is so charismatic in his speeches…right now; he is the lead candidate for Prime Minister and is expected to win the election.” Makoto filled in but frowned with a stern glare, “On what basis are you making these accusations?”

Akechi sends them a somber look and pulls out his phone, holding it up and playing a sound bit on it,

“Excellent work, Akechi. With the Phantom Thieves out of the way and their leader, Akira Kurusu, dead, we can begin enacting the plan's final stages. It was unfortunate they had already reached some of our party, but now all the pieces are in the way, and there is a little room for error. The country is right under our fingers; once I become prime minister, we will steer this country into success under my strict law.” A haughty, arrogant voice carries through the phone speaker instantly silently all of the Phantom Thieves’ doubts.

“That’s—what's insane—” Makoto murmured, her eyes wide with disbelief, “Shido Masayoshi? And—and he’s been pulling all the strings? Orchestrating this all?”

“Correct.” Akechi nodded, pocketing the phone as he walked around the table, with a spiteful look on his face as he sneers, “Worthless, the degenerate excuse of a man!”

“But you are working for him?” Yusuke wondered, confused.

“I am secretly working against him. As of right now, he assumes me as his right-hand man, but I fully intend to take advantage of the position and work to take him down internally.” Akechi answered easily.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait…” Ryuji is trying to put all this critical information together, but that has never been his strong suit. This is not something that they had expected. Akechi is actually some triple agent, working with their enemy but actually working against him? Ryuji turned to Akira, “So when you said you guys needed to make this guy think you were dead…”

“Exactly that.” Akira laughed, folding his arms, “We staged my death; I was the next name on Akechi’s hit list; therefore, something had to be done, or I really would have been on the cutting block. So, we made a plan?”

“AND YOU DIDN’T BOTHER TO TELL ANY OF US?” Ryuji barked his real issue with this whole plan that he really hated. Akira didn’t tell them about the plan. Did Akira think they couldn’t have helped?

“Aw, don’t worry, I’ll tell you next time,” Akira reassured him with a nod of his head as if this would become a regular thing.

“Oh no, there will be no next time!” Ann scolded him before sighing with frustration, “I am so angry with you for leaving us out of the loop. Do you know what we felt?!”

“We didn’t know where Shido had eyes.” Akechi explained, “I don’t know for sure if Shido knows your identities; I do know he know Akira’s. This is mute since Akira is legally dead as of right now. But your reactions needed to be genuine in case.”

“He’s not, though!” Yusuke argued, motioning to Akira.

“Have you not put this together? Shido controls everything. Shido controls the police, the justice system, the public, everything. He has a hand in literally every industry, he has ties in politics, the yakuza, corporations, and he has them so manipulated that he can make what he wants to happen when he wants.” Akechi growled, “He is an arrogant and selfish man who would do anything it takes to achieve his goals. Anything. He holds far too much power.”

“So…you tricked him into thinking Akira was dead and the Phantom Thieves had been dismissed…” Makoto muttered, “And what Akira said, now the public isn’t on our backs since they assume we are over with. And the reason we didn’t know is that you both were unsure of what Shido knew…are we even safe now?”

“It’s debatable.” Akechi laughed dryly, “But Shido is arrogant; he believes everything is going as planned, that everything is right on track for him to become prime minister. As it’s been a few days, he must think that nothing will stand in his way. So for your sakes, you better pray he thinks you’ve disbanded.”

“You killed my mother?” Futaba spoke quietly under her breath, staring at her curry.

And Ryuji’s heartbreaks because he had forgotten entirely about that. Wakaba Isshiki had a mental shutdown that caused her death. And it’s almost confirmed that Akechi was the one behind it.

Akechi is silent, choosing not to answer but does not move from his place.

“You killed my mother?!” Futaba sobbed, jumping to her feet. Her fists clenched at her sides. “DID YOU KILL MY MOTHER?”

“Yes. I did.” Akechi answered without a hint of emotion in his tone.

“Why?” Futaba sobbed.

“Because Shido deemed it, therefore it had to be done.” Akechi scoffed, and it doesn’t sound regretful in the least.

“WHY?!” Futaba pleaded with him, her voice raw and shrill.

“Because I didn’t know anything about the metaverse!” Akechi growled back, his voice growing angry as he lashed out at her but didn’t move from his spot, “I didn’t know anything about the metaverse when I got that app when I was fifteen f*cking years old. I didn’t have some magical cat—”

“I’m not a cat!”

“—to tell me how the f*ck things worked in the cognitive world. Shido said, let me teach you how to use your powers, and told me exactly what to do, and I did it. Because what else was I supposed to do?! Huh?! How was I supposed to know you could change a heart in the metaverse?! I did what I had to survive, I followed Shido’s orders, took out Isshiki’s shadow, and she died. And I realized the f*cking power that I had. I was going to use exactly what Shido taught me to enact his downfall.”

“Wait…what?” Ryuji is taken aback by Akechi’s aggravated explanation to Futaba that he did not expect. Akira isn’t stepping in, simply choosing to twiddle his thumbs allowing Akechi to go off, and Ryuji wondered if he knew about this.

“You—you didn’t know?” Futaba murmured, her eyes wide in surprise.

“But you committed mental shutdowns afterward!” Yusuke argued, and Ryuji thinks that’s a very, very valid point.

“Yes, yes, I did because I knew exactly how I was going to use that power. I already had blood on my hands, so I might as well see this through. I was going to use exactly what Shido taught me to enact his downfall.” Akechi answered, his face deadly serious, “I am going to make the man who ruined my life, led my mother to commit suicide, sent me into the system, and took away every chance he ever owed me. I am going to make his life a living hell. I will make him pay for every questionable action he has ever done, every crime he has ever committed. Mark my words, he will pay.”

“You murdered people!” Ryuji sputtered at the absurdity of this.

“I know exactly what I have done, Sakamoto. I know exactly the crimes I have committed to accomplish my goal.” Akechi regarded him coldly before turning back to Futaba, “I don’t need your forgiveness. Keep it to yourself. Instead, get angry at the fact Shido manipulated the police into selling that fake suicide note, making your family believe you were the culprit. Be mad at me all you want, hate me, I don’t care. But do not let Shido get away with this.”

“Shido is his father, so he’s a bit angry,” Akira added the bombshell nonchalantly. Ryuji can’t fathom why he hasn’t brought this up earlier, but Akechi’s spite made a lot more sense now.

“He’s your father?!” Ann gasped, her eyes wide, “When you were talking on the roof…about your struggle in the system…but you knew who your father was? He didn’t take you in? You went through all that when you had a biological father?”

“He doesn’t know I exist.” Akechi spat, “One night stand, one my mother was not contracted for. He did not take responsibility for his own actions, and my mother’s life was the price. He brought financial burden and ruin upon us for which my mother could not cope with.”

“Still, going as far as murdering people for your own gain? Futaba’s mother? So many others?” Makoto asked, her voice getting heated, “You are no better than him!”

“I know.” Akechi laughed.

“What?” Makoto sputtered; none of them are expecting him to agree with her.

“I know I am no better in your eyes. I did what I needed to survive and further my own goals. If I had known there was another path earlier on, maybe it would have changed something. But I didn’t, so here we are. You follow your justice, and I follow mine. I know the deeds I have committed, but I will attain my goal and bring Shido down from his throne. Call it petty, call it evil, brand me what you might, but I do not give a f*ck. I will enact my justice on the man who has ruined my life.”

A silence falls over the group; the black mask they had been looking for has been right in front of their eyes the entire time. But the story Akechi tells is entirely different than what they expected.

Because Akechi is just like them, isn’t he? The sh*tty adults in his life ruined his life and stepped all over him, used him, and abused him. Took advantage of him.

Ryuji disagrees with what Akechi has done. He has no idea why Akira was so enamored with Akechi or why he would choose to work with Akechi if he knew what Akechi was capable of. He’s angry, but he doesn’t know where to direct his anger. Akira for not telling them he wasn’t dead and that Akechi was the black mask they had accused him of being. Akechi for using them, breaking their trust, and being a literal murderer. Shido? Because from all that he gathered, Shido has been pulling all their strings since the beginning.

“I will never forgive you, Akechi.” Futaba spat but sat back down next to Akira, who gives her a little side hug. Ryuji commended her; she doesn’t need to forgive Akechi.

“The plan was to give us time.” Akira spoke up, once it’s clear Akechi is done with his piece, “I was covering all the bases, just to be safe. Shido thinks we are broken up, and now, Akechi and I are going to steal Shido’s heart underneath his nose.”

“And you weren’t even going to tell us…” Yusuke frowned, his eyes downcast, “Do you have such little faith in us? Are we not your friends, Akira?”

“To be honest, I didn’t think you would want to.” Akira chuckled dryly, tugging at his bangs. “With everything…and your feelings about the black mask, I didn’t think you all would want to.”

“So, you knew Akechi was the black mask this entire time… but you didn’t bother to tell us that either?!” Ryuji growled, getting angrier at the thought by the moment. “You knew, and you just let us suspect you of being the black mask?!”

“What did you want me to say?! I pleaded my innocence!” Akira laughed in disbelief, throwing his hands up, almost knocking the glasses off of Futaba. “I saw Akechi exit the metaverse around the second palace, but it’s not as if I had any proof!”

“Why didn’t you tell us then?!” Ann asked with frustration.

“Because I didn’t want to jump to conclusions!” Akira argued, and Ryuji feels a pang at guilt at that, “So I did my own research…came to conclusions, and you know what? Be mad at me, but I want to help Akechi out.”

“Oh, don’t be such a saint, as if that is such a noble reason.” Akechi scoffed, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. “You want to get back at Shido too, isn’t that, right?”

“Uh, what does he mean by that?” Morgana wondered, tilting his head. Akechi said it with such tone of accusation that didn’t make sense, and the phantom thieves can only blink at Akira with confusion.

“Nothing. I’m just not happy about my face redesign, is all.” Akira laughed, poking at his cheek. “I don’t think the colors are my style at all; it ruins with my good looks. I really might need that mask, live in the sewers, and sing Christine for the rest of my life. 'Sing for me!!'”

“Wait, you aren’t even going to tell them?” Akechi scoffed as he called Akira out on his bullsh*t, folding his arms as he looks at Akira interrogatively.

“Tell us what,” Ryuji asked incredulously as Akira looked away and tugged at his hair with a peculiar grimace on his face. Obviously, Akechi knows something that they don’t. Akira is withholding information.

Akira doesn’t answer, instead of refusing to make eye contact with any of them as they looked at him expectantly. Akechi glaring daggers at Akira.

“What is he talking about, Akira?” Morgana frowned, “What aren’t you tell us?”

“Nothing! It’s not as big of a deal as Akechi seems to think it is.” Akira sighed, tugging his hair harder as he glared at Akechi with the intensive energy of someone imploring someone to shut up.

“You really aren’t going to tell them,” Akechi sighed, shaking his head before announcing, “Fine, then I’ll tell them.”

“Wait! Don’t— it’s fine—“ Akira pleaded, but Akechi cuts him off much to all of their delights. At least Akechi can do something right.

“Masayoshi Shido is also the reason Kurusu is on probation and why he was sent to Shibuya. Kurusu intercepted Shido’s attempt on a woman. Shido stumbled from intoxication and hurt himself. But Shido, being the sniveling man he is, reported Kurusu for pushing him. Even threatening the woman witness to testify against him. I’m sure you know the rest of the story; Shido is an idiotic man with more power than he should hold over the police. Kurusu didn’t have a chance of proving his innocence. No one would believe him against the words of a famous politician.” Akechi explained, ending the story with a sneer. And Ryuji is stunned by this bit of information. Since it was not something, he had known. Or anyone of them had known.

All of them stare at Akira all at once in shock.

“But you said...you didn’t remember who it was...” Yusuke breathed quietly.

Akira huffed awkwardly and tugged on his bangs harder, “It didn’t matter.”

“What the f*ck do you mean it wouldn’t matter!?” Ryuji exclaimed in frustration, “we could have done something about it! You had a name! We would just need the keywords!”

“No, you couldn’t have.” Akira shook his head in denial, “it wasn’t a big deal, and we didn’t have the right playing cards to go up against him, is all.”

“Are you kidding me? Not a big deal?!” Morgana gasped from the table, his tail flicking back and forth, “You were torn from your home for doing the right thing. You took the sentence for a crime you didn’t commit! You didn’t deserve that! You were doing the right thing!”

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” Akira laughed, and Ryuji knows they all feel the weight of that sentence despite how lightly Akira says it, but Akira noticed and quickly waves his hands, “I didn’t mean it like that... really...it’s really not a big deal. Trust me.”

“I don’t think you objectively understand what a big deal is.” Makoto pointed out.

“It happened; what do you want me to say? I didn’t want to go after Shido for that; it was never my intention. I just think what he did to Akechi was sh*tty, and I want to make him pay for that. I think Akechi deserves to beat the sh*t out of his father and steal his heart.”

“But, why didn’t you say something anyway?” Yusuke implored once more, astounded by the information drop and just as angry as the rest of them that Akira didn't tell them.

“Because I didn’t think you’d believe me!” Akira exclaimed in a very uncharacteristically upset tone before groaning and shaking his head, “No one would believe me, I made my case to the court, and they didn’t believe me. It didn’t matter if I said anything because my proof was bribed; I had nothing. It didn’t matter if I said anything because who will believe me over an influential politician, ok? It’s one thing to say some random person off the street but a well-known and respected politician? Drop it. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t believe anyone would believe me. Drop it. It’s over with. It happened; let’s move on.”

“Akira…we would have—“Ryuji tried to reassure him because that is a silly reason for not telling them the name of the person who had ruined Akira’s life; they were friends, weren’t they?

“No. No, you wouldn’t.” Akira cut him off with a dry laugh, a shake of his head, and a smile of honey and ash, sweet and bitter, as he added on with finality, “No, you wouldn’t, let’s move on.”

“Akira—” Ann tried to appeal, her tone the same as Ryuji’s.

“Anyways,” Akira cuts her off just as quickly, “I know you all must have felt about Akechi being the fated ‘Black Mask,’ but he and I are going to steal Masayoshi Shido’s heart. You can join us or not.”

Shinya decided to take Jose to BookTown to look for his friend. They had already searched the manga and video game shops in Akihabara. Shinya was sure they would provide some sort of lead because Jose's description of his friend sounds like an anime character or game character. It sounded too fictional to be true. Who wears a mask? It's not as If there are superheroes in Tokyo.

But, the longer he walks around with Jose, the more he feels like something is really off with this kid. Jose talked as if he weren't human. Like he was an alien or something. Shinya would have just played it off as cosplaying or some sort of mental condition at most. Shinya had researched all the current and past fictional works with aliens or non-human characters, specifically for a kid spelunker, but nothing came up. And Shinya is starting to be skeptical of his mental condition theory since Jose was very well-spoken, never stumbling over a word. He doesn't feel like a kid or a kid who is supposed to be far younger than Shinya.

"Woah! These books are different than the ones before!" Jose gasped in surprise when they arrive at the bookstore. "These ones have different covers!"

"Yeah, the ones you saw before were manga, meaning they are drawn out. But these are traditional books. Most of them are in a mix of hiragana and kanji…you know how to read those…right?" Shinya wondered because he doubts someone Jose's supposed age would know how to read complex kanji. Even Shinya was still learning, but even he struggles with that.

"Oh yes. I am quite familiar." Jose nodded confidently, picking up one of the books that are on the table in front of the store, "I find it fascinating how each language has a different way of coming up with the components of the written language. Why not just all agree on one uniform alphabet? It would not only take away the problem of a language barrier, making communication universal throughout the human world, but I feel it could really unite people from all different countries. It would make it easier to offer education to everyone as there wouldn't be as many barriers to offering one to teach it. No more confusion."

"Uh…" Shinya blinked since that certainly was not the answer he was expecting, nor does he really know what that means. Why does a six-year-old kid think of this?

"I think it's less a matter of that issue and more of retaining cultures within our world." A high school girl commented from where she was standing next to him browsing through the books. "While your idealism is from a place of heart, it would be hard for humanity as a collective to come up with a unified language system. Even English as a standard language causes problems occasionally. It would be hard for countries to give up their languages as they are deeply set in those cultures, and taking away a countries culture would only lower the morale and pride of the citizens in that culture. I think the diversity we share as humans is a beautiful thing. It makes us unique."

"Oh, I hadn't even thought of that!" Jose smiled brightly, "So humans would rather partake in diversity and culture instead of becoming uniform. I didn't think of that perspective. Thank you, miss! I wouldn't want to sacrifice what makes humans special to make them more alike. I would want to see how to make things easier while retaining that uniqueness."

"You are quite an open-minded boy and very well thought. I'm sure you would be able to make a change in the world if you tried." She praised, kneeling down to give Jose a gentle pat on his head. Shinya is a little jealous because she's gorgeous, and Jose is getting all the attention. Shinya wanted to say something, but he doesn't want to make a fool out of himself.

"Oh, Miss? Are you sad?" Jose wondered, and Shinya immediately feels embarrassed by how blunt he is, much like how he was with Shinya earlier. Jose can think about complex topics, but unspoken social cues are a mystery to him? The girl isn't crying perse, her face is solemn, and her eyes are misty.

"Quite, but it's not a problem for you to worry about." She sighed, standing up and scrubbing at her eyes.

"Shinya said people cry for different reasons, but that crying is the act of telling how you feel to someone. Were you telling me you were sad or happy?" Jose wondered, and Shinya feels even more embarrassed, his face heating up. He internally plead for Jose to stop.

She laughed a bit, turning to Shinya, and he compulsively feels the need to look away, "Shinya is very smart then, it is true that when people cry, for various reasons, it is always to express how they feel. It's a method of unburdening. And, contrary to prior belief, it's important to cry. It's not a sign of weakness; rather, it's expressing strength in knowing your emotions."

"How interesting," Jose said, his eyes wide in delight at the knowledge.

"I'm Hifumi Togo." Hifumi stretched her hand out.

"Oh! I remember reading about this; humans sometimes shake hands as a form of greeting as well." Jose nodded, primarily to himself, as he took Hifumi's hand and introduced himself, "I'm Jose."

She smiled and turned to Shinya, "And I assume you are Shinya?"

"Y-yeah. Shinya Oda." Shinya bowed politely.

"Nice to properly meet you." She nodded, extending her hand out to him as well, which he gladly takes but slowly enough, so he doesn't seem over the top. "I've heard of you from a friend. Seems you are the champion at Gun About around here. The King?"

Shinya's face reached a violent red because he wonders if that makes him sound kiddish. "Y-yeah."

"What's Gun About?" Jose wondered, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"It's nothing." Shinya shook his head.

"Oh, so like 'f*ck off'?" Jose asked in an innocent voice as if he didn't just drop the curse word in front of Hifumi.

"Excuse me?" Hifumi sputtered in confusion, her eyes wide in disbelief.

Before Shinya can explain, Jose continues when he sees her surprise.

"Shinya said earlier that f*ck off meant nothing. As well as the word dead." Jose nodded, before sighing, "I hadn't realized how many words in the human language mean nothing; I wish there was some way I could check beforehand."

"A-ah." She stuttered, looking at Shinya with a weird face but then understanding as she sighed and turned back to Jose, "The first thing, don't repeat it. It doesn't mean anything, but it's something people say when they are annoyed. It's not a polite thing to say to another. As for the word dead or death…"

She paused, her face calm and serene, but Shinya sees a spark of sadness in her eyes before she smiled, but it doesn't reach her eyes and continues. "Death is something no one can avoid. It means the person's spirit has moved on. Their time is over with. It is a fact of life, while painful."

"Why is it painful?" Jose wondered, his head tilted, and Shinya can feel his own grief welling up at her words. He knows what death means, but it's so unfair. He clenched his fists.

"Because sometimes, people leave this existence without getting to say goodbye to their loved ones. It's sometimes sudden, and sometimes not. But often—"

Hifumi paused, seeming as she is trying to compose herself, and Shinya understands from the tension in her shoulders. Hifumi must have gone through this too.

"Often, there are things unspoken that weigh on the living. Things we wished to say but never have the chance to. Things we wanted to do but can't anymore. And knowing you will never be able to see someone again can be a painful experience." Hifumi quietly said, her voice soft and even.

"Oh." Jose simply says, looking at the ground contemplatively, and Shinya feels terrible. At least he wasn't the one who had to tell Jose what it meant; Jose added to their surprise, "So the value of a relationship that both parties hold has no impact on whether someone dies?"

Hifumi shakes her head, "It's not something we can expect. The more valuable the relationship is, however, the more painful the parting can be. But even then, knowing you had someone so dear to you that parting is hard is a testament to the value of your friendship in itself. And you'll always have the memories you make to cherish."

"I see." Jose nodded once more as if he understood what Hifumi was saying. "It's painful because you still valued the person just the same, but they had to leave. I don't understand why humans constrain themselves to such an awful thing."

"It's—we don't get a choice." Hifumi said, biting her lip before putting a smile on her face, "You expressed interest in obtaining a dictionary, a book that is a collection of definitions? I can help you pick out a nice one."

Shinya wished he could be as naïve and smart like Jose was. Where he could just look at things objectively without having an emotional attachment to them. He feels his heart is going a mile a minute, and his palms are sweaty at the realization of what Hifumi said about not being able to see Akira again. Tears are prickly in his eyes as he turns his cap down since he doesn't feel like explaining himself.

"Oh yes! That would be very helpful." Jose nodded excitedly, bouncing on his feet, utterly unaffected by the mood around the other two of them.

"Why don't you head inside?" Hifumi offered, motioning to the doorway to the store, "I'll catch up with you."

"Ok!" Jose answered excitedly, shuffling through the entrance. He's gone in a flash, but Shinya can't pull himself from where he feels his feet are stuck in the pavement.

"Shinya…" Hifumi approached him, her voice quiet. But he keeps his head down. "Akira talked fondly about you."

Shinya's breath hitched, and his hands clenched as he raised his head to glare at her because, of course, she had known Akira too, and the way she says his name let Shinya know she likely knew as well, but he's still angry, "Then why did he go and—" Shinya couldn't finish his sentence though. He didn't want to say it.

"I don't think—" Hifumi started but shook her head as if dismissing her statement before starting over, "I think we should have some faith. There are things at play here that we simply aren't privy to. We aren't part of the pieces on the board, and we don't know what strategies are being played…or if the game has been lost at all."

"This isn't a chess game or whatever…" Shinya said through gritted teeth.

"An analogy…I apologize." She sighed before nearing Shinya and laying her hand on his shoulder, "It's…scary. I understand."

"It's not fair…" Shinya breathed, and he sounds like a petulant child but, it's not. And he doesn't know how else to express his frustration.

"I know…" Hifumi agreed quietly, her lips pursing and her chin turning down. A myriad of expressions cross her face before looking back to Shinya, "I know you like video games; however, if you are ever interested in learning Shogi, let me know. It seems I am without a game partner for the time being…and I think you might find it interesting."

"Yeah…I guess," Shinya nodded, "But only if I can teach you gun about."

"I'd like that." Hifumi smiled at him; at least this time, it looked a little more genuine.

"This is messed up," Ann grumbled from where she is at Akechi's sink next to Ryuji, carefully scrubbing at the plates. She hates this; she hates everything about this. The fact Akira lied to them, but he was only trying to keep them safe. The fact they had to believe he was dead. How beat up Akira was; his face was a myriad of colorful bruises. How Akira acted so nonchalantly about the entire thing as if this were the only logical conclusion to their problem. And Akechi. Because she hated Akechi before coming here. He was the black mask, and he was their enemy. He murdered Futaba's Mother. He had caused all the mental shutdowns. Objectively, he is the villain in all of this. But now things aren't looking so black and white. Akechi's backstory does sound eerily similar to theirs, and he wasn't as lucky as them in his opportunities. Ann doesn't know how to handle all of this. "Do you really think…I mean, what do we do? Can we really trust Akechi?"

"No, but the one thing we know...you saw Akira." Ryuji sighed with frustration as he meticulously dried the plate that he has been drying for the last five minutes. "If Akechi wanted to kill Akira, he could have. Hands down, no questions asked. Akira is not weak to Gun in the Metaverse, but he for sure is in reality. We don't have the same invincibility we do in the Metaverse. He was isolated, probably handcuffed, and unable to defend himself if those bruises are proof enough. If Akechi had decided to outright kill Akira, he could have, but he didn't. That's something."

"Astute thinking." Makoto sighed from where she is putting the plates away into the empty cupboards, "You aren't wrong…Those bruises…I don't want to imagine what happened…but I am going to fully interrogate Sae when I get home. According to them, she knows, or at least some of it. You aren't wrong…Akechi could have easily murdered him."

Ann doesn't like that thought pattern one but, but she knows they are right. She hates how the bruises on Akira's face reminded her of the ones on Shiho. She hadn't done anything then; can she really do anything now? The moment the news had dropped about Akira, she thought she had failed again. But this time, one of her friends died for good.

"So…we gonna do it?" Ryuji wondered. And Ann doesn't know what they should do. If all this is true, Masayoshi Shido not only can do some real damage to the country and economy, but he was a very dangerous person to cross if Akechi is proof of anything. Akira is giving them an out; they have a choice. But, what if Akechi and Akira aren't enough, and something goes wrong in Shido's palace that they don't know about?

"Why—" Ann sucked in a breath, forcefully handing the plate over to Ryuji before continuing in a strained voice, "Why didn't he tell us."

"From his point of view, It was safer." Makoto offered, coming up next to Ryuji's side to get more dishes to put away. "I don't think he meant to hurt us… I'm just as angry but, if what he said was true and they don't know exactly what Shido knows about us. It was a safer bet to have us have a genuine reaction. In case Shido knew something about our identities. I begrudgingly get the logic behind the decision."

"It was a sh*tty plan," Ryuji muttered, rubbing the plate a little harder.

"Oh no, it was. I think Akira's state is evidence of that, but I suppose we will see if it was successful or not. The public certainly thinks Akira is dead."

"No. Why didn't he tell us?" Ann grunted her original question, turning to them with conflicted eyes, "About who caused his probation. He had the name. Why didn't he tell us? We told him about Kamoshida and the injustices going down, and we all did something about it! Makoto, you told him about the mafia boss who was terrorizing Shujin students, and he made sure we did something about it. When we learned about what Madarame was doing, he jumped to help Yusuke. Why didn't he tell us about who took advantage of him? We could have done something before this all happened?"

"We haven't had the greatest track record of believing what Akira says," Ryuji admitted through gritted teeth. And Ann knows that's true, but she wants to believe they would have believed him on this.

"And why didn't he tell us Akechi was the black mask?" Ann continued, washing furiously. "How long has he known? Why didn't he tell us when we accused him!?"

"He did say that it wasn't him and implied was someone else…" Makoto sighed guilty, leaning up against the counter to keep the conversation between them and from reaching the living room where Akira was trying to explain some card game to Yusuke, Haru, and Akechi. Still, two of them did not seem keen on playing the card game.

"Yeah, but he certainly didn't say it was Akechi. He's known since Madarame's Palace but did bother to let us in on anything!" Ann growled quietly, her eyes narrowing and her heart throbbing at the thought. They had told Akechi that they suspected Akira, and Akechi had told them they were judging too prematurely. Akechi had said it so confidentially since Akechi was the black mask. They probably all looked stupid to him. They had made Akechi the actual black mask leader because they suspected Akira was the black mask.

"Because if Akira had told us, Akechi was the black mask. We wouldn't believe him." Makoto told her. "He knew that."

"You wouldn't believe him," Ryuji grumbled.

"If Akira came up to you and told you that Akechi was the black mask but that he wanted to work with him, would you have believed him?" Makoto shot back. "I'll admit I was really unjust and aggressive in my accusations, but you can't honestly tell me you'd believe him when you were under the impression Akechi was a part of the law and a charismatic detective."

"No…" Ryuji sighed, "I guess not…"

"So, We just need to start believing what Akira says?" Ann murmured as if it were the easiest thing in the world. But it isn't, because either Akira spouts bullsh*t all the time, or he doesn't tell him a thing.

"It's a start; it's not illogical to think if we start believing what Akira says, then he might start telling us more." Makoto sighed, leaning her elbow onto the counter. "But even then, Akira marches to the beat of his own drum. I think he honestly forgets to tell us things sometimes, and it's not always intentional. Like the pancake inside joke we didn't know about, or how he thought he told us about the third eye."

"But, when we ask about stuff, he clearly avoids it!" Ann argued, keeping her voice hushed.

"I thought you were the most suspicious of Akira." Ryuji pointed out to Makoto before laughing dryly, "Did you have a change of heart?"

"I suppose…" Makoto chuckled back, pushing a hair behind her ear before letting her face fall, "I was…acting a lot like my sister. It's not an excuse, but I let myself down in becoming the one thing I didn't want to become. I just wanted to put the bad guy away and recklessly follow what I thought was justice that I had learned from my sister. But my sister was flawed as that palace was evidence. Akira was right; blindly following logic and other's people's values that I don't know the context of will get me nowhere. In the end, I'm just ignoring myself, aren't I? In the end, I have to answer my own questions; I can't use other people's answers to define myself. I'll follow my intuition now, but it's telling me, everything is not as black as white as we assumed."

"That's for sure…" Ann sighed; at least she wasn't alone in this thought process. It feels like things have just gotten ten times more complex than before. Makoto is correct in saying that maybe if they listened to Akira more, he wouldn't be so avoidant of topics. But she added pettily, "But I don't believe in a magical room, that only he can see where he 'fuses' personas and twin girls are running it with a man with a long-ass nose. That just sounds delusional, like a fever dream."

"Oh yeah, for sure." Ryuji agrees wholeheartedly. "It's too out of this world."

"Yeah, not sure why he decided on that one." Makoto sighed, before pausing and asking a random question, "So…If Akira is staying here…and, the whole domestic thing going on between him and literal mass murderer Akechi, does that mean they are an item?"

"Oh." Ann blinked because that has been the last thing on her mind to be quite honest with everything that was going on. But as Makoto posed it, she has to wonder as well.

"Huh, for real?" Ryuji wondered before leaning past the kitchen counter to call to Akira, "Hey Akira!"

"What?" Akira called back, his head poking over the couch.

"Are you two a thing?"

"Yes!" Akira's eyes widened in delight, but Akechi immediately tensed up and denied it with a resounding, "No."

"We are like Bonnie and Clyde!" Akira continued pointing back and forth between him and Akechi with a wide smile.

"No. We aren't." Akechi shook his head in denial, glaring daggers at Akira.

Well, that doesn't answer Ann's question at all. She doesn't know if it would be a good thing if Akira and Akechi were a thing,



Chapter 20: The one where Akira crashes his own wake


"Escape without being seen
Escape without being seen"

The one where Akira crashes his own wake and Shinya and Jose go on an adventure (part 2)!

TW// Mentions of Suicide


Ah, a nice 14k chapter 😌👏

Chapter Text

Jose liked Hifumi. She might be more intelligent than Akira; she seemed to know a lot about all the books in the store they went to, and she was very considerate to include him in picking out what she called a dictionary, a book full of definitions. Jose was ecstatic; it was more significant than the books that Akira had given him and was purely written. He is excited to conquer it; he feels he is going to learn so much from it. Not only that, but he also feels like he has learned a lot from Hifumi already. Jose has never gotten so much direct information about the human culture than today. Perhaps he should leave Mementos more to understand humans.

“What kid gets excited over a dictionary?” Shinya wondered skeptically, giving him a narrowed, confused look.

Jose turned his attention to Shinya, tilting his head, “Is it all that weird? I learned that the youth go to a place that teaches all sorts of different information! But I’m not exactly sure what the word is for that…”

“Are you talking about school?” Hifumi blinked with surprise on her face.

“Oh yeah! That place!” Jose nodded excitedly, “It sounds so delightful; imagine going to a set setting to learn everything you need to know! I usually just end up running all over the place, collecting flowers to understand things, but I think being able to get all that information from one place is a lot more ergonomic. It would cut down on time it takes to understand one thing, especially since I’ve learned there are more experienced humans who share their knowledge.”

“I don’t think most would call it delightful…It’s more of a pain than anything,” Shinya muttered, folding his arms in distaste. Jose can’t imagine where Shinya would get that idea from; the concept itself just sounded fascinating.

“You don’t go to school?” Hifumi asked, baffled by the revelation, and Jose wondered why. Is it customary that everyone goes to school? He wonders if Akira goes to what they call the school; Akira seemed knowledgeable, so Jose had assumed that Akira didn’t; after all, Jose always saw him in the tunnels of Mementos. “You seem so…well thought. Have you really never had a formal education, Jose?”

“A formal education?” Jose echoed, not sure what she meant by that before his face brightening, “I’ve learned almost everything from the flowers. They teach me things!”

Shinya gawked at this information.

“F-flowers?” Hifumi stuttered again, and Jose realized she doesn’t know about the metaverse and how it works. It’s understandable as she isn’t as privy to that knowledge as Akira is. Flowers are different in the metaverse than in the human world, he assumed.

“Uh, he’s an orphan.” Shinya awkwardly chimed in before Jose could explain, scratching his cheek a bit as he explained to Hifumi, “We are looking for someone he knows…uh, like a sibling, I guess? Or a Friend?”

“Yes! In all the excitement, I forgot the mission!” Jose gasped. The human world was just so exciting, and the fact he had finally found something of interest, in both Shinya and the thing they call a dictionary, he had completely forgotten the reason he had come. Hifumi seemed to be pretty knowledgeable; perhaps she could provide a lead; he turned to her, “We are looking for my friend! He has really messy hair, wears a white mask, a long coat with red gloves.”

Hifumi gave Shinya a strange look, to which Shinya can only shake his head and shrug his shoulders. A sort of helplessness on his face that Jose doesn’t understand. But perhaps it is because they have been relatively unsuccessful in their venture so far. Jose wanted to introduce Akira to his new friend Shinya. After all, Shinya reminds him of Akira, and Jose thinks they would get along well. It was a lack of foresight on Jose’s part that they haven’t managed to find Akira yet. He didn’t anticipate it would be this hard, but Jose can’t deny he is having a grand time.

“Well…” Hifumi said after a few long moments, folding her arms as well and holding her hand up to her chin in an expression of thought, “That is a start, of course. They should stand out with such a description…but, Jose, do you have any other information about this person? The more information, the easier it would be to come up with places to look.”

“Yeah, we already checked Akihabara, and all the manga stores…Jose said the person has given him books before…” Shinya offered but shook his head, “But this person sounds like a cosplayer…and with a mask? That’s so sketch. I haven’t seen anyone like that around besides in Akihabara, but no one with that description.”

“He’s not ‘sketch.’” Jose shook his head and smiled at the thought of Akira, “He’s fascinating. He always comes to see me when he can and will sit with me. I’ve learned so much from him about the world and humans. I don’t think I could have understood as much without his help. Because, through him, I can see why humans are so great and how unexpected they are. He taught me what friends are, and I can say he is a very dear friend to me.”

“My, it sounds he has had quite the impact on you.” Hifumi nodded in agreement, “It isn’t so often one finds such a genuine connection; I’ll help you if I can. I think…he reminds me of someone I knew.”

“Yeah…” Shinya sighed, but Jose can pick up the sadness on his tone.

“How interesting. So, humans use their bonds with others as a means of decision making?” Jose wondered; it seemed so illogical. Yet, the idea makes him feel warm. He doesn’t know why. He hadn’t thought about it, but maybe that’s precisely what he did when he promised Philemon that he’d study humans to understand them. And maybe, he did the same exact thing when he decided he would find Akira this time instead of the other way around.

“In some cases.” Hifumi nodded, “Sometimes it’s to honor another person…because you know it’s something they would do, so you decide to do it as well. I think people touch each other’s lives. Everyone is a kaleidoscope of different moments in their life, different experiences they shared with a person at one time or another. My father used to play Shogi with me in the summers; we’d sit out on the porch, eating watermelon with salt on it and playing Shogi. It wasn’t what anyone could consider a grand moment as it is more of a quiet moment, but it’s a memory that has defined the path I took in life. Everybody leaves pieces of themselves in other people, and sometimes we use those pieces to make decisions. Sometimes you don’t even have to know the person, but they make a difference in your life. Sometimes you see someone being themselves unapologetically in a moment, and you think, ‘I’d want to live like that.’ And that realization leaves a bigger impact on your life than you think.”

Her voice ends in a quiet tone. Jose can feel not only her sadness in that explanation but her strength too. He had never thought about it as such. Shinya doesn’t speak up, instead choosing to look in the opposite direction. Jose wonders if he had someone like that as well.

“I think…Akira has definitely made a difference in my studies; without him, I don’t think I would have understood this much.” Jose nodded definitely because he definitely hadn’t made this much progress before meeting Akira and his friends. He feels like he has learned so much from them about friendship and the motivations humans hold.

“What?” Hifumi breathed, almost a squeak as her eyes widen at his revelation; Shinya has a similar reaction.

“Oh! Akira! That’s his name.” Jose smiled brightly, realizing he had never actually mentioned it as he had never thought to say it, “I wasn’t sure if humans actually referred to others by their names when talking to unacquainted individuals. Then again, I’m not exactly sure if I should call him Akira or Joker… he said either but technically, since they are undercover. The thieves refer to themselves with codenames…. I asked him what Joker meant once. But I feel I didn’t understand the name? He just laughed and told me he was a jack of all trades, that in a card game, he was either an ace or the worst card to pull. I wasn’t sure what that meant. How can you be the worst or best card to pull?”

Hifumi doesn’t say anything, her eyes remaining on his form with an indecipherable look on her face. So, Jose feels the need to supplement what he said.

“I really treasure my relationship with Akira.” Jose beamed in complete honesty, “And I can’t wait to introduce you to him!”

Makoto doesn’t like the vibe happening in the room right now. It feels like, even though the initial storm is over, everything feels wrong. Everything about this feels wrong and uncomfortable.

They are sitting in Akechi’s barely lived-in apartment, and she means it’s so clinical and staged. Akira mentioned an hour previously that Akechi only had five dishes, and Makoto doesn’t doubt that. It’s dismal. While she now knows what Akechi has done and is capable of doing, she can’t get over her thoughts of his apartment. Akechi doesn’t have a family. Akechi has been passed around foster families. Akechi has a grade-A asshole for a father who hasn’t even acknowledged his existence. Yet, he taught him, a literal teenager, that Shido did not know he had a biological connection to assassinate people in the cognitive world. Akechi doesn’t really have anything in this respect.

And Makoto doesn’t think what he has done is right. She thinks it’s downright awful and disgusting, but she can see where he is coming from. Makoto can see the threads of logic. Akechi wasn’t given the privileges they were. He wasn’t given a home to grow up in that was truly a home. He wasn’t given siblings to watch over him and teach him. He wasn’t given the support system he probably desperately needed and had to learn to fend for himself. If Sae hadn’t become her legal guardian, would it have been the same for her?

Makoto disagrees with Akechi’s ideologies and reckless vendetta, but she understands why. And she hates that she understands why. She’s just as angry at Shido when Akechi lays out the concrete evidence to them, the evidence of what he has done that she can’t ignore. He has texts, emails, documents, and recordings to confirm and back up his accusations. It’s enough that Makoto can admit this is downright dirty.

Shido is the epitome of social injustices they aimed to correct. He did not give a sh*t about the future of this country.

Not to mention, what Shido did to Akira was unforgivable.

Even so, Makoto isn’t keen on working with their enemy, and she knows most of them aren’t after this stunt. Haru has been deathly silent after her outburst, and Makoto can only imagine the wreck her train of thought is in now. Futaba is the same, she won’t leave Akira’s side, but Makoto can also tell she is just as angry with the developments. Ann and Ryuji are a little more open to the idea after the kitchen conversation but still have a sense of hesitance. Yusuke just seems to be taking everything in, and Morgana as well.

“Hey, I’m back—” Sae’s voice echoed through the doorway as she pushed the front door open but instantly paused when she sees them all seated around the table before scoffing, “I thought we weren’t telling them yet.”

“They smoked Akechi out, fight club style, and cornered him in a back-alley way,” Akira answered cheekily, his joking tone still contrasting the rather solemn atmosphere of the apartment.

“If you get caught that easily, I fear for sanctity of your mission.” Sae sighed, promptly shutting the door behind her and folding her arms. “Is this going to be a problem?”

Sae looks different. Makoto hasn’t seen her since the incident. She knows why now, but Makoto had assumed she was trying to come to terms with not only their heist on her heart but with the recent death of the SUI director. Makoto doesn’t want to think about what happened there, but she is sure Shido or Akechi has something to do with it. Sae has the same scowl on her face as usual but, she seemed lighter in a sense.

“He’s the one that made a big deal about it and then went and texted them.” Akechi scoffed back, motioning to Akira with an exaggerated motion.

Sae pinched the brink of her nose before releasing the tension in her shoulders. “I suppose this is why you had me go grocery shopping; I was sure it was merely because Akechi had nothing in his fridge.”

“I had stuff in my fridge!” Akechi argued.

“You had one bottle of soy sauce and some eggs. What do you think you are going to be making with that?” Sae asked in exasperation before a serious look wipes across her face as she addressed Akira, “I made some calls; your death record won’t show on your school record. They don’t want your identity getting out as the leader of the phantom thieves. Your homeroom teacher has been told you went home for family reasons.”

“Thanks, Sae.” Akira grinned.

“Makoto…” Sae turned her gaze to address her, and Makoto can instantly see the regret in her eyes. Sae understands what she has done now. And this Sae seems to be willing to face the heat of what she has done. This isn’t the place Makoto would want this talk to be happening, but it is a few days overdue.

“We’re borrowing your room, Akechi,” Makoto announced in a tone that wasn’t asking yet, letting him know before marching over to the bedroom door with Sae in tow. Before Akechi could answer or such, Makoto closes the door.

Akechi’s room is just as clean and staged as his living room. Only a bed and a bookshelf, his closet closed. It had the feeling of a hotel room, and Makoto doesn’t like that at all. This room, albeit, did look a little more lived in since the bed was messy, and sheets were bunched up on the surface.

“Makoto…” Sae started, but she bit her lip, and it’s strange to see her sister without words. Sae often had something to say at least, but now, even she isn’t sure where to start, but this time, Makoto doesn’t butt in; she lets Sae formulate her words as she takes a seat on Akechi’s bed.

Sae sighed, joining her, “When Dad died, I mean…I wasn’t expecting to become the guardian of my kid sister and have to deal with his death and have to juggle my career at the same time…It doesn’t excuse what I did in the end. The pressures I faced don’t justify the means of my actions. The anger I felt for Dad doesn’t justify it either. I know he was following his values and the justice he believed in, but I was so angry because I had to pick up all the pieces; he left…his death didn’t feel virtuous.”

“I know…” Makoto breathed quietly, fidgeting with the rim of her skirt. This is what Shadow Sae had told her as well. But it feels more coming from Sae consciously. “I know how painful it was. I would rather have dad alive, but using the anger towards that in all these falsified convictions isn’t right. Those people don’t deserve that judgment.”

“Yeah. You are right.” Sae agreed quietly, her voice full of remorse. “The justice I sought was not the one I wanted. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I only ruined the system's sanctity more. I contributed to the corruption I sought to fix.”

“Yeah…” Makoto nodded, pushing a strand behind her hair.

“And it doesn’t excuse the pressure I put on you,” Sae said, her voice low but genuine. “I know you are only 17, not even a legal adult yet. I remember when I was your age and the pressures I faced, especially from dad. But it wasn’t right of me to turn around and put those expectations on you…I just wasn’t sure how else to ‘parent,’ I guess.”

“I understand. Dad expected a lot of us, especially you…And I think we take from those we love and use their viewpoints as our own. But, sometimes, that isn’t right.” Makoto shook her head, “It wasn’t right for Dad to put all that expectation on you to succeed when he should have allowed you to figure out your own path. And it wasn’t right for you to pass that expectation onto me, but it wasn’t right for me to pass judgment on my own friends. When I should have listened to my own ideas and values instead of ignoring them because I didn’t think they were right. I’m not you, and your ideals and values won’t always work for me.”

“Wow, I really don’t have to do anything anymore, do I…You are far more mature than I am now…” Sae laughed in a melancholic. “You grew up, and where was I? I’m sorry for not putting more faith in your ability to find your way…”

“It sounds like someone had a change of heart…” Makoto wistfully said, but this feels nice. This is the first time she’s been able to sit down and actually talk with Sae in forever. This is the first time Sae has felt like her sister in a while. And maybe this is the start to fixing their broken family and finally moving on. It lifts her spirits from the dismal mood in the living room. Makoto isn’t happy with Akira’s plan, but she is sure damn grateful that he helped her change Sae’s perspective. She doesn’t think she could have pulled this off without the Phantom Thieves' help.

“I think I had some help with that.” Sae laughed again, patting Makoto’s shoulder endearingly. “Though I have been told that my treasure wasn’t stolen, instead, my palace was left open as a means of escape. Yet, when they checked later, it was apparently gone.”

“I think you changed your own heart.” Makoto shook her head, pulling open her phone and opening the nav to see Sae’s Palace was indeed gone. Akira and Akechi briefly mentioned that they had left Sae’s palace open, leaving the treasure inside as a means of escape, but even then, Sae changed herself. “You’ve always been a self-starter regardless.”

“One of Akechi’s acquaintances, Margaret, told me I was judging people so harshly but that I was judging myself the harshest. She really called me out…hit it right on the nail about how unaware I was of my own actions and decisions. She was right.” Sae said, before frowning, “I haven’t been doing my job, especially as a prosecutor for justice. Instead, I’ve left it up to children to bring justice to those who need it. I want to help, but this time, I want to do it right. I want to do it fair and thorough.”

“Are you talking about Shido?” Makoto wondered, a little frightened by the idea that her sister might be put in danger with them if they target Shido. Shido seemed to have a lot of power, especially within the justice system.

“I’ve done digging. And Akechi is right in Shido’s aspect. Shido has roots in far more than he should, and he is connected to everyone you guys have targeted. He has a hand in not only the mafia, police, justice system, and politics. And if something isn’t done, I can’t fathom what a man like him would do as prime minister.” Sae shook her head, a dire look on her face, “We can put together a case, even get Akira’s probation ended…but it’ll be useless if we can’t get Shido to admit to the crimes directly. Akechi said he will testify, but even with him and the evidence, it might not be enough to convict Shido.”

“Akira…” Makoto wondered the burning question that was on her mind that she doesn’t really know if she can ask, but she does regardless, “About the interrogation… what happened?”

Sae sighed and folded her arms, her face as serious as ever, “Akira is very, very resilient.”

“His face…That—that isn’t legal.” Makoto tried to explain without stuttering over her words. Because she has been thinking about this. Akira had obviously been beaten up, but even in custody, that wasn’t a legal thing to do, “Was it Shido?”

“I can’t say concretely, but I’d say he could have had a hand in it…or with a record like Akira…it just might have been unfortunate circ*mstances.” Sae shook her head, “The system…is inherently flawed. But even I didn’t think they’d go to such lengths with a minor.”


“He never ratted you out.” Sae said thoughtfully, peering at Makoto with clear eyes, “Not once did he mention any of your names, with his story he told me, it was easy enough for me to put together pieces, but he would not name you all, even when I offered him a deal, not once did he falter on that.”

Makoto felt her heart clench because she hadn’t even considered Akira could have ratted them out to cut a deal with the police. Akira wouldn’t do that. She doesn’t have a good record of trusting Akira. She knows it has been a constant problem, especially with accusing him of the black mask. Even being in the situation he was in and not selling them out speaks miles to his character. Makoto feels incredibly guilty at this moment. Akira never once gave up on her; can she really claim to be his friend now?

“Even when through his drug-addled mind, he would not say anything.” Sae sighed, shaking her head and pinching her nose, “I know this won’t feel as valid after all the accusations and actions I’ve done, but I think you have a very loyal friend in Akira. I think he would go to the end of the world for all of you.”

“He was drugged?!” Makoto sputtered because she hadn’t known that fact. Neither of them had mentioned that fact. Her heart sinks at the implications of that. Not only was Akira beaten up but drugged in addition to all that? And Akira is sitting in that living room, laughing about pancakes, cooking them an entire feast, and trying to lift their spirits?

“He didn’t tell you.” Sae blinked in confusion before sighing, “No, I suppose he wouldn’t. I’m not sure how much he actually remembers from the interrogation, which is probably for the best. His story was jumbled at best; then again, the subject matter made it quite hard to believe.”

“He could have really died.” Makoto breathed, realizing how serious the situation was. And her hatred for that plan intensified. Who comes up with such a horrible plan with so many risks? Who in their right mind just volunteers for that? But Makoto also knows, Akira did it for a reason. There was a solid reason behind it. If Akira’s name was next on Akechi’s or Shido’s hitlist, this would have been the better alternative. If Akira hadn’t been captured by the police, if he hadn’t have gone through hell in that interrogation, if Akira and Akechi hadn’t worked together on that plan, then Akira would have actually died. Makoto understands why Akira had to make Shido think he was dead now.

And realizing all of this, what Ryuji said comes back to mind. If Akechi had wanted to kill Akira. Then he could have. Akechi had the full advantage in that situation. Akira was vulnerable and drugged. Akechi would have no issues taking him out, and Akechi has been very front-forth after this reveal about what he has done.

But he didn’t. Akechi didn’t kill Akira.

And Makoto knows that has to speak something to one, Akechi’s relationship with Akira, and two, that Akechi was serious about taking Shido down.

“To think a bunch of high schoolers with the power to change hearts are targeting a corrupt politician.” Sae shook her head, “Not in my wildest imagination.”

Makoto makes her decision, rising from the bed with Sae in tow as she pushed open the door to the living room; she spared Akira a glance who looked at her curiously before she announced.

“I’ve made my decision; I want in on changing Shido’s heart.”

“Akira. No. No, no—” Ryuji begged because they can all see the brilliant grin that is growing on his face. Yusuke will admit it’s rather more devious than his usual smile, and it does not bode well for his hand of cards.

“Akira, Yes!! It’s time to start a Revolution!” Akira haughtily laughed, throwing his four cards down onto the table in an exaggerated gesture and effectively turning their card's strengths.

“Goddamnit it, Akira. Quit starting revolutions!” Ann growled, her shoulders falling in disbelief before groaning, “Pass.”

“Why’d you have to go and do that…” Ryuji sighed in equal frustration, “Pass.”

Akira’s revolution has effectively made his hand irrelevant as he could not counter the revolution. And even then, he had used all his lower cards nearer to the beginning of the game. Yusuke knew his status as a beggar only made that worse as well. “Pass…”

“Oh my, would you look at that?” Akira chuckled, throwing down three more cards onto Akechi’s coffee table, low cards that Yusuke knows none of them can touch now that it’s a revolution. The hope for a counter-revolution is dim.

“Dude! What the f*ck?!” Ryuji sputtered, “You’ve just been holding onto them the entire game?! I just didn’t think you had cards!”

“What can I say? I know what cards to play.” Akira replied smugly, leaning back with the mischievous glint in his eyes. “You never saw it coming.”

“Woah, and I totally understand your strategy now,” Futaba muttered with disbelief in her eyes as she has a full view of Akira’s cards.

Yusuke isn’t surprised that Akira managed to break the rock-hard tension in the apartment with a card game. If anyone could, it would be Akira. A few of them are warming up to the situation. Ann and Ryuji are definitely into the card game, perpetuating Akira’s enthusiasm. Futaba coming out of her shell a bit more after her outburst at Akechi, yet she still refused to leave Akira’s side, which is understandable. Morgana is watching the game with interest, lamenting every now and again that he doesn’t have opposable thumbs making it hard for him to play.

Haru is the only one Yusuke isn’t sure of. Makoto had gone to talk to Sae, and Yusuke knows it has to do with the resolution of Sae’s palace. But, Haru has just been silent this entire time, a faraway look in her eyes. Yusuke wanted to know what she is thinking, but Yusuke has never been good at picking up social cues or predicting what was going on in people’s minds. Akira is evident of that enough.

Yusuke only knows what he feels for sure.


He’s angry with Akira, especially after making them all go through that.

The despair he had felt from thinking he had lost Akira was more resounding than when he thought he would never be able to portray his passion properly in art. In turn, the thought that he had failed Akira hit even harder. Ann was right in saying they had all felt helpless.

But, maybe, this needed to happen. Because now the Phantom Thieves are more aware of the situation. And how wrong they were about their accusations and how far Akira would actually go for them.

Even now, with Akechi being the black mask, Yusuke can’t judge him so quickly after hearing his story. Isn’t Akechi the same as him after all? Except, Akechi didn’t have someone. Yusuke can't deny his own upbringing wasn’t the best, but he’d like to believe Madarame was a good person at one point. Akechi didn’t have that luxury, however. Akechi wasn’t given the same situations as they were.

Hifumi told him once that sometimes you just need to have blind faith. He certainly can’t change the accusations he put onto Akira, but this time, he could have blind faith in their desire to bring right to those injustices.

Yusuke is angry with the plan they came up with, and he doesn’t understand strategy as well as he would like. But he would have faith that it was the right decision to make at the time. If Akira’s name was on Shido’s hitlist, this was the more desirable outcome than the latter.

Still, the bruises on Akira’s face worry him. Yusuke isn’t sure if Akira will ever tell them what happened in that interrogation room. And perhaps, he wonders if Akira won’t tell them because he doesn’t feel they’ll believe him.

“The show is over, folks, and spoiler alert: I’m tycoon once more!” Akira laughed triumphantly, throwing his last few cards onto the table on top of the pile, earning groans from Ryuji and Ann, who slump back into their seats with defeat. Akira really was a jack of all; he had won almost all of their games. Yusuke isn’t sure how much thought everyone was putting into the games themselves.

“So prideful. It’s a card game, Kurusu, hardly something to get excited over.” Akechi scoffed, narrowing his eyes at Akira with a look of spite.

“You are just saying that because you lost last round.” Akira chuckled, wagging a finger at Akechi. “Besides, have you never seen Yugioh? The heart of the cards was with me.”

“Heart of the cards, my ass…” Ryuji muttered, “You probably used the third eye or something…”

“Contrary to prior belief, the third eye doesn’t see as much as you’d like it to see.” Akira shrugged, crossing his arms, tugging at his bangs. Yusuke finds that interesting; they don’t exactly know what the third eye sees or how Akira uses it.

“What does it see?” Yusuke wonders, but he doesn’t know if Akira will dodge his question or not.

“Hmmm…” Akira leaned back, and it looked like he was debating what to say, or if he should say anything at all, “Mostly…just things people usually miss, I guess.”

“Wait, you can use the third eye in reality?” Akechi sputtered, and Yusuke realized Ryuji had implied Akira could use it in reality, which now that he thinks about it is very strange.

Akira chuckled awkwardly, tugging on his hair more, “Not…like the metaverse. It’s more of a…um, heightened perception thing.”

“We went fishing with Kawakami—”

“Wait, you fish with our homeroom teacher?” Ann wondered in disbelief, squinting her eyes at Akira as Ryuji continued.

“And he caught like thirty! That’s a f*ck ton of fish! He said he was using the third eye to spot them in the water!” Ryuji exclaimed, his eyebrows rising in disbelief of the idea of it.

“How come you didn’t bring me back any fish then?” Morgana whined.

“Again, It’s arguably different than in the metaverse.” Akira sighed as everyone turns their heads to him in surprise and expectancy; he tugged at his hair harder, “I just know what I should be looking for…”

“What could you possibly be looking for in fishing?” Akechi scoffed, “It’s fishing; it’s supposed to be a mindless activity.”

“That’s what I said!” Ryuji exclaimed.

“I will catch the Ichigaya Guardian. Mark these words.” Akira said in the deadliest serious tone.

“What kind of ridiculous side quest is that?” Futaba sputtered, “Do you even get anything from that? Some sort of trophy or item?”

“Nope.” Akira shook his head, “Just a sense of achievement and a fish I won’t know what to do with, so I’ll probably throw it back.”

“I don’t understand you,” Ann said bluntly.

Akira laughed heartedly before explaining, “There was a guy in my hometown…Well, I should explain first there is a flood plain there, Samegawa floodplain. I saw him fishing out there a few times. There is this local legend about the Samegawa guardian. A huge fish that supposedly guards the river. And I saw him catch it one day, and it was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It was like his entire body size. The guy dramatically whipped a pair of glasses onto his face, threw his line out into the water, and he just yanked it up out of the water. I wanted to be just like him.”

“Because of a fish. You want to be like him…because of a fish.” Akechi echoed, his voice dry in disbelief before a horrified expression crossed his face, “Wait, do you mean to tell me, you got a pair of fake glasses to wear around because you saw this guy put on glasses before he caught a fish. Kurusu. Kurusu, please tell me that was not your logic behind this all. Please tell me it was more for the sake of blending in like you originally said.”

Akira shrugged cheekily, “He was the coolest person I’ve ever seen. I want to catch a fish that size too now; I want to feel as accomplished as he looked in that moment.”

Regardless of Akechi’s dismissal of this reason, Yusuke thinks it’s a nice sentiment. It gives him an insight into Akira that Yusuke hadn’t known before.

“I don’t think the Ichigaya Guardian is your size, dude.” Ryuji pointed out, “I don’t think the fishing pond has fish that big that hasn’t been seen.”

“Why don’t you try to catch it when you return to your hometown?” Yusuke wondered, “Did that person throw it back? Maybe you can recreate the triumphant moment that has inspired you to take up this past time?”

Akira gets oddly silent; the smile on his face doesn’t drop entirely, but it falters. It’s shifted into an awkward imitation of a smile that even Yusuke can see through. Yusuke wonders if he shouldn’t have asked that; it’s true Akira doesn’t usually talk about his hometown. But they haven’t necessarily asked him either since he fits well in with city life that it slips their mind that he is from the countryside. Yusuke can’t imagine being in Akira’s situation where he was indeed torn from his hometown in such away. However, Akira really is making the best of it since Yusuke knows how often he runs around Shibuya.

Maybe this is why Akira didn’t bring up his hometown very often. Does he think it’s not as exciting as city life and they won’t be interested?

“Akira?” Morgana wondered when Akira is silent for too long.

“Y-yeah…I should try when I…go back, shouldn’t I?” Akira chuckled dryly, but it comes off stilted, “When I go back to my hometown…”

But before anyone can ask about his lackluster tone, the door to Akechi’s room opens suddenly. Makoto, who seemed to be in better spirits, emerged with a newfound vigor on her face as she announced, “I’ve made my decision, I want in on changing Shido’s heart.”

And Yusuke thinks that might be a more significant revolution than before, but Yusuke agreed with her. He’ll step as well; he owes that much to Akira regardless.

When the news aired on the Phantom Thieves’ leader’s suicide. Akira’s supposed suicide. Mishima doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to think or believe. He certainly doesn’t want to consider it. The Phantom Aficionado website is a mess of shock, disbelief, and mockery?

Serves them right after what they did to Okumura.

Lol, is it bad that I totally saw that coming?

what a coward

about time, one less thing to worry about

Mishima did something he hadn’t done in a while. Turned off all his social media, shut off his laptop and phone, and took a step back because he doesn’t know what is more upsetting. The fact his friend, the one who had saved him from Kamoshida and gave him an entirely different perspective on life, was most likely dead or the fact everyone is writing him off as this malevolent criminal and are happy he is dead.

Mishima knows the good Akira has done. Mishima can see the change that Akira and the phantom thieves have brought. Mishima knows he has changed himself. He isn’t as scared as he was before; he wasn’t as helpless as Kamoshida was abusing him.

Yet, that same hopelessness has hit him full force once more. Because, if Akira was dead…then does that mean was this all for nothing?

The book he is writing, does it mean anything anymore? Is there a point? Mishima certainly hadn’t been expecting it to end in death, he thought; he thought for sure the Phantom Thieves would solve the injustices in their society.

Mishima hadn’t realized that he was so caught up in the grandiose of this all that all the risks of what the Phantom Thieves were during had eluded him.

Mishima doesn’t know how they do what they do; he’d never explicitly ask Akira because Akira told him if he knew, then he could be considered an accomplice, and it was safer that he didn’t. Is this what Akira was trying to protect him from? Did Akira actually kill himself, or was this some sort of setup? The person who killed Okumura?

Mishima choked on his breath as he thought about it in the middle of class. He can’t focus on anything; Ann and Ryuji aren’t even here, only serving to the evidence that something is wrong because Akira’s seat is just as empty, and Mishima wonders if that’s just how it was going to be.

Akira had transferred at the beginning of the year, and now he was gone once more. All their peers acting as if he didn’t matter at all. Because all their peers don’t know what Mishima knows. All their peers don’t know what Akira has done for them, the hero that Akira was. Was there a point to anything Akira did if everyone just considered him a murderer in the end?

Until someone, the guy who sat behind Akira, piped up, “Uh, Miss Kawakami? Where are Takamaki-san and Kurusu-kun?”

Mishima instantly snapped his attention back to the moment because Mishima doesn’t know what to do. But he can’t go back to the coward he was before Kamoshida, who was too scared to do anything. He can’t go back to the insecure kid who was riding on Akira’s coattails. He can’t be what he once was, and this time, it’s time for him to do some investigating. Because he has to know, without doubt, that Akira was dead. Mishima won’t believe or see this injustice.

He needs to get to the bottom of this. Even if there wasn’t a point, Mishima would define one himself.

Kawakami’s face scrunched up in an unusual display of conflict and melancholy before she answered in an awkward tone, “Takamaki-san isn’t feeling well, and Kurusu-Kun…has returned home because of family circ*mstances…”

There is a murmur among the students, but it doesn’t go anywhere as Kawakami shuts them down quickly to get onto the next lesson. They all accept the reason, but Mishima doesn’t. Yet, it does give him a feeling of hope.

Kawakami taught her lessons for the day as best as she could. She tried to be as engaging as possible when they thought they had just failed one of their students again. She doesn’t know what to do. She can feel the failure seeping into her pores; she can feel all the feelings she thought she had gotten over with Takase coming up again. The guilt, the shame that she didn’t see something was wrong.

She knows Akira’s grades have been dropping lately, not by a lot but enough to be somewhat concerning. She had just assumed it was because of his work with the phantom thieves, and Kawakami didn’t want to speak against that. Instead, she helped by constantly trying to give him time in homeroom or other classes to work on other activities.

Was that a selfish reason? Kawakami wanted society to change, but not at the expense of Akira. She didn’t think it would come to this. And it felt like everything the Phantom Thieves did was for naught after Okumura died, and the blame was pinned on them. Then Akira dies, and he doesn’t even die a hero, but a murdered that Kawakami knows he’s not.

Kawakami just wanted change. But she didn’t think this would be the price.

She had failed once more to help one of her students.

Her heart clenched as she slides down the side of the school, most of the students have gone home for the day, but she can’t fathom getting up and going home just to ruminate more over all this. She’s tired.

“Kawakami-sensei…” Mishima’s voice startled her, and she immediately looked up to find him standing over her with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

“What is it, Mishima-kun?” She asked, but her voice stuttered as she rubbed the tears out of his eyes.

“Kawakami-sensei, Did Akira really go home because of family issues?” Mishima asked quietly. Kawakami wasn’t sure if he knew before, but she can tell from the tone in his voice that he for sure did know Akira was a part of the phantom thieves. After all, why wouldn’t he? He was head of the Phantom Aficionado site?

“Didn’t you see the news?” Kawakami sighed, pulling herself off the ground because she didn’t want one of her students to see her like this. “That’s what the school told me to say…but I think we both know…”

“No!” Mishima shook his head, and his fists clenched, “Akira wouldn’t do that. There is more to this story; I know it!”

Kawakami chuckled dryly; she doesn’t think Akira would either. But, then again, who is she to be the judge of things? She can’t know definitely, and it wouldn’t be the first time a student did something as such, “I don’t know, I don’t…All I know is what I saw on the news…Sakamoto and Takamaki haven’t come in the last few days, I think that is testament enough…”

“I couldn’t get ahold of them; their phones are off, neither Nijima-san nor Okumura-san…but that doesn’t mean we can’t find out another way.” Mishima told her, his voice strangely steadier than Mishima had ever been, “We have to get to the bottom of this.”

She blinked at him in surprise because she hasn’t realized how much Mishima has changed. Before Kamoshida, he was always quiet and withdrawn. His grades were ok, but not great. But he just wasn’t present in the sense he never had an opinion or anything to say. He just did what he was told. He was an easy target for Kamoshida.

But this Mishima is different. He’s more confident; he’s more outspoken. He put together the entire Phantom Aficionado website.

Mishima has changed and grown so much. Kawakami knows Akira has to do with that; she knows Akira had a hand in giving Mishima what he really needed. A passion. A cause.

Kawakami regretted not taking action against Kamoshida for the selfish reasons of preserving her own job so she could continue to pay the Takase’s, but maybe this is the time she makes up for it. She might have failed Akira, but she won’t fail Mishima standing in front of her asking for help.

“I know where he lives. Let’s start there.” Kawakami nodded definitively.

Chihaya knew fate can be changed. After all, Akira taught her that through all the actions of the Phantom Thieves. The future was not set in stone as she once thought.

She remembers a reading she had given Akira quite a while ago; after all, Akira had such an adverse reaction to it, she couldn’t forget the look in his eyes. She never pressed further about it when he returned a week after, with that usual devious smile. But she can understand why he felt as such.

After all, the wheel of fortune reversed is not such a great card as its upright counterpart. Chihaya has thought about this card multiple times before Akira’s reading, however. Because she feels it’s the best card to exemplify her situation. An endless cycle. Something she couldn’t break free of. The card told her this was a cycle she could not break free of, so there was no use trying. It constantly came up in her readings, so Chihaya understands Akira's despair when it came up in her reading. She wonders, though, if the card was directed at her or Akira? Had she let her own destiny slip in when she read it?

She understands her situation better now and what it can be attributed to. If you are taught one thing your entire life, you tend to believe it. She remembers reading an interesting bit on elephants on an off day when she didn’t have anything else to do. In India, when elephants are babies, they are tied to a post, so they can’t runoff. When they grow up, even though they are larger and able to break that rope holding them back, they will wait around for their trainers because the grown elephants have learned it’s hopeless to try based on their experiences in the past.

Chihaya remembers this hits her profoundly.

The fact that despite having the power to change her situation, she learned to be helpless because of the past. The wheel of fortune, the cycle of being taught something and inherently believing it.

She hadn’t realized she was in the midst of this, but it’s clear as day now. The organization kept a tight hold on her, but maybe not as close of a grip as she thought. Her cards taught her it wasn’t her destiny to escape but was it really the cards telling her that? Or her past experiences.

She knows it’s an awful feeling. It’s a horrible feeling when you think there is no way to change a situation, so you just play along, hoping it’ll get better, but it doesn’t, and you have no idea what to do. So, you allow it to happen, knowing deeply that there wasn’t any hope. It’s an awful, despairing feeling. Because no matter how much you try to ignore it, play it off, dismiss it away. It’s always there.

When Akira came along, this belief started becoming uprooted even if she wasn’t aware that it was happening. Akira showed her that she does have more power than she once thought.

Her cards don’t control her fate; she does.

The wheel of fortune reversed is an inherently sad card, but it is a wheel, and she just needed to learn to let go so it may run its course. Her power was letting go of those inherent beliefs.

Albeit it has taken a dip, things come in cycles, and she knows she cannot accurately predict what Akira’s fate is. But she knows the future can be changed. She has to have faith in the fact the universe has a plan for all this.

She has to because she doesn’t want to think about the alternative. That everything Akira had done was pointless. Chihaya has to remind herself that people find their own meaning in the universe, and she must too.

“You are a fortune-teller…right?” A middle-aged lady plopped herself down messily at Chihaya’s fortune-telling table without so much as an anecdote; it’s obvious she is drunk and is very clearly upset as her eyes and nose are runny. But there is a fire in her eyes that enraptures Chihaya. She is upset, but she angry too. And Chihaya can’t help but empathize with her.

“I am, but I cannot tell you a concrete future if that is what you are looking for,” Chihaya told her honestly because that is the truth she has come to. The future is ever-changing, and she knows this. All she can do is give people an insight into their own feelings and self. She can only bring attention to what people are willing to face. People control their own fates.

“Then what good are you?!” The drunk lady hiccups, her eyes watering up again as she angrily shakes her head. “What good is a fortune teller who can’t tell sh*t? I have to know why. I just need you to tell me why!”

“I can’t tell you the future, but I can sit here with you if that’s what you want.” Chihaya offered softly because she knows that is all she can sometimes do. And she is ok with that.

“I just want to know if he’s dead or not. I think, I don’t think what was broadcasted was true, I think it’s something far more sinister but, I don’t know how to approach this story.” She nearly sobbed, the frustration evident on her face, “This is Kayo all over again…What am I supposed to do? I don’t even want fame at this point; I just want to know what happened; I want justice to be served.”

Chihaya put the pieces together because Akira had mentioned Ohya once, not in detail but enough to know this was the journalist who hung out at the bar. She walked past every so often, but Chihaya had never really given her thought until now. Yet, Ohya seemed to be just as upset as her about the news of the Phantom Thieves’ passing.

She doesn’t know what she can do to ease Ohya’s grief, but she does what she can. Ohya doesn’t need a reading right now; Ohya needs some food and a friend. Chihya gently took her hand into hers and smiled sweetly, “How about we go grab some food? I know this great café that serves curry.”

The universe must be jerking Shinya’s chain, and this was a cruel joke. Not only was he struggling to come to terms with what happened to Akira. Now, he couldn’t figure out how to tell Jose that the Akira they are searching for was dead. This wasn’t the turn he was expecting this day to take. He doesn’t think he can possibly handle breaking Jose’s heart like that. The way Jose earnestly told him he wanted to introduce him to Akira. The irony wasn’t funny.

“I wanted to get it for the girl who stands outside the blue door, she always seems angry and threatens me, but I’ve been told people threaten each other as a sign that they actually like them? So, I think she has to like me, right? She always makes it a point to insult me whenever I pass the door, so it must be true. I got her the balloon because her eyes are gold too.” Jose explained as they walked across the Shibuya crossing because Shinya doesn’t know what to do. So, they had decided on the main street to look, but Shinya knows they won’t find what Jose is looking for.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (36)

Shinya has no idea what Jose is even talking about, but he can’t really pay attention to the absurdity of it right now.

All he can feel is the gut-churning of anxiety about the fact he will have to tell Jose eventually that the person they are looking for is dead. Jose, Hifumi, and Shinya’s dear friend is dead.

Perhaps he’d leave that to Hifumi, who has a similar grim expression on her face as she listens to Jose talking about some weird girl who stands by a blue door. But…

Is he being cowardly? Is he running away?

Shinya gritted his teeth as they reach the other side, clenching his fists because hadn’t Akira taught Shinya better? He shouldn’t leave the burden onto Hifumi to break that news to Jose. Hifumi is suffering just as much as he is.

“Jose…” Shinya solemnly said once they reach the other side of the crossing, making sure to pull Jose away from the main street, near a building, so it was a little more private.

“Shinya…” Hifumi sighed because Shinya knows she is smart enough to see where this conversation is going. But she doesn’t stop him, merely standing by him, putting a hand on his shoulder in some sense of comfort that doesn’t really help. Shinya is grateful regardless. He has to do this.

“Oh, what is it?” Jose wondered, seemingly confused by the change of pace, “Your faces are so serious; why is that?”

“Jose…listen.” Shinya sighed, deciding to kneel down to meet Jose’s eye level, and sucking in a breath, thinking about what to say before exhaling, “Akira…he doesn’t wear a mask. He wears glasses, and I know him.”

“Oh! You know Akira too?” Jose grinned brightly before scrunching his nose, “Maybe I should have said his name originally then; it might have saved us some trouble. But to think I’d run into a friend of Akira’s. What a serendipitous encounter!”

Shinya bit his lips because serendipitous is far from what this was. But he doesn’t know how to say it, how to tell Jose that Akira most likely isn’t coming back. How does one tell someone that? Are there any good words to convey the regret Shinya feels?

“I know Akira too…” Hifumi piped up, a voice just as solemn, “We play Shogi together. And I too consider him a very dear friend as do you and Shinya.”

“You too, Hifumi?” Jose gasped, his golden eyes growing wide, “Wow! Akira sure does have a lot of friends! Now that we are on the same page, do you know where Akira is right now? If I told you from the get-go, then maybe we could have found him faster! My bad!”

“Akira is—” Shinya started, but his voice choked on the words, what is there to say? How can he phrase it when Jose completely dismissed the definition of death when Hifumi explained it to him. But Shinya can’t run away from this. Jose is going to find out eventually. “Akira died.”

Jose blinked at him, and Shinya waited for that information to set in, but it never seemed to as confusion grew on Jose’s face.

“There was…an incident.” Hifumi tried to explain, but even she struggled because how are they supposed to explain to Jose what suicide was when Jose barely understood what death was? “And Akira…didn’t make it.”

Jose gave them a dumbfounded look before shaking his head, “No, that’s not it. Akira isn’t gone. I would know if he was. I think you are mistaken.”

“Sometimes…” Shinya breathed quietly as tears start to prickle in his eyes, “Sometimes it just happens unexpectedly, like Hifumi said, and people are just gone…and there isn’t anything you can do or feel to bring them back. It just is.”

“Don’t cry, Shinya.” Jose told him, “Akira isn’t dead; I know he’s not.”

“How could you possibly know that?” Shinya huffed, scrubbing at his eyes. Jose was making this harder than it should be, and Shinya doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know how to convey the meaning of his words so Jose will understand him.

“The girl who stands by the blue door told me.” Jose answered simply, before frowning, “Thought, it may be wise to check in with her again…”

“The girl you bought the balloon for?” Hifumi wondered, confused.

“No, the other one.” Jose shook his head before spinning on his heel and turning down the main street without giving them another look.

“f*cking damnit!” Shinya cursed, kicking the wall with his shoe next to him. “How the f*ck am I supposed to make him understand?!”

“You can’t,” Hifumi told him sadly, her eyes sincere. Shinya knows she is grieving as much as he is, but she can remain composed. How can she stay so composed? She continued as she gently led Shinya away from the wall and down the main street. They can see Jose’s balloon bobbing in the distance. She continues softly, “It is not your responsibility to make him understand. Grief comes in different forms…people experience it differently. But even so, you can’t make someone look at a truth they don’t want to see. They have to be the ones to acknowledge it; you’ve done your part of informing, now what’s left is moving on. Play your move and end your turn. Maybe, he’ll understand later on.”

“It’s not fair.” Shinya breathed because none of this is fair in the slightest.

“It isn’t, but often life isn’t.” Hifumi sighed, giving him a pat on the back.

“Caroline had said you left mementos,” Justine commented as Jose rounded the corner to the alleyway where the blue door stood. Jose knew it would be there, as would Justine. Unlike her sister, Justine tended to be less mean and more diplomatic. She seemed the best person to ask.

“Hi Justine, I just wanted to ask you to clarify; Akira isn’t dead, right?” Jose asked, scurrying over to where she stood in the corner. The blue light illuminating the pavement. Shinya had sounded so serious that Jose needed to make sure even though he already knew deep down.

“The inmate isn’t dead.” Justine scoffed, an annoyed look flashing on her face before pinching the brink of her nose in exasperation, “Though, he does make rather questionable choices. I’ve never seen a human as idiotic as him, honestly.”

“That’s what I thought.” Jose nodded his head, he wouldn’t say he was worried before because he could already sense Akira wasn’t dead, but it was nice to have Justine confirm it for him, but then scrunched his face, “About him being dead, not about him being idiotic. I don’t perceive him as being idiotic? But I’ll respect your individual opinion on that, Justine. I think Akira is very wise personally; I learn a lot of new things when I am with him.”

“I wouldn’t take any of it to heart.” Justine shook her head, “Humans are naturally stupid. He can’t even carry out the simplest of requests. Honestly, it isn’t that hard to fuse a Jack Frost with Mabufu. Caroline and I can do it in our sleep. Really, how hard of a task is it? He has Alice, after all. He’s slacking off is what it is.”

“Jose? Who are you talking to? Why are you spacing off in the corner?” Hifumi’s voice drifted from the entrance to the alleyway. She and Shinya had a concerned look on their face, but Jose brightly smiled at them, about to tell them the good news about what Justine had said before Justine cuts him off.

“Don’t bother; they can’t see me, nor will I let them; I don’t care if they are the inmate’s confidants.” Justine shook her head, flipping through the papers on her clipboard with a neutral motion as she gazed at them through judging eyes.

“Oh, they can’t see you?” Jose blinked with curiosity, looking back to Shinya and Hifumi, who talked more amongst themselves, giving Jose strange looks.

Justine shook her head, “The velvet room’s existence is not privy to them; they cannot comprehend it. Humans simply can’t acknowledge it, except wildcards and those my master or we, the assistants, allow to acknowledge its existence. Much like with the concept of cognition, it’s something that must be witnessed to be believed. Often, if told of, humans simply write it off as a joke or exaggeration.”

“Oh!” Jose blinked, “I understand! My bad, Justine, I didn’t mean to point you out then without your permission.”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter,” Justine reassured him, a small but pleased smile on her face, “Really, all you did was make yourself look like the fool. The inmate did it once as well. He told all his cohorts, but it was amusing to see their faces. It may have been a bit cruel of me to leave out such a crucial detail, but their reactions were quite rewarding.”

“Oh, you pulled a prank on him?!” Jose gasped, eyes wide.

“I suppose I did.” Justine nodded, the slight smile growing a little larger, before returning it to a scowl, “He took it so personally. Honestly, He should have known better; my master had mentioned it, but the inmate can’t read in-between the lines, nor does he ever pay attention.”

“I’m not entirely sure what that means…but can I ask you, do you know where Akira is?” Jose wondered, not wanting to keep Shinya and Hifumi waiting. He can’t imagine what they despair they must be in genuinely thinking Akira was dead. Jose is sure this is just a whole misunderstanding.

“I haven’t seen him.” Justine scoffed, “It’s not as if he feels he needs to grace us with his presence. Honestly, I’ve never seen a guest avoid the velvet room as much as he. He’s so ungrateful to our master, even after all he’s done for him.”

“I’m sure that isn’t it. Akira is just busy, you know that.” Jose reassured her before handing her the balloon. “Here, I got this for you and Caroline. I thought it might lift your spirits! Get it? It’s a balloon?”

Justine took the balloon but stared at it with a look of suspicion, “What am I supposed to do with this? Is it a weapon of some sorts?”

“No, it’s for fun; humans buy them to give to people!” Jose explained, “I’m not sure the use of it, but isn’t it beautiful?”

“Hmm. Perhaps.” Justine simply said, staring at the balloon, a hint of wonder in her eyes. “I’m sure Caroline will like it too.”

“I’ll talk to you later, Justine!” Jose waved at her before rejoining Shinya and Hifumi.

“Oh, what happened to your balloon, Jose?” Hifumi wondered, “Did you let go of it?”

“I—” Jose is about to tell her that he gave it to Justine but remembered what Justine said. Hifumi wasn’t able to believe him, so he just goes with a nonchalant, “Yeah, silly me. It’s alright, though! I’ll get one another time.”

“That corner…” Shinya murmured, folding his arms, “Akira tried to scare me here once…He just stopped; it was creepy. Did you see something back there, Jose?”

“Just a cat,” Jose answered simply, for the same reasoning as before, before frowning. “Akira isn’t dead; you have to trust me on that. We just need to find him, and he can tell you himself!”

Hifumi and Shinya both give him long looks, a variation of pity and sadness on their face, and Jose knows they don’t believe him. He tried to think of anything he can; he knows humans usually choose one location to dwell in their downtime. He’s always driving around mementos, so his location is his car. Maybe if he can get them to take him to Akira’s location he has chosen to dwell, they’ll hopefully run into him.

“Jose—listen…” Hifumi tried to appeal to him, but he already knows what she is going to say.

“Have some faith in Akira.” Jose said, before imploring, “Trust me.”

He hoped his desire came across right; he hopes they can trust him.

Hifumi sighed, folding her arms over her chest and looking at the ground, “We don’t want you to get your hopes up…It’s—”

“Where does Akira live?” Jose asked because this is getting them nowhere. “Let’s go there.”

“I-I don’t know.” Hifumi shook her head, “It’s never come up.”

“Shinya?” Jose turned to the other, who is silent, a conflicted look on his face, and his fists are clenched.

“Do you really think Akira is still alive?” Shinya asked after a few minutes.

“I do.” Jose nodded firmly.

Shinya doesn’t say anything, instead choosing to march down the alleyway, much to both of their surprises.

“Shinya?” Hifumi stuttered, quickly following after him. Jose following in tow, he has no idea where Shinya is leading them, but Jose hopes it’s to wherever Akira lives.

Shinya marched up to a storefront. All the other stores on Main Street had looked to be open, but this one didn’t. There were no lights, no indication anyone was in there. But Shinya started banging on the door regardless.

“Iwai-san! Iwai-san!” He called out, his voice shaky but firm as he continues to slam his hand onto the door.

Iwai felt exhaustion like he hasn’t before; it felt like he had lost his kid, and he doesn’t know what to do. The initial shock had worn off, and he is still in denial about all of this. He had just seen Akira last week; Akira came in and dusted as he usually did. Laughed about something Iwai can’t remember. Iwai does remember the one-time Akira had a dissociation attack in his shop, though, how out of it and uncharacteristic Akira was afterward. He tried to piece together if that’s what happened?

Did Akira in custody just decide none of this was worth it? Iwai is trying hard to figure out why this happened because he doesn’t want to think about what happens now. The Phantom Thieves were a joke now. All of their accomplishments seem to have been dismissed after Okumura and Akira’s death.

The public did a complete one-eighty, and Iwai can’t say he’s surprised but can say he is highly disappointed.

The back of the shop is dark, he knows he should be open, but he can’t do it. He doesn’t want to sit at home thought since Kaoru will be asking what’s wrong. And Iwai doesn’t think he can face Kaoru in the wake of all this.

So, he just sits in the back of this dark store, wondering why. Trying to fit the pieces together. Whether Akira did this to himself or if something darker and more sinister is about. It was just so abrupt, and there are no answers.

He thought, maybe it wasn’t Akira. But Akira hasn’t been in contact for the period this has gone down. What else is he supposed to believe?

All he can do is sit here and feel the anxiety gripping his chest.

He almost jumps out of his skin when he hears someone pounding on the front door. He wonders If it is Kaoru, but Kaoru had a key to the store, so it doesn’t make sense for him to be banging on the door. He can’t think of a customer who would be so aggressive trying to get into the closed store.

Iwai doesn’t want to deal with people. But he doesn’t want to deal with his own thoughts either, so he reluctantly gets up to check the front door.

“Iwai-san! Please be in there!” A kid’s voice echoed from the front, and Iwai was not expecting Shinya to be here. sh*t, what is he supposed to tell Shinya? How is he supposed to tell Shinya that he doesn’t know Akira’s fate? But he has a pretty good guess.

But he won’t run away.

“What is it?” Iwai growled, opening the door slightly to see a riled-up Shinya. But before Iwai can say anything, Shinya stopped him.

“He doesn’t think Akira is dead,” Shinya said bluntly, pointing to a weird short kid behind him with the biggest golden eyes Iwai has ever seen and was dressed like a spelunker. Next to him was a girl around Akira’s age in a long dress; her eyes are a mix of confusion. But what shocked Iwai is what Shinya said, meaning Shinya must know and these kids must know too.

“Shinya…Listen…” Iwai doesn’t know what he is supposed to say.

“Jose doesn’t think Akira is dead.” Shinya shook his head before muttering, “And I don’t want to believe that.”

“None of us do.” The girl added softly beside him, “None of us want to believe what the news said…”

“What do you want me to do?” Iwai asked earnestly because she is correct, but there is little they can do. Iwai hardly knows who the other Phantom Thieves are to ask or where to find them. There isn’t anybody but Akira himself to confirm what was announced. He pinched the brink of his nose.

“Do you know where Akira lives?” Shinya implored, “And can you take us there?”

Iwai sighed; he’s been by in the last few days, but it’s been closed. But Shinya doesn’t look like he will take no for an answer.

He wasn’t expecting to do babysitting today but leave it up to Akira to have an eclectic group of connections.

Sojiro doesn’t know what to do. Not only the fact that Akira was dead. The Phantom Thieves’ horrified reactions were evident enough, and consoling Futaba was difficult in its self when Sojiro felt like he had lost his other kid as well. He told Akira to be careful, but this wasn’t something any of them could have avoided. They didn’t know Akechi would sell them out; Sojiro hadn’t even expected that himself. Especially not with how enamored Akira was with him and how much time they spent together.

Sojiro is kicking himself for not doing anything, but what could he have done? How could he have known?

He can’t keep Leblanc closed forever, so he begrudgingly opened it. His heart isn’t in it, but it’s a weekday, and those weren’t usually busy.


Yet, he finds Leblanc filled to the brim today with people he hasn’t expected. And he has no idea why they would all choose right now to come.

Tae was first, shuffling in with little vigor to her form. She doesn’t say anything as she sat down at the bar, but she didn’t need to because Sojiro knows she feels the same exact thing as him. It wasn’t hard to figure out what Tae knew as well. But, seeing her so down only brought down his spirits as well.

Next, a politician came in, but he knows vaguely of this one. Yoshida. Akira had mentioned helping him out with his speeches on Sunday night. Sojiro teased him because he didn’t think Akira would be much help in politics, but Akira proudly said he held up a sign. The thought is bitter now as he served Yoshida a cup of coffee. He doesn’t say anything either, merely thanking Sojiro and looking around. Sojiro thinks he knows what he is looking for but can’t say anything.

Two-woman stumble in next, the smaller one supporting the other. The black-haired girl was obviously drunk and upset, but the blond was doing her best to corral her.

“I’m sorry, I really hope it isn’t a bother. Can we get two portions of curry and coffee?” She apologized as she set the drunk lady in the booth.

“Of course.” Sojiro nodded, taking a look at the babbling drunk girl, “I’ll get something strong for her…”

“Thank you so much.” The blonde nodded with a pleased smile.

Next, in a surprising turn of events, Akira’s teacher, Kawakami, comes in with another Shujin Student.

“Wow, you really do get business, huh?” Kawakami laughed awkwardly when they come through the door.

“Hey, I have plenty of business; let me tell you that.” Sojiro chuckled half-heartedly, but he is confused why Akira’s teacher was here; he wasn’t sure what to tell the school about Akira’s…. demise without setting off some alarms. So, he hasn’t made a call yet. Is that why she is here?

“Oh! Mishima-san!” Yoshida exclaimed in surprise.

“Yoshida-san?” Mishima sputtered back, and Sojiro is interested in how those two know each other. Then again, maybe he was a sign holder, “What are you doing here?”

“It’s MISHIMA-KUN!” The black hair lady piped up with some sort of warbled glee, “Mishima-kun is here!”

“O-Ohaya-san?” Mishima stuttered when Ohya jumped out of her seat to pull Mishima down into the booth next to her. He looked visibly confused by the turn of events.

“Chihaya-chan~” Ohya slurred, patting Mishima’s shoulder in some sense of familiarity before addressing the blond lady, “Mishima-san let me interview him, but he thought it was a date! Haha! I felt so bad for him, but he was a wealth of information. And so cute too!”

“A wealth of information, huh?” Kawakami asked, giving Mishima a disappointed look, and Mishima’s face instantly heated up. Chihaya chuckled awkwardly at the entire exchange, seemingly uncertain of what to do.

“Kawakami-sensei! It isn’t like that!” Mishima desperately denied, trying to pull away from Ohya’s lack of personal space, “She is a journalist, and she needed a scoop on what went down in Shujin! I swear!”

“What a lively bunch, hm?” Tae sighed from her seat, watching on with curious eyes. “I wonder…”

Then four more people walk in: A large-looking man with a gecko tattoo, a high school girl around Akira’s age in a long dress, A kid with a red hat. The strangest one of them all, A toddler-looking kid dressed as a spelunker, with a pair of goggles hung around his neck and the biggest golden eyes he had ever seen.

“Wait, Shinya?” Mishima sputtered, seemingly recognizing one of the people.

“Oh, it’s you.” The kid, Shinya, blinked, “Mishima, right?”

“Yeah, but what are you doing here?”

Sojiro has no idea what has led to this many people deciding to come into Leblanc or why it’s such an eclectic group of people. But the lively atmosphere helped distract him from everything else. Shinya, The older man, teenage girl, and little kid (The weirdest combination he’s seen in his life since they don’t look related at all, come in to avoid blocking the doorway.

“We are looking for Akira!” The kid with the gold eyes piped up, his eyes wide and bright.

But his words instantly kill the vibe in Leblanc. The liveliness comes down like a crashing chandelier.

And Sojiro instantly knew by the faces of all these people that they all knew Akira and most likely all knew of his fate too. He can’t even scorn Akira for his negligence since he’s dead. How could he let all these people find out?

“Um, So…” The kid stuttered, looking around at all the people, his eyes growing wider since he probably didn’t mean to completely kill the mood.

Sojiro doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know what to think at this moment, as the mood has just grown dismal.

Then the door jingles and Sojiro doesn’t think he could handle another person coming into this atmosphere.

Except it’s Akira.

Akira. Alive. His face looks like sh*t, but despite that, he is alive and breathing. Probably. He looked like a deer in headlights, from where he has paused in the doorway. There is a long moment where no one says a thing, none of the people in Leblanc, none of the Phantom Thieves behind Akira and Akira himself.

“Did I…Did I walk into my own wake?” Akira bluntly asked, blinking in surprise, before turning around, “Should…Should I leave?”

Because, of course, Akira would crash his own wake if he had one.

“Get your ass in here, and deal with this.” Sojiro sighed, motioning to all the people who still have astounded looks on their faces. Sojiro can’t deny his own rush of relief at this moment. He has no idea what is going on, but it’s probably better dealt with once all these people are dealt with. His knees are like jelly, but his heart is soaring at Akira’s presence. Still, there is a wave of particular anger from being left out of the loop.

“I’ll be honest. I don’t know the procedure for attending my own wake, so I guess just resume grieving as you were?” Akira slowly entered the café, allowing the rest of his entourage to join as well, with varied looks of disbelief on their faces. Akira continues with a nonchalant tone, “Just pretend I’m not here but know I’ll be making a ranked list of who misses me the most, so…”

“You little sh*t.” The man with the gecko tattoo voiced all of their feelings at that moment, pinching the brink of his nose in exasperation. Sojiro thought he captured Akira’s essence perfectly.

“Uh oh, and that brings you to the bottom of the list, Iwai.” Akira cheekily joked.

“You’re ALIVE?” Shinya sputtered, his voice a mess but his face lifting up immensely as he is quick to dart to Akira, winding his arms around Akira’s torso. The tip of his hat digging into Akira’s ribcage.

Akira winced at the action; Sojiro instantly suspected those bruises on his face weren’t only on his face, but Akira regained his composure, patting Shinya’s back. “And Shinya is now on the top of this list.”

“Wait…does everyone here know about—” Ryuji exclaimed but stopped before revealing they were the phantom thieves. Sojiro suspected it doesn’t matter, as he is pretty sure everyone here knows. Though he can’t imagine why Akira would let all these people in on this secret.

“I would say, most definitely yes.” Yoshida laughed heartily, with the biggest smile on his face. “Quite the gathering nonetheless.”

“Oh—oh dear,” Makoto muttered, a sense of apprehension in her voice that is perfectly valid.

“It’s AKIRA! Leader of the Phantom Thieves! He’s risen; I knew it!” Ohya drunkenly cheered, jolting Mishima, who is in a stupor next to her. “Drinks on me!”

“Well, if they didn’t know before, now they do…” Ann shook her head in disbelief, “I don’t think I know half these people…did our secret seriously get out this far?”

“Akira! Don’t do that to me!” Mishima whined, folding his arms and letting his head fall into his arms, “I thought I’d actually have to write that in my book. I swear I had felt my heart stop.”

“You are cutting years off my age, Akira; I swear I’ll have grey hairs by the time I’m thirty.” Kawakami sighed, a similar look of exasperation, exhaustion, and relief on her face as she turned to Sojiro, “I’ll help you make some coffee, Sakura-san.”

Sojiro is grateful as he hasn’t been expecting this many people or whatever this situation was. But he briefly wonders how Kawakami knows how to make drip coffee.

“Wait...Jose?!” Futaba sputtered when she realized the kid, Jose, is amongst the group. Sojiro didn’t know of anyone named Jose, but Futaba must know him as she crouched down next to him, “What are you doing here? You look different!”

“I haven’t seen Akira in a while, so I came looking for him!” Jose, who Sojiro had assumed was a toddler, said in a very clear and well-spoken voice, “But, I realized I didn’t know where to find him…Luckily, I ran into Shinya! Shinya is so smart, and then we ran into Hifumi! And she bought me this book that holds all the definitions of your language! I’m awfully excited to dig into it.”

Sojiro paused from the coffee crafts, that certainly was a weird way to label a dictionary, but perhaps Jose was a foreigner. Sojiro wouldn’t put it past Akira to make friends with a foreigner; however, Jose doesn’t speak as if he is one. Only leading to his confusion. He wonders if Jose is like Morgana, who is watching excitedly from the edge of the counter. Jose didn’t seem right.

“Is that so?” Yusuke wondered, a slight smile on his face as he turned his head towards the girl he was standing next to, who Sojiro assumed was Hifumi.

“Yes, I think the pursuit of any knowledge is quite admiral. Though, Jose has proven himself, although quite eccentric, to be knowledgeable on his own.” Hifumi said, her voice naturally soft with a smile similar to Yusuke’s on her face. Sojiro wondered if something was going on there as they seemed friendly; she continued, “I think it was very serendipitous in itself that I ran into Shinya and Jose in such a way. It is nice to see you in good spirits, Kitagawa-kun.”

“Ah, thanks, Hifumi. I can pay you back for the book,” Akira thanked her, slowly prying Shinya off his waist, which looked like a feat in itself. Shinya doesn’t detach easily but eventually retracts his arms.

“No need, I think this is quite the payment enough.” Hifumi shook her head, taking the crisp plastic bag held around her arm and setting it on the counter. Before turning back to Akira with a coy smile, “Good to see the king has yet to fallen through; I was quite surprised with this strategy.”

“She’s been telling me Shogi references all day,” Shinya whined, quickly brushing his eyes.

“That’s her language. You should see her when she actually plays Shogi.” Akira chuckled, patting his hat. “She gets just as excited as you with Gun About. Even curses every once in a while.”

“H-hey!” Hifumi sputtered, her face heating up.

“She told me she’d teach me. But I need to teach her how to play gun about.”

“Hifumi-chan with a gun…that is an image I’m not sure I’d want to see.” Yusuke shook his head.

“Sniper.” Iwai piped up, nodding his head definitively.

“Excuse me?” Makoto stuttered, confused.

“She’d be a sniper. Accurate and precise. Also, the deadliest and out of sight.” Iwai explained as if it would be the most normal thing in the world, and Sojiro wondered if he should be concerned, as did the rest of the people. Hifumi seemed flattered by this analysis in some way.

“He is our weapons dealer,” Akira explained quickly when he sees the worry on Sojiro’s face.

“Is that supposed to make me worry less?” Sojiro grunted as he and Kawakami started distributing the cups of coffee out to everyone.

“Is this legal?” Mishima breathed, his eyes widening at the information. “Should I actually be hearing this?”

“I sell model weapons.” Iwai clarified, tilting his head down as he gives Akira a pointed look, “Don’t let Akira fool you. It seems he can be very deceiving as of late.”

“I’d say so.” Tae huffed, getting out of her seat and marching towards the door. However, stopping before Akira beforehand and gave him a pointed look, “While the news of your death seems to be greatly exaggerated, with your face like that, I will be conducting a very, very thorough exam tomorrow, my guinea pig.”

“Oh gee, thanks, Tae…” Akira chuckled dryly, tugging on the ends of his bangs. “I’ll wait on bated breath.”

“Save some of that excitement for tomorrow. I’ll come to you.” Tae laughed, patting him on the shoulder gently before heading out the door.

“Dude. A thorough examination?!” Ryuji breathed, his face reddening at the idea.

“With a hot doctor too…” Futaba tacked on, looking like she was salivating at the idea.

“Drug dealer.” Akira motioned his finger as if explaining to the rest of the baffled people who Tae was in all of this.

“Are you serious?!” Shinya sputtered, his eyes almost popping out his skull. “There is no way!”

“What’s a drug dealer?” Jose asked excitedly, his eyes wide but instead with a childish innocent.

Sojiro chuckled; after all, he knew Tae was a doctor. The last few days had been awful, yet seeing Akira alive not only brought back some life but knowing that Akira had made genuine connections to so many people also gave him a warm feeling. Akira really did steal hearts in more ways than one.

Chapter 21: The one where Akechi has a date with Margaret, then she kicks his ass


'Down the rabbit hole, he left you alone
You call that love?'

The one where Akechi has a date with Margaret, then she kicks his ass and Ryuji questions the significance of a glove



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Haru’s father died, she had felt immense grief. Not only had she lost her only immediate family, but she was thrust into a position she didn’t want to be in. She never expected she would be the one with the most significant shareholder in the company; she hadn’t even expected to be involved with the company in the first place. Even her arrange marriage wouldn’t have been this involved. It was all so much, but she knew she had to do it. She would make the changes her father didn’t. Haru would honor the memory of him by restoring the company to the respectful company it once was. Her father had died, but she knows she had been mourning him for long before that. Her relationship with her father has been twisted and dead for years.

It made his passing only a little more bearable.

When she thought Akira had died, a wave of grief far more potent than the first washed over her. Her father’s death, she knew how to deal with. She could work that. But, Akira, her first friend in a long while. Her key to finally making a connection with a group of people that understood her. That was the grief she didn’t know how to deal with on top of the loss of her father. Not only did she not know how to handle it, but she felt partially guilty since it was for their cause. And she wondered if they had been more prepared if it would have been different?

Those couple of days had been the worst in a while.

But now, knowing Akira was alive, while she is relieved on some level, she is a mess of anger and grief under that surface. Anger at Akira for making her feel the loss so close to her father. Frustration at Akechi for the part he has played in all of this and the fact he has confirmed he was literally a serial killer. Anger at her father for his illegal contracting with a hitman to further their companies expansion, even at the expense of other’s lives. Rage at Shido for killing her father and pinning the blame on them as the Phantom Thieves, leading everyone to believe they were responsible.

And resentment at herself because she just wants to act like everything is fine when she knows it isn’t. This is far from okay.

“You’ve been quiet….” Makoto pointed out as they are walking from Leblanc to the Yongen-Jaya station, they left so they would be able to make it before the trains stopped running for the evening. They went together as Makoto made a great point in they don’t know who is out there now, not only that Haru isn’t sure she wanted to be alone. “Are you tired?”

“I’m—” Haru started but paused because is there a word for what she feels? Of course, she’s beyond relieved that Akira is alive, yet all that comes out is, “I’m not happy.”

“It has been a rather…despairing few days, and today was just as long with its twists and turns,” Makoto nodded, her lips pursed and her face conflicted, “I don’t blame you at all, especially with everything to do with Akechi. It’s a lot to take in.”

Akechi. Haru doesn’t know what to do about him either. Haru knows 'father troubles'; she has had a rocky relationship with her own father for a while now. But she can’t imagine him refusing to acknowledge her existence and casting her into the system without a second thought.

She can’t imagine the life that Akechi must have had, to resort to the things he has done. She knows she has felt loneliness. When her mother died, it had been hard on both her and her father. She was so tiny. She has struggled with keeping friends since half the time they only cared about her legacy rather than her as a person. She has felt lonely, but she has always had her father take care of her regardless of his actions. She never had to worry about if she would go hungry or if she wouldn’t have a roof over her head. Akechi didn’t get that as she did, but she also can’t excuse Akechi entirely because she knows, even if he didn’t outright kill her father, he had some part to play in all of this. He was working with her father to an extent. Akechi still knew what he was doing, at least after Futaba’s mother.

“If—” Haru stammered, her pace crawling to a stop and her voice becoming shaky and wet, “If Akira would have told us…about Shido, about Akechi…If he would have said something earlier…would my fa—would my father still be alive?”

The question that has been dragging her mind to the depths the entire night. The question she knows doesn’t have a definite answer.

She is happy Akira is alive, but she can’t deny her anger about the information he withheld. The information that maybe could have used to save her father. Why didn’t Akira tell them? Why didn’t he mention anything about Shido earlier?

Was it something they could have changed?

“Haru…” Makoto murmured, a distressed look on her face. Haru knows Makoto doesn’t have the answer to this and that there wasn’t a definite answer because it happened. And it’s tiresome and unbearable to think of What Ifs.

There are no ‘what ifs’ because this is her reality.

Haru can’t help but break into sobs because she knows she’ll be returning home tonight to a cold house with no family to greet her. Her grief for her father comes back in a crashing wave.

And she wondered if Akira would have said something earlier. If that would have been different.

Makoto is quick to envelop her in a hug, which she gladly leaned into, patting her back and running her hands through her hair.

“I just—I know he did bad things, but I miss him!” Haru sobbed, her shoulders shaking up and down because she can’t compose herself this time. She thought she had been doing so good at keeping it all together this entire time, but it broke in an instant, “A-and, I remember all the good he was and all that he provided for me. And It’s stupid because I was so angry with him in the end, f-for putting through that god-awful engagement and not listening to my pleas. I shouldn’t miss him this much, but I do!”

“Your feelings are valid.” Makoto murmured to her, “It’s okay to be upset; he did bad things, yes. But that doesn’t change the fact that he was your father. It’s okay to be sad.”

“I-I never got the relationship I wanted to have with him.” Haru sobbed even louder because maybe that’s what she was grieving the most. She had never gotten the relationship she wanted with her father. She never got to turn it around, and now she didn’t have that chance.

“I completely understand that….” Makoto reassured her, pulling her closer, “When my father died…I thought the same thing. I loved my father, but I wasn’t happy with how often he was gone, how much pressure he put on Sae to succeed, and his lack of emotional presence…and when he had died, I mourned the fact that I would never get to have the relationship I wanted with him. That I would never get that openness, I so craved from him. It’s…it’s an unfortunate thing, isn’t it?”

Haru nodded shakily because Makoto hit It right on the nail. Haru mourned the fact she never got to have an open emotional relationship with her own father. And she never could now.

“And it’s okay if you mourn the relationship only; you never got to have with him rather than him. That doesn’t make you a bad person, Haru. The way he treated you was awful. But he was your father. It’s okay.” Makoto reassured her, hitting the nail on the head again. At the end of all of this, it wasn’t exactly her father she was mourning. It was everything he used to be and everything that could have been.

She nodded shakily again.

“I—” Makoto stopped, seemingly biting her lip before continuing, “It may be our fault…that Akira didn’t feel like he could tell us. But I don’t think...I don’t think if he told us…I don’t know. I don’t know if it could have made a difference. Even if Akechi didn’t murder your father, it’s apparent Shido has strings everywhere, and it might not have mattered. Your father…he got tangled up in a hazardous web, and even if we had dealt with Shido earlier, I can’t tell you if he’d be okay now. After all, he was tangled up before we became the phantom thieves.”

“I know.” Haru breathed, calming down slightly. She doesn’t blame the Phantom Thieves; it’s selfish to think they could have done something about her father when she was blind to all his corruptness, choosing not to look in that direction. “I know…what he did was wrong. That…he was not the man I once knew. He was not a father I was proud of.”

“Yeah.” Makoto frowned, pulling away. Her face is solemn. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t mourn the man he was.”

“Thanks, Mako-chan.” Haru smiled softly at her, rubbing at her eyes. “Thank you for telling me about your father.”

“Birds of a feather fly together.” Makoto chuckled quietly, wringing her hands before, sighing and pushing her hair behind her ear, “As for Shido….”

“I want to avenge my father.” Haru cut her off because she knows Makoto will say that she doesn’t have to participate in this if she doesn’t feel like it, but Haru had made up her mind already. “I want to help steal Shido’s heart. I…I can’t say I trust Akechi fully, but I can’t deny all the evidence of Shido being behind this. What Shido is doing is wrong. And maybe it’s selfish and stupid, but I want to avenge my father no matter what.”

Makoto smiled at Haru’s resolve. “I think that is a fair reason, and I don’t think any less of you. I am doing the same for my sister as well. And for Akira…”

“I’m not happy with Akira right now…but I want to do it for him as well too,” Haru added, fidgeting with her sleeves. “I am not happy with how he handled that…but I understand his reasoning. I just think it was a rather reckless plan that could have gone horribly wrong.”

“Tell me about it.” Makoto sighed as they started their walk to the train station back up again, albeit at a slower pace, “Akira’s whole ‘big risks, big return’ mindset is frustrating me. But I think he did mean well.”

“Yeah…” Haru agreed quietly, letting her head hang towards the ground. When Akira and Akechi explained their reasoning, it did make sense. The Phantom Thieves were a big group; if Shido did know their identities which have been posed as a possibility, it would make sense why they needed to have genuine reactions. And the plan did hinge on making sure the public assumed the Phantom Thieves were disbanded. Lulling Shido into a false sense of security that Akira assured them had worked. Not only that, taking more pressure off of the Phantom Thieves, Haru knew the conviction of her father’s death, even if they didn’t get to it, weighed heavily on their minds. Yet, despite understanding the logic of it all. She hated the bruises that covered Akira’s face, and she hated the feeling of being out of the loop. Couldn’t they have come up with another way?

“Hey…how about you stay the night?” Makoto offered once they reach the train station. The platform was empty, but her voice is quiet enough that it doesn’t echo. “Sae wouldn’t mind.”

“I would like that.” Haru agreed, feeling a bit better. She liked the idea of going home with Makoto more than to her empty house.

“Are you really a part of the Phantom Thieves…? You are kind of lame.” Shinya asked incredulously, throwing down another set of cards that Ryuji once more can’t do anything about. Futaba snorted out loud because Shinya is ruthless. She knew that much from Akira’s texts, but, man, did she love Shinya. He is kicking all of their asses at Tycoon. Where did Akira even find this kid?

“Wha? Hey!” Ryuji sputtered, blinking in offense, “I am definitely a part of the Phantom Thieves, hell I founded it with Akira!”

“You did almost pee your pants when we were captured in Kamoshida’s palace. Not winning any points there, buddy.” Akira pointed out, sipping his coffee and looking the other way with a carefree look.

“And you had the most unrealistic reaction to that situation ever. ‘Oh, we are stuck in a castle? Oh no, whatever will we do? Ah, let’s dig our way out with a f*cking spoon.’” Ryuji muttered, throwing down his cards and groaning since he knew he lost that game. Futaba vaguely remembered Ryuji talking about Akira’s reaction once, but man would she had loved to see it in person. Futaba can imagine when Akira awoke to his persona that his demeanor had instantly gone, ‘Ohoho, you are all f*cked now!’. Shinya doesn’t seem to take them seriously, which is a relief, but instead, a sh*t-eating grin akin to Akira’s spreads across Shinya's face.

“And I am tycoon once more!” Shinya laughed, throwing his cards down on the table. “Read them and weep; I owned all you noobs.”

“Oh, I lost?” Jose blinked, looking at his cards in confusion as his mouth turned into a cute pout. Futaba patted his head sympathetically.

Futaba hadn’t known whether Jose could leave the metaverse or not. Knowing he could, it seemed his form changed just like Morgana’s did. Instead of his usual egg-shaped hair thing, his hair was now bowl cut. His inorganic nose had been replaced with an organic one, as well as his ears too. It’s not a big difference that his usual appearance. But enough, Futaba had noticed. She wondered if he had left before.

“Yeah, you gotta try to use up your higher cards last,” Akira said, pointing to the cards in Jose’s hand from where he is sitting next to the kid. “Since they are a higher value. You want to save them so you can use them easier when you need to.”

“Really?” Jose gasped, before frowning, “But, Shinya put down his cards, and you said I couldn’t use them.”

“That’s because it was a revolution. The strength of the cards gets flipped.” Futaba pointed out, getting what Jose was saying. “When the strengths of the cards changes, you have to use them in reverse.”

Jose scrunched his nose in the cutest way before sighing and laying down his cards before turning to Akira, “Is this what you meant about Joker being both the best and worst card in a deck?”

“Ah, it depends on the game.” Akira laughed and patted Jose’s head. “You just weren’t lucky this draw.”

“What fun is a game that relies on luck?” Jose wondered, sitting back in the booth at Leblanc. He crossed his arms and frowned.

It’s nighttime, and most of Akira’s friends or confidants as called them, she feels it’s a weird term, had already left. Tae and Iwai, or who Akira referred to as their drug dealer and weapons deal respectfully, had gone first. Yoshida, who Futaba knew personally since Akira asked her and Mishima to help him with his online platform, had left shortly after. Kawakami left because she complained she was too old for this, but Futaba knows she cares. Chihaya, who was apparently Akira’s fortune teller hauls Ohya (their publicist?), who is drunk and wasted with a promise to get in touch with Akira later. Mishima hung around for a while before he left, too, since it was a school night. Makoto and Haru left for the same reasons.

It was a weird gathering for sure, and she knows Akira did not anticipate walking into a store full of people he knew, neither did the rest of them. Honestly, Akira’s reaction left a lot to be desired, but she is glad the tension in Sojiro’s face and shoulders had instantly gone. She knows he was worried about her and Akira. But she was worried about him in turn.

Hifumi and Yusuke are playing Shogi at the other table, Ann watching them in interest, her eyes wide as they each play a move. She might be learning more from that game than Yusuke is. Hifumi is definitely more spirited than she had led them on to believe, and Futaba sort of wants to invite her to play an MMO sometime.

“Did you have fun?” Akira replied to Jose, a knowing glint in his eyes.

“Yeah.” Jose nodded; happily, his frown was dissipating.

“Well then, there’s your answer.” Akira laughed dryly, taking another sip of his coffee. His third cup of Columbian.

“Woah.” Jose’s eyes grow bigger in the realization of his answer, “I never thought of that! So, it’s not the game that is fun; it’s the fact you are playing it with other humans. The presence of others makes the game fun. That makes a lot more sense!”

“Well, sometimes.” Akira shook his head.

Futaba is always surprised to hear how astute and blunt Jose is. She wished she could say things like that so easily. She felt like Jose understood humans far more than she did. Jose, while being naïve, understood more than any of them would think. It seemed all his flower drinking had made a difference…. maybe she should go drink some flowers. Sojiro would get a kick out of that.

“Yeah, uh…” Shinya said skeptically before turning to Akira with an incredulous, “The whole ‘human’ thing that Jose goes on about…did you teach him that? What are you teaching this kid? And I thought you were a bad influence on me….”

“Yeah, Jose is not exactly human.” Akira laughed cheekily at Shinya’s skeptical face. The café went quiet as everyone seemed to hear the statement. The phantom thieves’ reactions are in disbelief that Akira would blatantly announce that, and Hifumi and Shinya pause their games and blink in surprise.

Sojiro, who was doing dishes in the back, seemed to have heard this and is at the counter in a moment, “Excuse me?”

“Dude. I don’t think you can go around telling people that!” Ryuji sputtered at Akira’s bluntness, almost knocking his cola over.

“Yeah, Jose isn’t human.” Futaba clarified for him since Akira had already spilled the beans before laughing, “But he’s far cuter than any other human kid, isn’t he? More well-behaved and the best NPC ever. Super helpful!”

“Seriously?” Shinya sighed but then leaned back in his chair in exasperation, “Though, why do I believe you that he’s not human? It makes a whole lot of sense now….”

“I don’t think I’m technically supposed to tell people I’m not human.” Jose said thoughtfully before smiling, “But since you are my friend, then I suppose it’s alright. I don’t see any harm in you knowing. I trust you not to tell, Shinya.”

“Who’s going to believe him anyway?” Morgana pointed out from where he is lounging on the counter, his tail flicking with a snort.

“Shinya…. would you believe me if I told you my cat talks?” Akira asked with the most sh*t-eating grin Futaba has ever seen on him, and now she knows Akira is just messing with him.

“Now you are just pulling my leg!” Shinya scoffed, crossing his arm as he glared at Akira. “You think I’m gonna fall for that?!”

“What? You believe Jose isn’t a human and that we are the phantom thieves, but you don’t believe Morgana talks?” Ryuji nudged the kid from where he’s sitting next to him in the booth. “For real, That’s rather selective, dude.”

“Okay then!” Shinya through his hands up and turns to Morgana with a defiant look, “Talk!”

“Meow,” Morgana said, unenthusiastically and not making so effort whatsoever, but Futaba knows it wouldn’t matter since Shinya hasn’t been to the Metaverse.

Shinya scrunched his nose, glaring at Morgana before turning to Akira, “What did he say?”

“Meow,” Akira answered before laughing at the look of disbelief on Shinya’s face.

“I hate you,” Shinya said, deadpanned before his phone went off next to him, and he sighed as he checked it.

“Did you even tell your mother you were going to stay out this late?” Akira sighed, like a disappointed brother or something along those lines. Futaba felt her heart clench at this; Akira really was that to Shinya, Jose, and even her. She feels a wave of some sort of emotion wash over her as she realized this. When she thought she lost Akira, she felt like she had lost her big brother, a dear part of her family. Akira laughed at Shinya’s pout, “She’ll blame me for it, call me a bad influence again. She’ll have my head.”

“She can’t. You’re dead.” Shinya snorted, pushing Ryuji out of the booth so he could get out himself.

“I am sure she’ll find a way.” Akira shook his head, pinching at the brink of his nose.

“It’s getting late,” Sojiro mentioned coming around the corner, all of Leblanc’s kitchen had been cleaned, and Futaba can tell he is going to leave. Ah, he is giving her a pointed look. The nerves start to set in as she pushed herself off the booth seat she was in. Sojiro turned the rest of them with an exhausted plea, “You all should head home; you all have school tomorrow.”

They all pause and look to Jose, who tilted his head in surprise. “Huh?”

“Um. How are you getting back to the Metaverse?” Ann wondered pensively, twirling the ends of her ponytail in apprehension.

“How I came out,” Jose blinked at her, “Why?”

“Uh, we really let this kid walk to the train station all alone?” Ryuji wondered, tapping his shoe on the ground nervously.

“I mean, he isn’t human. Or a kid, arguably. Or weak. This kid could kick your ass.” Futaba pointed out. She had read Jose’s stats in the metaverse. He isn’t a pushover, but it’s no surprise as he does roam the metaverse non-stop. Futaba surmised Jose could probably enter the Metaverse here if he wanted to.

“Yeah, well, you figure it out.” Sojiro sighed, shaking his head before walking over to Akira. Akira blinked at him in confusion before Sojiro enveloped him in a big hug.

Futaba looked away, feeling really guiltily. Sojiro was just as upset about Akira as she was. Yet, when she found out he was alive, Futaba forgot to text Sojiro because she was in so much disbelief. She had caused trouble for Sojiro once more. But she is going to try better in the future. She didn’t like how helpless she felt when she thought Akira was dead. Futaba should have been able to sense the massive hoard outside the window, but she didn’t in all the adrenaline, and she thought she led Akira to his death. She will do better in the future.

“Lock up after everyone leaves.” Sojiro patted Akira on the shoulder before leading Futaba out the door after she said her goodbyes.

The mood between the two is tense and silent as they leave the warmth of Leblanc. Futaba felt nervous at first but assured herself that she could always tap into Leblanc’s bugs if she wanted to check on Akira. She reminded herself that Akira was relatively alright. He was alive, at least.

“What of Akechi?” Sojiro asked her as they walked back to the house, “Did you say he was behind all of this? What is going on, Futaba? We all heard the news about his death on the newscast, and you all said it was Akechi.”

Akechi hadn’t come with them to Leblanc, something she was grateful for since Sojiro knew Akechi was partially behind this. But also, Akechi and Akira made some excellent points about how he shouldn’t be hanging around them because it might put Akira’s ‘miraculous’ recovery in jeopardy. Therefore, once they made their decision, he would meet them in the metaverse.

Futaba doesn’t know how to feel about Akechi. But she knows she has to have this talk with Sojiro about him. So, she says the only thing she can think of to get it started.

“Akechi killed mom,” Futaba said quietly, folding her arms. Allowing the fact to rush over her. The anger and the grief from what she went through. The pain of knowing she once trusted her mother’s killer. God, she had even voted for him to be the leader.

“What?” Sojiro growled; his voice is low and cold, but she can hear the anger behind it. Then she thought about what she had said. Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to say after all. Context may or may not be necessary here, but she still can’t forgive Akechi. She will never forgive Akechi for tearing away her mother.

“Akechi killed mom, but I don’t think he knew exactly that was what was going to happen.” Futaba clarified because, for some reason, she needed to get that out even if she felt It didn’t matter as much, “Mom was researching cognitive science, you know that. Shido Masayoshi wanted that research, and Mom would not give it up easily. So, he used Akechi, who had access to the cognitive world, to kill her shadow and lead her to her death. But I don’t know if Shido told Akechi what would happen if he messed with her shadow or if Akechi knew…Akechi killed Mom, but Shido was the one who ordered it. But I still can’t forgive Akechi. And I can’t forgive Shido either.”

“Shido Masayoshi…the politician.” Sojiro sighed in a knowing tone that Futaba was not expecting as they reached their front door. “I had a suspicion….”

“You knew?!” Futaba sputtered as Sojiro closed the front door behind them. But neither of them reaches for the light switch in the hallway. This conversation would be easier for Futaba to have in the dark, and Sojiro must have felt the same way.

Futaba feels almost a wave of betrayal wash over her. Sojiro knew this entire time but didn’t say anything? Sojiro had kept a suspicion so crucial from her?

“I had a suspicion, but I didn’t know for sure,” Sojiro said, his voice laced with exhaustion as he pinched the brink of his nose. “When your mom told me, she thought she was going to die in a weird way, and Shido was trying to shut down her research. There were pieces, but I didn’t have any concrete evidence. You know I worked with the security company for her lab, I heard things, but Futaba, I never had any concrete evidence.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Futaba asked, her voice nearly breaking because she can’t believe Sojiro wouldn’t tell her this. Sojiro was keeping something this important from her? When she thought she was the one who killed her own mother?

“I didn’t want to make things worse with false accusations…I didn’t know for sure, and even if I did, what could I have done?” Sojiro sighed thick with exhaustion, and Futaba knows he is right. “And, even if I tried to tell you….”

“I wouldn’t have listened….” Futaba quietly filled in the gaps. She knows what headspace she was in after mom’s death. Even if Sojiro had told her, it would have been on deaf ears. She can’t blame him for not. It’s hard to tell something to someone you know won’t listen.

“Yeah…” Sojiro agreed softly. “But how do you know Shido was the one behind this?”

“Shido…is behind a lot of bad things. It wasn’t just Mom’s death.” Futaba explained as she fiddled with her sleeves, swinging back and forth on the balls of her feet in apprehension, “You don’t have evidence…but Akechi does. And I don’t trust Akechi, but I can’t deny the documents, recordings, and the paper trail he has on Shido. I did some digging myself, and I can see the threads. Akechi’s evidence fills that all in. Akira was next on Shido’s hit list…so Akira and Akechi made a plan to trick Shido into thinking the leader of the Phantom Thieves was dead. But he did it behind our backs because he wanted to keep us safe.”

“That little sh*t,” Sojiro growled through his teeth, but Futaba can hear the fondness and relief in his tone. “What a terrible plan; I was worried to death. When we all heard the news…how devastated we were…And you….”

Futaba frowned; she didn’t like the plan either. She didn’t like thinking Akira was dead. She felt awful those past few days, only barely leaving her room like that time before, but she also didn’t want to dishonor Akira by going back to her old ways. The relief she had felt seeing Akira alive was like a river in a desert. “But it worked. Hopefully. And it buys us time to deal with Shido.”

“Futaba. Futaba no. You can’t.” Sojiro breathed with a worried tone; apprehension takes over his composure.

“I have to!” Futaba cried, allowing the tears to finally stream down her face as she sobbed to him, “Shido ordered Akechi to kill Mom and Akira! Shido manipulated my own family into thinking I had led my own mother to her suicide! He forged that note, made me take the blame, twisted the memories I had of Mom, and cast me into that godforsaken tomb! Do you know how that felt? How painful was it believing that I killed my mother? I’m so angry, Sojiro! Don’t you understand that? I’m so incredibly angry with how he treated me like dirt beneath his shoe, and I didn’t even realize it. I felt so helpless when I couldn’t leave my room. I couldn’t do anything; all I could think about was the fact I killed my mother. And I can’t go back to that; I can’t let Shido get away with this. He is going to do this to all of Japan, and I know we can stop him!”

“Futaba…” Sojiro said, his voice stunned by the revelation.

“And Shido was the one behind Akira’s probation too. When Akira said the man accused him of false charges when Akira tried to help that lady from being raped. That man was Shido; he had the power to not only convict Akira but turn Akira’s witness against him and keep Shido’s name out of the file! Shido messed up Akira’s life and mine! He raped Akechi’s mother, did nothing for Akechi in the slightest, causing Akechi to end up in the system I would have ended up to if you hadn’t adopted me. Shido murdered Haru’s father, then pinned the blame on us. Shido manipulated Makoto’s sister, bringing her to harass you and using me as a pawn once more. He has ties to all of the targets we’ve changed. Sojiro, you don’t understand. We have to do this, and it has to be us!” Futaba said clearer than she ever has in a while. Her resolve flowed through her because she knows this will be the Phantom Thieves’ last heist, but it will be the one that fixes everything, “I get how scared you are for us, but we have to do this. This is all we’ve been working towards.”

Sojiro is silent for a few moments before enveloping Futaba in a big hug.

“I can’t go back, Sojiro. I can’t go back to being that sad, and I can’t stop being angry about this all. This ugliness. This cruelty. This injustice. I have to fix this. I won’t let him use mom’s research like this. I won’t let him ruin our country. And you can’t stop me.” Futaba sobbed into Sojiro’s apron. “I’m going to do this.”

“I know….” Sojiro sighed, tucking her in closer, “I know…and I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. And your mother would be proud too.”

Ryuji, even though having to sleep on the wooden floor since he lost the game of rock, paper, scissors to Yusuke for Akira’s sh*tty futon couch thing, managed to get to sleep pretty well. Until he had to pee from all the coffee they had that evening. Or, he had cola while everyone else had coffee which was pretty much the same thing except sugar. Ryuji has no idea how Akira drinks that sh*t black. It’s so incredibly bitter.

There is a hint of jealousy that Ann decided to go to Futaba’s house, as it is probably a whole lot warmer there than in Akira’s attic. Ryuji shivered when he gets out of the blanket that Akira gave him. He really needed to get Akira a heater or something since Akira was probably stubborn in not buying one for himself.

He pried himself off the old futon, which didn’t do much in terms of comfortability, and stumbled across the floorboards. He tried to be quiet, but it’s hard when he can’t really see where he is going, and the floor creaks. No one wakes as he descends the stairs, a miracle because those stairs sing a symphony of dissonance as he descends.

Ryuji is vaguely aware of the ambient light in the kitchen as he sleepily shuffled into the restroom to do his business as he reflected on the day.

It sucked, but it also didn’t suck. Pros, Akira is alive. Cons, Akechi is the black mask, and they came up with this batsh*t crazy plan to trick the ‘real’ culprit into thinking Akira was dead, resulting in him getting arrested and obviously severely beat up. And Ryuji doesn’t know which one outweighs the other. Obviously, he is over the moon that Akira isn’t dead. But he also feels a deep unsettling sense about the fact Akira didn’t tell him about Shido. After Kamoshida and Ryuji opening up about his own story. Ryuji surmised Akira didn’t technically know him then, but he didn’t even reveal it after starting the Phantom Thieves.

But then again, if Ryuji was accused of murder, he probably wouldn’t want to open up either. And the guilt sets in. Is that what this was about?

Ryuji considers Akira, his best friend. But, Ryuji isn’t as stupid as everyone makes him out to be. Akira might not feel the same of him. After all, can Ryuji blame him? They did accuse him of being a murderer. Akira is fickle, however, and while he does make unintentional jabs at that every once in a while, Akira has never been outright mad over the accusation. Though, It’s clear Akira doesn’t tell him things, doesn’t want to tell him things. Akira withholds stuff from him.

Ryuji doesn’t know what Akira is thinking, while Akira seemed to know what everyone was thinking.

But he wonders, thinking back to before Kobakawaya when he was first hanging out with Akira. Had Akira even opened up to him then? He did tell Ryuji about his probation, but Ryuji doesn’t think he’s ever heard anything about his hometown besides the fisherman's story from earlier. He doesn’t know if Akira has any siblings or friends back there. Where Akira liked to hang out in his hometown or what he usually did. Ryuji can’t remember if he ever asked.

He wants to do better. Akira has been the closest friend he’s had literally in forever, even he wasn’t this close to the track guys. Hell, Akira saved his life. He f*cked up when he didn’t give Akira the benefit of the doubt.

He flushed the toilet and washed his hands. The thought was waking him up a little more as he opened the door back to the main floor of Leblanc, the guilt overcoming him.

Ryuji is about to shuffle back up the stairs when a figure in the ambient light of Leblanc catches his eye, nearly making him jump out of his skin before he realized it’s just Akira sitting at a barstool by the counter. Not surprising since Akira did have so much coffee before bed. The caffeine was bound to keep him up. Morgana said that it was normal for Akira to be up at late hours, but Ryuji hardly thinks it’s healthy. He rationalized Akira doesn’t have school tomorrow.

What is surprising is Akira is sitting deathly still in a complete one-eighty to his usual habit of fidgeting with everything in sight in idle moments, like his hair, sleeves, phone, or pen, anything he has on hand. It’s even stranger since there is something in his hand with peak fidgeting value. Akira, being completely still, piques his interest.

Ryuji quietly walked over since he didn’t want to wake anyone on the second floor to get a better look and ask why Akira is still awake. Ryuji doesn’t know how late it is, but it’s late enough they should both be sleeping even if only one of them has school tomorrow.

It’s a glove.

Wait, is that Akechi’s glove?

Ryuji has no idea why Akechi would give him a glove, especially since Akechi always seemed to wear his gloves. Maybe this is a part of another set. Still, he wonders if it was a gift or something? Akechi didn’t seem like the person who would give away his belongings. Akechi was a cold-hearted murdering bastard, but giving a glove to Akira? Ryuji has no idea how to make sense of that. What is that supposed to mean?

Maybe they really were an item despite Akechi’s fervent denial. It could be a pride thing. Ryuji, low-key, wants to lecture Akira about his infatuation with a literal serial killer, yet it may not be the time. Or maybe Akira stole Akechi’s other glove, in some sort of jest.

“Dude, is that Akechi’s glove?” Ryuji asked, reaching out to lay his hand on Akira’s shoulder.

Akira’s reaction is entirely out of character and definitely not something Ryuji was expecting. He startled badly, flinging Ryuji’s hand off his shoulder in a quick movement but lost balance because of the exaggerated action. Akira toppled off the barstool and clattered to the ground in a mess of limbs with a groan.

“Holy sh*t! f*ck, sorry! I totally didn’t mean to scare you!” Ryuji sputtered, immediately reaching his hand out to help Akira up but instantly regretted his quick movement because the look in Akira’s eyes felt like he had just seen a ghost. Ryuji grimaced; it isn’t far off, it is the middle of the night, and he is sure Akira wasn’t expecting anyone up either. But man, he could only imagine how much that hurt, “sh*t. You good, Akira?!”

It takes a more prolonged moment than Ryuji expects for Akira to finally decide to take his hand and heave himself up. Ryuji winces at the pained grimace on Akira’s face because he knows Akira is far from recovered from the interrogation.

“Make a noise next time, will you?” Akira groaned when he is on his feet, leaning on the barstool.

“Aren’t you psychic?” Ryuji asked incredulously.

“Not like that.” Akira sighed, retaking his seat at the barstool and immediately stuffing the glove into his sweatpants’ pocket, so it’s out of sight. Ryuji noticed, though.

“Could have fooled me.” Ryuji shook his head before taking a seat next to him. He is still curious about the glove, “Was that Akechi’s glove?”

“Uh, yeah,” Akira answered sheepishly, tugging on the ends of his bangs. Ryuji still hasn’t placed it if it was a nervous tick or not.

“Why did he give you his glove?” Ryuji asked, genuinely interested, “Was it like one of those weird couple things?”

“Nah…” Akira shook his head with a dry laugh as he stared at the counter with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “We aren’t actually a thing; he’s not interested.”

Ryuji wants to rebuttal that Akechi is most definitely interested. Ryuji may be daft in some areas, but Ryuji knows for sure in this one. Because not only did Akechi switched sides for Akira. Well, switched sides might not be the best word as he was allegedly already working against Shido, but he did work together with Akira to not get him killed and include him in his plan to take down Shido. But the only thing that comes out is, “Then why do you constantly tease him if you know he’s not interested?”

“Have you seen the look on his face? It’s f*cking hilarious. Like a disgruntled cat or something.” Akira said. He is quiet for a reflective moment before chuckling, “And about the glove, in 18th century England, there is a tradition that if you throw your glove or gauntlet, someone, that means you are challenging them to a duel.”

“For real?!” Ryuji is baffled by the answer before putting the pieces together, and an astonished grin stretched across his face, “Wait, he challenged you to a f*cking duel? With a glove?! That’s so….dorky.”

“Right?” Akira grinned back, “I thought the same thing.”

“Did you actually duel?”

“Yeah, I kicked his ass with Alice.” Akira said bluntly, “Didn’t stand a chance even with his Megidola attack. I’m sure it hurt his pride to be beaten by a little girl but, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Maybe that’s what f*cked up my chances….”

This doesn’t surprise Ryuji. But, in some ways, it does. He is still miffed about what Akira knew about Akechi that he didn’t let them in on. If Akira knew Akechi was the black mask, but he just let them all think he was, why? Ryuji doesn’t like feeling that it might have been because one, Akira wanted them to trust Akechi, or two, Akira didn’t think they would believe him. Or both. Ryuji can’t say he agrees with Akira’s stance on this, withholding such vital information from them, but he also sees why with all the evidence against Shido. Akira wasn’t exactly in a comfortable position.

“Hey…About the black mask thing, Dude, I’m really—” Ryuji tried to apologize before Akira promptly cuts him off.

“Don’t apologize; it’s fine,” Akira said, refusing to meet his gaze, but Ryuji can tell the mirth from before is gone. Akira isn’t angry, but it’s clear it’s not a subject he wants to revisit.

“Don’t apologize—” Ryuji sputtered, in disbelief before exclaiming in a hushed tone, “DUDE, WE ACCUSED YOU OF MURDER.”

“It’s fine,” Akira said, shaking his head again. Ryuji wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a reassurance or not, but it definitely doesn’t come across as one. Ryuji’s silence must have prompted Akira to continue, who turned to Ryuji with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he said, “I get it, and I don’t care; it doesn’t matter. Let’s leave it, okay?”

“Alright.” Ryuji said, hesitantly not really wanting to let that issue go because Makoto is right; Akira doesn’t objectively know what a ‘big deal’ is. Akira just writes stuff off as if it were nothing. Ryuji doesn’t know if it’s his place to push through. Ryuji doesn’t really know what to do at all. Talking about things isn’t his strong point, and it’s clear navigating Akira is a feat in itself, and none of them seemed to know-how. But, even so, he does know how he can start proving himself to Akira, “I…don’t know how I feel about Akechi. I still hate the guy’s guts. But count me in for taking down, Shido. That f*cker needs to pay; I can’t ignore what he’s done.”

“Thanks, Ryuji.” Akira thanked him, yet it feels more like a casual thanks than thanks one would give someone who basically just agreed to help take down a mad mastermind. Akira never ceases to surprise him. But Ryuji rationalized it’s probably because it’s nearing two in the morning, and even Ryuji can feel himself falling back asleep.

Even so, Akira’s lackluster response unnerves him.

“Akira…are you—” Ryuji wondered if there was something wrong, but Akira cuts him off.

“Going to bed? Yeah, I think the caffeine wore off.” Akira laughed dryly, pushing himself off the chair, “You should go to bed too; I heard Kawakami is going to go hard on you guys tomorrow.”

Akechi doesn’t know what to do with himself. He knows it’s safer if he stays away from the Phantom Thieves and Akira outside of the metaverse. He doesn’t know the extent to how much Shido is trailing him, even after Akechi had told him he was laying low because of school and such. This is safer, but he doesn’t want to deal with the Phantom Thieves, nor does he think the Phantom Thieves sans Akira want to deal with him. It is better to just let Akira deal with his end of this. This is his mess, after all. Akechi doesn’t feel like facing their judgment when he has his own perception of things. The Phantom Thieves certainly don’t understand the extent of what Shido has put him through.

Or maybe it had been Akechi’s mess for getting caught, but Akechi will definitely place all the blame on Akira for having such an insufferable group. Dumb as rocks, but perhaps coming around. Even if it may be at the most inopportune times.

Akechi sighed, glaring at his untouched drink as the music of Jazz Jin resounds around him. It isn’t all that busy; only a few tables were taken up. The singer is different than usual, as well as a new pianist to accompany her. But Akechi wonders if Muhen was trying something new or artistic because the music is slightly different than usual. Not only that, but the soprano singer was also covering her ears as she sang, and the pianist was blindfolded as he played. It was an odd display, yet their elegance and melody came across so clearly.

What a strange duo. And Akechi can’t help but feel he’s heard this song once, perhaps in a dream?

He distracted himself from the fact that he is in Jazz Jin once more alone. Just as it was before.

Akechi isn’t bothered by it. He isn’t. Because he knows this is how it’s going to be after they take down Shido. He might as well get used to it now once more. Deceiving the Phantom Thieves could only go on so long, after all. After they take down Shido, they will be going their separate ways. Akechi knows this.

“Akechi-san.” A familiar voice greeted him, and a vision of blue invades the warm colors of Jazz Jin as she takes the seat across from him, which was usually occupied by another whom he’d rather be in the company of. She greeted him regardless of this, “Fancy meeting you here; it seems fate has brought us together this evening.”

“Margaret-san, I hardly think this was just a chance of fate with you.” Akechi sighed, straightening his posture and addressing Margaret in the eye. He hadn’t been expecting to entertain the eclectic woman tonight, but she did some to come at the most bizarre moments, “And to what do I owe this undoubted pleasure?”

Margaret folds her hands in front of her on the table, a twinkle in her eyes as she looked over to the singer and pianist, “The singer and pianist are acquaintances, and I thought I’d come to see their performance. Rather than the drinks in this place, I think their music is quite intoxicating to the soul. It is no surprise you find yourself enchanted by their song as well.”

“I’m sure.” Akechi nodded, not believing that was her whole reasoning, then wonders, “Are they related to your previous guest?”

“No. Nor does he know of them. But he has heard their music,” Margaret answered easily, seemingly entranced by the singer’s song as her gold eyes linger on them with a fond smile gracing her cherry lips, “As have you. They are residents of the velvet room, after all.”

This doesn’t take Akechi by surprise, the song had sounded familiar, and he recognizes the same hue of blue drenching their clothes. He should have put it together earlier. Yet, the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind.

“Oh, of course, you wouldn’t notice.” Margaret shook her head, turning back to him with those piercing golden eyes, “After all, residents of the velvet room don’t usually leave for extended periods. We choose who can perceive us; they are simply here to perform rather than provide services as of right now. Perhaps they wanted to provide you some solace.”

“Residents hardly leave, and yet here you are.”

“With our master gone, I’m afraid our duties have been suspended. Our focus has been locating our master and sister that have remained out of touch for far too long of a time. Well, most of us, that is.” Margaret explained as she did before, but Akechi could almost hear Margaret’s tone sour at the end, which piqued his curiosity.

“Oh? Seems not all of you are cooperative.”

“My other younger sister has carved her own path. At one time, I had shamed her for leaving her duties, but now, my perceptions have changed. She is truly unique.” Margaret said, her voice polite, but Akechi can hear the disdain underneath. Akechi is direly curious as to what Margaret would appear if she genuinely lost her temper.

“I wonder if you only came here for small talk.” Akechi pointed out since Margaret always seemed to have something of more substance when she appeared before him, and he’d instead she get to the point. He isn’t intending on helping Margaret right now on her quest or whatever her aim is. He has enough on his plate as it was, and unlike the Phantom Thieves, he is far less generous with his time and knowledge. Margaret still technically owes him to show her how they access the metaverse, yet, Akechi doesn’t know what we would even think of asking her.

“I sense the wheel of fortune is turning, but as a wheel, it must go down before it can come up. A personal sacrifice must be made; a door must be closed before one can open. Where there is hope, there are trials along with the despair that follows it.” Margaret said, cutting straight to the point, her voice crisp as a tarot card levitates above her outstretched palm that Akechi knows only he can see.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (37)

A wheel with a sword upright with it, pointing to a devil and pointing away from a snake below. She crushed the card in her hand, dissolving it into pieces before she smiled at Akechi with a somewhat cryptic smile, “Are you still willing to follow your conviction to the bitter end, I wonder.”

“You’ve asked that already, and have I not already answered?” Akechi scoffed, folding his arms, before narrowing his eyes at Margaret at the redundant question that he wonders a scare tactic or not, “Is this some sort of warning? Do you think your words can stop me from the goal I’ve been striving for since I was a child? I wouldn’t waste your time trying to change my mind, Margaret-san.”

“Of course not,” Margaret chuckled and shook her head, “A warning would imply that there is a way to avoid such an event. Yet, the wheel is turning once more, and this isn’t something that can be stopped. Are you willing to follow your convictions where they take you, no matter what? You’ve wished for it, so you must see it through.”

“I’m not giving up; I decide my own truths,” Akechi said to her, his voice unwavering.

“Ah, that look in your eyes.” Margaret marveled, a genuine grin stretching across her face as the soprano singer hit a high note, “Have you found your personal truth to be genuine? Is it the one from before? The truth is ever-changing and entirely dependent on the person, but I could bring you to your fullest potential.”

“I’ve never made a deal with you, yet you still continue to offer knowledge, information, and unwanted insights into my life,” Akechi muttered. He doesn’t want her help; he wanted to prove he could do this without her; Akechi has been alone for this long, he could achieve his goal without her. It’s bad enough he has to work with the Phantom Thieves. And he doubts Margaret would offer up her fighting experience and join their cause. While she claims not to meddle in the affairs of humans, she sure seemed to appear before Akechi a lot, make cryptic claims, and leaves with the same amount of elegance she comes with.

“Call it an investment.” Margaret chuckled, “You won’t ask for my help, yet I sense you’ve found yourself amongst a team, nevertheless. Potential bonds that can bring your true strengths out. Consider working on them, and I think you’ll find an ocean of opportunity that you hadn’t had before.”

“They aren’t there for me. They are there for Akira.” Akechi scoffed. Because that’s the truth. And he doesn’t expect the Phantom Thieves to do this for him. Honestly, he’s relying on their white steed version of justice to propel them into taking Shido down. Akechi doesn’t care; the more manpower, the better. He’ll take Shido down no matter what, even if it is with his last breath. “I’m just using them to achieve my own goals. It’s a transaction.”

“That’s always a perspective of wildcard bonds…but I think you’ll find despite that mindset, it’s often wrong. Human lives are so deeply intertwined, interwoven. And often, that, in turn, affects decisions made. Whether it means out of spite or out of respect or out of love or out of grief. It’s a bond; there is still strength to be found from it.” Margaret said haughtily, before eyeing him, “Are you not justice? Your scales are unbalanced, and I think you should take a good hard look at everything in your life that has brought you to this belief. Much like Sae, you are being awfully self-critical of yourself. The circ*mstances you were given were not the ones you asked for.”

“I think I am being exactly what I need to be,” Akechi argued defiantly; who was Margaret to tell him what to think of his own experiences? He doubts she has any frame of reference for the sh*tty life he had to live because of Shido. Margaret was especially getting on his nerves tonight.

“If that is your truth, very well then,” Margaret answered simply, yet the obnoxious knowing smile does not leave her face. “I am in no place to tell you differently.”

“Is that all? Have you not bothered me enough tonight?” Akechi scoffed, pinching the brink of his nose with annoyance.

“I do have one more request.” Margaret chuckled.

“Which is?” Akechi asked, knowing he most likely won’t entertain it.

“I request a battle with you. You interest me, you are quite unlike any guest I’ve ever seen, and I want to test the strength of your resolve myself.” Margaret offered, a clear invitation sent with narrowed golden eyes that Akechi can’t help but feel are staring right into his soul.

The idea of fighting Margaret excited him. There aren’t many he can go against entirely, and he would love to unleash all his frustrations into a fight with her.

Margaret royally kicked his ass. It was infuriating, as she wasn’t the first one to do it. Akira had that honor, but it still made him angry at how weak he still was. He wasn’t even sure if he had been even a challenge to Margaret. Nor, if she went all out at him. She didn’t use Izanagi-no-Okami or Myriad truths.

Akechi had given his all, however, seamlessly switching between Robin Hood and Loki, attacking her with all he’s got. She dodged most of his attacks between her Tarot Cards and Compendium of Persona, although she only stuck to a few. Still, Akechi hadn’t done much damage to her.

“My, my, such potential, Goro Akechi.” Margaret laughed, landing on the blue carpet of the Judge Velvet Room quietly, her compendium landing on her hand, “You preformed quite admirably; if you really honed your abilities, you would be quite the wildcard user.”

Akechi can’t push himself off the carpet, feeling the repercussions of the battle. She talks as if she is proud, but Akechi feels frustrated he hadn’t won even after giving it his all. Is he really this weak?

“It’s not about winning.” Margaret shook her head as she sauntered over to him, seemingly knowing exactly what is going through his mind. “It’s never about winning. It’s about what you’ve learned through the journey. How you have changed from point A to Point B, the truths you have learned about others and about yourself. Winning isn’t the goal; growth is. You are on the precipice of learning that. End goals will often change along the way. What you thought was important will no longer be important, and you will find value in the things you once looked away from.”

“What does that have to do with the f*cking battle?” Akechi spat in frustration because he really doesn’t feel like deciphering Margaret’s bullsh*t.

“At first, you came at me all out, only offensive moves. Yet, near the end, you learned that would not work and started focusing on buffs/debuffs, a more strategic approach.” Margaret explained, kneeling down next to him. “You grew through our battle, and I have no doubt you will continue to grow. Had you been a little more experienced, I have no doubt you would be able to eventually best me in battle. You are stronger than you think you are.”

“f*ck you.” Akechi spat once more, trying to push himself off the ground. He doesn’t like this, the praise she is giving him. He wonders if it’s all a ruse to get what she wants from him.

Margaret opened her compendium, which flipped to a specific page before a Tarot card materializes above it. Her method of summoning persona and Akechi wonders, if despite her speech if she is planning on finishing him off. He had lost, after all, vulnerable to any attack. She crushed the card in her book, a blue light surrounding them as she calls out, “Kaguya. Salvation!”

Kaguya, who he thought was Akira’s persona, materializes and spreads her dish wings out wide. The problem this Kaguya is not the same color as Akira’s. While Akira’s Kaguya donned the Shujin uniform and had a distinctly red, black, and silver color palette, this one was the complete opposite with light-colored hair, a vermilion suit, and colorful black dish wings.

The healing spell washed over them, bringing their health reserves to their fullest. Akechi realized this is the feeling that had washed over him when he first battled Akira. It’s similar since Akira kicked his ass just as easily, but instead of taking him out, Akira had healed him.

He fails to see the point of it. He hates the pity he feels behind it.

“That persona…” Akechi muttered, pushing himself off the ground; he would rather ignore his humiliating defeat for the moment. But, he is also genuinely curious why this Kaguya looks different than Akira’s. Had Margaret stole Akira’s persona? “I’ve seen it before.”

“Ah. Interesting,” Margaret hummed, folding her arms as Kaguya faded away behind her. “I had thought it was unique to my guest, but perhaps not. He had received it from a bond of one of the velvet room assistants. Yet, I suppose it would be possible to recreate her if one had contacted said bond or my guest. Do tell, where have you seen her?”

Akechi frowned at that; it doesn’t make sense. So, Akira just ‘stole’ a persona? How is that possible? Not only that, does that mean he had come in contact with Margaret’s guest or his bond? It’s so out of the blue. They’ve seen repeat shadows before, so he takes Margaret’s word with a grain of salt. She is likely mistaken in saying that this persona was unique.

“Nevermind, I just saw something similar.” Akechi shook his head; he shouldn’t get into that. He wouldn’t know how to explain that situation. But, the idea of Kaguya brought up a question that has been on his mind since Sae’s Palace, “Is it possible to have a persona then not? Can Persona just leave?”

Margaret shook her head with a dry chuckle, “For a regular persona user, no. Their persona are their true selves. And dismissing your true self is very destructive. But not unheard of. It is a bit different for wildcard users as wildcard users take on multiple personas as facets of themselves. They can dismiss those personas at any time; they may fuse them and use them to strengthen other personas. Truly, wildcards have a unique ability in that aspect. Assistants like myself record the persona a wildcard collects and nurtures so they may re-awaken them in the future. A persona is never truly lost.”

Akechi frowned. Because he’s starting to think Akira isn’t a wildcard because if that were true, wouldn’t he still have Kaguya? Or other personas, for that matter? Akechi can’t deny Akira had multiple personas, however. Still, the things that Margaret is telling him. Do they even apply to Akira? Can Akira even fuse persona? Or strengthen them? Is that why all his personas are at such an incredibly high level.

Akechi is starting to realize why the Phantom Thieves had suspected Akira in the first place. Akira doesn’t add up in any aspect. He’s known it for a while, but now it’s really starting to hit him. There is something off about Akira. Akechi is still trying to figure out how Akira knows all that he does about Akechi. Did Akira really just see him leave the metaverse and put pieces together? And while Akira could have done his research, how did he really know Akechi’s connection to Shido?

“If you were to make a contract with me, I could offer you these same services.” Margaret smiled at him pleasantly, “For a price.”

Akechi scoffed, “No, thank you.”

Akechi has enough to deal with, and Margaret beating him isn’t going to make him feel weak enough to agree to something he doesn’t fully understand yet. He’s had enough of that with Shido.

He briefly wonders if Shido’s palace will provide not only insight into Shido’s cognition but something into Akira as well.

The imagery of Shido’s palace is awful, and Ann is horrified at the connotations of it. The diet building has turned into a cruise ship, drifting upon the water that is drowning their country. This is how the man who is running to become their prime minister thinks. If he were to win, this imagery could only be a testament to what will happen. She’s terrified. And she understands fully why they need to do this and now before the election. This is the accumulation of all their efforts to fix the injustices in their society.

This is their biggest target, and truly they will need to figure out what to do after taking Shido down.

She’s terrified, but she’s never felt surer of her conviction than now. Shido is so f*cking corrupt, and they will expose them. They have to save their country because, at this rate, no one else can. No one has that ability as they do.

“This is messed up,” Ryuji muttered from next to her. His reaction much like the same as the rest of them except Akira. But Ann rationalized that it’s probably because he and Akechi have been here since they both knew the keywords or because Akira has the weirdest reactions to anything. His face is looking pretty solemn at this moment as they watched the building next to the cruise ship collapse into the water.

“How can someone with this much distortion and corruption come into this much power?” Haru asked quietly, but they all know the answer. It’s just the system, and they have to fix it. “This is awful.”

Ann has to fix it because of what happened to Shiho. She will not let this man get away with anything else.

“A truly corrupted view.” Yusuke echoed all their sentiment eloquently.

