Balcony Stateroom (Obstructed View) on Royal Princess | Explore Photos and Deck Plans (2024)

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Balcony Stateroom (Obstructed View) on Royal Princess | Explore Photos and Deck Plans (6)

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Balcony Stateroom (Obstructed View) on Royal Princess | Explore Photos and Deck Plans (2024)


What is obstructed view balcony on Royal Princess? ›

Obstructed View Balcony staterooms are approximately 222 square feet and feature all the comforts and amenities of the Balcony cabins, but have a partially or fully obstructed view from the approximately 41 square foot balcony. Some also have pullman beds to accommodate 3rd and 4th passengers.

Is an obstructed balcony worth it? ›

If you want to stick to a budget and like the idea of cruising with a window in your stateroom, then obstructed view cabins are the perfect choice. They offer excellent value at only slightly more than an inside cabin, yet benefit from the added bonus of a great view.

What is an obstructed balcony room? ›

An obstruction is something the blocks a proportion of the direct outward view from a stateroom. This is typically due the position of lifeboats or the outer structure of the ship.

What is the difference between balcony and deluxe balcony Royal Princess? ›

Larger than our Standard Balcony staterooms, Premium Deluxe Balcony cabins provide approximately 233 square feet of comfort, and an approximately 41 square foot balcony and includes all the same features of the Balcony stateroom, plus an additional sofa bed for lounging or sleeping a third passenger.

What does obstructed view mean? ›

What does obstructed view mean? It means you'll have either an incomplete view or something will be in your line of sight because of the position of the seats — like a pole, speakers or the sound board — and you won't be able to see the entire stage.

Is deck 4 on a cruise ship bad? ›

Deck 4 cabins are normally quiet. And for a smooth ride in rough seas, midship on that deck, especially in an inside, is the smoothest place on the ship. That's one reason the medical center is usually there.

What does obstructed view 1 mean? ›

Page 1. OBSTRUCTED VIEWS. An obstruction is something the blocks a portion of the direct outward view from a stateroom. This may be due to the position of lifeboats or the outer structure of the ship. The below staterooms have an obstruction onboard Celebrity Summit®.

What is the point of an enclosed balcony? ›

The purpose of an enclosed balcony is to afford an occupant the year-round enjoyment of those uses to which an open balcony normally would be used in fair and warm weather. An enclosed balcony may also offer noise buffering in certain locations such as on busy arterial streets.

What is the best balcony room on a cruise ship? ›

Know This: Location can matter! One of the best spots for a balconied cabin (or suite) is on a ship's aft deck, facing backward over the wake. It's an incredibly soothing sight ,and often these verandas (even with a standard-category cabin) are deeper and roomier than usual.

Is it worth it to upgrade to a balcony on a cruise? ›

I felt the same way about the balcony on my cruise. I loved stepping outside in my pajamas every morning without having to get in an elevator or say hello to anyone. It was a refreshing way to start my day, and I think it made me feel calmer throughout the voyage.

Which side balcony is best cruise ship? ›

Eastbound cruises get the most sun on the port side; westbound on the starboard side. Watching a sunset over the ocean or seeing the sun slip behind distant islands can also be a reason for a side preference. To catch sunsets, you'll want to be on the port side on northbound cruises and starboard on southbound cruises.

What is the difference between balcony and premium balcony on Grand Princess? ›

The spacious approximately 274-square-foot Premium Balcony stateroom is appointed with the same amenities as our Balcony stateroom but also features a large balcony of approximately 89 square feet. Select Premium Balcony staterooms have a rear-facing balcony from which to enjoy dramatic wake views.

What is the difference between balcony and Ocean View balcony? ›

Balcony: Differences. The key difference between oceanview rooms and balcony cabins is, of course, one has a window and the other has a private verandah, usually furnished with a couple of chairs and a drinks table. Oceanview cabins can have either a rectangular window or a round porthole, which typically do not open.

What is guaranteed balcony on cruise? ›

So, 'Guaranteed Inside' means you will be guaranteed an inside cabin, somewhere on the ship. 'Guaranteed Balcony' means you will be guaranteed a balcony cabin, somewhere on the ship and so on...


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.