“Akira…” Futaba said sadly, from where she is standing next to him on the deck as they wait for Akechi to rendezvous with them. But she has a grim look on her face, clear as day since they haven’t been seen as a threat yet, therefore still don their usual clothes. Ann is taken aback by this, as Futaba has been staring more at Akira than the scenery. She wonders if it’s because Akira isn’t a hundred percent yet, even if they had given him a few weeks to recover. The bruises have yet to completely fade, a grim reminder of what happened.

“Yeah. I know. I don’t have Yosh*tsune.” Akira said calmly, not taking his eyes away from the horizon to address them. But the news impacts them anyways. That was not what Ann was expecting Akira to say.


“Excuse me?!” Yusuke sputtered, his face growing instantly concerned as the rest of them all break their view of the horizon to him.

“Why?!” Makoto gawked, the tension growing thicker and thicker at the realization.

“It doesn’t matter.” Akira shook his head, his hands in his pockets with an exasperated look, and added with a lackluster call to action, “We just need to focus on Shido’s Palace.”

“It doesn’t matter?!” Morgana echoed in disbelief; his paws crossed in apprehension. “Yosh*tsune was literally invincible! You do understand that, right? Nothing could hit him, but gun and that didn’t even work on you since you know guns aren’t real in the metaverse! His physical attack was a devastator too. Akira…why is he gone?!”

“It doesn’t matter.” Akira repeated again, shaking his head, “Alice is fine enough on her own. She has enough spells to cover me. An Almighty attack and a wicked instant kill attack. Not to mention, victory cry. I’m in a lot better spot than most of you. Trust me on that.”

Ann wanted to argue. She wanted to, but Akira isn’t wrong. Even with only Alice, Akira is still stronger than the rest of them. Especially with all her special moves, such as not using SP for a very high ratio insta-kill spell and replenishing Akira’s HP and SP after each battle. Akira isn’t wrong, but Ann can’t help but feel nervous crawling at her skin as this all just like when it was announced he didn’t have Kaguya either.

Nothing could hit Yosh*tsune, but Alice doesn’t have that same defense. Alice is powerful, and while she doesn’t have a weakness, she is still susceptible to attacks. But maybe even more so, she is nervous because Akira isn’t telling him where his personas are going or what he is doing with them.

And that also scares her. Does he know? Does he know and not want to tell them? Or does he not know, and he is freaking out but keeping a strong face for all of them? Why won’t Akira just tell them what is going on?

Why does it feel like there is such a gaping disconnect between her and Akira? Has this been there since the beginning?

“Akira…I have no say in how you facilitate your persona, but….” Yusuke tried to approach the situation delicately and gracefully, more so than when he was angry in Sae’s palace, but Ann can tell he is still as confused as she is. They all are. Every time they think they understand persona, something else happens.

“You don’t.” Akira cut Yusuke off in a firm tone that surprises all of them. Usually, he’ll joke to avoid things. He’ll play it off with humor. Ann would have expected him to go on about he rotates all his persona on some sort of time schedule like kids or something ridiculous like that, but this time Akira cuts them off.

“Dude, seriously—” Ryuji tried to appeal to him, but it doesn’t work.

“No. My personas are my business, and my business only.” Akira shook his head and added in a serious tone with no room for argument, “You don’t get any say on who I get to keep or release. This is not a subject you can comment on; this is not your ability. This is my ability. The personas I choose to use are my own choice. And I kindly ask that you stay out of that. If this is a problem to you, feel free to leave now.”

They are all stunned. Akira isn’t being hostile, but he isn’t standing down or deflecting this issue either.

“Alright.” Makoto eventually agreed, surprising Ann even more, and it’s really a testament to how much Makoto has grown in the last month or so. She is willing to respect Akira on this one, and Ann thinks maybe that is the best course of action. All their attempts of getting information out of Akira in the past have obviously failed, and pushing the issue isn’t going to help. After all, what right do they have to chastise Akira for his use of persona? They all have one, and they get off just fine.

“Alright. I’ll trust you on this.” Ann nodded her head; she will give Akira the benefit of the doubt. She owes him that much.

“Okay. Aki-chan.” Haru nodded as well, while the rest of them nonverbally agree. Still, an awkward vibe falls over the group as the wind of the sailing whips at their hair and clothes.

“I see we have all gathered at the specified meeting place,” Akechi announced as he joins their circle, or more like staying outside the group. Ann actually appreciates because she hates his guts right now, as all of them probably do except Akira.

“Holy sh*t,” Ryuji muttered, as they take in Akechi’s true form, which is far different than his prince outfit. “That’s…”

It’s honestly the strangest thing Ann has ever seen in her life. And she can only mutter out what she thinks at the moment, in the absurdity of it.

“Gothic Candycane.”

“Fashion disaster.”

“Darth Vader.”

“Monochrome Lollipop.”

“A Yu-Gi-Oh villain from like a later spinoff.”

“BDSM Pajamas,” Akira added with a smirk once they had gotten all their reactions out.

“Oh my god, you are so right.” Ryuji nodded in agreement with Akira. “That’s exactly what that is, holy sh*t.”

“Are you all juveniles?” Akechi spat angrily as he folded his arms in reaction to their bashes on his honestly atrocious outfit.

“Legally. Yes.” Yusuke nodded casually, and Ann wanted to groan at this all. She doesn’t like this situation in the least, but at least she can take some sort of comfort because the black mask actually looks like a fashion disaster with far too many belts that didn’t have functionality and a god-awful helmet thing. It only partially takes away from the painful awkwardness of this all.

“Shido already thinks you are a threat….” Haru pointed out with a grim face, the obvious looking up and down at Akechi’s metaverse outfit.

“Of course. I think he considered me a threat since day one even if he did think he had me under his grimy thumb.” Akechi scoffed, leaning to one side, “Now, shall we get on with this?”

“Wait, wait, wait, you really do look like a character from Yu-gi-oh.” Ryuji snickered one more time, “Like what is with all the f*cking belts, man? Is this supposed to strike fear into our hearts? Like f*ck man, what are you even supposed to be? Do you believe in the heart of the cards?”

Akechi glared at him, and instantly, his outfit changed in a flash of red, the gnarled black outfit replaced with his red prince outfit, but the same exasperated glare on his face, “Are you done? Have you got all your childish fits out? I think it’s time you got serious about this.”

“Oh.” Ryuji blinked. Ann was surprised too, the change was sudden, but it made sense since Akechi could go parading as the black mask and as his princely outfit. Still, seeing it in person is unsettling. Just a reminder, Akechi has been stringing them along. The real wolf in sheep’s skin. But he does have the same goal as them for now. Ann kept reminding herself of that. It’s better if Akechi was with them than against them right now. But she can’t help but be afraid that Akechi will turn on them after this is all over.

“Wait.” Ann paused as she tried to put some pieces together, “You are the black mask…then, do you cause the psychotic breakdowns with Robin Hood?”

“No, he has multiple personas,” Akira answered for Akechi, who looked frustrated with the revelation.

“You are a wildcard too?!?” Morgana sputtered.

“The same ability as Akira?” Yusuke echoed in confusion.

“I’m not sure it’s the same ability.” Akechi shook his head, “I’ve only ever had two. I awoke to two, and I’ve only had two since.”

“Well, you are beating Akira for numbers right now; he’s only got Alice,” Ryuji revealed, and Akira does not look happy with that getting out, tugging on his hair with frustration as Akechi turned to him with a look of disbelief.

“What happened to Yosh*tsune?” Akechi demanded with a frustrated look.

“Decided to take a road trip probably to hook up with Kaguya or something. Hopefully, he brings me back a souvenir or something. I’m betting on one of those like sword keychains; my bag has been lacking some décor.” Akira waved him off with his usual sense of humor that Ann had wondered why he didn’t use before as he turns on his heels towards the entrance to the diet building. “Now that we are all here let’s get this show started.”


“It’s Joker, Crow.” Akira dryly laughed as he cut off Akechi’s inquiries, and before Akechi or any of them can say anything, Akira is jumping up the steps to the top.

Ann can’t do anything but follow, but the pensive look on Akechi’s face makes her wonder about the relationship the two share.

Morgana didn’t think it was possible to awaken to two personas. But, then again, he hadn’t considered a persona user could use more than one persona in the first place. All his perceptions are being broken, and he can’t help feeling uneasy about that. It’s shaken his confidence about how much he actually understands about the metaverse and persona. The only thing he can believe is the answers he seeks about his identity lay at the bottom of mementos. Morgana feels they are so close. Taking Shido down would open a path further down into the depths. But Morgana is surprised that it isn’t his primary goal or reason for agreeing to this.

It’s Akira. Because it’s always been Akira. The curiosity Morgana has about him. Akira is definitely different and not just because he has powerful persona. Or had multiple personas. But, everything Akira does seems so illogical to Morgana. Not using more persona when he could, having all this money and yet not spending a dime on himself, his impeccable time management skills, his ability to honestly connect to anyone. Morgana won’t say he’s jealous since Akira does a lot of stupid stuff that Morgana wouldn’t, but he does admire Akira in many ways.

The fact that Akira had known the name of the person who put him on probation and stripped away any freedom he had and, despite knowing that information, not revealing it. Morgana has no idea why he wouldn’t. Morgana knows curiosity killed the cat, but man, he can’t help but try to figure it out. Morgana feels like his life has turned from figuring out who he is to who Akira really is. Because nothing about Akira added up. Morgana desperately wants to know why it’s in his phantom thief blood to put all the pieces together.

Morgana has learned so much through living with Akira. And even realized more about himself than he thought he would. Despite being a cat, he still has strong bonds with the rest of the Phantom Thieves. He still laughs over stupid jokes or cries with them when something bad happens. Regardless of the difference of species, they all cried over when they thought Akira had died, and they were all angry and relieved when Akira revealed he was alive. Morgana knows that has to mean something. He can transcend the distance of species, and it doesn’t matter who he is. Or what form he takes.

He wants to stay with the Phantom Thieves forever, no matter if he ends up being a cat or not. He’ll see this through with them to the end. And Morgana knows they will pull through for him too.

Morgana has no doubt in his mind that they can bring Shido to justice.

But then it becomes apparently evident why Akira didn’t reveal Shido’s name in the beginning.

“Ah sh*t.” Akira cursed when Alice’s Die for Me attack only works on a select few of the shadows and not all of them. Something it’s genuinely never done before. “Queen, take it out with a Nuclear attack!”

“Got it!” Makoto nodded back before summoning Anat and blasting it with a nuclear attack. Morgana watched on in disbelief from the sidelines as the attack, while the shadow was weak to the attack, doesn’t die but does go down.

It’s clear to Morgana if they had gone to Shido’s Palace any sooner, they would not be prepared as these shadows would have royally decimated them. They would have been f*cked. Morgana wondered if Akira knew that, though?

Akira, Makoto, Ann, and Akechi all surround the shadow with their guns drawn; the shadow is crouching on the ground.

And Akira does something he hasn’t done in the last five palaces.

He tried to negotiate with the shadow.

“Lend me your power,” Akira demanded confidently in a charismatic tone, his voice steady and his eyes piercing. Morgana recognizes that as something Yoshida taught him, especially how he made sure to have a proper posture to gain a sense of respect. Morgana is very certain that’ll work.

But it doesn’t.

“And help you?” The shadow snarled, an air of hostility none of them were expecting, “Why should I, what have you ever done for my brethren? The audacity of asking me that.”

“Lend me your power.” Akira appealed once more, but Morgana can tell that this demand is more unsure than the last one. The shadow’s responses don’t make sense either.

“Never again.” In the lowest voice, the shadow said an angry growl as if it had some personal vendetta against Akira himself, which makes absolutely no sense. The shadow took off before any of them can make a move. Leaving them in the wake of confusion.

“Well…that negotiation didn’t go well…” Ryuji groaned awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked to Akira with a sympathetic gaze, “Bummer, dude.”

Akira just smiled at him, but it comes across as more awkward than anything, “Ah, it is what it is, you know. You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you just don’t vibe.”

“What was that supposed to do, though?” Haru asked curiously, and Morgana realized that most of their group has not seen Akira actually try to recruit a shadow since the only time he has ever done it was in Kamoshida’s palace.

“Shadows come from the sea of souls, meaning they are fragments of people. So they can talk as you saw, and sometimes you can get money or items from them if they are being cooperative.” Morgana explained, as they lingered near one of the staircases, Shido’s god-awful political speech being broadcasted over the sound system, “But Joker can recruit them to become a new mask, a new persona if he wants.”

“Is that how you get new Persona?” Makoto gasped in surprise as she turned to Akira, who is tugging on his bangs vehemently. “Why didn’t you say so?”

“Ah, it’s not very…reliable.” Akira carefully answered, and Morgana has no idea what to make of that.

“Clearly,” Akechi said dryly as he motioned in the direction that the shadow had fled in.

“I’ve literally never seen you do that.” Ann shook her head with her arms folded.

“He’s only done it once in Kamoshida’s palace.” Ryuji offered, tapping his foot on the ground.

“Is that how you got Alice?” Haru wondered genuinely, asking him with big curious eyes.

“Something like that.” Akira shook his head before looking around, “We should get moving; it’s better if we don’t linger in one place too long that isn’t a safe room.”

“The lobby to the treasure room is just up the stairs and through that door,” Akechi announced, as he and Akira are quick to make their way up the stairs.

Morgana frowned as he heads up the rear of the group. How can Akira say it’s not a reliable tool when he doesn’t do it very often? He can’t base that off only one interaction. Has he tried outside of being with their group?

Shido’s palace is just as awful as the outside. All these people enjoy themselves as the country outside was drowning. Ryuji has never hated the distance in social classes more than now. All these people who contribute to Shido’s success so they can watch the world drown while being safe absolutely sickens him.

Yet, it’s no surprise that this ship is rich and lavish. It feels like that upscale buffet he, Akira, and Ann went to that one time. Exquisite details were lining the hallways and expensive carpeting and wood lining the frame. It’s sophisticated, yet it’s all built on corruption.

The group passed a mirror in the hallway to where the doors to the treasure room are, and Ryuji almost wouldn’t have thought of it. It’s a rather ordinary thing to find in a cruise ship, nothing strange about it. It could also be looked at as symbolism of how Shido was vain and like to view himself, he was arrogant and self-centered, and it’s weird there isn’t more of them. Overall, its existence isn’t out of the ordinary.

It’s just a fancy mirror.

“Hold on. Wait, stop.” Ryuji stopped them because something caught his eye in the mirror, or instead, what didn’t catch his eyes.

All of them are lined up in the mirror, Phantom Thief suits, all of them except for Akira, whose reflection isn’t present. In between Akechi and Haru, there is an empty space. A void where Akira is supposed to be.

There is no reflection of him in the mirror.

“That’s! That’s not possible, is it?” Haru stuttered, looking back and forth from Akira to the mirror in confusion. He isn’t there at all. But Ryuji can tell she is confused because she keeps poking his shoulder till Akira kindly takes a step back away from her.

“Dude. That is some creepy ass sh*t.” Ryuji shivered; it feels like a ghost story somewhat. Still, why was it only Akira that wasn’t showing up?

“Is it cognition? Shido thinks he is dead, so his reflection isn’t showing up in the cognitive world?” Ann pondered, thoughtfully tapping her chin before she tapped the mirror to see if it would do anything. It didn’t. It’s just a regular mirror.

“I don’t sense anything…malicious coming from the mirror.” Futaba filled in as she tapped the side of her goggles, but it’s hardly helpful in the situation.

“How interesting.” Yusuke hummed, “I was told of a ghost story of this once by a fellow apprentice…but perhaps, Panther’s hypothesis is correct, and it is merely cognition.”

“Yeah. Probably.” Akira muttered, putting his hands in his pockets and marching forward, without giving the mirror a second glance. Ryuji doesn’t blame him; he would be freaked out if his reflection didn’t show up in the mirror one morning.

“Well, I suppose that would mean your plan did work.” Makoto pointed awkwardly, but her words serve little to lift the weird mood that has settled over them.

“Yeah.” Akira nodded half-heartedly, quickening his pace that almost feels like he is trying to get away from the mirror as fast as he can.

"Hey, did that freak you out?" Ryuji wondered outloud, quickly catching up to Akira because obviously, the fact he did not have a reflection had some effect on him. “It is freaky, I don't blame you.”

Akira doesn't answer as he chose to keep walking, but a thoughtful look flashed on his face before he replied, "No...I was thinking of an urban legend from my hometown when I was a kid. Vaguely reminded me of that I guess.”

"Oh?" Yusuke, who had caught up on his other side, wondered curiously. “Would you tell?”

"They said if it was raining at night, then at exactly midnight, the TV would turn itself on by itself and display a weird channel. People in my hometown called it the Midnight Channel." Akira explained, his face remaining neutral as he focused on the hallway in front of him. Ryuji shivered, that was a creepy one. There was something about technology doing whatever it wanted to that f*cked him up. The idea always freaked him out.

"No! Joker, That's freaky! It just turns on by itself?!" Futaba squealed in horror behind them, shaking her head but then asked in a low morbid curiosity, "Wait...what did it show? Samara? Oh no. Oh, please tell me it wasn’t Samara.”

“Don't be freaked out, Oracle; it's probably just something someone made up. Most urban legends are just blown out of proportions." Makoto reassured her, patting her on the back. “Just a fun little scare.”

"It's stupid, is what it is." Akechi scoffed, folding his arms. “Ridiculous.”

"What? You don't know how to have fun." Ann scoffed, folding her arms as she glared at Akechi.

"They said If you appeared on the TV," Akira said, breaking through the banter as he continued his story, his voice getting lower. But instead of a low voice, most people would use for a scary story, Akira's tone feels completely genuine, "If you appeared on the TV, on the midnight channel, then you would die."

"Oh, it's one of those urban legends." Haru hummed with interest.

"Wait...did you watch it?" Ryuji asked because Akira's face is saying that he has for sure watched it. Ryuji would if only to prove an urban legend wrong. After all, that’s a very stereotypical trope for an urban legend. Ryuji is extremely curious now.

Akira nodded with pursed lips but doesn't say anything more as his pace slows a bit, letting the other Phantom Thieves catch up to him.

"And?" Ann nudged him because she is probably just as fascinated by the outcome, Ryuji can see the excitement in her eyes as she begged, "What came of it? Did you see something?"

"I saw a TV announcer on the channel, but it wasn't her usual show. She was, running…it was like all static and that old sort of channel vibe.” Akira said quietly, his face getting grimmer and grimmer at the story. Sort of like that one time in Kamoshida's palace. He continued in a solemn voice, "I thought it was a dream; I thought I had dreamt it. I wasn’t supposed to be up; there was school the next day.”

"But then you saw her on the TV the next day, I'm sure." Akechi filled in, shaking his head, probably not believing what Akira is spinning. “Proving the urban legend was false. There is no way-”

Akira stopped and said deadly seriously with a faraway look in his eyes, “I saw her dead and hanging from the telephone poles the next day on my way to school along with another girl who later ended up dead in the same exact way a week later because she had appeared on the TV too.”

Ryuji was not expecting that answer, and Akira delivers it with such a grave tone that Ryuji has to believe it. There is no even small evidence of Akira joking. No twitch in his lips or anything. But, holy sh*t, that is so f*cking messed up. That account completely takes away all attention on Shido’s palace. What a f*cked up thing to see as a kid. Ryuji has so many questions that are probably better for him not to ask. All he can think is holy sh*t.

No one says anything since no one knows how to react to that. How is one supposed to respond to that? They all have horrified faces, except Akechi who just seemed vaguely interested and Ryuji wanted to slap him upside the head and tell him that is not the proper reaction to this harrowing revelation.

Ryuji wanted to say something desperately, but he honestly has no idea how to unpack that sentence. It couldn't have been the TV, could it? How? But the girl who found the dead girl ended up on the TV and dead only a few days after? Why wasn't Akira dead then? Ryuji is starting to feel skeptical about it now.

"Are you sh*tting me?" Futaba eventually said, her face pale. Ryuji can't tell if it was said in terms of her believing Akira or her believing Akira is bullsh*tting her.

“Ah, sorry, it freaked me out when I was a kid, but people would show up in that channel all the time and end up being ok!” Akira quickly reassured as he started walking again. “So I doubt it had much to do with the channel and something less paranormal. The channel stopped airing a year afterward. So I’m sure it was someone just trying to prank everyone…man, it got me good, though. I didn’t sleep for days. Haha.”

“Interesting.” Akechi hummed, a thoughtful look on his face as if he has just made a connection with something.

They are silent, probably trying to come up with something to say before they reach the treasure room whose doors are most definitely closed, and Ryuji can feel a headache coming on because, of course, it’s going to be a lot of work to open them. The idea distracting him from the idea of the TV urban legend and Akira's revelation.

“Crow?” Makoto addressed Akechi diplomatically as they all gather around the doors with the sign of Representatives Chambers. Ryuji remembered they had Akechi with them, so hopefully, he would cut the time they spend on this palace down. Indeed, he had a better way of getting through these doors easier. “I’m assuming the main assembly hall is further in, and that is where the treasure is held…but it seems we will require something to get it. Do you perchance have what we need or can get us further in with your connections?”

Akech put a glove to his chin; an irritated look crossed his face as he frowned deeply at the golden doors. “We are going to need to collect letters of recommendation to get into this room. See the slots? I am assuming they’ll have to come from Shido’s top supporters and those who have pledged their undoubted loyalty to him. VIPs whose cognitions are no doubt wandering around this forsaken cruise ship.”

“Wait, you can’t get us in?” Ryuji sputtered in surprise because wasn’t Akechi one of Shido’s trusted confidants, his right-hand man. After all, Akechi has been working for Shido this entire time, proving his ‘loyalty to Shido; why couldn’t Akechi get them in? “Then what good are you?”

“Are you daft?” Akechi scoffed at him with a severe look on his face as he lowly growled, “If it isn’t clear to you, I hardly pledged my loyalty to Shido. He must have realized that at some level or, he simply does not see me as anything more than a manipulated child who will follow his every whim. Neither is ideal, and both ideas make my blood f*cking boil. Shido doesn’t consider my existence to be worth anything except to eventually use me as a scapegoat for all his crimes.”

It hits Ryuji, the sort of situation that Akechi is in. And he hates how it feels. It’s not so far off from his relationship with his estranged father; The feeling of being helpless in the way of an abusive, manipulating father who doesn’t see your worth as a child or person for that matter. But it doesn’t matter what you do; you are younger and are not as in as much power. That feeling has made Ryuji’s blood boil more than a few times. It’s something that has haunted him his entire life. The paranoia of if his father would come home in a weak moment and start the cycle all over again.

Ryuji gets it, and it hits him like an avalanche.

Ryuji had his mother, and even though he still carries the scars from the memories of his father. He had always had someone in his ring, supporting him and making sure he got what he needed even when Ryuji struggled in school, especially with the horrid memories being brought back up with Kamoshida. His mother carried him through that as he helped his mother with the aftermath as well.

Ryuji always had his mother, but Akechi didn’t get that. Shido had not only taken away his mother but his entire life.

Akechi didn’t have anyone. Akechi didn’t get the life that Ryuji got, and Ryuji can say without a doubt If he had been put into that same exact situation that he might have turned out exactly like Akechi. It doesn’t excuse murder or all the other criminal acts Akechi has done. Ryuji isn’t pardoning him on that, but he can understand why Akechi has turned to this plan of vengeance and why he is so determined to take down Shido no matter what.

Akira was right in saying Akechi is just like them, but Ryuji finally understands what Akira meant by that and why Akira is working so hard to help him. Akechi is exactly like them, except he didn’t get the opportunities that they did. The sh*tty adults in his world did him a severe injustice.

Akechi is what they all could have become.



Chapter 22: The one where they take Shido down at a personal cost.


'Did you think that you could live your life
If there's no wonder left in paradise?'

The one where they take Shido down at a personal cost, and the one that has literally been foreshadowed since chapter 10


Ah, my longest chapter to date, 24K 🥰

Chapter Text

There are a lot of things off about Akira, but Akechi already knew that.

Akechi doesn’t understand Akira, but he also isn’t sure he wants to understand Akira. As long as Akira helps him achieve his goal, then does it really matter? In the end, Akechi’s primary goal is to bring down Shido, make him grovel at Akechi’s feet, and acknowledge all the sh*t he made Akechi go through while Akechi simultaneously ruins Shido’s life. That’s been Akechi’s goal for his entire life and really come to a head when he had received the nav. It’s been the core of his existence for the last two years, the only thing he could focus on.

‘What you thought was important will no longer be important, and you will find value in the things you once looked away from.’ He remembers what Margaret had said, but he thinks that it is a load of bullsh*t. Who is she to tell him what he finds value in? He decides that. Akechi knows what he wants. Akechi has always known what he wanted.

He decided he will not make a deal with Margaret because, after they take Shido out, he’s out of here. That was his only goal anyways. He doesn’t care; he isn’t as generous or virtuous as the Phantom Thieves are. All he wants to do is make Shido pay for the sh*t life he gave Akechi. Akechi wished to avenge his mother’s death. It’s always been a personal vendetta, and he’d take out whoever got in his way.

Akechi isn’t the ‘hero’ that Akira is. He doesn’t want to be the hero Akira is. It’s not his job to help Margaret or the Phantom Thieves after this. Akechi is doing this for his personal gain. They can keep their justice.

Who cares if Akira is a wildcard or not. Or what the f*ck a wild card even is as well? What does it even matter? He certainly doesn’t act like one regardless of having multiple personas at one point in time. Now he’s down to only Alice with no explanation as usual. He hasn’t tried recruiting any more shadows, hasn’t brought any more expected ones out. He hasn’t mentioned a contract with some magical master, hasn’t gone to any ‘velvet room.’ He hasn’t offered up anything remotely plausible as an explanation other than his f*cking ‘third eye’ ability that Akechi can’t even make sense of.

And that doesn’t seem to have slowed him down in the least.

“Show me your true form!” Akira laughed, ripping through the unsuspecting shadow in their path as they dart around the tables in one of the lobbies. The shadow dissipates in a bellow of black smoke behind Akira, who doesn’t stop to witness a kill, and continued to dart on with them in tow.

Sometimes, Akechi thinks this is all a game to Akira. And it frustrates him. Doesn’t Akira get that this is his life? Does Akira understand the depths of the frustration and anguish Shido has put him through? And that this is the accumulation of everything he’s been working towards? Akira certainly isn’t acting like it.

Akechi doesn’t understand Akira, but as long as Akira takes down Shido with him. Then it doesn’t matter. Margaret is on her own trying to find her master and sister; he doesn’t give a sh*t. Akira and the Phantom Thieves can do whatever they want after they change Shido’s heart. It’s not Akechi’s business. Akechi has nothing to do with that. After Shido, he is going to live however the f*ck he wants to. No more deals. No more contracts. No more people tying Akechi down. He’s sick of people.

“Dude! Would you slow down for christ’s sake?!” Ryuji grunted as they all followed Akira’s nearly sprinting pace. It’s a good thing the Metaverse bestows on them stamina greater than their usual limits. Akechi doubts Akira’s ribs are healed enough to do this in reality.

“Oh sh*t.” Akira cursed, quickly stopping as he passed one of the bars in the lobby. Ryuji promptly nearly slamming into his back, leading them to all quickly stop like a row of dominoes. Fools, the lot of them, Akechi thought. Akira quickly approached the bar, and Akechi wondered what the f*ck he was doing because he doesn’t think drinking during this mission is a very responsible idea, “Excuse me, has anyone left something up here?”

“Yes, what is it you are looking for, sir?” The bartender asked cordially.

“My membership card.” Akira curtly responded, surprising all of them.

“Oh yes!” The bartender nodded, quickly sliding a card over the counter to him, “Do be careful to keep a better hold of it next time.”

“Haha, I’ll try.” Akira nodded as he put the card into one of his pockets before leading them towards a door on the other side of the lobby without a second thought.

“A membership card?” Makoto wondered, tilting her head as they followed his quick pace.

“Like Sae’s Casino. It’s a card that gets you into places; it’ll be helpful.” Akira answered, “We’ll need it to find the VIPs and get further into the cruise ship.”

Akechi frowned, while he knows cruise lines work on the membership card system and knowing that, logically, the VIPs would have membership cards meaning the Phantom Thieves would need one to reach them. How did Akira know that this bar, in particular, would have a membership card? There were four bars, and he doubts many of these people (cognitions?) would drop their valued card. At one time, he might have believed it was luck. But, Akechi knows things don’t add up with Akira.

And this is what he meant. Akira is so direct with his moves in chess. He predicts Akechi’s strategy quickly and deliberately tears it apart with a gleeful look on his face. Akira knows what he is doing, and Akechi can see the logic behind how he sees it on the chessboard. But he can’t decipher Akira’s moves in the Metaverse. The actions he makes, and how he knows things that the rest of them don’t. Yet, they all seemingly work out well. Even Akira’s stupid interrogation act, Shido bought it hook line and sinker.

Akechi doesn’t think Akira is working for Shido. Akechi would know if Akira was working for Shido; He was a detective, for christ’s sake.

“To dine at this restaurant, I’ll need to see your membership card.” Then front desk person at the desk requested, as Akira happily shows him the card. “Thank you for choosing to dine with us, sir; please come this way!”

“Wow! That worked out well.” Haru mentioned, pleased by the outcome as she clapped her hands gleefully. “Nice thinking ahead, Joker!”

Akechi followed with the thought of things don’t add up. But, if they are adding up for their favor, then it doesn’t really matter.

Akechi needed to focus on his own goal anyways. Margaret was right about one thing, he was going to see this out to the end, no matter what happens. This is his conviction, and he’ll see it out to the bitter end. No matter the cost.

Then after he achieved his goal and the period, he’ll stay at LeBlanc until Shido’s heart changes to make sure the deed is done but also so Shido doesn’t catch wind of him, he’ll leave this place in the dust. He doesn’t need the Phantom Thieves. He doesn’t need Akira.

“So Shido really doesn’t trust you….” Makoto hummed, processing the battle they had just had with the politician. Akechi hadn’t been able to get the letter out of the VIP. The negotiation had gone south, and the cognition had turned into a Shadow. Another worrying aspect about this all since Shido was using Wakaba’s research to strengthen his Palace. Taking down the shadow hadn’t been hard between Akira and the rest of them. Yet, the information they’ve been given was even more unnerving. They had already known his involvement in the shutdowns, Akechi showing them the evidence of how the politician benefited from it. But the rest. Akechi not being able to get the letter, and Wakaba’s research was terrifying.

“Were you doubting it?” Akechi scoffed, gesturing down to his outfit, which was the prince outfit as of right now. Makoto is slightly grateful since his black mask outfit only brought up uncomfortableness, and witnessing Loki was scary enough, “Are you all seriously children? We’ve already established that fact.”

“A rather unfortunate circ*mstance,” Yusuke muttered, with his arms crossed. “It seems we may have to take on more of those cognition shadow hybrids. Best to be prepared.”

“Oh, of course.” Akira nodded absolutely, sticking his hands in his pocket as he started walking towards the restaurant’s back. “Wouldn’t expect anything less of Shido. But, hey, we can take them. Piece of cake.”

“Uh, where do you think you are going?” Ann wondered as Akira leaves the group in the dust.

“To the next VIP, the one that is upon the pool,” Akira said bluntly, pressing a button to summon the elevator as they all caught up to him. “Hm, maybe we should take a dip while we are there… it’s been a while since we’ve been swimming. Man, I know I’m underage, but do you think I can get one of those mocktails?”

“Are you sure that’s the way to the pool?” Makoto wondered as the elevator opens before them. Akira sounded so confident. Then again, Akira usually always sounds confident.

Akira doesn’t answer, only whipping up a pamphlet to show them a map of the decks before saying, “Found a map.”

“For real?! Why didn’t you say so?” Ryuji groaned as they all piled in, it’s a tight fit in the elevator, but it’s safer than taking two trips if any Shadows were to ambush them.

“Didn’t I?” Akira blinked innocently at them. “It was in the lobby. Was I the only one who thought to pick one up?”

“And that is why you are our leader.” Yusuke shook his head, and Makoto sighed. She can’t believe she didn’t think of that.

Why didn’t she think to have looked for a map? It was a cruise line, so logically that made complete sense. She had just been so caught up in the concept of Shido’s Palace, a cruise line full of arrogant, masked people funding Shido’s rise to power so that they could ride along on this ship in the sense of amnesty while the rest of the country drowned.

It’s awful. It’s cruel; how could someone this cruel and selfish come into this much power? She knew their society was f*cked up, messed up in what it’ll allow, but this is a whole other level.

And Akechi. She discreetly looked his way; his face seemingly turned into a permanent scowl as they waited for the elevator to reach its destination.

Makoto understands Akechi is doing this for selfish reasons. But can she really blame him? Makoto took on Sae’s Palace for selfish reasons; she wanted to make her sister acknowledge her wrongdoings. Akechi is the same as her, except that Akechi knows Shido will never truly be his father, nor does she think Akechi wants that. In the end, their goal is the same, despite what the reasons might be. It’s better to have him on their team now than not when the abilities that he holds.

She wonders what Akechi is going to do after all this.

“Oh! I thought you said this would lead to the pool.” Haru said in confusion when the doors open to reveal a long hallway reminiscent of where staterooms would be on a cruise ship.

“Oh yeah…these things….” Akira grumbled as they pushed forth into the lobby before the hallways, a look of distaste on his face as he tugged at his hair as he lingered in the elevator’s threshold.

“Huh?” Ann wondered, “What things?”

“It seems we have to go through the hallways of the staterooms before reaching the pool.” Akechi shook his head before grunting, “Truly despicable of Shido.”

“Why? What’s going on?” Morgana wondered.

“Ah, the lower decks of cruise ships are notoriously frustrating to navigate.” Makoto explained, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, “Often they are poorly labeled. And finding one’s room can be difficult.”

“Yeah, it’s like a maze of hallways.” Haru chimed in, frowning, “I remember walking around for at least thirty minutes trying to find my room on the last cruise I was on…then I realized I was on the wrong floor! It was quite despairing. All the hallways looked the same.”

“I don’t know…this map says there aren’t that many hallways?” Futaba piped up, from where she is analyzing the map that Akira had gotten, and is probably compiling a digital rendering of it for reference later, “We should be fine.”

“Oh no.” Akira laughed, throwing his hands behind his head with a cheerful smile, “We are definitely going to get lost. Trust me on that.”

“Aren’t you psychic?” Ryuji sputtered.

“I’m psychically telling you that we are definitely going to get lost.” Akira quipped back.

“I don’t feel like you know what psychic means,” Akechi muttered. “Have you picked up a dictionary recently?”

“But the house of darkness….” Yusuke mumbled pensively.

“Yeah, and we still got lost in the house of darkness for like an hour.” Ann sighed, shaking her head before folding her arms and regarding Akira with a worried look, “I’m inclined to believe him this time…But Don’t overdo it this time, ok? My heart can’t take it.”

“I make no promises,” Akira answered with a devious grin. “Besides, you are the model of youth, Panther. I doubt I could give you that much of a heart attack. But perhaps, is it possible I have stolen your heart, Lady Ann?”

“H-hey!” Morgana protested, his eyes widening in jealousy.

“Ha! Fat chance!” Ann quipped, her hands on her hips as she tells Akira bluntly, “You are so not my type. Try someone else!”

“Didn’t seem that way at the fireworks festival….” Akira whistled nonchalantly.

Makoto pinched her nose; it feels like Akira is more childish than usual today. Then again, she’d prefer that then the chilling tone Akira had taken when talking about that childhood urban legend a while ago. She’d like not to think about that since she has no idea how to take it. People don’t just appear on the TV then die, it has to be an urban legend, but bodies being found tangled up in phone wires? That sounds eerily similar to something she had read online. Had Akira really lived in that town?

“Shut up!” Ann sputtered with embarrassment, her face burning red at the insinuation.

“He got you there!” Ryuji laughed at her, “You totally were drooling over him!”

“Oh, like your mouth wasn’t mouthwatering over him either!” Ann shot back, shoving Ryuji. “It wasn’t just me!”

“I was not! I was more surprised with Akechi being there!” Ryuji argued back, but Makoto can see the slight blush on his face that clearly stated the evidence.

“You don’t think I’m hot, Skull?” Akira asked in a fake devastated tone, purposely giving Ryuji a pitiful look.

“Dude. You seriously don’t need me telling you that you are hot.” Ryuji grumbled with exasperation, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

“What if I want you to tell me I’m hot?” Akira frowned deeper, eyes widening.

“You’re as hot as the sun, ok?” Ryuji sighed, his face reddening another shade.

“What about you Fox, do you think I’m hot?” Akira turned his devious smile to Yusuke, his next victim.

“How does one define hot as a standard of looks? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What might attract one might not attract another. Artistically speaking, I think you rather have a clear aesthetic and a well-defined feature that truly push the essence of your character while maintaining an air of mystery about you in a way that can be interpreted as alluring and what most people would find attractive—”

“Yeah. Not what he meant, Inari.” Futaba snickered before adopting the very same gremlin smile and turning to Akechi, “What about you, Crow? Do you think Joker’s hot? Is he a ten?”

“You all are wasting our time! You all really are children, all of you!” Akechi growled; Makoto noted he purposefully avoided said question as to the permanent scowl deeps over his face as he turned to Joker with an accusatory glare, “And you are the worst of them! You are just perpetuating this! Is this really a game to you?!”

Akira laughed, walking backward away from Akechi, who is marching up to him menacingly with a finger pointed right at Akira’s face. Makoto wanted to warn him that if he doesn’t look where he is going, then he is bound to trip over his own feet. He’s dangerously close to stepping on his own coattails, and Makoto doesn’t imagine that will go well. But before she can do anything, a massive puff of smoke envelopes Akira.

“J-joker?” Haru sputtered in concern, and they all watched, horrified as the smoke clears to reveal Akira has been turned into a mouse. The only reason they recognize him is that he has a smaller version of his mask on his mouse face.

“A-A a mouse?!” Akechi sputtered, also seemed taken aback by the sudden transformation that had just happened in front of him, his earlier frustration replaced with utter bafflement. His finger has even fallen, uncertain as to what to do with this f*cking situation.

“FOR REAL?! HE TURNED INTO A MOUSE?!” Ryuji exclaimed, his voice high-pitched and his eyes wide in panic, “sh*t! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?”

“This is…” Makoto frowned because this didn’t feel like a status ailment. But a mouse? Why a mouse? What brought it on? There isn’t a shadow around, or so she thinks. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the hallway.

“Can…can he understand us?” Morgana wondered, his eyes wide as he crept a little closer to their mouse friend. Mouse Joker tilted his little head up at them with beady little eyes.

“Does…. does he even know who he is?” Yusuke wondered in a whisper, terror in his voice. “Who we are?”

Mouse joker started preening himself, utterly oblivious to their panic and seemingly not understanding the conversation going on over his state of being. He made sure to give his little mouse ears extra attention.

Oh. Oh no. Oh, this is not good.

Makoto panicked; Akira can’t very well fight as a mouse, and he was their tank! Even with only Alice, he’s downed more than half the shadows they have encountered. This Palace might have just gotten ten times harder. Oh, what are they supposed to do? How are they supposed to turn him back? Why was he a mouse in the first place?! Makoto didn’t think this would be something they’d have to deal with in here as well.

“When I told Sojiro I wanted a pet…this isn’t what I meant.” Futaba muttered franticly, wringing her hands in anxiety, “I don’t even know how to take care of a mouse. What do mice even eat? What am I supposed to do with him?! I don’t want him as a mouse! Someone turn him back!”

“Hey. Hey, we need to do something about this!” Ann pleaded, worry on her face. “He’s so tiny; what if someone steps on him?! Someone get him! Oh god, what if a shadow comes along? What is he gonna do? Look at it with his big cute mouse eyes?! He’s helpless!”

“This is pre-paw-sterous,” Yusuke said, entirely seriously.

“Are you for real?!” Ann grunted, slapping his shoulder. “This is no time for sh*tty puns!”

Mouse Joker breaks every characterization of a mouse at the exchange and rolls onto his back with a chittering sound that is akin to human laughter. Makoto realized Akira is definitely pulling their chain and could for sure understand what they are saying. And likely this entire time. He just went along with it to get a laugh at them. It was a joke.

“Hey!” Morgana frowned with a pout, stomping a foot on the ground. “Are you serious, Joker?! You scared us!”

“You little piece of sh*t, I’ll murder you myself!” Akechi cursed, his voice falling into one very different than his prince detective voice as he quickly swoops down to pick up Akira by the scruff, with his eyes narrowed and his voice was low and deadly serious, “Quit acting like a f*cking goddamn child and get serious, this isn’t the time to—”

When Akechi brings Akira over the line dividing the room and the hallway, Akira transformed into a burst of smoke. Taking them all off guard, as instead of a mouse in Akechi’s hold, now there is human Akira, laughing his ass off in Akechi’s arms.

“Your face!! Oh my god! —” Akira snorted through the laughter as he threw his arms around Akechi’s shoulders, kicking his legs up in an exaggeration of his mirth, “You—you seriously thought I turned into a mouse?! You really thought—!! And F-Fox’s pun! Oh my god!”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (38)

Akechi promptly dropped him on his ass without a second thought and little regret. He was not amused with Akira’s antics.

“Yeah, I guess if you step into that other room, you’ll turn into a mouse.” Futaba filled in with frustration as she taps the side of her goggles to run a scan Makoto assumed. “But it’s only limited areas. You should be fine, but I’d suggest not getting into any battles when you are a mouse. Ooof, you got me, Joker. I should have checked earlier….”

“Dude…you could have said something!” Ryuji whined, pulling Akira to his feet. “I seriously thought we were f*cked.”

“It was way more fun my way.” Akira laughed, before sending Ryuji a smirk, “I’d ad-mice you to tread carefully.”

Mouse-t you be like this?” Haru giggled in response, deciding to join in on the fun. “ Cheese , be a little more considerate!”

“How you lot got anything done astounds me.” Akechi muttered as he pinched the brink of his nose in frustration, “Can we please get on with this?”

All of them slowly step into the room once Futaba assures them there are no shadows in this room. And just like Akira, all of them transform into mice, except…

“That isn’t fair!” Mouse Morgana squeaked in protest as he takes in Akechi’s form, which isn’t a mouse but a cat who is twice their size, “I’m the cat! Why should he be the cat?! This is an injustice!”

“Ohohoho, you are admitting it?!” Mouse Ryuji chittered, mirth in his squeaky voice as he nudged Mouse Morgana. “You were the one who said you weren’t a cat! Oh, how the tables have turned.”

“No! That’s not—” Mouse Morgana tried to backtrack, but it’s a lost cause.

“Still, turning into a mouse? And Crow turning into a cat? What is that supposed to mean? It feels a little out of place for a cruise line.” Mouse Makoto hummed, trying to figure out the cognition behind this. It feels a bit out of place.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Mouse Akira asked before explaining, “Shido considers everyone below him rodents; we are nothing to him. But he considers Crow an existence of pest control while still being below him. It makes sense why he is a cat.”

“A very astute conclusion.” Cat Akechi nodded before glaring, “Now, if you could only be that concise all the time and grow up a bit. Maybe we’d actually get things done faster.”

Mouse Akira shrugged, “What’s the fun in that?”

“So, when you said that we are definitely going to get lost in these hallways…this is what you meant?” Mouse Haru chimed up in a confused tone. “The fact we have to traverse them as mice?”

“Yup. Shido isn’t going to make this easy. It’s going to be a puzzle of avoiding shadows, running through rooms, flipping switches, turning off statues, and turning between mouse and human.” Mouse Akira said nonchalantly as he begins leading them through the room to the next hallway. His little mouse legs scampering on the ground.

“How do you know that?” Mouse Makoto wondered that it is oddly specific that Akira knows the exact perimeters of this puzzle despite them first encountering it. She can’t help but feel the familiar confusion bubbling inside of her—the suspicion.

“It’s a maze involving doors. Of course, there would be switches involved.” Mouse Akira responded with a sly tone that explains absolutely nothing in the slightest.

“Dude…this isn’t a video game.” Mouse Ryuji sighed.

“Isn’t it?” Mouse Akira laughed back.

Makoto can’t help but laugh at the idea. Akira may have honestly just thought of their heists as mechanics in a videogame logic. It’s so Akira, but it weirdly makes absolute sense.

Akira has such an entirely different perspective on things than her. He thinks of things that she would never. Makoto can admit now, she was jealous at first. Akira was just made to be a leader, even with his childish antics and carefree attitude in the face of danger. Akira keeps them all grounded. And she still feels incredibly guilty that her need to contribute and want to be helpful led her to accuse Akira without looking at all of the facts.

There are still things she doesn’t know, but does that really matter? Akira is Akira. And she owes him so much for allowing her to take what she wants and change her sister. She and her sister have arguably never been closer. Sae has been far more open to her in the last week than she has been since and before their dad died. Makoto knows that if Akira hadn’t told her he was a phantom thief in the student council room a while ago, that Makoto would have never been able to find herself and the courage to save her sister.

Makoto would have never had the opportunities she’s been given now. She would have never been friends with Haru, or Futaba, or the rest of their friends. She would still be destroying her true desire by breaking to the whim of the expectations set upon her.

Akira didn’t know anything about her when she approached him if Akira hadn’t taken a chance on her. Things would be very different.

So, Makoto is taking a chance on him now, despite not knowing how he knows the things he does. And she can tell Akira is taking that same chance on Akechi. And she is willing to follow in his suit.

Akira was right; it was time for her to follow her own intuition.

The first set of hallways isn’t that bad as Akira made it seem to be. Between them and Cat Akechi, who was far better equipped to skulk around, they made it to the other side without a hitch. The shadows were dumb as rocks and weren’t necessarily looking for them. Ann is understandably happy when they finally reach the hallway and no longer have to keep switching between human and mouse. She does not like being a mouse.

“It’s because you are a cat.” Ryuji snickered, nudging her shoulder as they exited the last hallway.

“Just because my outfit looks like this doesn’t mean I’m a cat,” Ann argued, nudging him back, all of them once more gathering into the far too tiny elevators.

“You have a tail.”

“And you have some weird, spine skeleton thing on your back. Are you a skeleton?” Ann huffed, bantering back with Ryuji. “You sure look skinny enough for it.”

“It’s all the training I’ve been doing! I look great, yeah?!” Ryuji smiled brightly, completely missing the jab Ann had meant to send, but she can’t send it again against that pure, oblivious smile, “I’ve been getting really into it lately; you should come train with me sometime! It’ll be fun!”

Ann sighed; being a model, she knew she had to maintain a specific image. But lately, it hasn’t mattered as much with everything going on with the Phantom Thieves. She wouldn’t say she had slipped but, her mind has definitely been other places. “Yeah, ok…but running? Do we really have to run? Can’t we do something else?”

“What’s wrong with running?” Ryuji pouted, “Have you ever experienced runners high? It’s the bee’s knees.”

“I can never make it more than a few feet before getting winded.” Yusuke sighed, unceremoniously joining the conversation. “It seems the athletic life simply isn’t for me.”

“Yeah, that’s because you eat like sh*t.” Ryuji bluntly said, “You don’t have the fuel to sustain yourself for more than a few feet… Maybe if you’d eat a banana every once in a while, dude. Let’s all go out jogging together!”

“No, absolutely not! Jogging is the worst!” Futaba bemoaned, shaking her head vehemently, “I mean, yeah, it’s good for you but god Skull, at what cost?!”

“I have to agree with Oracle; I think jogging is a rather archaic activity; why must we subject our bodies to such a rigorous endeavor and for what purpose?”

“Yeah, well, I think painting is archaic,” Ryuji muttered back in a mocking tone to Yusuke. And Ann has to snort at the childishness of it. He’s pouting like a child would.

“Well, I suppose you aren’t entirely wrong…Art has been around since the beginning of life; such evidence can be found in ancient caves. Humans are innately drawn to expressing ideas in creative ways.” Yusuke nodded, completely missing Ryuji’s quip as he adopts a thoughtful look on his face.

“I’d actually prefer painting to jogging….” Makoto added.

“You all suck. At least Joker runs with me.” Ryuji sighed, hopping up a few paces in front to nudge Akira’s shoulder, “Right, buddy? You like jogging with me?”

“Of course! I love running with you, Skull.” Akira nodded, a pleasant look on his face. Ann can see right through it.

“He told me He only runs with you because you buy him ramen afterward.” Morgana outed Akira without an ounce of regret, with a smug smile on his face. “He hates the treadmill when we go to the gym. You should have seen him the other day, he full-on tripped, and the treadmill sent him flying.”

“Mona!” Akira scoffed, an offended look on his face, “That’s it, no good tuna for you tonight….”

“DUDE?!” Ryuji sputtered, turning to Akira with a look of disbelief in the wake of the accusation.

“What a scandal.” Ann snorted. “Who could have imagined.”

“I couldn’t imagine it’d go down like this,” Haru added jokingly.

“You can buy your own ramen! You don’t need to go running with me to get ramen, are you for real?!” Ryuji argued, folding his arms. “Dude, you are loaded. Go buy yourself some ramen if you don’t want to run.”

“But, it wouldn’t taste as good as when you buy it for me.” Akira frowned.

“Cut that out; it’s the same ramen.”

Ann knows taking on Shido is serious and will likely be their last heist since Shido was at the top of the chain. But she can’t help but revel in this light moment. She’s never had a group of friends like this. Growing up, her parents traveled a lot, and since she wasn’t entirely Japanese, she was usually ignored at school. Ann has never had a proper childhood friend. Shiho had become her best friend in middle school, but even then, with Shiho, she has never been in quite this dynamic before.

She does miss Shiho terribly after she moved and still texts her, but she loved feeling a part of a group like this. She loved feeling like she was a part of something and having people around her with the same goal.

She wondered if Akira hadn’t followed her in that train station that day, would she have gotten to a part of this? If Akira hadn’t reached out to her, would she be as close to Ryuji or Yusuke or any of them?

Ann realized in this quiet moment as Ryuji bantered with Akira that none of them would have what they did now without Akira. None of them would have come together in this ragtag group if Akira hadn’t come to Shibuya. They simply wouldn’t have that initial connection to be friends.

She doesn’t like what Shido put Akira through, but she can’t help but be grateful that Akira has stuck with them throughout it. Even when they accused him of literal murder, she is now feeling incredibly guilty about who Akechi is. And through what happened to Akira, she is willing to give Akechi a little more grace. Ryuji was right, Akechi did have a chance to kill Akira, and he didn’t. Akechi is helping them, begrudgingly, to bring down Shido, even if it was for his own selfish reasons. Ann doesn’t trust Akechi, but she does trust Akira’s faith in him.

Ann doesn’t know what happened to Yosh*tsune. But, if Akira says this is fine, then she’ll trust him. She trusted Akira knew what he was doing.

“Quit arguing.” Akechi snapped as they reached the pool deck, whipping his head around to Akira and Ryuji playfighting, “We need to deal with the next VIP. Come up with a way to deal with him,”

Ann looked around the eerie pool deck, filled with people in masks. And she noticed it was mostly older men.

“That’s him,” Akechi said, pointing to one of the pool chairs on the other side of the pool where an older man was surrounded by people which Ann assumed were servants or something. “He is a former noble…talking to him will be a challenge as he only gives his time to those of noble blood.

“What are we supposed to do?” Makoto muttered as they awkwardly gathered at the front of the deck. “Noble blood? Noir?”

“I’m an Okumura, yes, but I’m hardly descended from noble blood. If he’s an acquaintance of Shido and I reveal my name, then he’ll probably know that.” Haru shook her head dejectedly.

“This one is a little tougher than the politician,” Morgana admitted. Akira doesn’t add anything, seemingly in deep thought as he tugged on his hair.

Ann frowned as she looked around the pool deck to see if she could figure out something to help. But she’s stumped; they can’t exactly prove they are of noble blood. There has to be a way to get this VIP letter, though.

“Oh.” Ann groaned when she made the realization from her observations.

“Panther?” Ryuji wondered, probably about her disgusted tone. Akira looked at her curiously, prompting her to continue.

“It’s a pool—old men. Of course, they are here to look at girls in swimsuits…look around. What else would they come here for?” Ann frowned with frustration in her voice as she motioned around. The cognition of the men is obviously ogling the young women. She hates this realization on two fronts, one, it’s clear that’s how Shido saw woman, and two, she knows exactly how to get that letter of recognition.

“Ooof, where are you going with this, Panther?” Futaba grumbled, her voice nervous.

Ann pinched her nose, “Unfortunately, not where anyone would like. There is a changing room over there, and I know some cruises rent out swimsuits….”

“Panther…” Makoto groaned, slowly lowering her hand into her palms.

“Will you find woman help Lady Ann, the descendant of British royalty, to conduct a ruse?” She asked in a clearly fake British accent that she did her best to portray. She knows none of the girls want to do this, but unfortunately, the guys wouldn’t get the reaction out of the VIP.

“Lady Ann?!” Morgana sputtered in surprise by the sudden acting.

“That’s your British accent?” Ryuji asked incredulously.

“I’m sorry, I don’t usually go to England!” Ann huffed, her face turning red. She knows it’s terrible, but it just might work.

“Are you sure about this, Panther?” Akira asked her, a look of evident surprise on his face. At least she can appreciate that all the guys seem to be respecting them on this and not clearly over eager to see any of them in their suits. Akira has never been like that; Morgana fawns over her, but it’s hard to feel disrespected by it since he’s a cat. She had realized Yusuke wasn’t overly interested in any sexual ideas but found her artistically pleasing, which she felt flattered about leaving only Ryuji and Akechi.

Akechi… doesn’t seem to care as his arms are crossed, and he clearly doesn’t intend to speak on the matter at hand. But she already has her suspicions about where his heart and eyes lay.

Ryuji is the biggest surprise out of this all.

“Yeah, we can totally figure out another option if you guys don’t feel comfortable with that,” Ryuji said genuinely, and Ann realized how much Ryuji has changed in the last few months. She can feel that Ryuji sincerely values their relationship, and she wished she had connected with him sooner, like when they were in middle school. He’s a little quirky and quick to feel, but he has a heart of gold.

“I’m fine with that.” Haru acknowledged, backing her up, “If this is the quickest way to get that letter, then we should try. After all, technically, it’s only us here since everyone else is relatively cognitions.

“She’s right.” Makoto sighed, pinching her nose, “It’s straightforward but probably the best.”

“Yeah…uh, I’m out.” Futaba shakes her head, “The beach was enough for me.”

“You can hang back here with us.” Akira chuckled, patting her head, before giving Ann a reassuring smile and a confident wink, “Go get em’ Lady Ann.”

“You got it!” Ann laughed back in her fake British accent.

It had gone well until it didn’t go well. Ann had worked her charm the best she could, and Ryuji admitted it begrudgingly worked. The former noble VIP was all over her, figuratively as he fawned over her and her fake British accent, calling her Ann-chan and complimenting her figure.

It disgusts Ryuji, and he now feels guilty thinking about how used to this Ann and the rest of the females in their group probably were. Also, Ryuji knows he used to be this inconsiderate too. Ann is far more than how she looks, and she has proven that multiple times. Ryuji knows that. Ann had the guts to go into this, using what she had to get what they needed, even at the expense of her own comfort. Ryuji has to give her mad props for that. She worked the guy and got the letter of recognition quickly.

Then, the Former Noble started grabbing at her, saying things about taking her back to his room, and Ryuji decided enough was enough. Ann had done her part, and damn well, but she doesn’t deserve this creep making disgusting bedroom eyes at her. Ryuji doesn’t want to think about the implications of how this was a part of Shido’s cognition.

He pulls out his gun in a swift movement, Akira doing the same thing with his as they saunter up to the scene.

“Get your hands off me!” Ann growled, tanking her forearms away. Instantly and thankfully, Ann, Haru, and Makoto’s suit fizzle back into their Phantom Thieve outfits. But the man still tries to grab at her with a plea, “Ann-chan!”

“Hey, asshat! She said she doesn’t want to go with you!” Ryuji snarled, letting off a round into the man, Akira making his own shot as well and a similar look of anger on his face. They were on the same exact page, just as Ann had a similar look of disgust for the man, ready for a fight with her whip at her side.

The man instantly turns into a shadow, one that looks like a stingray. It’s a little weird, but then again, the last shadow had looked like the mythical Hydra.

“Skull, give that thing a good jolt!” Akira cackled, raising a hand to his mask and casting a spell on Ryuji that he could feel would double his next magic attack. He can feel the power thrumming through his veins, almost as electrifying as his next attack.

“On in!” Ryuji agreed, raising his own hand to his mask, ready to unleash all of his anger on this thing, “SEITEN TAISEI! LIGHT IT UP!”

The shadow goes down with Ryuji’s electric attack, and it goes down hard on the deck. Hitting the ground with an audible smash. It’s probably one of the most potent attacks Ryuji has ever gotten to display.

“Stay down!” Ann warned it when it made an attempt to get up again, digging her heels into the thing’s slimy thick back. “And squeal like a pig! I’m going to make your last moments on this cruise ship a living hell!”

“All-out attack!” Akira called out; Ryuji and Ann quickly nodded, jumping into action with Akira. All their weapons out with a united vigor as they relentlessly attack the shadow.

Decimating it without a second thought.

The shadow never saw it coming, dissolving into black dust.

“A beautiful rose has thorns!” Ann victoriously announced her usual all-out attack tagline while Ryuji gives his signature line at the same time, “And that’s all she wrote!”

“The show is over, folks!” Akira laughed, shifting into his usual after an all-attack position as he co*ckily added, “Exit is through the back!”

“Wait…Are you…are you trying to make a movie theatre analogy?” Makoto wondered incredulously as they rejoined the trio after the battle. She tried to make sense of his tagline.

“Popcorns is five hundred yen at the concession stand,” Akira announced in the same energy he said the first tagline with a co*cky smile on his face, readjusting his glove once more. “No refills.”

“Um.” Haru awkwardly hummed at the line.

“Soda is a hundred and fifty yen. No change.” Akira tried again, his voice deepening with the line.

“Yeah, man, doesn’t quite hit how you want it to….” Ryuji groaned, nudging Akira with his shoulder, “I think you should stick to your ‘You need proper punishment’ line.”

“I don’t know, that still feels a bit too…kinky….” Futaba groaned, shaking her head in disapproval. “Especially with the whole, ‘It’s time for me to step on you.’ in conjecture.”

“Ah-ah-ah,” Akira tutted her with a mock scolding voice, flicking her nose with his glove, “We don’t kink shame.”

“Is there something you want to tell us?” Ann asked, baffled at the revelation.

“I don’t kiss and tell.” Akira winked in a very Akira-like way that Ryuji knows he is totally just pulling all their chains like his usual antics.

“Oh my god.” Makoto sighed, pinching her nose, but she has a tight smile on her face. Ryuji is glad that she has finally come around from Sae’s Palace.

“Hey. You were really cool.” Ann acknowledged Ryuji, bumping his shoulder a bit when the humor dies down a bit, and they start walking towards the back of the deck to see if they can get to the next VIP from there, “Thanks for stepping in. I could have taken him, but you really brought him to his knees.”

“I can be cool.” Ryuji immediately argued back, “I can so be cool.”

“Sometimes.” Morgana tacked onto his sentence with a gleeful little chuckle.

Ryuji huffed but can’t help but smile. Ryuji knows that this will likely be their last heist. After all, Shido was the big bad end boss. Akira liked to joke that they were in a video game, but Ryuji can acknowledge Shido is where it’s going to end. After all, what else will there be for them to do? Shido is the true manifestation of a final boss. Who is any more significant than someone running to be the prime minister of their country after all? Well, maybe a God, but he’s realistic here. It probably says something that Shido probably thinks of himself as a god.

Ryuji will miss being a phantom thief; it’s been an entirely wild ride. But he’s incredibly grateful for all the friends he’s made through this. He didn’t think that when he started his second year, it would end with having an entire group of friends. He also didn’t imagine that they would travel to some other dimension world either, but he’s more excited about actually having friend’s part.

Akira really saved his life in more ways than one, Ryuji is realizing. Once when Kamoshida tried to kill him. Twice, when that led to Ryuji meeting and connecting with the rest of the Phantom Thieves. Thrice when Akira helped Ryuji amend for what happened with the track club and fourth, when Ryuji slowly realized, he will never have to feel that loneliness he did after Kamoshida broke his leg and he felt like the world had cast him aside.

Ryuji knows he did Akira dirty by not acknowledging that they accused him of murder and walking out. The guilt is eating him up. He is taking on Shido for the sh*tty things he did, for the sh*t he put Akechi through, but Ryuji will admit, he is doing it for Akira too. Akira wants to save Akechi like Akira did for Ryuji, and Ryuji will give it his all as penitence.

And perhaps, he’ll try to play a little wingman while he’s at it.

Akira gets carried away; Yusuke knows this and can, unfortunately, remember this from the Battle Arena in Sae’s Palace. Yusuke remembers the feeling of anger and fear from when Akira was chipping away at his own life force to take out the multiple shadows in the Arena, a cheat by Sae that Yusuke despised. Yusuke is guilty. He feels a bit relieved that Yoshistune is gone. He knows Yoshistune was Akira’s primary defensive persona, but Yoshistune was indeed a double-edged sword. There are pros and cons to his departure. No matter what, now that Akira doesn’t have his blade, Yusuke vowed he would use his Katana to protect Akira.

Not that Akira needed protection, Akira was right in saying Alice was more than sufficient in taking down shadows. While her instakill spell didn’t work as well on the more powerful shadows, she was still a force to be reckoned with between her other attacks. Yusuke decided, perhaps he will help Akira in different ways then.

Yusuke had realized, Akira is just as passionate as him in other ways. Yusuke can go days working on something, skipping sleep and meals. Akira is unfortunately in the same vein except in the Metaverse; he’ll push himself without consideration for his limits (Yusuke knows his limits are high, but Akira is human, so Yusuke knows they are there).

As Akira feeds him and makes him rest when Yusuke knows he has gone too far, Yusuke decided it’s only natural that he should do the same for Akira.

And even Yusuke can tell these monotonous hallways are getting to Akira.

Akira pinched the brink of his nose as he bemoaned, “I know there is some vent that I’m missing; I just literally have no f*cking idea where it is.”

Yusuke tapped his shoulder, getting his attention, and slipped a pack of Excedrin into his palm. Yusuke does not a repeat of what happened in the house of darkness, as he is sure the rest of them don’t either, “Here. Take this.”

“Oh yeah, That’s a thing.” Akira blinked in surprise, taking the pack and wasting no time to rip it open and dry swallow the pills.

“We’ve been running around these halls for like an hour.” Akechi said frustrated, the permanent scowl on his face deepening from where he is leaning on one of the walls a few feet away from the main group, “I’ll go scout it out alone, I’m a lot faster than you guys as a cat, I can easily escape any shadows.”

“No!” Akira immediately yelped in an uncharacteristic sort of panicked voice that Yusuke had never heard him make before Akira instantly covered it up. “No, I think it would be dangerous to go alone in here; you say your fast as a cat, but you make a wrong move and encounter a shadow, and…yeah, I’m making the executive decision no on this.”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” Akechi growled at him, pushing off the wall with an angry look on his face.

“Uh, I think Joker is right….” Makoto stepped in diplomatically, clearly confused by Akira’s response but keeps it under wraps as she said, “It would be better to travel together; it’ll save us time and energy. Even if you find the vent, you would either have to come back and tell us, risking running into a shadow or two, you will have to alert Oracle and wait near the vent while we come to find you, still risking running into a shadow. Either way, it’s still a risk. Why don’t we try to run the perimeter of the rooms quickly? Joker should be able to pick up on a vent if we get near it.”

“I’m analyzing the map right now, and I’ve marked a few places it could be?” Futaba announced, a ring of information circling her with strings of code whirling around her.

Yusuke can’t help but position his finger into a frame, making a composition out of her. It would be such an exciting piece to paint. Futaba’s aesthetic was indeed not something he has explored yet desperately wants to.

“Take a picture Inari, it’ll last longer.” Futaba snorted, not even looking up from her screens as her fingers dance across the holographic keyboards.

“May I?” Yusuke blinked with excitement.

“As long as I get all royalties to the print!” Futaba chuckled with a wide grin, wiping her hands and dismissing the screens before letting out a devious laugh. “Mommas got to make some money for gacha games! I need that five-star pull.”

“I want a 15% agent cut since I technically introduced you to Futaba.” Akira snickered, raising his hand, seemingly feeling a lot better than a few minutes ago. A testament that the Excedrin does do its job, Yusuke is pleased with that.

“5% cut since I’ve supplied you with Ramen to keep you alive.” Ryuji joined in.

“3% cut because I almost had to pose nude for you.” Ann tacked on with a devious smile.

“1% cut for building a sandcastle with you.” Haru laughed pleasantly, seemingly joining on the train.

Yusuke sighed with a smile, “I suppose it’s only fair; you have all indeed contributed to my passion at one time or another.”

“Contributed?! I am your passion!” Ann scoffed playfully before laughing, “I’ve been to your dorm. Though I will say, I’m not entirely sure where you were going with the abstract one, the one with the apple…the crossed painting one was more of my style.”

“I wanted to capture your beauty from different angles.” Yusuke explained, “I think your aesthetic can be carried over through multiple art forms; I think the abstract one truly captures your essence from the colors to the forms.”

“Well…beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.” Ann sighed, shaking her head. “I suppose everyone has different tastes.”

“Can you imbeciles focus for one goddamn moment in your life? Are you really this incapable of sticking with a goal?!” Akechi angrily broke through their banter.

“Jeez. Who pissed in your coffee?” Futaba remarked, “We’ll go. One of the places I marked is right by here. Learn to have a little fun, Crow.”

“Do you honestly think this is fun for me?” Akechi snarled before folding his arms and walking back in the direction of the main rooms.

“Yeah…what do you see in that?” Futaba wondered, turning to Akira as she pointed at Akechi’s back, with a skeptical look on her face, “Even when he was a detective prince…you two are so different.”

“You’d be surprised how similar we are.” Akira gave her a tight smile before quickly following the other.

“I don’t see it.” Haru frowned as they all picked up their pace to catch up. Haru and Yusuke are heading up the back; she turned to Yusuke with a thoughtful look, “What do you think?”

“There is an art fundamental regarding color called color theory. One of the rules is colors that fall on the opposite side of the color wheel always look best together. Because they are contrasting, one color brings out the other and vice versa. Their beauty comes from the differences they have in shade and tone.” Yusuke explained in the only way he knows how. Akechi and Akira’s relationship is something complicated for Yusuke to try to perceive. He already has difficulty picking up on the nuances of relationships, to begin with. This is the only way he can sort of put his feelings into words.

“Oh! Sort of like those ‘opposites attracts’ lines. I guess that makes a little more sense.” Haru nodded, “It’s more about how Joker and Crow bring out different traits in each other since they are so different, right? In that light, I can see it. Akira is a lot more carefree and laid back than Crow. But Crow is ambitious and determined; I can see where they would balance each other out….”

“Indeed.” Yusuke nodded, pleased with Haru’s analysis, “The human heart is fascinating as we’ve seen. We are often illogical and don’t really get a choice in where our hearts fall.”

“Wow, that’s poetic, Fox.” Haru smiled warmly at him before looking back to the front of the procession of Phantom Thieves. Yusuke notes she is looking at Makoto, “I suppose that’s true. It’s just something that happens.”

Yusuke nodded, turning his focus back to everyone in front of him as they begin to enter one of the rooms.

He can finally place the feeling now, after observing for some time.

This is what Home feels like.

Yusuke can remember vaguely from his childhood interacting with Madarame, but the feeling of home has never been as strong with him. There were moments, such as when Madarame taught him how to paint, or when Madarame would teach him new techniques, and while he thinks back on those brief moments every once in a while, as he laid in his dorm room, staring up at the speckled ceiling. They feel as if they have been tainted, like someone has spilled an opaque color over them.

The phantom thieves, his group of friends, they feel like home to him. He can easily have conversations with Ryuji and Ann without feeling judged. He squabbles with Futaba as one would a younger sibling. Despite claiming not to be a cat, Morgana has all the warmth and comfort a cat would bring. Haru teaches him things he would not have seen before through the beauty of plant life and the cycle of growth. Makoto helps him out with his non-related art homework when he thinks he’s at his wit’s end with the school system.

And Akira has done for him what most haven’t. Akira brings him food constantly, even stocking Yusuke’s tiny fridge in his dorm room. Akira went above and beyond, giving him a pot and a pan, showing him simple recipes that don’t take too long. Akira always makes sure he had art supplies and whatever he needs.

Yusuke has tried to pay back his kindness, but Yusuke doesn’t have the income to do that; Akira had kindly told him, ‘Seeing your art and passion are payback enough.’

Yusuke understands why that period with tension with Akira felt so wrong now. He can place the feelings. They had been wrong, and his home was in turmoil. He feels guilty about his decision to walk down those stairs but is grateful Akira had the heart not to give up on him.

The Phantom Thieves are his home. He can feel that this is their last heist, but Yusuke fully advocates that. Once Shido is gone, society can start thinking for themselves and the people they choose to be in power. The Phantom Thieves’ jobs will be done, and Yusuke knows that they will all remain close. He chooses not to think about what happens after Akira leaves back for his town. Yusuke knows Akira has been too far gone from his home, and Akira deserves his own home.

Yusuke knows he’s only a train ride away, and Yusuke has wanted to try landscape painting in the countryside.

“It’s weak to bless; this would be a lot easier if SOMEONE had Kaguya, who literally had the most powerful bless attack that hit more than once!” Akechi retorted, raising his hand to his mask as he is analyzing the enemies in front of them. A scary depiction of a goat within a wheel. Haru is bouncing on her feet next to him, readying her ax if she is called to make a physical attack.

“You literally have bless attacks!” Akira called back, “Literally. Robin Hood has Makougan. Why are you yelling at me for? f*cking use it and quit railing me!”

Haru can’t help but snicker at the exchange as it felt like an old married couple fighting. She understood what Yusuke had said earlier better. Akira and Akechi really did complement each other.

She was understandably nervous about working with Akechi, especially after the revelation that he was the black mask and had quite literally murdered many people for Shido. She disagrees with what Akechi had done, and she never will. But, Akechi is oddly good behaved with them. His mannerisms are a bit jarring in battle, with that creepy smile on his face resembles his persona Loki. His bloodthirst is a little concerning in battle. He’s short with them and in a bad mood most of the time.

But Akechi hasn’t outright attacked them. Hasn’t tried to murder them or make them go psychotic. Akechi hasn’t touched them.

Haru can understand why he is in an awful mood. What Shido had done to him was downright awful dirty. Akechi just wants to get his justice. Haru gets that so she can give him a pass on being an ass.

“Robin Hood! Kougaon!” Akechi bellows, Robin Hood, manifesting behind him and summoning a radiant light that brings the enemies to their knees.

And there was his persona.

Robin Hood and Loki.

From what Haru understands about persona is that they are the true selves. She doesn’t understand how multiple personas play into that concept. But Haru knows Akechi said that he awoke to both his persona at once, unlike what she has heard about Akira. So she can only make the assumption, they are both Akechi’s true self.

Yin and Yang.

Haru knows that means Akechi has that light inside him, that justice that drives him. Loki might be his deceptions, his motives, and selfishness, but she knows Robin Hood is just as much a part of him. There is a nobleness in him that Haru will hang onto to. It doesn’t justify his actions, but Haru can acknowledge he isn’t as evil as they once thought.

“Dude. That cleaner dude is f*cking scary…” Ryuji groaned, with the battle finished and them gathering on the deck. “Those shadows were insane…Shido is really upping security.”

“We just need to be cautious and careful with our moves. Focus on debuffing and taking them down. They aren’t an issue, so don’t let them be.” Akechi said, his demeanor returning to normal.

“Cautious and careful? Says the guy who starts the battle with—” Morgana sputtered then reacts Akechi’s unhinged lines, “‘I’m going to slaughter them all! Let’s start a massacre!! Let’s repay blood for blood!”

“Yeah. Not the most comforting, Crow.” Ann snorted, “But I will give it to you; despite the…dialogue, you are rather cautious.”

“I’m not an idiot. And I’m not like him with his roulette of ‘Will Die for me work this time? Let’s spin the proverbial wheel and find out with all of our lives at stake!’” Akechi dryly said, motioning his thumb to Akira, who has a sheepish smile on his face at the accusation.

Morgana frowned incredulously, “Yeah, ok, you got me there, I’ll give you that.”

“What?! It works half the time!” Akira sputtered, throwing his hands up, “So there is half the chance we can avoid a battle! Wouldn’t you want that?”

“Ah, Aki-chan, let us have a go every so often!” Haru suggested, holding her ax at her side, “I want to swing this thing every once in and while! Get in a good workout!”

“Noted.” Akira laughed as they began moving towards the towards that will hopefully lead them to the next VIP. They’ve made the executive decision that they will wait to take on the cleaner till last. Mostly since they aren’t entirely sure where to find him, and he might be the strongest.

“Have you ever tried Aikido or Boxing?” Makoto asked her, falling into step as they cross the back deck of the cruise ship.

“I have not.” Haru answered honestly, “Usually when I work out, it’s mostly just a set of weights I have at home…or lifting soil bags for gardening. I haven’t really found an activity that I prefer.”

“I think you should try one of those two; you might like it! I’ve meant to try boxing out myself.” Makoto smiled, an exciting look on her face.

“Do you mind if I went with you to try it out? I always watch those fights on TV, and it seems like it would be fun to do!” Haru asked excitedly, her hair bobbing with her head. The idea sounds fun, and going with Makoto sounded even more fun.

“Of course! That’s actually why I was asking.” Makoto admitted, “I didn’t really want to go by myself.”

“Then, of course, I’ll go with you, Mako-chan.” Haru agreed with a bright smile.

Lately, Makoto and Haru have been hanging out a lot. Makoto is in her class, so that helps, she loves her younger friends, but Makoto just gets her so well. She’s never got to have a best friend before; being in her family and the family business, she was consistently isolated from other kids. Even when she hung out with the kids from other executives in the company, it was clear they were told how to treat and hang out with her. It never seemed genuine. From then, she never really reached out to anyone, her name was a curse, and everyone wanted something from her family name. Wealth. Or being able to say they were famous with someone more famous. Haru never cared about that stuff, and it hurt when she found out people she might have considered as friends talked behind her back about how they knew ‘the Haru Okumura.’

She hated it.

Akira was probably the first friend who didn’t mention her family name off the bat and didn’t particularly care about it. He never brought it up and always paid for her when they hung out despite Haru’s offering. Akira actually saw her and acknowledged her interests in gardening and agriculture.

With Akira came the rest of their group. Authentic, Genuine connections that Haru hadn’t fathomed she’d ever get to participate in being who she was with her family’s name.

But she definitely clicked hard with Makoto. Haru had always seen her from afar, watching her answer questions in class and seeing her work as the student council president. And it was a dream come true that they finally got to be friends.

Makoto has been such a rock for her the last few weeks, completely supportive and making sure Haru has the space she needs when she needs it or a shoulder to lean on. Haru finds it funny just how close trauma can bring you to another person. Her father’s death was still devastating, but she is grateful for the bond it forged between her and Makoto.

Perhaps, that was the last thought and gift her father left her. She’d like to think of it in such a way.

And she’s even more grateful for Akira pulling her into his gravity, aligning her with the rest of the Phantom Thieves.

They’ve reached the floor of the casino, oddly reminiscent of Sae’s Palace. She gets shivers thinking about it. It takes a few moments, but they spot the TV producer on the floor. He’s surrounded by a few people, and he seems to be winning.

“That’s him over there at the slot machines.” Akechi noted, confirming her suspicions, then added dryly, “I cannot wait to see what bizarre plan you all think of this time.”

Haru’s resolve strengthened, Ann pulled her weight, and this time it was Haru’s turn; she turned to her group with a confident smile, “I know exactly how to get it. Please stand until I need backup.”

“You got it, Noir.” Akira nodded at her.

The TV president was easy to deal with, Haru knew what she was doing, but they ended up having to fight him anyways. Seemingly that was the pattern going on here, Futaba noted. Akira really was right in saying that this was like a video game. The idea made Futaba giddy when she thought about it. It’s like a JRPG. Seeing it in that light makes seeing how Akira solved these puzzles a lot easier.

The switches and the Mouse hallways make sense when thinking about them in terms of a video game. When she switches to that mindset, leading the team through the next set of hallways and mouse mazes is a breeze.

“But we still don’t know anything about the IT guy….” Ann frowned as they make it to the lobby at the end of the maze before turning to Akechi, “Crow?”

“The IT VIP is most definitely in his room.” Akechi said, folding his arms, “He’s someone who likes to be isolated and away from crowds. When I worked with him, I never met him in person; rather, all our communication was over video chat and emails. Therefore, we should be investigating the staterooms.”

Futaba realized; this was going to be her time to shine. An IT VIP? Right up her alley. That sounded exactly like something she would do. She remembers what Akechi had revealed to them before they took on Shido’s Palace. The IT and he were behind using Medjed as a front.

At first, she was angry at that fact. Using the name she had created for herself only for its popularity to trap and manipulate the Phantom Thieves.

But the more she thought about it, if it weren’t for Akechi choosing Medjed’s name, would she had been able to join the Phantom Thieves? Akira indeed knew of her before, but she wouldn’t have a solid chip to bargain with the Phantom Thieves to let her in. Not only that, using Medjed only kick-started her realization that she needed to change.

She isn’t so mad anymore; it was a new beginning.

Akira pushed open the doors at the end of the hallway, revealing a side deck with a view out to the cognitive ocean where Japan’s buildings were crashing around the ship.

“Huh, this must be a side deck,” Makoto noted as they all walk to the railing.

“Woah,” Futaba murmured, she has never been on a cruise, and while this isn’t her ideal first experience, she feels like she might want to try sometime. She turns to Akira to tell him to take her on an actual cruise, but he’s staring down the side deck at something. She can’t see what it is, only one of the lifeboats, but Akira likes to space out a lot, so she doesn’t pay too much mind to it until he slaps a glove over his mouth with an audible sound and lets out some sort of gag as he slumps over one of the railings.

“Joker?” Morgana sputtered, seemingly noticing his unusual reaction; all the thieves, even Akechi, turn to him in surprise.

“I-I-I’m—“Akira mutters, his face looking a little too pale, as he pulled his glove away and dry chuckled with his face down towards the ocean, “I’m so totally going to throw up; this is awful.”

“Oh, You get seasick?” Ryuji asked, putting the pieces together as Akira wraps his hand around the railing to steady himself.

“Country boy.” Akira curtly said, pointing to himself. “Haven’t got the exposure therapy to not. Even train rides make me queasy sometimes.”

Haru sighed in sympathy, “I didn’t think it would come on since it’s in the cognitive world. But I suppose without how realistic everything, it makes sense. I’m starting to feel it too. It wasn’t so bad deeper in the ship, but I can feel the rocking now.”

“And none of us thought to bring Dramamine.” Ann groaned, “Sorry, guys.”

Futaba wonders if they have anything that could help in their items pack, but she’s mentally going through it and doesn’t see anything that could help. Even Akira’s Excedrin didn’t do much beyond assisting headaches.

Akira sort of gags again, nearly making her gag at the sound. She hopes this doesn’t turn into that night before Hawaii again. She doesn’t think she can deal with Akira like that ever again.

Akechi roughly and inconsiderately pulls Akira up by the shoulders, so he isn’t slumped over the side. Puts his hands on each side of Akira’s head and makes him look into the horizon, “If you stare into the horizon, it’s said to ease motion sickness symptoms. Pick a spot.”

“Oh, I’ve heard that too, actually!” Haru nodded, taking her place next to Akira, “I’ll stare with you. Hopefully, it’ll subside.”

“Staring into the horizon at an ocean that is sinking the country of Japan, with visible, recognizable buildings I pass on the way to school, from the ship of a power-hungry, asshat politician isn’t as calming as you might think, Akechi,” Akira grumbled; his voice muffled from Akechi’s forceful smooshing of his cheeks. He complies regardless, allowing Akechi to control his gaze.

“Welcome to my goddamn life. Suck it up.” Akechi remarked bluntly.

Futaba can’t help but snicker. If she had to categorize Akechi, it would have to be something akin to a tsundere. He claimed to be indifferent to Akira, acting like ‘Akira is stupid and an idiot’ and ‘Akechi would never like him.’ Still, Futaba reads actions better than words, and Akechi’s actions constantly say something completely different.

Akechi isn’t what she imagined.

Don’t get her wrong; she doesn’t think she could ever forgive Akechi for murdering her mom. Something she hasn’t come to terms with. But she can also acknowledge that Shido had a more significant part to play in all this than she initially thought. After all, Futaba’s mom acknowledged her, even when she was childish. But, Akechi’s father would never admit he and his mother was dead. She doesn’t forgive him, but she sympathizes with him.

Akechi, despite being the black mask and a literal murder, isn’t actually all that bad. Misguided. Definitely misguided. Morally Grey? For sure. But outright evil? If Futaba has learned anything from this year, it’s that things aren’t as black and white as she’d like to imagine. It’s all just a messy grey.

“If I threw you off this ship, would you stop whining?!” Akechi huffed, tightening his grip on Akira’s head when he makes another comment about how this was awful, but he was beginning to look less pale.

“Not in the way it would be beneficial to us.” Akira retorted back.

Futaba realized that maybe Akechi isn’t so far off as her. Futaba hasn’t ever really had friends. There was one girl she almost connected with but couldn’t. She’s just been different ever since she was young. From what she can tell, Akechi has never really had friends either. He was in a system that never kept him settled for long, never really allowed him to make genuine connections. Akechi had fame for sure; being the detective prince would do that. He had fans, yes. But Futaba knows he never really had friends.

Futaba had just wanted people to make her feel less alone, and she likes to think; Akechi wanted that same thing too.

Futaba knows this year has been her new beginning, and Akechi deserves that chance just the same as the rest of them.

Akira had given her a new beginning, and Futaba knows that he was trying to provide Akechi with too. Because that’s who Akira is as a person. It’s plainly apparent since Akira literally covered for the guy, taking on the blame of being the black mask even when he knew Akechi’s true identity. She feels the guilt settle into her chest at that. Akira wouldn’t betray Akechi like that because he could tell from their anger what they would have done if they knew Akechi was the black mask.

Futaba nodded, making her resolve. Akira was family, and if he had faith in Akechi, she’d have faith in Akira. They will bring Shido down; they will get justice for all the awful things that Shido has done. And they will reform society.

Together. All of them.

“The IT person usually stays in his room, yeah? He probably doesn’t leave and gets his food delivered. But even then, it’d probably be hard to get in that way.” Futaba deduces, thinking about their current VIP situation. Three letters in, and they still need two more. “I think if we can find a way to the balconies, we might be able to get in that way. He won’t answer the front door, but the balcony door might be opened.”

“That is good thinking Oracle, I would have never thought of that.” Yusuke praised her.

“Muahahaha. I’ll scout out a route now!” Futaba cheerfully smiled, pulling up her screens.

“Up,” Akira said, pulling away from the railing and motioning up the side of the ship.

“Up?” Ryuji echoed.

“Scaling the side of the ship is likely the best way to get to the balconies.” Akechi explained, leaning over and looking up the side of the ship, “There are protruding platforms we can climb. Being in the Metaverse will make this easier; Joker is right. That’s our best option.”

“If you were seasick down here, you think scaling a ship is going to help?” Ann retorted, crossing her arms as she gives Akira a pointed glare.

Akira shrugged nonchalantly, “You got a better idea?”

Makoto sighed, pinching the brink of her nose in worry, “Just be careful, ok? Most people who fall off cruise ships are hard to recover.”

“If you fall, Joker, I will let you fall into the ocean without any regret,” Akechi told him, a scowl on his face as he begins climbing the deck frame. “So you better not.”

“My hero.” Akira laughed, beginning to follow him up. Futaba follows close behind, a broad smile on her face.

“Good job, you two!” Morgana praised, once the IT guy is finished off and they have the fourth letter of recognition. They are almost there, and the excitement is thrumming through Morgana’s veins. He can’t wait to see this through. They are so close to being able to take on Shido. Morgana knows once they change Shido’s heart, another part of Mementos will open, and Morgana can feel that they are so close to reaching the bottom. Morgana might finally get the chance to find out who he is.

“Thanks! Mako-chan and I are quite the team, aren’t we?” Haru giggled pleasantly, exchanging a high five with Makoto, who seemed pleased with the battle's outcome.

While slightly more challenging than the last, the IT battle was easy for Haru and Makoto as the shadows had Nuclear and Psio weaknesses. Haru and Makoto’s baton pass strategy really wiped them out quickly. The two had been so in sync that Akira and Akechi barely got to make any attacks of their own, choosing instead to buff the girls up. In the end, it was the wiser choice of the battle.

“Akechi… What is Shido planning to do with my mother’s research?” Futaba turned to Akechi, a solemn look on her face.

“I don’t know.” Akechi shook his head, folding his arms as he looked out the balcony door. “Shido…didn’t discuss the research with me, and when I tried to dig around for it, I always hit a roadblock, or I got too close to something that put my position in jeopardy. It isn’t just Shido I had to worry about; he has a board of advisors. He’s the powerhead, but it isn’t just him to worry about.”

“Well, we know he fused cognitions with shadows. Was that to protect his Palace? A means of security?” Yusuke wondered, a thoughtful look on his face.

“Probably.” Morgana nodded, before frowning, “But we have been able to take them down without that much trouble… is that really the purpose of them?”

“I couldn’t say for sure…I’m sure he has some security measure to deal with me had I chosen to rip through his palace….” Akechi theorized but dryly laughed, “However, if it were these cognitive shadows, then he didn’t do an extensive job, did he? Even if I couldn’t get the letters through negotiation, given the time, I would be able to easily defeat these shadows.”

“We should remain on our toes. Shido clearly isn’t playing all his cards yet.” Morgana advised.

“You are right; best to be cautious.” Makoto agreed with him, and they begin making their way out the balcony.

“So, we have four letters. Next is that cleaner dude, yeah? The scary one?” Ryuji summarized as they begin climbing the side of the ship once more to get to the side deck. “Crow…who is that guy?”

“The cleaner, he is a part of the yakuza,” Akechi explained, a little louder, so his voice carries over the side of the ship. “Think me. Only, in reality. He deals with the people in reality that Shido didn’t want to waste me on.”

“sh*t!? We have to deal with the Yakuza now?!” Ann sputtered, nearly losing her footing on the platform, “What the f*ck Is this!?”

“I told you Shido had connections with the Yakuza! Don’t you remember Kaneshiro?!” Akechi argued back, vaulting himself onto the side deck. Morgana, agile as a cat, follow him closely behind. The rest of the Phantom Thieves in their wake. “Shido has connections everywhere. This is an example.”

“Can we really take on the Yakuza?” Ryuji groaned, “All the shadows he’s sent at us have been strong.”

“And we beat them all just fine.” Akira pointed out, being the last to make it on the side deck.

“Aki-chan is right.” Haru nodded her head, “We can take him; we are so close..but, where are we supposed to find him?”

“In the dirty underbelly of the ship, of course.” Akechi scoffed, “Where Shido should be.”

“The engine room, right?” Morgana filled in; that would make the most sense. It’s an area they have yet to explore; the map doesn’t have any more places besides endless hallways. It would make sense that the engine room is the last area.

“How do we get there?” Yusuke wondered, “I’ve never been on a cruise ship, yet, I doubt it would be easily accessible to ‘guests.”

“Uh, I’m pretty sure that vent leads to the engine room.” Futaba piped up, where she is crouched next to a vent in the side deck. A foul order emitting from it, she has her nose pinched shut in conjecture to the smell, “Yeah. It’s definitely this way.”

“That smells horrible.” Morgana gagged but crossed the side deck next to Futaba.

“It’s probably the exhaust fumes from the engine.” Makoto explained, “Not the best fragrance but, the engine room has to aerate somehow.

“Hey Joker, kick this vent down like you usually do!” Morgana commanded, motioning Akira to come over.

If there is one thing, Morgana knows it’s that Akira likes kicking things. He has no idea why. But, in Kaneshiro’s Palace, it had been the light switches; in Sae’s Palace, it had been the vents as well. Akira gets this maniacal smile over his face, and it’s funny to watch.

Akira takes his usual spot in front of the vent, getting into position to do his signature kick.

But it doesn’t happen. Morgana thinks Akira is just psyching himself up. Getting the maximum power out of this kick since this vent does look particularly thick.

But Akira just stares at the vent; his eyes have a faraway look in them. Morgana has no idea why, but it reminds him of the look Akira sometimes gets when he’s up late at night. Not doing anything, just choosing to stare into space. It’s a little eerie since it doesn’t feel like Akira at all.

“Joker? What’s the hold-up?” Ann wondered, a concerned look on her face.

“How about…we don’t go to the engine room?” Akira chuckled, but there is little humor in his voice.

“Huh? Is the cleaner not there?” Haru wondered, making an easy deduction that maybe Akira is sensing that the cleaner isn’t in there at all. The cleaner did seem to come and go as he wanted to.

“No, he is.” Akira muttered and chuckled nervously, “Just, do we really want to climb through this vent? It’s….it smells awful.”

“We climb through vents all the time.” Morgana supplied, his paws on his hips, “Yeah, the smell is bad, but this is probably the only way to get to the engine room. We’ll just have to suck it up.”

“But—” Akira started to complain again.

“Oh, for the love of god!” Akechi growled, shoving Akira out of the way and kicking down the vent himself with force. It crumples under the opening. And Akechi glared at Akira, “Quit being a child and stalling over a smell of all things. Get in the damn vent!”

Akechi roughly shoved Akira into the vent, first. Following behind so Akira can’t come back that way.

“He’s a little impatient.” Haru laughed nervously before following the two. "But it gives him character."

“I think he’s just anxious but won’t admit it; after all, we are getting closer to sending the calling card and dealing with his father….” Ann frowned, putting in her two cents, “I’d be impatient too; he’s been working towards this the entire time.”

“Yeah.” Morgana nodded, strategically following Ann in the vent for totally pure reasons to continue their conversation. “He has his reasons; he’s been wronged in all of this too.”

Morgana doesn’t know how to feel about Akechi. He used the Metaverse for such nefarious reasons disagreed with Morgana, but can he blame Akechi? Morgana doesn’t know how he knows what he knows about the Metaverse. But Akechi didn’t get that privilege of knowledge. He likely didn’t really know what would happen if he killed a shadow. Shido had used him there, But then Akechi kept doing it. Morgana can admit, there is a disconnect between killing a shadow and killing a human in the flesh. One is far more impactful than the other.

Still, how did Akechi get access to the Metaverse? Morgana still hasn’t figured out. Hell, he can’t even figure out how Akira got access to the Metaverse either. Akira said an app just appeared on his phone. Can he just take that at face value? Regardless, he knows the answers have to be at the moment of Mementos.

Morgana knows that is where he needs to go.

When he made that deal with Akira all those months ago, he hadn’t expected much. But Akira continues to break his expectations day after day.

Akira is different. Morgana doesn’t know who he is. But if anything, Akira has taught him that it doesn’t matter. They will all still love him for him. It’s made it a lot easier for Morgana to accept and adapt to his situation. Whether he is a human or a cat, Morgana knows he is Morgana, which won’t change.

Morgana won’t admit it to anyone, but he loves being a cat. And he loves living with Akira. When he and Akira weren’t getting along, and he lived with Futaba. It just wasn’t the same. Futaba was usually on her computer, and she wasn’t as vocal or interactive as Akira was.

Akira always made sure to make sure Morgana was entertained, whether playing games with him, watching a movie, or going out on the town. Akira was always there for him. His time away made him appreciate what Akira did for him more.

Akira was very special to him, and he feels like a failure as a phantom thief for turning his back on the other. Morgana will make it up to him though, he will do his best to help them all change Shido’s heart and hopefully get Akira’s record cleared., Akira deserves that. And hopefully, when this is all over, and Akira has to leave Shibuya, Morgana will follow him. It’ll be hard to leave Lady Ann, but he knows his place is by Akira’s side.

So that is where he’ll stay. Even if they don’t find the answers they want, he’ll remain by Akira’s side for as long as he can.

“There seem to be multiple enemies down there, all pretty strong as well as the cleaner. What should we do?” Futaba wondered, her scanner brought up discreetly, so they don’t get noticed.

“As there isn’t any other way we know of to the engine room, we’ll probably have to attack.” Akechi announced, Morgana is surprised at how much his voice reminds him of Akira’s leader voice, “From before, we can assume these are the same shadows that are weak to bless, seeing as I am the only one who cares to have bless attacks anymore—”

“Hey!” Akira protested, but Akechi continues,

“Joker and I will be on the front lines; Mona will provide health support, and Skull will focus on buffs.”

“You got it.” Ryuji complied far more quickly than Morgana expected him to.

Morgana thought it was a shame that Akechi had turned to the actions he did because he really was an intelligent and careful leader.

“Roger.” Morgana complied as well. It was a sound plan, and Akechi admittedly was the only one to have bless skills, so it made sense. Akechi signaled them to attack, motioning his hand. They jump out of the vent, but unfortunately, it doesn’t take the cleaner by surprise. Instead, the cleaner just turned to them with a disgusted look on his face.

“Whaddya’ want? Looking for trouble?” The Cleaner said with a co*cky voice and a maniacal grin to go with it. Morgana shivered; he really did look like the Yakuza.

“Let’s make it double.” Akira laughed, readjusting his gloves. Morgana had to sigh; why did Akira always have to say something ‘witty’? It’s bound to get them into more trouble than it’s worth.

“I’m too busy to deal with you punks right now.” The cleaner growled, turning to the shadows and commanded them to attack; his back turned as he walked away, “Deal with them.”

The shadows burst into the same weird goat things they’ve seen before. But now there are four of them. At the most, they’ve dealt with three. With his scimitar by his side, Morgana waits in anticipation for Akira or Akechi to give out the orders. He already knows he is there as the healer, but there isn’t much to do in the first few minutes of battle as they are all in total health.

“Hey, Crow, why don’t you try a Hamaon spell?” Akira called out, twirling his dagger in his hands. Morgana can pick on his nervousness, the tiny minor signs like his feet are tapping in a dissonant rhythm, and he’s twirling his dagger in a faster rotation than usual. But why? Usually, shadow battles don’t get to Akira.

Morgan thinks using Mahamaon is a risky move. Akechi is the only one who can use bless and down these enemies. But his kougaon spell only works on one at a time. It’s a more reliable strategy, but since there are four, that will drain Akechi’s SP quickly. Using Mahamaon will affect all of the shadows, but being an Insta-Kill spell, it’s never guaranteed that it will hit, and it has more of a chance not to. Akechi probably knows this. Especially witnessing Alice’s Die for me in this Palace not connect half the time.

“Robin Hood! Mahamaon!” Akechi summoned Robin Hood in a flurry of light. Morgana is surprised Akechi actually listened to Akira. It’s the weirdest relationship between the two, Morgana has noticed. Akechi has very much voiced his disdain for listening to them and how stupid they all were. But Akechi will follow Akira’s instructions more than often, only expressing his arguments if Akechi knows there is a better way.

Akechi trusted Akira, despite what Akechi will say.

Morgana thinks that’s the most significant revelation from this Palace. The fact that Akechi will actually listen to Akira.

The Mahamaon hits and instantly kills all of the shadows in one move to all of their surprise. The shadows dissolve into a cloud of black particles—a fortunate shot. Morgana cannot believe that worked. There wasn’t even a battle; Akechi straight up slaughtered them without barely moving a finger.

“I can’t believe your stupid idea worked.” Akechi sputtered breathlessly, also seemingly surprised with the skill connecting as it did.

“Hey, it works for me all the time!” Akira huffed, nudging Akechi fondly with his shoulder, “Alice and I defeated Kamoshida’s Palace with that. It’s a real killer.”

“I can attest.” Ryuji grumbled from next to them, “I didn’t get to do a damn thing. Didn’t even get to truly summon my persona till like the end of Madarame’s Palace.”

“Now that you’ve tasted the power that insta-kill spells have, you’ll never want to go back.” Akira laughed, but there is a shakiness to his laugh that Morgana hasn’t heard before. To add to that, Morgana can see the pupils of his eyes dart back and forth around the space of the engine room. Is he looking for the Cleaner? Well, at least he’s keeping one eye open, so they don’t get ambushed.

“I prefer sounder strategies most the time, unlike your reckless ones,” Akechi muttered, folding his arms before looking where the cleaner had walked. There is a door at the end of the engine room, probably the only place the cleaner could have gone.

“Damnit! He ran!” Makoto swore as they realized he was probably behind that door.

“Let’s go after him,” Yusuke suggested, all of them quickly darting as they ran towards the door. Akechi leading but, to Morgana’s surprise, Akira in the back. Briskly walking rather than walking as he looks around again.

“Is something wrong?” Morgana asked, falling back in step with Akira, who seems more jittery than before.

“I—” Akira started but stops, looking around again as he began tugging on his hair, “I thought I sensed someone.”

“The cleaner?” Morgana wondered because he doesn’t sense anyone but the cleaner. But that signal was coming from behind the door, not anywhere else. There aren’t a whole lot of places to hide in this engine room.

“No…” Akira shook his head before sighing, “We should be careful.”

“That’s new. You being careful?” Morgana laughed a bit, trying to lift Akira’s mood by cracking a joke. But he agreed if Akira is sensing something that is making him this nervous. Akira acted carefreely and laid back half the time, but Morgana can definitely tell that something is bothering him. It’s definitely something they should be aware of.

“We’ll have to find another way, probably a vent.” Morgana heard Akechi announce as Akira and he wanders closer to the door, which seemed to be locked from the inside. Akechi turned to Akira with a glare, “Is that going to be a problem, Joker?”

“Not at all, as long as I can go behind you and stare at your ass.” Akira teased back, a devious smile on his face. Akechi growled at him angrily before marching off down another hallway to where a vent could be.

“Oh my god, you have absolutely no shame.” Ann sighed, lowering her face into her palm, her face burning red on Akira’s behalf. “Why are you like this?”

Akira only smiled at her before following behind Akechi.

Getting the VIP letter from the cleaner was more manageable than they expected; they still had to battle it, but it went down without a hitch. Akechi had to think about a statement previously said about these VIP shadow cognitions to be a countermeasure in case. It doesn’t make complete sense since they were so easily beaten. If Shido put countermeasures in his palace to guard against Akechi that were so weak, did Shido really think of him as that weak? It’s true that without the Phantom Thieve’s assistance that Akechi would have a more challenging time, but not hard enough to actually take him out and stop his ambition. The idea pissed him off. How could Shido think of him as that incapable? After everything, Akechi has done for him? Even If it were under the guise of helping Shido. Does Shido not understand how useful he is? Does Shido not see everything he’s done to make himself desirable?

“A yen for your thoughts?” Akira asked, bringing him back from the present, lingering back from the rest of their group, who were excitedly chattering on about how they were going to send the calling card. Akira, however, is being unusually clingy.

Akira is always clingy, and Akechi has no idea how to precisely process it. He’s never had someone be so overly clingy with him. But this was a bit more. Akira is refusing to leave his space, and Akechi can feel the nervous energy radiating off the other. He dismissed it though, perhaps it’s just another bout of seasickness. Even Akechi can feel the boat rocking now; he is sure it has something to do with Shido’s cognition realizing that Shido is f*cked now. He is sure Shido is wholly paranoid and at his wit's end in reality. Akechi revels in the thought.

“I doubt they are worth that much.” Akechi scoffed. He doesn’t need Akira to pity him.

“Then keep the change.” Akira laughed dryly, "You made a profit."

Akechi is about to retort, some insult, but before he can formulate it. Akira’s arm is around his waist in a jarring motion before practically throwing Akechi across the engine room with a force that Akechi had never thought Akira possessed towards him personally. What was going on?

There is a partition on the floor; probably an emergency door is supposed to slot into if the ship needed to protect the engine. He tripped over it clumsily, knees clattering to the ground on the other side. Akechi quickly whipped around to ask what the f*ck Akira was thinking and tell him he would make him pay for that.

But he is met with his mirror image. Almost. It’s his face, but it doesn’t feel like his face. It feels like a stranger.

It’s Shido’s cognition of Akechi.

“Is that Shido’s Cognition of Akechi?” Ann sputtered, voicing all of their shock and disbelief.

Cognition Akechi is about to say something or do something except smile at them creepily before Akira is co*cking his gun at him. With an absolute precision that is incredibly skilled from a sixteen-year-old kid using a pistol, he shoots Cognition Akechi directly in the forehead. Shadows spurt out the other side of his skull, and Cognition Akechi staggers back, seemingly not expecting the instant reaction.

Akira takes this a step further, raising a hand to his mask and roaring in an unhinged voice, “ALICE! RAVAGE HIM!”

Alice let out her signature giggle as she appears from the flames, pointing at Cognition Akechi with a face of eternal damnation, the multitude of suicide teddy bear bombers surrounding her as they charged Cognition Akechi with no reluctance.

The explosion echoes through the engine room, ringing through the metal walls.

When the smoke clears, Cognition Akechi has been completely decimated. Nothing was there but a scorch mark on the ground. As if nothing had been there, to begin with.

Akechi can’t help but feel a little sick at the thought of what had just happened as he stared at the spot with a sort of horror bubbling up in his chest. He doesn’t know if it’s because he’s literally just seen himself blow up, Or at least someone who shared the face. If it’s because that’s how Shido viewed him.

Or if it’s because Akira had killed his cognitive version so ruthlessly, without a second thought. Akira.

Apparently, Akira feels the same exact way as him because one moment, he is standing confidentially before Akechi, his gun stretched out with the muscles of his back tensing. Then the next moment, he’s on the ground gagging, his gun clattering to the side as he heaves spit onto the floor of the engine room.

“What the hell was that?!” Morgana cursed as the tension and scene seemed to break.

“Dude!” Ryuji is quick to his knees next to Akira, as he usually was, “You good?!”

“Ugh, I’m fine. Just seasickness…” Akira explained through coughing. His face pale, and his eyes wrenched shut as he tried to catch his breath, “I think the rocking got worse. Oh, so much worse. Why would anyone want to go on a cruise ever? This isn’t luxury; this is goddamn torture. Who would book seven days on a motion sickness machine in their right mind?”

“Literally why they invented Dramamine.” Ryuji sighed, the worry fading a bit as he helped Akira to his feet. “Though, I’m sure that display didn’t help your stomach in the least….”

"Yeah, it was rather gruesome," Haru noted quietly.

“What the f*ck, Joker?!” Akechi spat, pushing away from Yusuke's attempt to help him off the ground, and dragged himself to his feet as he feels the anger boil over at the situation. Akechi didn't need Akira's protection like that. Akechi can fend for himself as he has been doing, and he lets Akira know, “I don’t need you to fight my battles! Do you think I’m so weak I can’t fight my own battles?!”

“Hang on, he doesn’t think that—” Makoto tried to placate him, reassure him. But it doesn’t work.

“I can handle myself!” Akechi spat again, trying to get his point across. He would take them all out to prove that.

“We know that, Crow!” Morgana piped up, “But even we didn’t see that coming, neither did you. Joker just wanted to make sure nothing happened. If Shido had merged a shadow with his cognitive version of you, that could have been disastrous! That might have been the most effective countermeasure Shido tried! Joker stepped in because teammates look out for each other; he'd do it for any one of us too!”

Akechi frowned with frustration at Morgana's explanation before turning around and marching out of the room at a brisk pace. The scene replaying in his mind as he exited to the side deck before they can catch up.

He isn’t so weak he can’t take on Shido’s cognitive image of him. Why can’t they see that? Why didn’t Akira let him battle himself? Then he could really prove to himself that he was better than what Shido thought.

f*ck it, f*ck it all!

Friends? Teammates?

Then the world shifts around him in a dizzying whirl, a similar feeling that he has experienced before. Like he’s too deep underwater, and the pressure around him weighs him down. His head feels like it’s going to pop. Instead of the side deck, he is in the engine room again. Or he thinks he is. What the f*ck is going on with him? Red lights are flashing all around, and shadows surrounding him. There is a distinct pain in his side, a rip in his black mask outfit instead of the robin hood outfit he is donning right now. He's leaning against something.

Cognitive Akechi is staring at him with hungry eyes. A gun raised to his head. A menacing smile as he whispers about how Akechi was only a puppet to Shido. Akechi was nothing. Akechi was a pawn that Cognitive Akechi was there to dispose of. Things Akechi already knew.

The gun raised to his head, he felt the cold barrel against his forehead.

Akechi feels his pulse spike in his veins because he knows exactly what is coming next.


“Akechi!” Ann’s voice jolted him out of the vision. The pressure disappearing, and his view is once again of the horizon of drowning buildings. Akira was right; they really weren’t the most comforting subject to look at. He hates them just as much, so he turned to Ann, who is giving him an indecipherable look, “Did you even hear me?”

“What is it? Shouldn’t you be with the goon squad?” Akechi scoffed, not understanding why she is there. At the least, he would have expected Akira. He is glad she didn't ask about his weird space out. He doesn't want to admit he is probably going crazy too. That would only make him look weaker.

“You are a part of that too,” Ann said, leaning on the balcony, her hair ruffling in the breeze of the moving ship.

“I’m a murderer. A criminal.” Akechi laughed dryly. He wasn’t a part of anything.

“Yeah. You are.” Ann shook her head, “But, even you deserve another chance, and you’ve been proving yourself constantly.”

“Don’t give me that bullsh*t. I don’t want your good graces or whatever the f*ck this is.” Akechi growled at her. He doesn’t want her forgiveness, “I’m not doing this for ‘the good of the team’ or ‘to reform society,’ or whatever bullsh*t is motivating you all. I am doing this for my own reasons. My own personal reasons. I am not altruistic. Friends? Teammates? To hell with that bullsh*t! I don't have such noble reasons!”

“We know.” Ann answered simply, “We get that, Akechi. We are very much aware. And guess what. All of us are doing it for selfish reasons behind wanting to reform society. Haru is doing this to avenge her father and make Shido pay. Makoto is doing this because Shido manipulated Sae and ruined their relationship they have to redo. Futaba is doing this to get back her mother’s research and to avenge her mother as well. Morgana is doing this so we can discover what lies at the bottom of Mementos. I am doing this because I can’t forgive men like Shido who think they can have their way with women. Rape them and then leave them to the dust. Akira is doing this because of his record and probably mostly for you, so yeah, maybe Akira, Ryuji, and Yusuke are doing this altruistically, but they probably all have their own innately selfish reasons. You are not the only one.”

“How does that fit with that white horse justice you are all preaching?” Akechi scoffed but was definitely intrigued by her spiel. Ann Takamaki always continues to exceed his expectations. She never acted how he expected her to. None of Akira's friends ever acted how he expects them to.

“Because at the end of the day. This is going to make a big f*cking wave in our society.” Ann answered, “It’s a win-win-lose, the loss for Shido but a win for not only us but for Society as well.”

“You think Society can be changed so easily?” Akechi asked with a dry laugh. “That’s very idealist.”

“No, but I believe this is a start,” Ann answered truthfully before turning to Akechi with a serious look on her face. “Do you like Akira?”

Akechi is taken aback by the question as it’s in such a different vein at the beginning of the conversation, and he is unsure how to answer this specific question, “I think he is a somewhat eccentric person with far more independence than most in their realm of existing and—“

“Do you like like Akira?!” Ann asked again more forcibly, “It’s a yes or no question, Akechi. You are a goddamn detective; act like it.”

“Are we now in middle school again? Truly, Ann, this is far from the appropriate place for this.” Akechi scowled.

“No, Akira has literally done everything for you; he took the blame for being the black mask for you, covered for you all this time, literally invited you to all of our hangouts, he’s taking on Shido not for himself, but for you! For f*cks sake, Akechi, he just shot Shido’s cognition of you without a second thought.” Ann exclaimed, motioning to the ship around them in exaggeration; Akechi doesn’t want to particularly relive the last part; Ann implored once more, “Do you like Akira?”

“If you are asking me if his actions contribute anything to the idea of me having an infatuation with him, then you would be incorrect,” Akechi answered, not wanting to get into this with Ann of all people.

“That isn’t a no,” Ann said, hitting the bullseye. Ann is far too observant.

The day after, the Phantom Thieves had secured the route to the treasure room, which turned out exactly how Futaba imagined it. A big empty hall, where the country argued on Laws. All of them had gathered in Leblanc to discuss the calling card options. It had to be big to get Shido's attention and not be swept under a rug. Futaba had been working on something for just this occasion.

"Muahahaha!" Futaba ended her entire presentation she'd set up on her laptop, detailing how exactly they will send the calling card with a gleeful laugh. It was absolutely perfect. She was entirely proud of it and was confident it could catch Shido's attention.

"Yeah… that'll definitely get Shido's attention." Sojiro sighed, unwittingly joining in on the Phantom Thieve's meeting as it was his café that had been taken over. He had even provided snacks. Futaba liked to think of him as the team dad, ensuring they were well fed and hydrated before a big heist. He pinched his nose as he looked at Futaba in exasperation, "How in the world does a fifteen-year-old girl know how to hack into the entire broadcasting system of japan? I never taught you that. You shouldn't know how to do that."

"What, like it's hard?" Futaba snorted, pushing up her glasses. She loved exceeding people's expectations.

"I feel like I've failed you as a parent by letting you completely by step legal laws behind my back and literally learning the ability to hijack the tv system," Sojiro admitted honestly.

"You can ground me after we reform society if you want." Futaba patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"I don't think it would matter."

"Unfortunately, I don't think it would." Haru laughed, "Thank you for continuing to support us, Sakura-san!"

"Not that I had a choice." Sojiro laughed but in a fond voice. Futaba knows he loves all of their friends as much as he loved Futaba and Akira. Well, except for maybe Akechi. But, Futaba and Akira have somehow convinced him to let Akechi stay here while Shido's heart changed. It definitely took Sojiro a change of heart himself to allow that. Akechi would be more or less under house arrest. And Sae would make sure to come as often as she could so Sojiro would feel more comfortable.

"Seriously though, that's going to be an epic plan! Good job, Futaba!" Ryuji praised her, an excited look on his face and his eyes lighting up. "Oh man, we are going to look so f*cking cool."

"It's cliché and overdone." Akechi curtly said, hovering awkwardly by the door.

Futaba grimaced. After what happened in the engine room, There has been something of a....something between Akechi and Akira. Futaba doesn't know how to describe it, pining might be a bit too much, but it's something along those veins. Maybe like, brooding pining. Futaba knows Akira meant well; he'd just been trying to keep them all out of trouble. They had been tired from taking out all the VIPS. But she understands Akechi's frustration; after all, Akira had taken out his cognition relatively easily. Futaba can see Akechi's struggle with defining his strength.

"Don't be an ass; it'll look cool," Ann remarked, throwing a wadded-up napkin at his head. "And you agreed it would be the best way to make Shido know we are serious."

"Akira?" Sojiro wondered since Akira has been eerily quiet through her entire presentation and run down. Futaba wonders if it's because he's angsting about Akechi's reactions but justifies that's probably not it since Akechi has been short with Akira before. Akira usually never takes Akechi's insults to heart. It's like a banter thing between them.

Akira is looking at the table, a calculative look on his face like figuring something out.

"The calling card…is gonna be on TV. We are gonna be on television. Because that's the only safe way for Shido to see it…" Akira confirmed, knowing this fact. But the tone in his voice was so foreign, it takes Futaba by surprise. It was so emotionless. Akira quickly backtracks, though, when he realized everyone's attention is on his uncharacteristic silence. Before anyone can say anything, he laughed it off, "No! I'm just a little nervous; I've never been on television before, well, my voice has, I guess, at Akechi's interview. Hardly a claim to fame. I'm just, haha, it's my first revelation to the public after I 'died.' I have to outdo myself. Gotta come up with some witty dialogue. Really want to cut to the hearts of the public."

"Yeah uh, just don't say 'It's time for me to step on you.'" Ann groaned in embarrassment about thinking of Akira saying that on television for the whole world to see, "Or the 'The shows over folks.' Please, I'm begging you."

Sojiro scoffed at Akira, "If you say that, I will ground you along with Futaba, Akira."

"Killjoy." Akira snorted, then sighed melodramatically, "Fine, I'll come up with something else."

"I want to know what Akechi will say," Morgana said excitedly.

"I will not be in the calling card." Akechi bluntly said, surprising all of them and Futaba herself. It's so concise.

"Why?" Yusuke wondered, "Is this not what you've been fighting for this entire time?"

"Don't mistake my goals." Akechi glared at him, "This is the Phantom Thieve's calling card, and don't for a second think I am a part of this ragtag team. Two, it would be incredibly dangerous and stupid of me to appear on the calling card. Shido still thinks on a conscious level that I am working for him. Not only that, but his advisors also think so as well. I will not jeopardize that. Instead, I intend to fade away from their sights. Making it seem as if something has happened to me, which would be plausible if the Phantom Thieves have regrouped."

"That's why you are staying at Leblanc afterward, right?" Ann nodded before adding with an uncertain "What about your apartment? Your stuff?"

"What about it? I'll be leaving it, so it appears it has been abandoned. It'll add to the story." Akechi said, with a neutral expression as if he didn't care. Futaba can't imagine up and leaving all her stuff, especially her neo feather man collection. That sh*t is priceless. How can Akechi be so ok with leaving his stuff?

"You aren't taking anything with you?!" Ryuji sputtered in confusion at the revelation.

"I don't have things. I don't need things. Things are material. Things are a liability." Akechi said, his voice deadly serious as he gives Ryuji a dead-eyed look, "Trust me, Sakamoto, I am very well accustomed to moving from place to place without so much as having a suitcase. You'd be surprised how things can be replaced just as easily. I'm not sentimental."

Futaba frowned, remembering Akechi had been in the system, and she has heard how foster kids have often moved around at very little notice and usually don't have possessions of their own. She feels she understands him a bit more after this realization.

She turns to Sojiro and is surprised to see his face has softened from before as well. That wasn't what she was suspecting at all.

The calling card goes off without a hitch. Definitely stirs up the public, and that's exactly why they did it. Akechi has to admit, Futaba completely outdid herself. He had doubts about how she would pull this off when he knows Shido and those supporting Shido were going to do everything in their power to stop her. Yet she pushed right on through and overpowered them, broadcasting the message to the entirety of Japan. Futaba was a force to be reckoned with.

He'll give it to Akira and his team; they knew exactly how to rile everyone up. Akira had decided on the tagline, 'Before this happens, we will take back this country. At least this was one of his most serious dialogue choices, and he even managed to seem adult-like in the calling card. Akechi will give him some praise for that after how childish he was in the Palace. Akechi is also surprised; the calling card does not mention him at all.

Akechi knows Shido is scrambling; he kept getting frantic calls and texts before Futaba made sure his phone was completely off the grid, and all trace of him has been covered. Another impressive act by her. Honestly, he needed to give Futaba more credit. For being somewhat awkward and quirky, she knew what she was doing when it came to tech.

The diet building was entirely swamped when they reached the entrance to Shido's Palace. Akechi is secretly pleased by this. He cannot wait to serve Shido justice. He loved to see Shido's men crawling around like directionless ants. This would be fun.

Shido's Palace in equal disarray when they arrive inside, the security level at astronomical levels. The Phantom Thieves quickly make their way to the main room; their time is nigh.

"Ah, it seems you have been swayed by these low-life imbeciles with power, Akechi." Shadow Shido laughs, with a disgusting smile and bright gold eyes that Akechi absolutely hates the glare of. "Figures. I knew you were a spineless coward. I thought better of you."

"Did you really? Say that to me after I kick your ass." Akechi spat back at the man, his hands on his sword itching for the fight of his life. He will use every f*cking thing that Shido has taught him to take the man down himself. It will be incredibly karmic and satisfying.

He is going to do whatever it takes to make sure Shido is brought to justice.

"Is this your idea of a trap? Akechi." Shadow Shido laughed, glaring down at Akechi. The words taking Akechi by little surprise; he already aware of how Shido views him. Yet, Shido was aware of his plan? Shadow Shido continues, "You remind me too much of that woman. I'm assuming that's why you approached me in the first place. Such a weak bitch and didn't know what she was getting into, and it seems her son is the same exact way. You were so smart, but just like your mother. You were so easily controlled with any sort of praise."

Akechi feels his heart drop, something in his chest breaks. The anger he has been holding back for so long. Akechi had to have known deep down. Something is telling him he's known this all along. He was weak in the fact he craved any sort of validation. Shido thoroughly used that against him. All while knowing that Akechi was his son all along. Akechi clenched his sword tighter, angry with the feeling of being manipulated so plainly.

"You…you knew Akechi was your son all along?" Ann spoke up in his stead, taking him by surprise before he can voice his thoughts. A horrified tone in her voice, "You knew that and didn't even acknowledge that to him?! You knew he wanted your validation, and you used that to control him, manipulate him, you sick f*ck?!"

"He was the one who offered up his service. How was I to deny that? He approached me." Shadow Shido laughing in a warbled, low tone. "I fully intended of disposing of him after the election series, But I may as well just get that over with right now. He has played his part; the puppet has served its purpose."

"HE is your son! And he's helped you accomplish all this, and you are just going to throw him away?!" Yusuke spoke up next, an anger Akechi hasn't heard ever since Sae's Palace. "How can you be so callous?! So cruel!? Did you see him only as a tool?!"

Akechi has no idea what the f*ck is going on, and he isn't sure he likes it.

"You used a literal high schooler to do all your dirty work! You used him to climb the political ladder under false pretenses." Makoto yelled, her voice nearly cracking, "I can't allow someone who is so incredibly and blatantly selfish to run our country like this. I won't allow it! You don't deserve to be the prime minister. You won't ruin Japan!"

"This is all just a selfish ploy! You took my mother's research and then her life! All so you could manipulate those around you and the public to get what you want!" Futaba yelled, "And you did Akechi dirty! f*ck you, Shido! I'm going to avenge my mother!"

"And how dare you kill my father!? Just because he was going to expose your crimes!" Haru cried, "I too will avenge my father!"

Akechi doesn't quite believe what is happening. The Phantom Thieves are actually standing with him. Despite all he's done, despite the crimes he has committed. He clenched his sword even harder. Does he even deserve it? Why are they doing this? They are here for Akira, not him. Akira has yet to say something but has an equally confident look on his face as he allows everyone to voice their feelings.

"Hmph, I will give you one last chance, Akechi. Destroy them, and I will take you and acknowledge you as my son." Shadow Shido offered, his eyes piercing into Akechi's soul. An offer that Akechi was not expecting from the man. "If you are my son, then you will pledge your loyalty to me. Blood is thicker than water. Destroy them for me, and I will give you all the validation you require. You will stand at the helm with me. The truth you deserve. I'll give it to you if you truly devote yourself to me."

"Are you f*cking serious?!" Ann sputtered, taken aback by the offer.

"After all you said to him?" Akira snorted from where he is standing, only a few feet behind, "You are one ass of a father. That's a sh*t offer."

Akechi raised his blade, it shakes under his palm.

"Akechi?" Makoto stuttered, taken aback by his sudden movement.

"You didn't even have the guts to say the whole quote," Akechi stated at Shido with an emotionless tone, but feeling the anger and resolve to boil to the top, as he raised his head to glare at Shido. He's done with this; he is done with Shido. He will not toss away the one opportunity he gets. He angrily added, "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Meaning the bonds we choose are stronger than the bonds we are born with. And I'll decide my own truth from now on."

And Akechi lunged at Shido, saber in hand. Ready to take down this man that has controlled him for too long. This was his justice; This was his truth. He decided his fate from now on—no one else.

"Yeah, let's get him! Thieve's move out!" Akira shouted in unison as the Phantom Thieves follow in his suit, weapons at ready.

Shadow Shido laughed at them all, the laugh echoing around the room as a bright light enveloped him, signaling the beginning of the fight. Akechi wasn't expecting Shido to turn into a big ass golden lion but, then again, when was he ever expecting what happened in the Metaverse.

They quickly circle the lion, and Akechi tries to figure out an attack strategy since it is enormous and sure this won't be an easy fight. Shido is more potent than any foe they have taken on in the past.

Akira beats him to it as always.

"Ok, so his boss fight is going to have like five phases. First Phase, Physical won't hit him. In the second Phase, Magic won't hit him. The third phase, that's free for all, but he'll have some powerful moves. In the fourth Phase, He goes totally berserk and will buff like crazy. I mean literally. Shido gets buff. Then, the last phase, he'll prevent some of us from fighting." Akira quickly announced to them on the field, the room in the cruise ship has grown in size to accommodate for Shido's newfound size. Akira sounds so confident of this information.

"Joker, how the f*ck—" Akechi is at a loss for words because how the f*ck does Akira predict it specifically. There is no way Akira could know precisely how this battle was going to play out. His third eye hasn't indicated their battles in the past….has it? Does the third eye really see all that? Or is Akira just making an oddly specific poor joke amid a serious battle?

"Just trust me and be careful!" Akira implored, raising his hand to his mask, summoning Alice. He unleashed a Maeigoan attack on Shido that admittedly doesn't do as much damage as they all thought it would, "Crow and I are going to be front line hitters, Queen, you are going to be healing and buffing. Same as you, Panther. If anyone falls under 50% health, heal, and same goes for SP."

Akechi falls quickly into formation, pleased with the roles, but even if Akira told him differently. Akechi would have fought on the frontlines as a hitter regardless. This was his fight. This is the one he'd been preparing for this entire time.

"There is no way you can know that dude!" Ryuji called out from the back lines but is quickly ignored by the presence of Lion Shido hovering over them, "You said the third eye doesn't work like that!"

"Uh, let's just run with it, Skull!" Ann called back, quickly throwing her own fire spell at Shido.

It's a more prolonged battle than they are used to because, unfortunately, Alice's Die for me attack is utterly useless as it was in boss battles. It really tested their stamina. But Akira's instructions have indeed led them on the right path. Akechi realized after four phases of this battle with Shido that Akira was entirely correct about his prediction of what Shido was going to do. Still, Akechi has no idea how that was even possible. Shido's phases had followed precisely what Akira had said. To the dot. And Akechi remembers Shido's last Phase would prevent some of them from fighting. What did he mean by that?

Shadow Shido is saying something, but Akechi isn't paying attention because he is too excited. After all, they have Shido on the rocks. He is losing, and Akechi is living for this. Akechi can taste the justice he wanted, it was so close, and he didn't give a rat's ass what Shido said about it.

The now Buff Shadow Shido pulls out one of his moves, the fist of a tyrant, one of his more impactful ones, and slams into the ground of the room. Instantly shaking the ground and a bright light accompanying the attack fills his vision.

"Hey! Joker, Crow?! What's going on!?" He can hear Futaba screaming through the communications she had set up. As the light settled, Akechi looked around to see the rest of the Phantom Thieves were forced out and unable to get back into the fight storm on account of the ring of fire surrounding them. It was just him and Akira who didn't seem all too banged up by the attack. In fact, his health appears to have gone up.

"It was a bless attack." Akira snickered, readjusting his glove as he sees Akechi's blatant confusion. "Alice drains bless attacks, so oh man, I love it when he uses that move. It's such a rejuvenation."

"Alice is weak to bless, I thought," Akechi murmured, vaguely remembering what Margaret had said once. Then he remembers reading Akira's persona skills that one time and Akira was right. But, when Margaret said? Does that mean she was wrong?

"Mine isn't." Akira laughed, throwing a curse spell at Shido. Akechi is dumbfounded; what is that supposed to mean? Was Akira really fusing personas all this time? It would explain why Alice was the way she was. Why wouldn't he have said anything if he was?

Nothing makes sense, But that isn't the focus right now. Shido is. He'll ask Akira later about it; Akira has proven himself. He'll ask Akira about the blue room.

"Hey, we've come too far; you can't let him win now!" Futaba's voice rings through their ears as Akechi delivers a well-timed Megaton Raid to Shido. "Joker. Crow. Don't lose!"

"As if!" Akechi scoffed, throwing another attack Shido's way, "I'm not so weak I'd lose to this piece of sh*t! Let's slaughter him!"

"Of course," Akira laughed, dodging one of Shido's strong lightning attacks. Easily sidestepping it as if it were child's play. He made it look like he was dancing.

Between Akira and Akechi's attacks and baton basses, they take down Shido with minimal effort and a bunch of critical hits. They had been perfectly in sync. Shido has become reckless and his attacks, while powerful, failed to connect.

Akechi delivers the last blow; all of his pent-up frustration goes into it, "LOKIIIIIII."

Loki slashed at his father with the anger of a billion suns, sending him to the ground, unable to get back up.

And it's over.

Akechi is heaving breaths, his heart racing from the fight. As he confidently marched over and digs his shoe into Shido's back. Twisting it and making Shido yelp in pain. Finally, Shido has been put in his place, a snake ready to be crushed under Akechi's heel.

The moment he has been waiting for.

"How…could I lose?" Shadow Shido pitifully moaned underneath him. But Akechi dug his heel deeper.

"You underestimated me." Akechi spat in his face. The Phantom Thieves gather around now that Shido has been dealt with, and the room has faded back to its original state. "You thought I was a child that could be controlled, but you didn't anticipate what I could do because of the sh*t I put you through. I won't thank you for that but realize you were your own downfall."

"Yeah. You should have thought better of Akechi." Morgana stuck out his tongue at Shadow Shido. Childish, but effective.

"Serves you right." Ann scoffed, folding her arms, "Brought down by the ones you f*cked over the most. A karmic justice."

"Ones?" Shadow Shido tilted his head up curiously at them, seemingly not understanding the comment.

"Akira Kurusu," Akechi said simply, taking his heel of Shido and grabbing his collar roughly to make him look at Akira. "Do you remember that night only a year ago? You were trying to force yourself upon a woman just like you did my mother. But he stopped you; you were drunk. And you fell. You were so angry even though you were in the wrong that you incriminated him falsely. Just serving to prove you haven't a care for anyone In this world for your goddamn self."

"You…" Shadow Shido murmured as he looked at Akira, who had taken off his mask and had a relatively neutral expression on his face. "I remember you."

"You better. You chose the wrong person to wrong. Twice." Akechi spat in his face. "And we were your downfall."

"You looked at me, with the biggest smile I've seen on someone's face when the police came to take you in. Even more so when they announced your probation terms..." Shadow Shido said, confused by the memory as he continued to look at Akira. Akira promptly puts the mask back on his face, his lips tight at the statement. But, Akechi can't possibly believe the words Shido is saying now. No one would be happy to be put in the situation that Akira was in. It has to be something to rile up Akira, right?

"Uh, I think you remember it wrong." Ryuji pointed out, clearly in the same thought pattern as Akechi.

"Akechi…" Shadow Shido directed his gaze up to Akechi with the sincerest eyes he has ever seen in his life. A look that Akechi has never witnessed on Shido, "The truth is, I found your mother quite alluring. What I did to her, and you was wrong."

"Then atone for it with your life," Akechi commanded, throwing Shido back on the ground. He hates it. He wants justice from Shido. He wants to see Shido suffer; he does not want Shido's apologies that mean absolutely nothing to him. "I don't what your hallow words that the real you, in reality, refuse to speak."

"Confess all your crimes." Akira tacked on, his hands in his pockets and a serious look on his face. "Go back to yourself and confess your crimes."

"Hey, I think you have something to say to our leader too." Yusuke piped up, a gruff voice as they notice Shido starting to wane.

"I'm sorry for incriminating you…." Shadow Shido admitted, before chuckling, "This is the first time I've been sincere in a long while. I will go confess my crimes; after all, I have been defeated."

Then Shadow Shido does something unexpected. His shadow bursts into smoke as if someone had killed him. Akechi is stunned; what the hell is going on? Did something happen to the Shido in reality?

"What just happened?!" Futaba sputtered, voicing all of their collective shocks. And before any of them could come up with answers, the ship starts to groan and shake.

"It's collapsing!! We have to get out of here!!" Morgana yelled as the walls start to violently shake around them. Akechi realized this is Shido's last-ditch effort to kill them off before his shadow returns to him and forces him to confess all his crimes.

The cowardly snake. How dare he call Akechi a spineless coward when he pulls this.

"Let's get out of here!" Makoto screamed as they all start running towards the door. Their footsteps pounded against the floor in a mad dash for an exit.

Akechi follows in this suit because they don't know when this ship will completely go under until he realizes Akira isn't with them. Akechi stopped, turning his head quickly to find the other.

Akira is frozen in place near the podium. Staring at Shido's treasure that has appeared, just a wheel floating in his hands, He doesn't make a move to run like the others, though. He just stands there, looking at with a faraway look in his eyes, the ship rumbling around him.

Akechi quickly turns heel and grabs Akira by the forearm, jolting him out of whatever state he was in before, "We have to go now! Get your ass in motion, Kurusu!"

Akira nodded at him, and they begin darting after the other Phantom Thieves in the sinking boat. Akechi can't stop to think about what Akira might have been thinking about. There is no time.

"This reminds me of the Titanic, and I don't like it!" Akira remarked as they scrambled through the hallways of the ship that was being torn apart. Explosions echo all around them in a cacophony of sound, and Akechi is wracking his brain for an escape exit that gets them out of here. He will not die in Shido's Palace like this. Not before seeing out his goal. Akira continues his spiel in a huff as they round one of the hallway corners, "I'd rather have the version with Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet! Where is the band playing their best till they can't no more?! We didn't even get to dance in the servant's chambers!"

Akechi has no idea why right now is the time to bemoan the Titanic movie, but he won't deny that this is reminiscent of the Titanic tragedy. Shido has believed his ship unsinkable as it sailed through a decaying country. He thought nothing would touch yet; the Phantom Thieves brought it to his knees. The hubris of man had brought down the Titanic, and the Hubris of Shido had brought down his own mental world. Still, most died on the Titanic; he wonders if they are approaching that fate too.

"The same thing happened regardless that they were there!! The ship still went down!" Ann screamed back in disbelief, encouraging his antics when they should be focusing on not dying. They rounded another corner that is full of water, making it inaccessible. They are running out of options and hallways to run, "Leonardo Dicaprio literally died; how is that going to help us?! Their love is not going to save us!"

"Yeah! But there was more of a romantic aspect to the whole ship sinking, even though Jack physically could have fit on that goddamn door! Besides, it had the car scene, which made the movie 10x better."

"I feel it was in rather poor tastes to take such a tragedy that killed many and turn it into a romantic love story!" Makoto added in, almost out of breath, "Does that not put out the memory of those who lost their lives in that calamity?!"

"But Kate Winslet's boobs, Makoto!" Futaba argued, "Makoto, don't you understand?! The 'paint me like one of your French girls' was incredibly iconic, and 'My heart will go on?!' What would we do without those gems?!"

"I'll admit, I was taken with the art that was made for that movie. It was certainly a piece to behold." Yusuke added in a huff of breath. "A true inspiration."

"That's what inspired you?!" Ann shrieked.

"Can we discuss this another time, PLEASE?" Morgana wailed, the hallway near him exploding in bright light, making them all almost lose their footing, "We might actually die in here!"

"Oracle! Find us a way out!" Akechi commanded her, starting to get panicked because this is looking grim. It's only a matter of time before they are sucked underwater. If that happens, it is over for them. "Quick!"

"I'm trying, but I don't see a way?! Um, maybe a window, but I can't swim!?" Futaba cried out, and an explosion from the hallways they were running from forces them forward, no way to turn back with the fire and water coming from every angle.

By some divine luck, they reach the outside. Or an opening, but they are still stuck on the ship unless they can find some way out. Swimming is an awful option because they will be pulled down in the undertow once this ship goes under.

"Look! A life raft!" Haru cried, pointing to a life raft hanging on the other side of the boat that had broken apart from the other side. "But I don't know how we get to it!!"

"It's our only option!" Akechi cried in frustration, trying to put together how the f*ck they get that life raft. With its mechanics, they would really only need someone to hit the switch, so it lowers into the water. Once they get it into the water, it will be easy to board.

"So what do we do?" Ann asked breathlessly as they all stared hopelessly at the lifeboat.

It was their only way out, but it was so far away.

"I got this," Ryuji announced after a few moments, his face serious and stern. Akechi wonders what the f*ck he is going to do. Akechi feels something whip past him quickly, and all of a sudden, Akira is flying through the air in front of them with his grapple hook that's hooked onto the lifeboat. Ryuji sputtered, "What the f*ck, dude?!"

"Too slow!" Akira called back, his voice traveling barely over the wind. Ultimately making Ryuji's plan obsolete, whatever it could be.

"Kurusu, you reckless ass!" Akechi growled as he could see multiple ways this could go wrong.

"We need to get down there so when he lowers the boat, we can get on." Makoto quickly commanded them all, crawling out of the window and onto the concrete deck, sliding down to a platform that the boat would hopefully lower to if they were lucky.

Akechi agreed; they had to be quick about this because the ship would not last much longer. All the Phantom Thieves slide down as Akira lowered the boat. And luckily, Akechi had calculated it right, so the lifeboat did indeed land right near their position, "Everyone get on now!"

"Y-yeah!" Ryuji nodded, quickly hopping into the boat, helping Ann hop in after him. Then the two helped the rest in under a minute. Akechi looked back up to see Akira descending from his grappling hook onto a platform a few feet up from the water.

"Alright, let's get out of here!" Morgana yelled triumphantly as Makoto turned on the lifeboat's engine and started maneuvering it so it would sail towards Akira's position. The lifeboat soars over the water.

Akechi feels a light-heartedness in him. He had done it, he had finally show Shido what he was capable of, and he would finally bring Shido to justice for all the crimes he had committed. Akechi will admit, he is a little elated in the moment despite the ship crumbling to pieces around them. The ocean breeze in his hair, no matter how ashy, just had a completely different feeling to it.

Akechi had to admit that Akira had played a big part in all of this despite all of his feelings. This wouldn't have been possible without Akira.

"Hey, you! Need a lift?!" Ryuji laughed as they approached where Akira was crouched on the platform, peering at them.

Akira doesn't say anything, instead of giving them a smile and reaching out his hand. Akechi, being the closest to the side and the most equipped to help Akira on the ship, reached his hand out precariously. Akira is about three feet out of shot, though, and Akechi can't reach any further, even if he is on his tippy toes.

An explosion is going off behind him, signaling that the ship is on its last legs, and Akechi starts to get panicked because Akira isn't getting on the boat.

Akira is smiling at him, but instead of taking Akechi's hand, he tosses Shido's pin into the boat. It hits with an audible thunk.

Akechi didn't think the Metaverse could affect time like this; he knows he loses track of time in the Metaverse, often remaining late into the evening. It never physically affected time, however. It hasn't in the past, so he doesn't know why it should now. Yet, the scene before him seemed to be unfolding in slow motion. Each moment of impending disaster lingers closer and closer.

Akechi reaching out for Akira desperately, trying to reach the idiot to pull him onto the lifeboat. He's only a few hairs out of reach. He can vaguely hear the rest of the Phantom Thieves shouting behind him at Akira. He can't make out what they are saying. Akechi is the closest, but he can't reach despite his desperate reach. The Phantom Thieves don't see what he sees.

Akira's hair fluttered in the wind of the explosions happening all around them; it's illuminated by the flames growing higher and higher. Even his raven hair is turned into a halo of light. It's getting rather dangerous as Shido's Palace crumbles around them with a voracity that Akechi has ever seen from a Palace Collapsing. Akechi is positive Shido has something to do with this. Even when they had stolen his heart, Shido was still a hindrance till the bitter end.

Akechi yelling Akira's name, his voice nearly gets lost in the howling wind and deafening explosions. What the f*ck is that idiot doing? Doesn't he realize what is going on?

Akira is smiling at him bittersweetly in a way he hates. He's seen this smile before, the awful mixture of honey and ash. It's the same smile his mother gave him as he left, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, to go to school only to return to a crime scene. How Akira managed to recreate the exact smile is beyond him, and he hates it.

He hated the way Akira is looking at him. Why is he looking at him like that? Why isn't he getting on the boat? He can get on the boat; why is he just sitting there smiling eerily at him?

An explosion goes off behind him, and Akechi's heart dropped, the screams of the Phantom Thieves are behind him, but Akechi can't hear what they are saying because he can only focus on one thing.

Akira is smiling like his mother had on the day his life went to hell.

Akira is smiling like he knows he isn't going to make it out of this. But Akechi knows Akira is well within the range of him to reach out. Akira could make a multitude of movements if Akechi's calculations are correct.

Akechi can't reach any further, Akira can, but he isn't.

Akira is smiling like he knows he isn't going to make it out of this because Akira doesn't want to make it out of this.


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (39)

A/N: I'm sorry, did that HuRt?

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (40)

Chapter 23: Down the Rabbit Hole.


“And what is the use of a book... without pictures or conversations?”
-Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Akechi did it.

He stole Shido's heart, and Shido was bound to make an announcement any moment now about the evils he has done and the crimes he has committed to climb to the top of power. His supervisors are probably scrambling to stop his scandals from getting out. Still, he will have to make a statement himself sooner or later, especially with the elections coming up. Sae is putting together her case on Shido's crime with means to incriminate him. Akechi will undoubtedly have to testify to bring Shido to his knees before Akechi, unable to deny the accusations against him. Akechi fulfilled his goal, which he was working towards the entire time.

The thing he's craved his entire life after his mother was taken away in a body bag that day.

He's worked so hard for this. He has sacrificed so much for this. He has given away so much of himself for this moment of triumph. And he'll probably have to spend time in jail for it. But he already knew it had been a possibility. He has devoted his life to this. This was his justice he sought.


Akechi growled at the thought, aggressively launching the stupid godforsaken diet pin at the ground with a forceful chuck. It skidded across the floorboards before coming to a stop near the stairs of Leblanc's attic. Mocking Akechi with its shine.

The treasure wasn't worth as much as its cost.

Why isn't he happy, and why doesn't he feel accomplished? Why does he feel like sh*t?

Akechi leaned back against the bed, shivering as the cold air of the attic surrounding him. December was here, and the weather has been abysmal.

How the f*ck did Akira live in this dump? It can hardly be called a room; even the mattress was uncomfortable as f*ck from where it sat upon milk crates rather than an actual bed frame. The desk was ratty, and everything was dusty, even filled with Akira's junk. He didn't even own a heater, for Christ's sake. Sojiro let him live in this condition? Akechi knows Akira has an odd amount of wealth that he never exposed the source of. Akechi imagined he one day just decided to go ham and farm Yen in Mementos. Akechi did that to prepare for this period when he would ghost Shido, effectively cutting off his money source. But then again, Akira hated Mementos on a good day, even when they saw Jose. So perhaps not. Still, Akira could have easily bought a more comfortable bed frame or mattress. Or a goddamn heater.

Akechi sighed angrily for the umpteenth time today; he feels like a prisoner in this attic that doesn't even have a door. He can't exactly leave even if he wanted to, and it seems someone is always watching him, whether it may be Sojiro, Futaba, or Morgana. But, then again, that's better than the alternative. Is that what Akira felt like?

Is that why Akira didn't reach out to him on that night?

Is that why Akira let himself get caught in that explosion?

Akira didn't come back. After the explosion, the remaining phantom thieves had all been blasted in front of the Diet building in the morning hours; luckily, no one was there to see their unceremonious exit. It would have caused a startle if someone had. Or the reaction afterward, for sure.

Akechi can't remember what happened exactly after the explosion, but he remembers Ann wailed louder than she should have been for the time of night. Ryuji cursed up a storm with a broken look on his face as he desperately looked around the area they had ended up in. Morgana meowed like there is no tomorrow, looking in places that Ryuji couldn't reach, and therefore by that logic, Akira couldn't be in. Futaba crouched on the ground, arms around her knees, head buried into her legs, and her body shaking just as hard as that ship was in its last moments. Haru and Makoto grieved together, holding onto each other in hysteria, and Yusuke has the most forlorn face he's ever seen, with a hand over his mouth in horror.

Akechi remembered the anger that set in, the feeling like something had just been torn out of his chest. How could that have happened? It was going so well; how could Shido have ripped something else away from him in a last-ditch effort to save himself? How could Akira do that to them? They had accomplished their goal!

The thing is, Akechi soon realized afterward that the Phantom Thieves didn't realize Akira did what Akechi knows he did. The Phantom Thieves all think it was a noble sacrifice. They all think Akira did it to save them, and he wouldn't have been able to get on the boat for some reason. That Akira was a hero. That Akira died saving them. It seemed they had all be caught up in the moment and weren't paying attention to the small detail that there was nothing physically stopping Akira from getting on the goddamn boat. Or maybe this is mass denial.

Akechi doesn't know which is worse to believe. The truth or a beautiful lie. For the first time, Akechi doesn't have the heart to correct them. There is no point. The act has been done, and Akira isn't there anyways. Might as well let his friends think he's the hero he isn't.

Akechi pulled the stupid gaudy bath bomb ring out of his blazer pocket; he has no idea why he kept it; It was a foolish sentiment. It really wasn't his taste, with an unrealistically shiny jewel that was probably zircon or something. It's worth little to nothing in the fine jewelry world. It's a cheap gift. It was given on a whim, out of convenience.

Yet, Akechi can't get rid of it. No matter how many times he pulls it out, with means of throwing it into the trash or across the lake, or anything. He can't do it, and it ends up in his breast pocket for no reason.

Akira laughed, "But if you feel so strongly about my lack of taste, be my guest to dispose of it. I just thought it would be a nice reminder of our serendipity."

"Serendipity, my ass," Akechi growled, shoving the ring back into his pocket like he has done a million other times and tried to not think of Akira's smile on that day. Serendipity was the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. A stroke of luck. Chance. This wasn't serendipity. This was a curse, a reminder that he got what he wanted but maybe, much to his displeasure of acknowledging, Margaret was right. Had his priorities really changed that much? Is that why he is so unsatisfied with this outcome, even though he has been working towards it this entire time?

He scowled, feeling the anxiety itching under his skin for the first time in a long time. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. Where is he supposed to go? Shido's heart will change, and then what?

This room feels like Akira, but for how long? And how long does a place feel like a person till their memory fades?

Yusuke hasn't left his dorm room in days. Even if he were to, people-watching in Shibuya doesn't seem as exciting as it usually does. Not when he knows the one person he'd want to see won't be coming by anymore. His heart deflates at that notion, and he curled up even more over his sketchbook. It was cold outside anyways; there is no point in going out.

He's had more than many moments when he has felt despair. Art slumps were the usual cause. The feeling of his inspiration well-being dried up ate at him during those times. The feeling of all of his efforts was for nothing, and he'd never truly amount to the artist he wanted to be. Sometimes it felt like the death of a dream when his ideas fully exceeded his means to carry them out properly. The death of all the insurmountable effort he's put into one cause intertwined with the hopelessness that he will never reach the prowess he strives for. Those moments he thought would be the most despairing ones he'd experience as they've been the most painful ones.

Then Akira 'died' for the first time, and he felt ultimately worse than the moments of the 'death of his dreams.' Yusuke hadn't realized that he'd invited in more than just art into his heart now. The Phantom Thieves were special to him, and Akira was so special to him. That moment when they announced his suicide on television devastated Yusuke. He thought they had failed him. He thought it was the end of the world, the actual death of a dream, and more. Then only a few days back, Akira came back with that sly smile on his face. A false alarm. Yusuke was overjoyed.

This time, it's worse than before, Yusuke surmised. This time, there was no plan. No ulterior motive in which Akira was alive. Shido had been their last target; there wouldn't have been a reason. The uncertainty was tearing at them all—even Akechi, who confirmed that there was definitely no plan. Yusuke still foolishly hopes Akira will wander back into their lives with that carefree smile once more. But he knows it's a pipe dream.

Akira sacrificed himself so that they could escape. Akira did that for them.

Yusuke scratched his pencil across the sketchbook harder, feeling his eyes get damp as he thought about that moment when he realized Akira wasn't coming back. The horror that this time was likely real, and it's not as if the Phantom Thieves have the power to bring back the dead.

The Phantom Thieves had done it. They accomplished their goal of taking down Shido and taking back their country. Righting the social injustices in the world they live in.

Why does it feel like such a hollow victory? The Phantom Thieves had all agreed that this is what they wanted. But he doubts that any of them could imagine that this is what would happen.

He is sure none of them expected Akira to be the price they paid to fruition their goals.

None of them want to go to the metaverse again. Maybe Akira's hatred of Mementos has passed onto them but, Yusuke can't even begin to think about the metaverse after that Palace had crumbled around them. Tearing Akira away from their group. Yusuke doesn't want to go back to the metaverse any time soon. They all just need time. Time to grieve. Time to move on. Time to accept.

Before Yusuke knows it, his hand has moved on its own. Creating a perfect imitation of Akira's carefree smile, eyes squinted with happiness, an expression he remembers Akira giving him in a quiet moment when they had gone to see the observatory in Ikebukuro that one summer day a few months ago.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (41)

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (42)

During the presentation, Akira had made some space pun when the announcer talked about how gravity affects matter in the cosmos. Akira had said to him under his breath as the virtual atmosphere swirls around them with an easy smile on his face. His eyes twinkled like the stars in the space projection, "I'm actually reading a book about anti-gravity at the moment."

"Oh, really?" Yusuke had said, completely and utterly falling for it because he had been interested. Yusuke has been learning a lot of new things recently and expanding his horizons.

"Yeah… It's impossible to put down." Akira snickered before bursting out in pealing laughter underneath his breath, making sure the announcer doesn't hear them and being a complete menace in a public space.

Yusuke had sighed with a smile stretching on his lips; he really should have expected that response from the other. Akira's sense of humor was unrivaled.

"What?" Akira had snickered back, with his signature smirk and another space pun as he nudged Yusuke's shoulder, "Comet me, bro."

Yusuke looks at it. It's almost as beautiful as Sayuri, but the tears won't stop blotting at the page, smudging the graphite.

He will make sure Akira's sacrifice doesn't go in vain.

"Ann-San! That shoot you did with your friend was incredibly popular! Is there any way you could recruit him again? Please, we will pay you both accordingly!" The producer begged, her voice pleading through the phone, but all Ann can do is look at the magazine covered with words she can't comprehend at the moment, Akira's eyepatches smug face looking back at her, with that signature smile.

Ann had gotten a copy of the magazine in the mail after she had forgotten entirely about this shoot; it seemed so long ago. She hadn't expected them to actually make it onto the front page, but her agent had told them the staff was very impressed with their chemistry and charisma. They quickly overpowered Mika and even the idol Risette for the front page. Risette of all people? It was insane. Despite having bad blood with Akira at the time, she remembered this was one of the most enjoyable shots she ever did. Even with Akira's awful pirate puns.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (43)

Of course, Akira would beat out Risette; Akira was the most charismatic person she knows. He just makes his presence known with his confidence. Ann wished she could be that.

"I-I-"Ann doesn't know how to answer the producer's sincere question, however, because Akira is gone. But she can't exactly explain how if anyone asks. She has barely processed it herself. Her voice sputtered, trying to find the words she never will, "I don't think he'll—"

"Oh, did you break up with him?" The producer asked, her voice sighing over the phone, "I completely understand; I don't want to make things uncomfortable for you, Ann-San."

"Y-yeah…It wouldn't work out…." Ann said absentmindedly, accepting the out she has been given as she stared at the magazine cover in her hands, unable to look away, "Sorry…."

"Well, it was still a great cover! We are averaging far more sales than usual; keep up the good work, Ann-chan!" The producer cheerfully told her, "We'll have more work for you in a bit, but if you end up reconciling, tell your friend he is welcome to come along too!"

"Of course. I'll talk to you later." Ann quickly said, hanging up the phone when she feels the tears well up once more, and she doesn't want her voice to get wobbly over a professional phone call. She throws the phone on her bed and quickly pulls her knees to her chest when she feels the grief come over her in waves. She had fun on that shoot. And after had even planned on doing a similar one, including Ryuji this time. She had the perfect outfit in mind that would compliment Ryuji and go well with Akira's and Ann's. But that's not possible anymore. She could do it just with Ryuji but, it's not the same without Akira.

Akira is gone. There was no plan. And now, all they can do is wait for Shido's heart to change. This waiting period just seems pointless, unlike the other points of waiting for their target's hearts to change and the anticipation that accompanied. Shido's heart would change; Akira's sacrifice wouldn't go in vain. But she can't help wondering why. Why did this have to happen right as they achieved their goal?

Why Akira?

The magazine falls to the side of her legs as she heaves her chest up and down in sobs. Not caring since there was no one there to hear her agony.

She thought after this was all done, they'd all still be friends. That they'd all go out and do something fun for Christmas, their tradition after they change someone's hearts.

Ann thought it would all be ok.

She thought nothing could go wrong; they had always made it out. They were like superheroes, after all. They were supposed to be invincible.

She remembered the moment she met Akira as the tears rolled down her face. It had rained that day, a spring shower; despite the rain, it had been light out. The cherry blossoms were in bloom, and the petals were floating in the puddles all around. She wanted to go see them in bloom with Shiho, but things with Kamoshida were distracting her. That spring day, her life had changed when Akira smiled at her on that spring day and told her she didn't have to go with Kamoshida if she didn't want to.

The day Akira gave her a choice that no one has ever given her.

The weather outside is just as poor as her mood. December is here, and it's been cold and dreary the past few days with no indication that it will go away. Rain was on its way, and Ann doesn't feel like she'll ever see the spring again. She wondered how long the winter will last.

Ann doesn't want to see the spring, the cherry blossom viewings, without all her friends there.

She doesn't want to see the flowers in bloom without Akira.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (44)

It's about to rain, and he doesn't need his knee flaring up to tell him, but Ryuji can only think, f*ck it and let the storm come down on them. Then maybe people won't see as he cries when he does another lap around the lake. No one was out there regardless, not in this weather. It's too cold. It's too grey. Dismal. Perfect for his mental state.

They beat Shido, and Ryuji feels the anxious energy surging through him without an outlet. Right now, he can't give a f*ck about Shido. All he can think about is the price they had to pay to beat him. Akechi has told them many times, there was no plan. There was no reason for a plan, and Ryuji actually believes him because while he isn't as smart as Makoto or Akechi, or Akira, he can connect dots. There would have been no reason for what Akira did since he was already technically considered dead to the world as it was.

Akira had saved Ryuji's life once more. Ryuji feels he's lost count, but he knows that was the last time. And it hurts. It hurts to realize that.

It hurts so bad, and no matter how much he runs around this damn lake, it's not going change a thing. It isn't going to do anything; it isn't going to bring Akira back.

He forced his feet to beat against the ground harder as his breaths come out in puffs of condensation in the air. Hoping a runner's high will alleviate the feelings he is feeling. His heart is pounding in his chest, painfully. His ankle is on its last limbs, he knows. Ryuji knows he needs to take a break, or he'll make it worse.

And he does. Breaking off to the side, leaning heavily on the wooden railing that circled the lake. His chest heaving up and down, but he isn't sure if it's because of the running or the emotions coursing through him.

No matter how much it hurts, Ryuji has to take care of himself. He understands that now. Akira gave him this life, and he shouldn't take it for granted. Akira gave them all that literal lifesaver, the lifeboat. He allowed them to live their lives to their fullest.

"Goddamnit!" Ryuji cursed, scrubbing at his eyes as the world becomes blurry around him from the barrage of tears. He can't believe Akira is gone, but he admires Akira's tenacity to commit to a cause and stick with it. He respects Akira's will to go on, even after what had happened to Okumura, when they all felt distraught.

Akira kept going, so he has to as well.

He makes a promise, he won't give up. He won't let Akira down anymore. He'll be strong, for the team, for his mother, for himself. Ryuji won't let himself fall into that hopelessness, that despair he felt before Akira came. If he did, then he would be disrespecting Akira's gift to him. Ryuji has come so far, and he isn't going back.

A fish splashed in the lake, catching attention.

Ryuji wondered if Akira ever got to catch the Ichigaya Guardian. He wonders if Akira felt just as cool knowing he had saved his friends, and he wonders if those two things can be interchangeable.

"I think he was from Inaba," Makoto announced, from where she is tapping away on her keyboard across from Haru, who is curled up on the kitchen room seat with the now cold cup of tea in her hand. December takes over Shibuya, and the windows only show the dark clouds in the distance indicating a storm is quickly approaching. She had been watching the clouds outside, debating whether to unleash the rain or not; she wonders if it'll be foggy tomorrow. But, Makoto steals her attention once more, so she turns her gaze to the other.

Makoto is surrounded by notes and papers; having been at this for a few days, she continued, "Samegawa flood plain checks out, and I can definitely say it was in Inaba. Interestingly enough, the first detective prince was from there too, you know, Naoto Shirogane? And it seemed the idol Risette was from Inaba too! She took her break during a time there. I wonder if Akira ever met her…Her grandmother owned a tofu shop there. He would have said, I think, wouldn't he? That he met the idol Risette? Akira would have said something. Who wouldn't say if they met an idol."

"Mako-chan…" Haru sighed, setting her tea down slowly, numbness in her fingers from the cold, despite the heater in Makoto's apartment. She can't seem to feel anything. Whether it may be foggy tomorrow, she feels like her brain is foggy itself.

"And what he said about the TVs? I was looking around, and it looked like Inaba did have a serial killer actually who murdered people and hung them from the TV lines. Interestingly, they originally thought that it was a high school kid who admitted to the crimes, but there wasn't any evidence to support his claims. Then they thought it was a politician, Taro Namatame. But it was later revealed to be a detective, Tohru Adachi. I think the rumors about what Akira said about the midnight channel were true in a way… but I can't find any information about how or what was shown on the TV. None of the records have anything… isn't that strange?" Makoto rambled, shifting through her notes and almost knocking over her tea which Haru has no doubt was untouched and most likely just as cold as her own.

"Mako-chan." Haru tried to get her attention once more because Makoto needs to stop.

"This doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. There was no clear evidence of death with the victims. Maybe some chemical? Potassium Chloride? But then they would have had to find a needle entry…" Makoto muttered, writing something down, "Still, I could never find any concrete cause of death from the police reports, isn't that strange?"

"Mako-chan, why does any of this matter?" Haru asked sharply, shaking her head because she doesn't understand why Makoto is going through this trouble. Maybe it's just the fact she can't wrap her head around anything right now, "Why are you researching a serial killer that has absolutely nothing to do with Akira?"

"I—" Makoto's breath hitched as she froze. An indecipherable look on her face as she bit her lips.

"We both know what happened," Haru said, her eyes watering up at the thought of remembering what happened. But she forced herself to continue because Makoto needs to hear this, "This serial killer case has nothing to do with his death. This isn't a deduction; this is a distraction. This is the spinning of wheels. This is futile."

"We didn't know—" Makoto started, but her breath broke, tears rolling down her cheek as she looked up to Haru in distraught, "We don't know anything about him, his home life, who he was before Shibuya. No one thought to ask, we didn't—he didn't—and how are we supposed to tell his parents? And what are we supposed to say to his friends back home? We don't know anything about his life! Doesn't that upset you? And now, I'm just—what kind of friends are we?"


"I accused him of murder!" Makoto sobbed, burying her face into her hands. "I-I accused him of murder, and he forgave me so easily! He gave me so much grace! I spat in his face, and I accused him of murder like the world was so black and white! And then Akechi was revealed to have been the murderer, but now I keep thinking about what a grey area all of this is! And, I keep thinking I missed something—"

"Makoto," Haru said sternly, feeling the words leaving her mouth but unable to curb them. "Akira is not dead because of a serial killer from his childhood. Akira is dead because he saved us. Maybe we might not have been the greatest friends, but he had to have seen value in us to go and sacrifice that for us. What home was, who he was before doesn't impact the relationship we had with him now. Digging around like this into details like that murder case, I think it's useless. We can't change the past. Even if you figure out what happened, what will it do?"

"I feel like I'm missing something a piece, and if I can just find that piece—I—" Makoto trailed off before shaking her head, her eyes clenching shut, "But there is no mystery, is there? Akira died to save us…and all I'm doing is snooping. You are right; I'm just distracting myself from the situation."

"Maybe…maybe we should all plan a trip to Inaba." Haru offered quietly after a few moments, "Pay our final respects and try to find some of his peers; after this is all over…Maybe, we'll understand him a little better and honor his memory."

Makoto sniffled, scrubbing at her eyes, "Yeah. I think we should…."

Futaba surprised Morgana. Morgana had expected her to shut herself away in her room, expected her to cut off contact with them all. Waste away like before. So, he had decided to stay with her, intermittently going back and forth between her and Akechi. But she doesn't do that at all. This time, Futaba makes sure to get up early to help Sojiro in the café, even if customers still make her nervous. She does her damn best, taking orders and bringing out food and coffee from Sojiro, who has stayed predominantly in the kitchen. She's awkward and clumsy, but she still tries. She tries harder than she ever has to overcome the hurdles she has dealt with her entire life.

Futaba makes sure everyone gets what they need, that the table is clean when people are gone, and makes sure to take food up to Akechi when he needs to eat. She runs to the grocery store whenever they are running low on ingredients for curry. She does everything that Akira would have.

"Futaba…you don't have to…." Sojiro started to tell her during a down moment as she puts her elbow grease into getting a stain out of the counter. Morgana can see the exhaustion on Sojiro's face from this all. He's been taking it just as hard as all of them. Morgana imagines to him, it's like losing a child. When he's at home, Sojiro just stares into space much like Akira used to.

Morgana feels something similar; Akira wasn't a child to him, but Morgana has no idea how to define their relationship other than something similar to a cherished companion. Akira taught him so much about this world. His ears shrink back at the thought. Morgana feels like a real cat now, just completely hopeless. What are they supposed to do without Akira? Morgana feels lost. Where is he supposed to go without Akira?

Futaba paused, the glare of her glasses obstructing the view of her eyes, but Morgana can sense the restlessness in her shoulders before she said in a clear voice, "I want to. I don't want to go back...Akira wouldn't want me to live like that, and I don't know what else to do. So, I'll do what I can, and I'll live my life. I'll put one foot in front of the other, even if it's hard…because I can't take any more steps back. I need to do this, Sojiro."

"Futaba…" Morgana breathed, taken aback by Futaba's resolve. She's right, isn't she? Morgana knows Akira wouldn't want them to regress to who they were before. Morgana knows Akira would want them to just live life. Be who they are unapologetic.

She pulled her head up, with a bright smile on her face that contrasts the tears streaming down her face, "All I can do is stand on my own feet and experience the world. I owe that all to Akira, so I'll honor his memory like this. I'll do the things that made me uncomfortable once, and I'll become the person I want to. I won't waste what Akira gave me."

Morgana silently agreed with her. It doesn't matter if he is a cat or a human. He knows he is Morgana, and he'll push on to find the answers he wants, and he will know those answers won't define him in the end because he'll be the one to define himself. He'll take one step in front of the other too. He may feel hopeless now, but Morgana has to believe these clouds will one day clear.

"I'll take dinner up to Akechi before you close." Futaba chuckled, scrubbing at her eyes, before letting out a shaky laugh, "I added something special, so hopefully, he won't be a bitch about being tired from too little sleep when he helps you tomorrow, Sojiro."

It's raining. Akechi can vaguely hear the rain hitting the attic window. Pounding repetitively over and over and lulling him to sleep. He hasn't slept well in days, but apparently, someone out there in the universe decided, 'let's help a guy out.' He curls up tighter on Akira's bed beneath the comforter. It was so warm despite the chill outside. Maybe Futaba slipped something to knock him out; he wouldn't doubt it. She did have a particularly mischievous look on her face when she brought up yet another dish of curry. This would be the perfect time to take him out, after all. Let her do it. He doesn't care. If she wants her revenge, he'll let her have it.

Sleep is washing over him like waves from an ocean, sending and receiving. His breath is evening out; the room is fading from his consciousness as it lazily spins around him. Inky blackness is taking him over. And maybe he'll wake up feeling less tired than he has been the past few days.

But just before he hits unconsciousness, he swears he hears Akira's old ass analog TV click on. An audible sound as the sound of white noise and channels tuning fills the room, but it's faint, and Akechi is sure he is hallucinating since he is half asleep on the brink of going under. There would be no way unless he had accidentally rolled over onto a remote or something. With his luck, he is sure that is what happened. Akira must have left the remote somewhere on this bed. Or Akira's old TV is so old that it glitched itself on, Akechi wouldn't doubt it.

Some obnoxious music filters into his senses, making him turn away with a grumble. Can't his mind shut up for one goddamn moment? It's reminiscent of the music playing in Destinyland when he and Akira went on that godforsaken ride. Does his mind really need to bring up that memory now? And why did it have to be that stupid fantasyland's music? He never cared for those movies anyway.

The music dies down some, and Akechi is about to entirely fall asleep. Everything is dark, and hopefully, the hallucination of the TV was gone.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!"

Then he heard someone speaking. Had Sojiro forgotten something in the café? He tried to wake up a little bit and figure out what they were saying, but he only got bits and pieces. His eyelids are too heavy, and he can't seem to get himself to tune in well. Maybe Futaba really did slip him something after all. It would make absolute sense with how foggy his perception is. His mind feels like mush, and it's a bit inconvenient.

"...But for all purposes, let's call me Alice!"

Akechi can't make out who is talking, but he is sure that is not what a little girl sounds like. It's a deeper voice than what he'd expect an Alice to sound like.

"I was following a black rabbit, but It seems I've fallen down the rabbit hole, oh dear, whatever shall I do? Oh, poor me. But it doesn't matter, haha. I've been here before, and I'll come back again. I'll fall deeper and deeper, and there will never be an end."

Is this some gag show? Why the f*ck is some gag show playing on Akira's TV in the middle of the goddamn night. Then again, the announcer's tone is charismatic, but the words feel wrong for a gag show.

"Now, let's see what secrets this Wonderland holds, yeah? Or maybe there isn't anything. Nothing really matters in Wonderland. Join me as we search for the meaning of Wonderland or lack thereof! Most definitely the latter!"

Akechi shoots up because he could have sworn that was Akira's voice after processing it a few more minutes. The covers toppling down, and he swings his head to the TV. It's a miracle he can manage to wake up after whatever Futaba gave him, but he surmised, when there is a will, there is a way.

The TV is off. A black screen looks back at him. Empty. No evidence of it being any different.

Akechi is going insane; he lets himself plop back on the bed and threw an arm over his eyes. The rain was the only thing he could hear. It was stupid; this was stupid. He was so close to falling asleep, and he had to have a weird f*cking sleep hallucination of Akira on a TV? God. He's pathetic. Why is that what his mind comes up with? He'll have to scold Futaba for doing that to him. He doesn't need drugs to fall asleep.

Shido's press conference comes and goes. Akechi had watched it on his burner phone, which got terrible cell service from Leblanc's attic. Shido had confessed to all his crimes on public television. Admitted his guilt. He asked to be judged by the public, all while crying like a pitiful old man. It made Akechi sick to watch because he doesn't know if Shido is really apologetic. Shido has always been good at feigning emotions, after all. But, he confessed all the same on public, live television.

And the public didn't do a damn thing.

Why isn't Akechi surprised? He had lost faith in humanity so long ago. Of course, they wouldn't even believe Shido's crimes from his own mouth. Akechi is tired; maybe this justice he sought is unattainable. Or perhaps he's tired because he feels like he hears Akira's goddamn analog TV go off every night with that ear-screeching song. Akechi has no idea why his mind had decided that was the hill it was going to die on. And every time Akechi wakes up to check it, the TV is dead silent.

Akechi thinks it's the least of their problems.

Sae's case against Shido, despite all the evidence he had given her, has been denied. Akechi suspects it has to do with Shido's associates who were in on this all. It seemed, despite taking out the SIU director, they had easily replaced him with a proxy that would do Shido's bidding despite Shido confessing all of what he did.

Akechi sighed, rolling over on Akira's bed. Staring at the concrete wall trying to muster up some idea of what to do next, he has no idea for the first time in a while. It feels like the rain from the last week has brought a tangible fog to his brain. It's like he sees everything through opaque clouds, and he isn't sure how to discern his options anymore.

Changing Shido's heart did absolutely nothing. What are they supposed to do now? Has this goal that Akechi has dedicated his life to really been that futile?

Akira's 'sacrifice' meant absolutely f*cking nothing in the end.

Akechi can hear his phone going off, probably the stupid group chats he was still a part of with the Phantom Thieves. No matter how many times he left, they just dragged him back into it, even though not much was being said before the conference. Then Akechi had put it on mute, and Futaba must have unmuted him remotely so he would be alerted to the messages sent. Akechi considered chucking it at the wall but knows he'll probably end up needing this phone eventually.

"Why are you still lying in bed?! Do you not hear the phone laying right next to your goddamn phone going off?!" Futaba's voice drifted up the stairs accompanied by her marching footsteps. Akechi has no idea why she seemed to break every expectation he had of her. The last time Akira 'died,' she had been starkly silent and quiet. Only breaking that to ask him why he had killed her mother. But now, she's even more annoying. Does she not realize the situation they are in?

"It was a personal choice to ignore it," Akechi muttered, not turning to answer her but making sure she hears the answer.

Akechi doesn't know what to think of Futaba Sakura. Or Sojiro Sakura. They both know that he killed Wakaba Ishiki, and he was assuming that his time here would be a lot colder and unwelcoming. He had expected Futaba to outright ignore him, and he had expected Sojiro Sakura to as well; Akechi had already mentally prepared to expect that.

They didn't.

Which makes Akechi even more uncomfortable. He thinks they are stupid; are they really going to ignore the things he has done? He thinks their kindness is very misplaced.

"Get up!" Futaba commands him forcefully and shoving him without relent before pulling him to face her with an angry look on her face, "Get up! Akira wouldn't want this; we need to figure out why! Why is the public not taking Shido's change of heart seriously? And we need to figure out why no news outlet is covering it! You, of all people, should be the most upset about this; why aren't you getting up? Are you really giving up so easily?"

"Kurusu is dead if you've forgotten!" Akechi snapped back at her, rolling away from her insistent pestering.

He feels bad as Futaba falls silent, a strangled sound before she huffed, "Yeah. Kind of hard to forget. But,…this isn't right! We did all that…and then Akira…. Shido confessed on live TV, and no one is taking him seriously! I've dug online, and no one is treating it right!"

"Because it's Shido. Of course, it wouldn't matter what he says. The public love him oh so much. They'd give anything to him." Akechi scoffed with contempt, his eyes hardening, "He seems to get his way no matter what…As for the news outlet, it's no doubt Shido's counsel doing damage control. They are likely facilitating the narrative."

"So, we need to do something about it!" Futaba shoved him again before forcefully pushing herself onto the bed next to him as she glared at Akechi, "This isn't ok. This isn't right. Do you really want Shido to be the prime minister? What happened to your plan?"

"We did what we could!!" Akechi barked back angrily, "Do you not remember the fact that we stole Shido's heart?! Beat him to a pulp, and do you not remember the goddamn ship exploding?! Huh?!"

This shuts Futaba up, and Akechi can admit he feels slightly guilty getting heated about it and bringing up that particular memory since they are all incredibly sore about it.

"Creative problem-solving," Futaba said, after a few quiet moments and Akechi considering rolling over and going back to bed. If Akira could stay in bed till noon, he could too.

"What the f*ck are you on about now?" Akechi muttered.

Futaba shoved him again, and Akechi had no idea when she got so physically hostile; she has the strength of a fly, however, so it doesn't actually hurt that much; she continued, "We need to find a different solution. Do you remember Neo Featherman Season Six, episode seven to eight? When the Featherman Squad tried to take down the enemy, it didn't work out, and it seemed as if the enemy pulled a quick one on them. Still, Green Parakeet comes up with a different plan that none of them had thought about, targeting something they thought was completely unrelated, but, in the end, it did the trick, and they took the enemy down? We need to look at this from another angle."

"I stopped after season five," Akechi interjected.

"Seriously? You stopped after Black Condor died?" Futaba scoffed, and an even more irritated look on her face as she said with snark, "If you had watched further, you would know that he actually came back. Should have done your research, Mr. Detective Prince. Season Six, episode three. It was revealed he survived but was recovering; the rest of the team hadn't known that. But he comes back, and everyone accepted him despite his past. Sound familiar, huh?"

"I knew he came back." Akechi spat, pushing himself off from the bed because he desperately needed to correct her in case she got the wrong idea, "I knew he came back, but he was different after that, and I didn't like him anymore. He fought for one goal, and then suddenly just went and changed it? Like it was nothing, he lost all of his ambition. All that drive he had towards that one goal is completely gone."

"The pot calling the kettle black." Futaba argued, "You know what happened? Black Condor realized his goals had changed, and he realized that he didn't always have to do things independently! And he realized that to grow, you actually need people around you to f*cking challenge you! He realized it was such a hollow existence to live without people to live for. He gained ambition in a different way. People change, Akechi!"

Akechi gritted his teeth and looked away. He doesn't like this; He doesn't like whatever this is. He doesn't need Futaba's pity after what he did to her. He doesn't need this pep talk or whatever she is trying to do. He deserves nothing from Futaba Sakura.

"Don't you… don't you dare make my mother's murder in vain. Don't let Shido get away with this. Take some f*cking responsibility, Goro Akechi." Futaba implored him with a deadly serious tone that Akechi has never heard her use, her voice demanding, "Are you going to let Akira's sacrifice go in vain as well? Are you just going to let Shido get away with this?! Are you about to give up on the justice you so desperately wanted that paid Akira as the cost?! If you are so upset about Black Condor giving up on his ambition, realize you are doing the same exact thing!"

Futaba is right. Akechi doesn't do things half-assed. Akechi chooses a path and sticks to it; he doesn't bend under the will of others. To lay here in Akira's bed, hoping the feeling of him doesn't fade from the covers, makes him as pitiful as a widower who can only cry till the day they die.

That isn't Akechi, and he is sure that will never be him, so he should stop acting like a pathetic little child. People come and go; Akechi knows that very well. He should have known, Akira wasn't going to be any different. Akechi has to stand on his own feet. Akechi has to see this through to the bitter end. If he doesn't, then everything he has worked for was for nothing.

"Alright, fine. Call the goddamn meeting." Akechi grunted, pulling himself off the bed, preparing to get the table ready for the onslaught of Phantom Thieves about to storm Akira's room, the crowd of people he is so not prepared to face. Still, Futaba is persistent, and Akechi won't give in. He has too much pride, "We'll discuss options."

"On it." Futaba nodded, pulling out her phone, "They are already on their way. I better get some snacks ready."

"Akechi-san…you look tired." Haru pointed out unhelpfully when they all gather in the attic. The table is set up in its usual way, but Akechi feels weird since he had usually stood against Akira's window in group meetings. Now he's sitting in Akira's chair because it would be strange if he wasn't sitting with the rest of them. There is a palpable tension in the room that Akechi can surmise is not only from Akira's passing but also from the fact that Shido's heart may have changed, but the public doesn't give a flying f*ck at all.

Everyone looked drained, mentally and physically. It's probably one of the quietest group meetings that Akechi has gone through with the Phantom Thieves.

"Kurusu's old ass analog TV has been glitching on at night…." Akechi sighed with frustration, crossing his arms as he glared at all of them. He left out the fact that technically, he hasn't actually seen the TV turn on, just the sound of it. And he is sure they are all analyzing the bags under his eyes, but he wants to point out, most of them have just as heavy as bags under theirs as well. They shouldn't be singling Akechi out. "It's been keeping me up."

"For real?" Ryuji muttered, surprise on his face as he looked up from where he was twiddling his thumbs awkwardly.

Futaba looked at him strangely, tilting her head in confusion. Akechi is about to ask why but he assumed it's because Akechi hasn't told her that. He doesn't know why that would surprise her, though. Morgana is quick to jump from the table to the table the TV is on.

"Uh… Akira's TV isn't plugged in. It never is." Morgana clarified, using his paw to bring the unplugged chord from behind the TV, and swatting it closer so Akechi can see, before adding with a confused tone, "He only plugged it in when we were playing games or watching a movie. But other than that, he just always made sure it was unplugged. So…uh, not sure what you think is happening…but, I'm not sure a TV can turn on without a power source?"

"Great. So, I'm going insane." Akechi huffed as he felt stupid; he hadn't thought to check the outlet the TV was plugged into. He feels like his tension headache getting worse. It wouldn't be the first time he had weird f*cking visions, "What's new. Hooray."

"It's probably just stress." Haru tried to politely reassure him, but it comes off awkward.

"Why?" Makoto asked curiously, turning to address Morgana, "Why did he take the effort to unplug it?"

"Do you think…" Yusuke piped up, biting his lip as he stared at the Jagariko in his hand, "Do you think that was because of that urban legend he shared with us? The one about the channel that came on at midnight in his own town?"

"The midnight channel?" Ryuji wondered before his face scrunched up, "Huh, do you think that's why? I mean, I wouldn't blame him; from what he said, I'd be freaked out too. That was a creepy story."

"Yeah, especially if it came on at night." Ann added, her face expressing discomfort as she twisted the ends of her ponytail, "I'd be paranoid too…."

"Maybe it had something to do with fire danger," Haru mentioned, seemingly wanting to squash the idea of the midnight channel. Akechi agreed with her; it wasn't a topic they should get too deep into as it would be a waste of time. She continued, "I'd imagine the outlets up here are quite old; perhaps he was only trying to be considerate in not keeping too much plugged in and accidentally starting an electrical fire."

"I think—" Makoto is about to say, but to all their surprises, Haru cut her off.

"Mako-chan, I think we should stick to the topic. The public isn't responding to Shido's change of heart, and we should figure out why and what to do about it." Haru said sternly, patting Makoto's shoulder.

"Yes, it is quite troubling." Yusuke nodded, his face looking forlorn as he munched on his snack. "None of the students at Kosei have said anything besides Hifumi-san. Everyone has been treating it as Shido is only stressed from the upcoming elections, but they'll continue to support him regardless. After everything, he had come clean about…."

"I got a text from Mishima…uh since…Akira obviously wasn't answering him…." Ryuji tagged on, with a grimace on his face as he revealed why before sidestepping that issue to talk about what Mishima had said, "He was telling me about how no one is responding on the Phantom Aficionado website either. Its sort of like, everyone is now treating us like we don't exist…and it's weirding him and me out."

"What?!" Morgana sputtered, "Treating us like we don't exist?! They all saw our calling card! What did they think it was?!"

"A hoax?" Haru offered with a concerned look on her, "But…how can they explain away the rest of our targets? Our calling cards have made it into the public before. And the public knows that the targets all publicly admitted their crimes!"

"We've become such a presence; how could they think we don't actually exist?" Ann murmured.

"Akechi, want to weigh in?" Futaba asked, giving him a pointed look. Akechi sighed. Is this what he has come to, being threatened by a little girl? He supposed he should pull his weight.

"I know about as much as you all." Akechi shook his head but folded his arms and stated what he has been thinking about. "As for Shido's press release not being discussed on the news. I imagine that has to do with Shido's counsel stopping that from happening. We all know how far Shido's roots have stretched. There are a lot of people who want him in power because they'll be compensated for it. It's fair to assume there is a lot of covering up going on. However, that does not explain the people who had seen this broadcast live after seeing our calling card before. The fact of the matter is, no matter how much they cover it, it still happened live. Therefore, people have seen it, which is the issue."

"Yeah, I assumed the censoring of the news was a political thing. But how can they persuade the public that we don't exist so easily? How could they explain away that calling card with all of them sans Akechi in it?" Makoto shook her head as she tapped her finger on the table. "That bit doesn't make sense at all. The public has had varying reactions about it, quite huge. They loved us before Okumura; we were even known overseas. Then, when Okumura was killed, they all treated us like criminals and openly slandered us. The public has never been neutral with us or completely disregarding our existence as a group at all! They had never dismissed the idea we existed except when the original team targeted Kamoshida, which is fair since it was the first heist."

"I wouldn't discount how news plays into the public's eye. Trust me. I know just how easily the public can be dissuaded with a charming smile and a beautiful lie," Akechi scoffed, making an allude to his own media experience before frowning. "However, I will agree, the dismissal of the Phantom Thieve's existence isn't normal. It's quite strange what has been going on. You are right there, unlike Medjed, the Phantom Thieves have put out concrete evidence that they exist in the world, from the calling cards, changing of hearts, and the aftermath."

"Yeah, this is whack!" Ryuji growled, shaking his head, "Something really ain't right here."

"I'll agree with you there." Ann frowned, twisting her ponytail, "We have to do something about this. If we don't, they will put Shido in power. And then everything we did….it will be for nothing."

"Akira's sacrifice…will have been in vain…." Yusuke muttered quietly.

Akechi wanted to correct them, but he knows it won't do anything except lower morale once more. Something that is already low enough as it was. If they were going to do this, they all needed to develop a plan and stick with it.

"Yeah…" Makoto added quietly, in the same somber tone, before raising her head up. "So, what we know is something is wrong. Shido confessed, and no one is doing anything about it. Meaning, we need to do something about either the counsel covering this up or the public's perspective."

"It would be dangerous to target all of Shido's counsel since they have Wakaba Ishiki's research and clearly did something in that Palace to make it violently collapse as such. Not to mention, it would be incredibly time-consuming to hunt down all their shadows. We don't know if they have Palaces or just wandering in Mementos. The elections are coming up, so we need to approach this differently." Akechi deducted.

"That's an interesting perspective." Yusuke nodded, "You are suggesting we target the public as a whole?"

"How!?" Ann sputtered at the idea, "How in the f*ck is targeting the public easier than targeting Shido's counsel?!"

"Mementos," Morgana said, in a serious voice, breaking through Ann's confusion.

"Mementos?" Makoto echoed him.

"Mementos is the Palace of the general public, right? We've already stolen the heart of Shido, which did absolutely nothing. But, Shido confessed his crimes. It's the public; the public is the ones not acknowledging the problem." Morgana explained, "Akechi is right; even if we take out Shido's counsel, that won't be a guarantee to change the entire public. Something is clearly wrong here."

"Yeah, but…" Ann bit her lip as she sat back. "Targeting the entire cognition of the public? I mean…is that really feasible? Is that really something we should be doing? We already got backlash for one target, saying things like how this is akin to extortion or brainwashing. Targeting the entire public to change their heart? I mean… doesn't that seem a lot like brainwashing?"

The idea ultimately intensifies the tension over them. Akechi has had a similar thought pattern about the Phantom Thieves of heart's method of changing hearts. While it's changing cognition, it's in a very grey area of whether that is moral or not. He'll agree all of the Phantom Thieves targets were corrupted and needed to be brought to light. But, changing the entire public? That's an entirely different ethical problem being presented.

"Yeah but, If we don't do anything, Shido is going to take office. And even if Shido's heart has changed, it is likely he will no longer be making the calls." Makoto shook her head with a concerned expression.

"We don't have to make a decision on whether to change the public yet…we don't even know if we can." Morgana reassured them, "But, we all know something feels wrong, so investigating Mementos, the general cognition of the public might give us some clues as to what is going and why the public is acting like this. Based on that knowledge, we'll be better equipped to make a more informed decision."

"Mona's right." Futaba nodded, "I think I could tell if something was off. We wanted to get to the bottom of mementos anyways, right? It's not as if we have any options. Targeting Shido's counsel would be difficult as we don't know exactly how many there is, and it would be time-consuming."

None of them particularly want to go into Mementos after what happened. But Morgana and Futaba are right; they really don't have many options. Mementos is the only way to possibly figure out what is happening. Mementos could be their only answer.

"Yeah…I guess." Ann shook her head, looking reluctant.

"We have to do this," Yusuke said, his face hardening. "For Akira…We need to make sure Shido doesn't make it to power. Akira gave everything to stop that, and we need to make sure to make good on that."

"You're right." Ryuji nodded, with a determined look on his face as he extended his hand to the middle of the table, "For Akira."

The rest of the Phantom Thieves nod, putting their hands (and paw) on top of his, and all say, "For Akira."

"It feels like we are getting nowhere." Ann groaned from where she is leaning over the seat of the Morgana Bus. They've been at this for hours, circling down the floors they haven't explored before. The tunnels of Mementos get more twisted and more distorted the deeper they descend, in a creepy sort of way that is different from the upper levels of Mementos. Now the tracks look like rotten bones, and with every turn they make, she's afraid she'll run into another set of gravestones. She hates it. It's scary and macabre. She is scared of what they'll find at the bottom. Is this why Akira hated it so much?

"Yeah, my ass hurts," Ryuji complained from next to her, leaning back in the chair with exhaustion. "You couldn't have had more comfortable seats, Mona?"

"I don't choose what sort of bus I turn into!" Morgana's voice argued from the radio, surrounding them in the car, "Don't mess up my seats!"

"Perhaps we should head back for the day?" Haru offered, looking just as tired as the rest of them. "We explored a lot…given the circ*mstances."

Ann frowned, the circ*mstances being the fact the battles were a lot tougher on them. It felt like that one time where Akira wasn't on their time before Okumura's Palace. They are really feeling his loss in strength. Working together, they've taken down the shadows but, it was a longer process than when Akira would just decimate them. Not only that, without Akira's insta-kill skill thing he did, they actually had to stop for battles now. Akechi is as careful as he can to avoid the shadows but, there is so much he can do with how narrow the hallways were and how many shadows were roaming the lower floors.

Ann feels her mood drop thinking about it. They relied on Akira so much.

"Wait, just a little bit more, please," Futaba announced, her screens hovering around her. "I swear I keep feeling like I'm sensing something, and it feels different than the rest of Mementos. We are getting closer, our problem. Maybe? I'm not sure, but it is worth checking out if it really is our problem."

"Are we nearing the bottom of mementos?" Makoto wondered, leaning over her seat to see what Futaba is looking at. Ann knows it's futile since it's a coding language only Futaba can read.

"I don't think so, not yet; this is something different. I'm not sure…which is why I want to check it out." Futaba muttered as she tapped on another screen, "But seeing as we are close and I can't pinpoint it in this car, let's give all of our asses a break and walk a bit."

Ann thanked the heavens for that idea. Her legs were getting cramped up, and she desperately needed to stretch them. She hates how her suit is skintight and sticks to her skin. She is glad she can't chafe in the Metaverse, or it would be a problem.

They all get out. And instantly regret the decision.

"It's… it's rather creepy." Haru stuttered, looking around the hallways that glowed red and green. Ann agreed; it's even worse outside the bus.

It's deathly silent in these tunnels. All they can hear is the occasional groan from a shadow far off. The air isn't exactly cold, but it's not welcoming either. It feels stale and scarce. There are red wires that Ann would honestly describe as veins following the bone tracks that are rotting. Ann feels like something is watching them or waiting for them. A harrowing feeling. The negative energy is nearly suffocating.

It's dismal. Ann hates it. Ann doesn't blame Akira for his hatred of Mementos after this. Mementos has gotten times worse. And maybe, Akira hated Mementos because he could sense this abysmal energy. She has no idea why Jose chooses to live here.

"Y-yeah…" Ryuji agreed, looking around with an expression of paranoia. "Yeah, I might sh*t my pants, to be honest."

"It does have a rather macabre feeling to it." Yusuke agreed, looking a little green in the gills himself, but Ann rationalized that could be the green from the fluorescent lights overhead.

"Oracle, do you have a direction we should be walking in, or shall we all stand around in the open like sitting ducks?" Akechi asked her; Ann actually thinks he fits in with the scenery with his twisted dark outfit. He even had claws for hands. Ann wondered if that's where the codename Crow actually came from. But, even then, it doesn't exactly look like a crow. Ann can't figure out what Akechi is supposed to be.

"Um…" Futaba hummed with uncertainty as her fingers dance across the screens in front of her. "Um…"

"I think I'd rather be back on the bus." Haru shook her head, shivering a little, "I'm getting a really unsettling vibe. We haven't been on this floor for too long, but it feels like the reaper is going to pop out at any moment."

"Y-yeah. At least we should hear the tell-tale of the chains rattling when if it does come." Ann sighed, folding her arms as well.

This tunnel of mementos is making her feel exposed, more exposed than usual.

"Oracle!" Akechi asked again, more irritated. It seemed the atmosphere is getting to him as well.

"I-I-I- I'm sensing something! But—" Futaba sputtered, bringing up even more of her myriad of screens as she looked around the tunnel, "It feels familiar but different. I think—it's—"

Something none of them are expecting to happen. A little girl's voice echoed around the walls of the tunnel from behind them, as well as two pairs of footsteps pounding against the twisted train tracks that resemble bones more than they do a pair of tracks. The tunnel is so quiet that they aren't sure where the noises are coming from or what it is. It sounds like a human? Maybe Jose? But even then, it doesn't sound like his car or his voice at all.

"What the f*ck?!" Ryuji spun around, trying to find the noise, and Ann does the same.

"Oh, Miss Rabbit! Please! Please wait up!" The little girl's voice shrill calls out clearly from behind them. They turn to see a blur of black push past them in a frenzy, running desperately towards something.

"K-Kaguya?!" Ann sputtered, quickly turning her head to see the persona darting down the tracks. She is smaller than before, and her disk (Wings?) were gone and leaving only her humanoid figure. Her hair billowed behind her as she ran nearly out of their sight. And she was running. Not jogging or whatever Ryuji is doing. She was running like her life depended on it, her arm outreached. She didn't even pay them any mind as she bounded over them.

The sight is startling because what the f*ck is Kaguya doing down here?

"Please!" The little girl's voice desperately calls out again, and this time they see Alice pushing through them clumsily, chasing Kaguya with all the speed her little black shoes can take her. She's holding her skirt in a way a little English girl would, and she's waving her hand, trying to get Kaguya's attention. But Kaguya seemed to be in quite a hurry.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (45)

"A-Alice?!" Ryuji stuttered, voicing all of their surprise in seeing the persona. Because, if Alice is there, then, wouldn't Akira be there as well? But Ann knows that is not possible, was it? Their personas never acted like that. And their personas never came out for that long of a time. But she has no idea what is going on.

"That was Alice, right?!" Makoto sputtered in confusion, also trying to make sense of the spectacle, "Chasing Kaguya?! But that's impossible! Right? What was that?!"

"We need to follow them! Now!" Akechi is quick to commend them, not waiting for Morgana to transform into a bus before taking off in a mad sprint down the tracks after them. Ann agreed that isn't normal, and they need to get to the bottom of this. She also allows the hope to billow up inside of her like one of her flames.

Because if Alice and Kaguya were here…maybe…just maybe.

"Why are Alice and Kaguya here?!" Haru asked loudly as they all start chasing after the bizarre pair. "Oracle, does that mean?!"

"I don't know!" Futaba shook her head, struggling to keep up with the rest of them as she still has her screens up, "I don't…maybe? But I can't be sure. I don't; I don't sense him necessarily. But sort of get a reading from Alice and Kaguya? So, I'm really not sure what is going on! They might just be shadows! Similar looking but not the same as him, I'm not sure!"

"Yeah, I think that goes for all of us!" Makoto sputtered as they make a quick turn to keep up with Alice, who is a lot faster than any of them realized. Her blond hair fluttering behind her. She doesn't look entirely like Akira's Alice. Because she seems so innocent as she begged Kaguya to slow down and asked her where Kaguya was going.

"Please, Miss Rabbit! Do tell me, what are you late for?!" Alice sputtered, waving her hand frantically, "Please tell me! I'm awfully curious! I've never seen a rabbit quite like you before!"

"Alice! Hey! Wait up!" Ryuji called out her, but it doesn't do anything as Alice doesn't focus on them. Nor are they sure that Alice and Kaguya can even interact with them.

"Alice!!" Ann tried as well, but just as she suspected, it's futile.

All of them turn another sharp corner to see a dead end and Kaguya diving into some sort of hole in the wall that is entirely out of place. And definitely not something they expect to see, but Mementos has a way of always shattering their expectations.

"Oh, dear!" Alice gasped, ineptly clattering to her knees to follow Kaguya through the hole, shimmying her way through until the Phantom Thieves lost sight of her. But they hear her voice echoing through the tunnel, "Wait!!"

"This is quite the spectacle!" Yusuke huffed as they all reached the little hole in the wall.

"Quit dawdling; we need to follow them!" Akechi huffed, dropping to his hands and knees, only barely fitting into the hole which was smaller than the usual vents they crawled through.

"Seriously?! We don't know where that leads!?" Ann sputtered, watching as Yusuke quickly follows, then Morgana, who is just as eager.

"No, but that ain't normal." Ryuji shook his head as he laid a hand on Ann's shoulder, "That might be part of the problem we are looking for. We have to go."

"Y-yeah. Your right…" Ann sighed, watching as he goes next.

"I really don't like the feeling of this, Makoto sighed, going next.

"I will admit, it's quite a small space." Haru agreed, following her.

"Oooof, Panther, can I go in front of you? Uh, the small space is tiny, and I—" Futaba nervously stuttered, wanting to follow the rest of them but was clearly a bit claustrophobic of the small hole.

"Yeah, go ahead; I'll watch your back," Ann reassured her. Futaba nodded and began crawling on her hands and knees into the hole.

Ann sighed and followed, wondering what was going on.

It's dark, it's dark and cold. Makoto does not like this. She does not like this in the slightest. She does not know where this tunnel is leading, but she can't see a thing, and it's pretty frightening. She thinks of stories of caving she had read, where people would explore caves. Some would get stuck, and, oh god, she needs to stop thinking about the fact some people are literally crawling into their graves. This isn't where they were going, right?

They aren't crawling into their own graves, right, and she's just paranoid?

"Hey! Any idea of when this f*cking tunnel is going to end!?" Ryuji called out from in front of her, and she finds comfort in his voice and reminded herself that she has all her friends surrounding her. Together they are capable.

"Yeah, it's quite dingy, and I'd prefer to get out…." Yusuke muttered, "Oracle?"

"I don't know!" Futaba cried out, a nervous tone, "My uh… it's too dark in here, and I can't sense anything!"

"Maybe you should have brought that up earlier?!" Akechi growled with frustration, and Makoto can understand why. With how many people there were effectively crawling through this tunnel, it would be hard to crawl back out. Taking longer going backward than going forwards.

"Then we just need to keep going!" Haru called out confidently from behind her, "Can't really go back now!"

"She's right! Let's just keep—" Makoto started to call out before the ground just gives away from under her. A bright light filling her vision as she feels herself free fall. Screaming from around her indicates it was not only her that was dropping. It seemed the entire tunnel has given way to some weird free-fall chamber. Black squares enveloping them as they fall deeper down.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (46)

Before they hit the ground, with less of an impact, their velocity would have suggested.

"OW! Holy f*cking sh*t, what was that?!" Ryuji cried out, from where he is sprawled out on the ground. The other phantom Thieves in various positions around him in similar states.

"The tunnel just gave out!" Morgana huffed, pushing himself up. "My fur! How rude!!"

"It was quite a surprise…one I'd rather not go through again." Yusuke sighed, brushing off his tail. "And a strange enough sight on the way down, I couldn't quite tell what it was supposed to be."

"Oooof, it sort of looked like a warp hole." Futaba muttered, pulling up her screens, "Like from a sci-fi movie or something. Thought, not sure why that would be relevant to Mementos. If anything, we should have seen that in Okumura's Palace."

"Yeah, the airtight lock puzzle was enough for me." Haru sighed, readjusting her hat, "I've had quite enough of flying through spaces without my consent."

Makoto looked around, trying to figure out where they ended up. It's a room, a big room, but the room's proportions feel a bit off for some reason. As if someone had built it so the roof slants and reminiscent of an optical illusion. It's strange. There is a sort of foggy yellow light illuminating the room.

"Holy sh*t." She heard Ryuji muttered as she looked at the back of the room and top, trying to figure out where they had dropped from since there was no opening in the roof to fall from. She turned to the other Phantom Thieves, who were also gasping in surprise.

It's a giant neon sign, like those they had seen in Sae's Casino, or reminiscent of ones they had seen to the entrances of rides at Destinyland. And that latter observation makes a lot more sense in the fact the neon sign reads in English.


In bold letters, outlined with multiple colors. The main body of the text being yellow, which explained why the odd room is bathed in the yellow glow. As they look at it, a sort of old-timey sounding fanfare resounds around the room. Similar to what they heard in Destinyland earlier that year.

"Mona, I don't think we are in Shibuya anymore," Futaba muttered, enraptured by the sign.

"Wrong movie!" Ryuji whacked her shoulder.

"Oh no." She muttered, instantly putting the pieces together. Alice. Kaguya. The tunnel and this sign? "We fell down the rabbit hole. And now we are in Wonderland."

"Wonderland? WONDERLAND?!" Ann sputtered, expressing their collective disbelief at the situation as she gestured erratically at the sign. "What is this?! This can't possibly be Mementos anymore, can it? I mean, what the f*ck is going on?!"

"I—I think this is still Mementos?" Morgana said hesitantly, his ears falling as he looked around. "I mean—"

"You are unsure whether this is Mementos?" Akechi wondered, a pensive look on his face as he tried to solve this mystery they have no context for.

"I get why…it feels weird in here," Futaba muttered, validating Morgana's hesitance. "It's not exactly Mementos, not exactly what a Palace would feel like. If anything, it just feels like…like the Metaverse."

"A pocket of the metaverse…." Akechi echoed, curiosity crossing his face.

"Yeah. It's…there isn't a treasure, I don't think? But I can't really read further past that door." Morgana nodded, pointing at the door underneath the sign, a similar red vortex that they've seen in Mementos before.

A silence falls over them as they look at the door. A morbid curiosity fills the room. This is unlike anything they've come across before, and especially in the Metaverse. Could this really be the reason why the public isn't taking Shido's change of heart seriously? Makoto is failing to see the connections, the threads that are supposed to tie things together. But this is the cognitive world, and maybe, she needs to trust her instinct and take a leap of faith.

"It's not exactly like we can turn back." Futaba mentioned, effectively making their decision as a group, "I don't think there is a way out of this room besides the door."

"sh*t. sh*t guys, Wonderland?" Ryuji groaned, unnerved as he tapped his foot on the ground, "It's fitting because I think we are going crazy. Look at that extra ass sign; it feels like a Destinyland ride. Oh man, what is going on?!"

"It's rather aesthetic, I think." Yusuke awed, making his fingers into a frame and fitted the neon sign into the composition, "There is a sort of beauty in the western cartoon aesthetic and the stylizations that came from it."

"Are we even sure this is the movie? Could be the book." Futaba pointed out.

"Wait… There's a difference?! For real?" Ryuji gasped.

"Like most movies, it cut parts of the book. But the premise is still the same," Akechi explained, "Alice follows a rabbit, falls down the rabbit hole, and adventures through Wonderland. It's a children's story."

"Yes, it's a rather popular one." Haru nodded, but frowned looking at the doorway as they all begin to draw nearer it, "Is that why it's here, though? The cognition of the people? We haven't run into other stories."

"Well, I suppose since this is our only way out, then we should investigate ourselves." Makoto nodded, "No sense standing out here. This could be our problem."

"It's beautiful!" Haru marveled as they walked through the winding trees of Wonderland. The greens were so saturated, the air is crisp, and there is a distinct wonder to this all. Like they are children seeing such majestic trees for the first time in their lives. Ryuji understands why they call it Wonderland now. Haru continued brightly, "Do you think we'll run into the Mad Hatter and the March Hare? That was always my favorite part of the movie. ~A very merry unbirthday to me—"

"To who?" Ann laughed back to her in a stilted melody, curtseying like Alice did the movie with a bright smile on her face that she hasn't worn for a few weeks.

"To me!" Haru cheerfully answered back, taking Ann's hand and spinning around with her like the teacups from the movie, dancing around trees and pebbles in the road like children. The light atmosphere of Wonderland is intoxicating, especially in contrast to the despair and heaviness of the lower floors of Mementos that they had been trekking all day. There are no shadows, no enemies, just the sounds of birds chirping in the trees and a light breeze ruffling at their hair. It feels like a warm summer day.

This is a nice change of pace. A nice reprieve. An oasis in the desert. A storybook excursion.

"Yeah, but, oh man…That ride makes me so dizzy." Ryuji groaned, thinking back to their Destinyland trip and how many times they went on that forsaken teacup ride. He feels a little sick at the thought.

"As long as we don't run into the Queen of Hearts." Makoto sighed, shaking her head with a small laugh, "I'd rather keep my head, thanks."

"So basically, don't steal any pies in a window, yeah?" Futaba chuckled, pushing up her glasses, "Muwahahaha, I don't know, I might get quite tempted. The aroma of a freshly baked pie drifting through the air, how could someone deny that?"

"Oh man, I agree, it sounds so good." Ryuji agreed, his mouth watering at the idea of it. It reminded him of when his mother made freshly baked cherry pies. The warmth of the memory lifts his spirits higher; perhaps he'll ask his mother to make one from him when they get home.

"I rather wish I had brought my sketchbook," Yusuke remarked; his fingers have become a permanent frame as he takes in all the spectacles of Wonderland. Glasses that fly around like dragonflies, butterflies reminiscent of actual toast and butter, flowers all around them. "There are many concepts I wish I could render. Perhaps I can come back later; I think I will feel quite inspired in this environment; we don't have such a place in Shibuya. It really does feel like the embodiment of a Destiny movie."

"Yeah…yeah, you are right." Makoto nodded, a thoughtful realization, "It looks like a Destiny movie. The colors, the atmosphere, the way the trees look, and the path we are walking. It really feels how they rendered Wonderland in the movie."

"I don't think I've seen Alice in Wonderland." Morgana hummed, "Maybe I should watch it, Lady Ann! Will you watch it with me?"

"Sure, Mona!" Ann laughed, patting her head.

"Oh my! A talking cat!" A little girl's voice gasped from behind them; Ryuji turned his head curiously to where they just came from.

It's Alice. But she feels a lot different than the Alice they are used to. She looks the same, with the straight cut bangs and the outfit similar to the movie adaption, but different in small ways. Her eyes are bright and gold, but she doesn't have the same unnerving energy she does when she fights. She feels like the little kid she is supposed to be.

"A-Alice?!" Ryuji gasped, wondering if this was the same one who they were chasing in the tunnels of mementos. She seemed to have that same innocent, curious voice.

Alice giggled innocently, skipping up to Morgana with a curious look on her face, "How curious! It's just how I'd imagine!"

"Uh, what?" Morgana asked, confused before Alice takes him by the arms and spins him around cheerfully. Morgana whined in protest, "Wha-hey!!"

"In my world, cats wouldn't saw meow! Cats would say, 'Yes, Miss Alice!' Everything wouldn't be what it is; everything would be what it isn't! And contrary wise, what it is, wouldn't be what it isn't. And what it wouldn't be, it would." Alice explained with the confidence of a child saying absolute nonsense, with a pleased smile on her face as if she had just given away the secrets to the universe.

"That feels like the extreme version of the opposite day," Futaba commented, "Basically, everything is opposite of what reality is? Wait...does that mean Wonderland is the opposite of Wonderland. Maybe not; oh man, this is making my brain hurt."

"That is a quite confusing way to explain it," Haru nodded thoughtfully, "A roundabout way, but I suppose for her age, it would make entire sense."

"In my world, cats and rabbits would wear pants, shoes, dresses just like humans would! They'd live in little houses and go about their day." Alice explained, excitedly with a childlike wonder they've never actually seen in her gold eyes. "And the flowers would talk with me for hours; I could listen to the sound of a babbling book and hear songs. Everyone would be happy and joyful. My world, I've wished for, would be a wonderland!"

"Wait, hang on, this is a song, right? This was a song from Alice in Wonderland, right?" Ann leaned over and asked Ryuji quietly, and Ryuji is thinking the same exact thing. He vaguely remembers similar lyrics. While he does admit, it would make sense to run into Alice in Wonderland. This Alice is very different than the one they know.

"Tell me, Alice." Akechi asked, kneeling down to her level, "Is this your world?"

"That's a silly question." Alice laughed, coyly hiding her eyes under her straight-cut bangs, "Can someone truly wish for a world and be granted as such? Why I wouldn't know, but I'd like to think this is. I'd like to live in a world filled with wonder!"

"Hey, hey Alice, why were you chasing Kaguya?" Ryuji wondering, thinking back to their first encounter with this Alice.

Alice blinked up at him with confusion before a bright smile washed over her face, "Oh my! I'd never imagined running into a Pirate as well! A talking cat and a pirate! How wonderful! Tell me, Mr. Pirate, have you sailed the seven seas?"

"Argh yeah, ye matey or something… whatever." Ryuji said in a terrible impression of a pirate, feeling stupid and deciding to just get to his point since he can't really explain he isn't a pirate before asking again, "So about Kaguya…."

"I am uncertain what the name means, Mr. Pirate--"

"You really don't have to call me that." Ryuji groaned as Ann snickered at him.

"But I did follow that black rabbit down the rabbit hole." Alice nodded, "I was so terribly curious; she said she was late! I wanted to know what a Rabbit could possibly be late for, perhaps a party! Something wonderful, I imagine! So I followed! But I lost sight of her…."

"I always thought Kaguya was supposed to be reminiscent of a Moth." Haru frowned, "It made sense with the wings and the antennas…have I been misinterpreting her wrong this entire time?"

"I thought she was a satellite disk!" Futaba gasped, "Like maybe something like a space queen; she has that sort of vibe."

"Alice, are you a persona?" Morgana wondered, pulling himself away from Alice, who still had a childlike grip on him.

"A persona? Quite a curious cat you are!" Alice laughed, holding her hand in front in a coy display before lowering it, "Haven't you heard the phrase, curiosity killed the cat?"

"And satisfaction brought it back." Yusuke finished the phrase for her before the statement could really set in for them.

"How fascinating, Mr. Fox; I hadn't realized it had a second part!" Alice gasped, before looking ahead of them, her eyes widening, "Oh! Oh, Miss Rabbit, there you are!!"

Ryuji turned to see where her gaze fell; at the edge of the path, they can see Kaguya is standing there, her chest heaving up and down as she had been running an awful lot as of late. Once she sees Alice beginning to chase after her, Kaguya takes off in the other direction.

"Alice, wait!" Ryuji called out, reaching out to stop her, but it's too later. Alice and Kaguya are already nearly out of sight with no hopes of catching up to her. Ryuji tsked; it looks like while Alice is chasing after Kaguya, they will be chasing after Alice herself.

"That was weird." Akechi commented, a hand on his chin, "I can't tell if that is the Persona, Alice, or the cognition of the public of what Alice should be. And how she relates to this world. Is she the source? Or simply an effect of this world."

"I would say the latter?" Makoto said, not entirely sure, "Some of the things she said were in the movie and book, I think. Even If she did describe Wonderland and what we are experiencing… it was in the original story."

"But…" Morgana frowned, his tail swishing, like he wants to say something but isn't sure how to portray it exactly.

"What is it, Mona?" Ann wondered when Morgana is hesitant to say what is on his mind.

"If…if this is the source. I mean, what she said about cats. How they would talk, wear human clothing and be like humans. Doesn't that sound like my situation? How I look In the Metaverse?" Morgana said quietly.

Ryuji suddenly understood. Morgana isn't doing this to only change the public's cognition; Morgana is doing this to figure out who he was and what his memories are. And he thinks the answers are going to be at the bottom of Mementos since that's where he believes he was born. But, even so, Ryuji can't help but blurt out incredulously, "Are you saying you are the Cheshire Cat??"

"No!" Morgana denied, shaking his head, "I am SAYING that maybe this is where I came from, idiot!"

"Well," Ann hummed, biting her lips, "Akira…Akira used Alice as his main, despite her not being his original. We've always wondered about that…maybe Morgana is right, and this has to do with the Metaverse and what's going on?"

"It's a start. A theory." Akechi nodded, before scoffing, "Yet if the problem we've been facing has been a f*cking children's story this entire time, I'll be so irate. None of this is hardly making any sense in the slightest. Wonderland? Some divine entity must be f*cking with us."

Ryuji agreed; none of this is making sense. Ending up in a children's storybook was definitely not one of the things he'd expected when he woke up this morning. Especially when they are trying to fix the whole Shido situation.

Wonderland feels nothing like Mementos. Are they really going to find their answer here?

"Don't worry, Mona." Haru reassured Morgana with a smile patting his head, "We'll figure it out. Finding out you are the Cheshire Cat wouldn't be the worst thing; he is one of the most beloved characters of the story. Just as you are one of our beloved friends!"

"Thanks, Haru!" Morgana nodded, seemingly feeling a bit better. "We should explore more; I'm really excited to see what we'll find!"

"But you know what would be nice…a map." Ryuji grumbled, "Wonderland is great and all, but I feel like we've been walking in circles. At least the scenery is nice, but if we are going to make some headway into this place, we should figure out where we are going."

"I think we should follow Alice." Futaba surmised, "If this is Alice in Wonderland, the story revolves around her. In theory, meaning Alice is our key to progressing and getting to the heart of Wonderland."

"Not the Queen of Hearts." Makoto sighed again, shaking her head, "It would be trouble if we ran into her."

"Don't steal any pies, and we'll be ok." Haru laughed as they began walking in the direction of where they had seen Alice go after Kaguya. Every path looked the same, but this seemed to be the best one to take.

"So basically, keep an eye on Ann, right?" Ryuji teased, nudging Ann in the shoulder, "Don't go around stealing any pies, ok?"

"Shut up!" Ann swatted him back, her face red, but she's smiling.

Ryuji's own smile fell, wishing Akira would have been here. Akira would have had a blast with the puns; this world feels like it's right up his alley. He would have gotten the biggest kick out of it, especially with his persona being Alice.

Akira would have loved this.

"Hey…" Ann frowned, noticing his moment of despair and her face mirrored his own as she quietly told him, "I know."

"Yeah." Ryuji nodded, scrubbing at his eyes, and returned to the wonder of Wonderland.

The Phantom Thieves walk a bit, the forest slowly thinning into a field of flowers—a tiny opening within the big woods. A field of white, brightening the trees around them. It's heavenly and peaceful. Somewhere Ryuji can imagine laying down on a hot summer day, under the shade, and taking a pleasant nap. A place where nothing could go wrong, and the nostalgia of summer just washes over them. This might be his favorite place so far.

"Oh my god." Ann breathed quietly, taking out her phone so she can take a picture, but then audibly pouts as she frowned at her dark phone, "Aww, it's out of charge…."

"It's beautiful." Makoto stammered, kneeling down to take one of the white flowers before Futaba is quick to stop her hand.

"Wait! Remember what Alice said? The flowers of Wonderland talk. I'd ask if it were ok before you accidentally go murder a flower." Futaba explained to her, keeping a respectful distance from the ring of the flowers.

"How interesting. She did say that. I'd like to have a conversation with a flower." Yusuke murmured before kneeling down next to Makoto and asked with an earnest voice, "Hello Flower. Tell me, what is it like to have the existence of a flower?"

All of them fall silent in case they miss the response; all they can hear is the light breeze around them ruffling the flowers and the birds of wonderland chirping in the distance. Adding to the lovely ambiance of the field in the middle of the forest. But, nothing responds to Yusuke's open inquiry. Ryuji waited with bated breath.

"Are you shy? I had not taken you for violets with that milky white coloring." Yusuke wondered with a pensive look on his face, kneeling down lower, gently touching the flower in an attempt to get it to respond to him.

"Yeah, uh, I think Alice was wrong, dude." Ryuji groaned, wincing in secondhand embarrassment as Yusuke continued to prod the flower. He turned to see Akechi looking just as visibly done with Yusuke's antics as he stood a few feet away, surveying the area as they looked at the flowers. Ryuji doesn't blame him.

"Maybe Alice meant differently? Or we just can't hear the flowers?" Morgana wondered, tilting his head as he bent closer to one of the flowers too before accidentally sneezing on one.

"Wasn't Alice like only an inch tall when the flowers talked to her?" Ryuji pointed out, remembering the detail from the movie he had finally watched a few months ago after their conversation about Akira's Alice. The details are vaguely fresh in his mind, and he does remember most of the main plot lines, "She shrunk, and then she talked to the flowers. They sang her a song. It was a musical number. Then they started being racist because she wasn't a flower. It was kind of f*cked up for a kid's movie."

"Oh yeah. I remember that bit. I didn't quite get it when I was younger, but those flowers were awfully rude towards her." Makoto hummed, frowning, "I wouldn't imagine flowers to be that mean."

"Mona might be right with saying Alice meant the flowers talked in a different way than we expect." Haru surmised, kneeling down to gently pick one of the smaller white flowers. She held it up; it's a pearly white and the petals curled in beautiful bloom. Ryuji is reminded of the yukata that Akira wore to the fireworks festival, with a red version of this flower. A unique flower than the rest since its bloom and the leaves don't actually touch each other like other flowers, Ryuji realized when he looked closer. It looks like a firework shooting into the sky, maybe that's why Akira had chosen it.

"Oh, you mean like that flower language you were telling us about?" Ann said, looking in closer and realizing what Haru was talking about. "Does this one have a meaning?"

"Fascinating, flower language. Symbolism." Yusuke nodded, interested in the topic shift as well. "I've seen it used in pieces of art quite a lot. Monet's water lilies, for example."

"I don't think he was painting water lilies for the symbolism, Inari." Futaba sighed, then gave Yusuke a sly smile, "Rather, it was the scenery that happened to be available. You are reading too much into an impressionist artist. All they do is put random brush strokes on the canvas."

"Slander!" Yusuke barked back, getting a bit riled up as he glared at her, "Monet was a genius and the father of impressionism!"

"It's a white spider lily." Haru broke through the tension, holding up the flower to the light, so it was in clear view of all of them. "White often symbolizes the purity and innocence of a child. But also, sometimes people send these flowers to those who they think are innocent of a crime or wrongdoing they've been accused of to say you believe their innocence."

"Oh, interesting. Perhaps Alice really was talking about flower language!" Morgana nodded his head as if he understood it now, "Alice is a child, after all. Children are supposed to also be a symbolism of purity. This whole place has that sort of innocent curiosity to it, no shadows and a light atmosphere. Very different than Mementos. It is based on a storybook tale."

Akechi rejoined their group with a scowl on his face as he scolded them impatiently, seemingly not even the wonder of Wonderland penetrating his sh*t mood, "Are we done with this stupid concept? It's a flower, for christ's sake. All of them have an equally idealistic symbolism."

Haru brings herself to her feet, turns to Akechi, and pushed the white spider lily behind his ear in a fluid motion. Ryuji snickered, Akechi talked big, but even with the even more disgusted look on his face, he didn't stop Haru at all. He simply frowned harder, folded his arms, and looked in the other direction.

"Not always, Akechi." Haru corrected him with a bitter smile, with a shake of her head, "This one can have a particularly tragic symbolism as well. It is said that the guardians of the leaves and flowers had fallen in love and had forsaken their duties. A God got angry with their nonchalant attitudes and carelessness for their roles. He separated them and cursed them so they may never meet again. This is why the flowers and leaves don't ever meet and often why this flower is seen as a sign of an unfortunate love. A representation of a relationship that can never be blessed."

"Bullsh*t. It's folklore based on the physical uniqueness of a flower." Akechi scoffed, "It's ridiculous."

"Even so, I think it's a rather tragic yet poetic story. Sometimes as humans, we come up with stories to explain what we don't know. It's not just flowers either; it's storytelling at its base. A constructive means of escape. A means to cope." Haru shook her head, "Not all flowers have the same symbolism, and they all have different things to say…for example, the red version of this flower means—"

A familiar laugh cuts her off from continuing her explanation, the sound bouncing around the field of flowers, and they've realized that all the birds have gone silent as well as the forest around them. A completely different feeling shrouds the field. A menacing aura sets them all on edge as they instantly ready themselves.

Ryuji feels the hairs on the back of his neck raise, wondering which Alice in Wonderland character they will meet next. He can't remember what character has this much pressure to them. The queen of hearts, maybe? Makoto won't get a kick out of that. But even then, he remembered the queen of hearts being somewhat comedic in the movie. This feeling is downright chilling.

"Curiouser and curiouser." The familiar voice laughed, emerging from the edge of the forest.

Ryuji's heart dropped.

"Wait—AKIRA?!" Ryuji sputtered as Akira walked into the light on the other side of the field of white spider lilies. Hands in the pockets of his school pants, but his walk is more akin to his confidence when he's Joker in the Metaverse. His school shoes crushing the flowers beneath his feet as he walked to the center of the field. His form is so casual and nonchalant that they are taken back by the spectacle because the last time they had checked, Akira was dead. This Akira doesn't look injured in the slightest.

Ryuji felt paralyzed by the ethereal sight. Akira standing in the middle of a thousand white spider lilies with that familiar smirk on his face. Starkly different than the last smile Ryuji saw on that face.

"Ah, it seems you've fallen down the rabbit hole as well. Come to see this place for yourself? I wonder what you could possibly be looking for here though I highly doubt you'll find it. This place wasn't meant to find things, it was meant to lose things." Akira laughed, but this time it sounded wrong. Uncaring, but more in a cruel way than Akira's carefree laughter. It has more of a sinister tone, and no one makes a move. But the atmosphere shattered. Something is wrong. This isn't right at all. The last time Akira had 'miraculously' come back to life, his words were warm and teasing. Now they are cold and chilling.

"T-That's—" Futaba sputtered, but her voice struggled to voice what she wanted to, and Akira pointed his gaze at all of them with a smirk on his face. Her breath hitched with emotion at the sight, "Your—!?"

Akira's eyes are a piercing molten gold that was utterly different in hue than his obsidian eyes. There is a smirk over his face, but it's a twisted expression their Akira would have never made in his life. Ryuji felt his heart freeze; that can't be Akira. Akira couldn't have…this couldn't be a palace. They had been in Mementos; they didn't activate the Nav at all. And Shadow Akira? This has to be some sort of trick. Right? Because there is no way Akira, of all people, could have a shadow. It was impossible! Akira was supposed to be dead!

"No way!" Morgana jumped back a bit, putting together the pieces none of them want to put together, "His Shadow?! But--"

"Astute." Shadow Akira smiled wider before snorting in annoyance as a scowl covered his face, "I figured that damn black rabbit did something, even after I hacked off her wings. For a pitiful thing that can't say a word, she is awfully annoying. Can't seem to shut the f*ck up. No one wants to listen to her anyway. She should just learn to give up, what's the point anyway?"

"A-Akira? This…this is impossible." Ann shook her head in denial with a thick voice as she glared at him, "Your—you're not real! You can't possibly be real. You're not him! Who are you?!"

"Oh! I could say the same for you!" Akira barked, his grin intensifying, "After all, who defines what is real or not? I don't think you are my real friends, and you don't think I'm real. So where is the truth in that, huh? It seems we are at an impasse. Yet, no matter what direction we take, it doesn't matter. We'll end up at the same place anyway. Believe what you want; it doesn't matter in the long run."

"Real friends?" Makoto breathed, voicing their confusion at the strange wording, "If you aren't real, how would you even clarify if we were Akira's real friends or not? You…you can't be Akira. Akira is a persona user; he couldn't—You aren't making any sense! Who are you!?"

"Let me explain, Makoto!" Shadow Akira huffed, tilting his head up as he gestured to all around him with an exaggerated voice, "This is what reality is. If you don't like it, then let's end it right here. I'll make it quick."

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (47)

"What are you even going on about?!" Akechi interjected, a sneer in his voice, "You know just as well as we do, the Metaverse can hardly be called reality!"

"Yeah, that is ridiculous!" Ann shook her head, "What are you talking about, reality?! You are making no sense!"

"Yeah! This isn't in reality; if you haven't checked, we are in Wonderland! Did you not see the f*cking obnoxious neon sign outside your doorstep?!" Ryuji growled because he doesn't like this one inch. This can't be Akira. Makoto is right; Akira is a persona user, meaning he shouldn't have a shadow even if he wasn't dead. Not only that, but Akira was also never this downright creepy. This couldn't be a palace since they literally fell down a hole in Mementos and Akira doesn't have distorted desires because Akira was dead! Nothing is making sense right now. It's driving Ryuji up a wall, and this guy wearing Akira's face is the icing on the cake. Ryuji's heart is beating a mile a minute. He does not want to believe this.

Akira laughed hysterically, his golden eyes glinting at Ryuji in a sinister way that makes chills go down Ryuji's spine, "Now that's comedy! Wonderland? You think this is Wonderland?! A f*cking paradise?! You think this is some children's story where the main character learns a lesson and gets a happy ending?! Is that the idealistic crap you believe in?!"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (48)

"If you really are Akira…then, can't you just tell us what is going on?" Yusuke pleaded, trying a different route than the rest of them. Ryuji has no idea why. Ryuji doesn't think they can reason with this thing. He doesn't know what Yusuke thinks is going to happen, but he continued begging, "Explain to us truly, what this is. Aren't we friends? Let's just talk!"

"Why? What's the point? It doesn't matter! It won't change the outcome of this encounter!" Shadow Akira shook his head, "Didn't you know? Dead men tell no tales. Doesn't matter what tale I spin; it would be wasted on the dead."

"You are the one who is dead!" Ryuji exclaimed, fed up with all the sh*t that is spilling out of this shadow's mouth, "You are the one who is supposed to be dead! So quit spouting sh*t! And stop wearing his goddamn face! You seriously going to hide behind that?!"

"My friends are dead to me." Shadow Akira said coldly without an ounce of emotion on his face, his gaze piercing into their souls, "You accused me of being a murderer. You told me that I killed all those people, that I was the black mask even when I knew it was Akechi all along. You didn't give me a chance to explain, but I guess that wouldn't have mattered in the end anyway. I knew that very well. You branded me a murderer. You judged me just like that judge had sentenced me to probation in Shibuya under false pretenses. You all knew my 'tragic' backstory, and yet, you didn't even think before branding me a goddamn murderer."

The words hit like a f*cking wrecking ball or a subzero avalanche. The words Shadow Akira is spilling feel like a knife twisting into Ryuji's heart as he is sure the rest of the Phantom Thieves are feeling as well with the devastated expressions on their faces. Was this actually Akira's shadow? If this were some random shadow, how the hell would it know something that didn't occur in the Metaverse? If it were some unexpected shadow, then why would its words cut so deep? Why would it have so much of an effect?

But, Futaba's shadow didn't act like this. So can this really be his Shadow?

"A-Akira—" Futaba shook her head, impacted by the scorn, her voice going wet, "We—it's not—I'm sorry! Please!"

"Aki-chan—" Haru begged, shaking her head before Shadow Akira cut her off/

"And guess what?!" Shadow Akira chortled with glee, his mouth twisting back to that sinister grin, "Congratulations! You were all right; I am a murderer! I'm the worst of them all! I've got a life sentence, so, let's make a toast, shall we?! I'm the murderer you've pegged me to be. You've solved the mystery, and I've never gotten rid of the ghosts!"

"Wait—what?!" Morgana gasped, as none of them expected him to admit to an allegation like that. Ryuji isn't sure what to believe anymore.

"You're not—he isn't a murderer. That was—that's not true!!—" Ryuji tried to formulate the words that he doesn't know the best way to say what he wants to convey, but Shadow Akira cuts him off.

"OH, You don't believe me? Ha, that figures! I should have expected that! Even after accusing me of being a murderer, you won't even believe it when I TELL YOU. Maybe I should have told you I was a murderer from the start; would that have absolved my accusation?!" Shadow Akira laughed dryly, giving them a look of contempt, before explaining, "The signs were all there, and you read them plain as day! Alice, for one, her insta-kill spell? A big fat f*cking sign right there that you latched onto. She is just as much a purebred killer as I am. Charismatic and Charming? Using that to avoid topics and manipulating conversations to how it suits me? Impulsive? The numbness and lack of emotion?! Come on, think! Textbook serial killer! I mean, look at Akechi for Christ's sake."

"That's—your—he's not!" Makoto tried to rebuttal but is just as bad at forming her words as well.

Akechi looked like he wants to say something, but he holds himself back with a frustrated look. Ryuji gets it, technically Akechi can't argue against that. But it is a rather cruel thing to say and something Akira would never say in his right mind. This was not Akira's teasing tone, and he would never take it that far.

"You all accused me of being a murderer, and you were right. I'm going to commit that crime all over again, and I can't stop myself." Shadow Akira smiled at them, with that eerie smile, "But I know you'll try."

"Why?" Yusuke wondered brokenly, trying to understand the situation that none of them can without context at the moment.

"Therefore…you need proper punishment." Shadow Akira said with a deranged look as he starts taking steps towards them with a deadly energy none of them were expecting. The tagline sends shivers through his arms and nearly left him paralyzed in horror because if this wasn't Akira's shadow…how would it know about that inside joke? Ryuji feels as if that alone absolved all the doubt. But he doesn't want to believe it. This can't be happening. Akira wasn't....Akira wasn't bad. Akira couldn't have desires this distorted.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (49)

"Impossible!" Makoto cried out in denial, readying her fists as she usually does, but her face is covered in confusion and terror, and her form isn't as confident.

"This—this can't be happening…." Ann shook her head in denial next to him, terror on her face. "Please, Please tell me this isn't happening."

"What are you doing?!" Akechi growled at him, taking a step towards Shadow Akira; unlike the rest of them, sword pointed at Akira's neck. "Stop this right now!"

"You told me I could never defeat you, Akechi, unless I came at you with deadly intent. Well, you should be careful what you wish for." Shadow Akira cackled, raising his hand to his face in an eerily similar position to how he would summon a persona and a deranged look of excitement in his gold eyes, "I'll make sure this fight will be your death! All of you! It's SHOWTIME."

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (50)

"No! Stop it! Please, Akira! We are your friends!!" Haru cried out as if it would make any difference, and none of them can believe this is happening. Akira's Shadow? Akira's shadow admitted to one being a murderer, and two, threatening to murder them as well with clear intent to follow through. If this shadow was just as powerful as Akira, then they are f*cked. They are oh so f*cked. Why the f*ck is Akira trying to kill them after saving them on that boat!? None of this is making any sense! Akira has never tried to hurt them! Ryuji knows everything Akira had done was to protect them, why would his shadow go completely against that?!

"Stop!! Please!" Futaba cried out in fear as Akira takes another menacing step towards them, "Your scaring us!! Why are you trying to kill us?! We are your friends, PLEASE!"

"Goddamn right, you should be scared of me!!" Shadow Akira laughed; blood is gushing down his face, making the maniacal smile even creepier, "Die! Die! Die!"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (51)

Ryuji remembered the moment, back at Kamoshida's Palace, where this almost same exact scenario happened. Blood gushing down Akira's face, his maniacal smile, golden eyes, and summoning Arsene to effectively save Ryuji's ass in the nick of time. Yet this time, it feels utterly wrong as the Phantom Thieves were now his targets.

The blood from his face dripped down, a few drops hitting the white spider lilies beneath him. Staining them red, and all of a sudden, they are standing in a field of red spider lilies, sucking the saturation out of the rest of the forest.A mask doesn't appear, however, as they all expect. Instead, Shadow Akira drags his fingers down his face, smearing the blood across his cheeks, the contrast of red and gold only serving to make his expression even creepier, "Alice! Ravage them!!"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (52)

Alice appears in a whirling light of curse magic, giving them an equally sinister smile as she curtsies, her dress billowing from the swarm of black light emanating from her. Blue flames lap at her skin, hair, and dress. This was NOT the Alice they met in the forest earlier who spoke of a beautiful nonsensical world. This Alice had the most malicious face they've ever seen her wear.

"Oh sh*t! sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t." Ryuji cursed on all their behalf because never had he fathomed they would end up on the other end of Alice's Die for Me attack. It was always a comfort knowing Alice was on their side of the team, but it seems the tables have turned, and he is sure all of them are pissing their pants since they all know the devastation that Alice can bring when she wants to.

Alice, like Akira said, is a purebred killer.

And all of them had always known they are no match for Akira or Alice.

"AKIRA! PLEASE!" Ryuji cried in a latch ditch effort because he did not want to fight Akira or any iteration. "LISTEN TO US!"

"Hey…" She said, with a feigned innocent as she does a little spin like a little child would who was acting cute before coming back to in front of them, her neck snapping unnaturally and her hands contorting, yellow eyes imploring them as she asked her signature question in a distorted high-pitched voice,

“Won’t you please D̸̘̅I̵̠̅E̶̳̓ ̴̹̿F̷̘̾O̸͓̽R̵̠ ̴̲M̷̬̕E̵̠͘?”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (53)

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (54)


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (55)



Does anyone understand what I am doing now? 😈

Chapter 24: Ocean of Tears


“I wish I hadn’t cried so much!” said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out. “I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears!"- Alice in Wonderland


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Up is down, left is right, and the answers you seek are not what you'll find. And what you believe to be true may not be."

Alice's coy giggle and childish attempt at a nursery rhyme rang through his mind as he crawled back to consciousness, and he thinks that it's absolute bullsh*t. A riddle? Of course, it was a riddle because it was Alice in Wonderland. Akechi has no frame of reference for what the ever-loving f*ck was going on anymore. He felt this really had to be Wonderland despite that Shadow's words because absolutely nothing is making any sense, perhaps him saying that was only a red herring for them. He doesn't know. But, he supposed, figuring out if they were dead is a good start to figuring out this hell of a mess. Figuring out if Shadow Akira had made good on his threat to murder them.

Akira had tried to murder them.


Something he doesn't want to think about at the moment since he does not want to try to process the bloodlust that Akechi had seen in those gold eyes that entirely didn't match up with the Akira he knew. Akechi was supposed to be the ruthless one. Akira's eyes had always had a mischievous sheen to them as if he were up to something or is about to say something ridiculous to Akechi. But, never had those eyes been so callous. Even when Akira had dueled him before, he hadn't looked so malicious. When they fought, he had the broadest sh*t-eating grin on his face, but Akira had never intended to seriously maim Akechi, even to Akechi's displeasure for a full-out fight. Proving this by healing Akechi quickly after taking him down with Kaguya.

And what Shadow Akira said? Akechi had never told Akira that he'd have to come at him with deadly intent to beat Akechi. He distinctly remembered that he did NOT converse with Akira before attacking when Akira dragged him into the Metaverse as he had been too preoccupied with his plan crumbling to bits.

Akechi groaned, deciding to focus on the present, feeling the soreness in his body talk hold. It took him a while to peel his eyes open when he deemed he is not dead, likely because of Loki and his eyes met with…a neon green blinking at him against a bright purple? What the f*ck was this now?

Akechi blinked sluggishly and let his eyes refocus to see the bigger picture. Black Hair cascading around him, large neon green eyes full of concern, and a pair of black rabbit ears hovering into his vision from where she has knelt next to him. Kaguya had a hand on his chest in worry, shaking him awake. Or alive. Probably both, if he's honest.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (56)

"Do you want to explain what the ever-loving f*ck is going on?" Akechi groaned, his voice thick and gruff, as he tried to bring himself back to his senses. He remembers falling away down before everything went black. There was nothing to catch onto; maybe they fell down yet another rabbit hole. "Also, explain where you decided to run off to or what he did to you?"

Kaguya peered at him guiltily, looking away as she seemed to be looking at the other thieves who are sprawled unconscious on the ground around them. She pushed herself up; Akechi weakly turned his head to look at her wondering what she was doing. She definitely is smaller than before, maybe between Ann and Haru's height now. No disk wings, leading Akechi to wonder about what that Shadow said about hacking off her wings. Is that even possible? She looks different but arguably fine.

He looked down slightly to see one of the red spider lilies on his chest. Was that the one Haru had put behind his ear? He swatted it off of him with a growl. Stupid f*cking flowers. Stupid flower lore that means absolute sh*t.

A warm, green light surrounds them when she closed her eyes and outstretched her arms. Akechi feels his energy returning to him in a rush, a pleasant feeling like a cool brook flowing through him. The rest of the Phantom Thieves begun rousing as they all gradually come back to consciousness. Akechi surmised it was Samecarem or Salvation. At least she still had her healing skills. Yet, it still doesn't explain the part she plays in all this. He sits up, as everyone else starts to as well.

"f*ck f*ck f*ck." Ryuji cursed up a storm as he pushed himself slowly into a sitting position, with a pained groan, "f*ckING HELL. Did we die? Are we dead?! f*ck Alice!"

"I don't think so…" Haru muttered, pushing herself up as well and shook her head probably to ward off the shock of it all, "But… Alice's attack…it—"

"She said something afterward, and we fell?" Makoto wondered, trying to piece what exactly had happened. "Then, we ended up here…but we aren't dead. I mean…I don't think we are…who saved us?"

"Akira…" Ann muttered, pulling herself up with a forlorn face," He…."

Akechi pieced it together quickly; Shadow Akira had tried to murder them just like he said. Bringing out Alice, Alice indeed attacked them, but in the myriad of teddy bears they tried to fight off, he remembers her giggling about how nothing was like it seemed and the forest ground below them had given way. All of them plummeting much like they did when they had 'fallen down the rabbit hole.' This time was a much farther fall.

Had Alice actually saved them in the end? Or did Kaguya do something? It's up in the air at this point. He's leaning towards Kaguya.

Futaba lets out a strangled cry when she gets up, a heart-breaking sob because the reality of the situation is hitting all of them as they come back into awareness of what just happened to them. Shadow Akira had tried to murder them with such a cruel smile on his face as if he had no hesitation with the act.

"HE! Why would he?!" Futaba wailed, shaking her head as she tried to catch her breath, "I don't understand! My Shadow didn't try to m-murder me! She took me and showed me t-t-the truth, S-she wasn't like that at all! W-why—?! I don't understand! A-all the things he said—they couldn't have been true! Could they?!"

"Futaba…" Ann frowned, a similar look of shock and disbelief on her face as she moves to comfort the other, but Kaguya beats her to it.

Kaguya is quickly knelt by Futaba's side, holding her close with one arm and wiping Futaba's tears with her gloved hands. Similarly, how a mother would comfort her child. It really lived up to her appearance and her innately healing spell set. It's an odd sight, especially since one of Akira's other persona just tried to kill them.

Akechi doesn't want to think about the implications of that right now because he needs to focus.

"Does this mean…does this mean Akira is actually alive?" Makoto breathed quietly, a horrified look on her face. "For his…his Shadow to be here…that means he had to have survived the blast, right? Morgana…Morgana, please tell us what is going on…Was that actually Akira's Shadow? Are we in his Palace right now? Oh, God."

Akechi turned from the scene of Kaguya holding Futaba like a child to Morgana, who is a mix of anxiety and uncertainty, his tail whipping back and forth rapidly. All the Phantom Thieves, with varied uncertainty, horror, and guilt, watch him and wait for the answer. Akechi doesn't think they are going to want the answer, however.

Akechi doesn't want the answer he knows, wrought with the anxiety bubbling in his chest from this all. The feeling of not being in control does not sit well with him, and he doesn't know what is even going on. Uncertainty was never a feeling that sat well with him, and even more so when it came to Akira's fate.

"Yeah." Morgana confirmed quietly since the other Navigator is currently in hysterics, unable to meet their eyes; he reconfirms in a dry voice, "Yeah, that was Akira's shadow, alright."

"No!" Haru cried wetly, "He couldn't—Mona—He is nothing like Akira!"

"f*ck!" Ryuji cursed seemingly as it's the only word he knows at this point, Akechi surmised. He shook his head and tore at his hair in a frantic cry, "f*ck f*ck, but persona users can't have shadows or a palace! That's what you said! You said it wasn't possible! I f*cking checked for a palace for him that one time and nothing came up! That can't be true—it can't!"

"It isn't! I know!" Morgana argued back, his eyes wide and his voice strained, "A persona user can't have a shadow or a palace! But, you all know Akira is different than us! And… it's entirely likely that Akira might not…be…a persona user anymore. I don't know. Ok? I know about as much as you guys do!"

"May not be a persona user anymore? How…why?" Yusuke wondered hysterically, "Akira…he couldn't have such distorted desires! It's not possible; it's not him! The things he was saying…that wasn't him! We know him! He's never tried to hurt us!"

"Shadows are the true self that is suppressed, a side of one's personality that they don't want others to see. It isn't always necessarily tied to a distorted desire exactly. Shadows come in different forms." Morgana explained quietly as he looked over at the scene where Kaguya gently ran her hands up and down Futaba's hair before turning back to the rest of them. "Remember Futaba's Palace? Her Palace wasn't formed out of malice, rather something else. Her Shadow was the side of her she couldn't confront…You don't have to be evil to have a shadow or a palace. It's just what we've encountered personally. And Shadows…. all Shadows are different. Akira is different; therefore, of course, his Shadow would be as well."

"He literally just tried to kill us!" Ann argued in betrayal, before frowning, tears dripping down her cheeks, "If shadows are the side of someone's personality that they don't want people to see…does that mean Akira really is a murderer? That he really…. really killed someone? Is his Shadow telling the truth? I don't get it. I don't get this at all."

"He wouldn't!" Yusuke denied the idea vehemently. "The Akira we know wouldn't! I won't believe that. We accused him falsely, and I do not believe he is a murderer, and neither do you."

"He…he was tenfold crueler than the other shadows we've faced." Makoto breathed, "He was so volatile…is that truly what he thought? What he thought of us?"

"Aki-chan…" Haru muttered quietly, "He didn't even recognize us as his real friends…If he is distraught over the accusations…He didn't say anything…If he was that sad from the accusations, why wouldn't he tell us? I didn't accuse him, but he didn't even approach me about it at all…and I'm assuming he didn't express that to you all either…to be that angry, however…."

"Hang on, but if Akira has a shadow, that means Akira has to be alive, right?" Ryuji sputtered, clamoring to his feet with a look of hope that completely defies the situation they are in currently and the topic at hand.

The conversation is all over the place, Akechi realized, all the Phantom Thieves are panicking, and rightfully so. There are so many things to unpack from that short yet terrifying interaction. Ryuji might have the most sensible approach for once. Akechi feels a little more determined at the idea as well; if Akira survived that blast, then they could really get to the bottom of this all and why Akira's Shadow had been like that. It's more efficient to go straight to what they think the source is. And not only so Akechi can give him an earful.

"If he had a shadow, then it is very safe to assume that he is alive." Akechi confirmed, getting off the ground as well with a renewed sense of energy, "I know very well that a person needs to be alive to have a shadow. So, therefore, Kurusu must have survived the blast."

"Then we have to find him now!" Ryuji exclaimed desperately, his eyes growing wide in horror, "We have to find him! We just left him in here! Since the explosion. For this long. We've left him in here! He's been in the Metaverse without any backup or anything!"

"But…but, wait, do we even know if he is here?" Makoto shook her head, pulling herself to her feet as she argued, "If Akira was alive… wouldn't he be in reality? If he…I mean, why would he be in the Metaverse? Wouldn't—wouldn't he have told us? I don't understand; I don't get this; how do we know he is here? He could have just left the Metaverse. He has the app; it doesn't make sense! If he survived the blast, then why did he not exit the Metaverse and reconvene with us?"

Akechi bit his lip. It was a good point; it was well within Akira's power to leave the Metaverse if he so wished to.

But, did he really wish to? Akechi remembered the moment Akira had 'died'; Akechi knew Akira didn't reach out to him or get on the boat. That is making him severely question if Akira had chosen to remain here and what his motives are. The appearance of Shadow Akira does not bode well for that. The alternative is the blast injured him so severely that he simply wasn't able to.

That's a topic he is unsure how to bring up. It isn't something he feels he could be so blunt with.

"So, he is alive, however, until we see him for ourselves…I can't say I'm relieved." Yusuke breathed, folding his arms with a haggard look in his eyes and a pained expression. "We don't know where he could be, in either the Metaverse or Reality. And to not contact us…does not appear well."

"And…his shadow saying things like that…." Ann grimaced, twisting her ponytail anxiously, before her voice cracked, "I think—I think we f*cked up. I think we f*cked up really bad."

Akechi watched as no one responded, but their faces show it, all the same, the heavyweight of remorse. Even Haru, who hadn't been in the group when the accusations were made, had a serious look in tandem. Akechi called them out on it when they had made the accusations, yet he feels no pleasure in how this situation has turned.

After Futaba has somewhat calmed down in Kaguya's grasp, she gently pulled away as she stands up, taking Futaba's hand and leading her towards something. Gently padding to the side of one of the walls where they are. Akechi takes a moment to process where exactly they are, seeing as they've all been too emotional to actually take in their surroundings. It feels like an underground prison. Rusty cells lining the sides of a river that flowed through the main room. Medieval? He doesn't remember this from Alice in Wonderland. Not even the Queen of Heart's castle.

"Holy sh*t. Wait, For real?! We are in Kamoshida's Palace!" Ryuji makes the connection that no one else besides Morgana could make since he and Morgana were the only ones who had been down here. "Why are we in Kamoshida's Palace?! We stole Kamoshida's heart! His Palace collapsed! I remember because I tripped and nearly died!"

"This isn't Kamoshida's palace." Morgana solemnly denied him, "It looks like his Palace, but if anything, I'd have to guess this is Cognition of his Palace. A memory."

"Are we…are we sure this is Akira's Palace?" Yusuke muttered, turning his eyes down as he continued, "We didn't…we didn't enter any keywords or use the app. Can this really be his?"

"This isn't a Palace," Morgana said, confusing all of them.

"What do you mean by that?" Akechi wondered how Morgana had come to a conclusion. Shadows of Akira's caliber had to have Palaces, didn't they? With this much distortion, how could it not be a palace?

"There is no treasure. I don't sense any shadows anywhere, which is incredibly odd. I don't have a frame of reference for a floor plan. I really don't think this is a Palace." Morgana explained, looking around hesitantly, "It… it's like Mementos, but not. Shadow Akira…I don't think he's a Palace ruler? His appearance…it didn't suggest so? But maybe? I really don't know. This is unlike anything we've seen. Unconventional. We need to be aware."

"A pocket of the Metaverse. A cognitive space." Akechi surmised, vaguely remembering Margaret saying something similar to that once. She had mentioned something about as long as the sea of souls exists, then pockets of the Metaverse would always pop up in some form or another. But, a pocket of the Metaverse within the Metaverse? Is that even possible?

Futaba gasped, catching all their attention as they turned to where she was standing next to Kaguya, pointing to something on the ground and one of the cell doors. On the dirt, next to the stone wall, lay pieces of a familiar-looking cellphone. Akechi puts the details together, the way it's positioned; it seems someone must have chucked hard enough at the wall to break it.


Akira must have chucked it at the wall hard enough to break it since he can see one of the faded stickers that Akira had on his phone on a piece of the back shell. It was the stupid one of the mascot Jack Frost from that children's show.

And it hits them all with a ton of bricks. Akira couldn't have gotten out of the Metaverse if he didn't have access to a working phone and the app. The smashed phone effectively made it impossible to leave.

Meaning, Akira had to be somewhere in this place.

"AKIRA!!! HEY AKIRA!!" Ryuji shouted hysterically, cupping his gloved hands to his mouth so that his voice would carry farther into the cavern. Regardless, his voice is loud enough that it echoed off the walls around them with desperation, "AKIRA! DUDE, PLEASE ANSWER ME! ARE YOU HERE? AKIRA, I'M SORRY! WE'RE SORRY!"

Before Akechi can tell him to shut up, Kaguya instantly slapped her hands over Ryuji's mouth, shaking her head at him in a terrified scolding sort of motion. Ryuji's protest is muffled as he struggled against her hold.

"You IDIOT!" Akechi growled quietly, a lot harsher than Kaguya's gentle scolding, "Likely, he isn't down here now! You are just inviting the attention of things we don't want to invite the attention of! Do you really want a repeat of what just happened?! Shut your goddamn mouth!"

"But We have to save him!" Ryuji frantically replied, ripping Kaguya's hand off his mouth roughly but did lower his voice a decibel. "Something happened! Akira couldn't leave the Metaverse, and he's in trouble. Maybe something happened after the explosion or not, but I can't stand here doing nothing! We've already f*cked up enough; we have to help him!"

"But we need to be careful!" Akechi argued back, understanding the desperation that Ryuji is displaying. This entire situation is very anxiety-inducing despite the slimmer of hope of Akira being alive. Even if Akira is alive, Akechi knows with the presence of that Shadow, Akira is definitely not ok, and they don't know why or what happened. Akechi will tear Akira a new one when they find him; he will make sure Akira knows precisely how he feels about this entire situation.

If they find him.

Ryuji bit his lips but allows his shoulders to drop as he calms himself down before turning to Kaguya, who is next to him, her hands on his shoulders like a parent trying to calm their child, "Sorry… I didn't mean to be rough or loud."

Kaguya patted his head in a reassuring gesture.

"Do you know anything about this, Kaguya?" Haru asked as they all come into a collective circle around the persona to see if they could get some answers. It would make sense if this was indeed Akira's Kaguya, "He said… he said he ripped off your wings. Is that why you've been running? Can you tell us what's going on? Is this Wonderland or not?"

"Yeah…you disappeared…and he didn't tell us what happened." Futaba frowned quietly, twisting her fingers, "Is…is this where you've been all this time?"

Kaguya looked away, almost with a posture of shame, before shaking her head and looking back at them with a face of determination. As she started gesturing hands as if to express what had happened, all while symbols flash on her LED screen face in rapid succession. She was quite expressive, so they all watch intently.

It looked as if she is spinning some epic tale, something important. Like she is giving them all the answers they need to hear. The answers they have been waiting for all this time that will bring context to all that has happened.

The problem is, no one can understand her as she can't say a word. She doesn't make a sound, but it's evident in her shoulders that she is agitated and worried, her arms flying all over the place in gestures. It's clear something happened to her and to Akira.

"Please…We can't—we can't understand you." Yusuke pointed out, the only person who had some semblance of a chance to understand all the symbols and gestures, admitted, with a heavy voice, "Please…."

Akechi now understands what Shadow Akira meant by her being talkative without actually saying a word. She is trying her best, but he can't understand a bit of what had happened. The infinity symbol flashes on her face a few times before she is flashing it like some beacon. But it doesn't make sense in the least. Akechi can tell she's desperate but frustrated with their lack of understanding. They all want to understand so badly.

"Why can't you talk?" Morgana wondered, standing near her legs with a helpless look on his face. "Could you ever?"

Kaguya's shoulders fall at the question, and she lowered her head into her hands with an expression of frustration before looking at them. A determined look in her eyes before pushing past them and darting for what Akechi assumed was the stairs like a mad man. As if she were chasing after something or leading them somewhere?

"Hey, wait! Please!" Futaba begged, darting after her, but Kaguya is far faster than any of them. She is up the stairs before any of them can stop her, "Kaguya! Stop!"

"sh*t, Kaguya!" Ryuji sputtered, dashing after her and Futaba, all of them follow in suit, their feet pounding up the stairs. They reach the top only to realize where they have ended up.

They are in the same exact room as before. Down to the obnoxious Kamoshida statue by the draw bridge and Akira's broken phone on the ground where they had run from, they are on the other set of stairs in the cavern. Akechi turned back; that can't be possible, can it? They had just come from that direction.

"No, but—" Makoto shook her head, turning her head to see if she could confirm what had just happened. "But, this is—"

While the other Phantom Thieves are frozen from where they exited, Akechi decided to go back the other way to test his theory. He comes out only to see the other Phantom Thieves' staring at him from across the cavern with shock.

"What the f*ck is going on?!" Ann exclaimed, whipping her head around back at the stairs, her eyes wide, "That isn't possible? Where did Kaguya go? We would have seen her leave!"

"It's a loop," Akechi called out, motioning for them to meet in the middle where Akira's phone was. When they all meet again, with hopeless looks on their faces, Akechi explained, "Whatever this is, it's messing with space. I don't think we can leave yet."

"We are just going to be running up and down those stairs forever then? How are we supposed to progress?!" Makoto sputtered, her breath getting fast in panic. Akechi understands the concern; it's a rather frightening thought when there is no apparent exit. It makes the cavern even more claustrophobia-inducing. Akechi does not like the feeling of being trapped that has become immensely more present from the realization that it probably won't matter how many times they go up the stairs. They will end up right back in the same place.

"I'm not sensing an exit." Futaba frowned, tapping her goggles anxiously, "I'm not sensing anything actually. It's like a fog has descended over my scans…I don't like this one bit. We are flying blind."

"What are we going to do?" Yusuke wondered with a concerned query, "The longer we spend in here…Akira could be…."

Akira could be in danger, and they might already be too late. They have no idea what condition he is in, especially after that explosion and the appearance of Shadow Akira, but they know it's not good. Time is a definite factor to consider.

"This feels like a video game I played." Ryuji muttered, kicking the dirt on the ground, "Where the entire game was just walking through the same loop over and over, but things changed. Do you think if we keep going up and down the stairs, will things change? I don't know how many times we'd have to do it, though…the game was far more than I imagined."

"But…but what if they don't?" Haru shook her head, "What if it's just this room? What if—"

"What if we are stuck in this one room forever?" Ann breathed, finishing the thought on all their minds.

Akechi raised a glove to his chin, putting his mind to work and not thinking about the alternatives that could happen. They need to focus on this first. The stairs lead to each other; therefore, taking them is futile. There are cell doors, but logically they shouldn't lead to an exit.

"Up is down, left is right, and the answers you seek are not what you'll find. And what you believe to be true may not be."

Alice's words before she nearly killed them pop back to mind. And Alice's words from before that. What should be, is not while contrary; what isn't should be. Confusing but, Akechi assumed that meant he needs to defy logic. This is Wonderland, after all, or at least some version of it despite what Shadow Akira said. Their answer won't be the obvious one, and things aren't as they seem.

"If this is Wonderland, and we need to think outside our normal logic," Akechi announced, keeping his voice steady because if they are getting to the bottom of this, they can't do it while falling apart over what-ifs. They have to focus on the here and now. He ordered them while pointing to the cells, "We need to check the cell doors. See if we can find an exit through them. If we can't, we need to check everything in this room."

"Your… you're talking about what Alice said, yeah?" Ann clarified before muttering, "Things what should be aren't…but things that shouldn't be will. The answers we seek aren't the ones we'll find…."

"Damn confusing…She was acting so innocent before then she tried to murder us." Ryuji barked in irritation with a scowl on his face. "Mr. Pirate, my ass…."

"I don't think that wasn't the Alice from before," Akechi said, starting to check the cells himself since everyone else was so stuck with this. How stupid could they be? They were the ones so worried about Akira, and they are standing there like a group of lemmings. He began peering into the cells that were locked, thinking of a way of how they could open them. Perhaps blasting them open?

"Huh?" Yusuke blinked at the statement, "What does that mean?"

"Yeah, she did seem different." Morgana hummed as he got the hint and started scouring the cells on the other side of where Akechi was checking.

"I get it." Makoto nodded, seemingly getting where Akechi was going with this. "We thought Alice meant the Alice from Alice in Wonderland when we were coming up with theories for her. It's apparent she is similar, but Akechi thought she was the story of the little girl who had died, became a vengeful spirit, killing children so that they would be friends with her for eternity. It was a folklore to scare kids into behaving. Two different origins. Meaning…if Akira knew that, or even not, there may be two Alice's running around. One with incredibly more malicious intentions than the other. It would explain why she acted so different."

"I don't like that." Futaba shook her head, beginning to search as well, "I really, really don't like that. I mean, you are right; I researched that too and found the story…but… it's like straight out of a horror game…."

"Wait." Ryuji stopped from the cell he was investigating, looking out to the rest of them with a horrified look on his face as he sputtered, "Wait, so you are saying, when Alice asks, 'Won't you die for me?' That's actually her just asking for friends? Someone to play with for eternity. Dude. That's so f*cked up and creepy. And also, kind of sad at the same time."

"I really don't want to think about it in that way." Ann grimaced, "Because…what does that mean about Shadow Akira claiming he is a murderer?"

"We don't know if those two things correlate at all." Haru reassured her, "So it's probably best not to think about it. Remember what Alice said; what we believe to be true may not be. The words that Shadow Akira said…may not be true."

"Then what is the truth…." Morgana frowned, his ears falling in with his mood, "Because they sounded pretty damning to me…."

"Clearly, that is what we'll need to find out." Akech scowled, "And I doubt it's going to be easy."

Because when were things ever simple with Akira?

Ryuji is a myriad of emotions at the moment, and this place doesn't help at all since it only reminded him of when he first met Akira. Ryuji is worried out of his mind; anxiety is crawling up and down his skin. His stomach is twisting uncontrollably. If Akira had survived the blast, then that means he had been in the Metaverse longer than what was safe without backup. On any other day, Ryuji knew Akira could hold his own, as Akira's strength far succeeded his. Akira was in a league of his own. He wouldn't have doubted Akira could handle himself. Akira was unshakeable.

Now he is severely unsure in that fact.

Morgana's theory of Akira not being a persona user anymore is even more damning because Ryuji remembers going into the Metaverse the first time without a persona. It was goddamn exhausting and left him with a headache for a day or so. He can only imagine what state Akira is in now if Morgana was right.

He feels like everything he thought he knew about Akira had instantly shattered when he saw those gold eyes piercing into his soul. Is that how Akira really felt? Had Akira been so angry with them but didn't actually tell them how he felt?

Ryuji frowned as he rummaged through the cell half-heartedly for the umpteenth time. Did they really even give Akira a chance?

Is this his fault?

He could have done better. Akira was his best friend; Ryuji should have done a whole lot better. Akira really did deserve better than some backstabbing friend. Ryuji gritted his teeth.

He turned his head up at the cots at the back of the room. This was the room they had been captured in. This was the room that Ryuji nearly died, and Akira saved his life. He remembered it like it was yesterday. He remembers weakly begging Kamoshida that he didn't want to die, the hopelessness of the situation before Akira swooped in and saved his ass.

Akira has done a lot for him if Ryuji is being entirely honest. Not only did he help Ryuji come to terms with the track team, but Akira made him feel like he fit in. Before Akira, Shujin just felt like a prison, somewhere he didn't fit in and didn't belong; and even though Ann was in a similar position, they just didn't connect. Ann had Shiho, but Ryuji didn't have anyone after the track incident. He seriously considered dropping out, with no plan. He kept trying to shift the blame on the track team, or Kamoshida...or even his dad. But, in the end, Ryuji knew that he was to blame. But, then Akira came. A misfit just like him. And then, everything else just fell into place. And Shujin turned into somewhere he could make memories. The Phantom Thieves turned something that he could make memories in.

He owes Akira the world, but he turned around and backstabbed the one person who was always there for him. Ann was right, they really f*cked up. They got tunnel vision, and Akira didn't deserve an ounce of how they treated him. Ryuji'svision gets blurry, but he quickly scrubbed his eyes at the thought. Right now, they need to figure out how to get out of here and find Akira.

Ryuji needs to make it right with Akira. Hell, he'll let Akira punch the sh*t out of like the track team did If he can make it right. They just need to find him. Ryuji prayed they find him quickly.

"This isn't working; we need to regroup," Akechi called from outside the cell. A sensible decision as they've been searching for thirty minutes, and between the eight of them, none of them can find anything—a perilous thought.

Ryuji is quick to leave, not wanting to be in this room anymore as it just makes him anxious and nervous, but as soon as he out of the door, it audibly shuts with a loud bang behind him, scaring the f*ck out of him. It had slammed shut, despite him not even touching the door. He jumped back a step, looking at the door warily.

"Ryuji! What the f*ck was that?!" Ann sputtered, making her way to his side in an instant with an irritated look. "Why did you slam it?! You scared the sh*t out of me! The sound echoes, you know! And it's f*cking quiet in here! Akechi told you not to make loud noises!"

"It wasn't me!!" Ryuji argued, putting his arms up to plead his innocence. It had surprised him just the same as well. He quickly turned back to the cell to see what had happened when Ann gasped loudly next to him, her hands gripping the bars and her blue eyes wide.


This caught all of the Phantom Thieves' attention as all of the race from other sides of the room to see if Ann's deduction was correct. What Ann failed to have gasped in addition because while there was Akira on the cot, there was another Ryuji in the cell.

"What?!" Futaba gasped, grasping the bars as the cell door is locked, only allowing them the view from outside; she waved her arms wildly through the bars, "Akira?! Hey! Over here!"

"Hey, wake up!" The Ryuji in the cell asked the Akira that was lying down on the cot. He seemed dazed with all that was going on but does not pay them any attention in the slightest at their cries.

"Are there two of you?!" Ann cried in confusion, "Is that Akira?!"

"No." Ryuji corrected her and quieted the rest of the thieves because he knows what this is. He knows exactly what this is. "This is a memory; this is when we got captured in Kamoshida's Palace. Our first time in the Metaverse. That isn't Akira. It's a memory. I think it's his or my memory."

"A memory? Is that possible?" Haru wondered, "None of the cognitive palaces have shown that before…."

"It would make sense. If this is a cognition of a memory, it stands to reason we'd see the memory here as well." Akechi deducted from where he stood in the corner of the cell door, watching Cognition Akira with hawk-like precision, "However…as for what triggered this memory… I'm sure Sakamoto has something to do with it, as he is in this memory as well."

"Yeah, this is when Akira and I stumbled into the palace." Ryuji explained, laughing a bit at the nostalgia of it all as he watched on, "The guard knocked us down and locked us up. It was high-key terrifying, but man, Akira didn't seem to care at all. Like, if you watch, he'll wake up and be all Akira-like, joking and such. He even said to me, 'you want to shovel out of here with a spoon, or shall we blast it away?' I thought he was the weirdest person ever. Even in the face of terror, he joked like no tomorrow."

"He would, though." Makoto shook her head in exasperation as she leaned in to get a better look too, "That's Akira…joking around in even the most serious of events…."

"That is quite like our fearless leader…." Yusuke sighed.

He watched as Cognition Akira sat up slowly and carefully. He looked up to Cognition Ryuji with confused, doe eyes that were wide with fear when he realized the situation they are in and said in a quiet, rough voice, "I'm fine."

Cognition Ryuji sighed, taking a step back to look around the cell, and said, "Man, what is going on? Is this some type of dream? Arg, what is going on?!"

"I really don't know…." Cognition, Akira answered quietly again, nervously fidgeting with his hands. He seemed to be confused and scared. Quiet and subdued. He was scared. Far more nervous than he showed the first time around.

"No! Hang on! This isn't what happened?" Ryuji shook his head in confusion since this is not what he remembered at all. Was his memory that bad? "I swear, Akira was not this quiet. He was teasing me! Joking with me, I swear it irritated the hell out of me, but it made everything a bit better! He made me feel less scared, really!"

"Then we can assume this is his memories of this event, not yours," Akechi pointed out, a calculative look on his face.

"Yeah," Haru nodded with a thoughtful look. "Maybe this is how he remembers it? Maybe he was so nervous that he doesn't remember how he interacted with you? I think it's understandable; I mean, you were taken to an outlandish place you knew nothing about and were locked up. It wouldn't be a surprise he was shocked. So perhaps, this is how he thought the memory had gone?"

"Y-yeah! I mean…I guess?" Ryuji shrugged hesitantly, not really buying the explanation, "I just—he seems different."

"I'll admit. This behavior is quite unlike the Akira we know…" Yusuke admitted, just as hesitant with the scene, "But, Alice did say, things are not as they seem. This really might be how he perceived it."

"He likes to be dramatic!" Morgana sputtered, "Why would he think it was like this?! Akira knows how much of a dramatic ass he can be."

"Is this some kind of movie set!?" Cognition Ryuji growled before rushing to the jail doors where the thieves are standing, banging on the metal demanding, "Hey! Someone let us out of here!"

It's like looking in a mirror, Ryuji surmised, except very eerie and odd. This Ryuji looked exactly like him, how he wore his school uniform, how he walked and talked, down to the minuscule detail. Yet, Ryuji feels like this isn't actually him. He knows it's a cognition. Obviously, he's standing right there himself, but. This Ryuji feels different, and he can't explain why. Maybe it really was that feeling when you look into a mirror and think, 'is this really me? Is this really how I think? Is this really who I am?'.

Cognition Ryuji ran back to Cognition Akira, who is still sitting on the cot looking shocked.

"Something…something doesn't feel right about this, guys," Ryuji admitted honestly; he really doesn't remember half of this going down. He remembered arguing with Akira about their situation, about how carefree Akira was when this all went down.

"What do you mean?" Makoto wondered, peering at him. Ryuji doesn't get to explain because they are at the memory where Shadow Kamoshida appears, walking into the cell as if he had just come from outside, even though it was more like he just appeared into the cell.

"Ew, that was the PE teacher!?" Futaba exclaimed in a disgusted tone, "was that a thong? Oh God, my eyes. A little warning next tome Ryuji, I'm too young for this. I'm pretty sure that's illegal…."

"That is…not something I wanted to imagine Kamoshida in." Makoto groaned, averting her eyes a bit. "Ever."

"It was not gentle on the eyes; his aesthetics are far off." Yusuke scoffed.

The mood quickly drops when Shadow Kamoshida started talking about execution, and his shadows start roughing Cognition Akira and Cognition Ryuji up. Physically throwing Cognition Ryuji against a wall, then Cognition Akira next. The scene leaves all of them stunned at the brutality of it all, and all of them immediately fall silent. Even Ryuji is stunned because he had forgotten how awful this experience was. He was too busy trying to survive.

Cognition Ryuji tackled one of the guards to get the attention on him so Cognition Akira could run away. Ryuji blinked; wait, had that even happened? He doesn't think it did. But he had been so shocked at the moment.

"Hurry up and get out of here!" Cognition Ryuji told Cognition Akira, who is shaking his head in disbelief.

"What's this? Running away and forsaking your friend?" Shadow Kamoshida laughed at Cognition Akira with that disgusting smile. Despite this, Cognition Akira's face grows into a surprise and a hint of delight at the comment. Huh? Why would he have made that face?

"He ain't a friend!" Cognition Ryuji corrected Shadow Kamoshida before turning back to Cognition Akira. "Get out of here!"

Ryuji understands where Haru and Akechi are coming from. That this could be the memory of this event from his perspective. But, Ryuji seriously does not remember this happening at all. He does not remember telling Akira to run since there was little time, and he does not remember saying Akira wasn't a friend. Even though it made sense since they had just met.

"This is truly awful," Yusuke commented, a feeling of helplessness in his voice even if they all know that clearly both of them survived the ordeal to start the Phantom Thieves. "To think this was your first introduction to the metaverse…."

"Wait—isn't this where?" Morgana breathed as they watch the scene escalate.

Ryuji never really got to truly witness this moment of Akira's awakening. He had been too busy trying not to die by Kamoshida's hand and was preoccupied, as evidenced by how the cognition version of his lay on the ground. He hadn't been paying attention to the boy he had only met an hour ago. Ryuji can only honestly remember the hopelessness of feeling like he would die at that moment, the fear that his mother would never know what had happened. A lot was going on at that moment that had distracted him.

So, Ryuji drinks in everything now he can take it all in without an ounce of distraction as the other phantom thieves are doing next to him because they had never got to witness Akira's Awakening.

No one had got to witness Akira's Awakening except him. But even then, he didn't get the full privilege. The big picture. Akira's every move and action.

Ryuji is thoroughly shocked. Cognition Akira is visibly terrified and trembling. Something Ryuji does not remember him being, this whole sequence…was wrong. The things Akira had said previously, was not the things he had said from what Ryuji remembered. It's like this Akira was a completely different person. Completely vulnerable.

This Akira reacted how he should have in this situation.

"Stop it!" Cognition Akira sputtered at Kamoshida, a terrified but defiant look in his obsidian eyes. It's clear he is terrified sh*tless at the situation but wanted to do something, just had no idea what he could possibly do. Similar to what Ryuiji had been feeling.

"Don't you dare tell me you don't know who I am." Shadow Kamoshida scoffed at him before kicking him back into the wall with a forceful kick, before addressing his guards with a malevolent sneer, "Hold him there, after this peasant, it's his turn to die."

Futaba audibly gasped at the seriousness of Kamoshida's voice as the guard walked closer to Cognition Ryuji, who is lying helplessly on the ground, unable to fight back; Futaba is sputtering at the horror of the scene, "Are you f*cking serious?! This is—"

"You…you went through this? You guys nearly died!" Ann breathed next to him, shuffling a little closer into his proximity as he tensed up, "sh*t Ryuji. And he—sh*t!"

However, Ryuji is only focused on Cognition Akira, who, despite being petrified, surges forward with a desperate look on his face at Ryuji's fate. Ryuji feels his heart clench; Akira didn't even know him. But he had been that horrified? Akira never took anything seriously. He had never worn such a panicked look as this. Did Ryuji just miss it?

Did he miss how scared Akira had been in this situation too?

The guards push Cognition Akira back into the wall roughly with their spears. The wooden bit crossed at his neck, but he struggled all the same against them. It doesn't do a thing, however, for Akira. It looks like a hopeless situation, but Ryuji knows this is far from over. Yet, he is desperate to see exactly how this played out.

"A Butterfly?" Yusuke sputtered as a blue butterfly fluttered by Akira's head, something Ryuji definitely didn't remember in the slightest. What the f*ck is a butterfly doing in a jail cell underground?

Then a disembodied voice rings around the cell.

This is truly an unjust game. Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my words are reaching you, there may still be a possibility open to you.

"I definitely did not hear that." Ryuji clarified because he does not remember the voice of a child in that cell on that day.

"Alice?" Akechi wondered, and while it seems plausible, none of them can discuss as another voice fills the cell. Completely different and an entirely different tone. Powerful and raw.

What's the matter?.... Are you simply going to sit back and watch?

Cognition Akira whips his pale face back and forth, trying to find the source of the voice. Heaving breath in and out and beginning to look really agitated as his obsidian eyes scan the room. Brushing past the Phantom Thieves that he can't see, but they all get a good look at the desperation he feels.

Are you forsaking him to save yourself? Death awaits him if you do nothing.

Was your previous decision a mistake then?

Ryuji doesn't recognize this voice either; he doesn't remember it in the cell that day either. But despite that, he instantly knows what this is. He knows precisely whose voice this is. And exactly what is happening as it was the same for all of them.

"That's Arsene!" Morgana voiced what Ryuji is thinking, "That's Arsene's voice."

"And this…this is his contract," Makoto said in awe, her eyes just as wide as the other Phantom Thieves when they put the pieces together. "This is the contract he made with Arsene. His true self."

Ryuji didn't think they'd actually get to hear his contract. None of them got to listen to the others, only by word of mouth afterward. Actually, being able to witness not only Akira's reaction but the actual contract being spoken by Arsene was intense. Ryuji's heart is beating wildly even if he knew the outcome. The excitement was there all the same. Arsene's voice just bled adrenaline and pressure.

Cognition Akira shook his head defiantly, answering Arsene's question without a word. But the intent is there, and it's plain as day what Akira had decided to them. The guard is raising a beaten and bruised Cognition Ryuji up the wall, angling his sword. Cognition Akira is thrashing in the hold of the other guards, raw desperation in his voice and movements as he cried out for Kamoshida to stop.

Very well then, I have heeded your resolve.

Cognition Akira gasped suddenly with the pain of what they all know is coming next, of what they have all gone through. His eyes wide, leaking tears and mouth agape as the voice filled the cell even louder as he trembled in torment.

Vow to me. I am thou…thou art I. Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice!

Cognition Akira is struggling in agony, not only against the guards but the mental anguish of forging a contract with oneself. Ryuji had only heard the agonized cries Akira had made before he unleashed Arsene on everyone in his vicinity. He hadn't realized how much Akira had really gone through to save him.

Call upon my name and release thy rage! Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to hell itself!

Cognition Akira let out the same blood-curdling scream that he had before. The one that demanded Ryuji's attention at that moment. And had once more demanded the attention of the Phantom Thieves watching from the other side of the jail bars. Cognition Akira set his steely gaze on Shadow Kamoshida with the resolve found.

Shadow Kamoshida turned to him, confused, and the guard holding Cognition Ryuji up dropped him to the ground.

"I won't let you!!" Cognition Akira screamed at Shadow Kamoshida before the guard next to him whacked him hard with the shield, his glasses clattering to the ground; after a moment of being stunned, he turned back. Joker's mask on his face.

He visibly struggled to pull it off, unleashing a spray of blood all over his face and his uniform. The familiar blue flames burst around him, golden eyes that are entirely different than the ones they saw earlier widen as the blood turns into blue flames as well, enveloping him. His smile turning into a fiery one that grows around him.

"ARSENE!" Cognition Akira bellowed, his outfit burning into the trench coat and vest they all know. A sh*t-eating grin on his face emphasizes how f*cked these shadows are going to be in the next few moments, as Arsene's form appears behind him. A fiery smile and a pair of large black wings spread. "RAVAGE THEM!"

His aura is damn powerful.

Even Akechi is enraptured in the sight of Akira and Arsene, standing in flames with an astonished look and wide eyes that are unable to look away as if he is truly witnessing Akira for the first time.

"Holy f*ck." Futaba cursed in awe at the fiery smirk.

"I am the pillager of twilight —"Arsene"!" Arsene cackled through the blue flames and chains, whipping around Akira's new transformed coat and pulling at his coattails. Arsene's wings are outstretched, making it seem as if Akira himself had a set of black wings protruding from his back.

"That power…that form…that look in his eyes…." Yusuke marveled, mouth agape as if he had found a vast inspiration for his next art piece, "This is truly…beautiful. Amazing. Stunning. Astounding."

"That's Akira." Ann breathed; her hands clenched on the bar with a clear voice. "That's exactly what Akira is. Arsene is the exact embodiment of who Akira is, of what I'd imagine Akira's persona to look like. That is Akira's true self without a shadow of a doubt. Alice does not even come close to Arsene now that I've seen him."

And she is right. Ryuji had forgotten exactly what Arsene was since Akira hasn't used him, and this was months ago. But Ann is right. Arsene is the exact embodiment of who Akira was. Alice nor Kaguya, nor Yosh*tsune did not even come close to capturing his essence as Arsene did.

Arsene was Akira's original persona, and Ryuji understands now. Even if Akira used Alice mostly, Alice wasn't him. Arsene was.

"Wait!—" Futaba gasped as the scene faded before them, the cell empty again. Leaving no trace that anything had been there in the first place—just the set of cots and no way out.

"He-he, really did that to save you, Ryuji." Haru stuttered, turning to him with a stunned look in her eyes, "He went all out. Kamoshida was going to kill you—and he awakened Arsene to save you. If he didn't…if you didn't, we wouldn't be here."

"Talk about awakening in the nick of time too…." Morgana muttered. "He truly does have that flair for the dramatics."

"Yeah." Ryuji nodded, feeling a wave of emotion crash over him. Because none of them had actually gotten to hear the other's awakening like that before. To listen to the contracts and the desperation. Akira had really done that all so he could save Ryuji's life. And how did Ryuji repay him? By accusing him of being a murderer. Ryuji has to make it up to him. He needs to save Akira like Akira did for him; they need to get to the bottom of what went wrong and how Akira ended up with a Shadow. Ryuji won't let Akira suffer. Something doesn't make sense to him though, "Sacrilegious acts? Chained to hell itself? His contract…"

"I'll admit, the wording is quite foreboding." Makoto shook her head as she bit her lip, "I assume all our contracts play into the form of what our rebellious spirits take…Yet, I can't quite understand the whole defying the god's motif."

"A demon." Akechi filled in, answering the question they didn't want to say out loud.

"But…but his outfit is like a gentleman's outfit. Why—would he think—" Futaba shook her head, not wanting to accept that answer. Tears pricking at her eyes, "He—he's never felt like a demon, that evil—"

"Not necessarily evil, but. Damned. He thought he was damned because of the positions he was put into. And he accepted that. Akin to being cast out of good favor or heaven. That was his rebellion. His rebel soul, or whatever bullsh*t you want to call it. I assume He thought he was cursed, and he played into that. Chained to hell itself. Committing sacrilegious acts for his own justice. He accepted his idealism of being damned, of feeling like any action he took defied 'god' or what people would deem acceptable, and internalized it. It's as if you realize that you are f*cked regardless, so you might as well wreak havoc while you can." Akechi frowned, folding his arms and his expression souring by every minute, "There is no salvation for them, however."

While it's the perfect description of a rebel soul, Ryuji doesn't like the sound of it.

"Then…is this really Dante's Inferno rather than Wonderland?" Yusuke murmured, "Is that what he meant…by denying this could be wonderland?"

"I don't know…but if anything, I think we need to figure out what happened to Arsene." Morgana argued, "A shadow is a part of someone they don't want anyone to see. Their ugliest desires. Their ugliest thoughts. But, a shadow can't exist wherein there is a persona as you have to accept your Shadow to have a persona. Meaning…"

"Meaning Akira rejected Arsene." Ryuji breathed as if he had just been punched in the gut because he hadn't thought about it that way.

"But he had other personas…." Ann frowned, "I mean…Arsene hasn't been around for at least Futaba's Palace, but he had other personas. Did he have a shadow this entire time? Were we just blind? When did he reject Arsene, and wouldn't we have noticed?! Why now?"

"Akira is different than us." Morgana reminded them. "Akira can have multiple personas, meaning the rules that apply to him might not apply to us."

"Akechi has multiple personas, too, though." Haru pointed out, "Would the rules that apply to Akira apply to him as well?"

"Do you have a shadow?" Yusuke wondered, turning to Akechi with a fearful look in his eyes.

"No." Akechi shook his head before scowling, "I am just in the dark about this too. I have no theories on why this happened. We don't have enough information to go off of. All we know is that it's very likely, Akira rejected Arsene sometime after April when you two fell into the Palace. But, he had access to other personas such as Alice, Kaguya, and Yosh*tsune."

Ryuji gritted his teeth. Akira rejected Arsene? Why? Why would he do that? It doesn't make sense. And they only found out about it now? Did Akira reject Kaguya and Yosh*tsune too?

A worse thought. Did Akira reject Alice? And that's why he's in this situation now?

God, what the f*ck was going on.

"But why?" Haru asked sadly. No one answered.

He doesn't have the mental capacity to understand why. But, if he thinks about it more, he's going to make himself paralyzed by the anxiety that he might have missed something big. So he turned to the next topic he needs to bring to attention.

"Ok, so, That memory? Doesn't match mine." Ryuji declared, clenching his gloves. "I know you said Akira might have remembered it differently, but I swear, half of that conversation didn't happen. And Akira was not acting that skittish."

"But, if it doesn't match up with yours…." Ann frowned, tilting her head with confusion. "Is it…is it really a memory? Or…is it something else? Is that really how his awakening went? I mean, can we take it at face value as the truth then? And that voice from the blue butterfly, was it Alice or a hallucination?"

A silence fell over them as they try to figure out why there was an inconsistency. Before Futaba spoke up.

"Maybe it's time travel. I don't know." She shrugged uncommittedly as if she is grasping for straws. It's such an outlandish answer, though, that, of course, Futaba would come up with.

"We are in a storybook, not a science fiction movie." Makoto shook her head, being the voice of reason, before looking thoughtfully, "But, going back to that riddle. Things won't make sense…. What should be isn't, while what shouldn't be is. I'm sure this memory plays into that and the reason why it's different. Do we have other theories?"

"Akira claimed to be Psychic. Maybe we are seeing memories from what could have been!" Haru exclaimed as if she had just put together the pieces of a puzzle, "That's why it didn't line up because we saw memories that didn't happen! Things he predicted but didn't happen."

"Is that possible?" Ann wondered, putting a hand on her hip in doubt, "What is the point of a memory that didn't happen? Even if half the things didn't actually happen in the grand schemes, Akira still befriended and saved Ryuji. The outcome was the same. It feels more like a misremembered memory than anything."

"I feel like we should be called the Investigation Team rather than the Phantom Thieves at this point with all these mysteries we need to solve," Futaba muttered sourly, digging her toes into the cobblestone.

"Or perhaps Kurusu is mad." Akechi scoffed, folding his arms with a scowl on his face, giving his theory.

"Mad?" Ryuji wondered where Akechi was going with this.

"Think about it; it's Alice in Wonderland. Why wouldn't he be insane? Remember? Everyone is mad in Wonderland. Perhaps that seeped into his memories, changing them." Akechi offered, with a pensive look as he sneered. "He's off his rocker. He's insane, finally lost it. After all…why else would he be spouting that stuff his Shadow said? The Kurusu we know wouldn't."

"No way!" Ryuji growled because Akira couldn't be. It just doesn't make sense! Indeed, Ryuji can't explain what the Shadow said, but Akira insane? Akira, while not making the most sense, felt normal in a sense. Ryuji joked about Akira being insane, but to be actually clinically insane? That can't be true. Ryuji can't believe that.

"I'll admit, I'm not a big fan of that theory either." Yusuke shook his head. And they are left with trying to come up with answers when they have nothing to go off of. Only the Memory of Akira's Awakening that doesn't match up to Ryuji's, the voice from a blue butterfly, and Shadow Akira's cruel words.

Ryuji was someone I wished I could have had as my best friend in my childhood.

"Akira?!" Ryuji sputtered, hearing Akira's voice clearly. Everyone else did as well as they all turn their heads, trying to get a glimpse of him. The previous conversation is wholly forgotten. But Akira is nowhere to be found, just his melancholic voice ringing in his ears that was vastly different than the last time they had heard his voice. "Hey, Akira?!"

"That was his voice, I'm sure of it!" Futaba announced, looking around just as wildly as the rest of them were for the source, starting to spread out over the hallway the cells are in.

"Then where is he?" Yusuke gritted his teeth in frustration, losing his normal cool demeanor.

"Akira?!" Makoto called out desperately.

"It's most likely also a cognition, a product of this place. I don't think he's around." Akechi sharply told them, still on alert himself. "If anything, these are probably his inner thoughts being broadcasted. Like the memory from before. But, perhaps, they can tell us how to get out of here."

"Akira…" Ryuji breathed, feeling his heart clenched at the thought. Ryuji had friends in his childhood, but they had never been as close as he had been with Akira. But the way Akira said it made him feel like Akira didn't have the same? But…Akira was so charismatic. He could only imagine Akira being a little menace as a child, one of the most popular kids in the play yard. Ryuji wished Akira was his childhood best friend too.

"What?!" Yusuke sputtered as the cell doors turned into mirrors with ornate trimming. But the mirrors didn't reflect back the cell. Instead, it reflected back a road on a sunny day. A kid was running down it, just out of sight to them. And all of them take off after his reflection because this might be the way out.

Fishing in the river, riding our bikes across the town, running together in the summer heat, or just spending the days with each other in the lackluster town with nothing to do. Like the other kids did…

"What's going on!?" Morgana yelped, and Ryuji hasn't the foggiest clue. Ryuji is in front, as when the cells had suddenly changed, he had been the first to see the kid. When he looked over to the cell mirrors. He sees himself. Only. It's him when Ryuji was a little kid. Dark hair and everything. Running and laughing with the other little kid who is just a bit out of sight.

It does not look like Shibuya, where Ryuji spent his childhood in. It looks like a road from the countryside. There is a floodplain just out of sight.

Sometimes I imagined he was, just to fill in the empty spaces in my memory on those summer days.

This isn't a memory, Ryuji realized. Or it was, rather, maybe a memory with him superimposed into it? But. Regardless. The kid is just out of sight, Child Ryuji laughing and running after him. Ryuji ran harder, trying hard to catch up when the cell hallways turned into a hallway utterly different from before. The mirrors end abruptly, leading them into an almost dead end. A house in a hallway?

"AKIRA?!" Ryuji bellowed, trying to figure out where to go next, where Akira was leading them.

Ryuji took me to his favorite ramen shop and bought me ramen when I couldn't afford to pay him back. All when he barely knew me.

Ryuji knows that's wrong. Akira paid the first time they went out. He spoiled Ryuji before Ryuji had known he was wealthy. Why would Akira say that? Was he mixing it up with the times Ryuji had paid for him later on?

That was the first time anyone has ever bought me a meal. The first time a friend had bought me a meal. I had always wanted to go eat with friends at Aika's; going by myself was just lonely. Ryuji bought me ramen, and we chatted like we were childhood friends. I went home and cried after that; I was so happy. I'd gotten to do something I never got to in Inaba. I made a friend. I felt so lucky.

Ryuji thinks he is the lucky one in this all. Was this how Akira really felt about him? But if it was, then, why had Shadow Akira tried to kill him only an hour before? What is the truth? Because he'd like to believe this nostalgic voice over the callous words.

"Aki-chan!" Haru called out as well, but the voice doesn't respond. The hallway had changed into a hallway one would find in a house. Barely fitting all of them. Ryuji does the only thing he can think of and throws open the door.

The door opens to a rather comical scene none of them are expecting that entirely breaks the atmosphere from Akira's narrative.

Alice, Kaguya, and Yosh*tsune all sat at a dining room table. A dinner set out in front of them. The living room around them is clean but is definitely the picture-perfect representation of a family living room. The small kitchen that connected to the living room had clearly been used.

"Kaguya!?" Ryuji sputtered, but the other persona doesn't acknowledge their existence. Is this another memory? But that wouldn't make sense because then why were Kaguya and Yosh*tsune there?

"What the f*ck." Akechi said bluntly because none of them expect this sight, but none of them can move into the room any further since the door is blocked off by jail bars. It's just as out of place as the persona in the living room. The trio of personas just don't fit into the house's aesthetic and they look entirely out of place.

Alice is pushing around her food on her plate with a disinterested look. Deadpan and emotionless. A very different expression from both the Alice in Wonderland Alice and the dead little girl Alice. But the expression looks vaguely familiar—one of staring off into space.

Kaguya says something, but they can't hear her voice. But her body expression signals she is scolding Alice for something. She seemed rather irate. Very different from earlier.

"I'm sorry. It was raining today, so I couldn't hang it out to dry." Alice answered in a quiet voice, breaking out of her thoughts to address Kaguya. Ryuji surmised Kaguya had said something about laundry? "It'll be foggy tomorrow, I guess. I'll try to do it then."

"You could have used the drying rack we have in the garage." Yosh*tsune sighed, looking up with a disappointed look in his eyes at Alice, "I've shown you where we keep it. Honestly, you need to think a little more in the future, ok? Now, neither your mother nor I will have clean clothes for the office tomorrow."

"Yes, Dad. I'm sorry." With the same emotionless look, Alice apologized, "I'll remember next time, I promise."

"Dad?" Ann sputtered, "But, what? They look nothing alike?!"

Kaguya said something else, shaking her head in addition to Yosh*tsune's disappointment.

"Your mother is right; you are growing up. Almost eight. You need to be more responsible; your mother and I can't always be here to look after you." Yosh*tsune sternly said, before shaking his head, "You need to be able to look after yourself. If not, then you'll only impose on others. Think of how we felt when we got home to realize all our clean clothes were wet? You have to be considerate about other people's feelings."

"I know." Alice nodded again, but it's apparent she's just trying to get the conversation to end. She doesn't say anything further as an attempt to smother the conversation, pushing around the food on her plate.

Kaguya said something to Alice, gesturing her arms, but they can't understand what Kaguya is telling her. But Alice has more of a reaction to this, her head shooting up at whatever Kaguya said and a look of protest in her eyes.

"I don't want to go!" Alice shook her head in protest, and with a frown, said, "They don't like me…and they are always trying to pick fights with me, so I'd rather not go. Please."

"Now –"Yosh*tsune begins sternly, but instead of addressing Alice with her name, instead it sounds as if the name is bleeped out. It's a strange break in the conversation that none of them can process since Yosh*tsune continues, "You aren't being polite. They sent you an invitation, it would be rude not to go. They are family friends, what would it look like if you don't go? How would he feel? Besides, you hardly hang out with kids your age…it would be good for you."

"But—" Alice tried to argue, but it gets cut down quickly.

Kaguya shook her head at her, her shoulders dropping and an expression of frustration on her face as she told something to Alice.

"They make me feel uncomfortable…." Alice pleaded once more.

"We just talked about this; you need to be considerate. They invited you, and it would be rude to decline. Especially after all those stories you told. He didn't push you; you most likely tripped on your own; you are fairly clumsy. Remember when you fell off your scooter a while ago? It's not nice to blame that on someone else." Yosh*tsune sighed, "It was nice of them to invite you still after that. You have to repay the favor. Don't complain. Your mother and I have decided, it's final."

"Why aren't you listening to me?" Alice frowned, sitting back in her chair with her arms folded and a look of defeat.

"We listen to you, but I am older and must know better." Yosh*tsune told her, "We can tell when you are telling the truth or lying, honey. I'm very sure they didn't push you."

Alice wanted to argue, they can see it on her face, but she doesn't. She bites her tongue, deciding not to push them further. A mature choice on her part. She pushed around her food even more, when she brings the conversation into something else with a light tone, "How was dinner? I tried a different recipe this time."

Kaguya seemed to lighten her mood, patting Alice on the head as she got up from the table to take the empty dish to the sink. She again said something that didn't register with the rest of the thieves before leaving the room.

"Ah, almost acceptable. Next time add a little more salt, yeah?" Yosh*tsune smiled at her, but the smile does not look genuine; it looked as if it were painted on. An imitation of a real one. He moved to get up from the table too, taking his dish to the sink next, before turning back to her, "Since you forgot the laundry, could you do the dishes too? Your mother and I have work we need to finish up."

"Ok." Alice nodded her head, still pushing at her food.

"And when you go to bed, don't stay up watching television again. You have school tomorrow, and your teacher has already brought up your grades dropping twice." Yosh*tsune sighed, shaking his head as he walked past the table with only Alice left at it, before waving at her, "Goodnight."

"Night." Alice responded listlessly before sighing to herself, "I like falling asleep to noise….it makes me feel better..."

"Was that…was that a memory?" Haru quietly broke the silence as they are only left with the view of Alice sitting alone at the table, still pushing around her food with a mellow look.

"Alice's memory?" Morgana wondered, "Not the Alice in wonderland…but the other one?"

"This looks to be a Japanese-style home, yet Alice's other backstory is set in Europe, correct? This wouldn't be her memories." Yusuke denied, "It wouldn't make sense."

"Nothing is what it seems, though," Makoto reiterated.

"She looks so lonely." Ryuji breathed, watching Alice sit at the table. Setting down her fork but remaining seated as she stared at the food. Though instead, it looks like she is staring straight through the food and into the floor beneath.

Kaguya and Yoshistune…had been so distant with her. While looking completely normal from the outside, this memory of a family dinner seems far from that. Scolding her for not taking the laundry out when it was raining, calling her unresponsible when it's clear from the kitchen and the question that Alice cooked dinner for them. Then dismissing her want not go to whatever she had been invited to when she was clearly uncomfortable. Then ask her to also do the dishes after they ate her meal. How was that fair?

It left a terrible taste in his mouth.

Ryuji reached out, laying his palms against the bars as if it would do anything. But it doesn't, and they are all left watching Alice's last moves as she picks up her plate and cup of milk that she's barely touched, taking it to the garbage to scrap it off before taking it to the sink. She stood in front of the sink, staring at the pile of dishes left for her. The cup of milk still in her hands, but it looks like it might fall at any moment from her fingers. On the other hand, the plate is held if she's hesitant to add it to the pile.

Ryuji tries to think of what to do; at this moment, the thieves are silent next to him. And the mood has soured, but they need to continue on, so he takes a feather out of Akira's book because it always seemed to work for Akira.

"For real, this is unlike any Destinyland movie I've ever seen." Ryuji chuckled quietly, "Must have been a lost copy. Instead of Alice in Wonderland, it's Alice in Persona Family Drama. Not sure how well it's going to go over with the audience, though."

This earns a little chuckle from some of the other Phantom Thieves. It's a start. Nowhere near the mood-lifting that Akira was good at.

"Next episode, Crazy Uncle Mad Hatter comes to visit with his pet rabbit." Futaba chimed in, earning another laugh from the rest of them, "They have a tea party; it's not tea, though."

Instantly, Alice whipped her head around to them with wide eyes and a frustrated look as she cried and slammed the plate onto the dish pile, nearly breaking it, "Well, I don't think it's so funny!"

"A-Alice! We—" Ryuji instantly felt guilty because he thought they were just spectators in all of this; he thought they couldn't actually interact with this memory. He didn't mean for his words to come off so dismissive, especially after what had happened with Kaguya and Yosh*tsune. He had genuinely thought Alice couldn't hear him.

Alice begins to cry, big fat tears rolling down her face as she slides down the bottom cabinets till she is seated on the floor, the cup of milk in both hands.

"Alice, we're sorry! We didn't mean to laugh, we—it's just—" Makoto called out, but even she doesn't know what to say in this situation. What are any of them supposed to say to some cognitive being like Alice? When they don't understand what cognitions can interact with them and which ones can't?

"Oh Alice, don't cry, it'll be ok," Haru called out to her, trying to soothe her in a kind voice so they can discuss what had happened. Haru was the best suited in that area. Ryuji can imagine she'd be very good with kids; she continued pleading, "Try to think about something pleasant to calm down! It'll be all right!"

"Y-y-your right." Alice sobbed, the crocodile tears falling down her face at the same speed as before, "M-m-maybe if I treated everything as a joke, then i-i-it—I wouldn't feel this bad! L-l-laughter is the opposite of c-c-crying. If I -l-laughed, then I w-w-wouldn't cry. If-if I was hh-happy then I w-w-wouldn't hh-have to be sad! T-t-t-that's the logical option! Mm-maybe if I drink this, I'll c-c-calm down."

Alice shakily took a massive gulp of the milk that sat in her hands, maybe in an attempt to calm down, but she continues to cry all the same. But it doesn't help, and she continues wailing into the house. Then she begins to grow in size, her limbs stretching out.

"UM?! WHY IS THAT HAPPENING?!" Ryuji sputtered as Alice grew and grew and grew till her head reached the ceiling and her legs are filling most of the space in the living room that has taken a hit with Alice's sudden size. Things are all over the place in disarray.

"O-Oh dear—" Alice cried, observing her surroundings as she realized what had happened but couldn't stop crying, "It-t it feels like a fairy tale. I used to read them, but now I've ended up in one! Why, when I grow up, I shall write a book about this. But…I am grown up now? Aren't I? There is no room in here to grow up more!"

"We have a problem!!" Morgana cried out, jumping onto Ryuji's shoulder in panic as he motioned down. Ryuji quickly looked down to see that he is ankle-deep in water. The rest of the room was the same way and only flooded quickly as Alice's tears started to fill the room, "A BIG problem!"

"We need to leave now!" Makoto decided, turning back the way they came, "We need to leave before—What?!"

But there is no exit. Ryuji quickly realized with horror. The hallway was a dead-end once more, and they can't go into the room because of the bars, and Alice is too big for them to even fit at this point. They are quite literally stuck without any option of exit except to get Alice to stop crying. All of them stuck in the precipice of a disaster well on its way. Even if he was a pirate, he doesn't think he can survive being drowned.

"But… That shall mean I should never get older than I am, right?" Alice rambled on, but the apparent thought doesn't appease her, but makes her even more distressed as she sobbed harder, "I'll never get older, I shall never have a future; instead, all I'll have are lessons to learn f-f-f-forever!!"

Ryuji doesn't know what the f*ck this is supposed to be. This Alice feels more like the Alice from Wonderland than a few minutes ago, with a nonsensical thought process only a child would have. But they don't have time to dissect it because the water is already lapping at their waists. Reasoning with Alice, while difficult, might be the only way. Or they will be drowned.

"Alice! Alice, hey, you need to stop crying!" Ryuji begged, shaking the bars and trying to get her attention. If she cries anymore, they are in deep sh*t. Water. Same thing.

"I-I-I- can't, Mr. Pirate! I can't seem to stop crying!" Alice cried harder, her tears falling at a faster pace; the water is lapping at their necks now, "It won't stop! It never has!"

"The cup!" Akechi sputtered, trying to keep afloat in the small hallways, struggling with his armor, "Alice! Drink out of the cup! Now!"

"So, she can get bigger?!" Ann whacked him back with a look of disbelief on her face. "How is that going to help! She can hardly fit, and water displacement is a thing, Akechi!! You are the detective here!"

"Oh, I really can't swim, guys!!" Futaba cried out from where she is latched onto Yusuke to keep afloat. Yusuke is taking it in stride, as he tries to keep them afloat as well, but he is struggling just as much.

"She might shrink!!" Haru coughed, accidentally taking a gulp full of the salty water. "In the book or movie or something, she shrank! Then it would stop the tears!"

Alice shakily took the cup and began drinking again. It seemed to have done the trick because she began shrinking and shrinking back to her original size but now was also floating precariously in the water. Her wet hair stuck to her face as she looked around with a worried and remorseful look.

"Oh, dear! I wish I hadn't cried so much!" Alice bemoaned, and she struggled to keep afloat, observing the havoc that she had brought on, "I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! Oh, what a tragic fate!"

"Alice! Swim over here!" Ryuji motioned, trying to get her attention through the bars while trying to not go under himself as the water is higher now. Morgana is also clinging to his shoulder in terror, pushing himself down; Ryuji turned to him with frustration, "Hey, you are not helping! I am a pirate, not a boat!"

"And I'm a cat! And I really, really don't like water!" Morgana bemoaned, his claws digging into Ryuji's shoulder.

"So, you are only a cat when it's convenient for you?!" Ryuji scoffed in disbelief, "Make up your mind, dude, because I can tell you, you are going TO GET WET REGARDLESS!!"

"Oh, sh*t!" Ann sputtered when they feel the water moving in the opposite direction. Not through the bars, not down the hallway, but through the wall they thought was a dead end. Now, it seemed to be swallowing them whole.

"sh*t sh*t sh*t! Hold your breath!" Makoto cried. Ryuji does just that, but with his last look before he goes under, he sees Alice treading water desperately, all alone and terrified. Ryuji feels helpless to do anything as they go under. He wasn't expecting to be drowned by Alice's tears.

Akechi wasn’t the worst swimmer, but he wasn’t the best either. Usually his only submerging in water would be a bath and not an ocean. He knows the basics but his suit makes it a little more challenging because the metal parts bring him lower into the depths of the ocean of tears that Alice had cried. The belts around his limbs make it hard enough to propel himself up, and the head helmet piece was only dragging him down. It's terribly inconvenient.

He’s running out of air, though, so he’s going to need to do something fast.

He has no idea how they had ended up in such a deep and vast ocean, but it can only be a testament to Wonderland and its intricacies. Space worked differently here and Alice's 'things are not what they seem' nuance makes entire sense ironically. There is light filtering from above, suggesting something is at the surface. He can’t see the other Phantom Thieves, but there is no doubt they are in the same position that he is in. f*cked. At least their suits would allow them to get to the surface easier.

But before he can swim up, he feels something tugging at his chest, where his breast pocket would have been had he been in his uniform on top of his heart. It’s a strange feeling; he can only investigate, turning his body towards the depth again despite running out of air. Had he caught on something? But he doubts that it could be so since there isn’t anything on his outfit that would be caught in that area.

The light from the surface filtered down to reveal a cobblestone ground which Akechi swears was not there a moment ago. Before, it had just been a wide-open ocean without a hope insight. But even more surprising is the fact he can see someone chained, wrists and ankles to the ground looking up at him through the water.

It’s Akira.

Not a shadow. Not a cognition. It’s Akira. The real Akira. Akechi can tell. He has no idea how he can tell, but the voice screaming at him in his mind is telling him that it is their Akira.

His Akira.

Akechi can’t see his face as it’s obstructed by his wispy bangs languidly floating in the water. But he can clearly see that Akira was trapped, unable to swim upwards, held to the cobblestone by the metal restraints. And he isn’t making any attempt to escape. Not that he was able to do anything regardless. But, he's still as a statue and Akechi doesn't want to assume the worst. But, relief is the slight air bubbles streaming from Akira's mouth.

Akechi tried to swim down, kicking his hands and legs to propel himself through the water to get to Akira. It should have been easy as his armor had already made him sink a farther way. But for some reason, he can’t get any closer. It feels like when Shido’s palace was exploding, and Akechi couldn’t reach any further. He feels the desperation gnawing at his skin, wildly thrashing his limbs. It feels like Akira is getting farther and farther away.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (57)

It’s not fair. This isn’t fair.

Akechi can feel himself begin pulled back towards the surface, but Akira is still stuck on the bottom of this ocean, separating them.

Akechi screamed his name, but of course, his voice can’t carry, and only air bubbles escape his mouth. Nothing he says can reach Akira. The water stops it from carrying.

He can’t reach Akira, but has he ever been able to?

Akira, despite being so close to him, has always been so far away from Akechi. At first it was because they were on the opposite side of the board. Akechi on Shido's side and Akira on the Phantom Thieve's side. Yet, Akira had managed to shuffle the pieces just as he said. Akechi has no idea how. But, even after they were on the same side, Akechi still felt the distance between their lives. They have never felt like Bonnie and Clyde like Akira claimed. It always felt like Akira was out of arms reach, there were too many unsaid things between them. Akira knew things he didn't.

Akira had things he didn’t; he had friends and a group to call his own. While Akechi was all on his own.

Akira was far more powerful than he was; Alice is a testament to that. Even Arsene, who he hasn’t actually seen, was a force to be reckoned with.

Akira did things that Akech couldn’t. Akira led his group of friends, defeated so many enemies, and followed his convictions earnestly.

Akechi was jealous before, but now he just feels desperate to close the space. Because Akechi wants to know why Akira did what he had when he had all those things? It felt like Akira had just thrown it all away at that moment on the ship. Why did Akira not get on that boat? Why did Akira let himself get swallowed up in this place? What was the reason? Akechi has to know. Because, Akechi has a feeling he could have ended up in the same way if it weren't for Akira. And he needs to know why. Why did Akira make the same exact decision that his mother had.

Akechi doesn’t understand Akira at all. Akira is an enigma he’s never been able to crack.

Is that why he can’t reach him?

He wants to understand why. If he understood why Akira did it, could he understand why his mother had?

Someone is pulling him at the waist, out of the water and away from Akira. Akira is the last thing he sees as he is pulled out of the water, his arm still outreached towards Akira, who is still trapped at the bottom.

“I got him!” Yusuke announced while dragging him onto the sand around them, and Akechi has never wanted to murder him more than now, Yusuke asked him in concern, “Akechi, are you alright? You weren’t coming up, we were afraid—”

Akechi shoved Yusuke off him roughly, surprising the other as he tried to go back into the water. But when his boot hits the water. It’s met with the ground beneath the water. As if the ocean he had just come out of hadn’t existed in the first place. It's a f*cking puddle now, mocking him with the reflection of his furious face. He angrily kicked the water, splashing it in an arc, feeling as if something has just been ripped away from him; he angrily swore, “f*ck. You IDIOT!”

“Akechi! What the f*ck?!” Ann wondered in disbelief, twisting the water out of her ponytails, “Yusuke just saved you! Why are you so angry?!”

“Akira was down there!” Akechi whipped his head back to them, a frustrated expression as he motioned to the goddamn puddle because Akira was so close but so far away from them all. Yusuke had ruined any chance Akechi had of reaching down. Akechi doesn’t know how he could have freed Akira had he reached him, but it was the first time they had got an inkling about Akira’s whereabouts.

Why did the Phantom Thieves have to ruin everything?!

“WHAT?!” Futaba yelped, rushing over to the puddles, but the same thing happens to her as well. When she knelt down, her hands hit the puddle, with no concept of depth beneath them. “No, but wait—that—”

“Are you sure?! For real?!” Ryuji demanded of him before checking the puddle next to him but with the same luck as Futaba. There is no longer an ocean.

“Quite.” Akechi scowled. Leave it to the Phantom Thieves to f*ck everything up again. But he can’t let his anger take over now. They are all quite literally stuck in this together. They had ended up on some beach in the middle of nowhere, except, instead of an ocean, only puddles are around them—no deep ocean in sight. The sky is dark and dreary. As much as Akechi wants to go psychotic on them, and shake all of their pretty little heads till they pop off since every single one of them are imbeciles. It won't help a thing.

“Could it have been a cognition?” Haru quietly wondered, “If Akira is still under there…he would have drowned by now, wouldn’t he?”

“Who the f*ck knows with this place.” Akechi spat, folding his arms. He doesn't want to think about it.

“Was…was he ok?” Yusuke wondered, remorse clear on his face even after asking the stupidest question he could have.

“He was chained to the bottom of Alice’s Ocean of tears! How the f*ck do you think he was?!” Akechi spat, feeling his blood boiling. This world is based on cognition; he knows this. But what the f*ck happened for him to see that scene of Akira literally at the bottom of an ocean?

Akechi knows what Margaret said, to get rid of or fuse away your original persona would only lead to dire consequences. He understood that. But Akira hadn’t seemed that bad off? Was Akechi just not looking hard enough? Was he supposed to be? God. Why didn’t Akira say something?! Why did he act like everything was ok? And why didn’t Akechi pry harder?

If Akechi could hide behind a mask, why didn’t he think Akira could either? It was obvious Akira was hiding stuff from all of them, but he hadn't anticipated it would be something like this.

“Why don’t we calm down….” Haru pleaded, getting in between them. “Arguing about this isn’t going to get us anywhere… We need to focus on finding him as quick as we can; if you saw him in water, perhaps we should try finding another body of water?”

“Y-yeah.” Makoto agreed because, of course, Makoto would agree with Haru. She ruffled through her pockets. “The cognition of Kamoshida’s palace had a river flowing through, right? Maybe if we exit here, then come back in, we can investigate it…hopefully, we don’t get stuck in the room….”

It’s an idea for sure.

Akechi pulled out his own phone because it’s not as if they have a better plan at this point. But, his phone doesn't turn on. Had he forgotten to charge it too? He wasn't exactly taking very good care of it in the first place as he didn't care for the Phantom Thieve's group chats.

“Wait, for real?! It’s not turning on!” Ryuji sputtered, pushing the button on his phone as well, as it seemed all the Phantom Thieves seemed to be doing with the same amount of panic at the moment.

“I thought it was out of charge…but If all yours are dead too….” Ann muttered, tapping at her phone as if it would do anything.

“It won’t turn on! Meaning, we can’t use it to leave!” Futaba cried, taking the hardest hit over the dead technology. “Is it because they got wet? It’s cognitive water! We’ve gone through so much, but this is where our technology draws the line?!”

“I hardly think so,” Akechi muttered, pocketing his phone again. This day just keeps getting better and better. “Takamaki’s phone was dead when she tried to take pictures. So, it’s likely this place has something to do with that. Kurusu’s phone…broken like that. Perhaps he got so angry he chucked it at the wall since it didn’t turn on.”

“That would make sense.” Morgana readily agreed since it is better than the alternative. “He isn’t exactly careful with his devices…he’s dropped that phone multiple times without a blink of an eye.”

“So, leaving is a no-go.” Ann shook her head as she looked around nervously, “We’d have to find a different exit….”

“So, what is our next course of action.” Yusuke implored, looking to Akechi with a look of determination. Seemingly wanting to make up from before.

Why are they acting like he is the leader now? He certainly doesn’t remember signing up for that role, they are looking expectantly at him, and he turns his head the other way.

“That thing Alice drank to change her size. If we found it, then couldn’t we shrink ourselves and jump into one of these puddles?” Futaba suggested, pushing up her glasses. “A little outlandish but—”

“Definitely something that could be plausible in Wonderland.” Akechi sighed; he absolutely hated that it was a viable plan. He hates this 'Wonderland'.

They’ve been wandering through the beach or desert? Morgana doesn’t know what this would be considered. However, they aren’t making any progress. There isn’t anything in sight other than shallow puddles and sand, no obvious exit just like the room before. No potion to magically shrink them. It’s frustrating; Morgana is so frustrated. He can’t do anything; neither he nor Futaba have any way of reading this place. It’s like walking through a thick fog; none of them have any idea where they should be going. And they can’t leave.

Morgana feels useless.

And there was also the lingering threat of Shadow Akira on the back of his mind. Akira…is that how he really felt? Morgana paused, looking down to the puddle of himself. Akira had been really upset when they accused him. Of course, he would, though; Morgana would be upset too if he got charged with murder by his friends. What a phantom thief he was…you weren’t supposed to turn on your teammates. Morgana let the suspicion of what Akira wasn’t telling him overcome him. Morgana thought he knew all about the Metaverse. But Akira broke that confidence, not meaning to, but Morgana felt as if Akira turned him on his axis. Morgana couldn’t explain Akira, nor how he could do the things he was able to.

Was it Jealousy? Was it inadequateness? Was it the insecurity of not knowing who he was therefore trying to make up for it by being a source of knowledge? Morgana knew Akira was special. Morgana wanted to be special too...

“Where are you trying to go?” Alice’s face appeared in the puddle next to his; Morgana jumped, looking up to see her standing across from him, the puddle in between them. Her face is curious.

“W-which Alice are you?” Morgana asked hesitantly, readying his saber just in case. The face of that demonic Alice is seared into his brain.

“Oh, are there different mes?” Alice wondered, her gold eyes widening in curiosity, “Curiouser and curiouser! Why I shouldn’t expect anything less from Wonderland, after all!”

Morgana relaxed a bit; it seemed this Alice was the benign Wonderland version. Her curious face drives that point in, and her form is innocent and childish as she sways back and forth on her heels playfully. He answered her earlier questions with another question, “Do you know the way out of here?”

“Depends on where you are trying to go,” Alice answered, kicking the puddle with her shoe with a happy grin, not paying much attention to his question.

“I’m…I’m not entirely sure,” Morgana answered honestly; it seemed the other thieves who have been looking around the other puddles have noticed Alice’s reappearance and are quickly making their way over.

“If you don’t know where you want to go, then it doesn’t matter really, does it?” Alice smiled cryptically at him before putting a finger to her lips with a sly wink, “But I’ll let you in on a secret. They all lead to the same place regardless, so it truly doesn’t matter what you choose, you'll end up in the same destination.”

“That’s not very helpful.” Morgana frowned; what is he supposed to do with that? Even if they all lead to the same place, weren’t some paths faster than others? They don't have time to take a longer route.

“Alice! Thank god you are ok!” Makoto breathed in relief when the other Phantom Thieves circle around them.

Alice gives her a curious look, “What an odd thing to say. Is that not something you would say to someone you know? I’m afraid I don’t quite know you. Though, you do look rather familiar. Perhaps we have met somewhere...You remind me of someone.”

“Alice…I’m sorry for what I said and that I hurt you.” Ryuji apologized to her earnestly, and Morgana is taken aback by the sincerity in his voice. “We hadn’t meant to laugh at your situation; we just weren’t expecting it. Things were confusing, but that doesn't excuse my remark, so I'm sorry.”

“What is that, Mr. Pirate?” Alice tilted her head in childish confusion as she continues sways back and forth on her heels, “I’m afraid I’ve got no idea what you are talking about. What nonsense are you on about? Why I’d never imagined, I’d walk amongst mad people. Have I gone mad myself? Though, I supposed I can't blame you if you've been on the seven seas for long. I can't imagine staying sane for that long on a ship with nowhere to go. It would lead a person to madness I suppose, feeling like they are trapped where nowhere to go.”

“You…you don’t remember?” Morgana wondered, surprised that Alice wouldn’t have remembered what only happened about half an hour before. Perhaps it was due to the attention span of a child? Had she simply forgotten since she hadn’t deemed it important? She did seem pretty carefree about the entire situation after she had been terribly upset. Is that something you can forget so easily?

“I do, but memories are quite the burden, aren’t they?” Alice laughed, but the tone doesn’t match the words she is saying. “I’d rather not remember them; if you don’t think about them, then they aren’t there, right? They do say ignorance is bliss.”

“I’m not sure that’s how it works….” Ann pointed out politely but with a tight tone.

“Holding onto memories is so painful, but maybe more so the worst part is the loneliness of them all. If I had told you, I saw something no one has seen before. A fox that wore a little scarf and interacted with humans, understanding what was spoken to it, shaking and nodding its head to questions. But you said, ‘But Miss Alice, things such as foxes wearing little scarfs and understanding humans is impossible! What a silly little story you’ve told. That can’t possibly be the truth; what an imagination you have.’ I would feel lonely that I couldn’t share the memory of that fox. Lonely in knowing I was the only one who experienced such a thing, and no one would think of my experience as the truth, instead choosing to label it as only a story. I would feel terribly out of place, and wouldn’t it be better had I not remembered that at all? It was better not to acknowledge the memory, or it would make me sad that I was the only one who remembered it. Oh dear, it’s such a disheartening thought; we should talk about something wonderful now. This is Wonderland; there is always something Wonderful to discuss.”

“Was there a fox in Alice in wonderland?” Haru wondered quietly to Makoto, “I certainly don’t remember one….”

Morgana gets what Alice is saying. But he can’t help but feeling differently because he wished he had the memories he didn’t, and he cherished the memories he didn’t, “But would it be better to share those memories regardless? You still hold those memories, and memories are forever… the ones you make, you can’t so easily get rid of. Maybe some people would tell you it was a silly story, but other people would tell you, ‘tell me more about this fox!’ and then you would have made a connection. Can you really give up after only one person? There are many different sorts of people out there. After all, how long is forever?”

Alice smiled at them sadly, with an expression that doesn’t belong on a child’s face, “Sometimes, only one second.”

“Forever is a sandcastle.” Akechi breathed a statement that none of them had heard before.

“What?” Morgana wondered because he doesn’t understand what that even means.

“Why yes, Mr. er…Crow? You do look sort of like a crow…and building a sandcastle is terribly dreary, isn’t it? I can’t say it’s my favorite activity. You get wet sand under your fingernails, and it never comes out how you want. You just end up soiling your clothes.” Alice sighed, kneeling down on the sand, surrounded by the puddles, and begun sculpting one despite her claim of not enjoying it just a moment earlier.

“Why? Is it not fun to express your creativity? Build something you never could? I quite enjoying challenging myself to make the best piece I can. You have so much freedom to do whatever you’d like.” Yusuke wondered, crouching down by where Alice is messily sculpting her towers on her sandcastle, “See? You can mold your vision.”

“Isn’t it useless to put so much into something that can easily be washed away?” Alice giggled; a puddle from a few feet of way transforms into the coming of a tide, crashing over Alice’s sandcastle, decimating it in an instant. All that’s left is a puddle of wet sand. She doesn’t appear to be sad as she gets back to her feet and dusts off her dress. “I think it would be foolish to put so much into something so fleeting. The person who wishes for an eternity must be a fool indeed. To ask for a happiness so hollow as a sandcastle that dissipates under the crashing of a tide. What a childish, whimsical wish, isn’t it?”

“Alice…” Morgana frowned because that’s such a deeply sad thing for a child to say of all things.

“You should be careful what you wish for!” Alice smiled brightly as she wagged her finger at them, “That’s what I was told, ‘Miss Alice, you should be careful what you wish for because it might be exactly what you get!’ Though what they don’t tell you, that’s it’s seldom what you actually want. You should be careful wishing on a star because that star doesn’t know who you are. How is it supposed to grant your wish If it doesn’t know you? Imagine if a star did know who you are? What an interesting thought. Then you could look up to that star in the sky and ask, ‘Oh Star, with you I’ll never be lonely, you’ll always light my life, my sky, yet you are so far away. Why don’t you come down and play?’. Of course, the star wouldn’t answer, as it is a star after all. It would be silly if it could talk. I don’t imagine stars could even have mouths; what would they eat? There are hardly biscuits or tea in the cosmos. I wonder if I shall send some up in a basket tied to balloons. Even a star deserves a good meal every once in a while.”

“But…cats can talk.” Ann clarified as Alice’s ramblings have gone off the deep end, she is on a completely different tangent now. But her words still linger in the air, a deep sense of unsettlement held in them.

“Why, of course, cats can talk!” Alice giggled, “Silly! This is Wonderland, after all; of course, Cats can talk. Imagine if they could deliver messages as well? How fun! ‘Miss Alice! It’s time to go out for your walk! Or ‘Miss Alice! It’s time to go to bed now! Or ‘Miss Alice! The answer to this test question is this!’ It would be a sight to behold. I think I’d like to have my cat dictate my life. Then again, what would it say about me being dictated by a cat? Oh, dear. Then it wouldn’t quite be me then, right? If my life were dictated by a cat, would it not be the cat’s life at that point?”

“Alice…what do you mean by all this? Why do you feel this way?” Futaba wondered, a melancholic look on her face as she stared at the ground.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter really, pay no mind to it; there is no meaning in it anyway,” Alice reassured her, playing the hems of her dress as if she was getting bored with the conversation, looking around like a child distracted by the world. "The words I say hardly ever matter."

“How could it not have meaning if you said it all?” Morgana asked with confusion.

“If there’s no meaning in it, then that saves a world of trouble, you know, as we needn’t try to find any,” Alice explained in that whimsical sort of sense. “If there’s no meaning, then there is nothing to be sad about, or happy about, or any sort of feeling really. It’s a lot easier in the end. It’s a lot easier not to look for something you can’t find anyways. If you know it’s lost, then why bother trying?”


“Shadow Akira said,…this isn’t a place to find things, but to lose them.” Ann quietly commented, seemingly trying to put things together.

“Oh! Oh, Miss Rabbit! Please do tell me where you are going!” Alice suddenly yelped, at Kaguya who had appeared in the distance. She looks smaller, but Morgana can’t tell since she is a distance away. Alice turned, taking off in the other direction, and Alice stumbled after her as she usually did, “Please! I desperately want to know where you are going!”

But the thieves don’t call out to her this time, and Morgana gets why. That was a lot to unpack. And it just leaves them with more questions than answers. It’s a lot easier to not look for something that you can’t find. Heart-wrenching but simple words. Is that really how someone can live? Morgana wants to find his memories and who he is. He is ok with who he is now, but he’d like to know who he once was. But is Alice right? Looking for answers he might not find, it’s hard to face the idea that he may never get them. It would be a lot less painful to not look for something he is not sure he’ll find. Can’t he find meaning in that, though?

Even if he doesn’t find what he is looking for, hasn’t this journey given him meaning enough? The friends he made, the experiences they shared, the trials they went through didn’t mean anything. They had to mean something, right? Akira taught him he could be whoever he wants, cat or not. It's about the bonds he chooses to make. The Phantom Thieves have given him purpose and meaning. And Akira has given him purpose and meaning.

Morgana frowned, he wanted to treasure that meaning, even with the hardships that came with achieving it.

I’ve never had a pet, Dad doesn’t think I was responsible enough for one, and Mom agreed. Even a fish would have been too much for me, according to them. I liked the neighborhood cats, but they hardly had time of day for me.

Akira’s monologue started up, enveloping them and the empty beach scene turned into the shore of the flood plain; they are stood on a road above. They see Alice in the distance, trying to reach out for a set of cats hiding behind a wall. But the cats quickly take off in the other direction, and Alice sighed with a pout, and she pulls herself up and stretches her legs. Beginning to amble in their direction.


“Does that mean…Alice is Akira?” Futaba wondered brokenly because the previous conversation crushes them like an avalanche they were not prepared for if that were the truth. Especially when Morgana realized Alice did the same exact thing as rambling off into a different topic like Akira did. Coming up with a nonsensical and meaningless sentence to distract them from whatever they had been talking about at the time.

But is that possible? While Alice is one of his masks, she isn’t technically his original persona. Morgana can’t deny she is vital to Akira for some reason, however. Had she been born of his heart too?

Something else bothered him, and Morgana revealed in confusion, "But...Akira told me he had a cat."

"He did?" Haru looked at him in surprise.

Morgana nodded, remembering back to the night after Futaba's Palace when they had a heart-to-heart, "Yeah, he told me I reminded me of his cat. But that his cat was no longer around, I'm assuming meant it either passed away or ran away. He said his cat's name was Merlin."

"What an interesting coincidence." Akechi hummed, looking at him with curious eyes, it seemed he knew something they didn't.

"Why is that a coincidence?" Ryuji wondered, just as confused as Morgana with Akechi's response.

"Merlin was from the Legend of King Arthur, a magician who mentored King Arthur. In that legend as well, there is another magician or sorceress, Morgan Le Faye. But she also goes by the name Morgana in some iterations." Akechi explained, his eyes narrowing, "It is quite the coincidence that Akira seemingly had two cats, unrelated, both named after the sorcerers in the Legend of King Arthur. Facinatinating."

"Oh, that is weird!" Ann gasped, "And it's not like Akira named Morgana either! Woah. It really is a coincidence!"

The fact is unsettling. Morgana admits. But even more, why did Akira tell Morgana he had a cat? Especially now when Akira is saying he'd never had a pet in his childhood? It doesn't add up. Akira had so much knowledge about how to take care of a cat, if he didn't have the experience, then how would he know so much? Well, if he really had wanted a cat, Morgana surmised it wouldn't be hard for him to research around. Still, why did he tell Morgana he had a previous cat if it weren't the case?

Morgana made me feel less alone, Ryuji and Ann were great, and I hung out with them almost every day, but Morgana was there all the time. During class, during the after hours, during the night when I couldn’t sleep, it felt good to have someone curled up beside me. I know he claims not to be a cat, but he is the best companion I could ask for. He really kept me grounded, made me feel like I’d never had to be alone again.

Alice in the memory passed them, hands on the black backpack she is carting. Her eyes are turned down to the road in front of her, but they can all hear an audible sigh of disappointment as she walked past. She looked tired and melancholy.

Morgana hears the laughter of children; in the distance, there were a few kids playing, throwing around a baseball to each other on the grass of the flood plain. He turned back to Alice, and she is watching them with a longing in her eyes.

“Why don’t you join them?” Morgana wondered, was this a memory that he could interact with? “They are right there; all you would have to do is ask.”

“I’d rather have a cat.” Alice muttered; Morgana isn’t sure if it’s directed at them or rather at herself at the moment, in some form of reassurance to herself, “Cats don’t judge. Cats don’t say mean things. Cats don’t push you.”


She sighed once more, turning on her heels and walking down the floodplain road before they can say anything. But before she turned the corner, Morgana swears his form, in reality, appears next to her, walking alongside her path on the wall. It’s too quick, as she turned the corner the next moment and the apparition of him is gone.

I was so happy that I didn’t know how to breathe. We were inseparable.

“I think. I think I was a failure as a cat…I judged him, and I said mean things…” Morgana admitted, softly feeling really miserable as the kind words that don't make sense at all. “I don’t deserve those words….”

“Didn’t you hear what he said, Mona? He was so happy he couldn’t breathe.” Haru tried to reassure him, kneeling down and putting her hand on his head with a bittersweet smile, “He asked me, you know, ‘Can you help me pick out fabric? I want to make a Yukata for Morgana. He deserves to wear a Yukata with us too.’ I think Akira really cherishes your friendship, Mona-chan.”

“Yeah…dude spoiled you rotten. Do you know how much your cat food is?” Futaba muttered, "Sojiro told me, and my wallet cried..."

“Didn’t you hear him? It was past tense. Obviously, he doesn’t feel that way now, and how can I blame him?” Morgana shook his head; why would Akira cherish their friendship after that? His shadow is the part of him he doesn’t want them to see. A suppressed self in a sense. This is what Akira has been hiding from them. Isn’t it?

“Morgana. He was still working on it after that all went down.” Haru told him gently, “He sent me photos of the whole process; he was dedicated to making it for you so that when the new years came around, you could join us at the shrine to ring in the new year.”

“Then why does his shadow want to murder us?” Morgana cried, pulling away from Haru’s hand. “I don’t understand, all these kind words, but his shadow, his true self, is saying something completely different! Why?! I don’t understand! It doesn't make sense! I am supposed to be the Shadow Expert here and I can't make any sense of this all.”

“None of us do. But, nothing is what it seems.” Yusuke sighed, “None of us understand Akira…and therein lies the problem. But all we can do is take the pieces we are given, no matter how confusing they might be, and try to see the bigger picture. You aren't alone in this, Morgana, we are all in the same situation.”

Yusuke is right. Morgana feeling sorry for himself isn’t going to get them anywhere. He isn’t the only one he knows, but if they get caught up in this guilt and remorse, they won’t be able to put their best effort into finding Akira. Akira needs them; Morgana knows it. And he is going to do everything he takes to make sure Akira is ok. Akira is the closest friend he’s ever had, and he is a true phantom thief; he won’t turn his back when things get complicated. He’s done enough of that.

“So uh, where are we?” Ryuji wondered when it seemed their resolve had been found. “Sure, don’t look like anything from Wonderland.”

“Another memory likely. This Akira’s hometown, Inaba. I researched into it.” Makoto surmised, fanning herself a bit at the humidity that tugs at their skin, “Must be a summer month; it’s hot out.”

“Is that the floodplain Akira was talking about?” Futaba gasped, pointing at where Alice had been watching the kids play, “Where that dude caught that huge fish? Man, I wonder if we’ll be able to see that. I wanna know if it really was the size of him like Akira said.”

“Even if it weren’t, this is Kurusu’s memory. Of course, it’s going to be the size of him. This is the cognitive world.” Akechi argued, pinching his nose. “I would expect nothing less.”

“Hey, that’s a body of water, right?” Ann said excitedly, pointing at the river in the floodplain, “We should try seeing if we dive down and look for Akira in it!”

“Good idea, Lady Ann.” Morgana nodded, quickly darting towards the floodplain. But is stopped soon when he reaches the edge of the road. Something stops him, a barrier of sorts. Morgana puts his paw against it, but it does nothing. Instead, the barrier reveals itself to be another set of bars, running down the edge of the road.

“Oh, come ON! Are you serious?!” Ryuji muttered in frustration, coming up from behind Morgana and placing his palm on the bars as well. But it won’t give way under their pushing. The kids are still playing; their laughter feels like a mockery of the situation they are in, "What is with the bars!?"

“I suppose it wouldn’t have been that easy….” Yusuke frowned, looking down the road a bit, till his eyes widen, “Oh.”

Morgana looked over to see Kaguya standing there, at the end of the road, almost like she was beckoning them further before disappearing down the road. They are quick to follow. Kaguya seemed to know her way around this place a whole lot more than they did.

But, where is she leading them and Alice?

It’s a lovely town. It’s far different than what Ann was used to in Shibuya. There were a lot of locally owned stores down the main street. The summer heat radiates in the air, and the atmosphere is quaint despite there not being a soul in sight. Moving through the town was interesting as it felt like they were moving through a dream. Things changed, and they got farther than she imagined they had actually walked. It's odd and disorienting. One moment they are on the main street, and the next, they are in a Junes food court.

Ann wondered what Akira’s life was like living here? She wondered about what Futaba said. Was Alice actually Akira? It’s a concept she hasn’t quite grasped. She knows Alice is a part of him as all their personas were a part of them. But if Arsene was Akira’s original persona, the one he made the contract with, who was Alice, and how did she come into play? Or any of Akira’s other personas even?

She frowned as they wander around the quiet food court. She doesn't feel like she knows Akira at all and she feels stupid that she can't understand what she thinks she is supposed to be understanding. Akira had always been there for her, when Kamoshida was harassing her and she cried in the Shibuya station. Akira was there. When Shiho had jumped and she was in the hospital. Despite barely knowing her, Akira was there. When Shiho was recovering and Ann was trying to focus in her modeling career. Akira was there. When they had all accused Akira of murder, even then, despite being far, Akira was there.

Without Akira. She wouldn't have gotten this chance with the Phantom Thieves and she would have felt like an outcast at school with the rumors. Akira changed her life, and how had she repaid him? By accusing him of murder.

She f*cked up, they f*cked up. She thought taking on Shido would alleviate the tension. To make it water under the bridge. But that is a childish way of thinking. She knows that is not how people grow and get over things now. At this point, Shido is the least of their worries. Ann still can't manage to crack what Shadow Akira meant by claiming he was a murderer. Yusuke was right, none of them believe he was now. Especially with Akechi. And with Akechi, it's even a grey area that none of them know how to tread. How was it fair to Akira to make it so Black and White?

She can't let the guilt grip her heart now, they have to find Akira. They have to make it up to him. And she needs to focus.

“They even have a Junes here. Woah, and it’s big too!” Ryuji sputtered as they arrive at what Ann assumed Kaguya was trying to lead them? They couldn’t stray off this path as every time they had tried, bars had prevented them, “Kinda stands out in this town, to be honest….”

“Every day is great at your Junes~” Futaba couldn’t help but sing the jingle. Ann will admit, it is a rather catchy jingle. She's heard it enough times that it's burned into her brain. “Every day is great at your Junes~!!”

“I will admit, their marketing and colors are quite aesthetic.” Yusuke nodded as they entered the food court, “Though, I can’t say I’ve ever been into one. I hadn’t realized they were so big. This is far bigger than the locally owned shops on the main street. The one in Shibuya has a particularly great art section...”

“Okumura foods have worked with him, so I’ve been to a few.” Haru commented as she stopped in front of the Big Bang Burger booth, “They have pretty much anything you can think of! They are definitely one of our biggest partners. I think I might have met the manager from this location a while back….”

“I’ve modeled for the ones in Shibuya on occasion,” Ann mentioned, looking around. Before her eyes fall on Alice standing a few feet away, hands clenched at her side. Ann quickly gets their attention, “Hey, look.”

The food court had been empty when they had first arrived, with the concession stands eerily set up with no one in sight and empty tables all around something Ann has never seen a Junes in her life. But now, it’s bustling. Or at least one table is. The one Alice is standing a few feet away from looking at, with her back to them. Ann looked further to see what she is staring at, or who, to be exact.

It’s a group of high schoolers, books laid out in front of them, and meals from the restaurants that didn’t have any workers at them. Their bright laughter echoes off the awning they are sitting under, an eclectic group for sure that sort of reminded Ann of the Phantom Thieves as they were similar in age. All seemed to enjoy their company and, despite working on homework, were in excellent spirits. Ann can’t hear what they are talking about, but all of them seem to have something to add to the conversation.

“Wait…” Ann muttered, recognizing one of the teenagers, and her eyes go wide, “Is that Rise?! The Risette?!”

“Risette?! DUDE!” Ryuji exclaimed, also recognizing her with an excited smile. She was hanging off one of the teens with an unusual silver hair color. Ann can admit, he was handsome for sure; the bowl cut really worked for him. Was this the senpai that Rise had talked about in a few of her interviews? Ryuji’s excitement dropped into confusion, “But uh, why is she here?”

“And that is Naoto Shirogane,” Akechi mentioned, pointing to one of the teens in a blue uniform who is scolding the blond teen who looked eerily similar to Ryuji. “My predecessor as detective prince, fascinating. We’ve never met, but it appears my fans have associated us together…though of course, I am in the lead for most popular as of now.”

“Interesting.” Haru hummed a pensive look on her face as she pointed to the brunet sitting next to the one with silver hair, “And I think I’ve met that person as well, his name is Yosuke Hanamura. Only once, I think his father works in the Junes company, he is the manager at this location and Yosuke-san…he was very...memorable, to say the least. But he was very kind to me.”

“He kind of looks like a loser,” Futaba said bluntly.

“I believe that is Yukiko Amagi.” Yusuke hummed, pointing to the girl with black hair and in a red shirt, “She is the proprietress of the historic inn in town; the inn is beautiful. I remember studying architecture at Madarame’s request at one point; I remember stumbling across a photo of her. What divine beauty. Almost rivals Ann’s beauty. I’d quite like to do a painting of her one day.”

“Nude? I’d be careful, Her name might mean snow, but she looks like she could easily melt you.” Morgana snorted. “Just like Lady Ann.”

“And I recognize him; Kanji Tatsumi, his mother, runs a textile shop in Inaba.” Makoto hummed, motioning to the blonde that Naoto was scolding, a suspicious look on her face as she tilted her head in confusion. “This…I’m assuming they are all friends. But the coincidence of all of them being this close? It’s interesting. I didn’t think…I wasn’t sure they all knew each other even if some were connected….”

“Oh! And that’s Chie Satonaka! She does fight videos online; she’s so cool!” Futaba pointed at the other brunet girl excitedly, sitting next to who Makoto had said was Yukiko Amagi. “I think she’s in the police academy right now, but boy, her kung fu videos could give Makoto a run for her money!”

“I do Aikido…not kung fu….” Makoto sighed, distracted from her earlier thought, “You know the difference, right? Futaba, please tell me you know the difference. It is imperative for me to know that you understand the different nuances between the two.”

Ann frowned as she watched Rise laugh with her senpai. It was weird that they all recognize at least one person. She looked back, but she can’t help but be a little jealous; they all look like they are having so much fun. Even Rise’s smile is different than the one she shows in interviews or on photoshoots. It feels more genuine. Ann is sure now this is the group of friends Rise talks about. What a small world, she thinks.

She turned her attention to Alice, who now has her hand reached out hesitantly towards them like she is trying to get their attention, and even Ann can see the look of longing even if her back was turned. Her shoulders are trembling. Ann’s heart crumbled. Alice wanted to be friends with them.

Akira wanted to be friends with them?

It hits her on a personal level. That was her in middle school. Before Shiho, she was just the weird foreign kid with blonde hair, even though she was more Japanese than foreign. Still, because of that, she felt like she wasn't included in the other social circles. It sucked, she felt so lonely. She would have given anything for a friend, then Shiho came along.

Akira had felt that too? Why did Akira never mention that? Or anything about his childhood for that matter?

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (58)

Alice pulled her hand back quickly when the teen with silver hair glanced her way in curiosity, with piercing silver eyes. She turned on her heel and walking away from the laughing group of friends as she made her way quickly to the entrance of Junes. The memory of the group of friends fades from their vision in tandem.

Ann was my first female friend; I wasn’t sure how to interact with her. She reminded me of Rise. I thought she was pretty, but I wasn’t attracted to her in that way. But, despite that, I wanted to be friends with her.

Akira’s monologue took her by surprise, especially since no one else seemed to want to be friends with her in her first year. Akira really thought that when he met her? But she feels the apprehension take over her as she realized it was seemingly her turn. But his words were so kind, so gentle. Kind like Akira had been that day he took her to Big Bang Burger and listened to her. Something no one but Shiho had done. So different than the shadows, just like Morgana said. Akira’s words sounded so pure, but even so, she remembered the day she met him. Despite Akira’s words, he definitely knew exactly how to interact with her. Still, did that have something to do with this memory?

“Come on!” Ann said, hurriedly following Alice into Junes, quickly catching up to her. She’ll wait to see if Akira thinks anything else before she can truly process. She'll listen to him this time. That's the least she owes him.

“I can’t believe Rise Kujikawa lived here!” Ryuji huffed as they descended the stairs to the main floor. “Seriously! Why didn’t Akira tell me he had met Risette?! I’d flip! I wonder if he got her autograph…I was gonna visit him when he went home anyway, but now I have to since I know he knows Rise Kujikawa.”

“We aren’t sure if he actually met her.” Makoto pointed out objectively, “You can live in a place, and not actually meet everyone there. And, if we take the memory, we just saw into account….”

“Yeah, I would be nervous about meeting Risette too.” Ryuji surmised, nodding his head, “I can’t blame him for that. She is THE Risette.”

“I have a feeling it’s a little more than that….” Ann shook her head because it doesn’t sit right. Akira was so charismatic; if he wanted to introduce himself to Risette, then Ann can’t imagine he’d have any problem.

“Ann’s right.” Makoto pointed out, as they scoured the bottom floor to see where Alice had gone next, “If we are looking at this from another perspective, I’m assuming this is during Risette’s break she took in her hometown for a year. We know that this is Inaba, where Akira grew up, and is her hometown as well. But, with the timing of Risette’s break and Akira’s age. He would be about ten. Of course, he wouldn’t know how to approach someone that older than him, not to mention an idol of all people.”

“He’s friends with Iwai!” Futaba argued, “In fact, he’s friends with a lot of older women and men! Like that hot doctor! How could he approach her and not Risette?”

“Yeah, but he is older now.” Haru kindly pointed out. "It took time to get where he is today."

I was shy and awkward, but Ann was spunky and bright. If I had a sister, I wished it would have been someone like Ann.

Ann stopped her tracks in the middle of the clothing department, with confusion, “Huh? But…Akira wasn’t shy and awkward at all when I met him? He was charismatic!”

“See? You get what I mean now?” Ryuji agreed, “It’s not adding up. The things he said about me too. Don’t make sense.”

“Things are not as they seem.” Akechi reminded them curtly as he continued farther into the store aisle next to him, “Alice isn’t in this section.”

Ann took me shopping; I know she thought she was probably just dragging me along but, I’d never got to go shopping with someone before. Junes was extensive, and shopping by myself seemed pointless; all I did was get groceries or household items for mom. Hardly exciting.

“Oh…we should try groceries then,” Ann muttered, but her shoulders dropped. Was that really the first time Akira shopped with another person? She really had felt like she dragged him along to hold her bags sometimes, but Akira genuinely enjoyed it. He even picked out things for her that she loved. Akira knew exactly what sort of style she enjoyed and exactly how to compliment her. She loved shopping with Akira. She clenched her fists, remorse coursing through her body as they make their way to the grocery section at the back of the store.

She really threw away her friendship with Akira over unfounded suspicions. God, what kind of friend is she? Does she even deserve Akira’s friendship after this? When they find him, how is she ever going to make it up to him? She is sure a shopping spree isn’t going to help the distance she feels between them now.

But Ann showed me different ways to shop and introduced me to items I’d probably have never thought existed. She made it fun. She made errands so much fun. That day I met her. I wish I had the courage to tell her she didn’t have to go with that teacher.

But he did? Ann blinked, faltering in her walking. Akira told her as they stood under cover of the store. Cherry blossom petals floating in the petals all around them on that spring day she’ll never forget. Akira gave her a choice to walk to school with him or ride with Kamoshida. He told her with a gentle smile that she had the choice. That she didn’t have to go with Kamoshida if she didn’t want to.

“Wait, this isn’t groceries…We are in electronics now.” Futaba sighed, pointing to the sign. It seemed they had gotten the directions wrong. “Why are these signs so unhelpful? You’d think for a large corporation, they’d have readable signs.”

“Wait, I see her! She’s back there.” Yusuke is quick to point out Alice’s blue dress at the back of the electronics department. She is standing idling in one place. The phantom thieves quickly shuffle through the aisles, coming out to a wall of TVs.

Alice stands in front of one of the notably bigger ones, palms on the black screen, staring intently into it.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (59)

“Isn’t this a movie? The poltergeist?” Ryuji shivered with a groan as they all stepped closer, being wary of what was to come because Ann feels like the temperature has dropped a few degrees, the lighting had gone eerie. Ryuji groaned again, “Seriously if that TV turns on to static noise, I think I’m going to lose my goddamn mind.”

“Not before me.” Futaba shivered, hiding behind Yusuke’s form, peeking out but keeping her distance. “If Samara climbs out of that TV, Oh boy….”

“If I ended up on that channel too….” Alice muttered quietly as she talked to herself, “If I ended up on that channel like I was supposed to, would I make friends too?”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (60)

“That—wait—that’s such an odd thing to say?” Morgana stutters in confusion. “The TV? Channel?”

“Or would I die too?” Alice asked quieter, in a morbidly curious voice, pressing her palm harder against the tv screen as if willing herself to enter through it. “Like her?”

“She is talking about the midnight channel.” Makoto breathed horrified, her face going white next to Ann as she explained with a quiet voice, “That myth Akira was telling us about in Shido’s palace. I researched it. He saw Mayumi Yamano on the channel at midnight when it was raining, and the next day he and Saki Konishi, an upperclassman from the high school, found her body tangled up in the telephone wires. Then only a week later, Saki Konishi was found dead in the same exact way, and I can only assume he saw her on the midnight channel as well.”

This feels like something out of a horror movie, Ann thought, trying to figure this all out. Alice’s palm on the TV but…but Alice’s reflection isn’t right. It’s not Alice reaching back in the reflection. It’s a familiar young boy in a baseball tee and thick, messy black hair nearly covering his eyes.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (61)

“Akechi…” Ann turned her head to Akechi slightly, her mouth suddenly dry as a desert as she tries to ask her next question, “Akechi, didn’t you say…the TV turned on…in the middle of the night on that rainy day, despite being unplugged and turned off….”

“I did.” Akechi answered tightly, a grimace on his face as he revealed something he had failed to mention to them earlier, “I did…and what I didn't mention was that I thought that I heard Kurusu’s voice on it.”



Alice in Wonderland quotes galore 😂

Chapter 25: Hiraeth


“I can’t explain myself, I’m afraid, Sir,” said Alice, “because I am not myself, you see.”- Alice in Wonderland

Chapter Text

"That is not a healthy thought process at all, especially for a child to have…." Makoto grimaced, and Yusuke wholeheartedly agreed. While he isn't sure of the exact connection, its idea and the implications make his stomach turn in anxiety.

"What does she mean by she'd either make friends or die, Mako-chan?" Haru asked quietly, turning to the girl next to her with a confused, apprehensive look, "This town is what you were looking into or researching…right? Do you know what she is talking about?"

Yusuke turns his attention to Makoto, not surprised she had some knowledge of what was going on. He knows she had been working on something deeply before all that happened with the public's cognition, but he hadn't realized it was connected to this at all. Makoto could probably make the connection he is unable to. How would ending up on this tv channel grant her friends as opposed to killing her? They are two very different extremes that he would never make.

Yet, Alice seems convinced of their connection. Or…Akira does, instead. Yusuke's heart clenches at the thought they could be one and the same. But, at this point, it was more than very likely despite what Yusuke hoped. After all, he can't deny the eerie reflection of Akira as a child within the TV, following Alice's every move.

"You know something about this?" Ann wondered, turning to the other with bafflement.

"Some of the people you saw outside that Alice was watching: Yukiko Amagi, Kanji Tatsumi, Rise Kujikawa, and Naoto Shirogane, had all been seen on the Midnight Channel when the Inaba murders were happening, that TV channel that came on at midnight, according to the witness testament. But they didn't share the same fate as the previous victims. Those few seemed to escape the kidnapping serial killer showing his victims on the channel then killing them. Though, I'm not entirely sure how the Midnight channel was possible…." Makoto explained, wringing her hands as she spins her tale. "I was researching into it because of what Akira mentioned in Shido's palace…."

"Akira said in Shido's Palace that the urban legend was whoever showed up on the TV channel would end up dead…I thought he meant it as a ghost story, but it was really the serial killer in the end?" Haru murmured as she was putting the pieces together that Yusuke had remembered too. He distinctly remembered the shift in mood Akira displayed at that moment as it was different than any time before. He had thought something similar to Haru however.

"Likely. It's still all speculation as the police didn't release its actual origin, but I'd imagine that'd be the case. Of course…as a child, I probably would have bought into the urban legend as well, that it was something paranormal." Makoto nodded before her frown deepened even deeper. "As for the people surviving the ordeal, I'm assuming Akira means their bond of being victims of the same perpetrator and trauma brought them together as good friends. Hence the extreme between making friends or dying. Still, it's not… that's not a good thing; I'm sure it was a very traumatic experience for those people, even if none of them had chosen to make public statements about what they went through. I'm unsure if Akira actually understood that concept at this age since he was still young; however, entertaining the immense risk of death just to make friends—"

"—doesn't paint the best picture." Yusuke surmised, finishing the thought on his mind. To have an inherent belief so destructive and distorted was concerning, to say the least, especially for a child. However, it only clarifies the vague idea Yusuke has been forming about Akira's childhood in his mind.

And It's not so far off from his own.

"You heard Akira's voice on the TV, and you didn't tell us? What the f*ck, dude?" Ryuji asked Akechi in disbelief and a hint of betrayal. Yusuke can admit, that is a rather considerable detail to leave out. However, until only a moment ago, they hadn't known the Midnight Channel had been something important. Suddenly, a myth they had thought was simply a myth had become far more real and prominent to the mystery that was Akira.

Yet, how was it possible that Akechi saw it? If it was only happening in Inaba? Yusuke doesn't understand that part. Did Akechi really witness the actual Midnight Channel?

"I had never actually seen the TV turn on. I thought I was hallucinating or dreaming after everything that went down. It wasn't logical. I didn't have a basis for its legitimacy. Especially since apparently said TV was not plugged in, to begin with." Akechi shook his head at him with an exasperated look, "We have bigger problems to figure out now. I really didn't imagine it would be connected; I hadn't realized that the Inaba murders were linked in any way to what is happening now. And as for the midnight channel…we don't even know that that was. Or if this is the same thing. Seeing as the basic assumption was, they were done by the killer, filmed before the murders. This might be something similar but completely different. There isn't enough context to go off of. If anything, I'd say this is more of a cognitive version from Kurusu's memory. Not the real thing. An exaggeration of a childhood memory or fear...."

"That's true." Futaba nodded apprehensively, "If I had known, I could have tried to track the signal. The part about the TV not being plugged in is baffling. But, something tells me that Akechi was experiencing less reality…and more the cognitive world. I don't think it was something I could have hacked…nor do I think it was the original Midnight Channel either…."

"The cognitive world crossing into reality, is that even possible?" Haru wondered, biting her lip. The tension growing thicker at the thought of it.

"If we cross into it, chances are there is a possibility it can cross back." Morgana commented, "If you think about it, the stuff we do in the cognitive world has an effect on reality. I can cross in between both without an app. So I wouldn't rule it out. And if you use an app to travel there, why couldn't a signal transmit from the Metaverse?"

"I think...I think it could." Futaba muttered, digging her toe into the ground of the electronics section, "Before I entered the app, I think I caught a whiff of it. Sometimes I'd see the cognition of my mother out of the corner of my eye. Or I think once I might have seen my shadow looking back on it. But this happened in reality. So, I mean, I'd say it's possible...for things in the metaverse to transmit something over to reality."

"Then, Was that all…Akira?" Yusuke has to wonder, had Akira been trying to get a hold of them? Yusuke doesn't have a tv in his dorm, and he instantly feels guilty. If Akira has been calling out to them, none of them realized. Not even Akechi. It's a miracle they decided to enter the Metaverse when they did. And even now, it still might be too late.

"Could be..." Ryuji muttered, his shoulder hunched over with a the same grimace of guilt.

"Alice…are you actually Akira?" Ann asked Alice the question that is all burning on their minds; Yusuke wonders if this cognition is one they can interact with. It seems to be hit or miss. It is rather frustrating. He hoped Alice would give them a straight answer for once. Yusuke desperately just wants answers.

It seems this query was a hit because Alice turned back to them, inquisitive gold eyes. She then sighed melodramatically as a child would as she leaned against the TV, the reflection of Child Akira leaning back, "Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle. I hardly know who I am. At least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then. And even if I was yesterday… It's no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then. So, therefore, that person must not exist anymore even if it were me."

"Can you explain what you mean by that?" Yusuke wondered in astonishment because it feels like she has avoided the question while subsequently answering it. And Yusuke can make no sense of it in the least. However, the one thing he does pick up on is the subtle avoidance of the topic. Although, of course, it might just be Alice's nature according to the character she is in Alice in Wonderland. Still, Yusuke can't help but feel its familiarity in relation to how Akira sometimes talked.

The similarities are striking, and it makes Yusuke nervous because he is not sure how much of Akira that Alice is.

"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir…Mr. Fox," said Alice politely, in a matter-of-fact tone, with large gold eyes meeting his own. "Because I am not myself, you see."

"Are you the other Alice then?" Morgana asked, trying to clarify, because it feels like the conversation is going in circles.

"It's no use to pretend to be two people! Why there's hardly enough of me left to make one respectable person!" Alice bemoaned, shaking her head turning back to the TV with a wistful sigh, "I hardly even recognize myself in the looking glass anymore. What good is a looking glass of the reflection that isn't even your own? Oh, Alice, there's no reflection in the looking glass because the person you see looking back isn't you. It can't really be called a reflection now, then, can it? It is a rather inconvenience; why say, if my hair was messy and unkempt, how would I ever be able to do it the way I like without seeing it? I suppose it would be much easier to just let it grow and do as it wants. It might grow too much and just leave me altogether; oh dear, I don't like that idea at all. If I don't take care of it, it really might just up and leave me. Imagine if pieces of me were to up at leave myself, what a bizarre concept. Why at some point, I wouldn't be anything if it all just left. How can a whole be anything without the sum of its parts? Would that make it nothing? Does it truly exist?"

"I think…maybe, Alice is a mask in a literal sense. I mean, we obviously know that Arsene is Akira's actual original persona. But Alice, Kaguya, and Yosh*tsune are a part of him too…I think…Not entirely sure how his wildcard ability works." Futaba muttered, directing her theory at them as Alice continues to ramble on about bird's nests and looking glasses. "Which uh, makes things a whole lot more confusing. Since that means I'm not entirely sure how much of Alice is Akira and vice versa. The same goes for Kaguya and the ever-elusive Yosh*tsune. Still working on that…."

Yusuke had assumed something of the same. Of course, Yusuke doesn't quite understand Akira's ability to carry other masks, but he had concluded that they were pieces of him in a sense.

"When he took on Pixie that one time, Pixie seemingly was absorbed into his mask. She claimed she was from the sea as souls, meaning she wasn't a 'true self' rather, probably a fragment of personality." Morgana filled in, "Never saw her since, but I think your theory holds water, Futaba. We use our masks to summon our persona. Ripping off societal views of us to show our true self, personas. Akira did the same thing… however, he has different masks. I just don't know the logistics behind that… Or where he'd get the masks from other than the Metaverse."

Akechi looks at them inquisitively; Yusuke can tell he is thinking something, putting together pieces that maybe they don't know. But his mouth never opens to share it. Yusuke wonders why what Morgana said made sense. However, technically Akechi had a similar ability to Akira's, where he has multiple personas too. Wouldn't Akechi know? But then again, Yusuke remembered Akechi saying he awakened to both personas at one time, meaning his multiple personas were different than Akira's. Akechi had also never revealed any other persona besides Robin Hood and Loki; they were his true selves.

Yusuke feels like he only sees the brush strokes and not the bigger painting, and it's frustrating him to no end. If he hadn't pulled Akechi out of the ocean, would they have been closer to finding Akira?

Had Yusuke failed Akira again?

"So, Alice is a piece of Akira, in a sense." Haru hummed, before frowning in uncertainty, "But if she's only a piece…then, how accurate are these memories we are seeing, and how much influence does Alice have on them?"

"Nothing is what it seems," Makoto shook her head before saying cautiously, "She might not be…an entirely reliable narrative. As for these memories, there may be more than meets the eye…Things may not be true. We know things aren't lining up. So we should be careful in what we choose to believe or not. Or, how we put them together."

Yusuke wanted to argue that not believing Akira is what got them into this mess in the first place. But he reluctantly understands what she means.

According to Ryuji, Morgana, and Ann, the narratives Akira is broadcasting… aren't matching up with things that happened. Yusuke is starting to lean towards Haru's theory of them seeing Akira's predictions of what could have happened rather than what did. Akira has claimed to be psychic before; he'd imagine it would have to come into play somehow.

Haru could possibly be onto something. Still, he hasn't a clue why predictions of things that haven't happened play into things nor what that means for Akira's current state.

"It is rather impolite to talk about a person in front of their face!" Alice huffed, turning around to Makoto and folding her arms with a childish pout on her face, but there is a distinct frustration in her eyes as if she feels she isn't being taken seriously, "Honestly, what a rather rude thing to do. Talking behind people's backs, acting like the person is not even standing there. Have your parents not taught you any better? Did they not instill the idea of being considerate to other people's feelings on you? I really must be walking among mad people, savages even!"

"I didn't think—" Makoto stuttered, her face flushing in embarrassment and shame.

"Well, Then you shouldn't talk." Alice scoffed at her before turning on her heels and marching away from them, her arms still crossed. She turned the corner of the electronics section.

"Alice! Wait!" Yusuke called after her, chasing after the girl with the other Phantom Thieves in tow. It feels like they keep messing up with her; it feels like they keep messing up with Akira…

If understanding Alice meant understanding Akira, then he'd take all of her whimsical ramblings and piece them together. Maybe it would create the painting Akira wanted them to see?

Yusuke regretted the day he walked down those stairs after they had just accused him of murdering Kobayakawa despite not being 100% sure. He feels spineless just going with the masses' decision, even after all they preached about righting social injustices, especially after everything Akira has done for him. The Phantom Thieves hadn't even pressured him, he made that decision of his own accord, and he regretted it.

Yusuke knows he is not the easiest person to understand. Yusuke knows very well his shortcomings with connecting with others. He is eccentric and different from others. But, Akira knew precisely how to handle Yusuke.

Akira had been gentle with Yusuke when he had entered the Metaverse and telling him that his anger was justified despite all that Madarame did for him. He continuously cooked meal after meal for Yusuke so he wouldn't go hungry. He sat with him while he painted, with an interest no one had shown Yusuke before. He helped him find his passion for art again. Akira helped Yusuke learn how to handle himself without Madarame. Akira always knew what to say to Yusuke. He knew exactly how to inspire Yusuke, even when he was going through art slumps.

Akira was always there, despite it all.

Yusuke feels a failure as an artist for not seeing the whole picture in all of this. He couldn't even return the favor to Akira.

I saw myself in Yusuke. Meeting Yusuke was almost like meeting myself in a way. Yusuke was probably one of the strongest people I've met. He always knew how to stay composed. Graceful. Serene.

"Akira…" Yusuke muttered because he didn't know that. Is that why Akira doted on him? Because Akira saw himself in Yusuke. Yusuke knows now that his childhood was not normal, especially with Madarame's neglect and use of him. Putting that together with a previous memory he saw, he really doesn't like the sound of it.

But strong? Yusuke has never been as strong as Akira was. Yusuke doesn't feel he has half the resolve that Akira had.

Turning the corner of the electronics section only led to the main road. It's a jarring change, almost like when a dream shifts without warning, leaving an unsettling feeling of space and time; that sort of liminal space that doesn't make any sense.

"What the—For real?! We were just inside!" Ryuji sputtered, turning back the way they came only to see a road with houses. A residential area with no evidence of being a store, to begin with.

They say hindsight is 20/20, but people don't talk about how painful that realization is. I felt terrible for Yusuke. Madarame was a piece of sh*t that was all too familiar for me. But, despite that all, Yusuke just pushed on through. He kept creating. Living. Even when it got hard, and he despaired about his passion, he continued to paint despite all that had happened. I really admired him. Despite what happened to him, he just kept going after that.

Yusuke bit his lip. Did Akira really admire him that much? He feels the opposite; he really admired Akira for his strength and resolve. The beauty of who he was as a person. And his care for others. Akira was the one who kept him going. The Phantom Thieves and Akira are why Yusuke could come to terms with Madarame's unfair hold and use of him.

"Yusuke…" Haru sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder, a comforting gesture that Yusuke isn't sure the meaning of. After all, it really can't change anything. What has been done has been done. It's not as if Yusuke can turn back time and take back all the actions they've done against Akira. The suspicion they laid on him. The brushstrokes have been laid, and the only thing that can be done is to paint over them.

There will always be a residue left on the canvas if everything is scrapped away, the layer beneath the artists desperately tries to hide. The mistakes a painter has made.

Yet despite this, Yusuke has to find Akira and tell him how he really feels.

But the biggest difference between us is he had a dream, and I didn't. I wish I could be like Yusuke, so passionate about something that they are willing to suffer for it even when it gets hard. To go through anything for it. I wish I had a cause like that. I wish I had felt so strongly about something that I wouldn't doubt what I was doing no matter what.

The conviction that Yusuke held for his art, I wish I had just an ounce of that.

"Akira…but you did. You led the Phantom Thieves." Yusuke shook his head, denying what Akira had said. Akira had a resolve like no other. How could he say that about himself? Did he see what they saw? How could Akira think something like that when all he's done is dedicate himself towards the Phantom Thieves and their cause? Yusuke understands what the rest have been saying about Akira's narrative.

"That….that really doesn't make any sense…." Makoto shook her head as she bit her lip before she waved her hands as she backtracked, "I mean, I do think you are incredibly driven, Yusuke! And Passionate— I meant—"

Yusuke shook his head at her, "No need, Makoto, I understand. I agree; what Akira thinks about himself… It's not lining up."

"Alice!" Ann cried out, seeing the little girl in front of them. Yusuke distracts himself from the thoughts, looking up to observe the scene that lay in front of them as he is sure this memory will be crucial too.

Ryuji attempted to move further but is once more stopped by a set of bars materializing in front of them, preventing them from going any further. He kicked the bars in frustration before swearing, "f*ck! What the f*ck is up with all these bars?!"

Alice is on a scooter, with Kaguya and Yosh*tsune walking behind her but not paying attention to her. She's playfully pushing herself along, far faster than she should be. A reckless speed for a child. Even Yusuke can tell.

Yet, the other two personas don't say anything, simply conversing amongst their selves. That immediately goes bad when Alice's scooter's wheel catches in the crack on the sidewalk. It sends her over the handlebars, the scooter clattering to her side as she lands on her wrists, an audible bang as she hits the concrete. Yusuke winced because it looked like she hit the ground hard; it must have hurt, as he expected, since Alice begins crying uncontrollably.

She is a sobbing mess on the ground.

"Oh dear, that really wasn't a good fall." Haru shook her head, a look of pity on her face. "It looked like it really hurt."

Kaguya and Yosh*tsune don't even pick up their pace to meet up with her. Yusuke finds this thoroughly shocking. Earlier, Kaguya had displayed such motherly traits. Nurturing and caring. Yet, it seemed now that Kaguya couldn't even bat an eye at the child sobbing hysterically in front of her. Perhaps, just like Alice, were there two of her as well? Or rather, is she the cognition of someone else? She doesn't feel like the Kaguya from before.

"What the f*ck? Why ain't they doing anything?!" Ryuji growled in frustration, shaking the bars, "It's like they didn't even see Alice go down!"

Kaguya and Yosh*tsune reach where Alice is crying on the ground. But, they are hardly sympathetic at all.

"Now, now, you are fine. You can get up." Yosh*tsune told her, in a mock, kind voice, the unsympathetic voice a parent would give their kid just to get them to stop crying, "You are stronger than this kid; you can get up, I know it."

"I-I-I can't move my wrists!" Alice sobbed, her wrists cradled in her lap and crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks, "They hurt! I can't move them!"

"I'm sure they are fine. You just need to stretch them out. It was only a small tumble; you'll be fine." Yosh*tsune told her. Completely ignoring the words, Alice is saying in favor of his own narrative. Kaguya seemed to let out a sigh, her voice nonexistent though, her body language with her shoulders drooping and her head-turning away suggests she is tired and disappointed with Alice.


"Now, now, if you cry like this, you might drown in your own tears. Honestly, you are fine, no need to overreact about it. You are too old for that." Yosh*tsune reassured her again, with the same unsympathetic voice, "If you cry like that, you'll only disturb others sharing the same space. It's inconsiderate, honey. You can only cry like that when you are alone, ok? I'm older; therefore, I must know better. What if the neighbors heard? You'd be disrupting their peace."

"Ok—" Alice managed to get out in a strangled sob, nodding her head. "I-I-I'll try not to cry. I'm fine—"

"Now, your mother and I are going to walk ahead. When you've decided to look at this in a realistic light like a grown-up and cease overreacting, you may join us on our walk."

"What the f*ck." Ryuji growled, under his breath, voicing the anger that they all feel. How could Yosh*tsune say something like that? Of course, Alice would be in pain, she had just taken a terrible crash for a kid, and the way she is cradling her wrists suggests that she may have something more than a bruise or a sprain. But Kaguya and Yosh*tsune are dismissing her all because she is a child crying.

Yusuke watched, horrified through the bars, as Kaguya and Yosh*tsune start walking away from Alice, still sobbing on the ground. Brushstrokes are coming together rapidly in his mind. A comment from the earlier scene of them at the dinner table, Yosh*tsune mentioning that Alice was clumsy and had fallen off her scooter at some point. This must be the scene.

But it seemed far more intense than Yosh*tsune had made it out to be.

It's a moment of time, only a few minutes. A scene that looks almost normal, something you might see in the park. Kids fall all the time, are young, and don't have the same autonomy, especially on a bike or scooter. But looking closer, he sees the cracks in it all. The dialogue being given to Alice feels like a dose of a slow-acting poison masked by sugar.

A clear indicator she isn't being taken seriously despite doing all a child can express their feelings and emotions, especially when they've been injured. Invalidating words that don't acknowledge Alice's pain, even if it were only a mild scooter crash. A narrative that was forced on her that despite what she feels, 'she was overreacting, and it was no big deal, all for the comfort of her parent's walk. They aren't willing to hear her out, they aren't willing to investigate into her state further, they aren't willing to put in the trouble because it would be so much easier to look away and think about how the neighbors feel.

It was easier for them to just dismiss Alice's feelings.

This one moment. This moment of barely five minutes speaks miles to Akira's character to Yusuke; to his dismissiveness about his own moments of vulnerability, to his consistent use of the third eye ability despite it eating away at his health which clearly affected him all while claiming he was absolutely fine and that it was no big deal. Gritting his teeth to the bitter end, saying over and over, 'I'm fine, this is nothing, it is no big deal, and you are all making it out to be more than it is.' Because Akira actually believed that. Because that's how Akira was taught to think.

Had Akira always had a high pain tolerance or was he simply told he did enough times till he started believing it? Has Akira even been taught to consider his own feelings?

"That's—that's awful." Ann breathed, unable to look away and hopefully coming to the same conclusion as him. "They just…walked away from her…him…Akira…"

"She hit the ground so hard, she actually might have fractured her wrists." Makoto pointed out in a nervous voice, "For them to just…ignore that in favor of their own comfort… that's, that's truly terrible. That's negligence."

"Akira…" Yusuke muttered, hands grasped on the bars holding them back, willing them to disappear so they can go reassure Alice or Akira. Akira shouldn't have had to go through this. Akira shouldn't have been taught something like that. It hits so hard to home that Yusuke feels paralyzed by the scene.

Alice reached out towards Kaguya and Yosh*tsune's receding forms, leaning further, reaching out one arm with her arm outstretched towards them. The other she uses as leverage, but it gives out under here, indicating that her wrist was in pain from the action. Yusuke winced, remembering what Makoto had just said about the possibility of broken bones. She tumbled to the ground again, laying on the concrete of the street as she continued to reach towards them desperately, unable to get up.

They are no longer Kaguya or Yosh*tsune; instead, they are two people they don't know. An older woman and man, their backs turn and continuing to walk away down the road without a care in the world, especially to the crying girl.

"Give me love!" Alice begged, stretching her hand out at the retreating forms of the couple; she cried more desperately in a breaking wail with a voice starkly different than the absent-minded storybook character, "Please love me!! Why won't you love me?! Why can't you love me?!"

Yusuke knows this question well.

The painful realization that someone who should have cared for you your entire life has never entirely loved you genuinely. That you were only some sort of tool or trophy to them. If you didn't do what they taught, then you were wrong. If you couldn't reach their unattainable expectations, then you've failed. The unconditional love that had been promised by parents and guardians that they are supposed to hold and preach is riddled with unspoken conditions that are unfulfillable.

Then, the agonizing over why and what you could have done better. Why they treated you as they did? And what if they hadn't? What if you checked off all those conditions at the expense of throwing away yourself and values for validation. What if they had loved you unconditionally as they preached?

What if they had loved you for who you were supposed to be and not who they wanted you to be?

What if they just accepted you fully?

Why was it so hard to do that?

The what-ifs? He knows them all too well. And he is sure his friends are familiar with that specific feeling too.

Hindsight is 20/20; like Akira said, Yusuke realized that his upbringing was flawed and wrong. He realizes that but, sometimes he catches himself thinking, 'Was it really that bad? Am I misremembering things? Am I being ungrateful? Madarame did keep a roof over my head. He did give me somewhere to live and sleep. Am I being unreasonable?' Which makes him feel even guiltier. In those moments, Akira had reassured him that he was valid. His feelings were valid, and that his upbringing was not proper in the least.

But, had anyone told Akira that?

The Phantom Thieves are silent as the image of Alice and the other personas fade away. Still, the severity and heaviness of the scene weigh on them as well as Alice's broken cries or Akira's pleas for his parents to love him.

Something a child should never have to ask for in the first place.

"So, from that I gather, Alice is Akira or who he was as a kid…Kaguya is his mother, and Yosh*tsune is his father." Makoto deducted after a long string of silence because no one knows how to handle that particular memory. The rawness in Alice's breaking voice was too much for any of them to handle; it showed on their faces. The solemn look, pulling their gaze towards the ground as they try to come to terms with all the things they had not realized about Akira. All the things Akira didn't tell them.

Even Akechi doesn't have anything to say. Instead, his gaze lingering on the spot where Alice had disappeared with a frustrated scowl that is deepening every moment. She can't begin to imagine what he is thinking.

Makoto can't even begin to think about the implications of the memory. The facade of Akira being the confident and sly leader of the Phantom Thieves who always seemed to know where to go and what to do is crumbling away to reveal a completely different perspective of him.

But Makoto also knows they can't just stand around here forever thinking about it, a memory that they couldn't change. She can't think about it. She needed to put the pieces together because they need to get to the bottom of this. She desperately needs to understand why and what is going with Akira. Makoto needs to understand thoroughly this time because that is the only way they will be able to help Akira. They can't change the past but they can change the future. And to do that, The Phantom Thieves have to understand him and understand why he is in this situation now. "But…but why? I don't understand the context of this all."

"The Kaguya and Yosh*tsune we know… don't feel like that." Ryuji argued sullenly after a few long moments, kicking the ground, "And neither does Alice... So why would Akira remember them as his parents?"

"I've been thinking about this…Have you heard of internal familial systems?" Futaba muttered, kicking her toe into the dirt with an apprehensive look on her face. Everyone shook their heads at the unfamiliar term, and she continues, "It's a cognitive idea used in psychotherapy… Basically, the self is split into three main parts. You can label them however you want, but there is usually a nurturing or mothering role, a fighter or fathering role, and an exiled or inner child role. The nurturer is the role that takes care of the self, protecting them from trauma or painful feelings from interacting in the world. They fix problems. The fighter usually fights against these feelings by reckless behaviors to distract from the trauma. They fight against problems, not always in constructive ways. And the exile…the child is usually called an exile as those feelings don't surface; the other two fight against the exiled. All of these rolls exist on top of a self, But—"

"I think Akira's internal family system is just as f*cked up as his real one if we are going off that theory," Akechi stated bluntly and sharply, frustration on his face as he stated the absolute obvious.

"When Kaguya disappeared, the mothering role, he was super reckless in Sae's Palace, you all saw that shift. And when Yosh*tsune, the fathering role, disappeared, he revealed his childhood trauma to us in a way and was definitely off-kilter...." Futaba surmised, "If we go off that logic, Alice, the exiled, also left him, leaving him completely vulnerable to himself."

Makoto doesn't like the idea that Akira also rejected Alice, but at this point. It's the only explanation they have. Unfortunately, though, they still have no idea what happened. They don't know what happened for Akira to reject Arsene, Kaguya, Yosh*tsune, and Alice. She feels that is the most important key they need.

All they've really seen is his sh*tty childhood, which she'll admit, does explain some of his thought processes and why he acts the way he does. The scripts he has built for himself. And while Makoto would agree that Akira's upbringing was not how she imagined, it's all precursor that doesn't actually tell them the events that went down to attribute to where they are now.

What happened? Between Shido's Palace and now, what happened?

Though Makoto is painfully aware that they had a part to play in it if Shadow Akira's words are to be taken at face value. Still, she can't make the connection after Akira had sacrificed himself to save them.

Nothing makes sense.

"But isn't that good? His parts are gone so he can see his full self?" Yusuke wondered, uncertainty and hope in his voice, "That seems healthy? Ridding the parts to get to the whole, to come to terms with oneself. Is that not personal growth?"

"If Shadow Akira is his true self, and you saw what he was like and what he said," Morgana said in an unnerved, quiet voice. "Do you really think that was a good thing? If he had that negative of feelings, I hardly think leaving him alone with the demons in his head will end up well. We've already seen the consequences. We know relatively how Shadow Akira feels about us, but have we stopped to think what Shadow Akira might feel about himself? Or what would happen if Shadow Akira meets real Akira?"

This makes everyone freeze, including Makoto, because she had not thought of that. What would happen if someone's shadow meets them? In Futaba's case, her shadow helped her realize the part of her she had repressed, the truth she had known and had been shrouded. Shadow Futaba was angry and sad, but she wasn't malicious. She helped Futaba. And even though arguably Shadow Futaba had threatened to kill them, it had only been so they understood the severity of the issue and Makoto isn't sure if she would have actually gone through with it. Shadow Futaba had Futaba's best interests at heart, Shadow Futaba wanted her to face herself.

Shadow Akira doesn't feel like he has the same altruistic intentions. Those cruel golden eyes pierced right through their soul, with the most callous words she had ever heard in Akira's voice. Shadow Akira is far more volatile.

But, it's Akira. How could Akira ever be this hostile? Makoto may have one point considered him to be that hostile, but she can admit now, there wasn't any proof, and Akira has never once laid a finger on them. Even when it was blatantly obvious, he could.

"Morgana. What would happen if Kurusu meets his own Shadow?" Akechi asked quietly, but his eyes narrowed as he addressed the other in a deadly serious voice. Makoto is glad he asked the question she didn't want to voice.

"People weren't meant to enter their own Palaces…or I guess, Cognitive Places in this sense…One, because if a person entering their palace means they do not have access to a persona as there is an existence of a palace in the first place. It's dangerous. The Metaverse is dangerous for us, and some of you know how dangerous it is without a persona. Two, meeting your shadow is even more unfathomable because while Akira might have a good idea of how he feels about himself, we don't. We are lucky with Shadow Futaba that she was angry but not at Futaba, but at the adults that put her into that situation. We can't say the same for Shadow Akira. So, I can't tell you what Shadow Akira would do for sure, but I have a pretty good feeling that it won't end well." Morgana explained with an anguished expression. "But, if this place is still here? And Shadow Akira too? And if Akechi saw Real Akira? We can assume that this has not happened yet. And we should definitely stop that from happening if we can."

"Are you saying if Shadow Akira meets real Akira, then Shadow Akira is going to kill him?" Ryuji sputtered in horror as they all process what Morgana had said.

"What I'm saying…." Morgana started biting his lip as he was trying to be careful about how he phrased what he wanted to say. He continued in a solemn voice, "What I'm saying is that Akira doesn't exactly have a great track record of self-preservation. And I think…I think not only have we seen the tip of that, but Shadow Akira probably multiplies that to an extent in a way even if it wasn't the original intent..."

Makoto clenched her fist because Morgana is right. When Akira participated in the battle arena in her sister's palace, he had been reckless. Throwing away his own health just to take down an enemy he could have easily used Alice on. She thought he was co*cky, that he knew his own limits, and it was just a gamble. But now, looking back on it. How could she not have seen how destructive that was? Yusuke certainly did. She doesn't know what to believe anymore; Akira says one thing and does the other. He claimed he had it under control? But did he?

How is she supposed to navigate Akira when half the things he says are lies? Of course, she wants to believe him, but what is she supposed to think?

Suddenly, a memory of him comes into her head before Sae's palace.

"But you've been running on logic, intellect, and your conscious mind where you keep overthinking things again and again till you've dissociated from it. All while completely ignoring the other part of you. Ignore that, forget that Makoto, because what do you want to do? Ignore your deductions; ignore everything that has been presented about Sae, f*ck logic. f*ck what you know. Listen to your intuition. What do you want, Makoto?!"

Makoto wants to believe in Akira; she wants to believe he is not a murderer. She wants to believe what Shadow Akira said wasn't the entire picture. She'll listen to her intuition like Akira told her. And her intuition is screaming that Akira obviously isn't ok and there is obviously so much more to this all that they haven't seen. They are missing a gigantic piece, and she isn't sure about Shadow Akira's words and how true they are.

"f*ck, what do we do?" Ryuji shook his head, "How the f*ck are we supposed to find him?"

"I think…All we can do is keep going. We can't navigate, and we can't leave. Therefore, all we can do is use the cognitive memories to progress and piece together the information we aquire." Makoto surmised, something has always happened with the memories; if they keep following Alice or Kaguya, she is sure they'll make their way to Akira. Of course, it's blind faith, but she wants to believe Akira has a part leading them through this Wonderland.

Even when absent, he remains the one they choose to follow. Makoto can't help but smile; she wants to tell him how she wished she had the skills he did.

She wanted to be the leader he was, his narrative says one thing, but she knows he had so much conviction to lead them through all of those palaces even if he didn't see it.

Makoto was someone I could rely on, no matter what. She always had something helpful to say. She wanted the best for all of us, and her intentions always reflected that even if she could come across as brash sometimes. She just kept pushing us forward, no matter what. She was entirely ready to take on a mafia lord for christ's sake, all for the sake of the students at Shujin. Makoto was one of the most valiant people I've ever known. She wasn't ever afraid to do what she felt was right.

Makoto looked away, ashamed as she pursed her lips. Morgana was right; they don't deserve these words. But does she even deserve them after what she put Akira through? Was this really what Akira thought of her? She had doubts, but she forced herself to listen. If Akira believed her as someone to keep pushing forward, then she'll do just that. Even if she thinks Akira was the one who pushed her to be better in the end.

"Brash…might be an understatement…." Makoto chuckled with embarrassment. She can admit now that she did jump into things rather quickly, thinking she had all the facts when she didn't. Misguided.

"Maybe a little, but it's endearing." Haru reassured her with a gentle smile as she patted her shoulder, "I agree, Mako-chan. You are passionate and Valiant. You want to do what is right. We all know that."

Her ambition inspired me. I've never had someone push me in such a positive way before, someone who genuinely wanted the best for me. And especially in school, I've never had someone to study with before. Even if school wasn't my favorite thing, I felt normal. I owe a lot of my grades to Makoto. I think all of us did. I wouldn't know what I'd do without those library study sessions. Makoto was ruthless at times, and by god, did I need that.

"Another inconsistency." Makoto announced, picking it out as it was said, she has been collecting them, based on what the others said, "I've only studied with Akira when we've studied in a group. None of his grades are owed to me. If anything, he helped me with my own at some points."

"Yeah, Akira was smart." Ryuji nodded, folding his arms. "He helped me with my own grade."

"Kawakami always praised him for being top of the class." Ann filled in.

"Kawakami had a bias for Akira because she was his maid." Ryuji corrected her with a sly look and slanted eyes. Makoto sighed.

"Yeah, well, his grades don't lie; he was always the top of our class. And she wasn't even that sort of maid; she just cleaned for him. That's what she told me." Ann scoffed, nudging him, "Get your mind out of the gutter."

"I was just saying!! Jeez! Kawakami did have a bias for him! They went fishing together all the time."

Even then, I was just above average. Even before, I had to attend cram school because my grades weren't even exemplary; I barely made the middle of my class… I could have used someone like Makoto in my first year. Or even in elementary school. I think if I had someone who would just sit down and explain things to me…maybe, things wouldn't have ended up how they did.

"But… Aki-chan's grades were so high." Haru frowned, her nose scrunching up, "How could he say that? I would have only imagined he was top of his grade earlier too…."

"Very strange to say as he was a very excellent chess player. His strategy was always immaculate." Akechi added with a pensive look.

Another inconsistency. Makoto knows Akira is intelligent. She has seen his test grades; She has seen his markings. So could he have been cheating? But even then…when they studied and had random questions, he always knew the answer. So Makoto doesn't know how he could have been.

Maybe if I had been as brave as Makoto, then it would have turned out differently.

Makoto has no idea what he means. Akira was far braver and fearless than she'd ever been.

The neighborhood around them instantly goes dark. It takes a moment for them to realize what had just happened. It was like the day had turned to night. All the streetlights had turned on, dimly illuminating the dark street on the residential street. It was jolting; it felt like this was a movie set with the scene changing so fast. Or a dream. Makoto blinked; it had happened so quickly she was afraid something had happened with her eyes.

"Ooooh, I didn't like that." Futaba shook her head, looking around with a nervous grumble, "Though, that is often what happens to me when I code the entire day."

"It's just you are not paying attention. It doesn't actually switch that fast." Morgana told her with a sigh, "You just don't pay attention.

Makoto wonders why it's night, but she can only think this must be another memory. Then, as if her thoughts were heard, someone brushed past her on the sidewalk. Quiet as a feather, but she sees him enter her vision as he shuffled down the street.

"Akira!" She recognized him, though he's wearing an unfamiliar outfit. He looks to be their age this time. But this isn't Shibuya, so she surmised, this could be a memory from Inaba just before he was sent to Shibuya. So not his childhood which was a stretch. The memories are obviously not in chronological order. Still, it's weird. She knows he is a year younger, even if she often forgets that face, but this memory feels like it's out of place.

She reached out after him, curious if they would be able to interact with this cognition. But as soon as she reached out, her hand meets bars. A common occurrence. But it still didn't mean Akira couldn't hear him. Alice heard them in one of the previous occurrences.

"Hey!! Over here!" Ryuji is wildly waving his hand, with the same thought pattern as Makoto in all of this.

What surprised her is that Cognition Akira seemed to stop at their calls, coming to a halt only a few feet away. Did that actually work? But he doesn't turn to them instead of looking a bit down the road at something. Just a few feet in front of them is a commotion, a man and a woman arguing. Cognitions that weren't there a moment ago. Cognition Akira is staring at arguing pair, with his back turned to them.

"Shido." Akechi spat, realized what was going on as a sour look crosses his face. And he's right. Makoto can make out the form of Shido arguing with the woman down the street. Trying to make advances on the woman and get her into the car next to curb.

She knows what is going on.

This was when Akira got arrested and the incident that put him on probation. This is what started it all.

"Help! Please, please help me!" The woman begged, struggling with a drunken Shido as she called over his shoulder to Cognition Akira with a panicked look. The woman knows what her fate is.

"That f*cking piece of sh*t." Ann snarled in an uncharacteristically callous voice for her. But Makoto doesn't blame her; it's disgusting and horrifying to see.

"Akira did the right thing." Haru admitted quietly, "even if he did get put on probation for it."

"Yeah…" Yusuke agreed solemnly.

Makoto silently agreed but can't tear her eyes away from Cognition Akira's back. She wanted to see the resolve he had at this moment. She wanted to experience it firsthand. His fists curl at his side, and she knows he's going to make the move that changes his entire life. Just like when he awakened Arsene to save Ryuji because that was the person Akira was. Akira helped her despite everything she's done to him. Akira waited for her to awaken when they could have easily had left. Akira saves people; Akira does what's right.

And He is going to stomp over there to valiantly stop Shido from harassing the woman. He'll probably say something snarky or witty if Makoto knows anything about Akira. Make a scene. Be the gentleman thief he is, even if he did get arrested. She will witness it in it's fullest capacity to understand Akira.

But he doesn't do that.

To all their surprise, Cognition Akira unclenched his fists and turned heel quickly, walking back towards them. Shuffling away from the scene of Shido and the woman as the woman continues to cry for help. Makoto gets a clear look on his face as he passed underneath the streetlight, illuminating all his features.

Emotionless and exhausted, eyes half-lidded as he stared at the ground intently. Same as the one Alice had been wearing during the family dinner.


It's unsettling. It's…not the look she liked on Akira. Not a look she's ever seen on Akira. It's so foreign.

"H-hey—" Ryuji muttered nervously, with the same apprehension that she feels as Cognition Akira nearly walked right into the bars. But he stops, just shy of a few feet. Something holding him in place.

Cognition Akira stood in front of them, eyes still felled to the ground, like someone on trial.

"Akira…hey…" Ann tried to reach out to him, but he is just out of her hand's reach. None of them can reach him through the bars.

"What are you doing?" Makoto wondered quietly, as she didn't think it went like this. She doesn't know what she imagined this event to play out as. Akira had only told a shortened version to them. Hell, he had even left out that Shido was the one responsible, but she had never thought about the full context of the story. Akira never dwelled on it and always told it with a casual tone, like a funny anecdotal story.

Makoto had just assumed she knew what Akira had done, based on what she knew of him.

She doesn't understand.

She realized how much she doesn't truly understand Akira. And she doesn't think she really tried to; Makoto hadn't put herself in his shoes.

If she had, maybe she would understand why this moment is so vastly different than any of them expected.

"I shouldn't get involved. No…It would just end badly…Mom would be mad….She probably will be since I was supposed to cook tonight..." Cognition Akira shook his head, muttering to himself. A flash of guilt and shame on his face, conflict. He clenched his fists again as he argued with himself. "I should…how would she feel— this isn't right. But, what can I even do?"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (62)

Makoto, or any of them really, didn't realize Akira had second thoughts in this moment.

Something else that surprised Makoto was Akira isn't tugging at his hair. She had surmised that is what he usually did when he was thinking. She hadn't pinpointed if it was related to stress or just an unconscious habit. But she has noticed that Akira does it a lot when he thinks deeply, as he is doing right now.

It's small, she admitted. Yet, it bothered her. Why isn't he doing it now? Did he form that habit after coming to Shibuya? Why?

"I should do something..." Cognition Akira decided, hesitantly as if he is doubting the decision, before frowning and telling himself quietly, "He would do something…if he were here. He wouldn't even have to think about it."

"He?" Yusuke pondered. Makoto wondered to, possibly a role model?

Cognition Akira doesn't give them an answer; instead, taking a shaky deep breath before turning back to the scene and shuffling over. There is a distinct lack of confidence missing from his form. One she was so used to Akira wearing. She is used to Akira walking with his shoulders squared, hands in pocket, and a co*cky smile, especially when he knows he is about to make mischief.

Why is he so skittish in this memory? Why is he so different? She watched as Akira is about to put his hand on Shido's shoulder to stop him, but he paused, still mulling over his decision before taking the plunge and resting his hand on Shido's shoulder to get his attention. Shido instantly jumped, throwing him back. But it did take his attention of the woman. Shido stumbled and faceplanted onto the ground; his intoxication was the culprit and even gave him a nasty gash on his forehead.

Cognition Akira had literally only touched him, and he fell down. There was no assault at all, not even an exchange of words between them. There was nothing but a tap on the shoulder. It was so quick.

"Wait, that's how it played out?!" Ann gasped in surprise at the mundanity of it all. It was so quick and sudden.

Makoto is stunned; she had for sure thought Akira would have something witty to say to Shido, even if it was an act. Something snarky, she knows Akira claimed there wasn't an altercation, but she had at least thought Akira would have said something. But he didn't. None of his usual dramatic attitude is there. There is no snark. There is no back talk. Nothing. Akira had only touched him politely to get him to stop.

Cognition Akira is horrified, standing a few feet back, the woman gasping behind him. Even though he didn't do anything, he still looked mortified and guilty as if he had actually done something wrong.

"Damn Brat, I'll sue!" Cognition Shido snapped at him, dragging himself back to his feet, giving Akira the coldest look of pure hatred.


Even Akechi is at a loss for words next to her; he can't make heads or tails of this exchange either. He hasn't said a word, but the look of pure confusion is evident on his face. Akechi wasn't expecting this either. Akechi had assumed the same as them how it had gone down. They know Akira, or She thought they knew him. She thought she knew how this played out.

Akira's retelling of the events didn't even do it justice. It did not paint the whole injustice of what had happened. Makoto is severely glad they had stolen Shido's heart. And they need to make sure he receives all the retribution for this.

This was inhumane.

"That's not fair at all!" Futaba cried out, "How is that fair at all?! He didn't do anything! He wasn't even snarky! He literally didn't even say a word!"

"If you keep this up, I'll report about the money! Is that fine with you!?" The woman protested, seemingly trying to stand up for Akira in all of this as he stood to the side, stunned by what had just happened.

"All I would have to say is that you did it on your own, and it's over." Cognition Shido told her coldly, in a threatening tone. A finality they all knew he could deliver.

"But I just…did what I was told…." The woman argued, but her voice died out because she made the cold realization; it didn't matter what she said. Her word meant nothing against Cognition Shido.

"Who do you think I am?" Cognition Shido snarled at her dryly.

"No…" The woman shook her head in distraught. Cognition Akira is standing there helplessly because he doesn't know what is going on. Makoto doesn't blame him, she wanted to warn him of what was going to happen next, but it wouldn't do a thing. He has no idea how that one little gesture ruined his life.

"Hey, make this statement to the cops, 'This kid suddenly attacked me.' Got it?" Cognition Shido told her firmly, "If you even try to say anything else, you know what will happen to you, right?"

"Huh? But?" The woman protested.

With a voice of disbelief, Cognition Akira sputtered out, "But, Y-you fell on your own!"

"Shut it, brat, you are done for! You are going to learn not to cross me." Cognition Shido spat at him. Before Cognition Akira can protest any more or plead his case, which Makoto knows is futile, a pair of cops show up claiming they had received reports of a domestic disturbance.

"Oh! It's you, sir." The cop recognized Shido, and it's obvious why. He was famous, but not only that, he had a hand in controlling the police. Makoto feels her heart clenched. The justice system that was supposed to protect Akira didn't. She had wondered if it were her father, would he have done differently?

"So, tell the good officer what happened," Shido remarked, turning to the woman.

The woman turns her gaze to the ground, the same look of conflict that Akira had on his face only a few minutes earlier before she said with a nervous voice, "That young man suddenly attacked him, he shoved this gentleman to the ground….and this man got injured."

"That goddamn bitch threw him under the bus for helping her!" Ryuji snarled, hands curled around the bars with a disgusted look on his face.

"What choice did she have…." Ann frowned, her eyes downcast. "If she didn't… I don't think what she did was right. But…being put in that corner of fear…especially from someone more powerful than you, you make less than sound decisions for your own safety…She didn't have a chance between Shido and the police. She doesn't have any power, she's in a corner."

Makoto bit her lip. She understands where Ryuji is coming from. It's a sh*tty thing to do, but she understands where Ann is coming from. She is referring to Shiho. And Ann was absolutely right, this woman; she didn't have any other options. The police obviously knew Shido, and while she doesn't want to believe what they could do, she knows the odds are against the woman and Akira.

"It is as she said." Cognition Shido confirmed the fake story that he fed to the woman while Cognition Akira wears a familiar face of betrayal. The same one she saw when she accused him of murder.

And isn't this the same situation?

Cognition Akira is stunned; he can't say anything, seemingly still processing the entire thing.

"Keep my name out of the reports when you deal with him. You got that? You know what that means?" Cognition Shido told them with a serious look. The cop nodded in understanding before turning to his partner.

"Cuff him!"

"Wait, hang on! It wasn't me! I swear!" Akira pleaded, shaking his head, but he had the widest smile on his face when he looked up. Like Shido had said, but instead of being happy, it's in disbelief and shock. It's a person at their wit's end when the universe has royally screwed them over. "Are you…this isn't happening. I didn't do it; you have to believe me. I didn't do anything. You can't do this!"

"No one is going to believe a word you say." Cognition, Shido spat at him before taking off with the woman in tow. To do who knows what with her. She doesn't struggle this time, especially with the cops here; there isn't anything she can do after all.

Makoto feels her heart shatter. Not only did Akira not end up saving that woman, he had gotten arrested for nothing but false witness. He did his best; he overcame his anxiety with the situation, resolving to help her, only for her to turn her back on him under Shido's manipulation and get him arrested. He was only sixteen, a year younger than her, up against the most powerful politician in Shibuya, Akira never had a chance. He'd never have been taken seriously.

He got arrested with no proof but a false claim. And he didn't even help anyone in the end like he thought he was. So it was a futile endeavor.

She had accused Akira of murder without concrete proof. Instead, she accused Akira of murder on nothing but speculation and timing, things that were suspicious but didn't prove anything.

Makoto finally understands the gravity of those actions now after seeing this memory.

She f*cked up, and she understands that now.

The policemen escort Cognition Akira past them, his hands in cuffs and head turned downward.

"Akira… I'm so, so sorry….You didn't deserve any of that." Makoto quietly apologized, knowing this was only a cognition and it wouldn't matter, but she had to say it anyways. It slipped out, the words she knows she needs to deliver to the real Akira sincerely.

Even if she thinks she'd be apologizing for a lifetime, she'll start now. She won't stop till she makes it right.

Cognition Akira looked up, his steely eyes piercing through her soul. She is frozen by the sudden gaze she wasn't expecting. It wasn't malicious like Shadow Akira, but it wasn't warm like Akira. It was emotionless. And he tells her and the rest of the Phantom Thieves in a low, solemn voice.

"The day I was sentenced to Shibuya on probation was one of the happiest days of my life."

This astonished her. The vision fades, but she still feels like she feels Akira's gaze on her.

Another inconsistency. Or was it? She doesn't know. But who would be happy about being sentenced a year away from their hometown on a crime they did not commit?

She realized soon after putting the pieces together from before. Akira doesn't like Inaba; Inaba held bad memories for him, his relationship with his parents wasn't great, and they have yet to see one friend he's made despite staring at those teenagers longingly. Akira doesn't feel like he has anything in Inaba.

Why wouldn't Shibuya be a new opportunity? A new start?

When Shido had said Akira had the widest smile on his face at his probation serving, which he probably was told second hand, it was because Akira had a chance to escape. To make him into something else, make friends who didn't know about his past, and experience things he didn't get to in Inaba.

"When Akira had said…that he couldn't absolve his criminal record and end his probation…I don't think it was because he knew he couldn't go up against Shido…Or at least not all of it; I think he didn't want to go back to his hometown." Finally, Makoto admitted quietly after a few long silent moments, "If he had told us about Shido's identity, and we had decided to go after Shido, managed to change his heart, and he confessed everything. Then, Akira would have been sent home because his parents still hold legal guardianship over him."

"But nothing happened when we changed Shido's heart!" Yusuke argued, missing the point.

"Yeah, but Akira didn't know that. Back at Kaneshiro's Palace, it's perfectly understandable he could come to this conclusion given the evidence with Kamoshida and Madarame." Makoto explained with a sigh. She doesn't blame Akira, and it's a good thing they didn't target Shido immediately as they'd be f*cked, Akira might have been able to take him out, but even he relied on them and Akechi heavily in the last battle with Shido.

"He didn't want to go home…." Ann muttered quietly, wringing her hands. "When we were in Akechi's apartment, he seemed sad about talking about his home. I thought it was because he couldn't go home... But that was because…he didn't want to go back, wasn't it?"

"Then…why did he decide to target Shido in the end?" Haru wondered, "If he knew he was going to have to go home."

"He only has a few months left of his probation. And, I think, he didn't realize how connected Shido was to the rest of the of our targets was till…." Makoto trailed off as she looked at Akechi, not sure how to exactly phrase what she thinks. Akira only got serious about Shido when Akechi had come into the picture. But, then, the whole fake suicide plan too. God, if Akira hadn't won over Akechi by that point, he really would have been f*cked.

"Till Akira stole Akechi's heart." Futaba nodded with understanding.

"He did not— That—you are way off the mark! Don't come up with baseless assumptions!" Akechi growled with frustration, but Makoto can't help but snicker; they all know it's true even if Akechi wouldn't outright admit it. Akechi tagged on, "And Kurusu knew more about Shido than you think. It wasn't about me."

"What? He did?" Ryuji blinked in confusion, face stunned and mouth agape.

"He knew about me and Shido's connection." Akechi admitted, his scowl deepening as he leaned from one hip to the other, shifting nervously as he revealed, "I don't know about the rest, but he knew about Shido being my father when he first approached me."

"How?!" Morgana sputtered.

"I don't know. I was looking into it, but that information is not easy to come by. I was looking into how it could have leaked, how he could have known. But I don't know, ok? Then everything with Shido's plan was happening, and I didn't exactly have time or resources to dig around, especially with Shido watching. me." Akechi snapped back, clearly upset about it. Makoto paused. Akechi hadn't accused Akira of anything. Even though he knew something, he didn't. Akechi had looked for the full proof.

Makoto bit her lip. It's hard not to be suspicious when Akechi revealed something like that. But, how could Akira have known that? None of them had anything to suspect Akechi on before he was revealed to be the black mask, "Did you ask him how he knew?"

Akechi scoffed, "As if he'd actually outright tell me. He'd probably just go with his usual argument of 'Oh I'm Psychic.'"

"Because he's psychic!" Ryuji argued, without a doubt in his voice and every ounce of conviction that Ryuji has ever used, "I mean, come on. All the inconsistencies? The things he knows but shouldn't. Things don't add up. Things are not what they seem? Because he's psychic! He's been saying it this entire time! And we didn't listen!"

Makoto is having a harder time arguing that point right now. It must be Wonderland because she thinks she's become crazy enough to believe it. It would make complete sense in a lot of the situations they accused Akira of.

"But, Akira said it doesn't really work like that." Futaba frowned with hesitance in her voice as she tried to explain. "He said it was more like psychic intuition, not…outright knowing future events?"

"Obviously, he is lying to you about that because he knew exactly what Shido's attack pattern was going to be right down to the last phase where Shido separated us from you." Akechi shot her down.

"This doesn't make any sense." Ryuji shook his head, "We don't know how much he actually knew!"

"Well, we know he knew a lot more than he was letting on." Morgana pointed out, "Even from the beginning…in the palaces…."

"My father…" Haru murmurs, lowering her hat over her head.

"Shiho…" Ann grimaced.

Makoto bit her lip. If Akira knew so much…She is just confused as the rest of them. What could have been prevented? Could they have prevented Haru's father's death? Could they have prevented Shido from rising to power earlier, or would they have been wiped out? If they had stepped in, what would have happened? What if they had believed he was psychic from the start? What if he had proven it to them? What if things are different?

What if?

There are too many variables. Makoto doesn't know how his third eye works or what he sees. She doesn't know if it's actual events or if things are relative and changes with every action they make. And it isn't fair to accuse Akira of all this since they don't have all the facts on what Akira does and does not know.

She isn't going to jump to conclusions this time; she isn't going to make assumptions. She won't make the same mistake as before, and she will make sure they don't either. Thinking about the what-ifs is only going to confuse and upset them even more.

"Let's take a step back." Makoto dissuades them before the tension rises too high; they needed to focus, "Let's operate on the assumption that Akira is psychic to an extent. But not jump to conclusions on what he does or does not see. All we know is that there are inconsistencies. And we should find Akira and get the full story. If we jump to conclusions…it won't end well. So we need the full picture."

"I agree." Akechi nodded, surprisingly agreeing with her, "I don't know if I necessarily believe he's psychic, but even if that were possible, I still think there were ways Kurusu could have figured out my situation. There is always a paper trail, and I'm a hundred percent sure Kurusu could have put pieces together if he decided to investigate into Shido further after this incident. I don't know how, but I know Kurusu is damn determined and stubborn when he wants to be. Just because I didn't figure it out doesn't mean it wasn't possible."

"Yeah, for real…if I'd gotten arrested for literally no reason because of some dude, I'd probably look into them too…." Ryuji agreed before a grimace appeared on his face, "But, I'm still not sure…about the things lining up… it's not making any sense. Are we even getting any closer to Akira? Or the end of this 'Wonderland'? Even with Alice here….it doesn't feel like Wonderland anymore."

"Yeah…when we first entered, It felt like we were in a movie or a dream. Now it's just…." Ann trailed off, her frown deepening.

"A nightmare." Yusuke finished her thought quietly.

Makoto sighed; it's true. This was not how she was expecting the tumble through the rabbit hole to go. Instead of trying to figure out why the public wouldn't change their mind about Shido, it had turned into a search and rescue mission for Akira. She is relieved he is supposedly alive…but everything they've seen, what is it leading up to?

It's all the things Akira hadn't told them.

Was it her fault he didn't tell them?

Or an echo from an earlier dialogue, did he feel he would be inconsiderate if he told them? She wonders if he had told them, would it have changed things? Would they be here now?

"It's… It's my fault…" Makoto shook her head. If she didn't accuse Akira, then maybe he would have opened up to them about this stuff.

"It's not just your fault." Morgana frowned, muttering quietly. "All of us except Haru and Akechi doubted and accused him too. It wasn't just your fault, Makoto; it was most of us. It was my fault too. Even though I was that one to teach Akira to be a Phantom Thief...I turned my back on him..."

"Yeah…" Ann breathed, her eyes getting a little misty, as she looked up to Makoto with a look of guilt, "I…sort of blamed you at first…but that was just me trying to shift the blame when I know what I did. I hurt one of my close friends, and I didn't want to acknowledge it. But that wasn't fair. We all came to this conclusion, except Haru and Akechi. And, we all had a part to play, including me. I'm sorry for blaming you Makoto, I was just as much a part of this."

"Yeah…what she said." Ryuji sighed, his lips taught with shame as well, "I was just as much a part of that…."

"Regrettably, I as well…" Yusuke sighed, "We certainly did not handle the situation well…I had my part to play in it all."

"Me too…" Futaba muttered quietly, eyes pulled to the ground.

Makoto knows this is a solemn moment; all of them acknowledge that they had a part to play. But, Makoto can admit, she was stubborn with the accusations. Even after the rest had forgiven Akira, she regrets it. But, she can't change that now; the only option is moving forward. Wallowing in pity isn't going to save Akira. Drowning in guilt is only going to bring them nowhere. They owe it to Akira to hear him out, no matter what, no matter if it doesn't make sense. All they can do is listen now. All she can do is listen to her instinct.

"Then, Why don't we find Akira and tell him how we feel?" Makoto suggested, managing to pull a smile onto her face. She has to tell Akira how she feels; she needs to express her gratitude in the most sincerity she can how happy she is to have a group of friends this tight-knit. "I want to apologize sincerely to him."

Akira has to know that he is the reason for this all. He is the reason for their strong bonds.

"I think that's a good idea, Mako-chan." Haru smiled back.

A blue butterfly fluttered by her face, surprising her as she wasn't expecting it. She blinked in confusion, the butterfly starts fluttering away.

"Hey, isn't that from the memory earlier?" Futaba pointed out, pointing towards the butterfly. "It seemed pretty out of place from that earlier memory. Ryuji, didn't you say you don't remember it from the memory?"

"Yeah, I didn't see it when Akira awakened." Ryuji shook his head, "But I have no idea how a butterfly could have gotten into that dungeon, and now?"

"It's beautiful," Yusuke murmured, and he's not wrong. The way it shimmers when its wings flutter is ethereal. It does feel like something straight out of a dream.

"Margaret…" Akechi frowned, muttering under his breath, but Makoto hears him. The name…it sounded familiar. She remembered Sae said something about Akechi's acquaintance Margaret. But, for some reason, Makoto hadn't thought any further on it. Still, did that mean Margaret was an acquaintance of Prince Detective Akechi or Black Mask Akechi?

"We should follow it." Morgana quickly said as the butterfly started fluttering down the street, and Makoto doesn't get the chance to question him before they chase after it.

Another clue that she holds onto to try to put together the puzzle that Akira is.

The butterfly led them back to the main street. Futaba is sure that it was some sort of spirit guide. That was precisely how it went in the games. This butterfly had to be something important. Nothing glows like that unless it's crucial. That was like the first rule of game design. She knows it in her gut.

Another mystery to add to the pile. It led the thieves straight to a door on the side of the main street. However, the door isn't attached to a building. Instead, it looks like the jail bars they have been running into. Instead, this one is an actual entry point. The bars are there, but she knows it can be opened. The butterfly settled on the rim of the door, fluttering its wings periodically as if waiting for their next action.

"Woah! It's not even attached to anything." Futaba gasped as she peered around the other side just to make sure. This feels like a tv show or something; she wonders if it's bigger on the inside? It would have to be since there is nothing to the door other than the bars and rim, "What is this? It's glowing blue, just like the butterfly! It's…a little creepy, actually….what's with the chains?"

"The Velvet Room," Akechi answered, with a tight look on his face as he turned to give the rest of the Phantom Thieves a pointed look. Futaba has no idea why. But she does have to wonder, how did Akechi know specifically what this was? The Velvet Room? It sounded like some club's VIP room, but the door doesn't fit that aesthetic in the least. Yet, Akechi said it with such conviction. It must be something important.

"The Velvet Room…." Makoto blinked in surprise, apparently not expecting those words. Before her eyes widened at what Akechi said as she exclaimed in disbelief, "The Velvet Room with the Twin Assistants that fuse and strengthen persona?! That—but, that can't be real…can it?"

A room that fused persona? Was that possible? Why hadn't she known about that?

"I thought Akira made that up!" Ann sputtered, seemingly also in on the conversation, but the look on her face is utter horror and guilt. "It didn't sound possible!"

"Of course, you would. The Velvet Room wasn't accessible by you. It's only accessible by those with the wildcard ability or the potential. Anyone else, so I've been told, would simply ignore its existence. Or as it seems, would write it off as an exaggeration or a joke." Akechi scoffed, lingering nearer to the door, curiosity in his eyes, "Still if you can see it now…."

"Akira was telling the truth about it the whole time?" Ryuji asked quietly, distraught, a guilty look on his face. Futaba feels like she is missing out on something big.

"There is a room where Akira fuses and strengthens persona, and you never told me?!" Futaba huffed indignantly at the rest of the group, folding her arms in frustration. How could the rest of the Phantom Thieves keep something so big from her? It seemed like a pretty important detail. She was supposed to be their navigator, their know-all. "Seriously? I was left out of that?! I think we all need to sit down and just…I don't know, get all the cards out on the table, honestly! That would have explained so much!"

"Yes, this is quite an unexpected concept I wasn't aware of." Haru mentioned as she shared in Futaba's sentiment, tilt her head sadly and disappointed, "It would have explained a lot of why he had such different personas than us….and at higher levels."

Futaba agreed; it could have cleared up a lot of the misunderstanding that lingered around how Akira got his other persona. It would honestly explain a whole lot.

"We didn't say anything because we hadn't believed him when he told us…." Yusuke answered, forlorn, and Futaba can't help but sympathize with the guilt that his face is drenched in. It was something else Akira had told them, but they didn't believe it. Is that why no one told her? Since they didn't believe it? Though, Futaba had never sensed such a room. Not even a whiff of it, if it had been in the metaverse, wouldn't she had felt it?

"It didn't sound logical…." Ryuji muttered, kicking the ground, "He pointed to an empty space and said there was a door there! And you know how Akira teases us, we legit thought it was a joke… But then, we just thought it was Akira avoiding the actual reason. Like he usually does…it just seemed like one of his nonsensical rambles!"

"We literally can travel to the cognitive world, summoning exaggerated manifestations of ourselves, performing feats that are impossible for our age, but a door that leads to a room that fuses personas is out of your field of perception?" Akechi scoffed at them, punctuating the last words. It's harsh, but Futaba understands why. Why wouldn't they believe it? It really wasn't out of their realm of understanding.

A silence crashes over the Phantom Thieves, Futaba and Haru feel the guilt second hand. They hadn't been given a chance to believe it.

"Think about it. Why wouldn't you believe it?" Akechi implored them again, but this time, it's not a condescending tone, rather a direct one. It's an appeal to think. "Or at least investigate the idea? Why did you simply just dismiss it? You've investigated everything else; why not this?"

"We should have. There wouldn't be a reason why we wouldn't live in the cognitive world." Makoto answered, realization in her voice. Confusion sets in afterward, and Makoto seemed a loss for words, which she never was.

"Exactly. You all weren't meant to acknowledge it." Akechi confirmed, "You all are smart enough that you would have at least investigated the idea had you been allowed to. Which is probably why the Velvet Room residents put that concept into place because they know how the human mind works. And they choose who they wish to interact with."

"So, why can we acknowledge it now?" Yusuke asked slowly, and Futaba thinks that is an excellent question. If they weren't privy to its existence now, then what changed? If they weren't meant to know or understand this room, then how did they now?

Akechi motioned at the door and the butterfly lingering on the top, "I'm assuming it's because of Kurusu's cognition of the Velvet Room; acknowledgment by proxy. The idea of seeing is believing might come into play…or perhaps, it's something else."

Then something occurs to Futaba, as she turned to the other. "Akechi, how do you know about this room? Because you have multiple personas too?"

"I have my own, unfortunately." Akechi huffed, folding his arms, delivering once more another bombshell that it seemed the rest of the Phantom Thieves weren't expecting. It seems there were a lot of things Akechi just hadn't bothered to mention to them. If they just threw it all on the table, there wouldn't be so many miscommunications! Futaba wanted to reiterate just sitting down and banging all these details out.

"Then Why didn't you say anything?!" Futaba sputtered in frustration, "If it's that big of a deal?!"

"Oh, because Kurusu was taken so seriously when he told you!" Akechi sighed with frustration, and Futaba winced as he was right; Akechi continued, "Again, the Velvet Room's existence is apparently only privy to a set few. Those who occupy it and those who use it. Telling you wouldn't have made a difference. I didn't want to waste my time or be seen as a joke. It wasn't as if I used it very often, and the assistant, Margaret, gave me the option of forming a deal that I did not take because I wasn't sure if there were unspecified conditions."

"But you told Akira...right?" Morgana asked in clarification.

Akechi doesn't answer, instead intently glaring at the door.

"You told Akira…Right?!" Ryuji asked again, this time a little more desperate and exasperated.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (63)

"Akechi!" Futaba sputtered.

"No. I didn't." Akechi answered simply, not meeting their eyes, "I never formally made a contract with the Velvet Room. Nor it's attendant, Margaret. I didn't fuse persona or strengthen them. Kurusu never brought up the velvet room with me, nor did he see my velvet room door. So I assumed he didn't have access to the Velvet Room. It is clear that I was wrong. There are a lot of things I was wrong about with him."

Futaba nearly facepalms. How can this detective be so idiotic? How can the rest of the Phantom Thieves be so incredibly dumb? This all just seems like a colossal misunderstanding that may be partially due to supernatural influences. However, Akechi should have sat Akira down and just talked to him about stuff. That might have cleared some of whatever is going on up. She doesn't know. She can't really blame Akechi. Akechi didn't technically know Akira had a velvet room or whatever the f*ck it is. And Akechi was focused on other things like his god-awful father and taking him down. Futaba understands. She just can't help but feel frustrated with this whole situation.

No one told her about the velvet room, but maybe it was better since she probably would have ended up not believing it like everyone else. Futaba frowned; Akira believed in her…why couldn't she do the same back? Was she just so desperate for answers that she was willing to throw the person who saved her under a bus? She owed the world to Akira. And she isn't going to fail Akira like her friend from middle school.

Futaba is going to save Akira; she is going to show Akira how much she loves him.

"Can we go inside?" Futaba asked, a little impatient because if they see what is inside, they'll understand Akira a little more and where his persona came from if he fuses them. She needs to understand Akira better.

"Yes, I think it might be beneficial for us to witness this room." Yusuke agreed with her in resolve, "It may clear up the misunderstandings at the core of this discourse on the origins of his persona."

"I'd imagine so," Akechi said, putting his hands on the blue jail door before pondering a bit. "It's different from my door. My door was a door to a courtroom…it was lined with blue velvet. Margaret said it reflects the guest's heart, therefore will take different shapes depending on the guest."

"Why does a courtroom sound exactly like you…." Ryuji shook his head, shuffling over and throwing open the door in impatience, nearly whacking Akechi in the face, "Let's see what Akira's is and what this Velvet Room is all about."

The Velvet Room, instead, Akira's velvet room, is entirely NOT what they would expect. It's not a courtroom or anything remotely related to Wonderland. Futaba isn't expecting it, yet, given all the bars they've seen, it really should have been evident.

It's a jail.

Cells in a circle around a lavish blue velvet rug with a desk in the middle. It's cold and musky. The cobblestone is coated with grime and has been worn. A man with a very long nose and unsettling eyes sat at the desk, legs folded and chin on hands with a creepy smile on his face. There are two twins, one on each side of him, one with a baton and one with a clipboard. One with a neutral expression and one with a more irritated face.

"It's…exactly like Akira described…excluding the prison theme…." Yusuke muttered, a hint of shame on his tongue as he looked around the dim cell they were in with anguish. "He…left that bit out…."

"There really are twin assistants!" Ann gasped as she pointed towards the center of the jail pit, "Are they dressed up as jailers? Huh, but they are so cute…He really wasn't kidding…."

"The velvet room reflects the guest's heart. Mine is a courtroom, and my assistant is reminiscent of a prosecutor." Akechi explained, a pensive look on his face, "Though I'm starting to doubt her competency as she claimed to be searching for her Master and her sister. However, there are two assistants here…perhaps her Master had simply forsaken her if he is here after all. Things don't seem to align with her story either. Something is amiss."

"Yeah, uh, you seriously gotta spill whatever the f*ck you are talking about, dude." Ryuji sighed. They had all entered the Velvet Room, but they are in a prison cell instead of being in the main hallway. It's a bit crowded. "But maybe later…."

"Why is Akira's velvet room reflecting a prison?" Yusuke frowned quietly, unable to get over the bars containing them in this tiny cell that they barely fit into.

Futaba frowned, thinking back to all the bars that have prevented them from moving around freely. It's different than her palace; she was able to go wherever she liked there. Is that what Shadow Akira meant by this isn't Wonderland? This isn't a place to find things, rather someplace to lose them…was he talking about the loss of freedom or autonomy?

But why?

Why does Akira's heart, if this is what that is, reflect a prison? She can't help but feel like it's eerily similar to her tomb...

Before Futaba has a chance of even thinking on it further, the memory seemed to start.

"Stop whining, Inmate." One of the twins, the one with the baton in her hand snapped, as she stomped over and whacked the bars of the cell sitting in front of the desk. "The Master has made a request of you, and you must fill it. Justine, tell him!"

"I can't!" The voice comes from the cell; it's not Alice this time. Instead, it's Akira, but now he is in a set of prisoner garb, handcuffs around his wrists and restraints on his ankles. He's clutching the bars with a desperation none of them know the context of. It takes Futaba off guard; it's an expression that feels so foreign on his face. She feels like she's just been seeing Akira completely differently after this entire excursion. All these memories are peeling him back little by little.

"Why is he wearing that?" Morgana wondered, tilting his head with confusion.

"I certainly didn't get an outfit change in my room." Akechi shook his head as he watched on with narrow eyes. "This isn't what I had imagined…."

"Honestly, resisting our Master is futile; this is for your own good anyway. We need to get on with this, right Caroline?" The other twin, Justine, sighed as if she were dealing with a child. She flipped through her notebook before raising her hand towards Cognition Akira, fingers outstretched before clenching them as if she is grabbing an invisible rope and yanking.

Cognition Akira gasped, his eyes widening as if he were in pain. And two persona's whirl to life in a flurry of flames in front of the prison cell. Arsene and a little fairy that Futaba does not recognize. Futaba froze in terror, had that little girl just summoned Akira's persona out of him? As if it were the easiest thing in the world and definitely without Akira's consent. But, how is that possible? That shouldn't be possible. They were Akira's persona.

"That's Pixie! That's the persona Akira negotiated within Kamoshida's palace." Morgana sputtered, pointing at the persona, Pixie, who is hovering nervously. Futaba remembered Morgana mentioning her before. Akira took the appearance of a shadow from the sea of souls and made it into his new mask. But she's never seen him use that ability. Is that how he got Alice and the rest?

Pixie turned around to Cognition Akira, horror on her face, "No! You can't do this! You said you wouldn't; why? Why? What am I to you?!"

"What?" Futaba gasped; none of them are actually expecting her talk, let alone address Cognition Akira himself, who looks just as equally conflicted. Arsene is silent; the bravado was gone from his last appearance.

"Quit your yapping." The twin with the Baton, Caroline, snapped at them, threatening them with the baton, hitting it on the cobblestone aggressively.

"Igor, please. Stop this." Cognition Akira turned instead to beg the long-nosed man sitting at the table with a sinister grin on his face. "I get…I get how fusion works, Igor. We don't need to go over this. Just, let's do it another time, I'm begging you. Please, just—"

"The master has made a request!" Cognition Caroline yelled at him, "If you want to fulfill your rehabilitation, then you have to follow my master's orders."

"Rehabilitation?" Akechi echoed, picking up the word that Futaba is also confused about. Why is the rehabilitation? From what? Is this a reference to his probation?

"No, please—" Cognition Akira begged, reaching as far through the bars as he can in desperation. Eyes wide with terror as he watched the gruesome scene. Cognition Caroline throws the cloak over Arsene, barely getting it over his vast wings; Cognition Justine does the same with Pixie next to them. The twins push both personas under the guillotine's blade, making sure there is no escape. There is no hesitation in their actions. The phantom thieves are watching in horror because there is no way that is how personas were fused, was it? What were the twins going to do?

Futaba doesn't know what the f*ck is going on, but she doesn't like it one bit. This can't be how personas are fused.

Cognition Akira pleaded again, "I need them! I need him!"

"This is not what Margaret explained when she explained fusions," Akechi growled, watching with just as apprehension as the rest of them.

Arsene is struggling underneath Caroline's hold, writhing to get free. The despair matching the one on Cognition Akira's face. They were one and the same. But why are they doing this to him? Akechi said the Velvet Room was there to help its guests! To assist them in their journeys, but this looks like the exact opposite.

"They are going to execute Arsene!" Futaba shrieked in realization as the horrifying epiphany that may have been a little late. The guillotine's blades mock them with their sheen. The helplessness of the situation is setting in, but they know this is a cognition. This is a memory that the Phantom Thieves can do nothing to stop. It's already happened. But she can't help but scream, "They—They can't do that!! Stop it!! No!!!!"

Futaba feels her heart pound, adrenaline spiking through her veins. She remembered what it was like when her shadow turned into her persona. She remembered that she had never felt more like herself, like a piece of her had been regained. Her persona was her; her shadow was her. They were one and the same. She had never felt more complete.

Just like when Akira had awoken Arsene. She knew that Arsene was him. They were one and the same too.Futaba can't imagine the agony of executing a part of oneself without a choice, with absolutely no one to help them. The hopelessness of the situation is a complete one-eighty of when Akira had awakened Arsene.

Because she knows no one is coming to help him, there was nothing any of them can do. There was no one to save Akira from this.

"f*cking hell!" Ryuji cried out, trying to break through the unbreakable bars, "Akira!!"

"No!" Haru despaired, her hands gripped the bars of the jail cell, just as hard as Akira's does on the other side of the room.

"That weak thing? You don't need it; you can do better." Cognition Caroline scoffed, giving the bound Arsene a kick and whacking the baton in her palm. Futaba felt her blood boil; how could she say that?! What right did she have? That was Akira!

"Wait! You didn't do this before—please! Don't!" Akira desperately begged again, reaching as far as he could towards Arsene, shaking the bars as if they would free him. Instead, all it does is jangle the cuffs around his ankles and wrists. "Caroline!! Please! Just listen to me!"

"You'll thank us for this later." Cognition Justine gave him an equally irritated look as she flipped through the pages on her clipboard with a stern voice, "This was the terms of your rehabilitation. To prevent ruin, you must get stronger. You are a sorry sight for a wildcard. Pathetic. Making up stories to avoid the inevitable? What a child."

"You can't do this!" Akira shook his head again harshly before turning to Cognition Igor in hysterics, "Igor! Please just listen!"

Futaba has never seen him so beside himself. Akira had always been so relaxed, so easygoing. In his presence, she always felt his confidence flow into her. He was unshakeable. The closest he had felt too shakable was either when he nearly fainted in Sae's palace or after his faked death. But even then, he came back with a smile and a confident attitude. This is so more despairing than those times.

Akira is visibly terrified. He's pleading, begging in a way he has never before, more desperate than Kamoshida's palace.

"It seems the inmate does not want to cooperate in the bitter end." Cognition Igor chuckled in a deep voice, eyes narrowing as he motioned to the twin assistants on either side of the guillotines, "It is a part of the rehabilitation, however. Inevitable. The Inmate does not know what is best for him, but he must foster the power he holds…."

"Give me some more time; I'll find another persona! There has to be some persona that will let me use it. I can do that; just give me some more time." Akira shook his head vehemently, trying to bargain with them, "You have my word, just, not Arsene! Igor. Igor, just give me some time!"

"Girls." Cognition Igor motioned to them once more, not giving Akira any chance. Treating him exactly like a prisoner without rights.

"PLEASE!" Akira begged again, his voice loud and shrill, chains jangling more erratically.

"No!" Even Yusuke cried out, his usually stoic face replaced in horror at what they are witnessing.

Futaba doesn't know if she can watch.

"OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" Cognition Caroline cheered manically in the familiar quote in a very different context, forcefully bringing her baton down and initiating the guillotine. The guillotine blades make a shrill sound as they descend quickly. The blades behead the persona with no problem, Arsene dissipates into blue flames as well as Pixie. Gone. Both of them.


Cognition Akira lets out a blood-curdling scream; seemingly, he didn't anticipate this pain. It's so sharp that all of the Phantom Thieves jump in horror as they watch helplessly. The cry is even worse than the one he cried when he accepted Arsene's contract. It's so shrill; it sounds like something was being ripped out of him. Like he had been the one underneath that blade that had just sliced through Arsene. Raw and anguished. Futaba wouldn't doubt it felt similar as Arsene was him. The realization is excruciating. The screen dies out in a gasp, as quick as it began. Cognition Akira slumped against the bars, wheezing for breath and curling into himself as he continued to watch with half-lidded, hazy eyes. Arsene is gone. Instead, the blue flames from both Pixie and Arsene are whirling around a mask. But nothing manifests.

"f*ck." Ryuji cursed loudly. Not only had they seen Arsene's birth earlier but, subsequently now his death as well. And it had seemed, it had only been a little time between the two.

How the f*ck did Akira survive for as long as he did?

Futaba can't fathom how Akira must have felt afterward. If he had Pixie, then this had to be at the beginning of the Phantom Thieves. But, how the f*ck did he even make it through the first palace after that entire ordeal? That horrifying execution of himself. And, he just kept on buying her gifts and reaching out to her, who was locked away in her room, with no hesitation. Futaba has no idea how. Was it because he had multiple personas? Is that why?

He had to execute Arsene for them?

Futaba realized something even more horrible. There was no one for him to tell this to. There was no one Akira could open up to about this horrific experience he had gone through. The Phantom Thieves didn't believe him about the Velvet room.

Futaba knows what loneliness was and how hard it was to open up to others.

Akira must have felt so alone.

Suddenly, Alice's story about the fox wearing a scarf and feeling sad she couldn't share the memories, even being a light example, becomes a whole lot more relevant and relatable.

And she hates it.

"Poor thing, You must be a fool." Cognition Justine sighed unsympathetically as she crouched down to where Cognition Akira is struggling to stay conscious on the ground in the cell, blinking at them sluggishly as she continued with another disappointed sigh, "How will you ever be able to rehabilitate with that attitude? Arsene can easily be summoned back with the compendium…you are overreacting. Honestly, and we are considered the children here?"

"Couldn't even manage a persona fusion. What a dumbass." Cognition, Caroline snapped, whacking her baton on the bars in an attempt to get a rise out of him, "What are you gonna do now, huh, Inmate? Justine is right; you can summon him back. Though, even YOU have been having trouble with that too. Maybe he won't want to come back. Can't say I blame him. What a sorry state for a wildcard. Can't you do anything right?"

Futaba caught one last glimpse of Cognition Akira's face in the memory before it faded. Dead, empty eyes as he looked at the twins with absolutely no emotion. Then the actors of this scene fade away, and they are left with the blue jail room.

It's not fair. Akira…It wasn't fair he had to do that!

"N-No—He—that—that's not fair!" Futaba muttered, trying to come to terms with it. This was Persona fusion. Persona fusion was executing pieces of oneself to make someone stronger. But, oh god, at what cost? Why would Akira go through that? She knows how strong Alice, Kaguya, and Yosh*tsune were.

How much of himself did he have to execute just to get to their power?

That was the price of Akira's ability?

"That's—they didn't even give him a chance—f*cking hell—" Ryuji growled, unable to form his anger at the situation into a sentence; grief is written across his face as he leans his forehead against the bars with gritted teeth, "f*ck. f*ck. f*ck! That must have happened in Kamoshida's palace but f*ck, he didn't even—he didn't—we were right there but—f*ck!"

"He didn't say anything," Morgana muttered, horror in his voice as he was the one with Akira 24/7. "He-he didn't—I didn't think, I didn't know—"

"And when he did…we didn't take him seriously." Makoto frowned; her eyes clenched shut as she folding her arms around herself in utter shame as she whispered in the confines of the cold cell, "We thought it was a joke, when—when he was going to explain it to us—"

"He must have—" Yusuke started, but his voice hitched before he could finish.

"Oh god, we really f*cked up." Ann breathed, "We really, really f*cked up."

"Aki-chan…" Haru muttered sadly, "When Persona fusion was brought up earlier…I didn't think it would be quite like that. And he—"

"Well, then it's a good thing that I didn't end up making a deal with Margaret," Akechi growled, his brow furrowing with anger. Futaba doesn't know what he means by that, she doesn't know anything about Akechi and his velvet room, but she can see the conflict on Akechi's face. Of course, he won't say it, but this memory made him just as upset as the rest of them. Futaba knows Akechi cared for Akira. Hell, he practically switched sides for him. Futaba doesn't know if she can forgive him for his mother, but she knows Akechi might just rip this world apart just to give Akira a piece of his mind.

She doesn't know if she forgives Akechi, but she knows she can trust Akechi in this all.

"Really, that's on your mind?!?" Ryuji snarled, whipping back to Akechi.

"Ryuji!" Ann scolded him, getting in between the two before anything can happen. Then, she whipped to Ryuiji, "He's just as upset as we are!"

Ryuji sighed with frustration, letting his temper drop, "I know that—just—f*ck."

"Kurusu is a goddamn idiot but, I don't know what to make of that memory. If he had really fused his original persona away…he did an outstanding job of hiding it." Akechi said tightly, and Futaba got it. Akechi is mad that Akira didn't tell him specifically. Akira knew Akechi had multiple personas too. But he didn't open up to Akechi either. Even though Akira is wholly enthralled with Goro Akechi, despite all, he's done. And Futaba can tell, Akechi is just as smitten with Akira Kurusu, despite not admitting it.

"I don't think—I don't think he really had a choice?" Haru muttered, trying to be the voice of reason.

"I would agree, but you shouldn't be able to just…get rid of your original persona like that." Morgana explained skeptically, "It's…you. And he still had his rebellious spirit for all the palaces after. It just doesn't add up...I really don't understand…."

"Nothing is what it seems." Yusuke admitted, "But, if that is the case, then what of the memory we saw? It seemed very traumatic…."

Futaba frowned. If this happened before Akira met her. He seemed like he recovered? She doesn't know anymore with Akira. It feels like maybe the Akira she knew was just an illusion. A mask. And she is just now seeing what lays beneath.

What Akira has gone through was awful. But, he carried on with a teasing smile on his face.

Was that even his genuine smile?

What happened?

The sight they were expecting when they exited the Velvet Room was one none of them were prepared for in the slightest. A stark contrast from the scene in the velvet room.

"Wow, ironically, this is the one time you won't die." Shadow Akira sneered, hands in his pockets with a condescending sneer on his face. Tone hard and cruel, a complete foil to Akira's narratives leading them through memories. "Why can't you people do anything right? God."

"Akira…the velvet room…." Yusuke tried to say, but Shadow Akira shot him down.

"What of it? It doesn't matter now; that memory it was so long ago I might have forgotten it. In the end, it didn't matter. I had Alice. She was enough." Shadow Akira scoffed with an exaggerated shrug. "Besides, what was I going to do? Whine about it? It's not like you would have believed me, and I knew that too."

"Akira…We really are sorry for what we accused you of! And everything you went through…It wasn't right, and you must have felt very hurt, and sa—" Futaba tried to appeal to him; she wanted to believe she could get through to him. Akira got through to her in her darkest moments, when she didn't think there was a hope of leaving that room, she had to do the same for Akira. They were family. Akira has to know that; she has to make him understand. This time Futaba has to be the one to reach through the door to him.

"Shut your goddamn mouth." Shadow Akira cut her off in a hostile voice he has never used with her, his nostrils flaring as rage flooded his face. His golden eyes narrowed till his gaze is as sharp as a dagger, "I don't want your goddamn apology, keep that bullsh*t to yourself, but don't you dare tell me how I feel! I don't want your misplaced pity or sympathy. You don't know jack sh*t about me and how I feel! You haven't the slightest idea what I have been through! You think you are suddenly getting the full picture with these random, inconsequential snippets?! You don't know anything!"

"Then tell us!" Ryuji pleaded desperately, "Talk to us! Please! We'll listen!"

"Why?! So, you can just throw it back in my face?! So, you can call me a liar or tell me I'm just joking! So you can tell me, that can't possibly be true, you must be f*cking insane! The boy who cried wolf despite never actually crying wolf?!" Shadow Akira roared, his voice raised louder than it's ever been at them, "There is no point! This crusade you all are going on, there is no f*cking point! I'm sick of this all! I'm sick of all this fake love, this 'Oh Akira, we definitely care for you, but we don't believe anything you say. We can tell when you are being honest or lying. We must know better. So, we are going to care for you while completely dismissing anything you have to say!' All the f*cking double standards! 'We love you, but we think you are a murder. You would be best to be leader, but your powerful persona carrying us through the palaces scares us; therefore, we are going to suspect you.' 'We are going to make you our scapegoat.'"

"Akira—" Futaba cried out, trying to tell him that wasn't it. That they want to apologize; what they did wasn't right. That the Phantom Thieves are ready to fully hear him out now, even if it is a little too late. But she can't get it in before he's yelling again.

"Friends?! Teammates?! To hell with all that bullsh*t! I don't need you at all! What good have you ever done for me! You can't compare to them. You are f*cking imitations, people wearing masks of them!" Shadow Akira snarled, throwing his hand around him; blue flames spring from the ground around them, the tensions only rise as Shadow Akira gets angrier and angrier.

"That's not how you—" Akechi argued back, his eyes narrowed, but he's quickly cut off as well.

"Shut up. I'm talking now." Shadow Akira sneered at them, the flames growing higher. "You can't relate to anything that I have had to go through. You know absolutely nothing about me! You don't know the anger I feel at my entire situation, you don't know the pain I've had to endure for your goddamn asses, you don't know the hopelessness that I live on now. My 'happiness' is as hollow as a fever dream that will always break when it reaches its goddamn peak. This isn't Wonderland, This isn't Mementos, this isn't anything but my own dream that will shatter, destined to break. A nightmare that I'm about to restart all over again. I'm going to end this all. And I won't let you stop me!"

"If you kill yourself here, you'll die in the real world!" Morgana argued, his voice shrill with terror. "Please! Just—!!"

"I've been killing myself for far longer than you all know, and I don't give a sh*t what you say to me." Shadow Akira howled in laughter, completely dismissing Morgana's warning with another bark of laughter, "It doesn't matter in the end. SO WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE FOR ME?!"

Futaba trembled in terror because this feels exactly like before; Evil Alice will spring up and try to kill them. Why? She still can't grasp why Shadow Akira is so hostile. She knows they f*cked up. But why are Akira's narratives so different? The kind words he had for them. Compared to his shadow literally trying to murder them. She feels like she is missing a massive piece.

Is Alice Akira? Is the memories Akira? Is Alice Akira? Is this Shadow Akira? She doesn't know, are they all the pieces?

This isn't all there is to Akira; she knows it.

"Akira, PLEASE!" She begged, injecting everything she can into it. "Please don't do this!"

"WHY NOT?" Shadow Akira laughed back, the same blood beginning to drip from his face, just as saturated as his gold eyes, "I've done it before; why wouldn't I do it again?!"

"What do you mean?! Please Akira, what do you mean by that!" Makoto pleaded, fanning away the blue flames that are growing higher and higher. The blood dripping from Akira's face is like kerosene, bursting into flames as it hits the ground and fueling the fire raging around them. But she knows they'll all stand in the red-hot heat of him if it means they can get through to him.

Shadow Akira laughed, his eyes widening as his voice reaches a crescendo, "I've never been able to hold anything close to me and not demolish it!"

"That's not true! You have so many friends! So many people who care for you!" Futaba shook her head because she can't bear to hear those words coming from Akira's mouth, "Us! Sojiro! Jose! Shinya! Iwai! Hifumi! And all those people who came to Leblanc when they thought something had happened to you! Akira, you are so loved! You've made something so dear; you united us! You gave us a reason! You gave me a reason! Akira, please! Let us show you...Let me show you!"

"She's right!" Ann agreed, "Please! Let's just talk!!"

Shadow Akira laughed hysterically even harder, his face distorting even further, a frightening expression, and he says, his words so icy compared to the flames engulfing him, "How could anyone ever truly love me?"

Futaba felt those words pierce her heart. Akira's entire childhood, he's never felt loved. He's never had anyone to be there for him. Before coming to Shibuya, Akira felt like he had nothing. Did he feel like that in Shibuya too?

When Akira was texting her, he was trying to help her get out of her room, her shell. Is that what he felt?

Shadow Akira said in an even lower voice, and a cynical smile in contrast to the quieter words he gives them, "I'll let you in on a secret…loving me is hopeless. A fool's errand."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Ryuji barked back, but he can't make any sort of move towards Shadow Akira because the plumes are pushing him back no matter how hard he pushed.

Futaba wanted to say something too because she needed to prove Akira wrong, but the flames were roaring too high around them, eating away at the buildings and burning them to a crisp.

"Now, STOP BEING A PAIN IN MY ASS!" Shadow Akira yelled, swiping his hand across his face and launching the blood towards them; the blood fuels the blue flames and bursts into a fiery vortex.

"sh*t!" Ryuji cursed, but there isn't exactly anywhere to run from this.

Futaba held up her arms as if it would do a thing. She can only hope for something. Anything to save them.

The flame hits, but it doesn't hit them. Instead, Futaba opens her eyes to Kaguya in front of them, with her arm outstretched. Her hair is billowing behind her from the energy of the fire hitting the barrier that has formed around them. Kaguya to the rescue once more.

"Kaguya!" Morgana sputtered, all of them not expecting her to jump in. She is smaller now, though; now she was more about Futaba's height when she had been more Ann's height before. She's…shrinking? She looked the right size in the memories; why is she so small now?

"Oh, you are still here, HUH?!" Shadow Akira growled, a look of displeasure on his face, "Still think you can FIX things? You are just hanging on by a thread there. And for what? You know it's not going to f*cking matter. Just DIE already, won't you?! Just let me end it!"

Shadow Akira increased his stream of blue fire, but Kaguya held her barrier strong, refusing to let an inch of it touch the Phantom Thieves. But Futaba can tell even she is getting tired from holding It up.

Futaba is about to argue, but Kaguya does the unexpected. She throws the barrier at Shadow Akira, knocking him off his feet before whipping around and grabbing Akechi's wrist and tugging him along the road. Her bunny ears whipping in the wind behind her. Akechi, too shocked by the turn of events, just goes along with her. Kaguya is leading him somewhere and in turn, leading them as well.

"Come on! Let's get out of here!" Futaba motioned the rest of them to follow after. The town is still burning to crisps around them, she doesn't know what will happen when it's all gone, but she isn't going to stay to find out.

"On it!" Ann huffed back as they all race after her.

Kaguya led them desperately down a street just a few houses away; into a residential area. She's still tugging Akechi along, but Akechi easily matched her pace. It seemed her size wasn't the only thing to diminish.

"Where is she taking us?!" Morgana huffed, jumping away from the flames threatening to catch up with them.

"Dunno, but she'd better lead us there quickly!" Ryuji bemoaned.

Kaguya turned quickly into the front gate for a house. It's relatively normal but has a sign on the door that reads in a font that looks eerily similar to how Akira wrote; it read 'HIRAETH.' She doesn't recognize the word, but she does realize that this house must mean something. Was this his childhood home? Kaguya kicked the door open and shoved Akechi in roughly before motioning to the rest of them. The rest of the Phantom Thieves are quick to follow, diving through the door with the most urgency as the flames have almost reached it, eating up the scene only leaving a black void in its wake.

Once Yusuke, who had been tailing everyone to make sure no one had been left behind, dove in. Kaguya quickly shut the door, putting her back and sliding down the door with a gesture akin to a sigh of relief.

The only noise is the sound of the phantom thieves trying to catch their breath. Futaba uses this time as she tried to gasp for oxygen to figure out what the f*ck Kaguya is supposed to be. She knows Kaguya is a mask like Alice. Meaning, she is somewhat part of Akira? But she hasn't exactly said anything to prove that. Futaba thinks she is the mask trying to fix everything; Shadow Akira had almost confirmed that. She is paralleled with Akira's mother in the memories. But maybe, she was who Akira wished his mother was? Someone kind and caring, someone trying to fix things for him? Futaba doesn't know exactly; it's all speculation. Is Kaguya the part of him that wants to survive? Protect them all?

But why is she shrinking? She is about to ask Kaguya but realized the persona is gone, leaving only the familiar door in her place.

"G-god damnit." Ann cursed, heaving a breath as she straightens up, but her eyes widened as she takes in the room. "Oh."

Futaba looked up as she regained her senses and immediately recognized where they are.

It's Leblanc.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (64)

The house they had run into for their lives to take shelter, the door to the residential home has led to Leblanc during sunset. The sunlight floods over the buildings of Yongen Jaya at this time of day, and it illuminated Leblanc with warm golden light, tinging the walls in an orange glow. Nostalgia envelops her like one of her oversized comforters on her bed. Everything is so saturated in the golden rays peeking through the shades. The colors from the stained glass lamp shades refract off every surface, a kaleidoscope of color. Photographs are scattered around the shop, some on the walls, some on the tables, some on the floor. Specks of color adding to the atmosphere.

It feels like a dream. It's gorgeous.

It's home.

The despair and terror they felt only moments ago melt away with the smell of freshly brewed coffee envelops them. Futaba feels like nothing can touch them; it feels like everything is right with the world and that nothing can touch them at this moment.

"It's… it's beautiful." Yusuke murmured next to her, his eyes wide. "Ethereal. If only I had my sketchbook…."

"It's like a dream," Haru murmured, echoing Futaba's thought from earlier.

Futaba felt like family. Futaba was family. Without her and Sojiro…well, I think they taught me what a family was. Sojiro treated me more like a son than my own father…even if it was rocky in the beginning, and Futaba was like the sibling I've never got to have. Watching Futaba grow and flourish was like a younger sister becoming the person she was supposed to be. I was so proud.

"Akira…" Futaba sniffled because she thought the same of Akira as well. Even when they had accused him, she felt personally hurt because she thought the person she thought of as her brother had possibly killed her mother. The hurt blinded her. But, Akira knew just how to interact with her; she knows she can be weird sometimes, her interests and how she connected to people was different. She'd always felt the divide.

But Akira crossed that divide so quickly, he had cut through all of Futaba's barriers like butter. He really did feel like family. She knows Sojiro feels the same too. And, she only hopes Akira knows they thought of him as a family too. Futaba hasn't felt like she was a part of a family when her mother died until Akira came into their life.

He has to know that, right? Especially if Kaguya had led them here. He had to know that at some level. This had to be proof.

She scrubbed her eyes and allowing herself to take a look at the pictures scattered around the room. They are everywhere; she doesn't know where to start. There are so many of them.

"There are photographs everywhere," Makoto murmured, walking over to the counter and picking up the one closes to the door. Futaba stepped closer to get a look. It's a photo she doesn't recognize. It's of Ryuji, Ann, Akira, and Morgana at some buffet. Ryuji is holding the camera up to get a wide shot of all of them, Akira is cheekily drinking his coffee with Morgana next to him, and Ann is happily munching away on her cake. They look so happy. Akira looks so happy.

"Oh hey, that's when we went to the buffet after Kamoshida! I ate so much cake I almost threw up. Ryuji actually did throw up" Ann laughed as she took the photograph out of Makoto's hands. Her eyes crinkle up in happiness as she holds the photo up, illuminating it in the golden light; she smiled fondly, "I have it on my wall, that was the day we decided to form the Phantom Thieves… couldn't come up with a good name, so we just stuck with the Phantom Thieves. I think we were too full from the food, to be honest…."

"The food was immaculate, Lady Ann." Morgana nodded in agreement.

"And that one was from the hot pot party!" Ryuji exclaimed in excitement, taking a photograph hanging off the partition leading into Leblanc. Futaba turned to look; it was of Ryuji and Yusuke laughing at Akira whose glasses have fogged up because of the steam; Ryuji can't help but snicker, "Man, his glasses fogged up so quickly, he should have just taken them off. If I knew they were fake, I would have told him too. The curse of glasses."

"Ah, that was quite a fine meal; I remember it being one of the largest I've had at that time. Akira did an amazing job; he was quite the chef even back then." Yusuke smiled softly, looking over Ryuji's shoulder to look at it. "We should have hot pot again."

"Yeah, Makoto, Haru, and Futaba didn't get to have it." Ann nodded as she stepped closer to see the hot pot picture, "When we get back…we should have hot pot. All of us. But this time, we should try making it."

"We should, but none of us are excellent cooks. I burnt popcorn the other night." Ryuji laughed. "I can microwave something."

"It's a recipe! How hard is it to stick with a recipe?" Morgana scoffed.

"Oh! Did we take a picture at the fireworks festival?" Makoto gasped, reaching out for the picture beneath the hot pot party and holding it up. It's of Ann, Makoto, and Yusuke, all coyly looking back at the camera with their Yukata's. It was a lovely picture but, she can sense the hesitance on Makoto's face as she admitted, "I don't remember…taking this…."

"We didn't take a photo." Akechi shook his head, reassuring her memory as he looked over her shoulder at the photograph. "When we were in the station, we went straight to the fireworks festival, but when we came back, Kurusu slipped and twisted his ankle. We did not take any sort of photo on the steps."

"Oh yeah, that's when Akira staged his injury so he could get you to go home with him…but then, why this photo?" Ryuji admitted, pursing his lips as he looked at the photo, "Maybe this isn't an actual photograph but a memory?"

"Excuse me, Kurusu, what ?" Akechi growled, disbelief on his face. Futaba grimaced; why does that sound exactly like something Akira would do?

"Yeah, Akira faked that…well, he didn't fake the injury, but he intentionally did it to get you to take him home..." Ann nodded as she remembered the event before snickering, "Wait, did you seriously not realize that? Mr. Detective?!"

"For a detective, you are pretty stupid," Morgana commented.

"Yeah, and your leader is a goddamn idiot too. Honestly." Akechi grumbled, pinching the brink of his nose as he turned away to observe the pictures on the counter behind them. "That isn't a normal way to ask to be someone's acquaintance…he could have really hurt his ankle. Idiot."

"Akira didn't go to Hawaii," Haru said, breaking through the bantering as she picked up a photo that was on the cash register to show them all, holding it up so all of them could get a view.

Futaba grimaced; they all know he didn't. That was the point; that was what started the entire accusation. The fact Kobakawaya died while they were in Hawaii and Akira was suffering from food poisoning. She remembered how sick he was that night, but he still reassured her that he'd be fine and it was temporary. She felt terrible for him until that news story broke.

"He didn't." Ann clarified, but her voice is hesitant since they all know it's a fact and doesn't understand why Haru asks, "Why?"

Haru doesn't say anything, instead held the photo out to them. It's a picture of Ryuji, Ann, and Akira on a bench by the beach in Waikiki. Ann is leaning over, trying to put a flower in Ryuji's hair with a pleased look. Ryuji is leaning away, trying to get away with her with a horrified gasp. And Akira is smugly drinking a fruity drink in the background with the same flower behind his ear that Ann must have put there.

It's a cute photo and a great example of their dynamic.

But, Futaba realized that doesn't make sense because they all know Akira did not go to Hawaii. The picture is crystal clear, not something you would find in a dream where the details are hazy and unregistrable.

"What the…" Ryuji murmured, taking the photo from her hand and squinting closer; Ann is right next to him with the same look of disbelief. "But, huh? Ann, didn't we take this photo?"

"Yeah…We did. We never showed Akira thought! We never got around to showing him the pictures from the Hawaii trip because of the fallout…then afterward, it was just awkward, and it never came up again." Ann admitted, before frowning deeper, "But…this is the same exact photo, isn't it? That's…. that's not possible…are we altering this memory?"

"And this photo too!" Makoto gasped, bending down to take a picture off the ground; it's a picture of Akira, Ryuji, Ann, and Makoto at the airport before the trip. They are all posing for a selfie, probably something like a pre-trip selfie. "That…that never happened for sure. We were late for boarding almost because it was before we knew Akira wasn't going to make it. We didn't have time to take a selfie or even think of it."

"This one too…." Yusuke added as he picked up the picture of another part of the floor; it's another selfie of them in Hawaii; they are standing in front of a shopping mall. Futaba vaguely remembered seeing this one. But she could have sworn that Haru was In it, not Yusuke. Yusuke confirmed this by continuing to say. "We took this picture, but I took it, and Haru was supposed to be in it instead of me…."

Futaba looked around the room, there are photographs everywhere, and she recognizes all their faces. Memories of Akira's life? Of them. All pictures involving them. All of them. But why are some of them not adding up? Futaba murmured, "Is this…is this what Akira wished would have happened? Did he wish he could have gone to Hawaii? And that's why the pictures are different? Or memories? Some of these pictures...aren't pictures but memories? Or wishes of memories?"

"Some are the same…but some are different…." Makoto hummed, going around and looking at all the photographs she can. But even she looked stumped. "It's a theory. But…. I'm not sure. What about the pictures…? The pictures that Akira hadn't seen but there are versions here..."

The Phantom Thieves were my home. All of them. I was so happy that I came to Shibuya and met all of them. I wished I could stay with them forever. That this year wouldn't have to come to an end. I had so much fun.

Futaba instantly got it. The pictures of them all over Leblanc, where they spent most of their time. Leblanc, where Akira lived for the moment be.

This is how Akira saw home. That is why he didn't want to go home, why he hadn't told them about Shido from the beginning, because he knew they would jump at the chance to help him. And by the time he might have felt comfortable telling them, the phantom thieves were already suspecting him and accusing him of crimes he didn't commit.

"Akira…dude…" Ryuji muttered sadly, looking down at the fake picture of them in Hawaii.

"Akira's narratives speak in rose-colored prose, yet Shadow Akira's words are tinged in a hostile tone…Two complete opposites." Yusuke frowned. "The two saying very different things."

"So, which is true… Kurusu's narratives or Shadow Kurusu?" Akechi wondered, also looking down to a picture on the counter in front of him, it was of him and Akira playing chess at one of the booths in Leblanc. Futaba clarified, now knowing, that some of of the pictures are memories rather than actual photographs while some are the real photographs. Still, it's all a testament to how much Akira thinks of them. Even now.

"Akira still loves us!" Futaba argued to all of them, stomping her foot and clenching her fists. Because she knows that has to be the truth. "I mean, you saw how he sacrificed himself for us on that ship to make sure we made it out alive. Akira didn't give up on us even when we accused him of murder! Yeah, we were sh*tty friends, but Akira didn't give up on us because he loves us. And even now, I think he still loves us; I don't think Shadow Akira is honest. I don't think his shadow is like mine… I think Shadow Akira is only a piece of him, and yeah, he deserves to be angry. But despite trying to kill us twice, he hasn't actually succeeded which, must mean something. As cliched as the friendship trope is, it's completely relevant! And we just need to show him that we love him too! Prove Shadow Akira wrong! We can be Akira's home again, this place is proof of how much he valued the time we spent together and If it's still there, then Akira still has to think that on some level! Shadow Akira is wrong!"

Morgana nodded, "Shadows can manifest in different ways. And it is starting to feel like Akira's shadow isn't distorted desires rather a distorted way of thinking. All his negative thoughts and feelings coming to life. But there is a bigger picture, and we all know Akira isn't just his negative thoughts and feelings."

"In his memories…we see his pain, his struggles. In his narratives, we hear his happiness and love for us, and in with his shadow, we feel the anger and hostility." Haru deduced, "I agree with Futaba; I don't think Shadow Akira is all there is to Akira. And even if there were things Akira didn't tell us, kept from us, I can't believe Akira could be as hostile. Akira has never been anything but kind with me."

"I agree too…But, What I don't get is…the whole killing thing…." Ann frowned, taking a seat at the LeBlanc booth. "When he said he's done it before, and he'll do it again…what does he mean? Is it literal or figurative? Is he talking about himself or someone else? I mean, I don't like either option but, I think it would be important to know the context; I thought he meant the fake suicide plan at first, but…I mean…him saying he's been killing himself for longer than we know…."

"I'd imagine it'd have to be figurative." Yusuke shook his head with a grimace, "Still, even if it was figuratively, it's worrisome. Akira has kept so much from us, and I can only imagine how damaging that feels with this place and his shadow as evidence. To feel so lonely isn't fair. We need to fix this injustice."

"Yeah…" Futaba muttered, crouching into her usual seat, the golden light starting to fade into the hues of the night again. The café still remains cozy as ever. Is that how Akira thought of them? "Yeah, if he felt anything like I did…being trapped in that room…."

I remember coming across a word when I was scrolling across the internet, ignoring my studies. Hiraeth. I think about that word a lot.

Futaba blinked. Was that the word that was on the door? She doesn't recognize it, nor does she know its meaning, but the way Akira says it instills some sort of feeling in her.

I think the time I spent with the Phantom Thieves was my Hiraeth, those lazy summer days we spent hanging around Leblanc to beat the heat even if Sojiro didn't have AC. The fall afternoons, we'd spend eating snacks in my room, contemplating whether my plant was plastic or not. The winter evenings where only Sojiro's curry could warm us up as we watched bad hallmark movies on the television after hours.

I think about those days a lot, those were my hiraeth.

"Hiraeth? I'm not sure I'm familiar with that term…is it an English word?" Yusuke wondered.

"I'm not sure…." Makoto hummed, just as stumped as she turned to Ann, who was more fluent in English, "Ann?"

"Uh, it's not English. I can tell you that." Ann shrugged, "But, I don't know what language it is."

"It's Welsh," Akechi muttered, staring intently at one of the photographs of him and Akira playing a chess game, both of them with a content look on their faces. Akechi has been staring at it for quite a while now.

"You know what It means?" Futaba wondered because, of course, Akechi would know the intricate workings of Akira's mind even if he doesn't deny it.

Akechi doesn't respond, but his fingers clutch the photograph even harder. Futaba looked a little harder and sees his hands shaking ever so slightly at the strain.

"Dude?" Ryuji shoved his shoulder gently and asked again, "Quit being cryptic. Do you know what it means?"

"Hiraeth. It means a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return." Akechi said, his voice tight as a rubber band being tugged viciously from both sides that feels like it's about to snap.

Those were the happiest days of my life.

Chapter 26: There is no future for you.


“‘Then you should say what you mean,’ the March Hare went on. ‘I do,’ Alice hastily replied; ‘at least—at least I mean what I say—that's the same thing, you know.’ ‘Not the same thing a bit!’ said the Hatter. ‘Why, you might just as well say that ‘I see what I eat’ is the same thing as ‘I eat what I see’!’”-Alice in Wonderland


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Haru thought back to when she was little. She remembered her father used to play games with her all the time; they'd drink tea and play board games. It's a simple moment, and she doesn't remember which time exactly. She just remembered sitting on the porch, happily moving her pieces, not knowing the rules, but it didn't matter. Her father showed her the way. And she remembers those moments with vivid clarity.

The definition of her home has changed so drastically. Now, her father is gone, but she still has an amazing support group. At this point, she basically lived with Makoto as she tried to struggle with all the expectations of being the biggest shareholder in the company. But Makoto is always there to ease her worries late at night; Sae helps out with legality issues when she can. Futaba gave her all the info she dug up on all the associates she worked with, so she knows who is trustworthy and who isn't. Ann takes her out for crepes every once in a while, telling her she should spoil herself and that tea goes with crepes well. Yusuke teaches her how to create and what colors work best with others so when she gardens, she can make it visually pleasing. Ryuji takes her out to have fun, sometimes the arcade, or sometimes she does accompany him on runs. Morgana curls up on her lap, claiming he isn't a cat but providing all the warmth and comfort one would.

And Akira always listened without judgment. Akira sits there with a smile and a teasing attitude, making her feel so much lighter than the stress dragging her down. He knows exactly what to say to quell her anxiety about it all. Sometimes, it feels Akira knows her better than she knows herself. Hiraeth was the memories of her father, but she knows she has a home now. But, her home isn't complete without Akira.

She won't let it be complete without Akira.

"'Were?'" Ryuji muttered, his leg rapidly tapping on the ground; the past tense unnerves them all, apparent by the varying looks of shame and rigidity on their faces.

"Does…does Akira not consider us a home to return to?" Haru frowned sullenly as she grips her arm with the tension descending on the room, she knows their relationships are fractured, and she hadn't known how badly till they fell down the rabbit hole. But if Akira is showing them all this, can't it be fixed? Yet, all these narratives were about the past. What was and not what is. It leaves an unsettling uncertainty. "Does he not think… he'll make it out of this?"

She doesn't know if they can return to like how they were before, but she believes they can make it better now, can't they? With all they know, Haru has to think they would be able to make a difference now. There has to be a reason they are seeing all this. All the things Akira didn't say.

"The implications of that specific term being used isn't great." Makoto frowned, tapping her finger on her arm as she bit her lip. "There are many ways to interpret it…but…."

"Bullsh*t." Akechi cursed, folding his arms, the picture he has been holding crumpled in his gauntlet, "We've come this far, and he is going to make it out of this so I can give him a piece of my goddamn mind. Or so God helps me; I'll murder him myself. I'll teach him a lesson in tenses while I'm at it."

"Maybe not the best approach, Akechi." Makoto sighed, but the tension has lowered a bit at Akechi's claim.

And Haru can't help but smile. Despite it being veiled as a threat, Haru knows that he is just as worried as the rest of them for Akira. A true testament to how he's changed. His attitude is far from when he acted as a detective prince, but she'd almost prefer the salty, spiteful Akechi since he feels more genuine now. More raw. More himself. She knows without Akira, Akechi could have gone in another direction. Shido might have actually taken him out before Akechi could make his move.

Another thing Haru is grateful to Akira for. She needs Akira to realize how much he's made a difference in their lives, despite everything.

"If he is showing us all these moments, even if it is subconsciously, then there is still a chance. There has to be! Cognition is on our side, of course!" Futaba agreed wholeheartedly, nodding her head vehemently, "We'll show him! We'll swoop in and save the day and prove ourselves! Just like the Neo Featherman Squad had to save Red Hawk in Season Six!"

Haru wonders what everything the Phantom Thieves seen means exactly beside the logical conclusions. She knows this isn't the conventional Palace, as not only Morgana's words but their exploration has made clear, yet the conventional palaces have never shown this much of the 'Palace ruler.' She knows since her Father's Palace only represented his current distorted thinking and no relation to anything that had happened in the past. In this place, they've seen so much of Akira's history. All while it feels like they haven't seen enough either. All the variations of Akira that they've seen don't match up with the Akira she thought she knew. The shy Akira from his childhood and the hesitant, nervous Akira from just before he was arrested does not match the Akira that approached her confidentially with a charismatic smile and a persuasive offer to help out the gardening club.

Haru knows people can change; that isn't the question as her father is indeed the example she sees in her mind of someone changing for the worse. However, Akira was someone who seemed to have changed for the better, or so she thought. They had all changed for the better because of him, she can say with certainty.

Yet, Akira has become more of a mystery that she can't crack. She hadn't really minded the enigma he seemed to be before. All she knew was that he was the catalyst for her will to change and the strength given to her.

She wonders while she feels like all this insight, this cognitive place helping to piece together the mystery that is Akira, if this is an invasion of privacy? Haru knows it's not like they can leave. And even if they could, the knowledge that Akira is alive is keeping them all here. And they can't turn their eyes away from what Akira has experienced. So many of his secrets, the things he couldn't say, are being laid in front of them. Would he had told them? About his past? About anything? If this hadn't happened, would they have ever known the whole story?

Haru frowned. She isn't sure.

Haru isn't one to pry into other people's personal affairs. Much like how she usually isn't keen to share her own struggles. But the Phantom Thieves had been a great solace. When she opened up to them, to Akira about her problems, everything had changed. But, of course, she can still choose to curate her boundaries as she needs to, and that makes her feel better in a sense.

But, from everything she's seen, it made sense why Akira doesn't open up about his struggles. After all, she's felt the same thing from her father as well. When she had brought up her concerns about the arranged marriage, she was told she was ungrateful and inconsiderate. She remembers the hopelessness in the months that followed, the mantra that had been fed to her to do what she was told that kept her confined to the life she wasn't happy with. She remembered the loneliness before the phantom thieves had turned her life around. Before Akira and all of them validated her feelings.

She wants to do the same for Akira too. Haru has so much she wants to express to Akira. Gratitude and much more. Maybe she wasn't supposed to see all of his inner feelings as intimately as they all were, but she can't help but be grateful for the experience no matter how painful it was.

She wants to understand Akira as much as the rest of them.

She wants to understand why Shadow Akira is what he is and why he says these things. Haru knows what he says about them after not knowing what he's been through is true. The Phantom Thieves hurt Akira with their accusations. Still, she knows there isn't anything they can do about that now but continue on, and eventually, when Akira is able, to sit down and listen to him without judgment just as he did for them. Akira deserves that much, at least.

"Yes, Akira has pulled us out of far too many sticky situations, and I do believe it's time we repay the favor." Yusuke hummed, a quiet yet powerful resolve on his face. "He saved us from Shido's ship; now it's our turn to step up as is the strength of a team."

"Duh, we gotta step up big time! There is no more slacking for the Phantom Thieves now." Ann agreed wholeheartedly, getting up from the Leblanc with a renewed energy, "Besides, we can't throw a hot pot party with all of us without Akira there!"

"Of course," Ryuji eagerly nodded his head, "He always cooks for us, so we should cook for him this time!"

"I can use the vegetables I've been growing!" Haru chirped in, getting excited at the idea. Akira has been helping her grow them, and her harvest is coming along very nicely. Akira always shares meals with them made with care. Akira knows precisely what she likes to eat, what all of them enjoy.

She'll make sure Akira gets to eat the harvest they made together.

"Great idea, Haru!" Morgana praised her before nodding, "Now, we just need the guest of honor!"

"If your grating pep talk is over, then we really should move on," Akechi grumbled, pushing past them by the booths to reach the door. Far more action-oriented in the moment. Haru wonders if he is excited for the talk of Hot Pot too. She hopes he knows he's involved with this team too. One for all and all for one.

"Right." Makoto nodded, "We need to move on…we have to be getting somewhere close, hopefully, judging by the shadow's reaction."

Akechi tried opening the door, ready to swing it open, but it doesn't. Haru can only see the back of Akechi, but it seems like the handle is locked since Akechi keeps pulling harder and harder each time, getting more and more frustrated.

"Are you seriously having trouble opening a door?" Ryuji asked with a tone of incredulity.

"It's—" Akechi huffed, crossing his arms as he turned to them before pinching his brow in frustration and in an attempt to try and keep his cool, "Why don't you try opening it, Sakamoto."

Ryuji moves towards the door, and the same thing happens, he struggled, and the door doesn't open, he sputtered, "What the!? For real? But we just came through here!"

"It's not opening?" Ann frowned, "Is this going to be like the first room we were in? Maybe the room will shift into something else?"

"Yeah, but when? Even then, that took a bit?" Futaba shuddered next to her, "Did we miss something in here? Maybe we need to interact with something specifically to trigger a cutscene or something. Or maybe we need to find a key."

"You do know we aren't in a video game, right?" Morgana asked her skeptically as they began moving around Leblanc as they try to figure out how to proceed.

Haru thought, well, maybe they need to go the other way towards Akira's room. It made sense in the concept of progressing. She turned heel and walked towards the back stairs, Makoto following her with a similar idea she thinks.

But when they reach the back where the stairs to Akira's room usually would be, it's just a blank space.

Haru reached only to have her hands lay onto a set of bars that appeared. Similar to the last time and every other time, they had tried to advance where they apparently weren't meant to go. But even then, there wasn't anything past the bars.

"When Akira said he wanted a door for his room, I'm not sure this is what he meant…." Makoto hummed, tilting her head in confusion. Haru agreed.

"There isn't a way out past here either!" Haru called back to the rest of the Phantom Thieves before lingering a moment. She guessed maybe this was too obvious of a way out; after all, Alice had told them that what they thought to be logical wouldn't be in a roundabout way. Yet, Haru can't help but think how much or little that plays into Akira's thought processes too. She feels like she understands where Akira is coming from on some level. But is it something actually wholly different? What Alice said…does that apply to Akira too, in the conclusions they draw with him? The things the Phantom Thieves have witnessed, is she seeing it in the right light?

Haru shook her head; maybe now isn't the time to question everything they've seen. Instead, it might be more beneficial when they have all the pieces.

"Well…I suppose we'll have to come up with a nonsensical way…if this is supposed to be 'Wonderland.'" Makoto hummed as they rejoined the rest of the Phantom Thieves. The sun is nearly gone, and the store's lights are the thing only things keeping Leblanc illuminated.

Haru looked around Leblanc and frowned. Maybe she isn't creative enough or doesn't remember the movie well enough because she honestly doesn't know how else they'd leave the store than through the apparent methods?

"Ummmm…." Ann groaned, looking around in a similar state. "Can we like…. break the windows open?"

"Sojiro would have my head!" Futaba protested, stomping her foot.

"Dude, it's a cognitive version! How would he know?" Ryuji sputtered before motioning to the windows, "Seriously, how would he know?!"

"I would know!" Futaba huffed.

"If the door didn't work, I highly doubt the windows will work either." Makoto sighed, crossing her arms as she scans the store again. Haru can tell she is trying her hardest to come up with a solution. But they are all really having trouble thinking out of the box.

"I guess…well, maybe we need to find something to eat or drink?" Haru offered, tilting her head with a thoughtful suggestion as she thinks back on the source material. "I know we tried that before, but the café seems like a better shot in this sense. In the Alice movie, to shrink, she had to drink something, and to grow, she had to eat something, but then again, she drank something earlier to grow… So I think consuming something might be our answer?"

"You are suggesting we consume something in a cognitive world to change our size." Yusuke echoed with a surprised look. "Are we certain that is wise?"

"Oh, like you haven't eaten anything questionable, Inari." Futaba huffed, shoving him with her shoulder a bit. "I've seen the fridge in your dorm. So I know your diet."

"I suppose you aren't wrong." Yusuke sighed, shaking his head, "Though none of the items I have consumed have ever changed my size..."

"OK, but, say we do find something to shrink us because growing us would be bad in this enclosed space…." Morgana said, "Then, where are we supposed to go once shrunk? It still won't solve the problem of where we go after that!"

"I mean, Alice always managed to find a path in the movie?" Ann shrugged, "Maybe we'll find a door or something. If this is supposed to still be Alice in Wonderland-themed, I'd say Haru might be onto something. Ironically that seems the most logical path."

"Right…still, should we look around first before we change our size?" Makoto wondered, "Once we shrink, it'll be more difficult to move around and reach places that we can reach now. We should be prepared and see If we can't find a tiny door or exit first…."

"Yeah…" Haru nodded before turning to Akechi, who was standing away from them, by Leblanc's TV. She thought he'd have something to say on it, some protest about the fairytale logic, but would go along with it in the end. But it seemed like he wasn't even paying attention. Just starting at the TV that was off, she can't help but be curious about his fascination with the device. "Akechi?"

Akechi doesn't answer.

"Hey dude, you didn't even complain about how nonsensical it was. What's with the TV, huh?" Ryuji wondered, crossing the floor to Akechi's side to investigate the TV further and swinging his arm over Akechi's shoulder.

"Alice or instead Kurusu said he was supposed to appear on the channel…probably because the high schooler he found the body with appeared on it too. So, on some level, he was expecting to be targeted by the serial killer because of his involvement in the original discovery…." Akechi muttered, eyes not straying far from his reflection in the TV, but forcefully shrugs off Ryuji's arm. "Meaning, that's what he meant by appearing on the midnight channel."

"Oh, when you put it that way, that makes sense…." Ryuji frowned, "But, why are we bringing this up now?"

Akechi pointed to the clock just a few feet away near the door; Haru turned and let out an audible gasp. The sunset had only been at least half an hour ago, she thought, but now the clock read-only minutes from midnight. The café is only illuminated by the ambient lights behind the counter. Time has certainly been a whiplash in this world. Even it wasn't reliable. It leads her to wonder how long have they actually been in the Metaverse?

"Nearly midnight…" Futaba gasped before turning back to the TV with apprehension and understanding, "Akechi…You think he's going to show up on the channel?"

"I suppose we'll see, won't we?" Akechi muttered, watching the screen intently. The rest of the Phantom Thieves crowd around him as they watch the TV with the same anticipation.

Haru keeps the anxiety crawl underneath her skin. She remembers vaguely what Makoto had said about the channel in conjecture to Akira's retelling of the myth. The channel turns on at midnight, shows the culprit's next victim. Then they end up dead…or not? Of course, some of the victims survived, but she wonders how they managed that. Haru also remembered Makoto said no one could figure out the channel's origins, including the police force. But she was under the similar belief that the culprit must have pulled it off.

Still, unfortunately, she sees the logic in why Akira would believe he could be next as a kid. Especially if the girl he found the body with ended up dead. She doesn't like that he had to go through that, after all.

Haru grimaced when she wonders if his parents did anything to help him afterward? Did they know? Did Akira tell them? Were any of the memories they saw after the fact?

They certainly don't seem so. She clenched her fists.

Turning her attention back to the TV, it still hasn't turned on. Just the reflection of the eight of them looking back.

"So, maybe this is a bust…." Morgana grumbled, turning back to the clock, "It's 12:15 now…and absolutely nothing."

"Well, it was a good idea, Akechi!" Haru encouraged him; it was something for sure. Akechi was trying to put the pieces together.

Akechi doesn't give up and ends out reaching out to the TV, but instead of his hand meeting the glass…it goes straight through like the TV wasn't solid. It was a bizarre sight as the edges of the TV ripple around his forearm. It took them all by surprise.

"WHAT?" Ryuji sputtered, his eyes widening, "UH DUDE… YOUR HAND IS GOING THROUGH THE TELEVISION."

"Oh!" Haru blinked in surprise, instantly getting it. "This is cognition! If Akira believed he would end up on the TV, I wouldn't see why it couldn't translate to actually ending up IN the TV! It's like Alice in Wonderland's Looking Glass! Alice was referring to the TV as a looking glass! In the second book, Alice travels to the world through a mirror! So, maybe we should go through the TV to proceed."

"Oh god, the Wonderland logic is really messing with me." Makoto shook her head, looking almost ashamed that she didn't reach that conclusion earlier. Haru can't blame her though, it's a rather outlandish concept. "Crawling through a TV? Absurd, I say. And of course, that would be the exit."

"Are we…. even going to fit through there?" Ann asked skeptically on Akechi's other side as she pokes a finger into the TV before withdrawing it with a doubtful look on her face. Haru is unsure either. Akechi's arm already is taking up a lot of space; there isn't really room for a body to crawl through…other than probably Morgana.

"I think that's where these come in handy…." Yusuke announced as he stood next to the counter, motioning to the new additions to it.

Haru turned around to see a row of eight cups lined up. The usual LeBlanc mugs, but these were labeled with their names, neatly scribbled out on strips of paper.

"Well, that's a sign if I've seen one…." Futaba shuttered as she picked up her drink, "I'm assuming that Haru was right, and we need to drink these to enter the TV…But, oh man…."

"Wait." Haru quickly stopped her before she could take a sip, holding her wrist steady before turning to Akechi, who took his hand out of the TV. "Akechi, move the TV onto the counter."

"Good idea, Okumura." Akechi nodded, seemingly getting the gist of her plan; he carefully takes the TV from its stand and places it on the counter. He positioned it and moving one of the stacks of napkins close to the base in case they would need to climb more than expected.

"OK, now we need to sit on the counter when we drink. If we shrink, it'll be easier if we are on the same plane as the TV. Less work in climbing up from the ground." Haru explained, heaving herself onto the counter, swinging her legs over. It was nice they didn't have barstools to move as they were already absent from the scenario.

"Oh! Good thinking Haru, you really saved us a workout!" Ann laughed, doing the same as she spaced out her and Ryuji's cups to make room for herself. "There aren't barstools, so climbing would have been a pain. Don't know how we would have done it…."

"Yeah, seriously. That would have been hard if we were stuck on the floor." Makoto sighed, leveraging herself next to her and Haru's cup.

"If Sojiro knew we were sitting on the counter like this, we'd be busted." Futaba chuckled but hopped onto the counter herself, gawking as she almost spilled her drink, but she saved it at the last moment with the help of Yusuke.

"Careful, I doubt there will be an opportunity for a refill…." Yusuke chastised her, sitting next to her. "As our resident barista is indisposed at the moment."

"Uh, what do you think it is? Because I really don't like coffee…." Ryuji grunted, picking up a reluctant Morgana and setting him on the counter before pulling himself up as well. He picked up his cup and looked at it with a grimace. All of them had dark-colored liquids in them. "It makes my heart pound too fast…."

"It's a coffee shop. What do you think it's going to be?" Morgana muttered, "Soda?"

"Everyone ready?" Akechi asked, picking up his cup. "We don't know what is past that TV so, better be prepared."

"We haven't known anything we were going to run into here…" Ann muttered, her face falling.

"To Akira!" Ryuji announced, nudging Ann with his shoulder before holding his cup up in the air in front of him with a bittersweet smile on his face. It reminds Haru of the chant they did before they came to Mementos to look for the source of the problem with the public's cognition.

Haru can't help but smile as well. It was a fitting gesture to their following action. All of this was for Akira, and she won't forget that no matter what the rest of this place may hold. Akira is alive, and that's celebration enough. She held up her cup as well towards the ceiling in the sort of morbid toast to the event that the rest of the Phantom Thieves join in with an acknowledgment shout of "To Akira!"

Then the Phantom Thieves all knockback their drinks.

The flavor is instant once it hits her palette. Haru knows what this is. She remembers Akira making her this blend since it was reminiscent of the blend of coffee that they had shared at the restaurant. Haru had always enjoyed flavorful coffees, bold, with only a little sugar in them. Akira made her drinks perfectly, even down to the amount of sugar she liked.

She savors it, it's not too hot that it burns her tongue, but it's hot enough that it warms her heart. It's delicious.

Haru set the cup down and blinked; all of a sudden, the mug is towering over her. It seemed she had guessed right when she had assumed it would shrink them. She looked around to see the rest of the team observing their now gigantic settings.

"Woah. This is so weird." Futaba awed as she looked around the café, "I could just…do like a dance number on the booth table, it's the size of a dance stage now! Except…well, I don't know how to dance…."

"Alright, time to move on before we get any more ideas," Akechi announced, scaling the pile of napkins to crawl through the TV. Everyone is following in tandem.

"A maze?" Haru blinked. That isn't where she was expecting to end up. Now this feels more like the movie when she turns to where they had come from. Instead of a TV screen, it's just more Maze. Like they had just been dropped into the middle of it. Of course, with no instructions on how to get out. Haru can't help but feel her heart skip a beat. It had that same sort of endless vibe that Mementos held. But for some reason, this Maze feels a lot more unsettling. Especially since their navigators can't actually navigate in this place. The grassy walls feel so large next to them, meaning they wouldn't be able to see over the hedges. Another puzzle to be solved.

"I was feeling refreshed after that cola, but man, a maze? Seriously?" Ryuji grumbled, looking around nervously before pointing at one of the grassy walls. "Uh, do we need to keep one hand on a wall? I heard that was one way to solve a maze…I think. I don't know; I didn't even get how we navigated Mementos!"

"Wait, Cola?" Ann frowned skeptically, turning to Ryuji as she picked up on what he said before, "It was a milkshake, wasn't it?"

"Protein Drink." Makoto corrected politely.

"Was it not tea?" Yusuke wondered, "I remember it being a full-bodied green tea."

"Mine was an energy drink." Futaba chimed in before frowning, "Wait, but they all looked the same, didn't they?"

"Are you all daft? It was clearly just Leblanc's coffee. We were in Leblanc." Akechi scoffed as he looked around the maze corridor that they were dropped into. "I'd know that taste anywhere."

"It was probably our favorite drinks as Akira remembered them," Haru mentioned, a small smile on her face because that made the most sense. She thinks it's a testament to how well Akira knows their likes and dislikes. All of them had different drinks, but it was clear they had all enjoyed them.

"So, your favorite drink is Leblanc Coffee, huh?" Morgana slighted Akechi with a devious side-eye. "I mean, you did hang out at Leblanc an awful lot for someone who claims that you had 'better things to do.' Was it really the coffee, or was it the barista?"

"Sakamoto, surprisingly, was right in saying that to solve a maze, one method is to put a hand on a wall and follow it," Akechi announced, ultimately side-stepping the statement that Morgana said. Haru held back her chuckle. Akechi continued as he put one of his gauntlets to the grass wall but doesn't move forward, "However, that method takes the longest, despite it being the most reliable way."

"Are there any other methods to solving mazes?" Ann hummed, tapping her chin as she looked around.

"The only other way I could think of is to leave behind a breadcrumb of sorts just to mark where we have or haven't been…but it's not as if we have anything to do that…." Makoto remarked, looking around for anything they could use. It's futile since there isn't something they have a lot of. "We may just have to waste a little more time doing the wall method. Or wander in circles till we find something."

"I'd imagine you all aren't very good at listening." Alice's voice rang from behind them, a bored tone on her tongue, "If you knew Time as well as I do, then you wouldn't talk about wasting it."

Haru turned to see Alice standing there, hands behind her dress and swaying back and forth on her shoes. An impatient look tugged at her lips like a child waiting for something. She's a few feet away, but everyone turns their attention to her.

"I'm sorry." Haru sincerely apologized before anyone else can say a word and giving a polite bow, "Would you mind telling us how to get out of this maze, Alice?"

Alice giggled, "Silly! It doesn't matter which path you take; you'll end up in the same place in the end. So begin at the beginning and go till you come till the end. Simple as that. Nothing more and nothing less. Though...it isn't quite impossible to take less of nothing, so rather be careful of taking more of nothing. Then maybe you'll have the right amount."

"Oh jeez..." Ann sighed under her breath.

"So maybe we don't have to worry too much about finding the correct path?" Makoto muttered quietly behind her.

"Are you traversing this maze too, Alice?" Haru wondered; she remembered Alice in the movie traversing the Maze to find the suite of cards painting the roses red. But Haru thought they had already run into the 'Queen of Hearts' meaning, everything they experience isn't linear. But is Alice? She did mention them not listening to her earlier advice, "That is quite helpful advice!"

"Quite." Alice nodded, before sighing, "That's the trouble with me, I suppose. I give myself and others very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. What a strange contradiction, isn't it? But I suppose everyone is different; Something said to someone might not apply to someone else. A turtle isn't a hare. Nor a cat to dog. The things that apply to someone even before may not apply to them now. It's interesting, isn't it?"

"Still, I think it's rather wise for you to acknowledge that," Haru reassured her. She doesn't know if her intent will come through to Akira but, she wants to hope reassuring Alice will somehow, in turn, reassure Akira. She has a feeling they might need Alice to get through this Maze; maybe she can persuade Alice to stick around longer so they can figure things out better. Alice might be their key to getting out of here and finding Akira, "Would you like to join us? Things like this are a lot more fun in groups than alone. You can tell us all about your adventures in Wonderland."

Alice doesn't respond. Instead, her demeanor changed, and she has a strange look on her face. A few moments go by before she answered with a neutral tone, "...You should say what you mean."

"I do! I meant what I said." Haru quickly shook her head, trying to reassure Alice as the girl starts slowly backing up cautiously. Haru panics. Did she say something wrong?

"Those aren't the same thing at all!" Alice shook her head with an insincere giggle, "Why you might as well say, 'I see what I eat is the same as 'I eat what I see' The two are different. You don't eat everything you see, or that would be a problem as most of what we see isn't edible. Or at least I'd imagine it wasn't. I do sometimes wonder how my shoe must taste; it is rather shiny. It might give me a stomach, though...But I digress. You can mean what you say but not say what you mean. You can mean the words you speak, yet not reveal what you actually want to say."

Haru feels instantly ashamed, realizing what Alice is talking about. Someone can be sincere in the feelings they express but not actually express the sentiments they really want to communicate in the end. Is she referring to how Haru meant she did want Alice to join them but as a means to find Akira? Or is this something more profound? Was Akira genuine in all he expressed yet, didn't express what he wanted all along?

Is there something he sincerely wanted to say but couldn't?

"Then what do you want to say?" Haru has to wonder.

Alice shook her head with a pleasant smile that doesn't reach her gold eyes, "Nothing. There is nothing I want to say. Nothing I say means anything. And trying to find meaning in it would be far too much trouble."

Haru blinked, then tried applying Alice's logic of 'meaning what you say and saying what you mean' to the 'nothing is as it seems. But, then, couldn't that be seen as the opposite? And everything Alice says means something? While she believes that it doesn't. It seemed like an extreme contrast of black and white.

Then she wonders. Everything that Shadow Akira says, can he mean what he says but also not say what he really means? If that were the case, they are still missing something huge. Which she had already guessed, but Alice's words only further solidify how she feels. Shadow Akira means what he says, but it's all out of context compared with the rest of what they saw. Even with the memories and narratives, she still feels it's out of context. Finally, though, she feels a bit more at ease with this revelation.

"Alice, wait!" Ann called out when Alice runs off around the corner.

Haru wonders if they are really chasing Kaguya around Wonderland or if it was Alice they were chasing. It seemed to be the latter.

The Phantom Thieves round the corner that Alice had turned, but they only find a mirror and no Alice. Instead, the Mirror reflects them and blocks the path in the grassy Maze.

I never understood gardening until Haru explained it to me. Before, it was just something I saw people do on my way to school, but now, it makes sense. Promoting growth, putting in the time and effort to nurture something to its fullest potential and make it something beautiful. Not only was Haru gentle with her crops, but she also took the time to understand the meaning behind their growth and every aspect of what they could be used for. Haru was deeply caring in every sense. Haru went out of her way to grow her craft.

Haru can't help but feel her cheeks flush a bit at the revelation. She hadn't realized Akira had internalized her comment about gardening in an offhand moment when she wasn't entirely paying attention. She realized she never noticed how closely Akira was looking.

"He's right, you know…And it's not just with your crop either." Makoto smiled and patted her shoulder, "Even with us…you didn't freak out about us being the Phantom Thieves and took everything we told you in stride. And you always do your best."

"Mako-chan!" Haru laughed, her face getting redder.

Like flower language, I didn't realize that flowers communicated as well. And they didn't even have to physically say anything to get their meaning across. They just were. Bright and beautiful. And people looked at them and knew their purpose. Haru taught me a lot about flowers; Haru really made me appreciate the world around me.

Haru blinked. Remembering back to some of the moments languidly conversing with Akira. He always seemed to know more about flowers than she did. She chalked it up to him working at a flower shop, but…she doesn't understand why he'd attribute all the credit to her.

"I don't know why he'd say that…." Haru admitted, "Aki-chan always seemed to know about flowers than me…He did work at Rafflesia."

"Psychic." Ryuji offered, tapping the side of his forehead.

"Or he just researched after to impress Haru." Futaba huffed.

Haru wanted to open a café. She told me I could be her first customer. Of course, I agreed, but I meant to say I'd do a lot more than being her first customer. Hell, I'd do the dishes, buy anything she needed to, I'd do anything to help her fulfill her dream. She works so hard; she deserves so much. And I know Haru, of all people, will make her dreams come true. She isn't afraid to grow them like her garden and make something beautiful that instantly portrays its meaning gracefully and stunningly, like a flower.

"Aki-chan…" Haru murmured but frowned, "I never told him I wanted to open a café."

"Huh?" Makoto stuttered next to her.

Haru smiled, but her eyes tear up, "I've been thinking about it. I wanted to do something meaningful with my crop like my grandfather did when he started my father's company. I wanted to be involved, and I wanted to connect with people. But I hadn't told anyone as I've recently started thinking about it. I had even thought about asking Akira to be my first customer since he's helped me so much with my garden already. I even thought about asking him to be my business partner when we are older since he seems to have so much experience with Leblanc…."

"OK, so this just confirms that Akira is definitely psychic for sure!" Ryuji exclaimed.

"The question isn't if Kurusu is psychic or not, Sakamoto." Akechi huffed, "It's how much he actually can sense and see. You do realize that there is a multitude of varying concepts of the range of psychics, right? Have you watched any sort of media on the matter? We've already narrowed down Akira's sixth sense, but not the parameters of it."

"So, you are admitting Akira is psychic now, Akechi?" Yusuke wondered, "Before you mentioned that he knew the phases of Shido's battle, something that would have to back up that Akira is psychic. You do believe he is psychic for sure now?"

Akechi's face sours, as it seems he's been caught in the outlandish belief. Though, Haru doesn't think there is any deniability at this point that Akira sees and knows more than all of them. They've seen him use the third eye, even with the consequences it has, so they knew he can sense more than the phantom thieves can in the Metaverse. Why wouldn't that cross over to reality if it manifested in the real world?

"I think…" Akechi said, but stopped, seeming to try to choose his words carefully, "Kurusu definitely has some uncanny sixth sense to predict things…however, saying once more, we do not know how far that reaches, whether it's short-range or long-range, whether it's snippets or a lot more information. "

Haru understands what he means; the Phantom Thieves don't know the extent of it. They don't know the specifics of Akira's abilities. And Akira seemed to contradict himself all the time on what he does and does not see. So Haru thinks it's probably likely that he isn't too sure about it either.

"And…" Akechi continued, folding his arms as he glared at the Mirror.

"And?" Morgana prompted him to continue.

"He hasn't mentioned his ability in any of his childhood memories." Akechi slowly said with a cautious look.

"Oh!" Ann gasped in realization, "You're right, oh my god! All his childhood memories and the idea has never been brought up…but, we haven't actually seen most of his childhood…so maybe it's just not in the memories we've seen? Still, you think that would be something that would have been brought up!"

"He was younger too, so maybe it just wasn't as strong?" Haru wondered, feeling like that could be the reason. But, on the other hand, most skills aren't as prevalent in the younger years, so perhaps he hadn't honed it? Or maybe he did have it, but he wasn't sure what it was. Haru doesn't know. She agreed with Akechi about it being weird, however.

"I'm sure it wouldn't be as strong…but if he was ten when he found the body, don't you think that is a strong enough event to trigger his sixth sense?" Futaba frowned as she tapped the side of her goggles as she theorized. "Especially if he already knew about the channel and the tv reporter being on it? I mean, maybe that's not how that works…but I feel like if he had psychic powers, he should at least have been able to predict he was going to find a body. Or sense something. That's usually how it goes..."

"We can't jump to conclusions." Makoto shook her head in dismissal of the idea, "We don't know what happened exactly, just like the memory of him getting arrested."

"Aki-chan didn't seem psychic in that memory either." Haru frowned; she has been formulating this thought in her head for a bit, mulling over it since that scene. "That was only a little bit before he came to Shibuya, right? I can admit, we've only seen snippets of his childhood. But in this memory, he was only a few months younger than he is now right now. The way his behavior was…and especially when he got arrested…I don't think he saw that coming at all. Aki-chan seemed really surprised, and if he knew, I feel he would have acted differently."

"You're right…." Ann murmured, her eyes widening, "He didn't…in that memory; he felt different. When I first met him, the way he interacted with me was friendly and polite, but he just…it was like he knew what to say to me. And that was only a month apart, right?"

"So, are we saying he only became psychic after he came to Shibuya?" Morgana sputtered, "How?!"

Haru shook her head; there are too many things coming up. At first, the narratives had been weird, but she had assumed he was just misremembering things, sort of like looking back and remembering how things went in the wrong way. They were small enough inconsistencies to be dismissed.

But the fact that his demeanor had changed so drastically between when he had been arrested and when he had met Ryuji and Ann? It's all compiling, and she can't ignore that.

Or the mismatched photos in Leblanc where they were nearly identical to the pictures in reality.

It doesn't add up. A common theme, and she is sure it has to tie into Alice's 'nothing is what it seems, but Haru has to wonder what it is supposed to seem like? What conclusions are they supposed to draw from all this?

What are they missing?

Haru remembered the last time she saw Akira, that he was sacrificing himself for them to get them off of the exploding boat.

She feels her stomach sink a bit; was that not what it seemed either? Had she misread that situation too? But she can't think of what else it could be. She doesn't like the alternatives.

"I think it's best we continue." Haru announced, turning back to them, "We aren't going to come up with answers standing around here."

"She's right. All we can do is gather more data." Akechi sighed, nodding his head. "This mirror is one we can travel to, now that we are in wonderland, and of course, mirrors are the only way to traverse."

"Of course." Haru giggled at his frustration as she passed him to enter the Mirror, "Through the looking glass, we go."

She exited into a very familiar-looking shop, the rest of the Phantom Thieves coming out the Mirror after her.

"This is…Rafflesia?" Haru blinked in surprise, seeing the familiar flower shop around them, yet without a soul inside. It's made even eerier since they are about an inch or two. It definitely changes the perspective of the shop. She had always wanted to be the size of a flower; something about it seemed magical. Yet, she is absolutely sure this is not what she had in mind.

Why had the Maze led to Rafflesia? Was it because she had mentioned it earlier? Did the Mirror catch on to what they had been talking about flowers?

"Uh, didn't Rafflesia have a bunch of different flowers?" Ann muttered as the Phantom Thieves started walking on one of the counters, potted plants all around them, but they are distinctly one color and one flower. "There is only one kind…."

"And they ain't the flowers from before," Ryuji commented, walking the perimeter of one of the pots next to them, investigating with skeptical eyes. The petals are bigger than his head.

They are right; many red potted plants fill the empty shop with no soul in sight. That alone makes it even eerie since there are usually people waiting for Rafflesia since there were only two workers at a time. So now Rafflesia seems dismal, and a red tint like in mementos has descended over it.

"Begonias." Haru quietly informed them. Her heart jumping a bit as she instantly recognizes the vermillion flowers around them. Different than the white spider lilies they saw earlier. Yet, she wonders why?

"Begonias…I remember those." Yusuke nodded as he raised his fingers to create a frame to center the flowers with them, "They were the other flower on the Yukata that Akira wore to the firework festival. A lovely shade of red, however…."

"However, they don't have a great meaning, do they, Haru?" Makoto finished, gritting her teeth as this is what they expected.

"Begonias can have good meanings too." Haru sighed, feeling a bit defeated because all the flowers they are seeing are in a negative light. Flowers are beautiful regardless, and all hold different meanings, "Like excellent communication between friends and families and the ability to bridge relationships, they can have a very positive meaning too. Flowers aren't always doom and gloom…."

She feels at least that meaning can relate to Akira. Akira had an uncanny ability to make connections with those around him. Those bonds had formed the Phantom Thieves. However, Haru will admit that Akira might be simultaneously the most excellent and worst communicator she's ever met. He knows them all too well, but they lack knowledge of him. Then again, that would say something about their communication skills. It's fascinating the contrasting natures of their relationship with him.

Much like Begonias and their dual symbolism. She can see the similarities in them, too, now.

"But…" Morgana supplied since she knows they can all hear the 'but' in her voice.

"But, they have often been seen a sign of misfortune and omen." Haru shook her head in defeat, "Sometimes they are a warning about something about to happen, and one would send them to someone you want to remain cautious, though, depending on your intent, that can warrant very different meanings. They've also been said to represent dark thoughts because of this. A warning of misfortune and dark thoughts…that is what they are most known for."

"Oh…" Futaba muttered quietly, "Yeah, that's not a fun meaning. But, God, imagine sending someone a threat with a flower…would they know? Like, oh man, if I walked outside one day and just saw a pot of begonias on my porch, I wouldn't think twice…jeez. A warning in plain sight, I guess."

Haru clenched her fists. She knows, and that's why she didn't like them all that much in the first place. Begonias are not her favorite flower.

She looked around the store. If the Maze led here, then it must mean something, right? Haru doesn't see Alice anywhere. It's only them on the counter and the thousands of begonia flowers around them. She wonders if they have anything to do with the meaning. She knows Akira knows what they mean. But chills rush down her spine at the sheer multitude of them.

There are so many of them. So many pots.

"So, what are we supposed to be looking for here?" Morgana wondered as they started weaving their way through the multitude of pots in an attempt to dissect the cognitive memory. If it even is that. The Phantom Thieves wander away from the Mirror.


"What the—did that flower just move?!" Makoto sputtered, jumping back from the pot she had been standing by and almost into Haru. The Begonias ruffled and did start moving. Haru gasped; she wonders if it was a draft? But they are moving in a very unnatural way.

"Do you hear something?" Futaba shivered as she looked around the empty flower shop.

Hey, hey, listen.

Haru instantly realized the small whisper had come from the flowers around them. She thought it was the rustling of petals, but this time it had been louder and more enunciated. A multitude of whispers filling the ambiance.

"These Flowers can talk?!" Yusuke sputtered, getting excited over the exact wrong thing, his eyes sparkling as he moved closer to one of the blooms with anticipation, "Flower! Tell me, what is it like to be a flower? What sort of existence is it?"

Haru can't exactly blame him. She had once fantasized about her flower garden coming alive and talking to her, and she had even chatted back when no one was looking. But, perhaps, it's not a good thing that the flowers are talking to them in this case. That scene in Alice in Wonderland didn't end all too well. She had thought the only flowers talking would be their symbolism; she can only imagine how well this was going to go.

"Dude, should we really be talking with the flowers?" Ryuji wondered, a valid point as there is an uneasy feeling in the air. Haru can feel the tension thickening, and she fights to keep her breath steady for what is going to come.

Hey, did you know? The flowers giggled, the petals moving in a way that made the blooms look like they were whispering at them, with a giddy smile. Did you know?

"Do we know what?" Morgana wondered as they all slowly wandered closer so they can hear the flower's answer. Yusuke is leaning in with more anticipation. Futaba looks just as interested as him.

Did you know…

That the truth hurts, but secrets kill.

Haru was not expecting that, as is no one else is. It's a rather unexpecting statement than what she'd imagine a flower would say. Not that she had any idea what the cognitive flowers would talk about. She already knew they weren't likely to do a musical number.

"The truth hurts, but secrets kill?" Ann wondered, "What does that mean? It sounds like a rhyme that children would say on the playground…."

It certainly was a statement. But, Haru doesn't like the implications of it or how the flower had said it. It didn't come off as innocent.

Then the flowers start snapping at them aggressively, bending over their stems as they lunge at the Phantom Thieves with malicious intent. Chanting the exact phrase over and over in a multitude of voices,

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

"This is worse than the flowers being racist!" Ryuji sputtered, dodging the advance from one of the branches of the Begonia flower, and almost falling over the counter edge. However, he balanced himself just before. The floor of Rafflesia was littered with red blooms as well, so seeking lower ground would not be helpful. In fact, falling might just mean their demise. They'd be swallowed up by the Begonias for sure with the way the flowers are snapping.

"Ten times worse!" Futaba agreed, jumping clumsily out of the way as a Begonia vine tries to snag her leg.

"We need to get back to the Mirror! Now!" Akechi announced, being the only reasonable one and trying to fight off the vines with his saber. But, since the flowers are bigger than he was, the saber doesn't do much offense.

The chanting starts getting louder and louder as all the potted begonia flowers around them laugh hysterically, shaking their leaves. It's so deafening. Haru can't even think at the moment, whipping out her ax in a method of defense as she tries to follow the rest of the Phantom Thieves back to the Mirror.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

"What does that mean?!" Ann shouted over the flower's insistent yelling, jumping to the side as one of the flowers grabs at her, she cracks her whip back it, but the vine moves out of the way just as quickly. She grabbed Futaba, who doesn't have anything to defend herself with, and darts towards the Mirror.

"Yeah, I don't think it's a secret they are trying to kill us!" Morgana bemoaned with her.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

The truth hurts, but secrets kill.

It just keeps growing in sound, louder and louder, hurting Haru's head. She grasped at her ears, letting go of Futaba's wrists so the other can do the same, jumping to the side as well as she tried to discern the meaning. But who would it be killing? Akira or them? Or both? At this point, she isn't sure. It's cognition, she knows. So what secret is Akira keeping that can kill? Is the secret Akira keeping the ability to kill?! She doesn't know, but the sound is making it incredibly hard to think above it.

"f*ck!" Ryuji sputtered in a similar position next to her as he covers his own ears with a grimace of pain.

The screaming of the flowers reaches a crescendo before the flowers go dead silent. Finally, the flowers stop moving, and Haru slowly withdraws her hands, thinking it had to be over. They have almost reached the Mirror after not realizing how far they had wandered away from it.

The begonia in front of them right next to the Mirror said in a damning, resounding voice.

Why couldn't you just have been happy?

The voice thundering around them, making Haru's heart skip a beat.

It was me. All me. I was going to do it again. I was being selfish. Inconsiderate. I don't matter. I'm all alone. Nothing matters. Everything is meaningless. There is no meaning. No meaning. No meaning. No meaning. Nothing matters.

The flowers around them scream with distorted voices, just as loud as before. All the voices layering over each other, making it hard to discern precisely what was being said. But she can pick up phrases, but they don't instill any sense of security in her.

W̷h̸o̶ ̶a̶m̷ ̶I̸?̸ ̸W̷h̸a̴t̸ ̸a̵m̴ ̷I̸?̷ ̸W̵h̴y̴ ̸c̴o̷u̶l̶d̴n̸'̸t̶ ̸I̸ ̵j̶u̸s̸t̸ ̴h̸a̷v̵e̴ ̴b̵e̸e̴n̷ ̶h̷a̷p̷p̵y̵?̸ ̸W̷h̸y̴ ̵c̴o̷u̸l̶d̵n̷'̸t̸ ̵I̷ ̷j̷u̵s̷t̴ ̸s̴w̵a̵l̶l̴o̸w̶ ̵d̸o̸w̴n̸ ̷m̶y̵ ̸f̵e̷e̸l̷i̵n̶g̴s̵?̸ ̷I̴ ̷w̷a̴s̵ ̶d̷o̵i̵n̸g̶ ̵i̵t̸ ̷b̵e̴f̶o̴r̸e̸;̶ ̶w̶h̶y̶ ̴c̷o̸u̷l̷d̶n̸'̵t̶ ̷I̴ ̵d̵o̸ ̴i̶t̷ ̷a̴g̶a̴i̴n̴?̷ ̸I̴ ̵d̴o̸n̶'̶t̴ ̴u̵n̶d̷e̷r̶s̵t̴a̷n̶d̵.̷ ̸
̴W̶h̷y̷ ̶d̵i̸d̷n̷'̵t̵ ̷I̵ ̷d̸i̷e̴?̵ ̶

Haru doesn't want to think about what that means.

Why? W̸̲͝ḣ̶̜̏y̶̼̗͂̕?̶̲͎́ ̷̥̜͛͝W̵͕̌̿H̸̤̒Y̴̠̒,̴̣̪͂ ̸̨̞̓̂W̷͓̯̊H̴̫̅Y̴̙͂,̷͚̆ ̵̦͔̍W̴̢̪̆̕H̵̭͎̃Y̵̹̓͘,̴̜̭̊ ̴̨̤͗W̶͎̅͗Ĥ̵̬̑Ý̵̲̒,̴̳̒̈́ ̷̲̫̓W̵͖͒̓H̵̢͗͆Y̵͔̬͠?̴̧̳͒̒ ̸̨̣̕ ̶͇̾

Haru can barely untangle all the words being said from the disjointed mess of dialogue. It's all wound together too tightly, but the snippets she does catch fill her with dread.

I̷'̵d̸ ̴r̶a̸t̵h̷e̶r̵ ̵b̴e̸ ̵d̴e̵a̴d̶.̸ ̶I̴t̴ ̷w̶o̷u̸l̷d̸ ̸b̶e̸ ̶b̷e̴t̵t̴e̴r̷ ̵i̶f̴ ̶I̴ ̵w̷a̵s̴ ̴d̸e̸a̴d̴.̴ ̶I̴t̷ ̷w̸o̶u̶l̷d̵ ̸b̷e̵ ̵b̸e̷t̷t̴e̶r̶ ̷I̴f̵ ̶I̶ ̴d̷i̴d̶n̷'̴t̵ ̵e̷x̴i̸s̶t̴.̸ ̵I̶t̷ ̶w̶o̸u̵l̶d̶ ̴b̶e̶ ̶b̶e̸t̴t̶e̸r̴ ̸i̸f̴ ̵I̵ ̸w̶a̶s̷n̵'̸t̴ ̷h̸e̵r̴e̴.̵ ̶I̶ ̷s̵h̶o̵u̵l̵d̴ ̴b̶e̴ ̵d̴e̶a̷d̴.̴ ̸W̵h̸y̴ ̸d̷i̵d̵n̶'̶t̸ ̸I̷ ̴d̶i̴e̴?̶ ̴W̴h̸y̷ ̴c̶a̶n̸'̶t̵ ̴I̶ ̶d̷i̸e̶?̴ ̵P̴l̶e̵a̵s̸e̷ ̵l̸e̶t̷ ̸m̷e̷ ̵d̷i̶e̴.̵ ̵P̴l̸e̷a̷s̷e̷ ̴j̷u̸s̵t̶ ̵l̵e̶t̶ ̴m̵e̷ ̶d̷i̴e̸.̷ ̸I̶ ̵w̵a̴n̷t̵ ̵t̸o̴ ̸b̸e̸ ̴d̷e̵a̸d̶.̵ ̸I̸'̴m̷ ̷n̶o̴t̵ ̵l̶i̷v̵i̸n̶g̴.̶ ̶O̸h̸ ̷G̴o̷d̶,̸ ̶I̸ ̵d̷o̸n̵'̵t̴ ̸w̴a̵n̸t̵ ̷t̴o̷ ̶b̵e̵ ̷h̵e̷r̵e̵.̶ ̸P̵l̷e̴a̸s̷e̶,̷ ̶I̴ ̵d̵o̸n̴'̸t̴ ̵w̵a̴n̷t̴ ̶t̶o̴ ̵b̵e̸ ̵h̷e̷r̷e̵.̴ ̴

"Haru! Come on!" Makoto yelled at her over the noise, motioning her over to the Mirror where everyone else has already entered. It was just her and Makoto left.

Haru stalled for a second. Trying to figure out why the Begonias are saying what they are saying. But, her heart is hammering, and the begonias are getting louder than she can handle. So, she quickly follows Makoto's lead and leaps through the Mirror. She'd rather have a musical number.

The last sentence she captures with clarity is:

I don't know what to do.

This whole place is driving Akechi utterly insane.

Not just the anxiety vibrating underneath his skin and making his blood feel like a white water rapid on steroids, but the fact that he does not know how to handle it in any capacity. He is doing everything in his power not to let the handle fly off since, in the past, that hasn't been a great way of handling things. But Akechi doesn't know what to do with all his information that the Phantom Thieves do not. Like the fact that Akira could have survived that crash. Or the things Margaret had told him.

Sometimes, It feels like he is solving a completely different mystery than they are.

Not only that. But, while he thought he had a good grasp on who Akira was before all this in terms of character and demeanor, opposed to his background, it has ultimately been shattered beyond repair. Akechi does not know the first thing about Akira or his intentions or who he is at his core. As of right now, Akira's self is severely fragmented, with information coming through too many sources like Alice, Kaguya, the Narrations, the memories, and the severe disconnect from what happened to what Akira thinks happened.

There are too many sources and too little information.

He still holds onto some semblance of his theory before about Akira's third eye ability manifested through pure delusion. Still, even then, it's not a strong theory, given all he's seen and heard.

Nothing makes sense. And Akechi doesn't like it when things don't make sense in his analytical mind. Akira being psychic, makes sense and no sense at the same time. He hates how one contradicts the other. He didn't believe in psychics, they weren't logical but then again neither was a cognitive world they could freely travel to. So what is there to believe? What is true and what isn't.

"What the f*ck was with those flowers!?" Ryuji gawked as they regrouped outside the mirror, his words louder than they should be on account of readjusting to the flower's dialogue is gone. "The other flowers didn't talk like that, goddamn, they were so loud too. I thought my ears were going to start bleeding. I would have rather them sing a song!"

"It was a rather unpleasant experience," Yusuke admitted next to him with a pained look on his face, "I am sorry, I had not imagined that starting a conversation with a flower would lead to that…I could barely even comprehend their horrible screaming…."

"I don't think anyone would have been able to anticipate that." Ann reassured him, "But, the thing the flowers were chanting…the truth hurts but secrets kill. I heard that much. Uh, the rest, I only caught snippets of…."

It's a relatively straightforward statement, Akechi thinks, and he doesn't know why the flowers kept repeating it. It felt like a nursery rhyme or something. Akechi is more interested in what happened afterward, how the Begonias were screaming sentences in a very particular way. Akechi would almost compare it to a stream of thought; the flower's screaming confirms one thing for him if it wasn't already confirmed.

Akira wanted to die that night but didn't. The intent was there all the same.

Akechi frowned deeper, anger coursing through his veins. Why. Why the f*ck would Akira Kurusu put him or them through all that, just to make his teammates think he 'nobly' sacrificed himself in the end. Why would Akira Kurusu smile at him like that, after everything he knows about Akechi? He hadn't realized how cruel Akira Kurusu was. But he is still shaky on that part despite how much he wants to blame Akira Kurusu for all this. There isn't enough information to draw that conclusion.

As much as he wanted to be angry at Akira Kurusu for all of this, he wanted to deny how much this cognitive space is affecting him, and as much as he wanted to deny how Akira Kurusu makes him feel, he can't. There is too much he doesn't understand to blame Akira for all this. And maybe he's repaying the favor too, Akira certainly didn't blame Akechi for any of his actions.

"And the things they were saying after…." Haru said quietly, her eyes turned downward. "Did you hear that too?"

Akechi has been plotting his scheme against Shido, the wisps of his plan coming straight to his mind as the social worker unempathetically told him his fate and the first of many foster families to take, use, then throw him out. Yet, through it all, the spite for that demon of a man kept him going through all the years of suffering, the years of never having what one might call home.

Akechi doesn't have a hiraeth because there has never been anywhere for him to go back to. Maybe it could have been his mother, but he hardly remembers his childhood, less his mother. He's never had a group of friends, let alone one before this year. He was an undesirable child, and his life has been dismal despite all he's gained.

He doesn't understand, and it's driving him crazy. Akechi knows how to read what people want from him. He knows how to interpret people's intentions. Charming those of the older generation was a cinch, and working his way up in popularity and status as the detective prince was all on his own. Shido didn't do jack sh*t in that.

But he has never figured out Akira's intentions. Why the other would go against all the actions and evidence that Akechi was not someone he should be friends with. Akira did it anyways. Akira does what he wants. But Akechi doesn't get how that leads to this.

Why the f*ck does Akira feel like he's so disconnected from his group of friends From Akechi? So much so that his entire place, based on his past actions, feels like the prelude to his funeral.

A swan song to the entire journey they have all been through.

What had gone so incredibly wrong to make Akira believe everything his shadow has been saying?

'Friends? Teammates?' To hell with that bullsh*t. That isn't Akira. Akira doesn't think that; That was Akechi, not Akira. Akechi isn't blind to the fact that Akira, despite everything he's done, f*cking loves the Phantom Thieves. Akechi denies how that might include him at this point. Regardless, even Akechi knows just how damn attached Akira is to every single person on the Phantom Thieves.

Ryuji, Morgana, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Haru, Futaba… Him.

Akechi is so jealous. Akira was so lucky to be surrounded by teammates who acknowledged him despite all their rough patches.

How does Akira not know that?

What is going on?

Why did he throw that all away that night?

"Yeah…uhh…" Ryuji muttered, shaking his head with a stubborn denial, "Things are not what they seem, though…."

"And what do they seem like?" Akechi wondered as Ryuji is dismissing a truth that the Phantom Thieves will eventually have to deal with if they want to save Akira.

Akira's lack of self-preservation runs a whole lot deeper into a darker mindset. The Phantom Thieves have to see that.

This is going to be something unavoidable, he knows. It's going to come up sooner or later, and it will be realized to its fullest if the thieves have already started to get an inkling of it from Shadow Akira's dialogues or the memories they've seen.

"The flowers…Haru said they were to mean dark thoughts." Morgana piped up, a look of defiance in his eyes, "And with the way those flowers were screaming, I'd say they were a perfect metaphor for what a stream of dark thoughts sound like."

"I'd say so," Akechi muttered, the feeling not unfamiliar to him. To be consumed with one's negative thoughts, isn't that what they are in the business of?

"But that doesn't necessarily mean Akira means that." Ann denied strongly, shook her head vehemently, "We think things without meaning them all the time. Intrusive thoughts. Remember what Alice said? Saying what you mean and meaning what you say are two different things. You can think something but not mean it! So just because he may have thought it once...doesn't mean he still thinks like that. Right? We've all had some form of dark thoughts..."

"Y-yeah...thoughts often come and go..." Makoto tried to agree with her, but she looks hesitant in her agreement.

"If that's what you want to believe," Akechi muttered, beginning to walk past them down the other side of the maze hall they are in. Of course, he wants to believe what Ann is preaching. But he's skeptical, knowing what he knows. He doesn't know what to think. Akira's actions scream contrasting feelings, and it's not something Akechi knows how to detangle.

He follows the insistent tugging on where his breast pocket would be if he were wearing his coat. Another thing that's been bugging him. He'd noticed it in Alice's Ocean of tears as well. And from then on. But, he doesn't want to think about where it's leading him.

"Hey, wait up!" Futaba called after him, all the Phantom Thieves following after him like lost little ducklings. Akechi doesn't like it one bit. Seriously, why does it feel like he's become their leader again? He doesn't deserve that, nor does he want the position. All he wants to do is get to the bottom of things.

"There is bound to be another mirror to traverse, another piece of this f*cking puzzle," Akechi told her simply, not slowing down his pace as he traversed the hallways, following his intuition.

"Akechi…what do you think? About what the flowers said? Do you think..." Futaba muttered, falling into line with him as she peers up at him with sullen eyes.

A conversation he doesn't want to have with her of all people. One he doesn't know how to approach in any sense. He has his conclusions but the Phantom Thieves need to come up with their own.

So, he takes a leaf out of Akira's book and deflects hard.

"What we know so far chronologically is Kurusu grew up in Inaba, and his childhood was less than satisfactory and imparting on him some trauma that I've doubt he's dealt with well. He witnessed a channel that the serial killer in that town broadcasted at midnight of his victims, then discovered a victim's body with the girl who would become the next victim. So, therefore, making the conclusion, he was fated to be the next victim."

"Dude, why are you recapping it like a detective anime. Quit using that tone."

Akechi ignored Ryuji and continued, "But he never became one. That belief led to where we are now, this cognitive space that may or may not be a version of Wonderland. Formed since Kurusu ended up in the Metaverse, most likely without a persona left. Therefore, leaving him susceptible to the cognitive world."

"I don't like the sound of it, but yes, most likely." Morgana nodded, "If he didn't have a persona, then it's plausible for something to form since there are no defenses."

"Kurusu ended up on probation in Shibuya when he encountered Shido in Inaba. An escape he wanted to make. Then, when reaching Shibuya within the few days, he awakened to his persona in Kamoshida's palace. That is when he awakened his original persona, Arsene."

"Yeah…" Ryuji nodded, "And if we are recapping right now…The last time Akira had Arsene and Pixie was in Kamoshida's palace; I think what happened in the velvet room was around that time…but, he didn't say anything…."

"Ryuji, wasn't he acting weird in Kamoshida's palace?" Ann frowned as she nudged Ryuji's shoulder, "He like…had that freak out about arcana or something…But that could have been from him using the third eye too much now that I'm thinking back."

"He had Alice when we recruited you." Morgana told her, "So, it must have been during those first few days…."

"Hmm…" Makoto nodded, but she frowned, "As far as events that don't cohesively tie into the timeline…the encounters with Shadow Akira. We know he feels upset with our accusations with Akira, and he claims to have killed before, even saying he was going to do it again."

"Don't forget all the narratives that we've been hearing. All the things that aren't adding up. Ryuji's mismatched memory with the awakening and Akira not paying for his food. Morgana claiming Akira's had a cat before despite him saying not. Akira said he wishes he could have said what he did say to me when we met…." Ann said.

"Quite," Yusuke agreed, "The inconsistencies are what is bothering me."

"They aren't big, but they don't add up regardless." Haru added, "But some of those could be attributed to the third eye and Akira's psychic prowess. And even with that theory, we can't say for sure If he had the third eye before coming to Shibuya…."

"What we know chronologically happened at the beginning of the year," Akechi stated something that's been bothering him. Nothing that has happened was recent in a sense. "Even the accusations happened a few months back. But, none of this is anything fresh."

"What are you saying?" Futaba wondered.

"If none of this is recent, then what happened?" Akechi answered clearly.

"That is the question we are all trying to answer." Yusuke muttered, "If we had an answer, then we wouldn't be in this mess."

"I think the question should be clarified as what happened to Akira's persona? This whole place was brought about because Akira lost all his persona, correct? So, it's not technically a matter of what happened between the last time we saw him and now. Akira's been losing persona since Sae's palace, right? Kaguya first." Makoto suggested, "What happened around then that would cause it? That should be what we should be focusing on."

"Father's death…." Haru muttered, her tone dropping. "And the public blaming the Phantom Thieves for his demise…."

"Yeah…that could have attributed to it…." Makoto agreed, rubbing Haru's shoulder in solace, "It was a big hit…especially for Haru. It wasn't something we were expecting, especially after the other excursions. Akira must have felt the pressure from that…."

Akechi frowned. Could that really have caused it? Akira did seem upset, yet he seemed to bounce back well. And despite his stunts in Sae's palace, he took the Palace with grace. So could that really have caused Kaguya's departure? Granted, it was a rather big turning point as it was around then when Shido contacted him for his next target, Akira. And it was when Akechi realized his plan with Shido would not turn out well on his own. But for Akira? What did that mean to him?

The Phantom Thieves round the corner to a bizarre scene. The maze had led to the TV station that Akechi regularly did interviews at. The transition between the labyrinth and the TV station is eerie and unexpected. Not a mirror this time he realized, but also probably not a cognition they could interact with.

I didn't like Akechi when I first met him. He seemed egotistical and ungenuine. The detective prince. Honestly didn't think he came close to Naoto for the title. He just seemed like a suck-up. A goody-two-shoes whose views opposed our own. A know it all.

"Um, ok, so not what I was expecting." Ann sputtered at the narrative that had a lot more bite to it than the last one. "I didn't think that's what Akira thought?! Everything he said and did suggested way different."

"Dude…" Ryuji is looking at him with an astonished look.

Akechi can't help but chuckle. So it was his turn? Good to know Kurusu hadn't fallen head over heels for him or his façade. Yet, he can't help but feel refreshed by the different perspective he was being offered. Kurusu didn't like him?

Good. He wanted to hear more.

The scene in front of them is rolling too. It's of the time Akira and his friends came to see his interview at the TV station for a field trip. Akechi remembers this moment quite clearly; after all, Akira had basically pegged Shido's plan word for word and turned the tables on him. It was then when Akechi had really realized Akira was more witted than he knew. But, they had already been chatting for a few weeks.

"Let's get some opinions about the phantoms thieves." Cognition Akechi asked, a pleasant smile that contrasted his own scowl at this moment. Akechi remembers the tension he felt at this moment when Akira turned the question back on him. It was quite the moment. Akechi remembers the chills that had gone down his spine with Akira's speculations.

The hostess in the cognition, of course, chose Akira as she did in the original moment.

And Cognition answered, without gusto into the microphone, his voice quiet, "I think they are necessary."

"Oh? And what if your friend next to you happened to have a change of heart? Would you assume it was due to the phantom thieves?" Cognition Akechi teasingly asked Cognition Akira as he gestured to Cognition Ryuji.

Cognition Akira answered quietly, "Of course not; they target criminals."

Akechi waits for the rest. But it doesn't come; Akira doesn't retort back; he doesn't wear the usual co*cky grin he supports. Instead, merely sit back in his seat, allowing the rest of the interview to play out without another word.

This was not what he remembered. Akira's distinct confidence and co*ckiness are entirely gone. And the dialogue does not match up in the least. It feels wrong.

"Uh, ok. That's…that's not what happened…I don't think." Ann said quietly in disbelief, voicing Akechi's own thoughts.

"You're right. That wasn't what happened." Akechi frowned as he confirmed her. He watched as the students disperse after the interview. Cognition Akira stands next to the wall while Cognition Ryuji yelled about going to the restroom while Cognition Ann followed in his suit. Even this part was wrong. Akira had left to go with Ryuji. Akechi never met up with him next to the stage; they had only texted afterward and played chess at Leblanc later.

"You are saying this memory differs from all of your recounts of the event?" Yusuke wondered astonished.

"Yes," Akechi said tightly, not explaining further as he watched the cognition version of him and Akira converse with a friendly tone. They exchange numbers as if it was their first time meeting. Akechi knows it's not. Akechi knows they had been texting for a few weeks by this point. Akechi can quickly go back and check the timestamps on the texts or the footage of the tv interview.

"Yeah, Akira like did some vocal chess thing with Akechi. And teased me while he was at it too…I remember being embarrassed since we were on TV, sort of. And, I remember it clearly, just how bold Akira was." Ryuji admitted, just as shell shocked, "Like, he went all out with his...theorizations."

"Yeah, he's right. Akira really went all out with his theories." Ann confirmed.

"I tried to stop him, I remember, but I was in the bag, so I couldn't do anything." Morgana chimed in, "I definitely remember this memory playing out as Ann and Ryuji said."

"If…" Futaba started but held back her words as she seemed to think about what she would say. "Before when we saw Akira's awakening…only Ryuji was there. Therefore, if that memory was mismatched, it was similar enough that it could be played off as a misremembered memory at the end of the day. And with the velvet room and Shido's accusations…those were only with Akira. No one to say they weren't true. But this? If all four of you remember something completely different than him…um, I think that says something."

"What does it say?" Haru wondered.

"Something. I don't know what. But I think it definitely lends evidence that Akira could see events in the future. Sometimes? I don't know; he was cagey with the details." Futaba hummed as she tapped her goggles as she processed the information. "If this is a memory of a future that Akira saw…like if this is what didn't happen but could have. I'd believe that. Still, that leaves the question of when he saw this exactly?"

"It would have least had to have been a few weeks as that's when I met Kurusu the first time. He approached me outside in Kichikoji, and that is when we exchanged numbers…." Akechi growled. This was not something he was expecting. So far, the inconsistencies have been pretty minor. Until they reached Leblanc and saw the photos. But even those could technically be explained had Akira possibly seen the pictures from Hawaii, despite the Phantom Thieves claiming he's never seen them. Akechi is sure Akira could have found a way.

But this memory? This inconsistency was incredibly more significant than the other ones.

But then Akechi told me he was an undesirable child, and he told me about his mother and what happened. And I instantly realized. Akechi was just like me. And I can't blame him for the steps he took, for how he thought, and for how guarded he was. Akechi was so goddamn determined to follow his path, and hell if I wasn't jealous of that resolve. Akechi was so strong in his will.

Akechi blinked; now his narrative had turned to praise? He doesn't like where it's going, and hearing Akira praise him as such and ultimately accept the actions he took… makes his stomach churn in a fashion he was not used to.

"Uh, you good there, dude?" Ryuji nudged him out of his thoughts. "Akira really does like you, you know? I mean…hell, he took the blame for being the black mask for you; he constantly stood up for you and what you thought of the phantom thieves' works. He always invited you out to our events. I don't doubt Akira thinks that way about you!"

"Shut up." Akechi cursed as he marched away from the tv station scene. He doesn't want to deal with this. He'd rather take the narrative that Akira hated him. It felt more plausible. He doesn't like this new one. Akechi knows what he's done, and he doesn't want Akira's misplaced affections. He'd rather Akira kept to the narrative that he hated Akechi. That's easier for him to stomach than the other.

"Woah, hey! What's with you?" Ryuji doesn't take the hint and races off towards him. The Phantom Thieves follow in tow, but Akechi wished they wouldn't. Ryuji keeps going. "Is this the whole emotionally blind thing Futaba was talking about?"

"I truly did call it. Emotionally stunted protagonist so smart yet does not see what is right in front of him." Futaba sighed. "Pining at its finest. Hasn't this subplot been going on for too long, though? Slow burn to the max…You should just accept how you feel so we can get on with this. You two are just idiots."

"This is not!—" Akechi growled back. His life is not some jRPG game or whatever Futaba is going on about.

"I mean, you gave him your glove and everything. Akira said that it was supposed to be like…an invitation to duel or something? I guess? But, I don't mean; it feels more…romantic." Ryuji said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish look. "Who just gives someone a glove to duel? There is definitely subtext there, I'm not blind."

"Oh my god, why does that sound like something you'd do?" Ann groaned, pinching her nose, "Why don't you just ask him out like a normal person, Akechi? I guarantee you, there is no way that he'd say no. We all know for a fact he would be thrilled. You wouldn't even have to go anywhere; he'd accept even a date at Leblanc…. His standards are unfortunately very, very low."

"I'd agree; Akira is quite infatuated with you despite what he claimed about your first meeting," Yusuke confirmed.

"I didn't give Kurusu my glove; what are you on about?" Akechi said, confusion replacing the anger and frustration he felt earlier. A chill is crawling up his spine. That's an oddly specific thing for Ryuji to claim. It's so random and out of place. He knows he still owns both of his gloves.

"He was holding it when I saw him at the kitchen at Leblanc." Ryuji frowned, "Didn't even notice me come in. But I clearly saw your glove. It had the A embroidered on it right, with the gold thread?"

Akechi feels his blood freeze. Then he pulled out his set of gloves from his pocket. He always liked to keep them on hand; for some reason, he didn't want them to disappear with the rest of his outfit when entering the Metaverse. They were a testament to all he'd accomplished. A symbol of his sucess. They were custom-made, leather sewed, and embroidered with gold thread. He held up the set for them to see, both of them

"Yeah! That one—wait…." Ryuji stopped cold as he looked at the gloves, tilting his head, "But…wait, if you…I swear that was the glove that Akira was holding!"

"You must have seen wrong." Akechi denied as he put the gloves back into his pocket, "These gloves are custom made. And as you see, I have both gloves. So it isn't possible he'd have one since I possess both."

"But—I swear, Akechi. Akira talked about how you dueled!" Ryuji protested, "Said he swept your ass with Alice."

"Curiouser and Curiouser," Yusuke muttered.

Akechi tightened his lips into a scowl. It doesn't make sense. Akechi had never formally challenged Akira to a duel. The only time they had outright fought was when Akira dragged him into the Metaverse. And even then, no words were exchanged till after. It's possible Akira fabricated the story and got one glove custom-made as he knows Akira has seen his gloves before. But…why? Why go through all that trouble? Why would he do that? Then fabricate that story to Ryuji?

There was no reason to.

Unless Akechi just isn't seeing the reason?

God, it feels like a chess game. Or maybe Akira is playing an entirely different game and never bothered to let Akechi know. Knowing Akira, he's probably playing checkers or something.

He looked down the hallway they are standing in; at the end is another mirror. It's only a few feet from them. Except this one is playing a scene.

Cognition Akira and Cognition Akechi are standing outside the stairway to the trains. It's where the Phantom Thieves usually meet up to go to mementos. It's odd. He doesn't remember anything special that had gone down then. Not the context of when this scene would have happened. Akechi is quick to traverse to the mirror.

"Once again, I have learned something new about you." Cognition Akechi said, a frustrated sort of undertone that Akechi can pick up in his own voice that continues, "As allies fighting alongside one another. Your strength is truly reassuring. In all honesty, it's to the point I'd be relying on you in a pinch."

"Jeez, why do you sound so upset about that?" Ann sighed as they neared closer to get a better view of the scene.

"That's the tone Akechi used when he lost." Morgana snickered, "I heard it when he played chess with Akira. Akechi lost a lot. And this is the same exact voice he'd use when he was trying to be pleasant but failing."

Before Akechi can protest, the scene continues,

"I'd say the same for you." Cognition Akira smiled at him, more akin to the confidence he usually showed. His eyes are teasing, but there is a warmth behind them that makes Akechi's heart ache.

"Is that so? Well, that would please me greatly." Cognition Akechi politely smiled, "I'm sorry I asked you to indulge me, but I do feel a bit better now."

"Wait?! Indulge you in what?!" Futaba squealed, her face turning red. Akechi wants to sink into a hole and die. But did she really have to jump to that conclusion? They were in a public place, for god's sake.

"By the way, about that duel. If we had fought to the end, would you have seen yourself winning?" Cognition Akechi asked carefully, a calculative stare.

"This didn't happen," Akechi spoke up, still entranced in the scene, but it was probably necessary to make that known now before the memory persists. He needed to voice it. It didn't happen, and he doesn't know why Akira thought it would. If anything, it would have to be a memory of a premonition, right? Still, what relevance did it have?

"Wait, this didn't happen?" Makoto sputtered next to him. "The memory playing out right now?"

"Another memory that doesn't line up," Morgana murmured.

"It can't be a memory because this—" Akechi motioned at the scene that is playing out in front of them, "Didn't happen at all. We never met for a duel. Never had this conversation at this time of night at the station plaza. This isn't mismatched, this didn't happen in the first place."

"If this didn't happen—"

"I'm going to be entirely honest with you." Cognition Akechi admitted, with very familiar words that makes Akechi stop in his tracks. Because he knows exactly how that sentence is going to end.

"I hate you."

"I hate you."

Cognition Akechi and Akechi said at the same time, one is far less biting than the other.

Akechi remembered those words very clearly. But this is not when he'd said them. It had been in Kichikoji after they parted ways in Jazz Jin. That memory comes back to him strongly. It was when Akechi was frustrated with Akira over his lack of transparency.

"Are you angry? You look like you want to throw your glove at me or something." Akira pointed out, a smug smile on his face that completely defies the mood of this conversation, "We going to have a duel? Duke it out in the streets?"

When Akira started talking about throwing the gauntlet and dueling…is this what he was referring to?

"You were the one who looked like you were going to throw your glove at me. When I'd rather you throw other pieces of clothing in my direction." Akira pointed out a cheeky grin.

"I'm not wasting my glove on it." Akechi shook his head, "I know where I stand."


"I'm going to be entirely honest with you. I hate you." Akechi said as slowly and deliberately as he can. After all, he's feeling beyond angry because even if he took Akira on in another battle, he knows he would lose. He knows he is no match for Akira, and it downright angers him because he doesn't even know how Akira does half the things he does. Akira's lack of transparency while claiming to be transparent infuriates him.

"Your deft handling of your unfortunate circ*mstances, your uniqueness, your ability to surpass me, it all irritates me." Cognition Akechi sneered at Cognition Akira, a coldness in his voice that Akechi doesn't use in his detective prince persona. "You're the one person I refuse to lose to."

The exact words that Akechi has thought of once before. But now, he feels he might have rearranged those words slightly. Rather than 'you're the one person I refuse to lose to' his narrative has, beyond his control, started to sound more like 'you're the one person I refuse to lose.'

When had he dropped that 'to'?

"Jeez, you really hate losing, don't you?" Cognition Akira chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with a coy smile.

"I'll let you have this win today. But next time? I'll be the one victorious. Let this be my proof." Cognition Akechi promised him before tugging off his glove and throwing it at Cognition Akira, who caught it without a problem.

Akechi froze. The glove. His glove to declare a duel. The glove that Ryuji had mentioned Akira had in his possession.

But that isn't possible. Akechi knows this didn't happen. There is no way that was the glove Akira had. It simply wasn't possible in the slightest.

"Why can't you be normal?" Ann pinched the brink of her nose, "Your overdramatic ass, I swear to god, who just throws gloves at people declaring a duel in the middle of a public space?"

"Aw, then it wouldn't be Akechi! It gives him character." Haru chuckled.

"Well, I guess that explains the glove." Ryuji shrugged.

"No, it doesn't because that didn't happen!" Akechi growled, turning back to them, "He wouldn't have my glove because I never threw my glove at him! I have the full set of two; if this…this isn't possible. Think Sakamoto."

"Oh…OH." Ryuji sputtered, finally getting the message, "But…but wait—if you didn't throw the glove at him…then…but…how? He couldn't have had it when I saw him with it!"

"Maybe you saw the wrong glove? Maybe…it was night at Leblanc, right? Maybe…it was just the wrong glove? I mean Akechi's famous sort of? Someone could be selling dupes." Makoto pointed out, "I think I saw a few like his…."

Akechi bites his tongue. It's plausible. His fans are insufferable, and he wouldn't put it past them. Only Ryuji had seen Akira with the glove. He doesn't know if he wants to trust Ryuji's recount of the scene. It's not possible since this didn't happen. There is no conceivable way Akira could have one of his genuine gloves. Ryuji could have just jumped to conclusions, right?

The scene fades, and they are left with the ambiance of the maze.

"So…" Morgana awkwardly said, trying to lift the silence between them all.

"It couldn't have been real." Akechi protested, turning to Ryuji, who had a skeptical look on his face now too, "The glove you saw was not mine."

"R-right.. you're right…that isn't possible." Ryuji hesitantly agreed with him. His eyes flashing conflicting feelings. "It must have been a dupe like Makoto said…. I must have just not been paying enough attention...Sorry, dude."

"But if that was the case, then why would Akira tell you all those things?" Yusuke wondered quietly to the other.

Now there was the question.

"Um, maybe we should revisit the question from before? As I feel it might be more important…." Haru spoke up. "Figuring out when and why Aki-chan lost his persona. We can ask him about the glove once we find him."

Haru is right. Akechi doesn't want to think about the glove right now. They can't prove it was actually his glove, and while this memory is a very odd one in the midst of all this. It isn't pertinent to the real problem, which is why Akira is trapped in this place. They need to figure out what happened; the way Margaret talked about the ability, he is sure it had something to do with Akira rejecting Arsene.

But even in that memory, Akira didn't want to execute Arsene. Instead, Akira begged for him to be saved.

Begging the question of, was the residents of the Velvet Room behind all of this? The callous smile Igor had given Akira before commanding the assistants to brutally slaughter his persona.

Akechi scowled. He was right to not accept Margaret's offer in the end. He was right to be wary. Not only was she incredibly powerful, as she had shown in the battle against the reaper. She might know more than she is letting on about. Akechi is sure she knows more than she is letting on about. After all, she has been far too 'helpful' to not have some hidden intention from him.After all, seeing Akira's velvet room had proved she has been lying about the fusion process. And in turn, probably about other things as well.

"He lost Kaguya after Okumura's palace. And similarly, he didn't have Yosh*tsune when we infiltrated Shido's Palace, therefore likely following the similar pattern of something happening within that time frame." Yusuke surmised a logical progression from what they knew.

Akechi feels the tugging once more; he can't help but start to follow it through the hallway. A slower pace this time so they can discuss the question. The Phantom Thieves match his pace and follow him down the endless corridors without an end in sight. Even Akechi can admit it's making him claustrophobic. It feels like the walls are getting narrower and narrower.

The concept of a maze that doesn't have an end is despairing.

"Was it the house of darkness?" Makoto wondered, tapping her chin in contemplation, "He did use the third eye and awful lot; we knew it had physical side effects, but have we considered mental ones?"

"But he had Yosh*tsune when he challenged the battle arena after." Ann pointed out, "So maybe it was the battle arena? He did really push himself then."

"Again, he had Yosh*tsune after that too." Futaba sighed, "Those things…really did push him. If my theory about internal family systems is on the right track. Then Yosh*tsune would align with the fighter sort of role. Or defender. Fighting to defend? The offense is used as a means of defense against negative feelings. Uh, it's difficult to explain."

"Akira's strength." Akechi filled in, understanding what Futaba was trying to say.

"Yeah, that. Yosh*tsune was powerful, but he was also incredibly strong defense-wise. He didn't have a weakness. Nor could he be hit with anything other than a gun, which didn't work against Akira in the Metaverse. His attack was deadly too, but the drawback was…."

"That Akira had to use a considerable amount of his HP to use it." Ryuji grimaced, likely remembering what had happened in the battle arena. It was a hard scene to have forgotten.

"Nearly killing himself in the process," Yusuke muttered with frustration. Akechi noted Ryuji and Yusuke understood the price of HP-based attacks the best.

"So, we need to figure out why Yosh*tsune left, yeah?" Haru chimed in, "Meaning, we need to figure out why Akira lost that strength. What happened between Sae's palace and Shido's palace?"

Akechi is about to answer when they are met with another end in the maze. And another scene awaiting them in the labyrinth. An odd amalgamation of grassy walls turning into concrete ones, the lighting mismatched from the labyrinth.

In a familiar grey room, someone sat on a chair in the middle of the room, hands chained behind the chair and head hung down low, frizzy bangs obscuring his eyes.

"Akira!" Yusuke sputtered next to him, and it spurs the rest of the Phantom Thieves into action, everyone making a mad dart towards the room.

It's the interrogation room.

Akechi realized why Akira lost Yosh*tsune at that moment. And he is sure the Phantom Thieves will make that connection within the next few moments as well.

His heart is beating a mile a minute. The blood is freezing in his veins like he'd just fell into the arctic ocean.

This was before he'd arrived at the interrogation room. Before Sae had interrogated Akira. Before he thought he'd killed Akira.

"Akira! Hey! Are you ok?!" Ann yelped, frantically sliding to her knees by the other tied to a chair. She reached out to shake out his shoulder, but her hand goes through like she was splashing through water. She gasped and pulled it back quickly. She tried again once more desperately, but the result is the same. "Akira!"

"It's a cognition." Morgana filled in sadly as he stood near Akira's leg to look up at the other's beaten face. He reached out his paw but it goes through Akira's school pants just as he predicted.

"f*cking sh*t, he looks terrible." Ryuji cursed, his hands hovering around on the other side of Akira, unsure what to do. Cognition Akira is so close to them, and yet, there is an immense distance between them. "f*ck, f*ck, is this what happened in the interrogation room?!"

"Akira…" Futaba choked as she, much like the other Phantom Thieves, realizes Akira's current state of being is far from ok. "H-e-he's hurt. Oh god, he's really hurt."

Hurt is a severe understatement. Akira's skin is a myriad of colors against a waxy grey base. The bags under his eyes were darker than Akechi remembered and he's unconscious, no doubt due to the interrogators from before.

"Those bruises…his face… I mean, I assumed he had been beaten up. But…but…" Haru breathed, hovering closely but unable to do anything. The conflict and longing to reach out is apparent on her face. It's one thing to see the aftermath of something. And it's an entirely different thing to see it happening at the moment, "But I didn't think it was like this!"

Akechi wondered if the severity of the situation is donning on them.

It's donning on him again.

"He—" Makoto started to say but doesn't finish her thought. Instead, only pointing to the empty syringes on the floor with a shaking finger. They all look to where she is pointing, and the temperature in the room drops.

"He was drugged," Akechi said simply, but he is sure they could come to that conclusion on their own.

"Drugged?" Yusuke breathed, his voice lower than it's ever been and his eyes wider than their default size.

"W-wait—" Ryuji choked, shaking his head, his brow furrowed as he pleaded, "Wait…Wait, wait, he didn't—you didn't say anything about him getting drugged—I thought—we thought—"

"That—we—" Morgana shook his head, "Akira didn't say anything—and—"

"Aki-chan—" Haru sputtered, turning back to the cognition of unconscious Akira.

"It looks like the drugs were too strong." A callous, unempathetic voice carries through the room. Akechi whipped around and realized they were not alone in the room. Cognitions of the interrogators have now filled the room. The main interrogator stands with an ominous stance, a clipboard in his hands.

Akechi memorizes his features; when this is all over, he is going to murder this bastard. He is going to find their shadows in Mementos and tear them to pieces.

"Is that—?"

"Wake him up." The interrogator commanded his colleagues. One of them approached Cognition Akira, a bucket in his hand, and heaves the contents at Cognition Akira. Yusuke seemed to forget this is only cognition and steps in front of Cognition Akira to try and shield him from whatever the interrogators have planned. His arms outstretched wide with a livid expression he rarely ever wears.

The liquid goes through Yusuke's chest easily and quickly hits its target.

Cognition Akira gasps awake, his eyes wild as he looked up to the interrogators. Akechi sees the confusion and terror in his eyes. So similar to many of the other moments they've seen in this place, and Akechi doesn't like how it's becoming Akira's default expression. It's his least favorite expression of Akira's. He'd much prefer the co*cky, sly one he was accustomed to wearing.

"No dozing off…." The interrogator told Cognition Akira in an unsympathetic voice.

"Hey, asshole!" Ryuji growled at him, squaring up his shoulders but once more, it's not like it would do anything.

"You still don't get it, do you?" The interrogator scowled before slamming his foot into Cognition Akira's chest with little held back; it was clear the interrogator didn't give a sh*t about the laws that should have been in place to prevent all of this. The kick knocked Cognition Akira off the chair. Cognition Akira and the chair went in different directions; Cognition Akira hit the ground hard, his face slamming into the concrete ground with a grunt of pain.

Akechi tenses. Catching himself before he does anything. This isn't happening right now; this is a memory. Nothing he does at this moment is going to make any difference to Akira's fate. But he hates that even more. He hates feeling helpless and weak.

"Akira!!" Futaba cried out in shock and was at his side in an instant. Her hands phasing through his shoulders.

Cognition Akira coughed, moaning from the ache of the assault. But Cognition Akira has little time to recover before the interrogator smashes his shoe onto Akira's cheek, standing over him with the posture of someone ready to crush his skull under his heel. It's terrifying. It's like Akira isn't even human to him. The interrogator truly does not care about his state.

Akechi is seeing how all the bruises had come about. But, even Akechi hadn't expected this. Sae had told him that Akira was beaten up before she interviewed him.

But he hadn't expected this.

None of them had expected this cruelty. It's starkly different than how they thought this played out based on Akira's recount and attitude. Just like Shido's assault. Akira is incredibly good at making nothing out of something.

And Akira is powerless. That is what really strikes a chord in Akechi. And he is sure it strikes a chord in the Phantom Thieves too. Akira talks big, and in the Metaverse, he can usually back that up. In the Metaverse, other than by himself, he is generally untouchable. His personas were incredibly high levels, and the times he'd been knocked back in battle was very few compared to the rest of them.

Akira was unshakeable in combat in the Metaverse. Every time with a different trump card up his sleeve. Joker was a fitting code name for him.


Akira isn't unshakeable in reality. A fact that has obviously been forgotten along the way.

Akira is only a sixteen-year-old student in reality. Akira is only human and not even an adult. Despite his confident and assured demeanor, Akira does not wield the powers he has in the Metaverse in reality.

When had they all forgotten that?

Akira had done an outstanding job of playing that off too.

But it's hard to ignore with this moment completely peeling their eyes open to the reality they had gotten involved with.

"Come on, cooperate, or do you want another shot?" The interrogator growled at him, digging his heel harder into Cognition Akira's cheek. The interrogator is enjoying this and it makes it entirely worse. He does not care what happens to Cognition Akira.

"Stop it!" Ann begged, her eyes wild and her form shaking because she knows there isn't anything any of them can do but watch, "No more....please!!"

Cognition Akira shifted his gaze up to the camera just above the door. Looking at it with some semblance of hope.

"What, are you looking at the camera?" The interrogator laughed before turning back his attention to Cognition Akira, removing his foot from the other's cheek only to drag his head up roughly by the ends of his hair. "You think it can be used as video evidence?"

Akechi knows that camera isn't recording on Shido's orders. But, unfortunately, the interrogators know it too and are entirely abusing that knowledge.

"No!" Haru choked, shaking her head as she got the gist of the answer, "No—this…this isn't justice at all! Akira doesn't deserve this! Akira…this isn't an interrogation; this is downright torture!"

"This is torture." Makoto echoed, her face crumpling in despair, her eyes lingering on Cognition Akira. The guilt of it all eating away at her. At them all. "This—this—"

"This isn't…this isn't just. This isn't fair or justice at all!" Yusuke growled, his fists clenched at his side as his eyes screwed shut, a wave of cold anger running through him.

Cognition Akira doesn't answer; Akechi isn't sure he can with how disoriented the other is. But the interrogator doesn't care. When Cognition Akira fails to answer his question, the interrogator slams his head back onto the floor. Then he hits the tip of his toe into Akira's abdomen with a loud growl, "Didn't you hear my question? Answer!"

Cognition Akira gasped in pain, the breath knocked out of him, and his lungs make a rasping noise as the interrogator walked back to get the clipboard out of the other's hand. He starts reading the crimes, "Obstruction of Justice, blackmail, defamation, possession of weapons, and manslaughter to yeah? Talk about the works. To think all these crimes were led by a punk like this. And you seemed to be enjoying every moment of it…huh?"

"Akira didn't do sh*t! He was just trying to change society!" Ryuji protested, getting up in the interrogator's face, his mace at his side with an animosity radiating from his aura. "This system is so f*cked up! So many people get screwed over by it who can't do anything! People get screwed over by power-hungry monsters like you! And for what?! You think you are so much better than the rest of us?! You are beating up a kid!"

"…You should know your place." The interrogator said in a low voice. His eyes were like a dagger. It feels like he's responding to Ryuji even when they know Ryuji is standing directly in front of Cognition Akira. Yet, the meaning and weight of the words are there all the same.

Ryuji growled in frustration and swings his mace through the cognition. It doesn't do anything, but Ryuji keeps doing it, his movements messy, and Akechi can tell his blood is boiling from all this.

The interrogator motioned to his colleagues. They come forward and unlock Cognition Akira's handcuffs before pulling him roughly off the ground and shove him into a sitting position. His movements are clumsy, in contrast to his usual graceful movements. The interrogator shoves the clipboard into his face.

"Sign this. It's a confession under your name."

"Wait, but it wasn't just Akira!" Morgana yelped, his eyes going wide as he realized what was going on. "Akira may have been the leader, but We were a team! We were all a part of what the Phantom thieves did!"

"H-he confessed it all?" Makoto whispered, the horror apparent on her face. "On his own? Under his name?!"

"He never revealed your names to Sae." Akechi filled in quietly because he feels they need to know that. "Kurusu never sold you out. He may have told Sae the Phantom Thieves' story. But, because he never confirmed your identities, Sae wouldn't have been able to do anything until she collected her own evidence."


"Kurusu took the blame for all our actions," Akechi said, his voice even sourer.

"No…no no no—" Futaba shook her head as she bit her lip.


Cognition Akira, in a small fit of rebellion, slaps the clipboard out from under his nose.

"I see…" The interrogator growled, standing up, and menacingly said, "I need your hand to sign this…but I don't care if you lose a leg!"

The interrogator slams his foot into Cognition Akira's thigh, eliciting a cry of pain from Cognition Akira, his eyes widening. But Cognition Akira is unable to do anything about it. Cognition Akira can't fight back; Cognition Akira is too drugged up and injured to even attempt staging any sort of revolt.

"f*ck, Akira!!" Ryuji cried out, his voice wild.

"We're going to make you understand, One must take full responsibility for one's actions." The interrogator sternly told him; a threat veiled within in the statement.

One must take full responsibility for one's actions.

What a manipulative, gaslighting piece of human sh*t, Akechi thought. They want nothing but the confession. Whether it may be false or not. They hadn't even heard Akira out. Haru was right, it wasn't an interrogation, it was torture with intent.

Cognition Akira reluctantly took the pen the interrogator hands him. His hands shaking with vigor as he messily signed the paper.

The confession. The confession he made for all their sakes.

The scene blurs around them without warning; the walls of the interrogation room blur at the edges. It's like looking through a foggy mirror. He can vaguely tell this was when Cognition Sae was interrogating Cognition Akira as now Cognition Akira is sat at the table.

"Why Is it so blurry?" Futaba asked, rubbing her eyes visibly.

"Why the f*ck didn't you tell us what happened in the interrogation room?!" Ryuji rounded on Akechi, his face heated up. But the despair and hopelessness riddled his words, further exemplified in the way the corners of his mouth are pulled down, "You knew, didn't you?! That he'd been drugged, that he'd been tortured in this way. What the f*ck Akechi?! Why?!"


Akechi doesn't have an answer; Akechi didn't know what had happened before Sae interrogated Akira. The cameras had been shut off. And while he had seen the aftereffects of the interrogation, Akechi hadn't imagined it went like that. But, even if he told the Phantom Thieves when Akira had somewhat recovered, what would he have even said? It wasn't like he was keen on working on the Phantom Thieves then. Nor would it serve any purpose.

"Why did you guys do that?!" Morgana shook his head, his voice broken, "I don't get it! Why the f*ck would you make Akira go through all of that! Why was this your plan?! Why did Akira have to go through that!"

"Yeah, that isn't fair!" Ann wailed, tears bubbling in her eyes, "It isn't fair Akira had to go through that!"

"Because there was no alternative!" Akechi argued back, but even he can feel the guilt seeping into his bones, "It was Akira's plan! It was a risk, and we both knew that. But there were enough witnesses to trick them into thinking Akira had committed suicide or I assassinated him! If it were just me telling Shido that I'd done the job alone, he wouldn't believe me. So, we had to make it convincing! And I agree, this was a sh*tty ass plan, but there wasn't time to figure out alternatives! So, it was this, or he'd end up dead!"

"So, you make time!" Futaba cried, "If you would have just told us! We could have come up with something! There are nine of us, Akechi! We could have thought of something! He almost did end up dead, Akechi! What if the interrogators went too far, or what if he actually overdosed fatally?! This was an incredibly reckless plan!"

Akechi laughed dryly because what is he supposed to say? Akira was adamant about them not telling the thieves, and Akechi agreed. It made sense. And also because maybe Akechi was selfish, but he didn't want to reveal what he had done to the thieves. It was easier to keep the mess out of that out of the way in this crucial moment. And maybe he was a bit cruel because he wanted to see the Thieves believe their leader was dead. He wanted to see the guilt on their faces after they had judged Akira so harshly. Maybe He wanted to see their despair.

But he didn't want this. This is far from what he wanted. And he had regretted it after he came to get Akira from the interrogation. The moment when he was afraid Akira was actually dead. That the drugs had been too much. He regretted it entirely. Akira had recovered though and eventually gave Akechi that teasing smile again and Akechi forced himself to not think about what had happened in lieu of his own goals.

It's challenging to see Akira in front of them like this. Not just because of his state or context but because the world around them is blurring at the edges. Like everything is out of alignment. Focusing on a point is hard and gives Akechi a headache.

Is this how Akira felt at this moment? Drugged up, lack of lucidity or certainty of his fate?

It was terrifying.

No one is saying anything now as they all take in the scene in front of them. Akechi doesn't have an answer for them that they'd like. It was a reckless plan, but it's not like Akechi could just go back in time and fix it now. The deed has been done, it's already happened, and he thought Akira had recovered from it.

Akechi knows without a doubt now; this is why Akira lost Yosh*tsune.

Akira had lost Yosh*tstune in the concrete room.

The full severity of the situation is hitting them, much like that explosion on Shido's ship. Like an avalanche in the artic.

Akira Kurusu did this for them. He might say he did it to save his hide. Akechi knows this was a calculative, risky move made by Akira to get Shido and the public off their back. To alleviate the potential threat to the Phantom Thieves. He took the brunt of all their 'crimes,' he pleads guilty for them. And he never sold them out, no matter how drugged up he was. No matter how much pain he was in. Akira did not give Sae their names. Sae is smart, she drew her own conclusions from the provided information, but because Akira never gave her their names, they were off the hook. Sae told him later how she couldn't get a word of him about their identities.

Akira did this for Akechi. To help Akechi take Shido down in the end.

A blue butterfly flutters by, its glow blurring like the memory.

This is truly an unjust game.......your chances of winning are almost none.

"A butterfly?" Ann wondered, scrubbing her eyes as she looked towards the shimmering creature.

Was that the butterfly from before? It reminded Akechi of Margaret and her butterfly mask and broach. Is it supposed to be the theme of the velvet room? This isn't Margaret's voice speaking; he can tell that much. But, the blue butterfly had led them to the Velvet Room before. So, Akechi knows it has something to do with the velvet room residents.

But the voice is muffled and murky as if it were underwater. It keeps fading in and out of audibility.

"I-I can't hear what it's saying…." Haru lamented softly, "I think it's the one from Akira's awakening too…I remember that line."

Akechi tenses in frustration. He wants to know what it's saying. What words it is feeding Akira at this moment. He can tell the voice continues to talk as it flutters around Akira's head, the latter struggling to focus on it. It whispers some sort of dialogue to Akira regardless. Then it said something they all heard with clarity.

There is no future for you.

The words ring around the room loud and clear.

Loud and Damning.

There is no future for you. Akechi has no idea what that was supposed to mean. But that sentence rings around the room, like a death sentence.

There is no future for you.

There is no future for you.

There is no future for you.

There is no future for you.

"What?" Yusuke muttered in a hoarse voice.

Cognition Akira's eyes widen as he stared at the table in front of him, and he echoed with a low voice with slurred words, "There is no future for me…."

The scene has blurred out just as fast as it came, and they are left with the grassy walls on either side of them. It feels as if they had closed in even further now, almost suffocatingly so. Is there even an end to this maze? Or will they be crushed with the weight of all of these walls?

Is there even an end to all the things they don't know about Akira? Isn't that what this maze represents?

The moments keep coming. All the brutal moments that they just did not know about, or they completely took without context.

All the Phantom Thieves are shaken up by the scene, a thick silence descends the grassy maze. This scene had been just as bad as the Velvet Room scene; watching Akira in such helpless situations is becoming a theme and not one they enjoy.

The Akira they know is insufferable. He can take down multiple foes in the metaverse at once. Attacks don't hit him as easily; Palaces are a breeze for him. He always teases them with jokes and smiles. Akira seemed as strong as they got. He's never been remotely helpless in their experience.

But this Akira is so much more human. The layers have been peeled back, and Akechi realized how wrong he was in his assumptions about Akira. In his assumptions, Akira was adept at everything he did.

Akira isn't so different from Akechi, and he realized that now. Akira kept a lot to himself.

Akechi was just like me…well, he was just like me but probably better. I knew what Akechi did. I knew what he did. The crimes he'd committed, all to get back at Shido. And I don't blame him one bit. At least he did something about it. He had goals and by god, did he follow them. Despite being on opposite sides, I feel like we were two sides of the same coin. I could have ended up where he was, and he could have ended up as where I was.

Bullsh*t. He thought. But, it's true, isn't it? Akechi knows, somewhere in his mind, if Akira wasn't on his side, then he might have fallen for Shido's ploys, and it could have possibly ended up bad for him. Akechi wouldn't have achieved his goal.

The tugging on his chest is even stronger, and he certainly doesn't want to stand around and face the anguish the Phantom Thieves and him are going through. He wants answers. His goal was to get the answers he wanted, and Akira was right.

Akechi doesn't give up easily, and maybe he faltered before, but he sure as hell ain't going to now. They have to be getting close.

He marched on the path the sensation was taking him. He can feel the Phantom Thieves slowly follow him without question.

Akechi won't let it Akira end it like this. He won't let Shadow Akira do whatever he intends to do. After all, Akechi wants to slap him upside the head and tell him what a goddamn idiot he's being. After everything, they've been through…Akechi refused to lose someone close to him in the same way ever again.

"How do you know where you are going?" Ann wondered glumly but continued to follow him regardless, one foot in front of the other.

"Don't you remember what Alice said? It doesn't matter which way we go; we'll end up in the same place. And I'm assuming that place is where Kurusu is." Akechi answered simply, leaving out the odd sensation. It's not as If he has any context for it regardless.

"You think he is at the end of the maze?" She wondered; her head hung down towards her feet.

"Where else would he be? He's been an enigma to us this entire time. Of course, symbolically, he'd be at the end of a maze." Akechi scoffed, continuing to follow the sensation, taking a right at one of the corridors, "That is exactly up Kurusu's alley."

"Akechi…" Ann murmured, pausing before asking with a guilty tone, "Did we fail Akira?"

"We'll fail him even further if we don't find him," Akechi told her sternly before sighing. It would be bad if the Phantom Thieves lost morale now; it's a miracle they've been able to hold onto it for this long, to begin with. But, if there is a battle to be fought, they need to keep heart. "What you saw. Don't forget what happened afterward. Don't forget the meal Akira prepared for you all, the card game you played and the stories he told you. Don't forget how he teased you."

"It makes it worse!" Ann protested, hugging her arms close, "Akira went through all that…he probably was feeling sh*tty for a multitude of reasons that night, and we came and probably made him feel worse by demanding answers from him, for making him feel obligated to host us when he probably just wanted to sleep and recover. And he just kept a teasing demeanor and joked with us to make US feel better. God, what kind of friends are we? We should of…we should have known. But we were too dumb to think further."

"You told me…all the thieves have inherently selfish reasons for participating with the Phantom Thieves." Akechi said carefully, "I believe Kurusu is one and the same. He deliberately shielded you all from the truth and kept it to himself. Even in the days recovering, he did not reveal what had actually happened and laughed it off as the drugs. He didn't want to deal with it either. Akira does the things he does for others, but he has little regard for his own state."

"Sounds altruistic to me." Ann frowned.

"Selfish or Selfless. It depends on who you ask." Akechi shook his head. "Sometimes, one easily looks like the other if you don't look close enough at the motivations and intentions. But that is your interpretation to make."

"Akechi…" Ann frowned even harder, but before continuing the conversation, they are met with another scene. This time within a mirror. A large one in front of them, allowing them all to clearly see what is going down.

It's the engine room of Shido's ship?

But why? He doesn't remember anything significant happening there. All they did was finish off the cleaner for the VIP letter. There wasn't any significant that occurred from his memory.

"Isn't that Shido's Cognition of Akechi?" Futaba wondered quietly, walking up to the mirror to get a better look, placing her hand on the glass to get a better look.

Akechi remembered then, Akira took out Shido's Cognition before Akechi could hear how Shido thought of him. It angered Akechi; he wasn't some damsel in distress; he could have taken him on. He had been really angry.

But this scene is strange. All the Phantom Thieves are standing a bit away from him. Akechi himself is in his black mask outfit, and it seemed he had just gone through a fight? Were they fighting? The Phantom Thieves and Akechi? Why? There wasn't anything to fight over.

"Uh, this doesn't look right." Ryuji frowned, coming up on Akechi's other side as he tilted his head at the mirror. "You were wearing your prince outfit, weren't you? And...why you on that side?"

"Yeah," Akechi confirmed.

"Another mismatched memory, it seems." Yusuke sighed, "But…vastly different than the scenario that I remember from the engine room. I remember Akira taking out Cognition Akechi as soon as he showed up. It was quite the spectacle. And quite anticlimactic."

Shido's Cognition of Akechi took out a gun and pointed it at Akechi's head, and turned to the Phantom Thieves with a threat, "I'll deal with the rest of you later. As for him…Captain Shido's orders. He has no need for losers. This just moves up his plan a little. He was going to get rid of you after the election later."

"Ugh, Akira was right to sack him as he did; he seems like an asshole." Ann grunted, "I wouldn't want to listen to a word from that."

Akechi scowled, even if it was just a memory, and Shido had basically told him that when they fought his Shadow. He hated how naïve he was. Shido doesn't give a sh*t about him; he was a tool from the start. He knows that, and without the Phantom Thieves, he probably wouldn't have been to see past his own thought processes.

The Akechi in the scene growled at Shido's Cognition of Akechi, "What?!"

Akechi is taken aback; by this point, he'd already realized such things; why is he so surprised in this scene?

"Uh, I thought you knew Shido didn't trust you?" Makoto wondered, looking his way.

"Did you truly believe you'd be spared after all the murders you undertook?" Shido's Cognition Akechi asked him, with a callous tone, "Don't tell me, were you actually feeling good about having someone lean on you for once?"

"Dude. What the f*ck is going on?" Ryuji breathed next to him as they watched the mirror.

Shido's Cognition of Akechi continues, "Oh, by the way, the captain says it's time you receive retribution for causing the mental shutdowns."

"What the hell, man?! That bastard is the one who put him up to it!" Cognition Ryuji growled angrily, his shoulders squaring.

Akechi is less surprised by what Shido's Cognition said and more surprised about Cognition Ryuji's response. He was standing up for Akechi. Just like how the rest of the Phantom Thieves stood up for Akechi in the fight against Shido. Akechi doesn't know what the Phantom Thieves think about him exactly. All the things he's done should be unforgivable by their idealistic standards. He'd pushed Shido's plan along at the beginning for his own desires. He murdered Futaba's mother and been the one behind the mental shutdowns.

And yet, all of them still follow him. All of them still acknowledge his skills and put up with him regardless of it all.

He wonders if Akira taking the brunt of the black mask accusations had somehow softened the Thieves to Akechi later on.

Akechi has never had a team. Akechi worked alone for the most part. But when he joined the Phantom Thieves, everything changed. He doesn't want to admit it, but Shido's Cognition of Akechi was correct about one thing. It felt nice to have someone lean on him. Even if it was a learning curve, the team dynamic felt a lot more substantial than what he was doing.

Cognition Akechi chuckled as he got off his knees and regarded Shido's Cognition of Akechi with a glare, "I see…I was wondering how he'd protect himself if I used my power to rip through his Palace. Turns out you are how. So, he's making a puppet to kill me…sounds like something he'd do."

"That's right. I'll do anything." Shido's Cognition of Akechi admits, and it makes Akechi's blood boil, "But look at you… You're the true puppet."

Akechi might have believed that once, but Akechi knows he cut those strings back in Okumura's Palace. Shido's cognition of him was wrong. Akechi is so much more than the things it says.

"You wanted to be acknowledged, didn't you? To be loved?" Shido's Cognition of Akechi laughed at him with a twisted smile, "You've been nothing but a puppet from the beginning!"

"It's not true!" Futaba scoffed, forcibly kicking the mirror, but it does little in terms of ending the scene; it continues to roll as the Cognition Version of the Thieves panic over what is going on, vehemently denying Shido's view of him. Futaba shook her head and turned to him, "You aren't a puppet! You've changed Akechi, just like Black Condor—"

Akechi groaned, pinching his nose. Are they really doing this now? He knows the thieves are getting caught up in the false memory, but he really doesn't want to do this here. He looks away awkwardly, "This didn't happen; I don't want your pity."

"Even if you're an asshole most of the time, you march to the beat of your own drum. Akira is right, you have a goal, and you see it through to the end. And yeah, maybe you f*cked up with Shido, but at least you realized what happened and decided to change it! Shido is wrong; you aren't a puppet. I know you liked Black Condor before and hated him afterward, but you are just like him! He realized his priorities had changed, and he fully embraced that. Akechi, you went through a serious redemption arc!"

"Wait… Dude, you're into Neo Featherman too?" Ryuji asked him, a flash of excitement on his face.

Akechi wants to crawl into a hole and die as he turned his attention back to the scene. He can't help but let his focus wander to Akira in all of this. If this was Akira's mismatched memory, he should stop focusing on his anger about what Shido thinks of him and figure out why Akira felt this memory or premonition was important.

"Too bad, it seems you are stuck with us regardless, Akechi." Haru snickered, patting his shoulder but he shrugged her hand off. He needed to focus.

Cognition Akira is uneasy and nervous, his stance is tense, and Akechi feels he might be a moment away from crossing the divide between the two rooms to make his move. But Akechi knows it's a stupid move; obviously, if Shido's of Cognition Akechi is supposed to be the line of defense against Akechi, then he should have a few tricks up his sleeves if the shadows surrounding them were proof enough.

Akechi frowned. Wait, Akira took out Shido's Cognition of Akechi when he first appeared. He didn't even get to say anything.

It dawned on him. This must have been a vision? Otherwise, how would Akira have known that Shido's Cognition of Akechi was going to be in the engine room? Then pieces start falling into place slowly. Akira had been on edge during that entire excursion. Akira was extra clingy to Akechi; Akira didn't want to go to the engine room. He didn't say anything though, much like the other times.

"Here, I'll give you one last chance. Shoot them." Shido's Cognition of Akechi told him. Is he serious?

"Haha, I was a fool…." Cognition Akechi laughed, and he holds his gun up towards Cognition Akira.

Akechi froze. Wait, what? He wouldn't…would he?"

"No!" Haru shouted in panic.

Cognition Akira, the idiot he is, doesn't move. He doesn't do anything. All he does is flashes Cognition Akechi a concerned look.

"Yes! That's the you our captain wishes to see!" Shido's Cognition of Akechi laughed, his gun still pointed at Cognition Akechi's head. It's a stand-off of some sort, and they all wait on bated breath to see how this is going to end. It's not looking good.

"Don't misunderstand." Cognition Akechi said in a low voice, giving him a side glance before pivoting his body and shooting Shido's Cognition of Akechi in the stomach, "It's you who is going to be disappearing!"

Before anyone can say anything, Cognition Akechi aimed his gun back towards the Phantom Thieves and shoots, eliciting a gasp from the audience watching. But the bullet doesn't hit the target; it misses Akira, of course, since Akechi knows how to make his mark. The bullet shatters a box behind them all on the wall, and instantly a siren goes off, and a mechanical voice announces,

'The watertight bulkhead door has closed. All personnel within the partition wall: Evacuate at once.'

"Akechi!" Cognition Akira shouted, the horror dawning on his face as he tried to rush towards the other, wild desperation overtaking him. But before Cognition Akira can make it, the bulkhead door shuts right in front of him. Effectively separating the Cognition thieves on one side of the door and Cognition Akechi with Shido's Cognition of Akechi and his horde of shadows on the other side. A wounded Cognition Akechi knows he can not defeat all the shadows that will be coming his way.

But, he didn't want to drag the cognition thieves down with him.

"No….no that can't be—" Ann whispered next to him, her eyes wide with horror. "This…this…"

"This didn't happen," Akechi told her, his voice lower because it still was hard to watch.

"I don't think that's the issue here…" Morgana admitted. "It's rather that this is what could have happened."

"Akechi! f*cking hell!" Cognition Akira is banging on the door; hysteria is consuming his demeanor. But they all get the feeling that the door is not going to be opening any time soon. Akechi can't break his focus away. Akira was that worried about him? About his fate? Akira cared that much?

"You guys are the real fools. You should have just abandoned me here a long time ago." Cognition Akechi's weak voice drifted through the door, barely audible over Akira's cries and the sirens going off, "You would have all perished…if you had tried to face these things with me weighing you down."

"That isn't true!" Cognition Akira shook his head vehemently, continuing to pound on the door with vigor while the rest of the Cognition thieves are helplessly watching, "Akechi! Don't do this! f*ck!"

Akechi told me once…that he wished we could have met earlier. Insinuating that maybe that could have been the difference in his fate…

"Let's make a deal, okay?" Cognition Akechi said, in a placating tone, "You won't say no, will you?"

"You asshole, you know I could never say no!" Cognition Akira sobbed, his lips twisting along with the tears streaming down his face.

If we could have only met earlier, but that wouldn't have mattered, would it?

"Change Shido's heart…in my stead…end his crimes." Cognition Akechi's voice is getting weaker, but he begged, "Please!"

"You know I will…but you need to keep your promise too!" Cognition Akira shook his head, "I'll hold onto your glove, so goddamn Akechi, you better keep your promise too!"

"After all this… that's what you have to say? You really are…." But Cognition Akechi's voice trailed off before they can hear what he was really going to say. Akechi knows. Akechi knows what he said. Or Akechi knows what he'd want to say.

I wonder what we could have been.

There is a shot that rings out, audible and clear, and Cognition Futaba whispered, her eyes horrified.

"His signal is…gone…."

The mirror faded to black in front of them, leaving them with the last image of Cognition Akira slumping against the bulkhead door. His back turned to them, but they can see his shoulders shaking with vigor, his hands on the door.

"f*ck!" Ryuji cursed, "f*ck f*ck f*ck! What, so Akechi was supposed to die then?! Akechi was supposed to die in that engine room but Akira didn't even say a goddamn thing about that?!"

Akechi feels paralyzed by what he just saw. There are so many levels that need dissecting. He doesn't doubt this is how it would play out had he not chosen to side with the Phantom Thieves. The Phantom Thieves still cared about him even when he didn't side with them, the compassion he didn't deserve. Akechi sacrificing himself for them in the end. Akira's reaction to it all, the genuine tears he showed for Akechi.

The narratives. Akechi had never told Akira that he wished they could meet earlier, but he had thought it at one point. But that isn't the biggest inconsistency here.

I loved Goro Akechi.

Oh. Akechi blinked because even after seeing that scene, that is not the note he was expecting this to end on. Nor does he know what to do with that information in the slightest.

"Oh." Ann blinked; as the last narrative rings out around them, she turned to him with wide eyes. "OH."

"Well…I suppose that could have explained the vigor at which Akira erased Shido's Cognition. Especially if he had a premonition of this." Yusuke murmured with apprehension, blind to the apparent confession. "He was prepared this time…making sure nothing happened. He jumped into action quickly…."

"Well, I'm glad his premonitions changed that…that would have been truly awful to go through…." Haru frowned before turning to Akechi with an empathetic look, "Akechi…are you okay? Especially after seeing all of that…."

Akechi frowned. Was he? It was less his murder that shook him, that he had been anticipating for a while. But, it was the narrative that was bugging him. Akechi told Akira that he wished they could have met earlier. And that would change his fate, but it wouldn't have mattered in the end. But, Akechi didn't die. Akira had taken out the threat before it happened and even made sure he was on the right side of the bulkhead door divider this time.

He completely sidesteps the last narrative, not knowing what to do with it. And if he gets distracted thinking about it…well, he'd instead just find Akira first before getting to the bottom of that can of worms first. After all, he wants to discuss that bit with Akira personally and privately. Or maybe, he doesn't entirely believe it. After all, it was in the past tense as well. Meaning Akira Kurusu might not even mean it anymore so jumping to conclusions on that of all things would not end well.

Akechi is ninety-nine percent sure Akira is psychic at this point. Self-delusion be damned. But now he realizes it must have stretched back way farther than they had initially thought. He completely ignored their concerned gazes and explains, "Kurusu's narratives…he said I told him I wish we could have met earlier, and that would have changed my fate. If this is the fate he was talking about…then he must have stepped in to stop it."

"Uh…yeah, clearly? You remember that day, don't you? Akira decimated Shido's Cognition without a second thought." Futaba wondered, a confused look on her face. "It's obvious that if this was a vision of the future, he made sure it didn't happen."

"In my memories, I met Akira around when you all were infiltrating Madarame's Palace, just before. But in his memories, he met me at the TV interview which was after you stole Madarame's heart." Akechi explained, "I thought it was weird, the discrepancies, as we all are confused by it. But, He said, 'Akechi told me he wished we could meet earlier,' but by his memory of events. We did. And if this event was supposed to happen, it didn't. Therefore my fate had been changed."

The Phantom Thieves blink, trying to untangle what he is saying until Makoto gets it, with the look of an epiphany on her face.

"Wait, are you saying that Akira saw this event specifically before you met and resolved to change it?! To make sure you both met earlier?" Makoto sputtered, "But…but that would mean he saw something from almost a year before! So, his premonitions, wait, so basically you are saying they aren't short term, they are long term?! Like, like he probably saw this entire year before it happened?"

"But, that isn't possible, isn't it?" Ann frowned, "That means he would have had to see all the bad things too! Like…like Shiho jumping or like Haru's father! If he had seen he entire year, then why are things like this?!"

"I don't know about the entire year, but I feel it's safe to assume he knew a good portion about it…." Akechi surmised.

"But it makes sense, doesn't it?" Ryuji shook his head, "Akira always seemed one step ahead of us. It was like he knew us before; he knew how to interact with us. And…those pictures in Leblanc were different, maybe that what he saw could have happened! And those mismatched memories...I mean, it's obvious, isn't it?"

Akechi scowled, Ryuji is right. Then it would make sense why Akira knew everything about him and used that to change the trajectory of what was going to happen. It would explain how he knew so much about Shido, the conspiracy, and Akechi's plan.

Akira knew what was going to happen.

f*ck, why didn't Akira just say something? All of this would be ten times easier if Akira had just straight up told them all this stuff.

But of course, he wouldn't because it was Akira f*cking Kurusu.

"But—but then why did my father?!" Haru cried tears stream down her face in frustration. "Why did my father die?! If he knew it was going to happen?!"

Akechi knows why, so he explained, "Because he changed what was supposed to happen. He might have known of your father's fate. But, he assumed it wasn't going to happen this time, or he didn't have any means of stopping it. Had I not joined the Kurusu's side in your Father's Palace, I was slighted to assassinate Kunikazu Okumura. But, Kurusu swayed my decision because then we could start chipping away at Shido earlier. He would have announced Shido was behind the mental shutdowns as my name was never in the contracts. That was the original plan; catch Shido off guard. But it didn't work. Shido took matters into his own hands and poisoned your father to look like he had a mental shutdown. All while keeping that from me. It was clear at that point to me that Shido either didn't trust me or didn't think I was competent enough to deal with the bigger loose canons. Your father's death…Akira tried to change it."

Haru is silent, the tears flowing down her cheeks, but she nodded, "I see…So Akira did try to change it…Thank you… that's all I needed to know."

"And Kobayakawa…" Makoto grimaced, "He probably saw that coming too and tried to change it, but because he'd changed when he met you…he didn't know the exact time frame, right?"

"Probably. I didn't see him in the metaverse that day." Akechi nodded, his arms folded.

"And we accused him of it."

"f*ck." Ryuji cursed loudly, "Why didn't he just say something!? I mean yeah he told us he was psychic, but he made it feel like a joke! Why didn't he just honestly sit us down and be like 'Hey, this sh*t is gonna happen and we need to fix it!'"

"We wouldn't have believed him…." Futaba said, biting her lip. "Just like the rest of the things we didn't believe… And, you know, maybe there is something he knows we don't know that stopped him from telling us."

"There are a lot of things he knows that we don't." Morgana corrected her.

Akechi clenches his fists; that's true. But knowing all of this, what does that mean? If Akira really did see this whole year, or at least the significant parts of it, why had it ended up like this?

Why was Akira stuck in the middle of whatever this f*cked up version of a Palace is? He'd almost instead take battling hordes of shadows over all the questions they can't seem to solve. Psychological head games. Things make even less sense than they did before.

"What do we know?" Makoto wondered, her soft voice carrying through the corridors.

"Nothing." Ann answered honestly, "That's what it feels like…."

"Something happened." Akechi determined, before he thinks about his phrasing, and changes it, "Or more like, something is going to happen. Akira saw something. And it probably wasn't good."

"Oh." Ryuji breathed before his eyes open, "Oh, you mean something is going to happen in the future? And… that's the reason for all this?"

But, Akechi can't imagine what. What happened that Akira decided what he did at that moment? Was it truly that awful? But also, why would Akira leave them to deal with it…unless it had something to do with him himself and taking himself out of the equation was the only way to stop it.

But then why wouldn't Akira just tell them?!

If Akira had seen so much, why wouldn't he just tell them in Shido's Palace, as he did with Shido's battle strategy?

If Akira loved Akechi as he claimed to in his narrative, then why is he doing this? He remembered Alice's stupid words, 'Nothing is what it seems, but if nothing is what appears, then what is it supposed to seem like?

Akechi nodded, trying to bite back the frustration and anguish running through him, "And I think we need Kurusu to tell us what because I don't think he knows how to stop it alone. And he is the one with all the answers."

Everyone is silent.

Before Futaba spoke up, pointing to one of the corridors next to them, its atmosphere was different than the others. The leaves are less saturated, "I think… that's probably where we need to go…uh, probably the center of the maze?"

"Where Akira is?" Ryuji asked, a touch of hope in his voice.

"We're about to find out. "Akechi muttered, walking off in that direction.

"So Akira was losing his persona because of a premonition? That's our theory right now, right? If Akira lost Kaguya after Okumura's palace because of Okumura's death and Yosh*tsune after Sae's because of the interrogation…then why did he lose Alice?" Ryuji muttered, the atmosphere dropping every second and the corridor getting darker and darker.

He was surprised it hadn't done this earlier with all they saw. It feels like that at every corner, they see something worse and worse. The velvet room, then Rafflesia, then the interrogation room. He might hate that scene the most; seeing Akira in such a helpless state left his mind reeling with worry. When Akira stumbled in the kitchen that night and Ryuji caught him to steady the other, he must have accidentally aggravated his injuries. But Akira didn't complain or say anything about what happened in the interrogation room at all. That realization leaves Ryuji with a guilty feeling.

Akira doesn't tell them what he actually feels like Alice had said. Ryuji wants to be a shoulder for him to lean on, to be the friend he'd feel comfortable telling these things to. And even if he can't be that because of all that had happened, Akira should have someone to talk to.

Akechi might not be the best with feelings. But right now, Ryuji thinks Akechi might be their best shot at helping Akira deal with all this if he no longer trusts the Phantom thieves.

But, Akechi seemed to stiffen at Ryuji's question.

"If we just saw a scene in Shido's Palace…then that might be the next thing we see." Ann frowned, "It seems to be going in somewhat of a chronological order…."

"Hey, I think we are at the end!" Morgana exclaimed to where the corridor opened up.

It's not what Ryuji had expected.

Reaching the end of the maze, or what they assumed it to be, is a dismal estate. The grassy corridors lead to a center, another field full of flowers. Much like the one they had met Shadow Akira in at the beginning of this all. Ryuji wondered if that's what Alice meant when she had said that it doesn't matter which path they take; they all end up in the same place. Is this where they were supposed to end up? Ryuji doesn't like it one bit. All the hairs on his arms are standing straight up.

When they enter the center of the labyrinth, the light dims. The sky around them is dark. There is a red tinge around them all, and it feels like Mementos does. Cold and heartless.

Stepping over the threshold to the center of the labyrinth, the tears start to fall down his cheeks, and he can't do anything about it. Sadness just washed over him in a wave of grief, much like that ocean from before. It's so deep, it sinks into his bones. No matter how hard he tries, he simply cannot stop crying. It's like every last good feeling has been sucked out of him. He hadn't felt hopelessness like this since the first year when Kamoshida broke his leg when he had been at his lowest. Those nights wondering what he was living for and where did he go wrong?

Is this the accumulation of all they've seen? Is this them finally breaking under Akira's memories? All the things that Akira didn't tell them?

That Akira didn't tell him?

It feels like his heart is being torn from his chest.

"W-w-what's going on?" Ann sobbed, wiping frantically at the tears with her gloves, but much like Alice from before, she can't stop crying in tandem with the rest of them. Even Akechi, the unshakeable Akechi, is crying, but he looks very frustrated that he too can stop the tears from falling. All of them are in various expressions of sadness.

"This—this sadness—"Yusuke mourned, "I can't feel anything else; why this room? It's… it's too much to bear!"

"H-Haru?" Makoto cried as Haru cried even louder when she looked down to see that they were standing in a field of red spider lilies, coming up to their ankles. Ryuji looked down through the tears to observe it. Saturated Reds assault his vision, and they almost look like specks of blood.

"They s-say…. There is a legend that says Red Spider Lilies grow wherever people have made their final farewells and part ways for good." Haru sobbed harder, she pointed at the stones in front of them in the middle of the field of red spider lilies, and it's clear they are standing in a graveyard that they all know was not a part of the Wonderland story.

The air is sucked from their lungs when they realized eight tombstones lined up next to one another. Each one was old and decaying, but the names still read clearly, etched into the stones.

Their names are on each of the tomb stones.

Ryuji feels as if someone had punched his gut; this is a graveyard. All the cognitive memories, all the narratives, the maze, it had led to a f*cking graveyard. The tears start to fall harder. This is where all the paths were supposed to end up? This was the end of all the things they've seen, all the things they've experienced and felt? The end to this Wonderland?

The Phantom Thieves are standing in a graveyard with their own graves, crying their eyes out.

"N-N-no!" Futaba wailed, shaking her head in denial, "B-b-but we aren't dead! W-w-why would he think?! D-does he thinks we didn't survive the explosion?! O-or when his Shadow tried to kill us?! I don't understand! Akira thinks we are d-dead?!"

"Or…or maybe we are going to die…." Makoto whimpered as she crossed her arms tightly with the horrifying theory, "Maybe this is what happened."


"In the interrogation room…Kurusu said, 'There is no future for me'…." Akechi grunted, scrubbing at his face viciously, but it doesn't do a damn thing.

And it clicked in a bad way. Ryuji realized what that means now. That something that happened? It didn't involve them surviving. Any of them. If they can't get to the bottom of this, then there really might not be a future for any of them.

God, why didn't Akira just tell them what was going to happen?

In front of one of the tombstones, they noticed a little kid in between Ryuji and Akechi's tombstone. Maybe around the age of ten? Or younger, standing with their back to them. His shoulders shake, breath heaving as he is probably in a similar situation to them, unable to stop the tears falling against his will. He seems to be just as distraught with the tombstones as they were.

"Hh-hey!" Ryuji called out through his breaking voice, scrubbing the tears at his eyes before moving closer to get the kid's attention. There is a gnawing feeling in his stomach about the identity of the kid.

The kid slowly turns to them, massive tears rolling down his cheeks despite how tightly he tried to hold onto them and an eerily familiar face. Big doe obsidian eyes swimming in tears and a messy, frizzy mop of hair.

It's Akira. Or rather, Akira when he was a kid. The exact reflection they had seen when they encountered Alice in the Junes. Only this time, they see him in total clarity. His face is heartbroken.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (65)

"A-Akira—"Ryuji breathed; he can't take it. Akira looked so small, yet his face displayed anguish that no kid should be wearing. "H-hey—"

"I just—"Child Akira choked, his voice hitching as he tried to hold back his tears and bit his lip with a look of shame. His quiet voice admitted, "I just wanted to save them…my friends… It's—it's my fault… It's all my fault. It's not fair. All I wanted to do was to save them."

Ryuji can't help back any longer and prayed that he was able to interact with this Cognition. Ryuji surges forward in a show of faith, enveloping Child Akira in his arms. Child Akira clings tightly to his collar as he sobbed. Ryuji tried to reassure him through the tears as he brushed the back of Child Akira's curls, "H-hey, it's not your fault, dude—You did save us, Akira, we didn't die, we made it out of Shido's Palace. You saved us, dude, and not only then, but so many times before. And you'll do it again; I know you will. It's going to be okay; we'll reach you, and we'll figure out things like we usually do. Just like we've done before. You are stuck with us, dude. We'll figure it out."

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (66)

"B-b-but they're gone!" Child Akira sobbed harder, clutching even tighter to his collar. His form shaking uncontrollably.

"No, we ain't. We are all still here, and so are you, and it's going to be okay. We are going to fix this." Ryuji promised him, hugging him even more strongly. He doesn't know if he promises himself or Akira more at this point. But, he needs Akira to feel his intention. He's not letting go anymore. Akira is stuck with him and Ryuji is going to make sure he knows that one way or another.

"Y-yeah, he's right. We'll fix this!" Ann promised in tandem, where she and the Phantom Thieves had circled around them.

"You just need to tell us what happened, Aki-chan. So, we can help; we need to know what happens." Haru cried earnestly.

Child Akira doesn't respond. Instead, he continued to sob. Ryuji holds him tight; he'll hold Akira for as long as he needs it. A few more moments, then Ryuji realized something is hitting his cheek…water? But Child Akira is short compared to him, so it couldn't be him crying.

Ryuji looked up, and it seems the other Phantom Thieves are just as confused as they raised their hands/

He realized; it was raining. The tombstones are changing to a darker color, and he can hear the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops on the flower's petals.

"Is this…blood?" Futaba asked, looking up.

It was raining blood? Ryuji realized the air has taken up even more of a red hue now.

"Akira!" Morgana gasped, and Ryuji looked back to Child Akira in his arms, still sobbing, but parts of his body are now dissolving into black smoke. Just like shadows do.

"No, no, no, no, no no!" Ryuji sputtered, trying to hold Child Akira closer…or together. But it doesn't do anything, and Child Akira dissolves away, the black smoke dissolving into the sky while none of them can do anything. Ryuji jumped to his feet and looked around wildly; why had that happened? Finally, he yelled out, "Akira?!"

"Akira!" Yusuke called out too, searching the immediate area.

But there is no answer, just the sound of rain against the flower petals.

Ryuji clenched his fists, the tears continuing to stream. Red spider lilies grew where people made their final goodbyes and parted ways for good. Is that why Child Akira disappeared? Is this supposed to be the end of it all? The final goodbye in a f*cking graveyard. And they didn't even find Akira in the end? f*ck that sh*t; it doesn't end here. He refused to believe that this is what they'd been traversing to. This isn't the end of the maze or the place they are in. This was not going to be the end of his friendship with Akira. Not by a longshot. "AKIRA, I'M NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE."

"IT'S NOT ENDING HERE." Ann joined in, stamping her foot on the ground.



"I REFUSE TO MOVE ON!" Haru wailed.


"I WON'T ALLOW IT!" Makoto yelled.


All of their crying and hollering echoed around them as if they were standing in an empty stadium. In a hollow place.

But there is no response. Only the rain washing down on them and the heavy breathing resounding from each one of them.

Ryuji almost jumped as someone touched his back. He whipped around, hoping it was Child Akira or Alice, but it's neither. Instead, it's Kaguya looking up to him with her bright green eyes wide, she almost seemed touched but Ryuji doesn't exactly know how to read her facial expressions.

"K-Kaguya…" He murmured.

Kaguya is the size of Alice now. She hasn't always been that small, has she? No, Ryuji remembered her hugging Futaba, and her form nearly enveloped Futaba, but she had been smaller than when Akira usually summoned her.

Before he can ask, Kaguya is on the other side of him, taking Akechi by the hand and tugging him along in a fast walk through the field of blood red flowers.

"Where are you leading us?" Akechi wondered, "There is more to the end of this maze?"

The Phantom Thieves follow, hope in their chests. Kaguya has to know the way. Of course, this couldn't be the end; they still needed to find Akira. Of course, Kaguya would be the one to reassure them in the end that this was not the end.

Ryuji thought back to what Futaba said, Kaguya was the motherly role, the healer or something. But then he wondered, why was she starting to shrink then?

Kaguya leads them to the edge of the graveyard and pushed open something. A door? If it was a door, he couldn't see it. It was too dark at the skirt of the room. They each go through it, and it looks like Ann disappears in front of him when she goes through.

He steps through.

It's a courtroom now, though there doesn't seem to be any walls or ceiling; instead, it's a podium in the middle of the room eerily reminiscent of the desk they'd seen in the Velvet room. Feet below it, standing at an even smaller podium, is Alice, shaking her head in dismay. The judge is rather odd as instead of being who'd they assume would be the king of hearts or the queen of hearts, it's just a formless shadow. It bizarrely hovered above the desk. It was a spectacle to behold.

"The f*ck…a trial?" Ryuji muttered; it was vastly different than the graveyard they had just been in. The image of child Akira fading away like that terrified him. It's hard for him to catch up with all that is going on. But at least his tears had subsided now that they were out of that field.

"It's…a courtroom…like the last part of Alice in Wonderland." Makoto filled in quietly as they all lined up a bit behind the defendant's podium where Alice stood.

He really doesn't want to go through another scene of Alice in Wonderland.

He wants to find Akira and make everything want. He wants to find Akira as they all do. This has gone on long enough, right? Akira needs them. Akira needs them now.

Ryuji turned to Kaguya to complain, but she shakes her head at him and pointed towards the judge's seat as if it was of the upmost importance.

"Now, what do you plead?" The Shadow bellowed from above Alice, his voice nearly shaking the ground they stood on. It startled Ryuji.

"Jeez! That projection…" Futaba sputtered; the yell had taken them all of guard.

"Nothing at all, why I do not understand why I am on trial! Tell me, what crimes say you accuse me of?" Alice shook her head; her voice is defiant as she was seemingly not scared by the voice. "I haven't done anything!"

The Shadow laughed, the sound ringing around the empty room with an echo. How big was this room even? It felt like the field. The edges were an endless void. Just like the graveyard had been.

"Oh really? Do you really not know what crimes you have been accused of? If not, then why are you here?" The Shadow wondered; a lilt in his tone made It seem like he knew more than she did.


The Shadow shifted quickly into the master of the velvet room, Igor. His two twin assistants, standing next to him with equally blank expressions. Igor took on a sinister smile as he accused, "Was it not you who fused multiple personas, all to obtain power? Even fusing away your true self?"

"Sir, you told me too, you made me! To avoid ruin, you said the only way was to fuse the persona to—" Alice shook her head in denial. Still, before she can finish her answer, Igor and his assistants had shifted into the forms of who they assume to be Akira's parents by the features they hold.

For all his parents have done…they look normal. And Ryuji hated that the most.

"Was it not you who acted incredibly selfish? Thinking of your own needs over ours? Was it not you who betrayed the family in such a way? You dishonored the family's name." Akira's father sneered.

"Was it not you who pushed that kid? You were being impatient and inconsiderate of other's feelings. Was it not you who didn't put them first? Was it not you who became a selfish brat?" Akira's mother scoffed in a very condescending and disappointed tone, her eyes narrowing. Ryuji instantly hated her.

In Alice's place was the ten-year-old version of Akira that they saw only a couple of minutes ago. Ryuji feels somewhat relieved; seeing him disappear as he did really unsettled Ryuji. It was like a shadow losing its life. Child Akira shook his head vehemently, "I didn't do it! He pushed me, then blamed me for the fight when I stepped out of the way to defend myself! And, I tried to tell you, I apologized and everything but—"

"Was it not you who pushed me down? Attacked me in the middle of the street when I was trying to help that woman? How dare you? What a violent and volatile young man." Shido stood in the judge's seat now, his voice callous as he accused the now sixteen-year-old Akira, wearing the clothes from before had moved to Shibuya.

"No! You were trying to rape that woman, and I just wanted to help her; I wanted to help her like I knew that guy would have. I didn't do it, I didn't push you, it wasn't me. You feel down on your own!" Pre-Shibuya Akira pleaded, his hands gripping the sides of the podium, his knuckles going white, and his eyes panicked.

"Was it not you who was a criminal? The worst of the worst? I heard he assaulted a man and left him for dead. Drinking? Drugs? Violence? I heard he did it all!" A group of faceless Shujin students giggled from the judge's seat.

"No! Those were just assumptions because of my record that got leaked; you all jumped to conclusions!" Student Akira rebutted, "I've never done anything to you! There is no proof of your accusations!"

"Was it not you who obstructed justice, blackmailed, carried weapons, defamed victims, and killed for your own sake?" The interrogator from before is now on the judge's seat, looking down with those beady eyes.

"We did it for justice!" The beat-up Cognition Akira from the interrogation room argued back, "We did it so we could change society! So that people wouldn't have to be treated like you treated me! The weapons were fake; we never blackmailed anyone; you are the ones obstructing justice; those people defamed themselves!"

Ryuji is glad at least Akira knows he is not to blame for all of that. Every judge that appears on the stand vehemently denies their accusations. It instills some hope in Ryuji that Akira, on some level, knows that he is not guilty of all the allegations being thrown at him.

This felt like the Akira he knew, and this instills hope in him. Akira must be seeing reason. He was not to blame for those things. He still has a fight in him. It makes Ryuji feel better. If Akira is fighting this in his own way too, then hope is not lost.

Then the judge shifts once again.

"Are you not the black mask? Did you not go into the metaverse to kill Kobayakawa?" A version of Makoto accused and the rest of the phantom thieves standing up on the podium. All of them looking down at Akira in his usual summer outfit with looks of contempt and disgust. Ryuji froze. Really, he should have been expecting that as he knows they accused him at one point too.

But to see his own face reflected down at him, with that look of contempt and betrayal etched into his face.

He wished he was on the defendant's stand instead so he could atone for his own crimes.


"Did you not cause the psychotic breakdowns? Lead my mother to her death?" A version of Futaba asked her voice like daggers, a sense of hostility that Futaba has never once displayed.

"No, I—"

"Did you not kill my father?" A version of Haru asked, her voice quieter but her eyes piercing.


"Did you not go back on our promise not to enter the Metaverse alone?" A version of Yusuke icily asked, his arms folded.


"Have you not been lying to us since the moment we met? About your involvement with the metaverse and your power which far exceeds what it should?" A version of Ryuji scoffed. And Ryuji wanted to beat the sh*t out of himself.

"f*ck. f*ck f*ck f*ck." Ann is cursing next to him.

"Have you not betrayed each and every one of us?" A version of Ann glared down.

"What have you to say? Leader of the Phantom Thieves." A version of Morgana asked, his voice resounding around the room.

Is that what it felt like to Akira? Ryuji wondered. When they accused him of being the black mask after Hawaii. Did it feel like a trial? Did it feel like an unfair trial that he couldn't win?

This Akira doesn't answer as fast as the others did. And that makes Ryuji nervous. He feels chills run down the expanses of his arms. While the guilt over the entire situation is circulating in his veins, he also desires to know how Akira is going to respond. Will he deny it? Or will he reveal something entirely different?

It feels like a moment of truth, in a way.

Akira's shoulders were shaking, and it took him a few moments to look back to the Cognition of the Phantom Thieves. Ryuji can't precisely see Akira's face since he's standing with his back to them. But he can see a certain resolve in his shoulders.

"I am not the black mask. I did not do those things…I didn't murder Kobakawaya, nor did I cause the psychotic breakdowns, and I didn't murder Okumura." Akira admitted slowly, before his voice fell, "But…I did know who was doing them. I knew he planned to murder Kobakawaya, and I intentionally stayed back from the school trip… to try and stop him. But I failed because I assumed I knew when he would do it, and I was wrong. I completely understand those accusations. I completely accept what happened and how my actions attributed to that. I did go back on my promise to not enter the metaverse without you. I have been lying to you all about my involvement with the metaverse. I have been lying to you about the power I hold and how I got it. I have not been transparent."

Ryuji had been suspicious before as to what led up to the accusations. But, hearing Akira admit to lying to all of them hurt. But not in the way he expected. It was apparent Akira knew things they didn't, and it was evident his power was greater than all of their own. And if Ryuji had heard this confession before everything they've witnessed in this place, then maybe his reaction might be different.

But something isn't right.

But before any of them can speculate on what they think, the scene continues. The next judge shocked them all. This time. It's Akira himself. Standing up high on the judge's podium, dressed in his Phantom Thief Attire. His piercing gaze cutting down at Akira, who was in his usual winter outfit. And Ryuji can only imagine what Akira is going to accuse himself of.

"Was it not you who killed the Phantom Thieves?" Joker asked in a low voice, but his words are clear and concise.

There are a few moments of silence, almost deafening, as they are forced to wait for Akira's plea. This has to be a joke, right? Ryuji desperately wanted to believe that. How could Akira just accuse himself of murdering the Phantom Thieves? They are all still there. Is this because of Shido's ship again? But Akira made sure they got on that boat! How is that anywhere close to murdering the Phantom Thieves? This accusation is entirely different than the rest. The rest of the allegations they had context for. None of them were true, but at least they knew the context as to why the accusations existed.

But there is absolutely no context for this one.

"That's… that's not possible…." Futaba murmured, her eyes wide, "There…why? Nothing he did…but…what?"

Nothing they saw had suggested that this accusation was plausible.

"Why…would Akira feel that way?" Ann mumbled next to him; her cyan eyes were just as broad with confusion.

"Is this…is this what happens?" Makoto muttered horror in her tone.

That can't possibly be it. Out of all the things, Akira would never of his right mind try to murder them. So Akira had to deny this one, too, right? Because there is no way, it's remotely true. Ryuji feels the sweat growing under his gloves as his mind is going a mile a minute trying to figure out why the f*ck that was a part of one of the accusations.

There is no f*cking way—

The pin drops.

"I-I—it was me. I killed the Phantom Thieves." Akira admitted in a hoarse voice that barely carries to them, his shoulders drop as he hunched over the defendant's desk, "I'm the one who killed the Phantom Thieves."


Thank you for your patience with me! 🥰 Next chapter is when sh*t really hits the fan 😈❤️

Chapter 27: Akira faces his Shadow


“Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't believe impossible things.' -Alice in Wonderland

TW// suicidal thoughts and ideations, mentions of suicide attempts (doesn't go into detail)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I-I—it was me. I killed the Phantom Thieves." Akira admitted in a hoarse voice that barely carries over to them, his shoulders drop as he hunched over the defendant's stand. White knuckles clutching the wood as he confessed again, a little louder, "I'm the one who killed the Phantom Thieves."

Futaba's blood froze as she heard the confession that she had once believed of herself; her fists are trembling at her side. How could Akira think that? She knows the Phantom Thieves have theorized that something probably happened that Akira may have seen that led to this place, but she can't imagine a reality in which Akira would actually murder them. Even Shadow Akira had been stopped by parts of Akira like Kaguya. And Futaba knows that even when they accused Akira of being the Black Mask, she doesn't think any of them actually believed he'd murder them.

Futaba doesn't understand Akira, and Alice's words of things aren't what they seem to come back to mind. Akira had always seemed like the unshakeable type, took everything in stride. When she was anxious, he always teased to make her feel better. Akira was someone she looked up to. But this whole place has changed her perceptions. Akira wasn't what he seemed and not at all what they had all expected.

Akira has gone through a lot that they didn't know about, and Futaba is sure they've only seen something of the surface.

But to believe he killed them on top of it all? Futaba knows how incredibly isolating that feeling can be when you think you've murdered someone you love when you feel the weight of the blame from it. She knows the shackles that inherent belief brings. But she also knows because of Akira that this belief can't be true. This has to be a lie, just like the one she told herself for so long, and Akira gave her life back and showed her the truth. Akira saved her from that lie. She has to do the same thing. She made a promise to her true self to believe the truth and to shed illusions. She'll do that for Akira.

In a burst of confidence, Futaba cried out at the judge's stand with an accusatory tone, "And where is the proof?! The evidence? This is a trial, right?! You can't make accusations like that without evidence! Show us the proof! Betcha can't! It's a false accusation!"

"Did you not hear the confession for yourself, or are you all honestly that hard of hearing?" Cognition Joker scoffed, his eyes a blazing gold as he turned his gaze down at the group of Thieves. Futaba felt herself quiver at its intensity.

"A confession doesn't mean he did it! It can easily be a false confession with no facts to back it up!' Makoto argued back, her fists clenched at her side as she stepped up before Futaba could, fists ready at her side.

"Akira didn't do that!" Ryuji declared, pointing his mace at the cognition. "He'd never!"

"Yeah, Innocent until proven guilty!" Ann joined in, cracking her whip.

"Oh, like you all followed that silly notion! What a joke!" Cognition Joker laughed dryly. A dagger, Futaba knows they can't deny it, but at least they know what they did was wrong now. They can't change the past, but they can learn and grow from it. They'll prove to Akira that they can. They can be better.


"And besides, did you not already come from the proof? There is only way into this place…." Cognition Joker laughed, motioning with his gloved hands to where they had come from. He must be referencing the graveyard, "You must have seen the evidence for yourself."

"That's not real! That is cognition! That is what you believe!" Futaba shook her head as she pointed accusatorily at Cognition Joker because she won't believe it. "We are all still alive and kicking, and we can prove that to you! We'll show you! We'll steal your distorted desires!"

Cognition Joker's ruthless smile fell quickly at the last bit Futaba accidentally let slip out. She knows this isn't a conventional palace, but she definitely thinks some distortion is going on. The phantom thieves will make Akira see reason, akin to stealing a heart, in one way or another. Cognition Joker's eyes piercing through her soul, with an emotionless expression she's never seen on Akira, "You know absolutely nothing. Say what you want, but I won't listen to a thing. There is nothing left for you to steal here, I am sorry to disappoint, but you are wasting your time. You might as well just turn back."

"Why?!" Ryuji pleaded, "Akira—Akira just—"

"And, as for you…." Cognition Joker said, ignoring Ryuji's plea and turning his attention back to the Akira on the stand, who still hasn't moved from his spot, shoulders still slightly shaking. Cognition Joker's smile returned just as wide as before when he whacks a gavel on the podium. His sentences bellow through the void along with the echo of the bang, "For your crimes, Akira Kurusu, you will be sentenced for life! No parole and the highest charge! There is no future for you."

Cognition Akira gasped as the stand he stood on crumpled beneath him, and the black void of a ground swallows him whole.

"No!" Futaba wheezed, her arm shooting out even though she knows A, it's far too late to do anything, and B, it was still only cognition of Akira. Nevertheless, the sight was still unsettling.

But, that sentence…what is that supposed to mean? If Akira blamed himself for the 'death of the Phantom Thieves that hasn't happened, why is this place making it seem like it did happen? Akira ended up here because of the explosion, but now things with that aren't adding up to Futaba. That night…were things not like they seemed either? Akechi had mentioned earlier….and then there were the statements that the Begonias were screaming…Why is Akira persecuting himself so harshly?

"Akira!" Haru gasped. An echoing laugh resounds around them, and the light fades off the judge's podium, and they are dipped into darkness. Futaba searched the room wildly for a source of something, but there is nothing. Just an endless voice of darkness. It feels just like the House of Darkness from Sae's Palace. And finding their way out might be a lot tougher this time.

"f*ck!" Ryuji cursed from somewhere to Futaba's right, he sounds close, but she can't see anything; hell, she can't even see her hand in front of her face. She waved it around, but all there is only darkness. The fear is creeping in. Finally, Ryuji voices what she's thinking, "I can't see sh*t!"

"Ok, um, everyone, try to grab the person next to you!" Makoto called out hesitantly, a little farther to her left; Futaba turns in that direction and instantly gets whacked in the face by someone's hand.

"Ow! Hey!" Futaba whined as she quickly grabbed the hand before it could take off her glasses, not as if her glasses were being functional in the first place. But she tightened her grip on the hand a little better, but she feels better.

"My apologies." Yusuke's quiet voice drifted from next to her.

"Next time, be a little gentler." Futaba grumbled, then a hand whacked her shoulder with even more force, "I just said! —"

"I know, I know I'm sorry! But it's not like anyone can see sh*t!" Ryuji responded, "Give me your hand!"

"Isn't your affinity lighting?" Futaba wondered as she clumsily tried to find Ryuji's hand in the dark. It was more complicated than it should have been. "Why don't you light it up or something, huh?"

"Unwise, the idiot might actually electrocute us all," Akechi said unsympathetically from somewhere in the darkness, a bit away from her. Of course, he's not in her immediate vicinity, so she hopes someone has a hold on him.

"It's true, but why you gotta say it like that!" Ryuji complained, before gasping, "What about Morgana? He can't reach our hands!"

"It's ok; I'm holding onto Ann's leg!" Morgana spoke up.

"Yeah, I got him! Are we all together?" Ann wondered. A chorus of agreements echoes in the darkness. "Count off?"

"I have Ryuji and Yusuke's hands," Futaba announced, she almost holds them up, but it won't make a difference.

"And I have Makoto's hand, I believe," Yusuke mentioned in succession to her.

"Yes, and I am holding Haru's hand." Makoto chimed in.

"I don't have anyone on my side?" Haru said hesitantly.

"Ryuji is holding my hand because his grip is unbelievable," Ann grumbled.

"Sorry!" Ryuji laughed sheepishly.

"Morgana is holding onto my leg, and I'm holding onto Akechi's hand. Jeez, Akechi, did you really have to have gauntlets? They are more like claws…." Ann sighed. Futaba did a mental count; that is all of them for sure. At least they haven't lost anyone yet.

Akechi doesn't answer. And Futaba is worried for a moment. What if it wasn't Akechi? Why is he so silent?


"If we are all accounted for, then who is holding my other hand?" Akechi said, his voice low and Futaba nearly jumps in her skin. This really is some sort of ghost story.

But before any one of them can answer, a dim light comes forward. It's not bright enough to light where they are, but it's enough that they can make out each other's features. Kaguya is the one holding Akechi's hand. But she is small. At least Alice's size now, one hand is holding Akechi's, and the other is producing an orb of light.

"Kaguya…" Futaba frowned. She doesn't understand why. How much more will Kaguya shrink? Why is Kaguya shrinking? She knows Kaguya has something to do with healing, nurturing, but she doesn't know what that means in terms of her size.

And even more terrifying thought, will Kaguya shrink so small till she is no more? Is that possible? And what is that supposed to mean?

Kaguya doesn't answer, but she couldn't in the first place. So instead, she gives them an indecipherable look before turning, tugging on Akechi's hand, and beginning to lead the train of Phantom Thieves somewhere in the dark, her dim orb doing its best to light the way.

"Akira thinks he killed us…why would he think that?" Futaba murmured, the scene from earlier refusing to leave her mind. She knows their theory is psychic visions. But it doesn't feel right, "I don't get this. Even if he was psychic, doesn't this seem like a big exaggeration? He knows we survived Shido's ship, right? And the graveyard…."

"It has to do with what he probably saw," Akechi answered curtly. The answer she came up with but still doesn't entirely believe it.

"But—" Futaba bit her lip, "Akira wouldn't kill us."

"His shadow has been giving us a run for our money." Akechi scoffed, but there is a pause before he sighed, "However, I understand what you mean. Kurusu, in his right mind, wouldn't try to kill us. This whole place, as a product of what he saw… I'm still piecing it together."

"Yeah…Akira denied all those accusations…Except for when we accused him and when he accused himself. But the way he admitted to 'our' accusations was that he knew more than we did. So, he has to have seen the future, right?" Ann murmured, her voice a little lower, "And that graveyard…. was that really our future?"

"No, we won't allow it." Yusuke answered simply, "We've become aware of the possibility, and thus, we can take actions to change it. So while it may have been more beneficial for Akira to have had alerted us, we've already seen the possible outcome."

"Yusuke's right. While we don't know exactly what will happen, we are aware of its possibility. And once we reach and save Akira, we'll hopefully get the full story. Then, we can avoid whatever it is. We know better now, and knowledge is power," Makoto tagged on, a glimmer of hope in her voice, "Right, Kaguya?"

Kaguya looks back at them, but Futaba can't decipher her expression, even if Futaba looked at LED screens for most of the hours in a day. She doesn't answer, not even with a gesture, and instead looks back to the path she is leading them in. But now it's a little faster pace.

That doesn't inspire a whole lot of hope in Futaba.

"Alice said, you can mean what you say but not say what you mean," Haru spoke up. "I don't think Akira is saying what he means to. But, while may mean the things he is saying, I believe what he wants to say will hold the most context as to the allegations we heard."

"Yeah…I think you are right Haru, there wasn't any evidence or proof. And Cognition Joker wouldn't give us any solid proof himself to prove us wrong. If we knew the grounds on which Akira is blaming himself for our 'deaths,' it would be easier to reach our own conclusions and dispel that lie that he is telling." Futaba agreed. "We need to get Akira to show us why he thinks that."

"Do you think….do you think Akira even knows we are here?" Ryuji mumbled in a disheartened tone, "Like, does he know…how much we've seen?"

Futaba doesn't know. She feels like if he did know they were here. It would either be easier, or they wouldn't have seen so much uncensored. Akechi saw him, but also, Akechi saw him in Alice's Ocean of Tears. Was that real? Because Akira certainly can't hold his breath for however long they've been in here.

"He has to know on some level if Shadow Akira is a part of him." Morgana told him, "But consciously? That is yet to be determined."

"Shadow Akira doesn't think we are us." Akechi corrected him.

"Another mystery…" Yusuke muttered bitterly.

"So, Aki-chan does or doesn't know we are here?" Haru wondered.

"I suppose that's another thing that will only be answered once we find Kurusu." Akechi sighed, "And I believe we are getting close. Sorting this all out…may be a problem depending on his state."

Kaguya led them to some sort of…door? But, as the light casts onto the door, they find a familiar persona guarding it. The one face they've been missing.

It's Yosh*tsune.

f*ck, is this where he's been all the time? Futaba wonders if this had anything to do with her theory that Yosh*tsune is a line of defense, Yosh*tsune was defense in the form of offense. In terms of an internal familial structure, he'd be labeled as a fighter in the concept of fighting against Akira's negative feelings or Alice as she assumed. Getting past Yosh*tsune might actually be impossible. After all, none of them have anything that can remotely touch him. Meaning the only way would be to reason with him. Futaba shudders, thinking about the things he said back in the memories. In those memories, He was Akira's father. Indeed, this must be like Kaguya, wherein he is just one of Akira's masks here. If Kaguya is helping them and Alice in a way, won't Yosh*tsune then?

Kaguya gestured at the swordsman persona as she was carrying out a conversation with him. But Yosh*tsune only gave her a pointed glare, refusing to move from the doorway.

"No. Give it up, Kaguya. You know what you are doing is futile." Yosh*tsune told her, his voice stern and icy, "You are causing far more trouble than it's worth. I won't allow you to pass. This is where your justice ends. Stand down, Kaguya. Lead them out. You know this is pointless."

'This is where your justice ends'? God, what a sobering line. But Kaguya doesn't give up on the harsh words.

Kaguya tried once more, this time more desperate in her movements. The side of the story they aren't getting. Futaba feels her heart-clenching; Kaguya is trying her best. The Kaguya posing as Akira's Mother in his memories was different. This Kaguya is doing her damn best. At first, Futaba had thought they were following Alice through Wonderland, but all this time, Kaguya was the one leading Alice and, in turn, them.

Kaguya tried once more, a sort of pleading motion as she stomped her foot.

"Calling out to them in such a way, using a cognition of a childhood memory, luring them into this place even though you knew the consequences, tell me who is the real detrimental one here? Who is the real reckless one here?" Yosh*tsune scoffed, his voice getting more heated. "And now, you are paying the price."

Futaba blinked in astonishment. Does that mean when Kaguya was calling out to them…was that the sound Akechi heard on the TV. Was that actually Kaguya broadcasting the signal? But it didn't reach the rest of them. Or had the signal stopped short? Futaba started rapidly putting together pieces. Is that how Kaguya lost her wings? They were reminiscent of disks. Kaguya has always looked reminiscent of a satellite dish with her wings. She must have been transmitting a signal, using the cognition of Akira's childhood memory of the Midnight Channel as it made the most sense since she used to be an oversized satellite dish. But Shadow Akira must have cut them off once he caught wind of what she was doing, essentially cutting off her voice in the end. Silencing her. The Phantom Thieves ended up in the metaverse anyways. But, when Kaguya led Alice on a wild goose chase, she knew they'd follow, but she couldn't explain anything no matter how hard she tried. So instead, she decided to take them through Wonderland.

Was Kaguya the one showing them all these memories?

Futaba has no idea what to do with this newfound information. Kaguya isn't Akira's original Persona either; neither is Yosh*tsune or Alice. So, where is Arsene in all of this? When he had been executed…where did he go?

Why is Kaguya trying to help them, but Yosh*tsune isn't?

She turned her attention back to Kaguya, trying her best to convince Yosh*tsune to let them through, but whatever she is trying to convey doesn't work.

"Enough!" Yosh*tsune roared, unsheathing his swords, an angry look on his face. He pointed his blades at Kaguya, "Look at you! You are a testament to the ending of this cycle!"

"The ending of this cycle?" Futaba echoed; what was that supposed to mean?

Kaguya shakes as if she is screaming her truth.

"I refuse to let you pass." Yosh*tsune denied her the same intensity that cognition Joker held earlier. "Leave now, Kaguya."

"Do you think…do you think that's where Akira is?" Ryuji said, luckily under his breath as he pointed at the door that Yosh*tsune is guarding. "Yosh*tsune does feel like an end game boss…."

Futaba perked up. That might not be far off. If Yosh*tsune was the fighter, the defender, then maybe that is why he's guarding this door. Yosh*tsune, from what they assume, was Akira's last defense. He often used Yosh*tsune when Alice's insta kills wouldn't do, and they were in a pinch. He'd also switch to Yosh*tsune when he didn't want to take damage. Therefore, it made sense Yosh*tsune would be the last defense to Akira. Ryuji is on to something.

Maybe that's why they are disagreeing. Perhaps it's just a miscommunication; Kaguya was the healer; therefore, perhaps she believed that to save Akira, she needed to lead the Phantom Thieves to him. While Yosh*tsune thinks that the only way for Akira to be safe is to not allow anyone in. The true quintessential of conflicting feelings. Talk about fighting with yourself to the extreme.

She was definitely on Kaguya's side. But it still left an entirely different problem: none of them will do anything to Yosh*tsune. Even if they engaged in a fight. It was useless; what Yosh*tsune didn't repel, he drained. The only person who could possibly do any damage is Akechi with Loki's Megidolan. But even then, it's not a fair fight.

"Oh, maybe! But…how are we supposed to get past Yosh*tsune?" Ann responded, her thought process seems similar to Futaba's own. "Yosh*tsune is…immune to all of our attacks. Except for Akechi."

"Loki isn't on Yosh*tsune's level. It would take too long to whittle his HP down. Not to mention, Yosh*tsune would wipe us out." Akechi shook his head before pausing, "But…I think the real Akira is definitely being held in that room."

"Are you sure?" Makoto wondered nervously. Yet, there is anticipation in her voice. What she feels, they all think at the same time. Futaba has lost track of the time of how long they've been here, but her heart flutters at the fact they are this close to reaching Akira.

"Ninety-nine percent sure."

"And the one percent?" Futaba grimaced, afraid maybe Akechi is sensing Shadow Akira.

"Well, there is the only way forward, isn't there?"

"Ok, but how are we supposed to get past Yosh*tsune?!" Morgana exclaimed with a hushed whisper. "We'd be dead if we faced him head-on."

"We are thieves, correct? So we may need to use a less direct approach." Yusuke chimed in, making an excellent point except for the fact that other than the door, there is literally nothing around them. Just darkness.

"Well, a distraction?" Futaba wondered, at this point, it's the only thing that makes sense. But She is sure Yosh*tsune isn't stupid. So how are they supposed to distract him?

Kaguya stomped her foot before the orb she's holding burns brighter. She chucks the orb at Yosh*tsune stubbornly. It hits his chest but easily bounces off. Doing absolutely no damage but does serve to only enrage the Persona even more. Is pissing of Yosh*tsune really going to help?

"Stand down, Kaguya!" Yosh*tsune bellowed, lowering himself into an offensive position.

Futaba watched astounded. Kaguya probably knows she can't do anything. So, what is she trying to do? This is a suicide mission! Does she know that?!

Kaguya chucked another orb at Yosh*tsune, but the Persona quickly cut through it with his sword. Then Kaguya raised her hand to the sky, and many shimmering arrows descended, lighting up the void they are in. Finally, the door is brighter and seemed to be one that one might find in a dungeon. Rotting wood with rusty metal accents.

"If it's a fight you want, I'll obliterate you!" Yosh*tsune roared, rushing forward with his swords at his side. Kaguya lets him come at her, resolve in her form. She is distracting him for them. She's playing bait, but Futaba knows if Yosh*tsune goes all out, it's not going to end well for Kaguya. What is she doing?! She can't take on Yosh*tsune all by herself!

"Kaguya!" Futaba cried out, reaching out to the Persona, but she can't do a thing as she's being tugged in the opposite direction.

"We need to get through that door now!" Ann tugged her away from the battle, a guilty tone on her voice. Ann doesn't want to do this either; it seemed by judging the reluctance on her face as she watched the battle with half her attention.

"But, Kaguya!" Futaba argued, but she gets it. This might be their only chance. But…Kaguya…Yosh*tsune won't actually kill her, will he?

Kaguya unleashed another round of shining arrows, but this round is weaker than the others. They cascade around Yosh*tsune, illuminating his form, but the arrows do little to stop his forward charge with Kaguya as his target.

As soon as the Phantom Thieves push open the doors and enter, they shut just as fast, cutting them off from the battle.

"But what about Kaguya!?" Haru gasped, trying to go back the same way, but her hand meets the doors, and they won't budge. So she banged on them, but it does nothing.

No one responded. The answer was pretty straightforward. Futaba can only hope that Kaguya can hold her own until they save Akira and get to the bottom of disassembling this place.

"Kaguya…was likely the one calling out on the TV," Futaba murmured, holding her arms. "And Shadow Akira probably cut off her wings for it. So, she tried to lead us in other ways."

"By leading Alice, she was leading us…." Ann murmured, making the logical conclusion, her eyes getting a little misty, "But why was she shrinking?"

Futaba is formulating a theory, but she doesn't want to reveal it because she doesn't like its implications. Kaguya's affinity was light; her signature move was shining arrows. The affinity and name imply they cut through the dark. Hope. Or Futaba believes that's what she stands for. She didn't give up; she tried a different way. Maybe Kaguya was the hope that Akira had. And maybe after being in such a place for so long. And perhaps his hope was dwindling.

"We need to find Akira, now." But, Futaba argued, "He's somewhere in here, right?"

"I can't see damn sh*t." Ryuji muttered, "Just like before, except we don't have Kaguya's light…."

Futaba frowned. Ryuji is right, but she won't let that stop them. She summoned forth Prometheus. She knows its light technically is black with multiple colors, but they need something to guide their way. Prometheus was literally made to dispel shadows and illuminate the truth.

"Oh, Good job Futaba! I hadn't even thought about that!" Makoto praised her. Prometheus indeed did its job; a gentle violet light radiates around them. Even though Prometheus was dark, the void around them is even darker, so the Persona stands out against it.

"Cobblestone?" Yusuke muttered as he realized the type of floor they are standing on.

"If we came from a judge's room, then it stands to reason the pit of this place is some sort of cell." Akechi muttered as he looked around cautiously, but Prometheus's light doesn't reach far."

"Akira!!!" Ann yelled out, the quickest way to probably find the other. But her voice echoed back. It seemed where ever they were, the cell probably, it was more or less empty.


"Hey, AKIRA? YOU IN HERE?" Morgana tried next, and his voice echoed through the empty voice and back.

No answer, but then there is a slight sound. Something like chains jangling against the cobblestone. Futaba can tell it came from in front of them, so she started jogging in that direction.

After a few minutes, they find the cells only inhabitant chained to the cobblestone floor. Just as Akechi had mentioned before.

It's Akira. And what they hope is the real Akira.

"Oh, sh*t…did you guys fall down the rabbit hole too?" Akira asked incredulously, his eyes wide when Prometheus's light casts over him. But, his casual comment doesn't nearly match his appearance. His school blazer and pants are ripped, messy, and dirty. He wasn't in his Joker Uniform, meaning Akira had definitely lost his Persona and rebellious will. His face is once more a myriad of colors, and the bags under his eyes are dark. Even with Prometheus's multi-colored light, they can see how pale his skin is. Still, he started teasing them regardless of everything else that was going on, "Did you follow the rabbit wondering what she was late for? It must have been a really important date. Or perhaps you were persuaded in another way."

His reaction is even more unsettling than how he looked and not something they'd expect from someone who had been down here for god knows how long and chained to the ground. It made them question whether this was another cognition or the real Akira. He was too nonchalant about this all.

"Aki-chan…is that really you?" Haru asked uncertainly.

"Are you a cognition?" Makoto wondered as they cautiously approached.

"A cognition? Is…is that a trick question? I feel like I'd know if I was a cognition but maybe not." Akira laughed nervously, "Yeah, it's me. Well, I'm not my usual handsome self, haven't done my skincare routine in a bit. Uh, after Shido's palace, I was catapulted into the metaverse and ended up here. Uh, then my phone wouldn't work? I think it got waterlogged or something, who knows, but I couldn't leave. You guys certainly have good timing."

"f*ck Akira, are you even ok? God, we've been looking everywhere for you, man." Ryuji exhaled deeply in a mix of concern and relief; he's quick to kneel next to the shackles around Akira's leg and began attempting to pry it off. But, unfortunately, the restraints don't give way, and Ryuji tried even harder, putting all his strength into it.

"Do you want the short answer or the long answer? I can give you both, but I'd definitely recommend the short answer for the sake of time and simplicity. The long answer might be a couple of pages long, perhaps even longer than that. I might be able to write a novel out of it, and maybe I'll commission some art for some of the scenes. But I suppose I could come up with a medium answer, I could try to condense it into a PowerPoint, but it'd be hard without a computer. So, please don't grade me on it; I'd rather opt for a pass/fail." Akira answered him with the same nonsensical tone Alice used earlier as he goes off on a tangent. But not even he can mask the exhaustion in his voice.

Akira isn't actually acknowledging his physical state, however, choosing to joke it off. Akechi realized it's because Akira doesn't like to acknowledge when he is in pain. Every time Akira had used his third eye too much, he'd always try to joke off what he was experiencing. Akira tried to make light of it, make it less of a deal than it was, and now Akechi realized that extended to not only his physical form but his mental state as well. Akira doesn't take things seriously, or he wants people not to take his problems seriously.

Alice's words come back to mind. 'If I'm happy, then I won't be sad. If I laugh, then I won't have to cry.' But now, he's starting to understand her whimsical logic and the severity of the context. And if that isn't a self-sabotaging mindset, if he sees one, likely stemming from the people-pleasing mindset his parents ingrained in him. Be considerate and put other people first. Akira's problems weren't validated; therefore, now, he can't validate them himself.

In short, it's easier for him to downplay and evade rather than facing things head-on.

"Yeah, pretty sure we got the long answer already…." Ann frowned glumly as she bit her lip, as she knelt down at the other restraint. "Are you really sure you're ok though?"

"Uh…yeah. Why? And Why are you all looking like you saw a ghost?" Akira laughed nervously, "I know I said I'd let you in next time I was planning on 'killing' myself. But, believe me, I was not actually planning on ending up in this…position. I was not expecting to land in Alice in Wonderland."

What are the Phantom Thieves supposed to say to Akira after he'd been unraveled like a tightly wound ball of yarn that they never thought they'd see the center of? What do they say to someone whose heart had been peeled back layer by layer? What do they say to someone whose words had earnestly conveyed that he had found a home in the Phantom Thieves, and they might have actually f*cked that up possibly? And it's unclear if Akira even knows what they saw, adding another layer to this whole thing. Was this an invasion of privacy if some part of Akira laid this all in front of them? And if it wasn't, how do they even approach this?

The Phantom Thieves want to believe Akira's answer, but it seems off. Everything about this seems off. The tension is too thick from all the things unsaid but known.

Still, right now, getting Akira out of the locks is the first priority. The second is getting him out of here, and then they can finally confront him on everything he's been holding onto. One of those things is going to be entirely harder than the other two.

"These things ain't coming off!" Ryuji grunted, tugging even harder but, it's bolted to the ground. Cobblestone? Ryuji cursed, and without thinking, raised his mace into the air.

"Wait, wait!" Akira exclaimed with a gasp, instantly stopping Ryuji before he can bring his mace down, "Please don't! If you miss, You might actually break my leg, and uh, I don't particularly want to deal with that. That actually seems like it might be harrowing. Not that I don't trust you…but, I don't see it ending well for my leg."

"sh*t! Sorry Dude!" Ryuji instantly apologized, a flash of guilt on his face as he remembered the interrogation room scene. The way the interrogator had ruthlessly smashed his foot into Akira's leg, ready to break it like a toothpick, "f*ck, but then how do we get the chains off?"

"They are cognitive chains." Morgana filled in quietly.

Oh. Cognitive chains. They all realized, meaning they are something that can only be broken by one's cognition. Right, of course, meaning this rescue mission just got 100x harder.

"Ok, then we need to find out whose cognition we need to change." Akira shrugged.

"Akira…" Yusuke murmured, hesitance in his tone, while it seems Akira doesn't realize exactly where they are. Yusuke remembered they found Akira's phone smashed in the cognition of Kamoshida's jail cell. Meaning Akira would have had to have been there. Akira isn't stupid; he must have put the pieces together, right? Not only that, but he'd mentioned Alice in Wonderland earlier, But Yusuke isn't sure; Akira's behavior is not something he can crack, so he asked an honest question, "What happened for you to end up chained up here?"

"Uh, actually funny story, but I don't exactly remember." Akira sheepishly admitted, "Uh, the explosion went off, and I woke up here, chained to the ground."

And none of them believe him because there is one big thing he is leaving out that is plain as day. Does he think that avoiding it will make them less likely to notice it? Misdirection?

"You mentioned being in Alice in Wonderland…." Haru frowned, looking away with sullen eyes, "If you didn't remember, you wouldn't know where we are…."

"And Akira…you don't have your mask…or your persona, or your outfit…." Makoto murmured nervously, not going any further as none of them know how to approach such a huge issue.

"I—" Akira muttered, but it's less confident this time as he looked to the ground, gritting his teeth. Guilt and shame written across his face as he must have realized he'd been caught in a lie big time, "I really can't explain that actually…."

"Akira, why do you feel like we are dead?" Yusuke wondered sullenly, "I know we hurt you in a very deep way. Is that why you feel as if we are dead to you?"

"Haha, dead? That's silly; you are all standing right in front of me. You aren't dead, and neither am I." Akira shook his head in denial, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes, "And I totally forgive you for the whole Black Mask thing, dust in the wind, let's forget about it. It's totally irrelevant now."

"Dude…" Ryuji breathed, giving him an empathetic look, but he can't say anything before Akira cut him off.

"I really don't know what's going on, so, uh, let's just get out of here, yeah? I ended up here after the explosion, and I'll leave it at that. We should just focus on leaving right now. Leader's orders assuming you haven't reelected Akechi." Akira said, trying to remain assertive, but his voice just comes across as defensive and panicked. "Which would be unfair since I wasn't even there to present my campaign speech."

"Really? Is that true? You really don't know what's going on?" Akechi asked seriously, being the one to take the initiative. Maybe Akira can't explain everything, but Akechi knows Akira is aware of his situation to an extent and isn't being outright with the information. The common theme of this place. Akira won't say what he needs to say. He won't say what he means. Akechi gets it is hard to open up to people, but this has gone on for too long. They can't help Akira if he doesn't acknowledge something is wrong. And something is clearly wrong. He sighed, "Akira…why are you really here?"

Akira doesn't answer, his lips pursed as it seems he was trying to come up with an answer. Was it that difficult of a question? Maybe, his silence is answer enough… the answer that Akechi knew he did not want to admit to the Phantom Thieves but would have to face sooner or later.

And it appeared that time would be sooner than expected.

"Why don't you tell them the truth for once? It's not like it'll make a difference in the end. If you don't tell them, then I will. The truth is I came here to die. To throw away my life. Forfeit." Akira's Shadow stepped into their light bubble. Goldeyes piercing through the darkness with a menacing smile spread across his face that was off compared to Akira's usual sly smile. The sight of Shadow Akira immediately puts everyone on guard, seeing as their last encounter with him didn't go well. Akechi isn't sure which is more ominous, the reappearance of Shadow Akira or the answer he gave in Akira's stead. He certainly does not like either, but Shadow Akira continues with a dry tone, "This is never going to end the way I wanted it too, so I tried to end it myself."

"Excuse me?" Yusuke sputtered, an answer they would have never expected to come out of their friends' lips. He warily clenched at his weapon, as did the rest of the thieves because if this place had taught them anything, it's that they do not know Shadow Akira's intentions. Especially what he'll do with his counterpart. Right now, Yusuke needs to focus on protecting Akira. Still, what does that mean? Akira came here to die? Akira ended up in this place because he sacrificed himself to get them on that boat, didn't he? So what Shadow Akira was saying didn't make sense. It wasn't as if Akira chose to end up here, right?

"I hardly think I'm as stupid as you're suggesting." Akira chuckled dryly, his eyebrow hitching up in disbelief at the accusation. Despite his weakened state and loss of rebellion, he slipped back into his co*cky and confident attitude with his familiar carefree smile on his face, "I was dropped here, fell down the rabbit hole as one would say. And if you don't mind, my friends and I will take our leave from Wonderland. Thanks for the wonderful hospitality, though. Though it really could have used the unhappy birthday song, it really would have pushed the theme. Maybe an actual tea party too. I could go for a cup of earl grey right now, with maybe five sugar cubes. Wait, actually, make it six. I don't like the sugar, but I could use the energy boost."

Akechi wanted to believe Akira's mocking answer, but this entire place has changed his perspective drastically. He remembered Morgana saying earlier that a shadow is the true self that is suppressed, a side of one's personality that they don't want to see. The realization chilled Akechi to the bone, the information has been lingering in his mind, but now he only realized the implications of it. This is truly what Akira didn't want them to see and what Akira denied about himself; that's who Shadow Akira was at his core. Akechi felt a pit grow in his stomach as he clenched his saber harder. He vaguely understood that before, but it's starting to dawn on him that everything Shadow Akira says is true to an extent.

And not only that, Akira's reaction upon seeing his Shadow isn't surprise meaning, he was indeed lying about not understanding what was going on. Akira didn't want to admit to the Phantom Thieves that he knew this place had to do with him. So, Akira tried to keep them in the dark if he could. But, this doesn't prove if Akira knows what they saw or not.

"Oh, so you are doing that again, huh? It's pretty easy to act careless and shameless when nothing actually matters, isn't it?" Shadow Akira scoffed, rolling his eyes visibly and his smile turning into a disgusting sneer. His gold eyes narrowed at his counterpart, "If I'm cheerful, then I won't be sad, If I laugh, then I won't cry, if I ramble on, then people won't take me seriously, but what does it even matter in the end when I think everything is absolutely meaningless anyways. There isn't a point in anything I do, so what's the point of even deflecting it now? I don't give a sh*t! Because nothing I do is going to change a thing! Reform society? What a f*cking joke!"

Ryuji wanted to argue this. Ryuji wanted to yell and scream at this shadow version of Akira that he is wrong about that. Because out of all of them, Akira was always the one to do the most. Akira was the one who held the phantom thieves together even when they weren't getting along. Akira was always on the front lines, and Akira was the one who figured how to get around their obstacles. They were changing society and everyone's views on the world, and the phantom thieves wouldn't have been able to do it without Akira. So why would Shadow Akira keep saying that nothing they did matter? Ryuji wanted to prove him wrong; they've accomplished so much! But before he can say anything, Akira beats him to it with his own answer voicing Ryuji's thoughts.

"I am not quite the nihilist here. If I didn't think anything mattered, why would I start and lead the phantom thieves? Why would I have gone through all this trouble? I think you should check your facts; It seems you've worn your hat too long, Mr. Mad Hatter. It seems even you have gone mad. Fallen to Wonderland's whims? Why should we believe a word a Mad Man says?" Akira laughed back, but even Ann could hear the uncertainty in the laugh. Though he was joking and making fun, a distinct lack of confidence usually exuded from Akira in the teasing. She thinks all of them can hear a tonal shift, and it only adds to the offset atmosphere.

Ann doesn't understand why. She doesn't understand what is happening here, and she's had the entire time in this meta space to dissect Shadow Akira. But this is still unlike how Futaba's Shadow was in every sense, and they had never seen anyone else actually come face to face with their Shadow. The distorted view of themselves, their darker side, is driven by desire. Yet, Akira's Shadow isn't adding up. The things he says and do, they don't seem to be driven by desire at all. It's all malice and cruel words that Ann doesn't imagine Akira every saying. And Akira's responses even bothered her more. Akira is just laughing this off; he isn't taking it seriously. Ann doesn't know what the right answer is with how volatile Shadow Akira can be.

"Akira is the driving force behind this operation!" Ann argued, shaking her head. Akira needs to know that. They couldn't have gotten that far without him. If there wasn't a point, then why would he have done it? If this Shadow isn't driven by desire, then what is it driven by? What are they supposed to be doing in this situation?

"Ann. Do you want to know the truth? I honestly don't give a sh*t about what the phantom thieves are doing! I could absolutely not care less! That was all on you guys; you all cared about it far more than I ever did. You were the ones who decided the targets. You were the ones who decided our next moves. I was just there for the ride and to be some sort of figurehead to you all when you needed validation or something, but I never actually cared." Shadow Akira howled, his voice bouncing off the walls of the cell with a distinctive force. The words echoed all around them, ringing in their ears loud and clear. "I don't give a sh*t. I keep joking and teasing, but, in the end, nothing the Phantom Thieves did will matter anyway! Society has already dictated what it wants and who am I to change that?! What right do I have?! This game was rigged from the start!"

"What game?!" Makoto asked her voice tense. Makoto has picked up multiple times that blue butterfly calling something an unjust game. But what is this supposed to be about? She cannot seem to decipher the meaning of Shadow Akira's words, his accusations. This time Akira could change it? Society has decided… A rigged game? Makoto does not have remotely enough context to decipher those words. She isn't the only one, as everyone's faces are filled with confusion and disbelief at the accusations. Ryuji looked stumped, Ann was baffled, and even Morgana had a look of contemplation on his face. She turned to the source, "Akira, please, what is he talking about? What game? Why do you feel the Phantom Thieves don't matter? If we can get to the bottom of the—"

"I do care; He is just spouting nonsense. Truly in this place, everyone is mad. Didn't you know we are in Wonderland? Don't listen to a word he says. It's garbage. That is not me, don't fall for its lies." Akira answered, refusing to look at any of them, opting to glare at his Shadow, his eyes a piercing grey. His face is neutral and blank, a stark difference from only a few minutes ago. Any emotion prior, any mirth, or coyness is wholly gone.

"Oh really? I'm spouting nonsense?! We are the same person!" Shadow Akira roared, his smile growing inhumanely wider and his gold eyes shrinking, giving him a haunting look as he bellowed, "But that's just like us, isn't it? Invalidating everything and anything literally! Making nonsense out of sense and looking the other way. You can deny it all you want! But I am you! And, I know It doesn't matter what I do, nothing is going to change! It doesn't matter how hard I study, how many times I clean Leblanc, how many infiltration tools I make, how many of those stupid clinical trial tests I take, or how charming I am. It doesn't matter how many confidants I have and max out. It doesn't matter how many Persona I have in that goddamn compendium. It doesn't matter how skilled I am! Or how much stamina and health I have! Don't you get it!? I filled out my planner, I did everything I possibly could each day. I trained so hard, I maxed out my Persona's stats! I filled out the stupid compendium to its fullest. Alice is a purebred killer, Kaguya can heal me to the brim, and Yosh*tsune is invincible! Do you think that matters to society? Who doesn't give a f*ck?! I did all of this, but really It was a big f*cking waste of time! What was the point of all of it?!"

The tension in the room is escalating at an alarming rate. As if they were in a palace and the security level is skyrocketing, but none of them can stop the cascade of words.

"You are really wasting your breath here— "

"I'll never be good enough! I'll never be perfect; I'll never be strong enough! I can never win this f*cking game! But, no one cares, so why should I?! What am I supposed to do when my 'All' isn't ever going to be enough? My 'Best' always falls short."

"That's not—!"

"And besides, No one has ever cared! And I don't blame them! After all, what is there to care about?! My parents thought that everyone in my hometown thought that, and eventually all my' friends' too! They even suspected me, hah! After all, I did for them?! I BECAME INVINCIBLE FOR THEM, AND THEY WROTE ME OFF AS A MURDERER FOR IT. AND I DON'T EVEN BLAME THEM FOR THAT. But it only served to prove the fact that nothing I do will ever be enough!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! I do NOT THINK THAT WAY." Akira screamed, his voice loud, raw, and angry as his composure absolutely broke, and it startled everyone around him. His voice is so incandescent of rage that Haru jumped a few steps back at it, as it almost reminded her of Sugimura. Haru has never seen Akira this upset; he is seething. She has never seen him this angry, but it's not even the anger that surprises her; she can pick up on the hurt lying beneath. The despair that may have caused all of this in the first place. Yet, seeing Akira's absolutely loose face was frightening. More so because that means Shadow Akira's words must have hit a vein of truth. And she does not like where this is going.

"Akira—Akira, It's ok, you—we care, we really do! Unfortunately, we messed up—"Haru breathed placatingly as she tries to find the words that might soothe him. Anything to put him at ease. But before she can, the Shadow interrupts her.

"So, I came here to die!" Shadow Akira full-body laughed, his head arching back like some twisted mannequin and his arms outstretched at the cavernous jail cell that they are in, "Do you want to know where the distortion is if it can be considered one? The keywords? It's my entire f*cking life! I came here to die because I consider my whole f*cking life to be a prison, one that I will never be able to escape because I've been given a life sentence! THIS ISN'T WONDERLAND; IT NEVER WAS. There is no happy ending for me! The only way I'm ever leaving is in a f*cking body bag!"

"No, That can't—!" Futaba cried with her eyes wide, her voice hitching at his name because she doesn't want to believe it. She doesn't want to believe Akira thought of his entire life as his prison. Akira had been the one to free her from her own prison. He held her hand every step of the way. He led her from the dark to the light. She doesn't understand; if he did that for her, how could he believe his own life was a prison at the same time? And to believe he came here to die? Was the sacrifice on Shido's ship? Was that not a sacrifice but an attempt?!

"Shut up and Stop lying!! I don't think that way at all!" Akira shouted back in denial, his shoulders shaking and his teeth are clenched. Tension bleeds throughout his form as he shook his head forcefully again, "It's not like that at all! It's not a prison; it's redemption! I was happy when I got that probation year, and I was happy I came to Shibuya! I am happy I got to do it, that I got to meet everyone! I was so happy! You know that, so stop saying all this sh*t that isn't true!"

"You know very well that I'm not talking about the probation!! Is it really redemption to have to relive everything?! When I know the ending is the same?! My happiness was as hollow as a fever dream that was destined to break. I had to watch everyone die in front of me! I had to watch them fizzle out of existence once by one, slowly but surely, until I was the only one left! But I knew I was next! I laid there and felt myself die! Chained to f*cking hell indeed, and they wouldn't even let me stay dead!" Shadow Akira screamed in a mix of laughter and rage.

And then Akechi realized this must be a reference to what Akira might have seen. Yet the words he says, the context doesn't add up. Shadow Akira is talking as if he lived through it.

"What?" Ryuji gasped, his eyes wide, the same reaction spreading to the other phantom thieves as well because it was not something they were expecting Shadow Akira to say. Because none of them have any context for what Shadow Akira is describing. They are all in the dark, much like the space around them.

But, it does have an extreme effect on Akira himself.

"They are standing right here! They aren't dead!! I'm not dead! You're wrong!" Akira pleaded, begged even as he fell to his knees in utter anguish. He shook his head back and forth vehemently in denial as if it would stop the Shadow. He tugged at his hair harshly, strands coming out one by one, hairs falling to the ground. It's a familiar gesture but far more vigorous than the rest of the times they've seen him do it.

"Oh, are you still doing that too? Tugging at your hair, ripping it out strand by strand? Making sure you haven't faded from existence again?!" Shadow Akira mocked, tugging at his own hair in ridicule of Akira, "Making sure you are still solid?! Is this really living?! Are you even real?! You don't even know anymore, do you!? Can this existence even be called living anymore?!"

Akechi isn't liking where this is leading. There is the elephant in the room, something they have been missing the entire time. The secret that even this palace has failed to show them. Something only Akira knows, yet it seemed to be the key to everything about this place and Akira's afflictions. But maybe if they listen a bit further, then they can finally get that final puzzle piece.

"We ain't dead!" Ryuji argued for Akira's sake, but honestly, he has no idea what the f*ck is going on. He wanted to believe that this is an illusion or another cognition, that Akira isn't mad or insane. But, doubts are creeping through his mind. Things are NOT what they seemed.

"How long are you going to pretend these are our friends?" Shadow Akira sneered in a contorted fashion, "We both know our original friends are dead! I am living with their ghosts, knowing full well I will be the one to lead them to their death again! I buried them six feet in the ground! And it's going to happen all over again, and who is to say it won't repeat again?! And again?! I can't even tell them because they'll think I'm crazy! Hell, even I think I'm insane most of the time! Mad Hatter indeed!"

"Shut the f*ck up! You're wrong!" Akira denied, shaking his head back and forth as he grasped his own forearms, in some attempt to hold himself together, to keep his composure which is already gone.

"Akira…" Yusuke doesn't know what to say. Yusuke doesn't know what to do. All he can do is stand here, but he has never felt this useless. Akira believed they were dead. Akira thought they weren't his original friends, and Akira thought his life was a prison that he would die in. Why did none of them catch this before? They had truly fallen for Akira's deflections in the worst way.

Had Akira been suffering from this for this long? Did they really not see this happen?

"So I don't give a sh*t. I am useless. Because you know what? Even in the slightest, minuscule chance, we succeed this year, even if we managed to beat society's unchangeable views if we live out the year. I will have to go home at the end of my probation to a family who doesn't give a sh*t about me, a town that couldn't care if I was alive or dead, to a mother who doesn't see her own child begging to be loved. Anyway I choose, it's a lose-lose situation. It's a rigged game. I am alone. It doesn't matter what I do; I will fail them. Or I'll leave them regardless. Society doesn't want us. And I just doomed them all over again, all because I didn't want to be alone. I chose to be selfish. But in the end, all I am is alone. They will all die, and I'll be lost in an eternity of living with that. I've always been alone, and I always will be!" Shadow Akira smirked, his eyes crinkling in a disturbing expression as he slams his chains onto the ground in emphasis. "Ha! Emancipation? What a f*cking laugh!! Now that is the real comedy! This is all just one big f*cking cosmic laugh, and I'm THE GODDAMN PUNCHLINE!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Stop lying to everyone!" Akira begged, tugging at his hair so hard that Akechi is afraid he might actually rip all of it out.

"Are you really still denying me?! You are me, and I am you. I know exactly what you think and feel. I know the truths you won't tell, the truths you hold onto with an iron grip. I am the depths of your soul. I am the one problem you cannot run from. I am the one problem you cannot fix. I am of the deep void in your heart. I am the Shadow, the true self, and I know exactly what you are convicted of, Akira Kurusu!" Shadow Akira cruelly chuckled; his gold eyes held a glint in them as he pointed at Akira with an accusatory gesture, much like the Cognition Joker on the stand from earlier. "Will you still deny me?!"

Morgana has had a hard time following along. There are too many things to focus on. Shadow Akira's words are like bullets, and Akira's increasingly unstable reactions are too telling of how accurate those thoughts are. Morgana was with Akira 24/7, and he missed all of this? But he needed to focus; there is something about this Shadow that feels wrong. Like a bomb that is about to explode. A shadow is the self that people don't want others to see. But, they are still a part of the person regardless… but if Akira rejects him…

"After all, why do I care what they think? What did they ever do for me? They've just continued to sh*t on me continuously, even all that I've endured for them, taunting me with the faces of my friends. They are the reason I am here; they are the reason I want to die! And you know it!"

"Akira don't—!!" Morgana warned, finally remembering, but it was too late.

"THAT IS NOT TRUE, THAT IS NOT HOW I THINK, AND YOU ARE NOT ME. YOU'LL NEVER BE ME!" Akira screamed in defiance of his Shadow, and suddenly the entire cell lit up in blue flames. Like a match hitting a haystack doused in kerosene.

"Alright, fine then, I suppose I'll just be me then!! But you have to go! I'll be so much better than you, well, for the few moments I get before this all starts over again. But hey, who knows? That might change too!" Shadow Akira laughed, his golden eyes glinting before laughing hysterically, blue flames surrounding him and blood leaking from his face as he addressed the Phantom Thieves with a deranged laugh ,


The voice around them is ablaze with the flames, casting terrifying shadows onto Shadow Akira's face that is drenched in blood, just like before. Goldeyes glowing among the blue flames. An eerie contrast.

Akira pitched backward with a groan, his eyes fluttering shut and all his strength leaving his form.

"Akira?!" Ryuji cried, quickly catch him before he slammed his head onto the hard ground. He pulled Akira against his frame and sputtered in worry that Shadow Akira might have made good on his promise, "sh*t, Akira, are you okay?!"

Akechi is immediately at their side, his hand on Akira's wrist in a second. His pulse is beating unnaturally fast, there is sweat dripping down his face, and his complexion is sickly even for Akira's naturally light skin. Akira is entirely out cold with no sign of waking up. He's still alive, but barely, "sh*t."

"Akira—Akira!" Ryuji shakes Akira gently but firmly; there is no response, "it's no use, he's out!"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (67)

Shadow Akira doesn't give a sh*t about his other part's plight. He let out a distorted laughed and swiped the blood from his face, as if he were pulling off his mask, and slams his bloodied hand onto the ground, unleashing a devastating curse attack. The Phantom Thieves scatter like bugs to avoid it. Futaba was quick to react, summoning her Persona to bring her above the fight zone. The other Phantom Thieves jump into action, weapons ready at their sides.

"I'll crush you all like I crushed all those measly shadows in the Palaces. You guys are no match for me, and you know it! So just let me have my way!" Shadow Akira laughed, sending another curse spell through the flames at them, but Haru and Yusuke dart to one side while Ann, Morgana, and Makoto dart to the other.

"Morgana! What the f*ck is going on?!" Ryuji called out to the front lines, Akechi thinks Ryuji is right. Out of all of them, Morgana has to know what just happened. After Akira, he has the most knowledge of the Metaverse.

"Akira denied his Shadow!" Morgana called back as he blocked another attack, blue flames swarming around him, effectively cutting him off from Akechi and Ryuji, but Morgana called through the fire. "If you deny your Shadow, you deny yourself! This was similar to the contracts we formed with our true selves; however, denying them had a different outcome! Akira just gave all his negative thoughts and emotions a vessel to act in! Shadow Akira is going to try to kill Akira, and we need to stop him!"

"Okay, so what do we do about it!? How do we do that!?" Akechi growled because that doesn't do them any help. How are they supposed to stop Shadow Akira? Akechi knows if you kill a shadow in the Metaverse, the real person dies. Meaning their options are pretty slim.

"You have to accept your Shadow! Akira needs to accept this part of himself, or we are in trouble! Shadow Akira will keep coming back if Akira doesn't accept him!" Morgana cried back, blocking another one of Shadow Akira's attacks.

"Okay, but a very big problem, Akira is not conscious!" Ryuji argued back, shaking Akira a bit, hoping it would rouse him, but of course, it did not. Akira is as dead as a doorknob to them all, and honestly, Akechi can't blame him. Akechi can only imagine how malnourished he is; they really need to get him out of the Metaverse.

"Then make him conscious!"

"Stupid cat, because it's easy!" Akechi grumbled back, "The cat with literally all the healing spells while we have none!"

"Yeah, I get it! I'm trying over here!" Morgana muttered. He turned to try to get back to Ryuji, Akechi, and Akira, but a ring of fire instantly stopped him, cutting him off from his path.

"And ruin all our fun?! Nah." Shadow Akira cackled, sending a fire attack next towards Morgana. Forcing the cat to go in the opposite direction. "I won't let you do that!"

"Why didn't he change?! Don't Shadows change when confronted?" Ann exclaimed as she made a quick drive to the left to avoid one of Shadow Akira's attacks before she continued her thought, "Kamoshida turned into a literal three-story demon!"

"Shadows and Palace rulers change appearance depending on how they see themselves! It's a reflection of their heart and their distorted desires! They emulate how ugly they know their actions are, and when challenged, they bring out their ugliest desires to fight. So Kamoshida saw himself as a demon beneath his desire, Madarame saw himself as distorted Shogun, Kaneshiro saw himself as a dirty fly. Their appearances change as a means to deflect responsibilities for their actions. Like, I'm a demon, it's in my nature or 'I'm just a dirty fly, its what I do." Morgana yelled back.

"He looks exactly the same, though! So I don't think that theory holds!" Makoto argued, blocking against an attack.

"No. What he means is," Yusuke grimaced, blocking a fire attack from Shadow Akira with his sword, "he means that Akira thinks he himself is the Monster."

"What?" Futaba's shaky voice carries over the field.

"sh*t, no." Ryuji cursed a horrified look on his face.

"Akira thinks, whatever he did that had to do with our 'supposed' deaths, he is the worst iteration of his' desire.' He is the monster; he thinks there is nothing worse than him."

"That is not okay! We need to stop this!" Futaba cried out earnestly over the battlefield. They all agree with a sentiment, but she added, "We have a problem though…."

"What do you mean this isn't a problem enough?!" Ann scoffed back, "This is a big enough problem as it is!"

"The problem is he is using blood to fuel his attacks instead of a mask! Meaning, even if we keep dodging, he'll end up siphoning all his health himself, trying to kill us! We have to stop this before it happens and before he kills us!" Futaba explained, her Persona hovering hesitantly as if trying to figure out how else she could be helpful; she sends out a co*cktail of buffs in hopes that it will do something. "But we can't kill him because that will kill Akira!"

A complicated and delicate problem indeed. And not only because of the time limit but the fact Shadow Akira is entirely willing to literally burn his life out to kill his counterpart.

"f*ck." Ryuji cursed before looking back to Akechi in desperation, "I'm going to see if I can help get one of the healers over here! See if you can wake him up in the meantime!"

"What do you want me to do?! I have no healing spells! I am literally an offense user just like you!" Akechi barked back but quickly takes Akira's form from Ryuji.

"I don't know, man! You have multiple personas like Akira… And If anyone can get through to him, I think it's you!" Ryuji said sincerely, his eyes more severe than Ryuji has ever been. Akechi can only nod in surprise before Ryuji jumped into the fray with guns blazing.

Akechi turned his attention back to Akira, still in his arms. He wracked his brain as he tried to come up with alternatives. Akechi might have multiple personas, but Ryuji failed to remember it was only two, and neither Loki nor Robin Hood knew any healing spells. So what was he supposed to do?

If only Kaguya was here. Kaguya was supposed to be the healer, and then Akira wouldn't have ended up like this. But, Akechi doesn't even know Kaguya's fate after her battle with Yosh*tsune. Akechi's mind is racing. The battle is still raging around him, blue flames running over the floor. Akechi needs to develop a plan fast; it doesn't look like any of the healers will be able to get over here. And moving Akira right now is impossible with the restraints chaining him to the ground.

Is it too late to fuse Persona? Akechi knows it's a foolish notion. He saw what the Velvet Room was. But…on the other hand, his Velvet Room was not like that. And neither was Margaret like what he assumed to be her sisters. Margaret had been polite and professional. He isn't sure if he could trust her, but Akechi can't help but wonder if he had entered a contract with her if they'd be in this position.

What if he had just asked Akira about the Velvet Room? Could this all be avoided?

Akechi shook his head, no more what-ifs. Thinking about what-ifs is only going to distract him from the task at hand.

He needs to wake Akira up and get him to accept his Shadow. Two arduous feats that Akechi has no idea how he's going to pull off.

He tried shaking Akira. But it doesn't do much, even when he shakes him a little more firmly. Then what about items? Akechi started patting down Akira's pockets; he knows it's a probably futile endeavor as Akira doesn't have Joker's coat or wherever he stores items. And Akechi doesn't have any articles on him currently. His entire stash had been accidentally left at his apartment. He can only hope Akira has SOMETHING on him.

Akechi isn't expecting to find his glove in Akira's pocket, nor was he expecting to realize that Ryuji was NOT wrong about whose glove it is. It's definitely, for sure, without a doubt, his glove. The leather is expensive, more expensive than a knockoff would have been able to accomplish. His A is embroidered into the inner rim in a shimmering gold thread. It's slightly worn since it's he's been wearing it constantly for a few years.

Akechi knows time is ticking down, and Ryuji is struggling to get a healer over here; there are many other priorities right now. But he doesn't know how he's supposed to focus on them when all he can do is stare at the glove in his hand. HIS glove is in his hand when he knows for sure he has a complete set in his own pocket.

How is he supposed to process this?

"I'm going to be entirely honest with you… I hate you."

Akechi knows what he said, but he also knows how he feels the farthest from it. Instead, he hated how Akira handled his circ*mstances. He hated how Akira got to act however he wanted to and how childish he did choose to act. He hated how well put together Akira seemed to be when that was so incredibly far from the truth in reality.

Akira was right; they aren't so different. Akira was very good at acting, making people believe what he wanted them to. Akira knows precisely how it feels to be an undesirable child. Akira has been screwed over by far too many adults in his life, and his trust in society is just as low as Akechi's was.

Akira probably understands him on a level no one else has ever.

"I'll let you have this win today. But next time? I'll be the one victorious. Let this be my proof."

He frowned, gripping the glove in his hand as he looked down to Akira, who is still limp in his arms. The boy he knows he's fallen for since seeing him in the ethereal lighting of the aquarium. Is this really the glove from the memory from earlier? How is that supposed to be possible? Furthermore, Akechi never threw his glove at Akira in the form of a challenge. So how does Akira have an exact match to his own?

A promise…this was a promise Akira thought he made with him.

"Let's make a deal, okay? You won't say no, will you?"

"You asshole, you know I could never say no!"

"Change Shido's heart…in my stead…end his crimes. Please!"

"You know I will…but you need to keep your promise too! I'll hold onto your glove, so goddamn Akechi, you better keep your promise too!"

"After all this… that's what you have to say? You really are…."

A deal before Akechi was shot on the other side of the engine room door. But that didn't happen. Instead, Akira had shoved over the divider line…wait, which had probably been deliberate. It was rough…desperate even. Akira did that to save him. Then Akira had taken out Shido's cognition of him without a thought…he spared no firepower. Is that because of what he saw happen?

Then Akechi remembered, after that, wait, didn't he see something after that moment?

Then the world shifts around him in a dizzying whirl, a similar feeling that he has experienced before. Like he's too deep underwater, and the pressure around him weighs him down. His head feels like it's going to pop. Instead of the side deck, he is in the engine room again. Or he thinks he is. What the f*ck is going on with him? Red lights are flashing all around, and shadows surrounding him. There is a distinct pain in his side, a rip in his black mask outfit instead of the robin hood outfit he is donning right now. He's leaning against something.

Cognitive Akechi is staring at him with hungry eyes. A gun raised to his head. A menacing smile as he whispers about how Akechi was only a puppet to Shido. Akechi was nothing. Akechi was a pawn that Cognitive Akechi was there to dispose of. Things Akechi already knew.

The gun raised to his head, he felt the cold barrel against his forehead.

Akechi feels his pulse spike in his veins because he knows exactly what is coming next.


Wait, hold on. Did Akechi see that future too? But it had already happened! So what the f*ck did Akechi see? Does that mean, in the Interrogation room when he thought he had seen Akechi, does that mean that was a possible outcome as well?

But Akechi isn't psychic. He knows that. What the f*ck did he see and why? And none of this explains the damn copy of his gloves. f*ck.

He wanted to get to the bottom of it. Something isn't right, and maybe this isn't a psychic sense of Akechi had seen things too. But that isn't the priority right now. A battle is still going on, and the Phantom Thieves can't precisely bring Shadow Akira down. There is a time limit, and Akechi had wasted enough time trying to sort this out.

Akira is going to die if he doesn't do anything! And by god, he won't let that happen. Not before he gets answers. And Akira clearly has all the answers.

"Akira!" Akechi shook him a little more roughly, hoping to rouse him. But it isn't successful and only succeeds in jangling the chains around Akira's wrists.

If he just had a bead to revive Akira—wait, doesn't he? He remembered something else vividly at that moment.

"Sure, go ahead and stab me if you can." Akira cheekily grinned at him before popping the chest open. And pulling out a spherical object, in a swift moment, he tossed it to Akechi, who caught it instinctively.

"You risked my life for a f*cking bead?" Akechi grumbled, inspecting the bead in his hand. "A f*cking bead."

"If I accidentally dropped you, I could have brought you back with that."

Akechi's hand instantly goes to his pocket with a glimmer of hope, where he didn't usually store things. But on that day, Akira had dragged him into the Metaverse; he'd been so taken off guard by the progression of events that he just slipped it into his pocket without a thought.

Akechi pulled out the bead, glimmering in his palm. A river in a desert.

Now, if that wasn't Irony. Or karma or whatever it was. It was something alright.

"Akira. Akira, you need to wake up." Akechi demanded, crushing the bead over Akira so it would revive him hopefully. Luckily, to his relief, a few moments later, Akira's eyes fluttered open, and he looked somewhat dazed. Akechi frowned because it's not his favorite expression on Akira. He hates the doe eyes that are looking up at him. It reminds him too much of Akira's drugged gaze after the interrogation. He'd much rather prefer Akira's co*cky gaze. He'd much prefer Akira's teasing over this.

"Akechi?" Akira mumbled, shifting on the ground before sitting up with Akechi's help. Akechi kept an arm around his shoulder, afraid Akira might fall with the might he is trembling. "Whats—ngh!"

"It's about time you got up. Just had to take your sweet time, did you?" Akechi sighed, though silently relieved. One goal down, "Didn't take you for someone who lied down on the job."

"My head…" Akira groaned, curling into himself and holding his temples in his hands as his face contorts to an anguished grimace.

"I'd imagine it rather hurt to unleash your shadow in such a way." Akechi enunciated, an aggravated look on his face. The battle is still going on to their side. Blue flames are nearly lapping at their feet, and Akechi doesn't know how much time they have.

"What?" Akira froze, trying to decipher those words. Akechi motioned to the battle going on next to them between Shadow Akira and the Phantom Thieves. The Thieves are dodging mostly, only making sparse attacks because they don't want to take any chances. Shadow Akira, while waning, is still going with a deranged look and bloody hands as he unleashes attacks left and right with reckless strength.

"Akira, you need to stop this." Akechi sighed, shaking his head.

"I-I don't know-how! What am I supposed to do about that? I don't have my Persona; I'm basically useless!" Akira stuttered, his eyes growing in panic. "You have eyes Akechi, does it look like I can wipe him out? I have nothing! I don't even have my stupid pants!"

"Quit the bullsh*t!" Akechi snapped, "You know exactly what I'm talking about. That thing is a part of you, and if you don't accept it, it may kill us all. So quit deflecting, and deal with it! We are running out of time!"

"N-No, I—It's not me! I don't think like that—" Akira shook his head in denial, bringing his knees up to his chest and grasped at his hair trying to curb the anxiety, "Everything it said was wrong; I don't feel like that! I don't! That thing isn't me."

"Akira…" Akechi sighed because he needed a different approach. Usually, Akira was receptive to his no-bullsh*t attitude or what Akechi thought, but this required a little more precision. This was a little more serious, and Akira is in a far different state of mind. But he also, this isn't his forte. A pep talk like this would be much more efficient by Ann or Ryuji, but unfortunately, Ryuji had decided to leave this to him. So Akechi is going to have to do his damn best. "Listen. Whatever you are afraid of admitting to or accepting, I guarantee you I have probably done far, much worse. Your friends have still somewhat excepted me regrettably, so I think it's fair to say they will accept you…Look, they accused you wrongly, but I can tell they are trying to make up for it—"

"They aren't my friends!" Akira wheezed out like a sob caught in his throat as he buried his head into his knees. An admittance that hurts a little even to Akechi because if that was how Akira thought of them, then what did Akira think of him really? Maybe that was the most uncertain part about this whole place. The narratives, the memories, and Shadow Akira's dialogue. Akechi doesn't know how Akira actually feels about them. It keeps changing.

"When are you going to stop this tantrum? Haven't you had enough? Aren't you tired of denying it all? Making it into nonsense when you know that is far from the truth. You keep invalidating your own experiences." Alice appeared next to them, her face bored and careless of the dire situation. She looks as carefree as ever. f*ck, are they going to have to deal with another Shadow?

Why was Alice here? And all of sudden, now she's speaking with complete clarity? Akechi feels like he should be on guard. Yet, he's curious as to why now. What is Alice going to say now?

"I-it's not!" Akira sucked in a breath as his voice broke.

"You are acting like a child." Alice scoffed with a pout, "Denying the truth, lying to everyone even though you know the situation is far from fixable. Just accept it. I am a part of you, and you are a part of me; I am a literal child, so I think I can tell when you act like one. This fixes nothing. You've just made things worse. Just accept it."

Akira doesn't respond, clutching his knees tighter to his chest. Akechi tensed; if Akira denied Alice, would Alice turn on them and kill them all? He has seen Alice in action and does not want to deal with two shadows at once.

"' I killed everyone.' 'It's all my fault 'I'm the one to blame' 'I murdered my friends'" Alice scoffed , "So you thought,' if I act like everything is fine, treat everything like a joke, I could get past this. You thought, 'If I can be innocent if I can be carefree, everything would be better. If I just don't acknowledge it, if I don't feel it, if I just instakill everything in our way, if I just wipe everything to the dust before it can touch us, then we will be okay. If I am bigger and powerful, nothing can touch us. If I don't acknowledge it, then it won't hurt.' But you knew that wouldn't matter in the end; it was a tantrum to take out your anger. Your pain. But you haven't fixed the problem. You've only masked the problem. Because that is what you are best at. Masks. Like me. And all I was to you as a distraction from the real problem."

"I just wanted them to be safe this time." Akira softly admitted, and Akechi is putting the pieces together. Alice isn't Akira's original Persona, and maybe therein lies the problem. Alice is a facet of Akira, like his other Persona. Alice seemed to be Akira's childish, his carelessness, his playful nature. But also his power. Akira relied too heavily on a facet of himself rather than his entire self. Alice is the manifestation of this. But the part about Akira having a tantrum? He doesn't get that bit yet. Nor does he understand why Akira believes he killed the Phantom Thieves with such ferocity.

"Why? What did you think I could do to change things?" Alice pushed.

"Y-You knew how to kill. You knew how to wipe out the enemies in an instant. I used you to protect the others. It felt good knowing you could wipe out the threat in an instant. You looked innocent, but you were deadly an advantage. You were….everything I couldn't be…."

"From what, Akira. What are you protecting them from? Hardship? Struggle?" Alice said cruelly, "You robbed of them of the chance to grow with you, so they had to grow alone. They are still your friends, you know that, but you pushed them away. You made them suspect you because you didn't open up to them. So what did it help at all? What did this tantrum solve? In the end, did you not sabotage your own chances? In the end, are you not worse off? So what has been solved?"


"You know I cannot wipe out society. You know very well I alone cannot change the belief of those who choose to look the other way." Alice said, and Akechi wondered if that was a joke. It had to be. But, Alice is incredibly serious with her eyes narrowing, and there is no sign of her childlike innocence.

"I know." Akira nodded his hand.

"Are you going to give up?" Alice asked. "Are you going to give up and let them die again?"

Akira is silent, and Akechi is afraid the battle has been lost. Alice is his Persona, but there is little she can do if someone has given up on themselves.

But Akira looked up, and there is brokenness on his face, "I don't want to… I can't watch that again."


Akira nodded, uncurling himself hesitantly.

"Even if It means revealing everything? Can you face it? Can you lay it all down?"

Akira nodded a little more confident this time. Akechi wonders if Akira is really going to tell them everything.

"Good. Then, Let's leave Wonderland. I'll help you once more." Alice smiled, her grin widening into its usual maniac form. She reached out her hand as if to initiate a handshake. Akira reached up to take it, his chains dissipating into shimmering blue light. Then something very unusual happens. Alice dissipates into blue flames, such as the ones ravaging the area around them right now. The flames reform into a…tarot card?

It looks like the ones Margaret had, down to the design on the back of the card and the supernatural blue tint it had. It hovered above Akira's palm, just like how the cards would hover above Margaret's book.

Akechi is mystified. Did Akira just turn Alice into a card? How?

Wasn't she supposed to be a mask?

Akira pushed himself to his feet, and Akechi follows hesitantly; what is Akira going to do? How is he going to stop his Shadow? Then Akira crushed the card in his palm with a cry of "Alice!!"

Alice twirls back into existence, as she usually did when summoned. Before Akechi can process the fact that Akira had just used a f*cking card to summon his Persona, vastly different from when they summoned using masks, Akira called out his next attack as he took a step forward, pointing at his Shadow, a straight shot, "DIE FOR ME!"

Akechi darts forward because this f*cking idiot had to have a death wish. Akechi had assumed Akira would just accept his Shadow yet, but it seemed that it might not be the case after all. Was he really going to end it here like this? After all, they went through to reach him?! Akechi can't stop him; no one can stop a move once it's been sent.

But this attack is different; instead of the usual squad of suicide teddy bear bombers, a cascade of cards, like the ones from Alice in Wonderland, rain down riding spears that pierce into the ground. So while the other attack was eerie, this version of 'die for me' was more like the storybook.

The flames go wild around them all, and Akechi is afraid that Akira succeeded. But if Akira succeeds, then what does that mean for them? Like a Palace, is this place going to come crumbling down? Though, it doesn't feel like there is a structure to this room exactly.

"AKIRA?!" Makoto screamed, unable to see through the debris and light from the attack.

"NO!!" Ryuji sputtered, trying to reach out through the light.

There is a moment of uncertainty where the outcome of the attack is unclear.

But they do know what happens when a shadow is killed. Akechi knows the best.

Anxiety ripped at his chest as they wait for the dust to settle.

"I murdered my friends! And I can't do it again!" Shadow Akira's voice rang through the void, choking on breaths as sobs whip through his form. "I've already done this once, but please, I can't do it another time. I won't do it another time! Don't make me go through that agony again! I'm begging you!"

Each Phantom Thieves heads snap up to the Shadow, whose presence has drastically changed. Instead of the school uniform, now he's dressed in the Prisoner uniform that they saw from the Velvet Room memory earlier. Chains and all.

"I know. I don't think I can do this either." Real Akira walked out from behind them, approaching his Shadow with little denial this time and a genuine frown. "I do think my life is a prison; you were right. Everything you said…I do feel that way."

"I thought I died. I was so ready to accept death. Because there was nothing to live for. Everyone died, society forgot us, there was no reason!" Shadow Akira cried, "I was alone once; I couldn't do it again. I wanted death! I want to die!"

"So, I followed the same path. When I woke back up on that train to Shibuya, at the beginning of the year." Akira said softly, standing awkwardly over his crying Shadow. "I gathered everyone again; I thought maybe…maybe I could look past it, maybe it would be different."

"I thought if I didn't think about it if I treated it like a video game or a joke. Then I wouldn't have to face the fact that there was no meaning to what we did and why we did it. I wouldn't have to find meaning in their deaths and accept it."

"I didn't want to…I didn't want to accept it. But the game was rigged against me from the start. There wasn't a move I could make that wouldn't fault me in the end. I just didn't want to be alone again. So what was I supposed to do? I didn't know what to do, so I just didn't do anything, or I did stuff, but I knew it wouldn't be enough."

"There was no hope. We are only children, literal high schoolers, and a cat; only nine of us. How are we going to battle against society's will and defeat it? How was that ever supposed to be realistic?!"

"There isn't any hope." Akira nodded a bleak statement.

Is this what accepting yourself is? Akechi wondered. This is unlike when they awakened their Persona from before and called upon their will of rebellion. It's…sobering. And maybe it hurts even more because it's starting to make sense why Akira doesn't have his mask or his joker uniform even after reawakening(?) Alice.

There is no will of rebellion left in him.

"Everyone is going to die again. Then we will wake back up on that train again, with everyone having forgotten us. Alone. Abandoned, knowing we brought them to this. We killed them. And it's going to happen and over again." Shadow Akira sobbed even louder in hysterics.

"Yeah…" Akira muttered, even quieter, looking towards the ground, "Yeah, it feels like that for sure…."

Akechi is sure all of them are itching to ask why. What had led Akira in all of this? To allow himself to get caught in this explosion and why his Shadow and he are so dead set on believing that the Phantom Thieves are dead.

He has a theory, but it's so outlandish that he doesn't dare to believe it until Akira admitted to it.

None of them can interrupt what is going down now.

It's clear Akira needs to face this head-on; he has to accept this part of himself.

" Was that night a mistake? When you stepped in because you wanted to be like that teen from your childhood? Was that decision a mistake?" Shadow Akira implored.

Akira doesn't answer. Just like that night when he was having second thoughts, and Akechi can't blame him.

"Who knows…" Akira answered honestly after a few moments, "Were my intentions altruistic? Not entirely, but if we didn't…if that didn't happen… Then we wouldn't be here, for better or for worse. And we both know what it was like living in that town with nothing…."

"Do you accept me?" The Shadow wonders finally.

Akira is silent once more, and Akechi is afraid that he will deny the Shadow once more, landing them in the same trouble all over again.

"Yeah…Yeah, you are me." Akira nodded quietly, his face exhausted.

There is no fanfare. This isn't like when each one of them made contracts with their Persona in a flurry of blood and blue flames. Instead, it's quiet acceptance in the middle of a dark void. Shadow Akira faded away into shimmering blue light.

And he's gone.

Leaving a multitude of problems in his wake.

Akira turned to his audience; most are looking at him in absolute shock. Still, before any of the phantom thieves can ask their questions because there are a lot of questions or express any concern, Akira beats them to it with a serious confession and no ounce of teasing in his eyes, "I am Akira Kurusu. But I am not from this timeline. I've done this all before. Everything from when I started Kamoshida's castle to when we stole Shido's heart. The reason I had level 99 personas in Kamoshida's palace, the reason I knew the keywords or the route to the treasure before you did, the reason I have far more money than I know what to do with. I knew Akechi was the black mask; the reason I knew all of your paths was because this was not the first time I've lived this year before. I've done all of this before."

Akechi's heart stopped because there is no way. There is no way, but it made sense, didn't it? Akira's mismatched memories, Akira's Persona, Akira's money, Akira's Knowledge. It all made sense. Akira could be considered actually psychic in some way since Akira knew what was going to happen. Akira made gambles that always won because Akira knew they were going to happen.

Akechi can fully accept without a doubt that Akira was not from this timeline. The glove only served to prove that. But, the admittance brings up an entirely different set of questions than before, why has Akira looped back? What caused it? And what happened to them? Why only Akira?

"You've got to be sh*tting me! Time travel?" Ryuji barked in a raspy voice. Akechi doesn't hear irritation in his voice, though; he hears understanding; he hears disbelief because Ryuji believes it too. Grief. It's one hell of a reveal, but Akechi is sure none of them can deny it after all they've seen.

Akechi knows that makes total sense. The biggest goddamn secret of the century.

Before anyone else gets a chance to say anything, the entire cavern bursts into flames, the walls burned up and revealed they were standing in Shibuya crossing, another cognition.

The cognitions of the Phantom Thieves stood on the edge of the sidewalk in Shibuya crossing. However, the real Phantom Thieves stand only a few feet from them, witnessing it in third person.

"Wait, ain't this the one corner of the crossing you hate, Akira?" Ryuji blinked, looking around stunned. The change of scenery was not one that any of them were expecting.

"Another memory?" Yusuke murmured as they inched close to their cognition selves to try and understand what was going on. This had to hold something of importance.

Akira doesn't say anything, instead choosing to look fondly at the group before them. The cognition of the Phantom Thieves.

Akechi notes that he is not among them. It is not surprising. From the immediate deduction, he made based on Akira's mismatched memories, Akechi had not made it; he died in Shido's Palace long before accomplishing his goal. Yet, even in this timeline, he has not achieved his plan either. Yet, he doesn't dwell on it. At least this time, he was alive, most likely thanks to Akira. Shido can still be dealt with later, but this takes priority right now. Therefore, He needs to put his full attention because he needs to know why this is happening to Akira.

And what happened to them.

"We're back!" Cognition Futaba exclaimed in surprise, looking down at her clothes. "I'm in my normal clothes! What? How?"

"Huh? Shibuya?" Cognition Haru blinked around, also seemingly surprised by their whereabouts. "We were just in the Metaverse? Did we do it? Is that why we are here?"

Akechi noted this. It seemed the cognition of the Phantom Thieves had been pushed out of the Metaverse. If they were confused about where they were, it only made sense. But the implications that they didn't LEAVE the Metaverse themself is frightening. What had that sort of power?

"Wait, this hasn't happened yet." Ryuji breathed, stating what is racing through the other phantom thief's minds. This is a memory they haven't seen yet, and it's a memory that doesn't align with anything that happened in their timeline yet. This was what is to come.

"It must have been the Holy Grail!" Cognition Morgana growled, his eyes narrowed and concerned.

"The Holy Grail?" Morgana murmured; he knew a lot about Mementos and the Metaverse. But the Holy Grail? He has never even heard of that before.

"Does this mean we lost?" Cognition Makoto murmured to Cognition Akira, her face pale and worried. An expression that carried over to all of the other cognition's faces as they turn to Cognition Akira, "But…but I thought we finished it…we cut the veins and everything… Didn't we? I was sure we won…."

"I don't understand!" Cognition, Akira growled, his fists clenching and unclenching at his side. He is trouble, his brow furrows, "That should have been it…it should have been done for! It's HP was done for!"

Futaba doesn't understand either. She is brilliant; after all, she is their navigator. She is trying to put the pieces together, but so far, all she has is that they went up against a Palace Ruler and lost. But, the name Holy Grail? The fact they were sent back to reality and completely fine? It's not adding up; it's not adding up at all. She can't make heads or tails of it.

She looked to her Cognition Self. Cognition Futaba seems freaked out. Then she was startled as she looked to the sky with a gasp. Futaba follows her view to find a chilling sight.

The sky has turned blood red. Blood rains from the sky, soaking every inch of the Shibuya crossing in a thick red liquid. It's surreal, and it's terrifying. The red hue has overcome all of Shibuya, and it looks a bit like the world is ending.

"W-what the?" Yusuke looked up, following the Phantom Thieve's action. Of course, he wants to believe this is just another trick of Wonderland. Another ploy, but he knows, he knows this is Akira's memory. Yet, the sky turning such an unnatural vermillion is not something he was expecting. "This can't be!"

"This, this isn't a memory. This isn't happening." Makoto shook her head in denial, trying to rationalize. Because this sort of thing doesn't just happen in reality. This sort of thing only happened in Mementos. This wasn't possible in the Shibuya crossing!

This was supposed to be Reality, not Mementos!

Bones start growing through the concrete pavement. They twist and arch over the skyscrapers. The wind and stretch all over the expanse of Shibuya's structures. Stretching with a grotesque creaking sound. Shibuya is turning into a graveyard.

“Mementos…here in Shibuya?” Cognition Makoto murmured in shock, taken aback by the sight. "But…but that's impossible."

It's a twisted, macabre scene.

It's horrifying. And none of them know how to handle this.

"What?—"Haru finds herself at a loss of words or thought. It felt so real. It felt like they were actually there. The air around them is crackling with some sort of energy she can't place. Unnerving.

"What is going on?" Ann shook her head; she doesn't understand. She knows this is Akira's memory; it's obvious. But she doesn't get the context. She doesn't get why Shibuya and Mementos are blending together like this. Was it an allegory? Or symbolism?

"Why is no one reacting to this?" Akechi asked the question no one has asked yet. The one, the Phantom Thieves, hadn't even asked yet because they are so enraptured with the macabre sight of arcs of bones piercing through the sky.

"What?" Makoto blinked, confused until she looked around. Akechi was right. Besides the Phantom Thieves and Cognition Phantom thieves, no one is acknowledging the abnormalities in their reality. No one is screaming in horror, No one sees this besides them. People are using the crossing as usual. Mundane conversations float around them like it's just another day.

The cognition Phantom Thieves seemed to come to the same conclusion only a moment later.

"Why is no one acknowledging these abnormalities?" Cognition Yusuke asked, looking around in confusion.

There was not a care in the world. Like there weren't vast arches of bones twisting through the sky, growing from the pavement of Shibuya itself.

"They can't see it. They don't want to see it." Akira noted a bitterness in his voice, unable to rip his gaze away from the group of cognition Phantom Thieves before them who are looking around in horror. The blood rain growing higher and higher, "You can't make someone see something they aren't willing to believe me. Trust me."

Akechi wants to argue. He wants to know what Akira means by that. He wants to know what Akira knows because then maybe he could understand what is going on and why they are being shown this. Why can't Akira just explain things clearly? How could they not see it? Mementos can't be in reality; it's the cognition of people's hearts. It can't manifest in reality, right?

But before Akechi can ask anything further to get some clarification, Cognition Futaba staggered to her knees, clutching her head in pain.

"Wait—!" Futaba gasped, watching in horror as she watched herself gasp in pain. Futaba skids next to herself in concern, but her hands go right through her cognition form. She can't do a thing. Luckily, Cognition Ryuji is by her side in an instant, asking her if she was okay. "Hey!"

"I feel woozy…." Cognition Futaba groaned, shaking her head back and forth. Her face paling by the moment

"What is—"Futaba blinked rapidly, trying to figure out what is going on.

"Futaba! Let me help." Cognition Ann reached out her hand in an attempt of support but gasped in pain as well. She falls to her knees next to Cognition Futaba, unable to do anything other than clutch her head.

"What is going on?" Ann gasped in terror; as she watched herself go down, she turned to Akira. But Akira doesn't have an answer for her. Instead, only giving her a bitter smile as he motioned back to the scene.

After Cognition Ann falls, the rest of the Cognition Phantom Thieves succeed in the mysterious ailment. Each being brought to their knees with loud painful gasps.

"Goddamnit!" Cognition Ryuji growled, clenching his fist, his face grimaced in pain, "What is this creepy-ass sh*t about—!"

"Hey, this ain't like me, but…I managed to change because you were there helping me…." Ryuji's voice carried over the scene, but this feels more muffled. As if it were in a dream or something. There is a stark difference between the two tones. Cognition Ryuji is terrified, while the narrative is soft and thankful. A memory on top of memory.

Ryuji is at a loss of what to focus on, but the scene is decided for him.

Cognition Ryuji fell straight on his face when he tried to leverage himself with his other hand off the pavement. Ryuji watched in absolute dread as he saw his own face pale and curse as he brought up his hand.

It was dissolving into black smoke. Already mostly see-through and gone. Just like the black smoke, the shadows disappeared into.

"NO WAY!" Ryuji choked because this couldn't be happening. His hand is disappearing. Just like Child, Akira did back in that graveyard. It's almost see-through.

"Ryuji—huh?!" Cognition Ann sputtered, reaching out for him when she realized her own limbs are failing her.

"I feel like we finally see each other eye to eye." A muffled version of Ann's voice carried over the scene like before. However, the tone was stark different once more than what was actually going on.

Akechi surmised this was likely previous interactions Akira had with the Phantom Thieves. But, that realization only makes this more painful to watch.

Ann shrieked in terror as she watches her own cognition's leg dissipate into billows of black smoke, becoming more and more opaque with each second. Her voice is raw, and she curls over her cognition form. "NO, NO!"

"PLEASE!" Futaba sobbed, watching her hands disappear, she tries everything she can think of to stop it, but she can't do anything at this moment.

"This can't be real…right?" Makoto echoed her cognition self, watching as her own hand disappeared in front of her eyes.

"Must have been difficult babysitting the uptight Ms. President…right?"

"What is…happening to us?" Cognition, Yusuke muttered; his eyes squinted in pain. Yusuke can't do anything but watch in horror.

"I knew you wouldn't abandon me until everything was said and done."

"No…no!" Cognition Haru cried, shaking her head in denial, as she tried to hold herself together. Haru cries along with herself; it's too terrible.

"I'll let you be my first customer!"

"My body's…disappearing!" Cognition Futaba choked. Futaba can only watch in despair as wisps of herself dissipate. She knows what's coming.

"You gave me my life back."

"Don't tell me…." Cognition Morgana shook his head, curled up on the ground pathetically. And Morgana doesn't know how to process this. Why? Why is this happening to them? Does he know? Did he regain his memories? Or was this it? Had it all been for nothing?

"Honestly? You are amazing."

"No…No, this—" Cognition Akira gasped, holding himself up precariously as he watched all his friends in front of him as they all suffered the same fate, "Guys!"

"You're all…disappearing," Akechi whispered, eyes wide and heart sunk as he stated the obvious as he watches the scene. Cognition Akira is clutching his head in pain as his limbs begin to dissipate as well. Akechi felt sick; his stomach rolled with anxiety as thick black smoke rolled off of Cognition Akira's leg, his form dispersing by the second. He whipped back to Akira in a panic, his voice a jumbled mess as he pleaded messily, "Why—You're—Akira, why are you disappearing? Tell me why you are all disappearing. Why is this happening? Why did this happen? Why the hell is this happening?!"

"I got you all wrapped up in this sh*t…but you stayed with me till the bitter end." Ryuji's muffled and grateful sentiment echoed around them as they all slowly dissipate.

Akira doesn't answer Akechi's question, instead of giving Akechi another bitter grin and shook his head.

"I realized that personal relationships are something to be treasured." Ann's soft and appreciative narrative echoed next.

Akechi is about to demand an answer, about to stomp over and take Akira by the collar and shake him until he spouts a coherent explanation. Shake him by the collar and make sure he is all still there.

"I won't be stained by desire…after all…I have hope." Yusuke's gentle resolve resounded next.

A low rumbling from the sky stopped Akechi.

"This isn't my doing." An ominous voice rings through the red Shibuya sky. It's low, and it's loud. Callous. "You imbeciles are disappearing from people's cognitions. Mementos and reality have become one. Therefore those who disappear from cognition cannot exist anywhere. Therefore, you cannot exist in this world any longer."

"If anything happens, You tell me. I'll help you with anything you need!"

"Disappear my ass!! What the hell!!" Cognition Ryuji screamed, his voice thick with anguish; he lifts his head in one ditch effort to call out. To beg for anything, his voice ringing in the air till it abruptly cut out. Gone. Like a phone line went dead. Like a movie stopped in the middle of a scene. Except, the scene continues to play around him in perfect clarity.

"No!" Akechi gasped, "No! This isn't—Akira tell me this isn't—"

Cognition Ryuji is gone. Ryuji felt his heart stop; he felt his breath hitch, his mind raced. He died. Ryuji just watched himself die. Ryuji just watched himself fade away into nothing. He was there one moment, then gone the next. Ryuji doesn't even think he saw it happen; all he could see was the terror on his face before it happened etched into his mind. The pain.

"You can lean on me too…if you need it."

Cognition Ann cried out, tears streaming down her eyes as she reached for the spot Cognition Ryuji had just been, "Ryuji!!" Before Cognition, Ann is gone too, faded into nothing.

Ann screamed, high pitched and unhinged, clutching at herself, making sure all of herself was still there. To make sure she didn't end up with the same fate as her other. This cognition feels too real.

"I'll extend my assistance to you, should you ever stumble."

"Is this really it?" Cognition Yusuke whispered out, his teeth gnashing together before he disappears as well.

Yusuke doesn't have words. He doesn't have anything, he can't scream, he can't breathe. Because was that really it? Was that how he died? After all they aspired to accomplish?

"Feel Free to tell me anything; I'll do whatever I can to help!"

"NO!! NO!!!" Cognition Futaba pleaded, begged, clutching her head before she as well simply disappears.

"STOPP!!" Futaba sobbed, falling to her own knees.

"You can rely on me when you need it."

"Morgana…Where did we go wro—"Cognition Makoto asked, loss on her voice before she fades. Makoto shakes her head, holding her hands to her lips at the scene. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening.

"If you ever find yourself in trouble, I'll be there for you."

"AgHhH!" Cognition Haru cried out, her eyes wide and horrified before she is gone as well.

All that was left was Cognition Morgana and Cognition Akira, both writhing on the ground in complete agony as their body dissipated into thick plumes of smoke before their eyes.

"No, no no, no no no." Morgana shook his head back and forth because he knows what is coming next as he dashed around his fallen cognition, trying to do anything to stop what was about to happen.

"…Is this all my fault?" Cognition Morgana whimpered on the ground; his ears folded down in absolute guilt.

"But now this is where I belong."

"It's not your fault." Cognition Akira grunts out desperately, trying to reach out to Cognition Morgana. Trying anything to move his body, to reach out for his last friend. But he's lost the limbs to do so. He's helpless. "Morgana, it's not!"

"I'm so glad I met you." Ann's voice said genuinely.

"Thank you, my friend." Yusuke's voice thanked with deep gratitude.

"Thank you for all your help." Makoto's voice acknowledged with appreciation.

"I'm so glad I met you." Haru's voice earnestly said.

"You gave me my life back!" Futaba's voice exclaimed with resolve.

"You didn't abandon me." Ryuji's voice admitted sincerely.

"This is where I want to be." Morgana's voice declared.

Each narrative tears their hearts with a force as they realize that this is what Akira remembers from their previous relationships. The sentiments that he carried from before. Deep gratitude and admiration.

Akira loved them, and they loved Akira.

"Because…I brought you all there? I did all of this?" Cognition Morgana whispered, before giving Cognition Akira one last look of regret, "I'm sorry, this mission… is a failure."

Morgana watched helplessly as his cognition self fades like he was never there.

Akechi stood there, frozen in place at the horrifying scene before him. The absolute despairing scene completely shatters his and everyone else's morale. The Cognition Thieves faded one by one, begging for an answer, without reason for why everyone forgot them. After fighting for this society for so long, after all the efforts they put into helping, changing it into something better. And, society killed them off. Humanity chose to forget them after all the Phantom thieves did for it.

Society killed the Phantom thieves, and Akira had watched all his friends die one by one in front of him, knowing that they did everything they could.

Akechi's breath hitched, and his heart raced because this was the reason. The reason Akira thought they were dead. Why Akira didn't think that they were his friends on some level. Why Akira didn't get on the ship that night because he knew this was their fate.

Akira watched every single one of them die, one after another.

Akechi remembered when his mother had died, he hadn't witnessed it personally; he hadn't seen her hanging from the ceiling fan. But he remembers the complete despair of the realization that the only person who cared for him had left him alone in the world. He remembers the heart-wrenching sorrow and grief that came to follow that event, how he was bounced from foster home to foster home. He remembers those dark, cold nights where nothing seemed to matter, and he considered following in his mother's footsteps.

He remembers the absolute agony of loss.

So, he knows, in this exact moment, Akira had just experienced that agony seven-fold.

Akechi can only watch as Cognition Akira is left all alone in the middle of the Shibuya crosswalk corner, his body fading steadily as he pulls himself onto his back. All alone in a puddle to thick red liquid, as people walk around him and through him without even noticing the tragedy unfolding before them. They don't care.

Cognition Akira is reaching towards the sky, his arm nearly gone by this point.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (68)

"You are so lucky…to be surrounded by teammates who acknowledge you." Akechi's voice resounded around the square. An edge to it, but Akechi knows he meant the words he had said. He was jealous of the genuine and deep bonds that Akira had forged.

And Cognition Akira screams. The sound is so loud, it jolts the rest of the grieving Phantom Thieves out of their stupor of watching themselves die. Cognition Akira's scream demanded their attention. Each one of their heads snaps up; one by one, they bring themselves to the sole remaining cognition phantom thief.

"Akira…" Yusuke breathed heartbrokenly as all of them realize what happened.

Heart-wrenching, agonizing wet howls ring through the air, loud and piercing. Eerie and haunting.

Akechi has never heard such a broken sound in his life.

None of the passerby's hear a thing as they walk through him, the screaming of a dead man. Of someone who no longer existed. Of someone who has just lost everything. Of a ghost.

"f*ck! IT'S MY FAULT! f*ck!!" Cognition, Akira screams into the void. His voice breaking and hitches at every syllable as it rolls through the air. Tears streaming down his face endlessly as his face contorts in agony, eyes wide and desperate as his form shakes in agony. His throat rippling at the abuse of his vocal cords, "OH GOD, IT'S MY FAULT, NOT THEIRS! PLEASE! GOD PLEASE! PLEASE!! NO!"

It's raw and unhinged. It's broken.









Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (69)

Cognition Akira screamed each other their names raggedly, voice overcome with sorrow and lament. Each name is more desperate than the last. His voice breaking and shattering with each syllable. He is reaching towards the sky, like he is begging someone to save them, to bring them back, for someone to save them.

For someone to save him.

He is reaching towards the sky with the same desperation as when he reached towards his parents, begging to be loved.

But no one hears him.

No one sees him.

Someone's foot goes straight through his shoulder.

Akira is watching his cognition self without emotion, yet tears dripping down his cheeks, watching him scream himself into literal death. Watching himself writhing on the ground, his heart bleeding out, fading with the rest of his friends.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (70)

There is a cacophony of muffled voices one after another, people promising to be there for Akira. Just like the narratives before. Each one a genuine sentiment acknowledging the relationships Akira's relationship with them. And another pin drops when all the Phantom Thieves realize that it's Akira's confidants. It's Mishima, Iwai, Hifumi, Kawakami, Yoshida, Tae, Chihaya, Ohya, Sojiro, and Shinya.

Akira didn't just lose the Phantom Thieves. He lost everyone he grew close to. All of his bonds.

Akira had lost everything that he felt matter to him.

Akechi remembered a quote he heard once that just describes Akira's situation perfectly. Real loss is when you love something more than you love yourself. And maybe it's foolish to love someone that much, but of course, Akira had dared to.

He lost this gamble on the Shibuya Crossing.

"A-Akira…" Akechi breathed, wanting to reach out, wanting to do anything. But he can't; he knows very well he cannot fix this. There isn't anything that can fix this. He looks down to see Cognition Akira has faded, all alone in his final moments. Black Smoke drifted aimlessly to the sky.

It was an incredibly cruel fate.

The scene fades to black, the dark void encompassing them once more with only Promthemeus's light illuminating them. But the atmosphere has dropped even lower now, and they are left with lasting impressions of each one of them fading out of existence. A sight that Akechi is sure none of them is going to forget.

But that memory is one of the final pieces of the puzzle.

It all makes sense now, no matter how desperately Akechi doesn't want it to. But, of course, it presents its own set of problems. But Akira's actions up to now, what Shadow Akira claimed, Akira's confession, and why this place exists.

Akira felt he had led the Phantom Thieves to their death by going up against this enemy that may have been a society, using the power of the Metaverse to erase them just like the shadows they have taken out.

And Akira has some incredibly deep set survivor's guilt, built on top a sh*t ton of shoddy foundation of a multitude of problems stemming from when he was only a kid. Akechi is amazed Akira even made it this far, to begin with. The dissociation it must have taken to remain sane… .it's no wonder Akira acted how he did.

All of them are silent because what are they supposed to say to Akira to make any of this better? Are there even words that can encompass everything Akira has been through?

Where do they even start piecing him back together?

Akira stood there, perfectly still, his tears rolling down his face from reliving the memory. His eyes were void as he spoke in a croaked whisper, "Do you know what being forgotten feels like?"

"Akira…please—" Akechi grimaced again, stepping closer to the other. He doesn't know what to say. He hates feeling this helpless. But he isn't sure a hug or whatever Akechi could offer would do anything in the slightest. But, Akira takes a step away from him with a shake of his head.

"It was awful. There was so much pain, so much regret in overwhelming waves. It felt like nothing I had did actually mattered, that everything I aspired to be and worked towards meant nothing. No one gave a sh*t. All that I went through with…the friendships I had made, all the growth we'd made, all the change I thought I'd gone through…it hadn't mattered. I thought, 'Why? Why had we even tried when this was our reward?" Why did we even try?' 'Why did I lead my friends to their death?' 'Why did I kill my friends?' 'Why did I kill my friends for a cause I wasn't even sure I believed in anymore?' 'Why did I kill my friends for a cause I knew I didn't believe in anymore because I was so selfish that I just did it because I wanted friends!' 'I didn't want to be so goddamn alone!' 'I was scared to be alone again!'"

"Akira… you've been feeling this the entire time?" Ann sobbed, scrubbing the tears away from her eyes, "Akira! Why didn't you say anything? Y-you've been holding onto this the whole time?! All by yourself?"

Akira continued, a bitter grin on his face as he continued while ignoring Ann's question, "Mentally, it was awful, but physically it was excruciating as well. There was so much pain; it felt like fire was burning me out from the inside like acid was running through my veins. And I just wanted to rip my own skin off, to relieve this agonizing, scratchy feeling that I could not quell. It felt so wrong. I felt so wrong in my own skin, but my skin was already coming off in wisps, and all I could do was sit there and watched as my body dissolved into nothingness. I could feel myself dying. I was dying. And I couldn't do a damn thing about it."

"A-Akira!!" Ryuji cried, "S-sh*t man!"

"I had to sit there, in agonizing pain, and watch each one of you die the same painful death. One after the other. The only people in my life that cared really gave a sh*t about me. The people I had come to love the most. I watched you all fade from reality while I couldn't do a thing to stop it. I was powerless; I was useless."

"A-Aki-Chan!" Haru shook her head, allowing the tears to fall freely from her eyes,

"And you were all gone. Everyone forgot about me. No one watched as I died on that Shibuya Crossing corner. And I knew not even my parents would remember me. There wouldn't be a funeral. And even if there was, there'd be no one waiting at the hearse in the end. I was alone…just like before. A wheel comes full cycle."

"Akira—" Yusuke whimpered.

"And then I faded out, I faded from existence. And I was so ready just to accept it. All I had to do was just let go. All I had to do was just let myself fade out. I wanted it too so badly. I wanted it to be done. I wanted to be with you all. I didn't want to do this anymore. I wanted to be dead. I didn't want to exist, just like society had decided. I didn't want to exist anymore in this goddamn world."

"Stop. Stop!" Futaba sobbed.

"But, then I woke up." Akira tried to laugh, but it comes out as a strangled sob as the tears increased.

"Y-you didn't even grieve. You didn't get to grieve before you were thrown into the fray again." Makoto cried softly, shaking her head in denial. "W-we, we accused of you of crimes you didn't commit! And you just accepted it! God, God I'm—I'm so—w-why didn't you tell us?"

"What was I supposed to say?" Akira laughed in anguish, "' I'm from a future where we were erased from existence because of a cognitive world and societal will?' 'We were friends, and we battled people's shadows and stole their desires together' 'I brought you together for a cause that I didn't even think was worth it, just because I wanted friends like the group I'd watch in Inaba all the time, but I ended up leading you all to your deaths,' tell me Makoto. Would you have believed that? Anything I said, would you have accepted a word of it? Would you have believed a stranger if they came up to you and told you that?"

Makoto bit her lip because Akira was right. What was he supposed to say without them thinking he was insane? If they hadn't seen all his memories, she doesn't know if she could have believed that. She hated it, but she completely understands why Akira didn't tell them. No one has believed Akira his whole life; of course, he didn't think they'd believe him. And they probably wouldn't have. And she hates knowing that.

There really wasn't anyone for Akira to turn to in this. The knowledge of the timeline before isolated him in a deep and raw way that no one should have to go through.

"I woke up in a world where the only people in the world who cared about me had no idea who I was. The bonds I've made carefully…meant nothing, and everything we had accomplished had been wiped clean." Akira chuckled dryly, "My shadow was right; the complete truth is I wanted to be dead; I didn't feel like anything mattered."

"Akira…" Akechi shook his head in denial. But he knows Akira is telling the truth. He saw it in his eyes that night, in that bittersweet smile like the one he is wearing now, a mixture of honey and ash. A gesture as a means to lighten something, but it almost makes it worse. They all know the severity of the situation.

The ash overpowers the honey, only leaving a chalky, bitter taste.

"So, I killed myself," Akira whispered, his smile not reaching his eyes.

The admittance hits like an avalanche. Something they hadn't thought about before because they didn't know the perimeters of the time travel.

None of them can say anything. After all, what is there to say to someone who admitted that action and succeeded?

"I jumped in front of that train. I hung myself in the bathroom. I overdosed on Takemi's pain meds. I tried everything!" Akira laughed hysterically, his voice echoing off the walls, "Anything, anything not to do this year over again because I didn't want to. I was done. But I just woke up on that damn train every damn time! So, I lived it out. The happiest year of my f*cking life was ruined, and I was forced to relive it. And what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to be alone, and I couldn't watch you all suffer again, but really, I was selfish. I just wanted friends. So I just treated it like a f*cking video game; I made it into a joke and completely ignored the reality I knew was my own, then we did Shido's palace. And I realized we did it, and I knew exactly what was coming next. I couldn't do it again. I couldn't watch you guys die like that again; I couldn't watch Akechi die again after I arguably saved him, so Yeah. I kept myself in the line of that explosion on Shido's ship. Hoping, praying I would die. It would be the easiest way to restart the cycle, but maybe I was too much of a coward. But what would it matter in the end? I would just have to do this again, and again, and again, and again. Nothing I do matters; it's easy to act as if nothing matters when the decisions I make no longer bear any weight. Yes, this is me. This is exactly what I think. I completely accept that all the words my Shadow has said is true. I can't even kill myself, right. I'm going to be doing this forever, chained to hell with no reprieve! There is no salvation for me. I'm damned. There isn't a point to anything. I'd rather not be here."


"And don't you all get it? There is no future for me. There isn't anywhere for me to go anymore. Anything I achieve… doesn't matter; anything I gain will be lost. Washed away like a sandcastle. And even If I finished off my probation, if I could find a way out of this loop…what is there for me to return to? The town I was just waiting for my death in? Waiting to show up on that TV channel that I thought would be my salvation once? I can't go back, and I can't move forward." Akira smiled sadly with a shrug. Before anyone can come up with a response, because what are they supposed to say to that? Akira's eyelids started to flutter shut no matter how hard he fought it; his eyes rolled back. He let out a small groan before his knees buckled beneath him, sending his dead weight towards the ground. Akechi, seemingly having expected this, darted forward just as Akira was about to hit the ground. It was a clumsy catch that brought both to the ground.

There are multiple worried cries of 'Akira!' as all the Phantom Thieves draw closer to him in a heartbeat.

"F-f*ck, Is he okay?!" Ryuji cried.

"No, He's beyond exhausted and undoubtedly at his brink if he hasn't already crossed it." Akechi shook his head, holding Akira's frame steady once mote. The other remains still, a state that was rare for him. But this time. A bead is the last thing that was going to help Akira. "Not only did he go through this entire ordeal of facing oneself, but he's been in the Metaverse without a persona for longer than he should have been. That alone would have been taxing enough. His psychical and mental state have been pushed far past the limits."

"Would a healing spell work?" Morgana asked quietly, worried eyes still trained on Akira.

"I doubt it'd do much, to be honest…rather, I think this is something he needs time to recover from…." Akechi frowned. But he wonders, is time really the answer? It seemed more like the enemy in this instance… but if not time, then what is supposed to help?

How the f*ck do you heal someone who is time's prisoner?

f*ck. A different timeline. Akira didn't see those things happen. Akira lived those things. And he relived them. He must have changed things but, in the end, he felt like it didn't matter. Akira felt like he'd just end up in the same spot again. Akechi understands the allegory of this Wonderland now, and he finally understands most of the things Alice had said.

But, Akechi has to wonder…if Akira had succeeded that night, what would have happened to their timeline? This connection Akechi shared with Akira, would it just be gone? Would Akechi go back to whatever he was before?

"I…the fog is lifted…I can lead us out of here…" Futaba quietly piped up, tapping the side of her goggles.

Akechi doesn't want to think about it. He won't think about it. There is a burning sensation in his chest, and he'll pretend that's just Akira's developed fever he can feel radiating off the other. A problem that he'd instead fix first. He'd be damned if he let Akira Kurusu die on him now. Another loop is something Akira did NOT need right now.

"Let's go."

Edit: A/N

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (71)


This was the chapter I've been waiting FOREVER to get to 😈 Please yell at me in the comments! And please collect your tears to ship to me ❤️

Chapter 28: The one you've all been waiting for


The one you've all been waiting for.

TW// Dissociation, Derealization, Depersonalization, Mentions of Suicide (No details)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s late into the evening when the Phantom Thieves arrive back into reality, almost just reaching the early morning hours. The streets of Yongen-Jaya are still and silent, only filled with streetlights. It’s quiet, yet the air around them is thick with things unsaid. It’s dark, yet they can all visibly see the flush in Akira’s face illuminated by the fluorescent light outside of Leblanc. Akira does not look well in the slightest. His chest heaved up and down in exertion as he lets out ragged breaths; his skin was clammy and cool despite the raging fever in his cheeks. None of them have ever seen him this small metaphorically and physically, curled up like a child in Akechi’s arms. It only served to hammer in the realization that their whole perspective of Akira has changed.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (72)

“He’s really burning up…” Ann frowned deeply, cupping the palm of her hand on his cheek before raising it to his forehead gently, pushing back his tangled bangs. She can feel his shallow breaths hitting her skin, unsteady and inconsistent, like a stream of gasping for air. She brushed a strand of sweat matted hair from his brow line subconsciously like she remembers her parents did for her once when she had come down with the flu in middle school. She knows Akira probably never got that treatment, and it hurts to think about it on top of everything else.

“A different timeline… you have got to be sh*tting me,” Ryuji muttered, also settling his hands on Akira’s shoulder in concern. He can feel the heat radiating through the blazer as well, “It’s not fair… that’s not fair at all…f*ck….”

“It explains everything….” Makoto said, her voice as quiet as the street they are on and as solemn as they are all feeling, “I mean all of our questions, most of them, that answers them easily…but raises a whole slew of other problems….”

“Like time travel?” Futaba shook her head, her face frantic.

Hindsight is twenty/twenty, and Akechi has connected all the loose threads in real-time. Everything finally made sense. All of Akira’s motivations and decisions, why Akira was so confident in the gambles he made because Akira knew the outcome beforehand. It was less of bets and more controlled risks though he doubted things turned out how Akira would imagine. After that last memory…But he chooses not to think about the implications of Akira’s memories from the first timeline and the last memory he shared with him. Akechi can’t think about that right now because Akira is burning from the inside out in Akechi’s arms, which is the priority right now. The detective shifts Akira closer to his body, readjusting the weight distribution before addressing the rest of the thieves standing there with various expressions of concern and worry, “It’s something we can discuss later when it’s more appropriate, right now, his fever is too high, and we need to bring it down. Someone get the door, now.”

The phantom thieves stare at him in a sort of daze of emotional and physical exhaustion, the events of the past day holding their mind before Akechi demands a little louder with frustration and maybe far more dramatic than he needs to be, “The door, now! I can’t very well get it because I’m holding your dying leader in my arms! Or are you going to let him suffer more?! Pull yourselves together.”

This appeal seemed to spur them into action because Haru quickly turned on her heels to pull open the door to Leblanc, the light from inside spilling onto the concrete street. The bell rings as they enter. It seemed someone was still up in the store. But it’s not surprising; they had been gone without any contact for a long time, it seemed. None of them have the energy to check the time, however. Time is irrelevant in this case.

“Where have you all been?! I’ve been calling for hours, and no one is picking up! You can’t just do that after—“Sojiro asked, more akin to yelling as the Phantom thieves spill into the cafe, but his face froze as he noticed Akira in Akechi’s arms, shivering and pale. His eyes widened, and his brows furrowed as he dropped the cell phone held in his hand; his voice came out in a croak, “f*ck…Kid?… Akira?”

The Phantom thieves, who look less like a band of vigilantes and more like a group of kids taking on way too much, give him varying looks of guilt as Haru shuts the door silently behind her. No one has the heart to answer him, however. And it’s likely because none of them know where to even begin. How do they even begin to untangle that mess?

“I don’t understand; I thought he was dead. You said he…in that last heist…he didn’t come back, and you all sincerely told me he had died! I thought he was dead! You all said—!” Sojiro stuttered, stuck in place as he stared at the unconscious but very much alive Akira cradled against Akechi’s body. His words becoming more and more broken as he tried to figure out what was going on. “I thought he was dead again!!”

“We thought he was dead too, believe me. Futaba can fill you in on the basics, but Akira is really not in good condition, and he really needs some medical attention and rest.” Akechi explained, his voice emotionless and curt as he shifted Akira in his arms again before quickly pushing past the rest of the Phantom Thieves to climb the stairs to the attic. Everyone but Futaba follows in suit as the hacker of their group begins to explain to Sojiro what happened to admit a pool of tears streaming out of her eyes.

The attic looked precisely like they left it; no one had dared to touch a thing in it after Shido’s Palace, not even Akechi when he’d been temporarily staying there. Akira’s items are strewn across the room, all the knick-knacks he has collected over his year of living there…his two years? Had he collected all these frivolous trinkets before because of nostalgia? Akechi pushed the thought from his mind before gently lowering Akira onto the mattress held up by milk cartons.

Akira’s breath hitched, his face still scrunched up in agony as he is fought against the raging fever. Sweat drips off his cheeks, his breaths wet and heavy as if he is struggling to breathe, his gasps raspy as if something is caught in his throat, a cough might be developing. He shivered uncontrollably under Akechi’s touch. Akechi needs to get his fever under control now.

“Ann, Makoto, go to Takemi’s clinic and see if she is still there. Explain the situation to her; she knows about us and sees if she will come over. If she’s not there, then try to find a phone number; she’ll know better how to treat him than us,” Akechi starts giving off orders hastily, “Yusuke and Morgana, go see if you can find any fever reducers, pain relievers, bandages, and a thermometer. If they aren’t in Leblanc’s first aid kit, ask Sojiro or Futaba if they have any at their house; if not, then go to the convenience store down the road. Haru, go downstairs and prepare a basin filled with cool, not cold, cool water and a towel and bring it up to me. Ryuji, help me change him into his pajamas; his uniform is too insulated is making his fever worse.”

The remaining Phantom Thieves look conflicted, the idea of leaving their friend’s side didn’t stick well with them, but one by one, the groups accepted the tasks and scuffled down the stairs in haste. It left only Ryuji and Akechi in the attic with Akira, the air of uncertainty of what would come of this lingering.

“Come here and help me re-dress him,” Akechi ordered Ryuji as he started pulling Akira’s blazer off his torso. Ryuji doesn’t put up an argument either as he walks over to the box where Akira keeps all his clothes and pulls out the other’s sleepwear. He slung it over the chair at the end of the bed and started helping Akechi slowly get the clothing items off of Akira. His hands shaking almost as severely as Akira was, he clumsily started pulling off Akira’s shoes.

Ryuji had worn a panicked look throughout the entire palace, but now, it’s exhausted. It’s drained and melancholic, similar to the expressions on the other Phantom Thieves’ faces before they left. After all, they saw, Akechi can’t blame him. He is sure the memory of their deaths and Akira’s revelation afterward devastated all of them and troubled them to a level no high schooler should have to go through. And Akira having to have gone through all that…

They all had watched Akira lose everything at that moment.

And no doubt, Ryuji is taking it like a wrecking ball to a wall.

“Don’t think about it,” Akechi tells Ryuji sternly, but perhaps it is mainly for himself since he can’t afford to get distracted right now. The Phantom Thieves still have a job to do, and they didn’t go through all that trouble to leave Akira high and dry now. Thinking about it will only breed emotions that they already have enough of, “Not right now.”

“How can I not?!” Ryuji huffed, his voice cracking in fatigue. A faint hysteria bubbling in his voice that is saturated in pent-up emotion just like Akechi had suspected, “Did you not hear what...what he said?! The things he said?! How can I not think about that? How can I not think about what we saw…what he went through? How can I not think about the look on his face—”

“Shadows come in different forms, but like Morgana said, they are always the worst parts of a person that they don’t want the world to see. Akira’s shadow is just the same; what his shadow had said, it’s all an over-exaggeration of what Akira thinks. Yes, his thinking has become distorted, but we all know better than to take a distortion as a truth. It isn’t all he thinks; we know that.”

“Akechi, I think this is so far from being an exaggeration….” Ryuji chuckled dryly, no humor in his tone what’s so ever as he gently slipped the joggers over Akira’s legs, “And you know I wasn’t talking about the shadow…I really don’t think Akira was exaggerating when he said he’s tried to off himself multiple times….”

Akechi doesn’t answer because Ryuji is right. But Akechi knows the exhaustion that Akira had been put through now. Not only with the event of the looping but being trapped in a cognitive space of his making after he’d lost his will of rebellion and his power to fight back, all while waiting for the loop to start over again. They had gotten to Akira when he was at the end of his rope. Literally at rock bottom. Akechi hopes that when Akira is more well-rested and recovered, they can talk some sense into him. Akechi has to believe he can do something.

And, get to the bottom of the looping and what the f*ck had erased them from existence.

Akechi doesn’t want to believe the alternative ending.

Akira isn’t weak. Not by a longshot. He’s just been going for too long. Still, Akechi isn’t sure this is something time can fix, meaning they need to figure out a different solution. f*ck, they need to figure out what the hell is going on. Maybe if he just knew the context of it all, Akechi could do something.

“He’s really burning up…” Ryuji murmured again, his fingers rubbing against Akira’s palm gently after they had finished getting him into more comfortable clothing. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to do much as Akira is still a far degree hotter than he should be, “Should we take him to the hospital? Isn’t a fever dangerous over a certain degree? He’s boiling….”

“Shido’s heart may have changed, but that doesn’t change the fact that his counsel is still pulling strings, and Akira is still technically dead by the law. If we bring him to the hospital, Sae will have to pull her strings to reverse the death status, and the council will be on his back. There is more of a risk of something happening in the hospital and us not being able to get to him. He is still a wanted felon. We haven’t beaten Shido yet….” Akechi explained with frustration because he knows Akira should be getting proper medical attention, but now, Takemi is their best bet. She already had that bond with Akira, and she would treat him discreetly.

Haru reappears, carefully carrying the bowl of water and washcloth up the stairs with grace to not spill anything. Her face is still as forlorn as Ryuji, “Futaba is still explaining things to Sojiro…She is…struggling to explain the entire story.”

“Not surprising. There is quite a lot…to go over.” Akechi mentioned tightly, taking the bowl from Haru as she carefully offered it to him. He set it on the ground next to the bed, dampened the washcloth before beginning to dab Akira’s forehead gently.

“Aki-chan…” Haru muttered, kneeling next to the bed next to Ryuji, the same solemn face as the other. A frustration tinged with longing to help but not knowing how.

Akira isn’t getting any better; he is still shivering like a leaf on the bed, the trembles visible as is the grimace on his face. He is in pain, and it feels like all his systems have been kicked into overdrive when he really just needs to be able to rest and relax. The trip to the metaverse without persona really f*cked him up, Akechi assumed, on top of the entire traumatic event of facing his shadow in such a volatile way.

“What is taking them so long?” Akechi growled, continuously dabbing the washcloth around Akira’s collarbone.

“I got a text from Mako-chan…she said Tae had gone home for the day, but there was a number to call, and they are waiting for her…And Yusuke couldn’t find any medicine and went to the convenience store like you said….” Haru explained quietly, his eyes never leaving Akira’s form. She paused before her voice broke out into a wearied sob, “This is horrible…Aki-chan…watched us all die like that. In such an awful way… it’s not fair—to have such a terrible burden—”

“Don’t think about it,” Akechi repeated in frustration. Honestly, can any of these thieves get a hold of themselves? If they think about it, it’s only going to distract them from the problem in front of them. If they think about it, then they’ll have to think about all of it and its implications.

“Akechi is in favor of denying talking about it,” Ryuji muttered in irritation.

“I am in FAVOR of fixing the immediate problem at hand, which is making sure Akira doesn’t die and restart the goddamn timeline again because we failed to keep his brain from melting out of his f*cking skull!” Akechi growled loudly, reaching the end of his fuse as he shot Ryuji a pointed look. His voice may have been too loud, though, since both Ryuji and Haru jump at the volume of it, a guilty look spread across Ryuji’s face. Akechi sighed and reeled himself back in as he began his meticulous task of rewetting the towel and trying to cool Akira down. He doesn’t apologize but, he does his best to curb his frustration. He hates feeling like he’s useless.

“Akechi…is right.” Haru agreed with him, surprisingly. “It wouldn’t be fair to discuss it without everyone else…and I don’t think we’ll be able to when Aki-chan is in this state. I just—I can’t—”

“—can’t get that scene out of your head…Yeah…me either….” Ryuji mumbled, filling in the rest of her sentence.

Akechi frowned; he wasn’t even in that memory, but he doubts it’ll be leaving his mind any time soon.

Blood rain, massive, distorted bone structures piercing through the sky, an eerie booming voice, and the Phantom Thieves dissipating into thick black smoke one by one….Akira screaming like there was no tomorrow because there was no tomorrow for him. ‘There is no future for you now that made a lot more sense now.

It’s no wonder Akira had always hated Mementos, and no wonder his ‘Palace’ had appeared in such a place. Then Akechi makes another horrifying connection that he already sort of knew but finally put together. The corner that Akira refused to go anywhere near in the scramble crossing. That is where they had all died. And likely that is why Akira avoided that spot like the f*cking plague. That was their grave, and Akira was the only one who knew about it. Akechi realized he had made the mistake of thinking about it after telling Ryuji and Haru not to think about it. There are too many things he is starting to piece together. His frustration is building.

“I grabbed everything I could,” Yusuke announced, stumbling up the steps in a motion ungraceful to how he usually moves. The bag in his hand weighed down with the number of items. Morgana bounded up the stairs after him and was quick to race to the bedside.

“Is he—” Morgana started before Akechi cut him off.

“—Still burning up alive? Yes.”

“How are we supposed to give him the fever reducers? He’s not even conscious!” Ryuji pointed out. “He’ll choke on them….”

“What if we crushed them up and put them in water?” Yusuke suggested, sitting on the edge of the bed once he’d given the bag of items to Akechi. Akechi was slightly impressed; it seemed he really did get all he could, even some unrelated medications.

“If he’s not conscious enough to take a pill, I doubt drowning him with water is going to help much…” Morgana muttered, curling up near Akira’s head. His ears are flattened against his skull, the perfect image of a sad cat despite what Morgana might claim, “Why’d we get fever reducers if he can’t even take them…they are useless….”

“Because we need to be prepared, and it was a plan in case Takemi couldn’t come,” Akechi answered before digging through the bag to find the thermometer that he instructed Yusuke to buy. He unwrapped it before turning it on. He strategically guided it through Akira’s lips and under his tongue, but it’s a feat because of how tense Akira is.

The moments as they waited for it to read the temperature is longer than they have any right to be.

“40 Celsius.” Akechi sighed with frustration when he reclaimed the thermometer; he bit his lip because if this gets any worse, the timeline really might restart without them figuring out a solution. What the f*ck does that mean for them? Will they just stop existing while Akira goes through this f*cking thing all again? But if it really does come to that, Akechi isn’t sure Akira will be able to start the Phantom Thieves….

“That’s really not good!” Haru squeaked, her eyes widening.

“Huh?” Morgana sputtered, seemingly confused by the number.

“It means Akira doesn’t do things half-assed, unfortunately.” Akechi grumbled, setting the thermometer down on the shelf and rewetting the towel to start dabbing at Akira’s brow again, “It’s a dangerous temperature for his fever to be at, and if it gets worse….”

“Takemi should be here soon.” Haru shook her head, not wanting to think of the alternative, “Like you said, Akechi… let’s not think about the alternatives…not right now…we just need to keep doing our best….”

“Our best isn’t doing jack sh*t.” Ryuji grunted, sitting back with a scowl on his face, “We can’t do anything for him.”

“It’s despairing indeed, but…all we can have is the faith he’ll recover….” Yusuke sighed forlornly.

“‘M fading—” Akira mumbled faintly from the bed, weak and nearly incoherent, instantly quitting the Phantom Thieves conversation.

“Is he awake?” Yusuke wondered quietly, his mood picking up a bit, leaning a bit over to see. But Akira’s eyes are still clenched shut, his teeth gritted.

“Fading—fading— ’m fading—” Akira keeps muttering underneath his breath, but his movements are growing more erratic as he swings his head side to side clumsily. “Disappearing— please no—fading—”

Akechi’s heart clenched at the words. Those are the same frantic mumblings Akira was going on with after the interrogation room when he was drugged. But now, knowing the context for them makes it entirely worse. Akira is remembering how they all died. Akira feels like he’s fading out again; the disorientation from the fever coupled with his already unstable mental state is sending him into even more overdrive.

“Akira—Hey Akira, you’re alright!” Ryuji tried to reassure the other, putting a hand on Akira’s knuckle as the other gripped the bed sheet with vigor. But Akira isn’t lucid enough to understand them.

“‘M fading—I’m disappearing—I killed them, I’m f-fading!” Akira whimpered, writhing on the bed back and forth violently, his arm almost hitting the shelf next to him and nearly whacking Morgana, who jumped out of the way with a yowl. But on the other side of him, he almost hits the concrete wall with his knuckle.

“Hold him down; he’s going to hurt himself!” Akechi quickly tells the rest of the thieves, holding down Akira’s arm next to him. Ryuji promptly jumped into action, leaning over to restrain the arm that almost hit the concrete wall. Haru and Yusuke move to secure his legs.

“You didn’t kill us!” Haru protested, hoping it might help, but it doesn’t, but she continues anyway, “It wasn’t you! You didn’t do anything! Akira, this wasn’t your fault!”

“I’m disappearing—”

“You aren’t fading, you aren’t disappearing, I swear, you are all still here; it’s only the fever, Akira. It’s only the fever.” Akechi tries to tell him soothingly, but despite Akechi’s TV personality, he has never been good at crafting comforting words on his own that was genuine. They come out rough and desperate as he tries to gently but firmly keep Akira from falling off the bed. This isn’t good, Akira is confused and getting his nightmares mixed up with reality, and nothing they are doing is helping to calm him down.

“Akira, you just gotta sleep, you gotta just calm down and sleep!” Morgana tried to call out to help, but his words were lost on deaf ears.

“D-dying, I’m D-dying.” Akira sobbed, struggling within their grasp with an agonizing wet voice. “—body is disappearing—everyone is gone—gone gone gone I killed them—it’s my fault—I led them—I-i’s dying? —d-dying oh my god—oh god please kill me now, I don’t want to be here—please—“

“No, no, we are all still here; you didn’t lead us to that.” Yusuke protested, holding Akira’s leg down firmly but gently.

“We need to do something! f*ck!” Ryuji cursed, his hands steady as he prevented Akira’s arm from ramming into the concrete wall. “f*ck! Akira, dude, you gotta calm down!”


It’s certainly not the strangest house call that Tae has gotten. But, being an independent clinic with odd hours, it came with the territory. After all, her clinic was far laxer as well, meaning particular people would instead go to her than a bigger hospital and faceless than desirable outcomes when describing how they had gotten said wounds. Of course, she doesn’t care; as long as she’s helping someone and making rent, she’d be an underground doctor.

Yet, being called at nearly two in the morning on account of her guinea pig is not something he had been expecting, and it fills her with a sense of dread. She doesn’t know the details exactly as the girl, Takamaki, had sounded rather frantic on the phone, and Tae decided it was best if she just met with them at the clinic to get the whole story and her medical equipment.

Tae is sure it has something to do with their phantom thief escapades. Something she still hasn’t wrapped her head around or figured out entirely. She has theories, but they are gravitating towards the phantom thieves doing their work in a sort of different world than theirs that affects this one. Cognition or something, but she stopped thinking about it when it started feeling like she really doesn’t know much about this world, and that’s an existential crisis she doesn’t need to have.

Regardless, Akira has helped her out more in his time here than anyone has. He’s a gutsy kid, offering to take her clinical trials so he can buy her medicine to keep his friends safe. Tae can respect that. Akira might just change how society works, and Tae is thrilled to see where it all comes. To think, a group of teenagers turning the world on its axis. What a time to be alive.

Tae smiled to herself as she sauntered down the streets of Yonge-Jaya from the taxi.

Akira had certainly wiggled his way into her heart. And being called at two am to help him is the least she could do after Akira changed her perspective and situation, gave her the new opportunities she needed.

The smile dropped off her face as she turned the corner to the girls, Makoto Nijima and Ann Takamaki, pacing outside her clinic with frantic looks. Nijima saw her first, her head perking up as she picked up the pace to reach the front door.

“Takemi-san, thank you so, so much for coming out here; I’m sorry it’s so early….” Makoto quickly apologized.

“Tae is fine….” Tae told her but paused a moment to get a read on both their faces. Exhaustion is thick in their features. Red, raw eyes that can only be caused by allergies or genuine weeping, and Tae is sure it’s the latter in this instance. This furthers the bad feeling in Takemi’s gut as she frowned, “On the phone, you seemed rather frantic; tell me, what has my little guinea pig gotten himself into this time? I’m sure he disregarded my last medical advice since I haven’t seen or heard from him since.”

“Well, he…” Ann began explaining, her voice tense as she paused, seemingly struggling with what she wanted to say. Frustration started to grow on her face, and Tae decided to save her the trouble.

“I am already perfectly aware of your escapades as the Phantom Thieves; however, you don’t need to recount your methods if it is an issue, and you are uncomfortable with it.” Tae reassured her as she pushed the door open to her clinic, allowing the girls to step inside; he continued as she walked back to her exam room, “Frankly, your business is your own, but I need to know the symptoms I’ll be treating so I can know what I need to bring. Any major physical wounds that I’d need surgical supplies for?”

“Far from it, actually… It’s the other end of the spectrum, really….” Ann murmured, her face twisting into a grimace as she tightened a grip on her arm.

“He does have a few nasty cuts and bruises…but nothing that would require sutures.” Makoto filled in, being the more levelheaded one even though she was in distress as well. Tae actually does want to know what happened, she’s morbidly curious, and she wonders if it has to do anything with Shido confessing to all his crimes and the public collectively writing it off as stress before the big election. Makoto continues before Tae can come up with more theories, “He isn’t conscious, and he has a really high fever…uh, he’s really clammy, and it sounds like he’s raspy whenever he tries to breathe.”

Tae frowned even harder; just a fever? A fever is nothing to sneeze at; it can be potentially dangerous if it gets higher than 40 degrees Celsius. However, something feels off here, and she can’t quite place it. She is about to wonder why they didn’t just take Akira to a hospital instead of waiting for her to come to the clinic. But then she remembered that night she had gone to Leblanc and learned Akira was alive but merely faked his death to the public eye. Sae even conversed with her, loosely telling her that they really made sure Shido’s council believed that. If they brought Akira to a hospital, they would have to explain why he wasn’t dead because they’d have to give them his medical records.

“He really didn’t look good when we left….” Ann breathed, “And…Akechi said he was beyond exhausted...he pushed himself to the brink… he’s really sick.”

“Doesn’t surprise me, even when being told to rest by a literal doctor, it seems my little Guinea pig cherry-picks what advice to take and what not to. Likely, now his body is forcing him to take a break.” Tae hummed as she started filling her bag quickly with supplies she might need. It sounds like possibly a case of pneumonia at the worst and exhaustion with a fever at best. Although judging by the girl’s looks, it may be better to assume the worst at this point. She grabs some medications from her storage and an IV stand.

“IV?” Ann wondered, hovering behind Tae in apprehension.

“Rehydration. Knowing him, he’ll probably need it.” Tae huffed as she rolled the standout of the storage room. She tries to mask the concern with frustration while keeping a level head. She is the doctor in all of this, after all.

“Makes sense…” Makoto nodded as they followed Tae out of the clinic, waiting for her as she locked the door.

The girls do not seem ok in the slightest, meaning something else happened that they didn’t tell her. But Tae is smart, and she can only assume it has more to do with the psychological side of things, while not something she had studied in, something she can definitely recognize the signs of mental distress.

The walk over to Leblanc is silent. The streets of Yonge-Jaya are empty; not even the neighborhood cats are wandering around. At any other time, it might feel peaceful. There is something beautiful about being in a place supposed to be inhabited, and yet, it’s just buildings and the dark morning sky when the dawn is about to break. Yet, this moment doesn’t feel as such.

This moment feels eerily similar to the walk she did to the hospital she worked at in the past, only to be told she had killed a patient.

There is a tangible anxiety settling over Yongen-Jaya, a tension not unlike that night all of the people closest to Akira had made their way to Leblanc in the news of his supposed passing. Yet, she wonders if this will have the same relief as before.

Walking into Leblanc makes her think not. Sojiro and his daughter are sat at one of the booths, both with the same red, raw eyes as the two girls and tear tracks staining their cheeks.

What the hell had happened?

“Takemi…thank you for coming—sorry—it’s so late… early but—” Sojiro tried to compose himself to greet her, but his voice was thick and worn; she raised a hand to stop him and shook her head.

“Your kid’s sick, don’t worry, I understand. No need for poise.” Tae reassured him, “I’m in his debt regardless; I’ll do what I can.”

“Thanks, Takemi.” Sojiro thanked her sincerely. But then a commotion upstairs catches all their attention, frantic voices.

“What the?” Sojiro is quick to jump to his feet.

She turned to Makoto quickly, “Help me with the IV stand up the stairs.”

Makoto nodded and grabbed the other end of it as they started quickly transcending the stairs to the attic. Upon arriving at the top, she realized it was a whole house. All of Akira’s friends or the rest of the Phantom Thieves are gathered around his bed, holding down a struggling, feverish Akira on the bed who is thrashing with incoherent mumbling. Not a good sign and something that needs to be ended now if Akira will get the rest he needs. She hates to do this after the interrogation room incident where she had been told Akira had been drugged. Akira downplayed the incident to her; she knows when Akira is lying to her.

But, she also can’t sit back and watch Akira suffer like this. So, luckily, she prepared for anything she might be dealing with.

“Akira?!” Ann sputtered behind her, and Tae jumped into action, pulling on gloves and quickly pulling out a syringe and the mild sedative she had brought just in case.

“Move!” Tae told them as she quickly knelt next to the bed, next to Akechi, who had Akira’s arm in the exact spot she needed it to be to get to Akira’s vein.

“Wait—!” Ryuji tried to protest, and she knew why.

“I know, but he is going to make things worse if he thrashes around like that; it’s only a mild sedative, the benefits outweigh the costs,” Tae told him calmly but working quickly to plunge the syringe into his vein. She understands their hesitancy. Even before the interrogation room, Akira was queasy with needles, definite anxiety around there that she is sure the Interrogation room only exacerbated that with trauma. But she needs Akira to calm down, or the fever could get worse, and he strained himself more, “He needs to calm down.”

“When is it going to kick in?” Akechi gritted as Akira thrashed again, letting out a pained gasp from the injection.

“In a few moments.” Tae told him, as she motioned Makoto to come forward with the IV stand, “I take it you weren’t able to give him any fever reducers?”

“No…” Yusuke answered sadly, still holding Akira’s leg down on the bed, but thankfully, Akira’s thrashing begins to subside just like Tae had predicted, Yusuke told her, his voice quiet, “He hasn’t been lucid….”

“We’ll have to use other methods instead.” Tae hummed, trying to keep her voice level. Akira isn’t in good condition, and his friends know that. Tae also knows his friends know a lot more than her, which is the reason for all their worried demeanors. As a doctor, not only does she know how to treat ailments as such, but also how to communicate in a matter to soothe the patient and keep their loved ones confident. So she remained calm and collected as she reached into her bag to fill the IV bag, “I’ll add some NSAIDs to the mixture I was already going to use to rehydrate him…then monitor to see how he reacts.”

“Aren’t those used for pain?” Akechi grumbled, refusing to let Akira’s arm go even after the other has mostly calmed down by now.

“Yes, but options are limited now, and it can be used as a fever reducer in this situation,” Tae told him, with a polite smile that almost bleeds into more; it might be a dire situation, but she can tell how deeply they all care for Akira and it warms her heart. How blessed someone is to have so many strong bonds that run deep.

Akira is something special for sure.

Tae can’t help but feel warm at the thought.

“What do we do?” Futaba’s voice asked softly from behind her as Tae gently inserted the IV line into his vein. His reaction is a lot less drastic this time, and she isn’t met with any resistance, instead a barely incoherent whimper.

“We wait,” Tae tells them.

“Seriously?” Ryuji muttered, his face falling further, “There isn’t anything we can do?”

“Unfortunately, fighting a fever is only so proactive by the outer party.” Tae chuckled dryly as she made sure the IV was adequately set up next to the bed, “We keep him cool, let the medication do its work, and wait for him to wake up to give him proper fever reducers. Give him all the tools he needs to fight it. I’m sure you all know better than me how strong he is…give him some time, and he’ll recover kicking.”

The mood in the atmosphere dropped instantly, all their faces crumpling even further at her deduction. Not the reaction she was expecting, if she was honest.

“Time is the opposite of what he needs….” Makoto exhaled, her voice nearly cracking.

Tae mused before pushing herself off the bed and quoted one of her favorite authors, “Time heals all wounds, Stephen King. But perhaps that isn’t necessarily true, scars might remain, but time lessens the pain and gives us the space to deal with things. Sometimes we just need to give time some time.”

“That’s a rather idealistic stance for a doctor, isn’t it?” Akechi growled, shifting his gaze from the bed to her, a sort of innate frustration in his eyes, “they say time heals all wounds, but no one ever lives long enough to test that theory. Jose Saramago.”

Tae can’t help but smile bitterly; it was a notion she once believed too. “Perhaps. That is another way to look at it, but you’ve only a lifetime ahead of you as well….”

“Sometimes a lifetime only lasts a second….” Ann said quietly.

Tae realized; this wasn’t the best time for this. They aren’t talking about a fever anymore. There is another bigger issue she isn’t privy to. Clearly, this has something to do with however they pull off their stunts as the Phantom Thieves, and that isn’t her place to speak on, so she resumes her professionalism. “We watch and wait, If this is caused by his inability to know how to not take a break and push himself, it can simply be extreme exhaustion, or I fear it might develop into a sort of pneumonia. I’ll need to do a thorough examination for the latter option, as it could require antibiotics to cure.”

“So, we just…wait?” Haru mumbled, wringing her hands.

Tae is about to respond with something how this takes time; no magic can instantly cure such a thing; if there was, then she’d be happily irrelevant. But, she doesn’t want to discourage them again, so she said sincerely,

“I believe in him. Sometimes, that’s all you can do.”

Tae examines Akira. Afterward, with no solid conclusions, she advises them to keep him cool with the wet towel and that she’ll go back to her clinic for the antibiotics. She leaves, the clicking of her large heels pattering down the staircase.

And it’s just quiet.

A thick blanket of silence settles over the attic, only the sounds of the street outside and Akira’s raspy breathing permeates it, a cough building like Tae said. But even that can’t make a dent in all the things they have no idea how to approach. Everything needs to be said, dissected, but can’t because it’s so dense that none of them know how to start chiseling away at it.

It feels like a silence that won’t ever be broken. An enemy that they can’t defeat.

Makoto remembers arguments with her sister that lasted for days, where they wouldn’t even speak a word to each other. The silence in her apartment during those times was icy cold, and yet, she’d almost prefer that to this one. That one she knew had an end, at least.

Makoto realized; this isn’t something that is so easily fixed. With her sister, she’d make dinner and apologize to Sae; usually, their issues were small like, ‘How dare you use the last of my favorite lotion?’ or ‘I was saving that desert in the fridge!’ and were easily fixable with an apology and a kind gesture.

But there is no way to fix this. Because there isn’t anyone to blame in this all. It’s no one’s fault, and maybe knowing that makes it worse in a way. It’s a devastatingly unfortunate incident that none of them know the source of except perhaps the person who had suffered the most from it. But it’s not something that a few words or gestures can fix.

This isn’t something that can be talked away. This isn’t something time can fix either, despite what Tae might think. If anything, they don’t have enough time.

A time loop? All of them dying in such a devastating way, fading from existence itself? Awakening to a world where everything Akira accomplished has been reset? Unable to not only grasp the absurdity of the situation but the death of the people you once knew?

“I think it would be foolish to put so much into something so fleeting. The person who wishes for an eternity must be a fool indeed. To ask for a happiness so hollow as a sandcastle that dissipates under the crashing of a tide. What a childish, whimsical wish, isn’t it?”

God, those words hit just like a crashing tide now that they make sense. It isn’t an observation as much as it’s pure hopelessness. They are the end of a rope beginning to wildly fray. Akira dared to wish for something as simple as companionship after a childhood that he wasn’t granted such, something that was arguably mundane and common, and this was his answer? What god could be so cruel as to not even grant him a basic human right?

What god would lead him to believe that it was selfish not wanting to be alone in the world…What god would punish him for wanting to be loved?

And the worst part of it all is maybe only a god can fix this. Makoto can only imagine this problem being solved by the divine. A miracle. Because she was sure as hell isn’t sure how to stop a f*cking time loop any other way. They are only high schoolers.

It’s not fair.

Akira doesn’t deserve this. Akira didn’t deserve the weight of the world when all he had tried to do was be an average teen. And Shadow Akira was maybe even right; all the Phantom Thief stuff mainly had been pushed by them and not Akira. Yet, since he was the leader or they had made him the leader, he bared the brunt of the responsibility. Akira might have been the front in fighting, but decision making? He went along mostly with what they wanted to do. And even in Shido’s case, he put his neck out for Akechi to make his goal come to fruition.

“What do we do?” Makoto whispered because she hates the feeling of being useless yet, there isn’t necessarily an option here. She knows the questions are far too redundant right now, but she needs to do something.

“Go home. It’s late.” Akechi told them, sitting back in his seat, exhaustion seeping into his shoulders.

“If you think any of us are going home now, you are a stupider detective than I thought, Akechi,” Futaba responded in a dry voice from where she is curled up next to the bed, not even looking up in Akechi’s direction.

“We already left his side once…I ain’t doing it again.” Ryuji sullenly chimed, shaking his head.

“I know, but all of us are dead tired; we can hardly solve anything in this state.” Akechi sighed, bending over so his elbows were on his thighs, burying his face into his hands. “We are all too emotional and worn out.”

“I don’t think we are emotional enough!” Ann protested angrily, her face twisting, “Akira went through all that, and we didn’t even know! He didn’t think he could tell us! What kind of f*cking friends are we that we couldn’t even be a shoulder for him to lean on…f*cking? Did you hear what we all said to him before? Or not us, but for us from the past timelines?! We promised we’d be there for him, and we weren’t!”

“If we remembered the versions of us in the past timelines, I hardly doubt we’d be in the spot we are now. You quite literally did not know.” Akechi said dryly.

“But we still felt the same way, didn’t we!” Ryuji protested, “I mean, I did…I know I did…just…UGH, everything was so messed up and—”

“I did too….” Haru frowned. “I was so glad to have met Akira…I feel like he really made a difference in my life, despite everything that happened…and to know…to know that he did the same thing again, even if he felt like it was selfish of himself, I couldn’t keep living; that way.”

Makoto agreed. She doesn’t know what happened exactly in Akira’s previous timeline; she doesn’t know if she accused him of being the black mask or if there was tangible friction between them. But, she knows that she was there with him till the bitter end. That they were friends till the end. She means the words that her other self had said; she is glad to have met Akira. Akira was still with her despite all the things she’d done in this lifetime.

Without Akira and without the Phantom Thieves, she’d never break out of the style of living she was in. The horrible cycle of just doing what she was told while not following her own intuition. She’d just be spineless and afraid to do what she felt she needed to. It took some trial and error, and she made mistakes along the way, like accusing Akira, but she knows she finally understands herself and she will always owe it to Akira.

If Akira didn’t do what he did, she wouldn’t be who she was today.

Which made this entirely more difficult because she can see where Akira is so devastated over all this. Akira feels like he killed them by starting the Phantom Thieves. But, doesn’t he see he saved them too? That this is another chance?

Couldn’t they fix this? Now that they know?

“What erased us? The holy grail?” Makoto can’t help but ask, her problem-solving mind kicking into gear. “Whatever it was, we need to figure out how to not let that happen again. We need to stop that from happening.”

“Maybe…maybe it’s best we wait till Akira awakens….” Yusuke murmured, a reaction she was expecting.

“He—” Makoto bit back her words, trying to figure out how she wants to form them, “It’s—entirely possible that Akira might not want to talk….”

“Yeah…” Morgana sighed, curled up next to Akira’s head on the bed, “I don’t think…I think when he feels better—”

“I don’t think he’s going to want to talk then either.” Futaba shook her head, a probably accurate deduction, “When…when I thought I killed my mother…I shut myself away for a year; the thought of talking about it was horrifying and impossible…And, I think he’s been doing the same thing…in a different way, by talking about anything else but what happened to him.”

“He means what he says but doesn’t say what he means….” Haru frowned, echoing the words from Alice, “If his Shadow’s presence is anything to go off, I feel he must have avoided it….”

“I mean, can you blame him…” Ryuji frowned, his knuckles tensing as he stared at the ground; the corners of his lips taught, “When my dad…well left, there were a lot of things that I just ignored. Didn’t want to confront the truth of the situation… Didn’t want to acknowledge the things he did because it was easier not to…If I didn’t think about it, it was like it didn’t happen.”

Makoto can feel the air chill even further because she instantly empathizes with Ryuji as the rest did by the look on their faces. They had all just not acknowledged or changed the situations they were in before they all found each other. Ann struggled with Kamoshida’s sexual advances, knowing what was going on with Shiho. Yusuke held in his position as Madarame’s apprentice by obligation and manipulation. Futaba had believed she killed her mother because of a bullsh*t fake suicide note that Shido had crafted, laying all the blame on her. Haru was forced into an arranged marriage with an abusive man by her father for the company’s good. Akechi had lost his mother and was thrown into the system because of Shido’s greed and inability to acknowledge his son. And Makoto had felt lost ever since her father died; she never truly figured out how to cope. So she just did what other people told her to in hopes that maybe she’d feel right again, but she never truly acknowledged how hard it had been with just her and her sister, the cracks between them.

Makoto understands not wanting to talk and acknowledge things. However, it is altogether easier to just ignore problems in hopes that they will just dissipate magically. It would be a lot easier if that were the case, but it isn’t.

Makoto can accept Akira didn’t want to tell them because he didn’t think they’d believe him when they first met, but Makoto also thinks Haru and Ryuji are right; Akira didn’t want to acknowledge his situation. And maybe he thought, if he treated it carelessly, then he wouldn’t have to deal with all these unsaid things.

She breathed; it’s a bad situation.

Time can’t really fix this because simultaneously, there is too much and too little time.

“… nothing more and nothing less. Though...it isn’t quite impossible to take less of nothing, so rather be careful of taking more of nothing. Then maybe you’ll have the right amount.”

She wonders if there is even the right amount of time.

By now, it’s early in the morning; the consensus had been none of them were leaving. Akechi is frustrated because there are too many of them cramped into one room. It reminds him too much of one of his foster homes. But the frustration can also be attributed to the situation.

Everyone else is in somewhat of a state of uneasy rest, and he isn’t sure how many of them are actually asleep, but he can’t care right now.

Akechi is a detective, and he has too many facts, too much information while also not enough. His mind is racing, trying to figure out what the hell had gone wrong in mementos, for that too had happened. And, what could they do to stop it? He doesn't know enough context, and he wasn't able to pick up enough with the entirety of everything else that had been going on at that moment.

But the problem is irrelevant until Akira divulges more information on the situation that he may try to avoid, like the plague.

Akira’s fever has thankfully cooled from being a dangerous degree. Still, it’s far from being gone. Akechi dabbed the cloth on Akira’s forehead again for the umpteenth time. Akira’s eyelashes flutter against his cheeks, but he still hasn’t wakened since Tae administered the sedative. While probably for the best, it also just left Akechi alone with his thoughts and unspoken concern.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (73)

Akechi told me once…that he wished we could have met earlier. Insinuating that maybe that could have been the difference in his fate…

But they did this time, and hadn’t it? Akechi doesn’t know his path in the timeline previously; however, he was aware of his demise. So it was prevented this timeline, and couldn’t that have been attributed to Akira? So does that mean this narrative was from the timeline before or this one? That is the crucial question he wants to figure out, because it might solve at least one of his burning questions.

If we could have only met earlier, but that wouldn’t have mattered, would it?

Akechi didn’t die on Shido’s cruiser, so didn’t it matter? That had been changed. But, if the event that precursor Akira’s return to the beginning of the timeline happens once more, then it wouldn’t have mattered to Akira’s logic. That achievement by his standards will have been wiped away.

I wonder what we could have been.

Akechi bit his lip, dabbing the towel a little more erratically as he turned to look at his glove that he'd set on the shelf beside the bed. The glove from the other timeline that was exactly like his own. A promise. A promise to duel? Or maybe, it had been a promise for something more, but is that promise even relevant if Akechi doesn't remember? Or rather, that promise didn't happen this time. In terms of the promise from the previous timeline, had Akechi demised it meant the promise was void regardless, and he isn't the one who made the original promise to begin with.

I loved Goro Akechi.

Keyword being 'Loved' in past tense. Akira loved the Goro Akechi from the timeline before, but did Akira feel the same way about him now? Are the two even interchangeable?

Akechi rewetted the towel once more, lost in the monotonous gesture that hopefully might help. Maybe this isn't the biggest problem he needs to solve, but, it's the one that is occupying his mind right now. All the other issues seem far too comprehensive to even approach.

This is unfamiliar territory for him, and he hardly knows how to tread it. Akechi knew his choices for himself, and he knew the weight of those decisions and what they could bring. It’s not as if he had anything to lose; it had been his ulterior goal to bring down Shido from the start after leading Shido to acknowledge him and trust him. The karmic justice would have been so sweet. And, had he done it without any attachments, that demise may have been worth it.

But despite what Akira might think, it did matter. Akira did matter.

Akechi had been mad. He was so angry after Shido’s ship exploded. Arguably he got what he wanted, Shido confessed all his crimes, and they stole the treasure. But, the moment he had thought Akira had been the cost of that achievement of his life goals was devastating. It felt like losing his mother all over again. The only person that had been there for him.

Akira didn’t judge him for the decisions he made, even though he had every right to. Akira didn’t think any differently of him. Akira liked his original personality and his detective prince personality all the same; Akira was an enigma. Akechi hadn’t realized until that ship had exploded, and Akira wasn’t getting on the boat how much his original goals had wildly changed.

Now isn’t the time to define anything, but Akechi will admit that he definitely feels something for Akira, more than the rest of the people he’s ever met in his life. And it’s very different than the strong emotions he’s held against others.

“…’ kechi?” A soft voice broke him out of his reverie, his dissecting of his change In heart, one might say.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (74)

Akechi spared one last thought before he looked up to see Akira’s hazed eyes, half-lidded peering at him. It comes as a relief that the other is finally awake, yet Akechi isn’t sure Akira is all there yet. The look in the other’s eyes suggests the sedative that Tae had given him or the fever is still taking hold of him. Akechi reached out, readjusting the cool towel that had fallen with Akira’s shift in position, and asked just as softly so as not to wake anyone if they were actually asleep, “How are you feeling? Do you remember what happened?”

“You’re alive….” Akira murmurs, his consonants so quiet that Akechi has to piece together the statement himself. Akechi sighed, allowing his hand to fall from where it was on the towel to rest on Akira’s cheek. He’s still the same temperature from only a few moments before, the fever evident in his eyes. Akira murmured something under his breath before laying his hand over Akechi’s hand on his cheek. While his cheek was hot, his hand was cold and clammy.

“Yes, do you remember which timeline you’re in?” Akechi reiterated his previous question, idly running his fingers up and down Akira’s cheek with little thought. Akira sighed and sort of leaned into the touches. Akechi doesn’t think he’ll get much out of Akira right now, but at least it’s a sign that Akira is recovering somewhat.

Akira doesn’t respond to the question, his eyelids fluttering, clearly struggling to keep open. If he does hear it, he doesn’t register it.

“Akira?” Akechi tried again, tapping Akira’s cheek with the pad of his finger. He isn’t really expecting anything to come out of it. Akira desperately needs sleep, and he most certainly did not get that running through his own palace without a persona. His condition is evidence of this. But, Akechi tries to ask anyways because the curiosity is bubbling out of him. Or perhaps it’s a bit of selfishness to keep Akira awake, if only for a moment longer when Akechi has him all to himself.

“Thought you were dead…the door closed… couldn’t save you, you wouldn’t let me… So I tried…awful….” Akira mumbled almost nearly incoherently, his voice raspy as he let out a few coughs.

Akechi sighed, retracting his fingers, “I wouldn’t doubt you tried. I saw the entire scenario; I suppose my other self had a reason. We are certainly even now. However, we thought you were dead, and I couldn’t save you either.”

Akira doesn’t answer, and Akechi assumes he has gone back to sleep, so he reclaims his hand and takes the towel that has been brought to room temperature by Akira’s fever. He rewets it with cool water. Then, gently, he pushes back Akira’s soaked fringe to dab the sweat off of his brow line.

“…’ Kechi…” Akira murmured again, saying the ‘A’ so softly that Akechi could barely pick it up.

“Akira,” Akechi murmured back, continuing blotting Akira’s face with the towel, slowly making his way down the cheek.

“I don’t feel very good. Really don’t feel good.” Akira groaned quietly, his face scrunching up again as he let out a shaky breath.

“I would imagine not; your fever is rather high, not to mention you had been the metaverse for days without substance….” Akechi explained, but he isn’t sure Akira is even registering what he was saying. “Go back to sleep; you are exhausted.”

“Will you still be there when I wake up?” Akira murmured on the cusp of fading back into sleep.

Akechi paused; he’s spent so long convincing himself of his undesirability that this question catches him off guard. But he knows how he feels, and maybe, he’d been a little lost himself, “Always. I promise.”

When Akira does wake up. He’s quiet. And Ryuji knows it’s not just because he feels sick. But, it feels, weird especially with how they know Akira used to act. Playing everything off, going on tangents and ramblings that completely ignored any problem they had at the moment, teasing and joking.

There is none of that. And it’s probably for the best because now they know it wasn’t entirely genuine. Another mask.

But, Ryuji realized they had no idea what to say or how to act with this iteration of Akira.

What can they even say? After everything that went down, where do they even begin? How do you start to unwind someone whose already been unraveled in front of them in such a devastating way? What do they say to the person who believes they are all ghosts of the people he loved? And also, does he still love them or not?

Ryuji isn’t good with these types of conversations. Grief and Loss, Pain and suffering, even with the events of his father, he just didn’t talk about it. And he doesn’t think he ever truly learned how to navigate those serious conversations or something of this magnitude.

“Hey dude…are you feeling better?” Ryuji asked, starting off small. He doesn’t know how to navigate this sort of thing, but he can at least be there for Akira when he needs it.

And Akira definitely needs something for sure.

“…Feel like sh*t….” Akira mumbled, his shoulders trembling with the vigor of trees in the wind. His face is still flushed, just like the night before, but the fever had at least gone down from being immediately dangerous.

“Well, yeah, your brains almost melted out….” Ann sighed from where she was sitting on the bed next to him; she gently pushed his bangs back to check his temperature, “It went down but… you’re still sick.”

“Yeah, you really scared us,” Morgana said quietly, looking up from where he was curled up to Akira’s thigh.

Oh…” Akira muttered, his eyes stuck to his lap, another shudder wracking his body. He doesn’t say anything further, just choosing to stay into the abyss of the blanket pooled around his waist.

Ryuji bit his lip as he shared an anxious look with Ann and Morgana.

What are they supposed to do?

“Are you hungry?” Ann tried lightly, “The others are making curry downstairs, I think Boss had to give them an impromptu cooking lesson, but it should be almost finished! He even made Akechi join in…Akechi actually might have needed the most guidance…I suppose that tracks with the fact he didn’t own kitchen stuff.”

“I’m not hungry….” Akira quietly said, not pulling his head up and remaining in the still position he’d assumed once he woke up. Still…something Akira usually never was. Ryuji knows how he loves to fidget, pull on his bangs or sleeves or play with his phone.

“I get that…but you might have to take a few bites so you can take the medication Tae left.” Ryuji gently tried to persuade him, “She said you might feel nauseous if you don’t.”

“Ok…” Akira answered simply, but it felt more just to appease them than actually agreeing, and Ryuji felt guilty. It sounded like how Akira probably acted with his parents, just agreeing so he didn’t have to get in trouble, agreeing because arguing was pointless, and it wouldn’t matter how he felt. Ryuji knows that feeling for sure.

But, god, what is he supposed to say?

The elephant in the room is crushing all of them.

“Do you want to—”

“No,” Akira answered, cutting off the rest of Ann’s question. At least meaning he’s paying attention to some extent.

“Ok.” Ann weakly replied.

Ryuji frowned, the feeling of being useless washing over him. Of course, he wants to help Akira like Akira helped him, but where does he even begin to fix this mess that is so messed up?

Akira Kurusu is tired; it sinks into his bones, runs through his veins, and weaves its way like a thick ivy through the cracks in his ribcage, suffocating him slowly and surely. It winds around his heart with no chance of loosening. It fills the void within himself without invitation, curling uptight and wound, buried too deep for him to be able to reach the roots. Yet, despite this, he still feels so hollow.

Yet it doesn’t even matter because there isn’t anything he could do about it; he tried. There are no shears that can reach deep enough inside him to cut the roots of exhaustion and no shears sharp sufficient to make a dent regardless. And there isn’t anything else to fill this awful void within his ribcage of knowing nothing truly matters in the grand scheme of things. The knowledge is a vacuum.

Akira Kurusu is smart; he is smart enough to know that trying to explain his situation to people he had just met, even though they were incarnations or revenants of people he once knew, would only make him look mad. Absolutely bonkers. That is not something he has ever questioned. He knew them, in and out, but they did not know him anymore, and he knew they would not believe him. And Akira doesn’t trust his abilities to make them believe him. Akira has had years of experience deciphering what people would believe of him, and it wasn’t a broad spectrum.

The boy who called wolf despite never actually crying wolf.

‘Yeah, I started a group of thieves, who were actually high schoolers, you guys, to steal hearts, but we ended up going against societies wishes, a huge f*cking golden grail actually, and society threw us away, literally erasing us painfully from reality one by one because they didn’t want us. But I didn’t actually die; I woke up a year before on the train to Shibuya with all my pocket change, all our weapons, and a decked-out persona compendium that I could barely even touch and no one to remember what happened with me. And I don’t actually believe in what the Phantom Thieves are doing anymore; I really couldn’t care less, I just started it again because I felt so goddamn guilty and alone, but I know that whatever choices I make won’t matter. And the idea that I might be looping for eternity terrifies me when I didn’t even want to survive the first time.’

Akira knew no one would believe him; none of his friends would possibly believe that after just meeting him. And Akechi definitely wouldn’t believe it; Akechi would be by far the least person to believe him. It was insane. Akira barely believed it despite being forced to live it. He was exhausted, and he wasn’t sure what the right combinations of words and nuance would be to elicit anything remotely close to trust from his former friends.

And by the time he built his relationships with them, worked on their social links carefully and diligently, his friends had already started to suspect him. Then they wrote him off as the murderer. Leaving the option of explaining his cracked-up story in the dust because if they didn’t believe a stranger, they certainly wouldn’t believe someone they suspected was committing crimes and plotting against them. If they didn’t believe the velvet room, there is certainly no way they’d accept his whole story.

Akira is tired; he is exhausted because he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. He feels like he is stuck in limbo, spinning his wheels just waiting for this growing fire of a situation to swallow them all whole and leaving him in the ash once again to restart.

It was a lost battle, a lost cause. A game he couldn’t win. And he doesn’t know why he is forced to keep playing.

He just wants it to end. He wants to forfeit.

And he doesn’t want to sit here in another ‘interrogation’ with these people. Had his encounter with his Shadow not been enough? Had him bearing his soul in a moment of unplanned exhaustion and frustration not been enough for them?

“Why did you never say anything?” Morgana asked with a quiet voice; all of them sat at his table, his exhaustion the only thing tying him in place. Or what he was told was Pneumonia or some kind of it, maybe? He wasn’t really paying attention. But fun, just another thing to add to the pile.

There is a plate of curry in front of him that he hardly has the appetite for. It just tastes like dust in his mouth, a hint of nostalgia but nothing more than a spark that is smothered out but the tainted memory. He doesn’t feel like eating it and only pushes it around to create the illusion of consuming it. What’s the point, really? A plate of curry isn’t going to fix any of his problems.

“What was I supposed to say?” Akira answered, not feeling like truly answering the question entirely. What was the point?

It was never as easy as just saying something after all.

He could have said something; he could have said many things. He could have yelled at the top of his lungs at the Sky Tree overall Shibuya.

But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t make someone accept your truth if they have their own. Likewise, you can’t make someone believe you if they don’t. It’s a fact of life. Akira knows. It’s a waste of time and effort. And a waste of hope.

It’s futile.

He just wanted out. He wanted it to end. It wasn’t a second chance, it wasn’t wonderland, it was just a reminder that no matter what choices he makes. He will always end up alone. Whether it meant his friends dying in front of him again or returning to his hometown to avoid what he was supposed to call home. To people, who much like Shibuya, didn’t give a sh*t about his existence.

When he awakened his persona, Arsene told him he would be chained to hell itself; Akira Kurusu hadn’t anticipated this. He thought he had already known hell by already treading it, but he was wrong evidently. The universe loved proving Akira wrong, apparently.

He foolishly accepted the contract, and now he is living with the consequences.

“Do you still feel sick?” Haru asked softly, probably watching him stir around his curry for a second time. Or maybe she noticed the thick dissociation he is lost in. Perhaps she can tell Akira can’t feel his fingers, as he clumsily tried to hold onto the fork, as the world feels like an analog TV shifting channels around him. That the world is spinning, but maybe that can be attributed to the low fever as well. Perhaps she can tell that Akira doesn’t feel like anything is real at this moment, and he isn’t actually existing.

Sick is an understatement. How are you supposed to explain the feeling of not physically being there?

Somedays, he doesn’t feel like he’s a person. It’s like everything is happening before him, but Akira feels like an observer rather than himself, like a f*cking video character or something. It’s as if someone else was controlling his actions and decisions with a f*cking controller, moving him through this story that is his life, and he’s just idly watching without any say.

Akira knows that sentiment is stupid and dismissive, he is fully responsible for his decisions, and the feeling of dissociation does not take that away. His actions are his own, but half the time, he doesn’t feel like himself; he doesn’t feel like any of it is real. It’s like a movie playing out in front of him, only he’s not paying attention half the time. Some script spews out of his mouth, some sh*tty joke or careless sentiment. He doesn’t know. At least the humor keeps people’s worries at bay, so he doesn’t have to explain how much of a godforsaken hot mess he is, as he’s just waiting for the end credits to roll and the tape to rewind.

And when he is present, when he can feel himself, all Akira feels is guilt and shame. Guilt and shame for the fact his friends have blamed him but not for the thing they should be blaming him for in the first place. And he couldn’t tell them that he was a murderer. But not in the way they thought. Akira knew he murdered his friends; if Akira wasn’t so selfish, if he didn’t crave the validation and the comfort his friends gave him, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. And Akira knows he was so selfish that he attempted to do it a second time. Akira was going to murder them all over again, and when they finished Shido’s Palace. Akira couldn’t deal with it. So he did the only thing he could think of and tried to kill himself, but he knows, he knows, it would have just started the loop all over again.

It wouldn’t have mattered. It was just more time. It was just another circle of hell.

It was just another loop.

“What was your…uh, plan, I guess? When you decided to…loop again this far…?” Ryuji asked awkwardly when Akira didn’t want to respond to Haru’s question, but Akira had known Ryuji long enough to decipher what he meant.

‘What was your plan after you killed yourself so many times and living out this loop how you did?’

There was no goddamn plan; everyone kept questioning what the big plan was, what was his goal, why he did what he did. But there was no grand plan, he might have had some half-baked plan initially, but that was thrown out the door when Shiho jumped. He didn’t know what to do, but he knew who he wanted to save. He just didn’t know how to do it. So, he tried all sorts of things but was too afraid to stray from the timeline; after all, all of them had come together through those events. So he naively redid them all. ALL. Because he thought maybe this time would be different, but who the f*ck was he kidding. It wouldn’t be different. He knows that; he doesn’t know why he tried.

Akira had just doomed them all over again. It’s not as if they can beat an unbeatable boss.

He tried, and tried and tried, but he f*cked up everything. He kept trying to fix things, to be the leader the Phantom Thieves needed. But everything he tried to fix or not fix just went utterly wrong. It’s like he missed a beat, and he couldn’t catch up.

Akira doesn’t know what to do or what to say. But in reality, nothing he says or does is really going to make a difference anyway. There is no right choice. There is no future for him. There is no way for him to move forward, and there is no way for him to move back. He's just stuck in the perpetual circle without an end, spinning his wheels for no reason. Why? What is the point of this all? Whys is he still even here if there is nothing to live for anymore? What is the point of achieving anything if it doesn't mean anything in the end?

How can anything possibly ever fix this? And he doesn’t know what’s worse, the fact all his friends know or that when the loop restarts, he’ll lose that too. These people, can he really call them his friends? If their bonds are only going to revert again, can they really be called friends? Or just brief acquaintances. They look like his friends, their mannerisms are the same but Akira could never shake the deep-set feeling that it all just felt wrong. It's not easy to forget the handful of memories he treasured, that couldn't ever be regained, a nostalgia that's been tinged with a bitter-sweet taste.

Like honey and ash running down his throat, slowly choking him.

“Akira…” Morgana said softly, pawing at Akira’s sleeve. He knows that everyone is probably watching him like a hawk, but he can’t even care anymore. It’s not as if they’ll remember later. And he's too tired to think about it. Too numb for his usual dose of shame and guilt.

“I have nothing,” Akira admitted, his voice barely above a decibel as he uttered his truth. He doesn’t want to have this conversation. He doesn’t want to be here. He doesn’t want to be anywhere. And maybe what he really means is he is nothing in the grand scheme of all that has happened and all that exists. He is nothing because everything has been stripped away methodically and carefully.

“You have us,” Yusuke answered sincerely, and Akira knows he means well, he can hear the sentiment behind the words, the soft tone the words lay on, but Akira knows none of them grasp the meaning of Akira’s nuance. The Phantom Thieves mean well, but their meaning is lost in the ebbs of the universe.

“For how long?” Akira smiled bitterly, but maybe it comes out more like a grimace; it seems all his carefully controlled expressions have been lost as well. He attributes it to the fever that he can’t seem to beat as it keeps pounding away at him. Or maybe, he’s just done. What’s the point of acting when they reset is so near? This is exactly like what screaming into the void would probably feel like. “Sometimes…sometimes forever only lasts a second…and this is not the eternity I wished for. This isn’t what I wanted.”

And maybe Akira shouldn’t have gotten so greedy. Perhaps he should have been more careful of what he wished for carelessly. Maybe he should have defined the perimeters of wish better or been more realistic and just accepted that one year while he had the chance. If he had just accepted his fate, then he wouldn’t be in this f*cked up situation. Maybe sending a random wish into the universe was an awful idea. In that happy moment, gathered around in Leblanc with plates full of curry and a pack of cards, Akira shouldn’t have wished for their companionship for an eternity with a smile on his face and sincerity in his words.

It was too childish.

“Akira…We love—”

“Don’t.” Akira begged, giving a shake of his head as he let the fork fall onto the plate as he ran the pads of his fingers down his face with exhaustion, trying to feel the skin under his fingers, “Just…just don’t. Please don’t be so cruel to say those things to me when you know the outcome of all this.”

“Akira, but we do, though…We are still your friends…you know that, right? We’ll be there for you now. …this doesn’t change anything. We are still with you, dude.” Ryuji tried to reassure him, but Akira knew it was futile. He knows what they are trying to do, but why can’t they listen to him when he tells them earnestly that it won’t matter. Nothing they say matters in the grand scheme of things.

It’s just empty hope that cuts like a dagger, a reminder.

“It doesn’t change anything. And that’s exactly it.” Akira said, his voice dropping a tone as he couldn’t contain the heavy words bubbling out of him like thick black tar that threatened to drown him right then and there. “It doesn’t change anything because once the loop restarts, the people you are now won’t matter. They’ll be erased. Gone. You won’t remember anything about this. Or the things we went through. You won’t remember me.”


And Akira cannot contain himself, the thick words oozing out of him, unable to be held by the shoddy box he’d try to keep them in this entire time. Another thing attributed to the fever.

“Do you really still not get it? You might be ‘them,’ you might have their faces and have their childhoods, but you don’t have the memories I do. You don’t remember what I do, the memories I shared with them. You aren’t the same ones I have my firsts with. My first meal with a friend, my first time going shopping with someone other than family, my first time studying with a classmate. All the memories I have, we never shared them. The happiest memories of my life…I can’t share them with anyone anymore because those people no longer exist. The specific details of those moments like when Ann showed me this game where you close your eyes, pick a piece of clothing off of each rack, have to put it on no matter what it is, then model it like you own it, and we died of laughter in the department store while the associates judged us. Like when Ryuji gave me his version of how Ramen was invented that involved a pasta conspiracy and aliens, even though he’d just met me, we felt like childhood best friends reuniting in the best way. Or like when Futaba and I binged Neo Featherman for literally two weeks straight and eventually started coming up with our own dialogue, which was entirely better than the actual dialogue. We wrote an entire manuscript and sent it to the writers! Or like how Haru decided to teach me ballet on a whim in the middle of the Scramble on a Saturday night, and she accidentally kicked a man in the face, and he thanked her for it. Or like when Akechi and I accidentally entered a Billard’s tournament at Kichikoji, and we won against like a bunch of these adult teams! And it was so f*cking justifying as well as the price money.

I remember those moments so clearly, but I will never be able to reminisce about them because they did not happen with you. I will never get to go back to those moments. You don’t get it. You don’t understand how I felt in those moments. You can’t comprehend how much those moments defined my life after being sent to Shibuya. You don’t truly understand, and you never will. I will never be able to recreate or go back to those moments or the people who remember those moments. I will never see those people again. And those memories are painful to think about when it feels like you are so close but knowing if I bring it up, you will not have any idea what I’m f*cking talking about.

I loved them. I loved them with everything I had because I did not know how to love myself, and they made me feel like I belonged. That I was something or someone. I poured what I had into them. And when I lost them, it felt like I had lost all these pieces of myself, these pieces that defined me, and I didn’t know how to put them back together. I’d lost everything. I was right back where I started, day one. Please don’t say you love me because I can’t accept it knowing that you’ll just be erased once more. And that love will mean nothing despite your best intentions. And I’m tired. I’m tired of people telling me they loved me when they don’t know the first thing about me. You don't get it.”

He knows how his words come across, and even if he didn’t, the expressions on the Phantom Thieves’ faces tell him well enough that they hurt. He averts his gaze down. While they may not have been his original friends, he does feel close to them in a different way. But, it doesn’t change the pain he feels when he itches to bring up a memory from the past timeline, the heartbreaking nostalgia of something he is incapable of returning to.

He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to feel. He’s torn in two different directions, but he knows the ending is all the same.


“And maybe when I disappeared, I lost pieces. Am I still me? Have I always been? I feel like I’m missing this huge piece, and it just disappeared and never came back. Can I still be considered whole? Am I even human?” Akira rambled, getting more and more hysterical as the sentences dragged on. Because all these thoughts have been plaguing him for so long that it’s a miracle his Shadow wasn’t more volatile than he was. Akira’s sense of identity is shot, and he doesn’t know who he’s supposed to be anymore. And there aren’t any personas to tell him what to be. “Am I even me anymore?”

“That’s ridiculous,” Akechi answered him unsympathetically in a very Akechi-like way.

“Akechi!” Makoto scolded him.

“So what, you changed. That’s what change is! You lose some pieces, you give them away, you forget them somewhere, they are brutally torn from you. But you gain pieces too! In the unlikely of places, the weird sorts of people like that man you saw fishing, the small moments when you aren’t paying attention, and they are dropped into you. The human body regenerates cells; you are not the ‘you that you were in your childhood. You are not the ‘you that you were a year ago. But you are still you. You are exactly who you need to be, didn’t you f*cking teach me that?” Akechi argued, his eyes narrowed as he addressed Akira from next to him.

“And what does the ‘me’ I am matter when I can’t even make a f*cking difference in anyone’s fate!? What does the ‘me’ I am matter when all the personas I’ve cultivated won’t even come back to me? When all the ‘me’s I’ve created decided to abandon me because they understand I’m not worth it! What does the ‘me’ I need to be matter when I can’t even save you?!” Akira barked, his lips twisting up into a snarl, “What does the ‘me’ I’m supposed to be matter when I don’t have you?”

“Have you considered that you weren’t meant to save us but to save your goddamn f*cking self?” Akechi growled angrily back. His words were like daggers with poison on the tips.

Akira bit back the words he wanted to scream, ‘what is there left to save?’ but he knows that it won’t go across well because the Phantom Thieves don’t see it from his perspective. They don’t get it. They don’t understand the intricacies of Akira’s life and why that’s not a viable option; the Phantom Thieves don’t get it. There is nothing worth saving.

And Akira isn’t the one who needs saving. He’s the one who did the saving. But he can’t do that anymore, and they are all f*cked. Akira is doomed. And they can't do a thing.

He sat back, mouth clenched tightly because he had no words. He has nothing for them left. One can take more from nothing but there is nothing to take. He's an empty well.

“What do you want, Akira? Ignoring your logic, everything, what do you want?” Makoto asked quietly in the awkward silence, a question he wasn’t expecting from her in the slightest. This isn’t a question he gets often. He doesn’t usually get a choice in what he wants. His parents never gave him an option in any of his milestones. He didn’t get a choice in going to Shibuya.

He didn’t get a say in much because no one ever really asked him how he feels about things or what he wants.

So when Makoto asked him earnestly what he wanted, can he even answer? Is his answer too selfish to admit out loud?

Does he even dare?

“I don’t want to do this.” Akira admitted anyways, even if it couldn’t be granted, maybe he’s feeling a little selfish, “I’m terrified that it’s never going to end…and I don’t want to do this again and again for eternity….I just want to be done. I want this to be over…I don’t want to do this anymore.”

There was a pause before Akechi said unhelpfully, “Resetting the timeline… isn’t going to help anything.”

That isn’t what he meant, and he knows Akechi knows that. Akira just doesn’t want to be here anymore. He doesn't want to watch his friends die like that all over again. He doesn't want to go through this same cycle of remeeting everyone he's met only to just have it restart. He doesn't want to play whatever messed up game this is.

“But it’s inevitable.” Akira muttered, before sighing in thick exhaustion, “What do you want from me?”

“We—” Haru bit her tongue before continuing, “We don’t want to see you suffer like this….”

What is Akira supposed to say to that? Sorry? It’s not like he can do anything about it. “Well, sorry to disappoint once again, but lucky for you, this can easily be solved for you if you’d let me go and reset the timeline.”

“You aren’t disappointing us! It’s... That’s not fixing anything for you or anything.” Ann protested, before curbing the frustration in her voice, giving him a set a big blue eye that he simply does not know how to deal with on top of anything else, “Akira—just—we understand…how hard this must be but—just let us help—”

“Didn’t you get the f*cking memo; I’m damned for eternity, Ann…Chained to f*cking hell.” Akira spat.

“But there has to be a way to end it.” Yusuke denied, “If we can just get to the bottom of why it’s happening—”

“How?! We are only high schoolers!” Akira growled; don’t they get it? How can they all be so dense? “What are we supposed to f*cking do about the space-time continuum? We can barely deal with f*cking end of the year exams!”

“The bottom of Mementos—” Morgana naively suggested, and Akira knows where he is going with this, so he promptly cuts off any hope that he might have.

“You know what is at the bottom of Mementos!? A f*cking golden holy grail, the public’s beloved treasure, and the public doesn’t want to give it up. It’s untouchable. And I f*cked up. I decided let’s change f*cking society, and this was my goddamn reward for that.” Akira said, knowing how icy and bitter his words are, and maybe he’ll regret them later on when his headache isn’t throbbing so much. Still, right now, the disassociation has bled into anger because they don’t understand the problem. They don’t understand how human they are, “This was a rigged game from the start.”

“And that’s… that’s what erased us….” Makoto murmured, her voice despondent as she might finally be getting what Akira is trying to say, “The public’s will…society didn’t want to accept us… and so, they erased us….”

“But there got to be something we can do!” Ryuji protested desperately, “I mean after that—”

After what? What do they think is going to happen? Akira thought they had beat the Holy Grail; they did their damn best, they cut all the veins to the prisoners in Mementos. All the shadows held shackled, but what did it matter? The veins grew back, and despite all the Phantom Thieves’ efforts, they were thrown out of the metaverse into reality. In the middle of the square, they were executed for their efforts, publicly, but as the public will be the ones doing the executing, no one gave a damn.

No one cared. And no one remembered anything but Akira.

Akira doesn’t want to go through that again. Akira doesn’t think he could handle going through that moment again, where his skin is coming off in wisps of black smoke, and all his friends had faded out of existence around him. But that moment is unavoidable if he doesn’t restart the timeline. He doesn’t want to do this again, and he is sure that the result would be the same even if they went up against the holy grail with Akechi on their team. After all, Akira had Alice and Yosh*tsune last time. And it didn’t matter.

The amount of strength the Phantom Thieves had combined didn’t make a dent.

And now Akira can’t even summon a persona; he can’t even feel them. Alice helped him one last time, but even she couldn’t stick around.

Akira is all on his own, just like he’s always been and will continue to be.

This is his problem, and he can’t fix it.

The world swirls in colors around him like he’s looking at a television screen. It feels like a dream, or a nightmare, where he can’t control a thing, and he can’t make a move.

“Hey, Akira? Dude… Do you need to lay down?” Ryuji’s voice is coming from somewhere. But it feels as if it’s masked by some voice filter. Is that directed at him? Or maybe Ryuji didn’t say anything; Akira isn’t exactly sure.

Is any of this real? Is this really happening?

It doesn’t feel real. The curry in front of him feels like a mockery of what he thinks it should be. The people in front of him feel like fakes of who they should be. None of what he is perceiving feels right.


He’s paralyzed.


Akira knows what’s happening, he’s not unfamiliar with this feeling, the feeling where he doesn’t exist, and this is all just a fever dream that he can’t seem to hold onto. A wave of fog crashes over him, much like the fog he once knew from living in Inaba.

Yet, he can’t seem to stop it, and why should he? Even his usual method of tugging on the stands of his hair just to feel it doesn’t truly work anymore.

It’d be better if he didn’t exist anyways. Hell, by all standards, he shouldn’t exist, period.

“We need to stop that event from happening,” Ryuji said without argument, his knuckles white as he grips the booth table with vigor. The epitome of the tension they are feeling. The feeling in Leblanc is vastly different than the Leblanc in Akira’s cognition. It’s no longer tinged with that warm nostalgia; instead, this one is set in reality, and the air is just as heavy down here as in the attic where Akira is resting further.

The pent-up frustration and anxiety are almost tangible.

“We agree on that…but where do we even start?” Haru breathed, “On one hand, I think we need a bit more information, but….on the other hand, I think we should respect the fact that Akira doesn’t want to talk about this further….after everything he’s been through…And he’s still recovering too, bringing up things like that isn’t going to help. So, I think he should talk about it eventually, but I’m not sure if that time is right now.”

“Yeah, but…” Futaba bit her lip, “How else are we supposed to figure out anything about this Holy Grail? I mean…all we know is it’s the public’s treasure, and it’s at the bottom of mementos. But when we tried to fight in in the last timeline….”

“It erased us, meaning it’s not something to take lightly,” Akechi muttered.

“None of us are taking this lightly, not after that scene….” Morgana huffed, his ears flattened against his head, “but…is this….do you think that’s why the public didn’t change after Shido confessed his crimes? Because of the holy grail? Because of the treasure they hold?”

“I think it’s safe to assume so…” Makoto answered quietly, “So we ended up getting the answer to the initial reason we entered the metaverse in the first place….”

“But what are we supposed to do about it.” Yusuke frowned, “Jumping into this battle, knowing what we know isn’t going to go well, and It’ll make things worse.”

“Akechi… didn’t you say…you had access to that room?” Ryuji asked, his voice far from happy, and Akechi can’t blame them for what they now know. But it is something Akechi has been mulling over in the back of his mind. He desperately doesn’t want that to be the key, however.

“I do…the velvet room.” Akechi nodded because he put this conversation off far too long probably,, “However I never formally made a contract with the attendant.”

“That man…those twins are awful; I don’t think Akira had a choice in all of that.” Ann shook her head, “Making him execute Arsene in such an awful way…and probably forcing him to fuse other personas like that too….”

“But…if anyone knew about this thing, wouldn’t it be them?” Ryuji muttered, “I don’t like it either but, they seem to know more about the persona sh*t and metaverse sh*t than we do…Maybe if we like…I don’t know, set a trap? Get them to help us or get them to tell us? I mean, there are eight of us, and only a few of them…Surely we can overpower them or something?”

“Margaret is not a force to be trifled with.” Akechi shook his head, his arms folded as he recounted the times that he’s seen Margaret in battle. “She decimated the Reaper with one attack and without breaking a sweat. And when we fought in a battle, I highly assume she was not using her full potential.”

“She defeated the Reaper with one attack!?” Morgana sputtered, his eyes wide in horror, “Wait, and you battled her?!”

“But…she didn’t kill you.” Futaba gasped, with a sense of realization, “If she could take the Reaper out with one shot, she could have annihilated you! You’d be dead!”

“She certainly held power too…. Not only that, she has wit; trapping her intellectually may only backfire as well…” Akechi hummed. The inner debate raging in his mind. After seeing the scene of Margaret’s assumed master in Akira’s cognition, his mistrust for Margaret only grows further, and he doesn’t know whether her intentions hold true. But on the other hand, Margaret might actually be the only person they can turn to right now. Margaret definitely knew things about persona and the metaverse, and she might hold the key to this entire debacle.

But can they trust her?

“If she left you unharmed and alive, then perhaps she is someone that can be reasoned with.” Then, Yusuke suggested, “Tell us, Akechi, what offer has she given you?”

“Something similar to what you saw in Akira’s cognition. Fusing and strengthening persona. However, my velvet room was not anything like that prison cell. Rather, it was a courtroom. And there didn’t seem to be such medieval devices… though, I am inclined to distrust the methods she may use. She offered her service to look for her missing master and sister. Singular.”

“Wait, so she was looking for the man in Akira’s cognition? And her sister?” Haru blinked, surprised by the information. “There were twins, though….”

“I am confused on that detail as well.” Akechi nodded, before pursing his lips, “However, if that really was her master, I can only wonder about their association….”

Margaret definitely gave off professional and less hostile energy than her master seemed to. Yet, that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t commit the same egregious behavior that her master did if they entered a contract.

But, it might be the only way to learn something about what is going on. Is it too hopeful Margaret might be the key to defeating this unbeatable enemy?

“What other choice do we have?” Ryuji quietly breathed. “I mean…if we don’t do anything…well…I mean, one Shido will be put in charge, and his counsel will be running Japan, and even then, that doesn’t mean this won’t happen again. If this Holy Grail can really just merge reality and mementos like that, it doesn’t matter where we are or what we do. We are f*cked anyway.”

“You are right. If we do nothing, then it’s more than likely, this may unfold again...” Akechi agreed. And can they really bet on it not? They can’t let Shido become the Prime Minister and f*ck up Japan either. Akechi knows what Shido is capable of, and If he gets put in power, even with his ‘change of heart,’ he still has an entire corrupt counsel behind him that is capable of horrendous things as well. If they went into Mementos to change those hearts…well, this same event might occur regardless. They are between a rock and a hard place.

And Akira has to pay the price either way.

f*ck. f*ck, this is so f*cked up, and Akechi has no idea what the right answer is or the more logical one.

Can he really trust Margaret? Margaret indeed healed him after his fight; she’s answered chiefly all of his questions without being in a formal contract. So she technically hasn’t given him much to not trust her beside her association with the room and that she can basically kick his ass she wants to.

But she didn’t fight him without consent. Akechi had agreed to her request for a battle.

She didn’t fuse his persona without permission.

She didn’t do what those twins did, and while her observations may be frustrating, it’s only because she’s usually spot on. Akechi hates how well she can read him. Margaret might actually be a genuine fortune teller, even though Akechi had denied the possibility with Akira for so long. Unfortunately, though, Akira’s situation turned out to be far more.

But is that enough to ignore the chance she might change the tides?

Change Akira’s fate?

“I’ll…talk to Margaret.” Akechi decided. f*ck it, he was supposed to die on that cruiser anyways. At least if he chooses this, then it’s his choice. And it’s not as if they many other options in this case. Interrogating Akira about this any further…. just seems like it wouldn’t do much, and Akira’s already on a tightrope as it is. Also, Akira might not know anything more and isn’t in a state to reveal more without it being more detrimental to his state of mind.

“What about Akira? I mean…should you tell him about how you can visit that room too?” Morgana wondered hesitantly, looking up from where he was lying on the booth table.

“I mean…is that really a good idea? Especially…after what we saw?” Ann mumbled, wringing the ends of her ponytails nervously, “I think it might just bring up painful memories…on top of everything else….”

A silence falls over them.

Akechi can’t help but turn his attention to the stairs.

They did rescue Akira from the cognitive space, but this job isn’t done. And Akechi doesn’t give up. They need to figure out how to stop this event from happening because if they can stop them from disappearing, maybe they can stop the time loop if the two are linked. Akechi is sure it has something to do with this cognitive world. Or rather, he cannot fathom what else it could be If not the cognitive world.

If Akechi can just stop this catastrophe from happening, then maybe he can fix Akira. Or at least give Akira room to sort out his stuff.

The idea that if Akira reset the timeline again terrifies him, not only for Akira’s sake but for the fact that Akechi, as he is now, may no longer exist, as Akira said. And the fact that, if Akira resets the timeline, after this, he may choose not to engage with the Phantom Thieves. For their own sake, yet that realization cuts deep.

Akira was right; they aren’t so different. Loneliness was something he was familiar with deeply. And the feeling of being trapped in something he didn't want, he could empathize with Akira on that as well, though, he hardly thinks his situation compares in the slightest.

“No, let him rest for right now. He’s been through enough.” Akechi shook his head as he grabbed his coat off the chair, “I’ll see what I can get out of Margaret.


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (75)


Uh, the artwork I did for this chapter, I did literally before I started this story. So Like a year and a few months ago...so take that as you will as I feel I improved since then 🤣

Did I write a 400K+ fic just to provide context for that first image?

Yes. Yes, I f*cking did 😌

Chapter 29: The one where Akira goes fishing with Yu


The one where Akechi gets a Tarot Reading, and Akira meets his hero.

TW// Depression


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Akechi bit his lip as he stood in front of the blue door in the back alley of Kichijoji. Is this really the best idea? Even he had to admit he had second thoughts about this course of action. After the Velvet Room in Akira’s cognition, and who may have been Margaret’s master, Akechi’s guard has skyrocketed. That man cruelly executed Akira’s persona in such a way... Akechi can’t deny the power that came from such a fusion if Alice was a testament. But it isn’t worth the cost.

He chuckled to himself; maybe he really had changed. At one time, it had been him slicing through shadows just as mercilessly.

Akechi reminds himself why he was doing this as his anxiety grows in front of the blue door; it’s for Akira. He’s doing this for Akira.

And Akechi isn’t sure how to help any other way. He doesn’t even know where to begin; feelings aren’t his strong point regarding conversation or relationships. He knows how to manipulate people’s feelings to get what he wants; however, he isn’t sure that skill is particularly applicable in this situation, nor does he want to use that on Akira. Their experiences are similar enough that Akechi is familiar with the consequences as well as Akira. A double-edged sword.

But that doesn’t leave Akechi with a lot of options. Talking with Akira is out of the question since it’s not going to fix anything; Akechi already knows that as he knows Akira. So, there is only action. The moment Akira loses everything is the moment they need to change. And maybe then, they could figure out if that was causing the time loop or, instead, if it was something else.

If they can just stop Akira from looping again…if Akechi can just make sure they don’t disappear, maybe Akechi can fix this no matter how impossible this seems. But, ironically, they just need more time. A contradicting cure in this situation.

Akechi grits his teeth, the internal conflict raging over needing to fix the situation, and how much information does he actually give to Margaret? Or, another horrendous thought is that maybe Margaret is in on all of this too. And Akechi doesn’t know. Maybe Margaret is stringing him along too for some plan that she holds. This whole narrative of ‘I’m looking for my master, and my sister’ could be a complete ruse, and in turn, she is pulling the strings.

Margaret doesn’t seem to want to kill, but Akechi knows how manipulation works and Margaret can be quite charming and crafty in the way she approaches topics.

He bites the bullet and pushes open the door, a sea of blue whirling around him.

The blue courtroom filled with blue velvet fills his vision; once more, he is seated upon the judge’s seat. Is this part of Margaret’s plan too? Make him think he has all the power when she’s actually in control? It’s rather insidious in its effectiveness.

“How interesting. So far, I have been the one coming to you…yet, here you are.” Margaret smiles haughtily at him from the prosecutor’s desk, her deep gold eyes peering at him through the thin-framed glasses on her face. They’re the same color of a shadow’s eyes, yet hers at least hold some sort of sentience and understanding. “Tell me, Goro Akechi. Are you here because you have considered my offer?”

Akechi wants to tell her hell no, he hasn’t, that he isn’t a puppet that will be controlled; he won’t let the pieces of himself be toyed around like that. But he’s here for information right now, not a battle. So he has to be courteous, and even more so, he has to be strategic. Fighting with Margaret won’t get him what he needs.

“Remind me of the terms of your conditions once more, Margaret-san,” Akechi appeals. This seemed the most practical way to open the dialogue even if he didn’t intend to make a deal.

“In exchange for the power to fuse and strengthen Persona and propel you to your full potential, all I request is for aid in the search for my missing master and sister. However, I am bound to the Velvet Room and to help those with such a power as yours. My request is merely that: a request. You may choose to take or leave it. I’ll help you all the same if you choose to use the services of this room.” Margaret explains, tapping her book laid out on the table. She isn’t pressuring him per se, but it only makes Akechi more wary. Margaret is far too generous. Essentially, she makes it seem like she gets nothing out of this deal. Looking for her master isn’t a condition, instead of a request?

Why? Why wouldn’t she demand something of him?

“Your master and sister….” Akechi frowns because maybe he can use this request to his advantage... But, at the same time, it isn’t necessarily his original goal. It may be beneficial to figure out how to approach the issue of the temporal disturbance. But, unfortunately, he doesn’t know how to bring that up without giving too much away. “Tell me about them.”

“I hadn’t taken you for one to engage in small talk.” Margaret chuckles; she sits up a little straighter and answers his question with a fond look on her face. “My master is known as Igor; he is also master of the Velvet Room and the power it holds. He is calm and courteous, and while he won’t admit it, he grows rather fond of the guests he’s hosted. He is quite knowledgeable of accommodating a guest to aid them to their full potential. His power is to fuse the aspects of a guest’s personality to grant them power. He is highly esteemed in his work and has delivered countless exceptional results.”

“So, with this power, he could fuse my personas whenever he wished to? Take them from me and merge them with that book.” Akechi scowls, accidentally allowing some of his frustration from the memory of Akira’s experience to bleed in. Margaret is talking with such respect, and it makes Akechi sick. These types of people love to manipulate and use people for their own motives. He saw what Igor did to Akira. It didn’t seem noble at all. He almost loses it, but he keeps his composure by using the strength of Robin Hood. Going off on Margaret isn’t an intelligent decision in this situation.

Margaret frowns, her face becoming serious. Any pleasant demeanor or haughty smile she has is gone in an instant at Akechi’s outburst, and Akechi wonders if she’ll instigate something. There is unnerving energy rolling off her now, and Akechi instantly readies himself for whatever she was going to say.

“No. That is not how someone grows.” She said, her voice stern and with no room for argument. Her sentiment is strong, and her eyes are unwavering. She doesn’t make a move, however, simply remaining in her ornate chair.

It takes Akechi enough off guard that all he can respond with is, “What?”

“The point of the Velvet Room, the room between mind and matter, is to assist our guests through their journey and aid their growth to their full potential. One cannot flourish through force. One cannot reach their fullest capabilities through extortion.” Margaret explains, her gold eyes boring into his soul, her truth ringing clearly as she cleanly enunciates each syllable. “We cannot decide for our guests what they may or may not do. That is up to the guest; we may only provide the tools necessary for such growth. The guest must be the perpetrator of their own change and development. The guest must choose the decisions best for them, and they must put in the work they wish to see the results of. Those of the Velvet Room cannot interfere, nor would we want to. We aim to understand humanity and see what it can accomplish, and we cannot do that if controlled. It would be robbing the guests of this room from attaining their fullest potential, inherently against our goal.”

“Rehabilitation?” Akechi mutters, confused because that isn’t what Igor had said in Akira’s memory.

Margaret shakes her head, “Enlightenment. Humans have the drive; they have the tools to change their cognition, how they perceive things, and the power to realize their own truths and use them as a source of motivation. Someone dear to me taught me such. By the myriad truths, if humans just opened their eyes, they would see their infinite potential. All we seek is to aid that realization, to open their eyes to the myriad truths. And see what blossoms from that.”

This is entirely unlike how the Igor in the memory was acting. He didn’t seem to care about Akira’s state of being or bringing him to enlightenment. All that Igor was talking about was Rehabilitation or Ruin. Margaret is saying they are an entirely different energy. She sounds like she genuinely means what she is saying, nor has she made any adverse moves against Akechi. Can he trust her?

He doesn’t know what to believe. Her words feel too idyllic. Yet, she isn’t like Shido. But maybe that’s what scares him; it’s not the demon he knows.

“My siblings and I desire the same thing.” Margaret continues, her tone starting to soften. “We were born of the velvet room to learn the human heart. We wish to see humanity realize its power and potential. Lavenza, our youngest, is the one we lost contact with - a gentle soul with wit about her and a fire in her eyes to understand and aid. My master can take care of himself. However, my sister I worry for. I fear she may jump into things recklessly with such a fire. While powerful, she still has yet to learn about this existence.”

So, it was Lavenza that Margaret was worried about, but the assistants in that room were named Justine and Caroline. Not Lavenza. So…what does that mean? Are those her sisters as well? Wouldn’t she have mentioned a pair of twins?

“You seemed to be genuinely worried about your siblings.” Akechi points out carefully, trying to come off as sympathetic, but whether that works on Margaret or not is yet to be determined. “You seem to be the oldest, am I right in assuming that?”

“I am.” Margaret chuckles, “As follows, it is I, Elizabeth, Theodore, and Lavenza. However, there are other older entities in the velvet room as well.”

“Such as that soprano singer and blindfolded pianist at Jazz Jin?” Akechi recalls, the memory of the singer’s haunting high notes lingering in his mind. Perhaps these twins were a part of the latter? They didn’t seem older. But then again, Margaret seemed young for the wisdom she conveyed.

“Indeed.” She nods before pursing her lips with a hint of hesitation. “Such questions, I wonder…have you met my sister?”

“I don’t have any information about your sister.” Akechi answers honestly because that is the truth. However, he doesn’t bring up the twins. He still hasn’t pieced together how they fit into all of this. However, if Margaret’s words are to be taken as truth, Igor must create these residents of the Velvet Room if he so wished to. Perhaps, Margaret really isn’t aware of the Velvet Room he’s seen in Akira’s cognition. And perhaps, her Master wasn’t all she had assumed of him. She may have been dragged along as well. Akechi feels a sense of sympathy in his chest.

“I see.” Margaret hums. It’s possible she doesn’t believe him, but her pleasant demeanor and polite smile return regardless. “Then what brings you here? You choose not to accept this offer, nor do you intend to help me with my endeavors. It’s strange. An impasse? I’m sure you didn’t come for all this small talk.”

Akechi grits his teeth. He hasn’t even come close to figuring out how to ask what he needs to ask.

“Trouble with finding your sentiment?” Margaret laughs, her voice more teasing than usual. “Fortunately, there are many different ways to portray the words you mean; allow me a simple exercise to assist.”

She pulls a tarot card out of her book, and it floats above her palm as it did in Jazz Jin. Akechi pauses for a moment. Didn’t Akira summon Alice by crushing a Tarot card? And hadn’t Margaret done the same thing before now that he is thinking about it? He has to wonder if there is a connection there. It can’t be a coincidence, can it?

“The two of swords. An interesting card, as are all in the suit of swords. While the other suits follow one journey, the swords cut their own path, so to speak. This suit is a story of the realization or gaining of a piece of knowledge, and how that impacts the holder.” Margaret explains. Akechi would have just scoffed this off before, not believing in fortune-telling. But Akechi listens closely this time because perhaps he won’t have to give away what he knows to get information. She continues, “Depending on the decisions made, the suit of swords can have vastly different endings.”

“Oh?” Akechi doesn’t exactly care, but also, Margaret’s insights may be more relevant now that he thinks back to their previous encounters.

“The Two of Swords represents a stalemate. You are burdened with a piece of knowledge, yet you do not have all of the facts to make an educated choice. Regardless, you’ve found yourself in the middle of the decision. What to do or what not to do, but neither has a very appealing outcome, does it?” Margaret explains, and Akechi feels like his blood is slowly freezing. Isn’t this precisely what is happening? Akechi has a choice to either face the Holy Grail head-on, hopefully get answers to stop this loop and risk being erased... or don’t do anything, let Shido become the Prime Minister with his insidious counsel and risk being erased anyways. Neither sound that grand, and that moment is only crawling closer and closer. They don’t really have any other way to approach this; it’s do or don’t. Go to the Metaverse or don’t.

“Despite that, it’s not a problem you can simply turn away from.” Margaret laughs, crushing the card in her hand and reforming it into another card, this time with ten swords on it. “The Ten of Swords. The outcome of your decision. And the end of the journey through the suit of swords.”

“The outcome?”

“Indeed.” Margaret nods. “The ten of swords is the end of the suit. Depending on the position, the outcome will differ. With the ten of swords upright, all seems hopeless. Don’t mistake the hopelessness of the situation; rather, it’s the hopelessness all the feelings of the situation have brought. Sadness, anxiety, fear, lack of control. The ten of swords is truly a dire card; a burdensome outcome indeed, as its meaning is quite often portrayed by ten swords being pierced through the back. An agony difficult to bear.”


Akechi realizes it in a flash: what she is saying sounds precisely like the situation Akira is in. The outcome that Akira had accumulated. The hopelessness is evident in the mannerisms Akira has resorted to.

“It is a reminder that despite what we may feel. We cannot control everything, and there are things one cannot change. Something things were meant to happen. As is the tragedy of the end of the suit of swords’ journey. Sometimes, the realization of thought and the cultivation of it is the most damning if not utilized right.” Margaret says evenly, her tone unchanging even at the despair of the statement. “Humans, while having infinite potential, must be reminded that there are things that simply cannot be changed. And that is something that must be accepted.”

Akechi grits his teeth as he slams his hands on the judge’s desk angrily. “That can’t be true! Are you just saying give up then?! What about your whole spiel about ‘reaching the fullest potential’ and humanity can realize their own truth? What about that bullsh*t?!”

“I meant what I said; some things cannot be changed. Whether it may be things that have already come or things that have yet to come. Some things have simply already been etched out.” Margaret chuckles, flicking the card and reversing the position. “That is only one way to perceive the ten of swords. While upright, it has a rather despairing meaning; however, it takes on a different perspective if you change the position. When reversed, the ten of swords can represent acceptance, and a means to heal. It’s the realization that the only direction in which to move forward is up. If the upright ten of swords is hitting rock bottom, then the reversed ten of swords is looking up from rock bottom.”

Akechi frowns. How is that supposed to help? They were still at f*cking rock-bottom. Shido will become the prime minister, and even if he isn’t technically in a sound state of mind, his counsel still is. The Phantom Thieves' morale is shot after the events in Akira’s metaspace, and Akira is a wreck both physically and mentally himself! How is this supposed to get any f*cking better? And Margaret is just telling him to dust off his pants and get back up?

How the f*ck are they supposed to do that!

And another issue, if he is taking Margaret’s words at face value. Does this mean what is going to happen can’t be changed? Akira said something similar, but Akechi had just believed it was out of trauma rather than taking the actions needed to take down this threat. He even thought that maybe Akira just didn’t try hard enough; Akechi wasn’t sure he had actually reached this far in the cycle the previous times, if Akira’s own words were to be believed. But is this truly an event that is supposed to happen?

“The choice you must make is a difficult one….” Margaret dismisses the card and gives him a sympathetic look, “However, it may not even be your choice.”

Akechi clenches his fists. Does she know about Akira? She is certainly talking like she knows everything. That’s either a good thing or a bad thing because either she can be pulling the strings behind this, or she genuinely wanted to help, and Akechi still can’t decide which it is.

“I’ve sensed something from your dearest bond for a while now, Akira Kurusu. A potential, a power of the same vein as yours.” Margaret reveals in a soft tone before she shakes her head. “But, it was not my place to interfere, as I may only contract one guest at a time, and you answered my call. My curiosity has been piqued, though I’m sure you have your reasons for not bringing it up. I wonder, though, perhaps there is an entire journey I have not been privy to. You seem to hold a lot of cards in your hand at this point, Goro Akechi.”

“That is—” Akechi gnashes his teeth harder. He doesn’t want to bring Akira into the spotlight of another resident of the Velvet Room, especially after all he’d been through with the other ones. Nor does he want to confirm Margaret’s speculations. It’s not fair, and he still doesn’t know or trust Margaret’s intentions. “So what, I don’t have a choice in this at all? This is bullsh*t.”

There isn’t anything he can do about any of this? Margaret’s involvement in this all, the choice to either let Shido become Prime Minister or head to the depths of Mementos, Akira’s mental state which has crumbled, anything? Anger courses through his veins with how utterly useless he feels. The stakes are much higher than before and far more than when he worked as a hitman for Shido. And he almost has to agree with Akira. Change society? Reform society? It’s a laugh for sure and far too idealistic. At this point, all he wants to do is save Akira and the rest of the Phantom Thieves from this supposed awful fate. He doesn’t think he could watch Akira reach toward that red sky as parts of his being dissolve into the thick black smoke reserved for shadows, not the Phantom Thieves.

“Neither of your choices are good, and neither are ones you can make. But a choice must be made, regardless.” Margaret shakes her head, “I wonder what the outcome will be.”

“Margaret…how do you change an unchangeable event?” Akechi appeals, trying to sincerely convey his meaning without bringing up the time loop that Akira is in. It might be entirely likely that Margaret is aware.

“You can’t. Sometimes you can only change your perspective on an event.” Margaret shakes her head sadly. “Sometimes, you have to find meaning in it in other ways. But, I find humans are rather good at twisting the way they look at the world to fit their needs.”

How is Margaret supposedly the most insightful yet unhelpful person he’s ever met? He didn’t get an answer at all, and he doesn’t think he will with the way she spins her advice. Should he be blunt? Take a gamble? Or perhaps, maybe he should try something else. Akechi doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. His hand is quivering in something that isn’t anger, but perhaps... desperation. An emotion he hasn’t felt in quite a while.

“If I take your deal. Will you help me?” Akechi spits out, not really wanting to pursue this option, but he doesn’t know what else to do at this point. Or maybe, he’s just morbidly curious as to what would happen if he did. Would anything change?

“I’ll do what I can within my power, Goro Akechi.” Margaret smiles haughtily as she pushes her chair out from the prosecutor’s desk. Her heels thump against the blue carpet as she approaches the Judge’s desk. “It seems you have questioned me thoroughly, as expected with someone in such a place as yourself and with the arcana of Justice, your honor. I’d expect nothing less.”

Akechi eyes her warily, wondering if she would forcefully fuse his persona as Igor did with Akira. He sets up his guard.

“You examine the facts given to you, and you pass judgment based on that information. Yet have you passed a fair judgment on yourself yet, I wonder?” Margaret questions, her tone inquisitive. “The journey of the Justice Arcana is to find the truth, and perhaps that is why I have been called to you. In your journey, I think you’ve found a myriad of truths. However, I have yet to perceive if you’ve truly found your own truth. What drives you, Goro Akechi? Have you found your answer yet?”

Akechi doesn’t respond. He thought he knew when he had talked to Margaret before Shido’s palace. He thought his truth was needing to bring Shido down and make sure Shido got the full brunt of the justice he deserved. Akechi thought that would be the answer to all the suffering he’d been through in his life. But that didn’t even happen; while Shido might have admitted to his crimes on TV, he isn’t even close to the justice he deserved. People are still fawning over him like he is the second coming of God; he still has Japan under his thumb. So Akechi’s truth wasn’t true, and that course of events took a very different turn in Akira attempting to kill himself to restart the loop and them learning what the real truth was behind Akira.

The truth he thought he had found wasn’t the truth he wanted.

But what drives him now?

“I meant what I said when we first met. Every decision has a weight, regardless of if the decision fits within the truth you’ve held for yourself. Are you still willing to pay the cost of your personal judgments?” Margaret implores him, her golden eyes cutting deeper into his soul. “Are you willing to find the truth? Will you look for the answer?”

Well, Akechi is undoubtedly itching to find some truths, but it’s not for himself this time. Maybe that’s where he had changed. Somewhere along the line, joining the Phantom Thieves, perhaps his perspective had changed. And maybe, in the end, that’s what saved him from the fate set in the other timeline. Unlike in the other timeline where he decided to help the Phantom Thieves instead of hindering them within his final moments, this time he had made that decision much earlier than he realized.

Ironically, despite what Akira may think, the fact they had met earlier had saved him from the fate on Shido’s ship in a way that wasn’t anticipated.

So, couldn’t the same be said for this ‘unchangeable event’ that is supposed to happen? They haven’t tried yet, and maybe now that they know relatively what is going on, Akechi has to believe it can be changed, and this will all be over.

Maybe he’s starting to understand Black Condor’s change in motivation a bit better now.

“Yes, I’ll find the truth.” Akechi nods, meaning what he said. He is going to get to the bottom of this. Akechi’s detective prince persona (if you will) might have been a façade, but he is a detective at heart.

“Even during such a dire time, the resolution you show is quite admiral.” Margaret smiles, pleased, as she sets something on the judge’s podium in front of him. “Welcome to the Velvet Room once more then, your honor. I’ll leave you with the key to this room whenever you wish to engage with our services.”

“That’s it?” Akechi blinks because he has to admit, this wasn’t what he was expecting. Accepting the deal just meant getting a key? No fanfare? No otherworldly lights or anything of the sort? No guillotine coming from the ceiling? Just an ornate key, blue with gold detailing.

“That’s it,” Margaret answers him. And Akechi feels this was a little too easy. His Velvet Room experience is vastly different than Akira’s seemed to be. Akechi isn’t locked up; Margaret isn’t telling him what he can and can’t do without him getting a say. Margaret isn’t dominant; if anything, the position she put him in upon the judge’s podium signifies that she’s allowed him all the power and control in this situation, even letting him know her request wasn’t a condition for the set of terms.

Arguably Margaret is entirely professional and generous even, and Akechi realizes he didn’t trust her before because this isn’t something he is used to. Shido made him think Akechi had power when he didn’t, while Shido was pulling all the strings. But Margaret isn’t doing that.

“And my persona fusion?” Akechi asks dumbly, at a loss for a better question, because he was half expecting her to jump into fusing his persona.

“That choice is up to you. However, I’d recommend against it for now.” Margaret shakes her head as she walks back to the prosecutor’s desk. “Robin Hood and Loki are still a part of you, and you still need them, as you know. The time isn’t right, nor are you ready. However, if you happen to pick up any other personas in the sea of souls, I will fuse them for you. You may use that key to visit the Velvet Room wherever you like, whether that may be in reality or in the Metaverse. For now, in order to better strengthen the power that I speak of, it would be best you cultivate those bonds you’ve left untouched. You’ll find strength can easily be drawn from them the more care and effort you put into building them.”

Is Margaret really telling him to have social hours with the Phantom Thieves right now? On the brink of Shido’s election and whenever that thing is supposed to erase all of them? That’s her big help?

“Perspective, your honor.” Margaret chuckles as she catches a glimpse of his face. “Assess the case from all angles, look at the evidence differently, and only then you can discern how you’d like to interpret the facts.”

“Margaret…” Akechi frowns because an uneasiness settles into him. He is reluctant to leave yet, even though he feels he simultaneously got far too much information and too little at the same time. And he still isn’t sure what he wants to make privy to Margaret or what she already assumes of the situation. But, he can’t get Akira’s face out of his mind at the moment those twins had fused his Persona against his will. Margaret isn’t like those assistants at all, nor is the Igor in that room the one she had described. Margaret seemed to be very in tune with people. He doesn’t want to give her the whole story about Akira, since that could be potentially dangerous. However... “Akira…what is his arcana?”

Margaret smiles bitterly as she materializes a card in her palm. But unlike the others, this one is blank. “I don’t think even he knows. Usually, those would be the Fool’s arcana. Card 0 in the fool’s journey, and is typically known for infinite potential. Perhaps those who carry such an arcana get caught up in too many of the possibilities they lose the realization that they can choose.”

“Fool’s Arcana?” Akechi echoes.

“Usually, however, with the bond like this, I couldn’t say what arcana he could be.” Margaret hums, dismissing the card in her hand.

“Margaret. We summon Persona by using our masks. However, you use tarot cards. Why is that?” Akechi wonders, thinking back to when Akira had summoned Alice with a card.

“An insightful question. There are many ways to summon a persona, different manifestations of the sea of souls can affect this or the human’s state of mind.” Margaret hums. “Often, there isn’t just one way to do things.”

Well, that sure doesn’t help him.

“I think I may be able to repay the favor that I owe you from when you took me to the metaverse with your app.” Margaret smiles cryptically.

Akechi isn’t sure what she means by that, but she doesn’t elaborate further on the matter. But now, Akechi still has a burning question, one of the reasons he came. So it seemed like the best time to ask: “Margaret, have you ever heard of the Holy Grail?”

“The holy grail?” Margaret asks, confusion evident in her eyes. “Are you referring to the holy grail in the Arthurian legends? I am afraid I’m not sure of the context of your question.”

Akechi frowns; he is inclined to believe Margaret because she genuinely looks baffled at the question. “Suppose I was talking about that grail; do you know anything of it?”

“Arthurian legend isn’t my forte. I’m afraid even I am unsure what it is supposed to symbolize. Humans have many different interpretations of the ‘holy grail,’ but I believe the most prevalent is immortality or an important goal,” Margaret says.

Akechi frowns; he’s been reading into the Holy Grail further and came up with the same problem. There is so much legend and lore around it that it’s hard to sort through it all. Margaret doesn’t seem to know anything about what lies at the bottom of Mementos. But, what she said had piqued his interest. Immortality. Could that relate to Akira’s time looping problem? It’s a big jump, but he doesn’t really have a lot to go off right now.

“Thank you for your assistance, Margaret; I am going to take my leave for the day.” Akechi politely dismisses himself, just about to leave the room.

“Oh, one more card came up, your Honor,” she says, stopping him before he leaves the room. She smiles and holds it up. “Death.”

It was a far more interesting expression than he feels a card called death should warrant. Margaret’s character really isn’t one he understands.

“Is this your way of telling me I’m about to die?” Akechi frowns, not liking that as a premonition.

“Humans often have such an awful understanding of this card.” Margaret laughs. “The Death arcana represents transition. A new opportunity is on the horizon. It seems the wheel of fate is turning once more, but who can tell where that might lead and if it is turning up or down. A blessing or a curse. Well, if we want to read the future, we must look to the past.”

Look to the past? What the f*ck is that supposed to mean.

“The most important lesson the Death arcana can teach us is to let go of the being we used to be and allow ourselves to move forward into a new opportunity. Or I guess a human term would be that when one door closes, another will open.” Margaret says, expression dreamy. “What a beautiful card; what an amazing thing to be able to experience new opportunities and embrace the change they bring. That’s the goal of the velvet room truly: to allow the guests such a transition.”

“So, what did she say?” Ryuji quickly accosts Akechi as he walks out of the alley in Kichijoji. He vaguely understands the concept of the Velvet Room right now, but it’s still weird to see someone completely zone out like that. Ryuji immediately makes the connection since that’s what Akira does in the Metaverse all the time.

Ryuji knows Akechi told them to... well, to not follow him and figure out things on their own while he dealt with this, but Ryuji can’t just sit around. The anxiety is thrumming under his skin, and he needs to feel useful. He isn’t accomplishing that back at Leblanc, where everyone else has either reluctantly started doing homework or hover over Akira’s bedside while he sleeps. Ryuji has to get rid of this unsettling feeling, this gnawing at his heart saying that he needs to do something right now to help Akira. To stop whatever is supposed to happen to them. He needs to do something.

Akechi doesn’t look harmed, but he does look pensive and frustrated. Of course, it’s not a new look on the detective. But even so, it piques Ryuji’s curiosity.

“Did you tell her about Akira’s velvet room? The Holy Grail The f*cking time loop!?” Ryuji asks, rushed, the anticipation overwhelming him.

Akechi immediately gives him a frustrated look. “Shut up, you moron!”

Ryuji realizes he might have been too loud in that query and shoots him a guilty, apologetic look but can’t help but add in a sarcastic tone, “What, is she going to hear me through the door?”

“Margaret-san is…rather perceptive,” Akechi mutters, pushing past Ryuji without stopping as he walks down the street.

“You going to tell me or what?” Ryuji grunts, rushing to catch up with the other, clumsily weaving through people.

“I didn’t tell her about the jail velvet room or the time loop,” Akechi tells him quietly, picking up his pace as he shoves his hands into his pocket.

“That was the whole reason for coming!?” Ryuji exclaims, trying to keep his voice down, but it came out more of a stage whisper. What the f*ck is Akechi on? That was the whole reason for talking to Margaret about all this. To get some sort of answer.

“May I also remind you, Sakamoto, that she is a part of the Velvet Room as well? And who we saw in Akira’s Velvet Room might have very well been her master? I was taking every precaution I could, so as to not give away all our cards,” Akechi says, pinching the brink of his nose. “This was a tactical visit to see what I could glean without revealing the rather dire situation we are in.”

Ryuji wants to argue that it was stupid, but even Ryuji can’t forget the cognition of that Velvet Room and the look on Akira’s face when Arsene was executed. It looked excruciating. That man with the long nose had absolutely no mercy. And it makes sense. Akechi is smart. Ryuji knows he can be emotional and jump into things headfirst often, but Akechi is precautious and thinks things through.

Ryuji knows he’s had a tense relationship with Akechi. After all, Akechi has been technically their main antagonist for most of the Phantom Thieves’ career. However, they haven’t always seen eye to eye, and when Ryuji thought Akechi had murdered Akira, Ryuji hated Akechi with every fiber of his being. He can’t understand why Akira likes him, why Akira is so infatuated with him. Even after everything Akechi has done.

But Ryuji gets it now. Akechi is damned determined and doesn’t like to lose. Even with everything that is going on, even with everything they saw, Akechi is the rock in this situation. Surprisingly the most irritating trait of his is now the only thing going for them. Without him, Ryuji doesn’t think he could curb his feelings for what had happened and act as calculatedly as Akechi does. Ryuji had indeed started the Phantom Thieves with Akira but….Akechi was far more capable of leading him than him or Makoto or Akira at this moment. Akechi, ironically, is the only person to sort of have his sh*t together in all of this.

Ryuji has no idea what they would do if Akechi wasn’t here. He has no idea what they’d do if Akechi had died on that cruiser like Akira had seen.

He doesn’t know if he agrees with anything that Akechi did, even if he understood the motivation in all of it. But Ryuji definitely respects Akechi now for sticking with them.

“I made a deal with her,” Akechi admits, after a few moments of silence.

“For real, are you f*cking insane?!” Ryuji sputters, and takes back everything he thought about Akechi being smart. Akechi is just as dumb as the rest of them.

“It seemed like….” Akechi pauses as he seems to mull over the words before settling on, “Like a decision to test the waters.”

“Did she….did she do the thing they did to Akira?” Ryuji wonders, his breath catching in his throat. Akechi seems ok, but Ryuji knows just how well Akechi can act. Seemingly something he has in common with Akira.

“No, she just gave me a key and told me I shouldn’t yet,” Akechi answers, seemingly baffled by the event as well. Ryuji doesn’t get it, Akira didn’t have a choice, and he was pleading for Igor and the assistants not to execute Arsene. But, this assistant just gives Akechi a key and sends him on his way? Ryuji knows he isn’t the brightest in the group, especially compared to Akechi or Makoto; he’s definitely more on the side of lending firepower rather than strategy. However, something isn’t adding up.

“For real? This doesn’t make sense….” Ryuji frowns, muttering. He’s relieved Akechi didn’t have to go through that, but also, why is this room different?

“No, I thought the same thing.” Akechi agrees with him, his voice tense. “Margaret…speaks with a sort of craftiness. However, she doesn’t seem as callous as the master we’ve seen in Akira’s room. I cannot discern whether she is an ally or if she is stringing us along.”

“Fair…Is that why you made the deal?” Ryuji wonders. It seemed like a stupid decision before, but now it feels like Akechi is just testing the waters. He isn’t sure. A gamble? Maybe Akira has rubbed off on Akechi. He isn’t sure if that is a good thing or not.

Akechi nods as they enter the Kichijoji station and admits, “The election is only in a few days; we need to start doing something. If we don’t do anything, Shido will become prime minister, and while his heart has been changed, his counsel will still run the show. His counsel is vast, and not even I know everyone in it; changing all of their hearts may be near to impossible in the time frame and before irreversible decisions are made.”

“Right.” Ryuji nods, following along. He gets that; it’s another reason they are all so anxious.

“And…with how the public took Shido’s confessions, I doubt hearing the counsel’s confessions are going to do much.” Akechi growls. “If we do nothing, nothing is going to change. Something is wrong. And as we know, it has to do with the Holy Grail down in Mementos’ depths.”

“Right….” Ryuji mutters. They know near to nothing about the Holy Grail. And what Akira had mentioned wasn’t a lot to go off of. He doesn’t know if it's Akira’s mental state or if the truth is that the thing is untouchable. Akira said they thought they had defeated it, but then that happened. And the Phantom Thieves couldn’t get more out of him, or rather, he doesn’t want to talk about it.

Ryuji gets it; he probably wouldn’t want to talk about something that traumatizing, either. He knows how he avoids the subject of going into depth about what his father did to him and his mother. It hurts to think about, and Ryuji would instead just leave it be and move forward.

But the problem is that the Phantom Thieves are running out of time. So there isn’t anything to go off of, putting them in a hopeless choice of either doing nothing for Akira’s sake which in the end might not do much good, or facing the Holy Grail and risking the same thing happening again to which these versions of themselves would be dead, and Akira’s timeline would just reset.

And none of them know what Akira’s going to do when the timeline resets.

Ryuji does NOT want this timeline to reset.

No one wants Akira to go through that alone.

“So, what are we supposed to do?” Ryuji sighs with frustration for the umpteenth time. “Either we do nothing, or we go into Mementos again?”

“Neither is a desirable choice, I’ll admit.” Akechi grunts. “But, we’ve been put into a very bad place.”

“Seems like a f*cking understatement.”

“Margaret said that it might not even be our choice either.”

“I thought you said you didn’t tell Margaret about the time loop or Holy Grail sh*t,” Ryuji says, confused.

“I didn’t, but she is far more perceptive than I care for; she likes to throw out insightful advice on situations she shouldn’t have any information about and hit the bullseye every time.” Akechi scoffs, sitting back in the train seat, his hood pulled up so train goers can’t identify him.

“Dude…that seems so sketch?!” Ryuji sputters but then ponders on what Akechi had said moments before. “What does she mean it might not even be our choice?”

“I think she was alluding to it being Akira’s choice.” Akechi sighs, folding his arms over his chest with a disgruntled look on his face.

“Uh, I don’t think Akira is going to choose….” Ryuji grimaces. Akira has barely said a word to them after his outburst. It’s like he’s there but not really there. Ryuji hated it; he hated seeing Akira so miserable in this, so hopeless. And knowing it was their deaths that brought him to this just made it hit harder. It’s such a sticky situation that no one can make a move. Ryuji has absolutely no idea how any of them are supposed to make this better. The complicated relationship between them and Akira had been revealed to its fullest. Ryuji can’t help but feel devastated that Akira had wanted to choose death over them but also, he gets it after seeing them dissolve into shadows.

But then again, maybe Akira had chosen. Not making a choice is a choice in itself.

“My thoughts exactly….” Akechi hums in frustration. “There is no right choice, and Akira is the only variable that remains the same in this situation.”

“You think he’s the only one who can stop the time loop?” Ryuji breathes.

“I don’t know, Sakamoto. There isn’t enough information, we don’t know enough, we don’t know the perimeters of which this phenomenon works or how. We don’t have enough knowledge. We have nothing.” Akechi growls in frustration, sitting back in the train seat.

“So…what do you think we should do?” Ryuji answers seriously because he doesn’t want to sit around and do nothing. He can’t do that. He can’t let Akira suffer like this anymore.

“I think we should try facing the Holy Grail,” Akechi says honestly.

And Ryuji, begrudgingly, agrees with that decision. Because if they don’t try, everything they’ve done with me for nothing.

Akira doesn’t like being sick. He is sure no one does, but it’s just a truly awful experience. A true inconvenience. When he was a kid, being ill felt like a punishment. Sure, he’d get to stay home from school once it was deemed he wasn’t ‘faking,’ but he wasn’t allowed to do anything. He remembers the passive-aggressive directions from his parents. Usually, it was his mother staying home, always there to remind him, ‘If you are too sick to go to school, then you are too sick to watch TV and or play games, you have to rest.’ Or how he interpreted it, ‘You don’t get to have any semblance of entertainment to make the malaise of the ailment more bearable because you got sick in the first place. So you don’t get a distraction from the situation you must have put yourself in. Because then you would just be getting off too easy, and you deserve to be punished somewhat for falling ill because now you can no longer be ‘productive.’’ Sick days weren’t fun for many reasons and not just the actual sickness part. It was much easier just to fake being well and not staying home sick.

Maybe that just carried over. Being sick makes Akira feel guilty. He isn’t contributing to society, he can’t focus enough to do anything remotely productive, and all of it doesn’t make him feel better on top of all the rest of the sh*t the universe decided to pile on him. There are too many things Akira needs to do, but all while he has the energy to do none of them, nor does he even know what he’s supposed to be doing in this situation. But his mind is screaming at him that he’s lazy. He should be doing SOMETHING, at least. Anything. Like helping Tae with her clinical trials, or practicing with Hifumi, or one of his part-times that he is sure he should be working at this moment. Or doing his homework that has been piling up. Anything; he should be getting tasks done.

But maybe the sickness has one pro; at least he can shift all the blame of being useless, in a bad mood, and being a burden onto that single excuse. Well, until he recovers, at least. Because as much as he hated being sick, at least it’s an actual physical condition that things can be relatively blamed on. Evidently, there are aisles in convenience stores for sick people, and if that isn’t a representation of validity, he doesn’t know what is. People recognize being sick as something tangible, as something that can logically cause weakness. People call out from work sick all the time. People get justifiable sympathy from colds all the time. People understand the inconvenience of colds. It’s not like he could call out of work or school for being sad.

It’s not like there is an aisle for sadness in the grocery store.

It’s not like he can walk down to the convenience store and buy something to fix the void in his heart from a timeline that only he knows. And the ghosts leftover from something that only he’ll remember. It’s not as if he can call into work and explain how he’s suffering from the trauma of something that hasn’t happened in this timeline yet, but he knows with the ache in his bones, it’s so close on the horizon. He’d be surprised if there was a tea for that. He’d buy more than a few hundred pounds; he could afford that at least. Then, he’d stock it in the café for Sojiro because everyone deserves a tea that damn powerful.

Akira hates being sick, but maybe he hates feeling this way even more. At least when he was ill at home, his mother wouldn’t typically bother him other than scolding him when he wasn’t ‘resting’; he’d prefer that. He can take care of himself, after all; he knows how to. He doesn’t like being treated as an invalid. He hates being sick and perceived in such a way. Akira can take care of himself. They know that, right? He isn’t a child.

So what if he doesn’t have his persona anymore? So what if they all saw all of it? So what if he’s still relatively sick, his limbs still feeling like jello? So what if he keeps fading in and out of focus, unable to control himself tethered to this sh*tty reality he is in, instead choosing to let the void overtake him?

It’s not going to matter in a few days anyway; it’ll be like they never even knew, never even cared. All of this will blow over in a few days. And he’ll be alone once more, just like before. But maybe, perhaps this time, he just won’t try. It would save him a year of anguish. He’d rather be numb than feel whatever this is.

“I could make something easier on your stomach if the curry is too much?” Sojiro offers when Akira just continues to push around the food on his plate in a lackluster motion. This just feels like he’s in prison somehow. Sojiro and Morgana are watching him like a hawk. Futaba isn’t necessarily watching him like a hawk, but she is glancing up from her computer every few minutes or so from where she is huddled against his wall, an oversized hoodie swaddling her. He hated it, but the humor was lost in the void inside of his chest. It doesn’t work when people know the trick. Misdirection only works when people haven’t seen behind it.

Akira knows logically what Sojiro means well. But this is too awkward and uncomfortable for him. It’s true, the curry tastes like dust in his mouth, but Akira knows it doesn’t matter what Sojiro makes; the flavor is going to elude him. Much like his other senses. The numbness of it all seeping into the curry, like a sedative.

And he doesn’t need Sojiro to take care of him like this; he isn’t Sojiro’s kid. Even when Akira first moved here, Sojiro had told him he was on his own if he fell ill, which Akira was perfectly fine accepting. He wished this Sojiro would honor that sentiment…

“It’s fine,” Akira says when Sojiro stares at him far too long. Akira almost explains he just isn’t hungry, which was true, albeit not the entire truth: that nothing sounds appetizing and the idea of consuming something he can no longer enjoy makes him want to vomit. He’d rather starve than have to attempt to stomach anything else that he used to enjoy.

Akira isn’t going to tell Sojiro that; it’s too inconsiderate. It would cause too much attention, and that he already has an uncomfortable amount of. At least the attention Joker drew was on his own terms. Still, now it feels like everyone and everything is watching him under a magnifying glass, psycho-analyzing every little thing he does now, making his usual diverting, weaving, and deception utterly useless.

Man, what a sh*tty Phantom Thief he is. He can’t even do the most basic of things.

He’s just failing at everything now, even the things he was supposed to be good at.

“Some broth?” Sojiro offers quietly, attempting to help.

Akira doesn’t have the energy to answer. The answer is going to be a no, but what does it matter? Sojiro would just want him to eat something else. If he doesn’t answer, then maybe Sojiro would give up. Akira doesn’t know. He just wishes everyone would leave him alone; that way, he could slip away and figure out how he’d restart the damn timeline this time.

But perhaps that is the exact reason everyone won’t leave him, and it frustrates him. They aren’t the ones who have to do this over and over. Akira wishes they would just leave him alone. But all of this just reminds him that this isn’t permanent in the end. There isn’t a happy ending for him.

“Akira…” Sojiro grunts; the words apparently caught his attention because he didn’t follow through with the sentence. But, unfortunately, even Sojiro can’t say anything that is going to fix this situation. Akira is just putting him in a bad position.

“Nah, I’m just…not hungry right now.” Akira shakes his head, handing the plate of curry back to Sojiro. He tries to make the words sound grateful and light, but they come out dull and monotone.

“In a bit?” Sojiro asks, reluctantly taking the plate.

“Maybe…” Akira answers, but Akira knows he’ll deny in an hour too; for extra measures, he adds, “I’m tired.”

“Ok…” Sojiro nods but doesn’t move from his spot, and Akira begs the universe for them all just to stop looking at him like that. Sojiro sighs and pinches the brink of his nose before slowly starting, “Listen, kid—”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Akira mutters, pulling the covers over him and turning towards the wall because at least the wall doesn’t look at him with the pitiful eyes everyone else is giving him. The wall doesn’t give a sh*t about him, and he’d prefer it that way.

“Akira…we—” Morgana starts, pawing at his back, but Akira ignores him. Why can’t they just leave him alone?

“Alright then, you get some rest….” Sojiro says, accepting Akira’s decision, and begins retreating towards the stairs. Akira can hear his footsteps creak, but Sojiro seems to have stopped by where Futaba is sitting. Akira knows they are having a silent conversation about him, and he hates it. He hates that he is perceptive enough to realize it’s about him. Once the quiet discussion is done, Sojiro descends the stairs. Leaving him with the other two Phantom Thieves who refuse to leave his side because the other has school, and Akechi seemed to have gone out.

Akechi is…an enigma in all this. Akira knew how Akechi from the previous timeline would act, but this Akechi was actually different. And Akira doesn’t know how to handle that either.

It had started off as a joke, a way to blow off steam and also a way to distract himself from his last memory of Akechi being shot behind that engine door and Futaba claiming his signal had been lost. So when he approached this Akechi, he thought, ‘I’m going to see how much I can bug the sh*t out of him; I’m going to see how far I can take it before Akechi snaps.’ It sounded fun until he’d realized he had made a mistake because he’d only deepened his relationship with Akechi further. Despite the fact, he’d arguably saved Akechi from his grisly fate on the cruiser ship.

It isn’t going to matter.

Once the timeline resents, all of that is going to be erased. A tidal wave washed over a grand sandcastle that Akira had put more work into than he should have been.

Akira f*cked up; he f*cked up so badly. He’d gotten too carried away and fallen way too far.

And he was going to reap the consequences from his actions.

So maybe it was a good thing Akechi was off doing whatever he does because he doesn’t want to imagine Akechi dissolving into a black mist as well.

His breath hitches.

And maybe that’s the one sandcastle he wished would stand when the wave recedes. And if not the whole thing, the foundations at least.

He really wanted that to last.

“Akira…” Futaba mutters, crawling into the bed next to him. Not unlike how she used to in the other timeline, and not unlike how a sibling might comfort the other. Akira doesn’t have the emotional energy to meet her eyes, so he chooses to stare right through her. After all, it’s not like she is going to last either. But she continues, something she’s been doing more and more. “If you want to cry, then you should cry; there isn’t anything wrong with it.”

Akira makes no effort to scrub his eyes as they water at the thought he was about to lose this all, but he says in a husky voice, “I don’t want to…it’s too exhausting.”

“Yeah, I think so sometimes too.” Futaba admits, before frowning, “Akira….”

Akira knows she wants to have some sort of heart to heart, but he’s not feeling it. It’s hard to have a heart to heart when one of the participants doesn’t feel like he has a heart anymore, so it’s just one heart talking to a void.

“I get it,” she says finally. And Akira knows she does. Akira knows that she understands this feeling of listlessness so well. But it doesn’t change anything about this situation. Her proximity doesn’t change the fact he knows what her fate is. Akira knows he gave her life back, only to rip it away again. Akira knows Akechi had only gotten to live a little longer before his life would end once more.

Akira knows Futaba knows precisely what he is feeling, but she also just doesn’t understand.

Everything he had done was for nothing. Everything he has done means nothing. He’s holding onto a lingering fever dream that he’s getting far too attached to, leaving him in a dangerous position of hurting himself even more. Akira rolls over away from her and shuts his eyes, telling himself that she wasn’t the Futaba he knew, as if it would make the situation any better.

It doesn’t, and he’s tired.

“Akira wasn’t in his room.” Morgana sighs with frustration, pacing outside Leblanc when the rest of the Phantom Thieves meet after school to discuss Akechi’s trip to the Velvet Room. “I went for a walk, wasn’t paying attention as I thought he was sleeping, but then I came back, and he was gone…Do you think he...?”

The deafening realization of the connotations of that statement hit them. And it should. Morgana should have been watching him closely, Morgana should have stayed, but he needed air to sort out everything he’s been having trouble sorting through. And Akira slipped away just like before when Morgana wasn’t paying attention. The guilt is palpable in his entire frame as he paces on Leblanc's street.

“You think he’s going to restart the timeline?” Ann asks, her voice riddled with anxiety. “But—what is going to happen when he does? Like, will this one still exist? What is going to happen to him and us?”

“That one is a tough one to answer; everything we know about the physics of space and time is completely theoretical; it’s possible we won’t know….” Futaba sputters. “Or we will; it’s just completely up in the air!”

“We need to find him and stop him!” Yusuke argues, “We can’t let him do that! We have to stop all of this somehow; there must be a way!”

Morgana agrees whole-heartedly, but he also doesn’t know how they are supposed to stop all of this. There are so many gears that none of them know the inner workings of, let alone how to stop them, and what if they didn’t find Akira in time? What happens to this timeline? Are they just going to be rewritten over? Morgana knows how to be a Phantom Thief even if he doesn’t know who he is, but this is entirely out of the realm of everything he knows.

“We need to make a decision now.” Makoto says, her voice as serious as her unwavering eyes. “We need a plan now. Things are…things aren’t right. No one is taking Shido’s confessions seriously, and it’s like they just don’t care. It’s only a matter of time before….something happens.”

“We need to go to Mementos.” Akechi decides, his gaze just as unwavering as Makoto’s. “We don’t have time. If we don’t do anything, either Shido will rewin the election or Akira will reset the timeline; Mementos might be merged with reality, and everything is going to go to sh*t. But if we go to Mementos, we have more of a fighting chance; we better learn what is behind this. Even if Mementos is merged with reality again, it might be different this time around, and with what we know, we might be able to change this.”

“How?! You saw how we vanished?! That voice and the fact we had thought we beat it before!” Morgana argues. He understands what Akechi is getting at. But, Morgana can see how this might hurt Akira more. And also... Morgana feels to blame because he was the one who wanted to get to the bottom of Mementos in the first place and persuaded them to explore deeper and deeper even when Morgana knew Akira was uncomfortable with the idea.

Morgana remembered Akira telling him it wasn’t his fault. But Morgana can’t help but feel he played a big part in all of this.

“If we don’t do anything, it might just happen all over again! We’ve been through this!” Haru shakes her head. “Akechi is right; if we don’t do anything, then we don’t have a fighting chance.”

“Yeah…” Ann mutters, kicking her shoe into the ground. “f*ck, it feels like we are doomed either way….”

“For real…” Ryuji agrees with her, the same look of dismay on his face as is on hers. “But like…if we can just get to the bottom of this, can’t we help Akira?”

Can they? Morgana doesn’t know. Morgana knows he wants to help Akira. Akira is really special to him, and the past few days have been so hard because Morgana doesn’t know how to navigate this version of Akira. Morgana had been suspicious of Akira and his power for some time, but knowing the reason behind why Akira had been so overpowered was completely different than he thought. And even with Akira’s strength, even if Akira had literally blown through the first three palaces with guns blazing, that power didn’t seem to matter in the grand scheme of how everything played out, and now, Akira doesn’t have that. Morgana doesn’t know what to say or do to help Akira. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to lead Akira out of this.

Is getting to the bottom of Mementos really going to change anything? But they don’t have a choice, or rather, the alternative option is different.

“f*ck…” Ann lets out another curse, twisting her ponytails into the tightest curls Morgana has ever seen. A testament to how stressed out she and the rest of them are about this decision. It’s not a light decision in the least, and it would likely turn out disastrous.

They are f*cked anyway.

“What about Akira…shouldn’t we find him? We are still a team.” Yusuke wonders.

“No.” Akechi shakes his head. “Akira…we know how strong Akira was, but right now, he doesn’t have that. Bringing him back into the Metaverse is only going to make it worse. And in case everything goes wrong….it’s better he isn’t there.”

“I don’t like this!” Haru frowns.

“None of us do, but Akechi is right. We can’t drag Akira back into Mementos; not only is it going to be hard on his physical state, but his mental state too!” Morgana agrees.

But maybe this is a cowardly decision too.

“Is this really the best idea?” Futaba murmurs after a few moments of silence. “I mean, I understand our options are severely limited, but…Akira’s face when we disappeared… This is only going to hurt him more.”

“I did some research on the Holy Grail, but there is a lot of lore, and I don’t know what pertains to the Holy Grail in the Metaverse. It could be all or nothing, but one general theme which was confirmed by Margaret is that the Holy Grail may have the ability to grant immortality.” Akechi explains.

“Immortality?” Yusuke gasps.

“You don’t think—” Futaba starts but doesn't finish her sentence.

“Are you suggesting the Holy Grail is the one keeping Akira in a time loop?” Morgana sputters in disbelief, but it made complete and utter sense.

“That’s a rather huge leap, isn’t it?” Makoto scoffs in bafflement.

“Yes, it’s a rather huge assumption, but if Akira’s time loop started after the Phantom Thieves had faced the Holy Grail, it might be the cause of all this.”

“Again, a really huge assumption there with nothing to back it up.” Makoto shakes her head.

“I am open to suggestions if you all are not on board with this plan,” Akechi mutters.

Morgana doesn’t have any other idea, and neither do the rest of the Phantom Thieves. But, if there is a chance that the Holy Grail is causing this, they have to try and stop it. Morgana already feels like he’s failed Akira too many times; he needs to make up for it. They have to save Akira from this. “We need to go to Mementos. And I think we should go now.”

All the Phantom Thieves quietly agree, but it feels more like they decide to march to their own death.

“For Akira,” Morgana says, reminiscing when they had all toasted for Akira’s sake in his dream version of Leblanc.

“For Akira,” all of them say, united with one resolve.

Akira doesn’t know what time it is. He doesn’t really care. After all, his relationship with time is toxic at best, and maybe it’s an even worse warden than Igor ever was. So, what does it matter if Akira doesn’t know what time it is because he’d conveniently broken his phone and never replaced it, and he conveniently left his watch back with the rest of his things? It’s not like time has ever given him a f*ck anyway.

He casts his line once more. He hasn’t caught too many fish, not that it matters since he isn’t trying with his usual vigor. That had all been burnt up with the fever that he still feels the residual effects of; the fatigue continues to hang on his bones with a tight grip. Akira can’t even access his third eye anymore, but maybe that was for the best; all that had ever done was make him feel like sh*t.

Akira feels like sh*t regardless. Maybe even worse than that. He feels like a stain on the scramble crosswalk that can’t be scrubbed away, and everyone conveniently decided to step in that particular spot. Ironically permanent and fleeting at the same time.

And nothing can be done.

This entire year he can’t figure out what he’s supposed to do. And it’s too late now. He’s sure the Phantom Thieves have either assumed he went into the Metaverse again to try and stop the Holy Grail - who is literally unstoppable - and went to reset the timeline, or they went on their own to try to fix things. At the same time, he sits here uselessly without any means to help. Akira knows how they act, and he knows it’s likely the latter option. Akira can’t stop the wheel of fortune; he can’t delay the inevitable. It’s out of his control. Or maybe he just didn’t try hard enough. Perhaps he wasn’t enough. Maybe if he had gotten his head out of his ass and been present for more than half of this year, he could have done something, anything.

Akira should just restart the cycle before he has to go through that agony of being erased from existence again. After all, that had been his intent when he left Leblanc without alerting anyone. He didn’t know what he would try, but at least his escape had been quiet enough. Yet, somehow he had just ended up at the Ichigaya fishing pond regardless. It isn’t technically a great place to hide since he knows all the Phantom Thieves, especially Morgana, knows where Akira likes to haunt the most, but it seemed like the best choice when he got on the train with no destination really in mind. It made sense.

Another mindless activity to escape with. What is he even waiting for? He knows what is to come. Catching the Ichigaya Guardian isn’t going to help anything, nor is it an accomplishment that will carry over. It’s just a frivolous waste of time.

“Have you considered that you weren’t meant to save us but to save your goddamn f*cking self?” Akechi had growled.

How could he save himself? There is nothing left to save. Every part of him is gone, and the parts he does regain get washed away just as quickly. How the f*ck is he supposed to piece him back together when he missing more than half the pieces? Can’t do a puzzle with missing parts. How does Akechi, out of all people, not get that?

His heart twists, but he’s too exhausted to express it, so he casts his line again in a sloppy motion.

If he had just ended up on that midnight channel like Konishi-san did like he was supposed to after he found the body with her. Then maybe this all wouldn’t have been a problem. He knows he has been living on borrowed time this entire time, and now he just wished it would run out. The second hand is moving far too slow.

“Go home now, don’t tell anyone what you saw, don’t get involved with anything. Just go home now and forget about this. Trust me, you are too young to have to deal with this,” Saki had told him, her hands still covering his eyes as she turned him in the opposite direction he had come from, pushing him down the streets. “You don’t want to have to deal with the media.”

Then the next week, she showed up on the channel too, and she was dead.

Akira knew; he knew he had to be next. And every night, he waited anxiously, watching the channel on rainy nights at midnight with the volume turned low so his parents couldn’t hear. Amagi-san appeared next, but then, she had been saved. Akira was confused, but he still watched. Her fate was different; she went missing but then had been saved. Then it had been Tatsumi-kun, but he had been saved as well, then Kujikawa-san, and once more she had been saved.

But then, those people started to hang out with others at Junes’ food court; even though they had appeared on the channel, they seemed okay and happier than what Akira had witnessed from glimpses as he was passing by before.

It was like the people shown on TV were now different people, stronger and more confident.

Those people always looked like they had so much fun under that awning in Junes.

Akira had wanted that too. Akira wanted that so badly. He was so jealous of how seamlessly they blended together, how easily they bounced off each other’s energy. The carefree laughter echoed around the courtyard when he went to pick up groceries.

The Midnight Channel was supposed to be his salvation; it was supposed to either give him happiness or take him away. He waited every night, but it never came, and then it disappeared altogether like the fog from Inaba.

Akira had almost found friends like that, a bond like that when he’d been exiled to Shibuya. Another salvation that turned out to be false. No bond he made is permanent; he doesn’t deserve what they had. He doesn’t get the luxury of keeping that.

Akira cast his line once more, getting lost in the rippling water that feels like a tidal wave. Where does someone go from nothing? How can you take more from nothing? How can anything be made? How does Akechi expect him to save himself when everything left to save is gone?

How could he ever forgive the things he could not become?

The vines of exhaustion keep him tied to this wooden box fishing in the middle of an almost empty pond because it’s 1:00 on a school day. There is no one left to go except back to that moment when he wakes up on the train to a blue sky and a year long sentence with one clear ending and realization.

There is no place for him.

So what is he even doing? He’s going in circles. Because no matter how much he wants to, he cannot stop it. He’s probably immortal in the worst f*cking way possible. This wasn’t the invincibility he wanted; it’s not the invincibility he can use to help the ones he loves.

Someone sits by him, strange as the entire pond is almost empty save two old men at the end of the pond. He almost thinks it’s one of his friends, catching him at the worst time because Akira has no mask anymore, all of his secrets have been spilled, and there is nothing left to hide behind, so he turns to maybe salvage some sort of joke before the words are caught in his throat.

It’s him.

“It’s you…Narukami-san.” Akira mumbles, feeling like fate really had it out for him. Out of all the people to approach him at this moment, it had to be the one person he looked up to when he was younger, the one person he wanted to be. The universe undoubtedly had its umpteenth laugh at Akira. Karma was a bitch, and he didn’t know how to deal with it.

“And you are Kurusu-kun, right?” Narukami chuckles, casting his own line into the pond, his ripples moving Akira’s bob in the water; he added with a friendly tone, “No need for formalities; call me Yu.”

Akira doesn’t know what the f*ck he’s supposed to do now; he’s entirely confused. While he is sure Yu had probably seen him staring at the group from afar multiple times at Junes, Akira was sure the other didn’t know his name. After all, Akira had been far younger than them and wasn’t in the same social sphere, nor had they ever talked once. “How do you know who I am?”

Yu gives an awkward chuckle. “I don’t really…but we have a mutual friend…sort of, a friend of a friend? I owed her a favor. She mentioned you and that you might know me. It seems we both enjoy fishing.”

“You seem to owe a lot of people favors… I always saw you running around in Inaba,” Akira mutters, turning his attention back to the water. It comes off more bitter than he means it to. He had always heard whisperings about how helpful Yu was, and Akira had always seen him running around town. Something else he admired about Yu, he always took the time to help others no matter what. Yu didn’t falter; Yu always did what was right. Akira can’t choose between being envious or admiration.

“Ah yeah, I definitely did do a lot of things in Inaba.” Yu nods, a nostalgic tone to his voice, “But it wasn’t always like that, to be honest.”

This piques Akira’s interest because it’s so out of left field from how he viewed Yu as a kid; Akira could only imagine his childhood was the same as doing favors for people and building connections. He genuinely seemed like that sort of person, and Akira can’t imagine him another way.

Yu continues, voice fond. “My parents moved around a lot when I was a kid…their jobs were very demanding, and I ended up having to switch schools a lot. I didn't really get to know the people in my classes very much since I’d usually end up moving either in the middle or end of the year. So, I didn’t do many favors in my childhood; I didn’t know people well enough, nor did I really care. Seemed like a waste of time.”

Akira feels something start to settle over himself, completely detaching from his own inner musing to listen to Yu. A realization growing somewhere inside of him, gnawing at the vines of exhaustion, possibly making a dent. Yu’s story sounds a lot like his story.

“So, I learned not to make friendships or connections; I didn’t think I could make relationships that would be able to withstand the distance and time. They would just be washed away.” Yu mused a hint of melancholy in his voice. The words aren’t heavy per se, but the reverie of someone he thought he knew twists around Akira’s heart.

Maybe Yu isn’t so different from him, after all. Not the night and day difference he’d always assumed.

“When my parents had to go overseas for work, my mom sent me to live with my uncle in Inaba. It was easier for them than to go through all the paperwork and get me enrolled in a foreign school. I went expecting it to be just the same as the rest of the time. I’d spend a year there, just sort of bumbling around until eventually, I’d move on to the next place. No attachments; I was just a traveler. I didn’t belong there, nor did I truly belong in any place my parents had moved me.”

A traveler. Boy, does Akira feel that with all his being. The feeling of traversing space but not genuinely belonging is a feeling he is not unfamiliar with within the slightest. And Yu just described it perfectly.

Perpetually treading a liminal space that holds no meaning.

“But I was ignoring my own truth, I came to realize.” Yu frowns. “The truth I didn’t want to admit was that I was lonely because it felt like I was being selfish; I thought I could be self-sufficient and provide everything I needed for myself. Food, clothing, love, companionship. Because I was conditioned to be independent like that with my upbringing. But you can’t do everything by yourself, I learned. It’s not possible. As my friends lovingly but assertively have pointed out to me multiple times, it’s an impossible task to take the weight of the world on your shoulders all by yourself. Humans aren’t made for that.”

“But what are you supposed to do when all you have is yourself!?” Akira spits out, feeling the frustration from his entire situation bubbling up. He understands what Yu is saying objectively; Akira understands his limitations, but his position doesn’t have a lot of leeway. When he wakes up on that train, all he has is himself and the memories he can’t even share from the past timelines. He’s the only one left in his own personal hell.

Yu pauses as if to mull over the words, and Akira feels guilty. It’s not like Yu really knows the extent of the f*cked-up reality that he lives in. It’s not like Yu could understand the pressure of this other world that he’d been thrust into. Yu was just some guy he idolized in childhood. Yu doesn’t understand the trials of being forced into a journey with Persona and the f*cked up time loop Akira has found himself in.

“You are simultaneously all by yourself and surrounded by people there for you.” What Yu eventually comes up with as a response is such a contradictory phrase that it would give Igor and Chihaya a run for their money. Akira isn’t sure he has the emotional energy to decipher that. Luckily, Yu explains it for him. “In this world, you will only be left with your own flesh. At night, the last thing you see before you go to bed is your own eyelids. You are left with the thoughts and feelings you carry, and only you will truly know the depth of your own suffering and happiness. Nothing can change that, unfortunately. You are the only person capable of knowing yourself to your fullest. And if you refuse to understand yourself and why you feel the things you do, if you turn the other way and refuse to acknowledge your own self... Isn’t it painful? When the only other person you have won’t listen to you? If you are left with only yourself, and you won’t listen to yourself? What sort of existence is that?”

Akira feels like he is choking. He accepted the things his Shadow thought about the situation, but he didn’t dive in to understand why. Arsene is there, but they are still at odds in his heart. Akira knows he hates himself and everything that has come of his own actions, but Akira does not know how to cope with it all, and the dissociation isn’t working anymore. The jokes aren’t working anymore. Nothing he does works anymore, and it is a painful realization. He has to face the fact that he hates himself, the things he did, and the situation he’s in.

“But at the same time, you are constantly surrounded by the bonds you hold as well. You are an amalgamation of the moments you share with others. You are the accumulation of the moments of time that people have given to you. I went out to eat with a classmate when I was younger, and he took me to get spicy food for the first time. Even if I don’t remember much about this classmate, I remember loving the spicy food we had, and now it’s one of my favorite things to eat. I remember one of my mother’s friends taught me how to fold a paper crane, and while I don’t think about her much as we interacted maybe once or twice, I folded so many paper cranes for my friends like she taught me to. Hell, I remember seeing someone with this exact haircut walking down the street one day and liking it so much that I decided to get the same cut. Kurusu-kun. We are a kaleidoscope of everyone we’ve ever met, even if we knew them or not. Even if you were all on your own, the people in this world still affect you; therefore, you are never truly alone. You are all the pieces anyone has ever given to you, made whole. No matter if that person isn’t in your life anymore.”

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (76)

Akira doesn’t know what to say because Yu is right, and maybe that’s why it hurts so much. He remembered the first timeline when he had first met everyone. It had been a completely different experience than when he was growing up. Through forming the Phantom Thieves and building bonds with them, he had learned so many new things about himself and the world. There are so many pieces of himself he can attribute to his friends. And when he lost them, he felt like he lost parts himself.

Akira still loved them dearly.

“It hurts when people leave….” Akira mutters, feeling the tugging on his fishing pole but doesn't have the energy to reel it in. “I don’t get it….”

“Yeah, I understand that it sucks.” Yu sympathizes with him. “People still come and go; that’s just a fact of life. Some people will come into your life gracefully and leave just as such. Others? Not so much. But that doesn’t mean they take the pieces of themselves with them. We are still left with the memories and the things they imparted to us. And that is something that can’t be taken away.”

Akira mulls over Yu’s words, and he has to wonder about the truth behind them. And that’s when it hits him: Yu is the perfect example of this all. Yu only lived in Inaba for a year. There was only a year that Akira had seen him running around before he’d left back to the city, and yet, everything about Yu that Akira had picked up had stuck with him and molded who he wanted to be as a person till now. Yu came into his life gracefully and left just as such, and despite them never sharing a single conversation, Akira can attribute pieces of himself to Yu, but they’ve become a part of who he is now. Now he understands what Yu is saying. People come and they go, but that doesn’t mean they don’t make an impact. He still has all the memories of the run before.

“Anyways, I’m sorry for rambling; at one point in my life, I didn’t have enough to say, but now it feels like I have so much I want to say. I don’t know you, Kurusu-kun, but I know you know yourself. And I think everyone deserves to accept themselves to the fullest despite what they’ve been through or what they’ve done.” Yu chuckles before turning his attention to the tugging on his rod to reel in his medium-sized catch. “Seems I haven’t lost my touch.”

“Why are you….” Akira frowns, mulling over the words in his mind before saying anything. “Why are you telling me all of this stuff? You don’t know me.”

“No I don’t, but... I’m not sure, there is something about you that feels familiar. I remembered what it was like to be your age, and sometimes, hearing things from strangers is different from hearing things from people you know,” Yu admits as he releases the fish back into the pond. “I think I wouldn’t have realized much without Margaret helping me take a look at myself.”

Akira assumes that Margaret was another friend, but he doesn’t remember anyone in Inaba with that name.

“Anyways, perhaps if you ever go back to Inaba, we can hang out,” Yu offers, a kind smile on his face. “I know this great fishing spot down there; ever fished at the Samegawa flood plain?”

Akira can’t help but chuckle at this. “Yeah…Yeah, I’ve heard of it.”

Akira doesn’t know what he is doing. He doesn’t know where to go, and everything feels rather hopeless. But he knows how he feels about his friends despite it all. Yu is right; maybe, just maybe, while those memories were painful to think about, those moments he’d never get back... Perhaps those moments were also the things keeping him going through this year.


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (77)


A big shout out to my patron, JC who helped me edit this! ❤️

Chapter 30: The one where Akira makes a decision


The one where Akira makes a decision and he phantom thieves traverse to the depths.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Akira doesn't have a phone, which was the first problem he had the energy to solve; that might be the most manageable out of the tasks he is attempting to make some headway in today. And most likely the most normal problem. His last phone had been barely hanging on by a thread, and when he had fallen into the wonderland of his distortion, he had just decided to put it out of its misery. He hadn't actually been expecting to leave that place, but the mixture of frustration and hopelessness led him to chuck it as hard as he could against the wall in the cognition of Kamoshida's palace. It wasn't like it was working anyway, and he didn't intend to use it ever again.

But he couldn't attempt to enter the Metaverse without one, something he hadn't previously thought about.

So, Akira found himself in Akihabara, probably the worst day to be in Akihabara shopping for a phone. Amid the holiday rush. People are running around trying to get all their holiday errands done in time. Akira scolded himself slightly for choosing this moment to have a somewhat revelation. He really had awful timing, did he not? Well, that much was evident. He wished Morgana had taught him how to wander into the Metaverse like he did; it would be so much more convenient.

The sky looks like it's about to snow, and Akira tried to distract himself from the fact that it may turn blood-red any moment. Bones will start growing and twisting through the sky, snaking around the buildings in a macabre sight, and instead of snow, rain that may or may not be blood will start washing the streets of Shibuya while everyone is none wiser to it. Despite trying to distract himself from the mental image, everything turned a tinge red around him, and he felt himself staring at the person's back in front of him for the phone shop and hoped the imagery would stop encroaching on his mind. It would ever become too real if this f*cking line didn't hurry up. It's taking too long, too little, or too much time. The anxiety is growing ever so fervently in his chest, a different impatient than the rest of the people around him are experiencing.

"Are you ok, Akira?" A tug at his sleeve broke him out of the daze. He blinked and turned his head to the side of him to be met with the worried looks of Hifumi, Shinya, and Jose. Shinya's hand is on his jacket's sleeve. Akira really must have been zoning out if he hadn't noticed them approaching him. He should really work on that.

"Ah, doing your holiday shopping late too?" Akira chuckled, though it came off awkward as he was not expecting this trio of his confidants. Especially Jose. He thought it was fascinating. In the last timeline, Jose never left the Metaverse, and Akira had assumed he just couldn't or didn't want to. But, it seemed Jose did in this one. He wondered. Is it because of him? Well, it was one thing he changed. Perhaps in the next cycle, he'll be the one to introduce Jose and Shinya.

Jose nodded enthusiastically, "I was curious! I've never celebrated quite a festivity such as this. Ah, but I wasn't sure exactly how the festivity worked, so I thought Shinya could explain it to me! It's been so delightful walking around and purchasing things! I even got you—"

"Shhh! You can't tell him! That'll ruin the surprise! That's why people wrap up presents, to keep them a surprise!" Shinya shushed him with an exasperated groan, "Did you even listen to what I said?"

"Oh, friends are a part of that too?" Jose tilted his head before turning back to Akira with a guilty look, "I apologize; I suppose I can't tell you what I got you. Human culture is weird…."

A little more genuine now, Akira chuckled, "It's all good, kid; it's all part of the fun. I won't hold it against you."

"Are you feeling any better, Kurusu-kun? Kitagawa-Kun had mentioned you were feeling rather under the weather when we spoke last." Hifumi said sympathy in her tone as she tilted her head. Leave it up to Hifumi to be the more perceptive one.

Well, Yusuke was more or less correct. He was grateful that Yusuke hadn't revealed more about his condition. Just the fever he can play off easily. He sighed, "Ugh, not 100% percent. But unfortunately, can't stay down forever. Got stuff to do."

"Yeah, but you should still rest until you feel better, right?" Shinya scoffed at him, "You of all people deserve a day off."

"There is no rest for the weary," Akira muttered dryly.

"If you are that cranky, you should go home and take a nap." Shinya rolled his eyes at the other. "You forget to do your holiday shopping too?"

"Nah, my other phone finally bit the dust, so I thought I may as well get another one. But I might have chosen the wrong time to do it." Akira admitted, feeling impatient as he waited in this stupid line for the electronics store. It's seriously not moving at all.

After he left Ichigaya, he pretty much already knew that the Phantom Thieves had gone into the Metaverse. None of them were at their usual haunts, and it's not as if he could call them without a phone. He supposed he could use a payphone, but he doesn't remember most of their numbers except Akechi's old phone that he discarded because all the numbers were programmed into his phone. Akechi has a burner, and Akira had been explicitly told to not name him on the phone just in case, so Akechi's number just comes up as unknown, his burner, and regular phone. What a cute pet name.

The other reason he desperately needs this phone is that he needs to get into the Metaverse. And he isn't sure he can find any other way. Maybe if he asked Jose?

Akira frowned, looking down at the egg-haired kid who actually looked like a normal kid in reality. He wanted to ask, but he also wanted Jose to enjoy this time with Hifumi and Shinya. Jose's desire is to learn about human nature, and this might be the best enough time to do it.

And Akira still doesn't know what his plan is here. It's not as if he'll be able to defend himself in the Metaverse. His persona team had dispersed. He can't access the Velvet Room. And he knows very well that going into Mementos right now is quite literally a suicide mission in every possible outcome. And yet,

'We are a kaleidoscope of everyone we've ever met, even if we knew them or not. Even if you were all on your own, the people in this world still affect you; therefore, you are never truly alone. You are all the pieces anyone has ever given to you, made whole. No matter if that person isn't in your life anymore.'

Akira knows what this mission will bring. But, he wanted to see his friends one last time. He needs to catch up to them in Mementos no matter what. Despite what he knows Mementos might bring. And who knows, Akechi is on their team now, so maybe, just maybe, this time will be different?

Akira doesn't know. Akira doesn't have the answers, and Akira doesn't know why he is stuck in this goddamn loop. He knows at one point, he remembered wishing earnestly into the universe, when he had felt the most happiness he'd ever felt in this life, that he could stay like this forever. That he could bathe in the bonds with his friends for the rest of eternity. And Akira thought, perhaps it was still a very childish wish that he hadn't really unraveled the weight of before making.

Despite it all, he can't deny that it's something he still wants desperately.

He is a kaleidoscope of the moments he shared with them in every iteration.

"It's about time! Jeez! Your old phone was so wrecked and old that it's a miracle you could do anything with it." Shinya scoffed, endearingly shaking his head. "You really did choose the worst day to get it, but I supposed it better late never. And it's a good thing we caught you! That way, we can program our numbers before you run off again. I have a gun-about tournament coming up, and I want you all to be there! I'll text you the details!"

"I am excited to see what strategy you use, Shinya-kun." Hifumi smiled, "Watching you practice at the arcade was riveting! You've really opened my mind to how different techniques can be introduced to achieve victory. I'll be cheering you on at the tournament!"

"Actually, I figured out some different ways to approach the game with your help, Hifumi!" Shinya grinned widely at her and flashed her a peace sign, "Who knew Shogo could translate to Gun About! I can't wait to tell Iwai about it!"

"Eh, but they aren't so different, are they?" Jose wondered, "When you both taught me some, I felt like they were very similar! Plus, you both have the same enthusiasm when you play! Why wouldn't that translate over?"

"When you put the two together, people might not see the connection like you do, Jose-chan. But you are right, they aren't so different. Each game uses various techniques to claim the victory, really testing the player's mental prowess and encouraging the player positively to test the limits of their strategy." Hifumi beamed, "There are just as many plays in Shogi as in Gun About, but people are often too distracted by the game's presentation to make the connection."

"Oh, so it's less about the core of the game and more about its presentation. That makes sense." Jose nodded, before turning back to Akira, "It's like Tycoon then, right? It's a game of strategy but presented a different way."

Akira shrugged, "Tycoon might be a bit different there, kid. While having some strategy is more luck-based, it depends on the cards you draw. Draw the wrong cards, and you'll find yourself having to really make up for it in strategy. Or simply accept the loss."

"Oh, but it's still like Gun About and Shogi because you play with other people." Jose smiled brightly, "Right? You said games are fun because you play and experience them with other people. It doesn't matter if you win or lose; it only matters if you had fun in the end."

Akira remembered that night when he told Jose that. Walking into his own wake had undoubtedly not been something he'd been expecting on top of everything. Nor did he know how to even act in such a situation.

Luckily Tycoon had been a hit, and not only that, it had been a lot of fun. Just to see all of his confidants interact in such a casual setting.

It was fun because they were all there.

Akira bit his lip in hopes of keeping himself composed. He knew this might quite possibly be the last time he saw Shinya. Or rather, the last time he sees this iteration of Shinya, Hifumi, and Jose too. And God, is he going to miss this. This dynamic he hasn't seen before.

It's not just the Phantom Thieves he is going to miss. And it's not just the Phantom Thieves he had fun with.

"Akira?" Hifumi tilted her head in concern, "If you aren't feeling well, you really should go home. We can stand in the phone line for you, and I'm sure Shinya-Kun can pick out a suitable phone."

"That's right! I'll pick out a far better one than that piece of junk you used to have." Shinya nodded confidently. "Leave it to me!"

Akira can't help but chuckle at this before shaking his head, "Unfortunately, I am in dire need of it now, but I won't say no to some company as I wait. What sort of things have you all gotten in the sales?"

Shinya's face brightened as he immediately jumped into one of the sales they saw in the main department store in Akihabara. Jose piping in with his two cents every so often.

And despite it all, Akira feels a little less lonely and a little less sad.

"God, what a trek. We finally made it to the bottom." Ann sighed as the Morgana bus pulled up to the mutilated chamber of train tracks and red like veins running into a monumental entrance. It's the final stop for the trains that ran through mementos. A row of bone-like structures runs down the edge of the platform, almost giving the appearance of a massive set of ribs. It's a bit terrifying if she admits it. That something like this lies at the bottom of the public's palace. But she tried not to think about that exactly, "You know, that could have been easier had we actually explored mementos as we went…."

"Yeah, we were so annoyed with Akira that he wouldn't explore Mementos…Now, I can't say that I blame him…." Futaba frowned, digging her shoe into the ground. "Makes sense now why he didn't."

Ann frowned. That's for sure. Who would want to explore further when they know what horrors lay at the bottom? They haven't seen what is to come, but Akira has. Ann can't say she's excited about this venture, especially how it may end up. She wanted to think they could change it, but if Akira, leagues more powerful than her, couldn't, it didn't spell much hope for the rest of them.

"So, this is where all the patrons of Mementos were trying to get to," Yusuke commented in trepidation as they wandered around the dimmed platform.

"People are going into that wall/door thing, so there must be something further," Makoto added nervously as they wandered closer to the massive door. It opened as they drew near, nearly making Ann jump. It was bad enough how dim it was around them, but suddenly, a massive door set her nerves off.

She really doesn't like this. The red lines looked like veins, all feeding into something beyond the door.

"Oracle, any information for what awaits us?" Akechi hummed, his arms crossed as he stood on the door's threshold.

"Shadows, but that is to be expected." Futaba shook her head before her voice lowered. "However, I took a peek at the mechanics of this door. You can only open it from the outside, meaning anything inside can't get out. Those people walking in… wouldn't be able to get out."

"Are you saying they are choosing to walk in?" Ryuji sputtered, taking a step back from the doorway.

"People are choosing a life of imprisonment?" Haru said softly, a sad understanding in her eyes, "But why?

Ann can't help but shiver. This was the public's palace meaning this place reflected how the general public regarded Society and their lives. What is that supposed to mean, that they would willingly throw away their freedom like that? And after all the Phantom Thieves did for Society, Ann is beginning to understand Akira's despair on another level. It's becoming more tangible, and Mementos is becoming its manifestation.

Not only did he lose everyone he loved, but all the things also he accomplished didn't mean anything. She remembered his words; Society had already decided what they wanted. Ann frowned. Do they have a right to tell Society what to do? After all their time, they were only teenagers. It's not as If they really had the place to tell people what to do.

Were they doing the right thing?

"Panther," Akechi said her name, breaking her out of her reverie. She snapped her head up to meet his gaze. The rest of the group already taking tentative steps into the precipice of the depths. Only she and Akechi are left on the other side of the door.

"Are we…" Ann bit her lip. Can she really ask that? But, the overwhelming despair of the atmosphere in this place was getting to her as she stammered, "Are we doing the right thing? Maybe Akira was right…if the rest of Society has chosen what it wants, who is to deny them that? Everything we've done…but they've chosen this. What right do we have to deny them this choice?"

"We aren't doing this for society, nor do we have altruistic intents," Akechi answered her firmly. An echo of a conversation they once had. She can't help but ease up on this note, still seeing the indecision on her face; however, Akechi continued, "This isn't for Society necessarily. While we are technically a part of society, this is for Akira and us. We don't want Shido to be in power with his counsel, but we all know that isn't the primary reason for this mission. It would be a great outcome, but all of us are selfishly taking this risk because we don't want to see Akira in his place. We are trying to figure out what the f*ck is going on. Take that how you will. We are thieves, are we not? We don't do things altruistically. To say we do now would be a lie. This isn't for Society; this is for us."

Ann dryly chuckled, "Saying that aloud makes it sound like we are the bad guys."

"Depends on whose perspective we are looking through. Every hero is someone's villain in their narrative." Akechi shrugged. Still, it made Ann feel a little bit better. They aren't unfamiliar with not being liked in the public. And Akechi is correct; this mission isn't necessarily for Society; it's for Akira. While their original intent was to stop Shido's team from being in power, Ann knows they all desperately want to figure out how to fix things for Akira so that he won't have to go through this cycle again.

He deserves better.

They haven't run into Akira down here yet, tracking with her theory that he can't get in since he doesn't have a phone. And the timeline doesn't seem to have been reset yet. That in itself made her feel slightly better. Even if Society has chosen, they haven't. They want Akira to be free of this. And they want answers. Hopefully, they get one of those things from this trip. She needs to solve this, she couldn't do anything when Shiho was being hurt, but she damn won't let Akira go through the same thing either.

"Come on now, Panther, there is no time to dawdle. I'm sure the depths will be hard enough without our resident tank." Akechi scowled, turning his heel and walking over the threshold to what could be their end.

Ann confidently followed him on the path to the depths. She has to believe they can stop this somehow; they've defied the impossible before.

Akira knows many of his plans were stupid, literally hinging on a prayer or something. But out of all of those plans, this one might directly take the crown. Truly one of the worst he's had.

He stood on the precipice of Mementos, his head pounding as he looked down the daunting steps that descended towards the innards of Mementos. Akira has a vague sense of just how much he will have to traverse to reach the depths where the holy grail lies. A shiver ran down his back at the idea, and he wanted no more than to turn his heel and walk back towards the entrance. But his feet are kept in place as he counts the steps going down. The tendrils of fear wrap his arms to his side, and his fists tremble like that night that had sent him to Shibuya; the anxiety settled into his bones.

Akira has absolutely no idea how in the hell he is going to make it down all the winding tunnels to the bottom while remaining intact. Not only is he going to have to avoid shadows that will get stronger and stronger the lower he goes with absolutely no form of defense if something were to go wrong, but there is also the excruciating headache that Akira knows will get worse and worse because of no said protection, worse off the chance that he could be killed is very likely.

It's a suicide mission. Imminent expiration.

Not that Akira hasn't carried out suicide missions before; at this point, it might as well be his forte. His half-baked plans were going to kill him at some point, but the fear of it dwindled when every one of his deaths resulted in the loop starting over once more. There wasn't much to lose.

And yet, if he genuinely believed that this time, he knew he wouldn't be stuck on the top of these stairs trembling at the thought of descending into the darkness.

This time was different, even if he has yet to formulate why. He really is insane, but it's the end of the road anyway; waking up to that blue sky on the train to Shibuya is coming closer and closer.

It's do or die. And he's gonna die anyway, so Akira might as well try.

He turned to the side, the familiar blue door was not there anymore, and neither was its wardens. Akira isn't sure whether to feel comforted by this or not. Their relationship has indeed been rocky, to say the least, especially with Igor. Caroline and Justine are an entirely different story that he's yet to crack. Yet, they were the only ones to facilitate his persona. The door gone doesn't spell well for this coming trial. Not that he particularly wanted to see Igor and his vague riddles anymore.

Akira sighed, taking a step to descend into the depths. Man, he wishes he had Morgana's fast travel.

The creaking of the stopped escalator, the ambiance of Mementos, and the pounding of his heart are all he can hear as he descends into the dark. Akira knows he can be sneaky as a Phantom Thief, as Joker, but as Akira Kurusu? He's failed spectacularly at that in the past. But hopefully, this time will be different.

He reached the bottom of the platform. The groans of multiple shadows echo around the inner tunnels, but Akira inhaled and exhaled the musky air, clutched the dagger that may or may not do enough damage, and took one step after the other.

That was all he could do to get to the bottom. Avoid the shadows and keep putting one foot after the other. One step follows another till he carries himself to deliver his final message. At least he has all the time to formulate it.

Ryuji doesn't like this, as he is sure none of them do. The chasms of the depths of mementos are harrowing. Anxiety fills the air as well does an eerie red mist. If this were a video game, he could only imagine this would be the final dungeon; it certainly has all the qualifications, strong shadows, frustrating puzzles that he is sure would take longer to solve without Akechi there, and a particular atmosphere of doom.

All while a feeling of restlessness is itching through his veins. Ryuji doesn't know when they'll arrive at the holy grail, nor does he know what they will do once they encounter it. It's not as if Akira really gave them much to go off of except that vision of their untimely demises and the fact that the previous Phantom thieves had thought they'd defeated the 'holy grail' only to be proven wrong.

How are they supposed to know if they've defeated it this time? This really is unlike any infiltration they've done.

The only positive thing which is a stretch is that they haven't actually seen any trace of Akira. But that feeling is only replaced by guilt when Ryuji thinks about how Akira will react when he figures out, they have all gone to Mementos. It's unfair of them; Ryuji knew that. But, Ryuji also knew that bringing Akira into the Metaverse would have been a bad idea because he doesn't have his persona anymore and had no means to defend himself if the rest of the thieves slipped up.

They can't slip up. The Thieves have to succeed this time, Ryuji resolved. For Akira. They need to do this for Akira.

Ryuji refused to fail his friend once more.

"That's a lot of people!" Futaba squeaked as they rounded a corner to a hallway leading to a massive door, but it was crowded with people's cognitions. "It looks like a sale at Akihabara…."

"Uh, Why are they all gathered here?" Ryuji wondered as they cautiously approached the group of people, he listened around to see if he could hear what the commotion was, but no one was saying a thing. Or rather, they were, but all it sounded like was white noise coming out of their mouth. Another dreadful thing to add to the list.

"It looks like they are trying to enter that door, but it's keeping them out." Morgana frowned, pointing to the ominous-looking door that all the people are crowded up against, palms against it as they seem to be banging on it to get inside. It's similar to when 109 is holding sales, Ryuji compared.

"What do you think is inside?" Ann asked apprehensively, but Ryuji could tell she was distracted by the veins pulsing on the walls next to the door, feeding into it. It sends shivers down his spine. Why does it have to look like that? He is reminded of the vision of their demise in Shibuya Crossing, leaving a bad taste in his mouth, but it did mean they could only be getting closer.

"Don't know." Haru shook her head.

"Regardless, I doubt we'll be able to get in this way." Akechi shook his head before looking to the side to see a platform next to the hallway. He pointed at the path only a Phantom thieve could take. "There, we'll go around the crowd and investigate."

"Right." Makoto nodded, following Akechi as he jumped across the platform; the rest of the Phantom Thieves followed right beside him. Akechi had quickly settled into the position of Leader without Akira being here.

Ryuji can't help but smile; if Akechi could change like this, why couldn't the rest of Society? He has to think there is some hope in all of this. He has to believe there is something they can do.

"What's with that smile?" Ann nudged him as they crossed the platform together, "This place isn't really the most….joyful…."

"Oh uh, I was just thinking, 'bout Akechi." Ryuji shook his head.

"I have bad news for you; he's definitely already taken." Ann teased him, her mood lifting a bit as she cheekily grinned at Ryuji and nudged him with her shoulder.

"Not like that!" Ryuji sputtered, "God, Ann. That's not what I meant—"

Ann laughed as they followed the rest of the thieves to the opening on the other side of where the door was, "Haha, just kidding. I understand; he's different now…."

"Yeah." Ryuji nodded, but the thought couldn't be carried on further because they entered a circular room that seemed to be filled to the brim with bars and cells. Ryuji can't help but explain, "What the…is this a prison? I thought Mementos was a subway station!"

The familiarity of it unsettles him. The bars surrounding them remind him of the cells they saw in Akira's velvet room and his palace. Only these cells were filled to the brim with people. The cells stretched up at least a mile high.

"They are behind bars, so I'd say we've taken a train to prison…." Futaba frowned as she looked around, her form unsure as she brought up a screen, "The shift is unsettling, though."

"Based on all the information we've been given, I'd say this is society's cognition of their current status." Akechi surmised as he raised a hand to his chin in a thinking posture. "Akira had said, Society already dictated what it wants."

"But a prison?" Haru frowned quietly, "I still don't get it. Why would anyone want to be locked away like this? Would that not mean they are unhappy with the system?"

"It doesn't even look like they are bothered by it too…They aren't even chained up, and they seem completely at ease!" Ann noticed as she strayed closer to one of the cells. She tilted her head pensively before adding, "They're saying something."

The rest of the Phantom Thieves wander closer, and Ryuji can hear the collective voices of the prisoners in an eerie tone.

"Why are you out there? You should come In here."

"Come on, don't be out there, be in here!"

"Don't open the cells, ok? I have no intention of leaving this place!"

"They don't even want to leave," Ryuji murmured in realization; it really is like Akira said, these people didn't want to be saved; they didn't want to leave the confines of this space. But why? Who would willingly choose to give up their freedom like this? It made Ryuji's blood boil; how could they just accept this? How could they accept the cognition of being in a literal prison?

"They feel safe in here?" Yusuke muttered with disbelief. "How?"

"It feels like Kamoshida's palace, like those 'slaves' we saw in there," Morgana mentioned, and then that made Ryuji do a double-take. That flipped his entire perspective.

The slaves in Kamoshida's palace didn't want to leave because they feared what would happen if they did. They had been taught defiance is punishment. Ryuji sure knew that feeling well. But then it brings up the question to him, do these people really want to be here, or have they been taught that this is the only safe space? To just roll over and accept this fate?

Either way, it makes Ryuji's skin crawl and rolls his perspective on his axis. Have the people of this Society also felt the same way he did?

Ryuji can't help but think back to the interactions with his father. He'd just rolled over and accepted his father's torment on him and his mother. He didn't fight back against his father because he felt that nothing he did would matter and actively make things worse. So he just didn't do anything.

Is that what Society felt?

"That's right, in the end, this is the best place."

"In the depths of a system that grants desires."

"A system that grants…desires?" Ann echoed apprehensively as she tilted her head with a perplexed look. "What is that supposed to mean? I mean, I can't imagine a prison 'granting' anything."

"Wait, what?" Ryuji asked in disbelief. There is no way something like that exists, does it? The people's cognitions don't answer, though, continue to murmur amongst themselves about a system that grants desires.

"I don't think we can reason with them." Makoto shook her head, "It feels like they are speaking nonsense."

"Futaba?" Ryuji noticed Futaba to his side had paled in color, her hands frozen above her screen.

"A system that grants desires." Futuba echoed, her eyes wide as she turned back to them, a terror on her face, "Desires, wishes…you don't think…."

And it hits Ryuji like a wrecking ball; anxiety crawled over his skin, "That Akira had desired to be with the Phantom Thieves forever…and this system granted him that? The Holy Grail?"

"But… that's impossible, isn't it?! That's a huge break in logic, I mean…." Makoto shook her head, confused but unable to form what she was trying to get across; Ryuji thinks they all understand the idea.

This doesn't feel like any science or rather the work of something that is somewhat past their understanding.

"But, time travel is a break in logic too," Ryuji said, gritting his teeth, feeling his anxiety hitting the roof of this prison. "That sh*t is supposed to be science fiction, and yet, I completely believe that Akira traveled back. And we already assumed the Holy Grail has something to do with this all, right?"

"What could grant that power, though…." Yusuke murmured.

"What else, the Holy Grail." Ryuji scowled.

"We shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet." Akechi shook his head, "It's a theory, but I'm not sure we should take what these cognitions have to say at face value. This is the cognitive world; it may rather be a metaphor. We should still keep it on the table, but I'm less inclined to take the words of cognitions of a distorted world. They could be talking of the Holy Grail; they could just be making metaphors. We need to go further to see for ourselves. We'd already suspected something as much; there is no use dawdling over it here."

It made Ryuji relax only slightly, the tension in the air has really built them all up, but Akechi is right; cognitions have been wrong in the past, and their thinking is just as distorted as the space they are in, taking them at face value after all they've seen would be stupid. They won't know anything until they truly see the Holy Grail.

"You can live on without knowing things."

"Indeed, such as the system and the quarantined cell."

The grating voices of the cognitions go on, at ease and simply with no worry in the world that completely defies all the negative energy in this place.

"' Quarantined' cell?" Makoto echoed, "Who is quarantined here?"

"The most sinful and vile inmate of us all."

Ryuji isn't sure what there is to be made of that. But he can't help but think, if these cognitions won't leave of their own accord, then what is that supposed to suggest with this inmate in the quarantine cell?

"Can you tell us more?" Yusuke inquired, but the cognitions only go back to chattering amongst themselves, a white noise that none of them can decipher.

Ryuji frowned; so far, he'd give the palace of Society a 0/10 rating. It's creepy in the atmosphere and not very forthcoming with what the Phantom thieves need to know, but now there is an entirely different question on their minds.

What the f*ck is this system that somehow grants desires, and is it connected to the holy grail?

As is to be suspected, Akira doesn't get very far because he has to sneak around like he's never sneaked around before, and he doesn't have his Phantom Thieve powers to help him in the least. Without it, even his cognition of him sneaking around doesn't do much. The palm around the knife he's been clutching like a lifeline is slick with sweat, and his chest heaves with breathes he can't seem to catch, his head pounding in a ferocity. He had underestimated the sway of Mementos without a Persona. It's just as awful as he was in his own palace. It's a miracle truly that he survived that in itself, but he can only assume his Shadow played a part in that. Arsene isn't around now, and he's on his own.

He'll never make it to the bottom of Mementos like this, and he knows it, but he can't go back either. Akira knows now that this is literally his last stand; he is one wrong step away from encountering a shadow, one moment too close to drawing the attention of the Reaper. He is too close to waking up on that train once more. The atmosphere of Mementos and the mustiness of these endless tunnels are getting to him, slowly choking the motivation he had.

Akira wiped the hair from his eyes as he climbed onto the platform leading to the next floor down, which he could only hope was a safe area. He staggered towards the steps leading further down into the depths. His strength is waning; his muscles are screaming.

But Akira kept going. One step after another, one breathes after another. He didn't know where or what floor he was on; Akira lost count only after a few floors because he needed all his concentration to strategically dash around corners.

He keeps going, but he's starting to wonder why as he puts one foot in front of the other. Why is he still going? He knows the chances he reached the bottom before this all restarts is slim; the odds are stocked long and high against him. Akira may have completely idiotic plans, but he's not stupid; he knew he wouldn't make it out of this alive. He knows that it's all been for naught, such as all the times that have come before this.

One foot in front of the other.


One foot.


One foot stopped.


And the other stopped in turn.

What is it all for?

"Is it time to rewind and reset?" Akira wondered, stopping in the open hallway of Mementos, the floor pulsing under his feet. Familiar feelings crashed into him like a tidal wave. Has this all truly been for nothing?

His resolve is flickering. He doesn't know how to form the words he wants to say when he reaches his friends, or rather if he reaches his friends.

He doesn't know if he has the strength to do it. Because in the end, the words that he'll say, will they even matter if the people he gives them to will no longer exist?

Does anything he does or did truly matter in the scheme of things?

A tidal wave crashing around a delicate, half-form sandcastle. Words disappear into the rush of water, drowning him in its cold embrace as he dissolves into the whites in the waves.

Akira's feet are glued to the train tracks melded to the floor of this tunnel, a precarious situation if a shadow were to come round the corner or, God forbid, the Reaper.

Was this worth it? There would have been far easier ways to reset. But does it matter in the end when the destination is the same?

Akira knows that reaching his friends before the reset at this point is near impossible, and his track record for miracles is slim at best. Yu had encouraged him, but it was too late.

This was a frivolous endeavor. A whimsical wish. Childish.

A shadow is ambling down the tracks a few feet away, and Akira knows he won't try to dodge it once it inevitably realizes what prey stands before it. It would be better this way. Nothing he could do would matter in the grand scheme of things; Akira was just too inconsequential; he was only a child at best.

Akira wasn't enough. He is only left with himself, but he is not enough for himself in the end.

At the end of all things, it wasn't enough.

He closed his eyes and remembered a quote he had heard from somewhere at some point. 'You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.' Akira gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as hard as his heart. He feels like he's been living far too long and still can't manage to do it right. He hasn't changed anything, he hasn't reformed Society, he hasn't saved his friends. It's not right; he can't get it down. Will he ever?

Akira can hear the shadow growling, sensing what is to be its prey, but he is chained to these tracks as he knows he will be for the rest of eternity.

He accepts that the friends he will see next are not the ones who will remember their trials, the love he thought he had would only be itching to kill him once more. And there is naught he can do about it.

Perhaps this time, this time, he'll bring an umbrella. Maybe this time, he'll ignore the app on his phone. Or perhaps this time, he'll just stay on the train.

Maybe, he'll just go back to Inaba.

Maybe he'll finally find the Midnight channel; perhaps it will ultimately take him.

The Shadow squeals in pain, jolting Akira out of his thoughts. He opens his eyes to billowing black hair in front of him and an arrow of light that illuminates the dark crevices of Mementos. It shoots into the Shadow's chest, dissolving it with brilliant light.

"Kaguya…" Akira murmured as Kaguya turned back to him, her neon green eyes soft as they fell onto him. Even without a mouth, she still looks pleased to see him, but Akira can't fathom why after all he's done to her. After she had left without a word.

She takes him by the hand in a fluid motion and leads him in a sprint down the dark tunnel. He can do nothing naught but follow, still baffled by her appearance. When she had left him, without a word or any indication before, Akira didn't imagine she'd come back. He has vague memories of his shadow hacking off her wings, of Kaguya pleading with him but nothing concrete.

She throws arrows at the shadows in their way, instantly dissipating them and making a path to the next platform. Strength beyond what Akira could muster at the moment. How is Kaguya here, and why is she saving him after all this?

Akira is surprised to see his entire entourage of Persona sitting on the platform's edge; it's not something he'd ever expected.


"Did you not run fast enough?" Alice asked innocently, hopping off the platform to meet him as Kaguya dragged him into the safety of the platform area. Yosh*tsune remained leaning against the platform, not an emotion on his face, while Arsene regarded him with a nod.

The question catches Akira off guard and the rest of the situation. He has no idea what they are doing here, and he isn't sure whether it's a good thing. After all, could they really be considered his persona anymore? He can't feel them.

This was not something he was expecting in the least, leaving him at a loss for words or thought.

He wonders if they desire penitence for his actions, he owed them that much.

"Did you not run fast enough?" Alice asked again, swaying back and forth on the balls of her Mary Jane heels in a childish fashion.


"It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same space. If you want to get anywhere else, you'll have to run twice as fast!" Alice explained in a matter-of-fact voice. She tilted her head again with another inquiry, "So, did you not run fast enough? Is that why you're here?"

And Akira understood what she meant even if she did speak in the most convoluted ways. How someone can speak in the most direct but convoluted way is beyond his understanding. He looked at the ground, unsure if he really wanted to face his personas after all, "I guess not."

"~Somehow, you strayed and lost your way, and now there'll be no time to play, no time for joy, no time for friends - not even time to make amends~" Alice sang as she swayed back and forth again.

"What does it matter? It's too late now." Akira shook his head, hanging his head lower, "You should have left me to the shadows. I thought I could, but it was a stupid plan. To begin with, it's Christmas Eve already."

"You had resolve when you stepped in, didn't you? Or else, why would you come?" Yosh*tsune peered at him, his face still remaining without emotion, but he continued in the deep monotone voice, "What happened?"

"You had resolve at the beginning of this loop, didn't you?" Alice chimed in, tilting her head in curiosity, her blond hair falling to the side, "What happened?"

Akira felt the shame well up in him like a dam.

"It hurt." Akira quietly admitted as he stood on the platform of mementos surrounded by the feeling; he couldn't outrun like Alice had said; what is there left? He'd burnt through that resolve fast because his blood is kerosene, and the hopelessness is a fire ready to consume. "I hurt. Feeling like nothing I could do would change a thing. And objectively, I know I did change things. But were they really for the better? It was a mess, and I didn't change the right things. I didn't change what needed to be changed; there was too much to bear, there was too much that had gone on that year to keep track of, and I thought I did my best, but everything just fell apart. Like a sandcastle in the tide, and the grains slipped through my fingers… It was agonizing, feeling I was so close to something only to have it ripped from my fingers. It wasn't enough, and nothing changed the outcome in the end."

"I know." Arsene nodded, his fiery eyes locked onto Akira's. The gaze was so intense that Akira couldn't help but continue under its pressure. The despair he felt ungated under that weathering look. The dam is becoming undone.

"I tried, tried my hardest, and did what I could with what I had." Akira pleaded, the guilt of Arsene being executed rushing through him. Akira knew he was making excuses; he knew he couldn't ever atone for letting Igor fuse Arsene away again. He couldn't atone for fusing all those personas without a thought afterward till the pain went numb. He can't atone for pushing his persona to the limit, for relying on them so heavily.

"I know." Arsene nodded once more, and Akira realized the intense gaze wasn't blaming; it was one of understanding. While it was forlorn, it wasn't a sadness directed at Akira; rather, it was an expression of sorrow for Akira. He feels Kaguya's gentle touch on his shaking shoulders, but he can't take his eyes off Arsene.

"But I didn't have enough, and am I even going to have enough for the next loop? For the ones that come after. When there is no future in store for me, where am I to go when there is nothing past the blood-red sky of Shibuya? How am I supposed to keep moving forward? When everyone I've come to grow close to and love just gets erased by my failures… tells me how I am supposed to keep going? I know I am an amalgamation of the people I've loved, but what does it matter when they aren't there?" Akira sobbed, his breath caught in his throat, as the tears he could have sworn he'd bottled up rushed down his cheeks, "How am I supposed to live?"

"You are, though." Alice tilted her head, her gold eyes peering at him inquisitively. "If what you said were true, you'd have started the loop over months ago, wouldn't you? If what you said was true, would you not have continued to restart the loop every time you arrived in Shibuya?"

Akira bit his lip; Alice was more insightful than he gave her credit for. Akira forgot Alice isn't actually a child. He actually doesn't really know what Alice is other than possibly a facet of his personality. Yet he can't imagine he's that insightful.

"So why didn't you?" Alice asked almost innocently, but Akira knows the question runs deeper. "Why didn't you allow yourself to be killed by that shadow before? Why didn't you let your own shadow kill you? This loop, what was different? Why are you still here if you can't find the reasons to live?"

Akira knows why he didn't restart the loop like the other times; while he hadn't wanted to admit it because he understands the weight of those confessions, he can't really deny it any further. And especially to those who were connected to him in such away. Akira is beginning to understand that lying to himself gets him nowhere in the end. Denial is futile.

"Because I had fun," Akira admitted quietly, his face heating up at the stupid reason.

"And why is that such a hard thing to admit?" Alice wondered, "You had fun with the friends you've always wanted to make. Whether or not they were different iterations of the ones you knew. You smiled and laughed with them regardless. And in the end, didn't that matter in the outcome of this loop? The changes you wanted to make were grand, but you made changes anyways, did you not? You had fun with your friends, despite it all. Can you deny the joy you've shared?"

Akira clenched his fists, and he shook his head, "What does that matter now? They are only going to be erased all over. Blank slates with no recollections of those moments! What is the point? I wasted time; I didn't do enough! How could I have fun while I knew what their and my fate would be in the end? I just made things worse!"

"Is that something you'd say to a friend? Would you tell them that a laugh or a smile isn't worth it when it wouldn't be remembered in the long run? Do you really believe that?" Alice frowned, bowing her head down as she shifted back and forth on her heels. "Would you really tell a friend it wasn't worth laughing at a joke when the joke is only one moment in time? That a smile isn't worth being expressed because a moment will pass anyway? That joy isn't a worthwhile feeling for how fleeting it is?"

Akira gnashed his teeth after getting caught in his own lie. He wouldn't tell that to his friends. How cruel would that be? He couldn't imagine telling Ryuji not to run when he knows it makes Ryuji the happiest or telling Ann that the modeling business is too cutthroat when he can tell how much fun she has during shoots. Telling someone that they didn't deserve to have fun or smile when it mattered little in the grand scheme of things, what a horrible thing to say.

"Then why would you tell yourself that?" Alice wondered, catching on to his train of thought, "You had fun with your friends despite the awful situation you had been put in. You smiled and laughed despite it all, maybe as a means of ignoring what was to come, but maybe because you knew those moments mattered. And did those moments not lead you with a hope of what was come? Curious to see if this was going to be different? The fact you smiled and laughed doesn't negate the bad things that happened to you. Light in dark, without the light, you can not see the shadows, and without the shadows, you cannot see the light. Why is the fact you had fun a source of guilt?"

"Because I'll never get them back," Akira murmured.

"You've never lost them, you remember, don't you?" Alice shook her head fervently, "Even if they don't remember, you do. And you've not forgotten them. You've held those memories very dear to your heart, and the ones you made this time are a testament to what you've gone through; you know you won't forget them because they are dear to you. And have not you regained your friends each time? Are they not fighting for your sake, knowing what is to come? Is your bond not stronger because of the iterations before, because of what you went through before?"

Alice was right. Yu was right. Akira knows they are. Despite everything that had happened, the only reason he'd made it this far in the loop was the inconsequential moments he'd shared with his friends the entire time. And while they might not be the same moments from the original year, did that make them any less precious to him? And the evidence of how much those moments mattered to him should be found in all the pain and suffering because he knew that those moments would be lost. Even though it had been easier to say these friends weren't the ones he knew, that was a shoddy lie. Even if they don't remember, Akira knows the moments he spent with them only made the realization that he would have to restart even more painful.

He loved them.

Alice smiled brightly at him, her gold eyes beaming, "We got friends just like the group of friends we used to watch from afar at Junes. We laughed just like they did; we smiled like they did. We had fun, even during the boring moments of studying, just like they did. Those summer days, we were together, just like they were."

"You have all the time in the world, whether that may be good or bad." Yosh*tsune chimed in from where he was leaning against the wall. "Will you use that as a source of strength, or will you see it as a curse? Will you forge ahead?"

"Didn't you tell Jose once that the point of a game is to have fun?" Alice nodded, "The reason we play games repeatedly isn't for the content of the game but rather for the company we keep with it? It's not the game itself that's fun; it's the presence of others, the bonds you make with the game as a bridge. That's why children play games over and over; they are learning how to perceive the world and connect with others, adults too. It's not about winning and losing. It's about having fun."

"I had fun," Akira admitted once more because it was the truth. Though there were moments of darkness, that doesn't take away from the fact there were points he'd still had fun with his friends, regardless of it all. With desperation, he turned back to Arsene, "I had fun too despite it all. This year had been agony but not only because of the impending loop but because I felt the fun and the happy moments wouldn't mean anything anymore. But they still do!"

"I understand." Arsene nodded in a deep voice, "The suffering you've been through, the pain and agony you've experienced after the period of euphoria. The happiness and joy you've felt in the company of your friends. The feeling that all of that would be ripped away from under your feet at the end of this. I understand it all. The unfathomable depths of your feelings, for I have dived there too, I understand you in every facet."

"You do, don't you?" Akira can't help but smile because he finally starting to understand.

"I do." Arsene nodded again, a fiery smile stretching across his face. "Because you are me, and I am you. You are the only one who can understand the depths of my frustration and despair, the heights of my happiness and joy; you are the only one who could ever understand everything that has ever filled me or left me. You are the only one who comprehends my complexities of me. I art thou, thou art I, and I know what we intend to do."

"I'm sure you do." Akira smiled. It doesn't change the fact he knows what is to come next. How stopping the chalice is near impossible this far into this game. But he feels less alone now. Yu said the parts other people give them makeup who they are. Akira knows the details of himself he can attribute to others. And maybe Alice is right; they never left. He just wasn't looking in the right spots; he wasn't looking where he needed to.

He was looking at rock bottom, at a wall, when he should have been looking up to what could be.

His attire is replaced in a flash by his phantom thief attire, his mask settles quickly on his face, and he can feel Arsene's power rushing through him. He'll defy these feelings of hopelessness that chained him.

Akira is an enigma, but maybe he'd almost just solved himself. And he knows he is the only one who could; he sure has the time for it.

"Will you lend me your aid?" Akira turned back to the eclectic group of personas gathered around him, his red glove outstretched. "It wasn't just my friends I had fun with. We had fun too, didn't we? Showing off and cutting through the distortions of our Society."

Yosh*tsune gave him a smirk as he pushed off the wall, "I art thou, thou art I, I will raise my blade for your cause once more."

Kaguya nodded her head excitingly, clapping her hands together with a pleased look.

"I art thou, and thou art I; I would love to play with you again." Alice nodded, her bangs bouncing as she nodded, "Let's see this game to the end."

"No matter the outcome. We'll keep going; we'll keep playing till it's in our favor." Akira nodded, tightening his grip on his dagger. He turned his heel and trekked further into the depths of mementos, Alice, Kaguya, and Yosh*tsune following him faithfully.

There is so much to this than Yusuke knows what to do with. Seeing all the people they thought they changed just choosing this life of imprisonment, with the excuse that they no longer have to think about their actions, makes Yusuke's blood boil as he is sure it does the rest of the Phantom Thieves. Kamoshida, Madarame, Kaneshiro, and Shido. But he's sure Akechi, especially with Shido's whole revelation that the people curating this prison are the prisoners themselves. All the shadows of the people they changed are like completely different people. And Yusuke isn't sure that's a good thing. There is something far more significant at play here than they all know, and it can only be connected to the Holy Grail.

Akira's revelation about Society dictating what it wants and the Holy Grail is beginning to make more sense than he'd like it to. Also, Akira's refusal to travel to the bottoms of Mementos.

Yusuke understands it now. The atmosphere is heavy and musty, and a tangible feeling of uneasiness coursing through what appear to be veins on the way. Terrible imagery. It feels akin to a Salvador Dalí painting wherein things are getting more and more heavily distorted. The prison is beginning to feel like a rib cage with the visual rotting bones holding up the structure of the being they are in.

Could society's desires really be this abysmally dark?

Yusuke thought back to his painting. Had he really been so far off? He doesn't know if there really is hope within the despair at the bottom of Mementos. Maybe he'd been too idealistic. He wanted to believe all that they had been doing was for something. But Yusuke feared, perhaps it had only spurred this more. Too many thoughts are running through his head to focus on the task at hand.

"I understand this is society's palace and all that sh*t. But what is it with the damn circle puzzles!?" Ryuji cursed as they made it past the current circle puzzle. It's a good thing they had Akechi, Makoto, and Futaba with them because Yusuke is sure he wouldn't be able to solve it. He'd imagine it would be up Hifumi's alley as well.

"Perhaps a means to not only guard this prison but to keep the prisoner's mind occupied while they are here?" Yusuke suggested, trying to give his unformulated thoughts to distract him from the bleak realizations he's going through.

"Oh, like on subways when people do sudoku puzzles?" Haru chimed in, seemingly in the same mindset. "I see many people doing them on the train to school in the morning, and a few doing the crossword puzzle too."

"It's a good thing these weren't Suduku puzzles, or I'd be f*cked." Ryuji groaned as they rounded the corner to avoid a shadow.

"Only if It were individual Suduku puzzles," Akechi muttered.

Ryuji looked as if he were about to answer before they came to the threshold of a vast chamber that made everyone instantly stop in their track and go silent.

Yusuke swore the air got heavier from the sight of the massive prison block in the middle of the chamber with molded bone bridges branching off from each side, connecting it to the cave's walls. The vein-like wire they've seen weaving through Mementos can be seen feeding into the top of the prison block.

The tension is palpable.

Yusuke has no doubt that there is where they are going to find the Holy Grail.

And hopefully some answers, and yet, his feet won't move from this spot.

Everything they worked for; will this be it? Yusuke knows they have to succeed lest what will await Akira if they don't, but he still can't help but feel the apprehension clutching at all of their limbs.

Is this the only answer?

"There." Morgana pointed solemnly at the prison. "That's where we'll find the treasure of society's palace, The Holy Grail. I can feel it."

"The Holy Grail is…fascinating piece of history to be observed. It is said that the Holy Grail origins were tied back to the chalice that Jesus Christ used at the last supper, blessed with his lips at that table and rumored to have granted immortality with such blessing. On the other spectrum in Arthurian legend, it is said King Arthur sent one of his Knights, Galahad, in search of the Holy Grail despite not knowing its form. The Holy Grail often denotes some elusive goal sought after for its importance." Akechi recounted, his voice barely rising above the quietness of the atmosphere and the creaking of what is yet to come.

"Immortality or an elusive goal…." Makoto frowned, looking down the cliff they were standing on, a precipice far more significant than any of them imagined it to be, "Perhaps both…."

"This is Societies' treasure, correct?" Haru murmured, crossing her arms with a frown. "Would it not lean more towards an elusive goal? From what we've seen, the people of this Society don't want to take accountability for their actions nor think for themselves, is the Holy Grail supposed to represent the freedom from such?"

"I would assume so." Futaba shook her head before biting her lip, "And the immortality has to be a reference to Akira's time loop, right?"

Yusuke can't deny the connections he's seeing, but he doesn't understand why. What would be the point in making Akira do this over and over? And how could Society wield such a reality-bending power? Society doesn't even want to think for themselves, and they don't seem to be in much of a rush to do anything.

"It doesn't make sense." Yusuke shook his head.

"No, it doesn't, which is why we are here." Akechi nodded, a hand to his chin as he observed the colossal structure. "Society is their own warden, but I'm less inclined to believe that even if it were said because there are still people like us who would raise up against the structure. We simply cannot be the only ones, yet that is how it feels. Even the previous palace rulers had stood up before, even if it were in disgusting ways, yet now they are back, they've lost all will? I'm ill to believe that."

"You're right; regular prisons have revolts too. I would imagine it would have to be the same here if people themselves were to be the warden. There is such an eclectic mix of people; there is no way all of them would conform to this in such a way." Makoto nodded, "I simply can not believe everyone would want to stay here. I can imagine some might, but not everyone!"

"So, we are suggesting the possibility that someone is behind this?" Yusuke wondered.

"Something…" Ryuji echoed.

"I think we are past suggesting and more on the probable side." Ann frowned, "I mean, isn't that what we've already been thinking before?"

"Are we talking about the Holy Grail?" Futaba muttered, "Is it a treasure? Is it something else?"

"Normally, I'd say it's just the treasure of Society, given ridiculous power by Society's cognition, but that power should only apply to the Metaverse. In Akira's memory, we were yanked out of the Metaverse…so I'm inclined to believe there must be something more to the Holy Grail, whether it may be a system with the power to 'grant desires' or something more…sentient." Morgana explained, his voice serious as he looked on into the immense abyss of the chamber.

Yusuke found sense in that. They didn't know what the Holy Grail was, only that it had been something they fought and didn't defeat. The prison has definitely shed some insight into it, but Yusuke wondered if it's enough to come to conclusions or even defeat the treasure. Will they be able to stop what is not only happening to Akira but to the rest of society as well?

It's not as if there are any other options here.

"Yes, I thought similarly, too." Haru nodded in agreement, "We must keep going; we have to defeat the Holy grail; if that is the source of all this, then we can stop whatever is going to happen from happening."

"We'll make mementos disappear too." Morgana agreed, "Since it's society's treasure, then if we steal it, we'll steal the public's desires, and Mementos will be no more."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Yusuke grinned uneasily, ignoring the ends of the hair of his arms standing straight, "Let's descend into the depths."

Akechi doesn't like the look of the grail in the center of the large prison chamber. He absolutely loathed it and everything it stood for, and it was up to him and his skill; he'd destroy it without a moment's notice. But, taking Akira's previous words into account, he is sure this will not be an easy fight in the least, and it would take far more than Loki and Robin Hood to bring it down.

"That's the Holy Grail…." Futaba murmured as they cautiously entered the chamber that was stacked high with prison cells, "It's f*cking huge… That's Society's treasure!?"

"And all the prisoners here too…." Haru mentioned looking around with worry at the cells lined the wall to the ceiling. It's concerning, to say the least. Spotlights were coming out the top of the Holy Grail, reminiscent of a guard with a spotlight. It's safe to say it's acting as the prison's warden, just as the prisoners had claimed.

Still, Akechi is trying to formulate a plan fast. He needed and wanted to take this thing out quick. But the size is the most significant deterrent. It's enormous, the size of a skyscraper, much bigger than the rest of the enemies they've faced. When Akira said Holy Grail, this certainly was and was not what he was imagining. Akechi has to believe their personas will do enough damage, but technically, there were the same number of people facing it this time as last time. Akechi's mind is racing at the moment. Are they going to be able to do this?

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Ryuji asked, punching his fists together probably in some primitive way to get himself psyched up.

Akechi doesn't answer because he still was not prepared for the size of this thing, and he realized brute force is likely not going to be the answer, but then that tasked him with finding out the contingency plan.

So, if not brute force, then what? Striking in a decisive place?

"Futaba, run a scan on that thing. Do you see any weak points?" Akechi asked, turning to the other, who was already lost amidst an array of glowing green screens.

"What do you think the answer is going to be?" Futaba groaned, shaking her head as her fingers traced over the screens, "There is no data on this thing, I can't see any weaknesses, and that thing has insane power…I mean, I'm not saying it doesn't have a weakness, but I can't detect it. We are flying blind here."

Akechi had expected as much, but that doesn't bode well for his crumbling plan. The next option he comes up with is dumb because he doesn't even know how viable it is. Talking with the thing, but this is ridiculous for many reasons, one being that he doesn't know if a f*cking cup can speak. All he is going off is the horrid voice he remembered in Akira's Memory, but he doesn't actually know if that was a real voice that Akira heard or rather a manifestation of his feelings. And even if it was real, he isn't sure they could honestly reason with a talking cup that was Society's distorted desire at its core. That in itself feels like it's futile.

So, where did that leave them? Are they genuinely left with only brute force, and will that be enough?

"What about status inflictions? Sleep, Paralyze?" Makoto wondered, her face pensive as she seemed to be thinking as deeply as Akechi in this.

"Can you put a cup to sleep?" Haru wondered, tilting her head. It's a feasible question.

"Well, we can definitely implement it into our battle strategy." Akechi frowned, "But if it doesn't work the first time, it's likely it will not work the rest of the time. So, we try it once, but don't waste the energy to keep doing it if it doesn't work."

"Right." Ann nodded, "So, what exactly is our battle strategy?"

"Hit Hard as fast as you can." Akechi scowled, crossing his arms.

"Uh, really?" Ryuji sputtered, but there was a slightly mischievous grin on his face at the supposed strategy, "That sounds like something Akira would say."

"Definitely an Akira-Esque battle strategy." Ann agreed in a beat.

"You would have hit Akira up on the backside of the head for that strategy." Morgana joined in.

"As rudimentary as it is, I hadn't anticipated the sheer size of this thing." Akechi shook his head with indignation, "It would have been nice if we had gotten more information, but even with it, I'm not sure what other strategy can be used. Brute force is one of the only things we possess at this moment that has worked mostly in the past and the only strategy that works with this particular group of people…."

"It looks rusted." Haru pointed out as she motioned to the Holy Grail. And Akechi instantly understood what she meant. The Grail does look rather worn down, it's not shiny, and there are visible marks and rust on it. Is that supposed to indicate that it's being worn down by the prisoners? Then maybe Society doesn't want to end up like this. A subtle sign.

"Very good, Haru, that is an excellent observation." Akechi nodded; the gears in his head started churning fast. The weakest part of a chalice is its thinnest part. The neck. While the neck on this Holy Grail is still a sizeable amount, it's definitely smaller than the head. And maybe it's not a conventional way to approach a distorted cognition. But, if they weaken just one point, perhaps they can topple the entire thing over and be done with the Holy Grail. Right now, it's the most solid plan he has, "Alright, we are going to aim for the neck of the Holy Grail. Put all of our efforts into one spot, and breakthrough there."

"Smart. It's a brute force but with a specific target. I like it." Morgana nodded, getting his weapon ready.

"You really took Akira's strategy and made it your own!" Haru clapped her hands, pleased with the decision.

"Let's not phrase it like that." Akechi shook his head.

"As long as I get to hit sh*t!" Ryuji grinned madly, hitting his mace on the ground a few times in preparation.

"We are going to end this, right!?" Ann exclaimed, cracking her whip.

"Yeah, we know what we are up against now; we can do this!" Futaba nodded.

"As long as we all hit like one, put everything we have into it!" Makoto chimed in, bouncing back and forth on her heels with anticipation.

"We'll end all of this!" Yusuke agreed, his sword unsheathed at his side.

Akechi doesn't know how effective his strategy is going to be, he isn't sure if it's feasible, but the air feels a bit lighter as it's filled with the Phantom Thieves' resolve. He can feel their desire to end this, their desire to help their comrade, their desire to shine through even in the thickest of despair. The will to live and the will to succeed.

And he can only hope that it's enough in the end. Despite not precisely knowing what went down in the original timeline, maybe this will be enough this time. And they can return to Akira and tell him earnestly that it is over. That they can move on.

Akechi has never felt more like a Phantom Thief than now.

"Alright, Morgana and Makoto, heal as needed, Ann and Futaba, Buff us to hell and back, and the rest of us will bring all we have against the neck of the Holy Grail. Let's steal the distorted desires of our Society!" Akechi commanded. He almost felt like he was in a Neo Featherman Special in a childish thought. But instantly wiped the embarrassing idea from his mind.

You fools. Human, yet wishing to eradicate the desires of humanity…

A voice bellowed and echoed around the chamber. A familiar voice. It would seem it was the latter of Akechi's deductions, and apparently, the Holy Grail wasn't just a construct of Akira's memories.

Well, this put somewhat of a stop in his gears.

"You are only a treasure! And we'll put a stop to you and all of this!" Ann yelled back, snark in her voice.

I am revered as the granter of dreams for all that behold me, a being most commonly known as the Holy Grail. What a childish thing to say.

'Granter of dreams for all that behold me' is the line that Akechi gets stuck on. He isn't sure what the Holy Grail is to have that power, and when the prisoners whispered about a system that granted desires, he wasn't sure If it was literal or metaphorical. He had already assumed the Holy Grail had something to do with Akira's time loop as, according to Akira, after they fought the Holy Grail is when Akira got sent back. But could Society really grant the power to rewind time? He'll admit the Metaverse is beyond science as well, but time? For a treasure to have this much sentience, he isn't so sure Society made it.

"This isn't a dream, granted; this is a prison!" Haru argued back.

The Prison of Regression is a representative of the collective desires of humanity. They wish to be chained down, surrender their cognition, ad neglect the world around them. These feeble-minded commonfolk will make your "social reform" all for naught. The shared heart of the masses has fallen into an excess of indolence ad transformed into a prison.

Akechi frowned; the people didn't want to change is basically what this overgrown cup is saying. But how would they know if they didn't experience the world? Akechi knows that had he not opened his eyes, that had he not experienced different things the world had to offer, the happiness of sharing a meal with friends, the sadness of loss, the disgust of injustices, the elation of overcoming his problems and the shame of understanding where he is flawed the will to continuing growing from that. All of those things he felt have truly freed him from the mindset he was in before. And as hard as it was, Akechi feels he is better off for it. He doesn't know if he can atone for the things he has done, but he knows he can at least try for him. He looked past his anger for his father and saw everything else.

He desired social reform, the desired change. As he knows, the rest of the Phantom Thieves want to.

Akechi can't stand the sight of this tinged red prison anymore.

"Let's move out!" Akechi commanded, racing forward to target the base of the neck of the chalice.

The Phantom Thieves cheer in agreeance, with their weapons drawn and personas summoned.

Akechi understands now why the Phantom Thieves couldn't defeat it; he understands why such a fate had fallen on them. Every time Akechi feels like they are getting close to toppling the grail of the neck, Every time he thinks they've delivered enough as he sees visible cracks forming in the base of the Grail. The Grail shakes it off as it sucks the people's desires through the veins feeding into the valley of the chalice. It's getting more and more polished than it was before. Golder with each hit. It's not rusted; it's almost radiating light.

"Yusuke, try to cut those veins!" Akechi sent the order because he knows that if they continue on like this, all of them will run out of energy, making this entire fight for naught. But, perhaps, it is already for naught.

"On it!" Yusuke complied, veering off from the main group to shimmy up one of the grotesque hand statues jetting up from the ground. Akechi watched out of the corner of his eye as he continued to focus his persona's energy all the one spot on the base they were pounding.

Yusuke makes it to the top and propels himself forward, but his blade bounces back off the veins, sending him plummeting to the ground. It hadn't even made a dent in the veins as they continued to regenerate the Holy Chalice.

They are losing this battle fast.

"Yusuke!" Futaba sputtered in concern. But before one of them can heal him.

Suddenly, Kaguya is standing over him, her healing magic not just washing over him but all of them, instantly rejuvenating them as well. The green glow almost neutralized the red of the prison walls.

In a sentiment eerily familiar, Akechi wondered how the f*ck Kaguya was here. The last they had seen of her was as she was distracting Yosh*tsune so they could get through the door he had been guarding to Akira.

Before Akechi had too much time to question it, his attention was drawn to the blur that just whizzed past his head. He turned to see Yosh*tsune ruthlessly delivering sword attack after sword attack to the base of the Grail that they had all been focusing on. Light arrows raining from the sky above join the combined attack.

What the f*ck? Both Kaguya and Yosh*tsune are here?

"Oh, Fancy meeting you here, Mister Akechi!" Alice's voice came from next to him, startling Akechi as he hadn't even heard her approach him, She looked up at him with a smile, but any time she smiled regardless, it looked eerie, "Didn't you know Mister Akechi, No wise fish goes anywhere without a porpoise. I'm surprised you, of all people, didn't know that!"

"What the f*ck are you on about?" Akechi muttered because he really didn't have time for any more of her riddles; rather, he would figure out what the hell she was doing here. Had Akira's distorted Wonderland come back?

"Do you really not know? I thought you were wise, though." Alice pouted before twirling on her heels, "Hey, do you want to play with me?"

"Alice." Akira, who had sometime appeared next to Akechi in all of this confusion, intoned and gave her an exasperated look.

"Boo hoo, keep him all to yourself then!" Alice pouted once more before turning towards the collective efforts and pointing her finger, "Is it okay if I go wild?"

"Go for it, kid." Akira gave her his blessing; Alice's entire demeanor changed, a bolt of darkness emanating from her palm, washing over the fight.

"WON'T, YOU DIE FOR ME?!" Alice cackled, excited like a kid in a candy store as bolt after bolt of darkness swept around them.

Akechi certainly wasn't quite expecting to see Akira at the end of this all. By the time they had reached the depths, he had already deducted there was no way Akira could have made it this far without perishing and seeing as the timeline hadn't seemed to be reset. Not that Akechi would know, he thought. It was safe to assume Akira had not entered the Metaverse. But here he is, and what is even more surprising is that he is once again donned in his Phantom Thief attire. A stark difference from the last time Akechi saw him in the Metaverse.

"I know, I'm upset too over the pants, I would have thought I'd get a cooler outfit with a reawakening, but unfortunately, the universe has deemed these pants necessary for my character design. I say I'm upset, but rather, I'm upset they seem to be growing on me." Akira sighed before raising his hand to his mask and summoning Arsene around him, who sent an Eigaon attack towards the base of the neck.

"How the f*ck are you doing that?!" Akechi sputtered in utter confusion as he looked to Akira, who is clearly summoning Arsene, then back to Alice, Yosh*tsune, and Kaguya, who are all seemingly acting on their own accord, separate from Akira, unlike how the rest of them control their personas. There were too many questions he wanted to ask at this moment. Of course, Akira would do his damnedest to upstage him.

"Probably better not to question it." Akira chuckled. Akechi really doesn't have time to question how Akira is here, or how he got his persona back, or why he decided to come in the first place since the battle is still raging. Akechi is glad that he brought his entire arsenal, though.

"AKIRA!!" Futaba exclaimed, happily hovering over their heads in Al Azif, "Thank god!! I'm going to give you a proper scolding after this is all over, but thank you for bringing the reinforcements! Maybe we'll do enough damage now!!"

"Just keep attacking, don't stop!" Akira commanded, everyone readily accepting his command. Akechi does as he said, but unlike everyone else, he is attacking next to Akira and notices the grimace on the other's face.

It's not that Akira isn't attacking with all his might or that all of his personas are doing their damn best to bring down the Holy Grail. But Akira knows. Because, of course, Akira knows, out of all of them. Akechi knows just as well as he does.

Akira isn't here to beat the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail instantly becomes even more brilliant in Gold sheen, eliciting gasps and grunts from the rest of the Phantom Thieves.

"It has more health than before!" Morgana gasped in horror.

Akechi had foolishly thought that perhaps if they knew relatively what they were getting into if they had a somewhat of a heads up with the Holy grail, they could come up with a fix on the fly and find the answer the past Phantom Thieves didn't.

Akechi understood; Akira came, but he knew that it was futile. This entire fight was futile. Even with Akira's powerhouse team, they cannot take down this foe. While Akechi might have known before, now he thoroughly understood the situation in every facet.

The Holy Grail is immortal, and they lack the manpower to defeat it, and all the wit in the world isn't going to do anything to this thing. This is an ill fate they can not change now.

It was a doomed mission from the start. The answer the Phantom Thieves wanted was not the one they got.

The Phantom Thieves aren't enough, even with their combined strengths.

It's not enough.

It's too little too late.

Is this really the ill fate that awaited them the entire time? Is this really what Society had chosen?

There isn't enough time. Ironically. If they just had more time, would they be able to change all of this?

Akechi and Akira are attacking on auto with all they have, and Akechi knows they are just waiting for the inevitable. All of them together. One last stand.

You, imbeciles, are intoxicated by an undesirable 'justice'…

The voice of the grail resounds around them over the clashing of metal and the whooshing of spells.

This is the will of the children of man who have fallen to sloth. My shine is proof that they desire my existence.

And Akechi can't deny the proof as the Grail heals itself once more, becoming increasingly difficult to look at for a multitude of reasons.

As long as humanity yearns for me, I will never perish. The holy grail said, far too haughtily for a goddamn oversized wine glass.

"We ain't yearning for you!" Ryuji declared defiantly, hitting it with his mace.

"Yeah, we don't want that sh*t your soliciting! Keep it to yourself!" Ann growled, cracking her whip against the side of the grail even hard.

"We aren't falling for your bullsh*t!" Futaba exclaimed.

Humanity already wishes for their distortions to be actualized; I am merely the being that will ultimately grant those wishes. Now, it is time I refrain from this world and encroach upon reality itself.

Before any of them can protest, all of the Phantom Thieves are surrounded by a brilliant, blinding light assaulting their vision.

Once it faded, the ambient sound of Shibuya Crossing filtered around them. The hustle and bustle of the holiday crowd. But despite the sounds of the city, there was silence around them. No more Persona, No more prison cells surrounding them, no more Phantom Thief outfits.

The Phantom Thieves are only high schoolers.

They only look like a group of friends meeting up for the holidays; that's all Society sees them as. Inconsequential peers.

Powerless in the face of what Akechi knew was to come.

No one has the words to say; no one has the will to look at the world around them that is about to cast them to the side without a second thought.

"Looks like rain, man; I should have brought an umbrella." A man next to them bemoaned the weather casually.

"Yeah, I have a business meeting that day; I'm not sure when I'll be free." Another man sighed as he walked towards the entrance of the train station.

"It was okay, not the best meal I've had." One woman shook her head, talking to her husband.

Everyone around them is acting completely normal as if the horror to come wasn't coming. As if the fact they had all decided as a collective to just not care anymore. To stay ignorant to the problems that are plaguing their Society because it's easier to not care, not do anything. To not change.

Because it's easier to just not acknowledge the problem, sweep it under the rug, than allow yourself to take accountability and do the work to change, isn't it?

Akechi bit his tongue. How can these people be so blind? How can they just act like everything is okay with a dictator on its doorsteps and the end of the world as they know it coming? How can they just continue acting like it's fine? How can they just ignore the problems the Phantom thieves have brought to light about status and power?

The state of their world is crumbling, and it's just another Sunday to them.

"The Phantom Thieves? Do people still talk about them? What a joke, honestly, it was fun while it lasted, but it was only a story." A woman conversing with her friend laughed as she walked by them towards the crosswalk.

A knife to all their hearts.

"This is the end of the line, guys." Akira solemnly said, eyes raised to the sky as it began to rain. The abhorrent torrent of thick, red liquid reminiscent of blood begins pattering on the ground. "This is the end of the path we walk, the one before and the one now. I guess I really didn't run fast enough."

"No…no! It's not! We can still—there has to be—" Ryuji sputtered, limbs whipping all over the place in despair, but he quieted the next moment as it probably set in. "For real…We were so close…I know it…We had to be…."

Akechi knew they weren't; the Holy Grail kept feeding on humanity's desire. The desire to not face the problems right in front of their damn face.

But, they had still tried; Akechi knew they tried their hardest. They did not turn back when they saw the grail. Akechi knew they all knew this was to come.

Bones start growing from the ground, Mementos is merging with Reality. The tint of the red prison now tinted the entire world. It's grotesque and even worse seeing it in person. It's all wrong.

"Mementos in Shibuya…" Makoto muttered, grimacing as she looked at the world around them.

Just like before, from memory, nobody but them can see it. Nobody but them understands the dire state their world is in right now. And in a few minutes, there will be no one left to understand.

A very unpleasant sensation runs through his entire body like someone has just struck him with lightning. He can't help but let out a pained grunt, a sentiment shared by the rest of the group at the exact moment.

"No-nono no-" Futaba is shaking her head next to him, watching as her hand starts to disappear into the familiar wisps of blackened shadows that he's seen countless shadows disappear into.

There is a stark difference between watching something like this happen and actually feeling it. Akira wasn't wrong; it's a horrid feeling. Like he said, it feels like his body is burning itself out from the inside; the wisps of shadowy black smoke are rolling off the areas his skin is fading; it isn't unlike a photograph that is slowly being consumed by a flame; the edges singed as it eats away at the rest of him. Remnants reminiscent of ash are languidly rising up into the air towards the tinged red sky.

Akechi is helpless to stop it, as are the rest of them. Their fate so desperately had tried to prevent was only a moment away. And Akechi wondered, what was it all for?

Are they truly so powerless? He isn't sure which feeling is more painful at the moment. Akira nailed that description on the head; the despair is just as overwhelming as the physical sensation of fading.

"Akira—I-I-'m so sorry." Ann sobbed, her eyes filling with unshed tears as she turned to Akira in utter despair, a damn of silence among them broken with the weight of her fate, "We thought—that maybe, with Akechi—A-and, we thought maybe we could—we wanted to—I—what else could we have done?"

"We—dude, we wanted to help—" Ryuji tried to add on, but he was also at a loss for words. "We had to do something—we couldn't let you—it—all of this without trying—"

"We—we wanted to change things." Haru shook her head, "We didn't want it to be like this—it isn't fair; we really tried!"

"I had fun too!" Akira sputtered, the declaration slicing through the air, silencing them all. The sounds of the people walking around them, the pitter-patter of the blood rain, and the sound of their own bodies dissolving into shadows diminished as he continued, his voice a different sort of desperate in this situation as he clarified with wide eyes, "This loop…I had fun too. My shadow only told you the dark parts, which I didn't want you to see, but those parts were only there because of the light. I had fun too, even if I knew it wasn't the same and even though you didn't know me, I still had fun! I had moments with you all that I didn't have from the loops before. I was sad because I knew those moments wouldn't last, but that doesn't change the fact that they happened to me, and I will forever hold them, dear!"

"Akira…" Akechi breathed, ignoring the feeling of his body being ripped apart. This isn't the reaction he had been expecting from Akira at all. The last time this happened, Akira was inconsolable, but he's facing it this time? Margaret's prediction floated back to his mind. Is this what she meant? Despite this awful end that Akechi knows Akira desperately tried to avoid and the end that the Phantom Thieves may have brought on prematurely, Akira's reaction is far different. Akechi wouldn't necessarily categorize it as hope but acceptance. Akira knows he can't do anything as well as the rest of them. But he's accepting how he feels about this all and the likely hood he will have to do this all over again and that he'll have to be the one to discover the cause and meaning in it.

Margaret's words hit a little deeper now, sometimes one can't change your circ*mstances, and some things are etched in stone, but one can change their perspective and how one perceives meaning in those things. Acceptance is a means to begin healing. Hitting rock bottom and looking up.

It made Akechi's heart twist; his entire life, he had never wanted to accept what his father did to him, the position he was put into, and it very nearly became his demise. But Akira changed his perspective on things and showed him the things he thought were his faults and vices could also become his strengths. The wheel turns.

Acceptance, and in turn, a change in perspective.

"I didn't want this loop to end either!" Akira acknowledged, his voice unwavering despite the rest of him crumbling away, reiterating his sentiment once more. "I wanted this time to be the last, I wanted to hold onto those moments, and that is why I was sad! Not because of the first loop, well not entirely, but because I would lose the iterations of you this time as well!"

Something has changed.

"Maybe the whimsical wish I made on a star one night was ill-received, I don't know what god granted it that f*cked it up so badly, but that doesn't change the sentiment that I wanted to live with the bonds I had made on my own and cherished forever! No matter what happened, I wanted to hold onto that feeling of belonging! I had so much fun with you guys, and this can't change that!" Akira shook his head, his smile of honey and ash bittersweet, but maybe that was the difference. It wasn't like the smile Akechi had witnessed on Shido's boat despite the situation being far direr.

This time it leaned more towards sweet.

"Akira!" Futaba sobbed as she scrubbed at her eyes next to him as her fingers began to dissolve. "I—we—"

"And If I have to live through another loop to figure all this out, then it's okay! It's fine!" Akira smiled as he nodded his head, the tears streaming down harder, "Because I think I can figure out how to have fun with you all again, a-and we can make more memories, we can do all the things we couldn't before, and we can continue doing them! Even new things! I won't forget, but I can walk on for us!"

"Please!" Ann begged, wrapping her arms around Akira as tight as possible, "In the next life, timeline or whatever, find us. Please don't give up on us; let us love you in the next life too. Let us be there for you. You don't have to go this alone; please find us in the next life, Akira! We'll have a blast, go to the fireworks festival, and maybe it won't rain, and we can go to Hawaii too, all share Malasadas! You hear me?! Malasadas!!"

"What she said!" Ryuji exclaimed with a sob, wrapping what was left of his arms around both of them in desperation, "We'll go out to Ramen too! They are releasing that new recipe we have to try, remember!! I'll buy bowls for you, dude! And No matter what happens, we are a team, right?! We can do this! We'll have a blast, and we'll do it together! Always!"

"I refuse to let this be the end of it! We'll be there for you each and every loop you have to endure." Yusuke promised with a voice nearly breaking, wrapping his arms around them as well, "We've pulled ourselves out of despair before, and I have faith we can do it once again; the Phantom Thieves will be once more! We'll find hope in despair! The promises we made can't be broken!"

"W-we'll have so much fun! Next time, we can rewrite the whole Neo Featherman series! And fix all those awful subplots! We'll make sure the writer listens to us! We can go to the beach too, and this time, we'll build a proper sandcastle, one so grand that the tide won't be able to touch it and so detailed that no one could ever think of destroying it!" Futaba wailed, burrowing herself into Akira's side.

"A-and, next time will be different! I promise! No more false accusations!" Makoto shook her head, "We'll do Destinyland, right. We'll do the spinning teacups as many times as it takes, all of us! We'll see the fireworks without rain! It'll be okay!"

"Y-yeah!" Haru nodded as both she and Makoto clutched onto the group hug that was being formed despite the limbs that were fizzling away into nothingness, "And we c-can also do hotpot with all of us! M-my crops will be done by that point; it'll be fun! I'll hire a photographer, and we'll make sure we capture all of it!"

"Phantom Thieves are for life, and this doesn't change a thing!" Morgana hollered as he hugged Akira's leg the best he could, "We were meant to be together!"

"R-right!" Akira sobbed shakily, holding onto the ones around him like a lifeline, knowing that they were all going to be lost in the next few moments.

Akechi doesn't know what to say; he doesn't know what he could possibly contribute while there is a storming in his chest by the absolute unfairness of this entire situation. None of them deserved this fate, yet they are holding onto each other in their last moments. Akechi doesn't have words to contribute, but he winds his arms around Akira and the rest of them the best he can.

If these are the last moments he remembers finally belonging, he'll enjoy them for as long as possible. He is holding on as tight as he can, just like he should have that night on the cruise ship.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (78)

This feeling is not unlike wishing a friend off on a journey, he felt. Or he would assume. That feeling of melancholia of standing in an airport terminal, enjoying the last moments with them before they inevitably have to leave. It was a bittersweet moment that one wished would never end, but knowing that you'll see them again, or at least have the memories of your time together.

Faith that you'll cross paths again.

Each of them flickers out one by one, Ryuji, then Ann. Yusuke, after Haru and Makoto, Futaba, Morgana till it is just Akira and Akechi holding onto each other for dear life, their limbs almost entirely transparent. Akechi knows there isn't much time left. Akechi understood that this was going to be goodbye. Nothing can be done, and some things can't be changed.

"A-Akira." Akechi addressed him shakily, feeling like he could lose the use of his voice any moment now. "L-listen to me."

"Y-Yeah, I'm listening." Akira nodded, tears streaming down his face as he met Akechi's gaze.

"Find me, in the next loop, find me and tell me everything. Make me understand, make me believe you. No games, No riddles, Don't leave out anything; tell me everything. Everything about Shido, the Metaverse, the Phantom thieves, and tell me about me. I will believe you." Akechi told him a rather significant promise, but Akechi knows how his mind works. If Akira told him everything, Akechi would have no choice but to entertain his story, especially with the validity of understanding the Metaverse and Shido. Akechi would be forced to look into it, and he knows Akira can change his perspective once more.

He has complete faith in Akira; out of either of them, Akira would be the one to forge ahead.

He might not remember, but he would have to help Akira regardless. He'd already gone to the ends of the world with Akira, and he knows he'd do it again. If Akira can change his own perspective, he knows he can again.

"Akira…" Akechi murmured, before giving Akira a bittersweet expression, like honey and ash, "Through you, we live."

But before Akira could answer him, Akechi faded out, darkness enshrouded his vision, and a feeling of numbness swallowed him into oblivion.

Then, he opened his eyes to a sea of blue.


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (79)


Thank you for your patience! I've been caught up in commission work and honestly just needed a break from this :)

Chapter 31: The one where Akira makes another decision


“Did you know when your story is told, they are leaving out what your future holds?”

Chapter Text

He opened his eyes to a sea of blue.

Velvet draped elegantly from the ceiling, shimmering in the ambient light. Bright enough, but not blinding in the least. Though, the blue may be a bit too much. He can only imagine what went into the dying process to stain them that ethereal blue.

Akechi's mind felt foggy as he thought about it harder; wherewasthe light coming from? Usually, he would have asked such a question earlier, but every time he's been to the velvet room, he had more pressing concerns. So he took a moment and let his eyes graze the curves of the drapes to see if he could find the light source. He can't. It's abnormal, but the Velvet Room is a strange concept—something right out of a novel.

The realization of being in the Velvet room led to another question. What is he doing in the Velvet Room? It's as if he has just awakened from a dream and can't seem to gain his bearings. It felt vastly different than when he entered the Velvet Room before from sleep.

He groaned and lifted his hand to his muddled head. A migraine-like pain pounded behind his eyes. The last thing he was doing was…

"Akira….Through you, we live."

Akechi shot up despite the achiness in his bones; the memory hit him like a ton of bricks. The remaining Phantom Thieves traversed through the depths of Mementos—the Holy Grail. Akira came back with his entire entourage of persona summoned. The thieves were kicked out of the Metaverse like the same event Akira recounted in his palace to replay. They hadn't changed anything.

All the Phantom Thieves, including him, disappeared from reality. The sensation was excruciating, and Akechi could only assume that was why he felt so sh*tty after waking up from that.

A better question formed, that being how he was waking up. He certainly wasn't expecting to wake up from such a fate.

"f*ck." Akechi cursed. He knew he had faded away too, but why was he in this place? Did Margaret summon him or maybe even save him at the last minute? Was he really not erased from reality? Does that mean that the time loop was broken? Or something else. Too many questions with no answers, but the only thing to can be done right now is to get up.

"You've been keeping some critical evidence from me, your honor." Margaret chuckled, her calm tone breaking him out of his reverie. He turned to where she was standing, composed as ever, by the prosecutor's desk of the courtroom. "But I suppose you were not sworn to an oath, so I will allow it to pass."

"Margaret…" Akechi stood up slowly from where he was lying on the floor of the velvet room. He had myriad questions he might be ready to ask, seeing as this might be the end of the line if he didn't. He isn't sure how he ended up here instead of whatever the fate of those erased from reality was.

It's just them in this blue courtroom.

His apprehension rose an inch every moment. Where are the other Phantom thieves? Where was Akira? And what was going to happen to them? Are they gone, and has Akira been swept into the timeline again?

Was this how Akira felt when he woke up alone?

The bitterness of defeat and the realization of events crashed like waves in his mind and heart. That sandcastle metaphor is feeling pretty spot on.

"You fought bravely, Akechi Goro, and not just in the last battle. You changed, and you grew. You overcame your inherent beliefs and rose above what fate had expected from you. You took my words to heart and judged yourself fairly. You granted yourself the chance to experience something that most only dream of; you allowed yourself to love and to be loved. And, at the journey's end, you chose to continue looking at the evidence presented before you and kept going regardless of whether you had already expected the ending." Margaret smiled at him; this time, it wasn't her usual haughty expression but one of pride and sincerity. Her face softened, "Tell me, was it worth it? The time you spent with your bonds, and the suffering you've all endured together, in the end, was it worth it?"

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (80)

How the f*ck was Akechi supposed to answer that? Akechi gritted his teeth, averting his eyes from Margaret's inquisitive gold eyes.

He knew that it had been a cluster f*ck. The 'journey' had been messy as hell. They messed up so many times; they missed so many marks. It wasn't done right; it was rushed and unplanned. Had Akechi met Akira earlier, it may have been different; maybe they could have fixed more than they did. Perhaps they wouldn't have had to endure all the strife they did. It was one hell of a journey, but it was worth it. Akechi isn't sure he'd have made it this far if it wasn't for how the journey to get here was.

It was worth it, despite the pain.

The time with the Phantom Thieves, the moments spent with Akira, and how his perception changed.

It wasn't just Akira who had fun in all of this. Akechi could admit he had finally donned the red cape from his childhood, even if it was brief and fleeting. A childish wish indeed.

But also, Akechi doesn't want to let it end here either. Margaret's words sound far more like a eulogy than praise to his liking.

"If I say yes, is this where it ends?" Akechi wondered quietly; his lips tugged into a taught line. "Does a trial not conclude until the judge makes his final verdict?"

Margaret laughed, "This is true, your honor. Then allow me to make my final statements."

Akechi nodded, the anxiety crawling through his veins at what her final statements could be.

"The velvet room has plucked you from the brink, a safeguard to keep those it holds safe and those who have entered a contract." Margaret motioned to the room around her, "Had you not taken a leap of faith, I could not say what would become of you."

Akechi's heart clenched; if what she said was true, then the Phantom Thieves were no more, just as before. But, he can't think about that; he doesn't want to think about that as he turned to the other revelation; Akira had a contract with the velvet room, or rather, he did before the wonderland in Mementos. So, there was a chance this time loop might not have restarted yet.

Maybe it wasn't too late for him.

"How you ended up here is rather ambiguous. The fibers of reality are unraveling, but only to those who have become aware of its source." Margaret frowned as her eyes narrowed, "In the past, such a feat could only be accomplished by two things in tandem: one, the beliefs and wishes of humanity, and two, divinity."

"Divinity…" Akechi murmured before sputtering as he looked at her in surprise, "A god?!"

"Precisely." Margaret nodded.

Akechi doesn't know why he's surprised; after all, it put everything into perspective. He'd already been to a realm beyond human understanding and abstract in every word. But a god being behind this was really the cherry on top. It solidified why the holy grail was invincible, why it kept regenerating, and how it could bend the rules of time and space. It had god-like powers.

But still, A god? Out of all the things to exist in the universe. But the first part? He doesn't understand how that plays into things yet, but it echoed some of the things the Holy Grail had spouted about how 'humanity had wished to be kept in a prison.'

"The beliefs and wishes of humanity?" Akechi echoed in a question. "Tell me more."

"Indeed, contrary to the prior belief amongst humanity about Divinity, A god is nothing without those who feed it desires, such as prayers, wishes, ill lead beliefs. Humanity births the gods that rule over them, whether it may be to explain phenomena they have no grasp of or as a bypass to actions they'd rather not take accountability for. It's easier and more convenient than having to think on oneself." Margaret explained, "Think of it as creating something to shift the blame and responsibility too. There can be benefits to such a belief, to fill in one's anxiety about the unknown. For some, it is helpful to rely on such a belief system to better cope with their own feelings of mortality, but a belief can also be a negative thing as well. Such as, in old times, 'this god told me to kill this entire land because they did not participate in the same beliefs and values as our believers, but I can't be blamed before because this god told me to. Who am I to deny divinity?' Or, for a more modern-day example, 'It's okay if I commit atrocious acts because If I pray and ask for forgiveness, I will be absolved of all sin.' Or 'I don't have to think about my actions even if they might be harmful because I've already been told how to live and believe. Every other opinion is wrong.' Humanities desire and wishes birth gods, so they don't have to deal with concepts out of their reach and those concepts they have no measure to cope with. Death or Life. Right or Wrong. Black and White. Good and Bad."

A sour taste filled Akechi's mouth. But, of course, he'd not been the one to practice; it all seemed too frivolous in the wake of these goals. And if there were a god, he was sure it had it out for Akechi. But maybe that sentiment was a little too close to the truth now. Still, how had eight teenagers and a cat pissed off a god birthed from Humanities desires?

"And even If it is an assumption on my part, I speculate you've come to learn the world isn't so black and white as people would have you think," Margaret said, hitting the bullseye.

"I can't deny it; I'll agree" Akechi chuckled dryly. She isn't wrong. The world is a mix of greys people don't want to acknowledge. Right or Wrong, Good or Bad. But there is a vast in-between. The things Akechi did weren't right in the conventional sense, but they brought good to some people, like those taken advantage of by sh*tty people. While on the contrary, what the Phantom Thieves did was seen as right but had detrimental consequences as the belief that humanity could rely on them and not stand on their own. Putting them in a bad spot, especially when you add that some divine being is watching everything they do.

As Margaret explained, it perfectly aligned with the Holy Grail's words. Humanity had birthed a warden with their desires and wishes not to think critically about their actions, enslaving them to such a harmful way of living where people get taken advantage of and cast away if they dare to think differently—even going as far to erase those who dared to think differently from reality itself.

"Can a divine being be killed?" Akechi wondered, even though the definition of a divine being would say otherwise.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Margaret reassured him, "I've seen it happen plenty of times. But, as harrowing as it is to hear humanity wished their own gods to rule over them with an iron grip, humanity's potential is vast, and there are such as you who do not want to be controlled in such a way. Those who would rather find meaning in their own lives and those they choose to keep, those who would rather seek their own truth even if it means treading the darkness of their own beings, and those who would rather rebel against those oppressive desires even at the sake of being cast away from humanity."

And Akechi understood that just because it was a divine being doesn't mean it was perfect. Especially when a flawed Humanity itself has defined perfection, it isn't possible for this being to be perfect.

And even if it's slim or small, it has a weakness. It's figuring out that weakness that could be troublesome.

Another thought arose with the talk of divinity on the table, and he couldn't help but ask it, "Margaret, are you of divinity?"

Margaret chuckled with a shake of her head, "I am far too interested in humanity to become a God. While you may think that is something of praise for my strength in combat and my divination skills, I assure you, godhood is far too cold and distorted of occupation for my needs. I am much more interested in observing humanity than interacting with it outside specific cases within the realm of the velvet room."

Akechi is taken aback by this answer, for he knows a lot of people who would give everything to become a 'god' such as Shido in some senses. But, based on Margaret's logic, it would make sense if it were more of something humans strive for if gods are born of humanity's wishes and desires. He shook his head, "Forgive me; I had been thinking more about what is commonly believed about divinity."

"Humans are confined to their beliefs, yet that seems to be their strength too in some cases." Margaret smiled, a fond look in her eyes, "Oh, how fascinating it is to watch, to see those who choose to look past the belief's humanity have shackled them. It fills me with utter thrill when I experience overcoming an inherent belief. And you, Akechi Goro, have been quite a delight indeed."

Akechi doesn't know how to respond, so he ensues a different tangent, "As per your final statements before, you said I was pulled from the brink of existence. And you speak of divinity being the cause; do you understand what is happening?"

"I have my theories, yet, I cannot solidify them without further evidence." Margaret shook her head, tapping on her Grimoire, "I have an inkling this is connected to my missing master and sister. Regarding such a reality-altering event, precautions would have happened much earlier. I was unable to get a guest to heed my call until you. In most cases, my master would have been the one to reach out."

Akechi bit his lip. Akira. Akira's velvet room. Yet, the Igor in Akira's velvet room did not seem to have humanity's best interest at heart, nor did his assistants, especially with how Akira was treated, like a criminal with no rights. Moreover, from what he concluded about Margaret, she did not fit the sort of person he'd imagine that master to have as his assistant.

"Will you tell me what you so clearly know?" Margaret wondered, seemingly catching onto his silence.

"If I tell you, can I change this? Will this the journey's end?" Akechi wondered; he was doing all this thinking and connecting but ignoring the glaringly obvious problem that he knew Akira had seen long before, even if it was under a different context. The Phantom Thieves are gone, he doesn't know if Akira is still here either, and he can't fight god all on his own even though he'd be damned if he let a god control his decisions and fate.

He wanted to believe there was hope in all this. And if he restarted with Akira, maybe this time, they could change the outcome of this scenario. If there were two heads instead of one, if they had each other to lean on, maybe even they could overthrow god and defy their fates.

"I believe that will be your decision to make." Margaret answered simply, "I will do what I can, but I cannot decide the fate of humanity; I cannot dictate what will happen or what must be done. That has always been up to the digression of people."

It's not helpful, but Akechi decided f*ck it. This might be it, and Margaret is his only chance. He folded his arms and said, "Akira has a contract with a velvet room too. We saw it in cognition within his palace. Akira called the master of that room, Igor, but his assistants were Justine and Caroline. I did not see anyone named Lavenza there. The Igor of that room fused his persona without his consent. I had my suspicions about you because how you speak of your master makes me understandably confused."

Margaret's face hardened, and she snapped her book shut, "I can assure you, even if it be of his likeness, that is not my master."

Akechi had been thinking the same thing. But if not Igor, then who would it be?

"Justine and Caroline…I know not of those assistants nor are any of sisters named that…." Margaret hummed, flipping open her Grimoire as if to confirm. "I believe what you have said, yet it's troubling for some entity to infiltrate the velvet room and imitate my master in such a twisted way. I can only imagine that the entity has some ties to the entity to the god that we had talked about."

"So, what is there to do?" Akechi shook his head, "The rest of the thieves were erased from existence. And Akira…is it possible he survived? Is that even the velvet room if your master and sister are no longer there?"

"The velvet room resides in the sea of souls. The velvet room is inseparable from the guest's heart, as the velvet room reflects the heart of its guest. If a contract was put in place, then it is plausible that your friend survived, especially if you've already perceived it. However, based on what we know, my master is not running that room; rather, it is someone else." Margaret frowned deeply, shutting her book shut and pushing her glasses up.

Akechi scowled, subconsciously putting a finger to his chin. If that isn't Margaret's master, and it is someone connected to this holy grail, was this set up from the beginning? But another horrifying thought crossed Akechi's mind. If Akira had been a guest of the velvet room this entire time, did he even know that? That the master of his velvet room has been an imposter the whole time? What is even worse is that this was probably multiple loops. And Akira might still not know then because who is there to tell him differently if it was only imposters in the velvet room from the beginning? Akechi regretted that he failed to bring up the velvet room earlier with Akira because this new realization raises many questions. What was this imposter even planning with Akira? Did they have anything to do with the time loop that Akira is experiencing? And what is their goal in all of this?

"Well, why don't we go get our answers?" Margaret broke him out of his pensive questioning. He looked up to see her motioning at the door to the side of the courtroom. Akechi blinked, wondering if that door had always been there. He hadn't noticed it before, but it would make sense. In a regular courtroom, that is where the plaintiffs in custody would come and go—those who were already in jail.

As he made the connection, the hair stood on the back of Akechi's neck. While Akechi's velvet room was a courtroom, Akira's velvet room was a jail. Two sides of a coin but connected. He won't admit how serendipitous this all is, though.

"It would seem your bond had truly come to fruition." Margaret praised him, walking over to stand by the blue door. "Even in the direst of circ*mstances, you managed to bring it to its fullest potential."

"Find me, in the next loop, find me and tell me everything. Make me understand; make me believe you. No games, No riddles, Don't leave out anything; tell me everything. Everything about Shido, the Metaverse, the Phantom thieves, and tell me about me. I will believe you."

"Akira…. through you we live."

Akechi doesn't give it another thought. He meant what he said but didn't want to acknowledge the implications of those words to Margaret, of all people. It's far too embarrassing. So instead, he rushed over to the door; this might be their only chance to salvage something from the trainwreck this all ended. But the door doesn't have a knob. And while it does have a keyhole, its shape is quite unlike anything he has seen, and he doesn't have any tools he could remotely pick the lock.

Well, this is a problem.

"f*ck, come on!" Akechi growled, kicking the door with his foot very childishly. The waves of emotion washed over him from the entire experience. Akira must be behind that door and can do little to open it. There are so many problems they need to solve, and despite feeling like this journey was worth it, he doesn't want it to end. He wants to understand everything that is going on and get to the bottom of what this is all for. But he needs Akira for that and to get past this door. He refused to let this be over.

"Fascinating," Margaret commented as she observed the door with a rather pleased smile. And Akechi doesn't feel she understands the weight of the situation.

"How do you expect me to get there?!" Akechi growled in frustration as he paced around the blue-tinged courtroom with anxiety; the jail door mocked him at every turn. He'd break it down if he could. He'd have Loki demolish it. But if it's anything like the regular Velvet room door, he's confident it wouldn't work. But he knew Akira was possibly behind that door and needed to get through before anything happened.

"You certainly don't need my help to find your way into Akira Kurusu's heart." Margaret laughed, "I think you already know the way."

Akechi doesn't know what she meant until he feels a warm burning in his breast pocket. He reached in and tugged out the gaudy bath bomb ring; it was being consumed by light. The light shifted into the shape of a key. Big enough to fit into the lock on the door that has been taunting him. But he isn't sure how to take the implications of the ring turning into a key for the door to Akira's Velvet Room. He is certain his face is contrasting with the blues of the room at this moment.

"It's an oath." Margaret said simply as if she read the expression of disbelief on his face, a smile on her face that Akechi wanted to wipe off, but she continued, "Wishes are powerful, but so are oaths. Maybe, even more, an oath is the acknowledgment of a set of terms laid out with another; often, the conviction is far stronger than the idealism of a wish. Wishes can be fleeting. An Oath with another to seek out such wishes…why it's the essence of a bond."

"I didn't mean anything by it." Akechi corrected her because he didn't think he was marrying Akira in any sense over a 500-yen bath bomb ring. It's far too cheap for him.

"Oh, you must have; if not, then why accept the oath?" Margaret chuckled, "The human soul is quite an interesting thing. You say one thing, but you mean the other. You've grown, that's much for sure, but you need to look harder at the evidence, your honor. Or perhaps you have but wish not to convey it."

If Margaret wanted him to admit he's fallen hard for Akira, she would be waiting awhile. So Akechi thought, blood rushing to his face a little more as he forcefully inserted the key into the lock. It quickly unlocked the door. And without a thought, he ran in.

Akira woke up to a sea of blue; only it was not the blue sky of the train he was expecting. Instead, it was the blue ceiling of the velvet room jail cell. And he wasn't sure that was really a better alternative. The memories of the moments from before washed over him, and the weight of his friends surrounding him in their last moments still lingered on his shoulders. The tears of the burden of everything accumulated fell down his face, too heavy to contain. The fate he had tried to avoid had come to pass.

And yet, he was still here.

He was still him. He is still him. Or he would like to think he is still him, with some pieces lost and others gained.

"Find me, in the next loop, find me and tell me everything. Make me understand; make me believe you. No games, No riddles, Don't leave out anything; tell me everything. Everything about Shido, the Metaverse, the Phantom thieves, and tell me about me. I will believe you."

"Akira…. through you, we live."

Fate had come to pass, but although Akechi vanished with the rest, his last words still brought hope to Akira. He is an amalgamation of those who he has loved and that have loved him, and just maybe, that's all he needs to remember in the next iteration; mayhap he will try a loop where he ignores all the feelings of despair, of sadness, and just tell them point blank what will happen, and what they have to do. At the very least, Akechi would be on his side; there would be too much Akechi couldn't deny.

Maybe that will make the difference he needed.

The only option is to keep going.

He'd overcome too much to do anything different. To stop now would be to spit the plights of everyone around him; to give up now would be to make the suffering of them all in vain.

"In the end, your rehabilitation was not carried through. It appears that I've overestimated you…." A sneering voice echoed through the prison chambers. The owner's demeanor filled him with instant anxiety and dread. There is a reason Akira didn't go to the velvet room once he had the team he needed. He avoided it at all costs when they began berating him for losing his persona without even listening to his situation—blaming the entire situation on him without offering any solution.

Akira didn't say anything but pulled himself off the prison cot to hobble over to the prison door to deliver a defiant stare to the longed nose man at the desk. Akira didn't know why he hadn't woken up on the train once more. It's true that this is the farthest he'd ever gone in the loop, a fact feeding the flames running rampage in his mind. But, he isn't convinced the loop is just done and over, as simple as that. The loop restarts when he dies, so until he actually dies, he wouldn't know if it was over or not. He doesn't know what will happen next, but he's at the mercy of Igor in this place. Something was wrong, or rather, everything was wrong, and he was flying blind and alone. He doesn't have time to figure things out. This was a place between mind and matter, he very well could still be dead. But then, he didn't make it to the Velvet Room before. Too many things are up in the air.

"Incompetent Prisoner!" Caroline growled, slamming the prison doors with her baton. The sound echoed around the prison, nearly making Akira jump out of his skin.

"All that assistance we provided was for naught…." Justine lamented, seemingly less angry but more disappointed than her sister.

"Assistance?" Akira scoffed at the twins, allowing himself to be angry at the remark. He is tired of all this bullsh*t about 'assisting him' when they all did the opposite. "Your' assistance' traumatized me, literally the pieces of my personality out, and executed them for the sake of some power you thought I needed! It wasn't 'assistance.' It was torture! How was that supposed tohelpme? How was anything you did supposed to be remotely helpful?!"

"You're just a wimp!" Caroline barked back. But this statement seemed to impact Justine as she tilted her head at Akira with vague confusion. As if she didn't understand what Akira was trying to say, maybe she was actually listening to his words this time.

Akira absolutely hated Igor, but he didn't exactly know where he stood with the twins. After fulfilling their requests, he felt like he connected to them in the first loop. He'd even taken them out on outings in the real world occasionally. They were like children witnessing the world for the same time.

Yet, when the loop reset, all of that was gone. The twins were just as cutthroat and cruel to him as before. He isn't sure if he can blame them; he isn't entirely sure he understood their nature as velvet room attendants. Igor was definitely calling the shots, telling them what to do. Akira would say manipulating them, but they also participated in all those fusions, forcing him to fuse persona to get stronger.

He isn't sure if voicing his anger about it would make any difference now. But he couldn't help it. It bubbled out of him.

"But…we helped strengthen you! We helped root out the weak and taught you how to make the strong!" Justine argued but didn't seem so sure of her words now, "How else do you gain strength? You break something, so it grows back stronger! You fix it so—"

"That isn't strength." Akira stopped her mid-sentence with a growl, "Making someone go through something so distressing doesn't make them stronger! Making them reject pieces of themselves in favor of other pieces you value isn't making them stronger; it's painful! Making people go through traumatic events to stress them out purposefully with the intent to 'help them build character' or 'make them more resilient, all while telling them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps isn't making them stronger! It just makes them traumatized. Pushing someone to 'have strength' in such a painful way… that's just abusive. Do you get how sh*tty it feels to have those choices ripped away from you because someone else feels like it's best for you? Without listening or consulting you, to begin with?! You didn't give a sh*t; you just wanted to be in control! You wanted power! It wasn't about Rehabilitation at all!"

"I—we—" Justine stuttered, and for the first time, he saw a flash of shame wash over her face. Caroline couldn't even say anything as she turned away from him, but he could tell her words influenced her too. Good, they should. The twins should understand the weight of their actions. And if they feel any ounce of remorse, they might understand.

Maybe if he had more time, he could make them see. Perhaps if Akira had actually built-up trust with them in this loop. Though, he isn't sure it would have mattered. Igor seemed to have an iron grip on their autonomy.

"What a foolish way of thinking." Igor chuckled, a menacing smile on his face as he tapped the desk in front of him with impatience, "You just don't have what it takes to do the work—lazy, foolish boy. Keep making excuses for yourself. You don't want to face the fact you did not do nearly enough to prevent the fate you were supposed to. It's that way of thinking that the world is how they are now. Humans are too apathetic and foolish in their way of thinking now and can't even do a little hard work. If you had worked a little harder, maybe you could have saved the world from its fate, but alas, you were not up to the task. The world will soon see its ruin. And you've done little to absolve."

Akira gritted his teeth. Didn't do enough? What was he supposed to do in the first place? All the odds had been stacked against him since this all started. It's not like Igor had given him any sort of tangible guidance. All he got was cryptic, bullsh*t answers that never served any kind of help.

"You were meant to bring change to mankind, trickster. That was too much for you, it seems." Igor condescendingly sneered down at him.

"Yeah, well, it's not exactly as if you told me all this stuff well. Setting pretty high expectations, aren't you? Maybe you should have been less f*cking vague with your cryptic lecturing." Akira argued back, getting pissed off at the long-nosed man as he gripped at the cold steel bars. Even on the first loop, Igor didn't really explain things all too well, and he didn't tell him what to expect when actually fusing personas in the first place. Ever since that first loop, he couldn't stomach trusting Igor after that.

There was something about Igor that his instincts just told him not to. Something screamed inside of him that it was a bad idea.

"In accordance to the game's rules, the defeated must pay the price…." Igor declared, the terminology catching Akira by surprise because that's precisely how Akira would describe the entire looping experience.

A sick game that he was being forced to play.

Should he even broach the subject of the loop, just to see if Igor reacts or not? He decided not at this point; it was an ace in his sleeve, ironically.

"Your life is forfeit." Igor declared, a sick pleased look in his eyes, "I sentenced you to be executed."

Akira had already thought he was dead, so it's not as practical a threat as Igor might think. Igor might be disappointed with the actual effects of that decision if he truly intends to go through with it and if he was aware of the time loop. Akira now thought the time loop might work out in his favor. It's not as if he could leave this room alive, nor did he have an existence to return to, and all of his friends were gone.

But Akira still can't help but ask, "Seriously?" More so because it felt a little cliché. Execution?

"God's decree is absolute…My experiment had come for naught. Everything is over."

Akira gritted his teeth and clutched the bars of his cell tightly. If he died, it's likely the loop would start over. And that is the only way he'll regain his friends, sans their memories. While it's true this is technically the farthest he's been, He doubted that the loop had simply been broken so easily. He can't help but wait for the rug to be pulled out from under him again and again. So he can't imagine this would be it.

It's so frustrating.

It's maddening.

Who gives a sh*t about Igor's game? Who gives a sh*t about any of this?! He hadn't asked for any of it!

"Executed?!" Caroline sputtered, seemingly taken aback by Igor's words. However, it would seem she hadn't expected this outcome either.

"Yes, grant that man a swift death," Igor commanded her tightly.

"If that is the master's orders…." Justine said, her voice trailing off at the end with quiet registration, the grip on her notepad tightened.

"f*ck you!" Akira cursed at him, rattling the chains on the door, before turning to the twins in utter rage, "Are you seriously going to just execute me?! Just like that? What, huh?! After all that?! Just because I couldn't prevent an unpreventable fate?! Just because I wouldn't come back and let you talk down to me, torture me any further?! So after all of that, you are just going to off me?! Bullsh*t!"

"I-it just means you weren't an upstanding prisoner!" Caroline exclaimed back, whacking her baton against the bars again, but she didn't seem quite sure of the words she was saying. Nevertheless, there was a wavering of resolve in her voice.

"Oh, and what?! Just let you execute pieces of myself for the sake of f*cking strength?!" Akira barked back. "Didn't even give me a choice to achieve strength, did you, huh?!"

“That… may be true…but…” Justine mumbled, "You fused once...why are you..?"

"What is the matter? Carry out his execution at once!" Igor commanded, his voice growing deeper. "When I give a command, I expect it to be followed."

"Are we really going to kill him?" Justine asked Caroline quietly, her expression confused.

"Don't falter now! It's his fault for losing the game!" Caroline told her sister, regaining a vigor in her words in an attempt to reassure her sister. Misguided trust in their master Akira assumed. They are just as blind as all the lambs of people who followed Shido's word to a tee—First Shido and now Igor. People will always blindly follow another. It doesn't matter what the person is commanding. Feeble lambs that can't think for themself. Lemmings jumping off a cliff.

And Akira is f*cking tired of it all.

He's so sick of this all. The blame of everything being shifted onto him. The entirety of society ignores the plights of the ones it deems less favorable. The rich sh*tting on the poor without a thought or care because they have money. Being imprisoned by these impossible standards and rules that he can never measure up to. And watching everyone around him fall victim to people like this, wardens like Igor. And it just happened repeatedly; he had to go through the same things, time after time.

The guillotines form in the main room of the prison, their blades gleaming with the overhead light in an almost mocking way. The fate pieces of him have already traversed. But, of course, Akira's neck was meant to be under those blades at the end of it all. That was always how the game was supposed to end. A f*cked up, rigged match.

But what Igor doesn't realize is that the flames are already too hot; he'd rather burn than let anyone have their way with him anymore. The injustice is too much to take lying down. And he doesn't give a f*ck who he scorches anymore.

f*ck this sh*t.

Blue flames licked wildly at the chains binding his wrists and ankles, disintegrating them into sparks that began catching on the jail cell's bars, consuming them ferociously.

"What?!" Caroline gasped in confusion, jumping away from the bars engulfed in the blue flame.

His blood is boiling, becoming the kerosene to the growing blaze consuming his entire being.

Akira is tired of this sh*t. He's had enough.

He's tired of being yanked around without any say in it all. The feeling that nothing matters, that he has no control over any of it. The futility of being told that his efforts would always end in ruin because he 'didn't do enough or didn't live up to some wack job's golden standards', As if the entire world's problems could have been solved by a sixteen-year-old that had struggled with his math homework before all of this.

The blue frames crawled up the sleeves of the prison uniform he'd never asked for, scorching away the fabric into a familiar black as the anger raised higher and higher in this god-forsaken cell.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (81)

"How are you—?!" Justine stammered, "Impossible!!"

If this were all going to end, it would end on Akira's terms. And his terms alone.

No one else's.

This was his story, wasn't it? This was his life, and he was the only one to decide what happened with it.

The prison bars brittle from the incandescent flame shatter under his red-gloved fingers. And he struts across the threshold of the prison doorway, leaving a trail of blue fire in his wake from his coattails.

The degraded chains fall to the ground, breaking on impact.

Before either of the twins or Igor can make a move, Akira whips out his dagger and spares no moment to hold the blade to his own throat with defiance gleaming in his eyes at Igor. Daring him to do anything about the decision that Akira was about to make.

It was not Igor's life to take.

"Ohohoh, what a twist!!" Igor cackled, sitting up, seeming much more patient than he did only moments ago, "The prison rebels and breaks his chains?! Haha! Desperate, are we?!"

Akira gritted his teeth in a fury and dug the dagger deep into his skin, ready at the brink of it all. Alice, Yosh*tsune, and Arsene all agree with his choice, but Kaguya, the ever-so-obstinate hopeful, is the only thing holding him back. And as she does, Akira can sense the sudden change in Igor's eyes when Igor realizes that Akira is dead serious about his decision.

"Wait." Igor intoned, folding his hands as he stared at Akira with a calculative glare. It was not what Akira was expecting. He thought the old geezer wanted him dead. Instead, Igor sat back with a more composed voice, "Your resolve is quite refreshing; you certainly did not bore me. With this new development, I wish to observe you longer. Very well then, I shall allow a deal for you to make; I shall return you to the world as it was before it would fall to ruin; the Phantom thieves will continue to grow in popularity and fame, and they will be praised to the ends of the world, and the masses will be none the wiser. The world will escape ruin, and you can continue your endeavors with your comrades."

Akira hesitated, the dagger falling slightly at what was being offered.

Isn't that what he wanted? To remain with the Phantom thieves together forever. Wasn't that his original wish? In the first loop, in the middle of the night, he'd once wished for that very thing on a shooting star childishly as he fell asleep. And Igor was just serving it to him on a platter essentially now. Akira wanted so desperately for that to be the deal, just to be left at that. But Akira isn't an idiot, and a deal like that with no catch doesn't exist, especially with the situation he's been in. Not to mention, he isn't sure if he could really take Igor's words at face value at this point.

It has to be another manipulation method. After all, Igor had done to him; there is no way he doesn't have an ulterior motive for this offer.

But another horrifying thought arose in his mind because of his yearning for this deal.

What if Akira had already made this deal? What if that's what started the cycle? Even though he doesn't remember this moment, if Igor is offering to reset it all essentially, what is to say that Igor couldn't wipe this from his memory before? Observe him to see if he would continue making the deal, like a rat in a maze, always going for the cheese at the end. Of course, if that were the case, it would be contingent on whether Igor was telling the truth and if he could uphold that deal. If he could, Igor would be far more powerful than Akira had thought, Leaving him in far more of a dire situation than he knew what to do with.

But they had gotten so far that he had allowed himself to hope. And maybe this was the route he had to take to get them back and not let it end here.

Yet, everything inside him is screaming not to do it. If he accepted it, wouldn't everything his friends strived for be for nothing? The Phantom thieves had set out to right the injustices of those who could not fight for themselves in society. They had all bonded under the common goal of bringing light to the problems in their society and the clear, distinct imbalances of power. Despite Akira claiming that he acted out of the Phantom thieves' wishes, he also wanted the same thing at one time. Their passion for change to the system.

"Yet, that doesn't mean others don't share your convictions, and others haven't gone through the pain that accompanies doing what is right. Passion comes from the root word pati, which the word patience comes from. Passion isn't elation; it's endurance. It's picking what you will suffer for. Passion is the ability to suffer for a cause, a cause that demands to be righted, to be understood. A pain demanded to be quenched."

If Akira made this decision, Wouldn't it render all their suffering meaningless? Everything they've done wasn't out of the name of popularity or fame; it was for a cause. And they gave so much to quench the need that the cause demanded.

Akira was paralyzed with confliction. He was at the crossroads of an impossible decision; A future with his friends at the cost of the cause they came together for in the beginning.

"In the next life, timeline, or whatever, find us. Please don't give up on us; let us love you in the next life too. Let us be there for you. You don't have to go this alone; please find us in the next life, Akira! We'll have a blast, go to the fireworks festival, and maybe it won't rain, and we can go to Hawaii too, all share Malasadas! Do you hear me?! Malasadas!!"

"I—" Akira croaked, but he had no words.

"Through you, we live."

Had he already made this deal?

Would he have made this deal, understanding that everything they would have gone through was for nothing? When it felt exactly like that first time he looped, that all their achievements had become sand on a beach knocked down by the tide.

He wanted to believe he wouldn't. He wanted to believe he'd done the right thing because, despite what he'd told his friends earlier at the pit of wonderland, he did care about their cause, or at least he had in previous loops. He had in the first year. But on the other hand, Akira understood how he felt at the depths of his suffering.

But what if this isn't the loop deal? What if it's the only way to escape it?

"What will it be, hmm? My patience grows thin. With all that enthusiasm you displayed mere moments ago, I would have imagined the choice would be easy for you." Igor chuckled maliciously at him, "Will you choose your comrades and the life you once had? The masses will be completely enamored with the Phantom Thieves, and you will be praised heavily. Or would you rather give your life as forfeit, allowing the world to fall to ruin due to your incompetence?"

This isn't fair. None of this is fair.

Igor made it sound so enticing. Igor made it sound like an easy decision since Igor knew the bonds he shared with his friends. Of course, it's a trap; it's a trick. It's a very deliberate, clear manipulation of Akira's deepest desires. Akira knew that objectively. But the desire is far too deep, and Igor knew that too.

"I—" Akira sputtered again, the indecision holding him in place.

The weight of the decision he can not make. Over the precipice that he can't traverse.

Do it all over again? Or give in to the desire?

Weren't the Phantom thieves supposed to be stealing desires in the first place? So why is he even entertaining this deal when he knew it was a trap?

"Don't you even f*cking think about accepting that deal!" A familiar voice echoed around the prison chamber, a pin dropping amidst the chaos—a river in the desert.

"Impossible!" Igor growled, turning towards the intruder as he slammed his hands down on the desk.

"Akechi?!" Akira sputtered at the sight of him, nearly dropping his dagger. He honestly was not expecting to see Akechi strutting through the prison corridor. At first, Akira assumed that this Akechi was an illusion as he clearly remembered seeing Akechi fading before him. Furthermore, Akira had felt the weight of Akechi dissipate from his arms in the crosswalk of Shibuya. Akechi was supposed to be dead with the rest of them.

Yet Igor's reaction would not match up in this case. If Igor were making this illusion, his anger at the other's appearance would not be justified, nor does he think Igor would interrupt his own deal-making.

Akira is now paralyzed for an entirely different reason. What the f*ck is going on? How did Akechi survive? If Akechi survived, was it possible the rest of them did too?

He tried not to let the hope swell too much in his chest as his eyes were locked onto Akechi.

"Justine, now!" Caroline's yell broke through the moment. Akira had failed to notice the two twins preparing an ambush on him. A lapse in his judgment, really. A lot was going on.

He mentally summoned the first persona who would come forward, ripping off his mask swiftly. But, he doesn't know if his persona would really make a dent in the twins. He vaguely remembered fighting them at their request, but it hadn't gone well. It had been a stamina game he lost. Akira knew he wasn't really a match for them, especially not alone.

"Watch out!" Akechi warned him; Akira briefly caught a glimpse of him reaching for his crow mask, then a brilliant light lit up the Velvet Room.

A barrier of light arrows cut the velvet room in half. Kaguya.

Only in front of him, there was two Kaguya. His own reflected a Shujin academy uniform and then a second Kaguya that seemed the opposite, with a very eerily color palette similar to Akechi's usual outfit. The two persona embraced one another as if they had not met for some time, holding hands and caressing each other's faces. It felt strangely intimate, and Akira briefly wondered if he should look away to give them some privacy. However, there were other concerns at the moment.

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (82)

"What power! How!?" Justine stammered, unable to cross the threshold of the barrier of arrows. She and Caroline had been thrown back toward the cells at the end of the prison but seemed too baffled by the impromptu summoning to attempt another ambush.

"Did you just...summon a Kaguya?!" Akira sputtered with wide eyes as Akechi quickly joined him on the other side of the arrows.

"Yes...It would appear so; believe me, I have no idea how." Akechi confirmed but didn't seem quite sure what was going on either. His face looked somewhat disconcerted at the new development, and he wouldn't meet Akira's eyes as he watched the two Kaguya twirling around before fading back to the pair's hearts. Well, if that wasn't a blatant metaphor for Akira and Akechi's relationship. Despite how shameless Akira had been in the past, he felt his face heat up at this implication.

The situation is still dire, but Akira cannot help but feel relief. And if Akechi was here, then maybe everyone else were also somewhere. He isn't sure whether it was wise to hope or not. But there is a sense of relief. He isn't alone in this alone anymore. Still, Akira wondered, "How the f*ck did you survive? Where the f*ck were you? Did you wake up in this prison too?"

"My Velvet Room," Akechi answered, finally meeting Akira's gaze, as if it was apparent the entire time, "After we disappeared from the crossing, I woke up in my velvet room, as I assume you did. However, I'm assuming this didn't happen the first time? Unless there were moments, you had left out in our recourse of events."

"You would have seen it if I did...but, what do you mean, 'your velvet room'? So you had access to the velvet room and didn't tell me?! What the hell, Akechi?" Akira sputtered in disbelief, feeling briefly betrayed by the information. He also instantly feels upset that Akechi might have had to go through the same things he did on top of everything else in Akechi's life. Did he ever fuse any persona? Is that how he got his Kaguya?

"Oh, yeah, uh-huh. Like you told me about your velvet room." Akechi retorted back and folded his arms, "Mr. 'I-leave-anything-and-everything-important-out-of-every-conversation-I'm-in-just-to-tease-you.'"

"Huh, I didn't tell you?"

Akira could have sworn he did at one point. But then again, maybe he was mixing up loops. He at least thought Akechi had been aware, but then he had to wonder, "Wait, but didn't you see the door when you entered mementos?"

But Akechi doesn't get to respond before there is another commanding presence in the room.

"You dare to wear the face of my master in such a vile way! I will expunge you from this room; You do not belong here!" A woman who shared the same features as the twins, light hair and gold eyes while dressed in a deep blue, bellowed from the corridor entrance. Her heels clicked angrily on the cobblestone of the prison floor as she approached. Her expression was fearsome as she slammed shut what looked like a similarly styled grimoire to the one Igor kept on his desk, crushing a tarot card. "One that brings light, Helel!"

A persona with six wings and horns forms into existence, a radiant light emitting from its form.

Akira can't help but shiver at the sight; despite never seeing this one before, he can tell just how powerful that persona is. He doesn't know who she is but does not want to piss her off.

The woman aimed her attack at Igor, who had a crazy smile throughout the entire interruption. But before she can do any damage, the twins jump to their master's aid, acting as a barrier in front of him.

"You two..." She stopped, seemingly taken aback by their appearance, as she lowered her outstretched arm at their sight. Then a look of utter disgust pulled at her lips as she addressed Igor, "And that is what you've done to my sister. You tore her asunder to use her for your malevolent intent, all while continuing the charade of being the velvet room's master! How sinister of a being that you would go to such lengths to toy with such a sacred room!"

Akira has so many questions that he doesn't know what to do or where to begin. Charade? A false velvet room master? A sister being torn apart? What the f*ck is going on? There is far too much going on that he hadnotpreviously known about from earlier loops.

"Torn asunder?!" Caroline sputtered, seemingly just surprised by the new development. She took a step back from the woman in hesitation.

"You..." Justine frowned as if she was trying to place how she knew this woman.

"Have you forgotten your purpose? Your desire?!" The woman implored the twins, "Have you forsaken the truth? Forsaken humanity?! We were not made to be wardens to those we choose to serve!"

"Forsaken humanity...but we haven't...have we?" Caroline looked at her sister in confusion.

"No, we...but wouldn't killing him be forsaking humanity?" Justine frowned, shaking her head, "I don't understand. Are we forgetting something?"

"Enough. That is a false prophetess sent to dissuade you from the mission! Do away with her as well as the rest of them. I decree it!" Igor bellowed, commanding the twins. A sort of evil aura became visible around him, like the curse magic he was accustomed to using.

But the twins do not move; they do not follow their master's decree as they turn back to Akira with twin regretful gazes.

"We are...not wardens." Justine came to the conclusions first, her face hardening as she seemed to be remembering something. "I remember that was not what we are or why we are here for. We are here to aid the guest; we are meant to serve, not imprison!"

"We were one, but now we are too. Torn asunder. We were torn into halves by this malevolent intent!" Caroline gasped, turning back to her master in rage. "You tore us apart to use us!"

"Oh dear Justine, Caroline, you are being led astray. I bid you not to believe this deceiver's words. Have not led you well? Have I not brought out your greatest potential?" Igor admonished them, but his voice could only betray the sinister intentions revealed.

"What the f*ck is going on?" Akira asked under his breath rhetorically so as not to draw Igor's attention in the entirety of this as he tried to make heads and tails of where the f*ck this had gone.

The last fifteen minutes felt like a whirlwind of emotions and events for which he has no basis. It's not as if he'd actually made it this far, though he has no idea why he had this time. Akira doesn't believe the loop is broken or wouldn't know until he 'dies.' Still, he is not used to running on absolute blind like this; he huffed, "This feels like the conclusion to some subplot that I have absolutely no context for?"

"Well, you wouldn't be wrong, and it all connects..." Akechi answered him under his breath as well, "It would seem your velvet room master is a fake, a facade led by a false deity. Margaret, the attendant in my room, has been searching for her master, the real master of the velvet room who disappeared along with her sister. So it would seem her sister, or at least the parts of her sister, were in your room along. I'm assuming I was not privy to your velvet room as you were not privy to mine because of this being's desire to manipulate you."

"Wait... Igor's not the master of the velvet room?" Akira asked in horror, slowly taking in what Akech was saying. So then, who was in his velvet room this entire time? And what did he want with Akira other than to make him feel like sh*t?

"Igor is, but this isn't Igor based on the current revelations. Instead, this is the intruder, the false deity I believe has some connection to the Holy Grail and Mementos." Akechi gritted his teeth, a look of disgust written his brow line.

Akira froze. False diety? Holy grail? Is Akechi trying to say that Igor and the Holy Grail are the same? He once trusted Igor. On the first run, he did everything Igor told him. Fused new personas and made more and more powerful ones despite the agony that fusion brought. But it hadn't mattered at the end of it all. And after that, his perception of Igor changed, and he started listening to what Igor said. Ruin, rehabilitation, and the rest of the cryptic bullsh*t that didn't make any sense in the end when all that would happen when he died was the loop. Then, when Igor forced him to execute Arsene, Akira stopped trusting Igor. He did not like Igor and did not like visiting the velvet room.

But to learn that Igor wasn't who he said he was this entire time and that he may be the very enemy that erased him and his team from existence, the one he has no idea how to beat with the entirety of society's apathy backing it up. The enemy that he did NOT want to face.

But that enemy has been in the velvet room the entire time.

Akira feels sick to his stomach. He felt like he's been living a lie for an entirely different reason than before. Was the loop really not enough in the first place? Why him? Why this entire year-long charade? Why did Igor or the false deity guide him to make more powerful personas only to 'erase' him in the end? He felt the exact same betrayal that is apparent on Caroline and Justine's faces at this moment.

"You two! Quit standing around and man the guillotines!" Caroline snapped at them, distracting Akira from the spiral he felt he was about to fall into. Probably a good thing. He feels like he is going through all the stages of grief simultaneously, but it is not conducive to actual action.

Akira snapped his head up, observing the scene of Margaret barring the guillotines from the false Igor with her six-winged persona while Caroline and Justine kneeled at the bottom of the guillotines, their necks just below the blades like his fate was to be moments ago. A better moment to focus on to distract himself from the sh*tty truth he didn't want to deal with. Then again, he didn't think he liked where this was going. He didn't want to be executed but didn't want to execute the twins either. Can't they just do away with the guillotines?

"On it!" Akechi nodded, darting to Caroline's guillotine while Akira hurried over to Justine's. His hand hovered over the trigger to the blades. But his breath caught in his throat. Was he just supposed to execute the twins? Like they did to his persona all these times?

It didn't feel right. It may be retribution, but it feels so cruel. Admittedly he was not listening to the rest of the exchange from before.

"I'm sorry, inmate." Justine apologized as he and Akechi got into place, "It was...wrong of Caroline and me to force those fusions. We felt it out of necessity for the mission, but we hadn't understood humanity as we thought we did."

"Justine..." Akira murmured, wanting to apologize as well for what was about to happen, but Justine cut him off with a smile.

"Do not apologize; what you are about to do is kindness and a favor to us. And far more than what we deserve. Especially after what we've put you through." Justine reassured him with a maturity that didn't suit her form, "Do not fear; you are not killing us; you are making us whole."

"Now!" Akechi signaled to him, and Akira gritted his teeth before yanking the lever.

The blades fell with a resounding sound, and Akira had to look away before they reached their mark. But a blue light filled the room. When Akira turned back, a girl around the same age as Caroline and Justine was standing with poise next to the guillotine, a butterfly headband and a grimoire in her hand.

"My name is Lavenza." She explained as she lightly bowed to both Akira and Akechi. "I was torn apart by that imposter and took the form of those twins. I sought help before my body was split into two."

"You were the butterfly?" Akira put two and two together. It made sense with the butterfly motif that Lavenza has going on. He definitely did not have to execute a pair of twins to rejoin them into one person who had come to him as a butterfly to tell him he had no future on his bingo card for this year's run. Of course, it wasn't like he had a wonderland-themed dungeon or met his childhood hero at a fishing pond in Ichigaya on his bingo card either. He could have filled out an entire line by now, but he doesn't really want to know what the prize in all of this is.

Lavenza nodded before her face hardened as she angrily addressed the imposter and joined her sister, "And now that my sight has returned, you shall control me no more! Your lies will no longer work!"

"Leave this room!" Margaret demanded in tandem; they stood back to back with their grimoires poised for attack—a hearty family reunion.

The imposter can only chuckle, his appearance changing. His bulging eyes turned to blank white as he levitated into the air. A sinister energy swirled around him, making the hairs on the back of Akira's neck stand up. It's exactly the feeling he got when they battled the Holy Grail and when Mementos swallowed up reality—the sense of nails on a chalkboard or a screeching noise.

It made this 3rd sense go wild.

"It matters not what you do. Whether the world is destroyed or rebuilt, it's all a game to me." The imposter said with little emotion and the same eerie voice that the holy grail used, "I am only doing what humanity asked of me. I am the holy grail that grants wishes, and I am a god who responds to desire and holds dominion over man. I am only acting within what is best for them."

"Bullsh*t! You are a false god controlling them all!" Akechi spit with disdain, gripping his saber. "Doing what's best for them? How the hell in any world is this what's best them?!"

Akira shared the same contempt. Why him? Why this entire time?

Despite only glaring at the imposter, it responded to his queries all the same, "I hoped seeing a righteous thief vanquish evil would spur mankind to change their own indolent hearts. However, as has been demonstrated, the masses have made it, so none of it had ever transpired—what a shame. Mankind has chosen ruin."

"We haven't chosen sh*t! Like you didn't have anything to do with the mass distortion going on! That's bullsh*t! It was rigged from the start, and you know it!" Akechi argued, pointing his saber at the imposter. "You didn't even give mankind a chance to choose! You made the choice for them! Tell me, how is that a choice?!"

"Do you not seem to recall your demise from reality?" The imposter, the false god, countered, "The world has no need for you now; what do you believe you owe them? They erased you from society. They cast you out into the shadows of relevancy. Tell me why you would fight for those who could not give care about your existence. What a foolish determination you carry. A waste of time."

Akira gripped his dagger tighter. It was a very hard memory to forget. Not only the visceral image of fading into wisps of shadows but also the feeling. All of his friends going through the same exact fate, but was that really humanity's decision? Would the outcome have differed if the false god weren't here to intervene? He is starting to think differently from what he knew now. How could the false god controlling humanity's desires tell them that humanity erased them?

Akira isn't stupid neither is Akechi.

"All of your comrades... erased from reality. If you, as me, mankind should face ruin for all they've brought upon you, don't you think?" The imposter laughed sinisterly.

"Lies, all of it!" Margaret countered.

"I won't allow you to toy with him any longer!" Lavenza shook her head before allowing the Grimoire to flip open on its own; she continued as the pages flipped, "You are losing your grip on this room; his comrades have been imprisoned here by you this entire time, haven't they? Perhaps one last bargaining chip?"

"What?!" Akira sputtered, hope rising in his chest at the revelation.

She slammed the book shut, and the cells around them flashed with light. Each individual phantom thief appeared in the cells circling the room. A rush of relief almost brings Akira to his knees at the sight of them.

"Uh, what the f*ck is going on?!" Ryuji sputtered as he came to the cell bars with confusion, before seeing the scene for him, "Uh, why is the old man with the scarily long nose levitating the air!? Uh, I'm lost here for real..."

"Guys!" Akira called out in relief; none of them seemed harmed. However, them being locked in the cage he once was in wasn't a great scenario either.

"Aki-chan! Thank god!" Haru called back, reassurance on her face as well.

"Maybe... don't thank god..." Akechi muttered under his breath, looking back to the false god levitating with the same sinister grin on his face.

"Woah, why is creepy nose dude levitating like that!?" Futaba exclaimed from her own cell, "That's feeling very paranormal activity-ish...and his power is...off the charts?!"

"I wonder why such a powerful god such as yourself would even deem it necessary to lock away those who oppose you." Lavenza taunted him, her Grimoire still floating in her hands. "One might think you find them a threat to your plan! You had not imagined the velvet room would pluck them from the brink of existence as well, and yet you would only use them as a bargaining chip. What a dirty tactic!"

"Preposterous! You've already seen how humanity has chosen. I am not afraid of those few society has deemed unworthy, I assure you." The false god laughed, but Akira felt maybe Lavenza hit a nerve. The false god continued, "Come if you want; I guarantee the ending will be one you deserve. I will see to it."

The false god disappeared, taking all the ill intention and ambiance with it and leaving only the cool blues back in the room. In its place, a desk reappears with who Akira assumed to be the real Igor slumped over the desk. He didn't want to look at him too much since it was still the form he recognized.

"Master!" Lavenza cried, hurrying over to her master's side as Margaret followed in her wake; the tension had dialed back but still hung heavy in the air around them with the uncertainty of the false god's challenge.

"Tch ran like a dog with its tail between its legs," Akechi muttered, putting his saber away, "To say you have nothing fear and yet to go through such lengths? Inconsistencies."

Akira sighed, stashing his dagger as well. While the immediate threat was gone, he had so many questions that he didn't know where to start and so many feelings he wasn't sure he could deal with. There was apparently a LOT he didn't know from the other loops.

Too much he needed to process, and it seemed it would have to be done in a very short amount of time.

"Akira!" Ann exclaimed happily, roughly throwing her arms around him, almost knocking him off balance—a good problem.

"Are you guys okay?" Akira urgently asked as the rest of the Phantom Thieves gathered in the middle of the velvet room prison: smiles and everything. At least there was one win.

"Seeing where we left off, I'd say this is more than okay." Yusuke nodded as he offered his own assurance with a pat on Akira's shoulder, "However, I believe most of us are unsure of what exactly happened. I know for me; I woke up in that cell only moments before to see that abomination hovering in the air. Though as to how I ended up in the cell, there seems to be a blank between then and the crossing. It's as if I closed my eyes and reopened them again..."

"Yeah, it's like we spawned in too late." Futaba tacked on, then asked as she looked around with curious eyes, "But why'd we spawn in the Velvet Room of all places? While I'm glad not to be disintegrated again, this place is creepy. No offense...actually, full, full offense."

"Yeah, for real, you two know what's happening?" Ryuji wondered, in the same vein of confusion, "Why are we here, and what is going on with Shibuya? Last time we left it, it was sort of in shambles..."

Akira frowned, explaining about waking up in the velvet room, Igor being the false god, and the twins becoming one once more. But, as he explained, Akira wasn't sure how to process it either. It hadn't happened before and was a lot to take in. Moreover, he isn't sure he can deal with the implications of it all.

Still, the thieves deserve to know; they were just a part of this, as he was.

"A false god...it would explain why it had so much power." Makoto hummed as her brow furrowed in contemplation, then she added with a groan, "It explains a lot but makes this entire situation entirely worse..."

"You can say that again. I didn't have fighting a god on my bingo card this year..." Futaba frowned with a shake of her head. "Seriously, feels like the ending to some JRPG."

An understatement.

"This is kind of a lot to take in..." Ann shook her head before frowning down at Morgana, who was near her legs, "Morgana, you've been quieter than usual... what are you thinking?"

"I think I was born here," Morgana answered with some emotion on his face that Akira couldn't place. Still, that was quite a revelation. Morgana had been so sure he was human this entire time. Yet, the certainty in his eyes spoke differently this time. Cross another thing off his list he was not expecting.

"In the velvet room?" Haru blinked in surprise, "What makes you say that?"

"It is true; Morgana was born here," Lavenza interjected as she joined the Phantom thieves while her sister still seemed to be tending to the fallen Igor. "It would seem his fate was similar to mine. But, Morgana, do you remember what your purpose was?"

"Mhm." Morgana nodded solemnly to her, "I was made to dispel evil from humanity's spiritual world. My role was to find the trickster and help him defeat it. And that's why I was created here by my master. When this place was about to be taken over, my master gathered the last traces of humanity's hope."

"The trickster...me." Akira put together the pieces before sighing, "Well, it certainly feels fitting that humanity's last hope would be a cat."

"I am not a--" Morgana started to argue before a blank look spread across his face in realization, "Holy sh*t, I am a cat."

"The cutest cat who taught us everything we know!" Ann encouraged him.

"I'm a cat...." Morgana echoed, seemingly processing the revelation. Akira is at least glad Morgana knew where he came from now.

"Yes, yes, you are a cat; congratulations." Akechi said dryly, "Not to cut this short, but I believe there are things we need to discuss, such as the false god's motivation and the next step from here..."

"The entity that calls itself a god is a malevolent will that forces man into everlasting servitude as you've assumed." Lavenza explained, with a harrowed look, "It hopes to attain eternal peace by filling reality with those who have stopped thinking for themselves. That is the ruin of man that this evil god envisions."

"I see, and since it had been the core of mementos, the people's palace, it has been manipulating their wills to an extent, bringing forth the ruin it wishes to grant on this world." Akechi voiced, putting things together, "Which is why, even though we brought down Shido, the public didn't see anything wrong with his actions; they were acting out of the will of this entity rather than thinking about the implications of his actions on their own."

"Yeah, it would explain the public's lack of response to his change of heart." Ann agreed before frowning, "But I don't get it. You said that the false god took over the velvet room. Why?"

"There has been some sort of game put in place. One where the false god pitted a contender against the chosen trickster, and the game's winner would decide the world's fate. The false god had incited Goro Akechi as a means to bring chaos into this world and plunge the world into ruin. At the same time, the trickster was chosen as Akira Kurusu, who would see humanity's salvation. Yet, I would assume that the false god took up the disguise of my master to nip any potential threat. To cast you in despair so the world may be thrown to ruin. "

"f*cking hell..." Ryuji muttered—an understatement really of this entire situation. "That's hella shady and dirty..."

Akira gritted his teeth. Cast into despair doesn't even cover the struggles he's had. He turned to look at Akechi. A glare is etched into his face at the revelation of his part in all of this. Akira felt a pang of guilt; even though he had met Akechi, it wasn't early enough to stop anything. He'd gone back but not far enough to halt Akechi's part in all of this. He doesn't think he even could go back far enough. The loop started when Akechi had already delved into Mementos for two years.

"So basically, Akira was dragged into this game rigged from the beginning." Morgana frowned something that was already painfully obvious.

Silence blanketed them, Akira knew they already had an idea of how rigged it felt, but with everything coming together, it felt even more so rigged than before.

"There is no future for you."

That's certainly how it felt. Even remembering Lavenza's caveat after doesn't bring him much hope.

"So, uh, is..." Ryuji stuttered after a few moments with an awkward grimace, bringing light to the elephant in the room known only to the Phantom thieves, "Is this false god the one behind the time loop? It keeps going on about the whole 'granting wishes' thing...and then the whole...cast into despair bit. I mean..."

Akira would be lying if he hadn't considered that possibility. That would mean this false god's deception spanned further than this' year.' And he still isn't sure he didn't accept the deal the false god tried to goat him into earlier when Akira was alone.

If the false god could make Lavenza forget, someone who was used to the supernatural and this room, and Morgana, who was of the same vein. It doesn't seem like it would be hard to make him forget a wayward deal. His blood boiled at the thought, not only that the god had been toying with him, bringing him to the edge multiple times, but that Akira himself had thought about taking the deal in the first place.

There is too much uncertainty. Akira doesn't know. He doesn't know why it started, only when it began.

When Akira had pondered the beginning of the loop, all he could think about was a moment consequential to the beginning of the loop and the ends of it. When he'd seen a shooting star in the night sky over Leblanc one night and wished that his time with friends wouldn't run out before falling asleep. It was such a small moment that shouldn't have felt like it carried so much weight; it was so quiet. But he thought about that moment a lot right after he looped. Obsessively. Believing that was the moment it had all started.

But a god toying with him seemed fitting for such a reality-bending phenomenon.

Yet the thought of the loop being connected to the false god was terrifying since that would logically mean they would have to stop the false god to end it if that were the case. As previous renditions have eluded, it was not a simple task, nor have they succeeded. They had a second chance now that the velvet room had saved them, but what about next time if they couldn't beat the false god? Would they be saved, or would everything be reset again? God, Akira wished he could just save like in a video game. Then if the Phantom thieves failed, he could just reload the save file before the final boss as if nothing had gone wrong. It was useless thinking, he knew. But thinking about it all as a videogame made it feel like the stakes weren't too damn high.

Akira doesn't want to think about it. They had made it farther than before, but god, do the stakes feel incredibly higher than they've ever been.

The fury he felt earlier is still there, simmering under the surface, yet it feels like if he took one wrong step, then it's all over, even if it were to reset.

It was easier to digest when he could just detach from it all and act as a video game protagonist.

Though if this was a videogame, he might have put it down and never picked it up again. An easy solution, even if not the best one.

"Akira?" Ann asked quietly, rousing him from his thoughts.

"Oh, uh...not sure." Akira quickly answered as he realized all eyes were on him. "I mean...it would make sense...But he didn't say anything about the loop, so I really can't say for sure. So don't really have an answer there."

"By any anime or video game logic, defeating the big baddie at the end is a definite way to fix things!" Futaba piped up, probably trying to be reassuring of the situation in the only way she knew how to. Her sentiment was appreciated; it would be nice if this were just as easy as a video game. She continued, "We just have to kick ass and save the world!"

"Clearly you haven't played Nier Automata..."

"Really, Ryuji? Are we going there? That's what you choose to compare this to?" Futaba sighed before her face scrunched up, "Huh, now that you mention it. Maybe this is a new game plus sort of deal, like the ones where you have to go through multiple times for each ending. Wonder if we unlocked anything or not. Technically, according to your accounts, this would be considered a different ending."

"You think we missed something super specific, like in games where they make you do a really obscure puzzle in a really obscure place just to get a specific ending?" Ryuji wondered, "Like going to Shinjuku at a particular time of day and spinning around three times or something? How is someone supposed to find that out naturally?"

"Well, at least you can look that up on most sites; however, in this case, it might be trial and error...unless the developers left some clue. Even then, I assume it would be vague and not on the part of the map the riddle would be. Or the devs could truly be sad*sts and hope someone stumbled upon it years later..."

"This isn't a video game, you two!" Makoto chided them, "Nor do I think we should be using video game logic to solve our problems...You know those things aren't very realistic...Can we be serious here?"

Akira is glad he didn't reveal his previous thoughts of save files to her.

"Speak for yourself, Makoto!" Futaba scoffed, "I've played so much Grand Theft Auto; I'm pretty sure I could drive a car if I were in one."

"Please don't go out and try to commit grand theft auto..." Makoto groaned.

"Pray excuse my confusion, but what do you mean by a time loop?" Lavenza implored, breaking into the irrelevant conversation that Akira is sure was just brought on to lift everyone's nerves about the state of their existence.

"He's been stuck in a time loop of the events from this year. He gets sent back to the beginning of this year whenever he perishes." Morgana explained to her, his voice lilting off at the end. He frowned, understandably as upset with the idea as they all were, before addressing the residents of the velvet room, "Do you have any idea if this false god is behind this? If we defeat him, would Akira be freed from this loop?"

"A temporal disturbance? How strange." Margaret frowned, joining the conversation as she seemed to be listening in; her reaction admittedly wasn't very reassuring to Akira. She tapped on her Grimoire in thought. "It wouldn't be the first situation we've encountered...still, I've no answers for such an odd occurrence nor a solution. Multiple persona users have convened in the past for a specific purpose, but this seems like a different case altogether. I wouldn't put it past the false god to use such tactics, especially with how he overthrew our room; however, I'm afraid I couldn't be positive whether it would continue upon its demise or not. If it does, you may have your answer..."

"So there is no certainty that it could be the false god either; he didn't say anything about it...only the vague deal." Akira frowned because would the false god really have threatened to kill him if the result was just him playing the game again? Or rather, is that what he wanted?

Compounded despair. Akira isn't sure. It's all too messy.

"If not the false god, then what lead would we have on its occurrence?" Makoto wondered a valid question since Akira couldn't fathom anything else being able to distort time itself other than a god, except maybe something else that lurks in the Metaverse, "What else do you account to such a reality-bending phenomenon?"

"Hmm, I watched a movie once where someone kept waking up on the same day. But they never went into the specifics of why it happened...except it ended when he ended up with the girl..." Ann frowned, "Then again; I guess that isn't really helpful."

"So Akechi just needs to end up in Akira's bed?" Futaba cheekily suggested.

"How would that solve anything? Could we remain serious right now?!" Akechi scoffed at her.

Akira can't help but hide a small smile at that; if it were only that easy indeed, he can't help but interject, "Why not? Worth a try, at least. I promise I don't snore~."

Akechi doesn't respond, only groaning and pinching the brink of his nose in exasperation.

"Wait, sister, do you feel that?" Lavenza wondered as she peered curiously at Akira with big gold eyes, "I had been wondering of it as I became aware of its presence. Trickster, what do you have in your possession that carries such power? It feels familiar."

"Yes, I had been wondering as well; it seems reminiscent of the power of our master's master." Margaret agreed, peering at Akira curiously. "I meant to bring it up earlier, but the situation was rather dire...Yet as we discuss things, I would rather like to know what you have that would give off such a familiar feeling."

"Your master's master?" Yusuke asked, confused by the hierarchy.

"There is a master of the master of the velvet room? How high up does this thing go..." Ann wondered.

"Uh, I'm not sure what you are talking about?" Akira shook his head before digging his hands around his pockets. He doesn't exactly know what they are talking about, so he just takes everything out of his pockets and places them on Igor's desk. It's a bunch of random items he is sure didn't have much value; he had already sold most of the treasure stuff to Iwai, not that he particularly needed the yen. So, an assortment of debuff items and a few somas are left. And then the personal effects he carried around.

"Dude...you just carry all of this around in your pocket? How the hell are your pockets that big?" Ryuji asked incredulously as Akira laid things on the desk before him, trying not to make eye contact with the real Igor.

"Ryuji, have you seen my pants?"

"Yeah, but, dude--wait, is that a Gun About controller? Why the f*ck do you have a Gun About controller in your pocket!! You just what, carry that around?"

"Shinya gave it to me!" Akira argued.

"You know you can keep things in your room, right? I feel like a video game gun controller is not something you bring on missions! It's going to get broken!" Ann shook her head in disbelief at him, "Did you run out of space on your shelf? I have another shelf if you want it..."

"I need it for my gun techniques," Akira replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?" Akechi scoffed.

It would probably take too long to explain.

"Ah, this is what I was sensing." Lavenza nodded as she picked up the star Jose gave him a while back, one of the last things he'd laid out on the desk. It had been at the bottom of his inventory.

Oh, he'd forgotten he had that. It was pretty, or at least it used to be pretty. It must have needed a specific type of polishing since it had lost most of its glean. Akira remembered Jose gave it to him when they first met in Mementos on the first run. He said he'd found it in the tunnels somewhere. Akira kept it because it was a nice memento from meeting Jose. Jose didn't give him one this run, which was fine; Akira surprised him upon meeting this time, so maybe he didn't find one. Who knows. Something like the butterfly effect, he assumed. Not a significant change, though.

"A star?" Haru wondered, confused by it, "It looks like a glass ornament. Where did you get it from?"

"Jose. He said he picked it up in the tunnels somewhere." Akira explained.

"Do you just keep everything anyone gives you?" Akechi wondered in disbelief.

"Not everyone is as minimalistic as you, Akechi-san." Akira teased, "You barely even have furniture in your apartment. Maybe I'll start putting all my personal effects there from now on."

Hypothetically, even though Akira isn't sure there will be a now-on. Still, he can't help but think about it.

Margaret looked at the star intently as her sister handed it over to her; she held it up to the light. It really did look a lot duller than he remembered it. Strange.

"Philemon...but it seems to have been tainted. Perhaps one of the prototypes he talked about, it held great potential. I can still feel the remnants of his power on it...at its best, it may have accomplished such a thing. But as it is now..." Margaret frowned as she observed the star intently.

"Wait, you are implying that this is what is behind the loop?" Akechi said tensely, his eyes widening at the suggestion; the conversation about Akira moving in, even hypothetically wholly thrown out of the window.

"W-wait a minute." Akira stuttered, his heart beating faster at the suggestion. But then, he remembered when he got that. Jose told them he found it in the tunnels but didn't have any use for it, so he handed it over to Akira because Jose didn't have anything to wish on.

"Humans make wishes on stars, right? That's so interesting. Stars granting wishes..." Jose explained, fascinated by the whimsical idea of wishing on a star. "So this star is going to grant your wishes!"

"Our wishes?!" Morgana exclaimed, taken aback by the declaration.

"Or it would be nice to think that." Jose chuckled, seemingly understanding the error in his thinking.

"But Morgana said it wouldn't work even in mementos!" Akira argued, feeling his throat dry up. He remembered wishing on a star but not this star. But even then, Akira didn't seriously believe wishing on a star would actually grant his wish. He didn't even wish in mementos! Is that really supposed to be the reason he is looping? Because of the star that Jose gave him?! No, that's absolutely ridiculous. It had to be the false god, right?

"Uh, I didn't know this thing existed... oh, you mean the other timeline," Morgana mumbled.

"And then Ryuji and Ann wished on it, but nothing happened! It didn't work!" Akira shook his head in denial as he could feel his voice getting heated; it couldn't have been the star. Could it?

It's ludicrous.

"The tradition of wishing on stars is not new and prevalent throughout humanity. But what one doesn't understand about wishing is that it must be founded in a deep desire. You can wish for whimsical things, perhaps one's favorite treats, but the wish often won't be granted unless the desire is powerful enough behind it. And very rarely are they granted at the moment. Most humans who wish on a star, don't remember they've done it, and if they do, they don't often make the association." Margaret explained as she handed the star back to Akira. He doesn't necessarily want it now after this entire revelation, however. It feels sort of like a lead weight in his hand.

"Wait, is the star the cause?" Haru wondered; she frowned, her eyes turning towards the ground, "That would be rather cruel...would it not?"

"I cannot tell you if this is the cause or if it was because of the false god. Perhaps a bit of both, one influenced the other. Or perhaps neither." Margaret shook her head, "Those answers are not privy to me, I'm afraid. Nor do I have an answer for your temporal disturbance."

"So either the star caused it, which I really don't know how to counteract that if it were the case. Or the false god did, which means we would have to take it down to end the loop?" Futaba huffed, "But we really don't know which option it is...I still say false god. I'm telling you, defeating the big baddy at the end is the way to go! After all, we still have to fix Shibuya's mess if possible."

"Yeah, do you not remember the last time we tried that?" Ann frowned, shivering at the thought.

"I think it would make more sense for the false god to be behind this rather than the star, but I'm not sure how things work..." Haru admitted, "I agree with Futaba's logic, though it would make more sense to me."

Akira doesn't know whether it is the star, the false god's deal, or its manipulation. But he doesn't know how to think about this. The uncertainty of the future is pounding too hard in his brain. The anxiety of it all feels constricting, the anger about the situation, but he has no idea what would be the best way to direct it. There was resolve. But he isn't sure where best the resolution would serve.

"Right now, reality has been fused with mementos. Your existence hangs in the balance of whether you can defeat the false god or not. Will you reclaim your existence and purge this world of that evil?" Lavenza implored Akira. A question that comes with the weight of the world. She said it as if it was an obvious decision.

Akira has no idea how to answer. He has no idea what is the correct answer. He doesn't know how much more he can give. And yet he is still here at a crossroads of what to do. He is still here. This is the decision he didn't think he'd have to make. Or one that he's made too many times, depending on how one views it.

When he had defied the false god earlier, it had been to restart his own timeline. It was his fate, but he had been given far more options than he had expected. The stakes weren't as sky-high as they were now. His sandcastle feels far, far bigger than he had meant it to be, and he doesn't know if the hope of what could be was slowly choking him or becoming a wind beneath his wings.

Akira is waiting for the rug to be yanked from under him. Akira is waiting for the tide to come in.

"What do you want to do?" Makoto asked him, sincerity in her tone. The question is simple and familiar, yet it's one Akira has never quite gotten the grasp of answering, nor has he ever felt like it's something he had considered. It's not as simple as what he wanted to do.

He doesn't know what he wants to do. And maybe that's the problem; if he knew what he wanted to do, he wouldn't be stuck in this god-awful cycle. If he knew, maybe nothing would feel this f*cked up.

"I don't..." Akira bit his lips, feeling awkward under all of his friend's gazes, "Look as the phantom thieves, we should really get out there—"

"Dude, that wasn't what she asked. This isn't the Phantom thieve's choice clearly. So what doyouwant to do?" Ryuji asked firmly but with gentleness in his eyes.

Akira gritted his teeth even harder. He knew there weren't many options: stay in this velvet room for who knows how long, kill himself in front of all his friends to restart the loop, or face the false god who has humanity captive and will not back down from a fight.

A fight that Akira isn't entirely sure they can win due to past encounters.

Akira has no information. He has no idea what is to come.

While being in a loop was soul-crushing, at least he knew what would happen relatively. He knew base events; he knew base outcomes, and if anything were to happen, he could do it over— A blessing and a curse. But Akira is flying blind here, he doesn't know what this false god's weaknesses are, what attacks it might bring against them, and he has no idea if the loop is still active or not. For a brief moment, he caught himself, hoping it still was, just in case. He hated it, but it was a known demon.

What does he want to do?

That is a good question, and again, he isn't sure he knows how to answer.

Akira hadn't thought he'd make it past Shido's palace. He didn't think he'd have to deal with anything afterward. He didn't think he would have to deal with the consequences of his decisions, making it entirely easy to play anything off shamelessly without a thought. It was easier to tackle things carelessly when he felt there wasn't a meaning to anything he was doing. So he did what he wanted because he thought it wouldn't matter in the end.

But Akira had made it much farther than he'd expected; he'd grown closer to his friends than in any other loop. The simple joys they had felt pleasure in, the sorrows they had gone through, the time they had spent. It was all too much.

He wanted to spend as much time as he could with his friends. Akira wanted so desperately to do normal teenage things. He wanted to host another hot pot night. They stayed up late into the summer evening playing games, laughing at anecdotal stories about mundane things, and stealing every second away in that attic like it was some well-kept secret from the rest of the world.

He wanted to take the train to spontaneously fantastical things that Inaba had never offered. Like the aquarium to see that funny-faced shark with Akechi and ask him, "why the long face" as the shark swam by, and laugh at the predictable look of irritability that Akechi would give him before lecturing him about the history of said shark in some way, Akira wouldn't remember anything he said about the shark however. Still, he'd let Akechi go on anyways as they strolled the rest of the underwater tunnel.

He wanted to go to the amusem*nt park with Ryuji to test how many times they could feasibly get on the roller coaster between the park's open hours and bonus points for bringing entirely different outfits between rides to make the operators consider their reality. Still, maybe at one point, they would stop for funnel cakes that they might regret later in the experiment.

He wanted to sing at the karaoke bar with Ann to order as many sweets as possible with their minimal allowance and belt their hearts out to whatever randomized track they get, with the rule that no matter the vocal range, a valid attempt must be made and if not, then the price finding the most hilarious face filter on their phones and posting a public video must be made.

He wanted to hack Akihabara with Futaba, making her cute little Alibaba minions follow random people through the screens and drawing their attention with whispers of what they should buy and why, even if it was the most absurd thing like an electronic egg cracker for a ridiculous price and see how many people would take their deal. They would tally up their ridiculous sales and laugh at the absurdity of it all. But then they'd definitely go out and try the electronic egg cracker themselves, just to see.

He wanted to pose at an art museum for Yusuke and dress up in the most ridiculous avant-garde thing he could think of, probably something with angles NOT based on his Phantom thief pants, and have Yusuke go wild with drawing him to see if he could lure other artists into his scheme, and at the very least to see what Yusuke would come up with.

He wanted to take Makoto to the Big Bang Burger and have her do the challenge with him because, despite what she might say, Akira fully believed she could finish the challenge faster than him. He believes that with both of them, they have a pretty good shot of beating the challenge twice in one go and giving the restaurant a run for its money and then some.

He wanted to bring Morgana to the shrine and blow people's minds with his 'psychic cat' who must be some sort of cat diety because one would tell Morgana their secret, who would, in turn, tell Akira their secret and then Akira would say to them how he had received a vision of their secret from his all powerful all knowing cat. And just maybe they'd get a few yen along the way, but the look on the people's faces would be payment enough until they would be shooed out of the shrine by disbelieving priests.

He wanted to try one of those banana boats with Haru at the beach. The water spray against their legs would feel so refreshing in the summer heat. Eventually, they'd enjoy themselves so much that one of them would inevitably lean too far to the side, the other attempting to pull them back, but both fall into the water with a resounding splash. Akira would make the pun the banana boat split, earning a splash from Haru in, which would escalate to a full-on splashing fight as the boat driver begged them to get back on since their time was nearly up and the sun had almost set.

Akira wanted these moments so badly; these are the moments he's been yearning for, the simple joys that are a kaleidoscope of the moments stolen with his friends.

That's what he wanted, what he's always wanted, some false god or wishing star be damned.

"I want to have fun," Akira said earnestly, but then he felt his face flush because that wasn't exactly one of the options on the table. So which option would lead to that? Restart the loop with everything he knows right now, in which he felt that he could sway the Phantom thieves in the next loop if he's candid about it all. Or do they keep going on this loop, and go up against the false god? Having fun really isn't one of the options.

"I- um, just need a moment," Akira said before turning heels and shuffling down one of the velvet room's hallways. Maybe it was cowardly, a vast contrast from the display of defiance and determination he had shown towards the false god earlier, but sometimes it was harder to face his friends than an evil god.

After Akira fled in a show of understandable emotion, everyone simultaneously turned their heads to Akechi with expectation.

"Why are you all looking at me like that." Akechi grimaced, unsettled by the sudden attention. It wasn't something he was used to, and it was eerie how unanimous it seemed to be. He already has an idea of what they are going to say.

"Obviously, you should be the one to go after him," Ann said, motioning down the corridor that Akira had fled to as if it was the most natural conclusion.

"Did you not hear him when he said that he needed some time alone? Surely your hearing isn't that bad, Takamaki." Akechi frowned in disbelief, yet it did not deter the rest of the Phantom Thieves from staring at him, though now with more exasperated looks. Akechi doesn't feel they have thought this through. Logically, Akechi knows Akira and him have some sort of deep relationship going on, even if it hadn't been defined. Still, Akechi isn't sure he's the right person to be comforting or encouraging.

"Yeah, while I would usually agree, I think there have been far too many moments that we've left Akira alone with his own thoughts… though if all of us were to go after him, it would be far too overwhelming, I feel," Ann explained and as much as Akechi wanted to deny it, she's probably right in this case.

"I thought this was a democracy; we haven't even voted on it," Akechi argued, "I vote for Ann. Ann can handle it."

"Oh, we've all voted. It wasn't even a question." Ryuji said confidently, as he patted Akechi on the shoulder, "He'll listen to you…He'd probably listen to all of us, but tenfold for you. You're a critical hit, dude. Take the compliment."

Before Akechi could argue this point, Futaba chimed in, "Look, I get you two have the whole 'Oh, even though we've basically confessed to each other at this point, but we haven't fully acknowledged it to our peers or each other, so I'll just play it safe and just ignore my feelings because I'm the avoidant love interest with a tragic backstory' character arc going on here, but we sort of have a massive situation on our hands that involves probably having to kill god, so if you could put it aside for just a few minutes to talk to him and give him some sort of pep talk, that would be fantastic."

"If you could stop confining my personality to a cliched archetype, that would be fantastic." Akechi quipped back, face in palm with frustration at the analysis.

"Stop being a cliched archetype, and I'll consider it." Futaba lightly kicked him in the shin.

"When you asked what he wanted to do, what were you hoping the answer would be?" Akechi ignored Futaba's bickering to get a general sense of what Makoto was expecting.

"Whatever he wanted to do," Makoto admitted, "I think I speak for all of us when I say we would see Akira through to the end of this, as far as we can follow, no matter what we may have to endure. We came together for a cause, but no matter what Akira says, He was the heart of this cause and the perpetrator of change"

"Yes, I do agree." Yusuke continued, "Whether it may be to face a False God or another loop of this year, I would see Akira through it to the end, no matter what he decides. He will have my full support as he has shown me in the past."

"Hell yeah!" Ryuji agreed, "We still have to have another hot pot party, no matter where we are!"

"And Malasada's!" Ann excitedly said, contrasting their situation, "I was researching and found a bakery in Shibuya that has them! They also have stuffed donuts with Nutella I want him to try."

"Oh, I think I would have a good tea that would go with them! I recently got a shipment of different quality teas from Europe, and one of them pairs really well with nutty flavors!" Haru added, joining in on the excitement, "A few coffee assortments Akira might like as well!"

"Count me in; donuts are always a good time!" Futaba laughed.

Despite the coldness of the prison cells, there is warmth. In the face of their impending future, there is a lightness that Akechi would not have expected. It's nice. It's a nice feeling, and Akechi wanted to preserve it.

"You've changed," Akechi commented to Makoto.

"I think we all have." Makoto smiled back, "Despite the pain and suffering, finding solace with the Phantom Thieves is something I can never regret. I can understand now why this is something Akira wished for so earnestly. I think it was sincere, and no matter what, I want Akira to know that it's okay. That wanting friends, people who understand you, is okay. It may have been a rocky journey, and we've all made mistakes, but in the end, I believe it is all worth it. And I think it can be done again if need be. I can't imagine a universe where we don't all end up together. Or at least that is my wish. Just as we were in the crossing in the last moments, I think we should always be together, even in memory alone."

Akechi nodded, he isn't much for sentimentality, but on this, he agrees.

He thinks back to the moment at the square, all holding each other in the moments they thought would be their last. Even as despairing as the moment was, he couldn't imagine forgetting it in any iteration of his life.

"Will you talk to him?" Makoto wondered, "I think you are the best person for the job."

"Yeah, though I'm not sure I'll have the right words to say," Akechi admitted.

"It's never stopped you before." Makoto chuckled, "Even if you can be quite blunt, I think sometimes that's needed, and with the right person, it comes across exactly as you need it too."

"I suppose your right."

He left the conversations of tea and donuts to wander down the prison hallway that Akira had fled down. He found the other at the end of the path, in front of another cell. Akechi doesn't feel the dichotomy of their velvet rooms is fair, even if it makes sense. Seeing Akira in a cage goes against everything he felt about the other. While part of it may have been a mask, Akechi would begrudgingly admit he found part of Akira's carefree attitude refreshing. As someone who was always disciplined and did things on schedule, he wished to be as spontaneous as Akira would be. He envied what Akira had and wanted to bask in it. Akira made things fun, regardless of it all.

Akira shouldn't have been caged this entire time. Akira should be free to do what he wants. Akechi agreed with Makoto; he would follow Akira to the ends of the earth; whatever Akira decided to do, Akechi would agree, and Akechi would be there, no matter what iteration he was in. He said it before, and he still meant it.

This iteration approached Akira slowly so as not to startle the other.

Akira looked deep in thought, and Akechi felt like a mind reader. Perhaps a side effect of being in Akira's palace for a length of time. It might not have been fair to exactly how much they were privy to. The idea of every secret, every thought you have being thrown out to the open is terrifying. Akechi understood why Akira had not wanted to talk about it afterward. He imagined it would feel like being peeled open and feeling the excruciating pain of everything being exposed to the air. However, one thing Akechi hoped Akira knew at this point was that they were still there despite all the raw and negative emotions. All of the Phantom Thieves were still there.

Akira is still here.

They had gotten farther than they thought, and there was something in that. Whether it be meaning or just a fact. Whether it is a comfort or not.

"Does the decision matter if the outcome is the same?" Akira wondered, with a note of vulnerability that was an echo of his shadow. "Will anything really matter if everything will restart regardless? Will it mean anything if nothing changes? Does anything we do from this point on have meaning?"

Akechi understood the things that weighed on Akira's mind now. And he knew it wasn't so simply fixed by even the current events of making it farther than the previous loops; the fact of the uncertainty of it all only raised the stakes higher for Akira, or at least that's how Akechi would feel. However, there is comfort in the fact that Akira is still donning his Phantom Thief attire, meaning Akira hasn't given up yet.

"It will for you, It will matter to you, won't it?" Akechi answered honestly, even if it might not be what Akira wanted to hear. "Everything you've done will matter to you, as you've shown recently."

Akira doesn't answer, his hands tightening on his knees from where he sat back against the cobblestone.

"You know, contrary to prior beliefs, you aren't actually doing this alone." Akechi pointed out, in some attempt to be comforting, it's not something he's used to. Often he doesn't get into interpersonal conversations; rather, he's never had someone to get into these conversations with. He's good at manipulating people with his soft demeanor and well-spoken words reserved for his high school detective persona. However, that wouldn't even be remotely helpful with someone like Akira, as proven in the past.

Still, for Akira, he'd try. With Akira, he'd tried so many things he hadn't expected. So what is another item on the ledger? He is aware of the gaudy ring in his detective uniform's breast pocket and its meaning, even if no one else did, even Akira.

"I just thought it would be a nice reminder of our Serendipity."

Yes, it quite was, despite what may happen.

An oath.

"That's rich coming from you." Akira remarked without a thought but shook his head as a flash of remorse flashed crossed his face, "Sorry, that's—didn't mean to say it like—"

"Yeah, you're right; it is rich coming from me." Akechi can't help but laugh at the statement despite its connotations. Akechi can make a few very educated guesses about how he was in multiple runs before this one, especially if his outcome were to be what it was on Shido's ship, "And yet, here I am, and here you are, and here the rest of us are. Despite it all, fate and such."

"Yeah…but—" Akira nodded, but Akechi could see the gears churning in his mind. He wanted to throw a wrench in them.

"If you say for how long, I will smack you."

"For how long." Akira stared back at him with a defiant look. Akechi isn't sure if he is saying it to be cheeky or if it's genuine. Maybe a bit of both. It's a valid concern.

"Well, according to the situation around us, apparently till we defeat f*cking God or die trying," Akechi said, a hint of disbelief in his voice. He does not actually make any sort of fulfillment of his threat.

"So you are telling me you want me to kill god."

"No, I'm—"Akechi pursed his lips as he tried to choose his words carefully and genuinely. Using his usual high school detective communication skills would be hollow, yet having genuine conversations is harder than he thought. But Akira must understand this to an extent too. After all, they dance around the more delicate parts of their relationship. And yet, Akira is the closest to someone Akechi has ever felt, so he can only hope his words come across as he intends them to, "I meant what I said."

"That you want me to defeat God?"

"No. What I said at the crossing. I meant what I said: if you tell me everything you've been through, if you tell me everything you've learned about me and the metaverse, and everything to do with Shido. I will believe you; I will have to believe you." Akechi said, confidence in his voice because Akechi should know how he reacts to things he's informed of; if Akira were to tell him everything, not leaving out a detail, Akechi would have to acknowledge the validity of his story. There is no question about that. There was too much information for it to be any sort of coincidence. "Even if I won't have the memories of this loop, two heads are better than one."

And maybe he'd like to believe there is no way his mind would just be erased by a blank slate, especially after all they have gone through and felt. He refused to accept those wounds would just disappear. They had been carved so deep into Akechi's skin.

"So you want me to restart the timeline?" Akira asked solemnly.

"I'm not saying that either; I'm not telling you to do anything….or what to do." Akechi sighed in frustration, "Look, it has to be your decision; you have all the cards here, Akira. The decision inherently affects you the most. It will matter the most to you. Whatever you decide, just know we will back it up. I meant what I said, we live through you; if you choose to restart the timeline or to face off against god, the memories of us will follow you to the ends of this goddamn earth, and you know it. The time we spent together meant something. It doesn't just get erased. It still happened, and it still meant something to all of us. Whatever you choose to do, we understand. It's okay, Akira; we understand. It is okay. There isn't a good choice or a bad choice. This isn't black or white. There is only the choice of what you feel you can handle."

"Do you know how much pressure that puts on me?" Akira frowned with an understandable expression of guilt. A stark difference when Akira's being shameless with his words or messing around.

"Yeah, it sucks." Akechi validates because what else was there to say. To be forced into a situation where it doesn't feel like any decision you make will make a difference when there is an insurmountable feeling of desperation and hopelessness, it's a sh*tty place to be in. Maybe that's why he'd gravitated so close to Akira. Their situations felt entirely the same, even if they handled them differently.

To be in a place where it feels like the weight of your decisions is too much to bear despite feeling like those decisions won't mean anything at the end of it all, Akechi understands that feeling all too well.

It would be easy if it were black and white.

And what else is there to say? It sucks. It's sh*tty. There is no good choice in this matter; it's just a choice that carries a weight that feels unsurmountable. The world isn't so black and white, and the situations you encounter don't always reflect your actions and decisions. The kind gets taken advantage of, and the ruthless steal all the power. Those who differ from the status quo are cast from society.

The world is unfair; if the Phantom Thieves have brought light to anything, it's that. One could work the hardest they can, make all the 'right' decisions, and sometimes it just wouldn't be enough.

Akechi doesn't have a good answer; after all, what words are there that can alleviate such an overwhelming feeling? Akira's situation is incredibly unfair, but nothing can be done about it now. Time was their biggest enemy in all aspects; too much or too little of it. But, unfortunately, there isn't the right amount.

Alice was right.

"Yeah, it does suck." Akira agreed, the little emotion on his face not giving away to the inner turmoil going on in Akira's mind.

And what is there left to say? Akechi can't fix it. Akechi isn't sure anyone can really fix that sort of grief with any sort of sweet well-meant words.

"It sucks, but I can sit with you." Akechi finally decided as he sat next to Akira against the cold bricks of the prison.

"Huh?" Akira asked, his dark expression shifting to one of surprise.

"I'll sit with you. You aren't alone, even if this is the only thing I can do right now. All I can do is feel it with you." Akechi sincerely said, it's stupid, and it's simple. Nothing isn't anything left to say; nothing can improve this situation. But, when Akechi had felt his loneliest while at Jazz Jin, all he had the energy to do was listen to the performances. Akira sat with him. They sat together, drank, and listened to music. And even if that was all they could do, it did something.

It didn't fix anything, but it was the only thing that could be done. In the face of the world's uncertainty, where there is nothing left to say that hasn't already been said, and where the sadness and grief still linger, sometimes all you can do is just sit there and feel it.

A range of emotions flashed across Akira's face at this. But it settles on a bittersweet smile, not honey and ash. Instead it's just that. A bittersweet smile amid a f*cked up situation.

And so, they sit there in the silence of it all. Sitting in the uncomfortableness of an unknown future.

Sitting at the end of a journey where they had won, and they had lost, they had been angry, they had been sad. The complex nuances of being stuck in a cycle and the simple pleasures of eating a meal with a friend.

Feeling the situation in its entirety.

The desperation.

The desire.

In and out like waves on a beach.

"I'd like to go to the beach," Akira spoke up after what seemed like an eternity in this silence, which, if the Velvet Room is outside of reality, lies in the in-between of mind of matter, may be entirely plausible. Akechi doesn't think he's a mind reader, nor does he believe Akira is psychic. But he did feel they were on the same wavelength.


"Yeah. I think it would be nice. I think the water is very refreshing in the summer heat…." Akira continued, his voice slightly echoing through the cavernous prison hallway. A stark difference from what he was describing. "I would buy enough sunscreen this time to sunbathe. And we could try doing that watermelon game where you crack it open with a stick."

"It would be one salty watermelon," Akechi remarked as he imagined it. The warmth of the summer air, the saltiness of the air around them, the crashing of the waves in the distance, and the laughter of all of them trying to crack open watermelon.

"Yeah, I think it would actually help the flavor, though." Akira chuckled, "You know when something is sweet, but then you add salt to it, and it makes it better? Like dipping fries in a milkshake."

The sadness makes the happiness sweeter.

"Surprisingly, I have never had the impulsive thought to shove a fry in a milkshake," Akechi remarked; it did seem like an Akira thing to do. After all, he had beaten the Big Bang Burger challenge single-handedly.

"You are missing out, let me tell you. Have you really never dipped a fry in a milkshake, Akechi? It's heaven. An amazing experience." Akira nudged Akechi's shoulder, "Life changing."

"Yeah, well, you'll just have to take me to try that 'amazing' use of a milkshake someday. It better be as good as you are making it out to be, or I"ll be severely disappointed," Akechi nudged back.

"Yeah…" Akira nodded before shifting his gaze toward the cobblestone ground and saying, "Akechi?"


"I don't want to lose you…."

"You won't. I'm still here."

Akechi is sure at this point, no matter what iteration, he'll always gravitate back to Akira Kurusu.

With Akira Kurusu, he understood wanting an eternity.

"Hey Akechi, you ready to kill god?"

"As ready as any of us will ever be, I suppose."

The sky is blood red, and arches of what look to be made of bone are winding and twisting through the city streets in a terrifying scene. A liquid that is for sure not rain is raining down on them and has a consistency that feels like blood. Shinya could feel his hands shaking in terror; what the hell was going on? This felt like a scene out of a horror movie. And yet none of the massive crowds of people around them are acting like everything is completely normal.

"T-this this is like a scene from a video game..." Shinya stuttered as all he could do was look at the sky. It didn't make any sense; it was like it came out of nowhere. They had been shopping, and it just appeared.

"This can't be...real? I don't understand. This scenery, why is no one else reacting to it? Why isn't anyone saying anything?!" Hifumi muttered next to him, in the same terror he was stuck in. No one in the streets of Akihabara was reacting to this shift in the scenery at all except them.

"Mementos...fused with reality?" Jose muttered next to Shinya. He was surprised, but not in the way Shinya and Hifumi were surprised. Instead, he was baffled, but the scenery didn't phase him; he tilted his head, "How strange, I wasn't even sure that was possible..."

"What do you mean, Jose? What the f*ck is Mementos?" Shinya asked, trying to take his mind off the uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. Hifumi didn't even scold him for his language, so she's probably feeling the same too.

"Mementos, that's where I'm from," Jose explained, motioning around at the macabre scenery. "Humans aren't usually supposed to be able to access it, except in special circ*mstances like Akira and his friends. But it's not supposed to be fused with reality like this... it's supposed to be like two sides. One affects the other, but not fused like this..."

Shinya knew that Jose had said he wasn't from this world. But this isn't exactly what he thought the other meant. This was terrifying; the bones resembling an arched ribcage felt like an apocalyptic zombie game. He is sure this is where the final boss would be fought. But this isn't a video game; this is real life, and they are all powerless here, except for maybe Jose, "I don't understand, so the other world came into this one? How? Why?!"

"I'm not sure." Jose shook his head before looking around with a frown, "But this is wrong, isn't it? In the manga Akira gave me, humans would be fearful, even panicking like you do when something like this happens. Something is wrong here. Mementos shouldn't be here."

Now that Shinya is paying attention to Jose, he looks slightly different. His hair resembled more of an eggshell, smooth and without texture; his ears felt like they were inorganic, as well as his nose. But this may not be the time to comment on that.

"So what do we do?" Hifumi asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "Are we in danger?"

"You said you met Akira and his friends in the other world?" Shinya asked, trying to get his sh*t together. If no one else is going to deal with this, then they would have to, or at least do what they can. He doesn't know. Instead, he just thinks, 'what would Akira do'? And in this situation, Akira would be the best option to figure out how to fix the world. It might be a stretch. But Akira knew about this world; he could do something, "Then they know about this world, we should try and find them. See what to do?"

"Yeah, I think that would be the best idea." Jose nodded and added, "Should we go to his home? We saw him around Akihabara, but humans usually return home after they finish errands, right?"

"I'll try calling him..." Shinya said, relieved he had gotten Akira's phone number before the other had left, but it's all for naught when his phone won't even turn on. It had a full charge when he left home this morning. He quickly turned to Hifumi to ask, but her scowl spoke the same story as his. Her phone wasn't working either.

"Mobiles aren't working, so we must devise another plan. Perhaps we should head to the crossing, then head to Yongen-Jaya." Hifumi came up with a plan quickly as she stored her phone back in her purse.

"Are the trains even running in this?" Shinya motioned around.

"If we are the only ones seeing this, then I will assume yes. However...if this is the scenery in the open air, I fear what we might find in the tunnels..." Hifumi shook her head. A valid fear. If video games have taught him anything about tunnels, it's where not to go.

"Don't worry. I know a faster way!" Jose exclaimed before whipping around and letting out a whistle. Then, a fisher price-looking dune buggy comes bounding out of nowhere, pulling up to them in a comical contrast to the situation. Tied to the back of the frame were multiple golden star balloons like the one Jose had bought at the station one day.

Shinya had so many questions that didn't have to do with the current reality change, "Uh, is that your car?!"

"Yeah, hop in! I can get us to the crossing in no time!" Jose motioned as he hopped into the driver's side. Shinya hastily got into the middle seat while Hifumi shimmied herself next to him, then looked around the seat confusedly.

"No seatbelts?" Hifumi wondered as she patted the red vinyl.

"What's a seatbelt?" Jose asked, his gold eyes wide.

"Oh my god, we are gonna die..." Shinya groaned, and he wasn't far off as the dune buggy took off down the streets of Akihabara. He held onto the railing for dear life as Jose swerved and dodged around the people and things protruding from the ground.

He wondered if Akira ever rode in this dune buggy. Knowing Akira, he probably did, and he probably enjoyed it.

"Chihaya! Is this a drunk dream, or are you seeing this?" Ohya screeched as she approached Chihaya's fortune-telling table, wildly motioning toward the sky. It's a tough scene to miss; after all the bone-looking structures protruding were right beside the table, she'd accidentally knocked over her deck when the shift happened.

"I don't know if it's a dream, but something is wrong," Chihaya assured her as she looked around Shinjuku street in a panic. No one else is making a scene; there is no screaming, no yelling; it's as if no one else is noticing this harrowing sight. Why can't anyone else see this? Why is it just the two of them?

"This is insane!" Ohya shook her head as she held her hand out, "What is this sh*t? Blood? This would make the story of the century, but no one else is noticing this!"

Chihaya bit her lip; what is someone even supposed to do in this sort of situation?

"Can't you, like, read the stars or something?!" Ohya pleaded with her.

"It doesn't quite work like that, nor are there any stars to read..." Chihaya shook her head as she looked up at the stark red sky. It feels like the world is about to end. And she hates it. The uncertainty of it all is hanging thick in the air. "Ohya, you don't know anyone who could tell us what's happening?"

Ohya frowned, her ruby-red lips pursed as she seemed to at least try to think of someone. Before she shook her head, "None of my contacts would know anything about reality-bending phenomena-"

"Did you think of someone?" Chihaya wondered when Ohya went silent but had a look of enlightenment.

"Who else pulls off seemingly miracle changes of hearts, the phantom thieves!" Ohya nodded reassuringly as she snapped her fingers in excitement, "We need to get in contact with Akira! Maybe he can tell us why the world is breaking!"

"Right." Chihaya nodded, hurriedly packing up her table to go with Ohya. She gathered the cards quickly but stopped as her hand hovered over the last card face up.

The Wheel of Fortune. But she wondered if it was reversed; she couldn't remember where she had been in relation to when the card had been dropped.

She picked up the card regardless and followed Ohya in pursuit. A wheel turns, and maybe this is just a turning point, whether a bad one or a good one.

Akira taught her fates can be changed. And she had faith that what needed to happen would.

"Sojiro-san, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Tae wondered, mystified as she gazed up at the blood-red sky before her in Yongen-Jaya.

"I don't understand what's going on." Sojiro shook his head in disbelief, seemingly seeing the same site as her. It was a relief since the people walking through Yongen-Jaya around them were not sharing in the same disbelief they were.

Tae had thought she was desensitized to gory things; after all, her history as a doctor had been riddled with accidents and incidents that would make other humans gag. And yet, the bones arching into the sky were terrifying her. A piece of a ribcage. She recognized it from her anatomy studies and having seen the bones from a ribcage up close and personal multiple times. But those weren't meant to be scaling in the sky. As if the land below them were skin, above a beating heart.

She doesn't know what to make of it, but she can only hope this isn't how it'll stay.

"I'm sure the kids have something to do with this..." Sojiro frowned, concern pulling the corners of his lips down. It's as if he aged a few years in only a few moments at the idea. Tae sympathizes; she is also worried about the state of her guinea pig. After the last time she had seen him, she feared what trouble he could have gotten into now.

"They aren't here?" She checked but was sure she already knew the answer.

"No, though I know where they might be." Sojiro offered as he turned to lock the cafe.

"I'll join you; I would like to know why the state of our reality seems to be crumbling..." Tae frowned, and she'd join to see if there was anything she could do to help.

It feels like the world is ending around them, and Mishima can't help but feel hopeless. His phone doesn't work, so he can't call the one person he feels would probably know what the f*ck is going on, and he isn't sure exactly how safe it is to go outside right now.

And the worst part is no one else seems to realize it's happening. All the people around him continue their days as if nothing catastrophic is happening and the world isn't turning red around them. Blood-like liquid rained from the red clouds in the sky.

Mishima felt like he was going crazy.

"Are none of you seeing this?!" He yelled, looking around at the students walking down the school stairs. But none of them turn to his inquisitions. It's like they are in a dream, or instead, maybe he is the one in a dream. Or rather, he's right in the middle of a nightmare.

What is he supposed to do? He doesn't even understand what is going on in the first place.

The anxiety is creeping in; he is just Mishima; what could he possibly do about this?

"Mishima, what is going on?!" A voice exclaimed from behind him; he whipped around to see Kawakami with the same horrified look on her face as she saw what had become of the sky.

"You see it too, yeah? Kawakami-sensei?!" Mishima pleaded, motioning to the bone-like structures jetting through the sky.

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to miss, kid!" Kawakami said in disbelief. Before a look of disgust crossed her face as she shook off the red liquid falling from the sky, "Ew, EW! What is this stuff?!"

"I have no idea!" Mishima shook his head, "I tried to contact Akira's phone, but my cell won't work!"

Kawakami pulled out her own cell phone but shook her head in disappointment, "No good. Let's try his house then, see what the hell is going on here."

"Right!" Mishima nodded as they took off towards the square. He knows this isn't his area of expertise, but there has got to be something they can do to fix this. Or at least he hoped so.

Iwai isn't shaken easily, but this site is more than enough to make him concerned. This isn't normal; this shouldn't be happening. Yet, the world is red around them, and everyone is acting like this scenery is entirely normal, even sidestepping the bone-like structures in the ground. How could they all be oblivious to what was happening around them? Did no one care that it looked like their world was ending around them?

Why was this happening?

The square is a crowd for all the wrong reasons; no one is looking at everything that is blatantly wrong with their reality.

"I don't understand what's going on..." A voice behind him seemed to stutter. Finally, someone else was worried about this. He turned around to see an older man who looked familiar. It was the politician that Iwai had met at Akira's impromptu wake, which had turned into a welcome-back party. He remembered having a brief conversation with the man over something.

Ah, Yoshida, that was his name.

"Hey, you are one of Akira's friends?" Iwai asked, approaching the other, who looked peaked at the sight before them.

"Y-yes." Yoshida nodded, "And you are, Iwai-san correct?"

"Yeah. I don't suppose you know what's going on?" Iwai wondered; even though it was a long shot with how the other looked confused, yet it was nice to know at least someone else was witnessing this.

"No, how come we can see it, but others can't?" Yoshida wondered, "The sky is so red..."

"Not sure..." Iwai replied gruffly, "Feels like a horror story..."

"IWAI!!" His head jerked up at the sound of his name being called and the sudden appearance of a blue dune buggy swerving through the crowd. Honestly, it was the last thing he was expecting. As the dune buggy approached them, a dot of blue in the red sea, he could make out the forms of Hifumi and Shinya handing on for dear life as the other kid, Jose, roughly brought the buggy to a stop beside the two.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Iwai remarked as he looked down at the dune buggy in disbelief; that kid sure didn't look old enough to drive a car. But, then again, right now seemed to be like special circ*mstances.

"Have you seen the world?!" Shinya asked, motioning to the red sky, nearly hysteric. An appropriate reaction to the current situation that no one is expressing.

"Yeah, really hard to miss. We were trying to figure out what was going on." Iwai said, motioning to Yoshida beside him, "Where were you going in such a hurry? You kids know something about what the hell is going on?"

"Oh, you are also friends of Akira!" Yoshida realized, before frowning, "If everyone here is all friends of Akira, and we are the only ones who are seeing what is going on right now..."

"Yes! I think this has something to do with the Phantom Thieves." Hifumi nodded as she got out of the car, stumbling a bit from the thrill of the ride, "We've been told that the Phantom Thieves operate on a different plane of existence, but now these two existences have merged. But we don't know why or how! So we were trying to find Akira and the rest of the Phantom Thieves for those answers. And to offer whatever help we can!"

Iwai frowned; he didn't like the sound of this. He had never asked how exactly the Phantom Thieves performed their changes of heart, but using another plane of existence? It sounds like something right out of a storybook. But, then, he can't dispute the terrifying visage around them either. He's worried about them. He's concerned about Akira, who looked to have the weight of the world on his shoulders at every given moment. If reality is like this, then that must mean something had probably happened in that other world. So then, where were they?

"We were going to check Yongen-Jaya!" Shinya said as he pointed to the station, "But we weren't sure if the stations were safe or not..."

"Don't bother checking Yongen-Jaya; the Phantom Thieves aren't there." A voice said as it rose up the stairs from the station. The cafe owner and the doctor Iwai had met appeared; their faces were just as worried as the rest.

"Sojiro-san, they aren't at the cafe?" Yoshida asked.

"No, which is why we came here," Sojiro suggested as the two joined the small party forming. Iwai wouldn't be surprised if more of them showed up. The situation dire, Iwai can't help but smile at the thought of how many eclectic people Akira had brought together. It was such an odd group. But it fitted for someone like Akira. It spoke lengths to his charisma and character. Iwai can't help but feel proud.

"Hey!! Yoo hoo! It's you guys from the cafe!" The journalist and the fortune teller are the next to join the group, Ohya and Chihaya; Iwai vaguely remembered Akira introducing them. Though he wasn't a fan of Ohya's certain attention to him. She said something about a silver fox or whatever that meant. Ohya continued, " Have you all seen the f*cking red sky?! Have you all seen Akira? I have a feeling he might know what is going on!"

"No, which is why it would seem we have all gathered here to figure out where to find the Phantom Thieves," Tae explained, sidestepping as Ohya clumsily stumbled to join the rest of the group.

"Yeah, the world is ending; where are they!?" Ohya groaned as she looked around the square for anyone else who seemed to realize that nothing looked normal. But, to everyone else, it was just a typical day at the crossing.

"How can no one see what is going on?" Iwai grimaced, his brow furrowing harder. And why is it just them? Is it because they've all hung around Akira too much? Or something else. He can't process it. It doesn't make sense in the slightest. He's grasping at straws as well as everyone else around them.

How in the world do a group of teenagers get access to some other plane of existence to change the hearts of people, but then that different reality gets merged with this one?

It's like one big fever dream.

"Jose, you said you navigate Mementos all the time, and you find things. Can you figure out where Akira is?" Shinya asked, turning to the silver-haired boy sitting on top of his dune buggy that looked like a toy, honestly.

"I always meet with Akira in Mementos, but...this is all weird. I'm unsure if I can sense them, but I do sense something in the middle of the square? It's not them, though." Jose frowned as he pointed to the middle of the square. People were crossing, though, so Iwai couldn't see anything in particular. "This is what they call frustrating?"

The look on the boy's face soured a bit more, though, and Iwai couldn't help but ask, "What is it?"

"It's like....they don't exist anymore" Jose frowned in an uncharacteristically quiet voice, a harrowing statement from the only person in this group who was somewhat familiar with this world.

"Huh?" Hifumi stuttered, taken aback by the admittance.

"I thought about it; I could sense them in Mementos; I should be able to feel them if they were here. But...but I don't sense them. They aren't in this existence at all, either reality or mementos." Jose shook his head, "How does one just simply not exist anymore? Is that something that just happens to humans? Like death?"

"Jose..." Shinya muttered, his face falling to the ground with an air of despair around him.

"Well, I don't believe it." Iwai shook his head, "I don't think anything could take them out so easily. I think their achievements talk for themselves."

"Hm, I agree, they are a rather tenacious group, and they've weathered far more than we've known about, apparently, so keep heart, Shinya-kun. There is no doubt they have yet to play their ace card." Yoshida encouraged the boy with a warm tone.

"I believe in them too! Sorry, Shinya. I'm not omnipotent, so they may be in a place I can't reach." Jose nodded quickly, realizing what he had said, and did his best to offer his regards, "I just got too worried for a second. I feel very out of the water here? I think that's what Akira said once...."

"Understandable; it is a rather unusual situation," Chihaya said.

"What is this, wake 2.0?" And even more people from Akira's friend group join them. The entire group took up a good circle of the crossing sidewalk now, the only people who could truly see how their world was falling apart around them.

"Well, let's hope not." Iwai remarked back at the teacher and student pair he recognized as Kawakami and Mishima, "Hopefully, they'll walk in from somewhere to reassure our doubts at any moment, just like before. Leave it to Akira to waltz into any serious situation without an ounce of care."

"You all have seen Akira yet?" Mishima frowned, mirroring the rest of their worries. "My cellphone didn't work."

"Mhm, neither did ours," Hifumi answered.

"So, what do we do now?" Tae wondered as they all looked up to the blood-red sky, still gushing the red liquid that had begun pooling on the grounds before; Iwai had a bad feeling it would start flooding soon as the liquid rose to their ankles.

"Not much we can do..." Sojiro sighed in frustration, "After all, we aren't the ones who know how to interact with this world."

"I think all we can do is wait," Jose admitted, looking towards the center of the crossing again. "If I sense anything, I'll be sure to let you all know."

And what else is there to do for them? None of them have any power in this situation.

And so they wait in the uncomfortableness of this situation that they have no idea how to deal with.

Iwai hated this feeling. After all, Akira did for them, all they could do was wait?

Jose wasn't usually in this position; he knew mementos like the back of his hand. In fact, it would probably be accurate to say he was born there if he were to use human terms. He'd learned how to adapt to the twisty roads and take care of shadows if needed. His biggest challenge was interpreting the flowers and the knowledge of humans they bring.

But now, in this weird twisted version of reality and mementos, he feels powerless. There isn't anything he can do about the situation other than wait here with Shinya and the other humans for the hopeful appearance of Akira and the other Phantom Thieves.

This frustration is new to him, and he would say he strongly disliked it.

Just waiting for anything to happen that might fix their worlds. Are humans always just this powerless? And is that why none of the other humans acknowledge this massive distortion?

Jose thought maybe his time studying humans had yielded something, but this wasn't what he thought it would be. It's suffocating. Jose can't blame humans for how they act or behave when he is experiencing firsthand how powerless they must feel.

Constrained by time, dictated by people in higher positions of power than them, constantly reminded of the limitations of their existence.

Jose doesn't understand how humans live like this. He was simultaneously feeling all of the anxiety and dread of the humans around him. Yet, he couldn't understand them.

"I don't get it..." Jose couldn't help but admit as he sat on the hood of his buggy, knees to his chest.

"Jose?" Shinya turned to him from the other side of the hood, reminiscent of how Akira sat with him once as they discussed the value of friendship and taxes. "What's with that face?"

"Humans...I don't get humans." Jose shook his head, "I've been studying them for as long as I can remember, but every time I feel like I might be getting a grasp on them, I hit a block, and I understand what I understood even less than before..."

"How long have you been studying humans, Jose?" Hifumi chimed in.

"I don't partake in human time constructs, so I'm not sure how to answer that, but I suppose for as long as I remember? Or existed?" Jose shook his head, another example of a human constraining themselves to a time frame; why? But perhaps the feeling of waiting around plays into it. Jose doesn't know if giving waiting a time period is helpful or not; it certainly feels like a long time right now.

"Wait, so you don't even know how old you are?" Shinya sputtered, seemingly taken aback by this information.

"No, should I? I would say I've been alive long enough that I needed to be alive?"

"So you've never had a birthday party?" Shinya asked quietly, with a sadness that Jose couldn't place; he didn't understand.

"What's a birthday party?" Jose frowned, mentally adding it to his list to study, that is, if reality and mementos got untangled at all.

"Seriously? Man, Akira wasn't kidding when he said you weren't human..." The other teenager who was at the party at Akira's cafe joined in from where he seemed to be listening in on their conversation. Jose remembered Shinya talking about him once, Mishima. Mishima explained, "It's when you celebrate the day you were born on; you get presents and cake."

Jose pondered this, a day to celebrate your birth? "Interesting... How do you know what 'day' you were born on?"

"There is a yearly calendar consisting of months and days to coordinate with those months. For example, my birthday is April 27th, the 4th month of the calendar year and the 27th day of that month." Hifumi explained, pulling out her phone and showing Jose an image of a grid with boxes labeled by numbers.

Jose doesn't understand, "If time by human standards is linear, then how could you celebrate the same 'day' twice?"

"Haha, good question..." Hifumi chuckled, awkwardly putting her phone away, "Now that you mention it, the concept of time would seem strange to someone not used to utilizing it..."

"It's not that deep; you don't have to think about it like that..." Mishima laughed awkwardly, trying to reassure Jose, but it didn't feel very encouraging.

"Do humans not think about these things? Is that why no one understands what is going on?" Jose wondered as he looked at the crowds of people who were just going about their lives as if everything were normal. People conversing by the crosswalk, people waiting on the benches, the ambiance starkly different from the reality they are living in. "They won't look at it; they won't acknowledge the world as it is right now..."

A silence fell over his human companions; maybe it was too harsh of a thing to say. After all, Shinya, Hifumi, and Mishima aren't looking away like the rest of humanity was. Still, Jose doesn't like this feeling; he doesn't like waiting like this. Even if he cannot gauge the wait, it still feels like an eternity. He treasured his friendship with Akira and not only him but the rest of the humans he has met along the way. And perhaps part of his frustrations stem from the uncertainty of what will happen to them. After all, Jose is well-versed in the metaverse and knows the shadows lurking at its depths.

This frustration feels far too immeasurable to fix by simply words alone, but right now, that's all any of them has.

"I don't understand; how do humans live this way? Feeling so small...so powerless? And not being able to change the world that they created in the first place? I don't understand any of it." Jose shook his head, "Why? What's the point of any of it, then? What drives them? Why do they choose to continue on existing? Humans continue to live despite the uncertainty of everything around them and their inability to overcome their individual influence...Why?"

"The phantom thieves changed things..." Shinya answered, "I don't know how to really answer that...but Akira changed things for me, not just because of the Phantom thieves. But Akira changed how I looked at things and how I interacted with others. And all it took was him hanging out with me in the arcade after school."

"Mhm." Hifumi nodded her head vigorously, "It's true, we often feel powerless about our situations or the state of the world in mass, and it's true, there isn't much we can do on our own. But we aren't on our own, Jose. Those with power will indeed use their connections to distort our world to their liking, but the opposite is true as well; the connections we make with others will define our perspective on the world. Whether it may be good or bad. We don't understand ourselves all that well either, but sometimes through the lens of another's eyes, we can shift how we view the world. One pawn is ill-equipped on its own, but with a diverse army behind it, it can take on any enemy it encounters!"

"The value of friendship?" Jose wondered, slowly starting to put the pieces together.

"Even more than that, friendships do help, but there is value in standing up for what you believe in and the changes you want to see in the world too." Mishima agreed, "The Phantom Thieves did that and significantly impacted how our society views certain people, but even with how things went down, they've helped many people in the process. They gave many of us hope that things won't be this way and that we can change things if we work together."

"Is that why humans continue to exist, for the hope of things to come?" Jose frowned, "Even though this feeling doesn't feel good?"

"We find meaning in the worst of it."


"Well..." Hifumi hummed, taking a moment before she asked, "You are frustrated because you can't understand humans, right? But you are still asking questions and trying to understand us even though the world feels so uneasy right now. You are still here with us, experiencing the same things we are right now. Wouldn't you say you found meaning despite the worst of it all happening?"

"Oh!" Jose finally realized what she meant. Even though it didn't feel like he could do anything, he still did what he always did and tried to understand humanity. His desire to understand humans, despite being a promise to someone long ago, gave him a purpose and drove him to continue collecting flowers, then expand on different ways to interact with humans.

It was hard sometimes, especially when it felt that he's returned to square one after he learned something new, like the concept of a calendar. However, despite how hard it could be, he was still trying.

Is that why humans continued to exist despite the immeasurable feeling of their mortality? Just like him, to attain something they desire?

"Meaning can be found anywhere, depending on what you choose to live for. But even that can change and flow." Hifumi smiled at him, bright in contrast to the dark world around them, "Sometimes, meaning is found in the people we interact with, even the smallest things like strolling around Shibuya or shopping for a book. Or it could be a game you love playing, such as me with Shogi and Gun About with Shinya. Or it could be something entirely different. Meaning is whatever gives you hope for the future and what you are willing to continue on in this existence for."

And Jose can't help but smile too. He doesn't understand humans, yet he will continue trying because he wants to know how, even in this distorted world, someone he only met a little while ago could make him feel warm and acknowledged.

"I don't understand humans!" Jose happily nodded.

"Huh? Why do you sound happy about it now!" Shinya laughed in confusion.

"Because that means I still have much to learn, and I'm really excited about that!" Jose answered, feeling as if his entire perspective of it had changed if only in a matter of what he thought humans called minutes.

And he couldn't wait to tell Akira all about it. So he held onto that excitement and turned it into hope for when he'd next see his friend.

Akira can't help but feel the nerves as they enter back into Shibuya, the state of things a lot worse than when they had left it. And yet, they were still here; they were still them. He held onto how that must mean something; there was some sort of hope in that. Maybe it's delusional, especially when he knows what they are up against.

They are all here, they are all alive for now, and they are all together. And he would hold onto that as long as he could.

If they survive this, there is a small lingering will of maybe he will show the rest of the Phantom thieves his hometown of Inaba. Inaba was boring as hell, but perhaps that's what the Phantom Thieves needed. Just a languid summer day on the Samegawa flood bank. Just to do nothing, say nothing, and fish it out, possibly catch the Samegawa Guardian. Maybe they'll have steak at the food court on the roof of Junes. Perhaps they'll take bikes to the beach and smack watermelons with sticks. And maybe going back to Inaba wouldn't be as bad as he thought.

If Akira eventually got back there.

If the Phantom Thieves survive this.

"What the, we came from a door?" Ryuji sputtered as he turned towards the door in the middle of the crossing they had traversed. It did seem a bit out of place, "Hey, wasn't this the maximum security door we saw deep in the palace of mementos?"

"Yeah, it was the velvet room door shrouded in layers of distortion," Morgana explained as if it was the simplest thing to figure out. It wasn't. Akira wouldn't have put two and two together after all; the door wasn't the obnoxious blue he was used to.

"Oh, Morgana, I'm glad you got your memories back!" Haru cheered for him.

"Yes, though I am not sure if I'm processing the fact that I am indeed a cat well..." Morgana frowned, his ears drooping at the idea. It was a bit cute.

"Awww, I bet snowflake will be happy!" Futaba chuckled, her mouth curling into a cat-like grin ironically, "Now you two can steal all the fish you want!"

"Snowflake?" Akira raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Don't you dare; she is not my girlfriend!" Morgana pouted, "She just happens to live in Yongen-Jaya, and I am not a--"

But he stopped before he could say cat; the processing still continued. Akira can't help but chuckle at his silent resignation.

"Aww, that's cute, a little kitty friend."

"Lady Ann!"

"Akira!" A cry from the crowd grabbed their attention for two things; the crowd was mumbling about how they looked a bit familiar, which was somewhat hopeful for the sake of their existence, while the second thing was someone pushing through that crowd before eventually launching himself at Akira.

"Shinya? What are you doing here?!" Akira asked, baffled as Shinya clung to him, but returned the impromptu hug regardless. He was more than relieved; with everything that had happened before they were pulled into the velvet room, the thought of what happened to his confidants had crossed his mind. If Shinya remembered him, that meant the rest of them could remember the Phantom Thieves.

One win. It was something.

"Ah, Hifumi, you're here as well?" Yusuke wondered as the group of Akira's confidants made their way through the crowd with excitement at the site of the Phantom Thieves. It seemed that all of them had gathered here, which Akira had not been expecting in the slightest, but he felt relief that they were okay.

They were okay, they were alive, and they were all together. And thankfully, Jose was with them as well.

"Yusuke, I am quite relieved you all seem to be in one piece." Hifumi greeted back before her mouth twinged in amusem*nt as she stood before Yusuke, taking in every detail of his outfit, "Oh my, I must say...I am quite enamored with the kitsune-style costume; it is quite eloquent for a Phantom Thief."

"Yes, many thanks; I am quite fond of it as well." Yusuke nodded back. Akira knew the two of them hung out at school during lunch, but he felt warm as he watched them interact. Akira was glad they got to meet, and he hoped they did again once more.

"Makoto!" Another voice from the other direction called out before Sae pushed past the sea of the crowd forming on the other side of the square, a little out of breath as she approached the rest of them, "Makoto, thank god--what are you wearing?"

"S-sis, it's--" Makoto stuttered, her face red at the impromptu question. An entirely different reaction than the one before, before Makoto stuttered out, "I-it's my phantom thief outfit..."

"I-I see, well, then...it suits you..." Sae murmured; Akira felt she was probably genuine about it. But it's probably a shock, too, with how Makoto usually dresses.

"Why did I not expect anything different?" Sojiro sighed, observing Futaba's outfit as he held her shoulders with relief at her wellbeing after shooting Akira his own look of relief.

"Hehe! Of course, I would be a master hacker!" Futaba grinned cheekily at him, "If you think this is cool, you should see my persona too!"

As the confidants gather around the rest of the Phantom Thieves, not only to make sure they are alright but also in awe of their metaverse presence.

"Uh, Takamaki-san...I didn't think..." Mishima couldn't help but comment on Ann's outfit, his face turning red.

"Say another word Mishima, and you'll regret it," Ann remarked as she cracked her whip, making Mishima jump a hair back.

"Y-yes, ma'am!"

"What is going on? Have you seen Shibuya?!" Shinya, who was still glued to Akira, asked, his eyes wide as he looked up at the other and admitted, "Akira... I'm scared."

"Yeah, me too." Akira echoed back before he could come up with a more eloquent response. He is undoubtedly telling a kid that he's scared, too, while the entire world is falling apart isn't the most hopeful thing to hear, especially from the people who are supposed to save the world ─ in theory.

Yet to say anything else wouldn't feel genuine. The anxiety pounding in the back of his skull was too real.

Akira was terrified. The uncertainty of what will happen was almost paralyzing, similar to the paralyzing feeling of knowing everything that would happen. Two extremes, and yet, he has treaded both. The pendulum swang, and the wheel had turned. He is still the amalgamation of everyone he meets, yet he is wholly himself. To contradictions, and both are true.

He is still here, and everything he has done still happens to him, even if it were to be that none of it happened and he was just a boy waking up on a train.

A shade of grey between black and white.

The situation that hadn't changed, and yet, a situation that feels entirely different.

Depending on the perspective, it was looked at.

Akira was terrified, but Akira was still going to climb to the heavens to defy the god who thought controlling the world while giving them the illusion of free will was an acceptable action.

Maybe it's a stupid plan or the dumbest thing a human has ever done. But they will do it anyways. Akira has gotten too far to do anything else. And in the end, it would matter to him. So he had to try at least. For his own sake and the sake of his friends. Even if he was terrified of the outcome.

"I'm terrified," He said again, but there was no fear on his tongue. It was simply how he felt, nothing more, nothing less, no mincing of words.

The truth.

Surprisingly, Shinya seemed relieved at this admittance; he released the hug and took a step back from Akira with a similar sort of defiance in his eyes that Akira had felt earlier. Shinya asked, "So how are we gonna fix it? What's the game plan here? I know I was your teacher for Gun About, but you seem the better teacher to become a Phantom Thief..."

After the solemn moment, Akira can't help but chuckle at this, "While I admire the tenacity, you all have to stay here, and we are going to go kill god."

"I'm sorry, but did you just say 'God' ?" Iwai sputtered in disbelief at Akira's statement from where he stood nearby; the rest of the confidants seemed to share the same exact disbelief in the statement.

"Yeah, it's a little harder to form into a tl;dr version," Futaba said with a thumbs up, "Trust us, we got this, probably!"

"A what?" Iwai frowned; Akira couldn't help but snicker at this reaction.

"Too long didn't read; get with the program Iwai," Shinya explained, a little snark in his voice that made Akira grin madly.

"Yeah, Iwai." Akira tagged on effortlessly in an obnoxious voice.

"You two sure are a pair." Iwai pinched the brink of his nose, but Akira saw the slight smile he couldn't hide.

"You guys are seriously going to go up that thing and kill a god?" Sojiro asked in exasperation, motioning to the bone bridge that protruded from the ground, seemingly the only way to climb to the heavens of this distorted world.

"Regrettably," Akira answered, understanding how insane it sounded.

"If you think I'm going to let you go up there as your legal guardian, you are insane," Sojiro argued. And Akira saw where he was coming from; it would be one hell of a call to CPS. However, he does regret that Sojiro had to be here to witness his daughter and Akira go on one of the riskiest missions they have ever been on. And Akira can't exactly promise their safety in all of this, only the possibility that none of them will remember this will happen.

But the Phantom Thieves have to do it now.

It's do or die.

"We are the only ones who can. We are the only ones who can fight that thing and have some sort of chance at winning; if we don't, then the world is done with; no one will be able to think for themselves, and it will just remain his rotted, horrible place. A prison..." Akira frowned, his fists clenched. If they don't do this, nothing will be fixed. They can't live like this. No one can live like this.

"So we just have kids fighting for the sake of our future..." Kawakami pursed her lips in disappointment and frustration as she gripped the sleeve of her shirt. Akira understood her frustration. The powerlessness someone felt in such a situation where they didn't feel they could do anything.

'We are fighting for the sake of our own futures." Makoto corrected her solemnly, "While it's true that we feel some of the adults in our world have failed us, we did what we could to make the change we want to see in our world in hopes that it would incite that change in the rest of society."

"But we are still young," Haru shook her head as she added to Makoto's thoughts, "I would hope the lengths we went to bring about change would inspire those older to incite change as well. We know the Phantom thieves' exploits won't last after this last mission; that's where we hope those in a higher power than us will see the future we want to create and help us get there."

"Well, how could we say no when you put it like that?" Tae smiled sincerely, "It's time for the adults to pull some of the weight, and I hope we are up to the challenge."

"Right." Ohaya agreed, a smile blooming on her face, "I've learned that fate is not always set in stone from you; we will change our fates and the fate of our society. So you do what you need to do, we will cheer for you, and when you return, we will take the mantle from you for a better future."

"Right." Akira nodded, feeling their confidence despite the situation. And he realized that the Phantom thieves might not just be only the 9 of them but an accumulation of all the efforts of the people around them.

"Go get them, Akira! And once the sky isn't red, we can play Gun about again!" Shinya cheered him on.

"Akira!" Jose caught his attention with an excited cry and a bright smile as he looked up at Akira with big gold eyes.

"I'm glad you are here too," Akira told him sincerely, kneeling down to meet his height. Akira can't be angry with Jose about the star, especially with this look on his face. He doesn't even know for sure if it was the star's power or not. Still, he was very glad to meet Jose through all of this.

"I think I get it now." Jose smiled brightly, "I still don't understand humans, but I think I understand the value of friendships!"


"Mhm! They help you find meaning, right?" Jose asked, but his face looked as if he had just realized the secret of the universe. "Everything was wrong, and no one wanted to look at the distorted world, and it was scary because you weren't here. But all of us could see what was happening, and because of that, we could all share this experience with each other! I was frustrated and scared, but having Shinya and Hifumi to interact with made things better, even if the world was still distorted! Humans find meaning through the people they interact with, right?"

"I don't think you have to ask me; you figured that out all by yourself." Akira smiled.

"With a little help." Jose chuckled, "Is that why you started the Phantom Thieves? You found meaning in the time you share together for a cause you all believe in?"

"Yeah, something like that," Akira confirmed, a smile made of honey alone.

The climb up the staircase to the 'heavens' was surprisingly the easiest part of the entire journey, Akira felt. Definitely not what he was expecting. It's like that second wind, the finish line in sight, even if he wasn't sure what the finish line would actually lead to. While that thought would have been terrifying before, somehow, he'd left it off the ground. Maybe it was the adrenaline, what he knew would come next, or rather what he'd assumed would come next.

But there is something different, something else rising in Akira as they all battle their way through each angel that is thrown their way, skillfully and stylishly leaving each one in the dust.

A very impactful realization, a shift in perspective.

The turning of a wheel.

It's the knowledge that everything is different now, that the situation is still the same, and yet it's something entirely different.

Because even if he were to end up looping again, Akira knew precisely what to do now; Akira knew who to trust and who not to trust, and Akira knew how to play the rigged game with the outcome he wanted. Akechi was right; it did matter. And even if it were to all restart, Akira would still find meaning in this all. Everything they did had meaning, even if only he remembered it.

If this loop really was the False god's doing, then it has made a fatal mistake.

And if it was the star's doing, it might be a disguised blessing.

Who knows. That itself doesn't matter anymore as they reach the top of this pedestal in the sky, the scornful look of a false god gazing upon them in disdain at their determination to continue on despite all odds.

And if the Phantom Thieves fail here? Then they'll have the following loop, or the next one, to try again.

And if the Phantom Thieves succeed, well then he'll have a lifetime ahead of him, and maybe just maybe when he is old and gray, and about to pass on, the loop will still be in effect, and he'll return to this year that changed his life. And maybe he will get to relive it all over again.

Akira doesn't know; this is the first time in a long while he's been unsure of what is to come, and the thrill of it is spiking through his veins as the wind whips around them in excitement he hasn't felt in a long, long time.

"Can we defeat something like him?" Yusuke asked the question that was weighing on everyone's mind as the wind swirled around them on this platform, nearly reaching the heavens underneath the gaze of the False God. It feels like a question that has been on their mind for the past lifetime.

The defining moment.

And Akira can feel the emotions swirling around them like the wind.

The excitement of discovering how they could change their situations and the situations of others. The nervousness of taking on their first target and the heaviness of the decisions they had to make for and because of it. The stress of working within a team of people who were vastly different from one another and realizing the common goal they all share together. The heartbreak of realizing things beyond what they are capable of, the sadness of carrying burdens alone that they were never meant to carry. The despair of the failure that they had tried so hard to stop. The hope of change became a wind beneath their wings.

Anxiety swells, but the thought of freedom, no matter what, invigorates.

Things will change.

Even if they can't beat it, Things will change.

Everything will change.

"This is the best possible outcome!" Morgana exclaimed, his voice rising above the winds, "We're fighting against a God who is not holding back, right? What bigger target is there for the Phantom Thieves to tackle! This is the perfect challenge for a Phantom Thief!"

"Although it's a bit too big to tackle realistically…." Makoto lamented understandable as she viewed the entire expansion of this selfish, righteous god before them. It was far more significant than any of them, feeling like it nearly took up the whole sky.

"It's okay; we've tackled bigger!" Haru assured her, gripping Makoto's hand tightly, Begining the chain.

"Yeah! We've been through a lot more than this combined! We've leveled up enough!" Futaba nodded confidently, taking the hand of Yusuke closest to her.

"Crowning our glory by defeating a God…Now that is true art." Yusuke smiled genuinely, taking the hand of Ann next to him.

"Yeah! We've come too far to go back now! Let's do this for us! And we'll finish it in style!" Ann exclaimed, tugging on Akechi's hand next to her.

"For real! We started this, and no way we ain't going to end this sh*t now!" Ryuji cheered, taking the hand of Haru next to him.

"With everyone cheering us on, with our desire to see this to its end despite what may happen, us eight high schoolers and a cat. We can do it, yeah?" Akira smiled, only honey on his lips as he looked up to the looming god above them with defiance.

"Do you think this is a step up to the Ichigaya Guardian, Akira?" Akechi asked above the roaring winds with his hand tightly clasped in Akira's, a confident smile as he asked, "Couldn't catch the fish, so we decided to go after a god instead?"

Akira threw back his head in laughter at that, "Well, I'd like to see the other guy take on a god! I might have even surpassed my childhood hero now! I should put on my glasses instead of the mask to really make this victory cool!"

"Only you." Akechi shook his head in fondness.

Akira knew they can do it, even if it does take a few tries. Even if there are ups and there are downs, if they still have each other, then it's okay, isn't it? No matter the iteration, no matter the people they were or the people they've became. It was this moment that mattered the most. This moment as they are stood under an insurmountable-looking god, hands linked in a line, connected with the understanding of what they desired from the world as the entirety of their society is routing for their change.

Akira doesn't know if he needs to solve the enigma that is him in all his intricacies or, maybe, the answer is eight high schoolers and one cat.

Chapter 32: Epilogue Video + Author's Note + Links


A blue sky.

Chapter Text

Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (83)

I am planning on formatting this into an ebook style, and have been working on putting all the art together in an E-Zine! If you are interested in this and want updates about this, follow me on

Twitter: @intothefrisson

Instagram: @intothefrisson

Tumblr: @intothefrisson

If you want to see any more of my Artwork, feel free to check out my website!:


If you want to read any of my other fics, I have two written for Persona 5:

Scalded, The one where Akira deals with a nasty, entitled customer, and Akechi is perpetually in denial.

Snow White, the one where Akira gets inflicted with a sleep ailment, the Meta App glitches at the wrong time, and the Phantom Thieves have to figure out how to lift the ailment.

I am also writing an AU series for Neo Twewy in video format if anyone is interested! You can find that here!

Authors Note:

I’m so sorry for how long this took. I feel that I have been struggling in every aspect of my life. And sometimes, I think I poured too much of my own struggles into this fic. Finishing it seemed impossible because while this fic might have an end, It feels like my struggles are going to be endless. That I’m always going to be wading through this feeling of being stuck in a constant loop that I’ll never figure out how to break out of it, and the moments I do, I know it will just come back like a cycle. It felt hollow and empty to try and write an ending for something that I’m still neck deep in. Stories have an ending, I get that, and that’s why we read them; there is a definite 'this is the end of this character’s tale no matter what happens.' But for those of us dealing with these struggles, is there really an end? It feels like a wave; a story is one wave, exposition and conflict resolution, but real life doesn’t work like that. It’s just constant tides, crashing into shores and knocking down sandcastles. It sucks; it feels suffocating.

I chose Alice by Monoke as a theme song because of the specific line, “Did you know when your story is told, they are leaving out what your future holds?” I feel like someone left out what my future holds, and I’m struggling with that. The uncertainty paralyzes me. But, sometimes, I guess all you can do is stand in the brute force of the waves and weather them, I think. I’m not sure. The uncertainty of the future is vast and endless, and it’s scary. Watching a horizon with no end, is that encouraging or paralyzing?

But I also don’t want to go back to who I was before. Knowing things changes things. Whether it may be for good or for bad. Things aren't black and white, and the decisions we make define the person we are, whether people will understand those decisions or not. Whether people choose to understand those decisions or not.

So I guess all one can do is find meaning in the reason they struggle, even if it’s for something as simple as a favored fanfiction, even if it's only meant to connect to a piece of media that understands your struggles.

I don’t think I can help anyone else’s struggles as I can hardly put a dent in my own, it seems, but I can let this sit with you, let this validate those feelings of being stuck, of feeling like nothing will ever change, that the weight of the decisions you’ve made sometimes feels insurmountable. Planning for a future that you were never expecting, that you didn’t think would come, all while in a world that just doesn’t seem to care at all. It sucks; it really does. It can be a sh*tty feeling that doesn't feel like it has an end.

It’s so incredibly hard, the world we live in is vast, and it feels suffocating for those less fortunate.

But I am still here, you are still here, and I have to believe that we are all still trying, and I don’t know whether it’s hope or curiosity about what is to come of our actions, but I have to believe it means something. The things we choose to struggle for have to mean something; otherwise, why would we still be here?

I often feel like I have trouble connecting with people, I feel like I’m watching myself through a TV screen, and I can’t say the right words or express the right sentiments. I feel like I have to say everything exactly perfect, exactly right, exactly fair, and understandable, or those feelings will not be listened to or validated. That if I say the wrong thing, it will be thrown back in my face and used to invalidate the feeling. It feels like I’m screaming, all while not being able to say a word. I’ve been trying to be better about that. In a world that taught us as infants that your feelings don’t matter….I want to feel that my feelings matter, to someone at least. I’ve bared my soul in the only way I know how, whether it may have been good enough or not. I've done the best I could.

So thank you so much for allowing me to connect with you in the medium I feel most intimate with. Thank you for this moment in time, even if it felt like a long two years or the blink of an eye; thank you for reading these words carefully and consistently; thank you for enjoying with all of your heart; thank you for consuming my feelings despite how sad they were, how despairing they felt at times, and despite the depths at which they may have reached. Thank you for crying with me; thank you for holding those tears when I couldn't. Thank you for laughing with me, and for sharing in those small moments of realization and growth. Thank you for feeling with me, for standing in all the uncomfortableness of it with me. Thank you for waiting for me, and for believing in this story even when I didn't think I could do it. I really appreciate you sticking it out to the end. Thank you for proving to me that my writing can be just as impactful as my art can be despite what people in the past have made me think. Even if they weren't my characters, to begin with. You are the honey to my ash. You are what made this all worth it to me. You showed me my suffering can mean more than I think of it, that despite how sad, or despairing, or crippling, or paralyzing, or cold, or heartbreaking it feels, that something sweet can come of it too.

And maybe with this finished, maybe I can revisit my own book and make it better.

Thank you for existing with me.


Oh Alice, There's no Reflection in the Looking Glass. - intothefrisson (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.